#Similar to a previous piece I did of my OC Morgan
nsuyeula · 2 years
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[Last couple years have been a mad trip
How do you look so perfect
You must have some portraits in the attic ]
0 notes
lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.23}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 3.7k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
This one hour turned out to be way longer than the previous ones together. Admittedly, Robin did enjoy the youthful silliness of her friends, but for the most part she could only listen and offer her ever-too-grown-up take on matters on the few occasions when she was asked for her opinion. It was fun though, a bit like spending time with younger siblings. Not that Robin knew much about that, and when she dared to voice the thought, Simon and Michael –who had grown up with two and three little siblings respectively– only laughed in her face. Oh well, just fun it was then, but perhaps not like siblings after all. Just a group of unlikely friends.
At the end of the given hour, Robin wished her little group a good rest of the night and told them to meet her in the entrance hall half an hour past midnight. Before either of the confused people could ask about her enigmatic and sudden statement, Snape came to her rescue just as planned. He didn't say a word when he held his hand out to her, and she didn't say a word in return when she took it and let him pull her up to her feet. It was all in the eyes, in the words that didn't need to be spoken to be understood. The last Robin heard of her friends while Snape led her off towards the dancefloor was Cas saying something along the lines of 'and that's how you ask a girl to dance!' to the rest of the group. She couldn't help but silently smirk to herself in agreement.
The dance that followed was as much a delight as the previous one had been, as every single one of their dances had been, and once it ended all too soon as ever, neither of them could bear to stop just yet. So they did what most couples did, they stayed, and they danced to the next three pieces of song the musicians gifted them with as well. It left Robin quite breathless, but smiling more widely than she probably ever had in public. Who cares… she was just 'that insane girl', after all. This was the last ball she would be here for, and perhaps also the last time she got to dance with Snape. Even though she very much hoped that the latter wasn't truly the case.
When they finally decided that it had been quite enough exercise for the moment, a decision majorly influenced by the change in musical tone from sophisticated to what Robin graciously called 'jolly', they made their way off the dancefloor with slightly heaving chests and in purest contentment. That was, until no other than Damion Morgan stepped into their way, as if he had sensed that Robin's night was going too well. And he obviously had every intention to change that now. Not only did his eyes rake up and down Robin's form with an almost hungry look, but with an equal amount of scarily sweet smiles plastered onto his lips as well.
"Go on now, don't be shy, darling. Just ask me out." He finally spoke up with one of his flashiest grins, and his eyes locked with Robin's as he got way too close to her for anyone's comfort.
"Alright. Would you be so kind to get out of my sight?" Robin returned an exaggeratedly sweet smile that was dripping with sarcasm, and she was only glad that, hidden away under the billowing sleeves or her dress, Snape was still holding onto her hand.
"Ah, always sporting such a sharp tongue and an even sharper mind... that's how you seduce me, dear." Morgan chuckled, a brightly ringing sound that gave Robin chills of the uncomfortable kind. How could the man be so ridiculously positive, clear as crystal and bright as the sun, while yet he was the scariest person she had ever known to exist?
"Your advances are shameful at best, Damion, if not outright pathetic." Snape replied in a condescending and cold drawl, and his words were more in line with Robin's thoughts than anything she could have worded herself.
Morgan's head snapped around, and he glared at Snape with sharp shards of ice in his eyes. "Oh, and you think you are doing so much better than that? Is that why she hasn't even noticed how badly you are pining for her?"
Now Snape's eyes narrowed at the man in front of them in an unspoken threat as well. "You haven't the slightest idea what you are speaking of."
"Actually I know very well what I'm speaking of, Severus." Morgan quipped in radiant imagined superiority. "As it is, I also happen to know that you are absolutely right in your assessment of the circumstances; you really are entirely out of your league."
Robin didn't waste time thinking about the lunatic's words of hostility and instead caught his attention by speaking up calmly and with the subtlest touch of mocking sweetness. "If we are so far below you, then perhaps we shouldn't bother you any longer with our lowliness. It must be quite painful for you to dwell in such poor company, and we wouldn't want to hurt you now, would we?"
With that, Robin simply turned to leave without waiting for an answer, and she didn't even have to pull Snape along with her, for he mirrored her movement precisely in an instant. They got exactly two steps further down the hall before Morgan caught Robin by her free arm once again. His grip, as ever, more demand than inquiry.
"Dance with me." He said, without smiles, without brightness, and certainly without room for refusal.
"No." Was what Robin replied nonetheless, and this finally brought a new smile to Morgan's lips, a different one. A smile that made Robin's blood freeze over.
"That wasn't a question, darling. Dance with me, or I will see to it that you won't live to deny me again."
Robin's guarded expression kept her jaw from dropping and her eyes from growing wide, but the sheer panic that spread inside her mind and body still must've found a way to the surface. Her eyes moved from Morgan to Snape, in a silent plea for him to do something, anything, but going by his own expression, it was either killing Morgan right on the spot or letting things unfold. Robin couldn't blame him for having a similar reaction as she had herself, there was little else to do about such a display of dramaticism and insanity.
Gulping down the lump in her throat, Robin let go of Snape's hand and took the one Morgan was offering instead, even though every single cell in her body screamed in protest. As ridiculous as the threat was, she didn't doubt Morgan anymore. The lengths to which he would go to see her suffer still lay in darkness ahead of her, and she was more than reasonably reluctant to shed any light onto them now. So she let the man lead her back to the dancefloor, much like last year, while she was still aware of and very much thankful for Snape's eyes lingering on her. He wouldn't let Morgan harm her if he could prevent it, she knew that. And Snape's serious concern worried her quite a bit more than the actual prospect of getting injured. But no time to think about it now. The music started, and Morgan swirled her through the room alongside the oblivious students, professors and guests.
"You are hurting me." She finally spoke up in a quiet hiss, when his fingers dug uncomfortably into the skin of her back even through the layers of thick black fabric.
"Did it ever occur to you that you are hurting me, too?" He sighed in return, as if speaking to a child reluctant to understand. "With all those edges and corners of your wild personality… You make it ridiculously hard for me to put my mark on you. Perhaps, a little pain shall be the way to tame you after all."
A mere second later, when he moved his hand across her back oh so subtly, a sharp pain, a stinging and burning followed in the wake of his fingers at once, and Robin gasped before biting her lip to refrain from crying out. How the actual hell had he done that?! The pain dimmed down quickly enough, and nobody was paying them much attention, so it can't have been anything too serious, right? Right?! Robin released a shivering breath, then glared up at her dance partner in utmost hostility.
"If you think you can break me like some fragile plaything, you are utterly mistaken." She hissed, but it only served to make the man above her smirk. Robin wanted to slap that expression off his face, but all she could do was glare at him even more threateningly. "I can see way beneath those smiles and charming words. When I look at you, I see nothing but a monster."
"When I look at you, I see a beautiful masquerade covering the hollow darkness of inevitable death. Because that's ultimately what you are, and what you are ever going to be. A broken creature of ash and dust, and a mirror of shattered vanity." His reply came quickly and in a striking factuality, a seriousness that was unlikely for him. It left Robin short of an adequate answer for a moment, while his words cut a little deeper than she would've liked. And yet, when he spoke on, his tone was filled with bitter amusement. "It's rather ironic, isn't it? To see you clinging so desperately onto the one man who is the very essence of brokenness. Tell me, are you trying to heal him or do you merely reap what is left in the ashes? I cannot tell from what I see. But I shouldn't be the one to judge... I too desire you despite your darkness."
"You are wrong. Again, as always." She huffed in spite. "I don't like him despite the way he is, but for that very reason. He might have been broken once, but he put his pieces back together in his own way, and that makes him more appealing than anyone who has never known the courage it takes to go on after you shatter. Or the strength it takes to be better than before."
"You really are quite pathetically in love, aren't you?" Morgan sighed, sounding condescending and indifferent in a way that made Robin wish she hadn't said anything at all. But this damned man just had a way of getting to her and making her speak against her better judgement. "Ironic that it had to be Severus you are so willing to suffer for. Say, would you die for him, little songbird? I bet you would, wouldn't you? As I said; Ironic."
"If I'm pathetic for loving, you are just loving to be pathetic. Ironic indeed." She scoffed, and he squeezed the hurting spot on her back in return, making her yelp under her breath. The sound made him smirk. Bloody bastard…
When the music came to an end and the people to a halt, Robin feared that Morgan would keep her right where she was for another dance. It was a bit after eleven at this point, and even if there was still some time until midnight, she was both exhausted and desperate to get away from the man who was keeping a strong hold of her even now that the dance had ended. But to her surprise, he started leading her off the dancefloor before she even had to voice a protest or question.
"I better return you to poor Severus before he gives in to the urge to murder me, huh? Merlin's beard, that man loves you more than is good for him." Morgan chuckled quietly, but Robin honestly didn't care for his words now as long as he left her alone as soon as possible. It didn't even matter that he had fallen victim to the same delusions as everyone else. So when Morgan finally released Robin from his grasp and even had the audacity to give her a little push towards Snape, there was no time for her wounded pride when she was just lucky to be escaping his presence in the first place. Only once Robin was safely tucked into Snape's side two seconds later, she finally felt like she could breathe again.
"Thank you for the dance, my dear. Your divine company is always my highest pleasure." Morgan gave Robin another of his signature smiles. "I'm looking forward to all that is yet to come." His words couldn't have been more enigmatic and unsettling, but at least he bowed slightly and then disappeared into the crowd. Just like last year.
Robin let out a long breath to regain her composure, then looked up at Snape right at her side. He was undoubtedly angry and concerned in equal measure, as always when it came to her interactions with Morgan, and thus she offered him a small smile of reassurance.
"I'm alright, don't worry. The idiot hurt my back, but it's less painful than any of the times he slammed me into a wall in class, so it's nothing new really. It's okay."
"I let him hurt you, it is not okay."
"Do we need to be having this conversation again?" Robin gave him a look that was both pleading and defeated. "There is nothing you could've done and we both know that. All we can do is to start looking more thoroughly into what his problem with me is after the break is over."
"You are most likely right about that. Obviously." Snape sighed, then placed a gentle hand on the small of her back with a questioning gaze down at her. "May I?"
"Certainly." The smile that came to her lips now was genuine, affectionate almost, and she didn't bother hiding it from him. They both could use some calm and comfort now. "Perhaps… we could get away from the crowds for a bit?"
"Certainly." He mirrored with a not-smirk, and Robin shook her head with a chuckle. He really had a way of cheering her up even in the worst of situations, and that was something nobody else had ever been able to do.
Without waiting for a better opportunity that wouldn't come anyway, they soon made their way through the hall while pushing through various groups of people who weren't accustomed to the unspoken rule that it was better to stay out of their way. Robin had never taken much notice of it before just now, actually, but she usually never had to squeeze through somewhere. People usually stepped out of her way quite willingly and let her pass without effort. The same way they did with Snape. In a way, now that people did stay standing in her path, she found herself equally amused and irritated by that fact. Perhaps being the insane girl everyone feared based on a reputation alone really wasn't all that bad after all.
They reached the entrance hall soon enough, and in an unspoken question and likewise answer, they decided against winter robes and for a heating charm instead. It wouldn't be toasty, that was for sure, but it could keep the cold away at least, even if that left the wind to live with. Now that the snow had been replaced by rain for the majority of the previous week, it wasn't as harsh outside as it had been half a month ago, and this they could very well feel when they stepped outside into the nightly courtyard side by side. With the charm wrapping around them, the temperature was almost truly comfortable here, but then again, there was no wind inside these walls, so that wasn't too much of a surprise.
It again went wordlessly that they sauntered through the arcades and to the other end of the open space, out into the night and away from the busyness of the castle at long last. Away from the people, away from Morgan. His words still sounded as a dull echo in Robin's mind, now that everything else was silent. Not all of his nonsense had lingered of course, just… that one thing he had said wouldn't stop nagging at her. What he saw when he looked at her. The hollow darkness of inevitable death. It probably was just his overly dramatic way of being hostile and threatening, but then again, perhaps what he saw was the same thing that made everyone else scared of her as well. And as all things inevitable, it drew closer and closer to the surface, where everyone could see. Maybe that's why her reputation had grown exponentially more sinister over the years… Maybe that's why Morgan's words threatened to suffocate her now. Because she really was just a hollow darkness to the people around her.
"Talk to me, Robin…" Snape's voice drew her out of her mind as it did so often these days. They were sauntering down the hill now, almost having reached the shore of the lake… and she hadn't even noticed. "You are getting lost again, and by the look on your face I can tell that it isn't a nice place you are vanishing into. Will you just tell me what is bothering you for once, or do I have to ask on?"
"It's… just something Morgan said." She sighed deeply, and tried for a half smile when she looked up at Snape. "I really should know better by now than to let him get to me like that every single time, huh?"
"He has a way of getting under people's skin regardless of how hard they try to resist. It happens to the best."
"To you?"
Robin let out a small amused huff in reply, but then stopped in her saunter and turned to face Snape when he did the same. "Can I ask you something odd?"
"Don't you always?" The returned question was more encouragement than tease for once, and Robin honestly felt glad for that. 
She knew she had to ask, but in the end she would also need the courage to bear the answer as well. Taking a deep breath, she kept her eyes fixed on his and finally brought up the courage to speak the words that had been threatening to break past her lips anyway. "When you look at me... what do you see?"
"Everything." His reply came in such a calm sincerity, such genuine and complete certainty that Robin forgot how to breathe for a moment. She even forgot why she had asked in the first place, with an answer that told her so much more than the question demanded. A shiver of sheer and utter delight ran over her skin; she couldn't remember how to speak with words. So all the questions and answers of the world lay in her gaze alone. She wanted to be everything to him more than she had ever wanted anything else.
"Why do you ask?" Snape finally inquired, just as calmly as before, and the fact that his previous answer obviously was just another given to him almost made Robin laugh despite the newly arising hope. Perhaps she wasn't a token of death to everyone… to the one person that mattered she obviously was quite a bit more than that. And wasn't that by far enough?
"Morgan said that all he sees in me is a beautiful masquerade that covers the hollow darkness of inevitable death." She finally sighed with a shrug, then sauntered on towards the shore with Snape following right by her side. "But then again he also said that the sharp edges of my personality make it difficult for him to put his mark on me, so I guess I shouldn't try to find truth where there is only insanity."
"A wise decision I wholeheartedly support." He replied, just when they left the muddy path behind and crossed over onto the pebbled edge of the lake that lay in front of them as a black mirror now, reflecting only the blanket of stars above their heads. A beautiful sight that made Robin sigh as much as Snape's question that came a mere second later. "Was there anything else he said that might be disconcerting?"
"Just the usual things he keeps saying to me from time to time… How much he hates that I 'desperately cling onto you', for example. Or that you love me too much." She said before her brain had the time to fully process how stupid of a move that was. Maybe it was the hope gaining the upper hand again… but the idea that perhaps she could be everything to him indeed was burning her up from the inside now. Her hope had turned into a wildfire.
"Dumbledore really should have Morgan gagged, if he already refuses to dispose of him entirely." Snape grumbled under his breath, and Robin's heart fell a little. That wasn't the reaction she hadn't technically allowed herself to hope for but had hoped for nonetheless. Of course it would upset him to hear these accusations… what had she been expecting? Ridiculous.
"Oh, you'd have to gag quite a few more people than him if it's just about these remarks." She finally replied with a sad chuckle, then with a silent sigh. "Too many people have been insinuating things like that recently. You know… about you and me. Us."
"Ah." His voice dropped down an octave, and the deep frown on his falling features was suddenly accompanied by a tinge of rising bitterness in his tone, a shadow of sincere sadness in his eyes. Then it was all apathy again before the fleeting emotions could be grasped. "I can see why that thought would be repelling to you."
And for once, encouraged by the shadowy ghosts of expressions she had seen on his face, Robin let her heart speak instead of her mind. "Actually, it just makes me wish quite desperately that it was true."
@ayamenimthiriel @chibi-lioness @t-sunnyside @alex4555 @purpledragonturtles @istrugglewithphilosophy @meghan-maria @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall @darkestacademiaaa @nizem8 @girilimoni
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caffeinated-mendes · 5 years
Failed Mission - Peter Parker & OC - Chapter 2
previous work
previous chapter
synopsis:  Eliza Brooks, an eighteen-year-old Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and friend to Tony Stark is given a mission after Tony’s death: Attend Midtown Tech and keep an eye on Peter Parker. With the use of her mysterious powers, Eliza had never slipped up on her assignment. That is until Peter’s life is in danger, and she has to save him. The cost of her exposing her identity could very nearly mean the end of her mission, and the ending of her chance to become an Avenger.
word count: 2.1 k (4.6 in total)
a/n:  Hi everyone! Here's the second chapter to this little novella. Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated <3 Hope you enjoy!
warnings: none
*if you prefer, you can read this on my ao3 instead of here
On his way to lunch, Peter caught a pale-faced Eliza talking to MJ. She looked sick, and MJ stroked her back, giving the blonde a hug before making her way down the other hall. Peter watched MJ leave, feeling his heart pound in his chest before walking up to Eliza. Her face had no color; even her eyes were not as vibrant as before. Without glowing, they were an icy, striking blue. Now they seemed like pale blue paint, baked from a blazing sun. “You alright?” Peter said, his voice a little squeaky. He played with his backpack strap. 
Eliza cleared her throat, “Uh, yeah. Stomach ache.”
Peter nodded, and they made their way to the cafeteria, ignoring looks from most people. Eliza wasn’t popular, but she definitely was not as lame as Peter considered himself. Their classmates weren’t used to seeing Peter without Ned, alone, a girl. Eliza had great style too, which she couldn’t be made fun of for. She left her hair to cascade down her back, an effortless beauty. Her style somewhat resembled a skater’s style, combined with jewelry.  The dark palette of her clothing left for earrings and necklaces to make great statements.
Eliza tugged on the sleeves of her black sweater, “I’m going to Pepper’s tonight for dinner. Happy’s gonna be there. You could come with me, and we could ask Happy if I could stay.”
Peter proceeded to grab food onto his lunch tray, following Eliza down the line, “Yeah. But you don’t think it’d be weird if I just showed up without being invited to your dinner?”
“What’s the problem? Happy likes you, and so do the Starks,” It felt strange to hear that coming out of Eli’s mouth when she only referred to two people, “I mean, my aunt did it. She visited me on my fourth birthday, barely called and then showed up when I was thirteen to hang out with me and my parents for a night.” Eliza didn’t seem to take that seriously, and meant it as a joke, which left Peter to laugh an uncomfortable feeling off.
This also made him think about Eliza’s home. She wasn’t from New York, and she was living by herself, probably somewhere paid for by SHIELD. But where were her parents? From the sound of it, her other family members didn’t seem to be around. Peter didn’t ask, because he knew how it felt to get asked about your parents. He’d wait for her to tell him. Maybe they were just divorced, or Eliza didn’t live with them, for all he knew. 
By the time the two of them reached their lunch table, a little more color returned to Eliza’s cheeks. “Okay, so here’s the plan,” Eliza stated, turning her head to see if anyone was listening, “I’ll ring the doorbell. Happy will answer, most likely, and at that point I’ll pull you next to me, and Happy will have no choice but to bring you inside too.”
Peter nodded from across the table, and at this point, MJ and Ned came to sit next to them. Peter could feel his heart racing as MJ took a seat next to Eliza. Ned placed his phone on the table, showing Peter a picture as he sat down. It was a Lego Star Wars set, one Peter had never seen before. “Seven thousand pieces, collectors edition. You in?” Eliza and MJ narrowed their eyes at the same time. It creeped Peter out.
He laughed nervously, looking back and forth between the girls and Ned, “Not tonight.” Then he whispered to Ned, “But on the weekend for sure.” Ned nodded, and Eliza giggled.
“Man, you two are such nerds.” Eliza began to bite into an apple.
“More of losers,” MJ took a book out of her bag, “I remind them pretty much every day.”
Eliza nodded her head, “Justified.” Her smile made Peter feel a lot better than he had a moment ago, when she looked like she was going to be sick.
The sun had begun to set, giving the lake a orange glow, but the pretty view didn’t settle Peter’s stomach. He finally had someone he could talk to about being a superhero, and now Fury would take her away if they failed tonight.
Peter hid on the edge of the Stark’s porch while Eliza rang the doorbell. She looked fine, until a voice echoed from inside the lakehouse, “Pepper, there are two people at the front door,” Friday’s voice made the hairs on Peter’s neck stand on edge, “One, female, aged eighteen. Running facial recognition… Eliza Brooks. Another, male, aged sixteen. Running facial recognition… Peter Parker.” 
“Well, that blew our cover. Get up and come over here, Peter.” Eliza groaned, and shuffled her boots. She looked nice, Peter thought, with black combat boots, a black skirt and a long-sleeved, green top. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, which made Peter notice faint scars on her neck, like claw marks, just not as big. As if they were scratched into her skin. Human nails.
The door opened, and Happy stood, dumbfounded as he looked between Eliza and Peter. “Um, what happened here?” Happy asked, “You shouldn’t know her.” Happy looked at Peter.
“Happy, um, I failed. But I brought Peter here, because I don’t want to go back to Chicago,” Eliza wrung her hands, and looked up at him, “Please help me figure something out.” Peter watched the interaction as if he wasn’t there, and Happy’s eyes glazed over. With one glance at Peter, he opened the door. Peter thought maybe there was something back in Chicago that Eliza didn’t want to return to. Her voice made it seem that way.
“Hey, Happy.” Peter felt like curling into his jacket and hiding.
Happy lifted his eyebrows, and said blankly,“Pete.” The two of them walked inside, and Peter could hear a pounding on the floors of the house.
“Eli!” Before he could comprehend what happened, Eliza scooped up a ball of red, gold, and pink into her arms, which elicited a giggle from Morgan, as he now recognized her. Peter had only met her a few times, but every time he saw her, it felt like a piece of Tony was with him. 
Eliza’s blonde ponytail swished behind her as she lifted the Iron Man mask from Morgan’s head. “What are you doing wearing this? You know how your Mom doesn’t like you playing in the shed!”
Morgan’s happy face was adorned with messy brown hair, “I know. Don’t tell her!” Morgan put a finger to her lips, giggling in Eli’s arms. Happy closed the door, as Pepper walked through into the living room, where they all stood awkwardly.
“Oh, um, hi Peter. I didn’t know you were coming.” Pepper’s eyes widened in realization, “How did you know Eliza?”
“It’s my fault, Pepper. I dragged him here. It’s a long story.” 
“Great to see you, Ma’am.” Peter didn’t know what else to say.
Pepper nodded, “Let me get an extra plate.” And stepped back into the kitchen, unsurprised. It seemed like not much could shock Pepper these days. Eliza put Morgan down, who ran into the kitchen, pink tutu and all.
Peter watched as Eliza placed the Iron Man mask on the coffee table of the living room, and Happy led the two of them to the kitchen, where a chicken dinner sat on the table. “So Eliza, could you explain to us what happened?” Happy sat down at the table, and Peter took a seat opposite of him. Eliza shuffled next to Peter, and looked down at her plate, then back up again.
“Everything was going fine yesterday, and I gave you your report. After I went into the city to watch Peter, I followed him inside a bank, where he stopped a bank heist-”
“And this is where you shot the two men? And caused the police to arrive after you left?” Happy interjected.
Peter saw Eliza look around the room to see if Morgan was there. She wasn’t in sight. “Yes. Both in the leg. I did it because they were ready to knock Peter out. I didn’t know why, out of all places, he’d get beaten in a bank by some regular thieves.”
Peter looked at Eli, “Ouch. That was mean.”
“Sorry.” Eliza continued, “But I had to protect him any way I could, like Tony asked.” Pepper hadn’t said a word until now, but she took her seat at the head of the table with a sigh.
Peter added to Eliza’s story, “The only way I knew she was there was because I could sense her, and I grabbed her arm.”
“Sense her?” Pepper asked.
“I have a fifth sense, but it doesn’t really matter. I think something about Eliza’s presence made it messed up, like all I could feel was her. It was sort of like shock waves.” Eliza’s face paled at this, like how she did after their history class today. Peter wondered if he said something wrong. Happy had a similar look on his face. 
Eli cleared her throat, “Yeah. So he grabbed my arm, and then my eyes apparently started to glow. That’s what Peter said.”
Peter added again, “It only happened one time before. I don’t think anyone else noticed, but she walked into my math class. I take senior level math, so Eliza was in it too.”
“Okay, get to the point.” Happy folded his hands on the table. Peter wondered why Happy didn’t care about Eliza’s eyes. It was almost like he already knew, or had experienced it before.
“Okay. So I figured out who she was because of her eyes, and now we’re here because Eli doesn’t want to leave, and I don’t want her to either.” Peter felt a little nervous after saying the last part of that. 
Happy groaned, “Okay. I can talk to Fury-”
“No, I will.” Pepper interjected, as she began to put chicken on Peter’s plate, “Tony set up Eliza’s mission, so I can make Fury help her keep it, or give another. I know that this could jeopardize her chance to become a SHIELD Agent, or Avenger, considering your powers.”
“How?” Peter and Eliza asked in unison.
“Well, I can make threats too, you know. I own Stark Industries, until Morgan is old enough and takes over,” Pepper moved to Eliza’s plate. The dark kitchen, lit only by one light above the table made her seem menacing, “All I need to say if Fury doesn’t let up is that I can make sure SHIELD never gets to use another iron suit again.” Pepper didn’t smile once, and just spoke as if it was a fact.
Peter’s eyes widened, “Wow, that’s-”
“Badass.” Eliza finished. 
“Morgan! Come in the kitchen, it’s time for dinner.” She turned her gaze back to the three of them, and grinned.
After dinner, Pepper paced in the hallway next to the staircase for what seemed like hours to Peter. Eliza’s knee bounced up and down, while the two of them sat on the couch, doing a puzzle with Morgan. “Peter, are you an Avenger?” Morgan asked from across the coffee table. It was completely dark outside, but Aunt May knew that Peter wouldn’t be back until late.
“Yeah, I guess,” Peter replied.
“Good. Because I am too.” Morgan continued with her puzzle, trying desperately to push a piece into one that wasn’t its match.
 Eliza laughed. “Am I one, too? I know you run the Avengers, Morgan.”
“Of course, Eli! You are probably the number one Avenger.”
“Hey!” Peter felt slightly offended.
Morgan shrugged, “Sorry, Peter.”
Pepper and Happy walked into the living room, and nodded towards the kitchen, away from Morgan. The four of them stood by the doorway, and Pepper stated, “Fury said you can stay, on one condition. You have to prove to him you can complete a mission successfully.”
Eliza quirked her eyebrows. “And what’s the mission?”
“This weekend, you two have to go to SHIELD HQ and you’ll get on a plane. You’re going to Portugal, and there’s a group of people you need to spy on that are a threat to SHIELD. Fury said that he would explain more of the details when you get there. If you succeed, you can stay in New York, finish school, and resume your training. Fury said no more, except that, if you fail, you’re going back home, and you’ve lost your chance at becoming an Agent.”
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