#Sing Buster
hoperays-song · 1 day
Noodlemoon Family Account
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thetheaterfam · 17 days
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"alright is everyone ready to put on the best show the world has ever seen" buster said gathering his friends/family together, "yeah its going to be awesome" ash said, "ja I'm like totally ready" gunter said as he sat on a near by chair stretching his legs and arms before getting to his, "alright now get out there and show them what you got" buster said shoving his friends on the stage
as buster watched his friends preform his phone started ringing he looked at the caller ID and it didn't look familiar but he answered it anyway, "hello" buster answered, "hello sir is this buster moon the unfamiliar voice asked, "yes sir this is him" buster replied before hearing a loud sigh over the phone "ok sir I'm detective leo and I'm sorry to inform you this but your friend amelia holmes has passed away"
"w...what how" buster asked his heart breaking into a million pieces, "she was found unconscious and unresponsive we think that she was murdered" the detective replied, "w...who did it" buster asked taking a shaky breath, "unfortunately I'm not able to disclose any information that has to do with the murder all that we can tell you is that she was shot" the detective replied, "o...ok t...thank you for letting me know" buster said as tears streamed down his face, "your welcome sir, I'm so sorry for your loss
"that was amazing" johnny said high fiving meena, "were's mr moon" meena asked looking around for the old kowla, "he might be in his office going over some stuff like he always does" ash replied
"what was that" meena asked, "t...that sounded like it was coming from busters office" rosita replied before rushing to buster's office and what she saw broke her heart, buster was curled up in a ball and he was crying his eyes out
"mr moon what's wrong" rosita asked kneeling down to buster's level, "a...amelia she...she's gone" buster replied, "w...what do you mean mr moon" johnny asked his heart sunk at thought of something bad happening to amelia, "s...she's dead" buster replied
"WHAT" was everyone's response, "h...how what happened" ash asked as tears stared welling up in her eyes, "she was...murdered i...I got a phone call a...and they told me that she was murdered" buster replied, "w...who murdered her" johnny asked his eyes filled with rage, "they told me that they couldn't disclose any information that has to do with the murder, I just watched the news and they said that it was a guy named billy, "buster replied
"well at least we'll be able to see her again one day...right" meena asked wiping away her tears, "yeah kid we will" buster replied as they all hugged each other and continued sobbing in each other's arms
ok this isn't my best work but I still hope you guys enjoy, this was a art trade with @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
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omegapossum · 19 days
Just realized I never posted this oops.
Anyways… POV: I hadn’t watched Sing 2 yet and was headcanoning.
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking ForHELLO! It is I, Mario Nick the weirdo! You may also know me as LuSilveira, NickSilveira, or just the weird Sing fanfiction writer who opened his inbox for requests and then... died. I promise to tend to requests received in near future, and by near future I mean I'll try my best not to deliver them with 5 years of delay. BUT ANYWAYS...
I have already concocted my own theories, took a million screenshots from the trailer to analyze them, and here goes nothing. Spoilers if you haven't seen the trailer/first movie, boring if you don't like mile-long texts.
– I'm gonna take a leap of faith and say that Ash is both:
a. HUGE Calloway fan;
b. Is spending the biggest part of the movie with him.
I also feel it in my heart that they have more in common than what may first meet the eye, but I'll tend to that in a moment's notice. The same goes for my feeling that Calloway was hinted at in the first movie – whether in an outdoor, poster, CD or book cover, anything. I just spent the last two hours trying to find it, but Sing delivers a lot of information and only so much meets the myope's eye.
But anyways, on the based theory itself. For "a", we have both the scene in which Ash tells Buster that Calloway is a recluse and the scene in which the two of them first arrive at Calloway's hideout. That could be a subtle hint that, at some point, she tried finding him/getting an autograph from him, ended up just outside of his mansion, and the rest is history. Since Ash doesn't strike me as being beyond mid-20s, you could also throw some feels in there and say child Ash adored Calloway, perhaps even went to one of his shows' with her parents, and was heartbroken when he shut himself away from the world. Not to mention the very fact that the ONE song we see Ash singing in the trailer ("I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For") is a Bono (aka Clay Calloway) song, so I believe it's safe to say they'd go with that. Perhaps some wordplay with "U2" is in order too. My money's on "Eel2" and I'll laugh myself silly in the movies if it happens. Anyways, moving on.
As for "b", I believe the biggest hints at it are in the fact that in every scene that Ash and Calloway share, they're alone. Even when Ash and Buster finally make it to his hideout's gates, Buster's nowhere to be seen just in the followup scene. Could be one of those cases in which Ash stayed behind to convince Calloway to go while Buster got the rest of the performance ready. I particularly believe this is the case because look just how comfortable she is around the place:
She's literally bringing him a cup of tea in this scene, while in this other (taken from the Spanish trailer):
She seems to be standing in his mansion's staircase when he joins her.
Likely the very staircase to the right here. Not to mention the piece of advice Ash voice-overs Calloway during the trailer and the fact that Ash rides in his motorcycle, too.
Miss-it-if-you-blink frame, but it's there. Whatever happens in the movie, seems that Ash will be the one who convinces Calloway to perform again. I'll wrap this up saying Bono either isn't getting a solo, or does a solo AND a group performance. Something like the end of the first Sing movie but, instead of gathering around to bow, they gather to sing together. Now, my poor friend Phoenix is probably tired of hearing how much I wish this song is "Do They Know It's Christmas?", but to say I completely adore this song is an understatement. I'll be able to rest peacefully for the rest of my life if I get a rendition of "Do They Know it's Christmas?" with Bono+Sing cast. And I have my own weird thinking process for coming up with the idea. The original rendition was performed by several artists, including Bono, Elton John (aka. original singer of the song Johnny performs in the first movie) and George Michael (who also has a song heard in the first movie). The 30-year anniversary rendition was performed by some other several artists, including Bono and... Sam Smith and Seal (who both had their songs performed in the first movie). Bit of a stretch, I know, but I think it'd be rather ironic (and just make sense!) to have the cast ensemble to sing this timeless classic, not to mention that Bono voices a character himself. It'd be the perfect opportunity! "Do They Know It's Christmas?" is also a song about hope and giving hope, which seems to fit the Sing franchise just well.
Summing it up... if I call it, I'm simply posting "BAND AID'S BACK!" all caps as soon as I leave the movies. Moving on now.
– Soundtrack analysis
The first movie has opened a precedent in which the songs performed somehow relate to the characters' arc (like Johnny's "I'm Still Standing" relating to him ditching his father's gang to follow his dream and Ash's original about freeing herself from her abusive relationship). Odds are the same happens in the second movie, so here I go.
As far as what meets the ear, we have "There's Nothing Holding Me Back", sung by Johnny, and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", sung by Ash, System of a Down's "Chop Suey!" blasting from Ms. Crawley's car, and "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys. At first sight, it seems like Ash's song is the flagship of the movie, since it plays in every dramatic scene from the trailer and even ends it (not counting dramatic relief robot-Gunter scene), so I'll start with that.
The original rendition of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" was performed by Bono (with U2) and is a hard rock song. Ash's version, however, is slow-paced and almost lullaby-ish. Now, with just a trailer, it's hard to tell if it picks up pace during the performance, or if it stays slow-paced (this second option is particularly more appealing to me; I always thought the song could be better if it wasn't so loud and I already LOVE Ash's rendition). But the song in itself talks about someone who has faced many hardships and yet hasn't, well... found what they're looking for.
Could either mean that the cast hasn't found something about themselves yet, either individually (whether that's the courage to do a tricky act, in Rosita's case, the courage to dance, in Johnny's case, or any other hardship to be faced by them) or as a group (seems like, as it happened in the first movie, there will be some asynchrony between the cast), could be a hint at Calloway's backstory, or it could even be a lesson to the watchers themselves; as in, we need to face all the hardships of life until we get where we want to be.
– Nooshy's age
Ah, yes. The age headcannons. I live for them, so here are my two cents.
I'm reading far and wide people headcannoning that either Nooshy is a teenager or a full-on literal child. While I do think it's possible she's a teenager, I still think she's an adult, possibly around Johnny's age (I HC him being 21) or even a bit older. And my sole reason to believe that is the way she speaks.
– Johnny's scenes
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whack-patty · 4 months
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Whatcha lookin at there Buster
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gay-for-stanford · 5 months
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Seriously tho, my hockey show and Sing are battling it out for dominance in my dome as I draw. Plus Ricky and Peso lore that I haven’t quite figured out yet lol
Peso and Ricky grew up in Redshore but not the city, they lived in the outskirts and on a ranch, they’re silly cousins
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midnightdemonz · 6 months
I can't find that Sing fanfiction that used to be on here. It was about Mike coming back and giving Buster PTSD by mentioning the events of the second movie. I need help
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puppiesandnightlock · 8 months
What the heck is up with the person sending you hate for shipping Suki and Buster?? They’re acting like sending you that stuff is gonna change your opinion on the ship or something 😂
I do have an ask tho and I don’t know if it’s been asked before but what ideas do you have (if any) for Buster and Suki’s first date?
ikr i like barley even talk abt the sing fandom anymore smh
thanks for the ask lets show the other anon we can ship what we want!^^
but yasss lets seee
i feel like buster would try to take her somewhere extravagent, but as always SMTH would go wrong and they'd end up in like the park or in someones house to watch ✨musicals✨ or maybe even just like the rooftop (hehehe) to watch the sunset.
theres not much for me to grasp when it comes to them and my sing fandom brain is a lil rusty but i feel like they'd be a suprisingly chill couple, save for the enimies to lover arc i think they would have.
with buster's energy and sukis no nonsese vibe, i think they would alwasy *try* to do smth big and just end up at like a small place like a cafe or movie theater, or just someones house.
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WHY ILLUMINATION SHOULD Turn The Sing movies into a series (episodes) or a graphic novel series
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(Sorry if it's to long I just need to write what I think)
I love the sing movies as much as the next person, its probably one of illuminations best franchises. As much as I lobe the movies and the main characters, I wish they would explain their backstories before meeting buster, And with the third one in development, I'm hoping they do just that. But what if they don't. Well that's what I keep asking myself, how they could show the audience the characters stories or their lives, after and before. Well I've come up with an idea on that. I have 2 possibilities a series (episodes) or a graphic novel series.
Here let me explain what they could do and why.
A series (episodes):
If the writers don't have time to make movies for sing, they can(could) make a series to show what the characters are doing and their development or introduce new characters in the story. And also talk about their life and things that have happened during the movies. It could also have side stories or parts 1 or 2 episodes to see what each character and storyline is doing, and also help character traits be developed in a character, see what their relationship with each other is like, and even help bring in new songs to the show and have each character show their skills. And most importantly answer questions each movie leaves about, and explain things that happened before.
Graphic novels:
We can learn about the characters and their backstories and new characters that might not be mentioned in the movies (or series) And they can address serious topics like death of a loved one more seriously and it can mainly focus on one character and their past and how it happened. And most importantly it would save illumination a lot of time and keep people from asking or waiting for something to happen. And if the characters have a dark backstory, and the people at home don't have to complain that anything risky is put it on theaters or TV and get complaints about it on what their viewers are watching. And ok it's not like animation studios haven't done anything like that. I mean look at Disney & pixar, they've done things parents might not agree with, or things that might scare kids, or done things that people should discuss or things that shouldn't be hard to tell kids and DreamWorks has been doing those things for years it wouldn't surprise me if Illumination did that to. Not that I have a problem with it, I'm glad that animation movie studios are having characters be or talk about things that make them feel real, like family drama, discrimination, Sexuality, mental health, depression, trauma, etc. And like most animation Companies who have not recently but not too long ago have Done these things to give "life" and personality to the characters, but because of the backlash and criticism that that many entertainment studios have gotten, (like Disney and pixar) studios have taken less risks and been struggling with either doing what critic's want and certain audiences want, or doing risks and doing what another certain audience wants or the other way, and if Illumination is worried about taking a risk of any of those things I mentioned, and are afraid that a franchise will be be ruined or canceled because of it, they should make a graphic novel series to explain things or to continue it. There are so many things I would like to say about entertainment studios and criticism and backlash they could get, or the unfair criticism their movies can get, but I'll save that for another post.
Anyway That's my opinion, but what's yours? Answer in the poll and if you have your reasons or opinions comment on what you think, If you don't let my opinion that's okay.
And when the votes have been done, I'll explain more about it.
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dreamingbigdreams101 · 9 months
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buster screencaps cuz why not
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yumnasfunblog · 9 months
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chaewoncake · 9 months
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Drew the outfit for what i thought the outfit in this one sing fanfic looked like from its description 👻👻
(straight to the top by AshleyNamid on ao3)
its pretty interesting but id recommend "start to finish" by the same author
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hoperays-song · 26 days
Noodlemoon Cooking Skills
(Rosita over at Buster and Eddie's apartment for dinner) Rosita, on the phone with Marcus: I mean I kinda feel like the third wheel sometimes when it's just the three of us, but I love Buster and Eddie both and spending time with them so that's all that matters really-
Buster, yelling from the kitchen: Rosita! We tried making ramen in the coffee maker-
Eddie, sounding panicked: -and we broke everything!
Rosita, sighing: Ay dios mios.
Marcus, snickering: Good luck Ro, y-
Rosita: Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna need it, I know.
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thetheaterfam · 1 month
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it was late at night when amelia woke up to her phone ringing she rubbed her eyes and looked at the caller ID and realized that buster was calling her
"buster why are you calling me this late at night" amelia asked she knew that buster basically never slept but why was he calling her, "amelia i...it's ash she's missing" buster replied, "w...what do you mean she's missing buster" amelia asked practically flying out of bed
"i...I let her go to some kind of party, s...she was supposed to be back at the theater nearly an hour and a half ago, she won't answer her phone and I can't see her location" buster replied, amelia's heart broke as she heard busters sobbing over the phone
"it's going to be ok buster were going to find her, I'm going to call nick and judy for help I want you to try and call ash again ok" amelia said as she got her coat and headed out the door
"so were do you think she could be" nick asked, "buster said she was at a party located a couple blocks from the theater but when he called her phone she didn't answer and he couldn't see her location" amelia replied as she drove down the road searching for ash, "buster said that she left wearing a skull t shirt and ripped jeans" amelia said
as they drove near a bad neighborhood judy spotted a pair of quills, "is that her" judy asked pointing at the figure, "i...I think that is her" amelia replied as she parked the car, "what is she doing out here" nick asked as he hopped out of the police car
"ash is that you kid" amelia asked as she walked up to the figure, the mysterious figure jumped at the sudden voice
"amelia w...what are you doing here" ash asked, " I think I should be asking you that question ash why are you out this late, buster is worried sick about you" amelia replied with a stern look on her face
"well moon let me go to a party but it was cut off early so I decided to take a walk" ash said feeling ashamed for worrying buster, "ash buster has been calling you all night it's 12:00 in the morning" amelia said
"WHAT ! i...I didn't even know it was that late my phone died while at the party" ash said, amelia sighed putting a comforting hand on ash's shoulder "it's ok kid let's just get you back to the theater so buster doesn't have a heart attack"
"ash were we're you, you had me so worried" buster said nearly suffocating ash in a tight hug
"yeah I'm sorry pop's, the party was cut off early so I took a walk and I guess time got away from me" ash said returning the embrace, "it's ok kiddo I'm just glad that your safe" buster said
and thank you amelia" buster said as he embraced amelia, "your welcome buster" amelia replied, "alright now it's time for everyone to go to bed" amelia said
"oh yeah and ash, please what ever you do, do not go anywhere unless your phone is charged"
ok I hope you guys enjoy 😊 this was an art trade with @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird also i have this headcanon that buster adopted ash after sing 1, and she lives with buster at the theater
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ash-the-porcupine · 9 months
Little one shot I made a while back :) I'm supposed to be learning about viscosity in Chemistry right now but I'm tiredddd
Buster Moon sighed as he placed himself on the couch. It was three in the morning, and this was something of a ritual by now. He struggled to keep his eyes open, yet was far too awake to close them.
His little paws clung to a cup of steaming tea, where a teabag bobbed up and down at the surface. He made it for the smell more than anything. He hated himself for his trauma, and for the trouble it caused. He was always so anxious and jumpy, and it made it hard to get anything done.
Rosita and the others noticed, of course. It was hard to miss. But he hated to see the worried stares of his friends. He hated to know he was hurting them. And yet still when they inquired about his wellbeing, the lie that escaped his mouth was impulsive, and he could never even think before it slipped out.
When he said he was fine, he never meant it at heart. But oh, how he wished he did! It hurt him to know that his words dampened the spirits of those he cared about. He was aware that not a single on of the troupe believed Buster was 'fine,' or anything of the sort, for that matter.
He wanted to tell them how much he was hurting, but his thoughts would not allow it. Most of the time, his pain presented itself in the form of a tight feeling in his chest, nightmares, and little flashbacks. Sometimes these flashbacks were just little flickers, fissures in the present reality, but he couldn't ignore them.
He couldn't help the stab of fear when the face of a friend, a warm and loving figure, was suddenly replaced with the face of those who wished him harm. Sometimes that face was Jimmy Crystal, sometimes it was Angus Chrome, and other times it was Norma Hawkins - as the freshest trauma in his mind.
And these faces plagued his nightmares. He couldn't control it - despite his fervent wishes - but they did. And the fact that Buster was becoming increasingly phlegmatic plagued the dreams of his friends. No, his family.
Buster was slowly forcing himself to appear emotionless. He didn't even realize it himself. And when he wasn't, the happiness and charisma he put on display were just that: a display.
But wanted to apologize. So why couldn't he? He had the capability, of courze. Maybe he just didn't have the heart, as much as it pained his to say.
He sipped at the tea, looking down at it and watching the little swirls in the liquid drift apart and together in the surface, a paper-thin barrier. He closed his eyes for a brief second and breathed in the scent deeply, taking it in.
Maybe he should tell somebody. But how? He knew that the moment they said something, his mouth would only spill lies. He was disgusted with himself. Is this all he was? A charlatan and a negating runaway?
That. That's what he was doing. He was running away from his problems. He sniffed, looking up and out his office window. He could see the odd car driving by, headlights illuminating the streets and the darker corners of his room. A few street lamps flickered dimly, the light just enough the draw his eyes, and he saw an animal walk down the sidewalks once or twice.
And he had to wonder now as he tilted his gaze to look at what little of the night sky he could see through the window: would he be like this forever?
He felt like all he did anymore was chase the approve of others, trying to find some way to, what, confirm that his own self was valid? Why did he need a random stranger to validate him? Ash had told him so many times, as had the others, that he didn't need strangers to tell him he was good enough, he just had to believe it himself.
And that is where it all went wrong. He didn't. And so he took desperate measure after desperate measure to try and fix some part of himself that he couldn't even recognize.
First he flooded the theater, then he lied and got him and his family incoorporated with Crystal, then with Angus Chrome, and again with Norma Hawkins. It felt a god-awful Groundhog Day at this point.
And each of his mistakes came back to haunt him. He would have been willing to do anything to escape his problems at this point, but instead he just wallowed in his sadness.
As another flash passed before his eyes, a milisecond of Norma's talons, he made up his mind. He opened up his laptop, clicked Ash's email, and finally said something.
"Can I talk to you?"
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haez4rt · 1 year
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midnightdemonz · 11 months
Since Buster loved his dad so much, that when he died, Buster didn't leave his house (and barely even his room) for weeks. He didn't leave for so long, it was concerning Eddie, so he came over to Buster's, saw how upset he was and tried to use Buster's advice against him, ultimately failing, so he just comforted Buster the best way he knew, and got Buster to at least get a little better after a week
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