#Single Newt Scamander is valid
fouralignments · 4 years
Why is Single is an Option for Newt
I am approaching from a aroflux asexual perspective. I have a hard time really knowing what romances is. Romance is a this amorphous thing to me that I don’t really understand and have a difficulty identifying it in real life and in movies. 
I have to admit that...NewTina doesn’t do anything for me. When I first watched the First Fantastic Beasts movie, I didn’t really ship Newt Scamander with anyone and I thought Newt would be better off single than with a partner. I saw Tina by the end of the movie, an acquaintance at most; with the start of a friendship at least, that would take time to develop. 
It wasn’t until Crimes of Grindelwald that I really started to ship Newt with many characters for example: Grindelnewt (Grindelwald/Newt), Gramander (Graves/Newt), Scamandore (Dumbledore/Newt), New Hallows (Grindelwald/Dumbledore/Newt), Newleta (Newt/Leta). Really, got into the Fantastic Beasts fandom. But, that’s mostly thanks to the creative works of @silverynight, @mischiefs-hawk, @kuro-gossips, @vindsie, @grimalkinmessor that I even got into theses pairings in the first place. 
Even after Crimes of Grindelwald, Newtina still didn’t do anything for me. During my first viewing of the movie, I was encapsulated by story and the plot of the movie; I didn’t mind the romantic subplot. Then, in my second viewing, NewTina felt out of place and awkwardly placed; and escalated way too quickly into full on romance. After awhile and self-reflection, I came to realize just how toxic NewTina is in this movie: but, that’s a discussion for another time. I thought, it would be better for Tina Goldstein, as a character, not to be in a romantic subplot with Newt Scamander in the second movie, instead having a subplot involving her sister, Queenie; I thought that it would be the logical progression of her story. There are hints in the first Fantastic beast movie that Tina and Queenie don’t have the best relationship as sisters. Queenie could have called Tina out for not supporting her and Jacob relationship (though, I disagree with her drugging him wholeheartedly; I condone that behavior), even though Tina does support marriage between wizards and no-majs, however Queenie points out that she works for an institution that forbids it and Tina isn’t advocating for the end of Rappaport's Law. In addition, Queenie did support her sister’s dream of being an auror and her pursuit of it and, yet Tina doesn’t return the favor for her, in regards to her dream of marrying Jacob; notwithstanding, that Tina doesn’t really see the injustice of her sister not being able to marry and only really concerned about Credence; Tina kinda of has a one track mind. 
But, that’s what I would’ve done. 
Now, those feelings have resurfaced in theses past several days about Newt being single. Being single is valid, even though in the culture that I live in does pressure many into believing that being in a relationship is the key to happiness. 
I see Newt Scamander as a combination between John Muir, Jane Goodall, and Steve Irwin; and most likely  is the Wizarding world first conservationist, environmentalist, and magical beasts rights activist. Truly, I don’t see him as a person who needs a partner to be happy and not because he is socially awkward. Newt is perfectly content just being with his beasts: caring for them, nursing them back to health, and rescuing them from traffickers. He could spend hours in his basement or suitcase just taking care of them. Not to say he doesn’t appreciate human contact; he just has a group of close friends and family for that; one doesn’t need a romantic partner for that. The dude is already married; that is to his work and being a mum to his children. 
Even if he did have a partner, things would be very difficult because Newt would take eight-months to a year in a field for research for new editions to his book; have odd sleeping schedule, mostly due to taking care of his creatures; going to charity balls and galas for fantastic beasts sanctuary; advocating and organizing magical beasts activists; most likely doesn’t take care of himself  i.e. forgets to eat, shower, and shave; when he does go to bed, the man is exhausted. That being said, I think being in a relationship with Newt would be a challenge, if that character wasn’t in the same field of Newt or not independent and self-resilient enough to not see Newt for months on end: but that would be difficult for anyone. 
I am not saying Newt can’t be shipped with anyone, please don’t misconstrued me; but, I believe Newt being single is valid and as a character he doesn’t need a partner.
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Being asexual is...
or, an amusing and devastating vent list.
(DISCLAIMER: These are based on my own experiences as a sex-repulsed asexual and no one else's. I'm hoping this can help some of my fellow aces feel seen and my wonderful allo allies to better understand our identities as asexual people. ^-^ Love y'all. Be kind. <3)
Being asexual is just being confused about why everybody is laughing at the number 69
Being asexual is saying “I’m just admiring their outfit” and ACTUALLY just admiring their outfit
Being asexual is reading the summer reading book and having a breakdown at 2 a.m. cause you’re taking an AP class and the book has mature content
Being asexual (and not aromantic in this case, but I see y’all and i love you ;)) is saying “pan” or “bi” or “omni” but never the second half of the word because it just feels fucking wrong (just realized I always said I was bi instead of bisexual because even my mouth knew I was ace before my brain did ✌🏻)
Being asexual is scrolling through the asexual tag on Tumblr because you need validation you won’t get from any fandom or family you’re in
Being asexual is turning the national average age for people to start having sex and waiting for all your friends and partner(s) to leave you because you just aren’t good enough
Being asexual is watching ten episodes of COMMUNITY in a row because you want to be Abed Nadir
Being asexual is identifying with Shaggy Rogers of Scooby Doo above all else
Being asexual is looking at Newt Scamander and Five Hargreeves and Sam Winchester and Jughead Jones and Hiccup Haddock III and Spencer Reid and Severus Snape and Remus Lupin and Luna Lovegood and Alice Kingsley and going, “Oh. Me.”
Being asexual is loving dragons
Being asexual is not looking at your own body when you shower because gross
Being asexual is loving romance books but not being able to read any because they all have one of Those Scenes™ in them
Being asexual is not wanting to be put on meds you’ve needed for years because you’re scared they’ll give you a sex drive
Being asexual is feeling uncomfortable enjoying fanworks the same way everybody else does because That Stuff™ shows up everywhere without warning
Being asexual is owning seventeen different pairs of heels but not wanting to wear them because people tell you it will make your butt look bigger
Being asexual is avoiding an entire section of the mall just because it has a Victoria’s Secret in it
Being asexual is ranting about the fashion industry surrounding junior girls because they think bralettes are shirts and speedos are shorts so you only shop in the boys’ section now
Being asexual is being afraid to go to colleges with fraternities
Being asexual is wishing you lived in Wonderland
Being asexual is being angry at Riverdale
Being asexual is struggling with/hating anime because they shove boobs into everything and you just don’t wanna see that, you don’t
Being asexual is not being able to listen to the same songs you loved when you were young because you understand them now
Being asexual is knowing, deep down in your heart, that the queer parts of fandom and media don’t want you
Being asexual is the most beautiful, precious, lovely, amazing, brave thing that you will ever do and I am so, so proud of all of you for doing it every, single, day. You are my heroes and I love you all more than I can say. Please never forget how magical you are. Please never stop fighting for who you are. Please never give up trying to be more you.
You are wonderful. Please know that.
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xbarrjallenx · 6 years
Give Me Love
Tumblr media
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader
Summary: Newt and (Y/N) had a chance to spend a night together after several months of not seeing each other. Was the short period of time enough for them to realise that they were both happier when they were still together?
Word Count: 2.429
Posted: 11th of December 2018
A/N: I just got back home from the cinema, watched Bohemian Rhapsody, but the second part of Happier is finally here! I hope that you enjoy this too, although I am not that confident of how it turned out. I don’t know, I wasn’t convinced about it, but I appreciate feedbacks, of course. There will be another part as I decided to divide it because of the great  amount of words.
I listened to the song “Give Me Love”, another Ed Sheeran song, as I wrote this imagine. I hope you enjoy!
- G. x
P.S.: Tumblr is having problems with links in the post, so if you want to read the first and the third part, you can go to my profile and search for Happier and The Only One in my Masterlist, under Fantastic Beasts section. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!
Tags: @atlas-of-a-human-soul; @dreacantsleep; @ann-is-amazing-person; @i-ship-it-ironically (please send me an ask if you want to be tagged for the next part too!)
“You can do this, (Y/N)!” You keenly encouraged yourself as you dauntlessly took a deep breath to calm yourself. “It has been months.”
You nodded to yourself as you bravely brought your fist up to knock several times on the wooden door in front of you. Your heart was terribly pounding as you waited for it to open, but you still managed to flash a trembly, because of the wintry weather in London, but still truthful smile.
“(Y/N)?” A familiar voice unconfidently greeted you and your once-so-strong smile quickly faltered. You knew that he would be there and you just accepted the invitation because you thought that perhaps you were ready to see him once again, obviously without being hurt, but your stomach horribly churned at the mere sight of his captivating blue-green irises.
Few months has passed and you haven’t heard any news about him or from him. Well, what would you expect from someone who has already moved on from his past relationship? Nothing, right? At least, you couldn’t expect anything, because he wasn’t yours to hold anymore.
“Thanks.” You mumbled under your shaky breath, almost inaudible but you knew that he still heard you because of the tiny smile that formed on his beautifully freckled face.
He let you enter the warm house and you waited for him to close the door behind you before proceeding on walking further. You then took your coat off, feeling at home, and he rushed to your direction to gather your stuff, treating you as though you were a very special guest in his brother’s house.
It was one of those dinners that Theseus and Leta organised every once in awhile to spend some quality time together with the family and some of their close friends. Of course, being the latter’s best friend, the couple thought that it would be a great idea to invite you every single time, even though you weren’t with Newt anymore, even though you turned them down for months because of the fear of ever seeing your ex-boyfriend again.
In the past, it was one of the moments that you most looked forward to, not only because you had fun having uninhibited conversations with Theseus and Leta, but also because it was the only time you could spend your whole night with Newt. Nothing or no one could ever come between your only free time, not the necessary research for his book about the magical creatures, not the paper works that Theseus assigned you for the day after. Above all, your boyfriend’s older brother was your boss and he understood the situation, but he eventually learnt to not give you the paper works when there was an upcoming dinner in the agenda.
“(Y/N),” Leta’s excited voice echoed through the flat’s thick walls and she completely woke you up from your deep thoughts by tightly wrapping her arms around you. “you finally considered my invitation after months!”
You slightly giggled, rolling your eyes playfully as you hugged her back. “Only because Theseus threatened me this morning!” It wasn’t actually a lie.
“He did?” Newt’s disappointed tone was heard behind you. Was he expecting you to attend the dinner voluntarily even after you two already broke up? Even after the particular moment that happened months ago outside the chaotic and in disarray bar?
You nodded in response as Leta left your body so you could face him. You avoided his gaze, but you talked to him. “Tall piles of paper works are resting on his office table right now.”
“A huge load of work is waiting for us tomorrow, so have fun and seize the night!” Theseus giddily suggested, gesturing for you to follow him in his dining room. “You two are already here so we can start eating.”
“Only Newt and I are the invited ones?” You curiously questioned with tremendously knitted eyebrows as your feet started moving.
It was a cosy dinner with family and friends, that was why you started to ask yourself where Tina was. If she were Newt’s new love interest, why wouldn’t they invite her? Yes, she lived in America, but they could have notified her weeks before to have her over. Theseus knew about her, because Leta surely told him every single detail of the incident that happened during your day off.
“Are you disappointed that I didn’t invite the guy who desperately flirted with you everyday at work?” Theseus lightheartedly teased you, smirking as his eyes flickered between you and his discombobulated looking brother. You felt the heat across your face, being embarrassed at his statement.
“Shut up, Theseus!” You blithely rolled your eyes in response, but then you suddenly froze in your spot when you realised that Newt was in the same room as yours. You explicitly told him that you would wait for him, but then he would just hear that you were letting someone to flirt with you at work. That was rude and unfair, or was it really?
“Theseus!” Leta harshly elbowed her boyfriend to tell him to watch his words, but then you saw Newt moving his feet towards his usual place. He just shrugged it off and it made you think that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t remember anything about that night anymore. He already gave up on you, he already let you go.
Undoubtedly, you knew that he already did once he let you walk away from him that night. He didn’t stop you, he didn’t run after you to embrace you back in his arms either. He never showed any emotions. He never asked you to stay. He didn’t do anything to let you know that he still wanted you. He took your hopes and dreams with him, mostly the ones you built during your long journey together.
“(Y/N), are you okay?” Newt suddenly mumbled while his hand gently gripped on your forearm. You hesitatingly considered his alluring, but dark orbs, albeit you knew that it was a wrong move. His touch and his gaze still sent you some shivers down your spine, you still longed for him.
“Y-yes, I am.” You shyly stuttered, quickly pulling the chair beside him so you could give him a valid excuse to take his hand off of you. You had to stop him in time, because you knew that he didn’t care about you that way anymore and you would just be hurt once again. “I’m sorry!”
“Look,” Theseus started as you roamed your eyes around the table. The couple has prepared lots of delicious food and your stomach was more than buoyant because of it. “I was just kidding earlier. I didn’t meant to offend you or something.”
You let out some soft giggles, completely shaking your thoughts off as you considered his ocean blue eyes. “It’s okay, Thes. It’s not your fault, I am just tired.”
You were relieved when you somehow convinced the couple with the lamest excuse that you could ever come up with. You weren’t tired, not at all! On the contrary, because seeing Newt once again, after several months, suddenly woke your dormant and lifeless soul.
“Then let’s eat so you can go home and rest early.” Newt thoughtfully stated as you both sat down, but quickly gritted his teeth because of the frustration, he definitely wanted to spend more time with you.
When the group started eating, you were more present in their conversation. You listened to their stories and you would even burst into a tumultuous laughter every once in awhile. Sometimes you would find yourself spacing out because of some moments that you still remembered vividly, but Leta always had a way to get your attention back.
“So,” Leta started, elegantly grabbing her glass filled with Champagne. “shall we make a toast for our never ending friendship?”
“Sure.” Theseus cheerfully agreed, raising his glass to initiate the toast. “To our never ending friendship?”
“To our never ending friendship!” You all said in unison while you raised your glasses and clinked them, leaving all your worries behind. You then individually clinked your glasses with Leta and Theseus, but you paused when it was Newt’s turn.
Did he still consider you as his friend? You were once his best friend.
“Cheers?” He smoothly questioned, turning his head to consider your eyes. He was still uncomfortable around you, but he wanted to start conversing with you again. He wanted your connection back.
“Cheers!” You hesitatingly whispered as you anxiously looked into his stunning eyes, clinking your glasses with a warm smile soon after.
Another deafening silence filled the room, but Leta quickly killed it as she came up with another topic. You barely participated at it as Newt’s eyes still burnt on your skin. He was staring at you and, this time, it was his turn to have some deep thoughts.
“Newt, have another glass of Champagne!” Theseus offered right after you finished eating. He carelessly poured an obnoxious quantity of the sparkling white wine in his brother’s glass and Newt’s eyes just grew wide in surprise, but never debated against it, although he has never been a heavy drinker. Of course, that what was you thought.
The brothers bottomed up their drinks and you just looked at them with an astonished glare and a beaming smile.
“(Y/N), let’s go and wash the dishes?” Leta happily asked, sneakily eyeing at the two Scamander brothers as she signalled that you both had to leave them alone.
“Hmm,” You hummed, raising an eyebrow as you became suspicious of her moves. The gorgeous lady shrugged her shoulders while she stood up, wooden chair noisily scraping the floor. “alright.”
Theseus looked at you with a thankful smile and that was when you understood everything: he wanted to exchange some wise words with his younger brother. This was his time to do so. Their relationship was still complicated and it became even more impossible to talk to him when your break up came. Newt never visited your department in the Ministry after that night anymore and it made you think that perhaps he was avoiding you too.
“Be careful and don’t drink too much, you can’t handle alcohol very well.” You gently addressed to the Scamander brothers, but only Theseus and Leta laughed at your observation.
“Says the one who skipped a whole week of work for drinking five shots of firewhisky in just one night.” He naughtily smirked, firing back at you. You cringed by hearing his words, because it made you remember every sear that your throat endured that time.
Theseus was absolutely right, but you didn’t skip work because of the worst hangover that you had the next day and he was aware of that. You skipped work because it took you a long time to accept that the man you once considered as the love of your life was already the love of someone else’s life.
You endlessly cried for days, teardrops messily staining your clothes. You wailed to the point that your eyes were the ones who begged for you to stop, because you barely had any water left in your body. You were hurt and you mewled worse than a newborn child, but what you did the most was to nurse numerous empty bottles in your desolate and deserted room. You would wake up alone in your cold and massive bed and, throughout the day, you drank different types of toxic alcoholic drinks, all because you wanted to forget him. You drank so much that you even wished for your blood to turn into alcohol to never be sober again, but you never succeeded on doing so.
You still loved him and all you wanted was for him to love you back again. For him to give you the love that you once had, but suddenly lost.
“Whatever, Theseus!” You uncomfortably rolled your eyes as you tried to drop the topic behind, masking the pain that still lingered in your splintered heart.
Your boss chuckled, shaking his head as he watched you and Leta clear the table with some wand swishes here and flicks there.
The memories were still fresh in Theseus’ mind though. He was the one who found out that you were ruining yourself. You always assured Leta that you were fine by sending her letters with your owl, but Theseus wasn’t convinced about it. When he saw your almost soulless body that day, he pulled you in close into his arms, understanding your situation, and, instead of scolding your for skipping work, he comforted you: seeing you eye to eye, heart to heart.
When you finished clearing the table, you made your way to the kitchen with your best friend, leaving a perplexed Newt and an empathic Theseus in the dining room alone.
You and Leta had a talk about the brothers while you did some house chores. She also asked you to open up about your feelings for Newt. You didn’t have to lie about your emotions because she perfectly knew, but she could tell that you felt better.
“Leta?” You softly mumble, puppy eyes showing as though you were asking her to do a favour for you. “Why isn’t Tina here?”
She nervously chewed her lower lip as she hesitated to answer you. It took her awhile before she could open her mouth, but when words were about to come out, she was suddenly cut off by her boyfriend.
“Leta and (Y/N), Newt is going home now.” He announced, making you and his lady rush through the dining room.
Newt’s beautiful face was tinged with a crimson red shade and his eyes were tired and glassy, but he managed to flash you a dumbfounded smile. His physical appearance let you know that he had too much to drink. In short, he was boozed.
“Newt,” You scurried towards the man that you once loved, noticing the empty shot glasses in front of him. “I told you to be careful!” Your gaze was filled with fret, being obvious that you still cared for him. You still did. You always would.
“It’s o-okay, m-my house is just a ten minute walk from he-here.” He reminded you with a slur in his voice. He never wanted to just apparate from his brother’s home to his. He has always preferred walking, but that was when you two were still together. “Would you walk with me and give me some love, my dearest and loveliest (Y/N)?”
“Uhm, what?”
“Give me love like never before, because even after all this time, I still feel the same for you.”
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newtts-scamander · 7 years
Just A Friend [Pt. 1]
Imagine: Newt, your boyfriend, comes home from the Ministry one evening. You are both caught up in a heated exchange when you discover something that causes past flames to be relit. 
Author’s Note: I haven’t written in so long and I am so sooooo sorry!! This will hopefully have several parts and yessss, as always, I hope you enjoy x
Prompt: Asked you once, asked your twice now, there’s lipstick on your collar. You say she’s just a friend now, then why don’t we call her?
Word Count: 1516
Upstairs, you laid awake; a piece of parchment gripped in your hand. Your eyes softened as they scanned over the words scrawled in black ink. Inhaling a deep breath, the comforting smell of lavender and burning wood being emitted from the surrounding candles filled your lungs, allowing you to relax further into the soft white sheets. Your grip loosened on the piece of paper, gazing at the loving words Newt had scribbled down. They were similar words to which he had recited to you when he asked you out; reading over them placed you into a trance.
The front door opened abruptly, followed by an outstretched creak which groaned throughout the house, disturbing you from the once tame atmosphere that had settled upon nightfall. Newt, you thought. A wide smile tugged at your mouth. Pushing your way past your bedroom door, you made a B-line towards the staircase. However, once you reached the top of the stairs and looked down, all the lights remained off. How odd, you pondered.
“Hello?” you called.
An eerie silence followed. Louder this time, you repeated your query to the quaint home but only received your own echo in response. Cautiously, you moved down the flight stairs, slowly approaching the flickering light of the kitchen, a single light which barely lit the darkened hallway. Attempting not to disrupt Newt’s unmistakable figure, your eyes flickered through the slightly ajar door.
“Newt?” you questioned curiously, moving to stand at the doors opening. Feverishly, as if he has been caught, he yanked the sleeves of his midnight blue jacket onto the wooden table. Quickly peering over his shoulder, he did a double take, for a split second his face contorting to one of irritation. Even if you did think it was irritation, it was gone before you could acknowledge, more so, even register that it was there in the first place.
“Darling,” he whispered through an intake of breath, a faint smile forming as he took a stride towards you, his arms lengthened, outstretched as his eyes fell over your body in admiration. “You look absolutely breathtaking. I missed you.”
His soothing words put you into a foolishly bashful state, so much so, that you felt as though you were fumbling for words at the bottom of an empty pocket. You knew you looked like a wreck, but his words were appreciated nonetheless. You grinned, your sleepy eyes closing in delight as he embraced you in his strong arms. “I missed you more,” you murmured sheepishly into his chest. A loving kiss was pressed to your hair as you looked up towards him. His eyes glimmered in admiration and a faltering emotion you couldn’t quite make out.
“Why didn’t answer me when I called out before? You scared me,” you whispered.
“Hmm?” Newt answered distractedly, his head shaking in confusion. “Oh, I mustn’t have heard you.”
Rolling your eyes you scoffed, “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m just glad you’re home safe, Scamander.”
Your hand gently hovered over his jaw, your eyes entranced, as you gazed at his handsome features. A sense of longing and passion had replaced the now quiet room, both of your movements and small gestures somehow taking place of the meaningless small talk. A yearning kissed was pressed onto your lips as Newt’s eyes wandered over your face, his eyes consumed in a state of awe.
Needier this time, another fervent kiss was shared between your lips; both differing in smoothness. Newt’s hands had fallen to grasp the small of your waist while your hands moved up towards his neck, your hands falling underneath his collar. Opening your eyes from the small moment of pure bliss, you looked up towards Newt, bringing your hands down to his chest, wanting to pace yourself. However, as your eyes flickered towards your hands, you found yourself frozen in place; unable to move.
You could only seem to ever recall one moment where a colour could evoke such a sickening feeling to arise from your stomach, yet, here you were. Again. Your heart had taken a leap into your throat, a vacant stare occupying your face as you observed the pertinent smear which stained your hand. Red lipstick.
You couldn’t help but recognise a familiar, small, ball, burning bright, deep in the pit of your stomach. A flame you hadn’t felt ignited since your ex-boyfriend had done something shockingly similar.
Words failed you, but this time, it was for all the wrong reasons. Disgust. That was the only emotion that you could bear to feel. You looked up towards Newt, his eyes now feigning worry and clear uneasiness.
“You bastard,” you spat.
Tearing yourself away from his strong arms, you felt overwhelmed; claustrophobic in the small room. Your breathing quickened as you squinted at Newt, who attempted to move towards you, unaware of how you could have ever been so blind to believe his synthetic words.
“What is this?” you hissed, raising your stained hand towards Newt. Your tired eyes watering slightly as the situation sunk in.
Newt’s mouth opened, his finger raised slightly as if ready to raise an argument. Yet, he closed his mouth and lowered his finger as if lost for words. Your anger and adrenaline didn’t seem to last long as your eyes fell to his face, your expression faltering as realisation hit you like a tonne of bricks.
“You were with her, weren’t you?” your voice broke.
A sensation of distaste formed in your mouth as your mind wandered to what Newt could have possibly been doing with another woman prior to having his mouth on yours mere seconds ago. Newt’s silence was more than enough validation to confirm the thoughts which were racing through your mind.
“Why me?”
Newt’s heart broke a little further as his glimmering emerald eyes stared back into yours. The truth was, he couldn’t think of an excuse, but he wouldn’t dare  to tell you that. Your delicate face held two emotions; hurt and betrayal. Both, of which, caused Newt to feel like a monster. Desperately, he attempted to string  together any sentence to justify the stain you had found. 
Come on, he thought. 
He had to say something... anything. He squeezed his eyes closed- regretting it the moment it slipped out from his mouth.
“Tina’s just a friend,” he said with a shrug. Fuck, he cringed.
Your breath was caught in your throat. You couldn’t bear to hear another word, not again. Your chest became tight and your hands, clammy. 
That sentence. Those five words were engraved in your mind. You had heard that phrase before; and Newt knew that all too well. You couldn’t help the tears that fell down your face as you looked at his concerned expression. 
Fucking idiot. He doesn’t understand, you thought.
Bringing your hand up to wipe your reddened cheeks, you attempted to calm the harsh sobs that you so desperately wanted to let out. Newt moved forward, in attempt to wipe the tears falling from your eyes. Taking a step back you watch a frown settle on his face.
“No, I didn’t mean to say that- you, I mean I wouldn’t do that agai-“ he tried, loosening the tie around his neck.
“You wouldn’t?” you whispered, just above a whisper. 
“Like you haven’t done it before?” your voice cracked again. You couldn’t bear to look into his eyes.
“You know what I meant, baby-“
“Don’t call me that,” you quipped.
Making your way past the door, you jogged quickly upstairs. Newt moved quickly to catch up to you. Your bedroom door swung upon as your eyes flickered down to the piece of parchment which was practically taunting you with Newt’s love for you. 
What a joke, you thought.
You stopped, the house falling silent once again as Newt climbed to the top of the staircase.
“I told you; she’s just a friend,” he attempted to reassure. Obviously currently unaware of how the words had affected you.
“Pfft,” you snickered through a sniffle. “You think I’m that dumb?” Rolling your eyes, you grabbed your coat and wand, pushing past Newt’s tall frame.
“No,” he exclaimed, his tone confused. You hurried down the stairs as he questioned, “Where are you going? You can’t leave.”
With more haste, you flicked your wand towards the lock of the front door, muttering to yourself. Moving past the small, dampened garden and the front gate, you turned to see Newt running to the door’s frame.
“If she’s just a friend,” you called. Taking a step further away from Newt and the warmth of your house, you raised your wand, “then why don’t we call her?”
As you disapparated, Newt’s face fell, his features becoming pale and cold. The street light flickered as an eerie silence fell over the icy, haunting street.
Alone, all Newt was left with was the faint smell of your perfume and a stained collar.
If you enjoyed like, reblog and follow. I love you. If you need ever need to talk, ever, message me, please. Leave a request or two if you’d like. Life is a precious and short ole thing.
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confused-robot-cat · 6 years
Every Opinion I Have That Tumblr Hates
Shrek was a fucking good movie and so was Shrek 2
Severus Snape was brave
Game of Thrones is fucking garbage
It’s pretty hypocritical to hate on Ready Player One for being 75 minutes of nothing but references when you like a show that’s basically Gravity Falls with characters named after popular tags on Tumblr
The Fantastic Beasts spin-off is great and Eddie Redmayne plays Newt Scamander flawlessly 
It doesn’t matter that Johnny Depp was cast as Grindlewald, especially given there’s no actual proof he did any of the things he is accused of, what matters is that he looks like a fat ice cream in a suit
Women aren’t automatically innocent just because they’re women
People who blow smoke in their pets faces should be prosecuted for animal abuse - this includes vaping 
TERFs don’t have a single valid opinion
Americans totally would use a shitty term like “no-maj” just accept it Americans are fucking lame
“Lame” isn’t ableist
People who stream video games are almost as boring as the people who watch them
Weed should stay illegal
If recreational weed is legalised, it should be taxed just like alcohol and tobacco
Racism can happen to anyone
The Walking Dead series is awful and zombies as a concept are stupid and overrated
The royal family are scrounging vermin
Part of me honestly thinks it’s beyond time to drop a nuke in the middle east (but the rest of me doesn’t)
It’s possible to have two conflicting opinions and not be any less of a good person
Devout SJWs are just as bad as right-wing extremists 
Religion, of any kind, has no place in school or politics, in any country
Undertale fucking sucks it just does there is nothing special about it shut up
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragonmaid is a good anime and probably the only good lesbian anime
Culture is for sharing, mixing, and matching - the only time to be mad about cultural appropriation is when there’s a Euro-American or African-American hopping around in a Native American headdress making tribal noises
In other words, literally the only people who can be considered appropriators of culture are Americans and the rest of us are off the hook
There should be no boarders - we should be a united planet - and all cultures should be free to share and mingle
People who say they wanna fuck monsters but who hate on furries are the new “anthro artists” - closeted, self-hating furries - which is worse than being a furry
The 3DS should live alongside the Switch
Overwatch fucking sucks it just does there is nothing special about it shut up
Fanfics are kinda sad
Fairy Tail is better than Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, and Dragonball
WWE wrestling, which I hate, is better than Dragonball - they’re both charged with the same awkward homoerotic-but-obtusely-straight energy that makes me feel like throwing up
I took a shit this morning that was better than Dragonball 
There’s nothing wrong with straight people but there’s a lot wrong with normal people but the absolute worst people are normal people who think they’re quirky or different when they’re not 
“It’s okay to be depressed you’re valid and I love you and everything will get better I promise :)” posts are fucking gross
Deforestation and climate change are much bigger problems than whether or not you should have the right to bleed from your twat all over a bus seat 
You do not have the right to bleed from your twat all over a bus seat
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