#Tina goldstein mentioned
freedomforthewin · 1 year
Theseus and the Donkey Prank
*Newt stares at Tina.*
Newt: Theseus is a donkey?
Tina: *matter of factly* He has the ears of a donkey. And the voice. He's...braying.
*Newt tries to hide his amusement.*
Newt: He's...braying?
Tina: Yes.
*Newt tries to keep a straight face, but after a few seconds, he bursts out laughing.*
Tina: *trying to suppress a smile* It's not funny, Newt.
Newt: *attempting to compose himself* No. No, this is serious. Theseus has the ears of a donkey...and he's braying...
*Newt erupts in laughter.*
Tina: *amusedly* The poor man. He looked so pitiful.
*Newt chuckles for a bit.*
Newt: *composing himself* We should get him to McGonagall. She'll probably know how to fix this.
Tina: Who's McGonagall?
Newt: She's the Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts.
Tina: Ah. Then, yes. That sounds good.
Tina: Wait, if we take him to her, other people that will be around will see him like this. I don't think he's going to agree to that.
Newt: *thinking* I'll have him go into my case and take my case with me. When we're alone with her, then I'll open it and he can come out.
Tina: Great.
*They head to the ministry and walk to Theseus's office.*
Newt: *grinning* You know, Travers, Theseus's superior, is an even bigger donkey than Theseus is. Yet, he's the one who turned Theseus into an actual donkey.
Tina: *chuckling* Well, technically it wasn't actually Travers that did this. It was that poltergeist from your school that caused an explosion and took over Travers's body while everyone else was distracted.
Newt: Haha, yes. But, still!
Tina: *agreeing* Still.
*Newt shakes his head and sighs.*
Newt: Peeves always did love playing pranks. I've never known of him to possess people to play pranks though.
Tina: First time for everything!
Newt: Yeah.
*After a few moments, Newt speaks again.*
Newt: Albus is going to love this. Well, him and McGonagall. But, Albus especially, considering Peeves took over Travers after Travers placed Admonitors on Albus.
Tina: *laughing* Albus got his payback: Peeves is in Travers's body and causing mayhem.
*Newt laughs with her.*
*Just then, Newt and Tina arrive at Theseus's office. They come into the room and find Theseus in the same spot Tina had found him earlier: on the floor and hidden behind his desk.*
*Newt tries not to smile, but fails miserably. Theseus glares at him which makes him burst out laughing. An annoyed expression replaces the glare on Theseus's face, and he looks off to the side. Newt sighs and shakes his head at his brother, Newt's smile a mix of sympathy and amusement.*
*Newt then explains the plan to Theseus, who begrudgingly brays his agreement to it.*
*Newt opens his case and looks at Theseus, waiting.*
*Theseus stays where he is for a few moments. Then, he tries to stand, but his legs immediately give out. He lands on the floor. Everyone looks confused, including him. Then, Theseus begins to realize how he was going to have to move. He makes a whining sound. Then, he slowly gets on all fours and makes his way over, his head held low, his face turning red from embarrassment.*
*When the older brother gets to the case, he stops, raises his head to look at Newt, and then lowers it and looks back down at the opened case. Theseus begins to whimper.*
Newt: *soothingly* It's alright.
*Newt, knowing how much Theseus likes physical affection, begins to pet one of Theseus's donkey ears.*
Newt: It's alright.
*Theseus closes his eyes. He leans his head against Newt's hand, letting himself feel the physical affection. After a few moments, a hint of a smile begins to etch its way across Theseus's face as Newt pets Theseus's donkey ear. Cooing sounds come from Theseus's throat. Newt smiles at him.*
*When Theseus looks a little better, Newt helps Theseus get into the case, and then Newt closes the case.*
Newt: *to Tina* Alright, let's go.
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 1 year
Fuck JK Rowling but it makes me so angry to think we could have had a complete Fantastic Beasts series with an autistic lead who isn’t a total stereotype, who is loveable, who has a love interest instead of just being infantilised…and instead we’re getting a seven season Harry Potter reboot/remake that no one asked for or wanted on HBO Max.
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When I was going through the process of my autism diagnosis, feeling anxious and worried about what being diagnosed would mean, knowing that Newt Scamander - a character who is adored by so many in a major franchise - was being played as autistic helped me tremendously. I saw much of myself in Newt, and it made me feel seen that an autistic person like myself could be the hero, that Newt wasn’t a joke or stereotype. It was so important to me coming to terms with my diagnosis that a character I loved was like me and not limited by being autistic.
I’ve mentioned this before but on the opening day of Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore in the UK, there was a boy on the row in front of me. When Newt came onscreen, he started bouncing and flapping his hands excitedly - like me, he was autistic and saw himself represented on the big screen.
“But Luna Lovegood” - you know what, controversial but fuck your “but Luna Lovegood”. Her actress sided with the TERF, and Luna is NOT confirmed to be autistic, it’s just a popular fan headcanon. Meanwhile Newt Scamander has been confirmed by Eddie Redmayne (not JKR, fuck her) to be on the spectrum. I’m not saying she definitely isn’t because I can definitely see it, and it’s wonderful autistic people can relate, but I’m talking about a character who is intentionally written and portrayed as autistic instead of just fan headcanons.
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What does having a love interest have to do with this? Believe it or not, this isn’t me just being a shipper: too often are autistic people infantilised, as if we can’t love other people or that people are incapable of loving us. But - as anyone following me most likely knows - Newt Scamander has a love interest, Porpentina “Tina” Goldstein, who he’s canonically married to in the future. They even have a grandson who is called Rolf and marries the aforementioned Luna.
In the three films, we only got a few scenes (and then JK Rowling cut Tina out because Katherine Waterston called her out on multiple occasions for being a transphobe) of Newtina but what we got showed that not only is Newt capable of forming a romantic attachment but also Tina clearly loves Newt as he is, quirks and all. She understood his odd compliment of “salamander eyes” because she knows his special interest is magical creatures and it’s his way of saying he adores her eyes. She read his book and genuinely made an effort to learn because she knew magical creatures were important to him, and we saw her grow from thinking he was writing an “extermination guide” to giving him the name for his book, “Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them”. My girl Tina LOVES Newt for who he is and always has, and that’s beautiful.
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Seeing an autistic person not only fall in love - he spends the whole of the 2nd and 3rd films lamenting on how beautiful she is, talking about her and with her picture in his pocket/suitcase - but also being loved for who they are is something so rarely seen and is so important.
I’ll be the first to hold my hands up and say that the second and third Fantastic Beasts movies weren’t the greatest, by the way. I will agree to that. The first one seems like a damn masterpiece in comparison, even with its problems, but I’m still angry.
The fact that JK Rowling’s bigotry has contributed to losing this rare example of autistic representation in a major mainstream franchise is something no one talks about when discussing her actions, and it hurts that no one seems to care about canon autistic representation.
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 2 months
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Welcome to the Murder Husband and Murder Family language of flowers fanfic collection, Words Are Not The Only Way, REBOOT.
This collection will be posted on AO3 and feature stories with the theme of the language flowers.
Rules and list of flowers below cut!
Click the LINK to enjoy the works of the participants!
The rules are simple: Claim a flower from the list posted below, and write a story featuring the flower and its meaning. It can be a Will/Hannibal, Will & Hannibal, Will & Abigail, Hannibal & Abigail, or Will & Hannibal & Abigail.
What is NOT allowed is Abigail paired with Will or Hannibal, or smut. Sexual content is allowed, so long as it is non-graphic, cut to black, or implied. No Explicit fics are allowed, unless it's for canon-typical violence.
AUs are allowed, including omega verse and mpreg.
Original child characters may be mentioned, so long as they are not the main focus of the story.
Past pairings are allowed. Will/Molly and Will/Margot and Hannibal/Bedelia and Hannibal/Alana are allowed as well in various capacities, but otherwise, Murder Husbands. No thruples or anything, please. No crossovers or anything within the HEU. Keep it Hannibal.
Stories may be any length you wish.
Post at any time. The collection will remain open for you.
Flowers are claimed on a first come, first served basis. Please put your claim in the notes below. I will make a list of who has claimed which and attach it. If more people would like to participate, I will add more flowers. Many flowers have many different meanings, so you may pick one meaning among the others, or choose to incorporate them all. That is up to you.
Rosemary- Remembrance- Claimed by @tina-mairin-goldstein
Zinnia- I mourn your absence, friendship, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness, lasting affection
Snowdrop- Hope
Lilac- First emotions of love, happiness, tranquility
Hyacinth- Forgiveness and sorrow (purple), desire (general)
Eglantine Rose- Pleasure and pain
Butterfly Weed- Let me go
Cyclamen- Resignation, diffidence, goodbye
Lavender- Distrust, serenity
Marigold- Grief, jealousy- Claimed by @bliss-is-in-blood
Peony- Bashfulness, happy life, shame
Salvia- I think of you (blue), forever mine (red)
Bittersweet- Truth
Hellebore- Anxiety
White Rosebud- Girlhood
Petunia- Anger, resentment, your presence soothes me
Amaryllis- Pride
Forsythia- Anticipation- Claimed by @k1ngl30n
Lady's Mantle- Comfort, I am here for you
Willow- Sorrow
Honeysuckle- True happiness, good fortune, sweetness toward one another
The flowers themselves can appear in many different forms, too! In the garden, bouquets, out in the wild, spotted at the florist, made into a tea, in a drawing, as a scent; anything you like! If it's in tea or food, make sure it isn't poisonous, unless your goal is death or sickness. Have fun!
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meatmensch · 7 months
Music I think Roy Kent likes and why
Madonna. In season 3, episode 3, Roy said, "[Pre-Madonna] means before Madonna, female vocalists didn't have to work that hard." This implies a great respect for Madonna and her craft. Also, it's an example of a very specific kind of queer guy misogyny that I find very humorous and implicative (of him being queer).
The Sex Pistols (and other punk rock). Two of their songs are in the Ted Lasso soundtrack. One of them specifically plays when Roy is about to do some pundit work for the first time. I think it's meant to be his hype up music. They're also, of course, anti-fascist and anti-monarchy, which I think Roy would vibe with. He's giving punk.
The music of the Muppets. Canonically (not that I necessarily consider this kind of thing canon, lol) a Muppets fan, I think he'd love the soundtracks to the movies, as well as the numbers they do on the original show.
Rap; Salt-n-Pepa, Queen Latifah, and Beyoncé. I just think he would like them. In season 1, episode 6, Keeley mentions that he has rapped, implying at least some interest in the genre.
Leonard Cohen. I think Roy's Jewish, and he's a broody, sensual bitch. It adds up perfectly. Sidenote: while "She's a Rainbow" by the Rolling Stones was a great choice for the song he runs home to football to, I think Cohen's "Ain't No Cure for Love" would've fucking slayyyed..."I loved you for a long, long time / I know this love is real / It don't matter how it all went wrong / That don't change the way I feel / And I can't believe that time is gonna heal / This wound that I'm speaking of" "I've got you like a habit / And I'll never get enough" "I don't need to be forgiven / For loving you so much"
Klezmer. Again, if Roy is Jewish, and we know he loves and misses his grandad...it's simple. He HAS a record player and a dope sound system, and on his shelves there ARE old klezmer records that he remembers dancing around to with his grandad in their old flat.
Amy Winehouse. Again, if Roy is Jewish, and we know he is broody and bitchy, it is a given. "Rehab" is his anthem when his knee gets bad and he is reluctant to treat it.
Disco; Donna Summer and Jessie Ware. It's just great workout music, and it slays, and if he's queer, well, yes, of course he likes disco.
Pop rock; Elton John and Queen. If he's queer...it's a given. I think he particularly likes "I Think I'm Going to Kill Myself" and "Rocket Man", as he is suicidal (I can't find the interview where Goldstein said this) (it's just Word of God anyway), and the most rocket man motherfucker ever.
The music of the people he loves; Led Zeppelin, Cream, Tina Turner, and Stevie Nicks. Phoebe, Keeley, and Jamie like these musicians. He's a caring uncle, boyfriend, and friend. He is listening and learning. Also, I think Phoebe would be into some weird stuff, like outsider music - maybe some Tiny Tim. I think Roy would also enjoy the music of other friends, from plenty of other genres.
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afrenchaugurey · 9 months
@inastarlesssky so, I tried to make you a little something about the "Twin theory". I didn't dig Internet (esp. Tumblr), I know there are things here, and other reasons for that theory than the ones I'll post here today. These ones are from a chat I had with a friend, I'm so sorry, I'm too tired to make something better.
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As I said, I do believe in the "twins theory" in which Tina and Credence are twins, mostly because that would explaine the very deep connection she feels for him, and why she puts her job in jeopardy to help him. More than once.
Don't get me wrong. Tina has a very strong moral compass, but she's also a "rule sticker". I do believe she would help any person in difficulty (especially children, or "outcasts") but I'm not sure she would do THAT MUCH.
She broke the Statute of Secrecy for him, while she didn't for Queenie (Jacob is obliviated, and when he remembers she doesn't approve, even if he makes her sister happy). She OC didn't thought about it when she protected him, but... She did it anyway.
Same, she has been reinstated but she does it again in Paris. Whether it was an official mission or not is unclear (posters said "auror on foreign mission" but ITW said she went rogue to go to Paris), but what is certain is that she doesn't follow the order (again) about Credence.
(I also believe that one of the reasons for Queenie to join grindelwald in COG is to protect Credence)
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Then, we have the predictions that I read like that:
A son cruelly banished (Credence)
Despair of the daughter (Queenie)
Return, great avenger
With wings from the water (Tina)
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Tina has indeed a strong connection to birds : her house in Ilvermorny (Thunderbird), the MACUSA Phoenix, the owls her grand father used to breed when they were children, all the birds iconography we can see in the Goldstein appartment in FBAWTFT.
If Tina and Credence are twins, we could add the phoenix linked to the Dumbledore family (and I also have a theory about a lineage from Isolt Sayre, which would link her to crows too)
(Just to mention but the thunderbird is usually considered to be an equivalent for the phoenix -but not in FBAWTFT book)
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To return to the prediction, Tina is also linked to lot of water symbolism, to begin with Fire in Dark Water.
(and the name Aberforth means "from the river" in gaelic)
In that theory, Tina's given name could be Aster (Esther) and follow the Dumbledores' "A rule".
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And, of course, physically she is closer to Credence and Aberforth than she is to Queenie.
Same for her wand that looks like more Credence's or Aberforth than Queenie's.
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I also believe that in the death pool the "black wave" wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to be a "peaceful death" but something went wrong and that wave represents something that haunts Tina, and that could be Credence's obscurus.
I know, it's one that isn't popular anymore, but I still like it.
>>> I do really think Tina is somewhat "dragged" to Credence, which makes me believe in that theory.
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4theseus-s · 1 year
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summary. the scamanders have their first dinner together in years, but theseus finds himself drifting further than ever. ships. theseus + newt, theseus x leta ( past ), newt x tina ( minor ) characters. theseus s., newt s., tina g., scamander parents word count. 2.3k setting. after crimes of grindelwald genre. hurt/comfort, grief, angst warning. mention of death + not beta-read
Two solid knocks on the door could only indicate the presence of Newton Scamander. Theseus stood up from the couch and made his way over. His face instantly lights up at the sight of his little brother and his fiancée, MACUSA Head Auror Porpentina Goldstein. He wraps his arms around Newt and holds him a little, and an unspoken “I missed you” makes Newt reciprocate.
Theseus senses the hesitation in his actions, and as much as he wants to hold him tighter, he’s in his 40s. So he lets him go and shifts his gaze to Tina. They both simultaneously take their hand out and share a silent handshake. It’s been a while since Theseus has met Tina - they’ve only ever communicated directly to each other through owls from work. But as Theseus welcomes them into the Scamander household, he recalls the short but very Newt-like letters about Tina. It’s endearing, he thinks to himself as he tells them to settle themselves; he’s grown up so well.
It’s already the 1930s, yet the supposedly golden boy and the War Hero between the two is the alone one here.
Theseus bitterly chuckles to himself. He’s so, so alone.
He hears his mother calling that dinner’s ready from the floor below. He makes his way down to see his father, Newt and Tina seated on one side of the rectangular table. Dishes flew and were placed on the table as Theseus made his way to a seat on the other side. Both his father and Tina were having a heartfelt conversation as Newt sat in the middle, clearly out of place but compensated by observing Tina with doe eyes. Theseus finds his eyes bouncing between the crazy amount of food on the table and Newt - it’s almost comical how fast the nights change.
Just a few years ago, Newt wouldn’t be attending such dinners, leaving the entire family (especially their mother) in a somewhat sour mood. He would forget to reply to his and their mother’s letters, and Theseus often found the responses arriving several months later on his desk. And he would definitely not be making such prolonged eye contact with anyone, especially not a female and an Auror. The thought of Newt choosing an American Auror over him, particularly after the many quarrels between him and Newt about the profession, leaves Theseus feeling a pinch of unnecessary bitterness.
No, not now, he reminds himself; this isn’t about you; it’s about Newt for once. Stop being so selfish.
But Theseus recalls the time that Newt said he wasn’t a good brother at all. It was childish, and both were saying things they didn’t mean. But both brothers knew he had crossed the line - they may have far too many disagreements with their affiliations, but their relationships were always something they never touched. He apologised and said he didn’t mean it like he always does. Yet Theseus could still feel the sting decades later.
For once, he’s the one that can’t make eye contact with his brother.
The dinner was fine until Mr Scamander mentioned how Theseus was still companionless.
“Theseus,” his father started, and Theseus lifted his head from his food in surprise at his name being mentioned for the first time that night. A sigh left the oldest Scamander’s lips, “We can’t have our older Scamander walking around single, can we? You’re already in your 40’s, for Merlin’s sake.” Theseus, as always, stiffly but casually dismisses his father. “I just haven’t found the right one yet.”
“Oh, but Thee, even Newt is engaged,” his mother dramatically huffs, clearly wanting to see her children get wed. Theseus looked in Newt’s direction, and Newt responded with an awkward smile. Theseus could only wave his hand in disregard: “Newt’s grown up a lot, mum. Unfortunately, he surpassed me when it comes to finding a lifetime lover.”
“But with this job,” Theseus continued, “I have to stay at the Ministry too much. Plus, I think the Ministry’s trying to push the Head of Magical Law Enforcement title on me since Mr Travers is…well, not known for his competent personality. And you know that’s far more than just being the Head of the Auror Department, especially at a time like this.”
His mother only looked disapproved. “Newt travels so much; we don’t even know his location most of the time!” She stops to turn to Newt, whose ears turn a soft shade of pink. “Yet he’s engaged to an American Auror. What are you waiting for: an American magizoologist?” It’s Theseus’ turn to be embarrassed as he groans under his breath at the comparison. Does he look like he wants to interact with more dragons and kelpies?!
“But what about Leta?” Tina speaks up in the conversation for the first time, and Theseus can only weakly glare at her, which takes her aback. Both the Scamander parents have intense dazes on Theseus, and Newt’s eyes are only screaming apologises to him. Not that it means anything anymore. “You were dating Leta?!” his mother practically yelled, “I hope it wasn’t the Lestrange.” There was no disgust in her voice, but the disappointment was thicker than Traver’s stack of untouched paperwork on his desk. And that’s saying something.
“What was between Leta and I is none of your business.” Theseus’ words come out harsher than he intended, but he wasn’t planning on having this conversation right now. At this point, he wasn’t sure if it was directed at his parents or Tina.
“You were snogging over the Lestrange. For one, you didn’t tell us. But secondly, we thought you were better than that, Theseus Scamander.” The strictness in his father’s voice makes him internally wince a little. “What’s wrong with Leta?” Theseus asks though it’s more of a threat if anything. His father stands up abruptly, causing Theseus, Newt and Tina to flinch.
“You know exactly what’s wrong with dating Leta,” his father reprimanded, “She was your brother’s first. That’s highly inappropriate of you, Theseus.” Theseus breaks away from his father’s eye contact to briefly scan over Newt. He could tell he was feeling guilty, but now wasn’t the place where Theseus could comfort him. He returned his focus to his father. “Am I not allowed to love who I want to love? What happened to ‘finding the right one’? What if Leta was the right one? What were you going to do about that?”
This time, it was his mother who spoke up. “Then you shouldn’t have tried to get her in the first place. You should have known who was off-limits. We thought you knew better.” Theseus could feel his blood starting to boil, but he tried to remain calm and keep a straight face as his mother continued to ramble. “You betrayed the Ministry’s trust to fight in a Muggle war, and came back a hero. Only to go after the Lestrange?! You had the morals to protect even the non-wizards, yet you didn’t have the morals to go after your brother’s ex?”
“You don’t know what happened between me and Leta, Mum!” Theseus defensively resorted. He could feel himself losing his temper with every new word. Activate ‘Head Auror’ mode, he tells himself. A switch he couldn’t reach right now because this was far too personal. “We don’t, but we don’t need to know what happened to know that it was highly improper of you!” his father states, his voice significantly raised by the end. 
“Is that what you expected from me? To be the perfect son? Free from any mistakes?”
“No,” his father calmly but steadily answers, “We just wanted you to be a good example to your brother.”
“What about my happiness, dad? As long as Newt looked up to me and I did well in school, everything would be fine? Am I not allowed to fall in love?” “Oh it’s not like that, Theseus…” his mother’s voice was now softer, almost forgiving. “But you should know what you shouldn’t do. You’re the follower of rules here, Theseus.”
“There are no rules when it comes to love, mum! Weren’t you the one that told us that? Surely you aren’t backing out on your own preaches?” Theseus almost hates how mockingly the last part came out, but a voice in his head tells him it’s the right move. “I even got bloody engaged with her. But you wouldn’t know that because I knew you would all react like this!”
“Thee…” Newt’s soft-spoken voice speaks for the first time. “You didn’t tell them about the wedding?”
“Theseus Scamander.” Their father’s voice goes dangerously low, and Theseus can see how Newt instantly regrets his words. “There was a wedding, and you didn’t tell us about it?!”
“Well, it never happened, and it will never bloody will! Because she’s dead! She’s dead!” Theseus loses his temper as he finally shouts out. “Theseus, we thought you knew better than to hide secrets from us. Even Newt doesn’t do that anymore,” his mother tries to calm him down, to no effect. “Shut up! Shut up!” He suddenly stands up and storms off upstairs. The table shares hesitant glances at one another as the echo of a door slamming shut bounces off the walls of the Scamander household.
Theseus clenches his wand in his hand as he summons his briefcase. He wasn’t planning on pulling a Newt today - let alone talk about the unsaid relationship - but he couldn’t stay within these walls anymore.
Is this what Newt felt? He asks himself. Did Newt feel like the air had become suffocated and the walls had begun to close in too much?
Before all his items have been stored in his briefcase, he hears a knock at the door - two solid knocks. A second ahead of Theseus, he hears Newt’s voice say, “Alohomora,” and the door creaks open. He resists the urge to frown and lets out a heavy sigh as Newt’s figure appears. In Newt’s fashion, he stays still, not trying to close the gap between the brothers. Instead, he watches the items float into his brother’s briefcase, and it locks itself up afterwards. Theseus lets out another sigh, not wanting to let his emotions bubble over again but also knowing that he was going to have to be the one to speak up.
“Newt, are you alright?” “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you?” Theseus smiles a little, knowing that Newt is doing his best to be concerned. “I’m alright, Newt. But I’ll get going - I don’t think I’m welcome here for this dinner.” He feels Newt slowly approaching like Theseus is a demiguise that needs to be caught. Newt stops an arm’s distance away and continues to avoid eye contact. “Thee, you know me and Leta...” “Were never together,” Theseus finished Newt with a sign, “I know, I know. And by the way, tell Tina that it’s not her fault that our parents and I fought. She didn’t know. If anything, it’s mine.” Newt slightly nods and returns to the awkward Newt posture he’s always in.
Theseus picks up his suitcase and approaches Newt. He pats his shoulder before telling him, “I’ll be off now, Newt. Please tell dad and mum that we can talk about this…sometime in the future.”
“Wait,” Newt calls nearly noiselessly, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I will be, Newt. Don’t worry about me, I’ll have it under control. You should go back down and continue eating dinner alongside Tina. Surely she’s feeling a little out-of-place there without you.” Theseus grins for the first time that night as Newt’s face turns pink from embarrassment. The older brother almost disapparates before he remembers. “Oh right, come ‘ere, Newt.” He throws his arms around Newt and holds him tighter than usual.
“Thank you for being the better son now,” Theseus whispers. He can see that Newt’s about to speak up when they break it up, but he disapparates before he can hear what he says.
Instead of apparating back home in the middle of London, he finds himself in his office at the Ministry. He tiredly makes his way to his chair and stares at the paperwork below him. They were still trying to catch Grindelwald’s tail - not easy when his goal to conquer the world means he’ll be in places far beyond Europe. But his mind wasn’t on Grindelwald’s capture right now, as much as it should be. Theseus turns his head to look at the shelf against the furthermost wall of his office. He stands up and approaches a moving picture of the Scamander family.
Newt was only two at the time, and he was ten. The family looked happily at one another as Newt was slightly wobbling while trying to walk away. His father was ruffling his hair as his mother eventually picked Newt up and kissed him on the nose.
But now, he’s the outcast of the family, a supposed backstabber to his parents’ trust. And he knew he wasn’t going to get it back as long as the relationship remained a sour subject to them and Leta’s death remained a sour subject to him.
You’re so, so selfish - the voice finally speaks up after the conversation - and so, so alone.
(Theseus swears he didn’t stay in the office all night, crying himself to sleep on his desk for the first time in a long time. Theseus swears he didn’t just stay because the house suddenly felt too big again, too big for just one person after Leta’s gone. Theseus swears he’s not resentful against anyone and that he didn’t cast the locking charm and the anti-alohomora charm on his door in fear that someone would see him in this state.
Theseus swears that he’s moved on from Leta’s death.)
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
(I know you already got this, but I felt obligated to make you list even more goodness for me to seek out)
Thank you! Third round, let's see what I got left! The first time having so many works actually works in my favor. 😂
Tesla's Moving Castle - It's not done, but I really enjoy writing it. It was a well-intentioned gift for my sometimes-beta, tina-mairin-goldstein, but it turns out Teslen was not the way I should have gone for a gift for her.
Helen works in her father's clinic for abnormals in the English countryside, training to be a doctor. After her father disappears and the queen of the vampires targets her, Helen leaves home to protect her remaining loved ones. The castle that travels the moors and fields seems like a good place to take refuge and she soon meets the mysterious inventor that calls it home. (Sanctuary and Howl's Moving Castle fusion, Helen/Nikola)
And (How) Many More - aka the angsty Helen birthday fic.
On her birthday, sixty-five years after returning to the past, Helen faces some hard emotions. (Sanctuary)
You Said You'd Never Leave - aka lumping more whump on Helen for Whumptober. It stands as a semi-sequel to 'Written in Your Eyes'. (All my Whumptober entries were whumping Helen)
After Ashley, James receives his funeral and Helen can finally mourn. (Sanctuary, Helen & James)
Seas and Scales - written on the request of the lovely @lanistas when I first joined tumblr, the pirate/mermaid AU!
John Druitt is a well known pirate with a little known secret. (Sanctuary, Helen/John)
Hooded - the fairytale AU for @zeldamacgregor ! I had a lot of fun with this one and I want to write a sequel some day.
Sam Carter has a stalker. Jack O'Neill notices. (Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack <- I mean, kinda. It's hard to explain)
I mentioned it on another list, but I think you might also enjoy 'Akhkharu', if I do say so myself. :)
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writerseclipse1 · 10 months
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: ̗̀➛ character list
the last of us
ellie williams, abby anderson, dina woodward, joel miller, tommy miller, maria miller, tess servopoulos, jesse
formula 1
lewis hamilton, max verstappen, lando norris, pierre gasly, charles leclerc, and others if requested
harry potter
lighting era - harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, draco malfoy, cedric diggory
the marauders - james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, marlene mckinnon, lily evans
fantastic beasts - newt scamander, theseus scamander, tina goldstein
hogwarts legacy - sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, poppy sweeting, imelda reyes, garreth weasley, amit thakkar
peter parker, bucky barnes, doctor strange, shuri, loki laufeyson, pietro maximoff (x-men & marvel), matt murdock, charles xavier, erik lehnsherr, druig, ikaris, sprite, kingo
star wars
luke skywalker, anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, han solo, din djarin (the mandalorian), kylo ren, poe dameron
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→ note: i will not write for some of the characters mentioned unless specifically requested so don't be afraid to request!
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ao3feed-grammander · 1 year
blood on her knees (bloody history)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rCMBncv
by Glitched_Springtime
someone challenges newt and yuki to a fight- no wands, just fists- as tina, queenie and graves watch. graves falls in love a little bit more and newt knows how proud theseus would be of him. this leads to queenie confronting graves about his crushes and him not being able to dispel her knowledge.
Words: 1041, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of blood on his hands (and a smile on my face)
Fandoms: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Original Percival Graves, Newt Scamander, Original Female Character(s), Mentioned Theseus Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Yuki Hayashi (OC)
Relationships: Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander, Newt Scamander/Original Female Character(s), Original Percival Graves/Original Female Character(s), Newt Scamander/Original Female Character(s)/Original Percival Graves, (mentioned) - Relationship
Additional Tags: Implied Relationships, BAMF Newt Scamander, Fist Fights, Original Shapeshifting Character - Freeform, newt loses his temper, Smitten Original Percival Graves, Auror Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein Knows All, Hurt/Comfort, Nosebleed, yuki loses her temper too, She/Her and They/Them Pronouns for Queenie Goldstein, Blood and Injury, Violence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, POV Third Person, they all share a house, and its chaotic, Swearing, sorta crack, like its cracky near the end but also not ig, Legilimency (Harry Potter), Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Proofread by Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rCMBncv
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fouralignments · 4 years
Why is Single is an Option for Newt
I am approaching from a aroflux asexual perspective. I have a hard time really knowing what romances is. Romance is a this amorphous thing to me that I don’t really understand and have a difficulty identifying it in real life and in movies. 
I have to admit that...NewTina doesn’t do anything for me. When I first watched the First Fantastic Beasts movie, I didn’t really ship Newt Scamander with anyone and I thought Newt would be better off single than with a partner. I saw Tina by the end of the movie, an acquaintance at most; with the start of a friendship at least, that would take time to develop. 
It wasn’t until Crimes of Grindelwald that I really started to ship Newt with many characters for example: Grindelnewt (Grindelwald/Newt), Gramander (Graves/Newt), Scamandore (Dumbledore/Newt), New Hallows (Grindelwald/Dumbledore/Newt), Newleta (Newt/Leta). Really, got into the Fantastic Beasts fandom. But, that’s mostly thanks to the creative works of @silverynight, @mischiefs-hawk, @kuro-gossips, @vindsie, @grimalkinmessor that I even got into theses pairings in the first place. 
Even after Crimes of Grindelwald, Newtina still didn’t do anything for me. During my first viewing of the movie, I was encapsulated by story and the plot of the movie; I didn’t mind the romantic subplot. Then, in my second viewing, NewTina felt out of place and awkwardly placed; and escalated way too quickly into full on romance. After awhile and self-reflection, I came to realize just how toxic NewTina is in this movie: but, that’s a discussion for another time. I thought, it would be better for Tina Goldstein, as a character, not to be in a romantic subplot with Newt Scamander in the second movie, instead having a subplot involving her sister, Queenie; I thought that it would be the logical progression of her story. There are hints in the first Fantastic beast movie that Tina and Queenie don’t have the best relationship as sisters. Queenie could have called Tina out for not supporting her and Jacob relationship (though, I disagree with her drugging him wholeheartedly; I condone that behavior), even though Tina does support marriage between wizards and no-majs, however Queenie points out that she works for an institution that forbids it and Tina isn’t advocating for the end of Rappaport's Law. In addition, Queenie did support her sister’s dream of being an auror and her pursuit of it and, yet Tina doesn’t return the favor for her, in regards to her dream of marrying Jacob; notwithstanding, that Tina doesn’t really see the injustice of her sister not being able to marry and only really concerned about Credence; Tina kinda of has a one track mind. 
But, that’s what I would’ve done. 
Now, those feelings have resurfaced in theses past several days about Newt being single. Being single is valid, even though in the culture that I live in does pressure many into believing that being in a relationship is the key to happiness. 
I see Newt Scamander as a combination between John Muir, Jane Goodall, and Steve Irwin; and most likely  is the Wizarding world first conservationist, environmentalist, and magical beasts rights activist. Truly, I don’t see him as a person who needs a partner to be happy and not because he is socially awkward. Newt is perfectly content just being with his beasts: caring for them, nursing them back to health, and rescuing them from traffickers. He could spend hours in his basement or suitcase just taking care of them. Not to say he doesn’t appreciate human contact; he just has a group of close friends and family for that; one doesn’t need a romantic partner for that. The dude is already married; that is to his work and being a mum to his children. 
Even if he did have a partner, things would be very difficult because Newt would take eight-months to a year in a field for research for new editions to his book; have odd sleeping schedule, mostly due to taking care of his creatures; going to charity balls and galas for fantastic beasts sanctuary; advocating and organizing magical beasts activists; most likely doesn’t take care of himself  i.e. forgets to eat, shower, and shave; when he does go to bed, the man is exhausted. That being said, I think being in a relationship with Newt would be a challenge, if that character wasn’t in the same field of Newt or not independent and self-resilient enough to not see Newt for months on end: but that would be difficult for anyone. 
I am not saying Newt can’t be shipped with anyone, please don’t misconstrued me; but, I believe Newt being single is valid and as a character he doesn’t need a partner.
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Yep I also just saw fb3 and I 1000% am on board with Aberforth and Bunty. They seem to just work, even with the small scenes provided. How has no one (that I’ve seen) written a fic yet? Regardless I’d love to know what other potential headcanons you and others have!
Ok I’ll give a few of my HCs for Buntyforth which might also serve as fic prompts 😂:
Bunty’s favorite nickname for Aberforth is “Abe” (obviously)
It took Newt a while to realize that Bunty was starting to fall for Aberforth. He started to notice that every time he sent her on a supply run, she didn’t come back as fast as she did in the past. He would ask her what kept her sometimes and at first she would slightly dismiss the question by saying she got distracted. Then, her excuses turned into her mentioning she was talking to Aberforth and she was sorry she lost track of time. Newt still didn’t think twice about it.
Newt got smacked in the face with the realization after Bunty started to make a habit of getting distracted while making converstion about what her and Aberforth talked about. Newt was use to Bunty talking about random things at work, usually he just tuned her out, but then she started to get overwhelmed with her iterations of the comments Aberforth made. She would mention a joke he said or something one of his customers said and next thing she knew, the animal she was feeding was sizing up to eat her without her notice. Newt told Tina about the constant mishaps at work and she just started giggling at his obliviousness. She told him eventually (when she got off the floor from laughing so hard).
Aberforth loves playing with Bunty’s hands. Just grabbing them, kissing them, and lightly touching her fingers randomly. Bunty is caught off guard everytime and always blushes.
Bunty, on the other hand, loves his face. She’ll just study his face while he works. He doesn’t talk much, so he’s made up for it with his facial expressions. Sometimes she’ll randomly grab his cheek gently and he’ll instinctively lean down so that she can kiss him. His forehead and his jaw are her go-tos. Then they both just go back to whatever they were doing prior.
Aberforth named one of the goat’s after her.
Aberforth gets even more grumpy when he’s sick and he becomes really agitated easily. Bunty is the only one that can tell him to go lay back down and he’ll instantly turn around without fussing.
Bunty took over the Hog’s Head Inn ONE time and never again. There’s a reason she doesn’t work with people.
Bunty took Aberforth to work with her one time and he just gently followed her around. He listened to her talk about each animal and their histories, smiling the whole time. She would tell him when to keep his distance and he would listen, then she would say “ok done” and he would continue his stroll. It was one of his favorite days. (He doesn’t get to take much time off work, but he tries to get someone he trusts to fill his spot for a few hours every few months for this reason only).
Bunty bought him a goat head pin for his vest and he wears it everyday at work.
Aberforth has a habit of seeing things in shop windows in Hogsmeade and just saying “Bunty would like that”. He then proceeds to buy that very item. She loves it every time without fail.
Bunty once convinced Aberforth to wear a matching sweater with her for two hours. There is no physical proof of this event.
Everyone in the bar knows to never disrespect Bunty or they’ll end up like Mundungus Fletcher.
Bunty let it slip that she loved him one night when he was cleaning glasses at the end of the day. She watched him as he became very still and she almost regret saying anything before he looked up at her and did a full teeth smile. Aberforth practically jumped over the countertop after that, racing to pick her up bridal style and kiss her as much as possible.
Aberforth asks Bunty to slow dance with him sometimes by the fireplace in Hogs Head Inn.
Aberforth can personally tell you how many freckles Bunty has.
I would keep going but I don’t wanna over do this one post 😂 Thanks if you actually read even 1/2 of this! Let me know your thoughts as well!
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fanonical · 4 years
jk rowling was called out on twitter for not including jewish representation in her work, responded by highlighting a minor character without a personality and an incredibly stereotypical name
she then went on to highlight two characters with the same surname without ever mentioning if they were in fact jewish
and having one of them join the wizard fascists who are in the story explicitly paralleled with nazis
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albinokittens300 · 5 years
Newtina Headcanon(Or, Not Really?) #14
Bunty actually is very quick to support Newt and Tina together. Thinking it very nice and sweet how much they love one another, and that they patched things up after Paris. And seeing not only how happy Tina makes Newt, but how happy they make one another. It helps after the sting of realizing Newt doesn’t feel the same as she does. 
Also she and Tina become quick friends after this. Her and Nagini help comfort Tina after the loss of Queenie. Even if they could never take her sisters place, they become like sisters to her. 
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aroacehogwarts · 5 years
not necessarily a /hogwarts/ hc but i love the concept of autistic aroace enby newt scamander and autistic aro tina goldstein being qpps and stimming with each other all the time?
(We love headcanons from all over the magical world, but who says this can’t be a Hogwarts headcanon?)
Catch Newt and Tina in some remote corner of the library at Newt’s alma mater. Tina’s latest assignment requires some obscure texts that are only known to exist at Hogwarts, and she has received special permission by the headmaster and MoM to conduct her research for as long as needed. Newt comes as her assistant, (one who may be planning to sneak some of the rare magizoology books ne wasn’t able to read before ne was expelled into nir piles for Tina’s research).
The morning of their journey Newt leads Tina through King’s Cross, onto Platform 9 ¾, and onto that all too familiar train. Tina had only seen her qpp hand flapping this happily when ne was with nir creatures. Throughout the entire trip Newt recounts all of nir favorite memories of school as ne lies on the seat with nir head in Tina’s lap and Tina running her fingers through nir soft, brown curls.
When they finally make it to Hogsmeade they check into the inn and visit a few of the shops, only making it to Honeydukes within minutes of closing. They strategize about how they will tackle Hogwarts library’s seemingly endless shelves over some cauldron cakes before going to sleep. It’s a night that they both want to be close, but Newt feels a little overstimulated by that point. They crawl under the sheets and fall asleep to each other’s slow, soft breathing, not cuddling but just as intimate.
The next morning they have a hardy breakfast at the Hog’s Head. Newt overflows with questions for Aberforth about the creatures kept on the castle grounds and of course Aberforth’s goats. Tina can’t help but giggle. Their joy is infectious.
But, once TIna and Newt leave Hogsmeade and say goodbye to the thestral pulling their carriage, Newt grows quiet. On the front steps of the castle that was nir home for so many years, Tina offers her hand. Newt gratefully accepts it, and TIna pushes open the enormous doors, feeling centuries of magic infused in the wood and metal. Tina leads her qpp into the place ne loved and lost for so many years; but, since she has never been there, Newt joins her in the lead. Newt leads the way to the library, but Tina gives nem the confidence to do so.
They hadn’t said a word since entering the castle, but upon entering the library the mandated silence feels oppressive with so much excitement bubbling to the surface. Tina can’t help but let out a small a small “skree!” Immediately drawing the (even louder) censure of the librarian who appears out of nowhere. “How did she do that!? You can’t apparate in the castle.” “There was a theory while I was at school that she is an unregistered moth animagus.” Both are a little rattled, but they pass the librarian and enter the forest of books.
They spend all day in the library, sitting crisscross on the floor inside a book-pile fortress that only grows whenever either of them return from another search. Tina loves the feel of old parchment, and Newt loves the feel of Tina’s coat. They stim with those favorite textures through hours and hours of reading.
It’s when the shadows get long and Newt lights and levitates a few candles ”Our own little Great Hall!” that Tina screams again. She jabs at a passage in the enormous book balanced on her lap. Newt listens intently as Tina explains at an incredible pace while pulling over books from her inner piles. She’s found it! The answers they traveled across the world for! Newt pulls her into a tight hug, and she pulls nem in too. They stay like that for a long while, revelling in the pressure stim as well as the physical and emotional closeness. After a bit Tina reluctantly pulls away and copies the text from the book onto her own parchment. She stows it away and pulls out her wand to levitate a stack of books. Newt stops her.
“Don’t bother,” ne says. “The librarian will want to make sure every book makes it to the right place.” Tina is hesitant as that seems a bit rude, but follows her qpp’s lead. And ne’s right; when ne tells the librarian about their abandoned piles of books her face lights up and she disappears in the direction the two of them had come.
Before they leave, Newt takes nir qpp’s hand and leads her to nir favorite part of the library: the aroace safe space. There are some leather-bound books from the magical world, some muggle paperbacks, and lots of student-made pamphlets and zines about being on the aro and ace spectra. Tina is amazed by how much information and affirmation the aspec students of Hogwarts have; she wishes she had had the same at Ilvermorny. Before they leave they write pride-filled encouragements to anyone who finds comfort in this cozy little space.
That night they fall asleep holding each other close, feeling understood, accepted, and loved by each other and so many others.
- Ravenclaw Mod
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karin848 · 6 years
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Tina’s letter to Newt:
“Dear Newt,
Sorry it has taken me a while to write. I hope you and all your travelling companions had a safe journey back to England, and there were no accidental case switches along the way. Work at Macusa is hectic, clean up from the subway incident is more widespread than imagined. We are working around the clock to make sure all the memory of the event is erased. I have been reinstated as an auror. So how have you been? How are you keeping after recent events?
I can’t help but think of the loss of Credence from time to time, but at least for now we have Grindelwald safely in custody where he can do no more harm.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Take care of yourself
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walkineternity · 5 years
Day 4: Human Shield
(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
“Credence, can I come closer?”
Newt paused to see if he would get an answer, but Credence just stared, still shivering violently. Ever so slowly, he approached, hands outstretched in what he hoped was a non-threatening manner. If this was one of his creatures, he would know exactly what to do, but dealing with people? Give him a dragon any day.
 Newt’s foot accidently tapped a rock into one of the train tracks, making a high clank sound, and Credence flinched back. Newt stopped in place.
 “Sorry, Credence,” he spoke softly. “I really don’t mean you any harm. My name is Newt Scamander and I’m-I’m a friend of Tina’s. Do you remember her, Credence?”
 He was still looking at Newt with wariness and fear and Newt couldn’t tell what he was thinking at all. Newt wasn’t great at keeping eye contact, but he didn’t want to waver here. Tina told him to save the boy and he was going to do exactly that.
 “She was the one who tried to help you, Credence. Save you, I mean. Um,” Newt really wasn’t sure what to do, but Credence perhaps looked a little less wary. “She…she really cares a-and so do I.”
 “Yes,” Credence rasped out, a short response, but Newt knew it was a start. Problem was, what did that mean?
 “Uh, yes?”
 “I know her,” Credence was still curled in a corner, but he seemed a little more…solid. “Doesn’t she work with Mr. Graves?”
 Newt chanced it and made his way a little closer, inching forward step by step, still crouched low. “Well, technically, she does, but well. Not anymore? Sort of on the lam, I suppose, and really, she’s probably fighting him right now. And he tried to kill us, so that’s. That’s probably grounds to quit a job, yes? I mean, if she even has the job anymore.”
 And now he was past the tracks and right in front of Credence. He didn’t mean to ramble and he really, really didn’t mean to talk mostly nonsense. He meant to- get Credence to trust him.
 Seriously, dragons. Way easier.
 But…Credence allowed him this close. And, Newt was fairly sure, looked less fearful and more…bemused. Sort of like Newt was one of his strange creatures.
 Newt trailed off and gently, so very gently, place his fingers on Credence’s arm. “Mr. Graves…. was not very nice to you either, was he, Credence?”
 Credence flinched a little at Newt’s light touch, but otherwise didn’t move away. Good. That was a good sign.
 When he spoke, he sounded…shattered? “I trusted him. I thought- I thought he would-” He couldn’t seem to get the words out, shuddering.
 Newt pressed his hand further so his whole hand touched Credence’s arm, and started to rub up and down in a hopefully soothing manner. “I-I’m so sorry. I’m so very, very sorry. You don’t deserve this, Credence.”
 Credence held back a sob in his throat and managed to stutter out, “It’s not that he was mean, or dismissed me, or just…used me. It was the fact that he was-was kind first.” His hands clenched and he started looking a little hazy around the edges. Shit. “If he just never pretended to care. It wouldn’t have hurt so bad. But he-” And here Credence eyes went white and he practically wailed, “He lied! Why did he have to be kind!”
 “Oh, Credence…. I don’t know…I’m sorry…I’m…” Here Newt brought both hands up and put them on his shoulders. “Let me help you. Please. I-I want to help. And I know Tina does too. We can help you.”
 Credence’s eyes went back to normal, but they were red and he was crying and shaking and Newt’s heart stuttered along with him. But then Credence, instead of exploding violently outwards, seemed to crumble in on himself. Suddenly, the only thing holding him upright were Newt’s hands, so Newt gently brought him closer. Credence followed easily, and that is how Newt found him with his arms full and a face mushed into his shoulder.
 “There there…it’s going to be okay…shhh…shhh…” Credence was fully sobbing now and Newt rubbed circles into the poor boy’s back. “Let it out…I’m here…mu-” And here Newt cut himself off because he was about to say ‘mummy’s here’ like he would with one of his creatures, but that wouldn’t go so well with Credence in this moment. So, he just sat there hoping that no one would come down, and that Tina was alright, and that no one would ever hurt Credence again. He started to rock slightly back in forth, with Credence in his arms, hoping to comfort him in any way possible. He whispered nonsense into his ear, softly and kindly, and made sure to use phrases a human, not a creature, would find soothing.
 After a while, Credence sobs turned into hiccups, little hitches of breath that were still quite heartbreaking. Newt’s legs were getting cramped, but he tried to ignore that and focus on breathing slowly and evenly. He wondered how long they had left to get out of here.
 Slowly, Credence calmed down enough that Newt was confident enough to try to move him. “Feeling better now?”
 Credence lifted his head away from Newt’s damp shoulder, sniffing a little. He didn’t say anything, but he gave a nod.
 “That’s good! What say you and I get out of here? Let’s find Tina, yeah?”
 Again, Credence gave a nod. He looked exhausted.
 “Yes. Good. Okay. Let’s start with standing up.” Newt untangled himself from Credence a little and stood up. He reached out a hand and, with a little bit of hesitation, Credence took it. He gently hauled the boy to his feet and then they move made their way across the tracks and onto the platform.
 Newt was just about to start feeling optimistic about the whole thing when everything went to hell.
 Tina came around a corner, shouting, “Newt! Run! He’s here!” And was followed by several nasty looking curses that missed her by inches.
 And then from the other side, a slew of aurors burst in the other way, wands at the ready.
 And there was Newt and Credence stuck in the middle.
 Graves appeared, ready to try to curse Tina again, but stopped at the sight of Credence. Newt put an arm out in front of Credence and got him to slowly back up, so the two groups were more at an angle to them, and the wall was at their back. He then planted himself in front of the boy. Did he have time to draw his wand or would that set everybody off?
 Tina was closest to them and already had her wand out. She had a protective glint in her eyes.
 The stand off lasted maybe a few seconds, but then Graves, reading the situation, started shouting at the aurors, “Stand down! Anyone who harms the boy answers to me!”
 The aurors seemed to ignore him, but did seem to hesitate with the fact that Newt was standing right in front of Credence. Newt knew that probably wouldn’t slow them down for long.
 “Credence, come with me. I just want you to be free.” And now Graves was looking in their direction.
 Newt couldn’t see Credence from this angle, but Tina could. She spoke up then, countering Graves, “Don’t listen to him! He’s just using you! Newt and I can protect you!” Here she turned to the Aurors, who had them all surrounded by now, except for the one wall. “Please! Please don���t hurt him!”
 And then President Picquery stepped out from the crowd of aurors and said, “They are to destroy the Obscurus on my orders.”
 Graves seemed to lurch forward at that, a half snarl on his face, but smoothed his expression over. “You’re making a mistake. You’re all fools if you think this is the solution!” The president’s eyebrows shot up, and Graves cleared his throat, and added, “Ahem. Madam President.”
 “I do not have time for your arguments, Mr. Graves. We are exposed and the threat of war is high. And that-” here she pointed to Credence, “boy is the cause of it all!”
 Here Tina tried to step in, to defend Credence, but Graves spoke over her. “And this is a bad thing? Look at us! Cowering in shadows! All this boy did was bring us into the light!”
 “He is a danger to society!”
 “Our society? Don’t you mean, their muggle society?” Muggles? Newt had a sudden sinking feeling. Graves, thoroughly fed up, continued on, “Who are we really trying to protect here? Us…or them?”
 Newt reached back and found Credence’s hand with his own. He squeezed tight and murmured, “Hold on, it’s going to get loud.” Credence squeezed back, fingers trembling.
 President Picquery gestured to the Aurors beside her and said, “Please relieve Mr. Graves of his wand.”
 And then things got loud and flashy and Tina had rushed to their side and took Credence’s other hand and Newt had a spark of an idea that involved the Swooping Evil….and then it was over.
 And Newt did not move from his spot or let go of Credence, but he did say, out into the room and not to anyone in particular, “Try a revelio.”
 And Tina responded first and then it wasn’t Mr. Graves in front of them, but Gellert Grindelwald himself.
 He grinned as the president and her aurors moved in, a few grabbing a hold of him. Picquery said, “Please escort Mr. Grindelwald away.”
 As they marched him passed, he turned and stared at Credence, “Don’t worry, dear. I’ll come for you. And then we will be free.”
 Newt, who had practically sandwiched the boy between himself, the wall, and Tina, could feel the shudder that went through Credence at those words. He vowed to himself that if they ever got out of this, then Grindelwald would never lay another finger on him.
 As they left the platform, the rest of the aurors formed a tighter circle around them. The president seemed to be choosing her words carefully now. “It seems we owe you a great debt, Mr. Scamander. But that does not excuse what he did. A no-maj is dead and the whole city has been exposed to destruction and magic. He needs to be dealt with. If we have to go through you both to protect what is left of wizardkind, then we will. You cannot shield him anymore.”
 Newt opened his mouth, but Credence beat him to it. “Please! Please, don’t hurt them! It’s all my fault! I didn’t mean to…. I was just so angry and scared…” He tried to shove past Newt and Tina, but they both looked at each other and mutually decided to plant their feet. Newt wished he could know what the young man was thinking.
 Credence seemed to sense they weren’t going to move so he continued to shout, “Please! If you got to kill me, don’t harm them! They don’t deserve to be punished…I do. My mother…. she knew. She knew what a monster I was. Don’t harm them for something I did.”
 Picquery had the most curious expression on her face. Newt couldn’t really interpret it, but she wasn’t giving any further instructions. When she spoke, it was almost…uncertain. “The law is the law, young man. No exceptions. We are exposed because of you.”
 And then Newt had a spark of hope and blurted out, “What if we weren’t? If I can make this all go away, would you let Credence go free?”
 “And how would you do that?”
 Newt was stubborn. “I have a way to make all the muggles up there forget this ever happened. If you all can repair the damage, then our secrecy is still intact! But, Madam President, will you let him go?”
 “He is still a danger-”
 “He was hurt! He was hurt over and over by those he trusted. His power is vast, but controllable. I can help him with that. Leave him to me, and I can help you keep your secrets.”
 There are murmurs among the aurors, but Newt can’t make out what their saying. Picquery pauses and gives Newt an incredulous look. “You would risk your life, and then hold the safety of all wizard society hostage, just to save this boy?” She glances at Tina who hasn’t budged an inch. “Both of you?”
 Newt doesn’t even have to look at Tina this time. He knows they both are in agreement. He nods and says, “Oh, yes.” Credence made a noise in the back of his throat, like he wanted to protest.
 Picquery expression morphed into something more thoughtful, “…why?”
 “Because someone has to. Because, in all his life, he has never been shown true kindness or mercy from anyone in power. Because everyone deserves a second chance. And, Madam President, because it’s what I do. I help lost, lonely creatures. Ones that have been hurt, namely by humans. Because of greed, or fear, or ignorance. Or just because they could. I will protect Credence Barebones with my life because, not only is it the right thing to do, but I cannot imagine the person I would be if I did not.”
 And he knew he spoke too much. He was never good with words, or looking people in the eye. He was never good at convincing anyone to do anything. That was all his charismatic brother. Things were quiet for a tense moment. Newt held his breathe.
 Picquery said, not giving anything away, “You would claim all responsibility for him then. If he were to lose control and kill someone else, then you will get punished and he will be executed. If he reveals our secrets again, same terms. Do you understand?”
 Newt opened his mouth to reply, but Tina beat him to it, “Yes! Yes of course!”
 He glanced at her, but she then turned slightly to face him and said, “Don’t you start. We’re in this together.”
 He nodded, knowing this wasn’t the time to argue. It…actually felt nice to have Tina on his side.
 Picquery let out a sigh and said, “I might live to regret this. What is your memory plan, Mr. Scamander?”
 And Newt could have jumped for joy, but he just felt so relieved. He turned to Credence, finally feeling like he could. He could see tear tracks on his face and he could feel tremors in his hand. The young man looked completely overwhelmed. But…maybe something light in his eyes, finally. Something like…hope. Newt gently pulled him into a hug and said, “We’re going to get through this. Let me just deal with making the city forget, and then we can find somewhere safe, okay?” Tina was sure to sneak them into her home again. He felt Credence nod against his shoulder.
 “Mr. Scamander?”
 He pulled away and turned back to the president. Credence will be fine with Tina for now. “I need my case and then I can show you.”
 She nods and says, “We have a couple of your friends outside. They seem to be in possession of your suitcase.” She signals some aurors to go and get them. “Now tell me your plan.”
 “Well, you see, the Swooping Evil has a very unique venom-”
 He continued to explain what he wanted to do, glancing back occasionally at Tina and Credence. They seemed to be chatting lowly with each other. At one point, very briefly, Tina seemed to have managed to make Credence smile. Just a small, fragile thing, but it was there. It was genuine. Small steps.
 Jacob and Queenie finally arrived and it’s good to see them unharmed. To have his case back in his hands again…. something tight in his chest finally unclenches for the first time since losing his case, since discovering there was another Obscurus, since realising how much danger Credence was in.
He thinks, looking around at his friends (his friends!), that maybe things were finally going to be okay.
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