#there should be more to Tina goldstein than just her relationship with Newt
fouralignments · 4 years
Why is Single is an Option for Newt
I am approaching from a aroflux asexual perspective. I have a hard time really knowing what romances is. Romance is a this amorphous thing to me that I don’t really understand and have a difficulty identifying it in real life and in movies. 
I have to admit that...NewTina doesn’t do anything for me. When I first watched the First Fantastic Beasts movie, I didn’t really ship Newt Scamander with anyone and I thought Newt would be better off single than with a partner. I saw Tina by the end of the movie, an acquaintance at most; with the start of a friendship at least, that would take time to develop. 
It wasn’t until Crimes of Grindelwald that I really started to ship Newt with many characters for example: Grindelnewt (Grindelwald/Newt), Gramander (Graves/Newt), Scamandore (Dumbledore/Newt), New Hallows (Grindelwald/Dumbledore/Newt), Newleta (Newt/Leta). Really, got into the Fantastic Beasts fandom. But, that’s mostly thanks to the creative works of @silverynight, @mischiefs-hawk, @kuro-gossips, @vindsie, @grimalkinmessor that I even got into theses pairings in the first place. 
Even after Crimes of Grindelwald, Newtina still didn’t do anything for me. During my first viewing of the movie, I was encapsulated by story and the plot of the movie; I didn’t mind the romantic subplot. Then, in my second viewing, NewTina felt out of place and awkwardly placed; and escalated way too quickly into full on romance. After awhile and self-reflection, I came to realize just how toxic NewTina is in this movie: but, that’s a discussion for another time. I thought, it would be better for Tina Goldstein, as a character, not to be in a romantic subplot with Newt Scamander in the second movie, instead having a subplot involving her sister, Queenie; I thought that it would be the logical progression of her story. There are hints in the first Fantastic beast movie that Tina and Queenie don’t have the best relationship as sisters. Queenie could have called Tina out for not supporting her and Jacob relationship (though, I disagree with her drugging him wholeheartedly; I condone that behavior), even though Tina does support marriage between wizards and no-majs, however Queenie points out that she works for an institution that forbids it and Tina isn’t advocating for the end of Rappaport's Law. In addition, Queenie did support her sister’s dream of being an auror and her pursuit of it and, yet Tina doesn’t return the favor for her, in regards to her dream of marrying Jacob; notwithstanding, that Tina doesn’t really see the injustice of her sister not being able to marry and only really concerned about Credence; Tina kinda of has a one track mind. 
But, that’s what I would’ve done. 
Now, those feelings have resurfaced in theses past several days about Newt being single. Being single is valid, even though in the culture that I live in does pressure many into believing that being in a relationship is the key to happiness. 
I see Newt Scamander as a combination between John Muir, Jane Goodall, and Steve Irwin; and most likely  is the Wizarding world first conservationist, environmentalist, and magical beasts rights activist. Truly, I don’t see him as a person who needs a partner to be happy and not because he is socially awkward. Newt is perfectly content just being with his beasts: caring for them, nursing them back to health, and rescuing them from traffickers. He could spend hours in his basement or suitcase just taking care of them. Not to say he doesn’t appreciate human contact; he just has a group of close friends and family for that; one doesn’t need a romantic partner for that. The dude is already married; that is to his work and being a mum to his children. 
Even if he did have a partner, things would be very difficult because Newt would take eight-months to a year in a field for research for new editions to his book; have odd sleeping schedule, mostly due to taking care of his creatures; going to charity balls and galas for fantastic beasts sanctuary; advocating and organizing magical beasts activists; most likely doesn’t take care of himself  i.e. forgets to eat, shower, and shave; when he does go to bed, the man is exhausted. That being said, I think being in a relationship with Newt would be a challenge, if that character wasn’t in the same field of Newt or not independent and self-resilient enough to not see Newt for months on end: but that would be difficult for anyone. 
I am not saying Newt can’t be shipped with anyone, please don’t misconstrued me; but, I believe Newt being single is valid and as a character he doesn’t need a partner.
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silvertonedwords · 2 years
Can people get on board with career girl Tina? How did she tell Newt she wanted to focus on her career first? Did they talk about that? (Why else would they go their separate ways at first?) And more importantly: Did she ask him to wait for her and give him that photo? I just discovered your head canons and I am in love.
Some thoughts: (This got long. I am thinking through these things because, dear friends, I am writing The After Wedding Thing.)
I don't know if I think Tina made an Announcement about her career, or even made a Decision. I think she went home and went back to her job and threw herself into it.
She's had a very hard life--her parents died when she was young, and then she made herself responsible for her sister, and then they argued and their relationship broke down. Meanwhile this guy she'd been falling for even though she'd thought she wasn't the kind of person who'd have such things, this guy she'd begun to open up to, suddenly made it seem as though she'd completely misunderstood. The only possible explanations were: 1) that Newt is a jerk who threw her over and led her on and she should be angry (not possible--Newt is wonderful), or 2) that she's just never been what he wants at all (much more believable, hurtful, heartbreaking).
I want to note that she believed the magazine not because it was particularly believable, but because she's particularly easy to convince that someone actually might not have wanted her after all. So she's hurt and disappointed and trying very hard to convince herself that the life she'd begun to imagine (Newt, creatures, his beautiful hands cradling hers, his eyes finding hers from across the room, tucking a blanket around his shoulders when he's fallen asleep in the case after saving an injured creature) is something she never really wanted after all.
And then just as Newt shows her she'd been wrong about him (or right, originally, which she can't believe but has to believe because she's suddenly noticed the way he looks at her), her sister abandons her for a madman.
So I don't think it's unreasonable for her to be closed off for a while. For her exoskeleton to be reinforced. For her to dive into work to avoid the pain. Finding herself alone, again and again, it must be very scary to admit she's falling in love. She's bold in danger at work, but this is a different kind of danger that's absolutely terrifying. What if she loses him, too? How much more will that hurt once their worlds are enmeshed. And there's a part of her, too, that knows he likes her, but she doesn't understand it. How could she, always-showing-up-where-you're-not-wanted Tina Goldstein, be lucky enough that he's in love with her, too?
Meanwhile, I suspect she thinks in some twisted way that if she just works hard enough, tries hard enough, makes the world safe enough, Queenie will come back to her. And I think deep down, she's a little mad at her sister, too. She raised her better than that.
Newt certainly wanted Tina to stay, but must not have felt it was his right. She's remarkable and important and he never ever tries to keep powerful creatures where they don't belong.
I'm sure they made sure things were relatively clear to each other. They promised to write, and perhaps they squeezed each others' hands, a quick, blushing kiss to the cheek if they were very bold. (I wrote a thing a while back that suits this.) But I don't think any more explicit promises were needed. They're both so completely uninterested in anyone else that I'm not sure it would occur to them to say or ask each other to wait. She leaves, and things are settled, just not settled.
They exchange increasingly intimate letters, though still no I-love-you's. Perhaps Newt agrees to a two-day tour of New York with his publisher when he never agrees to those events anywhere else, and writes Tina that he'll just happen to be there, and they talk a little and stare at each other quite a lot when they think the other person isn't looking.
Newt is very impressed by her new role, and very supportive, and a little sad that she has a bit less time for writing. Tina happens to mention in one letter that as part of her new role, they took employee portraits, and naturally in Newt's next letter the first paragraph is an unembarrassed request that she enclose a copy in her next.
Tina hesitates for a moment when writing back, her photo already set aside and ready to be folded into her letter, and then tries to casually mention that he must have done something similar for his book, and might she see one of those? His picture goes in her desk drawer with a portrait of her and Queenie as children, and she takes it out and touches his face and wants this to be enough for now and wants more.
TL;DR I'm not sure this is so much Tina being a career girl as it is Tina being Tina.
What if it doesn't work out? What if it becomes another scar on her broken heart? And perhaps even more, what if it does work out? Oh, how much more open her already tender and vulnerable heart will be to mangling.
That doesn't stop her heart from pounding every time his letters arrive, and it doesn't stop her from composing letters to him in her head on her way to and from work. That doesn't stop her from wanting it. She wants it so much. Just maybe...maybe tomorrow.
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The Burden They Share
“‘Tolliver, I’ll be the one telling Theseus he lost. I’d like to kick my old friend while he’s down.’”
Note: this is a part of the one shot series I’ve been writing. Same as always, I don’t own any characters or the world. I will say this one mentions MACUSA a bit and I decided to make it function a little more like the US Congress/government does rather than the way it is described on Pottermore. I hope you enjoy.
By the time Tina and Achilles had arrived at the Ministry, he had already asked her 20 different questions about her engagement.
“Achilles, it’s new. Literally just happened. We haven’t even talked to his mother about it yet. You need to calm down.” Tina glared at his back as her wand was taken by security for inspection.
“I can’t help it that I’m excited! I’m assuming this means he told you about our plan to get him to the States?” Tolliver was practically buzzing from his excitement.
“Yes, he did. And the fact that you’ve been lying to me about ways to get his travel ban lifted on our end is insubordination at its finest.” Tina said as she took her wand back and followed Achilles towards the elevators. “Or are you going to claim that was for love too?”
“It’s always for love, Boss.” Achilles held his smirk as they stepped onto an elevator with the few waiting Ministry wizards. “Now anyway when are you two thinking of-“
“Not now, Achilles.” Tina gritted as she realized one of the officials on the elevator was Theseus’s boss Travers. Travers who in Tina’s opinion should have been relieved of his duties when he forced Theseus to take a group of aurors into Pere Lachaise in 1927 causing the loss of countless aurors and Leta Lestrange. Tina was in no way ashamed of her relationship with Newt, but if there ever was a man other than Gellert Grindelwald Tina didn’t want to know details of her and Newt’s love life it was Travers
“Ms. Goldstein.” Travers nodded at her with a condescending smile.
“Mr. Travers.”
“I was sorry to hear about Theseus. But this is what he gets for going against Ministry orders.” It took all her strength to not beat his head into the wall. Achilles kept his mouth shut from his spot next to her. Tina herself was counting to ten trying to not respond when Travers continued. “It’s a true shame though. Theseus Scamander was such a good young man, it’s such a travesty that he got pulled into Dumbledore’s little cult.” Tina was seeing red but held her composure. She went to open her mouth when Achilles beat her to it.
“Excuse me, sir, but you’re speaking as of Theseus were dead and not currently recovering in this country’s greatest wizarding hospital.” Achilles had a glare pointed at Travers then.
“That’s true. I apologize. I only meant to say it’s a shame it had to be the elder Scamander. He has so much to offer the world, while his brother is well he’s Newt isn’t, Ms. Goldstein?” Travers had a smirk of satisfaction. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was baiting Tina. Unknowingly baiting Achilles too. Tina turned toward the British wizard, her wand pulled out ready to strike, right as the doors opened on the floor housing the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. And at those doors stood Percival Graves.
“Goldstein! Tolliver! Put your wands away.” Tina had missed Achilles pulling his own wand out. Travers held his smirk as he nodded to his American counterpart and walked off towards his office. Graves glared at his two best aurors as they exited the elevator. “Do I want to know what the hell you two were thinking? Pulling your wands on a foreign official in his own Ministry?!” Neither one of them answered and Graves let out a deep sigh. “What did he say?”
“That Theseus deserved what he got.” Achilles answered in a tight voice as he began walking toward their designated office space the Ministry was providing. Graves looked at Tina, who remained outside the elevator, glaring at the floor.
“What else did he say?” Graves asked in soft voice. She looked up at her mentor, extremely grateful they had found him alive in the aftermath of Grindelwald impersonating him. Even more grateful that he was given the opportunity to return to his position within MACUSA.
“He essentially said it should have been Newt since ‘Theseus has so much to offer the world while his brother is well he’s Newt.’” Tina stated matter of factly in a calm voice as she too headed towards the temporary American office space.
“Mercy Lewis, Travers is asking for you all to kill him.” Tina heard Graves mutter under his breath as he followed her. Once the door was closed behind him, Graves gave her a sympathetic look. “I know what he said was out of line-“
“He was way past the line!” Achilles yelled out. “You can’t just say you wish someone’s fiancé is dead to their face!”
“Fiancé?” Graves questioned with an amused smile
“Tolliver, I’m going to kill you.” Tina said in the stillest voice she could muster as she sat in one of the chairs around an ornate table. Achilles had the brains to look both apologetic and terrified.
“Congratulations are in order then?” Graves’s smile had moved into the shit-eating grin category as he pulled out a bottle of champagne from a case by the door.
“Where the hell did you get that?” Tina demanded.
“I’ve been carrying it when we are over here since 1929. I figured one of these times it would be useful.” Graves retorted as he popped the cork and Achilles conjured three glasses. Her boss poured out the glasses much to Tina’s surprise.
“You’re as bad as him and Lally!”
“I would hope I am.” Graves commented as he handed her a champagne flute. “I just won the bet. And Tolliver, I will be the one to tell Theseus he lost. I want to kick my old friend while he’s down.” The grin on Graves’s face was absolutely child-like as he spoke.
Tina glared at him then turned to Achilles “Bet?! You four had a bet?!”
“In fairness, it was just Lally and I then the Big Boss here heard and wanted in. And i don’t know how Theseus found out I just got a note stating he was in and picked October through December for the possible months that one of you would propose.”
“One of us? And October-December?” Tina was confused on the parameters of the bet.
“None of us were sold you wouldn’t ask him yourself. And each of us had a three month window to decide on. I had January through March, Lally had April through June, and biggest loser over there said July through September.” Graves explained. He lifted his glass before Tina could ask another question. “To Tina and Newt! May you two live long, happy lives filled with love!”
“Here-fucking-here.” Achilles let out as the two men clinked their glasses against Tina’s and downed their drinks. Tina chuckled as she too took a sip of her champagne. As much as she hated to admit it, it felt wrong to sit amongst friends and celebrate. The feeling was caused by multiple reasons: 1. Newt couldn’t be here at the moment to celebrate with them, 2. Theseus’s injury prevented him from being here as well, 3. Merlin only knew if anything would happen to Jacob to prevent him from being apart of this special celebration, and 4. and most glaring to Tina, was that Queenie wasn’t here. It had been pushing 7 years since the betrayal. Since the unthinkable happened and not a day goes by that Tina doesn’t blame herself for it. She should have been more supportive and helpful to Queenie rather than judge mental and hostile especially about Jacob. And- no, Tina told herself. Stop that train of thought. As much as she held herself responsible for not helping to her sister as much as she should have, Tina had to remember Queenie had made her choice. She looked between her two friends and saw they had turned serious again.
“As much as I hate to ruin a good time,” Graves began as he sat his champagne down. “I have orders for you, Goldstein. You are wanted back in New York.” Tina expected as much. But she sure as hell wasn’t going down without a fight.
“I can’t leave England right now, Percival.” Graves leveled her with an unamused look at that response.
“Tina, I enjoy this as much as you do. Especially since the Ministry is requesting back up on this, but I can’t go against orders from Congress or the President.”
“What if we point out that my family has been gravely injured?” Tina pushed.
“The fact that Newt proposed and his brother is lying in St. Mungo’s might buy us a few days to get a better reason to keep you here for now, but the fact remains many politicians back home don’t like your ties to Grindelwald’s cult of followers.” Graves grabbed her hand as Tina looked at the floor trying to prevent her from closing herself off.
Tina knew most members of the Magical Congress didn’t trust her because of her connections to Queenie and Credence. It was the major reason she had been stranded in the US as much as she had. Right after Paris, she was under a crazy amount of surveillance. Sure they had let Tina stay short term in London after the attack, but as soon as the British Ministry made it clear her help wasn’t essential she was brought home. She could sneak away for several days at a time when things had calmed down with the help of Graves and Achilles. They would vouch that she was with the Scamanders. Tina was shocked last year when we returned home from Oliver Scamander’s funeral to hear she was being promoted to head Auror. She didn’t think anyone in Congress would let that happen. The new President after Picquery had seemed to trust Tina enough to know she wasn’t a threat to defect, but the long serving officials in MACUSA’s House and Senate disagreed. She was lucky they didn’t have to hold approval hearings and that the President could just appoint the head Auror position at the guidance of the Director of Magical Law Enforcement. Graves told her he was adamant she got the position. That he could think of no one else more deserving of it. It meant the world to hear her mentor say that, but it also meant more of a reason to keep her state side. Keep her from Newt and Europe, where the war was proceeding at a frightening pace. Tina fought Graves and President Boot over her need to interact with aurors in other countries. Both agreed with her, but claimed Congress was a roadblock to her getting clearance to do that. They were worried what would happen if she came across her sister out in the field while abroad. Tina knew the argument was over at that. It was a fair worry as Tina herself didn’t know how she’d react. But now, the war had escalated. Allies had been attacked more than they already had. Grindelwald had made it clear it wasn’t just civil disobedience he was brewing, but full scale attacks that would expose witches and wizards across the world. Exposure that could lead to much more harm than good.
That wasn’t Tina’s biggest concern though. Her biggest concern was Newt. Newt needed her right now. He needed her as a soldier, a partner, a supporter, a confidant. Well he needed her here as his future wife. She knew him better than he knew himself sometimes, and she knew he would need her help through not just Theseus’s recovery but also the fight. And if that meant she had to resign from her job in order to get MACUSA off her back about staying in New York then so be it. Graves seemed to have read her mind though.
“You aren’t resigning.”
“Director Graves, I will-“ Tina started only to be cut off by Achilles.
“Tina, he’s not going to let you resign. I’m pretty sure the man would resign right there with you and join Scamander’s little army. I know that’s my plan.” He shot her a meaningful look that she knew meant he was serious. Achilles meant it that if she left, he was right behind her.
“I already have our escape option in mind you two so please don’t plan any dumb stunts without me.” Graves leaned back in his chair lifted his hands to run through his hair in exasperation. It was in this moment he looked like an exhausted father parenting his two troublesome children. Tina could only think that description might be the most accurate one for his job and friendship with his two highest ranking aurors. “Now my first plan is to assign you two to deep cover work with Newt’s team. My argument with anyone who seems it to be a problem will be that this team of civilians is operating with two Americans and while they have the Head Auror of the British Ministry working with them, my preference is to have my own people in the mix. And since you two have an established relationship with the field commander-“ Tina bristled at this description of Newt’s role in Dumbledore’s army. “It makes you two the best for the job.”
“How long have you had this plan in your back pocket?” Tina sled with a cocked eyebrow.
“Months. Newton Scamander just had to move before I could implement it though.” Graves said with a smirk.
“More like Dumbledore told him it was time to move.” Tina grumbled as she sank back. Achilles had a grin knowing where this conversation was headed. Graves cocked an eyebrow himself at her then. “I can’t stand that man! I can’t tell you why I just-“
“You know Newt doesn’t really like him either, right?” Achilles asked with his grin in place. Tina raised a skeptical brow. “Okay sure he knows that Dumbledore is the one teacher who defended him when the whole Hogwarts situation happened, but Tina he can see that man is manipulative from a mile away. He doesn’t do the things he does because Dumbledore asks him to, Newt does them because he knows that they will help people and creatures. Or because it gives him a chance to see his favorite Auror.”
“I swear if you say your referring to yourself with that last bit I will actually cut your balls off.”
“As much as I would love to say myself, it’s you. He doesn’t even like to talk to me when I’m doing my job, but you? You ask for an official statement in the nude and that man would immediately strip. He’s in love with you that much.” Tina rolled her eyes and Achilles lewd description of Newt’s loyalty to her. But she was relieved to have someone else notice Newt’s slight disdain for Dumbledore. She and Theseus had discussed seeing it before, but they both thought it was wishful thinking on their end.
“Well it’s good to know my fiancé can see through Dumbledore’s tales of grandeur enough to know the man has a hidden agenda.” Both men sitting in the office laughed at her before they settled back into business. For the next two hours, the three of them worked out the logistics of this plan to make it as air tight as possible. By the end of it, Tina was feeling confident. She knew that things could go amiss, but seeing Graves help with the plan of attack made her feel better about this plan working. As she was getting up to leave she turned to her boss to ask, “Did you know about Achilles and Newt looking for ways to get Newt’s ban from the US lifted?”
“Who do you think told them it was possible?” Graves smiled as he hugged her. “You really think I’d let you move to England to raise your family and let you send them to Hogwarts instead of Ilvermorny? What would your old man say to me about that?” It was in these moments when Graves wasn’t her mentor or her boss or even her friend. In these moments, Graves was her father’s young hotshot partner who needed a good smack upside the head. “He would be so proud of you, Tina. They both would.” Tina hugged Percival Graves as tightly as she did the day he came to see her and Queenie after their parents died.
“Thank you. For everything.”
“I’ll always help you, kid. It’s what family does.” He squeezed her one more time. Before shooing her and Achilles out of the office with a, “Go check on the Scamanders! And Lally and that Kowalski guy! Tell Newt I’ll be by this evening for his shovel talk, Tina.” She rolled her eyes at him causing Graves to let out a hearty laugh.
Once they were back on the elevator, Achilles asked, “So boss, you ready for the fight to come?”
“I’m always ready for a fight, Tolliver.” She had a childish grin as she glanced at him.
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12tardis · 4 years
In My Defence, I Have None (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: brief panic attack mentions  Requested: yes @cyborgfromthesupermarket asked for ‘they are in a battle or something and reader gets hurt trying to protect Newt?’ Thanks for the prompt! I hope you like it, I know it’s probably not what you had in mind… Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader  Summary: You get hurt in battle when you throw yourself in front of Newt to save him. Will he finally tell you how he feels or will he lose you for good? Can he fix what he’s done? Features Angry/scared Newt!  A/N: I stalled on this for so long because I had so many ideas to drag out the angst and change the ending I hope you guys like it! I know the timeline of the fbawtft book is off don’t @ me  Title: the 1 - Taylor Swift - SO PROUD of my bby Aaron Dessner for helping me to see Taylor’s prowess as a song writer. Just imagine the reader singing this all angsty like  Words: 4,138  Taglist: @moonkissk7
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You were doing your best to fend off bits off falling debris as the building around you collapsed in collateral damage from the heated duel going on between Newt and Grindelwald. You and Tina deflected some falling rubble that was headed for Jacob while Queenie was also busy trying to help Newt. 
Time seemed to drag on as you all battled it out for what felt like hours, the duel coming to a head when you flung a pile of bricks at Grindelwald, the man becoming enraged and fighting back at Newt with even more resolve. 
You watched on in horror as Newt briefly wiped the sweat that was forming in his brow and Grindelwald took the opportunity to cast one of the unforgivable curses at him. 
You saw the whole thing in slow motion as you watched your best friend, the man you had loved for as long as you could remember, push his hair back from his face completely oblivious to the curse that hurtling towards him. Your heart was in your throat and you didn’t even hesitate to throw yourself in front of Newt, screaming his name as you pushed him out of harm’s way. 
“NEWT!” his eyes snapped to you immediately when he heard your scream and he felt his entire body run cold as he saw the unmistakable plume of green coming out of Grindelwald’s wand, heading straight for your back. 
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion for him too as he instinctively cast the knock back jinx at you, sending you back with too much force, causing you to fall into a pile of rubble roughly. He winced at your cry of pain, but he was relieved that the spell had missed you completely, instead dissipating into the ruins around you. 
He turned away from you focusing his full energy on fighting Grindelwald, firing a round of rapid spells at the man in his fury. His newfound adrenaline seemed to stun the other man just long enough for Tina to disarm the man and just moments later a flock Auror’s arrived in the station. 
Newt didn’t look back at you once as the MACUSA President and the Auror’s arrested Grindelwald, staring the man down until he was out of sight and it was just the five of you left in the ruined station.
Newt turned to face you, seeing Tina and Queenie on either side of you. Tina was dusting the dirt off  you while Queenie cast a simple healing charm over the few cuts and scrapes you had. 
You were shaking and wanted nothing more than to feel Newt’s safe arms around you after that close call but as you looked back at him you noticed the harsh line of his jaw and the way he was clenching his fists at his sides. 
You pushed the Goldstein sisters away from you gently and stepped towards Newt with your hand outstretched only to recoil when he began to shout at you.
You could have heard a pin drop in the ruined station as you all just stood there staring a Newt in complete shock. He had only ever treated you with the utmost care and respect, not once raising his voice at you.
You had never even heard him curse before and had only seen him angry once before in your entire life. That had been when you’d broken your arm helping Theseus with one of his mother’s Hippogriffs but that time his anger had been directed at his brother, not at you. Plus, it had been fairly easy to calm him down then. With one doe eyed look and a carefully timed hug you had the younger Scamander pacified. 
This time though his entire body was tense, looking about ready to snap in two and you could practically hear him grinding his teeth together as an angry flush spread up his neck and to his ears. He looked the complete opposite of the sweet and gentle Newt that you’d fallen for. He was absolutely livid, and you found yourself shrinking under his gaze. 
“I-I was...he was,” you stuttered as you stared back at Newt, feeling like a scorned child but then you remembered that Grindelwald had very nearly killed him “I was protecting you!” you said firmly, finding your voice once more as you tried to reach for Newt again.
But that seemed to be the worst possible thing you could have said as he somehow grew even more enraged. “I CAN LOOK AFTER MYSELF!”, he shouted, his voice booming in the crumbling tunnel and then he cut you off before you could even speak again.
“That was completely IDIOTIC! Did you even stop to think for a second?!” 
You stared back at him as tears welled in your eyes, threatening to spill. Being one of the more spritely and eccentric Hufflepuff’s at Hogwarts had meant that you were no stranger to being called an idiot or stupid by your peers. You had been taunted with the words for years and Newt had been one of the only people in your life to never throw them in your face. 
He was usually the one defending you when people hurled those insults at you. You could always depend on him to cheer you up by sneaking you your favourite snacks from the kitchens and spending his time assuring you that you were clever and incredible. So, to hear him call you an idiot so easily now deeply upset you.
“Hey hey...Newt, come on buddy”, Jacob intervened, touching his friend on the shoulder when he saw your bottom lip start to tremble and the way Newt didn’t appear to be backing down any time soon.
And as you watched Newt’s chest rise and fall rapidly while he continued to stare at you furiously you felt your own anger bubbling to the surface.
“I’m going home!”, you snapped, shaking your head at him as you snatched your wand up from where it had fallen. You weren’t standing for this. How dare he shout at you in such a way when you were only trying to help!
“Good! I don’t want to travel with a liability anyway!” He snapped back at you and your eyes widened because you had just meant home as in back to the Goldstein’s apartment. But he was clearly talking about your home London. It was like an ice dagger through your heart.
Was he really done with you just like that?
You couldn’t hold back your sob as you ran from the train station, too upset to apparate anywhere and Tina and Jacob followed after you immediately. Queenie stayed behind though because she was the only person that could hear how distressed Newt was.
 The second you and the others were gone he sunk to his knees, burying his face in his hands and letting out a shuddering breath.
 Queenie blinked back her own tears as she heard his thoughts louder and clearer than she ever had before. She could feel the overwhelming sense of fear and self loathing the was practically pouring from him.
 She nearly died because of me.
I can’t protect her
I’m not even worth it
“Sweetheart don’t think like that. You are absolutely worth saving”, she said softly, laying her hand on his back and sighing sadly when she only heard another round of self-deprecating thoughts flood her mind.
“Queenie please. Leave me be”, Newt pleaded, digging his nails into his palms as he tried to block her out of his thoughts though he knew it was no use.
Queenie frowned down at him when his thoughts became more centred around the fear he’d just felt seeing Y/N so nearly taken from him. “She loves you you know?”, she whispered, kneeling down beside him carefully and gently hugging him.Newt continued to sit there tensely, not allowing himself the comfort of Queenie’s hug, so she squeezed his shoulder as she got back to her feet.
“She’s loves you and you need to tell her how you feel soon or else she’s never going to understand why you just hurt her the way you did,” she said softly before she too left him there to think on his own.
Newt walked around the city for about an hour after Queenie had left, trying to calm himself down so that he could go to you and salvage whatever was left of your relationship but he kept replaying the image of you throwing yourself in front of him to take the hit of a killing curse. 
He knew he probably should have been touched that you cared for him so much, but all he felt was a crippling sense of dread and guilt. He couldn’t live with himself if you died because of him. Heaven knows he hadn’t even stopped beating himself up over you getting bitten by one of the Doxies and that was weeks ago.
His love for you was so profound that he had considered cutting you out of his life in order to keep you safe several times before, but you simply never listened to him. You always sensed when he was closing himself off and you just wouldn’t allow it. 
As he wandered through the streets of New York it was the realisation of what he’d really just said to you that calmed him down immediately. The anger made way for complete remorse.
“Merlin, what have I done?”, he whispered out loud, earning himself a few odd looks from passers-by. He’d screamed at you. He’d called you idiotic. He’d let you believe that he didn’t want you by his side in his travels. How far from the truth that all was. 
He found himself standing in the Goldstein’s apartment not a minute later, looking away in shame at the looks Tina and Jacob both shot him. He looked back at Queenie desperately and the other woman simply gestured to the guest room, offering him the tiniest smile of encouragement. 
Tina appeared in front of him though before he made it even half way down the hallway, jabbing a finger into his chest “If you make her cry again I will break your fingers one by one and feed them to your creatures, Mr Scamander”, she practically growled at him. And Newt couldn’t help but shudder because he knew it wasn’t just an empty threat coming from the older Goldstein. 
Tina absolutely adored you. You were the only person other than Queenie that saw through her cold exterior and never complained about her uptight ways. You two had hit it off from the moment you’d met, and you brought out a softness in her that Newt recognised in himself. So, he didn’t begrudge Tina for threatening him one bit but he just wanted to see you and fix what he’d done. 
“Tina, I promise I’m going to fix this, just please let me go to her”, he pleaded, willing himself to look the woman in the eye so he could prove he was being genuine. She stared at him with a cold and calculating stare for a few moments before she eventually nodded, stepping out of his way and returning to the dining room.
Newt sighed and continued to the guest room, sucking in a breath before he pushed the door open and stepped into the room, his heart clenching painfully in his chest when he saw you curled up on the bed clutching a pillow to your chest with obvious tear tracks running down your face.
“Go away”, you said weakly, turning away from him on the bed, and closing your eyes tightly. You recognised the look of concern on his face and you knew you didn’t have to worry about him shouting at you again, but you just didn’t have the energy to face him. 
He continued towards you and crouched down by the bed so he could be at the same height as you “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” he murmured. He was itching to reach out for you and hold you like he usually would, but he knew he’d lost the right to even think about touching you now. 
“I don’t want to hear it, Newton” you said starting off strong, but he heard your voice crack clear as day and he felt his own heart crack simultaneously. He’d seen you cry plenty of times before and each time had made his chest ache but to know that he was the cause of your tears this time brought him deep sorrow and despair. 
How could he have hurt you so badly? You were the person he loved more than life itself and here you were crying at his own doing. 
“Y/N please I- I have no excuses for how I spoke to you but Y/N I need you to know that I didn’t mean a single word I said,” Newt gushed out, still itching to reach for you and sucking in a breath when you suddenly turned to face him, not even attempting to hold your tears back. 
“You called me an idiot”, you cried, letting out a shuddering breath “you were the only person that never called me that!” you chocked out and Newt had his own tears in his eyes now, absolutely loathing himself as he watched you. 
“And now you don’t even- you don’t even want me around anymore!”, you gasped out and Newt frowned in concern when he realised you were starting to hyperventilate. Usually he would already be holding you close and talking you down. 
“You don’t want to be my friend anymore, I didn’t- didn’t mean to make you mad” your stuttering got worse and Newt got to his feet, throwing caution to the wind as he climbed into the bed and pulled you into his arms. 
“Sweetheart no,” he said firmly, holding you close in his arms and soothing one up and down your back while he used the other to tuck your head into the crook of his neck. He’d held you just like this numerous times over your many years of friendship, usually when you would wake up in tears from a nightmare. He would sit up with you, murmuring sweet words into your ear for as long as it took for you to relax again and he was just praying it would work in this case too. 
“I didn’t mean a single word I said, and I am so so sorry, love. You are so incredibly witty and clever; I have never thought you to be anything less. How many times have you gotten me out of strife with your quick thinking?” He murmured, letting out a breath of relief when you didn’t push him away.
You were clutching at his shirt, you fingers curled tightly into the fabric as if he was going to leave you at any moment. “T-then why were you so mad? Why don’t you want to travel with me anymore?”, you managed to croak out, closing your eyes tightly as you sucked in an unsteady breath. 
Newt let out a quiet sigh, pressing the softest kiss to the top of your head “I do want to travel with you. I don’t want to see the world with anyone else. But I was terrified Y/N. I was scared when I saw you fall from that Hippogriff in 6th year and I was scared when I watched you take on that Ridgeback last year, or the time you concussed yourself in Ireland but this was...this was different Y/N.” 
Newt let out a long breath, closing his eyes for a moment as he tried to gather his thoughts, still holding you close. Your body was unwittingly relaxing and reacting to the way Newt had you cradled in his arms because you subconsciously knew his embrace meant safety and love after the many time’s he’d held you in the same way. Touching you with the utmost care like he would a wounded creature. 
“Y/N...I’ve never felt more terrified than I did today”, Newt murmured seriously as he slowly pulled back from you, gripping your forearms as you gazed back at him. “Watching you, throw your body between myself and that killing curse”, he tensed up slightly at the memory “I couldn’t breathe. For a second there I really thought I was going to lose you having never told you how I really felt...”
He glanced down nervously, and you listened to him closely, your eyebrows pulling together “I don’t understand. I couldn’t just stand there and watch it happen, sure I acted on impulse, but I’d do it again. And I think you’d do the same for me.” you murmured, frowning back at your best friend. 
Newt sighed, rubbing a hand down his face as he nodded “Merlin, I know and of course I would. I would do it in a heartbeat. I just...you...I need you to understand what you mean to me.” 
He hopped to his feet when you continued to look at him in confusion and he rummaged around his luggage until he found what he was looking for. He sat back down across from you, holding a plain looking book out to you.
“It’s the first draft of my book.” Newt murmured nervously and you gasped in response, wondering why he hadn’t told you about it and why he was showing you now of all times. But as you flicked past the fly leaf the questions died in your throat, because there printed in the middle of the dedication page was your name.
 To Y/N,
The love of my life, my soul mate.
You are by far, the most exquisite creature I’ve ever met.
I owe you my happiness and I offer my heart.
Eternally yours, (If you’ll have me and even if not)
Newt watched you read it in silence, starting to fidget nervously when you showed no response whatsoever. “I um...obviously if you don’t feel the same way that’s a-absolutely fine! We can forget about this. I just- I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you for months now because I love you , I truly do and the thought of you n-not being around anymore terrifies me and I took my anger towards myself and Grindelwald out on you and-“
“Newt. Stop talking.” You said quietly, still not looking up at him as you continued to stare down at the book in your hands, gripping it in a vice like grip now just to make sure you weren’t dreaming. And Newt shut his mouth quickly, watching you in concern. 
He wrung his hands in his lap, wondering if your silence was revenge for how he’d spoken to you today. Maybe you were angry with him and you were trying not to snap. Or maybe you were disgusted, and you were trying to find the nicest way to let him down. That seemed the most likely, since you were the kindest person he knew. Of course, you were just trying to let him down without hurting his feelings too much. 
Newt looked back up at you when he heard the quietest sniffle come from you, a few stray tears falling onto the paper of the book in your lap. “Oh, and now I’ve just made you cry again,” Newt sighed, shaking his head at himself clenching his hands into fists “Y/N I’m so sorry. I’m such a fool” but you clapped your hand over his mouth before he had the chance to stammer out any more apologies.
“Merlin Newt just be quiet for a minute,” you sighed and Newt looked back at you with big eyes, trying to talk against your hand to which you raised an eyebrow at him and he promptly stopped. 
You let go of him when he was finally silent and you looked back at him wordlessly, making him squirm because he had so much more to say to you. He wanted to ask you if you were okay or if you wanted him to go but as you climbed over to him and sat yourself down sideways in his lap, he found his answer. 
You looped an arm around his shoulders, holding the book in your other hand as you read over the dedication again and Newt watched you in wonder, his heart starting to race when he saw a smile grace your features and he slowly lifted his arm to wrap around your waist, holding you securely.
You held a finger to his lips when you sensed he was about to start talking again, fixing him with a warning look. Newt let out a small huff of exasperation against your finger but couldn’t help but smile slightly as he settled back against the bed head, looking up at you in awe. 
You sat in silence for what felt like hours to Newt, just taking in the moment. “So...I’m the most exquisite creature you’ve ever met huh?”, you said eventually, smiling down at Newt teasingly, unprepared for the look of absolute adoration he gave in return. 
Newt nodded quickly, cupping your cheek tenderly “yes exquisite, enthralling, magnificent”, he murmured seriously, looking you in the eyes with such intensity you forgot how to breathe “kind, compassionate and so excruciatingly beautiful.”
You stared back into his eyes, feeling your cheeks heat as you sucked in a deep breath, leaning into his gentle touch “and I’m...the love of your life?” you asked, peering back at him shyly.
“Yes”, he whispered, his face inching closer to yours “I am entirely lost without you. You are my best friend and the love of my life”, he repeated, smiling adoringly at the smile that broke across your face “being with you feels like coming home and I am utterly enamoured with you.” 
You felt tears welling in your eyes again but this time Newt didn’t fret because he knew they weren’t tears of sorrow. You shifted yourself in his lap until you were straddling him, facing him properly as you lay your hand over his heart, “and this is mine?”, you whispered, your lips only inches away from his now. 
Newt flushed a deep pink as he lay his hand over yours, knowing you must have been able to feel the way his heart was trying to beat out of his chest, and nodding again “always,” he whispered, brushing your tears away delicately. 
You kept your hand on his chest, letting him brush your tears away before you pressed your forehead to his “kiss me?” 
Newt closed the gap between you quickly, pressing his lips to yours in the softest most tender kiss imaginable, letting out a breath through his nose as he cupped your face in his palm. You sighed quietly against his lips, completely melting against him as you reached up, tangling your fingers in his hair. 
You only pulled back for air, looking back at him with pure joy shining in your eyes “I love you too you know?” You pressed another sweet kiss to his lips, taking his hands in your own and threading your fingers together “my soulmate,” you whispered, glad to see the happiness reflected in Newt’s eyes. 
Newt stroked your hair back gently from your face some time later when you were both laying down tangled up together, “Can you ever forgive me for being so awful today?” He murmured, looking back at you and you could see the guilt flash in his eyes again.
“Mmm I’ll consider it if you take me to the markets tomorrow,” you teased before you pressed a kiss to his jaw “in all seriousness though I already have. I know you didn’t mean what you said, you only said it out of fear.”
You snuggled in closer to him, laying your head on his chest and looking up at him as you held a finger up “BUT. If you EVER talk to me like that again I will not hesitate to hex you into next year”
Newt smiled thankfully back at you, lifting your hand and pressing a loving kiss to your skin “I wouldn’t dream of it.” 
You and Newt continued to share sweet kisses and words of adoration for the rest of the evening and Tina headed to fetch you both when dinner was served. She also just wanted to make sure Newt was staying true to his promise, but her sister grabbed her by the arm before she could leave the dining room. 
“Leave them be, Teenie it’s okay.” The Legilimens murmured with a faraway look in her eyes and a soft smile on her lips, “They’re happy.”
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auror-lovie · 4 years
I Loved You, Mr. Scamander; Ending 1
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━━━•✦.✧. Author’s Note.✧.✦•━
Ending No. 1
Author’s Intended Ending
Taglist for this series is still OPEN!
━━━━━•✦.✧. Summary .✧.✦•━
With the right words, the right timing, and the right emotions, one could get even the most strong-minded person to follow them.
━━━━━•✦.✧. Add-Ons .✧.✦•━
Emotional Manipulation
A lot of hurt
A lot happened in New York that Newt didn’t disclose in his letters. (Y/N)’s main concern being the Auror from America, Tina Goldstein. It seemed to be all Newt talked about when they got to Paris.
“Tina was right here!” Newt exclaimed. “Jacob, she was here. Tina stood here. She has incredibly narrow feet, have you noticed?”
(Y/N) had seen that look before. It was the exact way he looked when he was with Leta. He was in love.
Newt, Tina, and (Y/N) stood in a nearby alleyway, looking out over the square where tree roots rose to form the birdcage elevator to the French Ministry.
“The box is in the ancestral records room. So, three floors down.” Newt informed. He rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a tiny bottle with only a couple of drops left inside.
“Is that Polyjuice?” Tina asked.
“Just enough to get me inside.” He looked down at his coat and found one of Theseus’s hairs on his shoulder.
(Y/N) gasped. “Newt! I hope you’re not doing what I think you’re doing.”
He added the hair to the mixture, drank the potion, and turned into Theseus, still wearing Newt’s clothes.
She sighed. “Oh no… We’re going to get in so much trouble…”
“Who-?” Tina asked, puzzled who this mystery person was.
“My brother, Theseus,” Newt replied, adjusting his clothes. “He’s an Auror.”
“He’s my boss…” (Y/N) admitted.
“And a hugger.” He added.
Theseus exited a meeting room, Victoria following close behind. They made their way towards Leta, who was waiting for them.
“What’s happening?” Leta asked, concern written all over her face.
“Grindelwald’s rallying. We don’t know where, but we think it’s tonight.” He explained.
Leta and Theseus kissed for a moment. ‘Please be safe.’ Leta thought.
They pulled away and Leta looked at Theseus and Victoria. “Be careful. Both of you.”
“Of course,” Victoria assured her.
“Listen, I want you to hear this from me. They think that Credence boy might be your missing brother.” Theseus whispered to Leta.
Leta looked at him in disbelief. “My brother is dead. He died. How many times, Theseus?”
“I know, I know. And the records, the records will prove that, okay? They can’t lie.” He continued.
“Theseus. Victoria.” Travers said sharply.
They shared a look before leaving Leta and joined Travers. “I want every person at that rally arrested. If they resist-”
“Sir, forgive me… but if we go in too heavy, don’t we run the risk of adding to the-” Victoria started.
“Just do it. I’ve had enough of you and Miss (L/N)’s insubordination.” Travers looked at Theseus. “Keep your Communications Liaison in check.”
Victoria was about to go after him before Theseus held onto her upper arm. “I’m more than just a Communications Liaison…”
Theseus released his grip and put his hand on her shoulder. “That you are. You are much more capable than him. More… Level headed…”
She sighed. “Sometimes I just want to- Oh no.”
“What is it?”
Victoria looked at her bracelet. She could feel the warm sensation emitting from the charm on her wrist. (Y/N) was here. And if (Y/N) was here, so was Newt. She walked to the railing, overlooking the floor below.
Theseus followed and caught sight of Newt- as Theseus- with Tina and (Y/N) walking, heads down, through the Ministry typing pool.
The brothers’ eyes meet. (Y/N)’s eyes meeting with Victoria’s. Newt grabbed Tina’s arm and made a sharp turn down a corridor, (Y/N) following close behind.
Theseus and Victoria set off in pursuit, leaving Leta and a furious Travers behind. Leta backed away from the throng and slipped through a side door.
The trio continued to run along a corridor lined with pictures, the Polyjuice Potion already wearing off. “I don’t suppose you can Disapparate on Ministry premises in France, can you?” Newt asked.
“No.” (Y/N) replied.
“Pity,” Newt said nonchalantly. Now the potion had worn off completely.
“Newt!” Tina exclaimed.
“Yes, I know. I know there’s-”
Every portrait along the corridor turned into a portrait of Newt. An alarm sounds:
Urgence! Urgence! Un sorcier suivi, Newt Scamander, est entré dans le Ministère! Emergency! Emergency! A tracked wizard, Newt Scamander, has entered the Department of Magic!
Theseus and Victoria finally get to the same corridor. “Newt!” Theseus called out.
“That’s your brother?” Tina managed to ask between breaths.
“(Y/N)!” Victoria called.
“And who is that?” Tina asked, looking at (Y/N).
“My best friend.” (Y/N) answered.
“As for my brother, I think I may have mentioned in my letters we have quite a complicated relationship.” Newt continued.
‘Wait, he sent letters to her too?’ (Y/N) thought, but quickly dismissed it before she could ponder on it longer.
“Newt! Stop!” Theseus’s voice echoed through the corridor.
Newt, Tina, and (Y/N) sprinted through a second door, which led into a mailroom. Two elderly porters were pushing mailcarts across the circular room.
“Does he want to kill you?” Tina asked, a bit concerned.
“Newt!” (Y/N) scolded. “He does not want to kill you!”
As they sprinted past the mailcarts, Theseus sent a curse after them, sending the mailcart boxes flying. Tina blocked the spell. “He needs to control his temper!”
(Y/N) pointed her wand. ‘I’m sorry, Thes…’ Theseus was then slammed down into a high chair that (Y/N) has conjured out of nowhere. Hands bound, Theseus flew backward on the chair into a meeting room, where he slammed into a wall.
Newt awed. “I think that might have been the best moment of my life.” Tina laughed but was on guard when she saw Victoria.
Victoria nodded at (Y/N). “Go!”
(Y/N) looked at Victoria before running off with Newt and Tina.
Newt, Tina, and (Y/N) turned a corner into a beautiful area in front of towering Art Nouveau doors carved to resemble trees. A very old woman sat behind a desk bar.
“Puis-je vous aider?” Can I help you? The old woman asked.
“Er-yes, this is Leta Lestrange. And I’m her-” Newt said nervously.
“Fiancé,” Tina said quickly.
‘Wait… Was she misinformed?’ (Y/N) thought with a confused look on her face.
An increased awkwardness between them as the old woman lifted an ancient book onto the desk and opened it. Her finger ran down the list of surnames beginning with L. “Allez-y.”
“Merci,” Tina whispered.
Newt grabbed Tina’s hand and pulled her toward the doors into the records room. (Y/N) once again following close behind. The old woman eyed them suspiciously.
“Tina, about that fiancée business-” He started.
“Sorry, yeah. I should have congratulated you.” Tina replied, sadness in her voice.
The doors to the records office opened. They enter briskly. The doors close behind them, plunging them into darkness.
“Lumos.” (Y/N) said softly, yet firmly.
An extraordinary acre of shelves stretched away from them, all carved to look like trees so that they seemed to be on the edge of the forest. Pickett poked his head out of Newt’s pocket and squealed in excitement.
“Lestrange,” said Tina. Nothing happened.
“I think you need to be a Lestrange to-” (Y/N) started before realizing that Newt and Tina were not there anymore.
Tina set off, Newt right behind her. They weaved in and out of the carved shelves. Some of which housed rolls of parchment, the occasional prophecy, other mysterious trunks, and boxes.
“Tina, about Leta-” Newt started.
“Yes, I’ve just said, I am happy for you.”
“Yeah, well, don’t.”
She stopped in her tracks and looked at him. “What?”
“Please don’t be happy.” That sounded better in his head. “Uh, no, no. I’m sorry. I don’t… Uh, obviously, I- Obviously I want you to be. And I hear that you are now. Uh, which is wonderful. Sorry-” His shoulders sagged as a gesture of hopelessness. “What I’m trying to say is, I want you to be happy, but don’t be happy that I’m happy because I’m not.”
Tina looked at him, confused.
“Happy.” Newt paused. She still had a puzzled look on her face. “Or engaged.”
“What?” Tina asked.
“It was a mistake in a stupid magazine. My brother’s marrying Leta, June the sixth. I’m supposed to be the best man. Which is sort of mildly hilarious.” He chuckled nervously.
“Does he think you’re here to win her back?” She asked, a feeling of defeat in her voice. “Are you here to win her back?”
“No! I’m here to…” He stared at her. “-You know, your eyes really are-”
“Are what?”
“I’m not supposed to say.” He trailed off. Pickett climbed out of Newt’s pocket onto the nearest shelf and didn't notice.
“Newt, I read your book, and did you-?” Tina rushed.
“I still have a picture of you. Wait, did you read-?” Newt asked as he pulled the picture of her from his breast pocket and unfolded it. Tina was inordinately touched.
He looked from the picture to Tina. “I got this-I mean, it’s just a picture of you from the paper, but it’s interesting because your eyes in newsprint. See, in reality, they have this effect in them, Tina… It’s like fire in water, in dark water. I’ve only ever seen that-” He paused, struggling to say what he wanted to say. “I’ve only ever seen that in—”
“Salamanders?” Tina whispered, a smile on her face.
All (Y/N) could do was just stand there and watch. Of course. Just from being around her, (Y/N) could see how Newt could fall in love with her. If Newt was happy, so was she. “H-Hey guys! I’ve been looking for you guys everywhere.” She stuttered. It sounded more confident in her head.
A loud bang erupted as the doors to the records room flew open. They jump apart. Two pairs of footsteps made their way into the records room.
Leta walked inside, Victoria at her side, desperate. This was Leta’s last chance to hide evidence about Corvus’s death. The doors closed behind them. She raised her wand. “Lestrange.” The shelves began to move.
The giant trees shifted all around them. They were almost crushed as the Lestrange “tree” flew towards them. They hop onto a shelf.
The towering stack stopped, swaying, in front of her. She stared as an empty shelf confronted her. A mark in the dust where a box sat, a slip of parchment in its place. She picked up the slip and read it aloud. “Records moved to Lestrange family tomb at Père Lachaise.”
Leta spotted Pickett hiding among the deed boxes on the shelf and smiled
“Circumrota.” Victoria said. The record tower turned, revealing Newt, Tina, and (Y/N) clinging to the shelves.
“Hello, Newt.” Leta smiled. "(Y/N)."
“Hello, Leta.” They replied.
“Hi,” Tina said awkwardly, yet kindly.
Victoria looked at (Y/N) who was clinging onto the side panel of the “tree” then looked at Newt and Tina. Oh.
The figures of fifty aurors appeared in silhouette among the mausoleums. “It isn’t illegal to listen to him! Use minimum of force on the crowd. We mustn’t be what he says we are!” Theseus advised. Though the emotions of nervousness, even fear, and on a few, a clear will to fight, to avenge were evident of their faces.
“The moment has come to share my vision of the future that awaits if we do not rise up and take our rightful place in the world.” Grindelwald started.
Rosier appeared onstage. Bowing, she presented the skull-hookah to Grindelwald. Total silence fell through the auditorium.
Grindelwald was illuminated by the skull’s golden light. He inhaled deeply through the tube. His eyes rolled up into his head. He exhales and a gigantic cloak spread from his lips across the high stone ceiling, bearing moving images.
The crowd gasped. Images of thousands of marching, booted feet, explosions, men running with guns. The vision of a nuclear blast rocks the amphitheater. The crowd felt terrified. There were screams, until the vision subsided, leaving murmurs of panic.
“Not another war,” Jacob whispered.
The vision faded and all eyes return to Grindelwald. “That is what we are fighting! That is the enemy! Their arrogance, their power lust, their barbarity. How long will it take before they turn their weapons on us?”
Aurors entered the auditorium unnoticed, fanning out among the crowd. Victoria and (Y/N) being in that crowd of Aurors. They stood next to each other, holding hands.
The crowd settled down, agitated- expectant. They were waiting for a new, extraordinary revelation.
“Do nothing when I speak of this. You must remain calm and contain your emotions.” He paused. “There are Aurors here among us.”
The Aurors looked around in panic. They were wildly outnumbered. The crowd turned hostile. “Come closer, brother wizards! Join us.” Grindelwald announced to the Aurors.
“Do nothing. No force.” Theseus instructed.
One of the young Aurors has made eye contact with a young witch. She was angry, fingering her wand.
“They have killed many of my followers, it is true. They caught and tortured me in New York. They had struck down their fellow witches and wizards for the simple crime of seeking truth, for wanting freedom.” Grindelwald watched as he deliberately played on an unstable young witch’s feelings.
The young Auror raised his wand a few inches.
“Your anger. Your desire for revenge is natural.” Grindelwald continued.
She raised her wand, but the young Auror curses first. To the horror of her companions, she fell, dead.
“Disapparate. Leave. Go forth from this place and spread the word: It is not we who are violent.” People nearby took the body and Disapparate, as did most of the crowd.
Theseus and the other Aurors watched the purebloods leave. Victoria squeezed (Y/N)’s hand before letting go.
“Let’s take him.”
They started to descend the amphitheater steps. Grindelwald turned his back on the advancing Aurors, relishing the fight to come. “Protego diabolica.”
He spun and drew a protective circle of black fire around himself. The exits closed shut. Some of his followers walked through the flames into the circle. “Aurors, join me in this circle, pledge to me your eternal allegiance, or die. Only here shall you know freedom, only here shall you know yourself.” Grindelwald sent a wall of flames into the air, pursuing fleeing Aurors.
In the attempts to defend herself from the flames, Victoria ended up falling with her arm stretched out. This caused her arm to sprain. She continued, but her movements were slightly delayed due to the pain.
“Victoria, you need to get out of here,” Theseus instructed.
She winced in pain, holding her left arm in pain. “N-No. (Y/N)’s here. I can still fight.”
“Stop doing that. Stop trying to save everyone. Stop trying to put everyone’s health and safety over yours! In another time and another place, I would praise you for this. Though right now, we’re in the middle of a battle. Get out of here.”
“But sir-”
“That’s an order, Victoria.”
“Then you promise me one thing, Mr. Scamander.” Victoria pulled on one side of his collar to her level and looked him dead in the eyes. “You make sure she gets out of here.”
He gulped. Theseus never saw her like this- even on missions. “I will. Victoria, I promise.”
(Y/N) made her way to the bottom of the amphitheater, close to the ring of fire. “Gellert Grindelwald!” She yelled, her wand pointed at him.
“Ah. Miss (Y/N) (L/N). A pleasure to meet you. The Ministry’s “secret weapon”. Wait- don’t you come in a pair?” Grindelwald said, sinisterly.
(Y/N) blinked. She was not phased by his words. Three years of Auror training and years of work in the field prepared her for this type of situation. Flattery would not get him anywhere.
‘Her mind is sharp and strong, but what about her heart?’ Grindelwald thought before choosing his next words. “Alright. Let’s not talk about our professions…” He paused. “My dear, did you ever think that the Scamander brothers would miss you? They couldn’t even love you.” Grindelwald taunted.
She gulped, the grip on her wand loosened. “That’s not true! They… They did love me..” (Y/N) exclaimed, her voice faltering towards the end.
‘There we go.’ Grindelwald walked closer to the woman. “Did they really?”
Her heart raced. Her breathing became uneven. Yet it felt like she couldn’t breathe at all. Her hands started to shake. She looked at her wand, then at the Scamander brothers (who were waiting and analyzing the scene), then back at Grindelwald. “Y-Yes they did.” (Y/N) stuttered.
Finally standing within arms reach of her, he slowly moved her hand that held her wand away- and she let him do that. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Yes, but not in the way you wanted, did they?”
(Y/N) thought for a moment. She knew it was wrong, but Grindelwald’s words were so… tempting. His entire speech- he did have a point. And that’s when her walls- the walls that protected her and her feelings- crumbled. “No… They didn’t… I just… If I was just…”
The Scamander brothers had seen enough. It was not going the way they thought. “(Y/N), don’t!” Newt and Theseus yelled, making their way towards her.
Grindelwald sent up flames in their path, stopping them from continuing down the walkway. “Mr. Scamander, you and your brother are being quite rude. I’m trying to have a conversation with your lovely friend here!”
(Y/N) took a hesitant step towards Grindelwald. “I-If I join you… will the pain go away?”
He smirked, confident that he managed to gain another follower. “You’ll have that and so much more.”
She was about to take another step-
“(Y/N) please! Don’t leave us… Don’t leave me.” Newt pleaded, finally reaching the bottom of the walkway. Theseus, Leta, and Tina followed, stopping where he stood.
(Y/N) turned and looked at them. ‘Theseus. Leta. Newt. Tina.’ She gasped as the reality caught up to her. She would never be like Leta. She would never be like Tina. No matter how hard she tried, she would never be enough. The loves of her life, physically so close yet emotionally out of arm's reach.
Grindelwald walked around her then stood behind the heart-broken woman. “Look at them. Mocking you. Having no respect for your feelings. Can’t they see that they’re hurting you? The man you loved during your school years, just for him to fancy another. And even now, another woman has captured his heart. Then the brother! Oh, how smitten you were… Just for him to propose to the very woman that was the cause of your heartbreak the first time!”
“Grindelwald, enough!” Theseus yelled, pain evident in his voice.
“Please (Y/N), we can fix this!” Tina screamed.
Grindelwald patted her shoulders, “Think about all the times they hurt you…” He said before walking backing into the center of the ring of fire.
The shift in their friendship when Newt would give Leta his sweaters. All the times he would miss meetups because he was busy hanging out with Leta. The moment Newt started paying more attention to Tina. Hell, he’d talk about her all the damn time. All the times Theseus compared her to Leta. And the audacity of him to ask for advice on what gifts to get her. Were the years they were together mean nothing to him?
At the end of her montage, (Y/N) hadn’t even noticed the tears running down her cheeks. Grindelwald was right. With them, she faked happiness. Siding with Grindelwald would give her a chance at a new start.
“(Y/N), he’s manipulating you! ” Leta shouted.
“We didn’t mean to hurt you…” Newt trailed off.
“(Y/N), I would rather have you ignore me for the rest of your life than have you side with him! Stay with us!” Theseus admitted.
(Y/N) shut her eyes tightly, covering her ears in an attempt to block out their lies. Their sad attempts to make her stay. Their attempts of emotional torture. Tears ran down her cheeks- ugly sobs escaping her lips. All she wanted was for them to leave her alone. All she wanted was to run away.
“Newt loves you, (Y/N),” Tina let out, hoping that this last resort would work.
She heard that.
(Y/N) sniffled, uncovering her ears and wiping the tears from her eyes. “Not like he loves you, Tina… Remember? T-The salamanders…” She took a step backward, taking one last look at the people she held dear to her heart. “Leta, Tina… I’m not angry at either of you. Jealous, but not angry.”
She then looked down, the wand in her hand was suddenly captivating. “Theseus… Newton…” She trailed off before mustering up the courage to look at the men she loved.
Newt let out a whine. “What… What about Victoria?”
(Y/N) gasped softly. Victoria- her best friend. She shook her head before she could think about it any longer. ‘She wouldn’t miss me either… I was just a burden to her all these years.’
“Goodbye.” (Y/N) said quickly before running into the circle of flames.
“(Y/N)!” The four of them screamed.
“Tell Victoria I’m sorry…” She whispered as she Disapparated.
Grindelwald and his followers escaped, the flames extinguished, and Newt had chosen his side. The world was safe… for now.
Victoria, her left arm wrapped in a makeshift sling, made her way over to the four of them. She counted heads. Only four…? She looked at her charm bracelet. It had never felt that cold- even during the winter months. Why was the charm so cold?
“Where’s (Y/N)?” She asked, looking around in case she was in another area.
The four stayed silent. None of them wanted to break the news to her.
“W-Well?” Victoria stuttered.
Leta stepped towards her. “First, you have to know that none of us were the cause of whatever we’re going to say next.”
She gasped, “I-Is she…?”
“No! She’s not dead… She…” Tina trailed off.
“She what?” She asked, waiting for an answer. “Leta?” Victoria asked, only for Leta to look the other way. Tina had turned her attention elsewhere before Victoria could even ask her.
Victoria then looked at the Scamander brothers who were looking at each other. They were displaying miniature hand motions as if telling the other to say something. “Theseus and Newton Scamander… Either one of you better have a good explanation of why my best friend isn’t with you.”
“We tried to stop her, but…” Newt started while fiddling his thumbs, not being able to look at Victoria.
“But she was manipulated into joining Grindelwald.” Theseus continued.
Victoria gasped. The first thing she felt was pain, then it was quickly replaced with anger. Usually, (Y/N) would be there to stop her, but (Y/N) wasn’t there now was she? Victoria made her way to the brothers. She raised her hand, ready to slap Theseus’ face, but stopped just as her hand neared his cheek.
Theseus flinched, preparing himself for an impact that never came. When he heard soft sobs, he quickly opened his eyes to see Victoria crying.
That night, Victoria had lost her best friend to a monster. She dropped her arm and brought her hand close to her chest, the sobs getting more intense.
Leta and Tina made their way over to embrace her, whispering empty words such as “We’ll get her back” or “It’s okay. (Y/N)’s strong and smart. She’ll find her way out”.
Victoria sniffled. Her hair was a mess and her face covered with soot and mud. One of her arms hurt like hell, but none of those pains would ever amount to the loss of (Y/N). She finally looked up, her puffy eyes meeting the brothers’.
“I trusted you.” Victoria croaked. She brought herself to look at Newt. “She loved you… You know? Do you know how many times she’s cried on my bed in my room while we were at Hogwarts?”
She then looked at Theseus, “And you! You were her first boyfriend and I know that doesn’t entitle you to marry her or whatever, but for Merlin’s sake. Do you know how many times she’s come back to our flat at ungodly hours of the night, piss drunk trying to get over you?” Victoria ranted, getting out of Leta and Tina’s embrace. Years of emotional baggage finally fell off her shoulders.
Tina opened her mouth to say something, but Leta shook her head. Tina nodded and just let the scene play out.
“Victoria, we didn’t mean to-” Theseus started before Victoria interrupted.
“To hell with you, Theseus! You promised me that she’d get out of there! And you broke that promise…”
Theseus took a step forward with his arms open, going in for a hug.
“Please don’t. I need time and space away from all of you…” Victoria quickly stepped away from the four of them.
“This is the last time I’ll trust her heart- No, her life in the hands of a Scamander.” She said coldly before Disapparating.
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Different worlds, same heart - Chapter 3
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Chapter summary: Theseus and (Y/N)’s Theseus and (Y / N) 's close relationship is put to the test to rescue the young teacher. The Auror will realize that he knows the woman more than he thought, but that it will be essential to bring his friend back.
Note: the part in italics is a flashback
“Be careful” Newt mumbled to Theseus and Tina, who were preparing themselves to go into the rescue mission. Tina smiled and, shyly, squeezed Newt’s arm. Theseus couldn’t help but smile a little with the interaction between his brother and his friend, though anyone could see they were more although they hadn’t taken that step yet.
The unit was composed by 8 Aurors, both men and women who were more than willing to risk themselves to take (Y/N) back. An alert had raised two days after (Y/N) was taken away, Theseus had been restless those two days, worried and guilty, but he was going to be the leader without a shadow of a doubt.
“We’ll go directly to San Mungo” Theseus told Newt.
“I’ll be waiting” the youngest brother nodded.
They looked at each other for a couple of seconds and, when Theseus was going to turn and leave, Newt spoke up “I’m sure she will be fine, but don’t punish yourself if her condition isn’t the best…”.
Theseus knew his brother was trying to comfort him, so he smiled slightly and said goodbye before get going. They decided to approached with a car since the building was at the south of London, in the middle of a block of flats, and they would go more unnoticed. Once they parked the car, the head of the unit to turn the rest of Aurors.
“Remember, our main priority is taking (Y/N) safely to San Mungo. We don’t want another kidnapping nor any casualties. Capture any of them JUST if is safe to do so. Do not put yourself in unnecessary risk” they all nodded “come on, let’s get her back”.
They got into the building, casting a protective spell which made them indetectable. The building was huge but it seemed that no one was living there so it was exclusively for Grindelwald’s followers. They detected a silent spell on the building, no one from the outside could hear anything from the building, but once they stepped into it, they heard guttural screams filled with pain that prickled their skin.
All the unit looked at each other worried and terrified for (Y/N). If she was making those screams, they didn’t want to imagine what she was going through.
“Scamander…” one of the Aurors spoke when Theseus didn’t move at all.
“Those screams are from another person, or even a trap”.
“What?” Tina asked out loud confused, just as the rest of the unit.
Theseus turned to look at his partners that looked at him frowning.
(Y/N) sighed wiping away a few sweat beads from her forehead before putting on her coat. Theseus approached her and smiled slightly at her “tired?”.
She looked up and smiled back at him “a bit, this class has been intense and I’m not used to this grade of intensity, to be honest”.
“Let’s have a cup of tea in the cafeteria” he offered.
“I should go back home” she mumbled while they walked to the exit.
“But you need to regain some strength, and a good cuppa always makes everything better”.
She laughed and nodded “that’s it’s true. Lead me, Scamander. Hope the cafeteria makes good ones”.
“Trust me, they do”.
While they were in the cafeteria having their tea and eating a bit, they saw commotion out of the cafeteria. Both stood up to see a woman crying on the arms of an Auror. Theseus asked the partner of said Auror to know what was happening. Apparently, another Auror from their unit had received a cruciatus curse so intense that he was in coma back in San Mungo.
After that incident, (Y/N)’s mood changed completely and Theseus didn’t know what to say. She saw his worry and the woman sighed.
“It makes me think… If I ever had to endure that, I’m not sure I could take it” she admitted softly “they used it to torture and have information, but I don’t think I could be silence, I’m not trained like you all”.
“You don’t have to worry about that” Theseus tried to comfort her.
She looked away, through the window next to her “but I can’t help wonder what I could do… I think I would silence myself. So I wouldn’t say anything if they use it on me”.
“A silence spell on yourself? Is it possible to do that?”.
(Y/N) turned to him and smiled “I would make it work”.
 “Miss (Y/S) has confided me once that she would silence herself if she ever ended up in a situation like this, I wish that stayed as an hypothetical conversation…” he said to himself closing his eyes just for a second before looking with determination at the rest “okey, we are going to split up, three and five. I’m quite sure it is a trap so five of you go and free the woman they are using for those screams. Miss Goldstein and another one are coming with me to look for (Y/N)”.
They all nodded and they split up, five of the Aurors following the screams with caution. Theseus, Tina and another woman stayed where they were.
“But if (Y/N) silenced herself” Tina spoke “how are we going to find her?”.
“She’s clever, may she had left a trail?” the other woman asked.
Theseus nodded thinking, he was sure she had left a trail but it had to go unnoticed by her captors.
“Revelio!” he circled himself as he spoke the spell and pointed his wand in the air.
A bright figure appeared a few meters from them.
“It was an invisible patronus” Tina mumbled amazed.
Theseus smiled a bit watching the patronus, a small white owl approaching them “her mind is something else” the owl stopped right in front of Theseus “take us to your owner”.
The patronus turned around, flying to the stairs nearby so they followed it.
They reached a door on the three floor and the patronus disappeared right there. The three of them looked at each other before Theseus burst opened the door and the woman attacked the three men that were in the room.
Theseus freeze for a moment, his eyes firmly fixed on the body in the middle of the room. She didn’t move, but he knew she wasn’t dead because of her patronus. He ran to her, falling on his knees next to her and created a protective spell over her before turning and, with a single spell, knock out one of the men while the women took care of the other two.
The Auror turned again and took (Y/N)’s face carefully between his hands, there were dry blood on the corner of her mouth and nose. He checked for her pulse on her neck, he was relieved to find it, although it was weak.
“(Y/N), hey, open your eyes for me” he begged caressing her cheek softly “please, open your eyes”.
She opened her eyes slowly, blinking and scrunching her face in pain. Theseus incorporated her into a sitting position, leaning the side of her body on his chest, wrapping his arm around her waist and putting the other hand over her cheek. (Y/N) looked up at him, her eyes unfocused but, when she realized who the person that was holding her was, her eyes filled with tears.
“I’ve got you” he smiled trying to calm her “I’ve got you”.
(Y/N) started to sob, her body convulsing in Theseus arms although not a sound left her lips. She raised her arms with extreme effort and wrapped them around the Auror’s neck, pressing her face against his shoulder while all her body trembled.
Theseus sighed hugging her carefully and saw, over her shoulder, how Tina and the other partner had restrained the three men.
“Tina, took them to the ministry” he looked at the other woman “you go and alert the rest we are retreating”.
Both nodded while Theseus stood up with (Y/N) in his arms. She squeezed him, closing her eyes and feeling Theseus mouth near her ear “you are okay, I’m not letting you go”. Then he apparated to San Mungo with the feeling that the weight he had had on his chest disappeared seeing she was alive.
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silverynight · 4 years
Welcome home
"You can stay in my house," he quickly offers before Tina can say anything; it's inevitable... He's not sure why he did that. He knows everyone in his office is looking at him now, but he doesn't tear his eyes away from Newt. "I... don't have a–what I mean is that it'd be more easy for you that way. I know auror Goldstein has a landlady who doesn't want men in her building, so..."
"You're right!" Newt finally says, grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you, Mr. Graves."
Once he knows Newt is gonna stay with him, Percival relaxes, although he regrets looking at Goldstein's surprised expression and Seraphina's smirk.
Newt is his friend's brother, of course he wants to help him; Percival is not that strict as people usually thinks.
"So you come from a tropical country?" He mumbles to make conversation and distract Seraphina from whatever is in her mind.
"How do you know that?" The magizoologist looks back at him, intrigued.
"You have more freckles now than the last time I saw you," the Director observes, ignoring the way Seraphina quirks up a brow at him. Her attitude starts getting on his nerves.
Of course he'd notice! He's an auror, besides... It's more than obvious... It's not like he's the only one who has noticed that–
"Oh!" Newt looks surprised, before his expression turns into something more calm. He chuckles. "You're right, the sun must have done that."
Ridiculously happy to know he made him smile, Percival can't help but grin in return; the glimmer in his eyes stays there even after Newt gets out of the office to follow Tina and say 'hello' to her sister.
"Good luck!" Seraphina smirks again, prompting Graves to narrow his eyes at her.
"What do you mean?"
Instead of answering, she walks out of the room.
It's not easy at first; some of the creatures in Newt's case escape from it every now and then and destroy a few of Graves's things.
He's a little bit irritated at first, but he quickly repairs most of them and even learns how to put protective spells around his stuff. He also stops the Niffler a few times before he can steal his watch.
Newt is embarrassed; Percival notices in the way his blush spreads down his neck every single time.
Sometimes he wonders how far that blush goes and then he shakes his head to ignore those thoughts.
"I'm not mad, Newt." He says sincerely, but the magizoologist insists on doing something for him in return and the next time Graves comes back home the dinner is ready.
Without realizing what he's doing, Percival starts going back home earlier than usual. Mostly to help Newt with his creatures.
He finds out he has a couple of dangerous and highly illegal beasts inside his case, but Newt is so happy and excited about them, Graves decides not to make a comment on the situation; he even gives Newt a permit for his whole case, praying nobody else knows what's inside.
"Glad to know you don't stay here late anymore; you deserve to sleep like a normal person," the President says the next time he sees him.
Percival doesn't utter a word in return because by the way she's smiling, he feels like it's some kind of trap.
"You look happier now."
Graves narrows his eyes and walks towards the entrance, feeling a little bit impatient out of the sudden. He wants to see Newt.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Even though the Director swears it's not necessary, Newt makes coffee for him. The first couple of times it's a disaster, but the magizoologist learns quickly and in a couple of days Percival becomes addicted to the coffee he makes.
Then, Newt starts making more so Percival can take it to his office too.
Sometimes Newt even goes to MACUSA to help them with a few cases and Graves takes him out to dinner at the end of the day before they go home.
"I need a few days off," he says and even though in other circumstances Seraphina's reaction would have amused him, he's too worried to smile.
"Days off? You?" The president chokes on her coffee, staring at him almost with shock.
"Newt's sick," he blurts out, hating those words. No, it's nothing to worry about, but he knows that man will keep working and tiring himself until he passes out if Percival doesn't do something quickly.
He wants nothing more than to be at his side.
"Oh, I'm sorry," there must be something on his face because Seraphina looks concerned too. Although when Graves mumbles that it's just a cold, she relaxes. "He'll be fine, Percival. But I understand... Of course you'd like to take care of him. Go then, you can take as many days as you want.
"Thank you."
It takes a lot of persuading, but Graves manages to convince Newt to stay in bed (mostly because the magizoologist is exhausted) while he takes care of the rest.
The creatures trust him enough at this point so it's not that difficult to feed them before returning to Newt's side and see if he needs anything.
When he notices he's asleep, Percival smiles fondly, he touches his forehead and realizes the potion he made is working after all.
Newt is back on his feet a couple of days later with a huge smile on his face that makes Percival feel weak at the knees for a second.
"Thank you, Percy," he mumbles before giving him a hug.
Graves comes back to MACUSA grinning like an idiot.
Just a couple of days later, the realization of what's going on with him hits him in the face.
"Welcome home, Percy!" Newt beams; sleeves rolled up, messy hair and freckles that always look like beautiful stars. "I'm making dinner!"
Percival Graves freezes on his own doorway, mesmerized, wondering if there's something wrong with his heart. Then he realizes in shock, noticing how exhausted he is, that he just wants to take Newt in his arms and give him a kiss on the lips.
He's in love with his best friend's little brother and he can't do anything about it.
So that's the reason why Seraphina looked at him with a smirk on her face every time Percival mentioned Newt. She knows.
"How was your day?" Newt asks, beautiful and somehow impossible to reach; he's like a ray of sunshine and Percival has never felt so cold or lonely in all his life.
"Busy," he groans, already regretting how stiff he sounds, Newt deserves to be treated gently. He needs to be treated like he's the most important thing in the world.
Because he's the most important thing to Percival.
The magizoologist doesn't seem to notice or just doesn't mind. He keeps grinning.
"You must be tired," he comments. "Tina told me you have a couple of difficult cases in your hands. But I know you can handle them, I haven't met an auror as determined as you are."
Percival looks up at him; it's almost painful to stare at Newt. His heart keeps acting like a crazy idiot inside his chest and he knows he wants to come home to this for the rest of his life.
The problem is that Newt is just his friend.
"I'm here for you, if you need me."
I need you, I want you. Please stay with me. The thoughts are begging to rush out of his mouth, but Percival remains silent.
"Thank you," he says instead and they both eat in silence, although Percival is internally screaming.
Love is not as easy as it sounds. As everyone makes it sound.
Newt is leaving tomorrow. He needs to go to Brazil and Percival doesn't know when he'll come back.
He needs to do something. Seraphina thinks he should tell him everything, but Percival is not sure how he'll react.
He doesn't want to scare him away.
Graves sits on the couch pretending he's reading a book while Newt walks around the room, explaining everything he needs to do in Brazil to Pickett. The bowtruckle doesn't like the idea of traveling again.
Percival watches, knowing he'll miss that too and everything about Newt Scamander.
"Maybe you should stay," he blurts out while he curses internationally for saying such thing.
"But I need to trave–"
"Sorry, Newt," Percival is blushing and flustered now, looking at his own lap instead at the magizoologist. "I didn't mean it like that. I just... If you want, you can come back here as soon as you finish whatever you have to do there. You can stay here when you're not... traveling."
It's ridiculous. He feels absolutely ridiculous; babbling like a teenager in love.
Perhaps there's something else in his eyes or it's the way he turns his head up to look at him, because Newt's freckles disappear under an adorable blush.
"Do you want me to... move in with you?"
Even though there's a possiblity his answer ends up scaring the magizoologist away, Percival doesn't see the point in denying what it's obvious.
"Yes," he rises from his seat to finally meet his gaze. "I... I'm not trying to pressure you into doing something you don't want to. We could... still be friends, but I'd like to start a relationship with you..."
For a moment, Newt freezes and Percival is almost sure he just ruined everything and is more than ready to apologize when the magizoologist takes a step forward and smiles shyly at him.
"I like the idea," he mumbles, like he's afraid that his words cloud ruin the moment.
"Do you really?" It's a dream, Percival is sure of it... At least he is until Newt puts his arms around his neck and nods.
And then he kisses him on the lips. Graves can't help it, he's wanted to do that since Newt came back to New York that he can't help but kiss back desperately, with a starving passion.
"I still have one day left before I go to Brazil," Newt mumbles over Percival's lips, already pulling him towards the bedroom. Pickett quickly runs towards the case.
"You're right," Graves whispers with hunger, taking Newt's vest off.
Percival wakes up with a grin on his face and a beautiful man next to him. He leans to kiss Newt's shoulder before he finally wakes up and the Director hears him for the rest of the morning about moving in with him as soon as he comes back from Brazil.
A huge smile quirks up the corners of his lips as Percival thinks that his expression will probably confuse a few people in MACUSA that day.
But he doesn't care, he's too happy to think about that.
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What I would love to see in the next Fantastic Beasts movies
(as always, sorry for the mistakes and for my poor english, I’m not a native speaker, etc! I will continue to correct it)
If you already read other posts I wrote, you know that I’m into plans and organised texts. So here we go again.
Just to be clear:
it's neither a request, nor what I think we should or need to see, and I won't be mad if we don't have the following scenes it in the next films. (I do have an opinion on what can be interessing to include in the movies, but again, it's my opinion! just ideas, and a lot of questions without answers also, etc) (and well it’s not groundbreaking but who cares)
About Newt and his friends
About Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald
About the Summer of 1899
About the other characters
About the Wizarding Society, Muggle world, etc
Some explanations we would like to have
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1. About Newt and his friends
- Newt as a selfless and intrepid hero who loves all of the magic creatures
- To be honest, all the team as dauntless and loveable heroes and heroins facing bad guys (and Jacob - who’s already the kindest and smoothest man - being also incredibly brave)
- Newt and Tina, as a couple, loving each other, fighting together, having each other back, growing stronger and more confident with each other (like they’re fighting and are in symbiosis) (in the last film obviously)
- Queenie Goldstein as a powerful witch while she explains why she joined Grindelwald’s side - because she believes Ministry is going to do nothing for her, because she believes in a brighter future without the Statute
- (At least) some clues about Nagini’s and Riddle’s meeting
- Credence’s true family? And because his past is quite tragic and he’d already gone through awful experiences, maybe his happy end?
- Theseus not knowing how to act after Leta’s death: should he follow blindly the Ministry? Trust Dumbledore, his brother and the rest of the team?
- A character eventually agreeing with some of Grindelwald’s ideas about magic things which shouldn’t be hide and stuff, but fighting against him anyway (well, most likely Queenie)
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2. About Albus Dumbledore and (or) Gellert Grindelwald
- Albus Dumbledore as the charismatic, incredibly marvellous and skilled wizard he is, while people around him are impress by his aura: imagine Albus walking in the Ministry, and people who are supposed to protect the whole country are amazed, even scared: he’s stunning, blazing with power (and with cold fury, because the Ministry obviously did something stupid and Dumbledore is mad at them)
(at this point, we finally understand why he is the most powerful, skilled, prodigious, dazzling wizard of his age)¹
- Albus with colourful and amazing clothes
- Albus facing his Boggart (which is supposed to be Ariana’s corpse, but well, who knows)²
- Gellert Grindelwald facing his Boggart (what could it be?) (ok, I’m just curious here)
- The backstory of the Deluminator: why and when Albus developed this magical device? Did he always used it to have fun with light, or was it initially a more personal object? Had Albus created the Deluminator to find Gellert Grindelwald to fight him, at the end?
- A funny and arrogant (and bitter?) Dumbledore’s rejoinder, while he’s conscious of his marvellous mind and skills (like in the books)
- Dumbledore’s reaction when he discovers who is the actual Master of Elder Wand (again, i’m curious)
- Are Grindelwald’s mismatched eyes™ a sign of something important about his past, his abilities? is his hair white - and not anymore blond - because of Dark magic?
- A moment when we see how Dumbledore is able to manipulate surrounding people, including allies and friends
- A heartbreaking and breathtaking dialogue in 1945, while they fight against each other - and I wonder if - how - they are going to talk about their past, shared ambition and dreams, sentiments, guilt, regrets, etc
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3. About the Summer of 1899
- To be honest, it’s mostly: Albus and Gellert as remarkable, arrogant, impish, brillant and not wise at all young wizards in a flashback of 1899
passionate discussions about the Hallows, politics, the Statute, or complex magic things
wandless magic, non-verbal spells, forbidden and dangerous rituals³
Albus’ reactions while Gellert has his visions (was he already able to control his Seer’s abilities?)
how they have fun (common sense of humour, a bit bitter and jeering one most likely?)
And thanks those very quick scenes, we understand why Albus and Gellert fell in love with each other - they both were a freedom symbol for the other in a way, all what they always desired and dreamed of - and their common ambition elevated them, made them wanted a bright and glorious future
(ok, too much to show, yes, i know)
- Also, an already dangerous and extreme Gellert and an in-denial Albus (about the Inferi army, etc)
- A glimpse of the relationship between Abelforth and Ariana, between Albus and his family, and between Gellert and Albus’ siblings
(edit: and yeah i forgot, a kiss or something - an act only did by lovers and not best friends, because there are still people believing they are friends - and their relationship is technically still not canon?)
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4. About the other characters
- Adult Abelforth, loathing his brother, suffuring
- Tom Riddle at Hogwarts, possibly facing Dumbledore, or as a young charismatic awful future Dark wizard, or acting like he’s jealous of Grindelwald’s influence and like he already wants to surpass him
(it could be great to see him, at least few seconds, to build the bridge between FB and HP and most importantly to have a more detailed vision of Wizarding modern History, you know what i mean?)
- Ministry people who do not like Dumbledore because it’s funny
- A character who’s scared by the war and finally who gives up, and who runs away to try to be as far as possible from the political troubles
(it would show how war is an ordeal - I do not have the impression that the pressure and all were something so exposed in HP books, it could be great to see it?)⁴
- Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Cornelius Fudge, etc, being young - if they are already born in 1945? It’s not written anywhere so idk
- edit: I forgot Hagrid, it could be awesome to see him as a teen in the last movie during the events of the Chamber of Secrets’ first opening!
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5. About the Wizarding Society, Muggle world, ect
- The consequences of Grindelwald’s actions around the wizarding world and in the Muggle world: how things are destroyed, how he influences the governments
- The influence of rich and conservative pure-blood families through the war: how several of the sacred-28 families supported Grindelwald, how they influenced the whole magic society, why their inaction killed people, how the Ministry is corrupted, why it didn’t really change, even after the end of the war⁵
- The same conservative influence but in the very heart of character’s life: how Nagini is marginalized, for example⁶
- Why not political opinions expressed by several characters, to show how politics is a delicate and intricate subject, and why neither Albus Dumbledore nor Gellert Grindelwald are all white / all black, how Grindelwald gain influence, etc
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6. Some explanation we would like to have
- Why is Albus Dumbledore DADA teacher? We know he wrote articles in Transfiguration Today before graduating, so why teaching DADA? (guilt, will to help young people to not be tempted by Dark magic and power like he was, or was there simply already a Transfiguration teacher?)(should I mention it’s never said in the HP books?)
- When and why will Albus be the Transfiguration teacher? (edit: we have clues in FBtCoG because Travers says Albus is not going to be allowed to teach DADA anymore so I guess it explains it)
- How can Minerva McGonagall be at Hogwarts, already be a young woman - if I remember well, she’s not even born? Or extremely young?
- How Gellert Grindelwald summoned a phoenix - and more likely, let’s theorize, how might he summon and control Fawkes?
(because Credence can’t be a Dumbledore - or at least, can’t be directly related to Albus, Ariana, Kendra and Percival - or is he the illegitimate and secrete son of Abelforth? a cousin of Albus?
but if we consider Credence is not a Dumbledore, Gridelwald had been able to control a phoenix which is linked to thhe Dumbledores, right? is it thanks the blood pact? of because of Credence’s Obscurus? we don’t know
edit: or there is the theory about Credence being created by the philosopher’s stone I guess, so with Ariana’s Obscurial and most likely Albus’ blood)
- Why nobody knew that Grindelwald and Dumbledore met each other when they were teenagers, when Rita Skeeter published Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore in 1998?
(i’m not so angry, i’m mostly confused)
The Ministry knew Albus met Gellet Grindelwald in 1899, right? How can a that huge information be a secret during decades? Why Rita Skeeter only found it after Dumbledore’s death? Albus said they used to be “closer than brothers”: after that and because Travers doubted of Dumbledore’s true side, Albus had been restricted and watched by the Ministry during FBCoG. It should exist papers, files, archives which confirmed all of this. So why everybody forgot that Gellert and Albus knew each other when they were young?
- Or about Albus’ and Gellert’s former close relationship, didn’t Travers or Theseus understand they were lovers? Or if they understood, they - again - didn’t tell it? (Travers is not fond of Dumbledore, it could have been a scandal, why he didn’t say it?) Can all of that make any sense?
- Why isn’t the Blood Pact ever mentioned in Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore - or most likely, how everybody (Albus; Gellert; Newt and Newt’s friends; the Minstry; Grindelwald’s acolytes, etc) had succeed to hide it from the press and the whole magic society?
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That’s already a lot so let’s stop here Half of it is not so deep but I’m a simple girl, I’m always here for characters’ and background’s (lore?) development I will be pleased to hear what are your own wishes also
¹ : certainly one of the thing i would the most like to see in the next movies, which is also something very important in the FB and HP universe - i have the feeling his power, skills, etc are more an idea than a reality. (and i indeed used a thesaurus to describe him)
² : Boggarts, Albus’ Boggart, how - in Albus’ situation - it mirrors his Erised reflect and how it might show important elements about him is a subject i really want to broach, i already planned it, it may be great to talk about it i think?
³ : talking about forbidden rituals, i talked here about the Blood Pact and why i think it was illegal, Dark, etc :
Why Albus didn’t tell Ministry employees about the Blood Pact
⁴ : to be fair, there are elements which are reminders of the pressure of the war in the book, especially in OotP and DH, but the Golden Trio did not experienced the war like the common people did, and the story - even very short - of someone who was scared is something i will be pleased to discover
⁵ : well, i talked a bit about pure-blood conservative families, their power and their influence in two posts:
How can everyone find their true-love and still be in love after years in HP? (”magic-soulmates” theory and conservative society)
Why are the Weasleys poor? (eng&fr) (theories about pure-blood families, inheritance, etc)
(it’s theories, but it can explain my point of view - headcanons? - about those families and the Wizarding Society)
⁶ : again, check the two posts if you are interested!
Thanks for reading!
I again apologize for the mistakes - and there might be incorrect informations, even if I hope there are not
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swansandslayers · 5 years
More fantastic Newtina fics list.
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I had made a post like this before here, and (after coming across another patch of awesome fics) thought I would post another rec list. As I stated in the previous post, anyone is free to add other fics they like or their own written work.
Hope you guys enjoy. :)
Slow Dance written by clairelizabeth. Suddenly aware of all the affection permeating the ballroom between each dancing couple, as well as of Newt’s presence beside her, Tina began to look anywhere but towards the Magizoologist’s direction, trying to busy herself with thinking about how beautiful the ballroom looked.
Out of Step, Out of Reach written by clairelizabeth. Tina’s hair was still in the same style she’d worn it those months ago at the engagement party: short and sleek, and dark and lovely like her eyes. Some pieces had strayed from where they ought to be from all her running about, but she quickly fixed it with a brush or two of her fingers.
Fantastic Beasts and How it could have been. written by Hellodie. Another timeline in which Tina and Newt actually met in school during an event: the Ilvermorny students came in Hogwarts for a very famous and also dangerous tournament. They'll have to learn knowing each other to defeat the obstacle arising on their way to their dream. Though, it wasn't love at first sight or was it ? The rating might change.
What Newt Gives Tina written by Bellarsam_Chrisjulittle. Sequel to "What Tina Gives Newt." Nine months later, Newt's book is finished and his family throws a release party for it at their grand estate. The last person that Newt expects to see there is Tina Goldstein, the witch he is falling in love with - and whom he stopped writing to over three months ago. So Newt has more than a book to give Tina now if he wants to keep her in his life - will it be enough?
After Hours written by gnimmish. Fluff, set just after the events of COG (so will eventually be canon divergent), Newt and the gang are back at the Ministry of Magic in London, in the small hours of the morning. The Americans want whatever passes for coffee round here, Jacob wants pumpkin pie, Newt wants Tina, and Leta wants to make sure he doesn't wait too long.
Please, just be happy written by RedSnow1. After the event of Paris, Newt Scamander insists on meeting Tina’s lover : Achilles Tolliver, who happens to be a formidable man. The two of them begin an earnest friendship based on their shared passion (which involves a certain female Auror) much to Tina’s delight. Everything is as perfect as it can be : the only problem is that Newt and Achilles are in love with the same woman, and Porpentina Goldstein is torn between the love of her life and the man of her dreams.
It was always you written by Iloveyourfreckles. Spoiler : Just after the end of The Crimes of Grindelwald, Tina, Jacob and Nagini came back to London in Newt's flat. Newt decides it is time to clear the air between him and Tina...
A Moment Longer written by albinokittens300. Newt and Tina are given few more moments alone in the French Ministry of Magics Archive Room.
The Sweetest Smile and the Gentlest Hands written by clairelizabeth. “I’ve been cutting my own hair since I started going to Hogwarts,” Newt says as his wife brushes the comb over his fringe, wincing slightly as it caught on a tangle. “I realized early on that being away from my parents meant they couldn’t force me to go to the barber’s."
In Another World written by Newtina100. A Newtina AU, based off of a prompt I found! A short story of were Tina begins volunteering at an animal shelter, where she comes to meet Newt, whose older brother is the manager. Although they get off to a rocky start, what starts off as a simple friendship blossoms into a much larger relationship.
Nocturne written by ravenpuff1956. Tina tosses and turns, unable to sleep, the horrible memories of the last few days continuing to plague her.
Sleeping Beauty written by RedSnow1. Porpentina Scamander gets hit by a curse on the job and has no choice but to relive the same day everyday… a day that only ends with what she fears the most.
Deeds of Loves written by RedSnow1. After Queenie’s warning, Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein wonder whether they should postpone their wedding and yield to the threat. They will soon realize that in this time of war, nothing is more important than love and family. This is a sequel to "Please, just be Happy"
South West written by ourladyholmes. Newt Scamander knew he had a soulmate. Had known it from the moment that the compass came to life on his wrist. He just never imagined he'd ever actually meet them... especially not in New York City. But the compass never lies.
Only Look Me in My Eyes written by emraldmoon. A Fantastic Beasts fic in which Newt finally gains the courage to show Tina the inside of his case.
A white rose and a green dragon written by ravenpuff1956. Tina curls her hands tight against the bed sheets. They are cold and newly pressed. The room smells new- without mould or dust. A foreign smell to the towers she has been used to. The cells. Tina’s throat moves shakily as she swallows, and she coughs slightly to clear it. This is not how she thought she’d be spending her wedding night.
When The Bough Breaks written by bluesquints. Newt and Tina encounter seemingly happy circumstances with decidedly disastrous timing. Will they weather the storm that follows? Will their differences prevent them from what Dumbledore has planned?
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akaspiderman · 6 years
My everything
pairing: newt scamander x female!reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: angst idk
request: Newts bond with Tina keeps growing, and (y/n) has doubts about her and Newts relationship
A/N: this will probably be my last request because i suck at requests :/
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It was an innocent idea. Newt suggested that (y/n), Queenie, Jacob and Tina should all get together. In theory, that was a wonderful idea, everyone Newt loves all together, it seemed perfect. The downside of this idea was that (y/n) was going to drive herself insane. She couldn’t stand seeing Newt and Tina together, though she knows Newt wouldn’t hurt her like that. At least she thinks so.
These ideas would enter her mind, each time she tried to turn them off. She knew Newt would never do it, but the what-ifs were eating at her. He was always around Tina now, maybe spending more time with her than (y/n). His eyes always light up when he talks about Tina’s and his adventures that day. (y/n) always nods along enthusiastically, but her heart was aching. Maybe she was selfish, but that should be her. Hanging out with Newt, making his day. Instead she’s this background character in his life, not a leading role. (y/n) is almost a hundred percent positive that she spends more time with his creatures than him in the past few weeks. These were the things that arise in her mind every time she heard Newt and Tina were hanging out, but she never had the heart to put her foot down.
So when the gang all meets up in the Goldstein’s house, her heart was beating far too fast. She was petrified at the idea of witnessing the two together. At least when Newt tells her about it, she doesn’t know all the full details. She won’t know if Newt was smiling at everything Tina does, she won’t know if there was something more. But witnessing the two in real is something else, she can see all the small mannerisms that Newt is unaware of, how he laughs differently if he finds something super funny or how he messes with his hair if he’s nervous. She can see how they interact, she can feel it all.
(y/n) hasn’t seen them in a while, she couldn’t bare to see Tina and Newt interact without wanting to scream. So she simply took herself out of the situation by not attending any get togethers. Newt eventually stops asking if she wants to tag along, though she expects it, she can’t help but feel betrayed. But when she walks in, it was like she’s seen them everyday of her life. Queenie was taking off her coat, offering food. She was so welcoming to her even if she hasn’t them in weeks. Despite the warm welcome, her eyes were glued on Newt. How he dropped her hand the second he saw Tina to hug her. She stands by Newt, waiting for him but he just moves towards the back talking to Tina. He only realizes that he left her alone when Jacob calls out to her.
When they sit down to eat dinner that Queenie made, Newt sits next to her but across from Tina. Queenie was being her bubbly self, and Jacob was enchanted by her. She feels quiet lonely, not having a partner to talk to, but she disregards that as she eats the deliciousness Queenie presented them.
“So, (y/n) how are you? Haven’t seen you in ages,” Jacob days through chewing food. This was the first time anyone attempted to include her into a conversation.
“Oh I’m okay. Worried sick,” (y/n) blurts out, getting a look from Newt, “About the-the, nifflers.”
“Why? What’s wrong then? They’re adorable aren’t they,” Queenie smiles.
“Acting strange that’s all.”
“Did you ever tell me? I don’t recall any weird behavior,” Newt questions her, which she responds with a shrug.
She pokes at the food, losing her appetite. She was talking to Queenie and Jacob about the outrageous new fashion and how Jacob should bake cakes. Though she was participating in that conversation, her mind couldn’t help but wander off into Newt and Tina’s conversation.
“How’s your arm?” Tina says to Newt.
“Oh, um, it’s healing alright. I didn’t think that I would hurt it,” Newt replies. (y/n) didn’t even know his arm was hurting. “Anyways Tina, I saw this poster advertising this vintage artifacts. I was thinking that you would enjoy it and how it would be fun to visit.”
(y/n) felt a piece of her heart chip, she would love to go. She wasn’t even asked. Tina replies, “I saw that and I was thinking about asking you about it!”
Newt let’s out a nervous laugh, “Well, great minds think alike. We can go on Saturday after your work.”
“I want to pick up some plants on the way back if that’s alright with you. Queenie really wants to get some new ones.”
“That’s fine, I can help you carry them. Then we can finish reading the Great Gatsby!”
She was most definitely ignoring the conversation with Queenie and Jacob now. She couldn’t even force a smile and nod with them, she was too focused on Tina and Newt’s. Her heartbeat was going off the charts. She hasn’t even had a whole day with Newt in so long, he’s always working or with Tina. But Newt hasn’t even noticed by the looks of it, he was mostly interested with Tina.
“Its a date,” Tina says with a smile.
Maybe it was just a saying, but it knocks the air out of her. This was it, he was going to leave her. He hasn’t even given her an ounce of attention the whole dinner. He was intrigued by Tina, (y/n) didn’t stand a chance, but she wanted too. (y/n)’s whole heart belonged to Newt, he was the only one. But he was smiling and making plans with someone else. Her head was spinning, she saw Queenie frown at her and she already knew what Queenie read. (y/n) is fumbling out of the chair, pushing it back before heading out in the cold. She hears Newt call out to her, but it wasn’t enough to make up for the whole time he ignored her. If Queenie was going to do the right thing, she would cover for her.
The freezing air filled her lungs. Her tears were quick to come. She was standing in the middle of the street, sobbing. Maybe she should just leave, apparte away and deal with heartbreak in solitude. She lost Newt, she doesn’t even know how. Maybe she wasn’t what he wanted anymore, maybe she was worse then Tina and he realized that he deserved better. Just like that, she flicks her arm, letting it take her home.
When she arrives into the comfort of their apartment, she lets herself fully go. Letting all that built up worry out for once. It was to the point where she was gasping for air. She was a mess. She was far too gone for Newt, but Newt didn’t seem to feel the same way.
Moments later, she hears footsteps coming around the corner. She already knows who it is. She turns the opposite direction, trying to contain her tears. Her hiccups were too obvious, letting him know. She hears him drop something off on the couch, most likely her coat she hopes.
She feels warmth from the arms that wrap around her back. His face nuzzling into her hair. It was all so familiar, but she hasn’t felt it in weeks.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers into her head. (y/n) doesn’t turn around to face him. She’s staring straight ahead, even though every bone in her body wants to met eye to eye. “Queenie told me,” he whispers softly, still hugging her from behind.
“You, you should h-have noticed with, without Queenie having to tell you,” she retorts back. The anger she was trying to convey seemed weak as her constant gasping ruined the mood. She pulls out of his grip, turning to face him.
Newt winces at the fact (y/n) wouldn’t let him touch her. He felt so stupid, he didn’t know he was making her feel that way. He thought (y/n) was okay with Tina, she never complained that he spent to much time with her. But seeing her crying, he sees all the little things (y/n) has done to hint at the idea that maybe she wasn’t fine. The way she would always say “again?” when he told her he was going to hang out with Tina, they way she never laughed at his funny stories with Tina. This was his one and only, and he pushed her away. Now she’s standing in front of him crying tears about how she doesn’t think he loves her anymore. How wrong was she?
“I love you so much (y/n),” he says gently, “I’m sorry for not giving you enough attention, I can cancel my plans.”
“W-well, you’re just saying that because I made you feel bad.”
“It’s my fault. I should have gave you more attention and I-“ His voice cracks, he’s losing himself too. Tears were swelling up, he didn’t want to lose her. “I love you, you’re my world. You’re the stars and sun. You’re the ocean and the sky. You’re every single creature on this world. That didn’t come out right. You’re not a creature at all, but-“
(y/n) couldn’t help but laugh, her tears were slowing down but she’s still hurt. “It’s alright, I know what you mean. I just wi-“
Newt cuts her off, “I would be the most stupid person to let you go. You’re everything to me, and whatever you think is happening between me Tina is nothing. You can ask Queenie, I’ll let her read my mind just so you know that you’re the only one that I want. I’m so stupid for taking you for granted, my heart broke when you thought I didn’t love you. You’re the only person I would want to be with for my whole entire life. This is nearly not a long enough apology, but I just want you to stop crying. I don’t want to hurt you like this ever. I hope you can forgive me. You’re my everything.”
She wipes away tears,“You’re so lucky that I love you.” She goes towards him, letting him hold her close.
“I’m so lucky to have you forgive a big idiot like me,” Newt whispers, embracing her.
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Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne)
Newt Scamander, a brilliant Magizoologist, is a courageous and resourceful wizard who was instrumental in the capture of the infamous Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald during his recent excursion to New York. Since then, Newt’s book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, has become a runaway bestseller, bringing him unwanted fame. He would prefer to carry on quietly with his life’s work: studying, rescuing and caring for magical animals. However, his former professor and friend, Albus Dumbledore, has another job in mind for him—a mission that will again set him directly in the path of the dangerous, and increasingly more powerful, Grindelwald.
Tina Goldstein (Katherine Waterston)
Tina Goldstein has been reinstated as an Auror at MACUSA (Magical Congress of the USA), but, while she remains dedicated to the job of enforcing magical law, she has not lost her independent streak. Leaving New York, Tina has traveled to Paris on a cryptic—and wholly unauthorized—investigation of her own. She knows Credence survived MACUSA’s attempt to destroy him in New York, but she is also aware that, as an Obscurial, he is considered a threat to the wizarding community and is in grave danger. Employing all of her skills, Tina is finally closing in on Credence, but her perilous pursuit has also put her on a collision course with other powerful forces hunting him.
Queenie Goldstein (Alison Sudol)
Queenie Goldstein is a free-spirited witch who is also a Legilimens—able to read minds—which can sometimes be as much a curse as it is a blessing. Queenie has fallen in love with No-Maj baker Jacob Kowalski, despite the wizarding world laws forbidding the relationship and the painful rift it has caused between her and her sister, Tina. Intent on finding a way for her and Jacob to be together, she has used magic to whisk Jacob, unwittingly, to England, where magical laws are more permissive. However, the ruse backfires, threatening their budding romance and leaving Queenie desperate…and vulnerable.
Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler)
Jacob Kowalski is a No-Maj who adores baking and Queenie Goldstein—not necessarily in that order—but he is aware that wizarding world laws forbid their relationship. While Jacob shares Queenie’s desire for them to be together, he is nevertheless upset to find himself suddenly in England, having no memory of how he got there, and realizing that Queenie had magically taken matters into her own hands. With Queenie able to read his mind, his thoughts, while unspoken, are enough to drive her away in tears, and he will need Newt Scamander’s help to go after her. Despite his concern over Queenie, Jacob is thrilled to be reunited with his friend Newt and to join him on another adventure in the wizarding world.
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Albus Dumbledore is the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where one of his former students was Newt Scamander. Newt has since become a trusted friend and protégé, though the always shrewd Dumbledore has no compunction about using Newt for a noble purpose. Aware that Grindelwald has escaped custody, Dumbledore also knows he will waste no time in furthering his cause: elevating wizards to rule over Muggles. His own formidable powers notwithstanding, Dumbledore is unable to move against Grindelwald himself—for reasons he alone knows—and must rely on Newt to try and thwart the Dark wizard’s plans.
Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp)
Gellert Grindelwald is a powerful Dark wizard, as charismatic as he is cunning, who believes wizards should have dominion over all non-magical people. He wreaked havoc across Europe before being captured by MACUSA in New York, thanks in no small part to Newt Scamander. However, just as he forewarned, Grindelwald has made a daring escape. Setting up a new base of operations in Paris, Grindelwald expands the scope of his power and influence as more wizards flock to his cause, some unaware of his true agenda.
Credence (Ezra Miller)
Credence was once believed to be non-magical; however, he turned out not only to be an Obscurial but an extraordinarily powerful one—the only one ever known to have survived past childhood. Credence has come to Paris, where he is desperately searching for his real mother, hoping to learn his true identity. More self-assured than he had been under the abusive rule of his adoptive mother, Mary Lou Barebone, Credence is still vulnerable and alone, save for one friend, a Maledictus. However, he now has total control of his Obscurus—the magical force that had been suppressed within him for years—making him a danger in the eyes of some and a potential tool to others.
Maledictus (Claudia Kim)
The Maledictus appears to be a beautiful, young woman, but she is a carrier of a blood curse that ultimately destines her to transform permanently into a beast. She is first seen as the star attraction at Circus Arcanus, a wizarding world circus, where her transformative powers are being exploited by its cruel owner and Ringmaster, Skender. But the Maledictus has also found a friend in one of the menial workers there, Credence. After they escape from the circus together, the Maledictus becomes Credence’s companion and confidante in his search for his identity.
Leta Lestrange (Zoë Kravitz)
Leta Lestrange is an old friend of Newt Scamander and shared a close bond with him when they were classmates—and both outsiders—at Hogwarts. She is now working at the British Ministry of Magic as the assistant to Torquil Travers, the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. Leta is also engaged to Newt’s older brother, Theseus, which has created some awkward tension between them.
Theseus Scamander (Callum Turner)
Theseus Scamander is the older brother of Newt Scamander, though they seemingly have very little in common. Theseus is more outgoing and demonstrative than Newt. A celebrated war hero, Theseus is now the Head of the Auror Office at the British Ministry of Magic and is engaged to Leta Lestrange. Theseus is often torn between his love for his brother and his loyalty to the Ministry and his job.
Yusuf Kama (William Nadylam)
Yusuf Kama is an elegant French-African wizard who says he is the last male in his pureblood family line. After many years of obsessively searching for Credence, he has finally tracked him down in Paris. But to what end?
Nicolas Flamel (Brontis Jodorowsky)
Nicolas Flamel is an approximately 600-year-old wizard living in Paris. An alchemist, he is the creator of the Philosopher’s Stone and believed to be immortal. Flamel is a close friend of Albus Dumbledore and was already expecting Newt’s arrival, as he knew Dumbledore had sent Newt on a mission to Paris.
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elisha-am · 5 years
A/N: Someone shared this idea with me and I like it a lot so this happened. (I did a little bit of tweaking to make it worked easier for me, hope you like it.)
Set in FB3. Angst.
Newt dodged another blast of curses aiming at him and caught a moment to spare a glance at Tina and Theseus. 
They had been chasing Grindelwald’s followers in the forest for days now. Those fanatics somehow were able to sense when they were nearby and managed to strike first, no matter how well they hid.
“Bloody murders,” his brother swore again. “How do they know we’re coming? Are you sure that the concealing position worked, little brother?”
“It works, Theseus. Something must have tipped them off.”
“Guys, can we save the squabble after we ——“
Sensing something was off with the way Tina cut her sentence short, Newt looked at her direction. Tina stood frozen, her eyes wide and filled with horror.
“Tina!” Afraid she was hit by one of the followers, Newt rushed to her, fending off all the attack came near them.
When he got to her, he was relieved that she wasn’t hurt. But needed to know what made her stopped dead in the middle of the fight, he turned to the way she was facing.
And he froze on the spot as well.
“Queenie.” Tina breathed out her sister’s name. 
Suddenly, all the followers disapparated away, leaving Queenie stood in front of them alone.
Now they knew how the followers could tell they were after them.
“Queenie.” Tina seemed to find her voice again and called out her sister’s name, but the blonde witch just turned and started to run. Tina followed her deeper into the jungles.
“Wait, Goldstein! This could be a trap!” 
Tina only cast a cold stare at Theseus then soon resumed her chase.
“That’s her sister, so no use to stop her. The best way we could do is to back her up.” Newt didn’t wait for Theseus’s reply and went after Tina.
They stopped at a clearing in the middle of the woods. Queenie stood at the far side and was looking at them, mostly at Tina, with an unreadable expression. 
“Queenie,” Tina called again, with so much desperation that cut his heart to hear. But the younger Goldstein seemed unmoved, she pulled out her wand and turned, looked like was about to disapparate.
“No! You stop right there! Queenie Goldstein!” Newt was startled by the sudden change of Tina’s tone. “Stop this nonsense right now!”
It might be a little inappropriate considering the situation, but Newt couldn’t help but smile a little, thinking she must have scolded her sister like this many times when they were growing up. 
“It’s you who need to stop, Tina.” All the amusement he felt died when Queenie spoke. She felt like a different person from the kind, caring woman he knew, with all the gentleness and cheer missing from her voice, replaced by the coldness. 
“Stop acting like you are the parent and I am the child when we should be sisters! I am tired of you always yelling and treating me like I know nothing!”
“I was looking out for you like I promised Papa and Mama!”
“You are not them, they were dead! No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be them!”
Tina cringed at the harsh words coming out of her sister. Newt could feel her using all her strength to keep herself from crumbling.
“But you did abandon me just like them.” 
“That’s not true, I never left you.” 
“It felt like it when you never approved Jacob and my relationship. I just want you to be happy for me! But you never did all because he is a No-Maj and that breaks the law you love so much.” Queenie’s sharp tone was getting shaky, and tears falling down her cheeks.
“I never oppose you being with him, I just want you to think it through and be careful.”
“What else is there to think? He makes me happy and I want to be happy, that’s all I want, and we never hurt anyone, Teenie.”
“I know and that’s all I want for you, too, but I can’t let you get caught and throw into jail, you are the only family I have.”
The sisters didn’t say anything more for a few moments, just staring at each other like they were willing the other to concede.
It was Tina who broke the silence first.
“Come on, Queenie, please come back. We will figure a way out for you and Jacob.” She took a step toward her sister, reaching out her hand and speaking with the softest voice Newt ever heard she used. “Just come back.”
They both hold their breath, watching Queenie like she was a wounded creature, not knowing what she would do next.
“See, Tina, you still don’t get it.” It was Queenie’s turn to be desperate, her voice trembling. “It shouldn’t need to be figured out, it shouldn’t be different from what you and Newt want. And he promised me we could have that, not just me and Jacob, but everyone like us. A world none of us needs to hide.”
Before Tina could say something, Queenie disapparated away.
“Queenie, no!” Like the string holding her up was snapped by Queenie’s leaving, Tina fell to the ground and started to sob.
Feeling lost, Newt stood still.
Then he felt a gentle nudge on his shoulder. He turned his head to see Theseus stood behind him with a sad smile on his face. “Go on, Newt, you know what to do. I am going to contact the other teams and leave you to it.” 
He actually didn’t have a clue, so he followed his instinct, that being crouched down to her side and gathered her into his arms.
He watched Tina cried, and it tormented him. He wished he could come up with something to say, to ease her pain. But his mind was all fogged up by the unexpected anger at Queenie, for making her sister going through another betrayal, worst as it was the second time from her.
“I failed again, Newt, I failed her again.” She said between sobs. Her body shook more violently, so he held her tighter and gently rocking them back and forth, like how he did with a hurting baby beast.
“No, Tina, you haven’t. As long as she’s alive, you haven’t.”
She responded with curling further into his chest.
Newt learned more about love that day.  It could hurt deeper than anything else in the world.
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lostgirllesbian · 6 years
Welcome To My TED Talk About Queenie Goldstein
First thing’s first 
If you’re still reading I assume you either know about the direction Queenie’s character has gone or don’t know and just want to be spoiled. 
Queenie quickly became my favorite character after I saw the first Fantastic Beasts movie. She was interesting, a perfect foil for Tina, and while it would have been easy to write her off as the pretty character she proved to be more than just that, and not just because of her Legilimency but also her ability to see the best in people, especially when they can’t see it in themselves. She proves this with not only Jacob but also the small moment she has with Newt and talking about Leta Lestrange.
The direction Jo took her character in Crimes of Grindelwald is one of the most infuriating moments I’ve experienced as a fan of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I was sitting in my seat in the theater crying because I was sad yes, but more because I was angry. Now I will list the reasons why everything that happened with Queenie in CoG was total and complete bullshit. I don’t care how persuasive and alluring Grindelwald is, Queenie would never join him. 
1. Her Ilvermorny house
Queenie was a Pukwudgie, the house that is said to represent Heart. This makes sense when you think of how Queenie is able to see the best in people as well as follow her heart. However, Pukwudgie’s are also “fiercely independent”. Queenie also proves her independence in the first Fantastic Beasts movie when she rescues Jacob from being obliviated by Abernathy, when she breaks into Graves office, when she tries to leave Jacob to help Tina and Newt with Credence and other areas. She is following her own independent streak while also following her heart and trying to save people she cares about. 
Queenie also would also never enchant Jacob because of all the reasons I listed above as well. Yes, Tina disapproving of their relationship would have been upsetting to Queenie but if she had been written correctly she would have done her best to show her sister that the Ministry was wrong, just like they were wrong about Credence. 
2. Her Legilimency
Queenie is outed very early in the first movie as a Legilimens and we’re shown that her ability is almost second nature to her. We never see her cast a spell to read anyone’s thoughts her power seems innate. In CoG we see her get overwhelmed by this power in Paris which didn’t make sense to me in the first place. She is surrounded by crowds of people every day in New York City and she never gets overwhelmed. I can chalk up the incident to her being emotional and distraught over her situation with Jacob. That brings us to her savior and her first encounter with Grindelwald. With her ability she should be able to see what he and his followers have done, the people they’ve killed, the horrible crimes they have committed. If she isn’t able to, that is never stated or explained. It is possible (though unlikely) that Grindelwald and everyone around him are practiced in Occulmency and Queenie wasn’t able to read their thoughts but that is an assumption. For the sake of argument let’s say that isn’t the case and ask, why would Queenie go along with these people who are so clearly evil? 
3. Tina
At the beginning of CoG Queenie states that she and Tina aren’t talking because of Jacob (I am angry enough about this but am going to go past it for now) However, Queenie goes to find Tina after her fight with Jacob meaning that she was trying to make up with Tina or at least talk to her. When she goes to the French Ministry she is clearly upset at not being able to find her sister. With Tina’s job as an Auror and her own job at MACUSA Queenie is aware of Grindelwald’s history and her sister’s role in fighting him. Tina is the only family Queenie has left and after everything she did to save her in the first movie, she would never turn her back on her like she did in this movie.
4. Jacob 
I know that anyone who wants to defend the choices Jo wrote for Queenie will bring up Jacob as her reason for joining Grindelwald
Fuck that!
From the beginning the relationship we all loved between Queenie and Jacob was totally screwed over. 
I was happy when we were told that Queenie found Jacob and helped to restore his memory. That fit with the last we saw of both these characters. However, after that moment it is clear that something is off. When Newt lets the audience know Jacob is enchanted I was automatically up in arms. 
Queenie cared about Jacob enough to try and stop him from walking out into the obviliating rain, she cared enough about him to find him and help him remember everything they went through. She wouldn’t just turn around and put him under a spell knowing that 1. he wasn’t really going to leave her and 2. he doesn’t have any magic to fight back with. 
Queenie brought Jacob to London because the laws there are different and she would have been able to be with him and start a family so why didn’t she just tell him that and get him to go willingly to London? She was frantic to find him when she heard his voice but once she had her encounter with Grindelwald it seemed like she forgot about him completely. That doesn’t make any sense to me given their relationship and the fact that Queenie can’t find Tina. 
When she and Jacob are finally reunited she wants to say and listen to Grindelwald, seemingly uninterested in Jacob at all, even though he’s the reason she’s listening to all of Grindelwald’s talk. Then comes the moment that inspired my rant, the moment Queenie chose to leave Jacob behind. She wanted him to follow her, forgetting that because he is a muggle, he can’t. 
This is the Queenie who wanted to run away with Jacob instead of losing him. The Queenie who found him again after he had his memory erased. The Queenie who said there was no one else like him. She turned her back on him and walked away and that is something Queenie would never have done. 
First of all Queenie and Tina are half-bloods, which means somewhere there is a Muggle in their family (how that is possible with MACUSA’s laws I don’t know. I assume their parents came over from somewhere in Europe) one of their parents could be a Muggle, or one pureblood and one muggleborn, or both of their parents could be halfboods too. It doesn't really matter how they are half-bloods but what does matter is the direct link to a muggle in their family somehow. That means Queenie should have never bought into the Pureblood ideology that was being spewed.
Gindelwald didn’t promise her anything, he only said that non magic people were “different” or “not inferior” that doesn’t mean he sees them as equals or will give Queenie the ability to be with Jacob. He’s simply being vague and Jo is changing Queenie’s character to allow her to buy into his speech.
In Fantastic Beasts, Queenie Goldstein is a warm and caring witch. A young woman who loves and cares deeply, has a mind of her own, is brave and intelligent. 
In Crimes of Grindelwald Jo has turned her into some manipulative, mindless, sheep and in my personal opinion I think it’s one of the worst things she’s done as a writer. 
She took a strong female character, that a lot of girls and women (including myself) love and ruined her. Queenie deserved better. 
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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newtxtinaforever · 5 years
One Day at a Time
Just a fanfic I decided to share for Tina’s birthday. Enjoy!
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3rd POV
Newt Scamander strolled down a quiet corridor, his footsteps creating echoes that only the ghosts could hear. Everyone else had already left or remained outside Dumbledore's office, waiting to talk with the only man capable of defeating Grindelwald. As he neared the end of the hallway, Newt stopped. Standing alone in the entrance of a nearby classroom was Tina Goldstein. She rested her head against the doorway, her posture unusually slouched. Newt could tell she was tired, and he tried not to sound too surprised when he asked, "You're still here?"
The temporary break in silence shifted the atmosphere. Tina could sense Newt's excitement at her presence but she pretended not to notice. There was so much to talk about, and neither knew where to start. Skipping what would certainly be a round of awkward pleasantries, Newt decided to smile instead. A few moments passed before Tina met his gaze, and he felt led to say something, almost as if someone were nudging him to do so. Newt hadn't the slightest idea what he should say, but he figured anything was better than nothing. Tina needed to know that he was concerned about her.
"I'm sorry. What happened to Queenie..." Newt trailed off, a feeble attempt to continue only resulting in further clumsiness. "I'm sorry, Tina." he finished, more steadily this time. Tina's face remained unreadable for a couple minutes before her composure crumpled and she cast her gaze to the floor, tears glistening in the corners of her eyes. Once again, Newt felt clueless as to how he should comfort her, but persisted nevertheless. He knew what it was like to wrestle with the aftermath of careless decisions made by a close friend or family member, and he wasn't about to let the American witch struggle on her own.
Tina crossed her arms as she stood facing Newt. Not out of cruelty, but almost as a shield, a barrier with which she could protect herself from these volatile emotions. She felt so fragile, and although she hated it with every fiber of her being, there was nothing she could do to stop it. With an almost imperceptible insight, Newt lifted his hand until it rested gently against the side of Tina's arm. She looked up at him; there was no telling what she was thinking. Newt hoped the small gesture would be a step in the right direction, but he wasn't sure. After all, there wasn't exactly a book covering this sort of thing, and even if there was, average social norms didn't always apply to his relationship with Tina. They were different, and while that oftentimes complicated things, Newt found that he wouldn't have it any other way.
As Newt continued to ponder life's intricacies, Tina found herself floating in a pool of emotions. She thought that if she pretended to be okay, maybe the reality of Queenie's absence wouldn't hurt as much. Unfortunately, Tina's theory wasn't working out so well. The pain that swept through her body could not be captured through the use of language. No, this ache that she felt was like an insatiable hunger. No amount of breathtaking sunrises or steaming mugs of hot cocoa would fix the situation she was in, and Tina had no choice but to accept it. This deep, gaping hole would continue to gnaw away at her until there was nothing left.
Yet despite the indescribable pain she felt, Tina could sense another more triumphant feeling within her. In fact, she was far from being numb. Most people shut down when tragedy struck, but Tina was a fighter. She refused to allow grief the satisfaction of stealing her fiery spirit. This rang true as her heart fluttered unexpectedly; Newt's hand on her arm produced a unique yet pleasant sensation. Soon the feeling evolved into something that resembled butterflies taking off, ready to explore the world around them. She couldn't help but place her own hand on Newt's arm, and it wasn't long before the two twenty-somethings found themselves clutching onto each other.
Newt stiffened for a few seconds before relaxing in Tina's embrace. Her hands were soft on his back and she held him in a way that was surprisingly comforting. The musty scent emanating from Tina's hair reminded Newt of the sewers, yet the simple act of being so close to her was heavenly. He had never taken such pleasure in wrapping his arms around another human being before, and it took some time to get used to. In spite of himself, Newt craved the warmth of Tina's body; his sentiments merely intensified when she pulled him in closer, her lips forming a smile unbeknownst to him as she cherished the moment.
Stirring within both of their hearts was a steadfast desire to maintain such a deep closeness regardless of the time or place. Although the embrace was coming to an end, it wasn't completely over. Tina shifted her hands from Newt's back to his shoulders, the feel of his lean muscles tempting her to stay that way forever. It had been so long since she had been comforted by another, and Tina loved to acknowledge the importance of physical contact. After all, hugs were her parents' way of letting her and Queenie know that they loved them. Life had dealt Tina a difficult hand, but that didn't keep her from honoring her parents through many of their old rules or guidelines. She had several memories of cradling Queenie during their worst nights, and it was with this in mind that Tina allowed herself to grieve for her sister as her British companion held onto her.
Newt caressed the sides of Tina's arms, hoping she didn't sense his nervousness. While he was more comfortable being close to her over anyone else, he wasn't exactly confident in his abilities regarding this particular area. Knowing that a thin piece of fabric was the only thing separating his hands from colliding with her skin both exhilarated and terrified him. Besides, Tina was still seeing that Auror: Achilles Tolliver. Wasn't that what Queenie had told him? He tried not to let this realization spoil the moment, but Newt grew more miserable by the second. If only he and Tina could voice their thoughts of each other once and for all. Perhaps they would find comfort in the truth of their confessions.
Tina rested her head on Newt's shoulder, her hands now wrapped around the center of his body. With a great deal of reluctance, she expressed her regret over Leta's death. Tina hadn't wanted to mention it, but ultimately felt it was important for Newt to know she didn't hold any malice or ill-intentions against Leta. There was nothing Tina could've done to save her, although that didn't cause her to feel any less guilty about her death. She was Newt's old friend, and her loss had to be difficult for him to process considering his social ineptitude generally kept him from having a large group of friends. Tina tried not to think too hard about how much Newt would miss Leta. Instead, she stared at the marble floor, trying her hardest to focus on anything else but Newt's freckled face.
Tina fought to resist falling into the depths of his eyes just like she'd done so many times before. Newt wasn't the most handsome man, but he certainly had a few distinguishing features. Even when he was upset, there wasn't much he could do to prevent Tina from wanting to be close to him. As the two continued to hold each loosely, Newt took the lead by pulling Tina closer, the earlier embrace they shared rekindled. Yet this one was tighter than the last, more reassuring and right. There was no hesitation, and Tina simply melted in Newt's arms. If either person's affections weren't clear enough before, they certainly were now. So immersed in each other were they that the echo of approaching footsteps did not register. Newt and Tina both found comfort in the other's presence; the outside world could wait.
Theseus Scamander stood far enough away so as not to be seen by the embracing couple. His smile wasn't as wide as usual, but it was there nevertheless. Seeing his little brother in love was one of Theseus' biggest wishes, and he couldn't be more proud. In a time where no one was safe, it was important to cherish loved ones and keep them close. He knew that all too well. Leta's death hadn't quite sunken in yet, but it was only a matter of time before it hit Theseus. When it did, he was sure the result would be more than he could handle. Thankfully he had Newt, and Newt had Tina. They would band together as anyone would during such a tragic time, and with just a bit of luck, they would all make it out alive. But first they would have to keep breathing, one day at a time.
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raven-black102 · 6 years
Chapter 3: Tina And Queenie Apartment
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About my Character, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Andy's POV
"Take a right here..." The woman I now know as Tina said as she guides the three of us down Brownstone Street. Newt and Tina, both, are helping to keep Mr Kowalski steady on his feet while he keeps making various retching sounds which, to me at least, is odd, the Murtlap bite must be affecting him more than it should.
'Maybe since he's a muggle it affects him differently then the witches and wizards.' I thought holding Newt's case close as we round the corner, Tina hurries us to hide behind a large truck and she peers over her shoulder, across the street.
"Okay--before we go in--I'm not supposed to have men on the premises." She said as she looks between Newt and Mr Kowalski. "In that case, Mr Kowalski, Andy and I, can easily seek other accommodation-" Newt started to say but Tina grabs Mr Kowalski's arm.
"Oh no, you don't!" She said and pulls him across the street. Newt lets out a heavy sigh as I shake my head. "You tried brother dear." I said as we, dutifully, follow Tina and Mr Kowalski. "Maybe I should feed her to Leo." I said as Newt gave me a look causing me to chuckle slightly. "I'm joking. Maybe." I said scratching my left arm as Newt just sighed.
"Watch your step." She said as we make it to the building. Once we get inside, Tina places her pointer finger on her lips and motions for us to walk in front of her, so Mr Kowalski, Newt and I walk ahead of her and up the stairs with her following behind.
As we get to the top floor, we hear a door open downstairs. "That you, Tina?" A woman's voice called out. "Yes, Mrs Esposito!" Tina replied looking at us. "Are you alone?" Esposito asked her. "I'm always alone, Mrs Esposito." She said and her landlady seem to be satisfied with the answer because we hear her door shut and Tina ushers us to move on.
We enter through a door and I notice the place is enlivened with magic. An iron is working away on its own in a corner, there's a clothesline revolving, clumsily, on its wooden legs in front of a fire, drying an assortment of underwear. 'Do they not know how to do thing without using magic?' I thought with a small frown.
"Teenie--you brought men home? And who's the new girl?" Another female voice asked. I look into the direction of the voice and see a blonde girl standing in a silk slip, supervising the mending of a dress and I noticed that Mr Kowalski looked completely thunderstruck by the sight that he sees in front of him.
"This is my sister. You want to put something on, Queenie?" Tina asked her. "Oh, sure." Queenie said, unconcerned about the two man watching or more like Mr Kowalski.
'Queenie? That a lovely name.' I thought as Queenie waves her wand and the dress, magically, runs up her body. "So, who are they?" She asked Tina.
"That's Mr and Miss. Scamander. They've committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy--" Tina said as Queenie looks over and Newt and I, impressed. "They're criminals?" She asked with slight interest lace in her voice. "Uh-huh, and this is Mr Kowalski, he's a No-Maj--" "A No-Maj? Teen--what are you up to?" Queenie asked her sister with worry.
"He's sick--it's a long story--Mr and Miss Scamander have lost something and I'm going to help them find it." Tina replied as Mr Kowalski staggers. I rush over to him and help him over to the couch. "You need to sit down, honey." Queenie said, with concern, as she rushes over to him as well.
"They're not things. They're creature's." I snarled at Tina as Newt placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey....he hasn't eaten all day. And....aw, that's rough, he didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey?" Queenie asked and Mr Kowalski, who has stared in amazement at her, nods. "I love to cook." Queenie said with a smile.
Newt and I look at her with curiosity before it click in our heads. "You're a Legilimens?" Newt asked her as she nods at this. "Wicked." I said with a smile. "But I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It's the accent." She said, seeing my confused face. "Except for you Miss Scamander. I can't seem to hear a single voice or thought in your pretty head." She said as Newt looks at me.
"It must be the creature." I whispered to Newt. "More creatures?" Tina asked causing me to sigh. "It's none of your business." I growled as she looks at me in shock. "You know how to read minds?" Mr Kowalski asked Queenie, appalled.
"Aw, don't worry, honey, most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me. Now, you need food." Queenie said as she playfully gestures to him and waves her wand around and numerous food starts flying out.
"Are you alright brother?" I asked as I look at him only to get no response. I go and stand next to him but stopped when I hear a buzzing sound. I look out the window and see a Billywig, flying around. I tap Newt on the shoulder and he looks out just in time to see the Billywig fly away. He shakes his head and sighs. "We'll get them." I whispered as I placed my hand on his arm.
"Trico and Fuchs are with them right now." I added as Newt smiled slightly and nod his head. "Yeah but not soon enough. You know we need to get to Arizona...." He whispered, softly, to me. "I know. I want to get him there safely too, but she won't let us leave." I whispered, quickly.
"Plus when you were gone I've been looking around. And I can't get Credence out of my head." I said as Newt looked at me. "Credence?" He asked confused as I felt heat rush to my cheeks. "The Second Salame Boy we met at the bank. Shi has been moving around ever since I touched his hand." I said as Newt slightly frowned.
"Just like that time when we met that little girl in-" I started only to be interrupted. "Hey, Mr and Miss Scamander." Queenie called and we whip our head around and see that Mr Kowalski, Tina and Queenie are in the kitchen, surrounding a table that's set up for five. "Do you prefer pie or strudel?" She asked.
"We don't really have a preference." Both me and Newt said in unison. I smiled slight since it been a long time when me and Newt would talk at the same time. I took notice that Queenie quirks up a grin and she turns to Mr Kowalski.
"You prefer strudel, huh, honey?" She asked and Mr Kowalski nods with excited enthusiasm. Queenie smiles with delight and said. "Strudel it is." And she waves her wand sending apples, raisins and pastry flying into the air.
The concoction neatly wraps itself up into a cylindrical pie, baking on the spot, complete with ornate decoration and a dusting of sugar. Tina lights the candles as I hear a small squeak and I look over and see that Pickett has his head sticking out of Newt's pocket, looking around the place with curiosity.
"Well, sit down, Mr and Miss Scamander, we're not going to poison you." Tina said as she gestures to the two seats meant for me and Newt. I look over at Newt and grimaced at him. He looks over at the window for a brief moment then turns back to me and nods. I take a deep breath and nod back at him and we make our way to the table and dig in to this delightful meal.
About half an hour pass and Queenie and Mr Kowalski are getting along really well as they talk and giggle. "The job ain't that glamorous. I mean, I spend most days making coffee, unjinxing the john... Tina's the career girl." Queenie said happily.
There was a brief pause before Queenie speaks up. "Nah. We're orphans. Ma and Pa died of dragon pox when we were kids. Aw....You're so sweet. But we got each other!" She said with a smile. I smiled slightly remembering the time I was to afraid to tell mother and father about the markings on my skin. And if it wasn't for Newt I don't know were I'll be at right now.
"Could you stop reading my mind for a second? Don't get me wrong--I love it!" Mr Kowalski said and Queenie giggles with delight. "This meal--it's insanely good! This is what I do--I'm a cook and this is, like, the greates meal I have ever had in my life." He compliments and Queenie continues to laugh and I can't help but smile at this.
It's cute that they are getting along so well but in the back of my mind I know that this isn't going to last long once the MACUSA Obliviates him. It makes me feel sad because they seem to like each other. 'Credence.' I thought as I looked away from them and outside the window.
This whole rule in America for Wizards and Muggles not become friends or build any kind of relationship with each other is just ridiculous to me. It kind of made more sense to me that Landon is a lot better then here. The only rules is that you can't use your magic to outside of Hogwarts or it can't be seen by a muggle. (Please correct me if I'm wrong with that.)
"Oh, you slay me!" Queenie said as they continue to giggle. She takes her hand and places it under her chin as she stares at Mr Kowalski in wonder. "I ain't never really talked to a No-Maj before." She said.
"Really?" He asked, astonished. They gaze into each other's eyes as Newt and I exchange looks then look over to Tina, who is sitting opposite us, and we sit there in an uncomfortable silence. Queenie looks over to her sister then leans back in her chair, head hanging down.
"I'm not flirting!" She replied looking at Tina with a slight pout. "I'm just saying-- don't go getting attached, he's going to have to be Obliviated!" Tina replied in an embarrassed tone. She then turns her attention to Mr Kowalski and said. "It's nothing personal." I rolled my eyes. 'Sure it isn't.' I thought with a slight snarl.
Mr Kowalski, suddenly, goes pale and starts to sweat again but he tries to look good for Queenie. Newt and I exchange a worried glance as Queenie asked. "Oh, hey, you okay, honey?" Newt and I, briskly, gets up from our chairs and stand behind it.
"Miss Goldstein, I think Mr Kowalski could do with an early night. And besides, you, my sister and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find our Niffler, so--" Newt started to say when Queenie looks up at him in confusion then turns to Tina and asked. "What's a Niffler?" Tina, who looks upset, said. "Don't ask. Okay, you guys can bunk in here." She said and she leads us to the back room.
'I hope you're alright Credence.' I thought as I had a bad feeling know that something is going to happen along the way.
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layce2015 · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Chapter 3: Dinner at the Goldstein's
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"Take a right here..." Tina said as she guides the three of us down Brownstone Street. Newt and Tina, both, are helping to keep Mr Kowalski steady on his feet while he keeps making various retching sounds which, to me at least, is odd, the Murtlap bite must be affecting him more than it should.
As we round the corner, Tina hurries us to hide behind a large truck and she peers over her shoulder, across the street.
"Okay--before we go in--I'm not supposed to have men on the premises." She said as she looks between Newt and Mr Kowalski.
"In that case, Mr Kowalski and I, along with (y/n), can easily seek other accommodation--" Newt started to say but Tina grabs Mr Kowalski's arm. "Oh no, You don't!" She said and pulls him across the street. Newt lets out a heavy sigh as I shake my head. "You tried." I said as we, dutifully, follow Tina and Mr Kowalski.
"Watch your step." She said as we make it to the building. Once we get inside, Tina places her pointer finger on her lips and motions us to walk in front of her, so Mr Kowalski, Newt and I walk ahead of her and up the stairs with her following behind.
As we get to the top floor, we hear a door open downstairs. "That you, Tina?" A woman's voice called.
"Yes, Mrs Esposito!" Tina replied.
"Are you alone?" Esposito asked her.
"I'm always alone, Mrs Esposito." She said and her landlord seem to be satisfied with the answer because we hear her door shut and Tina ushers us to move on.
We enter through a door and I notice the place is enlivened with magic. An iron is working away on its own in a corner, there's a clothesline revolving, clumsily, on its wooden legs in front of a fire, drying an assortment of underwear. "Teenie--you brought men home? And who's the new girl?" Another female voice asked. I look into the direction of the voice and see a pretty blonde girl standing in a silk slip, supervising the mending of a dress and I noticed that Mr Kowalski looks thunderstruck by the sight that he sees in front of him.
"This is my sister. You want to put something on, Queenie?" Tina asked her.
"Oh, sure." Queenie said, unconcerned.
Queenie? Kinda an odd name. I think as Queenie waves her wand and the dress, magically, runs up her body.
"So, who are they?" She asked Tina.
"That's Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N). They've committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy--" Tina said as Queenie looks over and Newt and I, impressed.
"They're criminals?" She asked.
"Uh-huh, and this is Mr Kowalski, he's a No-Maj--"  
"A No-Maj? Teen--what are you up to?" Queenie asked her sister with worry.
"He's sick--it's a long story--Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N) have lost something and I'm going to help them find it." Tina replied as Mr Kowalski staggers. I rush over to him and help him over to the couch.
"You need to sit down, honey." Queenie said, with concern, as she rushes over to him as well.
"Hey....he hasn't eaten all day. And....aw, that's rough, he didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey?" Queenie asked and Mr Kowalski, who has stared in amazement at her, nods. Queenie smiles and said. "I love to cook."
 Newt and I look at her with curiosity and Newt speaks up. "You're a Legilimens?" She nods at this and I smile.
"Wicked." I said with a smile.
"But I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It's the accent." She said, seeing my confused face.
"You know how to read minds?" Mr Kowalski asked her, appalled.
"Aw, don't worry, honey, most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me. Now, you need food." Queenie said as she playfully gestures to him and waves her wand around and numerous food starts flying out.
I go and stand next to Newt when I hear a buzzing sound. I look out the window and see a Billywig, flying around. I tap Newt on the shoulder and he looks out just in time to see the Billywig fly away. He shakes his head and sighs. "We'll get them." I whispered.
"Yeah but not soon enough. You know we need to get to Arizona...." He whispered, softly, to me.
"I know! I want to get him there safely too, but she won't let us leave!" I whispered, quickly.
"Hey, Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N)." Queenie said and we whip our head around and see that Mr Kowalski, Tina and Queenie are in the kitchen, surrounding a table that's set up for five. "Do you prefer pie or strudel?" She asked.
"It doesn't matter." I said as Newt, at the same time, said. "Don't really have a preference."
We look at each other in embarrassment and I turn my head away. I notice that Queenie quirks up a grin and she turns to Mr Kowalski. "You prefer strudel, huh, honey?" She asked and Mr Kowalski nods with excited enthusiasm. Queenie smiles with delight and said. "Strudel it is." And she waves her wand sending apples, raisins and pastry flying into the air.
The concoction neatly wraps itself up into a cylindrical pie, baking on the spot, complete with ornate decoration and a dusting of sugar. Tina lights the candles as I hear a small squeak and I look over and see that Pickett has his head sticking out of Newt's pocket, looking around the place with curiosity. "Well, sit down, Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N), we're not going to poison you." Tina said as she gestures to the two seats meant for me and Newt. I look over at Newt and grimaced at him. He looks over at the window for a brief moment then turns back to me and nods. I take a deep breath and nod back at him and we make our way to the table and dig in to this delightful meal.
About half an hour pass and Queenie and Kowalski are getting along really well as they talk and giggle. "The job ain't that glamorous. I mean, I spend most days making coffee, unjinxing the john.....Tina's the career girl." Queenie said. There was a brief pause before Queenie speaks up. "Nah. We're orphans. Ma and Pa died of dragon pox when we were kids. Aw....You're sweet. But we got each other!" She said with a smile.
"Could you stop reading my mind for a second? Don't get me wrong--I love it!" said Mr Kowalski and Queenie giggles with delight. "This meal--it's insanely good! This is what I do--I'm a cook and this is, like, the greates meal I have ever had in my life." He compliments and Queenie continues to laugh and I can't help but smile at this.
It's cute that they are getting along so well but in the back of my mind I know that this isn't going to last long once the MACUSA Obliviates him. It makes me feel sad because they seem to like each other.
This whole rule in America for Wizards and Muggles not become friends or build any kind of relationship with each other is just ridiculous to me. "Oh, you slay me!" Queenie said as they continue to giggle. She takes her hand and places it under her chin as she stares at Mr Kowalski in wonder. "I ain't never really talked to a No-Maj before." She said. "Really?" He asked, astonished.
They gaze into each other's eyes as Newt and I exchange looks then look over to Tina, who is sitting opposite us, and we sit there in an uncomfortable silence. Queenie looks over to her sister then leans back in her chair, head hanging down.
"I'm not flirting!" She replied.
"I'm just saying--don't go getting attached, he's going to have to be Obliviated!" Tina replied in an embarrassed tone. She then turns her attention to Mr Kowalski and said. "It's nothing personal."
Mr Kowalski, suddenly, goes pale and starts to sweat again but he tries to look good for Queenie. Newt and I exchange a worried glance as Queenie asked. "Oh, hey, you okay, honey?" Newt, briskly, gets up from his chair and stands behind it.
"Miss Goldstein, I think Mr Kowalski could do with an early night. And besides, you, (y/n) and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find our Niffler, so--" Newt started to say when Queenie looks up at him in confusion then turns to Tina and asked. "What's a Niffler?"
Tina, who looks upset, said. "Don't ask. Okay, you guys can bunk in here." She said and she leads us to the back room.
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