#Six Firesongs
paul-archibald · 9 months
When you find humans, you find fire. Fire is so common in our lives that we often forget that it’s everywhere. It is part of almost every bit of modern technology. Glass, metal objects, bricks, and ceramics are made by using fire and trains, planes, ships, and automobiles burn fuel to keep us moving. No small wonder that composers have been fired up to write some of their finest music with this…
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nightingaletrash · 2 years
As of today, we still have not seen Naryu Virian since 2017 😔
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I've seen brief mentions of your OC writing, but have only joined your blog recently so I haven't seen a lot. So I was curious: what is your story about? Which character is your favorite and why?
Okay, so, back when I was a teenager (13-16) I wrote four books. They’re a series that has now officially been named “The Restoration Saga” and they follow the adventures of various cats and kittens in a medieval fantasy world similar to that of Redwall or Narnia. There are castles and swordfights and all that good stuff. I am in the process of re-writing and editing the 2nd and 3rd books currently and the first one is published.
The first book, “The Tale of Mozarita the Meerkitten”, is about a kitten named Mozarita and her three siblings, Dorthy, Crispen and Tristan as they try and figure out where they belong in the war-torn world of the Forest. They end up in the fortress of Rendalawo, which is the last safe-haven of the forest against Cogg the Wolfking.
The second book, “The Fire Kitten”, follows the adventures of Firesong and her brother Jakito after they are kittennapped and taken as slaves to the city of Ventargo, far away from their home.
The third book, “Catlition” is the one I’m working on now that you’ve probably heard me mention the most. It chronicles the story of Catlition, a band of young cats from Ventargo who become some of the greatest warriors in the world.
The fourth book I can’t talk about it without giving spoilers for the other three, but it is my favorite of the four, and I’m still very proud of it despite not having done a thing to edit it since I was probably 17. 
It’s hard for me to pick a favorite character because I based them off my cats and therefore love them all very dearly. Mozarita is definitely a favorite, because she got the entire series started in real life (that’s another story) and because she’s turned out a lot like me with her reactions to things and her anxiety. She’s also tiny and fierce and I couldn’t not love her.
Firesong is another favorite because she turned out very innocent and trusting, but in a way that causes her to jump into battles or sandstorms to help her friends for no other reason but that they’re her friends- even if she hasn’t known them long or they’ve wronged her. 
And Dora. I talk a lot about Dora. She is fiesty and brave and loud and nervous and she has a good heart and loves her family so dang much. She would face down a dragon if that’s what she had to do to protect them.
But honestly I love them all and I could list five or six others who are also favorites. xD
Thanks for the ask!
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: War of `69. First day, main clashes.
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) War of `69. First day, main clashes. After the initial rush of forces to dominate the battlefields had reported back, the time had come for the clans to consider the initial results. Some clans clearly had been given the short end of the stick, but in other cases, the batlles fought pointed at possible ways to victory. Formations were assembled, some last tweaks done, and then the ready foces were hurled into the teeth of the opponents. Some reserves were still retained for last minute strikes, or just because there was no real need to crush and humiliate the opponents utterly, but most clans were still prepared to at least show some strength. When four hours of fighting remained, the scores stood: Div 1 Odin`s secret chamber 139 - 9 Spirit of Bunny Two additional dozen fights have been reported. As expected O.s.c. won the lions share of them, but the Bunnies got a couple wins as well. Knights of Avalon 79 - 20 Brotherhood of Arcane Dragons The Dragons have only managed to gain a single additional objective, while the Knights by now have outscored them nearly fourfold. Div 2 Northwind Dragons 49 - 13 M&L Team Banzai   Another bakers dozen skirmishes have been resolved, and the Dragons cleanad the Banzai`ers clocks in most of them. T.B. BlackWatch 29 - 16 Death Dealers The Dealers have rested their formations while BlackWatch have increased their advantage. Is this fight over, or will we see a strong counterattack toward the end of the battleday? Div 3 Black Star Lycan Rangers 57 - 17  Slaughter House 5 The Slaughterers have been quiet, and let the Rangers have their way with them. By now the Rangers have won better than 80% of the clashes, and a reversal of fortunes seem pretty unlikely. Star Bunnies 112 - 27 Omegas Both sides have claimed another bakers dozen wins. That still leaves the Omegas pretty far behind S.B. though. Div 4 Death`s Collectors 105 - 15 "R.V." The Collectors have managed to win seven clashes out of every eight against R.V. so far, and we have to consider this battle essentially over. M&L B.C. 13th A.D. 39 - 81 S.A.B.Le. The Cats have done their best, but the Sables have more than twice as many wins by now. Div 5 Heroes 43 - 31 Diamond Dragons A strong counterpush from the Heroes have let them get past the Dragons, and they are currently a dozen wins in front. Will this be enough for a win, or will the Dragons come back with a vengeance? Ronins 29 - 0 Alpha Legion No further fighting have been reported, so it looks like the Ronins might get an unopposed win against the Legion. D.D.A. 24 - 40 Black Star Renegades The Renegades are still in front, but the Asylants have reduced their advantage to just over a dozen. Can they push further and get past? Mad Scientist.7 49 - 53 Defenders of Bunny After lots of additional fighting the Scientists only need another handfull of wins to get past the Bunnies. Will this become a Match to Watch? Div 6 Death`s Revenge 24 - 23 Chess Dragons The Dragons advantage have evaporated, and D.R. is now a single point in front. I expect additional fighting, and the teams seem close enough that this probably will be a Match to Watch. ARMORED CORE 17 - 5 M&L B.o.P.S. The Smurfs have been pretty quiet, and have let A.C. build up a dozen win barrier. But will the Smurfs come back and turn the tables toward the end? Smurf Platoon 75 - 1 M&L NecroManiacs The Necromancers have managed to secure a single objective, but the Smurfs have better than half a gross more. T&T 11 - 67 Brotherhood Reborn T&T have managed to get some additional wins. But as the Brotherhood have more than six times as many, a reversal of fortunes seem very unlikely. Div 7 T.I.o.M.T. 40 - 5 M&L A.R.S.E. The Toys advantage have increased, and the Smurfs have no realistic hope of catching up. Black Star Bandits 24 - 0 *R.V.*' R.V. have yet to stir, while the Bandits count is up to two dozens. Exiles 72 - 13 Deaths Hecklers The Exiles have outscored the Hecklers to such a degree that this battle is effectively over. Behemoth 8 - 4 JC`s Rowdy Bunch This fight is still in the early stages as only a dozen clashes have been resolved., And while the Behemoths currently are in front, the Bunch tend to have a very strong finish. Will this be a Match to Watch? Div 8 Major Steel 40 - 4 Touhou Touhou have claimed some wins, but the Steelers have ten times as many. Mini Murdermechs 54 - 12 I.N.A. The Alliance have managed to scrape together a dozen objectives. But as Murdermechs have more than four times as many I think this fight essentially are decided. Ronins 2 24 - 1 Karma The Ronins have claimed two dozen objective, while Karma have just a single to their name. While a reversal of fortunes might be in the cards, at this time it seem pretty unlikely. Mad Scientist 1 57 - 49 Murdermech Micro The Scientists have finally gotten their formations onto the field, and currently they have swept past Murdermech. But a strong counterpush could well reverse the result.  This might become a Match to Watch. Div 9 Sigma Squadron 12 - 28 FireSong The Firesingers seem to have captivated the Squadron. Cold Dead Hands 29 - 2 RED AXE The Axemen are more than two dozen wins behind C.D.H. so a reversal of fortunes semm highly unlikely.
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kyanve · 8 years
Weird Representation Nostalgia
Okay, somewhat embarrassing personal “why representation matters” from someone who has since figured things out as demi/gray-spec-pan/idefk I’m not here to argue which terms I’d use are valid or best suited.
I grew up in a Christian household that was more moderate when I was younger, but still kinda leaned conservative, and while there were a lot of things they were open minded on, there were still some problems.  My parents would outright verbally fight toy store employees trying to “correct” me buying “boy toys”, I learned D&D at like, six, I was technically encouraged to read up on/learn about things including other religions and all even though it was always couched in a “so you can learn to think/choose for yourself and see why the clear choice is Christianity”....that last one backfired but it’s a story for another time.
They did, and still do, buy into the idea that homosexuality and non-blatantly-obvious-intersex-condition transgender is some kind of weird sin against god, fall for a lot of dumb slippery slope things/”it’s perversions and people being perverted”, etc..  
(I MAY end up coming out to one of them before the summer’s out, but hahaha between them and living in rural Arizona I am definitely in the closet offline.)  
My first exposure to homosexuality outside of church rhetoric was Mercedes Lackey and the Mage Wars/Heralds/etc. series.  (I also was encouraged to learn to read young and to sit there with novels and dictionaries as soon as I was stubborn enough to try.  That also probably backfired, honestly, considering, well, this story.)  
I actually did come out of those books thinking about it, and sitting there pondering the disjoint between Vanyel and Firesong and all that and the rhetoric I was raised with, and how the rhetoric I was raised with was kinda cartoon-villain-ish and “Oh, this is a thing, these are people that happen to be attracted to/involved with other people same-gender but otherwise have relationships like anyone else” made a shit-ton more sense.
I haven’t read them in years, I have no idea how well they hold up as representation goes, but damned if those books didn’t actually pretty well help before I had any good resources on making me question and reject the Church Rhetoric “well be polite and kind to them but NEVER CONDONE THEIR SIN THEY CHOSE TO DO AND IT’S AN AWFUL AWFUL THING YOU SHOULD TRY TO CONVINCE THEM TO GIVE UP ON AND COME TO JESUS”, long before I hit high school/college and, well.
Ended up in situations where not fitting in with the local Baptist idea of “good Christians” meant that even though I was still at that point Christian, I was ostracized and attacked as “clearly a Satanist”, and my best, most reliable friends and the people who had my back were a bunch of neopagans, LGBT, atheists, and an ACTUAL Satanist.  A set of stupid fantasy books were what taught me to just not bat an eyelid and go “oh, okay, people, not creepy pervert sinner abominations” at my bi roommate and the lesbian down the hall who used to poke her head in to check how I was doing when shit wasn’t going well.   
Aaand also meant that when I realized I was, while usually disinterested, just as okay with the idea of going out with a girl as a guy etc., there was a LOT less freaking out than there probably would’ve been without the Gryphons And Talking White Horses being a thing from a fairly young age giving me a less screwed up frame of reference to start from when I DID start finding actual resources and meeting other LGBTQA people.  
I give a lot of credit to Valdemar/Mage Wars because there just.  Wasn’t much else.  Like seriously for a lot of my life that was the only thing I read and watched and could find that addressed the issue at all that wasn’t pastors talking up hellfire and damnation about it.  I honestly am glad that it was as big a part of my childhood as it was and had the impact it did because it HELPED, even if it was only one thing.
And this is why I will be deliriously happy to see things like not only “where was this fictional female character when I was 10″ (I’ve teared up watching Adventure Time b/c Princess Bubblegum alone would’ve done WONDERS for my childhood complex about ‘pink and feminine’ being the ENEMY and that’s not getting into things like ATLA and Steven Universe), but also anything in fiction that addresses LGBTQA and other ethnic groups as PEOPLE.
It makes it a hell of a lot easier for kids who ARE growing up with restrictive/prejudiced ideologies to start seeing the minorities as PEOPLE rather than weird caricatures, it makes it a hell of a lot easier for kids figuring out who and what they are to see THEMSELVES as people and not freak out about it as bad, and it makes it a whole lot easier for people who grew up in those places to finally meet a real person in the minority category and maybe see Person Like Beloved Fictional Childhood Character rather than “Weird Demonized Monster”.  
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Specialist Mission: The Simple Farmer
An unidentified patron has secured a contract with an official headhunter. This contract may be selected and signed by one specialist, or a team of specialists, employed with The Serpentine Kiss only. Please read both the patron’s letter of request and the drafted terms in this contract before adding a signature to the page. Signatures are binding and valid until all the terms herein have been sufficiently met. This contract will expire in one week.
Eliminate the bruisers on the property by any means necessary.
Eliminate the kidnapper who is holding the patron hostage by any means necessary.
Collect a signature from the patron on this contract when you have successfully completed the prior terms.
Collect the specified amount of 50 gold coins from the patron as payment.
Headhunter Signature:
Loarieth Firesong
Patron Signature:
Specialist Signature:
The patron’s letter of recruitment is enclosed in the envelope attached to the contract. It reads as follows:
To whomever this letter reaches first,
I am a simple elf. I live a simple life, enjoy simple pleasures, and do not go out of my way to over-complicate my existence. I reside on a cozy farm nestled within the heart of Eversong Woods. I have lived an unmarried life, and prefer it that way. However, I have very recently taken a mistress. Ever since our tryst began six months ago, this makeshift relationship has been smooth sailing. It was not until she was invited to come to stay with me for a weekend that we hit a severe complication. I noticed that she began to “nest” in my house, from slowly moving her stuff into each of my rooms, to making significant changes to my schedule. Her stay far exceeded the weekend I had planned. I have had no intention to marry her in the slightest, and I made these non-intentions known to her from the very start. When I chastised her for encroaching upon my life, she began to threaten me. She used blackmail when I tried to force her out, bribery when I did not change my mind, and finally landed on the most effective course of action: kidnapping. Yes, she has hired a pair of bruisers to stand watch over my farm, and has even threatened to have one of them break me if I so much as attempt to escape or signal for aid. I am sharing my home with a madwoman who is entirely bent upon forcing me into some sort of relationship that I did not consent to, though I still cannot fathom why. It certainly doesn’t matter to me to find out, anymore. I just need her and her lackeys off of my property and out of my life. Can someone please help me be rid of her? I’m beyond caring about how it happens, just…help.
50 gold coins await my rescuers. It’s meager, but a farmer’s life is such.
The simple farmer
OOC Notes:
The first guild member to reply to this post with their character's name will be rewarded with the contract. The holder of the contract may decide to use this as a story prompt or as a roleplaying prompt, and can collude with other guild members to include them in a roleplay event if they wish. There is absolutely no pressure for people to choose one over the other; Always select the choice that will allow you the most creativity and fun.
The story or event is open to you and your imagination. Get as creative as you want with the provided NPCs and environments.
This is the first contract of its kind. We’re using Tumblr for this to test and see if it works out. Do not feel pressured to take a contract if you don’t want to! This is just a fun little extra idea that we’re coming up with for our members. Some may like them more than others, and that’s okay. We’ll revisit the idea at our next meeting to evaluate how well people are responding to it. 
We will post another one over the coming weekend.
- Winterlisse
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nightingaletrash · 2 years
have you done quen's quest in firesong yet? a lot of people are saying it made them very uncomfortable and now i'm worried they've done my girl dirty :/
I have, and honestly... yeah it's not pretty.
Now in terms of Quen's character writing, she's definitely not received the absolute worst of it. She's competent and talented as a thief, and coming into her own (I played a non-TG character, so I've yet to see the 'met before' dialogue) so she's mostly fine as a character.
The problem is the quest itself. It'd be bad no matter which NPC you put here, but the fact that this is the first time we're seeing Quen since her debut (which was six years ago)? Compared to Raz's quest in Firesong, yeah, I'd say she's been done dirty.
Quick spoilery synopsis + thoughts under the cut:
Quen's been partnered up with another thief to steal a druidic relic from the Dreadsails pirates, only uh oh! It turns out that said relic is a fertility idol and is acting like an aphrodisiac, now everyone who's been exposed to it is as horny as hell!
Quen is lucky enough to not get the worst of the writing in this quest, and the effects of the relic's exposure on her are really very mild compared to the rest of the characters, but yeah...
This quest really is just. I think the intention was for it to be humorous. Like 'haha everyone's horny' but it just ends up coming off as untasteful instead.
At best, you're either like me and are just 'this is very weird and I don't understand why it's here' or you're just deeply uncomfortable/upset with the whole thing.
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: War of 68, last day, main strikes.
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) War of 68, last day, main strikes. The initial strikes had given some answers, and raised almost as many questions. Those questions mainly dealt with what the opponents were doing, could do and would do. The answers were easier to see. Yes, some/all of us can beat that opponent, no that opponent is too strong for some/all of us. Said answes did of course presuppose the current formations were used. If an opponent could be caught out of formation all bets were off. So the clans jockeyed for positions, sniping or hammering the opponents, but also keeping some reserves ready in case some final pushes would be needed. With six hours left on the clock, the scores were: Div 1 Odin`s secret chamber 109 - 26 Knights of Avalon Another three dozen objectives have been claimed, and O.s.c. got the lions share of them. Unless the Knights have some really well hidden reserves in readyness, this fight is essentially over, Spirit of Bunny 34 - 53 Brotherhood of Arcane Dragons The Bunnies have seen the Dragons slip steadily further ahead, Can they summon the strenght to get even, or are they a spent force already? Div 2 Northwind Dragons 42 - 17 M&L Team Banzai Another handfull of objectives have been settled. The Banzai`ers got almost as many as the Dragons, but are still more than two dozens behind. Death Dealers 81 - 10 Slaughter House 5 While the Slaughterers managed to double their initial score, the Dealers have more than eight times their holdings by now. Div 3 T.B. BlackWatch 44 - 2 Avengers of Bunny The Bunnies have claimed a couple wins, but BlackWatch have more than twenty times as many. "Raging Vengeance" 21 - 43 Star League The Leaguers have increased their lead, and by now their score is more than twice as high as R.V.`s. Div 4 B:S.L.R. 41 - 34 Death`s Collectors The Rangers have gotten ahead, but the Collectors are still within shouting distance. M&L B.C. 13th A.D. 65 - 114 Omegas The Omegas have seemingly launched an all out offensive, and managed to outscore the Cats significantly. Question is if the Cats can come back and turn the tables. Div 5 Heroes 22 - 44 Ronins The Heroes are still in the fight, but the Ronins have claimed twice as many objectives. D.D.A. 66 - 8 ***Raging Vengeance*** R.V. have managed to put together some working formations and get some wins. But compared to the Asylants hammering of them, this amounts to little more than pinpricks. BlacK Star Renegades 33 - 4 Diamond Dragons The Renegades are still ruling the battlefield with an iron hand. Are the Dragons effectively beaten, or will we see some late counterattacks? Mad Scientist.7 34 - 2 Alpha Legion The Legion have gained a couple wins, but the Scientists advantage seem to big for them to overcome. Div 6 Defenders of Bunny 48 - 52 Chess Dragons The fighting have picked up, and the Bunnies have almost closed the gap. Will this become a Match to Watch? MurderBots 28 - 44 ARMORED CORE A.C. have managed to widen the gap, so MurderBots have a hard task ahead if they plan to emerge victorious. Smurf Platoon 87 - 12 M&L B.o.P.S. While the Brigade have reduced the ratio of loss, the Platoon have increased the actual advantage to more than six dozen. Galaxy Rangers 3 - 27 Today & Tomorrow The Rangers have gained some wins, but T&T`s successrate is still 90% Div 7 Black Star Bandits 38 - 0 T.I.o.M.T. With the Bandits having claimed more than three dozen unopposed wins, it looks like the Toys dont want to come out and play. T.B. Reborn 44 - 5 Behemoth The Behemoths have managed to scrape together a handfull of wins. But since the Brotherhood have won nearly 90% of all clashes reported so far, this fight seem to be essentially over. M&L NecroManiacs 22 - 17 Murdermechs The Necromancers are still in front, but Murdermechs is only a handfull wins behind. Will this become a Match to Watch? M&L A.R.S.E. 27 - 6 JC`s Rowdy Bunch The Smurfs have what looks like a solid advantage. Or are the Bunch lulling them into a false sense of security before they launch a last minute offensive? Div 8 Death`s Hecklers 19 - 17 *Raging Vengeance* The Hecklers have not managed to shake R,V, off their tail, so this could be a close finish. Perhaps it also will be a Match to Watch? Major Steel 30 - 19 Ronins 2 The Steelers have surged past the Ronins. But the difference is not even a dozen, so we might see another reversal of fortunes. Mini Murdermechs 22 - 12 Karma II Murdermechs have increased their lead, but Karma might still have some surprises in store for them. Mad Scientist 1 3 - 1 Indo Nusa Alliance While neither side have really taken the field yet, the Scientists have a slight advantage over the Alliance. Div 9 Murdermech Micro 7 - 30 Karma Karma have gained a big lead here. But perhaps they have shot their bolt, and will be overtaken by a late Murdermech offensive. Jagdstaffel 2 28 - 0 Bottom Jagdstaffel have struck hard. Can Bottom rally their forces, fight back, and perhaps turn the fight? U.T.C. 23 - 12 Cold Dead Hands The Corporation have met some resistance from C.D.H. But as they still hold nearly twice as many objectives, it will take some effort from C.D.H. to overturn the result. FireSong 2 - 1 RED AXE As no further fighting have taken place, the Firesingers are still barely in front of the Axemen.
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