#Skye on air
periwinkla · 4 months
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WIP shot of the pokeattorney pic <3 Slowly but surely.... I will complete this ridiculousness I got myself into.
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skywerse · 5 months
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I designed finch's dad!!!!
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stoatallybored · 7 months
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Aro Ema Skye! 💚 (source: trust me bro)
Forgot I had these lying around in my drafts so I thought I'd post them as a slightly late addition to Ace Attorney Aspec Week! @aspec-ace-attorney
(Feel free to use as an icon with credit!)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
Remember the Shafows of Twilight fic where Twilight got revealed as a wolf and were was an ask about how Ulli won't let Twilight on the couch without a bath? Can you write that?
The stakes were higher than ever. Link refused to lose. Glaring determinedly, he settled his elbow on the table as Rusl sat across from him, mirroring his position. Colin shifted, filled with nervous and excited energy, and then he started to count down.
Both men's arms shook with exertion the instant Colin finished counting. Uli watched from the kitchen, rocking Hama steadily. Of all the family, she looked somehow the most invested but least emotional about it. Her gaze was seemingly neutral, but her eyes wouldn't leave the table.
Colin gasped as Link started to push Rusl's arm closer to the table. Rusl's grip tightened, face pulling with effort. Link smiled, knowing he was going to win.
And then Rusl exhaled heavily through his nose, putting all his energy into one last effort, catching Link off guard and slamming his fist into the table. Colin yelled in surprise, hands thrown into the air for emphasis.
From the kitchen, Uli let out a breath she'd been holding, smiling in victory.
Link wilted at the table, a seeming cloud looming over him.
"Then it's settled," Rusl huffed, panting. "The wolf gets a bath."
Link groaned.
That evening, with extreme reluctance, Link dragged his feet to the sacred spring. He didn't bother mentioning that the spring would likely transform him back immediately. There was absolutely no need to share that information.
Uli, on the other hand, was humming cheerfully as Rusl followed her with supplies in hand. Colin, despite multiple protests, was expressly forbidden from coming along. Link had to save his dignity somehow.
"Ma," he pleaded for the millionth time. "I'm clean already. What's the point of this?"
"Honey, when you were showing Colin your wolf form we all could smell it," Uli replied as gently as she could, but the words still made his cheeks flush in embarrassment. "And your fur is matted and bloody. I... I just want to help you wash that journey off you."
Link didn’t really have a rebuttal for that, words stolen away with his breath. The tenderness woven in the words that his guardian spoke immediately eliminated any other protest he might have, and he sighed reluctantly.
Did he truly want to wash such a journey off him? Did he truly want to let go?
She said goodbye. He supposed he should too.
He didn’t want to say goodbye. It didn’t feel like it’s as over.
But he couldn’t say no to his mother, so he grabbed the shadow crystal and let the dark magic break and reshape him. It was a familiar sensation by now, intensely painful but only for a moment, and far less so now that he was expecting it. When the wolf shook free of the shadows, he tentatively stepped towards Uli and Rusl.
Uli smiled, kneeling onto the ground at the shore, arm stretched out invitingly. Link took another small step, listening to Rusl chuckle, and he felt his ears peel back in mild annoyance.
This was ridiculous. He didn’t need a bath. It was silly.
It was downright terrifying. He didn’t want to lose everything from his journey. He didn’t want to wash it off himself.
He didn’t know how to move forward.
Uli cupped her hands, letting sacred water sprinkle over Link. It was warm, relaxing, and he felt his body shiver as the dark magic that changed him tried to recede.
“This might not be the best place for this,” Rusl noted. Link glanced at him, disappointed that the man was already picking up that the water would change him back, but he also noticed a distinct unease to his guardian’s posture.
Rusl didn’t want to be here either. Somehow, his amusement had changed to anxiety. Link could sense it; he could smell it.
In an attempt to cheer Rusl and perhaps give a little act of defiance to Uli’s proposal in the first place, Link flopped on his side, splashing directly into the water and soaking his mother. The warmth wrapped around him like a hug, minimizing the pain as he shifted back, and he smiled up at his guardians as Uli spluttered and Rusl immediately looked relieved.
Does he really think it’s a gift if he gets that nervous? Link wondered, watching his father step toward him.
“Well, now you have an actual reason for a bath in both forms,” Rusl noted, and Link recognized that hew as now covered in mud.
Well… that backfired.
Uli tutted, rising, as Link spluttered for a comeback. Rusl tackled the protesting teenager. After a brief wrestling match, Link found himself in Rusl’s embrace, shivering from the breeze but warm against his guardian’s chest. Somehow, in the time they’d been playing, Uli had grabbed a large tub—the one they usually used for bathing anyway—and was filling it with water.
“Ma, I’m all clean now,” Link said quickly, looking himself over. He was soaking wet, but the mud was certainly gone.
“This is for your other form,” Uli insisted. “I got the water from upstream.”
“Does that make it less sacred…?” Rusl wondered quietly.
“Ordona hasn’t sat in it yet, I guess,” Link grumbled, growing irritated again.
“If we build a fire we can warm it up,” Uli noted with a smile.
Her face was too gentle to keep arguing with her, and Link sighed, leaning heavily against Rusl. He glanced up at him, catching his father’s attention, and Rusl held him a little tighter as if to ask what’s wrong?
“When I… you were…” Link swallowed, trying to find the words. He didn’t want to upset Rusl - things were tenuous enough after the night he’d discovered his ability.
“Link,” Rusl said quietly, gently. “I… we both are still trying to move on from that night. Your transformation doesn’t scare me. I know it’s you. You know that.”
“My worries have nothing to do with you being a wolf,” Rusl interrupted. “Sometimes fathers just worry. I love you. Now come on, your mother’s waiting.”
Link sighed, not pushing the matter, but Rusl didn’t let him go as he guided him out of the water. Despite wanting to get it over with at this point, Uli made him wait until she was satisfied with the water temperature, dragging his embarrassment and anxiety out further.
Rusl distracted him with talk of sword fighting and tales from the Resistance, and eventually Link finally settled, nearly forgetting why they were at the spring in the first place.
Until Uli said the water was ready.
“Ma, do I have to?”
“Oh, Link, come on now, it isn’t that bad!”
Uli’s voice was growing more disappointed rather than exasperated, and Link felt a twinge of guilt. Sighing, he transformed once more. Rusl, with his back to the spring, gently nudged him forward, and Link grumbled, feeling it rumble in his chest like a growl before it shaped into a pathetic little howl of protest as it left his muzzle.
His parents laughed. They laughed at his plight.
Ears peeled, tail tucked, Link climbed carefully into the basin with Rusl’s help. As soon as the warm water started to seep into his coat, he swallowed, hesitantly relaxing into it. It… certainly felt nice. He resigned himself to his fate as Uli’s hands ran through his fur, gentle, careful, detangling as she went. He saw the tools stacked on a rock, gathered by Rusl over several trips to Castle Town, and he huffed again.
Link closed his eyes as Uli’s hands moved towards his face and muzzle. He closed his eyes, and for a moment time washed over him, hearing his mother’s screams on his first return to the village after transforming, feeling the steel of Rusl’s blade in his gut as he rested. He shriveled into himself a little, and Uli paused before carefully massaging along his nose, between his eyes, behind his ears. She started humming gently, a familiar tune he’d heard most of his life, and Link hated how his lupine form couldn’t hide his emotions like usual, hated how a little whine escaped his throat.
Uli leaned down and kissed his forehead, hugging him, careless of the soap suds she was getting on her. She didn’t speak, and he was thankful for it, as he felt his predicament couldn’t get much more humiliating, but somehow it soothed him anyway. As his mother continued, he dared to open his eyes, glancing at Rusl, who was watching him with a gentle smile. When they made eye contact, his guardian came in closer, cupping his muzzle with his hands and gently rubbing across the fur on his cheeks with his thumbs.
Link shivered a little, helpless and hating that fact. But he felt safe in their care, and… that was a sensation he hadn’t felt in a long time. Link had no need to worry about whether he actually felt safe - he would make a situation safe. Usually, he was the one people went to for safety. But here, in this quiet little moment, he relaxed.
He relaxed. He hadn’t done that since he’d gone fishing with Midna months ago, long before things had grown overwhelming and constant, before they’d managed to find most of the mirror shards, before urgency had kicked in over everything else.
With every new rinse, the stench of blood and dirt lessened. With every gentle caress, anxieties and tight muscles that hadn’t eased since fighting Ganondorf started to release.
Link stepped out of the tub, feeling utterly exhausted and rejuvenated, and he glanced at his guardians. They smiled back.
And then he got the sudden urge to get all this water off him. So he did.
He shook his coat vigorously, making Rusl and Uli yelp. If he could smirk in his wolf form, he would.
”Just for that, I’m using the puppy perfume,” Uli chided.
Link howled in protest, making a beeline for the woods, and Rusl grabbed him before he could flee. His ire was evident in each and every howl and yelp, in the way he wiggled so vigorously he covered his father in fur. Rusl only laughed, but he did finally concede, “Maybe we can avoid the puppy perfume, dear.”
With that threat rescinded, Link relaxed, held awkwardly in Rusl’s arms before grumbling and wiggling again. Put me down.
Rusl walked to the spring, grip tightening a little, before gently lowering him into the blessed waters. Link felt the dark magic recede, and he sighed, rising a little woozily, muscles still fairly relaxed, held steady by his guardian’s strong hands.
“There, see?” Rusl said with a smile, guiding Link out of the water. “That wasn’t so bad.”
“I didn’t get a chance to brush your coat,” Uli noted a little disappointedly.
“You already bathed me,” Link pointed out exasperatedly. “I don’t need pampering.”
“Your fur’s going to be all matted, hon.”
“I’ve had worse.”
“Leave it be, dear,” Rusl defended Link gently. “I think we could all benefit from a break.”
With that, Uli immediately switched tactics, insisting Link come home with them and rest. Link wanted to argue—it wasn’t like getting a bath was traumatic, not in the slightest, just embarrassing; it wasn’t like he hadn’t just had some kind of release from his journey, as she’d promised… it wasn’t like he was shivering and vulnerable all of a sudden, wanting to hold desperately on to that feeling of safety he’d just gotten back—but there was no argument in the world that would work against her.
Link let his parents guide him back to their house, and he found himself settled in front of the fire with a warm glass of milk. Colin was at his side in an instant, smiling and leaning against him. He paused, sniffing, making Link throw him a bewildered look.
“I thought you’d smell like the shampoo or something,” Colin said thoughtfully. “That form really does hide stuff.”
Link knew Colin meant it innocently, but given what Uli had said earlier, it really hit harder than it should. He shook the feeling off, elbowing his little brother. “Well, I’m glad. I don’t want to smell like roses.”
But what if he no longer held Midna’s scent in his fur either? His heart lurched a moment, chest feeling like he’d been punched, and his eyes widened a moment.
And then Rusl and Uli settled beside him with blankets and leftover biscuits from breakfast. And though Link still missed his friend so desperately, he knew he wasn’t at least completely alone.
And… perhaps washing some of the stains of his journey away had been a good idea after all.
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josieinterlude · 1 year
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Rich It Girl Fashion
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vanityangel · 2 months
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a-literal-supernova · 2 years
i cannot stop making these
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goldiipond · 2 months
oh boy skye can't breathe season is coming early this year shoutout to oil company executives! you worthless bastards
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 2 years
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payu: this little shit
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thepiercedbutterfly · 6 months
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This is probably been done before but who cares
I love my aroace queen
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The inheritance games Royalty AU x The Cruel prince
Lady Asha 🤝 Skye Hawthorne
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I am once again going to praise Skye’s character cause honestly if you look past that one bad thing they said about Susannah they’re really funny. I enjoy having them on the show, and the little romance they have with Cam is cute. I don’t care if it’s literal crumbs or if they aren’t even actually together. I have a vision in my head and i would very much like more of them.
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allblootiesbootiful · 11 months
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yerekanescio · 6 months
Call me Ema Skye the way I want that twink (Klavier) obliterated.
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banshipuppy · 11 months
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
(fighting back the baying mob) listen i can— i can only hold them off for so long—! they'll never stop unless you give them what they want!!
(mob screaming "more motorcycle accident fic")
— 🌕 (currently acting as if I'm not the one who started this)
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LOL Good Lord 🤣 well thank you Moon for holding them back yes this is absolutely your fault never mind the fact that I wrote something for it and came up with the idea in the first place
(for those of you who haven't been pounding down the ED doors, this is what we're referring to)
Mo had already cranked the heat up as much as possible in the back of the ambulance by the time Hyrule helped the firefighters load Wild into the back. The incident commander was trying to set up a landing zone so they could rendezvous with air medical and get Wild to the hospital faster.
In the meantime, that meant Hyrule was in charge of stabilizing him.
"Mo, get him on the monitor," Hyrule instructed as he reached for the drug box to start working on an IV. His heart was racing far more than it usually did on trauma calls, and the words this is Wild kept screaming in his mind. He tried to silence them, instead focusing on the fact that yes, this was Wild, and yes, that made this absolutely horrifying, but he would not let his brother die.
By the time Hyrule had grabbed supplies and tossed them to the other paramedic on scene, Wild's vital signs had appeared on the monitor.
HR 112. BP 90/50 with a MAP of 63. SpO2 90%.
He's bleeding out.
Swearing internally, Hyrule crouched down over his friend, flashing a light in his eyes. When Wild's pupils reacted normally and equally, the medic sighed a little in relief. Wild still wasn't responding to him, but at least there wasn't an indication (yet) that he had serious brain damage.
Hyrule continued his assessment, going from head to face to neck. Multiple lacerations but nothing too deep. Road rash, for sure. No tracheal deviation, no JVD. Next was Wild's chest and abdomen, which had been exposed after someone cut through his clothes with trauma shears. Lung sounds present, notably diminished on the left... and an obvious flail chest.
Scrambling for the jump bag, Hyrule pulled out the needle decompression kit and muttered an apology to Wild as he found the correct intercostal space and stabbed into the skin with a needle. Blood poured out through it.
"Oh, lovely," Mo muttered. "Had to be a hemo, didn't it?"
Hyrule didn't comment, too busy biting his tongue.
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