#Slight Anxiety Attacks
asimpforthe80s · 10 months
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That Spot
Starring: Eddie Munson and Y/N
Warnings: cumming. Crying. Angst. Smut. Fluff.
A/N: The way I described Y/N's panic/anxiety is how I feel when I get panic attacks or anxiety.
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There was one spot on Eddie's neck that would make him cum instantly. You didn't know this, of course. He was good at hiding it until one day while you were fucking, you sucked a hickey near that spot and he just.. came instantly. No warning or nothing. Then he told you about it, and now you were doing it in public to embarrass him a little extra.
You were in a clothing shop he brought you to when you said you wanted some new clothes that would fit his style. You were in the changing room. "Eddie, could you come in here and help me? I can't reach the zipper.." you asked with a slight smirk, knowing what you were about to do to him.
Eddie came in, he was a little confused. "What do you need help with?" He asked, a little concerned. He didn't know what you meant, why you were looking at him like that. "Did you have something behind your back or.." You cut him off by pinning him to the wall. Thank god he closed the curtain when he walked in.
"Eep!" Eddie was surprised by this. Was something wrong? What was happening! He was so confused with that look in your eyes. Eddie looked down at the zipper on your clothes, thinking that's what you were having trouble with. "W-what's wrong with your zipper?" You giggled and buried your head in his neck, slightly licking a little down from that one area. Eddie didn't expect you to be this bold today. "H-hey! St-stop that." He said, his voice a little shaky. He still tried to push you off of him a tiny bit more, failing to move you even a little. You chuckled and sucked a small hickey in that one area, ignoring him. He covered his mouth and moaned, the sound getting muffled by his hand. a small damp patch formed on his jeans. He actually came. Just by that.
You giggled as you pulled away from his neck. "Good boy." You teased him with a small laugh. He obviously didn't find it funny because you were in a clothing store. Eddie stared at you for a second, his face a little red. "What the hell...?" He asked. "Why did you-- why would you do that?" He asked, looking away. "Just for fun." You giggled. "You should try hiding that." You said and pointed to the small wet patch on the crotch of his jeans. He looked down, horrified at the mess. "Ah, dammit... I have to change clothes." He said, he looked like he wanted to cry. "Could you help me?" He asked, "It's kinda embarrassing to have to do it myself, y'know, because..." He said, gesturing at his.. the problem.
"You look like you're gonna cry..." Your voice was a lot less confident now. He knew about all your past trauma and how it affected you. Specifically the amount of guilt you feel compared to him. Eddie looked up at you angrily. "You've caused this, all because of your stupid joke!" He yelled, sounding pissed off at you. "Look what you've done to me! You think this is fun for me? I have to walk through a clothing store like this. So you better help me fix this mess." He yelled again. He had a bit of a scary look on his face, his usual friendly face replaced by a fierce expression.
Your whole body tensed up, and you felt like you were boiling. Not from anger, fear. It was like there was a lump in your throat. Your body was shaking a little, and you just stood there, breathing quickly. Eddie realized that he was scaring you, and he felt a little bad now. "A-Are you okay? I didn't mean to scream at you like that." He said, a lot quieter now. He looked a little guilty, and he rubbed your back to help calm you down. You kept breathing quicker than regularly, burying your head in his neck to calm down.
Eddie could tell you were still scared, so he just stood there hugging you to help keep you at least a little calm. He ran his hand through your hair, his other arm wrapped around you. "I-im sorry.." you mumbled quietly. Fuck, you were crying, he thought as he felt small droplets on his neck. He hugged you tighter, rubbing your back a little. "Hey... Hey, it's okay..." He said in a soothing, calming tone. "I won't yell like that again." He said, "Come on. Let's clean up this mess a little and then go home, okay?"
You nodded. "Mhm.." He let go of you now, wiping your tears so he could see your face better. "How are you feeling? Do you think you can walk okay?" He asked, slightly concerned. "I'm more concerned about you.." You were still mumbling, your body still tense. Eddie sighed and looked at you. "I'll be fine... Just... you look like you're close to having a panic attack." He said softly. "That's why I was concerned." You nodded. "I-i know.."
"You wanna stay here for a bit, or should we just leave?" He asked, looking at you. He looked a little uncertain about what you wanted. He wasn't sure if you wanted to stay or go anywhere else, and he wanted to help you make a decision. "Leave.." You sniffed.
"Alright..." He said, sounding a little sad. "I, uh, hope that thing on my jeans isn't too noticeable." He said as he grabbed your hand and started walking towards the exit of the store. People were staring, but not because of Eddie. They were staring at you. Most likely, because of your teary eyes and red cheeks. Eddie noticed this, especially since he had been looking at you a lot because of your crying. He looked at the people staring, his eyes narrowed, and he gave them a stern and intimidating look. It didn't matter why they were staring, he didn't like people staring at his girlfriend like that.
You quickly got out of the mall and to Eddie's van. Once you were in the van, Eddie looked at you again. "Are you okay?" He asked. he was worried because of all that crying and panicking. "'M fine.." you mumbled, a neutral look on your face replaced that sad and panicked look. You always did this after crying or having a panic attack. You blocked out your feelings and ignored them like the damn plague.
"Are you sure?" He looked at you, concerned. You had never done your whole 'neutral face' thing after a panic or anything like that in front of Eddie. He was a little worried about you for that reason. "Maybe we should stay somewhere a little longer?" He asked, wondering if that would help. "No, it's okay.."
"Okay... if you say so." He said, not completely convinced. He started driving, and they eventually got back to Eddie's trailer. You always did this to everyone else, but this was your first time doing it to Eddie. "Are you actually okay, though?" He asked. He was still worried, but he wasn't going to keep pushing you this time. He just wanted to be a little certain that you were actually fine. "I said I'm fine, Eddie." Again, you didn't sound mad or panicked. Just neutral. "I know, but a lot of the time, you say that and it ends up that you aren't." He said, not sure if you were lying to him again or if it was actually the truth this time. "You know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?"
You sighed. "Eddie, you know all - most of my past trauma, right?" Eddie was quiet for a moment before responding. "Yeah..." He was thinking about how he should respond, he was scared about what you were going to say next. "I do."
"Yeah.. this is how I react to that Shit at the store.. I get all.. guilty and worried.. I feel like my body is boiling, and I can't move much.. and after crying, I.. I just don't feel..."
"Just don't feel at all, huh?" He said, "I don't know how to help you, really... You've done this before, what happens next?" He asked, a little worried. "I'll calm down and fall asleep.."
"Oh, alright." He seemed to have accepted your response. "Well, we're here now... Can I do anything to help you feel better? Anything at all?" He asked. "Cuddles in bed.."
"Oh, yeah, definitely." He said, smiling now. "Do you wanna cuddle on the couch or go straight to bed?" He asked. "Doesn't matter to me."
"Alright. Cuddling on the couch wouldn't make you feel any worse, so let's do that, right?" He said, starting to walk towards the living room. You followed him. He sat down on the couch and started pulling you into his side, wrapping his arms around you and starting to cuddle with you. He sighed and rubbed your back. As he slowly rubbed your back, you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder. Eddie noticed and smiled at you a little. He thought it was cute. He pulled you a little closer so that he was holding you a bit better. he kissed you on the head, holding you tightly.
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nothums-from-tj · 11 months
@cloudywithachanceofautism hi I can’t find it for the LIFE of me otherwise I’d reblog it so I know you made a post a while back saying that you saw this hc of Raph having extreme body dysmorphia after the Kraang brain swap and Shredder’s mind controlling and that you want it in a fic
Anyway so I have most of a fic on this concept it's just not ready yet, in the time being here's a scrapped scene from it <3 I just couldn't figure out a way to actually put it in the work as much as I love it so uhh here's Leo worrying abt his brother, takes place like a week or so after "Plan 10" (Kraang brain swap ep)
WARNINGS: mentions of a panic attack, low-key anxiety attack, sickeningly sweet affection from Splinter to his kiddo
T- and Hamato-c/st shippers you will be blocked on sight dnfi
Leonardo, being the little tattletale he is, tells Splinter about the breakdown once the others are in bed—once he knows Raph is, at least.
"I know you're trying to meditate," he says shyly, hesitantly stepping into the dojo, "and I apologize for disturbing you, it's...this is important. May we talk for a minute?"
Splinter opens one eye to look at him for a second, and sensing that his son is truly disturbed by something, he pulls himself fully out of his meditative stance to pay attention to his kid before gesturing for him to sit down next to him.
"It's about Raphael," the turtle continues after crossing the room, sitting down as his sensei suppresses a frustrated sigh.
"Was this something to do with his temper, or impatience, again?"
Leo shakes his head, swallowing hard and staring at the mat below as he gathers his thoughts.
"I...don't really know what happened, actually," the teenager confesses. "During the fight, he seemed almost...absent—as if he blacked out. We were fine—he was fine, he just...didn't seem to be in the moment—he hardly said anything, too. At the end, the Kraang were fleeing, and one was pinned under him, and that's when he sort of...'came to', I guess."
There's a pause as Leo seems to gather his thoughts some more. Splinter, quite frankly, isn't as shocked as he wants to be—he knows his second hatched blacks out semi-frequently from his anger, though a neutral depersonalization experience is one he hasn't seen in him.
With a calming breath, Leo carries on.
"The Kraang got free and caught up with the rest of them, though Raph didn't seem to notice. He was staring at the street, and he just looked so...terrified. He was shaking, hyperventilating—he started crying, Sensei. I'd...I'd never seen that in him before. I think his temper makes him black out, Donnie said he and Mike have both seen that kind of terror in his eyes, and that's just it, Sensei—we've seen parts of it, just not the actual scene that we saw today."
Leo looks up at him then, and the worry—the fear in his eyes is so intense Splinter almost wants to look away.
"Donnie thinks it was a panic attack. We don't know if something caused it, or what's going through his head, though he does think it might have to do with the brain-switching event last week. Raph doesn't want to talk about earlier, and Mikey said he's noticed some odd behaviors from him, and—I don't know what to do, Sensei."
The rat holds his son's face as the turtle blinks away tears pricking at his eyes.
"We don't know if this has been going on for longer and we never noticed it," the leader continues, "or if this is new and the Kraang is doing something to him, or—how can we save him if he's being attacked from inside?"
Splinter looks away while he gathers his thoughts, still holding Leo's face in one paw. After a few moments, he sighs again.
"The best we can do," he says solemnly, locking eyes with his son again, "is to keep a close eye on him until we have more information. We can not risk hurting him further, even if the intent is positive."
Leo blinks away tears again, looking down and nodding his head while his heart shatters for his brother.
"Hai, Sensei."
Splinter, frankly, hates seeing any of his kids like this. Leo, as the leader, is responsible for all of his brothers when they're out and about on missions, and he feels the same sense of failure said son is feeling right now. The city—the world needs to be kept safe, and he just wants to be able to keep his kids safe with it. Still, the most helpful option in the moment is to research and observe, so that's what they'll do.
His other hand reaches out to hold the other side of Leonardo's face, and pulls him closer as he leans in to give a gentle kiss atop his head.
"Do not blame yourself," he assures as he pulls back. "There is nothing you could have done to prevent it."
Leo nods his head again, feeling even marginally better than before. Silence passes between them for only another moment or so, then the turtle feels confident enough to cave into his father for a hug, which is instantly returned with another featherlight kiss on his head.
"Get some rest, Leonardo," Splinter says gently, and his eldest nods against him. The two share a smile when they pull apart before the teen sees himself out, hoping to actually get to sleep now that he's not bottling everything up.
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cordeliawhohung · 10 months
must write... baby girl (bodyguard) gaz... but... eepy....
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pertinax--loculos · 18 days
Fun fact! My drowning of yet another laptop (4/4, for those keeping track) has still lost me a devastating amount of words, BUT due to my propensity for rereading my own writing I've actually discovered a chunk of TE-YAL that was squirreled away in the Trash folder of Notion. 🥳 It's not a lot, but I'm still counting it as a win!
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nexus-nebulae · 6 months
brrrrr (/pos)
#weight talk#<- just in case even though this is pos#but like. okay ive been. SEVERELY underweight all my life#like i looked like a skeleton you could see all my bones it was AWFUL#i just. I've literally always hated looking like that i hated looking like a walking corpse i mean i looked ILL#but recently i started taking remeron for anxiety#partially bc my anxiety keeps causing me to not eat properly bc i feel sick constantly#so i kept ending up in the ER for malnutrition and dehydration and my liver getting messed up#well i started the remeron for the panic attacks bc daily panic attacks suck but the psych mentioned it could increase appetite#and it???? did????? I'm eating on a slightly more regular schedule???? I'm eating more than once a day????#and like. ok I've always weighed like 100lbs#highest i ever got was 111 when i was 16#and then it dropped 10#and then dropped 10 more in the span of 3 months while i was in and out of ER#and i was genuinely starting to panic over it bc i could PHYSICALLY FEEL my muscles getting eaten bc i had no fat left#like i was getting drastically weaker by the day my knees still won't stop buckling#but in the about three months I've been taking those meds I've. gained 10 back#I'm actually gaining weight like me and my mother are genuinely SHOCKED this genuinely hasn't happened since i was fucking TWELVE#and just now i took off my shirt and noticed. holy shit. my stomach doesn't go CONCAVE when I'm hungry anymore#like whenever i couldn't tell if i was hungry before i would just look at my stomach and be able to tell if it was too curved inwards#but now!!!!!!! it doesn't do that!!!!!!! and I'm genuinely fucking ecstatic like oh my god i don't look dead anymore#I've always wanted to gain weight i feel like i would be 100% more comfortable in my body as a fat trans man#and i can't talk about that to anyone bc they always say it's either self harm or fetishistic#when no i just genuinely feel more comfortable in my skin thinking of myself that way#and now i have confirmation that i would genuinely be happier that way with this bc the sheer joy i have at not being underweight anymore#i mean I'm still a bit under but at least im gaining SOMETHING like at least i dont look like a drowned street cat#seeing the very slight rolls and folds in my stomach when i move the right way makes me happy
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steakout-05 · 6 months
eeuuaghh i would like everyone to know that i apologise if i have not responded to your reblogs/mentions/posts on tumblr, i have really terrible social anxiety and for some reason people talking to me makes my nervous system think i'm being hunted for sport by a resident evil boss. sorry if i havent responded i'm not being rude i'm just having a panic attack :P
additionally: social anxiety is actually the reason why a lot of my old posts from late 2022 had weird spacing and spelling mistakes. i was too anxious to type properly
#sorry this seems like a random thing to post but it has been bugging me for a little bit now and i want to post it#and by a little bit i mean the entire time i've been on this website#as for the reason i have social anxiety: i went to a really terrible high school full of dangerous people-#-who were literally like. the worst most bigoted people ever. not everyone there was bad of course but 90% of them were-#-and that stunted by social development by 5-6 years and now every time someone talks to me i feel like i'm about to get murdered#also primary school was. bad. the other kids could sniff out the autism in me and didn't like me for it#this post isn't directed towards anyone specifically but also it kinda is because there's a DM from someone-#-that i haven't responded to in literally 8 months and every time i think about it i get anxious#i'm sorry!!! i'm not trying to ignore you on purpose and i want to say something but my brain literally will not let me out of fear :(#i'm not used to getting talked to directly so every time i do my entire nervous system starts screaming and running in circles#it's kinda ridiculous because it's like. come on. why are you having a panic attack over a message on tumblr it's LITERALLY just words on-#-a screen what are you freaking out about. but also it's like hhhhh unfamiliar social situation scary. help.#unrelated to that but i am very worried about what people will think of me and like i know i really shouldn't worry about that-#-because i can't control what other people think of me and it really shouldn't be any of my or their business. but also-#-i have legitimate trauma that backs my fears up and every time someone is even slightly critical towards me my brain just goes-#-''see? it happened again i TOLD you it would happen again. idiot. you shouldn't have said anything''#and then i hide and cry and lay in bed thinking about how i'm going to die until i suddenly snap out of it and think-#-''wait hang on why should i care. i love being a weirdo on the internet why should i let my anxieties stop me''#and then it happens AGAIN and it's just a viscous cycle at that point#be silly on the internet -> detect slight criticism -> think everyone hates you again -> go back on your bullshit after 3 days of crying#and it makes sense because that exact same pattern happened to me countless times as a child.#be silly in school -> get made fun of for it -> get hated for it -> rinse and repeat until you think everyone is dangerous and they hate yo#if i could put it in a metaphor it would be like me being a little rabbit who thinks everyone is a scary wolf because of their big shadows-#-even though they're all also rabbits and i'm just paying attention to the scariest parts of them because i only know what wolves look like#trauma does fucked up things to your psyche lemmie tell you#social anxiety#anxiety disorder#i'm literally the ''too scared to order food'' stereotype except it's not a stereotype because it's real and every time i look at the 7/11-#-at my campus i go ''hm but what if they hate me for the food i buy there'' even though they're LITERALLY SELLING IT what is WRONG with me#anyway um. social anxiety sucks and i don't mean to not reply ro everyone who talks to me i am sorr y
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whydoifeelthisquiet · 6 months
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cronicspotifyuser · 11 months
Hiiii <3
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Yall probaly noticed im just mostly rebloging things lately and thats because i've just had zero energy to actually post something also Recently school has become very stressful and draining to the the point i had an anxiety attack monday morning so i've just been tired and stressed out luckly though im seeing m therapist tommorow so Yipeee :]
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
I need like a hundred happy/silly asks in my askbox right now.
I need shadowpeach asks in my askbox right now RIGHT NOW
hand them over folks
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simsfromupthere · 2 years
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apologies for not posting any TS4 content as of the past MONTHS i know Lmfao, but my laptop somehow decided to become 100x more dingy after i got my cousin's desktop pc (fr it was almost like the damn scallywag somehow grew sentience, knew i got a new pc & now is just throwing a digital tantrum like a normal tantrum but in bright green binary code and black background or somehthing technological like that idk) so im still waiting to when i get the $$$ to get me a good 1TB or over external hard drive meanwhile im mostly laying low dealing w being really burnout with life in general and missing having TS4 to decompress a lot lol, hopefully i can score some cash and get a sturdy and spatious (like my Mods folder alone is out of this world i pledge a MILD and i mean only MILD apology to my old laptop bc damn it was something like 100MB and i wish i was being hyperbolic but it was definitely a triple digit GB adding my saves/tray etc its just way too much to try to sync, like im not paying for Mega or anything like that when i know a external harddrive is more of a guarantee even if i dont buy it as quick as buying a subscription or something to add how many TB i can store/sync on a web storage just feels dumb 2 me, personal opinion ofc, but yeah anyway im actually just excited to when i finally get to play TS4 again in general not even thinking in regards to just posting here, i just miss it a lot, its was such an easy way to decompress n exercise creativity to some extent by making a bunch of random sims on cas yknow, but yeah fingers crossed ill get an external drive soon !! again rlly sorry, enjoy this lovely picture of Charlie from Black Country, New Road :-) and details of an unfinished drawing i turned into a random collage lol
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feather-dancer · 2 years
An update on this post:
Goal has been met! And there's even a small buffer!! Thank you so much for sharing and those who were about to put some in the pot. Knowing I don't have to spend the rest of the month worrying about it means I have one less thing to be stressed about and can focus on getting things done instead.
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Please enjoy this rooster I sketched earlier.
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
when you are suddenly nervous that you're overstepping by having a Genuinely Awful character on your blog and panicking a lot, but then going "oh! the catharsis for that is letting people just fucking deck him. he has plot armor where he can't Die yet, so he's a cryogenically frozen punching bag essentially"
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wispered-dream · 3 months
'I was raised/abused by people who used their illness as an excuse to be horrific towards others and said I wasnt ALLOWED to question it (because then I'd be Obstinate, and go to hell)'
and 'then I was abused by someone who used their illness as an excuse to be horrific towards others and said I wasn't ALLOWED to question it (because then I'd be a Bigot, and everyone will hate me when I tell them)'
Sure does explain so much about me.
Turns out:
- Didn't go to Hell for being Obstinate
- Extended family laughed and high fived me for joining the 'canceled by XYZ' club
So while I am perhaps oversensitized to "abusing the good will/sympathy of others"
I see that those who do this are in the real hell.
And I've seen how it comes crashing down so so SO slowly.
Abusing the sympathy of others results in people who are wary of extending that sympathy ever again. It's a net crueler world, no matter how much you say "NO NO ONE WOULD EVER DO THAT!"
They do, people take advantage of good will/sympathy. Especially when you can exploit that sympathy for control.
People do it without realizing it too, and enabling that only makes it worse. Protecting the 'abuser'/abuser in the name of "we gotta say it never happens to immanetize the eschaton!" is its own Cruelty.
You're gonna damn each other if you put yourself in a place where people are too fearful to tell you you're being unfair. Claiming '-ism' like a YuGiOh trap card [especially to people who are victimized by that -ism, RIP] is a fantastic way to do that.
People learn to ignore the ableism accusations or treat it like a joke. And it's not JUST bigotry, as neat of a solution as it sounds. Someone comes out with a Caard of all their mental illnesses and I'm asking myself 'why' not because GRRR HATE MENTALLY ILL, but because there is still a motivation there.
'If you ask why someone would do that you're a bigot!' okay so are they trying to establish that they want special treatment or needs. I am excessively empathetic to that.
But it's not 'I forget about messages sometimes [And if you werent mentally ill it'd OBVIOUSLY be because you just dont care?*] or might infodump [on nerd websites? How dare you!*]', it's "Here's the disorder I say I have according to the description I give of it, if it's contrary to any knowledge, experience, or literature on the subject it's because you're a bigot."
Personally I just try to treat everyone assuming they COULD be ill, I find everyone could use kindness. I think that's a better model, but the neurodivergent are uniquely suffering or whatever.
"It's not that I want special treatment, I just want to be the same as everyone else gets to be" You are imagining an ideal that does not exist. Even the fabled Neurotypicals are deserving of things like Patience.
See to me it looks like you're only willing to offer those kind of things to people who will tell you their psychiatric histories. My experience with people who have done the caard thing has so regularly been such! Whereas my experience with people who have severe illness [a majority of my friends] are much more *example* or *event* focused.
#theres a third part where someone attempted to do that#and it was harmful to the friend group and only got worse and worse over time as everyone was scared of#one person inconsistently attacking others for percieved slights#I was far enough from the sun to avoid consequences of the implosion and y'know#I really don't think theres a solution to this other than just ignoring the 'youre being ableist by saying I cant steal!!'#Got like 30 witnesses that can affirm that it was bullshit. I could produce a thick dossier proving the parties here are what I say#Got a few 10s of Thousands of hours spent considering 'was I actually in the wrong' and man#All evidence and affirmation and therapy and meditations point to 'why didnt I stop it sooner'#makes me question my skepticism wondering why this keeps happening to me#possible event 4 comes and nah. not again. what a shame. but I am not giving a chance beyond evidence again man#Part of me wants to ignore red flags but I think that part of me might just be blind#and how have I sacrificed worthwhile friendships because I didnt want to abandon someone?#how many times did I recognize that my description inspired fear/anxiety in my friends and take that as affirmation#without extending that affirmation to 'you need to do something!!'#how many times do I scream where few can hear instead of disengaging?#how many times have i let the 'I dont want to be a bad or cruel person'#override everything telling me to run or fight?#be a social fawn you wont hate yourself for it! you can complain on tumblr or to your closest friends instead!#yet the complaining never calms the feeling I am betraying myself!#either betraying the part of me who fears the hell my 'friends' are creating for themselves#or betraying the part of me who has a fucking right to fight and be obstinate#What solution exists where I dont feel like Im betraying myself in some way?
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horrifichaunts · 7 months
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We finally got an appointment tomorrow for our senior dog who's been having this really bad cough...and I wasn't nervous but now I am and if anyone else who knows the woes of owning pets wants to send good energy into the universe for me tomorrow please do ;w;
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cobraonthecob · 8 months
You're oscar drawing was so embarrassing, why would you drawing him wearing a dress he's not a woman. I couldn't even tell it was oscar until I looked at the tags it was drawn that badly
i said it was a combination of oscar and lando in the description???? also i drew a woman? and second, even if the character herself isn't a man, men can wear dresses, i'm going to draw the entire grid in dresses now 😘 draw oscar in revenge now if you're going to kick down on another artist if you hate my combination of oscar and lando so much
also it's 'your', not 'you're'
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penelopecruzcoded · 9 months
how to stop transferring anxiety to your dog
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