#Smart contracts
spamreports · 4 months
Uniswap MEV arbitrage scams
Thanks to AI TechBro garbage, scammers now have full fledged multi-social media network posts, interlinked to each other, where BOTS comment on how much money they have made, all fueled by AI, and BOTS.
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Social media platforms like Youtube and X/Twitter supposedly also use AI, to try and combat abuse, but for whatever reason their AI Is "dumber" that the one used by the scammers, or the scammers just spawn attacks non stop, so suspending one or two of the scam accounts has no real world effect on the overall scam operation's success.
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It is all a scam, of course.
Uniswap arbitrage MEV bot scams work this way:
1. Scammers post videos with instructions how to make money via "ArBiTraGe".
In this scam, users' deposited Ethereum is not used for automatic arbitrage, but is directly transferred to the hacker's address. 
2. In the video on Vimeo or Youtube there are steps, one of which is grab code and run it!
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3. Running the code results in theft of assets and the victim's wallet being DRAINED.
The scammers also post wallets full of ETH to increase the credibility of their scam.
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The scam works by exploiting a legitimate platform, by pasting SCAM solidity code. The said code is posted on a dodgy website registered in Russia (how totally unexpected).
A very nice looking gentleman with a sexy moustache baits naïve users, who believe they can make something out of nothing to loose the little ETH they may have.
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One of the steps users are instructed to make is COPY and PASTE solidity code, which drains their assets.
Essentially this scam is asking users to shoot themselves in the foot, by copy pasting and executing malicious code themselves, all while thinking "I am so smart".
It is not as dumb as entering your seed phrase directly, so many gullible users may get fooled.
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And hosted on Russian Criminal IP, which hosts ONLY scams, nothing else:
Remember MEV Bot = SCAM!
https://www.youtube.com/@MetaWeb3x --> Scammer
https://x.com/DeWolfKelley --> Scammer
Same scam, different name. arbitrageservice.info arbitrageuni.com arbitrageuni.info arbitrageuni.net arbitrageuni.org basetake.info bincap.info blnance.shop blog.events.solllet.io botarbitrageservice.info botechnology.info botstrategy.info chamathcap.info chamathcapital.info claim.seedity.fun codecompile.pro codecompilleremix.com codedeploy.tech codesetup.pro coingive.info community.uni-arbitragebot.info compilercode.pro compileremix.com compileremixscript.tech compilerscript.pro compilescript.pro contractcompiler.pro contractdeploy.pro cryptapple.com czbinance.info davincij.info driden131.site eth-arbitrages.com eth-arbitrages.info eth-arbitrages.net eth-arbitrages.org eth-holesky.com eth-strategy.info eth-tradebot.info etharbitrages.com etharbitrages.info etharbitrageservice.com etharbitrageservice.info ethbotprovider.info ethereum-arbitrage.com ethereum-arbitrage.info ethereum-arbitrage.net ethremixcompile.pro ethstrategybot.info fond-xrp.com fundxrp.info gemlni.info hold-xrp.info idecompile.pro litecoln.info ltcdrop.info marfian.life mev-arbitrage.com mev-arbitrage.info mev-arbitrage.org mev-arbitrage.pro mev-arbitrages.info mevbot.info mevbotsetup.com mevsetuparbitrage.info mevstrategy.company mevtradingtool.info msiafetrburner.com ovvl.games owlgames.click pontem.life pop.uni-arbitrage.com remixcompiledeploy.com remixcompilercode.pro remixcontractcreate.pro remixcontractsetup.pro remixdeploy.pro remixdeploycompile.com remixdeploycontract.com remixdeploycontract.pro remixdeployide.com remixdeploying.pro remixethcontract.com remixethcontract.pro remixidecode.pro remixidecompile.pro remixscriptdeploy.pro remixscripts.tech remixsetupcompiler.pro remixsetupdeploy.pro remixsoliditydeploy.pro restake.online scriptremix.pro seedfiy.fun seedify.cloud seedifysolar.fun seedity.fun seedlfy.fun setarbitrage.info setuptradingbot.info shibatokens.info shibtake.info shlbainu.com shlbatoken.com shlbatoken.info shlbatokens.com shlbtoken.info socialcap.info solcasino.site solllet.io spotxrp.info strategiestrading.info strategyarbitrage.com strategybot.info strategyeth.info strategymevbot.info strategytrading.info tradingarticle.info tradingbotarbitrage.info tradingboteth.info tradingbotstrategy.info tradingservice.info tradingsetup.info umngawwwm.unimevarbitrage.info uni-arbitrage.com uni-arbitrage.info uni-arbitrage.net uni-arbitragebot.info uni-arbitrages.com uni-arbitrages.info uni-arbitrages.net uni-arbitrages.org uniarbitrage.com uniarbitrages.com unibotservice.com unimevarbitrage.info uniservicebot.info unitradingservice.info videoloader.info videosourcearbitrage.info videosourcetrading.info vpn.solllet.io webarbitragebot.info webarbitragestrategy.info webmevservice.info webtradingbot.info webtradingstrategies.info winklcap.info winklebit.info winklecap.info
Remember MEV Bot = SCAM!
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davemillerdsaf · 1 month
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I’m so sorry I didn’t post this as soon as I did but.. I SOLD MY SOUL AND EVER SINCE IVE BEEN SICK I THINK BILLS POSSESSED ME 😭-
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pythoncrypto · 7 months
From Traditional to Trailblazing: Python50's Next-Gen Referral Revolution
Welcome to Python50, the revolutionary decentralized referral program that is set to change the way people earn rewards for their referrals. In this blog post, we'll delve into what Python50 is all about, how it works, and why you should join now to start earning more.
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What is Python50?
Python50 is a next-generation referral program built on blockchain technology. It provides a transparent, secure, and efficient way for individuals to earn rewards by referring others.
How Does Python50 Work?
Unlike traditional referral programs that are centralized and often opaque, Python50 leverages the power of blockchain technology to create a decentralized network where referrals are tracked securely and transparently. Here's how it works:
Decentralization: Python50 operates on a decentralized network of nodes, ensuring that there is no single point of control or failure. This decentralized structure guarantees transparency and security for all participants.
Smart Contracts: Python50 utilizes smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Smart contracts automatically enforce the referral program's rules, ensuring that rewards are distributed fairly and transparently.
Token Rewards: Participants in the Python50 referral program earn rewards in the form of tokens, which can be exchanged for various goods and services within the Python50 ecosystem or traded on supported cryptocurrency exchanges in future.
Immutable Ledger: All referral activities and rewards are recorded on the blockchain, creating an immutable ledger that cannot be tampered with. This transparency builds trust among participants and ensures the integrity of the referral program.
Why Join Python50?
There are several compelling reasons to join Python50:
Higher Rewards: Python50 offers generous rewards for successful referrals, allowing participants to earn more than traditional referral programs.
Transparency: With Python50, all referral activities and rewards are recorded on the blockchain, providing full transparency to participants.
Security: The decentralized nature of Python50 ensures that participant data and rewards are secure from hacking or manipulation.
Community: By joining Python50, you become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about blockchain technology and earning rewards through referrals.
How to Join Python50
Joining Python50 is easy and straightforward:
Visit the Python50 website and create an account. Start referring friends, family, and colleagues. Earn rewards in the form of tokens for successful referrals. Redeem tokens for goods and services or trade them on supported cryptocurrency exchanges in the future.
Python50 is the next generation of decentralized referral programs, offering higher rewards, transparency, and security to participants. Join now to start earning more through referrals and become part of a thriving blockchain community.
Don't miss out on this opportunity – join Python50 today!
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0x00000010 · 2 years
i released an experimental artwork that allows the viewer to create collaborations with me in realtime and mint the resulting 1/1 artworks on tezos
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it takes in your camera stream through a DOS/ASCII style filter created by 0x10 and there are some controls where you can configure colours and character sets
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when you're happy with the creation you can press mint and a preview of the final artwork will be displayed. this is where you can add a title and description for the token
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all minted artworks appear in the collection on objktcom and rarible and are marked as collaborations between the minter and 0x10
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on-chain artworks and viewer
each artwork has a 100% on-chain ASCII version that is stored alongside the artwork on the blockchain and can be used to reconstruct the artwork without ipfs
for this we pay per byte, so there is an associated storage cost for each selfie that increases depending on the complexity of the final output - the more colours, characters, and overall noise in the scene the higher the on-chain storage costs
i created an accompanying token viewer application which is also 100% on-chain, and this came with a whole heap of problems i had to figure out in order to achieve
it can be installed via a single terminal command available inside the artwork. the same command is minted at typed.art/8280
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running the command installs and optionally opens a local viewer app. this app is extremely basic because it was written from scratch, by hand, and optimised to fit inside a single tezos blockchain transaction, which also brought about a lot of limitations i had to get around to achieve this part of the artwork
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technical information
the artwork consists of 6 smart contracts. 3 of them are utility contracts that do things like checking signatures, domains, and token balances, and the other 3 are the mintery, the on-chain asset storage, and the tokens themselves
when you access the site for the first time you need to request a "mint access token"
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this token is an NFT that will appear in your wallet from the mintery contract, and is your key to minting selfies. it's not possible to call the minting functionality without this special access token in your wallet
you also require a tezos domain linked to the wallet. both the tezos domain and the mint access token are used to create a unique signature that gets signed and attached the each mint request and gets verified on-chain during the mint process as part of a bot-resistant proof-of-concept minting technique
fun facts
the entire artwork is to be considered a self-portrait of 0x10
the artwork is 100% web3 - there are no servers, the primary artwork site is hosted on ipfs with the dns running through the linked tezos domain page (0x5E1F1E.tez.page)
i initially created the entire artwork to use gzip compression for storing the on-chain data and then at the very end when i was writing the on-chain viewer i could not fit my gzip decompression code into a single blockchain transaction, so had to scrap and re-implement the entire engine using a basic LZW implementation instead of gzip to achieve my goal of having a self-contained transparent on-chain viewer application that fits into a single transaction
there is a super-secret glitch mode hidden inside the artwork that can lead to some pretty amazing creations - however, the complexity of the final results can lead to very expensive storage costs for the on-chain versions of glitched creations and they can even deviate slightly from the original (below example would cost over 5tz in on-chain storage alone)
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there's on-chain documentation for reconstructing a selfie from the raw on-chain data
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the hex representation of the red colour in the access token and logo is #5E1F1E
there is an upper max limit of 0x5E1F1E (6168350) selfies available
you may use outputs from 0x5E1F1E or even 0x5E1F1E itself as an input into new artworks provided attribution of some sort to either 0x5E1F1E or 0x10 is included with the new artwork
my versum genesis is one of my earliest glitch-mode outputs created while i was developing selfie
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i had fun making this artwork, i hope you have fun using it, and i look forward to seeing more creations
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pooja-bfsi · 9 months
Smart Contracts
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Smart Contracts: How is Technological Advancement Revolutionizing Industries?    
What are smart contracts?      
What are some advancements in smart contract technology?    
How are leading firms acquiring top positions in this sector?        
In recent years, the smart contracts industry has witnessed a notable boom in growth and development, changing specifically in the form of transactions and contracts. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, smart contracts offer feasible, dependable, and applicable solutions across several sectors. 
What are smart contracts?      
Smart contracts are effective agreements that self-execute and are securely stored on the blockchain. By autonomously carrying out pre-programmed responsibilities, they disrupt traditional systems by way of disposing of intermediaries. This decentralized framework offers clarity, safety, and efficiency in unique sectors consisting of finance, supply chain management, and real estate.     
According to the latest report by Allied Market Research, the global smart contracts sector is predicted to exhibit a notable CAGR of 29.6% between 2023 and 2032.      
What are some advancements in smart contract technology? 
Over the past few years, there have been considerable advancements in the technology of smart contracts. Here are a few vital developments:       
Smart contracts are getting more flexible and programmable than ever. They can be coded in distinct programming languages, allowing developers to create complex logic and conditions within the contract itself. This level of programmability makes it feasible to automate extraordinary commercial enterprise approaches and eliminates the need for manual intervention.    
Smart contracts can now consort with each other and with external systems, allowing for seamless assimilation between specific blockchain platforms. This convergence makes it possible to create new opportunities for collaboration and cross-chain transactions between decentralized applications (dApps). 
Oracles are like external data sources that offer real-world information for smart contracts. Advancements in smart contract technology have enhanced the reliability and security of oracles and made sure that the data furnished is accurate and unalterable. This allows smart contracts to make informed decisions primarily based on updated information.    
Privacy and confidentiality: 
Earlier versions of smart contracts were criticized because of their insufficient privacy measures. Nevertheless, technological advances have allowed the introduction of strategies inclusive of zero-knowledge proofs and steady multi-party computation. These strategies permit private and confidential transactions to take place on public blockchains, thereby broadening the utility of smart contracts in sectors where the safety of data privacy is important.     
How are leading firms acquiring top positions in this sector?    
The leading players in the smart contracts sector focus more on the provision of automated transactional services to increase both flexibility and security for businesses. In order to expand their market presence, these companies give priority to the acquisition of local and small businesses. In addition, strategies such as partnerships, significant investments, and joint ventures contribute to the rising demand for such services. For instance, in August 2023, Obvious introduced a smart contract wallet called Biconomy Account Abstraction Stack, which operates through a mobile app and supports multiple channels. This wallet is intended to facilitate the execution of transactions, the implementation of custom rules, and the smoothing of complex economic interactions.      
On the other hand, in June 2023, Horizen and Ankr collaborated to enhance the accessibility and scalability of the EON smart contract platform. This partnership has provided developers with a set of tools that facilitate the implementation of smart contract applications.       
To sum up, the smart contracts industry is growing gradually and causing changes in various industries. As businesses and individuals understand the benefits of this innovative technology, using smart contracts is predicted to boom swiftly. Furthermore, by staying well-informed and embracing the potential of smart contracts, corporations can position themselves at the leading edge of this transformative technology.        
For more details and information on smart contract platforms, contact our experts here.      
Author’s Bio: Harshada Dive is a computer engineer by qualification. She has worked as a customer service associate for several years. As an Associate Content Writer, she loves to experiment with trending topics and develop her unique writing skills. When Harshada's not writing, she likes gardening and listening to motivational podcasts. 
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Exploring WEB3: The Decentralized Future of the Internet
Hey friends! 🌐 Discover the transformative power of #WEB3 - the decentralized future of the internet. Unveil the benefits of data privacy, ownership, and smart contracts that empower users. #Decentralization #BlockchainTech #DigitalEmpowerment
The Internet has revolutionized the way we live, communicate, and conduct business. With its widespread adoption, the centralized nature of the current web has become increasingly apparent, raising concerns about data privacy, security, and control. WEB3 emerges as a promising solution, aiming to reshape the digital landscape by decentralizing control and empowering users. In this blog, we will…
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blockchainblast · 1 year
Blockchain-Enabled Mobile Apps
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Can you imagine a world with convenient, efficient, secure, and transparent mobile apps? Yes, it is possible today with the innovative technology, Blockchain. Seek the best blockchain services from the leading blockchain development company at affordable prices. What are you waiting for? Now, let us dive deeper into the blog and understand how Blockchain tackles the most pressing issues facing the mobile app industry and pave the way for a brighter, more seamless future for all mobile app users.
The Need For Blockchain In The Mobile Industry
The mobile app industry has witnessed tremendous growth and innovation in recent years. However, it still faces multiple issues that need prompt attention. For example, the app approval process is handled by tech giants, leaving developers wondering whether their apps will make it to the market. Thus, a lack of transparency increases the risk of releasing malware-infected apps, posing a significant threat to users’ security and privacy. 
Universal And Transparent App Approval Process
Blockchain technology can bring transparency and universality to app approval through a developer reputation system. This reputation system will be directly linked to the financial transactions on the public ledger and will be open for investigation. This will streamline the app approval process and help smartphone users decide to download the app based on the ranking, which will ultimately build trust, enhance security, boost downloads, and uplift app revenue.
Is integrating blockchain into your business worthwhile? Obtain top-notch enterprise blockchain development services from our expert team and successfully defeat your competitors with this latest technology.
Cost Per Attention Campaign
Mobile application developers often resort to costly and opaque Cost Per Installation (CPI) campaigns to gain attention, leaving users with little incentive. A new campaign called Cost Per Attention (CPA) will allow developers to reward users directly for the time spent on their applications. By using Smart contracts, developers can ensure users meet the required time threshold, and users can spend their earnings in-app.
Seamless In-App Purchase System
Nowadays, users pay to the app store with bank transfer fees, credit card fraud cases, and others. Blockchain technology will let the mobile app users use and spend their Cost per Attention reward without credit cards and other payment solutions. Also, this ingenious technology will empower mobile application developers to get 85% instead of 70% of transaction value by eliminating the mediators.
Streamlined Mobile App Development Process
Blockchain technology will generate new ways to simplify the mobile application development process and cater to user needs significantly. This includes gathering DNS entries on a decentralized, secure platform and empowering the app developers to keep the whole domain records under their control. Developers can also authenticate devices and users without asking for passwords by investing in Blockchain app development.
Closing Words
By adopting Blockchain technology, mobile app developers can make the end-user experience seamless, entice and build customer trust. It is time for mobile app developers to embrace the Blockchain revolution and stay ahead of the competition. 
Are you searching for expert assistance to incorporate blockchain into your business? Get customizable blockchain services from the top blockchain consulting company.
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socialnidhi · 1 year
Exploring The Potential Use Cases Of Smart Contracts And Decentralized Applications
The advent of blockchain technology has paved the way for revolutionary advancements in various sectors, offering secure and transparent solutions for a multitude of applications. At the heart of this transformative technology lies the concept of smart contracts, which enable the automation and execution of agreements without intermediaries. Combined with decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts have the potential to revolutionize industries by enhancing security, efficiency, and transparency. Click here to know more.
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dairymao · 2 years
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Did you know that a smart contract is similar to a self-moving toy that follows pre-set rules agreed upon by you and others? Take, for instance, if you and your friends want to place a bet on the next elected president, a smart contract can act as your witness. You only need to specify the betting amount, the criteria to determine the winner, the source of election results, and place the money in the smart contract. Once the election outcome is declared, the smart contract will automatically calculate the winner and send them the money, eliminating the need for a referee or any worries of fraud.
This sounds incredibly convenient, doesn't it? However, it's important to note that smart contracts are not a one-size-fits-all solution. While they offer several benefits, such as faster and more secure transactions without intermediaries, they also come with potential risks, such as coding errors, hacking, and no legal protection in case of disputes. Therefore, it's essential to understand all the risks and responsibilities associated with using smart contracts before engaging in any transactions.
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deepaktronfaster · 2 years
A right investment on your future the tron faster foundation .
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tpameta · 2 years
The Metaverse is the next frontier in technology, and the possibilities for individuals and businesses are truly endless. In order to take advantage of these opportunities, it is essential to understand Teleport Plaque Addresses (TPAs), the unique addresses that allow you to access and interact within the metaverse. TPAs are similar to web domains, but instead of providing access to websites, TPAs provide access to virtual lands within the metaverse. 
So, what exactly is the metaverse? Simply put, it is a virtual world that allows users to engage with each other and digital assets in a more immersive and interactive environment. The metaverse is not just limited to gaming; it encompasses a wide range of applications including social media, e-commerce, entertainment, and education. 
In order to access the metaverse and start taking advantage of its many features and opportunities, you need a TPA. These addresses are created through a process called “minting,” and they are stored on the blockchain, providing increased security and immutability. With a TPA, you will be able to engage with your customers, reach a wider audience, and experience the metaverse in a new and innovative way. 
There are many benefits to having a TPA in the metaverse. For businesses, TPAs provide a unique opportunity to establish a virtual presence and connect with customers in a new and exciting way. For individuals, TPAs offer the ability to explore virtual worlds, own and trade digital assets, and connect with other users in a more immersive and interactive environment. 
So why wait? The metaverse is the future of technology, and TPAs are the key to unlocking its potential. Get your TPA now and start exploring the vast possibilities that await you in the metaverse. 
Unlock the power of your TPA purchases with TPA Meta – ping tpameta, get $100 in ETH back to your wallet every time! Don’t miss out on this unbeatable offer, join TPA Meta today!
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verifbox · 2 years
VerifBox is a secure and reliable solution for digital image verification, enabling you to notarize your images on the Ethereum blockchain
Table of Contents Introduction What is VerifBox and How Does it Use the Ethereum Blockchain to Notarize Images? The Benefits of Notarizing Images on the Ethereum Blockchain with VerifBox How to Ensure the Security and Reliability of Digital Images with VerifBox What You Need to Know Before Notarizing Your Images with VerifBox What is the Cost of Notarizing Images on the Ethereum Blockchain…
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applore · 2 years
Start-Ups Partner
Partnering with startups can be a game-changer for established businesses. By collaborating with innovative and agile firms, established companies can tap into new technologies, markets, and talent pools. Such partnerships allow both parties to leverage their strengths, drive growth, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether it's a strategic investment, a joint venture, or a simple referral agreement, startups and established companies can work together to build a brighter future.
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web3-defi-crypto · 2 years
The Cryptolic token is a deflationary token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This token will reflect the team’s initiative to provide meaningful growth vehicles for holders and partners. An integrated organization with a passion for expanding the utility, development, and community of DeFi.
Cryptolic (CPTLC) serves as a unique way to gain rewards from the buy/sell volume, and additionally through profit sharing from the Service Agency. This allows holders to use Cryptolic as a long-term growth vehicle even during times of market fluctuation.
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cryptonewscentral · 5 days
💡 Ever wondered how to create your own cryptocurrency? Whether you're dreaming of launching the next big token or building a unique blockchain project, it all starts with the right technical planning and design. From choosing the perfect platform (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana) to creating a solid whitepaper, we've got you covered in this step-by-step guide! 🛠️
Dive into the world of crypto creation and take the first steps toward launching your own coin today! 🚀
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oliverethanrobin · 8 days
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How Do Smart Contracts Work on the Coinbase Platform?
Smart contracts refer to self-executing contracts  based on the blockchain technology, which is employed in decentralized applications (DApp) and the overall blockchain transactions. In Coinbase specifically, smart contracts provide client the opportunity to engage with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, to conduct automatic transactions, and manage property in a more secure and efficient way.
Here's a breakdown of how smart contracts work on the Coinbase platform:Here's a breakdown of how smart contracts work on the Coinbase platform:
1. Integration with Ethereum and EVM-Compatible Blockchains:
Coinbase mainly works with Ethereum and other chains built on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which was developed to execute smart contracts. Smart contract features offered by the platform are available through the Coinbase wallet and enable users to engage with dApps and perform operations without third parties’ involvement.
2. Smart Contract Execution:
Whenever a user interacts with a smart contract on Coinbase (for instance by engaging with a DeFi application, staking cryptocurrency, or making trades,) the smart contract initiates without human intervention according to pre-programmed instructions etched into the blockchain. These conditions are open and fixed; this means that once these conditions have been deployed on the blockchain, they cannot be altered by any central authority.
3. Trustless Transactions:
At Coinbase, smart contracts help people complete transactions that have no need for a third party. This means that two transactors can communicate or exchange an asset where the middleman who vouches for each of the transactors or guarantors them is not necessary in this form of transaction. For instance, if you are using Coinbase’s wallet to transact with a lending and borrowing DeFi platform, the smart contract will facilitate loan agreements and repayment.
4. Gas Fees and Costs:
To run a smart contract on Coinbase, the user has to make a payment referred to as the “gas fee” which is the cost incurred when executing the smart contract on the ethereum network. The fees for gas depend on the solidity’s contract and the current load of the network.
5. Security and Transparency:
To this end, Coinbase guarantees that smart contracts executed on its platform are clear to users and free from risks. This basically means that every stage of the contract is encrypted on block chain which is hard to be altered. This is especially good because it means the users can check the terms and conditions of the contract before contract engagement whereby once certain conditions are met, the contract automatically executes.
6. DeFi and DApp Integration:
It is possible to integrate Coinbase wallets with numerous DApps and DeFi applications without any difficulties. Currently, to carry out transactions within decentralized exchanges or staking or lending platforms, users can engage with them through smart contracts. For instance, a smart contract designed for a DEX can facilitate token exchange of coins on specific and predetermined terms reducing the risks associated with the process.
7. Coinbase Wallet for Smart Contracts:
Smart contracts on Coinbase require the Coinbase Wallet for interaction. By creating a place where everyone can safely store their assets, and also communicate with DApps and the blockchain protocols. The wallet allows the users total control over their private keys meaning that the users solely own their funds and interactions with smart contracts.
The smart contracts featured in the Coinbase platform provide the users with an efficient, safe, and computerized means of participating in transactions on the blockchain. This is because no matter if the user is engaged with DeFi, staking or simply using DApp, Smart Contracts guarantee a secure, transparent and efficient transaction. Meanwhile, Web3 evolution provides Coinbase as a connection where clients who want to exploit smart contracts and DeFi solutions start their journey.
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