#Smoke Waterfall
brownlupine · 2 years
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I made this smoke waterfall ages ago. Maybe I will touch it up in the near future but I thought I could share this with you.
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skybristle · 11 months
rbs > likes i fucking guess
this is what happened in chp 18 right guys
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mother-marijuana · 5 months
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long time no post, heres me & a waterfall
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moldy-cherry · 1 year
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Head in the clouds 😶‍🌫️ 🍃
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mxdtmca · 27 days
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being-as-an-00ceann · 3 months
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mudwerks · 6 months
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(via 22nd January 2024 - all things amazing —)
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paradisebleu14 · 11 months
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My favorite smoke spot🍃
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childofheresy · 23 days
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random stuff from the past few months
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rockcattomato · 2 years
Anyway. Lark smokes cigarettes because they remind him of Nick.
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wufflesvetinari · 1 year
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merginyourface · 2 years
Mountain takes Aether on a hike maybe they get a little stoned watching the clouds maybe they make out a little?
WC: 1235
One Needs to Be More Daring Than the Other
---This isnt what the request says it is really. No smoking and no making out.... But it is Aether and Mountain hiking!!! Fluff!!!(sorry)---
“How much farther is it?” Aether asks, just a little out of breath. 
Mountain looks over his shoulder to the other ghoul who is trailing a few steps behind him and rolls his eyes. “Not that much longer, you’ve almost made it.” He tries to encourage him, but the groan that Aether lets out tells Mountain it’s fallen on deaf ears. 
“You know, I picked you to come out with me because I thought you’d complain the least but now I wonder if Rain would have been a better choice.” Mountain calls without turning around to face him again. Even though he’d hiked up this trail countless times, it was better to keep your eyes in front of you in case of loose rocks or roots. He’d warned Aether to be just as careful and he seemed to heed the warning, not having fallen once. The large ghoul was well balanced.
“It better be as amazing as you say it is.” Aether warns, stumbling again over some stones, but keeping himself upright. 
Mountain doesn’t give him a response, he knows the spot he’s taking Aether to is beautiful. 
“And don’t even bother trying to say you’d rather have brought Rain, you know you invited me because I’ve been too busy with Dewdrop. You’ve been feening for my attention.” 
Mountain scoffs at his verbiage, “feening.” He scoffs. 
Around ten minutes, and no broken bones, later, they make it to the spot Mountain had been leading Aether too. The spot where he likes to come and unwind when tensions are high. The spot he likes to come when his spirit is low. 
It’s a clearing in the trees alongside a pebble filled creek. The water flows fast, cold, and crystal clear. So clear you could sit at the bank on a moss covered rock and watch the fish swim by or the crustaceans crawl over and under small stones. If you sat still enough and made no noise, you could see small creatures come up to refresh themselves by the crystalline water. Mountain wondered what effect his own power and Aether’s quintessence might have on what creatures were drawn to the creekside. 
But there were other reasons to keep quiet by the creek. To let yourself be lost in the sounds of such a lively spot was better than any high. Laying back on the creekside to watch the clouds pass overhead, listening to water cascade down and between the rocky river. But the birds in the area, the song birds, sang most beautifully during the day. And if your eye was fast enough, in the tree line you could see them jump from tree to tree. 
As Aether looked around, keen enough on his own to sense the wonderful things about this area, the birds, the sound of the water flowing in the creek, the distant and louder pour of the waterfall, the wildflowers, and more. Mountain watched as Aether pulled in the fresh, crisp spring air through his nose and let it slowly slip from between his lips. 
“Do you like it?” Mountain asked a little timid now, though he wasn’t sure why. 
“I do. This is wonderful, but--” 
“But?” Mountain was quick to ask. 
Aether laughed off his concern and pointed into the distance, “That sounds like a waterfall in that direction?” He wanted confirmation. Mountain nodded his head but looked wary. “Is it not accessible?” 
“It is, mostly, but it’s sounded by dense trees and the ground can be a bit unstable.” Mountain usually wouldn’t get too close himself. “The roots of the trees created somewhat of a drop from the stable ground to the river which means that--” 
“I’m sure it's fine! You’ll keep me safe, just tell me where to step.” Aether started walking toward the sounds of rushing water. Mountain sighed, a little anxious bringing someone else over there, he’s nearly slipped into the couple foot drop into the water before.
Once the trees start getting more dense, Aether stands to the side and lets Mountain lead the way closer to the waterfall. 
Once they’re coming up on it, Mountain starts pointing out what solid ground vs. hollow soil looks like. The easiest way to tell was the dampness. Hollow soil was usually drier and would just crumble away when stepped on and could lead to a gnarly twisted ankle. Aether started getting the hang of it and found himself stepping beside Mountain rather just following in the same steps behind him.
“Just be cautious.” Mountain warned. But he was excited Aether was enjoying himself so much. 
“I’m always cautious.” Aether waves him off, nearly skipping the rest of the distance causing Mountain to roll his eyes. 
“Hold up, you're getting close.” Mountain warns but Aether isn’t listening, not really. 
“I see the waterfall!” He calls out instead, a little farther ahead than Mountain.
“Aether, please. Wait for me.” He tries again but it’s too late. There's a short yell as Aether drops down from Mountain’s line of sight. He curses as he too is now skipping to the edge hoping the quintessence ghoul is uninjured. 
Once he makes it to the edge, he sees a very wet, very annoyed ghoul sitting on his ass in the water. Mountain looks down at him and can’t help but chuckle. “I told you to be careful!” He chides. 
“I was!” He pouts, “Or I thought I was. The ground just gave out under me and I fell right in.” Mountain shakes his head, this is exactly what he thought was going to happen. Really, he was right more often than he gave himself credit for. 
“Help me out, please?” Aether groans as he stands up in the water. “My socks are wet.” 
“More than just your socks are wet, idiot.” Mountain laughs again and Aether shivers. “You’d think I did invite the water ghoul.” 
“Shut up and help me.” He growls and Mountain raises his hands in defeat. He looks for the most solid part of the ravine edge to kneel on to help him up. He finds a good solid chunk of dirt and waves for Aether to walk down that way. 
The large ghoul wades somewhat miserably in the shin-deep ice cold water, “Still got all your toes?” Mountain asks, knowing how cold it probably is, even for this point in spring. He can hear Aether mock him, mumbling the words back in a higher pitch. 
But when Aether grabs his hand something mischievous glints behind them that has Mountain wanting to pull away from the ghoul. Before he can, Aether yanks hard on Mountains arm, pulling the tall ghoul into the ravine as well. 
Mountain lets out a small yelp as he collapses into Aether’s lap, who had fallen back with the force of his own yank. 
Now both ghouls were completely soaked. Mountain scrambles off Aether’s lap and sits up onto his knees in the rushing water. “You're kidding me?!” He half laughs, half yells. Aether chuckles as he scoops up a handful of the icy water and tosses it in the earth ghouls face. 
He blocks his face with his arm and scrambles to his feet and wipes the water from his eyes. He looks at Aether who is eyeing the drop the two of them took to get into the ravine. 
Mountain catches on right away, “Got another plan to get us out, smart ass?”
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being-as-an-00ceann · 3 months
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etherealamoeba · 1 year
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Last weekend at Snoqualmie Falls, ate a cherry galette and cherry pie ice cream there!
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brownlupine · 2 years
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I made this smoke waterfall ages ago. Maybe I will touch it up in the near future but I thought I could share this with you.
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rainbow-tazer · 1 year
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The family dog Max just turned 2 so for his birthday, with a hand full of joints and extra rolling paper, we took him out waterfall hunting.
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