#Snowy mountain
pamietniko · 1 year
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beautiful details in a winter forest
Snoqualmie, Washington
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wyervan · 5 months
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photo study from a coupla months ago
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whydoihavetoart · 11 months
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nope rope
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photographss-world · 2 years
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months
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Snowy Mountain
Photography by Teresa Bergen
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a-birdie-on-a-rose · 9 months
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forestduck · 2 years
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dkniade · 4 months
January 7, 2024. 11:09 PM
Small Dragonspine snippet about cold to practice description
Coldness sure is… something. I wrote this to practise doing descriptions, after watching “Fear of Cold” by Jacob Geller, which is very engaging and well-presented, threading together multiple stories and their perspectives.
Notes: generally depressing tone, detailed description of the cold, snow, alone in the wilderness, scavenging
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Generally speaking, Mondstadt is blessed by the Anemo Archon with warm gentle winds and soft grassy plains. As you look up from your feet, the clear stream babbles as it flows towards Starfell Lake, encircling the great oak tree, protecting it. Sweet sounds of chirping sound in your ears, as though Barbatos himself is singing a tune. No matter how weary you are from your travels, you can always rest in the shade of that tree.
But Barbatos’ voice cannot reach you here on this mountain.
Dragonspine is cold. It’s cold in the sense that a pyre doesn’t feel as warm as it looks. And the lake and the sugar-like snow that stretches on eternally is beautiful, certainly, but there’s a difference between looking at a picturesque scenery and experiencing it with your body firsthand.
Indeed, the hostile environment earns the mountain its grim reputation of claiming various adventurers. In the Starlight Cavern, you hear the crunch of snow beneath your boots echoing throughout the space, revealing its labyrinth-like scale and complexity. While walking over the fragile wooden bridge to the alchemist’s camp, it creaks under your weight, and chips of wood splinter and fall down into the emptiness of the great valley below. While resting at an abandoned camp and gazing into the fire, you hear rustles in the bushes around you but see nothing as you look out.
But the cold stalks your body like a ghost possessing your flesh. It steals feeling from your fingers. You paw ungracefully with your stiff gloved hands at the rectangular stone mechanism you occasionally find around ruins. The strength in your arms diminish as you feel the freezing wind biting your skin. With a slow creak, the mechanism comes to life and reveals the glowing amber core inside along with the warmth you had craved like an animal without food.
And the waters are not any less dangerous just because they’re not frozen. Mondstadt’s ponds and lakes are generally okay to swim in and it never gets too cold in the plains and valleys. But in Dragonspine, the cold spreads across your limbs faster in the freezing water, like a fisherman’s web that entangles you and slows down your movement. Between your safety and the loss of that notebook in the waters, it’s best to pick only one.
Food is scarce. Far from the ripe berries and sweet flowers abundant in the grassy plains, you must learn to hunt boars silently and strike with impeccable timing before you or your weapon gives in to the harsh and unforgiving environment. Even then, scavenging for amounts of flesh you could carry from the body is no easy task and you’re always vulnerable to whatever masked entity behind you, locked and loaded.
The cold reminds you of the dangers of your journey. No matter how prepared or graceful you thought you were in combat, the cold reduces you to a small creature that looks out into the horizon to admire its beauty while at the same time scan for warning signs. Your once-quick swings are replaced by slow and stiff dodges and lunges. Physical enemies could be killed, yes, but the sharp winds whispering by your ears promise a grey eternity with Dragonspine leading the dance.
But you must keep going, traveller.
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mx-time-bunny · 1 year
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Source: Pinterest.
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atelierclic64 · 5 months
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Neige ...Meribel (Alpes ) 2024
Photographe : Mj Jouvencel
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kcvulpinestudios · 2 years
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A little something I wanted to make for the upcoming Holiday season. It took a while to draw the train (and it's a long one too). And figuring what to put behind the train was an issue since a lot of winter pics I looked at confused me; no leaves on the tree or yes. So what you're seeing is a final result from an exhausting process along with incorporating a piece of video background that I made but never used. Overall, it's a charming Christmas piece that I'm glad I finished. If enough attention is given (let's say more than likes and reblogs), I'll work on a companion steam freight piece. Until then, enjoy this Christmas card.
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egygizdanaploja · 1 year
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2023.02.25., semmering
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sato-p-9 · 8 months
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Snowy mountain
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givemewinterpls · 1 year
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Gunnison National Forest, CO
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etawardana · 1 year
The Hero's Savior, Ch. 03.
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