#So for Macaque to be removed from the mortal plane...like what is going on with that
In the Samadhi Fire ritual flashbacks and the brief vision of Macaque and Monkey King's final fight, SWK lacks the circlet. Do you think this is an intentional plot element, memory being fallible, or a straight-up animation error?
The 3x04 flashback of SWK and Macaque's fight lacking a circlet could easily be fallible memory or bias, but either way it's definitely intentional. The 3x10 Samadhi Fire flashback on the other hand is an unbiased account of what sealing the fire had looked like, so without a doubt we can trust everything we see there!
Honestly, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if there were in fact 2 SWK V Macaque fights: one during jttw where Tang Sanzang encouraged Wukong to spare Macaque (Like the great monk had done with LBD—that or Wukong is just straight up unwilling to finish Macaque off), and another fight post-jttw where it's Wukong alone without the influence of the pilgrims. But that's just me throwing stuff out there.
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jedineedlove · 1 year
Macaque's Death & Samadhi Fire Timeline?
Hello Everybody I am currently making a LMK Fanfic for the first time and I thought to go back over the episodes for more details and research for it. As I did I had some thoughts come to mind and thought I share them with all of you for some feedback.
I am far from saying this is canon or anywhere close to facts but something about the Samadhi fire and Macaques death has me puzzled I went back to episodes and scenes of those shown or mentioned and I came to a conclusion.
Once again I am not saying this is fully true but I think we have the timeline of those events of the LMK Universe wrong. Many and I mean many say and even draw out the events of those two being during the Journey of the West but I thought something about that was off as I looked through flashbacks of those events.
Let me start from the very beginning. It started with seeing the flashback of Macaque's death as LBD threatens him and reminds him that she brought him "back to the mortal plane".
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In this picture, you can see Macaque & Wukong fighting against each other staff to staff. This is a scene paired together with Macaque's death this is advertised as the fight that ends him. Many even a majority believe that Macaque died like he did in the JTTW to Wukong after he tried to interrupt the journey.
But I don't think that is true something caught me off guard, it was the outfit that Wukong is wearing in this scene. He is wearing his armor and he is lacking his golden fillet. Many may say the fillet is glamored and he was allowed to wear armor somewhere down the line on the journey but I don't think so if you look at what he looked like during the flashbacks the show gives us.
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In these flashbacks from the memory scroll, Wukong is solely in his pilgrim clothes with the fillet in clear view. Not only that but the book image of Wukong has the fillet with no armor in sight.
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You may argue but what about the Samadhi Fire scenes. Well, I also believe that did not happen during the JTTW either. In this universe from what I have seen and heard the Samadhi fire was not added to the novel. Tang referred to the Fire as "said in legends" when he retold what he knew about it not "as said in the JTTW".
Also When Mk and Tang went to FFM to find the Vase. When Tang told MK about the history of it. He mentioned that the goddess Quan Yin filled it with an immense amount of water to help Wukong fight a demon Tang could not remember the name of.
In our JTTW there is only one demon we know of that could be referring to, Red Son. BUT Tang does not seem to recall the name of a major enemy of the JTTW being the fanboy of the novel as he is. Also, he does not mention the fire begins the need for the water only a demon.
The two legends are not linked until DBK and PIF tell their story of it. Even during the tale of the vase he refers to the story as being from legends not from the novel JTTW again.
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This brings me back to the outfit that Wukong wears his pilgrim (fillet) outfit vs the armor using the mechanism of using character design to tell a timeline. As well as the JTTW itself some are going to argue that maybe he was let loose from the fillet early but I doubt that the fillet in the original telling could only be removed by Buddha.
Tripitaka had no control over that and during Sun Wukong's journey to redemption no way would Buddha remove it and even give Wukong the armor to go fight Macaque unless like I said earlier this fight happened after the JTTW.
That also goes for the Samadhi fire during the ritual Wukong wears the armor but no way would the pacifist and leader of the group allow his violent streaked student on the journey to enlightenment and spiritual journey to wear armor anytime for any reason or take off the fillet if he could. I do believe that the fights between Macaque and Bull King from the story happened but instead of dying on the journey Macaque died after the journey after a fight went too far. Even more, I believe that Macaque was revived sometime before or after DBK was sealed under the staff as by this image.
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In this image from Macaque's point of view (During Shadowplay) you can see the feathers of Wukongs hat but also notice he is fighting fist to fist this is also not a flashback from his debut episode. Looking back at the fight again and there is nowhere anywhere during that episode was this scene possible. It was cloudy and Wukong did not use that much power, this image shows it being during a sunny day or a full burst of Wukong energy in the background.
But he never burst during this fight to make that light possible and the only time he did lift a similar pose was at a clone of MK that Macaque made he was not actually there to see this view. Meaning this had to be some time before this episode.
You can tell this was also after his death because Macque already has the X over his eye.
I also say it was after DBK sealing because of it being fist to fist from the first image I showed aka the death scene photo it was staff to staff but Wukong here is staff less. I wonder where it is?
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I followed the change of Wukongs outfit and his lack there of a staff during scenes to come to this conclusion
To check out I do not accept the shadowplay Macaque made for references because he uses Wukong fillet and feather headgear together.
He uses that outfit when describing them still as friends but we saw in season four that Wukong wore the yellow hat, not the feather especially not the fillet when they were the closest of friends like he described.
Nowhere had the two headgears been seen together except here and I think that was because Macaque just wanted to drill it into MKs head who the hero character was meant to be because at this point Macaque saw him as too naive and not very smart. So used the two iconic pieces of Wukong to let the kid know.
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Equinox AU - Part 1
======================= |+| ======================= The first one I'm gonna mention is the Resurrection AU (Use to be the Parabellum AU but was changed to Resurrection) Is basically one of 2 'What if' scenario's, In this AU the Green Fox and Red Tiger win the battle against the team, taking MK's life and forcing the monkeys to retreat, separating from the others to try and draw away the Green fox, who was joined by Red Tiger at the end of the battle. When they hid, they took MK's body with them, and whilst they were hiding it suddenly changed form into a small stone rock, which is almost Identical to the one that Wukong was born from. Wukong and Macaque knew that they had to get it out of there, so they told Lei that they would cover for her whilst they fought the spirits alone. When the plan went to action Lei didn't expect the spirits to posses the monkeys, and from this they finally finished the final step to their plan and could take over the world with the powers of their vessels. The possessed monkeys turned to Lei and when she pulled out her staff to protect herself, using a mechanism to make it two large blades, Macaque jumped up and kicked them into her face (Giving her A identical scar to the one she had in chapter 3) and Wukong blasted her with his powers, as the smoke cleared they found her to be gone, Along with Monkey King's legendary staff. Over the years the Green Fox Wukong and the Red Tiger Macaque had established their dynasty to both the Heavenly plane, and the Mortal plane. They used their powers to take down rebellions, and taxed the smaller cities and villages heavily for their food, weapons and armour. But on the other hand, Lei and the egg, which had now hatched, was hiding in the fight club. The egg had hatched into a small monkey, which looked almost like a combination between Wukong and Macaque, and was named Jin Shi (Nicknamed MK though). Lei and Ming Yu trained MK secretly, (who grew surprisingly quickly) One day when Wukong (Who was possessed by Green Fox Spirit) was walking through the streets to collect the newest weapon, everybody crowded the paths to come and respect the tyrant. MK decided to go and take his own look at the enemy he was trained to defend himself against, promising himself to keep hidden so Lei doesn't find out. But as he got close enough to see, he tripped, falling out of line to the side of the Monkey King. Monkey King looked down on Jin Shi, and for a moment his eyes flickered from green back to gold. Before Jin Shi could do anything Lei found him and yanked him back into the crowd, taking him home as quickly as she could. Lei told MK off for doing what he did, before explaining what happened before he was born (Basically her backstory) through using her illusion powers. Jin Shi was adamant that they could bring them back, and after Ming Yu and Lei digging through nearly every scroll they could find, they devised a plan. They would use the Jade Bracelet fragments and the Mystic mountain to put the bracelets on Macaque, much like they removed the bracelets from Lei (The bracelets could deter possession and other curses) and afterwards they would find a replacement object for both Macaque and Wukong, using a magic jar to keep the spirits locked up. The only problem was the Godkillers from Shi Senshan mountain and the fact the bracelets were buried in a cave in the same mountain. So they set off to try and obtain the bracelets. CONTINUED IN PART 2 ======================= |+| =======================
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