#Like Macaque buddy what were you doing
In the Samadhi Fire ritual flashbacks and the brief vision of Macaque and Monkey King's final fight, SWK lacks the circlet. Do you think this is an intentional plot element, memory being fallible, or a straight-up animation error?
The 3x04 flashback of SWK and Macaque's fight lacking a circlet could easily be fallible memory or bias, but either way it's definitely intentional. The 3x10 Samadhi Fire flashback on the other hand is an unbiased account of what sealing the fire had looked like, so without a doubt we can trust everything we see there!
Honestly, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if there were in fact 2 SWK V Macaque fights: one during jttw where Tang Sanzang encouraged Wukong to spare Macaque (Like the great monk had done with LBD—that or Wukong is just straight up unwilling to finish Macaque off), and another fight post-jttw where it's Wukong alone without the influence of the pilgrims. But that's just me throwing stuff out there.
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miffysrambles · 10 months
Hi, I was wondering if I could request some headcannons for being best friends with Macaque while also being Wukong's S/O? Like the reader is part of Monkie Kid Gang and they somehow formed a friendship with Macaque during adventures or something.
oooo what a good prompt, absolutely !!! ^w^
Wukong with an S/O who’s best friends with Macaque
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You and Macque developed a friendship while saving Wukong and the rest of the world from the Lady Bone Demon.
Wukong became aware of your friendship as you two talked to each other after everyone was safe and you all had noodles to celebrate. 
Oh, you better believe Wukong is jealous with every fiber in his immortal being, seeing Macaque getting all buddy-buddy with you knowing he’s probably just doing it to make him mad makes him bare his fangs while crossing his arms. 
Of course, Macaque was genuinely your friend but he couldn’t help but relish in the fact it made Wukong mad. Doing subtle things like placing his hand on your shoulder and brushing his tail against you while Wukong crushed whatever was in his hands which in turn made Macaque cackle. 
You were very much aware of Wukong’s jealousy as you consoled him over and over he was YOUR boyfriend and you were HIS s/o. 
You would cup his face in your hands as you kissed it over and over, taking his attention off of the darker monkey back onto you, replacing his scowl with a love-sick expression as his tail turned into a heart shape. 
Macaque soon stopped doing things to purposely piss Wukong off as he had genuine respect for you and your friendship, but he just couldn’t help it at first it was just too funny!
Wukong learns to accept it later on, knowing of course you can be friends with whoever you want and he respects your friendships and boundaries. 
This doesn’t stop them from butting heads, that’s never gonna change. 
Sometimes you intervened if it looked like they were going to physically fight, leaving them hanging their heads low in shame that they fought in front of you.
“Sorry peaches…”
“Sorry (Name)...”
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itsabouttimex2 · 4 months
Well I just woke up terrible after being drunk last night.so since I expect reader to probably be a teen and what
do we teens do,we party and drink.what about reader before being kiddnapped show up to a hangout with a headache,they causally say it’s because they were drunk.Wukong and Macaque reactions
Drunk Teen Reactions:
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Ol’ Sun Wukong is not stupid, kiddo. This simian picks up on your “shitfaced” status the moment he eyes you wobbling through the front door, lurched forward and clutching at your forehead.
He’s not stupid. But stupidly well can this old pilgrim can act the part.
“Hey, kiddo! Bump your head, huh?” He casually asks, eyeing the redness of your eyes, whiffing the vomit on your breath.
Already, something in him is stirring, a protective rumbling emanating from deep inside his chest.
(How dare your parents let you do this to yourself? How could they let you drink, let you leave the house in this condition?)
Sun Wukong spits out a chuckle and comes over to swing an arm over your shoulders, a motion that he forces to be casual when something inside starts to scream at him to take your neck between his hands and start throttling a home address out of your mouth.
Instead, he leads the way back to his cozy little couch and nudges you down, grabbing a thin blanket and wrapping it around you.
“Why don’t you sit here and let me get you a drink? Something tells me you need lots of water, bud!”
“Hmmm,” you mumble, stirring the sounds on your tongue like a cocktail. “Kay. M’really tired, Monkey King. Headache, y’know,” you lie, smiling weakly up at the blur of ginger fur.
“I know it, bud!” The king lies back, your falsehoods exchanging easily. ‘You’re a kid’, he reminds himself. ‘No need to get angry.’
“So, buddy, why’d ya wanna hang out today, if you weren’t feeling so hot?
“Just wanted to,” is your next lie, lazy and relaxed. The discontent it inspires in him motivates the crushing of a little white pill in his hand, then a subtle palm tip that spills grainy powder into your coming-up cup of water.
He circles the counter twice, giving you a moment to laugh at his “pointless” pacing.
Giving the pill particles a moment to dissolve.
Then he’s right beside you, one hand squeezing your shoulder as he nudged the glass rim to your lips.
“Here,” Wukong softly offers, tilting the cup.
Too drunken to sniff out the still-melting grains of white at the bottom, you eagerly down as much water as possible.
And a sudden surge of drowsiness hits you, knocking you clean off of feet that you aren’t even standing on.
Then a sharp swell of delayed nausea blooms in your stomach and ripples to the back of your throat, a few moments after Wukong scoops you up.
Shifting and shuffling about until he’s got you comfortably nestled to his chest, Wukong finally smiles, leaning in to nuzzle your cheek:
“C’mon, bud- I’m gonna take you home.”
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“Hey, Uncle Mac? S’it getting, uh, I dunno… hot in here…? My head’s dripping sweat. N’ my hand are real clammy. And my ears hurt.”
Yeah, your ass is cooked.
Maybe if you were a little less talkative, a little more alert, a little less unsteady- you might have been able to fool the sable simian.
But Macaque doesn’t need any kind of mystical power to see through your bullshit.
“Uh-huh. Yeah, the room is too hot, too bright, too loud. And you’re the only one complaining about it,” he snaps, poking your stomach with a clawed finger.
“You think you’re fooling me? I’m not one of your idiot friends, Y/N! You aren’t gonna trick me with a half-baked lie, and I’m not-“
“M’gonna puke,” you whimper aloud, cutting the monkey off as he leaps from the couch and goes racing for a trash bin.
Macaque can act villainous all he’d like- and to be fair, he is a pretty awful and unrepentant person (why do the Monkie Kids let him stick around when he hasn’t even apologized?) - but you turn him soft faster than sunlight melts shadows.
The Mystic Monkey rounds the corner with a little round bin, the metal shielded by a plastic bag that lines the rim.
Into your hands is the cylinder shoved, Macaque roughly slapping at your back in an awkward attempt to comfort you.
With an awfully unpleasant sound from the deepest confines of your throat, the contents of your stomach promptly upended into the sack.
No food. Just a puddle of sticky dark liquid.
“You have been drinking,” he hisses, now that you really have no ground to deny him. Really, you didn’t to begin with, but there was always plausible deniability to invoke.
“J-just a few. Tried something-“
Another splatter of rough and thick bile, stained brown with what he’s starting to think is rum.
He sighs and folds up his arms unhappily, tapping a glossy black boot against the floor. “Y/N. That stuff was way too strong for you, no matter what it was.”
“Mh-hm, I know. M’not gonna- eugh. M’not gonna do it again, promise.”
“No, you won’t,” he confirms, grabbing the scruff of your shirt and yanking it upwards. He’s strong enough to boost you free of the floor, stomping to a spare room. His tail snags the trash bin without trouble, hauling the soiled cylinder along with your prone and dangling form.
“In fact,” he tacks on, grimacing at the strong scent your breath carries, “you aren’t going to do anything. I’m grounding you for a week- and I’m taking your phone. tough luck, kiddo.”
He tosses you onto a bed that rises only a few inches off the ground, slinging a few blankets around your shaking form.
“Phone. Now.”
Fishing the little device from your pocket, you quickly it into the Macaque’s hand- he’s never been this stern with you before. Honestly? It kind of scares you.
A beep sounds, catching your attention- already, the ancient demon is initiating a call.
“Listen close- no, you don’t know me, no, Y/N isn’t hurt. They’re tired and sick -shut up and listen- they’re tired and sick and staying at my place tonight. I don’t care. They’re staying until this sickness passes. Don’t call back.”
(Realms above and below, it hurts to play the “no violence” card here, even though he was just saving it for later. What Macaque really wants to do is quietly follow you home and destroy every cubic ounce of alcohol inside. And then maybe grind your irresponsible parents against the floor after he’s coated it in glass shards.)
He hits the “end call” button with a little too much force, dangerously straining the phone’s screen. Thankfully, it leaves no cracks or scratches.
Macaque turns back to you with a frown, shaking his head- only to soften slight when the sight of your nauseated and quivering form fills his eyes.
“Don’t… don’t give me those puppy-dog eyes, Y/N. You can’t… ugh, fine. I’ll get you something to drink.”
He stomps off to the kitchen immediately, fighting back the urge to comfort you. Just water. And some crackers. And then he’ll let you stew in that little bed for a few hours with your filthy trash bin.
Maybe the wretched smell and lack of painkillers will teach you a lesson. Or it’ll leave you vulnerable and quaky, desperate for attention and affection.
Thinking on the possibilities, Macaque pulls the guest-room key from his pocket, twirling it around in one hand.
It was going to be nice, having you all to himself.
It was going to be even nice getting your parents out of the picture.
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lucagray813 · 8 days
Shadow Clones
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 3,132
Main Characters: Rumble, Savage, MK
Minor Characters: Macaque, Wukong, Mei, Sandy, Tang, Pigsy
Relationships: None, hints of Shadowpeach if you really want it tho
Summary: All MK had wanted was an explanation for why his clones had minds of their own, meeting Macaque's clones does not provide him with any answers.
Additional Tags: Hijinks & shenanigans, light-headed, Rumble & Savage are called Xīng & Huì
CW: None
Link to AO3 Version
"Hey, Macaque?"
The grunt of acknowledgement from the branch he was currently dozing on was all the go ahead MK needed, "So, you know how I've got some, er, unique clones?"
In a lazy drawl he responded, "Can't say that I do."
Undeterred MK continued, counting off on his fingers, "Yeah, I've got my food guy, my art guy, my porty guy but when I asked Monkey King why they were like that he said I should come ask you?"
He had been surprised that Monkey King would defer to Macaque on anything but given how gleefully he had, MK suspected it was less to do with any respect for Macaque's knowledge and because there was something embarrassing that was about to come to light.
The tip of Macaque's tail gave an irritated little flick before he sighed heavily. But he didn't even open his eyes as he raised a hand towards the sky and clicked his fingers, two shadows separated from him and travelled down the tree until they stopped in front of MK as two perfect circles. Unbothered, Macaque said to no-one, "Alright, have fun you two. Try not to traumatize anyone too badly."
MK took a cautionary step backwards as two forms rose from the ground and he looked between them with increasing alarm. Fully formed, they were clearly two clones but while the resemblance was undeniable they each had a distinctive sense of style.
The one smiling somewhat devilishly at him looked... Well, actually he looked really good. His hair, his outfit, his vibe - it was all so well put together. MK actually felt a little underdressed looking at him.
He was much preferable to look at than the other shadow monkey that stared at him with no emotion on his face whatsoever. His dress sense was simple, efficient and dark. There wasn't a spec of colour on him.
Wary, he called out to the original, "Macaque...?"
Macaque lazily raised a hand in the air and waved it over the brightly dressed clone first before gesturing to the rest of them in order, "Xīng, Huì - MK. MK - Xīng, Huì. Knock yourselves out."
Xīng grinned and bowed with no small amount of flair, "MK, the Monkie Kid. The pleasure is all ours."
Still unsure what to make of the situation, he did his best to be polite, even if the way Huì continued to stare unblinkingly unnerved him, "Er, yeah. Nice to meet both of you. You're both clones?"
Xīng stood and made his way over, throwing a friendly arm around his shoulders, "Sure are. How about we gather up your buddies and we'll put on a show for you?"
"What do you mean a- Gah!" MK startled at the silent appearance of Huì on his other side. He clutched at his chest as he unsubtly asked Xīng, "Is he, uh, I mean, does he...?"
Xīng patted his shoulder before forcing him to start walking forward, Huì walked silently beside them, "He's the strong, silent type. Don't you worry though, he won't do you any harm. Not as long as you stick with me."
MK edged ever so slightly closer to him before throwing a desperate look over his shoulder at Macaque.
He was not at all reassured by the grin on his face.
During the short walk back to where he'd left his friends on the beach he had learnt that Huì couldn't speak but that didn't seem to be a problem as Xīng could speak enough for two. MK had barely gotten a word in but, in all honesty, he'd been too focused on keeping a wary eye on Huì to really even try and offer any intelligent responses.
When the three of them emerged from the trees, it was not to the delight of everyone waiting for them.
Pigsy pinched the bridge of his nose, "MK..."
Mei was slightly less tactful, "Ugh, why are there two of him? One is more than enough."
Tang nodded decisively beside her, looking more than a little nervous. Sandy was the only one that didn't seem at all put off by the two renditions of Macaque beside him.
He ducked under Xīng's arm and moved closer to his friends, "I know, I know! I went to ask him about the clone thing and this was how he responded! So, I guess we're stuck with them for just now?"
Xīng commented dryly behind him, "You know, I'm beginning to think we're not welcome here. We didn't even get a chance to introduce ourselves."
MK turned around and did a double take, "When did you change your outfit?"
Xīng held up a corner of his coat and asked coyly, "Why? Do you like it?"
Mei walked up beside MK, and eyed the clones suspiciously, "Ok, so what's their deal then?"
"They say their names are Xīng and Huì, and I guess they're Macaque's equivalent of Porty MK?"
Xīng clicked his tongue, "You know, clones or not, it's pretty rude to talk about someone as if they aren't there. Can't you see how much you're upsetting Huì? He's a sensitive soul."
They all looked at Huì, who stared back with dead, emotionless eyes. Deciding it was better to err on the side of caution MK apologised, "Er, sorry, Huì? We didn't mean to upset you...?"
Huì didn't so much as blink but Xīng nodded, "That's better. Now..."
He disappeared into the shadows only to reappear sitting on top of the picnic table they'd set up, oddly in yet another new outfit, "What do you lot do for fun around here?"
Mei whistled, "Damn, that is actually one nice dress. Where'd you get it?"
Xīng just smiled and clicked his fingers. A miasma of shadow tendrils quickly wound their way up and around Mei and when they disappeared she was wearing a similar dress with her hair put up in a matching hairpin.
Mei had looked fairly alarmed at the shadows but it was almost immediately forgotten about as she picked up the skirt of the dress and started to turn this way and that, "Hey, not bad! You got it in green and white?"
A click and a flash of shadows later and she had what she requested. He even summoned a full length mirror that stuck out of the sand so she could check it out properly, "Damn, you even did my hair! Do you know how much of a pain it is to put up like this?" She turned to Xīng, "Hey, can you put it up in, like, a french braid bun?"
It was done in the blink of an eye and Mei was delighted, "You know what, I take it back, this Macaque has already outranked the original in my books."
Xīng laughed, "High praise. Anyone else want a costume change? What about you, big guy?"
Sandy actually looked a little hopeful, "Well, it's sort of hard to find clothes in my size... But I've always really wanted to try on one of those fancy three piece suits...?"
Sandy blinked down at himself before gasping and rushing to the mirror, looking exceptionally pleased with his outfit and posing this way and that before bringing his hands to his face, "I should put braids in my beard more often!"
Admittedly, a little won over, MK also looked towards Xīng hopefully. Xīng just stood up on the table and grinned, "How about that show I promised?"
They all had to dive out of the way as the shadows suddenly converged to raise something massive from the ground but they faded away to reveal an extravagant catwalk. Mei vibrated with excitement beside him, "Oh my god, yes! Hold on! We need music! We need a film crew! We need an audience!"
MK grinned and reached for his hair, "Coming right up!"
The only thing MK didn't have confidence in creating was a camera, well he could make one but he wasn't sure how they would actually get the videos from it, but Mei eagerly volunteered her phone. Entrusting it to the MK clone crew.
Xīng was clearly ecstatic about the additions to the stage and by the time they were backstage he was taking it all very seriously, directing clones and doing up hair and outfits as if he was born to do it.
Mei nudged MK, "Dude, this is totally Theatre Macaque. I bet he came into existence the same way Porty MK did."
He could totally see it, a shadow clone forgotten in a theatre hall that decided he was going to make this his entire personality. Honestly, MK was kind of here for it, so far he was way more fun than the actual Macaque.
Xīng was clearly both the star of the show and the director. No outfit was too outlandish for him and he absolutely went for broke when he struck a pose at the end of the runway. He would shout out directions for everyone else, demanding they be just as bold and brave.
It was a lot of fun but by the end of it they were sweating and exhausted. MK thinks they had all been taken aback by the dangerous look in Xīng's eye when they suggested they called it quits but it was quickly replaced by a cheerful declaration that they needed a finale - last walk down the aisle, no holds barred!
MK had sighed a breath of relief, for a second there he thought he was going to go all "the Porty never ends" on them, but it all ended on a high! Once MK had dismissed his clones, they had all gathered around Mei's phone to watch the highlights.
The review was cut short by Tang's frightened scream but to be fair to him, MK probably would have reacted the same way if Huì had materialised beside him like that.
Mei eyed him up, before addressing Xīng, "Alright, we get your deal, but what's with creepy here?"
Xīng smiled as he walked around and threw an arm over Huì's shoulder, "Creepy? Huì? What are you talking about? He's just a little guy."
Pigsy scoffed, "Oh yeah, he's a real charmer. The unnerving silence, the dead eyes, the total lack of emotion - he's not creepy at all."
Xīng grinned mischievously, "Oh? You hear that, Huì? Your natural charms aren't doing it for them. How about you treat them to a smile?"
The five of them couldn't put enough distance between them and Huì.
"Why does he have so many teeth!?"
"Oh my god, they're like knives!"
"Those eyes...! It's like staring into the abyss, into the unending void!"
Xīng looked entirely amused. He patted Huì's shoulder before approaching them, "Well, that doesn't bode well for the favour I wanted to ask you."
Bravely, MK stuttered, "Wh-What favour?"
"You see, Huì and I don't get to come out and play very often and you've all done me such a kindness by putting on a show. But Huì hasn't had a chance to have any fun yet."
Tang gripped Pigsy's arm, "What does he do for fun? Steal people's souls?"
Xīng laughed, "Of course not. What Huì loves more than anything else is a good fight! If you brave heroes would be willing to indulge him it would just mean the world to us!"
Mei seemed to regain her courage, "A fight? Against all five of us? A bit overkill, isn't it? I mean, I could totally take Macaque by myself!"
Xīng pandered to her, "Oh, I don't doubt it but who knows when we'll be let out again and Huì loves a challenge."
The five of them exchanged a look before huddling together, Mei kicked them off, "We could totally take him."
Tang shook his head, "No way. We're being baited. That... thing is straight from my nightmares!"
It took a little back and forth but eventually they turned back to Xīng, and MK spoke for them, "Alright, we'll do it! But on the condition we can keep all the clothes from the fashion show."
Xīng's grin was unsettling, "Deal." He clicked his fingers and a rack of all the clothes from today materialized beside them.
He then gestured for them to follow him, "Well, come on then. I know the perfect place for your fight."
Pigsy looked a little unnerved, "Why don't we just fight here?"
"Oh no, no, no. That would have been like having our show without a proper stage. You have to give Huì his chance to shine."
Warily they all followed after Xīng and Huì until they arrived at a large but empty hall hidden not too far from Monkey King's vault. The door creaked open to reveal a room in pitch darkness.
Tang immediately backed away, "Nuh-uh. No way. Not happening. I'm not fighting in the dark!"
Xīng simply clicked his fingers and a number of shadow portals opened on the ceiling, a single lightbulb hanging from a wire emerged from each of them to create cones of light.
They reluctantly followed the clones in as Pigsy gruffly complained, "You couldn't have gotten better lights?"
Xīng hummed, "We're shadow clones, I'm simply evening the playing field."
Despite the overwhelming odds in their favour, all of them were undoubtedly uneasy as they took up their positions under one of the spotlights, while Huì stood across from them just behind another.
Xīng leaned casually against a wall, "Everybody ready?"
They all nodded grimly, their eyes not leaving their opponent.
"Wonderful. One last thing then. Huì? Don't eat them."
MK let out a strangled, "Wait. What!?"
He saw Huì's terrifying grin for just a moment before all put two of the lightbulbs shattered above them, eliciting more than one terrified scream. The two that were left started to swing unnaturally.
The next five minutes could only be described as a real life horror movie. No amount of fighting ability could save them as one by one they were picked off, dragged into the shadows by horrifying flashes of teeth. He couldn't even run, walls suddenly appearing to cut him off and turn him around as he tried to escape.
In sheer terror he held a hand in the air and a ball of pure light erupted to banish every shadow from the room. He breathed heavily as he looked around to see his friends picking themselves up from the floor, shielding their eyes, while trying to figure out what was going on.
He startled as he heard Xīng shout, "We're outside! Lights too bright for us!"
Mei groaned, "It's too bright for us too. Can you turn it down MK?"
Tang quickly added, "Just a little! Do not turn it off!"
"Er, I'm not sure how?"
Pigsy just forged ahead to the door, "Let's just get out of here!"
Everyone scrambled after him and it was to great relief when they saw the blue sky above them. MK dismissed the ball of light and turned to the others, "Are you ok!?"
Sandy nodded, "Shaken up but not hurt."
The sentiment was shared, no-one had a scratch on them, but god knows none of them were going to sleep easy tonight.
He swung around at Xīng's voice, "Ah, what a performance! You five really know how to make a shadow clone feel alive!"
Mei was incensed and she started to match towards him menacingly, "How could you do that to us!? That was so messed up! We agreed to a fight, not a-!"
She stopped short as Huì stood in front of Xīng defensively. Xīng grinned over his shoulder, "Forgive him, he's a little protective. What were you saying?"
She didn't move closer but she was not deterred from letting her displeasure known, "I can't believe you would set us up like that! That wasn't a fight! It was a horror movie!"
Xīng did not look apologetic as he took a step to stand beside Huì so he could lean an elbow on his shoulder, "Ah, I'm sorry for misleading you but no-one ever lets Huì play with them if I tell them the truth."
Mei cursed him out as she stomped away, "MK, get these two out of here! I don't want to see their faces ever again!"
Xīng held up his hands, "No need to show us out. We've had our fun." He took a bow, before offering, "But for the record, we are genuinely grateful to you for accommodating us today. C'mon Huì, let's go."
They sunk into the shadows and disappeared.
Macaque sighed as he felt trouble reform on the ground below him, "Did you have fun?"
Xīng responded, "Oh, we had a great time. Shame we never get called for an encore but to be fair Huì is a hard act to follow."
He opened his eyes and peered down at Huì, "You take a bite out of anyone?"
Xīng answered, "Nah, he was good. The bird and rodent population may have taken a sharp hit today though."
Wukong better not give him shit for that, there's no way he'd sent MK to him and not known what he was getting him in for, and it wasn't Huì's fault that the hunger of the shadows he embodied couldn't be satisfied.
"You both done for the day then?"
Xīng stretched, "Yeah, let us out again soon though. We never even got to see Wukong - you know he's my favourite model."
Macaque raised an eyebrow, "I'm not stopping you."
"Next time. Huì needs a break. All this sunlight takes a toll on him."
He shrugged, "Fair enough."
The two sank back into the shadows and rejoined his magic. He just snuggled back against the tree, planning to finish this day as he started it - doing absolutely nothing.
MK couldn't believe what he was hearing, "You what!? How can you prefer Huì to Xīng?"
Monkey King made a face, "Ugh, Xīng is so annoying. Changing your clothes a hundred times a day, pestering you to put on a show, quoting poetry, randomly bursting into song. I'll take Huì any day, he's basically just a big puppy."
"He's literally a monster!?"
"A monster? Nah. The real monster is Xīng - he's so bossy! A real shame that the two of them are a package deal."
Momentarily distracted from Monkey King's terrible taste in shadow clones, he asked, "What do you mean?"
"Hm? Ah, Macaque can't summon just one of them. It's both of them or neither."
"What? Why?"
Monkey King shrugged, "No idea. But I wouldn't waste too much time thinking about it. Macaque summons them like once a millennium, usually just to annoy me. You won't see them again."
He couldn't say he was upset about that but he still couldn't get over Monkey King's preferences, "But Huì? Really?"
[A/N - I did my best to illustrate what Xīng and Huì look like here - the post also provides a few additional details about them both if you want to know more! 😁]
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kehideni · 2 months
Part 2 of https://www.tumblr.com/kehideni/756020526614478848/the-time-has-come-the-aroacest-person-ever-will?source=share
Spoilers for season 5
When Macaque is going off on Wukong about how his companions are suddenly back and he didn't think that suspicious (which is a valid point btw, when MK forgets to hold his braincells, this season it's Macaque that holds them for him)
Wukong's reaction is to go defensive, because why would he question why they are back, when Macaque is back too.
Wukong will not say it because why would he, but he is most probably glad that his friends are back. I mean Season 4 ended with him saying that's life. Just him and his buddies having a good time on the beach.
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Macaque saying "all his old companions" are back, and leaving himself out of that statement is also a quiet jab. "His old friends, your journey companions are back." What... are you not his friend too, Macaque? Are you not also back?
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That pouty face to me looks hurt, and that's why Macaque backed down. I don't think he knows why Wukong looks hurt, but he is so he backs off to get the conversation back to intended tracks. MK's identity.
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Macaque from his pov was trying to warn Wukong that he is being too careless, but it came accross as criticising, something that Wukong never took well, but when Nezha does it in Season 4 he only gets a crayon thrown at him, when Mac does it, it actually stings so of course he bites back. Not that he doesn't think about what Mac said to him, but well... these monkeys are horrible in communication.
I grade them both -F. Try again next year.
Wukong picks a fight with Macaque again, which wouldn't be strange given the situation, things are tense.
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But it's not like it's unreasonable for Macaque to be upset about being jailed. What is he supposed to do? Cheer?
What makes this scene kind of elevated from being a casual "things are shitty, let's bicker" scene is that... MK takes note of it nonverbally.
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"You think it's my idea of a good time? Trapped in here with you?" *bites his lip
which is... whoaww tsundere much? Not like you are not also trapped there with MK... did you... forget he is there? Weird case of Macaque prioritization no. 1.
And it's not like it was just a gag and we forget it, because a few seconds later MK takes note of this verbally too.
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"Nezha help, i don't wanna be a divorce lawyer." /j
The season is full of Wukong's micro facial expressions.
Half a minute ago he was pissed at Macaque and now he chuckles about how Macaque just outed MK's lawyer bit like it was nothing.
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And he wasn't really laughing about MK specifically, because as MK continues his bit, his expression turns to annoyed.
Nothing, just appreciate him laughing along the get away stunt while you still can
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Wukong's line here is very deliberate
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"I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here with us right now." He knows what he said, and knows who heard it. An olive branch alright, but he still is shocked when his trust is proven to be placed right:
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And one example of rightly placed Macaque-prioritisation (the only example, really)
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Not 3 minutes ago he was laughing along, having fun and we already have the stress lines back.
People have pointed it out already, but you guys are actually correct to notice:
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Wukong, you were not hit on your chest, your head is what's supposed to be hurting. And look at those increasing amount of stress lines, whaow. When MK asks if Mac got away, Wukong knows no.
And let me remind you, in Season 4 Wukong sarcastically says: "Oh right, because you always RUSH to my rescue." Well there you go honey, Macaque rushed to your rescue.
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S5E7 Into the Pagoda
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The thing with the 100 eyed demon is that as we saw with MK, he is looking for THE most traumatising memory with his victims.
Wukong's canonical most traumatising memory *IS* his fight with Macaque, when there could have been hundreds other memories. One of the freshest ones seeing Azure disintegrate in front of him (and yes we did see him be upset about it), but i guess that's not enough to make him cry. But if you want another example of hurtful memory (strictly taking from the show because that's what we know for sure happened) is when Mei chewed him out for being a bad friend to MK. Or... well i guess Wukong is the older brother of MK now.
Look at those stress lines
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Before this scene, let me remind you, the last we saw Wukong was having fun on Tang's expense.
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Macaque once again sees how Wukong is upset but has no idea that he is the reason behind it and ends up being rather inconsiderate of Wukong's mood.
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(This exchange is tonally deaf from Macaque's side.
It's akin to like when you just lost your pet and when you get home your mom goes off on you for not having washed the dishes.)
Wukong really doesn't care in this second that they got captured, nor that MK went off alone in the pagoda. This is Wukong's second case of "weird Macaque-priority". Something that he really shouldn't allow himself in the apocalypse.
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The third time he prioritises Macaque is even weirder. MK just left to KILL HIMSELF. You really don't have time to check on Macaque, Wukong.
But he does.
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Even Macaque calls him out on that:
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"Stop the kid, you idiot!" and Macaque is right. TF you doing wasting time Wukong?
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At the end Wukong is being perfectly open about Mac being important to him.
Thing is, it's also well timed that he starts to care about Macaque again, because alarmingly lot of times this Season Macaque was isolated from everyone. Not in a physical sense, although that too happened, but in imagery as well:
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Everyone is grouped: Mei with Wukong, Tang Pigsy Sandy, Nezha and his father. Note their position too.
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And yes, the hand holding block happened on purpose too, btw:
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Macaque's reward in season 4 for helping the good guys was that he is no longer alone, unlike how he was from season 1 to 3. But season 5 suggests that he *IS* still alone, and while Wukong seeks him out, they are not there yet. Wukong is no longer alone, but Macaque still is.
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somewhat-insane · 5 months
Okay, so, I know a lot of people were discouraged after the LMK S5 trailer. The art is different, yes, but remember there are still people working behind the screen; passionate about this story they're trying to tell. To rebuild faith and re-spark hope, I'm going through the trailer frame by frame and sharing anything cool I find. (There is some (what I hope is) constructive criticism in here, but I would like to reiterate something other fans have said. DO. NOT. HARRASS. ANYONE. WORKING. ON. THE. SHOW. They're doing their best with what they have available to them. We're lucky Wildbrain decided to pick the show back up because if they hadn't, we may not have gotten the rest of the story.)
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They've been brought in front of the council to discuss their car's extended warranty. ALSO WHERE IS MK'S JACKET AND BANDANA? THEY WHOLE ASS PROBABLY SNATCHED THIS POOR BOY OUT OF HIS BED WHILE HE WAS SLEEPING
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Don't worry, babygirl, I still think you're pretty ^3^
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Okay, they gave him his clothes back, phew.
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Hehe, tiny monkies.
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At least our child is still adorable.
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Synchronized heart attack.
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He is so traumatized, lol. Someone brought up how this design for the circlet wasn't the previously established design in the show, but it COULD be based on the design used on the cover of the Journey to the West novel (as seen below)
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It's not exactly the same but the shape is similar.
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I'm realizing while doing this that Wildbrain doesn't use as many smear frames as Flying Bark did. As funny as it is to pause and see something like this in season 1-4:
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It makes the animation look a LOT smoother and more energetic. Flying Bark also seems to use more frame-by-frame while Wildbrain probably uses more tweening. I suppose it makes sense though because Wildbrain is more used to 3D animation and the 2D animation they have done in the past is more paper-doll-like and doesn't need as much bounce and action.
Back to the trailer, no need to dwell.........
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Oooh, wait, this frame actually kinda goes hard. I'm kinda hyped... I should draw this.
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You know what this makes me think of...? Did any of you guys ever play that game called "Journey"?
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It's a beautiful game with beautiful music. Y'all should play it if you haven't. Oh, and sometimes if you're playing at the same time as someone else in the world, your games will merge and you get a little play buddy :3
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Genuinely love how distressed he is here.
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Looks like we're still gonna get cool backgrounds and background character designs!!!!
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This looks like it may be some kind of storybook or memory sequence like when Chang'e was talking about how she found the ring in S3 or when LBD was talking about Macaque's death... what memory do you think we're going to be exploring this time?
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This goes pretty hard. I would paint this on a wall or something.
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Mk is flabbergasted.
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Yay!! Mk has the support he needs. ALSO MORE SANDY
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They're mortified. Probably because they just watched a giant dragon and white tiger fucking evaporate.
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Hehe bord
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I can't wait to see fanart of him. I'm so excited!
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He's thinking about kissing him, honest.
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I think he's purty
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I've run out of room for pictures, but I hope this helped get y'all all hyped again for the new season! Have hope, stay strong!
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cherllyio · 6 months
The Warrior of Flower Fruit Mountain
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This is Macaques design from my Moana AU.
He is currently an enomurs and terryfing Shadow Monster, but he was once Sun Wukongs old "friend", and travel buddy on their many voyages together in the past.
Why is he like this? Well i made little angsty backstory, with clues to what happend to the once great Warrior.
You can read it either here, or on A03 where i also posted it (here)
The Voyager, The Sun and The Monster
Chapter 1 (Prolouge): Drowned by your Love
There is a small island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, where both terrifying demons and small monkeys live together. One of these creatures inhabiting the Island, while just as much monkey and demon as the rest, stand outs quite a lot.
He has beautiful silk white hair, six magical ears, that can catch the wind flap of a bird thousands of miles away, and a pair of radiant golden eyes, that will pierce through anyone who dares come near.
His name? Liu Mihou. Also rightfully known as “The Warrior of Flower Fruit Mountain”
On normal circumstances The Warrior would be either be training, gathering food supplies for him and the other monkeys, or making his presence known, to any hostile idiot, dumb enough to try and challenge him. 
But not today. Today, you can find The Warrior in the early morning light, preparing for voyage he is not sure when, or if he will ever come back from.
Yet... The Silk Monkey knows it will be worth it. For the person he is looking for is worth everything, and more, that can be worth something in this world.
 “The King of Flower Fruit Mountain!”, “The great sage equal to heaven!”, “The Monkey King!”. Or, as Mihou knew him: “My Sun”.
Just a few hundred years ago, these two celestial monkeys were sailing through all the great oceans together. Battling through storms, strong enough to destroy entire islands, becoming more powerful than the other demons could ever hope to become, and at the same time forming a bond strong enough, to become something greater than friendship.
Except…that all changed when Sun Wukong started playing against a power, he was not prepared for. The power of the Jade Emperor.
This traitorous act against the emperor, would ultimately end in the great sage’s downfall, where he would be catched and imprisoned by the Buddha himself, and pinned down by his very hand. And now, he was now trapped under “Five Element Mountains”, until an unknown destiny would free him.
Nobody, not even the wisest of the immortals, knew when that day would come.
It’s been 500 years since the great sage’s new destiny, fell upon him. Yet now... he has disappeared.
Mihou didn’t know how or where, or if it was done by fair means or foul. He solely knew that the once immense mountain, that had once sealed away his sun, was now only rubles and ashes of its former greatness.
Initially Mihou had been exited, ecstatic even, about this news. However, he quickly realized that like mountain, the King too was gone.
No messages, no clues, no anything. He was truly… gone... But he wasn’t "gone, gone" that would be crazy! "Sun Wukong, The Great sage equal to heaven" could never, would never.... Yea... His sun is fine, he will surely find him!
Plus, Mihou got all the things he needs to find The King, his magic ears being a big part of it. And then… they can be together again, and everything will be balanced, just like before! After all, how can a moon shine without its sun?
He confidently looks down at his own reflection, his silk white hair and shining ears animated in the cold and radiant water below. Everything is going to be ok.
But then he notices the dark roots crawling up his hair.
Dark roots that are slithering its way inside his silk white hair, like an infection, and turning it as dark as a burned corpse.
And nearly, one thirds of his entire mane can’t reflect any of the suns glow back anymore. And it will never be able to do it again.
For a second, it catches The Warrior off guard, but he really shouldn’t haven’t been surprised by this.
These dark roots have slowly been taking up more and more of his silk white hair, for well… Mihou keeps failing to remember that, but it was before his sun disappeared, he knows that much.
Mihou closes his eyes, trying to push the thoughts back. But instead, an old memory creeps up, and fills his soul with dread.
A demon. It attacked them.
They were young, stupid and furthermore in love, and together, they thought nothing could stop. Neither in celestial realm nor on earth.
Sure, Mihou was barely half the power of his counterpart, but that didn’t matter. It never really had mattered. The only thing Mihou and Wukong had ever cared about was each other.
Except, this time, it DID matter. Because… Wukong got hurt. Badly hurt.
There had been so much blood… Macaque could barely look at him… and Mihou had started panicking… while a piercing cry had cut through the air, when his Sun was impaled… The world turned around… everything had become so awfully quiet.
And Mihou had just been STANDING THERE. He had done nothing, but tremoring in horror over the cursed remains that was his dying sun. And then that awful, awful demon that had HURT HIS SUN, started whispering terrible, terrible words in his all too powerful ears…
“Oh, how sad” … “did he mean much too you?” … “What a pity…” … “you should have protected him better then…”
And… He listened. For wasn’t it true?
Wasn’t he the one who now stood beside his fading sun, that could barely light any brighter than the flickers of an ending campfire? Wasn’t he the one who had just been standing by his side, while his sun had worked so hard for everyone. Worked so hard and continued getting stronger. To get strong enough to protect his people. To protect Mihou. And he is now dying for the sake of a six eared demon, that would never be able to pay him back. Mihou hadn’t earned any of that. Wukong hadn’t deserved that. Mihou was a traitor.
The demon didn’t even notice, before it was too late. The demon didn’t even notice, before his insides lay before him, and he lied next to it. The demon didn’t even seem to notice Mihou’s scream of agony and pain, before his soul had already left his body.
Everything after that was a blur.
A blur filled with small glimpses of his dying sun, while an unworthy Warrior had desperately tried to save him.
And when the world finally came back into the view, his sun… His sun was ok. His sun was ok. His sun was ok.
“Sorry I scared you so badly there, my dear moon”, Wukong had said with a sad look on his face. “I must admit, he wasn’t as strong as me, but he sure was clever.” His sun had said with a grin on his face.
And oh… How Mihou could have looked at that smile forever. Yet… he was constantly reminded of what had happened.
If that demon… If that god forsaken demon had been any stronger, just a bit, Wukong…
Mihou couldn’t risk that… Never again would he look at his dying sun, covered in his own torn open flesh and shattered bones. Never again would he hear, Wukong’s breath draw close to its final limit. Never again would The Great Sage be betrayed by his own Warrior, who he thought he could trust to always protect him.
For in The Warriors own eyes, he was a traitor. A foul soul who would simply overserve as a prejudiced destiny would drown out the only spark of hope left for their island and its people.
Hence why Mihou did, what he did next.
On the darkest day of the year, where the shadows rosed higher, than their own creators, Mihou stood in the middle of an abandoned Island. He was hoping for someone who could help. And soon enough, someone rose up. The silhouette of the darkness. A spirit. One made of magic not seen quite often.
“The six eared Macaque asks for my help. Don’t you have enough assistance from the king already?” the spirit remarked in a gravelly, judging, voice, whilst turning itself into a clone of The Great Sage to prove its point.
“Yes, please, I need your wisdom…”
“My wisdom… Well, there sure is a considerably amount of that, you will have to be more specific…”
Even though he knew exactly, what he had been come for, it still took Mihou a few seconds, before he finally answered:
“How do I protect someone, who is stronger than me? How do I make sure, I can help someone, when I barely have the strength of the wind, against a storm coming their way?”
Mihou could feel small tears starting to pierce through his eyes, yet he did little to stop them. “How do I make sure, I don’t betray the people I love, when they need me the most?”
The silence after that was barely enough time for the water to hit shore in its never-ending rhythm. Despite that, it had felt like millions of winters and summers had already passed, by the time the silhouette finally spoke again.
“There is one way….”
Mihou looked up.
“However, as all things, it comes with great consequences.”
“I will do anything, please! Just tell me what I need to do!”
The silhouette seemed to watch him like a hawk.
“You are more stupid than you look, Warrior of Flower Fruit Mountain.”
The shadow started morphing into something else.
“Liu’er Mihou, for my power you need to know. This power requires the utmost control. One step aside could lead you drowning in its pit, leaving you only as host to submit.”
The shadows showed The Warrior consumed by shadows, until there is no light left in him.
Mihou took a deep breath.
“How can I control it then?”
“Warrior, only destiny will be your reaper.”
It morphs back into its normal silhouette.
“Now… do you accept this power?”
Mihou, looking back, should probably have thought it more through. But back then, the guilt and love for his Sun had been so strong, it had almost blinded him.
“I do, I accept it.”
And then everything went black.
Hundreds of years later, Mihou still doesn’t know, how or when he ended back on Flower Fruit Mountain.
But that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered then, was the power he had now. The power to protect the island, its monkeys and… his sun.
Wukong was skeptical at first, luckily the King had always been more of the oblivious type, so he quickly started to pride the new power as much as Lihou used too.
The newfound power Liu’er Mihou had gained were shadow powers. He could manipulate, create or absorb any shadow as he pleased.
This power also made it easier for him to learn the “72 transformations”, which Wukong had already learned hundreds of years ago, since Mihou could “copy” them using his shadow powers, until he didn’t need Wukong by his side anymore to do it.
Though, as all things, it wouldn’t last long until he learned the consequences of his choices firsthand.
Wukong and Mihou had been fighting a demon, who was stronger than what they were used to, but they had been fighting a lot of them recently, anyway. However, for just a second, Macaque had become cocky, and his let the shadow powers run free to devour their enemy whole.
Expect, after the fight was over, Macaque noticed the dark hair for the first time.
It had been small at first, barely noticeable, but with every “slip up” it had gotten more and more noticeable.
It wasn’t just if he got cocky in battle. If something had hurt him mentally, it would also grow. Which, when Wukong got trapped under the mountain… The infection had grown to the length of two small snakes crawling up his legs and arms in just a few hours.
Moreover, when they got into a fight while Wukong was trapped… The fur on his legs was almost completely black.
So, the 500 years that had slowly been passing by had been both a physically and mental war in his head, that from each day that had went by got closer and closer to winning…
The lack of a king also meant that more demons had started to attack Flower Fruit Mountain, therefore Macaque had to use way more power than usual, which would just make the curse worse...
And then every night, if it was a quiet one, he would cry himself to sleep, in his now empty nest.
Yet, as the black fur was getting dangerously close to his heart, which Mihou did not want to find out what happened if it reached it, there was… hope.
Wukong was free now after all!
Mihou was so sure, that as soon as they found each other again. When he could finally embrace that golden fur again, everything would be fine.
And as Mihou looked down the boat, now ready for the long voyage ahead, he felt A hope rise in his chest, for the first time in these 500 years.
Everything will be ok; nothing bad ever happen anymore.
Wukong is waiting for him after him after all!
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Okay, 2 questions.
…do you think Xian Liu(9 headed deamon) and Wukong were, like, SOMETHING in a past cycle?
I was thinking about it cause when Xian Liu says “We are old enemies…old friends too” with like, this hope and (and this might just be me) love in his eyes. THEN gets all sad when he realizes Wukong doesn’t know/remembers him?
IDK. Maybe it’s just me, but what do you think?
2. What or who do you think Xian Lie was talking about when he asked Macaque about the deal he made to get his powers?
He's probably talking about Yu the Great - the previpus owner of the Staff and who's greatly believed to be Wukong's previpus incarnation.
Yu the Great's story is heavily tied to the destruction of the Heavenly Pillar and hunting down the Great Perils involved/were released by it.
It's possible that Xiang Liu and Yu were buddies who hunted down these monsters together as partners. And maybe something a little more.
Yu however, also *killed* Xiang Liu in the mythology. Almost a mirror to what Macaque thinks happened to him...
Honestly going by how the chaos magic seems to be... attached to the Staff now, it's possible that the series is building up the Four Perils as obstacles for the gang to conquer.
And it will be fitting given that so many high ranking celestial beings have literally died due to Xiang Liu's actions.
The "He" that Xiang Liu mentions could be the water god that caused the whole thing; Gonggong/Kanghui. Ironically he's defeated in mythology by a Fire god - Yu's paternal uncle Zhurong. So perhaps Red Son's little fire spirit may be a Chekov's Gun in the making.
We see Macaque with shadow powers as far back as when Wukong was trapped under the mountain, so it's likely that Xiang Liu just wanted to get a rise out of him by bringing up his deal with LBD.
Also while there is a number of figures in Chinese Mythology that are associated with "darkness"- they are rarely evil, often just being like Black Tortoise as part of a bigger balance.
It's possible that Macaque's shadow powers are inherent to him as much as clouds are to Wukong.
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totallynotokguys · 1 month
Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Season 3
Episode 8, Benched
Through my rewatch, I've been trying to pay attention to the smaller details and people in the show, so I can really appreciate the world.
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Thank you animators, for taking the time to draw this disgruntled birb getting poofed by snow. There's no big reason here for the bird besides illustrating that its snowy now, which background scenery is already showing us. But nope! The show went the extra centimeter to include this lil birb, giving this world a little bit more depth and vitality.
"I didn't like how any of them turned out, though."
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It's the circles isn't it. Circles are hard.
I love this city's design here so much!
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The lanterns, snow, warm glowing signs. Look at that crane! Or the lotus! And those lantern kites! I love their mix of modern with traditional architecture! Please tell me they made a lego set of this city! And look at the people! I want every single one of these lego figures in that picture. Cute coats, cute hairs, cute winter accessories! And the toy monkey! I love it!
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… ah…
Don't get me wrong. If I saw this before the show I would have thought it was a cool shopping district. But when compared to the ambiance the show gives and the background characters designs… It's just… sigh.
Monkey King casually throwing someone else' property and or merchandise like he oh so carefully threw the ring probably. Looked like a steam bun basket… ah! I bet there were some delicious baozi in there!!!
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Love the accessories! So fitting that MK got a cute Monkey King stuffy. And Mei's lantern bag is the best 10/10 I would buy please give me.
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I'm trying to figure out what accessories Monkey King got. I see the pin, but what are the patches on his hoodie?
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Did…. Did Wukong buy a sticker pad and instead of pealing the stickers out, he pealed the whole backside and thwacked it to his clothes randomly?
Please say yes! That would be hilarious!
I'm crying again. Just look. LOOK!
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Look at the way this image makes you feel. Grand. Warm. Dazzled. Festive. Cozy. Green, gold, and red all incorporated perfectly together to make a stunning block pallet! This is what we could have had! I want a set that makes me feel this!
"Can't read?"
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MK. Don't just call someone out like that! You gotta ask these things delicately, in private, with a show of compassion so they don't feel judged and are more likely to be honest with you.
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Sandy has to wear glasses to read?!!!! How did I miss that the first time! Sandy, I've failed you.
"But none of us have any talents! There's no way we can win!"
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Ouch. MK. What is up buddy? Why are you so carelessly hurting everyone's feelings today?
And now, compilation of Monkey King freaking out. Because we all need this in our lives. I guarantee you can relate to at least on of these expressions.
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"You're benching me?" "Mm, pretty much."
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MK!!!! Stop hurting people's feelings! Honesty doesn't mean you have to be brutally blunt about it!
This here is a gungzheng, and it is amazing! Sadly the show doesn't do it nearly enough justice, though I am thrilled about its inclusion.
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If you want to here it for yourself, here's some links to two of my favourite songs with a gungzheng!
These are my favourite nuisances. I love this family.
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Tang: I feel hurt, like no one takes me seriously and I don't matter in this friend group. But since I'm a mature and rational adult I know exactly how to handle these big feelings.
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Tang: By stealing!
"I'm not useless!"
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Tang, dear, don't cry! You matter! They care about you, I promise! Just don't jump off that roof!
My baby!
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At first I was kind of miffed that Macaque didn't just get the ring while the others were distracted. Like, come on Macaque. You're smarter than that. Wasn't he supposed to stop pulling his punches after LBD latest threats of complete deletion of his self?
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But then I had a thought. Why does his shadow magic originate from under Tang? Does… does he need a living beings shadow to hop around? Was he unable to get up there unless someone else was there? That would be super cool mechanic of his powers!
"It's the guy sitting in the wings while his friend are busy having fun without him."
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Ah, maybe this is where MK gets his 'bluntly saying the very thing that makes people feel bad right to their face' trait.
I love that Tang doesn't even respond to Macaque's goading. Yeah, you can see the shadow's words hurt him. But Tang sees the bigger picture, and that's getting the ring before LBD's henchman gets it!
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Knowing what I do now about the Journey to the West and the encounter Macaque and Tang Sanzang had with one another… makes this fight between them way more intense and impactful.
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Familiar faces bringing up some bad memories there, eh Macaque?
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Once again, Macaque is blinded by his flawed perspective. His whole speech is about Wukong. No mention of MK, the main hero. Or Pigsy, the sensible one. Or Sandy, the caretaker. Or Mei, the passion. Macaque is acting like Wukong is the only opinion that matters in the team. As if the other's don't even exist. But a team is not a single player, it is defined and strengthened by all of its parts.
And this is Macaques greatest flaw. He does not look past Wukong's shadow or his own past.
"I know that my place is along side my friends. One day, I will become someone they can depend on, the way that I can always depend on them!"
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Tang reminding us that we don't need power or wealth to matter, our true friends and family care for us because its 'us.' They are people we trust and look up to and who inspire us to become the best versions of ourselves.
Thank you for this message, lmk. Its important.
Love that Pigsy's singing overstimulates Macaque. The show finally remembers his full name, the Six Eared Macaque.
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"I will grant you my aid."
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Yeah… Doesn't look like Macaque wants it. Can he send it back?
NOOOOOO! Lantern City!!!!!
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The cozy ambiance! The festive atmosphere! The cute winter apparel! All gone!!!!
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lilith-little-world · 1 month
Okay, just a little idea cause I'm bored and I got the urge to do something and was scrolling through my feed here.
I want to do a comic of Wukong x Oc or maybe a Wukong x Oc x Macaque.
(who's secretly a half-self-insert, but I'm cringing from embarrassment just thinking about it. But like my account is already of me obsessing over a fictional character, I think I already went past NOT being cringe and should be 100% embarrassed.)
I want to draw more and need to practice drawing backgrounds and things that I'm not obsessing over. Should I do a little comic of "The Isekai' Oracle"? Or do I make a whole new story? I already have one huge story "The Isekai'd Oracle" that I'm heavily focusing on right now. Then there's the small and just-for-fun "I Saw You Once In A Dream" that I do so I can post regularly here and not let it be dead. It's already a lot of stories and to add another is too much in my opinion but I don't mind making another story since this will be just for fun too. I like making stories after all. I just want to see everyone's opinion on this.
Also when I went over my notes for the story, and planning soon-to-be chapters for TIO (The Isekai'd Oracle.) I realize I accidentally created some tension between Macaque and the reader. But the tension and relationship is so good and I thought of changing it to a Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque. I even made a cute name for them the Seer Duo, or what the reader will call them, the Seeing Buddies in the story. Then Macaque will always have to clarify that he doesn't see the future and acts annoyed, but in reality, he likes the name and uses it as a form of encouragement and affection towards the Reader, only to make the hatred between Wukong and Macaque worse cause they both blame each other downfall of the Oracle and seeing history repeats itself with the reader, and he's probably the only one who knows the whole truth about the Oracle and the reader-
Sorry, I had to rant about it cause this knowledge was killing me. I was trying and hoping to play them off as being friends but the angst of everything got me in a chokehold. You guys were waiting for the Reader to meet Wukong but a storm is brewing when Macaque shows up. Anyway, here is the poll...
I promise I am fine and this is not eating me up from the inside out.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
"I collar the beast." "Wukong's fangs have been pulled." I can't believe y'all fr. "I get all the punishment and you get to mope." He was moping because he cares and feels guilty, speaking of, THE BINDING SCENE IS SO MUCH MORE INTENSE HERE WUKONG'S SCREAM THE PANICKED STUMBLING ohoho yes. MK: "It's tense in here." Wukong, two seconds ago: yOU tHINK I wANtED tO bE trAPPED dOWN hErE wiTH yOU. Wukong's tail: *cute pokey pokey* "You got demoted!" Ha, also "Nezhy" Oh my gosh, I don't think I caught this last time but Wukong subtly looks over to Macaque who just nods at him ajksms they were feuding and glooming a second ago but now its all silent communication and understanding in a glance. I'm throwing them off a roof. I'm struggling to hear what Macky says here, but I'm going to subscribe to the subtitles with "he likes acting." It's funnier. Also MK's "best attorney monkeys can buy" gotta love thinking about monkeys needing attorneys and also having money and buying things lol. "A pain crab on Monkey King's head." 😭 "Why is it always like this when you come here." actually love this one more because he's so grumpy and I feel like it has a different, funnier implication than the subtitles. he isn't causing chaos AFTER coming here, it just IS. what does that say about the vibes you bring /j. crying at Macky's face at all times, he is the picture definition of a grumpy cat, and then when getting pushed and the absolutely DONE yell of "Wukoooong!" I can watch a whole netflix series of Macky being fed up with Wukong's antics but getting dragged into them. tricky plan demon huh, that's a quick way to silence them after just talking about someone pulling the strings, especially on you MK. also Macky is SO little creachure with his face hidden like a hermit in that cape. "I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here. Right. Now." SAME MACONDO what a shocking statement from your old buddy. more at 11 only on ShadowPeachNews. The writers KNEW what they were doing. Also AHHHHH *looks at you with my big brown eyes* Fluffy I SWEAR I told myself I wouldn't talk about this again until you were able to answer the asks on my last yapping about this, BUT THEY MADE IT SO MUCH WORSE. Firstly, Macky's *voice* for that line delivery is the most solemn dramatic thing I have seen. He lives and breathes the cinema. AND MK I'm really tossing him over a cliff because he just HAD TO GO "He'd get away, right? He always gets away...right?" UGH TFW YOU'RE SO KNOWN FOR BEING THAT GUY WHO FLEES FROM BATTLE that it's brought up this time not for the *dude really???* but as a plea, an attempt at faith, haha he's always doing that...he did it again right? NO BECAUSE THIS TIME HE STUCK AROUND TO FIGHT. and Wukong's constipated expression there bc ohoho some monkey is for sure thinking about the past.
i am, for one, with you on throwing shadowpeach off a cliff bc they make me so unwell in this episode 🫠
for another:
also i can’t help but think about why Nezha was even there in the first place. because the one the kings summoned was his dad. Nezha wasn’t supposed to be there and yet he comes along 👀 why? my thought is: to plead the monkeys’ case. he immediately tries to defend them to his father and it seems like it’s been an ongoing argument
like sure he rags on Wukong and hems & hahs at him because like have you met Wukong that cheeky lil shit??? his gremlin energy just shoots to 150% whenever Nezha is near. he can’t help it. it’s his DO NOT PUSH red button that he will absolutely push
and Macky’s “why is it always like this when you’re here” to Wukong has such a divorced energy i love it 😍 he knows Wukong so well and is just resigned to it. every time Macky has had to interact with Heaven, Wukong is always there making a scene (he’s not exempt to helping swk but his point still stands lmao)
Wukong’s pout, my beloved
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when your ex says the reason he’s mopey isn’t because you got hurt but because he is in jail with you for something you’ve been blamed for. echoing his “NOT THE GREAT SAGE! HE’S GOTTA DRAG EVERYONE INTO HIS MESS!” comment from the memory scroll 👀
what who said that lol that was weird
god they’re so— squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
I saw u did a Danny phantom one so I was wondering I could request a scenario similar. As in Wukong,Macaque, and Mk with a S/O who basically has Danny’s powers? Maybe similar situation as in the kinda dead part but also not quite some how. If not that’s ok as well ty for your time!
yess when I was a kid I always wanted Danny's powers! Enjoy!
Wukong, Macaque, and MK x GN!Danny Phantom!Reader (Romantic Headcanons)
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Wukong - loves when you show off your skills to him! I think he would like the flight power the most just so you two could mess around; him on his cloud and you in the air. If you use your overshadowing power on a demon y'all fight, he's gonna laugh his ass off if you make them do stupid stuff. He'll also find it really funny if you go through walls, ceilings, or floors to surprise him or prank others. If you happen to be half-undead like Danny is in the show, he will definitely be curious about what might've led to your almost demise. You don't have to tell him if you don't want to, but until then he'll throw around theories in his head.
Macaque - oh buddy he can relate. he most likely has a near heart attack the first time he sees you use your powers--after all, he totally thought you were just a human--but after you explain the situation, he understands. He might offer to train you or spar with you; not only to see what you can do, but to see if you want to develop those skills. I think that some of his shadow powers are similar to the ghost powers in Danny Phantom, so maybe he'd also learn something in the process. You two also engage in a lot of portal shenanigans--it's his favorite thing ever. Similar to Wukong, he won't force you to tell him your story. But he'll be more okay with sharing his story with you.
MK - thinks you're so cool!! definitely asks you to show him all your powers so he can see how strong you are! Calls you his "boo" because c'mon, it's hilarious! expect a lot of puns, actually. also takes you to cool abandoned places to see if there are any ghosts--Mei comes along too, and probably livestreams your ghost-hunting adventures. MK would encourage you to open up to him about your backstory, but obviously it's your choice. He'd be super proud of you if you told him, it probably took a lot of guts(ok ok i'm done--)
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nicolloyd · 6 months
just finished the season WOW that was intense!!! 😭 i collected my thoughts as i was watching it too heres all of it: (spoilers ahead ofc!!! btw this is really long you were warned)
episode 1 (the blood moon):
• lloyd saying uncle is sooo crazy
• can these ninja get pyjamas. please.... they had those in ns1 now they just sleep in armour 😭
• bro cinder sounds like.. macaque??? is that weird.
• lloyd gets to have funny quips 🔥🔥
episode 2 (shattered dreams):
• YOOOO its the uh i forgot what place its called but yes 🔥🔥
• drs2 spouting out words like panic attack and nental health gee wowzers
• also this is the second time lloyd has been forced to eat strange food first it was dareths pocket gyoza
• deffff arin and sora getting in a fight
• rule number 1 never trust a snake hehahehaha
• really encouraging the lloyd nya sibling dynamic i love it
• callback to torunament of elements im not ok.
• ommggg i actually hate the way ras' beard thing jiggles around its unsettling
episode 3 (beyond the phantasm cave):
• so the dragon released was the lightning
• life symbol???? thats mad lloyd is fr life and not energy
• i feel sooo bad for arin bro if i had like 10 friends with powers and i didnt i wld be pissed too
• this is literally that swamp episode from avatar
• HELPPP is this the memory loss thing pr is it actually like. real
• it would be the funniest troll tho
• oh nya you beautiful genius
• jay the loml 😭😭 toooo cute omgee
• def foreshadowing
• my other family thats sooo funny
• is this the magic man.
• yoo arent those the water villagers
• yesss cole was never the performer
episode 4 (force from the east):
• geooo omg their actually in love shut up
• i thimk this is ice dragon??
• also bonzle is important somehow
• aww theyre at the monastery
episode 5 (the spell at the waterfall):
• hehe i love these siblings
• how are they literally husbands bro what the flip this is so noooottt censorship
• old days :,,)))) soooooi sad bro onfdhsbs
episode 6 (to mysterium)
• lowkey wtf is egalt yapping about
• omg this is literally beyblade.
• cole in a hood is cray cray
• also zane will not give up thag detective outfit.
episode 7 (fugitive from madness):
• blood moon more like sozins comet aha aha aha aha i miss atla
• bro the music is so good do they get an orchestra for these or what
• lircherally wjats going on
• crazy how theyre training again tho. good ol days
• nya and kai :'((( not having to worry about saving the world oh my poor sweet kai
• as mean as it sounds im so glad it was kai first and not lloyd it makes sense
• ohh thats why they turn to stone??
• ZANE IS A PERSON 🤬🤬🤬🤬 stopp hes always so willing to sacrifice himself
• i need a good 1 minute break to process everytime jay appears like actually
• ohh myyyyy goooodddd its jay pls stop stop stop stop STOP
episode 8 (secrets of the wyldness):
• forbidden five is lwk scary
• hehe i love their stupid quips and someone else saying "really???"
• oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay he actually lost his memory im soooooo oooooohhhhhh nooooooo
• hes sooooo jay.
• so he knows he can lightning????
• zane. buddy. you cant keep doing this like actually would it kill you to stop dying
• now we're safe 😃 x4 (they were not safe)
• werent tbey in this situation before???? the tipping ship or am i just tripping
• ohhh my god the bounty died again
episode 9 (the forest of the spirits):
• resting my leg actually healed it is maadddnnnessss
episode 10 (rising ninja):
• yo. this fight is cool asl
• omg they are both dragons rising rn
• what is going awn rn
• jordana is going freaky!!!
• ras master giving bird box icl
• im assuming kai got out!
• HELLO ARE WE NOT GONNA GRIEVE KAI FOR A MINUTE???? im sure theyre all numb to death by now
• wowww 10 episodes gone just like that
• kai did not get out ❌️
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magician-kitty · 2 years
Red Son x MK x Nezha x Macaque x GN!Reader
Context: They make you mad and they suffer for what’s coming. 😌
(P.S. you might hear some ghetto talking)
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You couldn’t see what the problem was, you couldn’t see why he was upset. Recently you met Sun, The Monkey King himself and surprisingly he’s a swell guy; a little too flamboyant but a swell guy.
Too bad a certain boyfriend was too less than thrilled about his girl getting “buddy-buddy” with that guy.
“I don’t see what the big deal is, I mean Sun didn’t seem all that bad.” You watched as Macaque paced back in forth in anger.
“It does matter, you’re my girl and i want it to stay that way. Wukong is the type of guy who does whatever he wants with no regard for others!”
You sigh and rubbed a migraine that was coming. You were fully awake of their history together and while you completely sympathized with him, don’t you think it’s time he’d let that (Beep) go.
“Baby, don’t you think….That it’s time to let it go? It’s been, I dunno centuries? Surely-“ you were cut off by Macaque.
“Oh, I see. Of course you’d take his side. Everyone always takes his side. Monkey King this, Monkey King that, I thought my girlfriend all of people would support me but Nooo; you just have to be-“
Uh oh, he just set a bomb off. In 3….2….1…💥
You’re hand was stinging from the bitch slap you just gave to the shadow simian. No this bitch, did not just implied you were cheating!? Nuh-uh, you weren’t having it.
“Okay Macaroni, I’m gonna ignore all of that all because you’re angry and clearly not thinking straight. So I’m gonna bounce, and when you’ve calm down, give me a call. Bye baby” And just like that, you were gone.
Later on you were welcomed by a mount of flowers and small trinkets, his way of saying he’s sorry I guess.
“Sugarplum, I’m really sorry. I just- I mean- you’re my everything and I don’t want to-“ you hushed him and pulled him into your arms, gently combing your fingers through his silky fur.
“It’s okay baby, all is good. Just remember that I’m always gonna be here for you, always. But don’t you ever accuse me of something like that again, or else I’ll (Beep) your (Beep) straight up ‘til Sunday.
Oh damn, to him you’re so damn sexy when you’re mad! 🥰
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You knew the consequences of dating royalty, and said royalty just happened to the Lotus Prince himself.
You loved Nezha, you really do. But sometimes….Ugh!😤 You couldn’t take it with his possessiveness, not to mention his overprotective nature. You can’t seem to go anywhere without tight supervision and you were starting to get sick and tired of it.
“Nezha, my love. You know I’ve never questioned you before but…This is ridiculous man! I can’t go anywhere without you scrutinizing me. I-I feel smothered. I am fully capable of looking after myself!”
“No, I insist on this. You have no idea of the constant dangers of the celestial world. Countless demons will try to find you because of your, purity and they will-“
You couldn’t take it anymore, you grabbed him by the shirt(or whatever he’s wearing) and looked him dead in his face. “You listen to me and listen good: I will not be treated as some mere fragile object and be cooped up in here forever. If you refuse to listen to me, then I shall take my leave.”
You turned to leave his castle, despite his pleas, you just needed some space right now, that’s all. You went to favorite hiding place and decided to mess around on your favorite instrument(flute for right now)
As you were too caught up in the melody, you failed to notice that Nezha had found you and was listening to your song.
“You always did had the most amazing music in the world, my love. (Sigh) I…I wish to apologize, I never mean’t for you to feel as if you were nothing but a fragile thing. I care deeply about you and-and the thought of loosing you just-“
Aww, now he’s crying 😢
Damn it, you couldn’t stay mad at him, you offered your hand gesturing him to come sit with you, you lay him down as his head rested on your lap. “It’s fine, my sweet prince. All is forgiven, just remember I want to be there by your side by any means necessary, even if that means I have to fight every demon in my way.
He sighed as he relaxed in your lap. “Your words are so precious to me. Could you carry on with your music, please?”
Red Son🔥🌶️
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What is this guy’s problem, seriously it’s not like this ain’t happened before?
Your sweetheart, Red Son has suffered another humiliating defeat from “Noodle Boy” as he called him and he’s fuming in anger, literally.
“Sweetie calm down before you set something on fire-“
“I can’t! I need to be able to defeat him. He’s my enemy and that way I can finally show my father I can be of use to him. I figured you of all people would appreciate it if you’d at l least li-
Nope, no way in hell he’s gonna finish that sentence. You warned him what would happen if he called you a “Peasant” again.
So you’d grabbed him by the family jewels 💎
“Baby, I know you’re upset and you have my undying support, but don’t ever call me “Peasant” again, okay?”
(Whimpering) “Y-yes my dear, whatever you wish.”
You giggled and gives him a big smooch on the cheek. You can’t stay mad at your little firecracker.
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It’s another day of The Great Wall Race, and you were aiming to win. And you were hoping to get some support from your baby Sokk- (Ahem, wrong fandom) MK! Your baby, MK.
But instead, he decided to race against you. Ain’t that a (Beep)
“Hey sweetie, hope you don’t mind if I race with you, is that okay!?” 😄
Okay, now he’s gonna get it. First, he’s got no clue what he’s doing and frankly, he’s going to get himself killed.
Makes things even worse since that whiny (Bleep) Red Son and his family are too!
In the end MK and Mei won the race and won the trophy. You laughed your ass off when MK thought he won the actual peach of immortality.
“Haha-haha! Looks like things didn’t go your way Huh, MK”
“Yeah, look babe I’m, I’m sorry about the whole thing. You’re the racer and I’m not. That’s why I love you too much.”
You whimpered and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, you love this boy too damn much.
(Well that’s it, I was gonna add Sun to this but didn’t really felt like it.)
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semisolidmind · 2 years
What if reader was asexual and didn’t want kids? How would wukong and maqace react?
well, macaque understands. he and reader, they've been through a lot together, and he gets it if she doesn't want to...be with him in that way, or have kids. maybe he did want to start a family at some point, and reader's the only one he trusts enough to do that with...but he's willing to put what he wants on the back burner if it makes reader happy. he's just glad they're both alive and relatively safe, up until the time that wukong's freed.
wukong, on the other hand, had always planned on having kids with reader from the moment he decided she'd be his. and, being the sadistic despot that he is, he'd give reader two options: "you lay with me and let me give you my babies, OR i murder your beloved macaque and anyone else who happens to be in my way! :) your choice :)"
(you KNOW this guy is gonna hold the safety of the world over readers head whenever he feels like it. if he learns that maybe she had buddies in a village somewhere while she and mac were on the run? hoo buddy their lives are gonna be in danger constantly)
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kehideni · 2 months
The time has come... the aroacest person ever will rant about how in LMK Wukong's feelings regarding Macaque were hinted at.
And by hinted at i mean that ultimatelly it can still be platonic but yeah i get why people ship it. I'm grumbling over here like
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so you can think of me as a reluctant shipper. (ugh)
Jesus Christ... how do i even start...
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I guess with readmore because i'm going to talk about the whole entire show so far. Which means Spoilers for Season 5 (and 4... but like that's been out for a year now)
Also before i start, i'm not gonna talk about Macaque's pov in this because he is even more obvious than Wukong and people talk about him all the time. I should know i'm one of them.
S1E9 "Macaque"
First and foremost it's not much, but SWK's reaction to seeing Macaque for the first time in who knows how long is legit suspicious, not because it's anything special but specifically because it's such a toned down reaction. Even if SWK doesn't know that Macaque is supposed to be dead, Mac has been suggested to be at least MIA since their mysterious fight. He wasn't goofing around, he wasn't taking it lightly, but also he didn't take Macaque's appearance with the weight you'd think he should.
Let's just do a little mental gymnastics: In your mind replace SWK with MK and Macaque with Mei. Imagine that Mei has Macaque's backstory and MK has SWK's. Two long time best friends, with a serious fallout, Mei goes MIA and then comes back. Do you think MK would react the same way SWK did in the episode? Obviously not.
Now i know Wukong is rather secretive, exspecially in S1-3(for plot reasons) but the thing is, that DBK was also SWK's friend, a very dear one at that. His reaction to DBK is goofy, light spirited, hardly interferes with the MK vs DBK fight. He wasn't really shush-shush about missing DBK's company. (S2E2 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
In contrast to that, when he finds out Macaque is back he doesn't take it lightly, no goofing off, but also doesn't seem to want to fight Macaque? In this episode all he does is make Mac back off from MK. I guess he wouldn't want to, of course, but yeah had Mac been anyone else, Wukong would be actively working on how to get rid of him. Ie.: Lady Bone Demon or even the Major("how about him? Is he part of your destiny?" bit)
And we do know SWK was holding back, as he wooped Macaque's behind when he was possessed by LBD no problem.
S2E1 "Happy New Year"
SWK: "It's called misdirection."
MK: "Seems like a shady lesson."
SWK: "Too soon, buddy."
It's not really saying much- again-, after all it's just a one liner joke. It's just that no comparable joke was made in any other character's expense. Also the annotation in SWK's voice wasn't really silly. A "can't decide if i'm supposed to smile at the pun or feel sorry for SWK" thing.
(Now while we are ignoring Mac's side of things, rewatching Shadowplay while having S5 knowledge, it's kind of haunting what kind of parallels the show is drawing between MK and Macaque of all things but moving ooooooon~)
In most of Season 3, Wukong is back to his monkey-ing around personality. S3E1 "On the run" he behaves the same way he'd with DBK.
The next of note episode is pretty far off in S3E9 "The king, the prince, and the shadow"
The importance of this scene
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specifically Wukong's expression, is that funnily enough, he believed completely that Macaque was working for LBD, when in truth he was going behind her back the whole time, working towards his own agenda (ie.: freeing himself from her) and also thought he could fool Macaque.
Macaque on the other hand easily read Wukong's intention, something that Nezha fell for completely, that the rings were fake. (Macaque knows Wukong better than Wukong knows Macaque.)
That means, at this point Wukong was convinced that Macaque is a bad guy (something he will mention right at the beginning of Season 5) and still he did not hurt him. He later on almost did, yes, but did not need much convincing from Tang to leave him be.
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"If you hurt that kid, i'll..."
"What? Make things worse for MK?"
*cuts to that scene
Obviously intentional poetic positioning, reflecting Macaque in a position that is suggested to be the "made things worse for him" thing that Mac is referring to. Yadda yadda, had Wukong not killed him the LBD would not have her claws in Macaque right now as she wouldn't have resurrected him. *is still a hella sketchy story with holes and i don't intend to make Wukong out to be the bad guy, i'm working with what the show is er... showing us/telling us* !Which is fine!!! The story is on going!!! They choose to tell it as teeth-pullingly slow as possible for plot convenience! Sit down, we all know the truth will be far more nuanced than it was presented in S3
But to get back to Wukong's pov, if you notice, after he hears that Macaque is not loyal to the LBD he tries to tell him that he has a plan, one- presumably (if Mac would have listened) -Wukong would have involved him in. Possibly even help him get free from LBD.
Next in line would be the parallel drawn between Mei and Macaque
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Wukong was impulsive way back then and now, hurting "those that care about you the most" But yeah... Macaque's line is also incriminating "She's completely out of control, if there's a time to go it is now."
MK countering it that- paraphrasing now but -"bruh that's not really a punk rock thing to do." Possible reason for ^ that cut to Wukong's reaction is that Macaque's line opened up some scars. Hearing that he'd abandon you when things go wrong is very much the first wound that SWK and Macaque suffered in their friendship (from Wukong's side, again imma just ignore Macaque's side in this post but so help me if anyone goes on a comment rampage about how Macaque is truely a piece of shit i will just tell you to go watch the whole series again because whole ass plotlines and characterDEVELOPMENTS fly right by you)
Nezha: "She controlled the fire? This is impossible."
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^ Wukong getting a front row seat view of what could have been had they not given up on each other with Macaque.
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"Mei was right, i need to stop dragging you into my fights."
ehm... you guys hear it too i'm sure, but we will get to that later
(On a slight tangent... actually i do recommend a rewatch of the show because LBD's lines get so much more meaning. Macaque specifically gets added to the destiny speech all the time, which is funny considering he should know all about destiny and he is the most againts the idea of a destiny existing, Macaque refuses his own powers???And i do believe Macaque has his future-knowing powers because he has reaction time to things that didn't even start happening yet such as LBD throwing the girl away, hiding from Azure and co. when he shouldn't have known they are free, etc.)
On another cute little side note, Nezha said Wukong is not a loner, no matter how much he seems to be.
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Lookit that happy smile, fighting along side all his fwiends awww, go you funky little monkey man
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This ending scene for it's few seconds is packed with things to point out. "I hate that guy so much, always acting like he's so cool." Literally no one ever said that or thought that Wukong. That was your take on Macaque's behavior. When i first saw that scene my thought was that "Yeah if i were Macaque i'd have left too."
Or even this gag bit can suggest Wukong being out of balance once Macaque leaves.
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Stress eating...
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Season 4 goes a bit more into detail concerning Wukong's issues
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"Forever is a long time bud, trust me." Shows two monkeys hanging around, eating fruit, doing whatever they want.
So the scroll gets opened, and in no practicular order characters are shown that Wukong feels guilty about, looks properly sad when they show. The stress lines around his eyes start showing after Macaque is shown
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Flashback scene, kinda is a thing in season 4 that Wukong is much more physically affectionate than Macaque
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not gonna do more screenshots because i could literally just post the clip but the thing that we can take away from these is that Wukong insisted on including Macaque
"You're really going through with this?"
"Correction, WE are going through with this." i'm choosing to take it as a tie back to Nezha's line of Wukong not liking being alone.
Much of the brotherhood doesn't seem to actually care for Macaque and Macaque seems to not care for the brotherhood either. And Peng isn't even our first clue for this, since DBK and Macaque have been around since Season 1 and they have yet to interact with each other, eventhough they are sworn brothers too. Azure Lion and Yellow Tusk if name drop Macaque once the whole season, and Peng is the most vocal about their dislike/hatered of Macaque. (Also when the scroll wants to traumatise Azure it only uses Peng and Yellow Tusk)
You can headcanon that Macaque joined the brotherhood only because Wukong is there, but also it's not really a stretch to think that it was actually Wukong that wanted Macaque in the brotherhood and Macaque just agreed to join because Wukong insisted. Either and both can be true.
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I just posted this screenshot because Wukong's face made me laugh.
Wukong being the only one paying attention to Macaque's thoughts and feelings, even if ultimately he brushes them under the rug. (Which says more about the brotherhood than Wukong actually...because the brotherhood just about ignored Macaque completely. Wukong paid attention but ya know... big plans and big dreams require big actions)
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His speech is a nice promise, but the annotation is on "like we always wanted". The whole quote going: "Relax bud, when this is over we'll be back here basking in the Sun, getting fat on fruit for the rest of ... well forever!! Like we always wanted."
Since it's a conversation with only Wukong and Macaque in the shot, we as the audience are clued in that it was specifically the dream of those two, not the whole brotherhood.
Btw rewatching the episode, Azure says Wukong had the habit of keeping people at arm's lenght, like bruh that's a straight on lie.
(lmao that Tang joke with the water :'D not thirsty, Tang?)
Now Azure when talking with MK, showing him select few scenes to make himself look the victim says one thing. That Wukong imprisoned them. Did not kill, imprison.
I said this before, i will say it here too. Why would Wukong, who is closest to Macaque from the brotherhood, imprison everyone else, but specifically kill Macaque? Nah ah, i'm pretty sure that was not how it went down. But that's a to be cleared thing for season 6 hopefully.
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As.... hilarious as this picture is, it's kinda proof of Wukong's sentimentality.
Finally i arrive at S4E11 A lifetime of mistakes
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Nothing much to say about this scene, it speaks for itself.
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"Everything i did was for us!" This sentence alone means Wukong's fear of death extended to Macaque. Macaque said that Wukong feared death more than anything which is true, but whenever Wukong talked about his goals the emphasis was on them together spending forever with whatever they wanted.
Third time reminding you of Nezha's statement, that Wukong is not a loner. Something that Azure flat out lied about, telling MK that Wukong kept them at arm's lenght.
It's 2+2 guys... spending eternity alone is boring as fk, of course you need a buddy. And a buddy just as immortal as you, since we know the heartbreak that comes with an immortal - mortal friendship. To the mortal that friendship is for lifetime, to that immortal it's just a small chapter of their lives. Wukong really DID do everything for Macaque, but well... he went overboard, like MK said. He could have stopped right here, he already had his wish:
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They already were sitting in the sun, eating fruit and doing whatever they wanted.
But now look at thoooose stress lines
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While the show doesn't even suggest what Wukong's full punishment was -because let's keep it PG it is still a kids show- Wukong also just lost his best friend.
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In Season 4 peaches were the symbol of their friendship, something that Wukong -probably just out of sheer anger- rejected from Macaque in this scene, only for Macaque to crush said peach in answer and throw it away. My guys, this was an ugly UGLY divorce. Thing is that had cooler heads prevailed, they probably wouldn't have had this fight here. It's dressed up as a gag line, but Wukong says he really wanted that peach.
In the scroll MK and Macaque follow the memories that Wukong punched himself through, trying to find some good ones AKA memories with MK. Wukong saw this memory too, which was the last memory before MK and Mac found Wukong.
After seeing this memory and deciding to escape it he stopped in the next one. Meaning this memory is the freshest Wukong is thinking about.
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"I just wanted to protect the people i care about." *camera angles to Macaque.
MK then quotes Wukong saying that maybe they can't fix everything, but they just have to leave it better than they found it. That's just another way to say "fix" btw... and he looks to Macaque, because that's what he wants to fix most.
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Well he has an eternity to do it.
He was legit asking permission from Macaque here, idk what for if you are the Monkey King you don't need permission, right?
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Next episode "The Plan man" starts with something i already said:
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Wukong is looking for Macaque when he notices he is not in the heroic pose with the rest of them. Showing once again, where Wukong's priority laid. He needs to make sure he still has his buddy by him. Kinda going into Sun Mumkong mode, embarassing Macaque:
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Do note, Wukong verbally said he wanted all of them to have the "happily ever after" but before that talk with Azure, Macaque was emphasized.
And the thing is, at first i thought, surely i'm reading far too much into this, but this weird Macaque-prioritising will appear in Season 5 too. We will get to that.
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This was Wukong's wish, to not be alone.
Anyways, show uppy "tsundere" way of expressing, that he is happy Mac is there.
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Like i said, peaches in season 4 were a metaphor for their friendship. Handing Mac a peach ice cream is kinda his way of saying "friends?" but maybe in a different way. The "try again" button in the game if you will.
Season 5 however hooo boi...
I ran out of pictures/post so i'll have to make a part 2, which will be season 5.
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