morphinethevaccine · 3 years
Temporarily closing requests
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morphinethevaccine · 3 years
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌💖
Aw, thank you Jade. This is sweet to receive. 
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morphinethevaccine · 3 years
Hello dear! If requests are open, could I request some headcanons about Elliot and/or Vincent from Pandora Hearts with a really shy s/o? If you don't write for them it's completely fine, and obviously you can turn down my request! Sorry if I bothered you, have a wonderful day!
Ah, such a polite anon~ I’m always pleased to see Pandora Hearts requests in my inbox, since this series has forever left an impact on me. Just makes me happy to know there’s still PH fans around, since the fandom is pretty sleepy.  Here you are, anon. I did both, because I’m lowkey always down to write for any of the Nightrays. I presume you wanted it to be relatively cute n’ fluffy so writing Vincent’s was a little hard, just because I didn’t want it to sound too much like an unhealthy dynamic. I know we get a lot of development from him particularly at the end of the series, but my thoughts on Vincent as a potential partner are really nuanced. Maybe I’ll elaborate further on that someday. -MorphineV
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morphinethevaccine · 3 years
Elliot and Vincent Nightray Relationship Headcanons with a shy s/o
In response to this ask
Part of Elliot’s and the entirety of Vincent’s is under the cut because of length.
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Contrary to what one might assume, you don't have to match Elliot's temperament to be his significant other— in fact, it's probably for the better if you don't. One issue this dynamic has, however, is that Elliot possesses a rather dominant personality, and while he won't necessarily steamroll over softer types, he does best with someone who will give him a little pushback when needed. That's not to say there aren't any upsides. 
For one, a shy or timid significant other can be beneficial to Elliot's development, as it forces him to be more introspective of his words and actions. Interestingly, things most likely did not start on a positive note.
There's a high chance you both didn't see eye-to-eye during your first few interactions: you most likely felt startled or hurt by some of his behavior, and in turn, Elliot might have found himself confused by your reactions, annoyed considering what it was he did wrong.
So how do two people who aren’t particularly alike end up together? For starters, if there's anything Elliot can't stand, it's a lack of sincerity or people who put on airs. And that's one of the first things he notices he likes about you: the way you aren't vying for attention or trying to be someone you aren't.
The first display of his growing interest starts as offhanded complaints to Leo that you seem fragile and he doesn't know how to deal with you, but further prodding from his companion leads Elliot to admitting that fine: yes he's curious about you, even if he can't quite explain why. From discussing books together in the library, to merely just sitting together in silence, it isn't long before you both realize the interest is pretty mutual.
What does he think of your shyness in particular? It isn't that he's bothered by it, moreso that he recognizes it as a trait that could lead to you being mistreated. Being quiet is one thing— Leo can be a little quiet too, you know, but being shy is another. Leo isn't mousy and has no issues standing up for himself, but you... 
The thing is, if Elliot is anything, it's dependable. Though he may chastise you for not being more self sufficient, he's always going to back you up if you need him or if he sees the need to interject himself— even if you're going to get an earful from him afterward. He's never going to not defend you, but he feels better knowing you can stand up for yourself too.
He doesn't care if you’re outgoing or not, but at least once the two of you get close, getting you to behave less timidly is a goal... which probably eventually leads to Leo insisting he should leave you alone and let you be yourself. Elliot will grow to stubbornly accept that maybe it's not such a bad trait, in you at least.
He might be rash and prone to being harsh, even with people he loves, but he's got a conscience, and though it may take time and the swallowing of some pride, he'll always make things right between you in instances where things went badly.
The dynamic you share is, itself, a teachable moment— one in which you both offer the other a perspective they may not inherently see. 
Coming to behave more moderately isn't a bad thing for Elliot to master, in addition to a non-confrontational partner making it easier for him to be more open with his thoughts and feelings. Being around someone as passionate and unafraid as Elliot might, in a similar way, influence you to be bolder. Perhaps there's some truth to the saying opposites attract after all. 
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In many ways, someone who's shy isn't a bad match for Vincent. Though Vincent often filters out his true thoughts to give pleasant conversation, it's not like he’s actually fond of talkative types anyway. An overly chatty person would be pretty quick to put him in mind of behavior he's expressed a clear dislike of.
It’s not hard for him to pick up on your temperament: perhaps it's a ball, and you catch his eye—seeming just a little out of place, maybe not quite as conversational as the rest. If you don’t seem typical, all the better. Vincent isn't particularly normal himself: an outlier or person somewhat different from the expected might just secure some of his interest for the moment. 
His intentions likely aren’t the purest when he first approaches you, but with a personality that’s generally sociable, he’ll do just fine bridging any gaps: he'll carry a conversation even if you’re quite reserved, nor is he going to care too strongly if you don’t have much to say. 
During the early stages of getting to know each other, your shyness provides him with a clever out if he ever does something that upsets you. Vincent has perfected the ‘smiling gentleman’ act, but the mask does slip every so often, and your introversion means he can more effortlessly insist you merely misread the situation; an excuse he’s not above using.
The longer the both of you are together, the better Vincent becomes at picking up subtle differences in your behavior. He often seems to have a way of figuring things out solely from what you didn't say, meaning even if you're rather quiet, there isn't much of a struggle for him to understand you. 
If you have a hesitancy to express yourself or seldom speak your thoughts in conversations, you’ll likely find he has a way of recognizing it. He may even ask, head tilted with a smile, if there’s something more you wanted to say to him.
Vincent is, at his core, often avoidant. It may not seem that way because he does display a range of emotion, but the genuine things that bother him or deeper aspects to his being are rarely close to the surface or willingly displayed.
You not possessing a pushy nature is a benefit here: while he does need someone who's unwavering enough to stick around through some of his more alienating behaviors, it's best if you’re not too forceful.
If your nature includes an uneasiness for physical affection, you likely aren’t going to be too sure if he’s just aloof to some of your discomfort or intentionally doing things to fluster you: a kiss behind your ear, pulling you close when it's not too appropriate, or falling asleep on you by ‘mistake’ (he's going to be more than a little amused if he wakes up to you having been too nervous to move.)
It might be followed by an apology depending on your reaction, but whether it's genuine or not is up for debate.
The fact you’re reserved doesn’t matter much in regards to deeper aspects of the relationship, because persistence is one of the only real keys here— that is, you being someone who won’t be driven away easily. Though he might cycle through some unpleasant emotions, if you pay attention, it's clear some of his behaviors come from a place that shows, even if it's something he internally wrestles with, that he really does care about you.
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morphinethevaccine · 3 years
Update on Requests
Longtime no see guys. So I’m pretty much finished with most of my current batch of requests so if you sent something for Bungo Stray Dogs or Pandora Hearts-- thank you and you’ll be seeing it soon.
I’m going to be doing a Thursday/Friday/Saturday posting schedule at minimum, so I’ll be posting the requests I’ve finished writing up over the next week. Please keep an eye out for them and feel free to send more, since my askbox will be kind of empty after this. In other news I’ll be finally making a formal post to solicit more requests in a day or so. Love you guys and thank you for the support. -MorphineV
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morphinethevaccine · 3 years
Touch and Affection Headcanons (Oz, Gilbert, Break, Elliot)
aide-mémoire: Miscellaneous physical touch headcanons with an s/o for Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray, Xerxes Break, and Elliot Nightray.
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Oz Vessalius
Has pulled the 'ask for a kiss on the cheek then turn your head last moment so your lips meet' trick on you at least once— or more, if it took you a while to catch on that he's usually never up to any good.
It's a lighthearted way he gets you to smile, even if only because of how silly it is. Resting his head on your lap is one of Oz’s favorite things, and if you’re sitting still, he’ll probably try to weasel his way there. Bonus points if you play with his hair too while he’s laying down; if you want, he'll even be fair and stroke yours afterward.
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Gilbert Nightray
A particular occurrence Gil enjoys: if you grip his arm when the two of you cross the road or step out a carriage. Such a minor thing makes him feel... needed. And Gil has always been the kind of person who needs to be needed.
In truth, Gilbert has a soft spot for small, everyday moments of intimacy— you taking his coat when he comes home, your hands on his shoulders while he's taking off his shoes, the way you touch his side as you pass him in the kitchen, or dinner together as the even sets in. It doesn’t have to be extravagant for him to be appreciative.
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Xerxes Break
Break is one of those people who tend to feel cold to the touch, even in instances where the room isn't particularly chilly. Will he find amusement in putting his cold feet on you if you both are sharing a bed? More than likely.
While he has few qualms with intruding on your personal space, Break does see value in having space of his own. That doesn't mean he has no interest in cuddling up with you or being close; just that he doesn't have a strong desire to be constantly joined at the hip to his significant other— unless it's to tease you, of course.
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Elliot Nightray
Though he’s too stubborn to admit it, Elliot enjoys having you around while he plays the piano. It certainly helps if you play too (the two of you can do a duet), but if not, you can convince him to teach you.
He’s not the smoothest teacher: there will be a lot of his hands on top of yours as he moves your fingers back onto the correct keys (for his sake, don’t point out how red his face is). If you neither play or wish to learn, that’s fine too. Just come and sit beside him on the bench and lie your head on his shoulder. If you’re stealthy enough, you’ll likely be able to catch his smile.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Would you want to be their roommate? (ADA Edition)
a/n: In which you're the roommate of various Armed Detective Agency members. I'm only like, half serious.
  — Dazai Osamu Boundaries? I don't know her.
Rule #1 of rooming with Dazai is understand he's a hypocrite. While he's 100% the type to read your diary, eat your snacks with zero intention of replacing them and take your stuff without asking, he does not want the favor returned. 
Honestly, Dazai prefers to have his own space. Having a roommate makes it a little hard to engage in some of his more reckless endeavors, like ignoring warning labels to mix bleach and ammonia, trying to inhale oven fumes, and womanizing (its not like he usually brings people back to his place anyway because he isn’t keen on people knowing where he lives, but the point still stands). 
Just pay little mind to the fact your toaster is missing because he tried (and failed) to drop it in the bathtub with him. Again.
— Atsushi Nakajima and Kyouka Izumi I feel a sitcom coming on.
Moving in with a stoic former murder turned do-gooder and the traumatized orphan with a self worth problem too many sounds like a scriptwriting fever dream. But hey, a positive: no matter how screwy your background is, you don't have to feel like the weird one. 
Quirks aside, neither makes a bad roommate: Atsushi is thoughtful, caring, and marginally domestic, while Kyouka minds her business by staying out the way for the most part. 
Considering the bizarre makeup of the occupants, people might look at the three of you and wonder how you manage to coexist. Maybe the three of you can even be the wholesome version of Three's Company, complete with regular misunderstandings that could have easily been avoided had someone just been more forthcoming.
— Doppo Kunikida Is this really how you want to live your life?
Has his lights on timer and 'quiet hours' he sticks to religiously. Organized to a 'T': you putting things back in the incorrect place or leaving a jar on the wrong shelf in the pantry is going to give him a tension headache. 
Definitely shouldn't be the residence of choice for messy people, those inept at reading social cues (who in turn won't know when to shut up and leave him alone), or anyone with an alternative sleep pattern. Will not hesitate to tell you off if you're running the microwave at 2 am. 
A great place for routine addicts or wayward souls in need of someone to beat order and structure into their head-- sometimes literally, but for the non-anal retentive, this is probably the closest form of spiritual suicide on this side of heaven. 
— Jun'ichiro Tanizaki and Naomi Tanizaki For those who don't value their mental health.
At first glance, not a bad place to stay. Jun'ichiro’s a solid cook, gives off everyman/boy-next-door vibes and is relatively sane (unless Naomi's in danger). Naomi's nice enough and likely a fun person to hang around assuming she's not glued to her brother's side. 
But don't get too excited just yet. Both tend to be fine, if not enjoyable to interact with individually, but the main problem with rooming with this pair is having to stomach them together. 
Imagine listening to these two doting on each other. All the time. Hearing that day after day is going to shave at least 10 years off your total lifespan, give or take. I suppose you can invest in earplugs and work on expanding your happy place, but is it really worth it?
— Ranpo Edogawa   Roommates? I think you misspelled 'parent and child’
Expect to hear "Great Detectives don't do (insert thing he should definitely be doing)" often. Could be a great roommate if he applied himself, but his laziness tends to delve into 'hand me the remote even though it's an inch from my fingertips' territory. 
Don't expect him to know how to use the garbage disposal or run the dishwasher (or be apologetic about either fact). Can't be trusted to buy groceries: his contributions are just the entirety of the snack aisle: Twizzlers, Mike and Ike's and this color changing drink he found at the convenience store. 
Pushes off things he should be doing (like his laundry) on you because 'you're washing clothes anyway' and has the frustrating tendency to only 'deduce' things you really don't want him to, like why your girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you. 
— Akiko Yosano Not too bad, actually.
While Yosano might come across intimidating, she's largely harmless to the average joe or jane. Unless you piss her off, she has little reason to saw off any of your extremities. 
Generally speaking, she’s a normal roommate who respects your personal space (and expects the same in return, so please do the same if you value your life) and takes care of her portion of shared responsibilities without issue. Yosano isn't argumentative, but she's not one to bite her tongue, either. 
So if you're looking for a roommate who's not going to call you out if you're on some bullshit, Yosano is not that roommate. As long as you pull your weight and aren't unusually annoying, the two of you can manage a cordial relationship with minimal threats and/or bloodshed.
— Kenji Miyazawa Prepare yourself for a host of weird proverbs.
Has a 50/50 chance of calling you 'roomie' ("Because that's what city people say, right?") or something else mildly irritating. As the literal personification of its not that deep, it's pretty impossible to get him upset, which is great news for you-- just in case you happen to be the annoying one in this scenario. 
Kenji's probably the most laidback roommate of the ADA roster, who wouldn’t fight you for ownership of the larger bedroom or get salty if you monopolize the bathroom.
Bonus points if you happen to find his often bizarre stories about life in the country entertaining rather than disturbing (said stories are always told with a smile no matter how screwed up they are, of course, because this is Kenji.) Overall, not a bad person to have as a roommate unless positivity and blind optimism tend to give you hives.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Can I please request some nsfw relationship headcanons for Fukuzawa and Poe (seperately not poly)with a female s!o? Thank you:)
Here. Thanks for the request.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Fukuzawa and Poe Relationship Headcanons with a female s/o  (N/SFW)
In response to this ask
Warnings; n/sfw. the rest of Fukuzawa’s and the entirety of Poe’s is under the cut.
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There's a certain intensity to Fukuzawa's love style. He's an individual firm in his beliefs and steadfast in the principles essential to him; naturally that passion extends, quite strongly, to one of the most important people in his life: you. Fukuzawa is not one for shallow infatuations. 
To have his heart means, through time and trials, you have proven yourself a dependable and faithful partner. As such, there is nothing insincere or trifle about his love for you: Fukuzawa does nothing by halves. Position considered, there are often more important things for him to attend to than leisure activities. 
Because of this, on occasion, the extent of your interactions are a walk through Yokohama at sunrise or discussing current affairs over tea. Fukuzawa is sure you understand the value you hold without the point needing to be reiterated, but he's discerning enough to recognize the importance of making time in his life for you.
Since his responsibilities mean the frequency of such encounters are often outside of his control, the quality and substance of his time with you is important. While you might get the occasional smile or humorous remark out of him, lovemaking is generally a very serious affair for Fukuzawa. 
You are his sole focus in the moment, a level of attention that can result in an experience almost as intimidating as it is intense. You'll find you rarely need to tell him what you need; he has a particular way of figuring it out, guided by your hands along his back, the uptake in noises you make, the way you stir beneath or clench around him. 
Fukuzawa is not an impulsive type: he's thorough in his approach to pleasing you, not with the intention of agonizing or teasing, but with an adoring stroke, intention of inspecting every valley, every curve, every place on and within you. 
In him you have a lover who can appreciate imperfections; one quite perceptive to your needs, observant of the hitch of your breath, the noises you make as his hand dips below your waist or strays along your breasts. Years of sword training have left his hands nicely calloused and they provide a pleasant textural experience, one he'll indulge you in if you enjoy it.
Fukuzawa is a simple man: there isn't much need for lingerie or performative behavior. Your natural charm and body alone do more for him than elaborate attempts at seduction or showy garments, though recognizing the effort that goes into such gestures, he'll be appreciative nonetheless. 
He finds you attractive without additions, without you feeling the need to 'seduce' him. Subtle sensuality goes a long way: skip the corset or bustier and instead opt for a long silk robe or yukata, material ever so gently slipping off one shoulder to innocently reveal nothing underneath... 
This is not to say he doesn't find enjoyment in extras for he is, in fact, quite satisfied with a gentle massage or shared bath if you have them in mind.
For Fukuzawa, sex is more than just a bodily act; its one of the few opportunities he has to get completely lost in you. Though it might not be as often as you both desire, when he does have you all to himself in private, rest assured it's an all day event, for Fukuzawa isn't short on stamina, and one in which he ensures you never have any doubts about his love and dedication.
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Poe's a little clueless in matters of love and relationships. It's not that he's unintelligent, but rather that his knowledge of certain situations is more likely to come from secondhand sources rather than his own experiences. And when it comes to something he has little experience in, Poe would rather do it as it's ‘usually’ done; problematic if its based on a cheesy or unreliable source.
Watch his expression devolve into defeat if you take one look around the room and explain... well, you don't eat that kind of chocolate, the placement of those candles looks questionable at best, and honestly, people really don't recite serenades outside of Shakespeare or harlequin romances...
Even if the delivery ends up being just a little off, his heart is always in the right place. He's willing to recreate your favorite romantic scene from a movie or book you enjoy, down to minor elements like the engraving on the end table or color of the frames flanking the wall portraits. 
If there's one upside to him being a writer and mystery-lover, it's knowing both how to set a scene and the possession of an above average attention to detail. He's got both the time and resources to invest in crafting such an experience.
Despite some of his more unusual qualities and fixations, Poe can be a rather conventional partner. If it's a night planned in advance, dinner someplace secluded is a given, complete with a gift or token of appreciation. 
Poe's quite willing to please, both inside and outside the bedroom. If there's anything in particular you want him to do, you only need ask. He might express reservations, but he isn't likely to reject a request coming from someone he loves.
Poe has a bit of a low tolerance for provocative stuff. It's not that he hates it, but enjoying something and being used to it aren't mutually exclusive. Indirect approaches are more disarming: wear a shirt with a button or two conveniently misplaced, or have a discussion that seems just a little more suggestive than usual. 
Something that gets his attention: layers. Instead of going straight for the tantalizing getups, do the reverse and pick something with pieces to shed. As the day gets on into the evening and your attire falls more and more into racy territory, he'll find himself getting offly warm under the collar. Anticipation is part of the fun, after all, and a slow build up has a particular way of getting him antsy long before the deed is even done.
Poe's not even too used to hearing his own voice in a normal context, so he's definitely not one to be very vocal in bed. He’s probably imagining he’ll sound stupid panting in your ear, so consciously muffled noises should be your expectation, unless he slips up. 
Oral is particularly good for this reason: he’ll find it harder to restrain himself, and the angle provides you an excellent view for observing how flushed and breathless he is, and the facial expressions he's surely doing a poor poor job of managing. One thing Poe happens to enjoy, however: your voice, whether that be sounds of pleasure or gasps or mutters or merely reading a book out loud around him. 
His name said in an admiring tone does things to him. Want to make his night? A well-timed compliment works wonders, and while his desire to be recognized isn't quite at praise kink levels, a little acknowledgement goes a long way. Tell him he's doing a great job or how wonderful it feels during, or talk about how lovely of an evening it was afterward-- and watch him melt just a little. 
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Hellooo, would you like to write some headcanons for mori form bsd with a female executive s/o? Peolpe in Mafia likes her and respect her. She is actually very friendly and lovely, but is really smart and can kill someone in a second. Maybd she is around 30 but looks around 25 years old.
Here you are anon.
Since the main part of this request is the fact the reader is an executive, I primarily focused on that aspect when writing this... but feel free to send another request if you'd like a post that focuses more on the relationship in general.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Mori with an Executive s/o
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In response to this ask
Mori tends to leave you to your own devices. Yes, he enjoys having you around, but you are—like the other executives—an integral component to the running and mobility of the organization. Understanding the importance of your role and you being allowed to carry out your responsibilities, he doesn't often get in the way of them. That's not to say your treatment completely rivals that of the other high ranking members of the Port Mafia.
Being the apple of Mori's eye does mean out of all the executives, your schedule is situated to his taste. That doesn't always mean your work brings you by his office or that your assignments never require you to travel outside of the city, but its often arranged in such a way to allow more leniency with your workload, or put you in closer proximity with him. 
Mori is inclined to do as he pleases, but presuming the considerations of the other executives were taken into account, it's not like either would take issue with it, considering you carry your weight in the organization regardless. Presuming you've worked your way through the ranks, you surely have developed a camaraderie with the other executives. 
Kouyou might playfully muse Mori's a nuisance and hindrance to your obligations, and Chuuya likely doesn’t consider the intricacies of his boss’s relationship his jurisdiction. Becoming an executive in the Port Mafia is no easy feat, requiring a superior combination of ability, intellect, and competency. 
With as much reverence as the placement holds, naturally, you’re respected in your own right. You being the significant other of the boss is just icing on the cake—an extra reason for those lower on the hierarchy to want to be in your good graces, not that they didn't already have reason to be. Purpose of the Port Mafia considered, executives tend to have a propensity towards certain behaviors or traits.
If you happen to possess a friendly or good-natured disposition, Mori might make the occasional comment on the interestingness of your temperament. It's only a partial jest: to maintain a semblance of well intended behavior in an entity built upon vengeance and wrongdoing is indeed impressive, not that he sees much value in the trait.
As long as this soft spot of yours doesn't prove hindering to your executive duties, it's not like Mori cares too strongly where your moral compass lies, outside of trivial curiosity of how you manage to retain such practices in an organization that demands complicity at best.
In terms of the relationship itself, the dynamic is surprisingly typical, considering the both of your positions. Though you make your own money, it's not as if you have to want for anything with Mori. He doesn't see any harm in buying you the things you desire, considering it gives him all the more reason to bring you along on his outings with Elise. 
With his affluence, lavishing you with expensive gifts or experiences is well within his capabilities, setting up a special evening for the two of you at Yokohama's finest establishment, or dinner overlooking the horizon. Dating one of the most powerful men in Yokohama has its advantages.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Oz and Gilbert with a depressed significant other headcanons
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He knows it's a selfish thought to have, but even on your worst days, Oz is glad you were born. As long as you're breathing there's still the possibility of taking those shattered parts and reassembling them, and for that reason, he'll always be grateful you're here. It's okay the sun isn't out everyday: he's okay with sitting in the rain, as long as you're together. 
Oz doesn't let you dwell on your sadness for long, which is either a blessing or a curse, depending on your preferences. Have you always had a soft spot for pet names or flattery? Now he's calling you his sunshine and giving compliments, that, though occasionally over the top, do feel genuine.
Has a gentle embrace or kiss on the cheek always gone a long way? Oz isn't one to balk at affection so if curling up together is up your alley, he's a more than willing participant. While he's at it, he'll consider buying you something you love (what's the point of being nobility if you can't spoil the people dearest to you, he thinks). 
He might give you the impression he's aloof when it comes to deep emotions, but Oz isn't stupid; he recognizes the pain you're in. He knows none of these are true remedies, but these additions may make your day just a little less gloomy, and even a speck of light is lovelier than an endlessly stormy sea. 
In many ways Oz treats you like he always has, teasing included. This is only because your depression doesn't shape the way he sees you. You're still you, even if you haven't showered in a week. Even if your motivation has waned to nothing. Even if you no longer feel like yourself. You're still the person he loves.
And he promises to look after you, too, and that's not something you have to thank him for. If you do, he'll flick your forehead and tell you that's what a person should do, dry the tears of someone they love. He's prone to trying to keep you from isolating yourself, whether that be as simple as inviting you out on the balcony with him or to tea with the rest of his companions. 
Yes, he knows his friends don't often make the most peaceful company, and fresh air probably isn't going to do much more than upset your allergies, but its nice to stare at something besides the inside of your room, isn't it? You can start small: accompany him on a stroll in the garden. 
It gives him an excuse to stuff your hair full of flowers he's plucked from bushes along the way (but none of them, he swears, are lovelier than you.) Ever seen the highest point in the city? Skipped stones right where the river recedes? How about today? There's no time like the present. 
He'll even take the initiative of trying to make the experience enjoyable; pointing out interesting sights or scenery you may not have noticed, buying a little charm he thinks matches your clothes, offering snacks Alice really enjoyed when the two came here before. Maybe the two of you can even catch the sun setting if he can find a rooftop high enough. 
Other times the both of you can stay in, watch the world beyond the window. As opposed to coaxing you out of bed, he might just crawl under the covers and join you. He's fine being with you wherever you can manage. Oz wants you to know the weight you've been dealt isn't a burden you have to carry alone. The sun's shining somewhere and you can look for it together; and that's something you both can swear on.
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Often there's more Gilbert wants to say after a paltry 'are you feeling better today?', so he puts what he doesn't say into his actions-- the ruffling of your hair when he sees you curled in bed, the begrudged attempts to seek advice from someone close, if only on the resignation they might know a way he doesn't.
Gil largely chooses to merely allow you to exist. No pressure or expectations, outside of the occasional query of 'did you drink anything today?' and 'how are you feeling?'. Worried or not, Gil is practical: all that matters is that you're surviving, even if you can't quite thrive yet. 
He isn't really the type to impose himself on you, either, unless he perceives you're being self destructive. If there's one thing Gilbert isn't going to let you do, its substantial harm to your wellbeing, even if only by indirect means. 
Sometimes it's on his face, plain in his eyes when he looks at you, for Gil has never been very hard to read-- that he feels, as he's often teased for being-- useless when it comes to helping you. But he tries. Cry on his shoulder if you need to. If sometimes you feel better off with space, he'll grant you your solitude. 
His observation skills could use some fine tuning, but he's got a good eye when he knows what he's looking for. When you finally scamper out of bed on a particularly rough day, you return to changed linen and a fresh glass on your end table. Gil may not be able to brave the darkness with you, but he'll do what he can to make the path clearer. 
If the both of you share living quarters, he'll do the bulk of the household chores, if not all of them. Offering to make you your favorite meal when your appetite is poor, lifting invoices from your letterbox to take care of-- small tasks he'll perform no matter your feelings regarding them. He does what he does for you because he can't imagine not doing it.
Its second nature, like fretting over Oz. Flowers need rain. Where would the crops be without the bees' pollen? Everything needs something. Nothing exists purely in isolation, so whatever feelings you might be holding onto are trivial to him considering the circumstances. He's willing to meet you wherever you are.
Small victories matter-- passing you in the hall, greeting you with a gentle squeeze of the shoulder and a mutter of, "You brushed your hair this morning. Good job." He wants you to know he notices the little things, and that though the phrase seldom leaves his mouth because Gilbert is more of a man of action, not words: he's proud of you.
He wants you to know he sees you trying, knows you're fighting against the odds. Every stroke of the head, soft smile, question about your well-being: these are his ways of reminding you he's here. You're not alone in whatever you're going through. Healing isn't linear. It's not a race. If you have to zig-zag, backtrack, or stay in place every so often, so be it. Just promise him you won't ever quit.
It's okay if all you do today is get dressed or put the tea kettle on. It's okay if the only thing you do sometimes is eat. If all you can manage is to put away your clothes, wrinkled and unfolded. You don't have to conquer the world in a day. There's always tomorrow... and Gilbert's satisfied just to see you still trying.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
happy christmas!
I hope you had a nice Christmas, anon. Thank you of thinking of me. I hope you have a good new year.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if you take requests?
My sincerest apologies for the lateness of this reply. I do, and my requests are now currently open. Please feel free to send one in if you desire.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Update + Opening Requests
Guess who’s been MIA for the past few months? Yours truly has. 
I had planned on being consistent when I first started this blog but life got very very rough and this is the first time I’ve had the willpower to pull it up in months.
To get back into the flow of writing, I’m opening requests. Requests are primarily for Bungo Stray Dogs but you can send in a request for any series on my About page including but not limited to: My Hero Academia, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Pandora Hearts and Kuroshitsuji.
I’ll make a more formal post soliciting requests later with proper rules/tagging added, but for now, please know you can send requests in. I’m going to be updating my FAQ and everything later, but in short: NSFW, SFW, Headcanons, Reactions, etc. requests are allowed and open. If you have something you want written, send it to me please.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Fukuzawa and Mori’s reaction to finding out their sister is dating their former partner
aide-mémoire: Fukuzawa and Mori’s reaction to their sister revealing to them she’s dating their former partner. You can find the Astushi and Akutagawa version of this post here, and the Dazai and Chuuya version here.
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While you are indeed old enough to make your own decisions, Fukuzawa will make it clear that, irrespective of your own wishes, it is within your best interest that you end any contact you have with his former partner immediately.
He’s quick to remind you he has known Mori far longer than you have, and even had the displeasure experience of working alongside him. It is with this background that he has come to have a deeper understanding of how the other’s mind functions—and the deceit that lies behind that charming grin and tilt of the head.
While it isn’t his desire to hurt your feelings or leave you feeling taken advantage of, Fukuzawa will be forthcoming in stating that surely Mori has a motive behind pursuing you, one that likely far exceeds him finding you attractive, endearing or a good potential life partner.
From his days as an underground doctor to his current position as Port Mafia boss, Mori’s nature has been marked with a lack of regard for ethics or human life—certainly not the kind of man you should be imagining a future with. Fukuzawa will make it clear Mori is not above using you as leverage in his plans, regardless of what befalls you or those close to you.
There is no convincing him Mori lacks ulterior motives in his pursuit of you. You can try—though Fukuzawa is likely to grow a bit terse if you continue to press the subject—but he will remain unswayed, professing that there is no changing a man like Mori... and even if there were, it's not your duty to play martyr for the sake of some imagined good you’ve envisioned in the heart of the Mafia boss. 
Ideally, Fukuzawa would prefer you heed his warnings without complaint. Yes, he understands your feelings regarding the issue must be complicated and that his request likely conflicts with your own desires, but he is by nature a man of few words, nor fond of repeating himself.
He does not wish to make you feel forced into a decision, but he will not allow you to put yourself in danger or end up falling prey to his former partner for as contrived a reason as upsetting you. Fukuzawa will make it clear you are to see him no further; and he can be quite intimidating when he’s firm on an issue.
If your insistence on seeing Mori does not wane, he does entrust members of the ADA to keep an eye on you. Should he discover Mori is goading your refusal to heed his advice, Fukuzawa would be fine going as far as speaking to Mori himself.
While he is an honorable man who does not fight blindly or incite useless battles, he undoubtedly sees the Mafia boss choosing to toy with you as unforgivable. Fukuzawa does not fear confrontation should he find it necessary.
He welcomes the opportunity to tell his former partner he is as scheming and devoid of morality as he remembers, and that he is to leave you be and cease his pursuit of you, less Fukuzawa find it necessary to take further action.
Fukuzawa takes no pleasure in bringing you unhappiness, but if your temporary resentment is what’s needed to keep you as well as the rest of the ADA out of harm's way, so be it. He holds little concern over you being upset with him in the long run, feeling that, in due time, you will come to see his assertions about his former partner’s motives were correct.
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If the subject of your developing relationship with Fukuzawa is broached with Mori, he’ll be quite calm and pleasant when discussing the topic, coming across as almost amused, even, but don't let his demeanor fool you into thinking he approves of your relationship: his feelings on Fukuzawa’s apparent interest in you aren't the most genial. Be as that may, he’ll take a moment to ponder the situation.
Mori isn't blind to his rival's admirable qualities, and takes no issue with admitting, even to you, that Fukuzawa does possess some traits that make him a desirable life partner. He isn't going to cue you in on his displeasure with the arrangement… at least until he weighs the cause and effect of your dating choice. 
He knows Fukuzawa has to be wise to who you’re related to, an aspect that interests Mori more than he cares to admit. The implications of you dating the head of the Armed Detective Agency aren’t lost on him, either. Strategic by nature, he’ll likely survey if there are any advantages to your romance. 
Mori is a man of logic, not emotion. If he sees the arrangement as having future benefits for him or the Port Mafia, he won't interfere with your relationship; no matter how much seeing you cling to Fukuzawa displeases him. 
If your liaisons with Fukuzawa pose no risk to his well laid plans (or better yet, even prove advantageous to the Port Mafia), you will be allowed to date without hindrance—even encouraged through concessions and accommodations. 
Work for the Port Mafia? Your schedule’s been conveniently cleared. How about a trip for two anywhere you desire for you and that charming new significant other of yours? He’ll insist its a mere courtesy; you work quite hard and your expertise is invaluable to the organization, so its only befitting for you to be rewarded with some time off to relax and refresh.
In reality, however, there is rarely an action Mori takes that does not possess an underlying motive. For Mori, the added expenditure is well worth the investment, should he see the potential to reap benefits from your coupling. He can separate his feelings from the matter should there be an end goal suitable to him.
Expect amused quips about the irony of your chosen mate, and playful faux-friendly banter with Fukuzawa, should their paths cross while you're around (though inexplicably, said encounter will be less amiable and more severe should you be out of earshot).
Unlike the inverse of this situation, Mori knows you're not in any physical danger choosing to dally with his former partner. He knows Fukuzawa poses no physical risk to you, nor do his subordinates, as Fukuzawa and his allies are much too upright to harm you or use as a bargaining chip. 
That said, he will not hesitate to put an end to it—with or without your knowledge, approval, or involvement—if he sees it necessary. Psychological manipulation is well within his forte. His ill deeds tend to be fostered through others, eliminating the need for him to personally lay a finger on you or Fukuzawa in order to taint the arrangement. 
Assuming he’s decided to prematurely terminate your relationship, Mori isn’t going to bring his actions to your attention, but should you take notice of his scheme regardless and be affronted by his decision to play puppeteer in your affairs, he will remain undeterred. If he finds it fit to make sure the relationship between you two goes sour, he will make it happen.
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morphinethevaccine · 4 years
Dazai and Chuuya’s reaction to finding out their sister is dating their former partner
aide-mémoire: Dazai and Chuuya’s reaction to their sister revealing to them she’s dating their former partner. You can find the Astushi and Akutagawa version of this post here, where ‘partner’ is switched for rival.
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Two words: whiny and dramatic. Chuuya Nakahara? With his sister? Of all the men in Yokohama you could have ended up with? Please, someone say it isn't so. Dazai is going to act as though you just relayed to him something utterly horrific, like proof existence is a social construct and therefore suicide isn’t physically possible. 
Considering its Dazai, he already knew, or at least suspected there was something between you and his former partner. Even if he did figure it out beforehand, that’s not going to stop him from acting devastated and pondering aloud how you could wound him so by waiting to tell him of this tragedy (at this point, the appropriate response is to clunk him on the head and tell him to cut the theatrics.)
Expect to hear a barrage of unflattering commentary about Chuuya, proceeded by a list of reasons why he’s the last person in the world you should be dating. 
Some of them might make sense (you wouldn’t want to increase your proximity to the mafia, would you?), but the majority will just be plain petty and mean-spirited ("Couldn't you have at least picked someone tall enough to see over the kitchen counter?" "Osamu, that isn’t an actual reason."). Chuuya’s not good enough for his sister. He probably groans and tell you to dump him, please. He wants you to be happy, yes, but God, he can't stand the thought of his sister dating Chuuya.
Isn’t going to keep you two apart if you insist on dating him, but can get real annoying. Often manages to show up wherever you two are. Doesn't matter how secret you've kept your plans. Dazai will find out and he will be there, nonchalant no matter how much you eye him with suspicion. 
"...Don't you have to be at work?" "Oh, Kunikida gave me the day off." (This is a lie, for he did not—just stop by the ADA after your date with Chuuya to confirm it with a very livid Kunikida.)
Tends to pop up in your place of residence uninvited, when you just so happen to inviting Chuuya over. Or calls you at inopportune moments for the silliest of reasons. Do not be surprised if while Chuuya is leaning in for a kiss your phone rings for the fifth time that night, just so Dazai can ask if you know where the sock he left on his nightstand is.
You know the trope of two people having dinner together and an unwanted third person comes and pulls up a chair? That’s Dazai. Only he’s going to act as though Chuuya isn’t even there and only talk to you, which, surprisingly, seems to make Chuuya angrier than if he had actually acknowledged him. 
Or, halfway through Chuuya’s threats for him to screw off, gasp in fake surprise as though he just now noticed him, insisting he hadn’t seen Chuuya there, with him being so small and all. Dazai does not let Chuuya forget the fact he’s dating his sister: it provides Dazai with more reasons to tease him. 
“My sister happens to be an absolute beauty. At least you don’t have bad taste in everything, Chuuya~” “Why you—!”
Despite his antics, Dazai knows his ex-partner well and doesn’t doubt Chuuya has pure intentions. Seeing how you blossom, and how satisfied you are with the relationship, he’ll eventually lighten up on being a bother on your end of it. Chuuya, however, will remain fair game.
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No. Just no. Please tell him you've got a questionable sense of humor and it was just a poor taste joke, because Chuuya is absolutely vexed. While his anger is undoubtedly directed at Dazai, who he recognizes as having a strong manipulative streak, he's also going to be a little annoyed with you because what the actual fuck are you thinking? Did you hit your head on something? Surely you can’t possibly like Dazai... can you?
Chuuya doesn’t rule out the likelihood Dazai sought you out as a way to get under his skin. He doesn't have the fullest trust in Dazai to not screw with your feelings or put you in uncomfortable situations.
In short: Chuuya’s not happy, and twice as bothered if you actually seem genuinely into Dazai. He's not as worried about you being in physical danger as he is about you getting your heart broken. Dazai's got a history, and Chuuya of all people knows this. Nor does he trust Dazai’s ends justify the means tendencies. 
He’ll be a little exasperated, telling you, “If you were that desperate I could have gotten someone to take you out every once in a while. Anyone is a better option than that guy.”  
While he definitely wants to limit your involvement with the Mafia—if he had to choose, he’d much rather rope a subordinate of his into taking you out when you desire, seeing as they would be someone he could better keep tabs on and bully.
Chuuya doesn’t mind you being mad at him if it's for your own good, but he’s quick to realize barring you from seeing Dazai won’t stop you from doing it. You’re mature enough to make your own decisions, and if you’re firm on seeing him, the most he can do is seethe (and... threaten Dazai’s life.) 
And besides, what is he supposed to do? Lock you in your room? If you're passionate about your decision, there’s not much more he can do about it but, at the very least, use his influence in the Mafia to make sure you’re at least physically safe at all times.
Due to the fact Dazai isn’t above rubbing the fact he’s dating you in Chuuya’s face, for your brother’s sake, avoid situations where they might encounter each other. It’ll be unavoidable at times, with Dazai inviting you to places he knows Chuuya will be—and Dazai not being forthcoming to you with his reasoning for choosing those places—because he enjoys the ticked off, bothered expression Chuuya has when he sees the both of you out together, holding hands or being affectionate. 
Knowing Chuuya is less inclined to respond to confrontation with you around—clearly figuring the sight of him attempting to beat the crap out of your significant other would upset you—Dazai will be more smug than usual. 
For you, Chuuya will bear encounters with gritted teeth and obvious irritation, making sure to pull Dazai to the side before the both of you depart, muttering, "Just you wait. If you mess this up, I will get you." 
If you still insist on seeing Dazai in spite of his warnings, best believe he regularly tells you he’s willing to kick Dazai’s ass any day of the week if you request, and keeps an eye out for how things develop. If Dazai makes it clear he's serious about you, with time, Chuuya will gradually relent on his opposition, though not without a cursory threat of "Break her heart and I break every bone in your body, asshole." And he's more than willing to make good on that.
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