#SoM Alignment Chart
larrikin-is-a-himbo · 2 years
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phoebosacerales · 2 years
I've been reading a little about vedic astrology (that uses the sidereal system) in the past years, and initially, yeah, it's kind of disorienting when signs are really different (I'm a pisces sun in sidereal too lol) but honestly the answer it's in the nakshatras, their myths, the padas and nakshatra ruler. That's the key to understand the difference and I can observe many similarities between my T and S chart when they are added into equation. I still prefer traditional/hellenistic astro bc I'm more familiar with it and I consider it more clear and straightforward, since vedic has a heavy religious and spiritual bend and talks a lot about karma and past lives, and I also disagree in the sign = house method that is used in vedic too. But anyway, It's still very interesting to learn and I feel like at the end, both methods, vedic and hellenistic, will lead to the same delineations/predictions if the person has good grasp on them.
I see, but I think we're always making the mistake of making vedic astrology sound like it's one cohesive thing.
Vedic is not one thing and also not necessarily sidereal. Vedic astrology is hugely vast, let's remind that astrology is a huge thing in India and there's even a lot more diversity than the branches of "western" astrology. There's an epistemological difference in the kinds of astrology that use the sidereal zodiac and the ones that use the tropical zodiac, and that diversion is also found within the many vedic traditions. If you use one, you're taking into account the significance and importance of the constellations, whilst using the other you're caring about the symbolism inherent in the times of year and areas of the sky in relation to our observation.* The most popular vedic traditions we see today use the sidereal zodiac, and I don't intend to explain why, firstly because I don't believe history has a cohesive and linear narrative with a logic of cause and effect, especially in cases like the history of a form of knowledge, and second, because I don't know much about vedic traditions or Indian culture. However, I can't help but wonder if it's just a coincidence that the sidereal zodiac has become popular in India after western intrusion and then english colonization, and that the western scientific community has always tried to use the precession of the equinoxes as an argument to invalidate astrology. Still, even if that has nothing to do how things went, in anyway I think it's important to wonder about the effects of colonization in vedic astrology, and today as the sidereal zodiac gets even more popular, I see as a common thing people refering to it as the "better" and more accurate model because, in the western, modern and cartesian mind, it is more rational, even more "scientific" (as if that can be said about astrology). But the difference in these methods isn't about different religious philosophies.
I also feel like the nakshatras and their deities are the best part about vedic astrology. Not really the rulers, because I think they're assigned to each nakshatra in a weird way for me.
*For those who don't know about the precession of the equinoxes: when we say the Sun is in Aries, in our kind of astrology, that doesn't mean that the Sun is aligned with the constellation of Aries, because we're actually refering to the Sun starting to make a shift and changing the duration of the days and nights, which happens in the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere as the days getting longer (and in the autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere as the days getting shorter). The precession means that now the spring in the northern hemisphere starts when the Sun is aligned with constellation of Pisces, instead of Aries. That's why we're in the so-called "age of pisces", going intto the "age of aquarius". When we use the sidereal zodiac we're seeing mostly the constellations sort of aligned with the planets and placements, even though each constellation is very different in size and sometimes things get confusing.
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sinning-bishrekual · 5 years
as a true neutral im sick of alignment charts calling true neutrals boring or claiming we don’t have opinions/strong feelings, so here’s a post with som facts about true neutrals:
not morally opposed to petty crime like sneaking into a movie/shoplifting but the fear of getting caught usually stops us
support cheating on tests/homework
laws in theory are good, but not every law is good (the justice system is often corrupt and needs to be changed, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need a justice system)
friends and family always come first even if it’s not logical/ethical. i.e. will steal bread to feed family 100% of the time
or the trolley problem: would move the track to kill 1 person & save 5, UNLESS the 1 person is a loved one
moral compass and actions often don’t match. we know what the right thing to do is, but we always look out for ourselves & family first
we LOVE discussing ethical dilemmas because of this
we let things slide more often than other alignments; we don’t always step up when we should if someone does/says something mildly offensive, but we DO notice it. we’re very perceptive to nuance & gray areas, and we pick our battles
regardless of whether we like spooky stuff, we’re skeptics with the hearts of believers. we believe in ghosts/aliens/conspiracies performatively; some of us don’t wanna fuck with it and risk getting haunted/murdered, while some of us like a good spook and want to believe in it, but deep down we tend to be fairly skeptical
would let a vampire bite us & become immortal if given the chance (even if the vampire is evil)
impulsive while still giving things thought ahead of time. i’ve probably been debating whether or not to bust into a graveyard at 3am for a few weeks, but the exact day & time (and whether or not i’ll actually do it) is chosen at a moments notice
we’re not boring! we’re basically lawful/chaotic/good/neutral as it suits us, which is interesting as hell!!! thx for coming to my tedtalk
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iventurely-blog · 4 years
Market Sizing. All you need to know.
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Some might argue that market size has to be the first thing that you should get your arms around. The rationale behind this statement is that it’s fairly easy to dig up this information as it is almost always available for public access and all you need is google it or use databases. If the market seems too small, do not linger to drop an idea outright especially if you are after VC’s money as market will definitely be one of the most critical points they might be drilling you on.
There are multiple viewpoints on how to think about the market. YC (Y Combinator) in its lectures determined that for the idea to be venture fundable the market should grow at least 10-20% annually and have at least 1 mil potential users. It might not be the case though if you are sweating on B2B (business to business) idea. Alex Jarvis (expert in a startup world) in turn articulated in his blog:
 “For grand plans, the market needs to be a billion minimum.” 
Indeed, they are pretty much aligned in their thoughts. They just put it in a different way.Assume you are going to operate on $10 mil market and capture even 50% of it, you’ll still get very low and probably not enticing number for VCs to bother. In Alex’s words:
“Your market size sets a ceiling for your business idea.”
However, none of this is helpful unless you understand the perspective of the venture funds. Hands down the best explanation I've seen so far was in Alex's blog. I’ll summarize it briefly here for the story to roll out smoothly but if you are interested in the subject, I strongly encourage you to hit the link and read the whole thing.
VC usually get excited when it sees that the value which it can return is somewhat commensurate to the total size of the fund (i.e. 1Bn fund will be looking for the companies that might potentially grow up to 1Bn in value). Considering they usually secure 20% equity for their investment and return 10x invested capital, you should expect that they would want your startup to grow 50 (10x / 0.2) times the capital raised.
I’ll throw in a simple example to help you get your arms around the seemingly intricate logic. Let’s say the fund’s size is $100 mil (average) and fund's investment totalled $10 mil after several rounds. VC will be looking to return $100 mil and expect your company to grow up to at least $500 mil in value (10 mil x 50). If you are in SaaS business, it will be an equivalent of around $50 mil in ARR (annual recurring revenue) as value of such company will approximate 10 revenues. Make up some numbers and take a crack at it yourself.
You might argue that the market that you are seems small as of now, but what if it has a positive TREND? Does it matter how the market might look like in 5 years or so? Or how is it changing? More so, one might say, what if the market is big (more than $1Bn), but it does not demonstrate any growth in the day and age; that could be for unsurmountable barriers or lack of interest to enter (low margins per se). Does it still look good for a potential investor?
Ripple Ventures suggests that founders think of the trends as the only ally to help investors to get over the seemingly small market. And trend might mean either the market will sky-rocket in the upcoming 5 years or your startup will capture most of it. For instance, take ride-hailing services. Before this innovative solution paved its way to the market, demand for taxis was much lower due to both higher prices and the tedious process of arranging one. After Uber, Lyft and other companies started the ball rolling and disrupted the market, brought demand to a different level. You might be curious how did those companies helped investors to envision these coming? This appears to be a big challenge. At an early stage, investors are predominantly gravitating towards the projects that are demonstrating, how YC would call it, “founder’s magic” meaning that theirs is something special around the people on a team.
However, when it comes to trends another thing blows up at our faces and this thing is TIMING. One might ask, how timing is different from the trend? The answer is that timing should be deemed as a specific spot on the trend line. You want to get to the market at the right time when it will yield you the best slope so that not everyone yet realized that the curve is getting steeper and at the same time you won’t have to educate your customers in case you’ll start raiding the wave too early.When pitching the market make sure that besides the magnitude, trends and timing you demonstrate and understanding of:
o  Your customers / users and who are they;o  The status quo and how much it costs for the current users;o  How much the problem costs to your potential customers and if it’s a vitamin or painkiller problem type;o  Your customer’s budget and indicate if it’s going to change;o  The buying process.
This all factors are illustrative of how good are the conditions of the market to enter right now and what edge you might potentially have on it.
Compelling pitch deck starts with a market. Bad one with the wrong market. The most frequent mistake founders make is estimating any other market but the one they will actually be part of. It is crucial to have a thorough understanding of YOUR market. Many startups have a delusional idea about what market they will be playing at and thus demonstrate to investors their incompetence, enticing them to say “No” without hesitation. One silly example of estimating a wrong market. Assume you’re planning on opening a grocery store and in a pitch deck you indicated whole grocery retail market. Although it might look compelling at a first glance, 70% of it is being occupied by national retail chains and to claim another 30% you’ll most likely have to build another chain. Building a retail chain is however a different exercise and has nothing to do with opening a small grocery store in your neighbourhood and will demand other competence and skills. Another example. Imagine you decided to open a small farm to grow produce in your barn and one small nearby store decided to buy a small amount to test if their customers would like it. They located it beside other produce on the shelf and put a sticker “Super Eco Produce” You were so excited with first sales so that you rushed to your laptop and updated the market slide with the chart of wholesale produce market in Canada. Hold on for moment… Did you start to squeeze out current players on this market? Are you actually competing with all other suppliers of produce? I don’t think so.Remember! The size of the market that you target is in fact the size of the largest competitor who you want to force out of it. In this case be open minded, don’t deem of your competitors as only direct who produce adjacent product or render similar services. Every new product (iPhone) will gratify all the same demand (smartphones) squeezing out feature phones from the market. You may also think of your competitor as a “status quo” in case you are the pioneer. Think how people are currently solving the problem and you might run into your market eventually. Always remember, if you do not force anyone out, you most likely don’t have a target market. Non-existent target market has no size to it. In fact, you can talk about the target market only after your first sales. However, NOT any sales! But the ones that would trespass the territory of some other player that is already operating on this market. All the rest are your fantasies and imagination!Another thing to figure out is if you’ll be part of already established market or you are planning on creating a new one. The former is fairly easy to define, and you only have to research online for some yet available reports. The latter in turn is not that obvious and you better try to figure out the best alternative for your solution – what is the status quo (current way of doing things) and how much people are paying for it?
When it comes to estimating the market, I oftentimes run into the following buzz words: TAM (total addressable market), SAM (serviceable addressable market), SOM (serviceable obtainable market).
o  TAM - total market demand for a product or service
o  SAM - the segment of the TAM targeted by your products and services which is within your geographical reach
o  SOM - the portion of SAM that you can capture
At a first glance it’s a fairly simple but at the same time convoluted approach, as no one knows for sure how to define TAM and SAM. And believe me, the last thing investors want is for you to bog down in confusing explanations and make them strain their brains. Especially if you could have avoided this. Try to not annoy crap out of them with such minor things.I’d recommend that you provide straight forward names for whatever you estimated instead and not get into the weeds of the concept. Leave all these notions to academic world. However, to help you familiarize yourself with a concept and wrap your head around the idea I’ll bring a fairly dumb and simple example. Imagine you’re launching new smartphone in Canada with a plan to expand to US. You can easily google global market. That will be your TAM. Then, you’d want to look up for North American market to account for geography and hence estimate SAM. The last step will be to estimate the chunk of the pie that you can potentially eat away from your competitors. The tricky part I alluded to before is what should be defined as SAM here. Is it a Canadian market or North American? From where I stand you can throw in whatever one you deem is more relevant and compelling. The bottom line here is as following. Do not let your audience strain their brains to much over this irrelevant jargon.For what it’s worth, investors tend to take these calculations with a grain of salt as most of the founders are unable to explain how exactly they arrived to the market share number (SOM) that they threw on the slide. As you may imagine from founder’s perspective it should be taken for granted and thus is very rarely well-thought through. However, with clear go-to-market strategy and well-articulated thesis as to why founder thinks he or she can capture a particular portion of the market, investor’s concerns might dissipate. I’ve never ever encounter one in my life though. If you have, would be grateful for sharing one with me.Unfortunately, there is no way to escape throwing in a bunch of assumptions when going throw the calculations and everyone is well aware of this in startup world. However, you’ll be held accountable for most of them, so be prepared with your rationale.In fact, there are only two approaches (that I’m aware of) to get a grasp of your market:o  Top-downo  Bottoms-upLet’s go over each of them in more details.
Top down
Your initial steps here will be to:1)  Figure out you TAM by looking up the number in yet available researches2)  Dissect it to what’s relevant for your projectI’ll steal an example from Ripple X Fellowship materials, since I believe it is both simple and illustrative and hence why would I bust my ass…Let’s say you’re building a tomato delivery business in the United States.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes an annual Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) which tells us that the average household spends $751 on fruits and vegetables every year, for a total of $94.4B spend every year in the US.
About 30% of the population (according to the CES) lives in large cities so we’ll assume only 30% of those sales can be served. That reduces our estimate to $28.3B.
Also, not all of the fruits and vegetables that are purchased are tomatoes! According to the USDA, only 5% are tomatoes (which are legally classified as a vegetable in the US). That reduces our estimate to $1.4B.
Of course, not everyone will order their tomatoes on demand! Supermarkets will always have some market share, so we will assume that 20% of households would order their tomatoes on demand if offered. This brings us to $140M.
Finally, our business model assumes consumers will buy more tomatoes when they are delivered straight to your door! Our expectation is to grow tomato consumption by 10%. This increases our estimate to $154M.
This approach is different as you have to pid down potential number of users and only after to work your way up.
Start with the number of end-users that will want your product.
Figure out how often they will want your product (monthly SaaS fee, or they will buy something from you two times a week).
Take your pricing structure and find the product of all the variables above.
I’ll steal yet another example from Ripple X Fellowship program materials, which are by the way publicly accessible, to illustrate how this approach would look like in already familiar aforementioned context.
How many consumers can we reach? Based on the effectiveness of commercials, billboards and other channels our head of marketing thinks we can reach about 35,000 households in our hometown of Oakland, CA.
Let’s say the price of tomatoes which are around $1 for a large tomato in the area. Local customer survey tells us that consumers buy 3 tomatoes when they go to the market once a week. That means the average consumer would buy $150 of tomatoes per year. That brings our estimate to $5.3M.
Finally, we will assume that we can expand into the top 30 cities based on our operating plan and available capital. That gives us an audience of 1.1M households or a total of $156M.
Remember one thing, you can either eat at already established market or solve for some inefficiencies of and challenge the status quo solution. To estimate the former, you can feel free to use both top-down and bottoms-up approach. However, to illustrate the latter, you can use only bottoms-up as there is no established market as we got used to think of it. Your market will rather represent the amount of costs that all your potential customers/users are incurring as of now sticking to the status quo solution.
Sure thing, you need to know your market but do not linger! Look up yet available researchers and databases (Statista, IBIS, etc.). It should be fairly simple, though sometimes tedious. I bet somebody have already done all heavy lifting for you. You just have to figure out where to find it. After you found it, start with bottoms-up analysis. Think of it along the following lines. There’s probably 100K people that might buy this. At $10 a month that’s $1.2 mil in ARR at 10% market share. That will leave you with max exit value of $12 mil (10x revenue). To figure if it’s a good or bad number, scroll up to look at it from investor’s perspective. Most certainly if you hope to trigger investors interest towards your idea, you’d probably want to demonstrate that there is a certain trend working its way up that will make the market grow 20-fold in five years or so and how you’re tapping into it. Don’t forget to locate a spot on a trend’s curve (where the industry is right now) to illustrate that the timing is the best to start working on this idea at this very moment. Remember!!! You want to show that you’re in a perfect storm (Ripple Venture’s term). When using top-down approach try to be as specific as possible with the numbers you pick. At the same time don’t think just 1% of the market. As big VCs would say, um, why not 30%? It’s ok to think expansively when evaluating your idea, you just need to have a thesis as to why you think you can own the market.
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epicgeek · 4 years
Presente já há algum tempo no mercado brasileiro, o Acer Nitro 5 é inegavelmente uma das principais opções de notebook gamer quando falamos do custo-benefício, tendo variantes que incluem processadores Intel Core de até 9ª geração.
No entanto, gerações anteriores chamam mais atenção ainda devido à oportunidade de redução de preço vistas com a chegada das variantes mais modernas e pensando nisso, trouxemos aqui uma breve análise a respeito da variante AN515-51-78D6.
Vem comigo que no caminho, te explico tudo.
Trazendo a já tradicional identidade visual vista em notebooks assinados pela Acer para o mercado gamer, o Nitro 5 aposta no que sempre deu certo: um corpo com visual que denota robustez que combina plástico e acabamento nas cores preto-e-vermelho.
Fechado, temos que ele oferece em sua traseira uma generosa porta para saída de calor e que ocupa a parte esquerda do dispositivo. Já na direita, temos apenas uma simulação, sendo portanto ali fechado com uma peça plástica integrada ao resto da carcaça.
Já nas laterais, temos na esquerda a oferta de uma entrada para trava de segurança Kensington, uma porta RJ-45 para conexões de internet por cabo, uma USB-C, uma porta HDMI, uma USB-A 3.0 e uma entrada para cartão microSD. Enquanto isso, no lado oposto, temos a entrada para o carregador, leds de energia, duas USB-A 2.0 e uma entrada P2 combo.
#gallery-0-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-3 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-3 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Já na parte inferior do dispositivo, temos além dos óbvios pés de borracha, o acesso à duas tampas removíveis que permitem a substituição do HD de 2.5″ e a memória. Caso você pretenda no entanto incluir no dispositivo um SSD M2, será necessário abrir toda a carcaça (o que significa remover mais de 20 parafusos) para acessar a área específica.
Hardware e desempenho
Falando especificamente do conjunto que encontramos nessa variante em específico, temos que ele embarca um processador Intel Core i7 de 7ª geração combinado com uma GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050Ti de 4GB e 16GB de memória RAM.
Em armazenamento, essa unidade traz “apenas” um HDD de 1TB, algo que podemos considerar como um ponto negativo levando em consideração que normalmente esses HDs são especialistas em criar gargalo de desempenho, exigindo a instalação de um SDD.
Felizmente ao menos, o dispositivo oferece a possibilidade de incluir um SSD M2 para corrigir esse pequeno contratempo. Se você é daqueles que está acostumado a fazer upgrades em máquinas, certamente o fato de não trazer de cara um SSD te permitirá economizar algumas moedas para pegar um mais robusto para embarcar nele.
Especificações técnicas
Processador: Intel Core i7-7700HQ
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050Ti
Armazenamento: HDD de 1TB
Tela LCD Full HD de 15.6″ com proporção 16:9 e taxa de atualização de 60Hz
Teclado com retroiluminação na cor vermelha
Dimensões e peso: 2,6x39x26,6cm e aproximadamente 2,7 kg
O que isso significa na prática?
Saindo dos números e falando do que realmente importa, temos uma máquina que acusa o golpe graças à utilização do HDD como armazenamento principal, fazendo com que o hardware não tenha o desempenho coerente esperado pelo conjunto oferecido.
Isso no entanto não impediu porém a jogatina, sendo possível rodar os nossos títulos de lazer que são o Asphalt Legends 9, o Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, Overwatch e Gears 5, sem problemas perceptíveis ao executar cada um deles.
Adicionalmente, também rodamos nosso tradicional teste de renderização para aqueles que desejam saber se ele serve como notebook para produção de vídeos e nesse sentido, renderizamos um vídeo em Full HD 50fps de 2:42 com poucas edições, concluindo a tarefa nos seguintes tempos:
H.264: 2:02
Blu-ray H.264: 3:01
H265: 3:11
Para os amantes de benchmarks, rodamos no NAVE Gamer Lunar os programas 3DMark, PCMark10, Geekbench e Novabench, tendo pontuado da seguinte forma:
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Um dos grandes problemas em boa parte dos notebooks gamer é, sem sombra de dúvidas o desempenho energético oferecido e nesse sentido, infelizmente o Acer Nitro 5 não se mostra muito diferente de seus concorrentes.
Em testes realizados com o Imtec Battery Mark 1.1, sem utilizar nenhuma forma de economia, ou seja, com brilho no máximo e com modo econômico desligado, conseguimos uma autonomia total de 1:15 antes de depender novamente de uma tomada.
Obviamente, esse teste é um dos que mais estressam o dispositivo, fornecendo aí algo próximo das 4h de autonomia em uso mais tradicional, o que inclui navegação, reprodução de vídeos no YouTube e tarefas básicas.
Webcam e microfone
Calcanhar de Aquiles em praticamente todos os notebooks existentes hoje no mercado, o kit webcam e microfone do Acer Nitro 5 não surpreende mas também não decepciona, oferecendo resultados que podem ser considerados aceitáveis, atendendo em caso de chamadas de emergência.
Obviamente, se o foco é utilizar o equipamento para fazer streaming e a busca é por mais qualidade de áudio e vídeo, o indicado (assim como na grande maioria de seus concorrentes) é investir numa webcam externa e um headset.
Áudio e multimídia
Entrando no campo de reprodução de áudio e multimídia, o Acer Nitro 5 chama a atenção por oferecer caixas de som com boa potência, permitindo assim consumir conteúdo de áudio sem a necessidade de um headset.
Isso é potencializado, em parte, pela oferta de um conjunto que oferece suporte Dolby Audio Premium, combinado com a tecnologia TrueHarmony, que também está embarcado por aqui.
Aliado a isso, temos um painel IPS de 15,6″ com resolução Full HD que não deixa na mão em reproduções de vídeos, filmes e jogos.
Teclado e touchpad
Um aspecto que chama a atenção no Acer Nitro 5 é a oferta de um teclado completo, incluindo um teclado numérico sem economia de espaços, graças a opção da marca de não reduzir as bordas do monitor.
Com bom tamanho, confortável e retroiluminado (apenas na cor vermelha) o teclado é competente e permite digitar com conforto e comodidade sem grandes sustos.
Um ponto que vale registro aqui é que o botão de liga/desliga do dispositivo fica colado ao teclado numérico, posicionado no canto superior direito do equipamento, o que pode significar esbarrões acidentais no começo caso você esteja procurando pelas teclas End ou “-“, que são vizinhas dele.
Algo que pode causar certa estranheza para alguns (e cá entre nós, é normal) é o posicionamento do touchpad, que fica mais alinhado à esquerda, acompanhando a área principal do mesmo, ignorando o teclado numérico para conta.
Por sinal, o touchpad tem bom tamanho, textura mais lisa, e suporte aos gestos do Windows.
Vale a pena?
Podendo ser considerado um dos principais notebooks gamer quando falamos de custo-benefício, o Acer Nitro 5 se coloca como uma opção viável e interessante para aquisição, quando observados os pontos baixos dele.
Nesse sentido, damos ênfase à inegável dependência de se investir em um SSD (no caso da máquina que testamos), a dificuldade de instalar um SSD M2 (obrigando a remover toda a parte de baixo da máquina para ter acesso), da dependência excessiva de tomadas e do peso exageradamente alto, o que torna mais incomodo colocar ele em uma mochila.
Já entre os pontos altos aqui, podemos citar a possibilidade de upgrades facilitados para HD de 2.5″ e de memória RAM, a boa reprodução de áudio e vídeo e o teclado com calculadora completa, o que ajuda especialmente quem trabalha com tabelas e dados numéricos.
Acer Nitro 5: vale a pena ter um notebook gamer raiz? Análise | Review
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phynxrizng · 6 years
Astrology Cafe
Daily Astrology for 10-4-18
You are here: Home / Daily Astrology / Astrology of Today – Thursday, October 4, 2018
Astrology of Today – Thursday, October 4, 2018
Oct 2, 2018 by Annie Leave a Comment
 October 4, 2018 – click to enlarge
Today’s Moon:
The Moon is in Leo.
The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
We are in between the Last Quarter Moon (which happened on the 2nd) and the New Moon (which will occur on October 8th).
Mars is in its post-retrograde shadow until October 8th (Mars was retrograde from June 26th to August 27th).
Venus is in its pre-retrograde shadow and will turn retrograde tomorrow (Venus will be retrograde from October 5th to November 16th).
Current retrogrades: Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
 Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Group activities and cooperative efforts can be in focus and especially useful or dynamic now, dear Aries, as your ruler, Mars, currently transiting your social sector, aligns with lovely Venus via a parallel aspect. You can be very relationship-focused, and others are paying you special attention. You’re not content merely to hang out with people at the moment — you’re more inclined to want to be active and get things done with someone in your corner. Energies today enliven your romantic or social connections and can also boost your magnetism. It can be stimulating and rather straightforward to come to a nice you-me balance in your relationships. Desires can feel pressing, but channels for expressing them seem to open up. You are giving off good vibes and relations can be spontaneous, freeing, and positive with friends or a partner. Interchanges are lively.
The Moon in your home and family sector all day points to some need for familiarity and comfort, dear Taurus, but the day holds some exciting energy that can prompt you to move into new territory nevertheless. There can be a pleasing focus on putting your affairs into order or for beautifying and organizing your work environment. It’s a good day to connect with others in general, but mainly to make nice with a partner, customers, co-workers, or boss. There can be a method breakthrough that excites you now. You are especially noticed for your dynamism and strength with Venus, your ruler, aligned with Mars in declination. Even though you are emotionally geared to take it easy, the connections you do make can be satisfying now. A fresh attitude can make life easier.
Creative efforts can be rewarding, and personal magnetism is strong, dear Gemini, particularly when you are moving away from your routines and embracing new ideas and possibilities. Teaching, authoring, and communications, in general, can be especially dynamic and interesting now. Good energy is with you for work matters as well as playful activities, creative charm, and romantic connections. You seem to get along with everyone right now, from all walks of life, and romantically speaking, you’re in great form. The ability to successfully combine grace and assertion helps you out today. There can be good feelings of support and freedom experienced on creative levels, and your experiences are broad and satisfying. Interesting people and ideas seem to be all around you. The Moon spends the day in your communications zone, stimulating your curiosity and desire for movement and mental stimulation.
Pleasing levels of excitement and activity associated with your personal or domestic life figure strongly today, dear Cancer, as Venus aligns with Mars in declination. This is a time for intimate excitement as well, and perhaps some positive movement in your financial affairs. Coming to the right balance between work and play or intimacy and fun seems almost easy! There can be a freeing feeling associated with the release of private or personal problems and more freedoms with family. The Moon spends the day in your solar second house, and this prompts a stronger interest in the structures in your life, and how to stabilize them is your top concern! Ideas you entertain today are both creative and practical, fortunately.
This can be an exciting day for home life, learning of all kinds, communicating with increased charm and punch, and making stimulating connections, dear Leo. There can be especially lively interactions today. You may be working on your projects with great vigor and passion. Your appeal is strong. Avoid giving in to impulses and desires that come on suddenly, but do treat yourself to some form of reasonable indulgence or extravagance, preferably something that you won’t later regret. You are more able to put plans into motion or to pursue your desires right now. Allowing and exercising more freedom in your relationships is essential now. Consider, too, that as exciting as new projects may seem today, Venus will turn retrograde tomorrow, and you may reconsider things or face some delays in the days to come.
Today is excellent for thinking breakthroughs on work projects and methods, dear Virgo, as well as new ideas about money. This can be a very creative and resourceful time when you make the most of what you have. While you can probably make some interesting purchases now, there can be a little impulsiveness or a larger appetite for things, in general, today as Venus and Mars form a parallel aspect. People are drawn to you today, primarily through your communications or ideas — you have that extra oomph! There can be the discovery of new ways to handle things and thrive on the level of health and wellness or in your work. However, you are also quite inclined to withdraw or to require extra rest and time to yourself today with the Moon in the sign just behind yours.
Personal magnetism is strong today, dear Libra, and your interactions can be animated. You crave harmony, and you’re entirely willing to take real steps to get to a position of mutual benefit, making negotiations potentially very successful now. Your creative needs are stronger than usual as your ruler, Venus, aligns with Mars in declination, and Mars is currently transiting your creative sector. Friendly competition may be part of this – you want to do something special! You might find support in unexpected places, too. In fact, the day is strong for connecting and bonding with others. Try to put others’ expectations behind you so that you can enjoy the pleasing, freeing energy available to you. Helping others can be one such way, as you can feel especially good about responding to others’ needs and wants and doing what you can to support them.
You might arrive at exceptionally creative, dynamic ideas about handling your home or personal life today, dear Scorpio. The day’s energies tend to favor emotions and pleasures over practical activities. As such, it might be wise to allow more time for yourself to get things done. There is good energy for personal and family matters — perhaps a new freedom is afforded you now that feels good. Your personal appeal is wild today – Venus is in your sign and aligns with Mars, your co-ruler, in declination. You can be admired for your dynamism and straightforward approach. The Moon spends the day in your career and goals sector, however, stimulating your ambitions, and while you may not take substantial steps towards your goals, you’re doing some useful thinking about it!
This can be a fun and animated day in your social or romantic life, dear Sagittarius. Plans excite you or news you’ve been waiting for arrives. Communications can range from pleasant to inspiring. There is charm in your presentation, and personal magnetism, particularly amongst friends and over your networks. You may be taking the lead and succeeding at it. There can be new interests or the reawakening of interests experienced now. There can be a lot going on behind the scenes, in your mind, and under the surface of things. For some, there can be a private meeting or affair, a fun secret, and excitement in your personal life. Watch, however, for desires that seem to come on too quickly, as they may only be masks for what you truly want. Emotionally speaking, you are in no mood to deal with mundane affairs — you need some excitement and freedom of movement.
There can be special interest in, and focus on, money, possessions, valuables, and comfort today, dear Capricorn. You might want to look into ways to increase your income through networking, expanding your audience, or connecting with people far and wide. Venus and Mars form a parallel aspect, sparking your ambitions and creativity. This can create opportunities on practical levels, with money, money-making ideas, business, career projects, and reputation matters. You might find a great buy, but do keep in mind that Venus will turn retrograde tomorrow and some decisions made now may be reconsidered later. You are magnetic, particularly in your work, in a public capacity, and with friends and associates, and some of you may even meet someone special or a romantic interest through your business activities now.
You have a stronger desire for pleasure and excitement today, dear Aquarius, and you can be feeling particularly motivated and creative with your work or goals. You are projecting both strength and warmth, and people are taking note! It’s a beautiful day for magnetic attraction as Mars in your sign is parallel Venus at the top of your solar chart. Starting something with high profile appeal is attractive now, although Venus is about to turn retrograde, and you may want to wait before pushing something forward. Even so, you may be taking the lead or managing in especially charming, successful ways today. The Moon spends the day in your partnership zone, bringing out your need to be with others, but most of all, with a significant someone. One-on-one seems the most appealing and beneficial.
Especially creative energy is with you today, dear Pisces, and you may want to allow for some free time and space to benefit from it if this can be arranged! Passions from deep within are stimulated today, and perhaps a strong desire can emerge, possibly even from a dream with Mars in your privacy sector parallel Venus. You are looking for harmony in your relationships, and willing to go to great lengths to achieve it, but you’re not shying away from conflict if it will get you there. You could be looking into the past for benefits, or reviewing the past for ways to improve the future. The day is strong for going after what you desire with increased charm and warmth. You are a little freer with the expression of your feelings, and your sense of humor is appealing.
 * Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
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festpop · 7 years
The first weekend of the seventh annual Electric Forest Festival was more than I could have ever hoped for. Throughout the weekend we were faced with some rain, but nothing could have put a damper on the spirits of festival goers, who spent the weekend exploring nature, bonding with each other and celebrating incredible music.
Weekend one lasted four days and attracted a massive crowd of over 40,000 attendees from all over the world. Sets by The String Cheese Incident, Bassnectar, ODESZA, Dillon Francis, Above & Beyond, Big Gigantic, Eoto, Oliver Heldens, Claude VonStroke, Matoma, AC Slater, Space Jesus, Liquid Stranger, Rezz, My Morning Jacket, Nero (live), A-Trak, and others provided the soundtrack to the festivities.
It’s hard to sum up what makes Electric Forest so unique, but I’ll give you a run-down of what I considered to be the musical highlights of the weekend. Below is an overview of some of the sets that blew me away, what I think makes the Electric Forest so magical and more.
The Music
It’s to be expected that Electric Forest will unveil a killer lineup every year. What made 2017 really special was that this year many of the performers were placed on both weekends, instead of just one. So if you didn’t have time to catch them the first time around, you have another shot! Throughout the weekend I got to enjoy some of the DJs that I already know and love as well as getting to discover some new ones.
Thursday’s lineup was a nice way to ease into the weekend. For the first couple of hours I was happy to just wander around the festival grounds and get a lay of the land. I stopped here and there to catch a few minutes of different people’s sets before stumbling upon Corrupt, who was playing at the Forest Stage. His set was filled with upbeat remixes of chart-topping hits, and before I knew it, I had watched his set for a whole hour. Afterwards, I made my way to Ranch Arena for Above & Beyond. The duo seemed to control the weather as they went through their set. “Sun and Moon” played and the crowd embraced the rain while the duo sang “it’s raining, it’s pouring”. I ended the night at Tripolee with Claude VonStroke’s closing set to the BIRDHOUSE curated event.
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At most camping festivals, I’m used to being woken up early in the morning by the heat created by the sun beating down on my tent. So it was quite a surprise when on Friday I was woken up by loud thunder and drops of water leaking through my tent ceiling. The weather delayed entry for the day, but it was worth the wait because the festival grounds crew did a wonderful job of drying up dangerous muddy areas. This cleanup continued throughout the weekend, as there were still some mud puddles near the stages. I spent a lot of time at the Sherwood Court on Friday, and got to see Jai Wolf and Troyboi. A fellow creative festival patron thought to bring a rainbow parachute toy and people had a lot of fun mingling and dancing under it throughout Troyboi’s set. ODESZA, who was the most liked and scheduled artist on the Electric Forest app, played at Ranch Arena. I’ve seen ODESZA many times, but they still manage to amaze me each time. Recently they dropped their new album “A Moment Apart”, so this set was filled with new material along with the crowd favorites that everyone could sing along to. After ODESZA I rushed over to Tripolee to catch Nero’s live set. Nero holds a special place in my heart because they were the first EDM concert I saw when I was just fifteen years old.
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If I had a to pick a favorite day, it was probably Saturday. The weather was perfect, I was still (somehow) full of energy, and felt ready to continue dancing and exploring. I felt like there was never a dull moment on Saturday -probably due to the excitement in the air for the upcoming Bassnectar set. Most of my day was spent at the Tripolee stage, starting with AC Slater, who played a remarkable set that everyone was shuffling too. Saturday was also my favorite because I saw two groups that I had never considered seeing before. Ganja White Night was followed by Liquid Stranger at Tripolee. I had heard of both groups before but never got a chance to see them play a live set. I’m so grateful to my friends for bringing me to these two sets because they were amazing and I’m definitely planning on seeing them again soon. Both Ganja White Night and Liquid Stranger offered incredible visuals during their sets, keeping me and the rest of the crowd utterly mesmerized. Rezz, who is a favorite of mine because of her unique sound, played afterward at Tripolee and as expected, she killed it. Then it was on to the main event, Bassnectar. Whenever I passed by Ranch Arena that day, I caught sight of bassheads camped out for the perfect spot to see Nectar. Even though ODESZA was the most scheduled act on the Electric Forest app, Bassnectar drew the largest crowd without a doubt. I’m not a Basshead myself, but anytime Lorin plays I’m there. You can tell that there is something special between Lorin and the Forest Family, and I think that’s why his Electric Forest set was one of the best I’ve seen him ever play. The night ended back at Tripolee with Oliver Heldens. His upbeat and elastic sound was the perfect feel-good music to bring my favorite day in the Forest to a close.
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Getting ready for the last day was bittersweet. I was excited because one of my favorite DJs would be playing that day but bummed out that it would also be my last night in the forest. I spent most of the day wandering from stage to stage and exploring the forest one last time. I saw Matoma’s set at Sherwood Court, which was filled with his tropical remixes of throwbacks. The main event, for me, was Dillon Francis. I’ve been a fan of his since he started mixing, and spent the whole weekend hyping him up to my festival crew. Luckily, his set went far above and beyond the hype. Dillon’s set was a party all on its own with plenty of people holding Gerald totems (Dillon’s piñata sidekick). He blended his new tracks with throwbacks from his early work, all to the backdrop of his hilarious visuals, pyrotechnics, and fireworks. Big Gigantic, who is a forest favorite, closed out Sherwood Court Sunday night with a carefree set that no one wanted to end. At the end of the night, my friends and I retreated to the forest one last time and savored our final taste of Electric Forest magic.
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Electric Forest prides itself on being environmentally conscious, and they make a big effort to involve those who attend. The Electricology program is well publicized and I saw many people taking part in it. The program is based on a fun “ecopoint” system, and there are many ways to collect points. You can even trade them in for prizes like eno hammocks, water packs, t-shirts, posters, and more. Protip: once you collect enough eco points, you can enter for a chance to win Electric Forest tickets for life!
PRIIIIZE CART!!! I will probably never get the Prize Cart tune out of my head, but I’m not complaining. Whenever a stage closed for the night, a prize cart was a familiar sight. While their silly song plays, carts pass out trash bags that people can then use to pick up festival litter. The Prize Cart works like a mobile Electricology store, allowing you to earn eco points or Forest swag while protecting the environment.
I love to check out what food vendors a festival attracts. Forest brings a lot of great vendors and there is something for anyone. There is the crowd favorite, Spicy Pie, which I highly recommend. The curry thai noodles and rosemary mac and cheese were also a huge hit, the mac and cheese was so good I went back a second time.
Even when there are no DJs playing on the stages there is still a party somewhere. The RVs host parties throughout the weekend. Early arrivers all congregate at the RVs Wednesday night and DUDEandGUY played an amazing set there at the MASSEDMC RV. Anyone who wants to stay up partying after the festival closes can also be found at the RVs.
There are many activities throughout the forest that are worth exploring. Arts and crafts table can be found in the forest. Near the entrance of the forest, there is a piano that anyone can come up to play is some sort of mystical forest treasure. Somehow the people who created the layout of the forest knew exactly where the light would filter in and placed that piano in the perfect spot. Electric Forest also hires actors to run around the forest and interact with attendees. Fairies, forest hippies, dolls and more roam around and get people dance and explore the forest.
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Something that makes Electric Forest so special is that at the end of the night when there are no more performers people are allowed to roam around the forest for an extra couple of hours. This time spent in the forest was always the most magical to me. Exploring all the different activities and art that are set up in the forest is what makes EForest so special.
Magical Moments
I had two moments in the forest that will forever stick with me. On the second night, I ventured in with three friends and we found a little geometric dome that people were sitting in. We joined them and someone commented on how the glow sticks in the middle must have been placed there people trying to mimic a fire pit. A girl then put her hula-hoop on red glowing setting and I turned on a crackling fire noise from an app on my phone used to make sleeping sounds. We threw it all in the middle and it gave the illusion of a fire pit. Everyone started chatting as if we were old friends and it was a really special moment, something that you can only find in the forest.
The third day my friends and I stumbled upon The Living Mandala, which is an area where people can mingle. When we arrived people were challenging each other to dance off and someone was acting as a fake announcer. It turned into a game that everyone was involved in, with the announcer shouting that we would now play the compliment a stranger game. Someone shouted how much they loved the people who attend this festival and it turned into 50+ people coming in for a big group hug. The group broke out in song, singing only the chorus to Biz Markie’s “Just a Friend”.
Electric Forest was magical in every sense of the word. It’s easy to see why some people call it their home. There is something special about the people that this festival attracts. I usually think it’s cliche when people talk about ‘loving’ random festivals patrons, but I really do have so much love for everyone I met at weekend one. The Forest Family cultivates this amazing vibe that can’t be found anywhere else.  I can’t wait for next year and I hope everyone at weekend two has a happy forest.
See you in the Forest 2018!
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FestPop Staff Writer, Azita Lotfi
A Magical Weekend One at Electric Forest Festival 2017 The first weekend of the seventh annual Electric Forest Festival was more than I could have ever hoped for.
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 2 years
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
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I don't think this is that accurate but anyways.
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
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I added the last one because Holland fit none of the categories above it.
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
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Athos is homophobic, confirmed. Source: Trust me, bro.
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 2 years
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