#Berras Emery
nerdy-girlramblings · 8 months
Spoilers for Fragile Threads of Power
"He hated Aluchard for not hating himself".
Berras and Aluchard's father was obviously abusive. I always find it interesting in depictions of abusive families, there's the child that tries as much as possible to emulate the abuser out of fear and then there is the child that acts in rebellion to the abuser out of hate.
I think Berras hates Aluchard because he has the personal freedom and peace of mind to present himself and act how he wants. I don't think Berras was brave enough to do that and he's jealous of Aluchard because of it.
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ghoulorghost · 8 months
Headcanon about Antari bloodtype
The type of blood a person has, is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens.
Antigens are substances that, if foreign to the body trigger an immune response.
There are over 600 different antigens across more than 36 blood group systems that may be present or absent on our red blood cells.
You have a ‘rare’ blood type if your blood is missing an antigen which is common to most, or if it has an antigen which most don’t have. 
Plasma contains antibodies which fight infections and antigens of the same type.
The 4 main types of blood are determined by the presence or absence of two antigens, A and B, on the surface of the red blood cells. This classification is done by the A,B,O blood group system.
The bloodtype A has the A antigen on the surface of it's red blood cells and the B antibody in it's plasma.
The bloodtype B has the B antigen on the surface of it's red blood cells and the A antibody in it's plasma.
The bloodtype AB has both the A and B antigens on the surface of it's red blood cells and neither A or B antibodies in it's plasma.
The bloodtype O has neither A or B antigens on the surface of it's red blood cells, but both the A and B antibodies in it's plasma.
The second most important classification after the A,B,O blood group system is the Rhesus blood group system, with over 50 antigens.
One of these Rh antigens is the Rh D antigen, the presence of which determines a Rh positive bloodtype and the absence of which determines a Rh negative bloodtype.
The 8 most common bloodtypes are as follows : A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-.
RhNull blood on the other hand has none of the Rh antigens. It is the result of certain mutations.
It is extremely rare, with fewer than 50 individuals known to have RhNull blood in the 50 years after it's discovery, and only 9 active donors.
I associated it with Antari based on this quote:
"He was, after all, Antari. And Antari could speak to blood. To life. To magic itself. The first and final element, the one that lived in all and was of none."
RhNull blood can be donated to anybody, especially useful to people with rare Rh antigens, following only the A,B,O blood group system donation rules and that's why the term Golden Blood is used for it. On the other hand, people with this blood type cannot receive transfusions from anybody but other people with the RhNull bloodtype, following the same donation rules.
Magic is not hereditary, so I like to assume that after developing Antari magic they lose the Rh antigens through mutation.
And since I couldn't help myself, I assigned every character I kept track of, a bloodtype.
Most of the bloodtypes I assigned were based on my own interpretrations, but I did my best to mind the rules by which they are inherited.
Barron-  AA+
Ned Tuttle - AB-
Maxim Maresh - BO+
Emira Maresh - OO-
Rhy Maresh - OO+
Alucard Emery - AO+
Nadiya Maresh - AB+
Ren Maresh - AO+
Emery - AA+
Berras Emery - AA+      
Anisa Emery - AO+
Sol Rosec - AB+
Oren Rosec - BO+
Hanara Rosec - AA-
Serival Ranek - BO+
Mirin Ranek - BO+
Rosana Ranek - OO-
Tesali Ranek - OO-
Kisimyr Vasrin - OO-
Tieren Serense - OO+
Nero - AO+
Ezril Nasaro - OO+
Bex Galevans - OO+
Calin Trell - BO+
Falori - AB+
Calla -  BB+
Ros Vortalis - OO+
Talya - AO+
Alox Vosijk - AA+
Athos Dane - AB+
Astrid Dane - AB-
Nasi - AA-
Lark - AO-
Beloc - AO+
Delilah Bard - AO RhNull (was AO-)
Kell Maresh - OO RhNull (was OO-)
Holland Vosijik - OO RhNull (was OO-)
Ojka - BB RhNull (was BB-)
Kosika - AB RhNull (was AB-)
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
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I added the last one because Holland fit none of the categories above it.
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incorrectadsom · 4 years
Alucard: I treat my body like a temple.
Berras: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.
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incorrectsom · 6 years
Berras: Are you a practicing homosexual?
Alucard: I don't have to practice. I'm very good at it.
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bobbystompy · 3 years
65 Quotes I Enjoyed From 2021
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Below are my favorite quotes from 2021. Though most occurred throughout the year, some took place before but were encountered during.
1) “I try not to say never or always” - Julie Emery
2) “My phone eats last” - Brian Bedford
3) “I may be old, but I’m still a baby” - Brendan Kelly
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6) “There will always be villains. There will always be heroes.” - @RaeMargaret61
7) “Yesterday was horseshit for what happened and today will be horseshit for what will not.” - Drew Magary, on the January 6th capitol insurrection
8) “I love that which doesn’t exist.” - Pharrell Williams, on creating
9) “So Trump has access to the nuclear codes but he can't Tweet or post to Facebook.” - Andrew Ross Sorkin
10) “To not even wear a mask when it would protect your identity while committing crimes is so fucking funny” - @metalgearobama
11) “Sweet can be had anywhere” - The Night Of, on finding enjoyment in prison
12) “There's literally nothing wrong with just showing up, doing the absolute bare minimum of your job, and leaving.” - @butsh_feygele
13) “I answer the phone, but I don’t dial.” - Brian Bedford
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15) “Most of what America is now is just boxes going back and forth.” - Family Guy
16) “I've spent at least 12% of my day deciding whether it's Wednesday or Thursday.” - Jason Benetti
17) “You clean your room and suddenly anything is possible” - @manlikerex
18) “I love the stock market because when it goes up we get nothing, but when it goes down, we all lose our jobs. Except during a pandemic, when it goes up and we still lose our jobs” - @yeoldedad
19) “If you’re the most interesting person in the room, there’s no reason to shut up.” - Brendan Kelly
20) "There are no atheists in foxholes” - Unknown (via Greg Barnett’s journal)
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22) “"Legacy’ is the most misused word in sports. Legacy is what you leave behind, not what you achieve. Serena's legacy isn't 23 Grand Slam titles, it's Naomi Osaka.” - J.A. Adande
23) “It gets late early out there” - Yogi Berra
24) “The last generation of Americans that will be remotely secure in their retirement, who enjoyed prosperity their grandkids won’t, have decided they’d rather spend their last years seething and terrified about cable news bullshit.” - David Roth
25) “Maybe death has a way of darkening a room before it leads you away.” - Aaron Gilbreath
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27) “You can’t muck when you’re getting bucked” - Tate Frazier
28) “Only thoughts reached by walking have value.” - Frederich Nietzsche
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30) “If you’re late to the game, goodbye” - Tracy Cunningham, on being late to the game
31) “When you find gold, you don’t go looking for silver.”
32) “A bad quality is not a quality.” - Eddie Lichstein
33) “I don’t die on oddly chosen hills so much as I live alone on them.” - Drew Magary
34) “I’m a gulper, not a sipper” - Anthony Bourdain, on fancy coffee
35) “Don't forget that most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor” - 1776
36) “Writing a novel is most like writing lyrics, as far as music goes. When I write lyrics, I sit down and start throwing out abstract ideas. Then they slowly form into something coherent after lots of things have been discarded. Writing a book is like that. A series of failures molded into a narrative made out of the dross that floats on top of all the crap. Salinger said something (vaguely) like, ‘You have to be really tortured to write a book, because it is so hard.’ Meaning, you have to have something driving you. It's a long, problem-laden marathon, where a set of lyrics is more of a run around Lake Merritt. However, the actual tussling is more or less the same.
I don’t know if my musical background helped me. I have always made some kind of art and in a way it always seems like the same thing. You just make it because you’re an alien and that’s what you are good at. I am wired for this activity. I say that without any pretensions of being ‘special’ or anything. More like being sort of fucked, as far as the world’s priorities are concerned.” - Jesse Michaels, on writing his first book
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37) "Don't spend a lot of time imagining the worst-case scenario. It rarely goes down as you imagine it will, and if by some fluke it does, you will have lived it twice." - Michael J. Fox
38) “This thing, on this scale, with this level of visibility and prestige, is simply not something that anything but a terminal culture would produce.” - Chris Thompson, on Space Jam: A New Legacy
39) “I’m not a crier, I am moved easily” - Julie Emery
40) “I never have, and never will, say no to brunch” - Dave Rokos
41) “We may have whiffed it pretty hard on the pandemic when it was very clear what to do, but now that there are a bunch of nuances and caveats, I think we’re gonna crush it” - Sarah Lazarus
42) “We came to El Bulli without a spirit, and we left with a soul” - No Reservations
43) “As long as I have lived, any coach who has used the phrase ‘disrespect the game’ have NEVER been worth a shit.” - Drew Magary
44) “The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”
45) "I believe I read somewhere in a Chinese proverb 'Whenever you have the chance to watch the sunset, take it. It might be your last'. I do this because it reminds me how fast time goes. If you don’t believe me, just watch the last 60 seconds of one. I'm tired of wasting time worrying about what people think of me, self doubt, and fear. I’d rather trade all that in for a purpose driven life." - Michael K. Williams
46) “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
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48) “Everything we say at funerals we should say at birthday parties instead.
We leave so much love unspoken.”
49) “Gambling is a disease, but it's the only disease where you can win a bunch of money.” - Norm Macdonald
50) “I’m pretty sure, I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure if you die, the cancer dies at the same time. That’s not a loss. That’s a draw.” - Norm Macdonald
51) “One day, I was high on mushrooms, and I convinced myself I was the Internet” - Vic Mensa
52) “Words are the first step on the road to deeds” - Liz Lemon, 30 Rock
53) “Joy is so rarely untainted by other emotions” - Catherine Whitaker, on Emma Raducanu’s U.S. Open title
54) “There are no rules when you’re flying this high” - RossWB, on undefeated Iowa (before the wheels very much fell off)
55) “To be interesting, you have to be interested.”
56) “Damage is quick, recovery is long.” - Brian Cook
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58) “Don’t accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t accept advice from.”
59) “Every writer either quits drinking or dies from it.” - Drew Magary
60) “Most rappers die in their own city” - Lil Boosie
61) "You invite more love into your world, you're bound to invite more loss at some point." - Drew Magary
62) “Finally dad, finally!” - Nicolle Oldenburg, on Michigan football’s victory over Ohio State after a 10 year drought
63) I’m glad somebody understands marriage.
“I understand it because I know how to ruin it.” - Z.W. Martin
64) “The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality.” - Dante
65) “If you're just operating by habit, then you’re not really living” - Andre, My Dinner With Andre
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korrolrezni · 5 years
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
I am very bad at disliking characters so bare with me.
1. Haverty - Villains series ( Vengeful )
What can I say about this asshole? 
First of all very creepy. The sheer lack of empathy and willingness to cut up another human being while regarding them as nothing more than a subject for his experimentation, for the ‘greater good of humanity’ makes him pretty unlikeable. The scene where he held Eli’s beating heart in his hand while marvelling at his regeneration ability made me want to punch him straight into a grave.
Eli didn’t deserve that. No one deserves that.
2. Berras Emery - Shades of Magic
Berras ‘I’ll beat my brother half to death and openly express my disgust to him for loving the prince and rat him out to my father and get him banished from Arnes’ Emery.
 Fuck this man! Wish he had been the one to die in Anisa’s place.
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dr-dendritic-trees · 6 years
'Look, all I wanted to say was - that I never meant to hurt him.'... Alucard shook his head, eyes escaping to the steady blue line of the sea. His jaw locked, body revolting against the truth. The truth had claws, and they were sunk into his chest. It would be easier to let it go unsaid, but when Kell turned again to go, he forced it up. 'I left,' he said, 'because my brother found out where I was spending my nights - who I was spending them with.' Alucard kept his eyes on the water, but he heard Kell's steps drag to a stop. 'Believe it or not, not all families are willing to put aside propriety to indulge a royal's taste. The Emerys have old notions. Strict ones.' He swallowed. 'My brother, Berras, told my father, who beat me until I couldn't stand. Until he broke my arm, my shoulder, my ribs. Until I blacked out. And then he had Berras put me out to sea. I woke up in a ship's hold, the captain ten rish richer with the order not to return to London until his crew had set me right. I made it off that ship the first time it docked, with three lin in my picket and a fair bit of magic in my veins, and no one to welcome me home, so no, I didn't turn back. And that's my fault. But I didn't know what I meant to him.'
Is Kell the first person Alucard has told this whole story to?
Alucard hasn’t told Rhy yet. He hasn’t told Lila, or, as far as I can tell, the rest of his crew. I don’t get the sense that Tieren knows (although I could be wrong). Anisa almost certainly didn’t know; she was old enough that I can’t see her being sad he was staying away if she knew. 
Alucard and Kell don’t even like each other. I’ve read this passage through a few times and I don’t know why Alucard chooses this time and this person to give this account to.
Is this just a case of him not being able to hear the untrue version where he just ran off even one more time, no matter who from? Or is this more of a need to have some form of external account. Rather like Holland earlier, Kell probably isn’t who Alucard wants to talk about this with, but they’re doing a dangerous thing, and Rhy has already refused to have this conversation until its concluded, and Kell is probably Alucard’s best bet to make sure that the truth gets back to Rhy even if Alucard doesn’t.
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liam-lawson · 7 years
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Alucard had learned how to take up space. He had never felt small, except here, in this house, with Berras, and despite years of practice, he felt himself retreating.
moodboards - alucard emery, shades of magic
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boyfriem-moved · 7 years
The Alucard Emery Drinking Game:
Every time Alucard’s mind drifts to Anisa--her bare feet, her fevered skin, her small arms around his neck--take a drink.
Every time Alucard thinks of Berras--his brother’s cutting tone, the hateful smile, the hands around his neck--take a drink. 
Every time Alucard’s nightmares rise like bile, or his own screams echo in his head, or he has to remember his sister’s empty eyes, her burning heart, take a drink. 
Every time Alucard thinks of Rhy’s fingers laced through his, of the prince’s voice telling him to hold on, hold on, hold on to me, take a very, very long drink. 
Every time Alucard asks a question Delilah Bard will never answer, take a drink. 
Repeat until the pain and grief finally begin to blur into something steady.
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kritikycz · 6 years
NHL Brankáři 2015 v1 / NHL Goalies 2015 v1
CZ: obsahuje brankáře nhl: Brodeur, Ramo, Greiss, Montoya, Fleury, Macdonald, Berra, Nabokov, Miller, Raanta, Emery EN: NHL goalie contains: Brodeur, Ramo, Greiss, Montoya, Fleury, Macdonald, ... - celý článek: Kritiky.cz https://ift.tt/2H1ZLC4
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 2 years
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incorrectsom · 6 years
Alucard: Since I have been forced to flee, I've left a complimentary bowl of advice.
Alucard: For instance, "Berras, stop doing that". Just applies to everything.
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incorrectadsom · 5 years
Berras: *stabbing Alucard* I realise I'm technically penetrating you right now, but it's not gay if it's revenge!
Alucard: *bleeding out* This is really the hill you want to die on?
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