#Societe Brewing
thedaily-beer · 4 months
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Societe Brewing Surefire Bullseye West Coast IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. A straight-ahead West Coast IPA that is an exemplar of the style with a touch of tropical fruit flourish in the nose. Aggressive bitterness in the body and plenty of pine/resin to go around alongside the citrus and tropical notes.
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auraeseer · 4 months
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Hi. Lee's killed!
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 months
Betrothed, Wed - Anthony Bridgerton
Word count: 2914
Summary: Being wed to one another is more than just an 'I do' is it not?
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The Bridgerton household was bustling with activity as the family gathered around the breakfast table. 
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm croissants filled the air, and the sound of cheerful chatter could be heard echoing through the corridors.
 It was a regular morning in the Bridgerton household, but little did they know, this breakfast would be far from ordinary.
As the family settled into their seats, Violet Bridgerton, the matriarch of the family, spoke up. 
"My dear children, I do hope there will be another grandchild soon," she said with a twinkle in her eye. 
This was a topic that was often brought up at the breakfast table, as Violet was keen on expanding their already large family.
Eloise Bridgerton, the second eldest daughter, was sipping on her tea when she heard her mother's words. 
She was taken aback and her eyes widened in surprise.
 She had not expected this topic to come up at the breakfast table, especially not so early in the morning.
As she tried to swallow her tea, she choked on it and coughed uncontrollably. 
Her siblings and mother quickly rushed to her side, patting her on the back and offering her water. 
Once she had regained her composure, Eloise glared at her mother and exclaimed
"Mother, must you always bring up the topic of marriage and children at breakfast?"
Violet chuckled at her daughter's reaction and replied. "Eloise, I am only stating the truth. Y/n is to be wed to Anthony today and it would be a pleasant surprise."
This was a common conversation in the Bridgerton household, as Violet was known for her love of children and her desire to have a large family. 
She had raised her eight children almost single-handedly after her husband's untimely death, and she cherished every moment of it.
Her children, on the other hand, had mixed feelings about the topic. 
Eloise and her younger sister, Francesca, were not as keen on the idea of marriage and children just yet.
Eloise had always been a headstrong and independent woman, and the thought of settling down and starting a family did not appeal to her. 
She had always dreamt of making a name for herself and pursuing her passion for writing. 
Francesca, on the other hand, was content with her life as it was and had no desire to conform to societal expectations.
Violet, however, was determined to see all her children settled and happy, and she was not one to give up easily.
 She continued to bring up the topic of marriage and children at every opportunity, much to the dismay of her children.
As they continued with their breakfast, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. 
But, the buzzing chatter came to a halt when the Bridgerton sister, Eloise, exclaimed.
“Have you all heard about the dress that Madame Delacroix has designed for y/n? It’s said to be one of her most exquisite works yet!”
The mention of the well-known designer, Madame Delacroix, immediately caught everyone’s attention, especially Daphne and Violet Bridgerton, who couldn’t hide their curiosity. 
You were a close family friend and recently engaged to Anthony Bridgerton, the eldest Bridgerton brother. 
The news of your betrothal had created quite a stir in London’s high society circles.
And now, there was talk of a special dress designed just for you by Madame Delacroix herself.
Eloise, who had heard about the dress from Lady Danbury, eagerly filled in her family with the details.
 “Apparently, Madame Delacroix has designed the dress keeping in mind y/n's vibrant and lively personality. It’s going to be fearless and assertive, just like her,' she explained.
The mention of an unconventional dress for a bride-to-be piqued Daphne’s interest, who had made a name for herself.
 “Well, this sounds like a dress worth seeing. I might even have some pointers for my dear sister-in-law,” she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Violet, the matriarch of the Bridgerton family, couldn’t help but smile at the prospect of seeing you in a dress that truly represented you.
 “I have always admired Madame Delacroix’s work, and I am sure this dress will be no exception. It will be a perfect reflection of y/n's character,” she remarked.
Daphne leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial. 
"You know, Mother, I think it's time we assisted y/n to get ready for her big day. Eloise and I can take care of making sure the carriage arrives on time." 
Violet nodded in agreement, her eyes twinkling with delight.
 "That's a splendid idea, Daphne. Why don't you and Eloise ask Maid Rose for that matter while I help y/n with her wedding dress?"
You looked up at Violet, your heart swelling with gratitude. 
You always admired the older woman's grace and beauty, and the thought of having her help you get ready for your wedding was more than you could have asked for. 
As you stood, Violet placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
"You look stunning, dear. Now, let's get you into your dress and make sure you're ready to walk down the aisle in class."
Together, you made your way upstairs to the dressing room, the other women of the Bridgerton household trailing behind you. 
Eloise chuckled, "I can't wait to see you in your dress, y/n!" 
You blushed, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. You turned to Violet, who was already helping you unbutton your gown.
 "Thank you," you whispered. "For everything."
 Violet smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with understanding. "It's my pleasure, dearest. Today is all about family, after all."
As they helped you into your wedding dress, the other women clustered around, offering their assistance and well wishes. 
Daphne secured the last of the buttons, while Eloise fussed with the veil until it was just so. 
 You looked like a goddess, ready to embark on your happily ever after.
Finally, they all stepped back to admire their handiwork. There was a moment of quiet as if everyone was taking in the significance of the moment. 
And then, Eloise, never one to be at a loss for words, squealed.
"You look absolutely radiant, y/n!"
 The others chimed in, nodding in agreement, their eyes shining with tears of happiness. 
You felt a lump form in your throat as you turned to Violet. 
"Thank you," you whispered. "For all of this." 
Violet reached out, taking your hand in hers. "Oh, dear," she said with a wink, "You're the one who's to be wed today."
And then, there was a knock at the door.
Violet Bridgerton, looked up from where she was standing in the room, her attention momentarily diverted from your dress. 
"Yes?" she called, her voice calm and composed.
There was a pause, and then the voice of Maid Rose floated up from the hallway. 
"My lady, the carriage is ready to take you to the chapel."
Violet smiled, nodding her approval.
 "Thank you, Rose. Please notify the driver that we will be on our way shortly." She turned back to her daughters and you.
 "Everyone, it's time. Let's make our way downstairs and get to the chapel."
Daphne, a blush prominent on her cheeks, stepped forward and took your hand. 
"Come, y/n. We'll carry your train together." 
As you all descended the grand staircase, the soft swishing of silk and the click-clack of heels echoed through the manor.
 Eloise, ever the curious one, darted ahead to peek out a window, marveling at the carriage outside.
When you reached the bottom of the staircase, Violet paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, she felt a pang of pride and sadness all at once.
Knowing that this day would mark a new chapter not only for you and Anthony but for her family as well. 
She squared her shoulders and led you all out the door, towards the awaiting carriage.
The sun was shining brightly overhead, casting a warm glow over the manor grounds as you walked towards the carriage.
As you neared the carriage, the coachman opened the door and bowed gracefully. "Good morning, ladies. Shall we be on our way?"
Daphne, still holding your hand, stepped up into the carriage and took a seat beside you.
 She glanced back at her mother and Eloise, a sparkle of anticipation in her eyes.
 "Thank you," she said, reaching out to help Eloise and Violet into the carriage as well. 
As you all settled in, the coachman shut the door and climbed up onto his perch, taking the reins in hand. 
With a snap of his whip, the horses sprang into action, carrying you and the three Bridgertons towards the chapel.
The air inside the carriage was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the rustle of your dress as you shifted her position. 
Finally, you rounded a corner and spotted the familiar spire of the chapel poking above the treetops.
As the carriage pulled up in front of the chapel, Violet stepped out first, her dress swirling about her as she supported Daphne and Eloise's descent. 
She then turned to face you, taking your hands in her own.
"My dear, you look absolutely stunning. Daphne has done an excellent job with your hair."
You smiled shyly. "Thank you, Violet. I'm just glad that everything is finally here. I can't believe it's actually happening."
You glanced over at Daphne, whose eyes glowing with happiness. "I'm so glad you're going to be my sister."
Your heart ached at the thought of your late father not being there to fulfill this honor. 
You had always imagined him proudly by your side during this momentous occasion. 
With a heavy heart, you thought of your options. 
You didn't have many close male relatives, and you weren't particularly close to your mother either.
 As you deliberated over your dilemma, your eyes wandered to the elegant figure of Violet Bridgerton.
The family's matriarch, who had always been like a mother figure to you.
Summoning your courage, you approached Violet in front of the steps from the chapel. 
"Violet, may I speak with you?" you asked, your voice filled with trepidation.
Violet turned towards you, her eyes filled with warmth. 
"Of course, my love," she replied. "What troubles you?"
You hesitated before speaking, your voice quivering with emotion.
 "I… I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle," you confessed. "Would you consider doing it?"
Violet's eyes widened, her face a testament to the surprise. 
"Y/n, I would be honored," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your father was a dear friend of mine, and I would be overjoyed to stand in his place."
Relief swept over you, and tears welled in your eyes. "Thank you, Violet. You have no idea how much this means to me."
When the time came, you and Violet entered the chapel side by side. The guests rose, their awe evident in their expressions. 
Your eyes locked on Anthony, who stood at the altar, an enchanting smile gracing his handsome face.
As you and Violet glided down the aisle together, the sunlight filtered through the stained-glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the floor. 
The guests turned their heads, captivated by the sight of the bride and her mother-in-law.
Whispers of admiration echoed through the chapel as you and Violet's steps synchronized with one another. 
You both moved with grace and poise, your bond visible to all. 
It was a moment of pure friendship and love, transcending traditional roles and expectations.
When you reached the altar, Violet placed your hand in Anthony's, closing your hands together as a symbol of unity. 
The chapel fell silent, and time seemed to stand still amidst the romance and pure joy in the air.
Anthony stood tall at the altar, his heart racing in his chest, his midnight-blue suit a stark contrast against the gleaming white surroundings. 
Handsome and dignified, he anxiously kept his gaze fixed on you, his bride. 
His palms dampened with anticipation, his mind swirling with a mixture of nerves and awe.
Gasps of admiration echoed through the hallowed space, and even the rustle of dresses and suits seemed to quiet in reverence to her ethereal beauty. 
Father Timothy, a wise and gentle elderly priest, smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with mirth and faith as he welcomed you and initiated the ceremony.
The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of reverence and excitement as you both exchanged vows, your heartfelt words carrying through the sacred space.
 The words, "for better or for worse," hung in the air, a promise that resonated with the sincerity and depth of your love.
 Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes as you spoke your vows, your voice filled with raw emotion.
Anthony's voice shook with emotion as well, his eyes locked onto yours, your love a definite force binding you together. 
The sunlight, streaming through the windows, seemed to bathe you both in a celestial glow as if bestowing blessings upon your blessed union.
Father Timothy's voice rose and fell, his words weaving a tapestry of guidance and hope for your future. 
He spoke of strength, warmth, and companionship, reminding you of the loyalty and support you both had vowed to offer each other. 
 The Bridgertons looked on with unwavering support and love, tears glistening in their eyes, knowing that this day marked far more than the union of you two.
 It signified the merging of two families and the creation of a new beginning.
As the ceremony reached its crescendo, you and Anthony exchanged rings, solemnizing your commitment to one another.
 The diamond on your finger sparkled, catching the light like stars in a midnight sky.
While Anthony's gold wedding band gleamed, symbolizing the eternal circle of your love.
With each heartfelt word and sacred act, the chapel seemed to hum with the intensity of emotions emanating from every person present.
 The love felt within those walls was palpable - a love that transcended time, a love that would forever be etched in the hearts of everyone who witnessed it.
Finally, Father Timothy proclaimed, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
As the swelling music filled the air, signaling the end of the ceremony, you and Anthony joyfully sealed your vows with a passionate kiss. 
Cheers erupted from the congregation, filling the chapel with exuberance and celebration, their applause reverberating against the high ceilings and intricately carved arches. 
It was a moment of pure bliss, two souls basking in the enchantment of newfound union.
The chapel doors swung open with a gentle creak, and all eyes turned to gaze upon you as a newly married couple.
Y/n and Anthony Bridgerton.
 Your heart fluttered with excitement as you clung to Anthony's arm.
Feeling the weight of your future and the promise of a lifetime together. 
You had dreamt of this day for as long as you could remember, and now it had finally come true.
The sun filtered through the stained glass windows, casting a warm glow on the white walls of the chapel.
 Soft music played in the background as you and Anthony made your way down the aisle, your steps light and graceful. 
As you reached the doors, you paused for a moment, taking in the sight before you. 
The courtyard was bathed in sunlight, a sea of vibrant colors and delicate scents. 
The guests held flower petals in their hands, ready to shower you with love and good wishes.
You could hardly contain your excitement as you and Anthony stepped outside. 
The air was fragrant with the sweet smell of blossoms, and the sound of laughter and clapping filled the courtyard. 
As the guests threw flower petals towards you, you were both enveloped in a cascade of petals, a beautiful shower of nature's confetti.
You looked up, your eyes sparkling with joy.
 The sky seemed bluer than ever, a perfect backdrop to your special moment. 
You could feel the weight of tradition and happiness settle upon your shoulders, lifting your spirit into the realm of pure bliss.
 This was the start of your journey, a new chapter in your love story.
Together you made your way through the sea of flowers, your steps like a waltz, graceful, harmonious, and full of promise.
 The petals clung to your clothes, creating a tapestry of colors that seemed to dance with your every move.
 Each step you took felt solid, like building blocks for your future together.
As you reach the center of the courtyard, you let your fingers trail along the stone fountain, cool and inviting.
 The water shimmered under the sunlight, mirroring the happiness in your eyes. You turned to Anthony, your heart overflowing with love.
"Can you believe it?" you whispered, your voice filled with awe. "We're married. This is our forever."
Anthony smiled, his eyes locked with yours. 
"Yes, my love," he said softly. 
"This is just the beginning. And I vow to you, every day will be filled with the same satisfaction and devotion as today."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you knew at that moment that your happiness was boundless.
 You glanced around at your guests, your faces glowing with affection and admiration. 
It was then that you realized your love story was not just yours alone.
It was a tale shared with your closest friends and family.
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rvp32 · 1 year
Whisper of uncontrollable desire
4.5K, Omegaverse of sorts, Power dynamics, overstimulation, and a little dirty talk. Overall, it is a pretty fluffy smut. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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"Please, alpha," Chaewon moaned, her voice filled with desperate longing. "I need it. It hurts so much." The stage was set for a magnificent performance, but fate had chosen this precise moment to unleash the torment of her heat upon her.
Chaewon had forgotten her suppressants and her scent was spiraling out of control, a potent aphrodisiac that threatened to shatter the fragile peace around her. In this futuristic world, where dominance and hierarchy determined societal norms, any other alpha catching even a whiff of her scent would ignite a savage frenzy, tearing apart the very fabric of their meticulously built company and tarnishing its reputation forever.
As her dedicated guardian, it was up to you to ensure Chaewon's well-being, to tame the wild storm brewing within her. You knew that for her to perform flawlessly, her primal desires had to be appeased. The weight of responsibility pressed upon your shoulders as you gazed into her pleading eyes.
"Pretty girl," you whispered, your voice tinged with a mix of authority and compassion, "I am going to be quick, but you will face the consequences once we return. Do you understand?" The words hung in the air, a delicate promise of both pleasure and punishment.
Chaewon's mind was clouded with an overwhelming need, her thoughts consumed by a single craving. Unable to resist, she nodded fervently, surrendering herself completely. At this moment, consequences and concerns faded into obscurity, replaced by an all-encompassing yearning.
In the confined space of the washroom cubicle, a labyrinth of desire unfolded, teasing the boundaries of your shared passion. The small enclosure offered little room for maneuvering, especially with your imposing stature, leaving you no choice but to surrender control to Chaewon's graceful movements. A tantalizing prospect danced before your eyes, as anticipation mingled with lust in the charged atmosphere.
With an unyielding hunger, you pulled Chaewon close, your lips crashing together in a kiss that ignited a fierce craving for a deeper connection. The taste of longing lingered upon your tongues, a tantalizing promise of the pleasure yet to come. The world outside the cubicle ceased to exist as your bodies molded together, bound by an insatiable need for more.
Seating yourself on the toilet, you drew Chaewon onto your lap, an electric pulse of desire coursing through your veins. The heat between you intensified, as your mouths remained locked in an intoxicating dance of tongues and teeth. Every touch and graze fueled the fire that consumed both of you, building an uncontainable tension.
"Alpha, please," Chaewon's voice echoed with a plea, her words a seductive melody that seeped into your very core. Her whine, a symphony of desire, tugged at the strings of your self-control. At this moment, inhibitions were discarded, and all that remained was an overwhelming need to quench the ache that enveloped you both. 
Giving in to Chaewon's plea, you swiftly strip off your pants, granting her access to what she craves. With a pang of hunger in her eyes, she wastes no time and removes the final barrier between herself and her desires. She's already drenched, and time is of the essence, so she wastes no time in sinking down onto your length, inch by glorious inch until you're completely intertwined.
The sheer stimulation is enough to send Chaewon spiraling into a world of ecstasy, her body trembling and her control slipping away. You instinctively pull her closer, ensuring she doesn't lose her balance amidst the mind-blowing pleasure. Werewolves are known to get ultra-sensitive during their heat, so it's no surprise to witness Chaewon losing her mind from such a simple action. 
"Ah, so tight for me, aren't you, my pretty girl," you whisper huskily into Chaewon's ear, relishing the shivers that raced down her spine. A playful bite on her earlobe elicits a deliciously wanton moan from her lips. "But naughty girls like you don't get the satisfaction of me doing all the work."
In the depths of her gaze, you catch a glimmer of vulnerability mingled with untamed desire. Chaewon's eyes glisten with tears, a testament to the intensity of their connection. Yet, the tightening of her body around you reveals her true pleasure, a silent affirmation of her carnal hunger. With a shared understanding, she embraces her role, preparing to take charge of their intimate dance.
As she begins to move, a symphony of moans cascades from her lips, unabashed and unrestrained. It's as if time itself ceases to exist, and the only reality that matters is the intoxicating pleasure that courses through their intertwined bodies. Your mind is clouded with desire, longing to explore further with your free hands, but the constraints of her delicate outfit restrain your primal instincts, adding an exhilarating layer of restraint.
Suddenly, the bathroom door swings open, breaking the spell that has enveloped them. "Chaewon-ah, how long are you going to take?" The voice, unmistakably Sakura's, one of the Betas from your pack, punctures the heated atmosphere. Chaewon, unable to form words in her state of delirious pleasure, sinks her teeth into your shoulder, drawing in your scent, which only intensifies her arousal.
"Sakura, Chaewon will be out soon," you reply, your voice laced with a commanding yet tantalizing authority. With that, Sakura retreats from the washroom, realization dawning upon her. The brief interruption only adds to the charged tension, heightening the forbidden allure of their clandestine encounter.
As Chaewon continues to ride you with unbridled eagerness, the intensity between you reaches a fever pitch. Her mind, now blissfully lost in a haze of pleasure, prevents coherent thoughts from forming. Her eyes roll back, disappearing into a world solely focused on the sensations pulsating through her body. Unrestrained moans escape her lips, filling the air, as her scent wafts around, a fragrant declaration of her desire.
With your free hand, you skillfully tease her swollen bud, sending a surge of electricity through her system. The unexpected jolt causes her to yelp, and a rush of liquid gushes forth, coating both of you in a sweet mixture of satisfaction. Her body trembles, overwhelmed by the cascading waves of pleasure that wash over her.
Caught up in the all-consuming whirlwind of sensation, the boundaries of reality blur, and nothing exists except the searing pleasure shared between your intertwined bodies. The irresistible tightness enveloping you fuel an instinctive rutting motion, deepening the connection and pushing you both toward the brink of ecstasy.
As the climax subsides, Chaewon collapses against you, her body seeking respite from the intense activity. In the aftermath of their passionate union, you find solace in each other's arms, reveling in the intimate aftermath of their wild desires. While the outside world may be a blur, within the sanctuary of their embrace, time stands still, allowing them to bask in the euphoria of their shared experience.
"Hey, Chaewon-ah, you need to get the final touches done on your makeup. The stage is waiting, and we don't have all day," you call out to her, reluctantly untangling yourselves from the embrace. She nods, understanding the urgency, and hops off your lap to fix herself up and look somewhat presentable. But deep down, you both know that this little intermission is just a temporary break from the heat.
Before she leaves the stall, Chaewon turns to you with a mix of guilt and determination etched on her face. "Sorry, Alpha, I should've been more careful. I promise this won't happen again," she says, her voice filled with unwavering loyalty. With that, she heads out, leaving you to deal with the aftermath.
You pull up your pants, only to realize they're damp and clingy from your wild encounter. Letting out a sigh, you reach for your phone and dial your secretary's number, requesting a fresh pair of pants. It's just one of those things you have to deal with when you're in charge, right?
As you change into the new pants, your mind drifts to the seating area in front of the stage. How the hell did you end up in this situation? Well, long story short, you're the Alpha of a kickass werewolf pack. Yeah, that's right. Being an Alpha comes with a truckload of responsibilities, especially when your pack is filled with other alphas. But thanks to your impressive power and leadership skills, they all agreed that you're the top dog.
Werewolves have a longer lifespan than humans, so you've had to adapt to human society over time. And to keep the pack fed and happy, you decided to start an entertainment company in South Korea. Who knew werewolves could rock the stage too, right?
Being an Alpha ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a juggling act of power, emotions, and keeping your pack in line. But here you are, taking your seat, ready to witness the magic unfold on the stage. 
The electrifying performance of Unforgiven by Lesserafim left the audience in awe, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as they owned the stage. The thunderous applause and standing ovation were well-deserved, and once they made their way backstage, you followed suit.
Entering the room, you were greeted by a chorus of cheerful voices and friendly hugs. The pack members were buzzing with excitement, and Yunjin, the ever-enthusiastic werewolf with a personality like a golden retriever, couldn't contain her excitement. "Alpha, did you see how amazing we were? Was I a good girl?" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with anticipation.
Grinning, you playfully ruffled Yunjin's hair. "You were all fantastic. Of course, you were a good girl, Yunjin-ah," you praised, earning a wag of her metaphorical tail and a beaming smile.
Directing your attention to Chaewon, you couldn't resist a teasing remark. She looked at you with apologetic eyes, seeking solace in the company of Kazuha, a docile alpha who always seemed to defy expectations. Finding amusement in the situation, you couldn't help but say, "Unlike you, Chaewon Unnie," which caused her to hide behind Kazuha, clinging to her for support.
Yunjin, ever the innocent soul, seemed perplexed by the exchange. "But Alpha, Chaewon Unnie did great on stage," she innocently pointed out. Before you could respond, Sakura chimed in with a mischievous laugh, shedding light on the situation. "Chaewon forgot her suppressants, and well, it's that time of the month. That's why Kazuha is covering her nose like someone let out a real stinker," Sakura explained, followed by laughter from the group.
Yunjin's innocent remark unintentionally tugged at Chaewon's heartstrings, her heightened sensitivity due to the heat making her teary-eyed. Stepping away from Yunjin, you approached Chaewon, a tender touch caressing her cheek. "Hey, I was just teasing, princess. No need to be sad," you reassured her, pulling her into a comforting hug. "I'm right here for you, don't worry."
As the day's events concluded and the girls changed out of their stage outfits, you all hopped into the car for the drive back to the pack's mansion. It was a bit of a trek from the city, but you didn't mind the distance. Chaewon and Yunjin nestled close to you, seeking comfort during the ride. Chaewon ended up dozing off on your shoulder, while Yunjin took a nap on the other side. It was a peaceful journey, with Eunchae and Sakura also catching some sleep.
"Kazuha, you look kinda out of it. Everything alright?" you asked, glancing over at her with concern.
She let out a tired sigh. "Just exhausted from the busy schedule, and being near Chaewon during her heat is adding to the mental strain," she replied, rubbing her temples. You understood the struggle of controlling one's urges around an alluring werewolf in heat.
"Well, hang in there, angel. We're almost home, and once we're there, you can relax. No more promotions for a while," you reassured her, hoping to lighten her burden.
The car rolled to a stop at the pack's grand mansion, a place that served as both a residence and a base for operations. You gently woke Chaewon and Yunjin, prompting Yunjin to groggily make her way to her room to continue snoozing. The rest of the pack followed suit, but Chaewon clung to your side, unwilling to part ways.
"Hey, don't you wanna catch some sleep, princess?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. Chaewon shook her head, giving you a puppy-eyed look that was hard to resist. "Can I stay with you, Alpha? Cuddle a bit, maybe?" she requested, her gaze filled with longing.
"Sure thing, let's head on in," you agreed, scooping her up in your arms. Walking together towards your room, you set her down on the bed and took a moment to change out of your suit. When you returned, Chaewon was zoned out, staring at the doorway.
"You wanna change, princess? It's gonna be tough to sleep in those clothes," you suggested, motioning to her attire. However, you held onto her hand before she could step out, stopping her. "No need to go all the way to your room. Just grab something from my closet," you offered, a playful grin on your face.
With a shy nod, Chaewon disappeared into the walk-in closet while you settled onto the bed, scrolling through your phone. Moments later, she emerged wearing nothing but your shirt, which practically swallowed her up. She looked incredibly cute in it, tempting you to pull her close and steal a kiss. Chaewon padded over to the bed and settled down beside you, cuddling up. It was a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, the perfect end to a long day. 
You were awoken by a sudden wet feeling, wondering what happened. You down to notice that the source of the wet feeling was none other than Chaewon. When she noticed you, she met your eyes with such innocent ones, like she wasn’t doing anything wrong. With how cute she looked, you didn’t have the heart to tell her to stop and it wasn’t like you weren’t enjoying what she was doing. She was exceptional at giving head, playing with her hair you throw your head back in pleasure. “Oh yeah, that’s it, Princess, keep going deeper.” 
Following your instructions Chaewon goes deeper, reaching the back of her throat, to increase the pleasure you push her head toward your crotch but stop when you feel Chaewon tap your thighs, letting fo she takes a deep breath. 
“Princess, come here and give me a kiss,” Chaewon obeys, her thighs on each side of your body, she leans down and kisses you. The kiss was full of lust and longing, Chaewon’s hands exploring every inch of you while your hands explored every inch of her. 
Their lips parted, leaving a trail of desire and aching need. The air crackled with anticipation as Chaewon's gaze locked with yours, her eyes smoldering with a fiery passion.
“What is it that you want princess?” you tease, though you know exactly what it is. Chaewon turns away from you and mumbles “I need you, alpha.”
Holding her chin you turn her toward you, “You have to be more clear, princess, what exactly do you want your alpha to do you.” “Alpha, I need you to fuck me, use me how you want! Break my mind with pleasure, make sure that the only thing I can think about is your huge alpha cock,” Chaewon said her voice getting louder and harsher. 
You smile at her and slowly insert 1 finger into her sloppy pussy, earning a moan from her which soon turns into a whine, “Alpha, don’t tease please, I don’t want your fingers! Please fuck me with your cock I beg you!”
"Princess," you whispered huskily, your voice laced with desire. " I want to taste every inch of you, feel your body surrendering to mine."
Chaewon's breath hitched, and her cheeks flushed with a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability. Her hands trembled as they traced the contours of your chest, leaving a trail of electrifying sensations in their wake.
"Alpha," she murmured, her voice a mere whisper. "Take me. Make me yours."
You couldn't deny the plea in her voice, the urgent longing that mirrored your own. The hunger between you intensified, an unspoken promise of ecstasy waiting to be fulfilled.
With a swift motion, you flipped her onto her back, positioning yourself above her. The world around you faded into oblivion as you leaned in, your lips hungrily seeking hers once more. The taste of her was intoxicating, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume everything in its path.
Your hands roamed freely, exploring every curve and dip of her body, igniting sparks of pleasure with each touch. Chaewon's moans mingled with your own as the boundaries of time and space blurred, lost in the dance of passion and desire.
In that moment, there was only the two of you, entwined in a symphony of raw emotion and unspoken promises. Every touch, every caress, sent shivers down your spine, building the tension to unbearable heights.
"Master," she gasped, her voice filled with a mixture of longing and urgency. "I need you now."
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips, savoring the anticipation that hung in the air. You positioned yourself, slowly inserting it, her moans got louder, and her nails clawed at your back to help deal with the pain. “Oh my god, it feels so good, alpha,” Chaewon manages to say in between her moans. As you bottomed out in her, you let her adjust, leaning down to kiss her.
Once you felt her relax a little, you began moving slowly, making sure to not hurt her but that changed when Chaewon said “Is this the best you can do, alpha,” this flipped a switch in your mind. Picking up the pace, you pounded into her like a battering ram, Chaewon’s moans turned into screams of pleasure. Her pussy tightened around you, signaling that she was close to her orgasm. 
“I-i am going to c-cum, yes! Right there alpha, fuck! It feels so fucking good,” Chaewon’s back curved in anticipation of an orgasm but you denied her of it when you pulled out.
“No-no, alpha put it back please I need to cum, please let me cum, Alpha I beg you!” Chaewon pleaded with you, her mind and body were going desperate for pleasure. 
“Only good girls get to cum and princess you have been a very bad girl,” you tease her, using your dick to flick her clit.
“Please please please alpha, I will be a good girl, I will do anything that you want, so I beg you please make me cum” Chaewon screams, getting more and more desperate. Knowing she can’t hold on any longer you put it back in one go without a warning causing her to yelp and start pounding. 
“Oh my fucking god, it feels so amazing to be filled by your cock alpha,” Chaewon continued to mumble incoherent things, her brain melting from pleasure. “Alpha, going to cum, can princess cum please!”
“Go ahead princess, cum all over my cock like the fucking slut you are,” with your permission, she lets go and cums, her pussy gushes all over your cock, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her legs trembling. 
Chaewon looked completely spent but you decided that it wasn’t over, before she can calm down from the brain-shattering orgasm she just had, you stimulate her clit and start pounding her again, the pleasure now multiplied.
“No, Alpha, no, too much, please… stop. YOU WILL BREAK ME, PLEASE NOO,” she was responding very well to the overstimulation her pussy was clamping down around you like there was no tomorrow. The tightness drove you closer to your orgasm.
“Chaewon-ah, I am going to cum, where do you want it?” You ask as the pounding continues. “Inside- do it inside please, cum inside me. I need your cum inside me alpha,” Chaewon manages to say.
Her permission was all you needed, after a few more thrusts you unload your seed deep inside Chaewon. “Fuck! Take all of it, Princess, don’t waste a single drop,” after coming down from the high of your orgasm, you lie down next to Chaewon. She is still recovering from the overstimulation. Pulling her into a tight embrace you whisper “Such a good girl, you did an amazing job, Princess, I am so proud of you.” 
As the night embraced the lovers, a sense of tranquility settled upon their intertwined bodies. Chaewon, nestled in your arms, radiated an ethereal beauty even in her slumber. The moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon her peaceful face.
With gentle strokes, you caressed her back, tracing the contours of her delicate form. The touch of your fingertips against her warm skin elicited a subtle shiver, awakening a dormant desire within you.
Lost in the labyrinth of your thoughts, you leaned in and placed a tender kiss upon her forehead, a gesture laced with unspoken affection and adoration. Chaewon stirred slightly, a contented sigh escaping her parted lips.
"Sleep well, Princess," you whispered your voice a soothing melody in the hushed darkness. 
As the night deepened, the rhythmic rise and fall of Chaewon's breathing serenaded your senses, creating a symphony of intimacy that resonated within your very core. Her slumber was a testament to the trust she placed in your arms, an unwavering surrender.
As the morning light filtered through the office windows, you found yourself buried in a mountain of paperwork. It was a never-ending battle against the endless forms and contracts that seemed to multiply overnight. Sighing, you longed for a brief respite from the monotony.
Just when you thought the day couldn't get any duller, a soft knock on the door startled you. Chaewon stood there, her eyes filled with a mix of innocence and mischief. She had a way of brightening up even the dullest moments.
"Hey, princess, what brings you here?" you greeted her, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
With a shy smile, she stepped into the room, and before you knew it, she had settled herself on your lap. The unexpected closeness sent a jolt of excitement through you, breaking the monotony of the office.
As you tried to focus on the task at hand, Eunbi barged in, ready to spill some important info. But her alpha instincts kicked in, and she couldn't help but catch a whiff of Chaewon's pheromones.
"You didn't take your suppressants, did you, Chaewon?" Eunbi asked her tone a mix of concern and authority.
Chaewon's voice wavered as she confessed, "I forgot, Eunbi-unnie."
Eunbi's gaze bore into Chaewon, her words carrying a warning. You knew the pack's rules all too well, and consequences were a part of the deal. It was a delicate balance between love and discipline.
Chaewon's grip on your arm tightened, and you couldn't help but feel protective. Eunbi handed her the suppressants, a tangible reminder of the responsibility she held as an omega within the pack.
With a mixture of resignation and determination, Chaewon obediently took the offered suppressants, her eyes never leaving yours. It was a silent promise, a commitment to control the wild flames that burned within her.
The office fell into a hushed pause, the air thick with unspoken tension. But amidst the lingering scent of desire, you remained a beacon of support and understanding.
As the day continued, the mundane tasks blurred into the background, and you found solace in Chaewon's presence on your lap. 
The rest of the day goes by with you getting work done and Chaewon clinging to you, and from the looks of it, Chaewon’s heat might end tomorrow because of the suppressants. 
Chaewon had fallen asleep in your arms again, but this time there weren’t any extracurricular activities. Both your slumber was interrupted by none other than Kwon Eunbi, she barged into the room. “Eunbi-ah, what are you doing here so early,” you questioned. 
“Oppa, first of all, it's noon, I woke you up because Chaewon needs to be punished today, her heat ended and she needs to be taught a lesson,” Eunbi said with a smirk and winks at you. You always found it funny how Eunbi loved punishing I*zone girls when they broke the rules. 
“Alright, let’s get this done with,” You say, picking up Chaewon to take her to the basement where the punishment room is located. 
You followed Eunbi as she weaved through the halls until you ended up in front of the punishment room. This was going to be Chaewon’s first time in the punishment room.
he heavy metal door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit punishment room. Its cold, sterile atmosphere sent a shiver down Chaewon's spine, her eyes widening in both anticipation and trepidation. She clutched onto you, seeking solace in your presence, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and pleading.
"Alpha, please be gentle," she implored, her eyes filled with an undeniable mix of innocence and desire. "I won't break the rules ever again."
Your heart clenched at the vulnerability in her voice, your protective instincts kicking in. With a nod, you tried to convey a sense of reassurance, hoping to temper her fears. But all reassurance faded into thin air as Chaewon's gaze fell upon Eunbi's face—the face of the one who delighted in enforcing discipline upon the I*zone girls.
Eunbi's smirk widened, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. She thrived on these moments, relishing the power and control she wielded. It was a game they played, a dance of dominance and submission. And in this twisted ballet of pleasure and discipline, Chaewon was about to take her first steps.
Taking a deep breath, you carried Chaewon further into the room, its cold air wrapping around you like a sinister embrace. Eunbi followed close behind, her presence a constant reminder of the impending punishment.
The room was adorned with various restraints and devices, each designed to both heighten sensations and test limits. It was a place where boundaries were pushed, where pleasure and pain intertwined. As you settled Chaewon onto a padded surface, her eyes darted nervously around the room, taking in the tools that would soon be employed upon her.
Eunbi's voice cut through the silence, her tone dripping with calculated dominance. "Chaewon, my sweet, you will learn the consequences of breaking the rules," she purred, her gaze locking onto Chaewon's with an intensity that sent a shiver down both your spines.
Chaewon's breath hitched, her body tense with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. But amidst it all, there was a flicker of something else—excitement, a desire to surrender to the sweet agony that awaited her.
With a steady hand, you reached out to caress Chaewon's cheek, your touch both comforting and electrifying. "Princess, trust me," you whispered, your voice laced with a blend of tenderness and authority. "This is a lesson you won't forget."
To Be Continued
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thefifthmarauderstuff · 6 months
|| “What could've been“||
Draco Malfoy x Pureblood Reader
Soooo my fyp is being all dracotok...again, so I made a Draco Malfoy scrabble^^. Hope you like it!!
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In the heart of wizarding society, where lineage and tradition reigned supreme, Draco Malfoy found himself navigating the intricacies of a world where expectations often outweighed personal desires. Amidst this backdrop, an unforeseen twist of fate introduced him to a captivating individual— Y/N Devereaux —a witch whose presence stood out amidst the polished facade of society.
Their initial encounters were steeped in formalities, exchanged pleasantries, and the rigid expectations of their families. Draco, with his familiar air of aloofness, and Y/N, graceful yet quietly defiant of societal norms, found themselves repeatedly crossing paths at various wizarding events.
At first, their interactions were confined to polite conversation, laced with the weight of their families' histories and the unspoken rules of their society. Yet, beneath the surface, there brewed an unspoken connection—a shared understanding that transcended the boundaries of their predetermined roles.
Y/N possessed a depth that intrigued Draco—a mix of resilience, intelligence, and an unwavering spirit that refused to be constrained by societal dictates. As Draco navigated the complexities of his own beliefs and the expectations placed upon him, Y/N's presence served as a gentle reminder of a world beyond the confines of tradition.
Despite the pressures surrounding them, a subtle shift occurred in their dynamic. Casual encounters turned into purposeful conversations, filled with shared laughter, moments of vulnerability, and glimpses of their true selves beneath the masks they wore for the world.
Draco found himself confiding in Y/N about his inner conflicts, the weight of family expectations, and the struggle to define his own path amidst the stringent guidelines set by his lineage. Y/N, in turn, shared her own aspirations, fears, and dreams—unveiling a side of herself that she rarely revealed to anyone.
As Draco and Y/N spent more time together, they discovered common interests and an unspoken understanding that blossomed into a genuine connection—one that neither could ignore nor deny. Their journey together wove a tale of finding solace and understanding in a world that demanded conformity.
"Another one of these insufferable gatherings. The same faces, the same pretenses."
"It can be tiresome, indeed Draco. But sometimes, within the monotony, there might be hidden moments worth discovering."
"Hidden moments? In a sea of shallow conversations and forced pleasantries?"
"Perhaps. But sometimes, beneath the expected facade, there are depths waiting to be explored you know."
Their conversations, once formal and veiled, gradually shifted to deeper topics, their words weaving a connection beyond the surface. Each encounter revealed more layers, unraveling the complexities of their personalities.
"I've never understood these traditions. They suffocate individuality, force us into roles we didn't choose."
"Traditions often clash with the desire for authenticity Draco dear, But within those constraints, there might be room to shape our own paths."
"You speak as if there's a way to break free from these chains love." He said, as he walked towards her, grabbing her hand and kissing it.
"Maybe not break free entirely, but navigate them in a way that lets us remain true to ourselves, You know that Love." She said as she carresses her love's cheek.
Their conversations, once tethered to societal expectations, ventured into contemplations of freedom and identity, fostering a mutual understanding of their shared struggle against the confines of their world.
"There's something different about you. You don't conform to the mold everyone expects."
"And neither do you, Draco. Beneath that exterior lies someone wrestling with their own desires and beliefs."
"I never expected to find someone who sees beyond the Malfoy name."
"Maybe that's because I look for the person behind the title, beyond the expectations."
Their dialogues, once laced with formality, evolved into honest exchanges, each word strengthening the connection between them.
"I've found comfort in our conversations,Y/N. I found comfort in You. You make these events bearable."
"You've provided solace for me in this world of constraints, Draco. Your perspective challenges my own. And I love that about you.“
"Perhaps there's a chance for something more between us."
"Maybe, in this world of rigidity, we've found a space to explore what could be."
Their talks, once cautious and restrained, hinted at a shared desire for something beyond the limitations of their circumstances.
Their journey together continued, conversations evolving from polite exchanges to shared confidences, laughter, and whispered hopes for a future where their love could thrive. Amidst clandestine meetings and stolen moments, their connection grew stronger, defying the boundaries imposed by their families and society.
Their love blossomed amidst clandestine meetings, stolen glances, and whispered conversations away from the prying eyes of their world. They navigated the delicate balance between their burgeoning affection and the pressures of their families' expectations, determined to carve out a path where their love could thrive.
In the end, what began as chance encounters in the meticulously crafted world of wizarding aristocracy evolved into a profound and unexpected love—one that dared to challenge tradition and rewrite the narrative of their predetermined lives. Draco and Y/N stood united, their love a testament to the resilience of the human heart against the confines of expectation and tradition. Together, they forged a future that honored their love, breaking free from the chains of society to embrace a life where their hearts could truly be at peace.
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
What are some of the things in regards to fat politics you wish were talked about more? What are some of the things you consider most important across the board as well :-)
First off, that fatphobia greatly originated from antiblackness fostered within 18th century western artistic, medical, and eugenic race scientific white supremacist values. this is not talked about much even in fat political spaces, but i was reading Fearing the Black Body by Sabrina Strings which outlines how this origin fostered. I can't explain it all in just one ask, but it essentially shows how "average-sized" or "plump" bodies were more valued aesthetically, until the rise of eugenics race science that categorized Black Africans as lazy and fat, mingling with the rising protestant work ethic philosophy already brewing in within the west that associated fatness with a lack of self-control and intellect. Thus associating Black people with fatness, laziness and stupidity through this race science began facilitating pro-dieting and antifatness in the western sphere, even when plump bodies were seen as desireable before.
Second off, that dieting is bogus and pushed by weight loss industries and ends up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy by making health spaces hostile to fat patients, and them suffering because of lack of healthcare (or when the opposite happens and fat patients in studies are shown to be MORE likely to survive certain medial complications, its labeled as a "paradox" rather than an evidenced fact). people will talk about loving your body no matter the size, but dont say WHY these diets are harmful and wrong, why calorie counting and restricting and the basics of essentially all of these weight-loss diets are enabling eating disordered behavior and thinking, and most importantly: Nobody points out that people who go on diets are 95% likely to regain the weight they lost or MORE within 5 years. mindful eating and eating until you are full and satisfied, and eating what you ENJOY, should be your priority. and if someone says this, fatphobes act like youre encouraging a "food addiction" (as if you could be addicted to water or air or anything else you need to live) and not as if you're trying to break down the extremely prevalent societal idea ingrained in people that starving themselves is a form of purity and restraint, a mindset that is MUCH more deadly and harmful than "overeating"
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talesofliia · 3 months
Knowing that Will, Mike and Robin will share at least one scene together in S5 (though I expect more), I can't help but think about how this could be used to develop Byler's relationship.
Robin might not only notice the chemistry brewing between Will and Mike but also step in to encourage them to explore their feelings openly. Perhaps she'll subtly hint at her own attraction to women or share something about her relationship with Vickie to illustrate that such connections are valid. By doing so, Robin could inspire Will and Mike to embrace their feelings for each other and challenge societal norms.
I know we’ve talked about Robin talking to Will or Mike privately, or them being Robin’ed, but what if she casually drops them a hint, acting as if there's nothing unusual about what she's just said, for example:
“Oh, I remember that movie! [Name of a female character or an actress] was so hot in it!”
“So, I’ve finally asked Vickie out. I’m so nervous but also kind of excited!”
And Mike and Will are just: 👁️👄👁️
Personally, I would like to see something like this in S5!
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americanoddity · 1 year
Astrology Observations 10
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-A lot of Scorpio Moons have Leo Sun mothers
-People in foodservice tend to have water or fire in their big three, usually both
-Gemini Venuses have a bad rap but they just require mental stimulation
-Leo Mercuries won’t brew on things they want to talk about. If they have a question, they’re going to ask you
-Aries Venuses have a tendency to obsess over a partner, be done with the person, and move on really quickly which creates a pretty unhealthy cycle for them
-Uranus square Ascendant natives are usually into counterculture or have a hermit vibe to them and don’t desire interaction within societal structures
-Venus in the 8th house may have a tendency to obsess over partners
-Pisces Moons are always described as overly emotional, but I’ve noticed they’re outwardly usually very cold people until you get them to open up
-People with water Moons in late degrees (especially 26-29) may be very closed off
-Aquarius or Capricorn IC, Scorpio Moon, Pisces Moon, and Capricorn Moon people probably had rough childhoods
-Pisces and Leo have always been very similar energetically to me. Pisces is introverted, Leo is extraverted, and both have very fertile imaginations. One keeps it internal, while the other verbalizes it. These two bounce off of each other and work together very well.
-Fire Suns in water houses (4, 8, 12) very rarely act like their Sun sign
-Mercury square Chiron people may feel like social outcasts and have a tendency to feel misunderstood by others. They usually have more issues verbalizing themselves and may be critiqued for how they communicate, which usually only deepens the Chiron wound for them. They have to learn how to be confident in communication.
-Scorpio Risings are usually very charismatic people as they get older. I think they struggle so much with being seen as abrasive that they learn how to appear more personable with time.
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bisexualdinahlance · 2 months
I think by the end of check please we mostly agreed that Shitty was probably straight but being older now and knowing so many bi men I do think it would be funny if Shitty was bi and just... Didn't know it. So busy focused on societal issues and other people had no clue the weird shit brewing in his own head. The heteronormativity strikes again.
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setsugekka · 1 year
『atarashī 』 ; 02
❝ something brewing ❞ | mlist  。
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student!hongjoong x fem!reader, husband!yeosang x fem!reader — drama, dark romance, mystery, heavy sexual content [4,5k wc] ch cws: talks of pregnancy, trying for a baby, and some of the deeply inherent societal misogyny that can come along with that for women of a certain age.
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"When do you think you're coming home?"
With a glass of red wine in hand and winding down from a long week of work, you lean into the cabinet of your kitchen—a forkful of fried rice shoveled into your mouth after the sentence leaves it and your phone set atop the counter—the often missing husband on speaker from the other end.
"Hard to say, might be a few more days to get some paperwork settled, I have a couple more meetings I need to attend and then who knows what might pop up in the meantime, between all of that. You know I miss you, right?"
In theory, yes, you do.
But you don't want to fight, don't want to turn this evening into another one that ends up like so many others, like your birthday days ago. So, you fight back the disappointed sigh, force a chipperness to your voice that probably sounds fake even to the man on the other line, if he knows you as well as he should by now.
"I know you do, I miss you too. I love you."
"I love you too. Enough about my work, how is the new bunch of art hipsters?"
You take a hefty swig of your drink.
"Same as always, I'd say. There's a few that seem really promising already, a couple of the actors are incredibly impressive, one reminds me of my grandmother, actually. I hope she sticks with it, especially."
Yeosang huffs out a laugh on the other end, as if amused by the thought of it.
"Any problem children this year?"
Another mouthful of food down and a shrug that you know your conversation partner can't even see, you answer.
"I don't think so. There's one guy who can't seem to get it together enough to close it out, bombed out of a bunch of other schools in what would appear to be spectacular fashion, but I don't think he's going to be a problem to anyone except for himself. It's really no skin off of mine nor the Akademiya's back if he can't focus enough to graduate."
"Maybe he just needs some inspiration," Yeosang says, though there's a pointed mischievousness to his tone that makes his intent in saying such a thing evident before even going as far as to explicitly say as much. "Maybe he'll like to take you as his muse."
"And I'm sure you would find that just so amusing, wouldn't you?" you jokingly reply back. "Painfully cliché, isn't it? Besides being a happily married woman, I have no interest in fraternizing with the students of the Akademiya, I would imagine it to be largely frowned upon."
"I would imagine so, though equally as much desired by some as a result of that. Don't you silly, artsy types enjoy those sorts of clichés more often than not anyway?"
Yeosang says it in a way that's meant to be comically enjoyed by the both of you; a cute banter between husband and wife, though it always comes off as anything but to you. A point of contention in your relationship for as long as you can remember, your husband's unwillingness to relent as far as his perceived pointlessness of the arts as a whole—the irony embedded within then—when he decided upon marrying a woman so devout to them.
Something that over the years fell to the wayside, however, and you can't quite parse through how much of it has been on account of yourself, or on account of his disapproval of it. Never any outright condemnation of your enjoyment, but equally as much unwilling to ever make himself available to you in such a way.
Silly, artist types, as he would always call them. Not to be taken seriously, not to be regarded as anything more than children now existing well into adulthood but unwilling to cast aside the immaturity that still resides deep within them.
And so, cast it aside you have. Buried deep down, not to be revisited. To be ignored completely and forever.
"Yes, well," you start, pouring yourself another glass of wine, this one fuller than the last. "We do, but not when it results in undesired, real world consequences. I have no inkling of desire for a student five years my junior and with little to nothing going for him."
"You know, speaking of," Yeosang says then, a change of subject sitting at the tip of his tongue. "I've been thinking that maybe it's about time we start trying for a baby."
Your blood runs cold at the mere mention of it, frozen in place and almost certain that you've heard wrong. Surely not.
He must pick up on the hesitation despite the very few seconds of silence that pass through the line. You hear him sigh—like he's disappointed in the fact that you're not jumping at the potential opportunity—which dumbfounds you, because why on earth would you?
"It's been seven years now, I just thought—" he pauses, probably rethinking the course of his thoughts before picking back up again and deciding against the topic entirely. "You know what, forget it. We'll talk about it another time."
"Sorry, I was just...surprised. You brought it up so suddenly."
"It shouldn't be sudden given how long we've been married. We were meant to be on the same page about this. You're thirty now, I'm not saying that you're running out of time but—"
But he is.
You close your eyes, try to pretend that this isn't happening right now with another long sip of wine. Why on earth would you be jumping at the chance to have a baby, knowing perfectly well that in doing so you would effectively be rendered to paid-for-single-motherhood with the frequency in which your husband is not around.
The thought of it makes your skin crawl. You can't say that, however. There's a lot of things that you simply cannot say to him.
"I know, we should talk about it when you're home though. Over a nice dinner and a bottle of wine, perhaps?"
"Are either of those things likely to have you getting off of your birth control?"
You've been here before: the dead end of any particular conversation topic with Yeosang. Where further discussion on the matter nearly impossible to reach any sort of positive result. Best to back down now, nothing good will come of the rest of your evening over the phone together.
"I'm going to head into the office early tomorrow to get a little bit of extra paperwork done, still a lot of small things that need to be done around the theater hall," you say. It's not entirely a lie—fully intending to do just that—but more than anything and most importantly, it's an excuse for you to end the phone call. "I should probably get to bed."
"Yeah, me too. I'll call you tomorrow when I have some time. Get some rest, I love you."
You say you love him back, but in times like this, you aren't quite sure what the words are meant to feel like anymore.
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Nine in the morning echoes through the narrow, ornate halls of the theater building—an otherwise quiet emptiness that emanates around you on account of the students' typical disinterest in being there on the weekends. You understand the feeling well, though often unable to turn yourself off in quite the same way.
Balancing a small stack of papers and folders in your arms, you make your way towards your office. Phone calls to make, contractors to meet, signatures to sign—another full day of mundane tasks ahead of you with little to no reprieve in sight.
Dull. A lifeless existence you've resigned yourself to over the years; tending to a building that most lack care for, little to discuss with anyone most nights, and especially not your husband.
Amid quick strides across vermillion carpet, as you pass one of the closed doors to a smaller theater room—a small noise heard within, like a conversation being held between people. Words spoken and muffled by the large, wooden doors; you can't make them out even when you pause and press your ear closer towards it, but more than that comes to shock at someone else being on the premises aside from yourself.
You inch closer yet, slowly, and just before your head makes contact with the obstruction, it opens.
A cuss escapes you on account of the impact—it's sudden and hard enough that it has you stumbling back and dropping the handful of things that you've been carrying—papers scattering, you hissing, and the sound of a man hurriedly rushing to your aid in the aftermath of the flurry.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry—"
You rub your forehead with your palm, wince at the pain, crack your eyes open finally to see who it is that you have to wish only the worst things upon for having you end up like this.
He reaches out toward you, albeit awkwardly, unsure of what to do to help. While your vision focuses on him, he instead must decide on gathering your things—it's more helpful, surely.
"I didn't think anyone else was here, I was told no one else was here on the weekends."
"Yeah, well," you groan first, finally focusing on the sight of Hongjoong finishing his self-imposed task and then settling on his knees before you. "Typically there's no students here on the weekends. What are you doing here, anyway?"
Handing you the stacks of papers, Hongjoong smiles. As if knowing something that you do not.
"You were eavesdropping, weren't you?"
You glance up at him through your eyelashes, meet his eyes for a long moment and then bring yourself back up to your feet. He follows suit, watching you all the while.
"I would hardly call it eavesdropping when I'm the one tasked with making sure this place stays up and running. If I hear something suspicious, then I'm going to investigate it."
His smile widens.
"Was met with a sudden wave of inspiration for a garment, I don't have a dress form at home, and I was told that this space is available whenever to students. So, I came."
There's a few beats of silence that wash over the both of you—eyes glued to each other’s as if engaging in an unspoken game of chess. The first to relent unabashedly the loser, though you're not quite sure what winning might entail either.
You clear your throat, the weight of his gaze upon you feeling heavier and heavier with each passing second. Shuffle where you stand, dropping your eyes to the floor.
But you can feel that he is still watching you.
"Is that not true?" he asks, a hinting in his tone indicating that he knows the answer already.
"It is, you are welcomed to come and go as you please as a student of the Akademiya."
"Perfect," Hongjoong replies, airy, plain lips still painted with a slight smile. "Are you interested in costuming?"
The sudden tangent takes you by surprise, becoming painfully aware of the weight of the items still hanging in your arms as you give your brain a moment to play catch up with all of the bizarre things that seem to be unfolding around you. Frankly, if you didn't know any better—you might think the guy to be lightly flirting with you.
Hongjoong seems to notice as much, reaches out to take the stack once again and instead of holding onto it, sets the pile onto a stray chair that's hanging in the hallway just beside them.
"Lemmie show you something."
His hand reaches out behind himself—fingers brushing against your own in an effort to guide—you pull away just after, creating space between you even though you accept the invitation to follow him through the doorway and inside of the room. It's small, much smaller than the others that line the halls, and little more resides inside other than a dress form with fabrics draped over it, numerous swatches decorating a handful of chair-tops, and a large sketchbook sitting open in full display on the embarrassingly dirty floor.
Something that must have slipped past you in your attempt to tidy up the place for the school year ahead, you apologize to him for the inconvenience—tell him that you'll have it taken care of today—though he seems none bothered by the fact at hand.
Hongjoong's hair is cleaner today, more finely cared for and parted down the middle. Brushed, better put together than how he typically presents during the school week. Clean, fitted jeans and a nice blazer over his shirt. It's nothing fancy, but he looks nice.
"You didn't answer my question, by the way," he says suddenly, your attention snapping back to him and out of your thoughts about him. "About costuming."
"Oh, right," you acknowledge, though your attention is split between the conversation and any other tasks that may need taking care of. "A little bit. It's not something I've ever given a lot of attention to I suppose."
Hongjoong glances over his shoulder at that, seemingly amused by it. "Acting then?"
"Painting, actually."
"Ah," he sighs, bending down to the floor and picking up his sketchbook. He hands it to you. "Done anything in this place?"
Taking the large book of paper from him, you look up at him, then glance down towards it.
"A couple of things, though you'd never know it."
Hongjoong's attention to you falls away once again, hands reaching up to wind into the fabrics pinned onto the white dress form that stands in the middle of the room—back to work, as if you're not even there at all. In that time, you flip through a couple of pages of what he has given you; drawings and loose, messy sketches adorning the papers in numerous colors and outlines, but always beautifully connecting into something that shines against the bland background.
You blink a couple of times, in something of a bit of shock at what you're seeing. You glance up towards him once again—none of his attention given towards you or what you may think of his work—hands still busy winding, pinning and tying in front of him.
"These are good," you say, quietly, not wanting to interrupt his process. "Really good. How is it that—"
You catch yourself halfway through the thought, curse yourself for having even started to say it as you continue to look at him and the way his eyes sling to the side to meet yours.
"That I've not managed to graduate yet?"
"I'm sorry—"
Hongjoong laughs, takes a pause from his work and shakes his head. "It's okay, it's a fair enough question."
Waltzing across the path that separates the both of you and stepping over a small collection of fabric swatches, Hongjoong takes the sketchbook back from your hands, glances through a couple of the pages himself as if not having seen the things that rest inside for himself in quite some time. A trip down memory lane, as it would seem, and a small glimmer of what one might read as hope sparkling in his eyes as he looks at what he's done throughout the years.
"I wouldn't say that the issue is so much my talent; my raw, innate ability to create, to make something beautiful. Attention to detail, finding the divinity in something—or creating it—has never been the problem. Rather, there's probably a part of me that's absolutely terrified of the commitment of moving onto another chapter of my life."
You smile, let out a small laugh at it all. "That's a lot of words to say you're a commitmentphobe."
He shrugs. "Change is scary, unless it's temporary enough that the only thing that results from it is blowing up some major facet of my life."
"I'm sure your girlfriend loves that," you joke in response. Both of your eyes meet after, Hongjoong sets the sketchbook down onto the floor and slowly makes his way back to his work at the dress form as you continue to fumble over your words. "Or boyfriend, or whatever."
"Don't have one," Hongjoong says, sticking a pin between his teeth to hold onto. His eyes narrow then in a way that you've become bizarrely accustomed to in such a short amount of time spent with him—devilish, something lightheartedly coy and almost flirtatious in delivery. "What about you? Betrothed to anyone or just this place?"
"Married, actually," you reply, an uncomfortable tremble to your voice. Hongjoong's unrelenting stare remains steadfast on you all the while. Little time passing but feeling like far more. "Not to this place, to a man."
"That's good, I'd be worried for you if you weren't seeing anyone or anything but this building."
"Yeah, well, my husband spends most of the year traveling for business so—" you pause, close your eyes and re-center yourself. "Sorry, not really appropriate conversation to be having with students, is it?"
Hongjoong chuckles under his breath, still tending to his craft and seemingly wholly unbothered by the topic brought before him.
"Well, you're not my professor, you don't even work for the Akademiya, and thus I'm not your student," he pauses again, pulls a pin from between his teeth and sticks it into a fold of blue chiffon. "Besides, I'm twenty-five, you don't exactly have to shield my young, innocent eyes from the horrors of adult relationships. My parents are divorced, I've been through a fair share of my own in the meantime."
Silence takes the room then, and while you grant yourself some time to watch the man earnestly tend to his artistic craft, it's not long until you remember the fact that you have tasks that require your attention today as well.
"I've got to get going, I have work to do."
The man doesn't reply, another fold of blue chiffon pinned to the dress form as you bid him farewell.
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Later that evening, the wind blows cold through the moistened streets of the city as you make your way through winding passages of parked vehicles and unpleasantly placed construction signs. The misplaced leaves blow violently around you, lodged in your hair and stuck to your coat before you're able to finally make your way to the destination that awaits you.
Seonghwa stands just out front of the dimly lit bar like a beacon of comfort, a soft smile greeting you once you bring yourself up the steps and inside of the building with the door held open by him.
Inside, the warmth of a fireplace and a small amount of other patrons welcomes you in much of the same way that your friend just had. Your first time here, though you're already pleased by the sights of a candlelit ambiance and intricate, decorative little knickknacks all lining the walls for as far as the eye can see. To some perhaps it is crowded, overbearing—but for you, it feels right at home.
"Weather is horrid," Seonghwa says as he slips ahead, motions for you to follow him towards one of the tables at the back of the room. "Hadn't planned for that when I asked you if you'd like to come out."
The two of you sit and a member of the staff is quick to come and take your orders, disappearing just as swiftly as they had come.
"It's okay, I needed the distraction anyway, I've been bogged down with work back at Aurelia. I'm still not quite sure how so many things break down in the small time between semesters."
"It's an old building," Seonghwa begins, cut off by the waitstaff returning with your drinks then carrying on with the thought again. "Things are going to break, unfortunately. Speaking of, how are the new underlings?"
You laugh at the nickname given to the students, as if they are your own and thus under your thumb. Coffee mug in hand, you take a sip and look carefully to Seonghwa across the table—studying his face as if in search of something. He notices it, features twisting into confusion and reels back slightly.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"We've been friends for a long time, right? I can...talk to you about things."
He glances around the both of you, still searching for something and nothing all at once. The answers to the question and what's going on at this table, presumably, he won't find them though. "Yes? Why?"
You set your mug down, lean forward across the table a little bit more to close the wide distance between both of you.
"There's one student, a costuming major—"
"A man?"
Seonghwa flinches visibly at the reply.
"I think he's taken some sort of...particular interest in me, for some reason." You take another sip from your mug and watch on, awaiting a response from the man across the way.
He takes a few seconds of silence, thinking over what you've said most likely. His eyes drop to look down into the liquid of his glass, and then flicker up to meet your expectant ones.
"Why are you telling me this?"
Sighing, you lean back into your chair lazily. "I don't know, I think it's intriguing. I don't know why he would, but he is fascinating."
A single eyebrow quirks up on Seonghwa's face. "Does he know that you're married?"
Part of you wonders if he's asking you, or reminding you of the fact.
"Yes, I told him as much."
"Did he seem to...care much for that?"
"In what way is he meant to care for it?"
To that, Seonghwa sighs heavily—pulls himself forward across the table much like you had only moments before and laces his fingers together like a man intent of delivering an important presentation of some sort. Or perhaps lecture is a better, more apt word.
"In much of the same way that you are. I know that with Yeosang gone much of the time it gets lonely and the prospect of new and exciting attention is likely nothing short of intoxicating, but the stakes are rather low for whoever this student is—" Seonghwa pauses, allowing the emphasis on that particular word to sink in even further before carrying on. "It's probably not a good idea to pay it much mind."
"Are you done?" you ask. Pointed, annoyed but not wanting to let it show in a way that may sour the mood of the evening any more than Seonghwa has already allowed for. "I said that I found it intriguing, not that I was considering slipping between the sheets with him, my God."
It feels as though the entire room quiets once the two of you finish with those words shared. Seonghwa leans back in his chair again, takes his glass into his hands and brings it up to his lips before muttering his apologies through it and towards you.
"I'm sorry, it's just that as your friend I know how difficult the past few years have been for you—with your job, with your marriage—it's easy to let things slip through the cracks once they're there at all. I wasn't saying it as a judgement upon you."
You blink slowly, frown at him and reach a hand across the table in request for his own. He's fast to take it, curling your lips pleasantly the other way.
"I know. Truthfully, I look at the guy more as a little excitement in my life; like visiting the pet store and watching the bunnies hop around knowing full well that you have no intention of taking one home."
Seonghwa laughs at the comparison. "Does he know that he's a bunny in your life?"
"I don't think he thinks he's anything in my life, and he would be right about that."
Nodding in acceptance of the answer, the waitstaff come with a small loaf of cut, buttered garlic bread in a wicker basket for snacking. You're quick to take one into hand, Seonghwa a bit slower, still with more on his mind to question you with.
"How is Yeosang, anyway? Still gone I presume?"
You nod much in the same way. "He doesn't know when he's going to be able to come home, nothing unusual there, I suppose. Actually, he recently brought up something..."
Words trailing off into nothingness at the end, it piques Seonghwa's curiosity just that much more than it normally might. He takes a bite into the bread, mumbles through a full mouth.  "Brought up what?"
"That he wants to start trying for a baby soon."
Seonghwa reels—lip turning upwards into an ugly sight as if the very thought of it disgusts him.
"A baby? He's never even here, what's he want to have a baby for?"
Your demeanor gives off a silent understanding of I know, right? but you offer him a verbal reply along with it.
"That's sort of how I feel about it."
"That's the most insane thing I've ever heard," he says, taking another bite of the snack food in hand. "Guy spends maybe a quarter of the year at most in the city and he wants to get you pregnant. For what?"
The question isn't intended for you, not exactly. It's intended for a man who is not there to answer it—expelled into the ether with no hopes of a response—not that you nor Seonghwa think you will be sated by any possible reply that you could come by.
"Well, you didn't ask, but don't do that. I'm not really up for playing husband like I know I'd get stuck doing in the event of you getting pregnant."
You roll your eyes. "But playing husband comes with so many perks."
"College was a long time ago," Seonghwa replies, knowingly perfectly well the implications of your past together with him that you are alluding to. "I had my fill of you then, you're of far more use to me not on your back."
Feigning an offended gasp, you halfheartedly toss a napkin across the table at him—the both of you laughing.
"Seriously though, Yeosang needs to spend more time home and fucking you. If you're coming onto me again, and being woo'd by a young twenty-something student from the Akademiya then there's a lot of problems going on within the marital residence."
"I wouldn't sleep with you again if I was injected with poison through my cunt and the only antidote was kept in your dick," you insist plainly enough, and now he is the one drowning in pretend-hurt from across the way.
Leaning over the table again, Seonghwa smirks at you—looking positively evil over the flickering of candlelight that resides beneath him and in the middle of the table.
"Ah, but if it's in an Akademiya student’s dick, well then—"
Fingers dipped in your water glass and quickly flicked into the face of your best friend, he flinches with shock at what you've done to him—how could you—he hatefully whispers through a laugh that you both carry between yourselves.
Unlikely that you're to live this one down, that much is for certain.
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a/n: ah geez the trouble is brewing! enjoy the calm before the storm yall because it’s gonna get crazy and fast. if you have stuff to discuss, my ask box is the best way and i’m always happy to talk about the stories and characters! other than that, hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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lucixfers · 1 year
—𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ༆
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pairing. chrollo lucilfer x female reader
18+ MDNI.
warnings. heavily sexual/suggestive content, smut (not very explicit), mentions of toxicity, morality, the use of the word divinity and salvation but not in a religious sense lol
wc. 882
note. don’t let the first part bore you. I like build up and will go hours and hours into character analysis.
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His allure was undeniable.
He drew you in a perilous dance of desire and darkness. Morality? What is morality but a fluid concept that exists within a realm of gray where absolutes fade away.
Atleast, that is what he had said.
Morality stifles your true potential.
You found yourself torn between Chrollo’s dark charm and the knowledge of toxicity that seeped from his very being. For underneath the surface of his intoxicating charisma lay complexity, a web of manipulation and self-interest that permeated his every action. Yet, here, you yearned for his touch, even if you at times found yourself recoiling from the hidden venom that dripped from his lips.
Can love truly blossom amidst such darkness?
You scoffed at the thought. Love? Your own concept of love was quite twisted. The dark shroud of intoxicating infatuation is quite suffocating. His presence increasingly consumes you, until you find yourself clawing out and gasping for air.
Yet, amidst the toxicity, there were glimpses of something deeper—a vulnerability that surfaced in fleeting moments when his guard slipped. It was in those instances that you caught sight of the tortured soul beneath the surface, a soul aching for solace.
You think back to the conversation once more.
“However,” Chrollo continued, his tone softening with a touch of introspection, “that does not mean our actions are without consequences. We understand the price we pay for defying society’s norms. Yet, in our pursuit for liberation, we embrace darkness within us, navigating its depths while remaining true to our own code.”
It was an unapologetic celebration of freedom. Chrollo’s morality was a delicate balance between chaos and purpose, a dance between self-interest and loyalty.
“Morality stifles your true potential.”
As if he knew the turmoil brewing beneath you, Chrollo approaches you, regarding you with a knowing look. His voice carried a subtle intensity as he responded to the battling thoughts in your head.
“Morality, as I mentioned before,” Chrollo lays a gentle hand on your temple, “is a collection of societal norms that shape our behavior.” His eyes follow his fingers that move down behind your ear.
“But love and desire,” his mouth was now where his fingers once were, “they exist beyond the confines of morality.” He sang in your ear.
The ghost of a touch had you rise up from your seat. Your hips, as if they could hold back the desire no longer, happily leaned into the hands that gripped them. Chrollo’s mouth was still hot against your ear, your bodies were unknowingly in a gentle sway.
“To deny yourself the expression of your true feelings,” his breathing grew heavier, “to suppress this passion,” he paused. He pulls back, only enough to press his forehead against yours. His eyes bore into your soul, demanding its full attention.
“—would be to deny your own existence, my love.”
Heat coursed through your entire being. Your legs shake, and you would have fell, had it not been for Chrollo’s knee that had somehow pried its way through your legs, and was now pressed against your warmth.
“Breathe my darling.” Chrollo stroked the top of your head, his knee shifting, knowing that it would elicit that beautiful sound that will grant you salvation from your thoughts.
Chrollo’s words carried quite the rebellion, urging you to break free from the constraints that held you back.
“Chrollo, I—” you sigh.
Chrollo throws his head back, his arms that once supported you were now raised in the air and his voice boomed through your soul.
“Embrace, my darling! Embrace the intensity of your emotions, for they are the essence of your humanity.”
You gasp. His words were the divinial hand that pulled you from the shroud, and gave you the strength to stand on your own. This new-found resilience has encouraged you to explore your liberation. Your fingers, once limp, now claw themselves up Chrollo’s chest and lace themselves in his hair. Your head falls back as his lips that spoke the words of your freedom just moments ago, latch onto your neck.
You let arousal stir within you, letting him deepen the kisses that were now trailing down your chest. He stops just short of your heat, and looks up at you with such enigmatic eyes.
The ball was now in your court.
Your expression darkens as you bend down slowly to meet his gaze, cupping his face to really look at him. You’re enraptured by those paradoxical eyes.
You let the tip of your tongue roam across the line of his mouth, encouraging him to pry apart those pretty lips, and just when he did, you rose once again.
Chrollo smiled his dark smile and without breaking eye contact, returned his hands to the back of your ankles. He slid his hands up and down until your dress rode up. With a swift hook of his fingers, he pulled down the lace fabric, exposing the feast he had been craving since he first laid his eyes on you. His eyes, that were vacant and hollow, now held those glimmering, shifting hues, that were only granted to the finest of treasures.
“Oh, Chrollo,” you let your head fall back.
And with one final kiss to your stomach, the thief finally allowed himself the pleasure of playing in gold.
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thedaily-beer · 10 months
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Societe Brewing Flashback Time IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. A nice, bright tropical and juicy nose and a firmly bitter and decidedly West Coast body. Nice mix of components and has a clean, refreshing, and dry finish. Probably wouldn’t stand out in a pack of IPAs, but it’s quite nice.
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auraeseer · 9 months
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Usually there's a conflict between society and crown . . .
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argentsunshine · 4 days
here is a new question and statement. happy pride month. what are your complex and convoluted gender and sexuality headcanons for all the phantom thieves and which of them have autism
happy pride month ♥️
akiras some kind of nonbinary but hes on probation so he doesn't really care about that right now <3 id say he's genderfluid or something like that. gender = wildcard. shes bi but we knew that.
ryuji is cis and he's "he's a little confused but he's got the spirit about transness . he isn't straight but he won't realise this until he's twenty one
ann has had the Very Affectionate Teen Girl Friendship thing going on with shiho for years and the realisation that she's gay has been brewing in the background for years but she doesn't fully realise it until she awakens to carmen
yusuke has the autism thing where your relationship to societal norms is sufficiently weird that "what gender are you" becomes a very difficult question to answer. he also kind of thinks everyone is kidding about attraction and hetero attraction specifically. is he gay? ace? aro? if you forced him to answer he'd spend 15 minutes talking and you still wouldn't have an answer
makoto can be transfem as a treat but she's so focused on being normal and socially acceptable and normal that she hasn't processed the gay part until about a week after awakening to johanna where she fills a notebook with points for or against the idea that she's into women. this does not help at all
futaba she/it transfem swag
haru I'm not really sure on gender but i think she realises shes gay in college but unlike ryuji where this rocks his entire world she's like oh that makes sense and moves on
akechi is a gay trans man but as previously discussed he's a binary trans guy teenager in 2016 who already has a superiority complex so it'll take him a few years to start being reasonable to other less normal and assimilationist and socially acceptable gay and trans people
i think sumi is straight not an insult to her i just think she is. she's the token straight who's become culturally queer because all her friends are gay
I've spoken about The Autism before i can't find the post but I'd just be repeating myself. ryuji and ann have adhd. nvm heres the post
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 4 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 14. Valentine
Professor Sharp receives a considerable amount of Valentine's Day cards. The only problem is that they are not from his sweetheart...
chapter specific tags: fluff, friendship, dinah and abraham being menaces of friends
relationships: aesop sharp x reader, aesop sharp & dinah hecat & abraham ronen, natsai onai & reader
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14. Valentine (2.6k)
tw: hints of jealousy?? maybe?
The young Ravenclaw was eyeing the High table suspiciously. That was the fourth owl this morning. FOURTH! Of course, she wouldn’t be normally concerned about her professor lover’s correspondence, but each and every single owl that flew in his direction one morning carried what was very obviously a Valentine’s Day card, one of them even brought the most perfect rose she’d ever seen. She looked around the Great Hall, her eyes narrowing. Just who on earth was sending Aesop Sharp Valentine's Day cards?! Someone who wasn’t her! 
Of course, she did have her own card for him, but she decided that she’d give it to him personally, as sending Diana over with it would be most suspicious. Someone obviously decided to forego this precaution. On the other hand, she recognised all of the owls as the school ones, kept for the students who didn’t have their own. Who was it? Nobody present in the Great Hall looked suspicious, in fact, many of her fellow students were peering around curiously, trying to see who’d send the intimidating potions master four Valentine Day’s notes. 
Oh! There was a fifth one! The owl landed in front of the professor very inelegantly, half landing in his scrambled eggs, prompting his already annoyed face to turn slightly murderous. He didn’t even take the envelope the owl carried in its beak, and the owl waited for him to take it for several minutes at least.
Well, at least it seemed that these notes were unwanted by Aesop… Or was he just annoyed that she was present, and a secret lover just gave him away?
No, no… Aesop wouldn’t do that, the Ravenclaw was sure of it. Maybe it was a prank? Then again, she didn’t think any one of her classmates would attempt to prank the potions master this way, not even Garreth. After all, Garreth only caused trouble with his experimental brews and concoctions, he wasn’t in the habit of actively pranking their teachers, and everybody else either feared or respected the gruff former Auror enough not to mess with him.
There was the occasional gossip that someone planned to trip the man, but nobody ever actually went through with the plan. Maybe the fact that the Ravenclaw made it known that if anyone as much as tried to send any sort of jinx Aesop’s way, they’d have to deal with her. After all, mostly everyone knew she and the potions master were friendly, and even those who thought it a funny idea to jinx the ex-auror teacher thought better about facing the wrath of the thus far undefeated Crossed Wands champion. 
Maybe Aesop’s secret admirer was someone who didn’t come to breakfast? She looked around the room again, making a mental checklist of the girls there… But what if was a boy? That could very much happen of course - it came as a shock to her the first time she learned that homosexuality was, unlike in the Muggle world, perfectly normal and accepted. However, as she never truly bought into her parents’ and lecturers’ teachings when it came to societal norms, she soon accepted this fact and didn’t think more about it. After all, all that really mattered was love, just like the only thing that mattered between Aesop and her was love too.
She looked around the room for the third time there, wondering which one of her classmates could have such a crush on the professor, they’d go and send five - a hoot rang through the air and the Ravenclaw sighed - six Valentine’s Day cards. Well, using the elimination method, she could easily scratch out Sebastian; while his feelings towards the potions master changed somewhat, she knew he still felt very wary around him. If it was because of Aesop’s auror history that reminded the Slytherin lad of his late uncle, or perhaps the teacher’s general gruffness and acuteness was a mystery to her… Or… Or what if he actually hid his crush behind the mask of dislike? Sebastian did confess to her that he had a crush on her some time back, but she now knew that some people were interested in both sexes. 
Hm. Still, quite improbable.
Who else then? Violet Mcdowell often mentioned how intimidating she found the teacher, but perhaps she said so with a hint of admiration. And what about Sacharissa Tugwood? She was a fairly skilled potioneer and often showed her inventions off to the professor. He certainly seemed more impressed with them than with Garreth’s. Oh goodness! What if it was Garreth himself?! What if all of his little experiments were a way for him to get Aesop’s attention?!
“I didn’t know you were this serious about the silly holiday,” said Natty amusedly as she sat next to the Ravenclaw. “Huh?” she replied eloquently. “That’s like the seventh owl Professor Sharp has received today! I thought they were all from you?” the Ugandan asked, her amusement replaced with confusion now. “First of all,” said her closest friend then, “why would I send school owls? I’ve got my own, and I’m telling you, she would’ve been so much quicker than these. Second of all, have you seen me anywhere near the owlery lately? And thirdly, why would I send Valentine’s Day cards to Professor Sharp?”
Natty snickered at her last point but hid her smile in her tea quickly. “Oh, I don’t know,” she said in a mock innocent voice, “First: could be a romantic surprise? Second: I did not, but then again, you could’ve gotten this ready in advance. And third: no point at all, of course, it’s not like you’ve got little hearts in your eyes at every mere mention of his name.” The Ravenclaw went red in the face, quickly biting into the before entirely forgotten crumpet on her plate. “I do not judge,” Natty said next, “he’s not a bad-looking man. And mother tells her is a very good wizard. And he must obviously like you since he spends so much of his free time with you.”
“That’s great Natty, could you please speak a little louder, I don’t think the Slytherins heard you…” The Ravenclaw said, her cheeks still hot and most likely more red than Weasley hair. Her friends did not yet know about her relationship with the potions master, and she wasn’t really sure how to break the news to them. She better think it up soon, however, as Natty seemed way too close to discover the truth on her own… 
“I wonder who sent those then,” the Ugandan said finally, shaking her head. Her friend no longer replied, but merely wolfed down the rest of her breakfast, and made her way towards the Ravenclaw tower to gather her things for the day. She would find out who was this secret admirer sending a frankly concerning amount of Valentine Day’s notes to her sweetheart, sooner rather than later.
She was running late for lunch. 
After Peeves locked her in the toilet stall and struck the wand out of her hand, she spent at least 10 minutes scanning every single inch of the room, looking for it. After she crawled through the gap under the stall door that is. She huffed in annoyance as she fixed her hair and clothes in the mirror. The poltergeist was a bloody menace. However, as she neared the Great Hall, she found herself actually slightly glad to have been forced to crawl on the restroom floor and look high and low for her wand, because her secret lover was just on his way out. 
They were alone, most likely for only a minute or two, but she was grateful for even those two minutes.
As soon as he noticed her, his limping steps quickened, and he cast a swift look around him before leaning in for a quick kiss upon her lips. “I’m glad to see you,” he said quietly, his voice genuine and heartfelt, “I hoped to catch you on the way to the Great Hall, but grew worried when you weren’t showing up…” “Yes, well,” she rubbed at her neck awkwardly, “Peeves…” 
“Is he causing you any trouble? If so, just tell me, I’ll talk to the Bloody Baron, he’ll set him straight,” Aesop offered immediately. “No, no, it’s fine. He doesn’t pick on me very often. In fact, I think the last time was about two months ago.”
“Listen,” Aesop almost interrupted, “are you free after dinner?” “I am… Why? Do you have any plans?” her voice turned into a gentle purr, and she was batting her eyelashes at the teacher. It worked like a charm, and a very flirtatious smirk found its way onto his lips.
“I might… Do you know the large hill next to Hogsmeade?” he asked then, keeping his voice quiet and gentle. She knew the one he meant, it stood out nicely against its surroundings. And so, after nodding her head, the professor grinned at her: “Good. Meet me there at half past eight, alright? You won’t regret it, I promise.”
And with that, he left towards the direction of the Faculty tower. The excitement of meeting her lover after dinner made the girl almost forget about the mystery sender of the morning cards. Almost. She spent the rest of the day in this strange mood, switching between utmost bliss and excitement at the clandestine rendezvous, and burning curiosity as to the identity of Aesop’s secret admirer. However, as the afternoon rolled into the evening, she found herself more happy than inquisitive. 
She made sure she looked good before she left her dorm room that evening - she donned a very neat white blouse with a burgundy camisole over it, complimenting her curves. Her rather form-fitting dark trousers were partially hidden away by the tall, laced boots on a short heel, and a long crimson overcoat completed her look. It was a rather Gryffindor-ish look, she supposed, but there was no denying that she looked quite lovely sporting it. Her dorm mates were all in the common room, and she was able to slip out of the tower unnoticed by casting the Disillusionment charm on herself and making use of their little roof area to be able to fly away on her broom. It was only after she was away from the castle grounds did she lift the charm. She enjoyed the feeling of wind upon her cheeks - her hair was carefully secured to last the flight.
And as she approached the hill, she could clearly see there was some sort of light there. Flying in closer, it became obvious that there were candles, and what looked like lacewing flies in small jars. And, in the middle of the lights was Aesop, leisurely sitting on a soft-looking blanket. He stood up when he saw her approaching, a dark shade in the light of the moon, and he procured a bouquet of flowers out of seemingly nowhere.
“Good evening,” he said once his young sweetheart landed and put her broom away. The hand holding the flowers extended towards her: “Uh, I-... Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet.” The girl didn’t waste a single second - she climbed into his arms and let the potions master kiss her senseless. After a few minutes of heated kisses and gentle touches, she pulled back reluctantly, entirely breathless: “Thank you so much, Aesop, they’re beautiful.”
The professor then put a stasis charm on the flowers, and the couple sat down upon the blanket together. There was obviously some sort of enchantment upon it, as it was softer than the ground underneath it appeared to be, and it was also very warm to touch. Aesop revealed that he prepared a small picnic for them, with butterbeer and some sweet pastries, which they proceeded to gladly share, cuddling under the starry sky. 
Suddenly, she remembered the card she had for him, and by extension also the ones he received in the morning.
“I’ve got this for you,” she said shyly, handing him the card. His look was like night and day from the one he had on his face in the morning as he read her words.
‘Dear Aesop. To the first of hopefully many Valentine's Days I’m allowed to kiss you, and hold you in my embrace. I am yours.
“Thank you, my love,” his words were soft, as were his eyes, “I’ve been looking forward to this one the entire day.” Ah, the girl was glad he was the one to have mentioned it, the last thing she wanted was to make him uncomfortable: “Now that you’re talking about it, what was that all about, in the morning?” Aesop rolled his eyes: “That was my dear friends Abraham Ronen and Dinah Hecat thinking they are very funny. You see, the first few ones, I thought they were from you. It was strange that the owl bringing them wasn’t Diana, but then I reasoned you were keeping a low profile. Well, obviously, neither of those cards were from you.” “Well, who were they from?” the girl asked, her curiosity completely palpable. Aesop grimaced slightly. “My colleagues,” he replied awkwardly. 
“Your colleagues? What? I didn’t know you sent Valentine’s Day cards to each other?” she asked incredulously, a small smile fighting its way onto her face. “We don’t… for whatever reason, Dinah, professor Hecat that is, decided to convince our colleagues that I get very sad every Valentine’s Day because I never receive anything. And well, some of them decided to do something about it.”
The Ravenclaw couldn’t help it - she burst into a fit of giggles. “Go on and laugh, now the whole of the student body thinks I’ve got myself some sort of fan club or something,” Aesop said, but he didn’t sound cross with the girl at all. “I’m sorry, Aesop, but you’ve got to admit, it is kind of funny,” she said through her chuckles while he shook his head. However, there was indeed a small smile on his face.
“If it makes you feel any better if you did have a fan club, I’d be most likely the leader, as I’m your biggest fan ever,” she purred into his ear then, prompting him to shiver slightly. “Glad to hear that,” he whispered back before pulling her into a deep kiss.
“Did you see her face,” Dinah asked, giggling as she sipped on her Firewhisky, “poor girl was ready to start a full-blown investigation!” Abraham Ronen too chuckled: “I just hope we didn’t cause her too much distress…”
“Seeing as Aesop is nowhere near his chambers or classroom, and Mr Thakkar was unable to find his classmate in the Ravenclaw tower, I think they’re having themselves a nice Valentine’s Day evening date. Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be off to see your wife?” The Charms professor smiled wryly: “I, well… You normally spend today with Aesop, I didn’t want you to be all on your own…” “Oh, don’t you go sentimental on me, Abe. Do I seem sad to you?” she rolled her eyes. “You seem perfectly alright,” the older man had to admit.
“That’s because I am. Now run along, your wife is waiting for you.”
However, before the two could say goodbye, a sooty owl flew in and perched upon Dinah’s sofa. The DADA teacher recognised it instantly and snatched the letter from out of the owl’s beak. It was a simple roll of parchment, with Aesop’s scrawl on it: “Dear Dinah and Abraham, please, refrain from any other tricks like this next year, else you two will find yourself with a goblet of pumpkin juice spiked with bulbadox powder one morning. - Aesop.” 
Dinah only grinned: “I expected no less.”
I'd like to say that I was so crafty as to plan on always making this the only fully coloured picture because it's the middle of Sharpuary, but that'd be a lie. The reason it's in full colour is simply because it looked weird and half-undone otherwise 😅
[AO3] - [Sharpuary 2024] - [Masterlist]
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paradise-world · 4 months
Fictional Ties | Zhang Hao ZB1
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Summary : In a web of familial expectations, pretense, and unexpected feelings, Y/N and Zhanghao navigate the complexities of a fake relationship, only to discover the genuine connection that has been there all along.
Genre : Fake Dating, Romantic Comedy, Drama, Contemporary Romance, Coming-of-Age, Slice of Life, Family Drama, Fem Reader
Warnings : N/A
Word Count : 4.8k
Notes : I KNOWWW I'm not finished the RIcky fic yet but if I'm being honest it's kinda feeling like a chore & I wrote a whole plan & story structure like last night so I couldn't help myself
In the wake of Y/N's triumphant completion of her bachelor's degree in dentistry, a sense of anticipation and familial expectations cast shadows upon her future. Hailing from a family of affluence and prestige, Y/N found herself standing at the threshold of a two-year clinical practice, the final leg of her journey to becoming an orthodontist. The air was thick with the weight of expectations, as her family, rooted in tradition, pressed for Y/N to settle down before immersing herself in the demanding world of orthodontics.
Amidst the quiet turmoil of Y/N's familial crossroads, a figure from her university days, Zhanghao, emerged as a steadfast companion. Having earned his legal degree and aspiring to carve a path in corporate law, Zhanghao found himself in the anticipation-laden limbo before embarking on his practical legal training. As life beckoned them towards uncharted territories, the bond between Y/N and Zhanghao would face new trials, testing the delicate balance between personal aspirations and societal expectations.
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The agreement to catch up had been long overdue, the culmination of their individual journeys post-graduation. Y/N, having successfully completed her dentistry degree and venturing into the realm of clinical practice, agreed to meet Zhanghao, her close friend since their university days. As the sun dipped below the horizon, they found themselves at the familiar entrance of the local coffee shop, a nostalgic spot that bore witness to countless conversations during their academic years.
The bell above the door chimed softly as Y/N and Zhanghao stepped into the warmth of the coffee shop. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans filled the air, triggering memories of late-night study sessions and laughter echoing within these walls. It was a place that held the essence of their shared past. The barista greeted them with a knowing smile, acknowledging the familiarity that exuded from the duo. They chose a corner table, the same one they occupied during countless university meet-ups, and settled into the plush chairs.
As Y/N ordered her favorite latte, the ambiance of the coffee shop transformed into a sanctuary for catching up. The whir of the espresso machine and the murmur of conversations formed a backdrop as the two friends began to unravel the threads of their daily lives. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, enhancing the atmosphere of nostalgia that enveloped them.
"How's your family been?" Zhanghao inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine interest. Y/N, sipping her latte, felt a nervous flutter in her chest. She paused for a moment before responding, "Well, they're pressuring me to settle down, but you know me—I'm not really ready for a serious relationship." The vulnerability in her voice resonated in the air, setting the tone for a candid conversation. "It's my Dad's birthday soon, though, so he'll be expecting a lot since it's been a while since I've seen them," Y/N added, the weight of familial expectations evident in her words.
There was a momentary silence, a shared understanding lingering between them. Zhanghao, sensing Y/N's unease, broke the quietude with an unexpected proposal. "I can be your fake boyfriend if you want," he suggested, a genuine smile playing on his lips. Y/N, surprised by the offer, looked at him questioningly. "Really? You would do that for me?" she asked, the sincerity of her inquiry hanging in the air. "If it appeases your family, then sure," Zhanghao replied, his smile unwavering. The exchange concluded with a handshake, sealing a pact that would weave their lives into a fabricated dance of companionship for the sake of familial expectations.
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After the candid catch-up at the coffee shop the previous day, Y/N and Zhanghao wasted no time. They both hurriedly retreated to their homes, filled with a sense of anticipation and the practicality of packing for the imminent trip. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the echo of shared laughter lingered in their minds, blending seamlessly with the tasks at hand.
The next morning, a gentle knock on Y/N's door heralded the beginning of a new chapter. Zhanghao, punctual and ready for the journey, stood at her doorstep just as the first rays of sunrise painted the sky in hues of pink and gold. Y/N greeted him with a smile, her large black duffel bag slung casually around her arm. Zhanghao's eyes met hers, and with a gesture of chivalry, he offered, "Let me take that for you." Y/N willingly surrendered the weight of her bag, and Zhanghao effortlessly carried it to the trunk of his car. With her front door securely locked, Y/N joined Zhanghao in the passenger seat, marking the beginning of a road trip that held the promise of familial expectations and uncharted territories.
As the engine hummed to life, Zhanghao typed the address of the hotel into the GPS, a beacon guiding them towards their destination. The quiet hum of the highway accompanied Y/N as she began to unravel the details of the trip. "So my Dad's a CEO of this technology company," she explained, her words weaving a narrative of corporate grandeur. "Once we arrive at the hotel, we have to explore the city with my family." Zhanghao chuckled, the familiarity of their conversation putting them at ease. "What does that have to do with your Dad being a CEO?" he teased as the scenery unfurled beyond the car windows. "Tonight, we're having a big dinner at this fancy restaurant with his associates, four of his close friends, and more people from my family," Y/N continued, painting a picture of an opulent evening. "Doesn't sound too complex," Zhanghao remarked, steering the conversation into the realm of simplicity. "Well, they're gonna be asking a lot of questions," she added, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Fine by me," Zhanghao shrugged, the easygoing nature of their banter settling any lingering apprehensions.
And so, they continued to drive down the open road, a journey that held not only the promise of a familial charade but also the unspoken nuances of companionship and discovery. The hum of the highway became a backdrop for the unfolding chapters of their shared adventure.
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After three hours of traversing scenic landscapes and winding roads, Y/N and Zhanghao finally arrived at the lavish hotel that would serve as their home during this unexpected escapade. The grand edifice stood before them, radiating opulence under the golden hues of the setting sun.
The exterior of the hotel was a testament to luxury, its facades gleaming in the sunlight. "This is not what I expected at all," Zhanghao commented, his eyes scanning the architectural elegance of the building as he unloaded their luggage. "I told you, CEO Father," Y/N chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes, setting the tone for the indulgent experience awaiting them inside. The two embarked on their journey through the polished entrance, stepping into a world where every surface seemed to shimmer with affluence.
Once inside, they found themselves immersed in an ambiance of pure luxury. The intricately designed interior boasted ornate furnishings, gleaming marble floors, and an aura of extravagance. Y/N and Zhanghao approached the reception desk, where the attentive staff ensured their seamless check-in process. After securing a room on the sixth floor, they stepped into the elevator, a cocoon of silence enveloping them.
"Is this overwhelming for you?" Y/N inquired, her eyes reflecting concern as the elevator ascended. "Nope, not really," Zhanghao nonchalantly shrugged, a calm demeanor masking any potential apprehension. The silence lingered briefly before Y/N broke it with a genuine expression of gratitude. "I'm grateful that you came with me," she confessed, a smile gracing her lips. "It's no worries at all," Zhanghao grinned, offering comfort through a reassuring rub on her shoulder.
Upon reaching their designated floor, they traversed wide, fancy hallways adorned with artistic touches, eventually arriving at their room. As the door swung open, natural light poured in, casting a warm glow on every inch of the meticulously arranged space. "I'd love to stay in here for an hour at least," Y/N remarked, appreciating the serenity of their temporary haven. Zhanghao, with a gentle smile, reminded her of their impending plans. "Well, we have to get ready to go to the city," he said, marking the beginning of the next chapter in their venture. With that, they both immersed themselves in the task of transforming their appearances to meet the standards set by Y/N's esteemed family.
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To create a lasting impression right from the start, Y/N and Zhanghao meticulously coordinated their attire, both opting for a timeless theme of black and white. Just a couple of steps away from the designated meet-up point, they paused, a shared anticipation hanging in the air. Not yet approaching, they deliberated on the perfect entrance. "What shall we do?" Zhanghao asked, seeking guidance for their grand debut. "What are your boundaries?" Y/N questioned in return. "Nothing really," he shrugged. With an unspoken agreement, she began to wrap her hands around his arm, a gesture of unity as they approached her family, adorned with smiles that concealed any underlying nerves.
As they neared the family, the Ahns greeted them with pleased looks on their faces, the synchronized elegance of Y/N and Zhanghao not going unnoticed. A series of prim and proper greetings ensued as the family exchanged pleasantries. Y/N's mother, after releasing a warm hug, addressed Y/N, "You've never told me about your boyfriend, Y/N." Y/N turned to Zhanghao, already looking at her. With a small hand gesture, she beckoned him closer. "Zhanghao, meet my mother," Y/N introduced, initiating a handshake. "Hello Mrs. Ahn, my name is Zhanghao," he grinned politely. "It's really great to meet you," she smiled back, the warmth of acceptance evident in her gaze.
The entire family embarked on a journey through the city, exploring different landmarks and important buildings. "This city is so beautiful," Y/N commented, her eyes sparkling with amazement. "I know," Zhanghao replied shortly, the unspoken connection between them apparent. They exchanged smiles, a silent understanding that spoke volumes in the midst of the bustling cityscape.
After a leisurely stroll, they decided to venture into a small, albeit pricey, restaurant. "They sell the best Kobe Beef here!" Y/N's brother exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Your family seems very fond of this place," Zhanghao whispered to Y/N. "Mainly my brother, but my sister never really cared," she shrugged. Seated at the restaurant, they indulged in high-quality meals featuring juicy beef. Amidst the flavorful bites, the family continued to socialize, sharing laughter, stories, and creating an atmosphere of warmth that transcended the boundaries of familial expectations.
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As they returned to the sanctuary of their hotel room, the air was filled with a comfortable fullness from the delightful dinner. "You did very well to impress them," Y/N complimented, her voice carrying a note of approval. "I hope we were believable at least," Zhanghao smiled, a sense of satisfaction evident in his expression. "I'm sure we were," she reassured, confidence radiating from her. The successful charade had set a positive tone for the evening.
Transitioning from their casual attire, they delved into the realm of elegance. Y/N, with practiced grace, began to curl her hair, while Zhanghao, ever the debonair companion, parted his hair near the middle, revealing a sophisticated look. "You suit this hairstyle a lot," Y/N complimented his appearance, her eyes appreciating the transformation. "I'll keep that in mind when seeing your family," Zhanghao smiled, returning the favor. "But I'm the one that complimented you…?" Y/N looked confused. "Well then, this is the only time you'll see it," he teased before receiving a playful slap on the shoulder. "You're so mean to me!" she complained, the banter echoing through the room.
With their attire carefully selected, they adorned themselves with accessories that added a glimmer to their appearance. "Y/N!" Zhanghao called. "What's up!" she asked. "Can you help me put on my tie?" Y/N left the bathroom and approached Zhanghao. As she fixed his tie with little distance between them, she asked, "Do you not know how to put on a tie?" "This is the first time I'm wearing one," he commented. Looking up at him, Y/N met his piercing gaze. With one final knot, she finished, saying, "There you go." Zhanghao checked himself out in the mirror, teasingly asking, "Would you say I look handsome enough for your family?" "Whatever, let's go!" Y/N jokingly rolled her eyes, and together, they stepped foot outside of their hotel room.
Once again, they walked down the halls, the click of Y/N's heels resonating one step at a time as she walked beside Zhanghao, their coordinated elegance setting the stage for the next act in their charade.
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The restaurant exuded an air of exclusivity, its highly polished interior complemented by black-tinted windows that added a touch of mystery. The group was sizable, comprising nine members of the Ahn family, including Y/N's dad, ten of his associates, four close friends from high school, and the three partners of his children, among whom Zhanghao found his place. The entourage of 26 individuals made a grand entrance, the prestigious family name uttered by Y/N's dad opening the doors to the large and luxurious restaurant.
Arriving at a private room with a grand table, the middle seat reserved for Y/N's father, Y/N and Zhanghao found themselves seated next to each other, not too far away from her father. Warm welcomes were extended by Y/N's grandparents, aunt, and uncle, enveloping Zhanghao in a generous embrace. "How did you two meet?" Y/N's grandmother sweetly asked, her eyes filled with curiosity. "We met the moment we entered the same university together," Y/N replied, narrating their genuine story. "How did you two get together?" Her grandfather inquired. "I took her to a local coffee shop nearby, ordered her the same latte she always orders, and asked the big question." Zhanghao answered, and a shared smile passed between them as their eyes met.
As the evening progressed, orders were placed, with Y/N opting for pasta and Zhanghao choosing risotto, both adorned with white truffles. The table was set for a feast of flavors.
Once the meals were served, Y/N's father took the floor. "I'd just like to welcome today, my youngest daughter's boyfriend, who I had just met today." Applause followed as Zhanghao graciously bowed. "So, child, tell me, what are your plans for the future?" Y/N's father inquired, bringing a moment of thoughtful silence before Y/N responded. "Since I'm starting my clinical practice for 2 years and studying orthodontics after that, while Zhanghao is soon to start his practical legal training to begin his journey to become a corporate lawyer, I'd say we're both focusing on ourselves, our stability, and security with our careers and finance." Y/N smiled, but her father's reaction was less enthusiastic. "That's alright, just expected a bit more from you, though, Y/N," he commented, casting a shadow of disappointment over her. She stared at the ground, feeling displeased.
"We would like to get married, though, find a home to permanently stay at, and build a family," Zhanghao spoke up, breaking the silence. Y/N looked up, and her father's grin widened. "After everything else, though, of course," Zhanghao added. Y/N's dad, now pleased, announced to everyone, "That's more like it, everyone!" The room filled with applause, smiles, and nods, celebrating the future plans of Y/N and Zhanghao's relationship.
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After indulging in flavorful food and high-quality drinks, Y/N and Zhanghao returned to their hotel room, the echoes of the celebratory dinner still lingering in the air.
In the hushed ambiance of their private space, a storm brewed within Y/N. Panic consumed her as she grappled with the weight of the plans laid out at the dinner table. "It's just so much! Imagine all those hopes and expectations for us." Y/N's voice trembled, her chest constricting, breathing becoming a struggle. The room seemed to spin as she paced hurriedly, a cascade of worries and fears pouring out in a torrent. Her eyes welled with tears, and her mouth felt dry as she verbalized the overwhelming thoughts racing through her mind.
Witnessing Y/N's distress, Zhanghao approached her, gently holding her by her exposed shoulders. "Y/N, it's okay," he reassured, his voice a soothing balm. Drawing her into a soft hug, he whispered, "I'm sorry," as Y/N quietly began to sob. "I only said that because I saw how sad you were at your Dad's disapproval," he explained, tears mirroring Y/N's falling from his eyes. "We can always fake break up, okay? You can make it completely my fault and make me seem horrible so it doesn't have a bad image on you." As he let go of her and looked into her eyes, he added, "You don't have anything to worry about, okay? I'm always here for you anyway." A warm smile accompanied his reassurance as he gently wiped away her tears with his thumb. "Thank you, Zhanghao, for everything," Y/N grinned, small tears still escaping from her eyes.
"This is gonna sound really weird," Zhanghao began, his voice carrying a gentleness. "But do you want me to hold you tonight, maybe? I just don't want you to sleep in this state." He asked gently. "No, it's fine. Thank you for making me feel better, though," she smiled. As they began to get ready for bed, going through their night routines, they eventually found themselves in the same bed, a pillow placed between them.
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As the sun dawned on the next day, signaling the conclusion of their trip, the Ahn family decided to spend their remaining moments at a popular amusement park before heading home.
"I'm scared," Y/N whispered to Zhanghao as they stood in line for the roller coaster. "It's okay, it's just a roller coaster," Zhanghao reassured. Once on the ride, Y/N's screams echoed louder than Zhanghao's laughter, the twists, turns, and drops inducing a mix of fear and exhilaration.
The roller coaster adventure behind them, the family moved on to the towering and colorful Ferris ring car. Anticipation mingled with trepidation as Y/N, feeling uneasy, looked at Zhanghao. "Hold onto my hand if you get scared," he offered with a comforting smile. As they took their seats and the ride began, Y/N gripped Zhanghao's hand tightly. Their eyes met, and in that moment, a strange warmth enveloped Y/N, her heart racing uncontrollably as reality blurred with the spinning motion of the ride.
After trying out various rides, the family decided it was time to refuel. The image of Y/N and Zhanghao holding hands lingered in her mind as they sat down to eat. Zhanghao noticed her distant gaze, and he inquired, "What are you ordering?" "Just a corndog and coke, please," she replied. The shared ferris ring car moment played on repeat in her thoughts, leaving her questioning if Zhanghao was more than just a friend.
A face painting booth caught their attention, and everyone in the family wanted to get their faces painted. Y/N opted for a simple rose on her cheek, and the artist took extra care with the details. Zhanghao approached with a raccoon on his cheek, admiring Y/N's choice. The artist finished the rose, and Y/N marveled at the mirror, finding herself adorned with a beautifully shaded flower. The family then ventured to find accessories, with Zhanghao selecting a rose headband for Y/N. "To match with your cheek," he smiled as they admired her reflection. Y/N, determined to reciprocate, browsed through the limited selection for Zhanghao. Unable to find a raccoon headband, she suggested, "Do you just wanna match?" Zhanghao nodded, and they both snapped mirror selfies with their matching rose headbands before embarking on more rides at the park. The day at the amusement park became a vibrant chapter in their shared adventure, filled with laughter, shared moments, and the blossoming of something more than friendship.
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After a day filled with laughter and shared moments at the amusement park, the time came for Y/N and Zhanghao to pack up their bags and return to the realities awaiting them.
"Do you think we were successful?" Zhanghao questioned as they began their journey back. "Definitely," Y/N chuckled, her heart fluttering at the thought. "My dad loves you, and my mum made very nice comments about you, so we were definitely successful." Their smiles mirrored the contentment they felt, the shared success of their faux relationship adding an unexpected layer to their friendship.
As they drove, Y/N found herself admiring the tall trees and the vibrant hues of the sky as the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the landscape.
After another three hours on the road, they arrived at Y/N's house. "I'll help you with your things," Zhanghao offered. The two walked up to her door, and as Y/N opened it, Zhanghao placed her belongings on the ground. Gratitude filled Y/N's expression as she said, "I can't thank you enough for this." "Well, I care for you a lot, so of course, I'd help," Zhanghao giggled before pulling her into a warm hug. "I'll see you, Zhanghao!" she grinned. "On our next adventure!" he replied, returning her smile before hopping into his car and driving off. The echoes of their shared escapade lingered in Y/N's mind as she entered her home, grateful for the unexpected turns their journey had taken.
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Chapter 10: Practices
In the unfolding chapters of their individual journeys, Y/N and Zhanghao delved into the intricate realms of their chosen careers. Y/N, now immersed in the bustling atmosphere of her dental clinical practice, found herself navigating through the daily tapestry of oral healthcare.
The scent of antiseptic lingered in the air as Y/N moved seamlessly through her responsibilities. Engaging in the artistry of dental procedures, she meticulously performed cleanings, her nimble fingers expertly navigating the contours of each tooth. With precision and care, she executed fillings, infusing renewed vitality into deteriorating enamel. Extractions, while a somber task, became a necessary skill in her repertoire, handled with both gentleness and efficiency.
Dental examinations became a routine, a meticulous inspection of oral landscapes. Y/N's keen eyes scanned for signs of decay, misalignment, or potential issues, each diagnosis a puzzle to solve. As she interacted with patients, she honed her ability to communicate complex dental findings in a way that was both understandable and comforting.
One day, curiosity led Y/N to the orthodontic realm, an area she aspired to explore further. Standing beside one of her seasoned colleagues, she observed the delicate artistry of creating and fitting dental appliances. The metallic gleam of braces adorned the workspace, and Y/N absorbed every nuance, expressing her desire to specialize in orthodontics.
Beyond the technical skills, Y/N embraced her role as an educator. Patient interaction extended beyond the chair, as she imparted valuable knowledge about oral hygiene practices. Her counseling extended beyond the clinical setting, empowering individuals to cultivate habits that would contribute to a lifetime of dental wellness.
In the symphony of dental care, Y/N found her rhythm. Each day brought new challenges and triumphs, as she honed her craft within the clinical confines. As Zhanghao embarked on his own journey in practice legal training, their parallel pursuits carved distinct paths toward professional fulfillment. The separate beats of their careers played on, harmonizing the melody of their individual growth.
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Nearly two weeks had passed since Y/N and Zhanghao delved into their respective careers. While occasional texts maintained a connection between them, their focus was primarily on navigating the challenges of their professional lives.
On a Friday evening, the familiar knock echoed through Y/N's doorway. Zhanghao stood on the other side, and Y/N welcomed him into her home with a warm smile.
Seated comfortably on her couch, the atmosphere shifted as Zhanghao began to open up. "I might need your help," he confessed, revealing the source of his stress – the upcoming Legal Awards Gala. "I'm expected to attend, since my mentor who is an experienced lawyer invited me," he explained.
Curiosity piqued, Y/N inquired, "What's wrong with that?" Zhanghao looked up, gauging her reaction. "He said that I should bring a date," he emphasized, and Y/N's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Of course!" she exclaimed, wrapping him in a hug. "Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel forced," Zhanghao questioned, concerned. Y/N assured him with a smile, "No, of course not. When is it?"
"Tomorrow night," Zhanghao replied. The room filled with laughter as they both shared a moment of light-heartedness. "As long as you pick me up, we'll be all good," Y/N playfully added, sealing the deal with a shared sense of excitement.
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The night of the Legal Awards Gala had arrived, and Y/N meticulously styled herself in a sophisticated black dress paired with a chic blazer. As she stepped outside, she found Zhanghao waiting for her, looking dapper in a well-fitted suit and tie.
"You learned how to do it yourself, I see?" Y/N teased, observing his refined appearance. "I had to learn for the whole legal training thing," he chuckled, revealing the practical side of his attire.
They entered the car, and as they began to drive, the night sky welcomed them with a breathtaking display of stars. Y/N, feeling the festive spirit, suggested, "What should our entrance be?"
Zhanghao pondered for a moment before proposing, "Our famous arm hold?"
"Let's go with that," Y/N agreed, anticipating the subtle theatrical touch they would bring to the event.
Upon their arrival, the venue unfolded before them – another grand hotel setting the stage for the Legal Awards Gala.
Y/N elegantly wrapped her hands around Zhanghao's arm as the two made their entrance into the hotel. Escorted to the venue, they found themselves in a breathtakingly luxurious ballroom adorned with glittering chandeliers. The air was filled with an air of sophistication, and the attendees, donned in opulent attire, hinted at the grandeur of the Legal Awards Gala.
A distinguished man approached them and warmly shook Zhanghao's hand. "Y/N, meet my mentor Ryu Chanwoo," Zhanghao introduced. As Ryu Chanwoo extended his hand to Y/N, she greeted him with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ahn Y/N." Ryu Chanwoo chuckled, "I've heard your family name many times thanks to your father. I'm proud of you for bringing a very prestigious date, Zhanghao; this will definitely help with your professional image."
After Zhanghao expressed gratitude to his mentor, Ryu Chanwoo mingled with others. Y/N, amused by the revelation about her father's reputation, chuckled, "I didn't know people knew my Dad that much." Zhanghao replied, "Well, you're helping me a lot right now." The two shared a laugh before engaging in conversations with senior partners from renowned law firms. Topics ranged from industry trends to legal strategies and potential collaborations.
As the night progressed, they took their seats at a table, joining the company of others. Socializing continued over the elegant dinner, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie among legal professionals. In the latter part of the gala, Y/N and Zhanghao witnessed numerous individuals receiving awards for their outstanding achievements in the field of law. Although Y/N had limited knowledge of the legal intricacies, she graciously smiled and clapped throughout the evening.
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The night air was filled with a sense of accomplishment as Zhanghao drove Y/N home after the Legal Awards Gala. However, as Y/N prepared to exit the car, Zhanghao's sudden request halted her movements. "Wait," he said, his gaze piercing hers, prompting her to sit back down.
With a look of genuine confusion, Y/N awaited his words. "Why are we just faking all the time?" he asked, causing her to furrow her brows. As he continued, Zhanghao revealed, "Y/N, we've been friends throughout all of uni." A sense of realization flickered across her face. "Are you saying what I think you're trying to say?" she questioned, searching his eyes for confirmation. "Yes, I am, Y/N," he replied.
A silent pause lingered before he opened up about the feelings he had harbored. "I felt something on your father's birthday trip, or maybe even during uni," he confessed. "I know we've only been fake dating twice, and it's been nearly two weeks. But throughout our adventures, we said we only needed each other for different things. What if we just needed each other, in general?" he asked, a genuine look in his eyes.
Y/N's heart raced as she contemplated his words. "What if I want you to want me instead of being something you need?" she questioned. Zhanghao's response was clear, "I think it's very obvious from what I'm saying right now that I want you." With that, they leaned in for a kiss, a culmination of unspoken emotions. Zhanghao gently held her face, and Y/N placed her hands behind his head. Their hearts raced, and the kiss was now a testament to their newfound connection.
As they reluctantly let go, Zhanghao bid her goodnight, "Goodnight, Y/N," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "Goodnight, Zhanghao," she grinned, stepping into her house with the certainty that she was now more than just a fake girlfriend. New beginnings awaited them both.
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notes : i hope you enjoyed!! i know this is pretty short but i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! this was supposed to be after the ricky fic & another project but i genuinely just couldn't help myself.
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