soliacsnecc · 14 days
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cyprian-apparition · 2 years
What the FUCK is the newest pokemon game???
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kyarasalvatore · 2 years
I see you around in all these empty faces por Spicy and Sexy Blog 🌶️ Via Flickr: 🌶️⤷1102⤶ 🌶️ ⋆FULL CREDITS⋆ 
 🌶️Lelutka EvoX Avalon v3.1 
 🌶️Angelic - "Audrey" Hair - #CraftyWeekend 
 🌶️SOLIAC - Cloe Skin - @SKIN FAIR 
 🌶️[Onyx] Nabi Eyebrows - @SKIN FAIR 
 🌶️LOTUS. Aurah Eyes - @SKIN FAIR 
🌶️nyaru - Hanni Lipstick - @SKIN FAIR 
 🌶️[Onyx] Faith Tattoo - @SKIN FAIR 
 🌶️RAWR! Penance HUMAN EvoX Earrings - #StoreSpecial 
 🌶️RAWR! Penance Bracelets and Ring - #SaturdaySale 
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sofibeth · 9 months
If life don't got me at least dancing toothless does!!
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type1dragonwolf · 2 months
(Pretty Long) Nexus Rant
So I was listening to the song “Not A Lot, Just Forever” by Adrienne Walker (A sad but ABSOLUTELY STUNNING song by the way) and for some reason it made me think of Nexus and his life. And I realized he’s not the villain. He didn’t MAKE himself evil.
He was honestly just broken and chose to follow the evil voices in his head.
Let me explain.
So back when he was first… born? Created? I don’t know— he felt like he had to be like old him. Old him but BETTER. And he tried to be.
He yelled at Sun like old him, but out of protecting him from star power. (Also, he’s not okay with Sun using star power but perfectly fine with Lunar?? What??) He teased them but stopped if he felt it was going too far. Sure he did occasionally snap, but almost always apologized. But he still felt pressure.
to defeat Eclipse, fix Ruin, be the best sibling and DCA, and especially be a better Moon. Until Solar came along.
Solar never knew old him, and never put any pressure on him. He would help him out if he needed it, smooth him if he was stressed, and almost never argued back with him, unless he had his own opinion. Solar was Nexus’ Angel.
Until he died.
Nexus was struck down by that. He felt like his world had been crushed. He didn’t realize it, but Solar was helping him hold his head high, and keep him still through all the chaos. Now he felt like nothing.
He did everything he could to try and rebuild him. To make his siblings happy. But he couldn’t do it. He tried over and OVER again, but he just COULDN’T. I think that’s when he felt the most crushed under the weight of not being like old moon. Nexus felt like he could do NOTHING.
But he kept trying. And went insane from it. The voices in his head telling him he wasn’t good enough. He pushed all his siblings away, having drones watch them, and make sure they were safe, but he only had one goal in mind. Get Solar back.
And he tried. Until he got put in that cell. And then disowned. He only wanted what was best for his siblings, and while he did try to still care and protect them, they fully shoved him away. He did yell at them and threaten them though. But he was angry that they told him to not get Solar back. And he said he felt some regret and guilt.
Anyways, he escaped. And tried to blow up Ruin’s place. Until puppet stopped him and put him in space. Then Dark Sun (Soliace? Is that what is name is now?) arrived and told him he’d help him get revenge AND Solar back if he helped him. So he agreed.
But he kept protecting his siblings, even though they hated each other. And then he found out. They had replaced him. With old him. And when old him found his base, and basically border-line told him he was useless, that’s when I think he finally SNAP snapped.
If old Moon though he was useless, all his siblings though he was useless, and Solar might not even like him anymore, then he knew he was worthless. The voices told him so. So he went full-in on Dark Sun’s plan. And doesn’t seem like he’s gonna stop soon.
Ugh, sorry this is SO long. I just needed to vent this. I hope that if Solar comes back he will hear Nexus’ side of the story, and try to understand. I don’t think Nexus is EVIL evil, I just think he’s BROKEN to the point of… almost no return? Idk. Honestly, I feel kinda bad for him.
If MY family suddenly hated me for going “too far” in something, and they disowned me because I yelled about it, I would be pretty annoyed too.
Also, sorry if I got anything wrong with the Dark Sun or other stuff. I have a short attention span, and sometimes forget stuff, so sorry if I don’t remember anything from the newer episodes.
Also, Nexus’ new design looks COOL AS HECK.
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lu-lus-dicks · 6 months
@huskers-bar x @nunalastor chapter 2
Tags: enemies to lovers, angst?, eventual fluff, yearning?, soft huskers-bar, both mods are separate people, no beta we die like i do in this fic (not yet though), minor character death, ooc, au: hellaverse (hazbin hotel), nunalastor is head of the marketing department of the hazbin hotel (lucifer grabbed them randomly), jealousy?, huskers-bar is an employee at voxtek, lulu as a villain, lulu is a dog, huskers-bar is a liar, secret dating?
chapter: 2/? / chapter Word count: 1852 / total word count: 3283
Featuring: babygirl anon and @xxx-angie . eventually will feature solis, the oc of @soliac-snecc
nunalastor as a single entity is nunalastor, traumatized mod dickmaster and cursed mod nun. and huskers-bar just husk. babygirl anon will be babygirl anon. I will be lulu. Angie will be angie but is meant to be read as angel dust.
A/N: I am a little drunk while writing the start of this, forgive me for any weird mistakes and stuff. bit of a change to the script, angie will no longer be a villain, but an obstacle and yes. I am currently the only true villain. the font size joke was very much forced in
this chapter is huskers-bar focused
"Ugh... Fuck"
The growly and gruff voice of Huskers echoed throughout the empty room. They winced as they rolled over in bed, accidentally knocking over a pile of empty bottles. The sound of their clinking was giving them a headache. One shattered at the side of the makeshift bed of their small private room-
Which you can only get at voxtek, come and become a part of the family! Voxtek, trust us with your employment and living quarters-
Ugh, they must be hallucinating... They squinted their eyes, trying to make sense of their surroundings. The migrane wasn't helping. Huskers stared at the ceiling, a little more dazed than usual. They tried to recall what happened, but the past few hours were completely wiped from their memory. It must've been one of those days. They look over at the clock.
It'a about time they get to work...
With one groan they get up, dragging their hands on the floor as they reach for their keys and phone. The room still spun a little, but it's not like they had a choice. They headed towards the door, less than ready, and finally left their sanctuary.
"Where the fuck is my cameraman?!" The angry shouting of Val could be heard from behind closed doors. Vox can already hear the glasses breaking and his precious voxtek equipment getting destroyed. The frustration of dealing with that mans temper never stops. Who does he think he is anyway?! Making all these expensive equipment costs money! Precious money! And it doesn't help the fact that he always demands the highest quality cameras too. Besides, why does he need them?! His eyes see in 144p anyway!
It was right at that point when a knife cut through the wooden door and broke yet another piece of expensive furniture. Great. All these were custom made god damn it.
Vox sighed heavily, trying to pinch an imaginary bridge of his nose, before his fingers were met with the flatness of his screen. It was the thought that counts.
"Hey huskers" vox called out with casual annoyance, like he'd rather not be dealing with this right now.
Huskers who had been loading up the latest voxtek equipment paused and turned their attention to Vox. "Yes?" They asked.
"I need you to take over the cameraman duty, our regular isn't showing up on time" Vox explained, already making his way to the door and waving his hand dismissively, muttering something under his breath about killing their regular with a five headed spear later.
Huskers, hurried to put away the box, which they assumed was filled with weird sex toys, and hurried over to Val's door. The knife sticking out of the door was concerning but it wouldn't be the first. Carefully they opened the door, readying themselves to dodge any attack thrown their way. Luckily for them, Val seemed to be distracted with another employee.
"Hi, I'm a stand-in for the cameraman" husk said, sliding over to the cameras sneakily. Val of course noticed and angrily shouted. "Fucking finally! That slut finally sent a bitch. Now chop chop!"
The job of a cameraman was not an easy one, especially when the scene in front of you is ridiculous. Not intentionally of course, but husk had to keep it in if they valued their life. Val didn't seem like the type of person who would take that kind of "disrespect" lightly.
"Oh daddy, please don't stack all those donuts on my penis!" Came the overly sexual and whimpering voice of Angie, who finally had gotten that line down without breaking character. A fish demon groaned, both for the act and because this stupid scene had finally been recorded after attempt number 69, much to everyone's relief. Val was getting antsy and would murder some poor employee any second.
Husk didn't know how angie took any of it seriously, even the sexier scenes. The whole scripted aspect felt very silly and goofy.
They guessed it didn't matter though, their job was finally done and they can fuck off from the studio. Husk would not be missing this place. They got up off their chair and just as they were about to head out, Angie, the one and only, had stopped them with an arm on the shoulder.
"Hey there new kid, pleasure-" he said, moaning out that specific word like a bitch in heat "to be doin buisness with ya" he said, offering two hands to shake husks one. Angie leaned against one of the lamps, nearly knocking it over in the process and started eyeing them up and down. "So, what brings ya to this studio?"
Huskers was visibly a little put off by the directness, but they should've expected as much. Everyday an event just reminds them that they are indeed in hell and that only the worst of the worst live here...
Ah, yes the question. "I'm just a stand-in for whoever was here before" They answered, pointing vaguely at the outside world. "Vox asked me to, and honestly doing camerawork is a much lighter load than what I was doing before"
Angie quirked a brow at this, either confused or not expecting that response. It could've honestly been both. His demeanor changed quickly though. "yeah. say, whatchya doin later?" biting his lip, he wiggled his eyebrows in a manner that would make grown men cum on the spot.
"Drowning down my sorrows with liquor" Huskers deadpanned, not biting at that fruit angel was so provocatively dangling in front of them. A scoff from him was expected. what wasn't expected though, was that the scoff was more amused than offended.
"you remind me of someone. say, how do you feel about redemption?"
"And these are the cockroaches that won't stop breeding! and this is the wall with a record breaking repairs done to it, and here's Angies dildo collection and-"
"babe, we've talked about this, you don't have to show them everything" Vaggie said, patting charlies shoulder hoping to ease or at least slow down the excited vibrating of her dearly beloved.
"Right, right! Sorry!" Charlie was quick to snap out of it, offering a small kiss to the back of Vaggies palm as an appreciative thank you and returning her attention back to Husk.
Husk was very much overwhelmed. All the energy in the room was making their brain sort-circuit and start buffering. They felt like they were under a microscope and being prodded with electric wires and it was... strangely pleasant. "Uh... Yes hi?"
A very mischievous chuckle came from nearby, one very much at a higher pitch of frequency and- Wait, is that the radio demon?
"Pardon my intrusion, but what is that on your wrist?" Alastor the radio demon said, bending his slutty waist to lean down at Husks eye level. "I believe there's a strict 'no voxtek products' policy here. Did you not bother to read the sign?" Alastor pointed his cane over to the whiteboard, which read:
no Voxtek
no Vox
Jambalaya every friday
One of those sexy tentacles reached out, unclipping and retrieving the watch. He held it up in the air in front of everyone to see.
A collective gasp echoed through the room as Vaggie swiftly retrieved her spear from behind her back, pointing it menacingly at Husk "Not another one of these idiots" Vaggie growled, now in her defensive position. Angie and Charlie both flew to husk's defense, meanwhile Husk remained frozen in place. This was how they double died wasn't it?
"It's okay guys, they just work at voxtek. They're okay, I would know. They're harmless" Angie used one set of arms to shield husk and the other to gesture for everyone to ease their guard. The tension did die down a little, but that was fine. The tension in the room slowly began to dissipate, but Angie knew that Charlie would soon work her magic and convince everyone to give Husk a chance, as per usual.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
"nun get out! I need to take a shit" dickmaster banged on the hotel's currently singular clean bathroom. The force of their knocking was definitely excessive and damaging to their hands, but it got the desperation of the request-no-demand across.
"you said to help answer asks, so I am doing that... in the toilet" Nun yelled through the door, not even bothering to look towards the door, currently blocking access to Dickmasters relief.
"I doubt that" Dickmaster crossed their arms, and legs. Their bladder was about to fucking explode. Just at that moment a ding went off on their phone.
'nunalastor just posted: anonymous asked...'.
guess they were actually answering asks in there.
"Okay fine but I still need to shit! Do your answering outside!"
"I'll get out after one more ask" Nun chuckled, knowing full well, they weren't about to stop the torment anytime soon.
"Your eyesight is piss poor. I doubt you can even read anything on your phone"
"You'll just have to wait and see~"
And of course, as any normal sane person would do in this situation, Dickmaster decided to start banging on the door until either nun had enough and left or until the door broke and they murdered nun themself.
"I bet your phone's font size is 230%-"
All that banging attracted the attention of Husk, who had been wandering around the room with Angie. They weren't walking together, but their paths were the same.
"What's that noise?"
"Oh that? That's just our marketing team doing their job"
"Sounds like fucking... Are they fucking?"
"HA, doubt it..." there was a pause, both in the speech and in the walk. "Maybe, sex sells afterall" Angie shrugged and continued walking forward.
"seems counterproductive for a place made for rehabilitation..."
Husk couldn't help but be curious. This hotel had turned out to be everything they hadn't expected from Hell. The residents were surprisingly pleasant, and even the staff, though weird as fuck, weren't as unbearable as the other sinners in Hell. Now that they thought about it, Charlie never mentioned a marketing staff. She seemed so excited to share about the hotel and it's people. One would think she wouldn't forget to mention them, right?
unable to resist the curiousity, Husk had to know who they were. They quietly sneaked towards the source of the banging. They rounded the corner and was met with an... Interesting visual. One demon, black eyes with yellow pupils desperately pounding on a door.
Dickmaster paused their relentless banging, a feeling of being watched washing over them. Their head snapped immediately in Husk's direction, locking eyes with them. Their expression displayed emotional as well as physical constipation.
Husk froze, their body stiffening like a board. Had they interrupted something? Should they make a break for it? The state of being caught in such an awkward situation was undeniably terrifying. With a rigid and awkward wave, Husk managed an awkward smile. And then they realised-
"Are you nunalastor? You look just like your profile picture"
FUCK, they're going to get accused of being a stalker.
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lexicorp · 25 days
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tried the Danny Phantom style of @soliac-snecc 's floof gorl! was /very/ interesting tryna do
they have a funky combo of sharp AF and a sprinkle of round lel
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untitledderplord · 6 months
A kit stares up at you with big eyes. It just so happens that today, March 24th, is the day she's fallen from heaven. What is the name of this young beast?
How bout Solia? Sounds coot and is kinda like soliac lolz
Floof staring with dem big ol eyes deserves a pat
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feliraeth · 8 months
post rubor soliac flag !
[pt: post rubor soliac flag ! end pt.]
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[id: a flag with seven stripes that gradient from orange to grey-yellow to black. end id.]
requested by ; anon :3
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trainercrow · 2 years
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Commissions for @beginner--artist-soliac and @ann-chovi !
Thank you both so much for the support!
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soliacsnecc · 14 days
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Taste testing new styles. This wasn't very yummy but it turned out okay
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cyprian-apparition · 2 years
Bitches needs therapy.
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ovytia-art · 2 years
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Commissioned by @masokisser-seraphim-soliac
My first stain glass style commission too! This style is super fun to work with, I don’t usually draw animals, but this style is probably my main exception.
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cocaina-kiyori · 8 months
♡✩ 2277✩♡ par Cσkɑïηɑ 🐼 Via Flickr : ❥ #SOLIAC - Set Briar/Atrox maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Coral%20Oasis/165/153/3801 ✨ #eBODY - REBORN maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/eBody/191/64/2002 ❥ linktr.ee/alessiakiyori
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fallen-apppariton · 6 months
Soliac sucks in a deep breath and holds herself up, brushing down her fur and making herself look presentable. She's going to get back soon. Apologies may not fix everything, but its a start, right? She just has to get back...
She knocks on the door and steps back, waiting as a cacophony of sounds arise before someone opens the door.
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roskii · 2 years
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Art commission for @beginner--artist-soliac !
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