victoriasolo · 10 days
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Thanks to the creator @sentate
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Gigi Litmanovich Solovy | Business Entrepreneur
Gigi Litmanovich Solovy is an inspiring entrepreneur and businesswoman who has achieved remarkable success in the corporate world. She is a true role model for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere, showing that it is possible to turn dreams into reality with hard work, dedication, and determination.
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abnerkrill · 1 year
rings of power writers on strike!
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[first photo id: writers on strike in Los Angeles holding picket signs that read, "may the residuals be with you" and "Bitch better have my money!! (AMPTP)"] [second photo id: writers on strike holding signs that say "Writers Guild of America on strike!" and "get in loser we're going striking!" end id.]
this is Glenise Mullins (right in first pic with writer Dana Braziel-Solovy on left; left in second pic w/ writer Hussain Pirani on right), current co-executive producer on Rings of Power, striking in Los Angeles. Mullins also worked on Star Trek: Discovery and Apple TV's Surface. I'm so really proud of the writers for taking action and I LOVE the picket signs!
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[photo id: five writers holding picket signs that say "Writers Guild of America on strike!" and "Game of Thrones wasn't written by drones!" A sign behind them reads "we're mad as hell and we're not gonna take this anymore!" end id.]
three Rings of Power writers in this pic: Stephany Folsom (Paper Girls, Toy Story 4) in the grey hat left of center; Nicholas Adams (Fail State) in the blue hat in the center; and Helen Shang (Thirteen Reasons Why, Hannibal) on the far right in the Yoda hat.
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challahbeloved · 2 months
Before My Surgery
G-d of health and healing,
I surrender myself to the physician’s hand,
The anesthetist’s protection against suffering,
The nurse’s care,
Placing my body in the cradle of others,
Just as I place my soul in Your loving arms.
Bless my doctors with a steady hand,
Keen vision
And a passion for healing.
Bless my body with strength,
My spirit with courage,
My thoughts with hope
And my life with renewed purpose.
Guard me from nosocomial infections.
Source of life,
Bless us with Your guidance,
Make us all Your partner in healing
And grant me a full and speedy recovery.
Remember me.
— Inspired by a prayer poem on the page of Alden Solovy, but edited for my needs tomorrow afternoon.
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joshsolovy · 11 months
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Josh Solovy- GWFG is a Premium Quality Food Industry
Josh Solovy is an inspirational leader in the food industry. With over 35 years of experience as President of Golden West Food Group (GWFG), he has been instrumental in driving innovation and growth within the company.
Under his guidance, GWFG has become a top producer of perishable foods with a wide range of products from refrigerated and frozen items to specialty goods. His commitment to excellence is evident throughout every aspect of GWFG’s operations, from production processes to customer service initiatives.
Josh Solovy’s leadership style emphasizes collaboration amongst team members while also encouraging them to take initiative and be creative problem-solvers when faced with challenges or new opportunities for growth. He truly believes that creating an environment where everyone can contribute their unique perspectives, it will lead not only to better business decisions but also allow employees at all levels to feel more engaged with their work on a daily basis.
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andr3sz1 · 3 months
Desde la semana pasada comenzé a comer solovy estar solo en verdad. Es raro a ver creído que estaba solo, pero ahora en realidad si lo estoy. No es que no apreciará lo que hacía mi madre por mi. Pero ella tiene que saber que la cosas no son como antes. La economía no está para alimentar 3 bocas. Ella tiene q asegurar su comida y la D Emi hermanito. Y yo preocuparme por mi mismo, no me acostumbro a llegar y estar solo , solo en la tarde y solo en la noche. No encontrar a alguien y decirle buenas tardes ya llegué, no creo poder acostumbrarme pero si aprender a vivir con ello!. Me siento triste y es una tristeza que no creo que se valla.
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
Google translation:
Putin was to receive the terms of surrender from the West. Here they are
Russian political scientist Prof. Valery Solovy. As he said, the capitulation would involve, inter alia, with Russia handing over the entire occupied territory of Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea, which would become a demilitarized zone. The Daily Mail writes about the case.
Solovyy said that the exact terms of the agreement would mean that Russia would give up all claims to the Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, including the areas occupied since 2014. Crimea would remain part of Russia, but would be forced to demilitarize, which would involve the transfer of the Black Sea Fleet . The discussion on changing the status of the peninsula would not be started until 2029.
A demilitarized zone 60 miles wide would also be established along Ukraine's borders with Belarus and Russia. Russia would also have to give up its military presence in Transnistria, Moldova. In turn, Ukraine would undertake not to join NATO for at least seven years.
Conditions for Putin's Surrender. He would have avoided punishment
As Sołowiej says, six countries have agreed to provide security guarantees under the agreement. It is not known, however, which countries are concerned. The guarantees would likely include an alliance that would defend Ukraine if it were attacked again. The guarantors would probably be Kiev's closest allies - including the US and Great Britain - writes the Daily Mail.
Prof. Sołowiej also stated that Putin and his people would avoid being charged in connection with the war and could remain in power. The expert said the proposal was discussed between Kiev and its Western allies before being presented to Putin's closest circles, which were to "respond positively to this idea."
Ukraine recaptured Kherson
Reports of the conditions sent to Putin came just as Ukraine liberated Kherson after eight months of Russian occupation. Ukrainian soldiers were welcomed into the city like heroes. Putin's troops are still fighting for any progress in Donbas, but the frontline has hardly changed since the end of July.
In connection with the withdrawal of the Russians from Kherson, the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, appealed to the Russians. He said they shouldn't panic.
"The concept of our country's territorial sovereignty has not disappeared. Everything will return home, to the Russian Federation," Medvedev wrote on Telegram. The former president appealed to the Russians not to give "cause for joy to enemies close and distant" and to remind everyone more often of "the greatness and immensity of the Russian world".
The surrender by the Russian army of the only regional city of Ukraine, captured in 10 months of the war, caused a mixed reaction among supporters of the invasion. Ideologist Alexander Dugin called the loss of Kherson "a step towards Armageddon." The Gray Zone telegram channel, controlled by the founder of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, called this decision a betrayal and trade in national lands.
A surprise was the comment of the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who supported the decision of the Russian Ministry of Defense to withdraw troops. Previously, he criticized many moves. "Considering all the pros and cons, General Surowikin made the difficult but right choice between pointless sacrifices in the name of high-profile claims and saving the lives of invaluable soldiers," he said.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that Russia continued to consider Kherson as its territory, despite the withdrawal of its troops from the city.
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rabiulalom66 · 2 years
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progressivejudaism · 5 years
Source of healing, Cast the light of health and well-being On those who’ve been exposed to coronavirus, Those who have contracted the disease, And those — G-d forbid — who contract the disease in the future. Bless them, protect them and bring them speedily to full recovery. Bless all who are ill With healing of body Healing of soul And healing of spirit.
ברוך אתה ה’, מקור חיים Baruch atah Adonai, m’kor chayim. Blessed are You Adonai, Source of life.
© 2020 Alden Solovy and tobendlight.com. (”Healing from Coronavirus”)
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u-mspcoll · 2 years
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Salonique 1917: Le Quartier israëlite détruit. Special Collections Research Center DS 135 .G72 T41 Q37 1917
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Salonique: Incendie des 18-19-20 Août 1917 DS 135 .G72 T41 I53 1917
“Located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Balkan Peninsula, the port city of Salonica (Thessaloniki), Greece, is in the intersection of two different climatic zones – a geographic situation that creates high variations in atmospheric pressure during the year. In several occasions through the centuries, the strong winds that blow from the north down the Vardar valley whipped up fires that quickly spread, causing significant damage and devastation in the city. The fire that sparked in Salonica on Saturday, August 18, 1917 was of unprecedent scale and changed completely the physiognomy of the city. The fire burned a large part of the historic city center, where several predominantly Jewish neighborhoods were located, leaving a large part of the city's population homeless – approximately 56,000 Jews, 15,000 Christians, and 10.000 Muslims had their houses consumed by the fire. After the fire, a new urbanistic plan was implemented under the leadership of two famous architects, Ernest Hébrard of France and Thomas Mawson of England. The majority of the Jewish residents who lost their houses, now impoverished, were transferred to peripheral areas of the town, such as the Regie Vardar and Campbell districts. Dozens of postcards depicted the great fire of 1917, including the two featured here, which were purchased by the Special Collections Research Center with the generous support of the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation and the Solovy Judaica Book Fund.” Read more!
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evergreensoulthings · 3 years
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"​​​​​​​To the Soldier, To the Veteran ​​​​​​​These things I do not know: ​​​​​​​The sound of a bullet. The power of a blast. The blood of a comrade. The depth of your wound. The terror at midnight. The dread at dawn. Your fear or your pain. ​​​​​​​ These things I know:​​​​​​​ The sound of your honor. The power of your courage. The blood of your wound. The depth of your strength. The terror that binds you. The dread that remains. Your dignity and your valor.  For these things I pray:​​​​​​​ The sound of your laughter. The power of your voice. The blood of your yearning. The depth of your healing. The joy that frees you. The hope that remains. Your wholeness and your love."
~ Alden Solovy
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victoriasolo · 14 days
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Thanks to the creator of cc @camuflajesims ♡
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libkmv · 2 years
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Соловьи, соловьи, не будите солдат
28 апреля в библиотеке-филиале № 3 состоялся музыкальный час, посвященный Дню Победы и 115-летию со дня рождения В. П. Соловьева-Седого – «Маршала Песни», как называл композитора Георгий Жуков. О жизни и творчестве Василия Павловича Соловьёва-Седого гостям рассказала заведующая библиотекой Т. И. Досманова. Герой Социалистического Труда, лауреат Ленинской и Государственных премий, Народный артист СССР, он написал свыше 400 песен, 6 оперетт и музыкальных комедий, музыку к 50 кинофильмам. В истории мирового искусства ему отводят место «песенного летописца советского народа». В этот день в стенах библиотеки прозвучали знаменитые песни, такие как: «Вечер на рейде», «Давно мы дома не были», «Соловьи, соловьи, не будите солдат» и другие. Приглашённые узнали много интересного и об истории написания знаменитых песен композитора, которые народ считает своими, а это самая высокая честь!
Больше фото – на нашем сайте:
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pargolettasworld · 3 years
So 5781 was an . . . interesting year.  It started out bad -- you may recall that Ruth Bader Ginsburg z”l died right on erev Rosh Hashana last year, so that was a pretty challenging start to a year that just got more and more bonkers.  Cantor Rebecca Schwartz and poet Aldon Solovy are hoping that 5782 will be a bit better than 5781.  It’s already gotten a bit better, but there’s still plenty of room for improvement!
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joshsolovy · 1 year
Josh Solovy Shares 7 Tips To Grow Your Business
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gsjennsen · 5 years
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You’ve waited long enough to see Alex and Caleb again, haven’t you? The worlds of Aurora Rhapsody and Asterion Noir will collide in CONTINUUM (Riven Worlds Book One) on JANUARY 8, 2020.
Humanity has seized its destiny among the stars. But space remains vast and untamed, and nothing has prepared us to face the dangers rising from the deep shadows of the void.
Fourteen years after The Displacement flung humanity into a universe teeming with alien life, a tenuous alliance has taken root among humans, Anadens, and numerous other species. The wounds of war and revolution have begun to heal, peace and prosperity are within reach, and the architects of The Displacement, Alex Solovy and Caleb Marano, are enjoying an idyllic existence on the living planet of Akeso.
But growing troubles fester beneath the surface of this alliance. An upstart species offers allegiance with one hand but readies weapons of mass destruction with the other, while the Anadens, leaderless and adrift for years, increasingly refuse to play by humanity’s rules.
As tensions simmer, Nika Kirumase, leader of the Asterions—a splinter group of former Anadens thought aeons dead—arrives bearing a warning of a terrifying enemy advancing across the void. Known as the Rasu, the powerful race of shapeshifting metal has already killed tens of thousands of Asterions in its quest to control all of known space.
Nika’s people have struck a blow against the Rasu, and now they race against time to prepare for the coming reprisal. An alliance with humanity stands to give them a fighting chance against their enemy. But for humanity, such an alliance may cost them everything, pushing the fragile peace they fought so hard to achieve to the breaking point and beyond.
In Amaranthe, where exotic alien life, AIs, wormholes, indestructible starships and the promise of immortality rule the day, no feat seems out of reach for humanity. But when the worlds of Aurora Rhapsody and Asterion Noir collide and the Rasu horde descends upon them both, more will be asked of heroes past and future. More will be given and more taken, and when the dust settles the very fabric of Amaranthe will be changed forever.
Stay tuned for more news on CONTINUUM soon, including something new - the ability to pre-order it from all retailers!
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