#Solvent Based Pool Paint
poolpaintsydney · 8 months
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brisbanepoolpaint · 2 years
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andrecoatings · 2 years
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poolpaintmelbourne · 2 years
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astronargles · 1 year
How Much Junk One Ought to Have Before Calling a Junk Removal Company?
Cleanliness and tidiness at home are vital, and you can remove your junk with the assistance of a junk removal organization. However, you might be very uncertain when is the best time to have your junk removed. It is truly not a good plan to call a garbage removal company when you have too little junk, however you ought to likewise remember that an increase in how much junk will cost you higher removal charges. Thus, it is truly important to decide a budget before you choose to have your junk removed. Determination of a good organization is likewise fundamental as paces of these offices might differ considerably.
What are the things you can call a junk removal company to remove?
While concluding how much junk you ought to have before calling a waste removal organization, it is insightful to figure out the sorts of things that these companies get and furthermore the things that they don't. A large portion of them don't get business and hazardous waste. The primary kinds of waste that flotsam and jetsam removal organizations get are as referenced underneath:
Paint, Pesticides, Bug sprays, Acetones and Strippers, Tires, Batteries, Antifreeze, Engine Oil, Oil Channels, Propane Tanks, Bright Lights, Solvents, Manures, Pool Chemicals, Broiler and Channel Cleaners, Furniture and Metal Clean, Hardware, Screens and Others.
When is the right time to call a junk removal company?
Cleaning the whole home in a day can be chaotic and troublesome, so rather than removing a lot of junk, it is ideal to gradually remove it. Then again, the expense of junk removal relies upon how much junk you need to arrange. Hence, it is to be sure fundamental that you know precisely how much junk to remove at a time.
Usually, the charges for business junk and homegrown junk removals can vary. If you live in a little house, it is savvy to get the service when you have a limited quantity of junk, as this is more reasonable. There are different internet based space calculators which can be used to decide the right measure of junk to arrange. With these calculators, you will know precisely how much junk you ought to arrange to get the most ideal rates.
Getting the best prices for junk removal
You might have questions with regards to the prices of the services. There might be a few different sorts of charges. For less junk, the suppliers will typically charge lower rates. In the event that you have a great deal of junk to remove, you might need to pay most extreme charges. The specific charges not set in stone by calling them one. After you make certain of the prices, then you can conclude how much the junk you need to arrange. You should figure out the prices and quality of services of different companies to guarantee that you have the most ideal arrangement.
The pricing for junk removal can likewise vary contingent upon the locality you are in. Some companies will give the paces of their services as indicated by postal divisions. Extraordinary limits are likewise accessible for the people who exploit web based booking facilities.
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evelynjohn001 · 4 months
How to Clean Paint Brushes with Ease
Whether you're a seasoned artist or a DIY enthusiast, properly cleaning your paint brushes is essential for maintaining their longevity and keeping your artwork looking its best. With the right techniques, cleaning your brushes can be a breeze. Here's how to do it:
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1. Act Quickly:
Don't let paint dry on your brushes. As soon as you're finished painting, clean your brushes immediately to prevent the paint from hardening.
2. Scrape Off Excess Paint:
Use a palette knife or the edge of a piece of cardboard to gently scrape off any excess paint from the bristles. This will make the cleaning process much easier.
3. Rinse with Solvent:
Depending on the type of paint you're using, you'll need an appropriate solvent. For water-based paints like acrylics, rinse your brushes under warm water until the water runs clear. For oil-based paints, use paint thinner or mineral spirits.
If you're using water-based paints and find that water alone isn't enough to remove the paint, you can use a mild soap or brush cleaner.
4. Use Brush Cleaner:
For stubborn paint residue, use a brush cleaner specifically designed for the type of paint you're using. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.
Some brush cleaners may require soaking the brushes for a few minutes to dissolve the paint completely.
5. Repeat if Necessary:
If your brushes still have paint residue after the first cleaning, repeat the process until the water runs clear and the bristles are clean.
6. Shape the Bristles:
After cleaning, gently reshape the bristles with your fingers to restore their original shape. This will help prolong the life of your brushes and ensure they perform optimally.
7. Dry Properly:
Once clean, allow your brushes to air dry completely before storing them. Lay them flat or hang them upside down to prevent water from pooling in the ferrule, which can cause the bristles to splay or rust.
8. Store Properly:
Store your clean, dry brushes upright in a container or hang them on a pegboard to keep the bristles in good shape and prevent them from getting bent or damaged.
By following these simple steps, you can keep your paint brushes clean and ready for your next artistic endeavor. Proper cleaning not only prolongs the life of your brushes but also ensures that you achieve the best results in your artwork. Happy painting! 🎨✨
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tribologicalcoating · 2 years
But the main shortcoming is that the water or liquid bond epoxy
  One can seek for number epoxy paint coatings to choose one of his or her choice.The swimming pool is also a very useful part of home like living room, kitchen and bathroom.
  . They have very less amount of solvent also. These are the only reason for which people prefer coating of their floor where they have to keep heavy machinery and furniture. So one should take care of swimming pool as well, like the other parts of home; like they take care of living room bathroom and kitchen. The type of epoxy coating known as pool epoxy coating are mostly employed for the coating the swimming pool and bathrooms where floor remain in direct contact with water for long hours. The floors of garage require such floor coating because lot of heavy duty machinery and cars are too kept there. The epoxy concrete paints are very cheap and China Wholesale PVD Plating Machine Manufacturers very easy to wash. 
But the main shortcoming is that the water or liquid bond epoxy paint coating is not efficient enough to hide the cracks, but they are proved to be very user friendly. The epoxy paint coating which is water based is best for the swimming pool and acts as a topcoat and a primer as well. There epoxy paints are very thick and shiny and they do not even have any odor, but they offer great friction and shine even if water is lying on them. The water based epoxy paint coating is mostly used in the houses which have swimming pool in them, while there are number of industrial rough epoxy coatings which are used for the commercial complexes. They also keep your swimming pool shining for years.One of the major reasons behind using such coatings is to protect your floor or pool from the harmful chemicals, harmful scratches and mechanical shocks due to cleaning machines. The rough coat epoxy paint has tan color, it is actually solvent based and very thin, but has a very good amount of anti slip grip mixed in it, the fact is the water bond epoxy coating is very thin compared to number of other coatings
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vicmembrane · 2 years
How to Apply a Waterproofing Coating
Waterproofing coatings are a great way to keep moisture out of areas that need to be kept dry. However, they need to be properly applied to ensure the job is done right. Getting it wrong can lead to failure.
A waterproofing coating can be applied to almost any surface, including concrete, wood, tile, masonry, brick, and metal. They are usually applied as a single or two coats. The first layer should be left to dry for about 24 hours.
If the coating is to be applied on a bare surface, it is important to do a good cleaning before it is applied. This helps the coating to adhere to the surface. It is also useful to use an anti-fungal wash. Otherwise, fungus may grow under the paint film and lead to failure.
PMMA-based industrial waterproofing coatings are durable and can be used in many different applications. They are easy to apply and provide long-term corrosion protection. Compared to other waterproofing technologies, they offer rapid cure, are solvent-free, and are highly flexible.
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The membranes are usually sold in rolls. Several different models are available. Some are waterproofing materials for concrete, while others are used for acoustic panels, dome lights, skylights, and sandwich panels. In addition to their excellent adhesion properties, they are very inexpensive.
Self-adhesive modified bituminous membranes are made up of asphalt and polymers. They may be reinforced with fiberglass or polyester. These membranes can be used for waterproofing basement walls, retaining walls, swimming pools, flower beds, and ponds.
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gedditor · 3 years
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Interim monoprint: thinking aloud
This wasn’t meant to be posted, or treated as anything but a process stage, but it set me thinking about some things that might be worth sharing. It’s a first stage in exploring an image I took of a sloping slice of the park round the corner in sharp morning light, throwing long, deep shadows from the Nikau palms and concrete boxes that are part of the local stormwater drainage system. I liked the rhythmic regularity of it, and the way the imposed geometry was all of a piece with the severe shapes of the palms, and the way the two figures with their phones had found spots of shade and slotted themselves into the picture.
It’s a monoprint from a plastic plate, on which I drew the image directly and very approximately, with chunky silicon tools and thick, blobby ink. It’s rough and back-to-front. There are many ways of carefully reversing an image onto a plate so that it will print the right way round, involving tracing and transfer techniques and patience I just don’t have. They also result in careful images, which to me lose the immediacy and freedom that is the whole joy of monoprinting. Sometimes my solution is to go with the back-to-frontness. It doesn’t harm the sense of many images, and it has the advantage of exposing drawing flaws (as will a mirror) which can be corrected.
But an image of a recognisable place, like our park, really wants to be the right way round somehow. So my solution is to put the first, rough monoprint under a clean transparent plate, and ink a corrected version, fixing flaws, often simplifying or removing elements, and enjoying a freedom that comes from knowing the image, having studied it and got my hand around its contours once. And of course this time the orientation is correct.
Sometimes, however, the rough job has an appeal of its own, as a result of erratic inking or sheer haste. And the wet-strength cartridge paper lends itself to water play. The ink is oil-based, but cleans up in water. You have a window after printing before it dries into the fibres of the paper and becomes waterproof, and water can be painted on selectively to make quite deliberate half-tone washes,or, as in this case, sprayed on to soften edges, and create textures. In larger quantities it will lead to bleeding and pooling, over which you have some limited control. This time I though the spray, applied in a spirit of curiosity, caught the fresh, soft mood of the morning somehow. The shapes and shadows had such sharpness they could afford to lose a bit to mood, I figured. Next step - a fresh version, with errors sorted, and trying to find ways to exploit creatively this property of the particular ink, which was really intended only to make it easy to clean up without noxious solvents.
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poolpaintsydney · 2 years
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brisbanepoolpaint · 2 years
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andrecoatings · 1 year
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poolpaintmelbourne · 2 years
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anon-e-miss · 5 years
Guarded by Shadows 10
Almost as soon as Jazz left, Prowl felt his anxiety flare up. If he had been less proud he might have asked him to stay, just a little longer, but he was proud and it was pathetic, was it not, wanting to cling to the Polihexian. Crosscut could not hurt him, the tactician reasoned. It was Prowl, not Crosscut who had trained the bulk of his life in martial arts, and it was Prowl who had the greater mass. The laws of Iacon were on his side, not on the side of his ex Conjunx Endura. But logic in this instant was not as powerful as fear. The Autobot could repeat over and over that even if the worst were to happen, if Crosscut were to find him, he could defend himself, and he would win but Prowl was doing a poor job convincing himself of this. Though it was easy to blame his upcoming procreo cycle on his skyrocketing anxiety, but Jazz had been in his observation, he had been running for vorns. Fear had been the constant in his life since his second carrying, skyrocketing by his fourth.
He had no canvas or paints but the saboteur’s suggestion was circling in his helm. Prowl wanted them, he realized, wanted to take this long forgotten part of himself back. Taking a function had been his first thought after escaping Praxus, it had been the single most important thing to him, apart from the mechlings. The jeers of his Enforcer brethren had echoed in his audials for so many vorns, silencing them had been vital to reclaiming his identity, and feeling like a mechanism again, and not just a valve and forge.  His originator had been a mech of wit, and talent, but his brief adult life had been spent on his back or knees emerging fifteen mechlings before his spark had guttered, along with the mechling he had been carrying. Prowl had been his first emerged, and the only receptive spark, the only one who had lived, the other had been the sixteenth spark Schema had carried and the one who had died with him in the final quarter of their originator’s term.
Bishop had divided his creations based on their spark type. Because Prowl’s ultimate value to him had been his bondability to another house, he had largely been segregated from from his younger siblings, who had been sent away to school, taught their progenitor’s business. It had never occurred to Prowl to go to one of his brothers for shelter when Crosscut had been determined to put him down the same path as their originator.  He had no relationship with his brothers, if he saw them on the streets, the tactician would not likely even recognize them. Their progenitor’s disinterest in Prowl had been a blessing for a long time, he had been able to choose the course of his education, and his career, and to enjoy both for many vorns. Most receptive Praxian’s in age had been long bonded by the time he had undergone the Rites. Unfortunately something or someone had put the scraplet in Bishop’s audial shortly after Prowl’s promotion to lieutenant in metaforensics, and from nowhere he had selected Crosscut for Prowl’s mate, declaring the bonding to occur the next quartex, which corresponded with his next procreo cycle.
At the time the tactician had not made the connection, but the short date had most definitely been at Crosscut’s requested. He had wanted a sparkmate he could spark up at the earliest opportunity, that was why he he had wanted Prowl. Bishop could not have given a single damn about what the mech had wanted with Prowl, and his creation had had no time to come to terms with the prospect of bonding, with the loss of his independence. Interfacing, at least with Crosscut, had not been a magical event, to make up for this loss. Every act had been choreographed to best insure conception. Pleasure, even Crosscut’s had only been an after thought. Carrying and emerging bitlets had not given Prowl a divine sense of purpose, or made up for the fact that his mate only cared to touch him if it meant kindling. As much as Prowl loved them, each of them with all of his spark, he had not been happy to conceive them, would always regret what he lost in having them. It was a truth that haunted him, that made him feel like a failure as an originator.
“Or’gin!” It was Skids, not Camshaft that appeared first, after only a joor’s recharge.
“Hello sweetspark,” Prowl said and he lifted his mechling up and nuzzled his sweet face. “Did you have fun this light-cycle?”
“Yes!” The mechling said, he wrapped his arms around Prowl’s neck and giggled. “I love wings!”
“We will go back soon,” the originator promised. “Would you like a bath, Skids?”
“Bubbles?” Skids asked.
“A tub full,” Prowl promised.
Bathing could be an ordeal with the mechlings. The 2in1 bath was a luxury for certain, able to be filled with oil or solvent from the taps, but it was a small tub as things went, and it was not big enough to fit all four mechlings at once, not if they were going to play at all, and none of the four was content to just be washed. With his brothers recharging, Skids had the entire tub to himself, and his toys, and he made full use of it. Prowl smiled at he was fed his lines in the story his mechling was playing out. His third emerged had only recently begun imaginative play. Every mega-cycle was a new discovery and the originator marvelled as his mechling developed more and more into his own mechanism. Though Prowl had seen this age twice before, but Skids was not the same as his older brothers, Camshaft was not the same as Smokescreen. Every knew discovery Skids made, was a new one for Prowl as well. The solvent was cold by the time his creation was ready to come out, and the Praxian was just about as well as his meckling.  He trained the tub, and grabbed a thick microfiber towel and draped it over the now shivering mechling.
As Prowl lifted Skids up from the tub, tightly bundled in the towel, he got a glance of himself in the mirror, and quickly straightened. When he raised his arms or arched his back, more of his protoform showed from under his armour, more specifically his forge. After four carryings in quick succession his forge had not flattened all the way, he had a permanent bump. It was the mark of a broadcarrier, and the tactician loathed it. In Praxus it was considered an attractive attribute, to Prowl it was ugly, at least on himself. He had chosen this armour because the bumper fell lower, and covered more protoform, it was rare that anyone would catch a glimps... but it could happen. Any Autobot who saw that bump, would whisper. They would see what vorns of his life had been, and question his place in the army. This was what he feared in any case, that he would be judged for creating so many, for being a single originator, for...
“No crying,” Skids ordered, and Prowl barked a brittle laugh, and brushed the tears pooling in his optics away. “Happy, not sad.”
“I am sorry brightspark,” he replied. “I am not really sad.”
“We cuddle,” his second youngest declared, not believing his originator’s lie. “Make Or’gin feel better.”
“I would love to cuddle with you,” Prowl said. He finished drying both Skids and himself off and carried the mechling to the couch. Of course Skids could walk just fine on his own, but his creation’s intuition had been on point, Prowl needed the weight of the mechling in his arms and against his chassis.
Work was the last thing on his processor as he stretched out on the couch, Skids curled against him. His mechling cycled down into recharge with a happy sigh. Prowl felt tired and dull. There was always work to be done, and for a nanoklik he mentally reached for his inbox but then thought better of it. It was supposed to be a mega-cycle off anyways, he owed no one his joors, not that this had stopped him before. His processor was not on tactics, and while working for the sake of it, to give no one cause to question his dedication was a habit of his, this mega-cycle he resisted the impulse. Optimus had gently suggested he take more time for himself, his creations, and for once, Prowl was inclined to listen to his commander’s wisdom. He initiated recharge, and all thoughts and fears fled.
Less that a joor later Prowl stirred as Bluestreak climbed up the couch and on to him. Sleepily, the originator, exposed his fuel line and cradled the newling against him as he settled in to drink. Skids flopped his arm over his little brother’s back, yawned and snuggled back in for a little more recharge. Prowl vented softly, luxuriating a little in the moment. Some mega-cycle he would figure out how it was his newling kept escaping his containment berth. Crosscut would never get his servos on these mechlings, or their brothers. There would be no arranged bonding for Camshaft or Skids, no trade deal bartering these mechlings for some trade contract or foreign posting. The war raging across Cybertron should have been the thing that scared Prowl the most for them, but in the fortress that was Iacon, even with his direct part in it, felt further away. Like in the war though, Prowl was not alone in his family’s defence. His ex Conjunx Endura’s silver glossa was no match for Autobot Special Operations, and though the tactician was not about to let down his guard, the prospect of living within the walls of the base was settling his spark some. Crosscut was no matched for the Primal Vanguard.
Bluestreak popped off his line, ready to go. Mercifully, Skids roused to follow him down to the floor, guiding his little brother to the blocks all four mechlings adored. Bluestreak was closest to Smokescreen, but all the brothers had a bond, and though they had their feuds, they all played well together, in different ways. Their originator did not immediately sit up. His servo lay against his protoform, against his empty forge. Why did it matter so much what mechanisms saw or said? The existence of his creations would be all the gossip mongers needed to start their chatter, even if his forge were flat, there would be talk, just like those Enforcers had snickered at his back. He sighed, and sat up. Enough of this self doubt, h was an effective officer, a brilliant tactician the fact that he had carried these four mechlings did not change either fact. Prowl could not be a mech who found his self-worth in the optics of others, this had not, and would not change.
Nearly three joors had passed since they had returned from the park, it was a long nap for either mechling, Smokescreen rarely napped at all at this age. Rising from the couch, Prowl went to the berthroom all four mechlings shared. They would love being able to spread out, he thought, once they were in their new habsuite. He imagined some mega-cycles the mechlings would choose to crowd together, Bluestreak often stole into his oldest brother’s berth for sleeping cuddles, Skids and Camshaft were much the same. Prowl found Camshaft still in recharge, but Smokescreen was up and awake, reading on his berth. Well of course, there was no space to spread out here and now, if his eldest wanted a quiet break from his brothers, staying in the berthroom while one recharged was a clever trick.
“What mischief is Fangblade getting into this time?” Prowl asked.
“He caught a prince to hold for ransom but the prince turned the tables and now Fangblade’s up for ransom!” Smokescreen explained. The adventures of Fangblade was the mechlings favourite series. At this point Prowl had not told his creation the fate of the real Predacon. Sometimes fantasy was better than reality.
“There is a certain justice in that,” the originator replied. “I am sure Predaking will not be impressed.”
Camshaft was curled tightly in his blanket, and as Prowl knelt next to his berth, the tactician heard a faint wheeze. That explained it then, his mechling had caught a system virus. The revelation did not send him into a panic, they had all been sick before. Bluestreak rarely got more than a rasp, as long as he was nursing, he shared his originator’s anti-viral systems. If Camshaft had a virus, the odds were good that the other mechlings would catch it too. Unfortunately for his golden faced creation, Camshaft tended to get the worst of these bugs. When he stroked his bitlet’s helm, he felt it was hot, not hot enough to scar the Praxian, but hot enough to confirm his suspicion. Camshaft onlined his optics, and made a little face.He would be miserable for a couple of mega-cycles but while the mechling got the sickest of his brothers, he got through his viruses the fastest.
“Not feeling well, dearspark?” Prowl asked.
“Uh uh,” Camshaft replied. “My intake hurts.”
“Poor bitlet,” the Praxian crooned. “I will warm energon for you. You stay in berth.”
“Did you want me to read you a story, Cam?” Smokescreen asked.
“That is a sweet idea, Smokescreen,” Prowl said.
He sent a quick message to the Prime. As long as Camshaft was sick, his place was at home. Prowl was not inclined to expose other sparklings to whatever virus his mechling had caught, it would not be fair to any of them. After warning the younger mechlings that their brother was ill, the originator went to the kitchen and warmed energon for Camshaft. It was typical of the mechling to play hard and then drop with something. Since the tactician had already shifted his entire schedule to telecommuting, there was nothing else he needed to do. In the past he had always been anxious when he had needed to stay home with a sick mechling, afraid Jazz would become suspicious. Every time it had come up, he had used his own glitch as a cover, but falling on that excuse had brought up its own unease. Though Optimus and Ratchet had both known the truth, each and every time, allowing others to think his glitch was unstable enough to cause so many episodes had been uncomfortable, and he had always been afraid that someone, namely Jazz, would call into question his fitness for service. But each and every time, upon his return, the Polihexian had checked into to make sure he was feeling better, and that was it. As the saboteur had proven again this last orn, Jazz was a good mech.
“There you are Camshaft,” the originator said and he helped his creation sit up to drink his fuel. The surface of the fuel shimmered with flecks of iridescent flakes, additives meant to boost the mechlings anti-viral and self-repair systems.
“Thank you Or’gin,” Camshaft replied.
With Smokescreen having taken charge of entertaining his sick brother, Prowl left the mechlings and again returned to the kitchen, to prepare fuel for his family. He was not an imaginative cook, or much of a cook at all, having only had to learn the craft upon leaving Praxus. Crosscut had kept staff for that, staff trained to prepare the fuels he had enjoyed best, fuels the ambassador enjoyed, not the fuels his sparkmate had cared for. Once Prowl had kindle Crosscut had gone so far as to dictate his diet, banning rusts in favour of patinas. Though the ambassador had returned to space, leaving his staff with strict orders with how his mate was to be cared for, and what he was permitted to do. They had tried to block him from practising Diffusion and Circuit-Su, so Prowl had resorted to practising his stances in his berthroom, and when his tank had been so uneasy the fuel he had been served had been even more unpalatable, he had snuck out of the manor to buy rust sticks. The only order Prowl had been able to convince them to ignore was the ban on pressed energon. In that instance, his temper had been more frightening than that of their employer.
Since relocating to Iacon, he had managed to learn how to prepare a few recipes that the mechlings enjoyed. With Camshaft’s virus in processor, Prowl lifted a pot onto the stove and filled the pot with oil, and set it on to simmer as he added minerals for flavour. On the counter, the originator filled translucent wrappers with gelled energon and ores. When the dumplings were ready he tossed them into the pot with some raw crystals and left it all to cook. He vastly preferred performing these domestic chores to have servants perform them all, despite having been raised with them, and being served by thing during his life as Crosscut’s Conjunx Endura. These were his mechlings, this was his home, he would take care of it all. It was what his own originator had preferred to do, despite being gravid nearly constantly from the moment he had bonded to Bishop. Prowl had learned at his knee, though Schema had not been much of a cook, much like his creation.
“Come to the table Skids,” Prowl ordered after dishing out the soup. “I will collect you brothers.”
The soup had not a casual whim, it was in fact Camshaft’s favourite fuel. Though Smokescreen went off his fuel if he felt even a little sick, it took a bad tank bug to keep Camshaft from his fuel. It was obvious that his mechling was feeling sorry for himself, but he hopped from his berth and trudged into the kitchen, with his blanket draped over his doorwings, and shoulders. Prowl kept Bluestreak on his lap as he fuelled. His youngest creation was starting to take a taste of the fuels his family ate, Prowl allowed him to lead the way. He did not appear particularly interested this dark-cycle but that was not out of the ordinary. As they fuelled Smokescreen asked about the habsuite, and the school. Though he had friends in his old school, once his progenitor had returned to Praxus, and he felt safe to reach out, the tactician would contact the procreators of Smokescreen’s closest friends to arrange play dates. For now, he would stay silent, allowing the school and his classmates to believe Prowl and thus the mechlings had been transferred.
“You will make lots of friends,” Prowl assured him. It would be undoubtedly true, Smokescreen was a gregarious mechling. “There is a music program. You mentioned you would like to learn an instrument.”
“Yeah,” Smokescreen hummed, clearly thinking. “I can pick?”
“Whatever you like,” his originator promised, a promise Prowl was prepared to regret. He put it spoon in his mouth, and chuckled as he looked down at Bluestreak, who was happily sampling his dumpling. “You as well.”
“Will Jazz come and play again?” Camshaft asked.
“He would like to,” Prowl replied. “Did you have fun?”
“We touched the sky!” The sick mechling exclaimed before coughing.
“Is he your mechfriend?” His eldest asked. Prowl shook his helm, his doorwing shot up. It was not a question he had expected.
“He is a friend, and colleague,” the tactician replied. “A very good friend.”
Smokescreen cleared the table when the meal was done, and Camshaft curled up on the couch in his blanket as he and Skids washed a cartoon before it was time to go to berth. With them happily distracted, Prowl took Bluestreak to the washracks for a quick bath. A warm bath had a calming affect on his youngest creation, and after his bath he settled in with his brother for a show before it was time to recharge. In a testament to how he was feeling, Camshaft retreated to his berth after only two short shows. His originator waited a half a joor for him to fall into recharge before collecting Bluestreak and putting him down to recharge. When his newling had needed to fuel throughout the dark-cycle, the containment berth had been in Prowl’s berthroom, which was little more than a closet, but now that he was a little older, and closer to his sparkling upgrades, Bluestreak was finally recharging through the dark-cycle, which meant he was in the same, larger room with his brothers. He went down easily, he usually did, unlike Smokescreen who resisted recharge at every turn. It took three stories and Prowl laying in berth with him to get Skids to settle, but eventually only Prowl and Smokescreen remained online.
“Jazz is going to protect us,” his first emerged declared as he gave Prowl a hug before recharge.
“Is he?” The originator asked.
“He promised,” Smokescreen explained. “He said progenitor won’t hurt you again.”
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armory-rasa · 5 years
Adventures in re-finishing leather
Hi Gabriel.  Happy New year! I am thinking of making my wonder woman gauntlet more shiny. Since it’s real leather I don’t want to spoil it with the wrong coating. Is it possible to spray paint on top of acrylic silver color with shiny glossy coating spray?
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It is certainly possible! I did some experiments with super-shiny spraypaint back when I was deciding how I wanted to finish them, and it did indeed come out much shinier than the acrylics I wound up going with. My cautions would be: 1) In order to get that super-polished chrome effect, it's less about the paint you use, and more about how smooth your surface is. And leather... doesn't really get that smooth. The surface is always a little bumpy, and spraying it with a high-shine paint is going to show the bumps. However, what you could probably do is take some very fine sandpaper (starting around 300~400, and working your way up to 1000) and use it to smooth out the surface. Since it already has a layer of acrylic paint over it, you'd be sanding the roughness off that, not off the leather itself, and it would probably be pretty effective. (Note the "probably" -- I haven't done this myself, so I can't speak from experience, but this is how I would do it, at a guess.)
2) The acetone in any sort of aerosol product (which makes it liquid enough to spray, but then evaporates off very quickly so it has a short drying time) is a powerful solvent, and it can interact in unpredictable and disruptive ways with other materials. As in, it may melt the previous layer of acrylic paint and give you weird results. The general wisdom says to stick to the same type of paint for every layer when you're doing a project like this, so you can probably improve your odds of success by using an acrylic spray paint -- but again, I haven't done this before, so I can't make any guarantees. You would definitely want to sand off the top surfaces though, because I do the highlights (the shiniest raised bits) on the WW bracers with rub-n-buff, which is wax-based, not acrylic, and it does not play well with having things sprayed over it.
3) Don’t forget to mask over the gold bits before you start spraying. :)
In any case, getting the effect you want may temporarily “ruin” the paint job (when you're sanding it off in preparation for spraypainting), but nothing you do is going to ruin the leather itself. (Short of like, I don't know, soaking it in a swimming pool.) Best of luck! And feel free to hit me up if you have more questions or run into any problems.
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crossrhodes94 · 5 years
10 Things We All Hate About Decorative Concrete Sealers And Coatings
Future, enable the initial coat of sealer to dry right up until you can wander over the surface devoid of remaining tacky. Then recoat with the ultimate coat of solution.
Our solutions are supported by a large distribution network and also the MEADOWS knowledge component – over ninety years of excellent, services and integrity.
We want a darker shade of paint around the floor. Can it be doable to repeat this process over an acrylic sealer? What exactly are the best merchandise accessible to insure the best finish at A cost-effective price?
In case the temperature isn't really also very hot, then utilize a brand new coat of sealer to re-liquify the present sealer. Nonetheless, if bubbles proceed to form then try sealing during a cooler time of calendar year.
Heck, some of them inside the nineteen nineties have been even knocking to the door of 800 grams per liter. These days, the current VOC-compliant sealer provides off below four hundred grams per liter.
You can save them by applying a seal on their own surfaces. In that scenario, Rocklinite comes as our best concrete sealer suggestion for such tasks.
Unquestionably, not like it truly is shown while in the video clip. During the spots the place it did get off the 2nd layer, there apparently was some sort of adhesive on the entrance landing. We ended up heading out to Lowes/High definition to acquire regular stripping merchandise to choose the remainder of the 2nd layer and many of the adhesive off. I assumed the products would consume by way of many of the layers, but when I spoke with customer support, they instructed me which i should have procured extra amounts for the different layers and used the product or service numerous situations. For the cost v. reward, I wouldn't recommend it.
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As a result of their impeccable drinking water repellence, these compounds create the best concrete sealer for roads and driveways. Their sealers also are perfect for tilt-up partitions and porous stones and bricks.
Arranging to the long-expression defense and servicing of finished concrete surfaces needs to be an important Portion of any undertaking structure and placement procedure.
ICR concrete provides, the decorative concrete centre shares Nutech PaveCoat which gives a fantastic-wanting finish for both new and previous concrete and is available in 36 colours.
In the event the sealer you very first made use of was a h2o based sealer, you'll be able to implement a tinted (colored) solvent based sealer over this.
Understanding the color visual appearance you have to have in your final initiatives can help you narrow all the way down to the best concrete sealer. The desk below displays the outcome of different sealers with different gloss rankings.
Also, significant bubbles would form on account of the product getting utilized inside the Sunlight and pooling in lower parts of the sample. If it had been very hot at the time of installation, this merchandise suffered bonding skills at the same time. This manufactured for much more problems to suitable.
It is vital to guarantee There may be lots of air flow. Be sure to flip off all pilot lights and gasoline. If possible, check out to work during the Element of the working day when the weather is cooler.
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