#Some sort of story where characters who have canonically died come back because they all managed to trick Death or something
tngmpersonal · 1 year
Once we get more news about Shrek 5, can we also expect a sequel to Shrek SuperSlam? Expand the roster to include characters from the films after Shrek 2, and include characters from the Puss in Boots spin-offs. If any character had to take the role of the final boss, it would be The Wolf/Death.
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dunmeshistash · 13 days
G'day, I hope you are doing well.
Ever since I finished the story of Dungeon Meshi (all supplementary material included) I've been writing down bullet points on characters in addition to in-depth synopses as a way to tidy up my rather busy mind. To this end I've also greatly enjoyed reading other folks' interpretations of particular characters, as it gives me further insight into aspects of that character I may have glossed over.
However, there's one character I'm struggling to write a cohesive synopsis about, that being none other than 'miss enigma' herself, Falin Touden. I get that her whole shtick is that she's kind of a mystery, but I find myself drawing a lot of blanks when it comes to her as a character, and while I have nailed down some important bullet points, there are a lot of different interpretations on her, all of which starkly contrast one another. Though perhaps it's just the wording. Hard to say.
It could very well be that I'm being too dense i.e. perceiving "Falin is willing to risk killing others to save her friends." and "Falin, in the heat of the moment, when faced with certain death, was willing to face the prospect of harming potential passersby in a final Hail Mary to get her friends to safety." as entirely different observations. I have a hard time with those kinds of things.
With this being a hub for all sorts of observations, interpretations and cool trivia, I was wondering if you'd perhaps be willing to share how you yourself perceive Falin as a character, so I can compare notes and perhaps gain a more proper understanding of her as a character as a result. I know this question is very broad and kind of vague, but if you could spare the time I'd be most grateful.
Other than that, I wish you an excellent day.
Hello!!! I love Falin!!!!!
She *is* a mystery, we mostly know Falin through the perception other characters have of her instead of a direct deep look onto who she is, which I find very interesting. I think the best post I've seen about her (which as usual I can't remember where edit: someone linked it thank uu) I think called her perceived altruism/love "selfish" and I've been thinking about that ever since.
In that sense the way she cares so much about the comfort of people around her might be a way to keep *her own* comfort because she doesn't want to see other people suffer.
This girly died and came back to life from bones and the first thoughts she has is that she caused trouble for her loved ones
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She probably has felt this way since she was a child, "because of her" that her family was torn apart "because of her" that Laios left, her mom was sick, her father had to send her away. (wasn't actually her fault but she might think it is)
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I imagine ever since then Falin has done her best to not cause trouble and to make the people she loves happy, everything we know about her and the things she was doing was always for the people she loved, that's why I enjoy the post canon comic where Toshiro asks her hand in marriage again so much. The first time she considers accepting just because "might as well" while for the second time she finally wants to live for herself.
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I think Falin herself has lost who she "really is" by trying to accommodate everyone around her and that's probably part of why we ourselves don't really know her, so much so that the most cynical character is uncomfortable around her (probably cause he notices Falin is "hiding" something)
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I think Falin is quite the melancholic character to be honest, someone who has lost herself in self sacrifice and who is only now learning how to live for herself doing what she wants.
Both the teleportation scene and the bit about healing show "cracks" in the selfless front she puts out tbh. By context I don't think what she did was only due to "desperation of the moment" she says out loud "Even if I end up hurting others I want you and my brother to live on". She weighted out how much suffering she might cause and decided she wanted to save them anyway, and I'm sure in that calculation she knew that they would suffer because of her sacrifice too.
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Falin is saving them for herself, I'm not great with words so this is all over the place and maybe sounds a little negative about Falin but the thing is, you cannot live your life for other people, you can't sacrifice yourself for other people's happiness, you shouldn't erase your own presence so others are happier and I think Falin is starting to learn that by the end.
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I'd probably keep rambling without getting anywhere and missing a lot of more meaningful moments but I'll stop here, if anyone has recs for Falin analysis please share!
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therealvinelle · 3 months
Can I hear your opinions on rita skeeter?
You know how some stories have that only sane man, the one person who isn't impressed by our dashing main characters or who's living in a different genre and rated story? The one, typically a fan favorite, character who has a fundamentally different perspective. They can also, shortly put, be the "this is stupid and you're stupid" character.
The NBC Hannibal show has Freddie Lounds ("I'm a bad, bad man", Will threatens her. He is then surprised when she runs a feature on the FBI hiring a creep to come to crime scenes and pretend he's a serial killer.) The Vampire Diaries had Elijah (he isn't a great example of this, but legacy fans will remember all the jokes about how the reason the writers never put him in episodes was because he'd have solved all the characters' stupid problems within twenty minutes and there would be no plot for the rest of the season. Elijah was perceived to be living in a different type of show than the rest of the teen drama cast), and there are some who think that this was Snape for Harry Potter.
They are wrong.
Rita, my dove
Let's take a look at a few things Rita prints over the course of canon, where we have an insight into what actually happened and know precidely what she printed. I have my copy of Goblet of Fire with me, it's in Norwegian so I'll be translating back to English but I trust that's alright.
The Quidditch world cup incident
What we know happened:
The British Ministry was responsible for the event. It was highly prestigious, with foreign leaders attending and people from all over the world camped out near the stadion. After the first match there's celebrations, which turns into a riot. Tents are set on fire, people are chased through the camp grounds, and there's total chaos where nobody knows where their loved ones are. The riot soon turns into a homage to Voldemort, with rioters in Death Eater uniforms tormenting the Muggles living nearby and someone putting up the Dark Mark.
Arthur Weasley, who works in the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts (which is admittedly part of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement), is sent to make a statement on the Ministry's behalf to the terrified witches and wizards hiding.
What Skeeter reports:
Headlining "TERROR AT THE WORLD CUP" (me translating), with an image of the Dark Mark, Rita Skeeter writes (this is Arthur skimming): "Ministry blunders... culprits not apprehended... lax security... Dark wizards running unchecked... national disgrace..." (original English from the wiki)
A full section (and this is me translating again): "If the terrified witches and wizards who waited for information while they hid in the woods had hoped for any sort of reassurance from the Ministry of Magic, they were sorely disappointed. A department spokesman, who only showed up long after the Dark Mark had appeared, claimed no one had been injured but refused to give further information. It remains to be seen if this statement will quell the rumors that several bodies were seen being recovered from the woods an hour later."
All of this is accurate, except the last sentence.
Nobody was killed in the incident. However, Skeeter was acting on the information available to her, and she makes it clear this last part is unconfirmed. Further, I'm going to come out in her defense and say that Skeeter, writing an article critical of the Ministry in a community with a very loose sense of free speech, can't take Arthur Weasley at his vague word and should refer to her own sense of judgement when deciding whether the rumors are credible enough to print or not.
As it is, a riot in a crowded area at night with people who dressed like Death Eaters, where the Dark Mark was fired into the sky, where mass panic erupted, in a world where children can produce deadly magic with their wands, could easily have led to casualties. I don't think it was a far leap for Skeeter that people might have died, and the Ministry didn't want to admit as much.
Notice her phrasing (and yes, I know you're reading my translation) when she talks about the Ministry: "It remains to be seen if this statement will quell the rumors that several bodies were seen being recovered from the woods an hour later." Not, "It remains to be seen whether the rumors that several bodies were seen being recovered from the woods an hour later were true.", or any type of phrasing indicating that the truth will out. Only rumors that may or may not be quelled.
Knowing that the Wizarding World doesn't appear to be a functional nor accountable democracy, that things like statistics likely don't exist (who will be your statistician if there is no basic math education? How will wizards interpret statistics if they don't understand basic maths, what use are error margins and percentages to them? This is important, because without statistics there is also no need to collect numbers - how many students take the core classes, how many are employed after X years, how many citizens die in a given year and of what causes... you see where I'm going with this), and that Arthur gets so defensive when reading legitimate criticism of his Ministry (not even his department or jurisdiction, mind, and Skeeter anonymized him), indicates a fraught understanding of governmental accountability and transparency.
In other words, who can say if anybody died that night. Arthur himself had gone to bed with his family as soon as the chaos was under control, and there was no tally after the riot, no controlled evacuation, nothing. Skeeter wasn't wrong for publishing what she herself clarified was speculation, either way I'm hard pressed to see her as a villain for putting the Ministry under pressure, in fact I have to wonder if this kind of pressure is necessary to get them to admit things they'd otherwise shove under the carpet.
Back to Arthur Weasley. In response to this article he says to his family (me translating again): "Molly, I must go to the office. Killing this is going to take some time."
Now, I know real governments have to cry over scandals that take time to move past as well: however, what are people upset over? What's the scandal?
Oh, yes, that the Ministry wasn't able to prevent a riot at a large sports event, flubbed completely once it had begun, and failed to give the people any kind of useful or timely information. All of that is true. The only part that isn't true, would be dispelled if they'd only put out a statement saying "no one was killed". The only reason why one such statement wouldn't work is if Ministry statements are not considered trustworthy - and this is where we return to the above.
So far, so good on Rita Skeeter, and so bad on Arthur who, going by this section, questions the Ministry less than Bellatrix Lestrange questions Voldemort.
Interlude: Percy and the vampires
While the article about the World Cup is read, Percy jumps in with an anecdote about Skeeter.
"That woman is always out to slander the Ministry," Percy said angrily. "Last week she claimed we waster our time fooling around with cauldron thickness when we should be extinguishing vampires! As though it is not expressedly stated in Guidelines for treatment of non-wizard halfhumans that-"
I'm not going to make any guesses as to what precisely Skeeter's criticism was, because Percy is angry and venting to his family, which doesn't make him likely to present her argument fairly. Who knows what, specifically, she criticized and why and what she asked for in her article. What we do know is that she questioned Ministry priorities and resource allotment, and Percy takes it personally, he gets angry about it. Hostility and defensiveness is the gut reaction.
More damningly, "that woman is always out to slander the Ministry" implies no one else is doing it.
Your star is rising, Rita.
Oh no, post got long
And this is the part where I'd go on to her interview with Harry and subsequent articles, and later on Dumbledore, but I'm realizing that would make this post a very long and decentralized mess.
Will cover it in follow up posts: today is for Rita vs. the Ministry and how the Weasleys think Muggles are so quaint with their democracricy and freedom of speech, teehee that's silly.
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wangxianficfinder · 26 days
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Fic Finder
Aug 29th
1. hello! i’ve been looking for a fic that involves an OC (i think?) that acts as a beard for nie huaisang. it was wangxian centric but that’s the main detail i remember. thank you!
FOUND? 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 859k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) has NHS getting himself engaged to a female OC that he has no romantic interest in (& vice versa - she's a lesbian) because she has useful skills
2. hi! Do you recall a fic where wwx was like an omega courtesan in a school who was bought by lxc for lwj. Mianmian was also there with him too for a bit. I remember a scene where lwj got mad at wwx for wanting to wash him. They fall in love eventually. If you could find this fic I'd be grateful! 🙏
FOUND! Rattling our cages by danegen (E, 69k, wangxian, A/B/O, but like polite, Slow Burn, Pining while fucking, so much hair combing, WWX has a vagina, POV WWX, no yin iron or wars or plot really, Canon Era, spiders–see the notes, Spanish Translation Available)
3. Hello! Thank you for all the work that you all do <3
I've been trying to look for a fic for some time now. I think it had wangxian pretty much adopting a little girl. Like the girl is an orphan and just keeps clinging to wx and being super sticky and I think there was a plot in her backstory dealing with resentment. Wwx knew abt it but lwj did not figure it out until later i think. This girl just accompanied them on some nighthunt or smth. The story has the Lan take in orphans due to reasons(tm) and the girl was one of them.
FOUND! the low sky, raining over by chibilwj (thelogicoftaste) (M, 37k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Kid Fic)
4. Hi. I have a fic to find. In this fic, instead of Yanli dying at Nightless City, Lan Zhan gets critically injured and it sends Wei Wuxian into a spiral. Lan Xichen is very angry at him and will not let him anywhere near his body.
Thank you for your help.
FOUND? If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, YL WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn)
FOUND? 🔒❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst)
5. hi this is for fic finder!! i’m looking for a fic where wangxian leave the cultivation world for a while with lan sizhui and only come back accidentally. i’m pretty sure everyone else thinks they’re dead and they might have been residing with baoshan sanren in her mountain. thank you!
FOUND? If It's Too Hard To Forgive by Machevalli (M, 94k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Fluff and Angst, Bittersweet Ending, Yunmeng Jiang Sect Bashing, WWX Leaves the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, Mpreg)
6. Hello! I'm looking for a WangXian fic, they were both dragon shapeshifters, but they met each other in their dragon forms. They both assumed that the other was a regular dragon and both made the decision to commit to the relationship and live out their lives as dragons from now on. I think only when JYL visited and WWX turned human for her, LWJ realized that he was a shifter too. It might have been a twitter thread fic. Thank you so much for your help!!
7. Looking for an arranged marriage au for wangxian. Yiling laozu wwx, he and lz don't know each other and lz is initially worried cause of wwx reputation. Wwx does the marriage, but doesn't immediately trust lz cause he could be a spy/sent to hurt wwx etc. Specifically there was a scene where people came and attacked wwx's household, I think wwx was away. Everyone hid in the cellars only to realize a-yuan was missing. Lz goes after him and saves a-yuan from being harmed but gets badly hurt.
This leads wwx to realize he can trust lz. Wwx may have taken lz's sword away before the attack cause of a misunderstanding and lz fought to protect everyone any way. And I think another scene lz comes out in his night clothes and yells at a group of cultivators who had come to rescue lz cause they thought something happened to him and lz is like why r yall breaking into my house in the middle of the night and the cultivators (lxc might have been with them) were like this is awkward.
but mebbe I just made it up/misremembered or accidentally combined things?
FOUND? 💖🔒 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it’s gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn’t begin until chapter 19!, bottom LWJ in chapter 20 and 27, Mojo’s post)
FOUND? Caught Between Sun and Shadows by Alliandra (E, 71k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, grapshic depictions of violence, sunshot campaign, arranged marriage, YLLZ WWX, pining, battle husbands, versatile wangxian, falling in love, resentacles, sex pollen, fuck or die, golden core reveal, politics, hurt/comfort) also sounds like
8. Fic finder? I'm suspecting it has been deleted but I need to try. It's a fanfic where wwx attempts s*ic*de (suicide) and jc finds him in the bathroom. He calls 911, he's hospitalized and all of that. Please help me 🥲🥲
FOUND! 总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
9. a modern AU where LWJ and WWX reconnected at a party when Su She was hitting in LWJ, takes place in grad school and WWX doesn’t know they were dating until the end when they visit LWJ’s uncle’s cottage
thank you so much for your help!! @anonionsodelicious
FOUND? without your new eyes by anaphoricae (E, 66k, WangXian, Modern, Didn’t Know They Were Dating, Sexuality Discovery, Self-Discovery, Literal Sleeping Together, (there is so much sleeping in this fic), mentions of WWX/others and LWJ/others, Drunk LWJ, Teacher LWJ, WWX is a… throws dart… computer scientist, No Angst, Jealous WWX, Flirty WWX, Eventual Smut, Bottom LWJ, Fluff, Non-Sexual Intimacy, WWX’s Love Language is Physical Touch, Guess what: even more non-sexual sleeping together, the plot of the fic is just… co-sleeping, call it the Nap Fic ™, Podfic Available, WWX isn’t so much 'oblivious’ as he is wilfully blocking some feelings subconsciously, WWX 'idk how I feel’ to 'I’m gonna marry him’ pipeline)
10. Hi im looking for a specific fic. The fic was on ao3 and was a modern au where Wei Ying realizes he might be a bit gay and kisses lan zhan but then freaks out, and they get a bit awkward. He then goes on to forums to see what others might think of his situation, he tries watching gay porn etc. and finds that he's dreaming of lan zhan. He ends up being jumped by homophobes goes on a drinking binge for the next few days as a result and hears that lan zhan has been staying in his room and hasn't been doing well, wei ying thinks it's because he kissed him but later finds out he sent lan zhan a homophobic message when drunk. Any help would be appreciated!!! @livesformitski
11. Hello! I was hoping you can help me track this fic down!
In the fic Lan Zhan finds out about Wei Yings golden core and he schemes to get it back with Wen Qing no matter what. I think it was a dark lan Zhan fic?
12. For FF, I am once again asking for wlw wangxian fics. There’s a specific one I can’t seem to find, wherein Lwj and wwx are roommates, and wwx is planning on moving out to mm’s bc she constantly hears lwj hooking up in her room, but there’s an issue at the new place or something so she keeps putting off moving out until eventually she’s convinced to stay when they get together
I’ve tried digging through tags but it’s giving me issues, I would appreciate you forever if you find it🙏🙏🙏
13. Hi I'm looking for this wangxian fic but can't find it anywhere, I don't remember a lot but all I remember is lan wangji getting his lashes punishment and wei wuxian (who is alive) turning up getting angry and destroying all the clans. Yanli (also alive) - and I think zixuan- was like ' well what do you all expect, you've all brought this on yourselves'
Sorry I can't remember much else,
Thank you ☺️ @haseenaay99
FOUND? An arrow to the heart by IsilmeLasgalen (T, 47k, WangXian, SongXiao, XuanLi, ZhuiYi, LQY/NMJ, XiSang, A-qing/OYZZ, BSSR/LY, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, YLLZ WWX, WWX Lives, BAMF JYL, Protective WWX, Good Parents LWJ and WWX, Married WangXian Have Children, JGS "falls" down the stairs, Bad Parents JFM and YZY, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, JYL Lives, JZX Lives, Protective WN, Implied/Referenced Abuse, POV Multiple, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Cultivation Sect Politics)
14. I'm looking for a Modern AU crack-fic-ish from Jiang Cheng's POV (I think?) where Wei Ying seems obliviously in a relationship, and later married, to Lan Zhan. It's also implied that maybe they're just trolling Jiang Cheng. @hiperfyxation
FOUND? Six in one hand by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 2k, WangXian, Modern: No Powers, Crack Treated Seriously, Compulsory Heterosexuality, POV JC)
15. Hi i need help looking for a fic. I don’t remember much but it was a sort of time travel fic where wei wuxian goes back in time. I think there was a scene during the sun shot campaign where wangxian confess? I remember lan wangji being jealous of his future/ alternate self who is wwx’s husband
I’m so sorry I don’t remember more but please help me find this fic 🥹
FOUND! 🔒 if you can’t beat them, recruit them by moeblobmegane (T, 228k, Wangxian, NHS & WWX, WWX & WQ, Time Travel Fix-It, Conspiracy, Spies & Secret Agents, Team as Family, Found Family, Burial Mounds, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Pining, Morally Ambiguous Character, Rumors, Politics, Developing Friendships, Good Uncle LQR, Demonic Cultivation, YilingWei Sect) i think its - chapter 26
16. Hi, this is for a fic finder. I’m looking for a fic where WWX is a Wen. When Lans were attacked, LWJ, LSJ and LJY were taken to Qishan but were taken under WWX’s wings and they were taken care of. It was lan sect bashing and LQR bashing. LWJ did not return to Lans. I just remember that towards the end of the fic, there was a scene where WWX asked his spies from each sect to come out and MXY came out from Jiang, XY came out from Nie and MY was from Jin. I thought I’ve bookmarked it but could find it. I also have checked Wen WWX compilations and War Prize LWZ compilations. Did not find in either list. I’d appreciate if anyone know the name! Thank you!
FOUND? To the Heavens and the Earth by IsilmeLasgalen (E, 77k, WangXian, WWX is a Wēn, POV LWJ, Good Parent LWJ, Marriage of Convenience, Accidental Marriage, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, CSSR and WCZ Live BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Cultivation Sect Politics, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, POV NHS, Protective LJY, Good Person WRH, Protective LXC, Immortal LWJ and WWX, POV LXC, Mpreg, WangXian in Love, Soft WangXian, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, POV JZX, Emperor WWX, Emperor LWJ, Past WWX/Other(s), Everybody Lives, Fluff, Angst, Smut, LWJ is LJY's Parent)
17. Hi! I'm trying to find a fic where lej continuously aaja to play cleansing fir wwc but he keeps reusing cuz resentful energy is the only thing holding his body together but the eventually agrees and then almost dies but wen qung is there and then the course reveal happens and it angsty and wwc thinks lans wouldn't have cared if he told them cheating him if resentment could possibly kill him, thanku!
FOUND? 🧡 decay by antebunny (G, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, the fluffiest ending, Hurt/Comfort)
18. Hello, this is a fic finder ask:
I’m not sure of the entire plot the the fic but I remember Meng Yao getting caught and being slapped by SiSi in front of the other sect leaders because of what he tried to do knowing his mom’s upbringing. He tries to play it off but he gets imprisoned in a Lanling Tower and isn’t allowed to use anything with strings because of what he did to Nie Mingjue.
FOUND? 💖🔒 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it’s gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn’t begin until chapter 19!, bottom LWJ in chapter 20 and 27, Mojo’s post) I think #18 is - chapter 30. But its only has the slapping part
19. hi, I have a finder fic ask, well two actually:
A. jin guangshan tries to assault yanli but he is stopped but there’s a plot twist because yanli knew it would happen because jin guangshan has a special garden when he does that to people and she is maybe a time traveler so she sets him up to be caught
B. WWX has died and there’s a celebration happening and there’s this special guest that will be there, possibly called The Painter, and when they get there the guest actually sings the story of how the different sects are hypocrites and the guest curses all of them except Lan Wangji and when the guest goes to leave, they lift up their veil and reveal themselves to be baoshan sanren.
20. Hi!!! I hope you're doing well. Please help me find this fic. It's a modern setting one, where I think WWX is sending LWJ suggestive pictures and videos of himself, and LWJ just doesn't know who it is. I think WWX is some kind of IT or something. I came across this fic on Twitter/X in a promotional of the AO3 fic, but I can't find it anymore. I forgot the parts of the fic but I know there's pictures and chat logs inserted in the fic. Please help me and thank you so much!!!
FOUND? might be this thread (unrolled because I don't have twitter)
also on ao3 its called + xx xxx xxx xxxx by 3neetee (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern, Shameless Smut, PWP, Dom/sub, Stalker WWX, Manipulative LWJ, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Masturbation, Rimming, Spanking, Spit Kink, Under-negotiated Kink, Identity Porn, Explicit/NSFW Pictures, Twitter threadfic, Semi-Public Sex, freak4freak wangxian)
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antianakin · 9 months
Had a thought, I think what's bothering a lot of people about recent Force stuff is that Filoni/new shows are treating the Force like a "soft magic" system. As in it's flexible to whatever the plot is and the few rules can change. Vs the more solid "hard magic" system the original stuff operates on. Only certain people have it, there's established things it can do, and it's main point of flexibility is that if you don't think you can do a thing with the Force, you can't.
Like movies/clone wars/even Rebels establishes that having the Force is an innate thing and while non Force users can "hear" the Force (various other practices we see like Chirrut) they can't utilize it. That there's certain abilities are things everyone has and more rare abilities exist but don't seem to be learned (at least not easily). I'm even willing to say Force Healing works in the og system set up in that it's a rare ability and it takes energy. You can't bring someone back from the brink of death without killing yourself or someone else.
But things like Sabine suddenly able to use the Force or Ahsoka able to use abilities out of nowhere and established to be innate and rare basically throws the hard rules out and gives it a confusing inconsistency that just makes it unenjoyable.
I think the problem is, in part, that canon itself treats the Force as both soft AND hard, depending on what aspect you're talking about, because Star Wars runs on Rule of Cool sort-of above and beyond anything else sometimes. For example, the Force Ghosts. Even within the original trilogy, the implications about how the Ghosts work seems to change from ANH to ROTJ, and then you get into the prequels and TCW and the sequels and now the Mandoverse and the Ghosts are just... wackier and wackier every time. There are NO RULES for the Force Ghosts beyond that the person ghosting should be definitively dead, not a Sith when they died, and they should look bluish. Like that's... really it. Beyond that, everyone seems to do whatever the fuck they want with it and they always have, even Lucas himself.
And then you have other things that seem to have remained fairly static this entire time even if they went unsaid, like who is capable of wielding the Force and who isn't, whether it's something you're born with or just something some people can learn easier than others. Up until the Ahsoka show, everybody seemed to agree on this one, so even though it's never been outright stated in canon that you HAVE to be born with the ability to wield the Force or you'll never be able to, it's just a generally accepted part of the worldbuilding and one that a LOT of the character narratives sort-of rely on. BUT, because it's never been outright stated and OTHER elements of the Force and how it's used can be pretty "soft magic", I suppose it's not shocking that eventually someone would try to switch this one up. It's infuriating and it's bad writing just because what little we DO know about it is so important to how these storylines go, but it's not shocking.
It's not like I hate "soft magic" systems in general, but in a lot of those stories, how the magic WORKS isn't actually important to the story being told most of the time. Like in Lord of the Rings, how Gandalf can do magic is completely irrelevant to the themes and messages sent through the story of Frodo and the Ring and the Fellowship. It doesn't MATTER.
But in Star Wars, the way the Force works is baked into the themes and messages of the whole ass story. What darkness is, where it comes from, what balance means and how it can be achieved, all of this is VITAL to the story being told throughout the first six films. And so a lot of the little stuff that gets added to the overall "how the Force works" stuff (psychometry, midichlorians, etc) should all sort-of work within those overall themes already set up. Midichlorians are important because Anakin is DEMONSTRABLY super powerful, more than anybody else in history, and it DOESN'T MATTER. He's literally MEASURABLY more powerful than anybody else and he still fails to do anything he actually wants to do. His power makes it so that his choices change the fate of an entire galaxy, but they're also completely useless in any way that actually matters to him. The fact that they can measure his power helps that message get across. Psychometry takes a lot of the stuff about how the Force allows you to dial into the emotions of other people and just takes it up an extra notch to really hammer home some of those themes about control over your own power and being connected to the world around you.
So Star Wars, in many ways, DOES have a "soft" magic system, it always has, but the things that are changed or added to it SHOULD generally still fit within the overall themes and messages that Star Wars has set up prior to this. Sabine being Force sensitive randomly very explicitly goes AGAINST all of these themes and messages and that's why it sucks. Changing the system so that literally ANYBODY could have the Force if they just worked hard enough at it (and having Sabine gain her ability to wield it only when she FEELS the most emotions as opposed to when she CONTROLS her emotions the best) completely fucks up a lot of the narratives for other characters. What makes Luke so special if literally ANYBODY could have just learned to do what he did, but apparently they just weren't trying hard enough? If Ahsoka felt this way this entire time why wasn't she training up TONS of people in the Rebellion to utilize the Force, why was she HOBBLING the Rebellion by keeping this from them? It's just... SO so stupid in so many ways. Why does Filoni seem to think that fans want the space wizards to be LESS special? It's ridiculous and it's insulting.
I think that at this point we're also just VERY tired of Filoni's blatant favoritism for his own characters and the ways he very intentionally will bash other characters in order to lift up his own faves, and quite honestly THAT'S what pisses me off the most about the Ahsoka show. Sabine and Ahsoka can't be special on their own, they HAVE to call the prequels Jedi failures because they were elitist in order to make Sabine and Ahsoka seem like they're so much better and more enlightened than those OTHER Jedi. And that honestly just stinks of a lack of imagination on Filoni's part. If he can't figure out how to make these characters feel special without tearing down other characters in this franchise to do it, then maybe he's just not that good of a fucking writer to begin with.
So while I'm not PERSONALLY a fan of the way the Force is often very "soft" in the way it's written, that doesn't make it bad in and of itself, but Filoni (and the Mandoverse in general, but mostly Filoni) feels like he's actively flipping the bird at prior accepted assumptions about the worldbuilding and the way those things really helped build the NARRATIVE just because he wants to insist that HIS characters are NOT IRRELEVANT and are in fact more important and cooler than everybody else. When I consume a Star Wars story, I'm EXPECTING something about how it's better to accept and acknowledge your own darkness so you can let it go and control it rather than letting it control you. I'm EXPECTING something about being selfless and compassionate over being selfish and greedy. I'm EXPECTING something about how destiny exists but it isn't everything and your choices still MATTER (both good and bad). And that's just... not what Filoni gave me. The things he changed DON'T suit the narrative of Star Wars, regardless of whether the Force is a soft magic system or not.
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bokettochild · 2 months
Hey! I ahev some rambled about the opera house au and just things with the chain in general.
Hwo do you think legend would react to having to play a lead character for the opeing of the show and the main character he played love interest was one if the dives? Like maybe lullaby started panicking because dusk dropped out on opening night and she got sick and lullaby panicked and told legend he would play the lead daisy Buchanan (i'm just using the great gatsby musical characters bc i'm in love with it right now) and one of the dives played jay gatsby and he had to kiss them and sing powerful songs?
I don't know if it is Canon but in the linked Universe, legend is times descendent or direct successor. How do you think tike would react to finding out he had one more descendent under his nose and it's the veteran who is prickly and cold nothing like twilight his descendent or wind I think wind is his successor who is goofy ans child like but also put. Off even though in recent update we saw legend is an aboustle gremlin...well live that though.
Do you think legend would ever yell at twilight? Like maybe legend is having a bad day snd twilight says somting like "time left the master sword in perfect condition I didn't have to save Mt world until I was 17" and so on just really boasting about it to legend maybe because legendhad been mean or snsrky to wild and twilightwas trying tk get back for wild. Snd legend snaps "yeah really?! Good for you well time didn't leave the master sword in good condition for me! When I found the master sword it rusted beyond belief I had to build it back up with my own 9 (or who ever years old legend was) old hands with times blood on it because time died! Well fighting ganon making my world fall apart leaving a nine year old to save it!" Had legend just yells at twilight dumping all of his trauma on twilight even bring marin into to mix, and the whole chain stands there watching their veteran yell at the ranch hand with tears streaming down his face. Well time feels horrible for birnf inccont legend into the cruel world of being a hero, and giving him that trauma.
Alright bye enjoy your day and be safe!
Legend can and has filled in for leading roles before, but he's also been cast in them! His major starring role is actually one of his more iconic (there's nothing more iconic than that, fight me) and does feature a bit of a "love story" between himself and the character that Warriors plays. Granted, Legend's character is faking the whole thing, but it's still a lot of flirting on stage. They both know how to be professional about it and behave themselves though, and anything like kissing is usually faked for the sake of the actors (when and if they can, there's no actual contact made, as long as they can make it look like there is. He's also ended up having to play a love interest (unrequited, but still) for Wild's character! They had a good laugh about it honestly and yeah, there was a moment there where people had questions, but it just turns out Legend's a good actor and very convincing :)
Honestly, I think Time would be sort of shocked to find out that Legend is also his successor, but also sort of horrified. I mean, Legend comes from a world where Time not only died, but also failed in his duties as a hero, leaving them to fall on the shoulders of another child instead. Granted, that's not his fault, but if you look at their timeline talk and all, you can't deny Time wouldn't blame himself at least a small amount. Would that guilt make it harder for him to be around Legend? Would he treat him differently, knowing that Legend might never have become a hero if Time hadn't fallen? I think he would. I think the guilt would eat at him, because while he does know there will always be heroes who rise to face evil, the fact that Legend had to rise specifically to clean up after him would devastate him. All the more so because Legend's the guy who's done the most out of all of them and is the only one to repeatedly have to fight Ganon, because the pig gained immortality as (again) a result of the Hero of Time falling.
I don't know that Legend would trauma dump on any of his brothers intentionally. he's very guarded, an people like that tend to not be super eager to drop truth bombs that big in a moment flat. Over time though? Sure! Someone makes a comment about the Master Sword and Legend ends up revealing that he had to reforge his before it was actually fit for use, because it was left in ruin. Something else later lets them learn that it still had Time's blood on it when it was left in the forest, and that Legend, while reforging the blade, had to clean the blood-rust away, smelling the blood of his predecessor as he worked. Maybe this or that comes up and they slowly start getting the puzzle pieces of the vet's life; nothing seems to fit together one way or another, and they're not sure how much is true because there's so many things, how could this much happen to one person? But then they realize how many adventures there have been, and how long it took, and when the final nail in the coffin comes with a tired "I was eight", it really hits them all. Legend wouldn't dump it all at once, but I think his brothers are smart enough to put together what he does say to find out the truth, and I think it would devastate them. Twilight would absolutely feel guilty about having it "so easy" in comparison (no such thing, they all suffered, but hey, they all think their pain is lesser than the rest) but I think Legend would shut that down in a heartbeat, if he knew. Now, if Legend inhibitions were lowered in some way and someone set him off? We might get it all at once, with the drama you described. Legend would have to be pretty out of it to be so honest about his past, but hey! Whatever works to make fissures and pain, no?
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karanseraph · 8 days
I expect as more people see TF:One there's going to be a lot of fanfic for that.
I have not seen it and am low on funds, so I'm not sure when I'll see it.
But I have, as a separate TF-related activity, been trying to write some fanfic that is set specifically in The Transformers G1 cartoon continuity.
And, like...despite being here a fan these 40 years, i rarely try to write in this specific continuity. It's so wacky. I mainly started writing for Animated and branched out from there.
There's these examples of things that we know happened for out of universe reasons, right? Like, episodes were written by all different writers, then story editors sorta tried their best to string them together and there were even different animation studios involved.
But what's canon is canon. If you try to write for it, you have to sort of take the episodes at face value. Like, sure, one can write scenes that happen between the episodes or canon scenes. But canon stuff is established.
The whole thing with Optimus Prime, Alpha Trion, and Elita One is so weird in cartoon continuity.
Like, I started research with The Search for Alpha Trion. OP and Elita realize each other are still alive after like 4 million years? Stuff happens. But then, apparently, not long after, Optimus is on Cybertron again for The Key to Vector Sigma, and Alpha Trion is involved and dies/becomes one with Vector Sigma. And like, no mention of Elita, who had some relationship with both Optimus and Alpha Trion, and does anyone comm to tell her he's gone?? Also, Ironhide also was in that episode and there's no mention of Chromia either. But the new team does get named aERIALbots.
Then in the War Dawn episode, which takes place just weeks after Key, the Aerialbots, who got made by Alpha Trion on Cybertron, come back to Cybertron and do time travel in Eita/Erial's old neighborhood. And they basically cause Pax and Erial to become Optimus and Elita by Alpha Trion. Something something grandfather. But, in the present day segment, Optimus and Ironhide are again among the characters on Cybertron and there's no mention of Elita or Chromia again.
And Optimus and Elita don't fully recall the five bots they met back then or that they had other bodies or that Alpha Trion was the one who reformatted them? They have to piece it together later because trauma or timey-whimey stuff?
And then, I'm wondering, when did Elita's team first have any sign Ark or Nemesis bots survived? Like, was it tSfAT, or did they start to notice as much as a year earlier that Shockwave had a space bridge. Did they notice in Divide and Conquer when Ironhide(!), a bunch of Bots, and even alien human Chip are in the area and attracting notice of Rainmakers?
But then I was like, hold on, wait a second, the whole of Cybertron was transported next to Earth in The Ultimate Doom. Everyone on Cybertron would be able to see or remember that! There were multiple alien human slaves involved, too.
Like, there should have been the conversation where the Autobots from Earth are trying to explain how they were in stasis for most of the 4 millions years and so couldn't return as promised or comm and have been living on Earth - you know it, that blue planet that showed up in your sky!
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thegeminisage · 1 month
oooh envesseled, please!!
HI wow thank you for asking, because i love talking about this, and i promise no one is obligated to read the whole answer lol. envesseled (partially, but only partially, up on ao3...) is part of cambionverse, which is a sort of spin-off about some EXTREMELY minor characters in s*pernatural that my buddy @callowyn and i have been chipping away at since 2011 or so.
for anyone with a passing familiarity with the show: we were so sure they were going to kill lisa braeden at the end of season 6 (can you blame us?), we whipped up a little scenario where her son ben was partially raised by sam, dean, and bobby instead...until sam and dean go mysteriously missing, a la john winchester, and now ben has to go and look for them the same way they once searched for their own dad.
but since supernatural has those big 3 characters (sam dean cas) and ben is our dean-character (he is sort of like a dean who broke the cycle of abuse and is also a huge lovable dork), we also needed a sam-character and a cas-character. for our sam we picked jesse (a one-episode wonder, the antichrist kid who turned cas into an action figure), and claire novak, the daughter of acstiel's vessel, who at that point was also a one-episode wonder and also had a collective total of less than 50 words of dialogue. we made her up on our own, essentially. jesse struggles with anxiety and controlling his demonic half and trusting hunters/himself after doing so has burned him in the past (or...gotten other people burned, i guess), and claire struggles with trusting anyone at all and the total emotional unavailability/other after-effects that come from being possessed by something with a thousand eyes at age 11.
in the first two "big" stories (one for jesse, one for ben, though there's a shit ton of additional content) they battle meg (my beloved, don't worry, she'll NEVER die), find the missing sam and dean, resolve various other personal traumas, be mentally ill together, and flirt ever closer to a three-person situationship that would make dean actively long for death if he ever found out about it. meanwhile cally and i kind of throw tomatoes at various things in the show proper that annoyed us, such as how much they hate women, how often they forget their own canon, or the double standard of sometimes letting monsters live when they're dangerous and sometimes killing them when they've done nothing wrong.
envesseled is the third "big" story, for claire, and it takes a significant turn because at the very beginning of it, while she and ben are in the middle of a huge argument, he dies (fridged a la MARY winchester), debatably because of something claire did, and the only way to resurrect him is to ask castiel for help. except he can't help because his various misadventures have left him broken into a thousand pieces and his current jimmy-vessel has no soul to put them back together. and so she's still dealing with this castiel trauma, and the grief/guilt over ben, and the grief /guilt over her dad she never processed, while going around collecting all the broken pieces of castiel in her own body so he can envessel HER (hence the title), bring ben back to life--except the catch is the more grace she takes into her body, the sicker she gets, so it's a question of whether or not she has enough time to finish collecting the pieces, and whether or not she can actually bear to be in castiel's presence and also say yes to him in order to allow him to do this.
as one might guess from the summary it is. an INCREDIBLY niche fanfic series with like a dozen fans worldwide, though i am proud to say pretty much everyone who's tried it has liked it, probably because it's diverged so heavily at this point it aaalmost reads like original fiction. like, i wish there were words to convey how deeply you do not need to have seen the show to read it. we are still writing "envesseled" which is why it's on the wip list (it is fighting with us SO MUCH) but we really really really hope we get it finished in time for "cambion day," which is march 29 (jesse's birthday). i tried very, very hard to find an excerpt from what we haven't posted that isn't full of giant spoilers, but i can't, so i'll post an excerpt from what we have on ao3 instead that i really like. this happens right after claire absorbs the first of many of castiel's broken pieces and is kind of a microcosm of the dynamic in general:
Castiel stands, not far enough away, watching her like a crow inspecting carrion. "How do you feel?" Claire takes a deep breath, assessing. There's no apparent difference between the new grace and the old—after all, both are pieces of the same angel—but she feels their presence more keenly, a stronger heat than the one she's been accustomed to for so many years. Apparently she's more sensitive to the powers of the Antichrist, too. "I've stopped feeling like there's a stab wound in my side, if that's what you mean." "Hm." Two fingers brush across her forehead. Claire's entire body thrums, and then she's grabbing Castiel's wrist, crushing it in her grip as she pulls his hand away. "Don't touch me." Her heartbeat is wild, squeezing the bones under her hand with all her strength, knowing she can't damage him but too angry to care. "Don't you ever touch me." Castiel holds motionless in a way no human could ever achieve, lights flickering over his head. "Let go of me, then." He could break free of her grasp with a fraction of effort, but it's still satisfying to throw his hand aside. Claire catches Jesse's eyes, and sees just a moment of ink-black there before he blinks and the light fixtures stop shaking. "Very well," says Castiel, after a long tense silence. He leaves the kitchen, giving Claire a wide berth, and moves to stand in the center of the dusty library. "Try this one."
let people send you an ask with the WIP title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
So someone out there in the tyt/tgol universe must be writing at least some fanfiction right?? I don’t know what it would be about but probably a lot of the standard y/n and x reader fics mixed with some stuff about the lunchtable group. However, someone must be writing the pollen and piper x shell fics. And then there’s also Naomi x Apollo, Percabeth, and just the fact that it would be real person fiction for them also makes me so envious lmaoo 😭😭 But back to the point of my ask, are the characters reading it? Because I’d like to believe that they would, they may even write some themselves (cough cough Kayla cough cough) but I just don’t think some of them would be able to resist the urge to go on Ao3 like the rest of us. Like even if it was just pure curiosity and not for casual enjoyment. And then imagine their shipping culture and their tumblr and they (the fans) must be having so much fun knowing that a ship being canon means it’s like real life and oh my god THE MEET AND GREETS. I usually don’t care too much for celebrities and are fine with just appreciating their art but I’d actually feel previously unknown levels of excitement if I could meet legit anyone from the main cast of tyt. And like I’m totally yapping right now, but it reminds me of when my mom was like “yk I would’ve gotten you eras tour tickets if you told me about it sooner right?” And I was like “huh 😀” So yeah if I could get the equivalent but make it a Nico concert that mistake would’ve never made made on my watch. But this must be what the bts fanfiction authors kinda feel like except we’re all forced to watch from afar and the people in the actual universe get to have all the fun, and they get to have all of our celebrities too so they get extra but at least we get your fics so they’re at a significant loss too so ig that’s how we even the playing field.
ohh they definitely are. i don't know if there'd be much pollen fics, because they weren't very popular at the time- maybe more *now* after, like, pictures of them with kayla at archery competitions and stuff. shel/piper would be more like piper/reader or piper/oc, seeing as shel isn't publicly dating her, and people don't really know who she is- though i'm sure that some people would come up with oc's that are relatively close to herjkfsd
percabeth and naomi/apollo DEF have a few fics, and now i'm just thinking of someone writing an au where naomi lives and they get back together after many years... it wouldn't happen, ofc, but i think someone would definitely write it. there's a lot of au potential with them, at least from an outside perspective, if someone sees them as a right person wrong time sort of romance (it isn't, in my head, not in this au, but it could be seen that way)
solangelo and valdangelo are probably the most popular, just nico has,,, sort of, maybe nearly, surpassed jason and piper in fame at this point? maybe not jason, but seeing as piper took a step back over the recent years, he's definitely growing further. so jasico would prob also be popular, though i think the more... crazed fans would like the childhood friends to lovers trope more with will and leo! prob even some will/leo/nico with how codependent they all are LMAO
i think KAYLA would 100% read silly fics as a laugh, just so that she could quote them to her friends, bc she'd think it's hilarious. there may even be like one nico/kayla fic (which, ew) and she's just sitting there CACKLING over it bc nico's character couldn't be so wrong. neither could hers, for that matter.
other than that, i think i wrote before that shel has def written fanfic, and so has lou ellen, though i think lou ellen wrote more, like, fictional stories fanfic, not real people. and shel might've too- as a rule, i tend to stay away from writing real people into fanfics unless it's like, mentioning an actor/singer in passing
but you are literally SO REAL FOR THIS god i wish i could see a nico di angelo concert live. like fr all my problems would be solved it'd just be so nice. im srsly so jealous of the people in the tyt universe for just getting them as real life celebrities😭
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tasteless-lemonade · 3 months
sans here to pester you again ^^
i just stumbled upon these two incredible characters and i think you've mentioned liking them before so so !!
thoughts on dc's beatriz da costa, tora olafsdotter as well as the ship beatora?? brevity or rambling as well as hcs all allowed ^^
during the whole justice league book, bea really has that 🤨🏳️‍🌈 friendship with tora. tora and green lantern guy gardner start dating and bea just really really hates him. like yes guy really did sucked at the time but she hated him a LOT to the point where many people just assumed she was actually jealous of guy from "stealing" tora from her
i tend to see bea as a lesbian. "but ian", you may ask "bea is very flirty with guys and dated a lot of men".
well, i tend to take the portrayals of bea as overly-flirty and boy-crazy with a grain of salt because bea is a brazillian woman written by a lot of white guys. latina women in general (but in this case i will talk specifically about brazillian women) are subjected to some offensive stereotype about their sexualities. many brazilian women who went abroad probably know the stereotype that "brazilian women are easy to get" and bea (a model, who dresses well and is generally sexy) is very prone to fall into the trope of a Spicy Latina
BUT, it's an interesting interpretation to see bea as someone who is actually a deeply repressed lesbian, using the stereotypes in her favour to pass as a straight woman and also avoid confrontations with her sexuality. she is a sexy woman men are looking at, there's no way she is gay, right?
now, tora. i don't really see tora as a lesbian, i think her relationship and love for guy were genuine and i tend to see her as more of an oblivious bisexual who thinks everyone sighs dreamily in love while thinking about their gal pals. while tora has some queercoding, i don't think its as apparent as bea's because tora has either been in a relationship with guy gardner or she's been dead. however, mostly of the fans still see them as sort of a package deal. fire needs ice, ice needs fire, the soulamatism. after tora was ressurected, i think we got a scene of her visiting bea before she met guy?
while bea is more fiery (get it? because), sassy, angry, presence, tora is more kind, introverted and sweet. she is one of that hopeful, really good superheroes that bring your faith in humanity. forget tom king, good-hearted tora is the best tora and that's why we love her
in their solo Fire & Ice: Welcome To Smallville it is obvious for me that the writer wanted them to date. they even have one of those break-ups gays have without even dating!!!!
there's a whole plot, after tora dies, in which bea is struggling with grief and by that time she meets the first ice maiden, sigrid (who nowadays goes by glacier). bea projects the pain of her loss into sigrid, basically wanting sigrid to fulfill the role that tora had in her life. consider that sigrid is canon bisexual and its implied that they had some sort of attraction for bea (or were at least pretending to be). sigrid really dresses up as tora and acts like tora and that causes a good shock on bea making her realize tora is gone
come on guys, sigrid dressed up and acted like tora to become closer to bea, and showed romantic interest in bea, and this was such a shock that it made bea realize that she was in love with tora but now its too late that she could not live in the past
there's also THE SCENE in jla classified #7 in which some members of the justice league international (including her best friend bea and long-term love interest guy gardner) meet tora in well, hell, and they are given the opportunity to take tora back to life by the Orpheus Protocol - tora will follow them and they can't look back.
and one of them people guiding her to the upworld is her MAJOR LOVE INTEREST GUY GARDNER. wow the story writes itself its orpheus/eurydice as guy/tora??? NO!!!!!
anyways tora and bea are in love and they should be dating but dc are COWARDS. c'mon they aren't even major characters it won't change much
sorry if this makes no sense i just needed to talk about them and convince people to know about them because they only have 31 fanfictions on ao3 so it's hard out there
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anakirui · 4 months
What do you enjoy most about anakirui? Coming from a plot aspect how do you feel they synergize the most
i honestly do not know what i enjoy about anakirui the most. it's very hard to measure. it's kinda like asking me what my favorite vocaloid song is, i would not be able to give you an answer. at all.
but plot wise, i think what i really like about them in terms of canon are their narrative parallels, but more importantly, their dynamic. i think i'll have to talk about them in duos rather than as a whole for the sake of this post, as there's few events where they have major moments altogether.
i think with akirui, what i like about their dynamic is how they started off together and how they've developed since. they got into an argument because they reminded each other of their traumas, but over time, they have come to realize that they're more similar than they thought. some of my favorite scenes are how akito forces rui to get first aid for his ankle in shibufes (and later makes him take an ice pack in his card story for it), how akito goes from being averse to the idea of rui helping him study (only for him to want to pass his exams so he doesn't let rui [and touya] down), and how rui in rise as one (most prominently in their area conversation after) showed such care for akito's trauma with dogs— something akito isn't used to at all. i also like how akito has stopped masking around rui now!! all that's left is for rui to stop masking in return...
with akian, what i like about them is how they're always kinda... pushing each other forward, i guess? an was the person who gave akito his specific dream of surpassing rad weekend, and akito finding touya indirectly pushed an to find a partner of her own even more. i think it says a lot just how much akito has trusted an this whole time, despite them having only been acquaintances prior to the main story— touya comments on it in an1; because akito believes an will sort out her feelings with kohane. and every time an has had issues since, the person she's run to for support is akito— who is always looking out for her and idk it's just very sweet. and even in an4, while he is apologizing to her for vbs making her confront taiga— he believes in her— that she'll start singing with them to beat him— and it just ties back into what touya said in her very first event and i DIED
something about akito getting his dream from her and becoming her rival to akito being teammates with her and supporting her when she falls down and seeing her in himself— and on that topic... i think it's cute that an sees herself in akito, too.
with anrui, they are the least developed in canon of these three dynamics, but i feel like they're going to be relevant in the future. they literally have no kizuna despite having interacted since launch (maybe there's spoilers in the titles and that's why?), but besides that, i think anrui is very cute.
an is one of the very few characters that are accepting of rui and do not treat him like he's strange when they first meet him 😭 in events like cheerfes and wedding1 she encourages his ideas and treats him like she would anyone else with her usual friendly and energetic personality, and i think it's very cute.
my favorite scene of them is the area conversation after let's study hard where an asks to pilot one of rui's drones— iirc it's very rare for someone to express interest in rui's robotics like that without him mentioning it.
but back to why i think their dynamic will be relevant; let's study hard has a chapter where an and rui are talking about mizuki in the hallway together, and here it's insinuated that rui feels insecure towards an.
not because an did anything wrong, but because to him, an seems like a much better friend to mizuki than him. she is actively making them happy, unlike rui, where his and mizuki's friendship was built off of survival— they were the only people "saving" each other from (implied) suicide in middle school (but rui never really made them happy).
what's ironic is that mizuan are the opposite of being close friends (an hadnt even told mizuki about vivid street LOL) and rui doesn't realize that but i digress
considering how an's attachment problems with kohane were solved in an5, i think having another event with them could really help rui with his development— especially since they have very similar abandonment issues. i think it could be a good opportunity for rui to reflect on his feelings about mizuki or wxs or both.
aide note: for some reason there's a pattern of an mentioning rui unsolicited. she does it in vbs main story, she does it in the first april fools au AND she does it in the second one (i haven't checked the third one). all three instances are in his absence, which is hilarious (this also doesn't account for her and akito talking about him while he wasn't there in wedding1, so ig that's four times???)
in terms of scenes where all three of them are together, did you know this card is from akito's pov?
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their first card together is Legitimately at a fucking wedding. rui made akito be a part of it and then akito made an be a part of it. why are they married ????
there's also that one cheerfes scene where akito is running and rui starts talking about how strong akito's legs must be (homophobic dog stare) and then an just mentions how akito does a lot of sports 💀
there's also an teasing akito for helping rui with his ankle in shibufes... in ensekai it was localized as her calling him a "good boy" which is crazy 😭😭😭 either way it was cute
and then there's stuff like let's study hard which just has. various cute anakirui stuff mixed in. i like the one card story where the lsh gang goes to dinner together and akian notice how rui is staring at the vegetables on his plate like they killed his grandma
or this scene from that card story that i totally didn't take slightly out of context (mizuki was involved)
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ok yeah anakirui rant over hopefully this made some ounce of sense I am just. going crazy
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Top ten most haunted episodes of MASH
I realised! I can now post this, because as much as I’m sure the finale is going to be one hell of a ride, I am kind of seeing it as its own thing in connection with this (I may change my mind once I’ve watched it of course) and therefore want to take it out of the running, because 2 hours of thematically weighted narrative really isn’t fair compared to the usual 25mins an episode has to make you feral 
anyway MASH is haunted, but sometimes... it’s even more haunted!
* Runner ups *
tuttle: this one goes more shenanigans than haunted, however it cannot be denied that an incorporeal person briefly worked at, slept at, and befriended people at the 4077th MASH unit
dr pierce and mr hyde: the first episode to make you wonder... wait, war may be war and hell may be hell, but maybe this narrative about war is actually purgatory and Hawkeye is so plagued by insomnia that he’s seen past the curtain and is looking right at us! maybe we’re haunting the narrative! but there are a couple of episodes in which Hawkeye is haunted far more obviously
abyssinia, henry: in hindsight we’re watching a eulogy of sorts. A goodbye spoken over and over, every time the episode is watched and the players play their parts once more. But Henry isn’t actually dead yet... 
heal thyself: an episode in which there’s a haunting by the potential future of losing your mind after seeing so much violence, however “dreams” does it with more surrealism and spread more evenly across the board
where there’s a will there’s a war: this one might have made the list, but for the fact that there is another episode in which Hawkeye dies more readily...
the late captain pierce: Hawkeye dies. they tell his father and everything. a guy comes to pick up his corpse. his body lays down amongst the other dead, allowing itself (briefly) to be taken, before deciding to drag itself up again to go on and on and on. it makes you ask “what if he is dead and this is a purgatory of some kind and he can never leave?” and of course, it’s the episode that first invokes both Trapper and Henry (after the opening episode) as figures that will haunt the 4077th for the rest of the story
hawk’s nightmare: all of his friends from back home keep dying horrible, violent deaths in technicolour! he rushes to the phone, trying to reach them somehow to warn them of what only he knows is coming, only to discover that they’re all perfectly fine. it’s a metaphor, the violence he’s seeing in war is invading the peacefulness of his life back home, marring its idyllic, safe place in his head. but it plays not unlike a literal horror movie, just like the war itself -- he’s the only one who can save them, all of them, and nobody believes him
exorcism: I mean this episode is called “exorcism,” they very literally get the place exorcised from angry spirits. I know this tradition exists, but I don’t know how accurately it’s portrayed, but I do like that the episode takes it very seriously -- and considering “follies” I’d say that makes it even more canon that this is about very real (and not metaphorical) ghosts. sometimes spirits are a metaphor. sometimes ghosts are just pissed off that you’re not respecting them!
old soldiers: the episode in which they drink to (and with) Potter’s dead friends, and in many ways, to Potter’s life as well -- one in which he’s been involved in war after war after war (and now, at least personally, that’s about to end). Potter as a character has a particular feeling to him. he’s lived a long time and experienced all kinds of deaths, not just from war, but simply from coming ever-closer to the end of that life. in many ways the entirety of his narrative in this story is a coda, and this is one of the strongest episodes to showcase that, through the invocation of old soldiers
dreams: things that were, things that are, and some things... that have not yet come to pass. all the things spoken about by galadriel in lord of the rings basically, but make it even more fucked up and covered in blood. haunted by your mother calling you in to dinner as a kid. haunted by the life you’ll never have and the bodies piled in front of you instead. haunted by the perfect marriage and promised life slipping through your fingers. haunted by the expectations placed upon you. haunted by Christ-symbolism judging your desires. haunted by empty streets and your own dead body. haunted by bodies, by a lake, by a dead child. it’s just really haunted okay. 
the life you save: this is another one that feels recontextualised once you’ve seen “follies,” but maybe you were already wondering... maybe Charles wasn’t just imagining his brother hanging around after he’d died, maybe he really was there. regardless, he was feeling his presence. beyond that, there’s the metaphorical hauntings -- the unspoken thing that happened that Charles clearly feels very guilty about. the desperate desire to engage with the afterlife, clinging to a literal dying soldier. and of course his odd little unfazed acknowledgement of the fact that he may die too
follies of the living - concerns of the dead: IT’S AN EPISODE ABOUT A GHOST! THE POV CHARACTER IS DEAD! it’s not half-teasing the audience that maybe Klinger is just really sick, because Klinger is not the POV. it’s a story about life about death, told through the eyes of someone who’s letting go of the things that frustrate and worry the living. and then the soldier wanders away from the MASH 4077th, ready to let go, and joins other dead people in wandering down the road to... somewhere. they really just did this, huh. I also imagine just how sick Klinger might have been to have seen said ghost... makes ya wonder...
trick or treatment: coming at you all of a sudden in s11 of all places, we have literal ghost stories! in many ways this is actually the silliest of the haunted MASH episodes, because the stakes of the ghosts themselves aren’t so intense. the episode does have intensity and an actual resurrection, but in many ways it’s chasing away the fear of death, as one may do on Halloween. ghosts include: a dead brother, a ghost ship, dead husband, and of course the ghosts of all the soldiers that you watched die that demand penitence 
who knew: an episode that once more is contextualised somewhat by “follies,” but actually it’s slightly less the ghost of nurse Carpenter that stalks this tale (although she does that for sure), and more the eulogy at the end that pushes this one over the edge. The eulogy is really only partially about her, and far more about Hawkeye’s family at the 4077th. If Hawkeye is speaking as the dead in episodes like “the late captain pierce,” and “where there’s a will,” he’s speaking as someone who’s mourning the seemingly very alive people before him in this one. the fact that it comes in the last season of the show makes that speech feel all the more like the goodbye that a eulogy is
as time goes by: hey, remember how the show opens with “100 years ago” and then this episode asks “how will we be remembered in a 100 years?” a neat little circle back to the beginning, in which one remembers all of a sudden (meta, I know, but what is a haunting without meta) that we just passed the 50th mark of the show’s release. another 50 years and that question will be answered (and heck, 100 years since the Korean war is only about 30 years away...) -- an episode about living ghosts, leaving behind a legacy of their story that is only contextualised through having watched that story (a teddy bear, a fishing hook, a dress, etc). and of course, within that story itself, a form of final burial to the ghost of Henry Blake
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nicnacsnonsense · 1 year
📖 👀
Perhaps I can interest you in a Gravity Falls one, just to mix it up a bit?
Cheating a little here because I have written some of this one, but I don't know when I'll be back to it, and I do really want to share. It's sort of my Science Dad AU meets the A Better World bit from Journal 3.
(Anyone who doesn't know The Whole of Us/Science Dad AU, it a fic where Dipper & Mabel are Ford's kids from a one night stand that he didn't know about until he had a pair of five year olds dropped on his doorstep. Stan is called in to help Ford with taking care of them and Stan & Ford reconcile. Beyond that it roughtly follows the major story beats in the first part of Journal 3, with a lot of family fluff and trauma healing thrown in. And of course they get a happy ending of beating Bill before Ford falls in the portal.)
The plot of the fic was that a more canon-typical Ford shows up in the Science Dad universe in the same way that canon Ford does with the Better World excerpt in Journal 3. But really the plot was just an excuse to tour the future of the characters from the Science Dad AU, so here are the highlights.
The Institute of Oddology exists, though built around the Pines' house. It's still nearby in Gravity Falls, just not right on top of their home. Ford is the Director of the Institute, and Fiddleford -- who still has a happy relationship with his wife & son -- is the Head Researcher.
Dipper also works at the Institute, and he's acually the one who comes to fetch Ford after security takes him in. He used to be a researcher too, and he still keeps his hand in it, but his actual job title is Head of Public Outreach. He makes YouTube videos. Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained started as a little side project and ended up gaining so much traction that it's his full time job now. He's like the Bill Nye of Oddology. And the Institute funds him doing it, because it encourages interest in their still very new field.
Mabel lives in Portland and is the head of a non-profit that she founded to help combat child abuse and help victims of it. It's called "The Lucky Ones" because she refers to herself & Dipper as two of the lucky ones because they were saved by their dad. It's both a reminder that there are more kids out there that aren't so lucky, and a mission statement that they are going to save more kids and make more lucky ones. She is happily single and lives with her adopted daughter Pacifica (another one of the lucky ones) and their pet pig Waddles.
Ria still dies; I'm so sorry! But before she dies she makes Stan promise he will be there to look out for her son, keep his asshole biological father far away, and be a dad for her baby the way he was a dad for her. Soos still lives with his abuelita, but he calls Stan dad and has since he was four years old. (And he also still works for Stan of course).
Stan works at the Museum of Oddology (And Gift Shop!). This is technically a separate business from the Institute because they didn't want Ford to be Stan's boss, but it is partnered with and adjoined to the Institute. Stan and Ford also have a boat, and every other year or so they go out on a months long research expedition together, just the two of them. That's actually where they are when this fic takes place.
There's also a running joke in the story where any time someone sees Portal!Ford for the first time, they very first thing they say is "You're not Ford/my dad/my grandpa/etc." It's meant to show how close they all are that despite the two Fords nominally looking identical, everyone can immediately tell that this Ford is not their Ford. Except Stan. They do a video call to the boat and Stan immediately, without any forewarning or knowledge of the situation, smiles and says, "Hey look Ford, it's you." Because obviously Stan knows this is a different version of Ford than the one on the boat with him, but as far as Stan is concerned any version of Ford is still Ford and Ford will always be his brother.
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sapphicteaparty · 1 year
g witch ending spoilers
g witch is over. i don't have any criticism that isn't nitpicking and i don't care about nitpicking. to me this was a 10/10 show with zero filler episodes and i'm very happy with the conclusion of this story.
some thoughts about the ending:
calibarn's gay rainbow permet colors were so cool. no notes.
all the gay rainbow permet effects were cool. i don't even care about how ridiculous they were.
miorine dissolved the benerit group. i am so glad she doesn't have to continue the corporate legacy that delling created and it seems like she is working with gund-arm like she wanted, developing the medical uses of gund tech. living her best life.
nobody could end spacian capitalism but the space/earth power balance seems to be disrupted. that's not nothing.
delling, sarius etc are actually held accountable for benerit's crimes. good.
earth probably welcomed prospera after what she did to that SAL fleet IF they knew that she was behind it. i doubt earth even has a seat at the SAL table at all so someone like prospera could be a hero to them. or maybe she's just a refugee now, who knows. earth is probably the one place where she won't get arrested and where she can live in peace. either way i'm glad she lived. that scene in the data storm with nadim got to me. 😭
everything about Peil in this episode was so funny.
both miorine and suletta have some sort of gund-tech implants on the backs of their head. i assume this tech is for establishing connection to eri?
eri in the keychain??? so fucking stupid i love it. sometimes a family is you, your wife, your shitty dad, your mother-in-law and your sister-in-law inside a keychain mascot.
…what if you lose the keychain?? what then?? i'm not going to think about this any further. it's fine. she's fine.
sulemio is married. they should have kissed on screen (that's one nitpick) but i'll take this. i'm not disappointed at all in the way their relationship was portrayed throughout the show and i liked that they avoided so many common romance tropes. sulemio is canon (always was) and they get a happy ending which is what i wanted.
i knew she wouldn't die but suletta was still hurt by all of that gundam action. the permet scars, becoming disabled - details like that are a nice touch to show that suletta (and by extension anyone else) piloting giant death robots can't come out of it unharmed. and she didn't just survive, she's thriving and she's so happy!!!!
gund-arm's medical tech really is a ray of hope for many (like petra).
suletta's dreams came true 😭😭😭😭😭😭
actually nobody died??? after ep 23 i had the feeling that this would be the case because g witch seemed to be making the point that redemption through death is not helpful to those who are alive. killing off characters is such an easy way resolve conflicts and to drive stories forward and g witch examines if there can be a different way without violence.
…the downside to that is that it could go to the other extreme and be full on pacifist and excuse all those who had committed horrible acts (delling, prospera, shaddiq etc) but aside from prospera they're all held accountable and suffering the consequences.
prospera was right to want revenge and to want to create a place in the world for eri but her means were not justified. one of the thematic throughlines in season 2 was that how you do something matters just as much as what you do (like sameen shaw said). prospera admitting that she couldn't forgive herself for the things she'd done was just the perfect way of ending her story. i didn't need her to succeed in her revenge plot or to go to jail or die, i just wanted her to see that how she did things was wrong and that's the biggest payoff her story could have had.
and when she was like "my legs will be paralyzed soon anyway" and suletta just refused to leave her behind, and she got to be part of their family.... g witch really said disabled ppl deserve to be happy 😭
can't believe this show gave me everything i wanted???
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novelmonger · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot lately about how we as sub-creators can learn a about our Creator through our own little acts of creation. Particularly in the area of the fates of our characters. When they die, how they die, whether they're "saved" or not (which can mean different things, depending on the context of that particular story).
There are some characters we create for our stories, intending all along for them to die. Characters we create, intending from the first for them to be evil and to never repent and never have any sort of redemption. Because that's what the story needs.
Of course, the analogy kind of breaks down because, unlike our Creator, we are writing under the curse of sin. We can't fully understand or comprehend all of the implications of certain things happening, or why God has chosen to let them happen. So we do our best to mimic what we see, to sub-create in a way that feels authentic to us, but we can never quite reach the perfection that is God's story.
Still, writing about characters and deciding their fates, looking down on the story from the outside and understanding more than the characters in it really helps me get an idea of what that must be like for God. The characters in my stories might shake their fists at me and demand to know why a certain character had to die, or why they couldn't be saved, but I know in a way they never will why it had to happen, for the sake of the story I wanted to tell.
In a way, I find that encouraging for my own life.
(There's more I want to say, but that means spoilers for chapter 8 of TMI, so I'll put it under the cut.)
And yes, I've been thinking about this a lot in the context of Mabel. My poor, dear Mabel, whom I knew from the moment I made her into more of a character than just "Jake's mother" was going to die right in front of her father.
At one point during the writing process, I don't know why it suddenly hit me this way, but I started agonizing over the fate of my characters' souls. I guess it was because I was dreaming up ways that some of the canon characters might come to Christ, and of course that just made me want to save everybody.
But I'd written myself into the tricky situation of having a bunch of babies dying, as well as somewhat older children and an adult. To me, it's somewhat easier to accept adult characters dying, and knowing in the back of my head that, if these people really existed, they would probably end up in hell. After all, everyone is responsible for putting their faith in God, even if they only have a very limited understanding of who He is, even if only through general revelation. As Romans 1:20 says, "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
It's harder to wrestle with what happens to babies, especially those who have died in the womb or right after, before they have any sort of capacity to understand right and wrong or who made them. But, being a Calvinist, I believe that God has predestined even them to be elect, or not, according to His will. God is just, and God is good, so all I can do is trust that He knows what He's doing.
But for some reason, my mind just kept sticking when it came to Mabel. Even though I still believe that it's God's will where she ends up, and our salvation is not ultimately determined by us choosing God, but in God choosing us...somehow it felt different. Because she's an adult, but being raised by Hydra has given her no access to the gospel, and not even really any chance to understand how the world really works, and so how can we expect her to even extrapolate truth from general revelation? Everything is stacked against her - because I stacked the story against her that way. So if she ends up in hell...does that make it my fault?
And yes, yes, I know this is a fictional character I'm talking about. But I love her. I love her like she's my own - because she is my own. She is my creation. So I'm responsible for her, aren't I?
But then, taking the analogy of me being to Mabel what God is to me, in a limited way...what determines who goes to heaven and who goes to hell? It's God. God ordains who is to live and who is to die, who He chooses to be His own people and who He does not, according to His perfect will and for His own good pleasure. If He wants someone to be saved, they will be saved - whether they've ever read the Bible or heard a sermon, whether they have the mental capacity to understand what sin and salvation mean, whether they've ever drawn a single breath. Ephesians 1:4-5 says that "he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will."
And so, if I am in a very small way to Mabel what God is to real people in the real world...and if I want her to be saved...then she is saved.
In this fictional world that I've created, with characters who are real within this fictional context, Mabel is in heaven.
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wilchur · 1 year
Saw someone else do it and I think I've done this before too, but the list has grown since then a bit so here's my current lineup of read dead wips that I'm working on!! :D Minus the stuff that's already posted on AO3 cuz I see no point in doing a synopsis for things that have left my google drive and you can go and read ahah.
Turned out loooooong so lookie under the cut if you're interested in knowing what I'm up to.
Morston Soulmate AU (title tba, multichapter, around 20-30k when finished) - An AU where you can feel all the injuries your soulmate gets, both minor and major ones. There's no soul marks, seeing your soulmate get hurt and connecting the dots is the only way to find out. Has a lot of time skips and focuses more on feelings than events, but starts out pre-canon when John almost gets lynched and works its way towards the end of the canon story. Chapters alternate between Arthur's and John's POV. Canon compliant :)
RDR2 "Modern AU" (title tba, multichapter, long as shit) - I only call it a modern AU for the sake of simplicity... I'm not sure if it counts as one. Set in 1999 and focuses on the case of Arthur Matthews -- a 36 year old adoptive son of the infamous criminal defence lawyer Hosea Matthews, who went missing without a trace for six months and then reappeared miles from his hometown, seemingly unharmed, but also... not quite right. Delusional, confused, suffering from some sort of memory impairment. The story is about Arthur struggling to adapt to being back home in a reality that is apparently foreign to him. Outsider's/John's POV, but not really shippy. It can be read as pre-slash, though.
My Self-Indulgent Jesse/Arthur fic (another title tba lol, it's too early to tell but I'm thinking multichapter? A collection of scenes from 1878 to 1899) - This one is for me and me only, though I will eventually post it 😂 Written in second person, like a reader-insert and can be read as one if someone wants to, but I am including Jesse's backstory and feelings that are way too specific to be immersive for anyone but myself... I'm working real hard to write it in a way that portrays growing up queer in that time somewhat realistically, so it's not always pretty, but I do try to keep it not that depressing. Features: Jesse's early-life backstory, the story of the scar, his first Gay Experience, how his brothers died, the ups and downs of his relationship with Arthur, why they eventually broke up for what felt like last time, how he got arrested (altered RDO storyline bit) and how he got back up with the gang. I'm planning to do a rough rewrite/fix-it of the canon story with him in it too, but that's... an "one day" thing ajsddjfk
Morston Omegaverse (title tba, one shot, around 10-15k probably? I can't keep things short, sorry) - Young-ish and freshly presented Alpha John, "Closeted" Omega Arthur. Ngl this one is smutty as hell... but! I think my take on omegaverse is rather fun (very transgendered) and it's porn WITH not without plot so something for everyone there lol. John's POV again + lotsa feelings, misunderstandings and some angst :) Just the way I like it.
Vandermatthews Daemon AU (had a title but ao3 yeeted my draft and I forgot what it was, oops)- I say Vandermatthews, but it's more of a "curious couple, unruly son" genfic than real slashfic 😅 This is supposed to be the beginning a series of oneshots from different characters' POV. This one is maybe a 1/3 done (needs a serious rewrite tho) and written from Hosea's POV. It's about him and Dutch finding and taking in young Arthur -- a very traumatised child who has undergone intercision and therefore lost his daemon. More of a collection of vignettes from that moment to when they take in John than a real coherent fic tho. The next one is going to be John's POV coming of age thing and we'll see where my brain will go from there. I want to do a separate big ass post about this one later because I have Opinions on the gang members' daemons that I need either challenged or validated...
1907!John/Isaac fic (title tba... a two parter, one set in the epilogue and the second is a RDR1 fix-it) - NOW HEAR ME OUT!!!!!! PUT DOWN THE GODDAMN PITCHFORKS FOR A SECOND PLS This is a plot bunny that Refused To Fucking Die. Isaac is obviously an adult in this (22), they have never met before, and the story begins in the months where Abigail and Jack were gone and John worked alone on Pronghorn ranch. It's not so much a romance (despite the slash) but more two people dealing with different types of grief in Very Unhealthy ways, okay. It's supposed to be a bit iffy because of that and the... 12 years of difference between them in this universe. I'm not trying to make this shit uwu or anything. It's also a bit of a daddy issues vent piece for me and I've been working it for MONTHS because I want to write this one right. This is the the fic I redacted in my last WIP showcase, but now decided that... fuck it. Here you go.
(Doubt anyone has made it this far, but if you did ily.. please lemme know what you think? My ask box is open for questions too... I love talking about the stuff I'm working on even if it's not posted yet ❤)
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