#Someone send me spare joints please and thanks
nasuversekinkmeme · 1 month
Reverse Prompt Week Roundup
Vore prompts, fgo focused is preferred but go wild
Oryou voring Izou
Spare some Perseus and/or Andromeda prompts, please?
Perseus arriving at Chaldea and awkwardness ensuing as he and Andromeda go through polyamory negotiations post his status as a reverse harem member in Prototype (of which two other members he got something with at least once are Also in Chaldea)
Perseus with robot/doll joints due to the greek machine gods and Andromeda tracing them/feeling them up
Meltryllis prompts? She deserves love. Whether it's CCC or FGO specific I'm fine either way!
For the one who asked for Meltryllis prompts, I would love to see something with her and Gudako if that is okay. Maybe some hurt/confort? Would be interesting to see Melt (probably not the most qualified person at conforting others) trying to make Ritsuka feel better after a mental breakdown, or something of the sort. Both ficfills and artfills are welcome, of course.
Voyager prompts
smut, loli, Voyager x a male master. A simple sleepover turns into some sexy times.
Voyager prompt: if you're familiar with the original work, go full ham on the Little Prince allusions. Was Voyager secretly the Prince? Or maybe the Pilot? Does he love gardening and lovingly care for a rose? Or does he in a crossover help the actual Prince get back to his Beloved Rose? What's his relationship to foxes and snakes or sheep? However you want to make it look, just go all the way with it. It's a dear book to me, and realising Voyager pays tribute to it made me even softer towards him than I already was inclined.
Voyager crowdsurfing! :3
body horror prompts?
in Angel Notes, V/V is a giant eldritch monster that turned into a cute girl… but nobody said this change was permanent or non-reversible.
Yu prompts please! Doesn’t have to include Xiang Yu, but please no romantic prompts involving just Xu Fu and Yu
Yu Meiren meeting some other servant during her long life. Did she see Camelot in its full glory? Did she learn to shoot guns alongside Billy the Kid? Did she find kinship in Fran’s make-up body?
Please send Mori prompts! Especially cute ones ❤️
no prompt yet
Avicebron prompts
Avicebron teaching Mash a jewish tradition/holiday of your choice in memory of Roman?
Avicebron giving mecha Liz a tune-up since he’s the closest to a mecha specialist we’ve got
Avicebron and Enkidu get acquainted thanks to Nursery Rhyme and get to know each other. whatever direction it goes is up to the filler but i’d appreciate some smut
gilgudako obegudako or edgudako prompts!! (or, if you’re REALLY feeling feisty, toss a cuchulainn/robin hood prompt to your witcher I MEAN writer)
Gilgudako person, I toss ye the prompt that you could make something with these two that is just teeth rottingly cute!! Something like Gil realising his feelings for them. Bonus if there is tsundere sprinkled in. As for something NSFW, maybe something like they're bored, it's Summer, someone put something weird in the air and now they feel very eager to connect their bodies too :))
Siegfried prompts?
Siegfried recognizing Goredolf as “someone who looks like a Master I had once”
Siegfried giving Sieg The Talk regarding the workings of the dragon parts of their body. How right or wrong, how SFW or not, up to you
Can I humbly request all your ideas and prompts for the KohaAce or Type Redline servants? Give me all of it! Izou is my blorbo and I have been itching to write something about him and Oryu and her hubby. If it’s kinky and I like it, drop them too! My thirst is endless to fill ;3;
Oryou voring Izou
for the izou + ryoryou prompt requester , how about izou crashing their anniversary date and immediately becoming part of it ?
In dire need of Ryougi prompts that aren’t gore or angst
Another one for the “Ryougi prompts that aren’t gore or angst” prompt request: Touko notices that 90% of the KNK antagonists have a crush on Mikiya and decides to settle the situation non-violently by making every character with a crush on Mikiya share. Her Mikiya is now OUR Mikiya. Can Shiki withstand this new system of harem communism? Or will she snap and cut through the Iron Curtain of romance to regain exclusive rights?
For the Ryougi prompts: how about her figuring out she’s pregnant with Mana. How does she find out? Have she and Mikiya been trying for some time? Is it a total surprise? How does she tell him? Pure, unadulterated fluff.
For the “Ryougi prompts that aren’t gore or angst” prompt request: Shiki absolutely sucks at driving. Like, Spongebob levels of vehicular comedic carnage.
Ryougi Shiki picks up the GameBoy Touko always carries around. Ryougi Gaming.
And yet another one for the “Ryougi prompts that aren’t gore or angst” prompt request: there's this odd lore bit that Shiki was born vegetable, but the Ryougi clan did stuff to force-awaken her Origin which resulted in Void Shiki. But then she made Shiki and SHIKI so she could stay dormant or something. What if she hadn't done that and stayed awake as the sole personality? How would this "just Void" Shiki be like in terms of character, appearance, abilities, etc.?
Give me any prompts with Kirie Fujou and/or Kaie Karyou, I crave the making of content for these two underappreciated crippled humanoid-shaped bags of mental health issues.
no prompt yet
Ereshkigal prompts 🥺
Ereshkigal cuddling an antelope.
unsanitary, Ereshkigal pisses herself. Non-sexual, played for embarrassment
I know there's the joke about Ereshkigal joining Chaldea just to be kicked out the next day, but I'd like someone to write or draw about the actual emotional impact that would have on her, please!
Spare Phantom prompts? Phantom of the Opera prompts pls?
Phantom and Liz singing a duet
I accidentally read “spare Phantom” as “Space Phantom,” so consider: Servantverse Phantom
Someone saying Eric in reference to Eric Bloodaxe accidentally gets Phantom to break out of his Mental Corruption for briefly enough that he also responds to the name Eric
smut, Phantom getting comfortable with topping for the first time
Gudao deepthroating Phantom’s fingers
Can we get more Morgan prompts so I can be sooooooo normal about her?
Castoria and Morgan decide to take advantage of their Servant bodies and the various medical experts around Chaldea to tear into each other. No magic, just biting, punching, fighting out all their mutual stress and trauma with each other while the others look on. Sex optional if you want but mostly I just think they should go feral.
Morgan being summoned in part 1 and meeting romani
Soulmate AU where Mash and Guda are soulmates. However, when Castoria steals Mash’s name, she inadvertently steals the fated connection with it. And in the eyes of the universe, Castoria and Morgan are essentially the same entity. Soulmate au where Guda, Castoria, Morgan and Mash are tangled together fucking every law of the universe, essentially. (Soulmate doesn’t have to mean romantic btw)
Morgan having Opinions on Castoria. Or Castoria having Opinions on Morgan. (As in “whoa girl your life fucking sucks” not “oh I wish I were the one fucking master” I don’t care about that.)
I needs all Shirou prompts…
HF ending shirou keeps forgetting to use his left arm. The arm works perfectly well with a perfect sense of touch and all, but for some reason he just… keep forgetting it exists. It’s like it’s in a dead spot for him.
gore, Shirou Emiya filled with swords poking out of his body. Hedgehog style. The more fucked up he looks the better.
send Fate Zero prompts please
fate zero roleswap!! swap servants and masters around and show me the end result!
send Berserker Lancelot prompts please!
A prompt of Berserker Lancelot and Arturia as a Team in a Grail War
Berserker Lancelot getting summoned in Singularity F and following the group around like a curious dog all the way back to Chaldea
Berserker Lancelot in a magical girl-style dress. Bonus points if he still keeps his helmet and that smoke that seems to follow him in some of his ascensions
Someone trying to take a picture of berselot, but the picture comes out super blurry and fucked up every time for some reason
berselot and mash hanging out
I wanna see my boy Rama prompts please
Rama is confidently sure no woman shall ever reach his heart the way Sita did. Cut to exact wording coming back to haunt him as Chaldea makes him all too aware of his own bisexuality
Rama realizes they’re not cis. Bonus points of picking out a new name for themself lets Sita be summoned to Chaldea since they’re not “Rama” anymore
gore, Rama figured out a loophole in his curse!! If he’s not allowed to “see” his wife ever again, then surely tearing out his own eyes would do the trick, right?
Rama and Sita as the art in that Ten Sho Sho Ten Sho song/video
Mephistopheles prompts pwetty pwease? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
All that Valentine’s chocolate starts going to Gudao’s waistline… and Mephistopheles starts researching why the sight brings butterflies into their stomach. (Bonus points for neopronouns!Mephistopheles)
give me some arcueid and/or ciel prompts please, kind nasuversekinkmeme followers 🫡 sfw or nsfw!
Ciel hanging in lesbian spaces in the 90s. She doesn’t have to be a lesbian herself mind you but I do think she’d be balling in butch spaces regardless.
Id love something regarding Arcueid learning of the modern world. Going shopping, trying new foods, meeting animals. Just being alive, you know?
Ciel getting her tattoos removed for tsukire
Ciel getting her tattoos
dare i ask for achilles prompts?
Achilles having a lengthy conversation with that one horse he owns who can speak but who has the shittiest personality known to man
Achilles ankleplay? As in, someone kissing or massaging his ankle. Something something baring your most vulnerable spot to a loved one.
Achilles on a surfboard!
I’ll take non-shippy Guda prompts.
Fujimaru Ritsuka the Servant, we know. Last Master of Humanity, summoned as a Servant, that’s all well and good. What about Fujimaru Ritsuka Alter? What sort of Servant, what sort of person, are they? (I have a few ways to guideline the prompt if a filler needs assistance but I’ll leave it open ended in case they don’t.)
Castoria prompts? Castoria prompts for the soul?
castoria weight gain? this girl’s life sucks so bad… let her eat good food to her heart’s content… let her get a beer belly and round cheeks cuz she’s in a much healthier situation in chaldea and not starving in survival mode 24/7…
Castoria and Morgan decide to take advantage of their Servant bodies and the various medical experts around Chaldea to tear into each other. No magic, just biting, punching, fighting out all their mutual stress and trauma with each other while the others look on. Sex optional if you want but mostly I just think they should go feral.
Soulmate AU where Mash and Guda are soulmates. However, when Castoria steals Mash’s name, she inadvertently steals the fated connection with it. And in the eyes of the universe, Castoria and Morgan are essentially the same entity. Soulmate au where Guda, Castoria, Morgan and Mash are tangled together fucking every law of the universe, essentially. (Soulmate doesn’t have to mean romantic btw)
Morgan having Opinions on Castoria. Or Castoria having Opinions on Morgan. (As in “whoa girl your life fucking sucks” not “oh I wish I were the one fucking master” I don’t care about that.)
For the Castoria prompts: how about something involving her getting stuck? Feel free to interpret however you want (literally, metaphorically, physically, mentally, or whatever you find most interesting)
Castoria trying to pry open the bug shell on Oberon's arm like she's trying to eat crab. It's enrichment.
mozart and/or salieri prompts pretty please?
Salieri gets his Innocent Monster and Avenger skills temporarily nullified. While Chaldea staff is trying to figure out how to fix this, Guda takes the opportunity to let Salieri have a nice day.
Kiyohime prompts please
Anchin is summoned to Chaldea and Kiyohime drops her crush on Guda like last month’s lunch. Anchin turns out to be so eccentric (in a non-sexual way) that he makes Kiyohime look tame.
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drwcn · 4 years
follow up to [post] exploring the crack au if lwj was a girl 
〒▽〒 ps im not trying to erase canon lwj representation, not at all, wangxian is mm in all my other fics, this is just stupid fun
in a ceteris paribus situation aka all other things staying equal: 
1) Lan Wangji 100% still has a resting bitch face, which probably would get her a couple of “Lan-er-guniang 美若天仙 (beautiful as an immortal/goddess) but would benefit from smiling more” comments but nobody is that desperate to die yet so, she’s spared. But damn... imagine the sheer number of thirsty boys who’d try to secure a marriage with LWJ. None of them is good enough for Wangji as far as Lan Xichen is concerned. Okay - maybe in Lan Xichen’s opinion, Nie Mingjue is good enough, but he couldn’t be less interested. I see her as I see Huaisang, Xichen please. 
2) Everything interaction between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in Wei Wuxian’s first life is now 500% more scandalous. 
Exhibit A) Their first meeting at the gates; Jiang Cheng immediately felt his spidey senses tingling.  —“You’d sooner have immortals flying out of your ass than get with someone like her. The second jade of Gusu? The pearl in old man Lan’s eyes? C’mon.”  —“Shut up, A-Cheng.” —“Uh-huh.”  —“Also, she’s not that pretty. Her brother Zewu-jun is much better. There’s a reason he’s ranked first.” WWX is still a disaster bi.  — “LMAO, you? Zewu-jun? Please.” 
Exhibit B) Just because LWJ is a girl does not mean WWX grew more brain cells. 
WWX, straight up to Lan Qiren’s face, “Lan-meimei and I - we’re zhiji.” (he means it like we’re kindred spirits, peas of a pod, etc)  LWJ: *does not deny* Lan Xichen: ⚆_⚆ Lan Qiren: ಠ╭╮ಠ
Exhibit C) Lan Wangji getting drunk the first time. Wei Wuxian knew he crossed a line the minute he invited Lan-er-guniang for a drink. Really, WWX, even for you, this is inappropriate. When Lan Wangji fell face first onto the table, Wei Wuxian knew, he fucked up. “Hey....hey...Lan....Lan...-er-guniang,” He poked her. “Don’t...don’t sleep here! You can’t sleep here! If your Uncle finds out or if Jiang-shushu finds out...they’ll skin me alive and then...and then they’ll make me marry you! I don’t want to marry you; you don’t talk and I’m too young!” 
WWX, being a dipshit, “Hey Lan Zhan, call me Wei-gege.”  LWJ, drunk as fuck, “Wei..gege.”  WWX *((( heart )))* ??? 
Exhibit D) The Cold Pond. Okay, so I don’t think Zewu-jun would sabotage his sister’s virtue by sending a stupid teenage boy her way while she’s bathing, but doesn’t mean Su She is above all that. Wei “I didn’t see anything I swear!” Wuxian. Lan “I will gouge out your eyes.” Wangji. Somehow they still end up in the cave. Maybe WWX got in the water after LWJ got out and got sucked into the vortex and LWJ heard the commotion, turned around, saw WWX had disappeared. “Wei Ying?!” A panicked LWJ jumps back into the pond, “Stop fooling around, come out!” 
Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing 👀👀 when LWJ and WWX fall out of the cave together. Also the fact that Lan-er-guniang and Wei-gongzi went missing, together, for two days. Who knows what could’ve happened. I mean anything really. I mean... that’s gotta stir the pot a little were it not for the Yin Iron stealing everyone’s attention away from this bit of juicy scandal. 
Oh the whole story... so much to work with, so little time. 
3) Because Lan Wangji is a girl, now suddenly there’s a high ranking member of the Lan Clan who can host the girls at Cloud Recesses. I mean, Mianmian, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Lan Wangji - SISTERLY FRIENDSHIP. Other than Mianmian, none of the girls are really talkers which suits Lan Wangji perfectly. Even Mianmian’s chatter is endearing.
4) Lan Wangji is absolutely still a powerhouse during the Sunshot Campaign. The inherent aesthetics of fem!lwj telling the Wen goons to “kneel” - no one will deprive me of this.  Also she will still cut off your arm if you cross her - Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao ya better watch out still. 
I am TORN between two options: Lan Wangji tol and kickass or Lan Wangji smol and kickass. On one hand, the aesthetics of willowy elf-like LWJ, on the other hand, 5′2′’ of whoop ass who can and will throw an unconscious wwx over her shoulder firewoman-style and toll him to safety.  
And amongst other things: 
A) Lan Wangji still becomes Chief Cultivator, because excuse me who else is left to clean up this mess? Jiang “Short-fuse” Wanyin? Nie “I won’t do what I’m not intended to do” Huaisang? Jin “13 year-old” Ling? Or Sect Leader Yao?  Technically, being a woman means that she was never Lan Xichen’s heir, but at the end of it, it’s not like Gusu Lan is left with a lot of choices.  Just the poetic justice of Gusu Lan pleading for Lan Wangji to come back when she fully intends to 隐居山野 (retreat into the mountains) with the resurrected WWX.
Lan Wangji being Chief Cultivator would echo Lan Yi’s tenure and rectify the fact that Gusu Lan’s only female head of family “failed”. Lan Yi had to face a mountain of prejudice because she was woman; someone has to say “up yours” to that. A woman as not only the sect master of Gusu Lan but the Chief Cultivator? Love that for Gusu Lans. (⌐■_■) ☞ ☞
B) Because of ~ sexism ~ I wonder if Lan Wangji would get titled “Hanguang” at all even after the Sunshot Campaign. Even Lan Yi, the SL Lan of her time didn’t have a title. Chances are LWJ won’t either. (Note: Violet Spider is not a title, it’s a moniker). So — say after the way Lan Wangji is still just “Lan-er-guniang”, and she does not obtain the title “Han Guang” until after she leaves Cloud Recesses and become rogue. (srsly how did they come up with these titles in canon, did gusu lan just look at 21 year old lwj and be like yah he’s lord light bearer *cue trevor noah stand up joke* why do you call yourself “great” britain? isn’t that a bit presumptuous? shouldn’t you go around doing good things and then let other people come to the conclusion: oh britain look how great you are? same logic with lwj.) 
Lan Wangji, a Jade of Gusu or a nameless rogue, still goes where trouble is, helping those who need it. After laying low for a year or two to heal, Lan Wangji began night hunting. Donned neck to ankle in white silk and tulle, and a weimao (wide brimmed veil hat) obscuring her face, she became known to the people as Hanguang Sanren, the lightbearing wanderer. Gusu’s highest power probably has some idea who she is - or at least they can guess - but the vast majority of people don’t. 
C) Lan Sizhui raised by rogue Lan Wangji as his mum would be different. Still cultured, respectful, but definitely with an air of keeping others at arm’s length. 
For instance, grown-up Sizhui running interference and saving a cohort of gentry disciples on joint hunts.
Jingyi: 这人谁呀?Who is this guy? Zizhen: 多谢兄台搭救之恩,小可看您眼生,敢问兄台尊姓大名,何门何派,改日当登门拜访. Many thanks for saving us. I don’t believe we’ve met, pray tell what is your name and sect, so we may visit at a later time to thank you for tonight. Sizhui: 在下无门无姓 ,单名思追 。举手之劳不足挂齿 ,怎敢劳烦各位名门子弟答谢。My name is Sizhui, belonging to no family and to no sect. As for tonight - I only did what anyone would; it bears no mentioning and requires no thanks. Jin Ling: 你这人,看你工力不凡,想和你交个朋友,可你怎么遮遮掩掩的。Hey you, we see you’re a talented cultivator and want to make your acquaintance. Why are you so dodge-y? Zizhen:金陵 — Jing Ling - Sizhui: 若是有缘,还会相见。告辞。If it’s fated, we will meet again. Farewell.  
Later:  Jingyi: 思。追。 思追谁?Si. Zhui. To recollect and long for whom?  Sizhui: 母亲的一位故人. Someone from Mother’s past.  Jingyi: 你父亲?...Your father?  Sizhui: 我不知。I don’t know. 
I thought about how cute it would be if sizhui and jin ling knew each other but guys...Jiang Cheng literally thinks he killed Sizhui’s biological father. Like he literally thinks he orphaned Sizhui before Sizhui is even born. And Lan Wangji would never accept anything from Jiang Wanyin, not that it would stop Jiang Wanyin from trying. 
A package of books here, a new robe for Sizhui there. Lan Wangji doesn’t know how Jiang Cheng keeps finding her. She and Sizhui are nomadic.  
D) The inevitable conversation after wwx is revived. 
You know what would be funnier than Jiang Cheng thinking Sizhui is a wangxian baby is if Lan Qiren thinks Sizhui is a wangxian baby. 
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whumpshaped · 2 years
bb I have an idea for a fic and I think you can do it justice. A masked whumper who keeps a group of ppl that know each other captive in cages. One by one he takes them out of the room to Livestream their torture. What happens next? (Feel free to ignore this bb)
trigger warnings: captivity, torture, multiple whumpees, electrocution, passing out, dehumanization, humiliation, manipulation, live streamed torture sessions
Another scream tore through the tense atmosphere in the basement, making everyone flinch away from the direction of the stairs. It was movie night - the Director kept calling it that.
"How long have they been going?" Jamie asked quietly, and Mica scooted closer to the bars of their cage, trying to sneak a glance at the clock.
"Just over an hour."
Noah curled up tighter, rocking themself back and forth. "I can't do it again... Guys, please, if they ask- if they ask whether I have someone else to send in my place, I- I have to, okay? I'm sorry, I know this isn't ideal-"
"Quit it. It's not like they'll ask. But thanks for letting us know," Jamie's voice was dripping with sarcasm, making Noah shrink in on themself even more.
"Leave them alone," Jules muttered, seeming to be in a similarly bad way as their friend. Probably worse.
Sacha screamed again, and Mica winced. "They're right. We all feel the same anyways, there's no use pretending."
"Oh, I'm locked in here with a bunch of spineless fucking cowards! Good!" Jamie snapped, but they quickly quieted down when the basement door opened. There wasn't a single peep from any of them as the masked person descended the stairs, dragging Sacha's unconscious body behind them. None of them could tell whether they were still breathing. Or whether they'd still be breathing by tomorrow.
The fifth, empty cage was opened, and the Director shoved their victim's limp body inside before locking it again. They adjusted their ever present mask - a leather one in the shape of a fox head - before straightening back up and casually popping their finger joints with series of satisfying cracks.
"Sacha here put on a great show tonight," they started calmly, surveying each of their captives' faces for just a couple seconds before moving on. "And they made it to over an hour. They really wanted to help out the next participant."
The rules were simple. Each captive was required to last for an hour up there, and then the Director would ask whether they wanted to stop or keep going. If they chose to keep going, the next person would have to spend less time upstairs before they were asked the same question. On the first movie night, everyone chose to keep going.
"But who will be the lucky one?"
"Take me!" Noah practically threw themself at the bars, desperate to spend a few minutes less up there. They couldn't hold out for a full hour last week. The Director wasn't pleased with them. "Please! Please, I'll do better, I'll put on a good show! A great show!"
The Director paid them no mind as they walked over to Jamie's cage, crouching in front of it. Jamie stared straight into the piercing green eyes peeking out from under the mask, glaring with all their broken might.
"Normally, I would want to make sure I get a full hour with you... but I shouldn't be concerned about you bailing on me, should I? The team captain... you would never abandon your friends. You will choose to keep going to spare them."
"You'll just have to take me and find out for yourself, Director," they spat, venom oozing from their every word.
"Yes... I guess I will." They pulled out a taser, pressing it against the metal bars before switching it on. Electricity rippled through their body, making them cry out in pain before they collapsed, unable to resist as the Director pulled them out and closed the cage.
"I'm very sorry for keeping all the others waiting, trembling with excitement and anticipation, but you know how much my audience adores the heroic ones. Don't worry, though. Everyone will get their turn."
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Should've just asked - Part 2 - Oscar Diaz
One week, seven days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds, since he fucked everything up with y/n. Threw it all away because his own insecurities got the better off him, all because he didn't just ask.
He hadn't seen sad eyes since that day either, leaving him alone to stew in his own bubble of self pity. He hadn't left his home since that day, instead opting to send Cesar to the store when something was needed or delegating his Santo's jobs to other members. The bags that y/n and Sad eyes had left behind in the mall sitting against the wall opposite him, mocking him with their bright colours and smiling logos, he'd looked through them as soon as he'd gotten home, each one filled with balloons, banners, anything you would need to through a birthday, even a badge that read 'birthday king' in big bold letters.
Today was his birthday, his 26th, a day where he should've been out in the yard celebrating with one of his famous Santo's parties with the love of his life by his side but instead he was sat in an empty house, bar his younger brother, wallowing in a pit of self pity.
"You still sulking?" Cesar asked as he watched his brother stare at the blank space by his feet, interrupting his pity party.
"Fuck off." He muttered, reaching for the half smoked joint that had been abandoned in the ashtray an hour ago.
"It's been a week Oscar, you can't sit around moping all the time, yeah you fucked up, I get it, but sitting here isn't helping anything." Cesar sighed, this past week he'd seen a side of his older brother that he couldn't remember seeing before, sad and bitchy Spooky was not a pretty sight.
"You don't get shit." Oscar sighed as he lit his joint, breathing in the smoke before exhaling slowly. "I fucked up the best thing to ever happen to me, to us, I lost mi amor Cesar." He mumbled, his eyes filling with tears that he rapidly tried to blink back.
"I know, I know I've never had anything like what you and y/n have, how about we go to the mall? I need some new trainers for school." Cesar asked, watching Oscars face carefully.
"Can't you take your little groupie with you?" Oscar muttered, stubbing out his joint in the ashtray before leaning back and covering his eyes with his arm.
"Please Oscar, it'll help get your mind of shit." Cesar tried again, desperate to get Oscar out of the house and the hole he was currently wallowing in.
"Fine." He sighed, pulling himself up and heading towards the door, missing Cesar pull out his phone and send a quick text.
He's out.
Just down the street y/n grinned as her phone dinged, the text she'd been waiting for finally coming through.
"Hey Sad eyes!" She called into the spare room where he had been staying for the last week, opting to stay and comfort the upset girl rather than spending nights in his own bed.
"What's up?" He asked as he opened the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Were you seriously sleeping at 2 in the afternoon?" She asked with an amused smile. "Anyway, Cesar's managed to get Oscar out the house so I'm heading over there now, you coming?" She asked with a smile, excited yet nervous at the thought of seeing Oscar again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, just give me two minutes." The man grumbled before going back into the room.
Yes, y/n was still pissed about how Oscar had acted a week ago, calling her out for being a cheat in the middle of the mall after doing nothing more than planning his birthday. But at the same time the last week had been hell, she'd received multiple texts and missed calls from Oscar, all apologising for that day, for making a fool out of all three of them. No matter how badly he had embarrassed her that day he was still the only thing in her heart, the love of her life and she was determined not to throw it all away, they had fixed every other problem that had arose in their relationship and they was going to fix this too. Which is why her and Sad eyes were currently on their way to the Diaz household, ready to throw him the most surprising surprise party there ever was.
"Alright, you start to put the food out and I'll get started with the decorations." Y/n smiled as she went over to the bags sat against the wall, the same ones that her and Sad eyes had gotten at the mall. "I'm surprised he didn't throw this out." She mused, digging through the bags to find the balloons.
"I've told you, the guys borderline obsessed with you." Sad eyes laughed from the kitchen.
An hour later and everything was set up, banners covered the walls, balloons floated through the house and yard alike while the food and drinks tables looked immaculate, thanks to Ruby's help.
Everything was in full swing, music blasting, drinks in people's hands as she received yet another text that she was waiting for.
2 minutes out.
"Alright! Everyone be quiet, he's just coming!" Y/n yelled, the music being cut and the loud laughter turning to hushed murmurs as her nerves grew knowing Oscar was just about to walk through the doors.
The loud slamming of the front door caught everyone's attention as they stood anxiously waiting for the Santos leader, the faint 'what the fuck is this?' Making her chuckle only being able to imagine how confused Oscar must have looked right then.
"Surprise!" Everyone cheered as Oscar and Cesar appeared at the back door, Cesar sporting a grin as Oscars wide eyes roamed the crowd before landing on y/n.
"You did this?" He asked quietly, not yet making a move as his mind tried to decide whether this was real, if she really was stood right in front of him.
"Well." She smiled bashfully. "I had some help." She shrugged as Sad Eyes came from round the corner with two coronas in his hands.
"Happy birthday Spooky." He smiled, holding a bottle out for Oscar to take, smiling and clinking their bottles together once Oscar took one.
"Aye, listen man, I'm, uh, I'm sorry about hitting you, the other day." Oscar sighed, feeling weird having to apologise for punching someone who was basically his brother.
"No worries Spook." Sad eyes chuckled patting his brother on the shoulder. "Now go get your girl." He smirked, nodding towards y/n who was stood a few feet away talking to Cesar and Jamal.
"Hey, uh, can we talk?" Oscar asked walking up to her and rubbing the back of his neck from the nerves.
"Yeah, sure." She smiled, feeling her heart beating through her chest as she looked up into his eyes.
They were both stood staring at each other before Cesar clearing his throat pulled them out of whatever trance they were in.
"Hey Jamal how about we go find Ruby?" Cesar asked, raising his eyebrows at Jamal who just didn't seem to get the hint.
"What? Why? We see him all the time." The young boy shrugged, oblivious to the scowls he was receiving from the Diaz brothers and the amused look from y/n.
"Beat it." Oscar deadpanned, smirking as Jamal quickly turned and walked away leaving Cesar to follow with a chuckle.
"Was there any need for that?" Y/n giggled as she turned back to Oscar, looking up at him with an amused glint in her eye.
"Kid doesn't know when to take a hint." Oscar shrugged, not seeing the issue in how he spoke to Jamal in the slightest.
"Yeah well, he is Jamal." Y/n shrugged with a laugh. "Anyway, what was it you wanted to say?" She asked remembering why the Santo had come to her in the first place.
"I uh, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, ya know, for blowing up on you the other day, I know how stupid I was being and I called you out for bullshit you didn't even do." Oscar sighed, his hand that wasn't holding his beer clenching and unclenching at his side as he tried to find the right words. "Just uh, just the thought that you were out with some other cabrón made me see red, I didn't even think to ask, I just wanted to punch whoever it was in the face." He spoke quietly, y/n only just hearing him over the music that had started up again.
"Oscar, you're right, it was stupid." She snorted making Oscars heart drop his eyes going straight to the floor, it was too late. "But." She started, making his eyes flick back up to her immediately. "But I love you Oscar Diaz, I love you so fucking much that this last week has been killing me. I don't know what to do when I'm not with you Oscar, and I don't ever want to have to do that again." She sighed, a lone tear a sliding down her cheek which he quickly reached up to wipe away.
"I love you too mi amor, I know I get jealous and over protective but that's only because I don't want any one taking you away from me, not now, not ever." He mumbled shaking his head slightly before putting his bottle down on the nearest table.
"I know, baby, I know." Y/n smiled, reaching up taking his face in her hands, thumbs rubbing along his jawline gently. "You know if the roles were reversed I would've done much more to any hyna I thought was coming for you." She giggled, already having thrown hands with one before.
"Trust me, I remember, that shit was hot." Oscar chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers slid from his face to going around his neck, opting to rub the bottom of his neck rather than jaw line.
"Now what?" Y/n asked, her eyes flickering between his.
"What do you want?" Oscar asked quietly, not wanting to push her into anything that she didn't want.
"What do I want? I want you Oscar Diaz, I want you everyday for the rest of my life, jealousy and temper included." She laughed as he rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"Good." Oscar smirked down at her. "Because I ain't never letting you go." He whispered, pulling her towards him, leaning down and planting his lips on hers for the first time in a week.
"I love you Oscar." She mumbled happily, resting her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her back.
"I love you too mi amor." He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead and squeezing her tight.
"Also, watching you punch sad eyes in the face really turned me on." She mumbled with a laugh as she felt Oscar tense slightly.
"Is that right?" He chuckled, looking down at her. "Well it's been a week, we best take care of that." He laughed before pulling away and lifting her over his shoulder before heading into the house landing a swift smack to her backside.
"Woo! Spookys gunna get some!" Was heard as he carried her through to the bedroom, both of them laughing as he threw her onto the bed.
"You're so perfect mi Reina." Oscar whispered leaning over her as he stroked a few stray hairs out of her face.
"If anyone's perfect here it's you." Y/n smiled letting her eyes wonder his beautiful features. "Just promise me something." She mumbled after placing a quick peck to his lips.
"Anything." He answered immediately, ready to give anything and everything to make her happy.
"Next time, just ask." She giggled as he rolled his eyes.
"Putá." He mumbled as he leaned down for a slow kiss.
"But you love me anyway." She whispered.
"Always mi amor."
One week without seeing each other.
Seven days without so much as a smile.
168 hours without a kiss.
10080 minutes without an 'I love you'.
604800 seconds without each other.
One surprise party to fix it all.
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fe-fictions · 3 years
frederick being confessed to and kissed by someone else (i think it was cherche?) repost here please ma'am thank ya thank ya
(Oh you mean my other most favorite post?)
The last two years following the Plegian War were nothing short of absolute bliss. Frederick was your everything, and you made sure he knew that every day. He always said that he felt the same, showering you in all the affection he could (and then some).
Your bond ran deep and strong, your marriage the healthiest among the Shepherds and easily the envy of several bachelors and bachelorettes. You didn’t mind the jealousy, though; your eyes were focused solely on Frederick, and nowhere else.
You thought he felt the same. And for the longest time, it seemed that was the case. But all of that changed the day Virion returned from Valm.
The news he delivered came from the lord personally, however he was accompanied by his cold, strict and gorgeous attendant knight. CIt was as if someone had genderbent Frederick into a more graceful, pink-haired version of him. The strength and dignity she emanated was admirable, to say the least. Yet when you saw how kindly Frederick regarded her, instead of his usual wariness, you felt uneasy.
The war with Valm left you little room to consider what was happening as Frederick and Cherche gravitated towards each other. You weren’t worried, after all; he was your husband, and yours alone. He was an honorable man, and a disciplined, excellent knight. He would never do anything to risk that.
So you trusted him, even on nights he came home late from sparring with Cherche. You trusted him, even on mornings he sprung up earlier than usual to begin preparing the training grounds for his and Cherche’s joint teaching lessons. You trusted him, weven when every glance you spared to your husband saw the maiden beside him, laughing at something he said, or clashing her axe with his in a merciless, exhilerating battle.
Even when he spent every other moment siinging her praises. When she couldn’t keep his eyes off him when you had a council meeting, together. When she reached out and touched his arm and he didn’t pull away-
All right. Perhaps things had dragged on long enough.
“Frederick,” You greeted him when your husband entered the tent that night, his face flushed and hair wet as he returned from the baths. “Welcome back. Another successful spar, this evening?”
“Indeed it was. That wyvern rider has started to figure out my tricks, it seems.” He replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he passed the desk you worked at. At least, the illusion of work; you had been scribbling nonsense as you anxiously waited for him to come home.
“You speak of Cherche, I presume?”
“Of course. Lady Cherche is quite adept at handling her weapon. You know, she’s figured out how to break most of my combos, not to mention parry every other strike I send her way. She’s really come along during the last couple of months.”
“It feels like you’ve been training together for ages.” You mused, though your bitter intonation was lost to your husband’s excitement.
“I was thinking precisely the same thing! She is an excellent fighter, and compliments me well when assisting with new recruits. It makes me curious as to how we’d fare together, in battle.”
A shameful spike of worry pierved your heart, coupled with a barb of jealousy. “You’re not looking to replace me already, are you?” You joked, though your chuckle was forced.
Frederick merely waved away your concerns, scoffing. “Perish the thought, my love. I’ve already been at your side for two years, now. What good would it do me to go elsewhere, now? Besides, it would be impossible to reach the same level of strength we share together, with her.”
“And why’s that?” You asked curiously, turning in your seat to look at him.
Frederick smiled at you as he approached, fastening his nightshirt with a tender hum. “Because she is not my wife. And there is no one I would rather fight alongside.”
“Not even Chrom?”
“...Well, that’s…” He trailed off, eliciting a giggle from you as he struggled to respond. You rose from your seat and slipped your arms around his neck, beaming up at your husband.
“I’m joking. I feel the exact same. Though if you’d really like to make me happy, you could praise me the way you do Cherche.”
“Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your tone, Lady Frederick?”
“I wouldn’t call it jealousy.” You grinned at the sparkle in his eye, his hands wrapped around your waist and giving you a squeeze. “Though I must admit, I can’t recall the last time you sang your praises of me.”
“That’s because I needn’t say it.” He leaned down, noses nearly touching. “I show it quite often.”
“Including tonight?”
“Including tonight.” He echoed as he descended upon you, ravishing you in all the attentions. For a good while, it eased the worry in your heart, and the jealousy you didn’t want to admit existed.
You didn’t realize how quickly it would come back to bite you.
Frederick suspected you had become a bit envious, but as the days carried on, he didn’t think much of it. Perhaps it was because he had been spending more time with Cherche, whom, as he did, noticed had begun to change.
Whenever she spoke to him, she suddenly began to stumble over her words. She would avert her gaze when he looked at her directly, and when he greeted her or bid her goodnight, a blush would dust her cheeks.
He could practically hear her heart thundering in her chest, because he recognized every single one of those symptoms. He had felt very similarly when he first fell in love with you.
You, who had become more distant as the days wore on. As you briskly walked by and saw Cherche’s hand on his arm, how he would laugh at her jokes just as brightly as she did his.
It was uncomfortable. Improper. Infuriating.
Frederick knew that things were beginning to grow tense between you, but whenever he asked, you quickly dismissed his concerns.
But not tonight. He was going to put an end to your worries, and to Cherche’s feelings. Loathe as he wanted to, he knew it had to be done. Nothing was worse than suffering rejection, and having to be the one to deliver it was abysmal.
Someone he held in such high regard, and felt so fondly for...it was a most unpleasant thought, indeed.
Still, he was a married man, and he was faithful and mature. The least he could do was be adult enough to reject a young woman’s infatuation and at least try to stay on good terms, afterwards.
“Cherche,” He caught her that night, the two of them in the midst of putting out the fires. “Might I have a word?”
“Of course, Frederick.” She replied in that sweet, airy voice. That smile was alarmingly disarming when it wasn’t ice cold. “You can tell me anything, you know.”
“I do.” He gave a polite smile, which quickly faded into a troubled frown. “Which is what I must speak to you about, tonight. You see, I have begun to observe some curious behaviors from you, as of late, and I wished to inquire about them.”
“Curious behaviors?” She echoed, that blush returning to her cheeks.
Frederick swallowed, averting his gaze. “Yes. Correct me if I’m wrong, Cherche, but it appears...there has been a...tension, between us, these last several days. I have begun to wonder if perhaps the cause of this was...emotionally related. ...Romantically.”
Cherche inhaled sharply, looking up at him with wide eyes. Frederick in turn nodded slowly, his jaw set. He had been correct in his assumptions.
“I see I wasn’t as careful as I intended.” She finally spoke, her voice quieter than before. “I must admit, the past months we have spent together have been wonderful, Sir Frederick. You are so very brave, and skilled, you’re poised and dignified...we have such delightful conversations, and...I...I suppose it is clear how I feel for you, now. I have grown...very fond of you. Perhaps more than I should.”
Frederick couldn’t help the twinge in his heart when she admitted all this, though it was more out of guilt than anything.
How on earth was he supposed to rebuff that? How could he allow this to happen? He always considered himself observant, and yet it seemed you had called it long before he ever could have.
That’s right; he had to do it regardless of his feelings. He had to do it for you.
“And...may I ask...do you reflect this in any way?” Cherche questioned him, stepping closer and closing the distance between them. Frederick looked away once more, closing his eyes as considered his next words.
“Cherche...I think you are an excellent woman, and you are a great-”
Soft, pink lips pressed to his before he could so much as finish the thought. His eyes widened in shock, frozen as she reached up to touch his cheek.
‘Friend. I was going to say friend. I was going to say-’
“...I knew it.”
Frederick ripped away from Cherche, the woman gasping at the sound of your voice. At the betrayal in your tone as you stood, mere meters away, staring at the guilty couple. His heart plummeted to his feet, a hand to his mouth where another woman’s had just been.
Oh, gods. This looked bad.
“Robin,” He choked out your name, but you weren’t having it. You spun on your heel and broke into a brisk stride, quickly putting distance between you and him.
“O-oh...oh, gods, Frederick...I’m so sorry, I...I-I had no intention of…” Frederick couldn’t hear her stumbling apology, taking off after you without a second thought. He didn’t spare her a glance; he refused to spare another.
Look where it got him.
“Robin!” He called after you, spotting you in the dark with the hood drawn over your head, making your way towards the camp outskirts.
You pushed the forest brush out of your way, snapping sticks beneath your boots as you marched away from the scene burned into your mind.
The desperation rose in his voice the more you ignored him. He hurried after you, breaking into a swift jog when you refused to close the distance, yourself.
“R-Robin, please, it’s not what it looks like!” He reached for your arm, barely touching you.
“Don’t touch me.” You snapped at him, your tone sending ice through his veins.
Never had he heard your voice so cold, yet it was betrayed by the tears brimming in your eyes.
‘Oh, Robin.’
“...Please, you must let me explain. I was only-”
“Only what? Indulging in your fantasies?” You cut him off, “Gods, you...y-you really played me for a fool, didn’t you? You think I didn’t see the way you looked at her? That I wouldn’t notice how you spoke of her, o-or how you let her touch you or train with you or do practically everything together? You really think I wouldn’t notice when the only man I’ve e-ever loved stopped loving me?”
“That’s not true-!” He countered, alarmed you would ever have such a thought. “I love you, more than anything! That’s why I went to her tonight-- I was going to rebuff her affections!”
Your scoff was so bitter his shoulders jumped.
“That’s an awfully amicable way to rebuff a woman’s affections, Frederick. And, frankly, I don’t want to hear about it.”
“Robin, I beg you, please don’t-”
“I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough of that, of tonight, of this conversation, of...of everything. I’ve had enough. I need to be alone.”
“...Please, I-”
“No!!” You shouted, immediately clamping his mouth shut. You stared up at him, the tears spilling down your cheeks as you tried to keep your composure. The desperation in his eyes made it nearly impossible, his whole body practically begging you to reconsider.
But how could you listen to the man who betrayed your heart?
“...I trusted you...w-with everything. I thought...I thought that meant something. That earning your trust meant something. Yet you gave it away to a stranger who didn’t even have to try and win you over. I can’t...I-I can’t just...I just can’t.”
Frederick watched sorrowfully as you turned away, your form disappearing into the shadows of the night with grief in your every step.
Gods, what a mess he made.
He waited all night in the tent for you to come home. He sat at your desk, your last candle burned down to a sad, wax-less wick as he hoped for your return.
You never returned.
The gray light of dawn was weighed down by dark clouds, mirroring the feelings in his chest. He was exhausted, alone, and wracked with guilt.
He never intended for any of this to happen. Had he acted on his suspicions sooner, perhaps this all could have been avoided.
But it was too late. You bore witness to it, it lined up with your own conclusions, and now...you were gone.
But there was no time to grieve. The army needed its tactician, and Frederick needed his wife.
“Frederick, have you seen Robin anywhere?” Chrom’s question hit the instant Frederick forced himself out of the tent, “I was hoping she would be with you.”
“No, milord. I...doubt she wants to be anywhere near me, right now.” Frederick replied with a soft sigh. “She left late last night, and never returned, it seems. It appears we’ll need to send a party out in search of her.”
“She left?” Chrom asked, alarmed, “Why in the gods’ names would she do that?”
“It’s a long story, milord. Not one I wish to burden you with. Perhaps once we find her we can discuss things further, but right now our priority must be bringing Robin back.”
“I...all right.” Chrom pursed his lips, unsure he liked the sound of Frederick’s defeated tone. “I suppose we’d best hurry; it looks like the rain is coming.”
Frederick nodded in agreement as he headed out, thinking to himself how the rain had already come.
You found the closest town a good few miles from the camp. By the time you made it, the night was nearly over.
The tavern was the only place you could find that would keep you, and quite frankly, it was the only place you wanted to be.
A drink was exactly what you needed.
The ring on your finger burned as you downed another shot, the sorrow in your chest refusing to go away.
Two years of your life...of your love...wasted. Gone. Worthless.
The hours passed silently. There was nothing to indicate the morning had come until the rain started beating against the windows, and gruff workmen entered in search of a hot meal and a pint to start their days.
You were so angry, and betrayed, but there was nothing you could do to fix it. Frederick made his choice, and it wasn’t you. It was that oh-so beautiful, oh-so talented, flawless and elegant-
Your grip tightened on the glass it nearly broke.
You didn’t turn when you heard her, nor did you look at her when she sat down beside you. You could feel the discomfort radiating off her.
‘Good,’ You thought, focusing your gaze on the empty glass.
“Robin, I came to apologize. What happened last night was entirely my fault. I-I never should have approached Frederick the way I did, nor acted so rashly. It was all on me.”
“You must really care about him if you’ve come this far to protect him.” You said bitterly, motioning for the bartender to refill your glass.
“I do care about him, Robin.” She insisted, “But my intention now is to clear his name. Last night, he came to me asking about whether I had a romantic attraction to him, or not. When I confessed to him, he started to reply, but then, well. Judging by how he ran after you...it was clear how he felt.”
“Any self-respecting man would try to save face after being caught in such an act. You really think he felt remorse for kissing another woman he so clearly fancied?” You snapped at her.
“But that’s just it, Robin, he doesn’t- he didn’t! I kissed him. He did not reciprocate it, that much was clear. It was all my fault, acting on an impulse when I knew better.”
Your brow furrowed; she kissed him?
Briefly, you thought of the expression on his face when you fought the night before. When you silenced him, and his eyes were filled with such desperation, you almost let him talk.
“But he made it quite clear when he returned from the woods. The look on his face…” She trailed off, shaking her head, “He apologized to me for not addressing it sooner. It’s as if he wanted to take all the blame, when he had nothing to do with it.”
“I...I see.”
“Well, anyways...when Lord Chrom called a search party for you, I wanted to come and find you, myself. To tell you all this, in hopes you might forgive him, and so I might apologize to you for acting so inappropriately. I would understand completely if you wish to take your anger out on me.”
“Oh, Cherche, I...I’m not going to take anything out on you.” You sniffed, pushing at the tears the alcohol failed to push back. “Thank you for telling me all this, and for your apology. I...I know Frederick can be passionate, and he’s a very kind, good man. You saw him the way I did.”
“Yes, but erroneously so. I never wished to fracture your marriage, nor threaten it. I just...I don’t know. I let my heart rule my head for one foolish moment, and in the end it just made a mess of things.”
“It’s all right.” You managed, “So long as you don’t do it again.”
Cherche barked out a delicate laugh. “Trust me, milady. I’ll never make a mistake like that, again. Of that you can be certain.”
“Well.” You smiled tiredly, pushing away the glass with a few coins, “I suppose...I ought to head back, then. I’d hate to make everyone worry.”
“Of course.” The two of you started out of the tavern, the rain pouring and doing neither of you any favors as you stepped out into the chilly, wet morning.
You shuddered as it pattered down your cloak, narrowing your eyes as you searched for the path out of the town.
The place looked different when it wasn’t shrouded in darkness, tears, and a hazy memory. However, you didn’t have to search for long.
You started at the sound of Frederick’s voice.
Sure enough, standing down the road and looking straight at you through the pouring rain, was your husband.
He was soaked through, the water glistening on his armor, and slipping along the worried, exhausted creases lining his face.
“Frederick…!” You stumbled forward, your heart lurching at the sight of him.
He spared Cherche a glance, her smile telling him everything he needed to know.
He strode forward, his arms open as you crashed into his chest, pressing your forehead to his armor as you sobbed.
“I-I’m so sorry-!”
“Oh, my love.” He mumbled weakly, drawing you into a tight embrace. “You mustn’t apologize. It’s my fault. It was my fault.”
“No...y-you didn’t do anything wrong. It was my fault for not letting you explain, f-for not trusting you...gods, I made a mess of things.”
“Funny,” His laugh was far from humorous, “I was thinking the same thing of myself.”
You pulled back to look up at him, seeing how sorrowful he looked, shaking your head.
“We both made a mess. I never should have walked away.”
“I never should have let things get so out of hand.”
“I trust you.”
“I love you.”
“Gods, I love you, too.”
Frederick pressed his lips to yours, pulling you into a kiss that was cold and doused in rain, but never made you feel so warm.
You tilted your head and deepened the kiss, running your fingers through his soaking hair and reveling in his embrace.
You swore never to doubt him again, and in turn he promised to handle any future situations quickly and sufficiently.
He also promised to only ever speak so highly of you, which you said was unnecessary (but very much appreciated).
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pascalpanic · 3 years
hi angel 🥺 i’ve had some time to think of what i want to request and i’ve finally come up with something ;-;
do you think you could write something comforting (doesn’t have to be long!) where maxwell is caring for a reader who is a little tipsy or drunk? the reader is the kind of drunk who’s giggly and playful. and he’s super sweet and gentle with her. maybe they already have a pre-established relationship? maybe some slimy guy is hitting on her and he gets all protective and takes her home? and i’d neverrrrr object to smut either. but i’m leaving it up to you to write whatever you think works the best. i just miss reading soft and protective maxwell yanno ;-;
Overdoing It (Maxwell Lord x f!Reader)
W/C: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol obviously, sexual innuendo, Maxwell lifts reader so I know some ppl aren’t comfy with that
A/N: RACH MY LOVE I’m sorry this took so long but I’m glad I finally did it bc I love how it turned out! ALSO HAPPY WW84 DAY (July fourth) SO WHAT WONDERFUL TIMING!
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You certainly had not intended to imbibe to the level you had tonight. The problem was Maxwell, really, although in the best possible way.
The man has a high tolerance; you, admittedly, have one considerably lower than his. You love seeing Maxwell when he’s tipsy. It’s rare that you get to see it and remember it. The times that he’s tipsy are the times where you’re next to vomiting.
But tonight was a celebration, and Maxwell spared no expense. You’d finally received a position in a job you’d dreamed of, one that caused the two of you to spend hours poring over applications and perfecting cover letters. It was a success for the both of you, you said, but Maxwell insisted that it was all you.
You’d said that takeout was just fine with you, so long as Maxwell was there, but he insisted that a bigger celebration was in order. You didn’t really mind; you love getting dressed up to go out. Max made a reservation at a nice place in downtown D.C. and kept the specific place a surprise from you until now.
As you walked inside, the gorgeous atmosphere made you lose your breath for a moment. Your eyes nearly watered as you looked at Maxwell, and he simply kissed your forehead. “You deserve it, my love. I’m so proud of you.”
The words aren’t exactly rare from Maxwell, but they mean the world to you. Having someone tell you that they love you is one thing, but having someone say they’re proud of you is a completely different one. “I love you,” you grinned and followed him to your table, lacing your fingers through his.
Dinner was wonderful, unsurprisingly. Maxwell had scanned the menu the last time he came here, with business cohorts, and been certain you would like it. The delight on your face as you scanned the menu confirmed it, and Maxwell mentally gave himself a little pat on the back.
You’d ordered appetizers and drinks, then more drinks with the main course (two to accompany the meal, to be exact), and then more with dessert. By then, you were starting to feel a little tipsy, but nothing you couldn’t handle. Slowly, as you left the restaurant, the alcohol sunk in. The drinks were stronger than they’d seemed.
Luckily, Maxwell has a chauffeur. He’d had as many drinks as you, but the man’s tolerance is quite high. He seems barely affected, if not slightly looser and more carefree. The two of you made your way outside, Maxwell holding his arm around your waist to ensure that you didn't stumble; just in case, he reminded you, but you didn’t believe him.
In the car, you snuggle into Maxwell’s side happily, resting your head on his shoulder. “Buckle please, love,” he insists and wraps an arm around you.
“No,” you whine, kissing the soft cologned skin of his neck. “You’re too cozy.”
Maxwell laughs and nestles into you. “I’ll excuse it this once, only because I trust Jeeves,” he teases you. “How are you feeling, love?”
“So happy,” you smile up at him, dazed but content. The alcohol has brought you to a state of bliss now; love for Maxwell, a full stomach from the wonderful dinner, pride in your achievement.
Maxwell nods. “Of course you are,” he murmurs, mostly to himself.
“Ooh, do we have wine at home?” You ask, sitting up and looking at him. “You need a few more.”
“No, no more drinks,” he chuckles and pulls you back into his side. “I think we’re both done for the night, don’t you?” His hands slide over your shoulders, smoothing the bare skin that’s cold to the touch.
You pout at him and Maxwell turns his face away, smiling. “No, I can’t look at that. I won’t be able to say no.”
“Please, baby?” You plead with big eyes.
“We have wine at home,” Maxwell tells you, even though he’s unsure whether or not it’s true. Either way, he won’t be allowing you to drink any of it.
Sighing, you snuggle into his side, shivering. “Car’s cold,” you murmur.
Maxwell removes his suit jacket and drapes it around your shoulders, kissing your head and smiling down at you warmly. “How’s that?”
“Smells like your cologne,” you practically purr like a satisfied cat as you wrap yourself in the expensive fabric. “I love you so much, Maxie-poo.”
“I love you too, darling,” he chuckles. The chauffeur brings you to his house not long after, and Maxwell offers you a hand when you get out of the car.
Sitting in the seat, you frown up at him. “I’m fine, Max.” Standing in your high heels, your wobbly legs thanks to the alcohol send you falling into Maxwell, who catches you.
“Fine, yes,” he chuckles and lifts you back to standing. “Take off your shoes and let me help you inside.”
Sighing and crossing your arms, you step out of your shoes, calves screaming a thank you for removing them from those torture devices. He reaches down and picks them up, ass straining in his suit, and you can’t help but give it a smack, giggling.
“Oh, no, little miss,” Maxwell playfully chides and grabs your arm. “Let’s get you inside, tiger.”
Your legs lead your brain without any thought, drunkenly stumbling your way inside. Maxwell’s arms are your support, really the only thing to keep you from falling. He purposely steers you away from the path leading to the kitchen, knowing you’ll ask for more alcohol should you see it. When you reach the foot of the stairs, you groan and look at Maxwell with puppy eyes. You know his back has been bad lately, his joints ache when the humidity rises, but you can’t do this without him. “Can you carry me? Please?” You ask him.
Maxwell chuckles and kisses your head tenderly. “I suppose. Climb on my back.” He stands with his palms the wall, squatting for you to jump up on him.
The formal dress makes it difficult, but you hop up, both of you groaning as you latch onto him. “I love you so goddamn much,” you babble happily, kissing along the skin behind his ears.
“You’re lucky I love you too,” he grunts as he makes his way up the stairs, his knees aching from the weight of carrying absolutely anything on his back.
When he reaches the top, you get down and sigh, kissing him sloppily. “You’re the best.”
“I’m wonderful,” he sighs and rolls his eyes, leading you to the bedroom and letting you plop down on his plush California king bed.
You strip off his suit jacket and toss it at him, and he catches it without even looking. “Don’t even think about seducing me tonight, darling. You’re too far gone,” he chuckles.
His words make you frown and stop in the middle of unzipping your dress slowly. “I wasn’t gonna,” you grumble and stand, slipping out of the dress and getting under the thick covers of the bed.
“Sure,” Maxwell smiles and retreats into his large closet. He returns in pajama pants and the white tee he wore under his button-up.
He looks so soft like this, and even drunk, you recognize what a privilege it is to see him like this. His large suits hide his frame, but you can see the soft curve of his tummy, his broad shoulders and narrow torso. “We should get married,” you blurt to him, your heart-eyes penetrating through to his center.
“You’re drunk,” he shakes his head as he wanders to the bathroom. He returns with his thick-rimmed glasses on, and it completes the look, his highlighted hair messy and beginning to curl.
He sits on his side of the bed and hands you a glass of water and some painkillers. “You’re going to feel like shit in the morning, and you’re not allowed to blame me.”
“I won’t,” you pout and take the pills, rolling onto your side to face him. His legs are beneath the covers, and one of yours snakes to his and wraps your ankle around his.
Max smiles softly at the gesture. He recognizes it. You need his touch, want to snuggle tonight rather than keep to your own in his spacious bed. He lies down and you quickly scoot over to him, resting your head and a palm on his chest.
“I love you, dear,” he murmurs and kisses your forehead, his hand stroking your back lovingly. “You sleep now. Please.”
“I want to cuddle a little longer,” you frown and look up at him, face barely peeking out from the covers.
Max laughs. “Of course. We’ll stay like this, but at least make an effort to fall asleep. Your headache in the morning will be better if you sleep more.”
“Fine,” you sigh and scoot your body as close to his as possible, kissing his chest through the plain white t-shirt. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he repeats and sets his glasses to the side, letting himself sink into the squishy bed. He’ll surely have to care for you in the morning too, but he doesn’t mind. It’s worth it.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @deltadebelleza @tacticalsparkles @queridopascal @wintermuteway @maievdenoir @dobbyjen @beskarboobs @sharkbait77 @day-off-inkyoto @darnitdraco @iamskyereads
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
tastes so bitter (tastes so sweet)
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You’re driving back from an out-of-town mission with Hawks when your car breaks down on a very sparsely-populated highway. While you await relief, things get... personal. 
characters: takami keigo (hawks) x f!reader
word count: 7.1k
warnings: smut (18+ please!), car sex, pro hero!reader, angst, emotionally unavailable hawks
notes: ta-dah!!! the car sex fic! this turned out way longer and way more feelsy than I ever intended it to be. but I’m grateful for the chance to show you how I play with plot and emotion as well as some good porn. porn with feelings, y’know? 
EDIT: The supremely talented @la-saffron​ has created an absolutely spectacular piece of artwork for this fic! Please go and look at it right here, it’s really quite splendid
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The shadowy trees on either side of the highway cast a chill across the pavement as the sky went dark.
It was far from sunset, but the woods were so tall and thick that the light had disappeared from the road a long time ago. The overpriced navigation system laid into the dashboard of Hawks’ luxurious car was no help at all; not when you were taking the only road for miles around.
The highway narrowly passed for two lanes, winding precariously down from the mountains. Dotted with reflective yellow signs- deer crossing, bear crossing, creatures-of-unimaginable-horror crossing. Bigfoot himself could have wandered into your headlights and you barely would’ve flinched.
But that was to be expected, given where you’d come from.
That day’s mission brought you both far, far away from the city. There was a national forest about three hours away- one of the biggest in the country- and you and Hawks had been called in at the crack of fucking dawn to drive all the way out to the woods and investigate some ‘strange reports,’ as the rangers cared to call them.
Most park rangers knew what they were seeing when guests came in from the woods reporting abnormal happenings. Nobody was truly immune to fear, though, when faced with the impossible.
Whether there were paranormal creatures lurking in those woods or not, you couldn’t have been sure. But after spending the day exhausting both your quirks combing every spare inch of those woods, you were relieved of your overnight duties by a group of other, more nature-savvy heroes.
Hawks had been miffed, but too exhausted to argue. He didn’t like to think he’d been overshadowed. You were just thankful to be going home to your own bed.
“Okay,” you sighed, nursing the last of a lukewarm soda from a burger joint at the edge of the only one-horse town you’d passed through. It was a pretty unassuming stop for dinner, but you and Hawks both agreed that the burgers were way too good to be sold to so few patrons.
Keigo was driving, with one palm splayed lazily across the bottom edge of the wheel. His scarlet wings stretched into the backseat, draping over the shoulders of his black leather backrest like some bizarre kind of seat cover.
The fact that his car was so luxurious was not lost on you- although you were more surprised to find out that he had one at all. Hawks seemed like the last person in the world to need a car, after living in a fantastic downtown penthouse. And owning a pair of wings, come to think of it.
He owned it because he could. And because he knew how good he looked in the driver’s seat.
“What?” He turned a curious eye toward you, though he never quite pulled his gaze from the road.
“I know we started this conversation on the way here,” you began, “but… we never exactly finished it.” You swirled what was left of the ice chips in the bottom of your cup, considering the best way to voice your thoughts.
“Alright.” He sounded vaguely amused, slouching a little further down and drawing an idle palm over his feathered hair. “Shoot.”
“Well…” You trailed off. “You’re kind of… a city guy.” You were already starting to talk with your hands. The racket coming from your half-drunk soda was proof enough.
“What makes you say that?”
“You are,” you defended. You let a playful edge creep into your tone. “And the agency’s kind of a city thing.”
“Am I really as one-note as you’re making me out to be?” He was chuckling. Your cheeks were going hot. You weren’t sure how this became a personal conversation, but you were determined to steer it in the proper direction. You course corrected.
“I just mean, we don’t take a lot of jobs outside the city. Like… ever. So, what’s with this one? Why this call?”
He didn’t answer right away. When you glanced across the car, he was licking his lips and appearing to be, very genuinely, thinking.
“Well,” he began. There was an immensely appealing depth that wore around the edges of his voice when he was deep in thought. You hung on tightly, trying your best to hide how intently you listened.
“I was just… bored, I guess.” He gave a lazy little shrug. His eyes were still trained on the windshield, but you could feel the weight of his urges. He wanted to look over. You turned your head, willing him to.
“Probably sounded like bullshit, now that I think about it,” he confessed, “but if there really was somethin’ freaky in those woods… I dunno. I wanted to see it.”
You resisted the urge to snort.
“Maybe you should start a ghost hunting branch at the agency.”
“Aw, c’mon,” he protested. This time, he really did drag his eyes away from the road for a second. They glinted playfully in the dark. You got a flash of pearly canine from the barest hint of a grin, but it was enough to put a stupid smile right across your face.
A sickening thud from beneath the hood zapped any false confidence you’d been building. There was a dull pop, then the engine died.
“What the- shit.” Hawks scrambled to put both hands on the wheel, navigating the car with what momentum remained over to the narrow shoulder. The tires hit gravel and soft mud, rolling pathetically to a stop and settling in damp silence.
“What the hell was that?” You leaned over the dashboard as your pulse came down from near-terminal velocity. There were half a dozen lights blinking away on the dashboard- symbols you couldn’t understand.
“Not sure.” Keigo was doing his best not to sound too perturbed. As a result, he was just perturbed enough.
You knew what those lights implied, though. Service due. Oil change due. Battery maintenance due.
“Jesus Christ,” you hissed, “when was the last time you took this car in for service? It’s a miracle you even made it out of the goddamn garage.”
Hawks was in the process of mashing the engine start button like an arcade game. When you spoke up, he pushed it down and held. The engine gave a dull, sad sort of sputter, but nothing roared to life.
“Look, look,” he dismissed, waving a hand in your direction as he unbuckled his seatbelt. “I don’t drive this thing that often, okay? I’m gonna go check under the hood.”
He climbed out of the driver’s side and slammed the door before giving you the chance to remind him to pop the hood. For a minute, you let him wallow in his mistake, watching gleefully as he pried at the seam of it. Finally, you unbuckled yourself and leaned over, flicking the release for him.
He gave an unamused glance toward the windshield and lifted the hood, obscuring all but the very tips of his drooping wings from view.
After about fifteen seconds, he ducked back into the car with a rush of cold air behind him. He rubbed his palms together as you watched, arms folded over your chest.
“So?” You prompted. He gave a sideways glance in your direction, blowing into his chilled hands.
“So what?”
“Oh my g- what’s wrong with the car?” You tried your best not to let panic set in.
“I don’t know. It’s just a bunch of pipes and wires under there. They didn’t exactly give me a map of the thing when I bought it.”
You’d seen Hawks pull people out of burning buildings before. You’d see him think on his feet, devise a plan and act on it in the blink of an eye. Usually, he was impulsive. Confident. Clever.
Tonight, on the other hand, he was demonstrating a very clear affinity for money over brains.
You flopped into your seat, scrubbing your hands over your face. You were not going to freak out. You refused to. It didn’t matter that Keigo had suddenly become useless in the face of disaster. You were heroes, even if you had to save your damned selves.
“Oh,” he quipped from beside you. “Still got bars. See?” As you peeked over at him through one cracked eyeball, he waved his illuminated phone screen at you. “It could be worse, kid. If this were a horror movie, this thing’d be dead.”
He tapped away on the screen, seeming very pleased with himself. Even his wings gave a little ruffle, draping themselves smoothly over the back of his seat again.
“I’ll call us a tow. We’ll be outta here in no time.”
A few minutes later, you had a map pulled up on your phone while Hawks’ brow creased deeper and deeper.
“Uh-huh.” His voice had taken on that irresistible deepness to it again, but this time it was sending pangs of dread through your gut.
“Right.” He brought a palm up to smooth over his jaw, fingertips bending and pressing idly against the patches of scruff that dusted it. “Y-yep, yeah, I understand. Fifty miles is a long way. I know it’s gonna be a lot to send a truck that far. But-“
As he was abruptly cut off by the other end of the line, those idle fingers slipped up to his temple, pressing inward and rubbing in stiff little circles.
“Okay. Alright. Yeah, I guess we’ll wait, ‘cause there’s not much else we can… I understand. Yes, thank you. Thank you. Okay, we’ll be here. Or within a ten-foot radius. Thanks. B-“
He blinked rapidly at the screen as he pulled it away from his ear. “Have an excellent night, sir,” he muttered under his breath. He let out a deep sigh, lifting a hip to tuck his phone away again.
“They said they would send someone,” he said, “but the depot is, like, fifty miles from here. Could be a couple of hours.”
“A couple hours?” That cold dread was settling into your chest again. So much for sleeping in your own bed.
“Yeah. C’mon, get out.”
“What?” You glanced past him at the frosted driver’s side window. “It looks freezing out there.”
“Well then, you’d better bundle up. C’mon. I’m gonna fly us back to the city.”
“No way. Hawks- Keigo.” You grabbed his arm and squeezed tightly as he made to get out of the car.
“What?” Exasperation was creeping into the edges of his voice. The sides of his gaze, too, as he landed against the seat back with a thud and turned his cheek to look at you.
“You’ve been flying all day. Your wings are shot. You’re not flying anywhere.”
“What? They’re fine.” He gave the appendages in question a defiant flutter and a cloud of expiring feathers floated into the backseat.
You folded your arms across your chest. Hawks gave a frustrated growl.
“What do you suggest, then?” He retorted in fierce opposition to your silence. “Just sit around and fucking… die of old age before the tow truck comes?”
“Oh my god, you’re the number two hero,” you snapped back. “When did you become such a drama queen? Yes, we’re going to wait. Like a normal person would have to.”
“I’m not being dramatic; I’m presenting you with a legitimate solution and you’re ignoring it!”
“If you try to fly us both out of here, you’re gonna hit the ground before we’re halfway home. And then we’ll be really stranded, with no water and no shelter. So, if you’d like to fly back all by yourself, I can’t stop you. But I’m not going to let you kill both of us.”
“Fine!” Hawks’ cheeks were flushed with temper as he kicked the door open and clambered out of the car. He kicked it shut again so hard the whole body rocked, and for a moment you were left, trapped in shocked silence.
He was really going to leave you out here. Alone.
Half a dozen heartbeats passed before his boots crunched on the shoulder and he wrenched the door open again, flopping back into the car with an immense sigh of irritated defeat.
“Fuckin’ freezing out there,” he muttered as quietly as possible.
You wanted to punch him.
“You ready to wait?”
His wings stiffened behind him, then drooped so lowly they seemed to disappear into the backseat. He looked at you from the corner of one tawny eye.
For the first hour, you honestly enjoyed yourself. As soon as Keigo accepted his fate, he got much closer to his usual mellow self. You finished off cold fries from dinner, listened to true crime podcasts on your phone, (you listened- he talked over the whole thing) and played a few ruthless games of hangman on a couple of napkins you found in the glove compartment.
You’d spent a lot of time with Hawks in a professional capacity. As partners, you took most of your missions together. You were well-versed in the way that he liked to think, the way he approached a job, a conversation. You worked well with each other and you were drawn to his quick wit and laid-back humour. Even if he was a piece of work at times, you made a strong team. But you didn’t do a whole lot of hanging out.
“Okay, that’s it,” he chided as you added an extravagant top hat to the completed, dressed hangman scrawled onto the inside fold of your last napkin. The word he’d failed to guess was ‘patience,’ and the irony of his struggling was not lost on you.
“Aw, c’mon,” you protested. “You’ve still got gloves and a bow tie left.”
“No, no, no.” He held up a palm, shaking his head. There was a good-natured grin curling his lip as he bowed toward the door. “I’m callin’ it. I gotta take a leak.”
You snatched your soda cup from the drink holder, clutching it protectively against your chest.
“You’re not going in here.”
Next, it was Hawks’ turn to shoot you a deadpan stare.
“How about in the woods? Is that allowed?”
Your cheeks went hot. “It’s pretty dark out there.”
“Aw.” Hawks shoved the door open. There was an unfamiliar glint to his eye as he tossed a mischievous look over his shoulder. “Guess you won’t be able to sneak a peek, then.”
You slammed your fist into his back. “Shut up and go take a piss.”  
As the car door clicked shut, you turned the other way out of sheer habit. All you could see in the opposite window was the reflection of your own face. Maybe it was just the dim light, but you looked exhausted. Keigo had seen you caked in blood, streaked by mud and soot before. But you’d both been awake since four o’clock that morning and there was a special kind of ugly feeling that came with overtiredness.
You were dreaming about the first thing you’d do when you got home again when Hawks climbed back into the car. He looked considerably brighter as he ducked inside, and he brought a flush of rich, earthy forest-smell along with him.
“Don’t tell me you couldn’t find it in the cold out there,” you quipped. Payback.
But Keigo just chuckled, shaking his head.
“Close the door,” you whined as the frigid air from outside finally reached your bare arms. “It’s already cold enough in here.”
“Aw,” he crooned, tugging the door shut behind him. “You scared of a little cold now, kid? It’s not so bad out there. Feel.”
He lunged at you, ducking rapidly to rub his frigid cheek against your shoulder. You let out a terse yelp and squirmed, trying to shove him back amid a sea of chilled giggles. He got a few passes of his icy skin on yours before you both realized how close you’d gotten.
Hawks cleared his throat and scooted away from you. In the bare light from the shitty overhead lamp, you were starting to see the outline of a flush creeping into his cheeks.
The light abruptly went out, leaving you in darkness again.
“Tell me something,” he mused, grabbing for the abandoned takeout bag and digging a hand into it. He produced a tiny wrapped square and tore it open with his teeth, removing the folded alcohol wipe from inside and gliding it with impossible grace over his fingertips. He eyed you sideways.
“How come we don’t hang out more?”
Your chest went cold. You’d been dreading that question all night. Longer than that, even.
“What d’you mean?” It was a gut response, but you instantly kicked yourself for even attempting to play dumb.
“You know,” he chided, dumping the wipe back into the paper bag once he was finished with it. “We work. We do interviews together. We do those bullshit PR functions together. I’ve known you- what, two years? And we’ve never even been for a drink. What gives, kid? Don’t tell me I grate on you.”
“I get plenty of you on company time,” you retorted. You were starting to panic. You weren’t ready for this conversation, but it didn’t seem like you were going to be rescued by the timely arrival of the tow truck.
“Okay, okay, I’d take that,” he laughed, “if you hadn’t agreed to take this mission with me. C’mon, this wasn’t exactly a nine-to-five gig.”
He paused. “Come out with me this weekend.” He nudged your shoulder with a bony elbow. You tried your best not to snap.
“Stop,” you pressed quietly. “You know why we don’t.”
The smirk slipped from Keigo’s face.
“What? Why?”
“Don’t make me say it.”
“Wait a second, there’s an actual reason? What the hell is it?”
The confusion was genuine on his face. Hawks could be a smarmy little shit when he wanted to be. But you could tell he wasn’t fucking with you.
“Oh my god.” The words slipped out like a deep breath. Your hand drifted to your mouth as cold shock ran over your skin. “You really don’t remember.”
“No.” His confusion was bordered with fear. He sat back a little, letting his eyes drift over your expression. “No, I really don’t.”
You swallowed hard. You should have known that you’d have to talk about this eventually. But he didn’t even remember the night that had been changing the way you acted around him for nearly a year.
“Last Christmas,” you began. Your breath was so short that it put a desperate hush to your voice that you absolutely hated. You revelled in your ability to act casual around him, but the more probing he got, the harder that composure was slipping.
“At the agency gala. You remember the party, right?”
Hawks rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, and I got trashed.” He paused. Realization dawned on his face, and he shot you the deepest, most sincere look of concern you’d ever seen. Even more sincere than the look that crossed his face when you got shot off the roof of a house and broke a rib.
He leaned forward.
“Did I do something?” He swept a palm over his mouth, fingertips dallying at his chin. You knew exactly how he felt in that moment. You’d been there before, too, realizing that you’d lost control. Blacked out. Understanding that you might have done something you were going to regret.
“You really don’t remember a thing?” It was your turn to be horrified. How could something that consumed your every thought stay so damned far from his?
His fingers were still curved around the point of his chin. He’d gone white, and he shook his head as his eyes cast down to his lap.
“You fucking kissed me, okay?” You snarled with a whip of frustration. “There was mistletoe and you kissed me under it and-and Christ, I can’t believe you.”
“What? What?” He demanded as his voice grew defensively sharp.
“I had no idea what you were gonna do. What you were gonna say, what was gonna change between us. I showed up to the agency the next morning and your hungover ass acted like nothing had ever happened.”
“Of course I did,” he defended, “I didn’t think anything did happen. Oh my God, did I really kiss you?” His wings were coming to life all of a sudden, bristling on either side of his seat. There was a dull whisp as one edge of them brushed against the window. They seemed to expand, along with his horror, to fill the entire car.
He pushed further. “Well, did you… did you want me to?”
You could see where his thoughts were taking him. The answer was an impossible dilemma. To lead him further down that path would not only be cruel, it would be untrue. But to tell him the truth- that you had wanted it- would be to shatter the fragile illusion of casual, platonic intimacy that you’d been building over the last two years.
You chewed your lower lip. Hard enough to hurt.
“Oh god, you didn’t,” he gasped. That was enough for you to lift your chin and shoot him a sudden, sad, pathetic little look.
“Jesus,” he gasped again, deeper this time. “You did.”
“Look,” you snapped. “I was never gonna say anything to you. I was never gonna push it. You didn’t feel that way and I knew that and I just wanted to work.”
He told you enough about his personal life as it was. Every date he swung in from on Monday morning, every Friday night he spent preening in the last hours of the workday hurt enough already. If you’d grown close, fallen harder, it would’ve become too much to bear.
“What do you mean, I didn’t feel that way? What way don’t I feel? How could you even know that?” He was beginning to raise his voice back at you and the adrenaline was pushing you way too far to listen.
“Because you never said a fucking word to me about that kiss! You pretended like it never even happened, Kei! What was I supposed to think!”
“If you’d asked me, you woulda known that I didn’t speak up ‘cause I didn’t remember a goddamn thing!” Keigo jammed a finger into his temple. His golden eyes flashed. He was so fucking hot when he was angry, but this was not a fight you ever wanted to have.
Luckily for you, he was having it without you.
“What do you want me to say to that?” He snarled. “Huh? What- you want me to tell you that I’m sorry for not having psychic powers? That I’m sorry I didn’t hire a mind-reader to tell me what the fuck was going on with you?”
He scrubbed his hands over his face. You were on the verge of tears.
“I-I never-“ you began, but Keigo beat you to the punch,
“You know, maybe I noticed that you were actin’ funny around me. And maybe I should’ve asked. But maybe if you ask yourself, and if you really, honestly give yourself the truest answer, you’d be able to admit that you knew how I felt about you. That you always knew.”
“Of course I knew!”
Your response echoed raw and deafening in the silence of the car. You’d lost your temper and shouted it at him with every decibel left in your breathless chest. Your fists were clenched atop your frigid thighs as you bent over in your seat, shivering. To your immense embarrassment, warm tears trickled down the sides of your nose.
He was right, after all. Every sideways smile he’d given you was just a little too broad to be friendly. Every time he caught you by the hand, he held it just a little too long. Every time he offered you the crook of his elbow at a stuffy charity gala and every time he poured you into a cab at the end of the night, he promised to take good care of you. Every time he looked at you at all it was with a depth that you had recognized, but never understood.
“But look at us, Kei. Look at what we do to each other.”
You sniffled, scrubbing tears off your cheeks with the heels of your hands. He reached for you, seeking to comfort, but his hands twitched midair and he drew back instead.
“Yeah,” he croaked. You tossed a glance in his direction. He looked more dejected than you’d seen him in a long time. He rested both hands on top of the wheel, the rest of his body sagging against the seat back.
“Except now I’ve told you,” you continued. “And now we both know, so everything’s fucked no matter what.”
You were met with silence. The truth was dawning on you. You hated to even consider it, but it felt like what needed to be done.
“When we get back to the city,” you started. Hawks interrupted you with a low rasp of your name.
“No, when we get back, I’m giving you my resignation.”
“Fuck, stop.”
Keigo lunged, grabbing you by the back of the neck and pulling you toward him. He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. The warmth of his closeness weighed on you like a heavy quilt. You couldn’t even pretend not to be immensely comforted by affection from him.
“I’m not gonna let you do that, kid.”
You were both drawing deep breaths- slow, rolling gulps of air that matched over gradual time. You licked your lips, bracing your chilled palms on his shoulders. Your fingertips brushed the very edges of his feathered hair, dull and soft in the dark.
You’d talked each other down from bigger, badder edges before. But this one had sharp, jagged rocks waiting at the bottom. This one, you were going to have to jump from together.
“I can’t do this,” you pleaded. “I can’t keep myself away from you like this.”
“Don’t.” His voice was hushed and so achingly tender, like he couldn’t take the command himself.
“I can’t-“
“Then, don’t.”
He was firmer this time, and the pad of his thumb brushed the bottom of your lip. He pulled back just a hair, grazing the tip of his nose across yours. The heat of his breath puffed over your lips and his blonde eyelashes threatened to tickle your cheek.
He drew in a slow, calculated breath.
“Lemme kiss you. Lemme try again. I’m not gonna forget it this time, I swear.”
“Keigo, please.”
“Just lemme try. Just once. I’ll never ask you again, if you don’t want me to.” He pulled back the rest of the way and your body keened at the loss, but he looked deeply into your eyes. Deeply like he’d never been allowed to look before.
You licked your lips. Considered it for half a heartbeat. Then you gave a slow little nod.
To your surprise, he didn’t lunge again. He took his time with you. He cupped your cheeks tenderly between his bare palms, memorizing the curve of your face. He stared, taking you in like this. At his mercy.
Finally, he leaned in and captured your mouth in a soft kiss, heartbreakingly loving. You responded eagerly, blossoming beneath his touch and bracing your hands on the broad plane of his chest. Your fingers curled in the fleece that lined his coat.
You kissed back with near-desperate urgency, shamelessly showing him how touch-starved you’d become. Dating was pointless when Keigo stole your whole heart every time you showed up to work.
The quiet press of his tongue had your jaw going slack in his hands. Your kiss went needy all at once, and he licked into your mouth with a hunger behind his movements that you never anticipated sensing from him.
You broke from him first, turning your cheek to him as your lungs burned. Your mouth was swollen, and you gasped greedily for whatever stale air lingered between you. He grabbed your chin and forced your eyes back to his.
His gaze was fearsome. Ravenous. You were powerless beneath it.
You combed your fingers through his hair like you’d always wanted to, settling your palm at the nape of his neck. Your own voice was nearly unrecognizable, nothing more than a feral growl.
“Get in the back.”
Hawks took one look at the narrow gap between his seat and yours and sat up, nudging the driver’s side door open. He climbed eagerly into the road and then back into the back seat, settling in the center with his legs and wings splayed wide.
Meanwhile, you took the opportunity to wiggle out of your boots and pants and slam dunk everything into the foothold of the passenger’s seat. You climbed over the center console in your underwear and settled into his lap.
Even though you had to bow your head against the cushioned ceiling, it was a holy sensation. Your thighs settled perfectly into the crooks of Keigo’s legs, and his hands slid so naturally over the curves of your hips. It was as if you’d done this before.
You kissed him again, using the weight of your newly boosted height to descend hard and loving against his lips. He grabbed you hard by the ass, drawing you smooth and tight against his hips.
“God,” he groaned eagerly into your mouth.
“You’re so. Fucking. Perfect,” you hissed back into his, and he squeezed you harder, breaking his lips from yours to trail a hungry path of kisses along the edge of your jaw. His scruff scratched at your chin just like you imagined it would. You loved him like this- trimmed, unshaven. The rougher, the better.
“Don’t say that,” he purred dangerously close to your ear. “You’ve seen me at my worst.”
You tried not to grin, remembering Keigo barfing over the balcony of the Plaza after one too many charity-benefit martinis. Keigo caked in ooze after cutting open that sludge villain from the inside. Keigo on the verge of tears, just a few minutes ago.
“I still think so,” you pressed, and he smiled against your cheek. His wings, tired and bruised but majestic as ever, stiffened proudly. They were capped firmly by the cramped space that surrounded you, but the feathers that spread across the back seat were sleek and graceful.
You dug your fingertips between his jacket and his t-shirt, feeling the warmth of his torso all over. He did his best to shrug it open, but the material was caught up on his wings- no getting it off now.
He wound his hands into the hem of his shirt and tugged it up for you. The skin you could feel by slipping your fingers underneath was all you were going to get.
Not that it mattered to you. It was far more than you’d let yourself so much as picture before. While you felt your way across his heated abdomen, he dipped his head to your pulse point. He scraped the points of his teeth across your tender flesh, making you sigh and shiver. He pressed a hand to the small of your back to keep you close and nibbled all the way down to your neckline, leaving a trail of tiny welts in his wake.
They would fade by morning. Tonight, the feeling was enough.
He glided smooth, tender fingers up your sides. You straightened, letting him wedge your long-sleeved t-shirt up around your shoulders. You had to bend even further and press your forehead awkwardly against his shoulder to wrench it off. Once he peeled the fabric over your head, you tossed it haphazardly toward the front seat. Keigo was already going to work on his fly.
The tender press of his erection had grown apparent by that point, stiff and needing down one thigh of his thick pants. You reached between your legs and palmed it indulgently. There was an answering throb of arousal in the pit of your belly as you felt the shape and thickness of it trapped against his body, and an even stronger one when his hips pressed into your touch and he gave a low rumble of approval.
“Don’t act so surprised,” he crooned. With his pants unfastened, and the bulk of his cock shifted to the stretchy pouch of his undershorts, he slid a fingertip down the plane of your belly and curled two graceful digits between your thighs.
“Are you wet for me yet?” He shot you a deep, lustful stare. You rocked your hips against his fingers, hopeless in resisting the pleasure he offered. Keigo nudged the crotch of your thong easily aside, dipping his middle finger against your slit.
He sucked a sharp breath through clenched teeth as you gave a simultaneous yelp of stimulation. When he looked up at you again, he bore a sly little grin. You’d seen it a thousand times before, but never with such desire. And never all for you.
“You’re drippin’, kid.” He arched his palm, slipping that finger slowly upward and easing it inside you. There was no stretch, but the sensation of intimacy- of being felt in such a way by those hands that you’d never dared to fantasize about- was intoxicating in its own right.
Keigo was, apparently, feeling it, too. His eyes were deeply lidded, glazed completely by his own desire. The tip of his cock had found its way over the waistband of his undershorts, weeping shiny precum against his stomach and the bottom of his shirt.
He curled a blunt fingertip inside you, massaging your tender front wall. The feeling rappelled up the column of your spine and brought deep trembles forward. It brought fresh handfuls of wet slick from your depths, gliding down his palm and between his fingers. He took the hints your body offered and rubbed faster, watching the way your expression morphed from desire to pleasure.
“Stop,” you hushed, leaning forward and pushing your lips to his. He drew his hand back from you immediately, settling it on your thigh. The wet little print it left against your skin wasn’t lost on you.
“Something wrong?”
“No,” you replied. “Just ready for you.”
He gave a low, loving little chuckle and shifted beneath you. “Can’t hold out any longer?”
You smiled into his hair. “Don’t want to.”
“Fair enough.” His smile was even, but the tug in his voice betrayed his fraying nerves. It thrilled you to know that you weren’t the only one putting way too much emotional stock in this. It was immensely validating to discover that he’d been anticipating it, too.
He wiggled and squirmed against the backseat, shucking his pants and underwear down over his thighs and letting his cock pop out. It bobbed against his stomach- thicker than you’d imagined- framed by a trimmed scruff of tawny hair that disappeared under his shirt.
“Fuck,” you sighed in spite of yourself.
“I know, right?” He rasped. He reached for you, cupping your jaw. He brought your forehead down to his, giving a weak laugh. “What the hell have we been waitin’ for?”
“We just needed the bottle episode to shove us together,” you giggled. “C’mon, we’re a walking trope right about now.”
“We’re about to become a different trope if you don’t let me fuck you.” It was his turn to play the desperate card. But the ache between your thighs had not dulled, even a little.
He wrapped his fingers around the base of his shaft and you lifted your hips. He gave the heated tip a playful little swipe along your slick slit, but his game backfired when both of you let out tight cries of sensation.
You rocked your hips forward, taking his tip eagerly inside. The sensation was toe-curling, made even better by the way he held you tightly against him, nosing at your ear and kissing any patch of skin he could reach.
He brought his free palm to your ass as soon as you were situated, helping you slide the rest of the way onto his cock. With your knees braced on either side of his lap and your feet pressed tightly against the front seat, you let him bottom out. And for a moment, you just sat there.
“Jesus,” Keigo sighed, lolling his head against the seat behind him. You still had your head deeply bowed, trapped in the space that seemed just an inch too tight.
“I…” Your thighs shuffled. Your hips gave a little squirm. It felt good, but it wasn’t enough. Keigo cracked an eye and lifted his chin, sensing a problem.
“What’s the matter?”
“I just…” Your cheeks went hot. You licked your lips. “I can’t move.”
His gaze cast downward, to the place where you were joined. He took in the press of your thighs, the curve of your neck. He snorted.
“No, you can’t. C’mere, kid, I gotcha.” He planted that palm on your ass again, drawing your hips forward and up, as far as you could take them. Your head and neck bowed with the rest of your back as he draped your upper body over his chest and held you tightly against him.
Then he planted his feet and gave one good, deep thrust. Your innards gave a jerk. Oh, fuck.
“That’s it,” you panted into his ear. He nodded tensely.
“Yeah?” He prompted. “That’s workin’ for ya? Alright, alright. We’ve got this, kid, c’mon. Lemme show you somethin’ good, okay?”
One thrust sent you spiralling. But the rhythm that he dove into- steady, tough, fluid- sent every nerve through your body into meltdown. You were entirely incapable of dealing with such pleasure, combined with the emotions that swirled through your lovestruck brain.
It felt as though you had been holding out needlessly for all this time. Like all the hurt and frustration and heartbreak you shed over him would be evaporated, now that you understood that he wanted you like this, too.
Like that was all there was. You, Hawks, and the free love you could now share.
“I’m n-not-“ Keigo stuttered, piping up after a series of breathless pants and airy groans, “n-not gonna last much longer, kid, you’re… really gonna make me feel it.”
“Yeah,” you breathed back. You looped your arms tightly around his neck, tilting your hips forward. You could feel the barest hint of stimulation when your clit brushed his belly, so you leaned into it- aching for your own release.
His rhythm doubled as the intensity of your pleasure spiked dangerously high, and when you gripped him hard and rocked your hips in time with his, there was a low, warning pull that echoed all the way up to your throat. You were close. Very close.
Your head dropped backward and Keigo leaned forward, drawing his mouth up the vulnerable column of your throat. He panted hard and heavy against your pulse point.
“That’s it, kid, that’s fuckin’ it, baby, oh, God, I’m g-gonna f-fucking… I- shit, I- can’t… fffuck!”
Keigo let a vicious roar tear from his throat as he reached his vibrant peak. His erratic thrusts brought you to a tight little climax, too, and you clung to him and whined and rode through the pleasure as he fucked madly up inside you, spurting messy shots of cum into your depths.
Gravity took hold of his pleasure, dripping it onto his shaft and pooling it in a sloppy mess between you. And when it was all finally over, you collapsed against his body and you both stayed, airless and spent, wrapped tightly around one another.
It was the bright flash of headlights on the back of his neck that brought you to the surface, moments later.
The inside of the car was warm and stuffy and damp. Had you just come in from outside, you might have realized that it reeked of sex. Sweat and breath and fluid and feeling. The windows were near-opaque, fogged by the dampness of your lovemaking.
It was a moment you might have loved to capture, if you weren’t about to be so rudely interrupted.
The light in your rear windshield was bright white and flashing orange. Unmistakable.
“The tow truck,” you wheezed, scrambling off of Keigo’s lap. “Oh, fuck.”
“Get dressed,” he muttered weakly, already scrambling to get himself cleaned up and decent. He was far more dressed than you were, so you did your best to climb back into the passenger’s seat and slide back into your own clothes. You banged your shin hard on the center console, and your head on the ceiling as your body flailed in retaliation. You crumpled into the front seat and nearly kneed yourself in the mouth trying to scramble back into your pants.
By the time you climbed out of the car, fully dressed, with a few additional bruises, Hawks was already standing on the shoulder, talking to the driver. The driver was wagering a few guesses on what might be wrong with the car. Hawks’ eyes had already glazed over.
“Hey,” he greeted, as he spotted you emerging over his shoulder. He introduced you quietly to the driver before the ballcap-wearing, bearded man spoke again.
“Yeah,” he gruffed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll give you a lift to garage nearby. It’s kinda late, but he keeps weird hours. I bet he’ll take a look for you, it’s prob’ly an easy fix.”
“That sounds great,” you gushed, clasping your palms together. There was a lot of stiffness settling in around your hips and thighs. You couldn’t be sure if it was a result of the compromising position you’d nearly been discovered in or the whole lot of not moving you’d done for hours before that.
Either way, it felt good to stretch your legs.
“You c’n go ahead and hop in the back,” the driver directed, waving the key that Keigo had apparently already given him in indication. “I’ll get you hooked up, no problem.”
Keigo opened the truck door for you, and you climbed over the passenger’s seat into the back. He followed closely behind you, tugging the door shut and slouching into the opposite side.
You sat in silence; hands clasped between your knees. A confusing air settled between you.
You felt vulnerable and raw and moony. You wanted to hold his hand and curl up to him in the back seat. Kiss his cheeks and tell him how good it was, tell him how much you felt.
For you, though, it could never be that simple. There was no free love for heroes like you.
Pay later, always.
Keigo felt the weight of your gaze. He turned to meet your eyes and shot you a thin smile. You’d seen the look that he’d turned to hide from you, though.
The truck driver climbed into the front seat before words could pass between you. But you didn’t need to hear them to know what they were going to be.
You didn’t need a warning to understand what Monday morning at the agency was going to look like.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
What I Want Most - Four
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean’s life has been all work and no play lately. When Gabe, his friend, coerced him into tagging along to a club, he couldn’t say no as Gabe has been pestering him for a while now. What Dean didn’t expect was that he’d meet his match in that club in the form of a stunning woman with underlying daddy issues.
Warnings: Daddy kink (by now, this is a given), teasing, rough sex, face fuck
Word Count: 2707
Beta’d by: @deanwanddamons​​​​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
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As Dean had promised her, he helped her with the presentation in the morning right after they had gotten into the office.
They were running a little late since she had trouble concealing the marks he had left on her. He watched her trying to conceal it while he leaned against the door frame, his fingers working on his tie.
He almost let it slip out that he didn’t want that, didn’t want her to conceal it, but he knew better than to be a dick.
Something clicked in him though as he watched her. Something that made his heart swell because having her at his place, having her in his apartment, in his bed, breathing the same air, being together in a confined space, all of that didn’t bother him at all. And even though they barely know each other, he still thinks he knows enough. At least it’s enough for him to think that he'd like her here permanently. There’s just this sense of familiarity that he can’t shake off even if he’d try. 
Dean knows that he shouldn’t go there. Not yet. Too early people would say. Just right, is what he thinks.
 In the afternoon, Dean’s at his desk preparing for the next meeting while she’s still out at another meeting. They have way too many of those, if he’s being honest. However, he thinks it’s fun to rile her up. He’s seen that she took her phone with her and her laptop too, but sending things to her laptop seems to be a bit risky so he opts for her phone. 
Dean whips his dick out, gives it a couple of strokes, and it doesn’t take long for his little friend to stand erect. No wonder, he’s been horny all morning and he hopes that the execs have their answer by the end of the week because honestly, Dean doesn’t think he’d survive another week with a constant boner and impure thoughts. 
He takes a picture, making sure that the drop of precum glistens so that she can see. He sends it out to her, typing in some words for emphasis. 
 D: [image]
D: Wish you could get out of the meeting earlier and hop on daddy’s dick
 That was a good one. Dean chuckles to himself as he places his phone back on his desk. He also now has to push his boner back into his pants and it’s really not comfortable. He doesn’t really know if he’s torturing her or torturing himself with the stunt he just pulled.
While he thought it was a good idea, somehow after more thinking, he thinks it’s the worst idea, but he can’t change it anymore now and has to probably suffer the consequences.
He doubts that she’ll answer him and thank god he’ll be gone and sitting in another meeting when hers is finished. That way he might not feel her wrath and by the time he gets out of the meeting, she maybe will have forgotten about it. 
The clock ticks and Dean has never wished for time to move faster right about now. In fifteen minutes he can go to his meeting. He even wonders if he should leave his office earlier. Go get coffee and chat to Garth who’s probably already there in the meeting anyway because he’s a fucking nerd.
Dean flinches when the door to their office opens earlier than expected. Tries to act like he doesn’t fucking know what’s going on when she closes the door and storms into the room. 
Y/N drops her laptop and her phone loudly onto her desk before she walks over to stand next to him. Dean still acts like he’s occupied, doesn’t spare her a glance.
“What the fuck, Dean!” She’s shouting and that’s when Dean tilts his head to see her standing with her hands braced on her hips. 
Oh, she’s angry, alright. But she looks absolutely cute.
“What?” He feigns innocence.
“The picture!” 
Another shout. Dean’s happy the office is soundproof. The only place sound could spill out is through the cracks of the door.
“Well,” He rolls his chair back, putting on his best cocky smirk, too. Because now the only way is forward, “Did you like it?”
“My God, Dean,” 
“Ah,” He wriggles his fingers, crooks it, and beckons her closer with it, “Who am I again?”
“You have to pull that card, don’t you?” She pouts and it’s then that he knows that he has won.
“Yeah,” Dean nods with a smile as he pats his thigh, “C’mon, you know you want it,” 
She licks her lips, and looks at the door.
“Nobody’s going to come in and if someone does, I can hide you under our joint desk.”
“Fine,” She exhales and walks the two feet over, she pushes her skirt up to be able to sit down more comfortably, facing away from him. 
He’s still hard and she starts to grind as his hands travel up her thigh. As his fingers graze the fabric of her panties, he feels it wet.
Dean lets out a groan, “Baby girl, you’re soaked,”
“Mmh,” She hums and lays her head against the crook of his neck. Her lips graze his skin and she starts to nibble at his flesh. Dean can’t resist that even if he wanted to.
“Did daddy do this to you, huh?”
“Want me to shove my fat cock into your pussy, baby? Make it a little better?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, his fingers go to his zipper, pulling out his cock that still hung out of his underwear. 
He repositions her when he has it out, slapping the hard meat against her wet pussy, making her moan, “Sit on it,”
She lifts herself up a little and pushes her panties to the side before she sits down on his cock. Dean slides in easily. She’s fucking soaked. He lets out a groan as she leans back. His hand goes to her head, tilts it so that he can kiss her sweet lips. 
“So good, baby,” He whispers against her mouth, “So fucking good for me,”
Their movements are slow, shallow, and she’s needy because he can’t reach deep enough, so she sits up straighter to take him further in. Her hands are braced on the desk, and fuck, it’s good. So fucking perfect when she bounces on his cock. 
Dean’s lost in the moment, lost in her when his phone rings. 
“Who’s it?” He asks as she is closer to his office phone. 
“Garth,” She says in between pants.
That’s the moment he realizes that he should be in a meeting and by the look at the clock, one that has already started seven fucking minutes ago. 
“Fuck,” He pushes her off him and scrambles up, pushing his wet cock back into his pants as he threads through his hair one-handed. He shoves his phone into his pocket and takes the laptop with him only realizing when he reaches the door that she’s been laughing.
That little brat.
He stalls by the door, what’s those couple of minutes going to do anyway, and looks back at her, “You did it on purpose, didn’t you? Agreeing to fuck me and make me forget my meeting?”
Y/N shrugs, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dean?”
“You know what? I’m almost proud of you, but tell you what. You want dirty? You can have dirty, you little brat,”
He storms out and lets the door slam close. Just for the dramatic effect.
 Well, Dean should have seen it coming. He made his bed and now he has to lay in it. 
Halfway into the meeting, she sent him texts too. A picture of her wet cunt, two fingers deep in them. 
Y/N: Daddy, my pussy needs attention
He’s grumpy, still.
 D: Baby, this is the payback?
 Y/N: No, the fuck was the payback. Now I’m just really needy
D: You are definitely something else
 Y/N: Find an excuse?
Y/N: No one can take care of me as you do
Y/N: Please?
 D: Baby, seriously, I can’t. They just said that we’ll stay to have a meeting with Hong Kong so I guess it’s going to be late. Can you come by tonight?
 Y/N: No
 Dean frowns. Well, not that she’s not allowed to say no but ugh, he would really love to spend the night with her again.
 D: No?
 Y/N: Yeah, got an early presentation, remember? Can’t be late again so I rather not sleepover at yours.
 D: How about I come sleep at yours?
 Y/N: Is my pussy worth for you to make your way across town just to sink your cock into for a couple of minutes?
 D: First of all, it’s not going to be just a couple of minutes, alright? Second of all, Yes. Worth all that and so much more.
 Y/N: Guess I’ll see you then.
Y/N: [Address]
Y/N: Apartment 265
 D: Can’t fucking wait, baby
 Y/N: [image]
Y/N: Me neither
 Fuck. The picture is of her spread legs with her dripping pussy and one finger up her ass. Dean bites on his bottom lip so as not to fucking groan out loud.
 After the meeting, Dean went back home to pack some things for an overnight stay, and on his way over to her apartment, he had a flash of an idea of how to prank her. 
Y/N wants to do it the dirty way so he’s going to give her that. It’s what he promised after having been tricked into fucking her and totally missed the start of the meeting, and Dean knows an opportunity when he sees one. She’ll probably be mad. Actually, he knows that she will.
 As soon as Dean steps through the door, she attacks him just like he did her. She kneels right down, her hands working on his belt while Dean hasn’t even had the chance to set his duffel down. She’s only in a large shirt, probably doesn’t wear anything underneath, at least that’s what Dean hopes. Clothes are way overrated with them. 
“Woah,” He whispers, “Easy tiger,”
She smiles up at him with a glint of mischief. 
Dean’s fond of that look, comes to fucking love it on her. It suits her personality. She’s the type who doesn’t settle for any less than what she deserves and strives to get the best out of life by taking what she thinks she’s earned. 
And in that moment, she thinks she deserves his cock.
He sets his duffel down, strokes the hair back on her head as he lets her pull down his zipper. Before she can pull down his underwear, though, Dean threads his fingers in her hair, one hand gripping the side of her arm to pull her up. 
His mouth is on hers, kissing her, tongue going in deep, almost making her choke. One hand squeezes her cheek when he breaks the kiss, and then he growls low, “Do you think you deserve my cock after the shit you pulled?”
“Please,” She whines.
“Yeah,” He chuckles, “Beg for it, baby girl,”
“Please, daddy, can I suck your cock?”
He pecks her lips once, “Sounds good, keep going,”
“Please, please, please,” She begs, “Please, I really want your cock, daddy,”
Dean grins, but he doesn’t let her go yet. Instead, he picks her up, carries her over to the small and round dining table, lays her on it with her head dipping off the edge. 
“You want this?” He rubs his clothed dick on her face, “Huh? Tell me how much you want my cock, baby,”
“Please, daddy,” She whines, “I want it so much,”
His hand goes to his underwear with a smile, fingers hooking into the fabric, pulling them down below his balls. His dick springs free, slaps wetly against his lower abdomen and she swallows down the drool in her mouth. 
He lays his heavy sac on her forehead, while he slaps his dick down on her face and she’s a good girl because she opens her mouths, sticks her tongue out for him to rub his shaft up and down on. 
Sex with her is by far the best he had and even though he hasn’t known her that long, he knows exactly how far he can go, knows what turns her on. 
“Look at you, baby, so eager for my cock,” He coos and he pulls her back by her armpit just a little, letting her head hang lower over the edge of the table, “You ready? Tap out anytime, okay, baby?”
Y/N nods, Yes, daddy,”
“Good girl,” Dean whispers and pushes the tip of his cock into her awaiting mouth. He slowly starts to fuck in and out of it, shallow at first, “Sucking my cock so fucking good, baby,” 
Both his hands go to her shirt, pulling it apart by the seam and there’s a sound of protest but it’s muffled by his cock in her mouth.
“I’ll get you a new shirt,” He chuckles.
Dean's hands are now playing with her exposed tits while he thrusts his dick in and out of her mouth, stopping occasionally to let her catch a breath. His hand goes further down her body at the same time his dick goes further down her throat, until he cups her pussy in his hand and starts to rub at her clit. 
She’s soaked. He fucking loves how wet she gets. Loves to bury his face in it, thinks that he should let her sit on his face, smother him with her pussy, but that’s for some other time or later or tonight, he hasn’t decided yet.
The sound of her gagging on his cock is loud in the room and Dean makes sure to pull back every time he thinks she needs a break. His fingers are now fucking into her wet cunt and she moans with her mouth full, the vibrations tickling his dick. 
He begins to fuck her harder the closer he feels he gets to his release. His hand has abandoned her cunt, but he slapped down on it, just to make her yelp up with his cock in her mouth, it’s a feeling out of this world. His hands work their way up her body again and he grabs one tit, uses it as a fucking handle to hold on to while he fucks her throat. His other hand goes to her throat, touches it, and presses down on it to feel his dick through her skin and flesh.
Feeling himself in her throat makes him want to come faster. 
“Where do you want daddy to come, huh?” He asks, knowing that she can’t answer, “You want me to come down your throat, baby?”  
She hums.
Dean takes that as a yes. He comes with a deep growl, fucking into her harder, buries his dick inside as far as he can go. As he comes, his whole body trembles. She’s tapping. She’s fucking tapping and it’s because Dean still doesn’t pull back. With another growl, he pulls back, taking his dick out of her throat and it comes out sloppy with cum still attached to its tip and her tongue. 
“Jesus Christ!” He groans as he turns her around and pulls her up so that she’s kneeling on the dining table. 
He kisses her hard, rough, tastes himself in her mouth.
“Good girl,” Dean smiles against her lips, “You’re such a fucking good girl, baby. So good for me,” He strokes her hair back, sees her looking at him teary-eyed and tired, but there’s still that fucking glint in her eyes. She’s up for more already, he knows.
Fucking insatiable.
“You get your reward for being a good girl, okay?” 
“‘K,” She nods.
“I want you to sit on my face, let me take care of my girl before I can fuck you again,” Dean leaves his forehead on hers, kisses her nose softly, “Would you like that, huh?”
She doesn’t answer, but she nods with a big smile. 
“‘K,” He whispers, as he pecks her lips, “C’mon, let's get you to bed,”
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Chapter Five
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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askthekuvaqbrothers · 3 years
Seagull giving Rufus hell over wrecking sth. and the brothers (and Hermes) reacting to that. Your choice if you make it angsty, mischievous or hurt/comforty
(TW: Blood, Injury, Child Abuse (Seagull is a bad human))
“Now, this is going to the mayor-”
“I'll take it!!"
Rufus leapt from his seat, dashing and jumping for the box that was much too high to reach.
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“Now Rufus, this is fragile, so I don't think-"
“Pleeaaaase! I promise to be careful! Promise promise!"
Cletus swung his legs, absently patting Poisonous, “Why do you really want to go?"
“I wanna go see the Mayor! He's a big important guy who found clean water and made all of Kuvaq! Dad says we should be thankful to him for giving us a home, and I bet he has all sorts of neat stuff in his house.”
“And there it is, stuff.” Cletus rolled his eyes at his brother’s kleptomaniac tendencies, but Rufus seemed undeterred.
Hermes stared down into those pleading eyes and felt himself melt. He knew he’d gotten soft after building the prototypes, but playing the role of Father to these three had been swaying his objective views to subjective ones.
“Alright, but be careful.”
He rested the item in Rufus’ hands, not letting go until he was sure the boy had a secure hold on it. Rufus grinned up at him, and with a small skip in his step, hurried out the door. Neither Cletus nor Argus spared a look, but Hermes' gaze lingered after.
“…Could you two please follow after him? I worry-”
Cletus sighed, “That's all he brings-"
Argus snagged his brothers’ sleeve, fixing him with a ‘don’t start’ look.
“We'll go.”
With an audible groan, Cletus let himself be dragged out the door. The two didn’t have to travel far to catch up with Rufus, who had quickly given up on the more energetic movement, and was now slowly strolling across town, twisting his delivery in hand.
“If you break it, Dad won’t trust you with anything anymore.”
Startled, he almost dropped it, but managed to resecure his grasp and glare over his shoulder.
“Why are you here?”
“Dad sent us to keep an eye on you because, you know...” Cletus made a general gesture to his hazardous brother, though Rufus didn’t look to understand.
“He doesn’t trust you.”
Argus’ blunt words got through faster, and now Rufus chose to get upset.
“Why would he not trust me?! I’m SUPER trustworthy!”
There was an intake of air from Cletus, which was quickly stopped by an elbow to his ribs. Choosing the option of least argument, Argus pushed Rufus and dragged Cletus along, following the most direct path to the mayor’s private residence. It was a separate building behind the Town Hall, though almost equally large, apparently filled with belongings that didn’t fit in his office. A steep ramp angled up to the front door, where Rufus stopped their parade at the bottom. He turned to his brothers, and pointed to the ground.
“Wait here.”
“What? After coming all this way?!”
“Yes, Dad put me in charge of this, and I don’t want you messing things up.”
Cletus got a hand over his mouth, while Argus’ other hand waved Rufus on.
“Yeah yeah, hurry up.”
With a wide smile Rufus dashed up the ramp, knocking on the mayor’s front door. After a moment, it was opened by the mayor’s secretary Plovera.
“Delivery for Mr Mayor!”
The lean woman stared down, expression entirely blank, save for the eventual twitch in her eyebrow.
“Oh, please come in. The mayor won't be long.” She ushered the boy inside, “Please refrain from touching anything. You may wait on the chair over there.”
She pointed to a lone chair next to a statue of a large, furry beast. As Rufus wandered in, completely distracted by everything before him, Plovera closed the door behind them.
Time was passing slowly without their whirlwind of a brother around.
Argus kicked at the dust and Cletus plucked at a loose thread on Poisonous, neither particularly focused. Due to the heavy metal sheets that built up the walls, they hadn’t heard anything from inside, though normally not even the laws of nature could prevent the sound of Rufus’ destructive force. Cletus opened his mouth to suggest they wait in the comfort of their own home rather than the filthy outside-
There was a ground shaking THUD, ringing through the metal behind them. The two shared a look at finally hearing a typical Rufus caused noise, though the sound of someone else shouting was growing louder too.
As Argus and Cletus turned towards the mayor's dwelling, the door flew open, and the body of their brother came tumbling down the ramp, stopping as an unceremonious heap just past the end.
The booming voice of Mayor Seagull called out as he stormed down toward the boys, furry in his face and posture, and a sudden burst of flames licking at his heels from the building behind. Both Argus and Cletus recoiled at the unbridled rage he radiated, stepping back in time with his own steps forward. When their heels collided with Rufus’ twisted limbs, they both snapped out of their trance.
Argus turned enough to check his red-haired brother, carefully making out the shaky rise and fall of his chest. Alive- good, but hurt, the sight of blood and fast forming bruises triggering something in his mind. He glanced up to check on Cletus, but his green-haired brother was already gone, so his attention returned to Seagull. Something deeply ingrained in his core was telling him how to act, reminding him of the two things he’d always been aware of;
Directive One: Protect and Serve Elysium(?) Hermes.
Directive Two: Protect and Serve the Organon(?) his brothers.
At this moment, with his brother lying still, Directive Two was compromised, so counter action was called for. Argus knelt and plunged his hand off the side of the walkway, clenching a fist around the first thing it touched, wrenching a piece of metal free from the rest of the junk. It was rough edged and not very long, cutting into his own hand, but it classified him as armed and that was all he needed to run at Seagull. The man seemed to startle at the intended attack, but quickly recovered and stepped aside, easily avoiding the boy’s short reach.
They both turned back to face each other, and Argus charged again. The large man was ready for him this time, kicking as he came into reach, foot colliding with the boys’ upper arm and sending him flying.
“The INSOLENCE, the AUDACITY! Has no one taught you MANNERS, BOY?”
Argus picked himself up, adjusted his grip, and charged again. Seagull didn’t move this time, grabbing the arm with the weapon when it came in reach, holding it out to the side as he glowered down at the struggling child.
"Pay attention when your elders are talking, boy.” He twisted the limb enough to make him drop the improvised weapon, “I should have recognised from the start that your family was more trouble than it’s worth. Nothing but discarded scrap!”
He had nothing to say to the man, and his wriggling failed to loosen the grip, so instead Argus curled himself in on Seagull’s arm. He dug his free fingers into the soft joints of the trapping hand and wrapped his teeth around the largest soft space, earning him release and a shout of pain. In the free moment, Argus retrieved his weapon and swung it with all his strength into Seagull’s thigh, breaking through fabric and skin.
Seagull swung downwards, fist colliding with Argus’ brow. Skin split and flecks of blood flew, but Argus caught himself before he completely dropped, glaring up through the haze of red slipping into his eye. Seagull pulled back and moved to swing a kick, but found a weight around his ankle.
Looking down, Rufus was awkwardly wrapped around the mayors’ leg, uselessly biting into his pants. With a growl of frustration, Seagull added enough power to swing the boy along with his leg, colliding brother with brother to send them both tumbling away. When they came to a rest, Argus forced his clear eye to open, only to see the mayor swiftly approaching again. From his position sprawled over his chest, Rufus coughed, showering Argus’ arm in red flecks.
Seagull was towering over them again.
Metal piece still in hand, Argus threw it at the man’s head, hoping for the throat or an eye, but only managing to catch him in the cheek. In response, with a loud growl, the man drew a leg up and brought it down on the two of them, drawing out a strangled noise as the air was knocked from their lungs.
“What is going on here?!”
Hermes and Gizmo arrived on the scene, with Cletus closely trailing behind. Both men looked shocked at the sight before them, with Hermes paling when his eyes fell upon his bloodied sons. Gizmo hesitated in the moment, but when Seagull went to swing at the downed children again, he flicked to law enforcement mode and stepped in to restrain him.
“Stop! This is excessive force!”
Seagull writhed in the hold, pointing towards Rufus, “This is self-defence! That one almost killed me!”
Gizmo did spare a look between the child and the flames still flickering in the building, but he remained firm in his first choice.
“Hermes, take your boys to my clinic and do what you can while I secure the mayor.”
He snapped out of his shock, “R-right, of course.”
He quickly moved in, stooping down to pick up the worryingly still Rufus. Cletus moved with him and offered a hand to Argus with controlled reluctance, lifting his brother to his feet. Hermes spared one look up into the face of the man who had once offered shelter and work to a complete stranger, before the hateful glare became too much. He stood without further delay and headed directly to the ever-familiar clinic.
Hermes fumbled with a roll of bandages, muttering under his breath as he failed to untangle the length. There was a shake in his arms, and his old heart felt as though it would give out if it continued to beat at its current rate. He couldn’t get that angered face to leave his mind, and it was dredging up memories he’d longed to forget.
He was doubting everything again, all his life choices he’d made to this point. He was trying to do better, trying to do what he could to better the lives of those around him, but still he couldn’t find a solution to make everyone happy. If he couldn’t even help this settlement, how could he find a new solution to save both Elysium and Deponia-?
A small hand laid atop of his own. Hermes stopped fiddling, raising his gaze to Argus. He was sitting on the edge of the examination table, eye swollen closed with blood still dribbling down to stain his now torn shirt. Despite his injuries, his expression remained determined, and his posture was taught, ready for another fight.
“…I don’t believe it’s safe here.”
“What tipped you off?”
Cletus was seated on the floor by the clinic's entrance, similarly ridged with Poisonous in a death grip. His eyes flicked wildly anytime there was a noise.
“It’s okay now, Gizmo is handling the mayor. We’re fine.”
Neither of the boys relaxed. Seeing them like this truly reminded him what they were: children in form, but programmed soldiers, made to serve their purpose to the death. It had been wishful thinking they would break their instilled nature with a bit of civilian life. He rolled the ball of fabric in hand, and it unravelled.
“To remain would be too great of a risk.”
“And where do you suggest we go? Find a hole somewhere?”
They spoke around him. Standard Organon would follow procedure and upper command, but these three had more free thought that conflicted with each other, letting them discuss and plan. He carefully began wrapping Argus’ head, the boy ignoring the action.
“There are other settlements.”
“That are very, very far away. And could potentially be worse than here.”
“A potential threat is better than an imminent threat.”
“A hundred potential threats are MUCH worse than one manageable threat. Besides, you haven’t really proven yourself capable of even defending one little idiot from a threat.”
As Hermes tied off the bandage Argus dropped his head, glancing back at Rufus who was lying behind him. His external injuries were covered, but he was still breathing shallowly. They had to wait for Gizmo before they could find out what internal damage there really was.
After checking the damage to his boys, Hermes understood what they were talking about. He’d put trust in Seagull, and ignored the man’s shortcomings over the generosity of a home and job, but he knew deep down there would be no forgiveness from the mayor. He would now be a constant antagonist in their lives should the grudge hold, and they’d have to watch their step at every point in town. Perhaps it really was time for them to move on. The only settlements he knew were close to Ascension stations, and therefore Organon bases, but maybe this was a sign he should return and try to convince Ulysses and the Elders once more. The only problem would be what would become of the three-
Rufus groaned, which suddenly became coughing as he stirred. Argus spun to inch closer to his brother, putting his hands down to stop him from trying to sit up. Hermes did similar, though he chose to rest a hand on his head, avoiding the suspected broken bones and bruised organs.
“Shh, it’s okay. Just stay there, don’t move. We’re here.”
The coughing continued, and when he managed to turn his head a trail of spit and blood ran from the corner of his mouth. Hermes grabbed a rag to wipe it away, waiting as seconds ticked by before the coughing subsided into shaky breaths. Argus remained still watching closely, and to Hermes' surprise, Cletus was now standing by the bed too. Finally, Rufus managed to open an eye.
“… ‘s wr-ng ..ur face?”
Cletus snorted, though his shoulders relaxed a little, “Should I fetch a mirror?”
Argus made a shooing motion, but kept his eyes fixed on Rufus, “Can you tell us where you’re hurt?”
Lips twisting into a slight pout, Rufus subjected his family to an agonizingly slow blink, long enough that Hermes almost considered shaking him to check if he was still conscious. Once they were open again, his gaze fell somewhere in the distance.
“Very helpful.”
Hermes allowed himself a small smile, glad to hear his son's banter again, but his nerves were still running his heart. They were made to be hardy, but internal injuries were still a potentially fatal thing, and Gizmo was taking longer than he’d hoped. He patted Argus on the shoulder.
“Don’t let him fall unconscious again, best to try to keep him talking. I’m going to find Gizmo.”
Before he could turn a hand grabbed the sleeve of his shirt, while another balled around his trouser leg. The looks of concern he got were both heart-warming and eerie, with even Rufus managing to swing his eyes over. They were probably worried about him coming across Seagull.
“Please, it’s okay to worry about yourselves, I’ll be fine.”
Their looks continued, tiny fists grounding him on the spot. The longer he looked, the more their wide eyes shimmered, flicking to each sibling briefly, and after a long moment it began to dawn that he was wrong.
They were worried about themselves, about each other.
And they were looking to him for guidance, for reassurance as a figure of authority- no, as their guardian.
He’d thought he’d gone soft and was playing the father role well, but it was now clear that wasn’t true. He’d still been Hermes the Engineer this whole time, trying to do his old work in a new environment, still hung up on his past failures, still seeing his creations as things when right now it was clear that they were children; hurt, scared, unsure and looking to the one person who had always been there for them.
He had to realise that he wasn't responsible for the world’s problems; he had his own little world right in front of him.
And he needed to make them his priority right now.
He needed to be their father, first and foremost.
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shoichee · 4 years
Hello❤️❤️❤️ congrats with 100 followers🥳🥳🥳 hope the audience will expand😍 and can I repeat myself again? I love your works😍
So, can I request 5 with Himuro?
hihihihihi!! ty sm for your support squeeeeee, sure you can repeat again, think of it as a thank you for being there since the beginning <333 i actually have so much requests now it’s kind of crazy!
Himuro x Reader
5. “Well. Yell, scream, say something. Anything”
Word Count: 2255
prompt list here
TW: attempted assault and stalking, nothing graphic, but these are the main subjects for this scenario, so PLEASE PLEASE take care of yourself first if these topics trigger you and avoid them!
»»————— ☼ —————««
Himuro felt helpless.
The Winter Cup that year when Seirin rightfully won was over months ago, but even still, there is still a part of him that gnaws at him from the inside of his consciousness. Ever since he failed to stop Haizaki from making unwanted advances on his mentor.
No matter how much Alex assured him that it wasn’t a big deal, no matter how easily she shrugged the incident off, there is still a festering guilt that eats him away at how useless he was in protecting the people he cared about. He couldn’t even protect Kagami as an “elder brother,” and he couldn’t even protect Alex as a “male” against another male. Still, no matter how much he chastises himself for having such immature thoughts, they’ve continued to overstay their welcome. What kind of traits does an “elder brother” or a capable “male” even entail?
Someone who wouldn’t be beaten and swatted like a fly…
Someone who wouldn’t just sit idly by when someone is being wronged…
Someone who wouldn’t hesitate to fight back to protect someone, even despite the consequences…
But if that’s the case… that’s just the definition of a person with human decency, isn’t it? Yes, perhaps that is why he still mulls over the encounter to this day. First he split off his brotherhood with Kagami over a one-track goal of an equal rivalry, and then he talked down to his mentor before his Winter Cup game that evening… In the end, he was absolutely pathetic, losing to Kagami’s inborn talent and getting beat down while watching his teacher getting harassed and choked. He easily accepted the fact that Kagami surpassed him with his basketball… The latter? Not so much.
He hasn’t really talked about his inner turmoil with anyone. Atsushi is someone who would not care too much about the complex emotions that he’s currently harboring, much less help deal with them. His other teammates are graduating and too occupied with final exams. He could speak with Alex, but by now, she’s moved back to America, and a part of him doesn’t want to call her out of his self-consciousness and humiliation. You?… He could confide his troubles with you… but a part of him whispers that you’d think less of him if you knew how incapable he really was.
After all, if he couldn’t even protect you as your boyfriend… no, he’d rather not go too far into that thought.
He smiles at the thought of you openly complimenting everything of him every time he subconsciously downplays himself, whether it was his basketball skills or his looks or even his habits. He always thought about how cute you were when you always made exaggerated hand movements to express your sincerity when you shower him with compliments, even if he always told you that you never had to go that far in saying such things. (You always insisted that they’re true and he was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for anyways.)
To someone like Himuro who had always hid their inferiority complex and other entangling insecurities behind a mask of a genial smile, your words always reassured him that he wasn’t treating you horribly or neglecting you or just being downright selfish. Just like what happened with Kagami. Just like what happened with Alex. He just hopes he doesn’t fuck this up somehow with you too.
He had always apologized for how he couldn’t spend as much time with you as he wanted to; basketball practice doesn’t spare anyone, after all. Still, you would smack his arm and push him to the gym as you scolded him to focus on what he loved to do best. Ah, he really didn’t deserve you… how you were so understanding he would never know.
But dusk fell at another early-February weekday; it was still quite chilly, cold enough to see his own puffs of warm exhales. His hands are cold, but the rest of his body burns from running laps and repeating shooting drills moments earlier. His ears grow hotter still when he remembers that you two had planned a simple outing near the coffee shop around the corner.
“Atsushi!” Himuro turns back to call out to the center player. “I need to be going now.”
“Hmph,” Murasakibara huffs in reply. “I was gonna ask you to take me to that new booth to try out new samples.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he laughs, noting the faint mist escaping his lips. “I’ll take you there next time, Atsushi. I have a date planned with (y/n)-san right now.”
“Tch, I’m leaving before you get too mushy on me. Buh-bye~” the giant drawls, casually strolling down the opposite path. Himuro manages to hold back a mild snort before he makes his way to head to the shop you two agreed to meet up at. Propping up his phone to look for your name to send a text, his eyes widen as he registers your name popping up on his screen as an incoming call. What a coincidence. You must’ve been anticipating this too. He smiles as he envisioned your anticipation at the table before he picks up on your call.
“Tatsuya?…” your voice rang.
“(y/n)-san,” he teased. “I didn’t think of you as an impatient person. Can’t wait to see me?”
“Yeah,” you said, but something about your voice was overly cheerful.
“Don’t worry,” Himuro hummed. “I’ll be there really soon. Give me 5 minutes.” He assumed it was just your excitement taking over that made you sound different than usual. He was about to hang up before you spoke again.
“A-Anywho!” you say. “How was practice, Tatsuya?”
“Hmm, the same it has always been,” he replies. “Just drills and laps before running a few practice games. Why do you ask?”
“No reason! C-Can’t I check up on you sometimes?”
“Of course you can, (y/n)-san,” he reassures you. There was a silence from your end, but he can hear how your breaths quickened over the line. He then registered some footsteps and maneuvers on the concrete and furrowed his brows in mild confusion. “… Hey, is there something wrong?”
“A-Ah yes! I’m at the laundromat right a-around the corner!” Your voice slightly peaks at the end. “Y-Yeah, yeah! I can’t wait to… s-see you soon! Uh, huh, m-mhm! You’re near right now, right? Yeah! You-you’re almost there!…” By now, your voice has taken on an almost hysterical tone.
“(y/n)?… (y/n)!” he half-shouts into his phone. “(y/n)! Can you still hear me! Where are you?!… Laundromat, right?” He breaks into a brisk run, ignoring the disapproving stares of other pedestrians on the sidewalk.
“I-I-I’m near the alley adjacent to the laundromat!… Yeah! C-Can’t wait to see you! O-Oh, don’t forget… um, to bring your wallet. S-Silly, you always forget to bring money, so… s-so…” You completely break your facade with a faint voice crack and a sniffle at the end. “Please… please hurry…”
Himuro pushes himself to a full sprint, completely disregarding etiquette as he pushes a few people to the side. His cold hands struggle to cease from shaking as he clutches his phone harder, as if he was holding onto you for dear life. Something terrible might happen to you, and if something happened to you on his watch…
Please, please, please, fucking god, please—please make it on time—
He grits his teeth and screams at his legs to move faster when he hears a stifled sob and a cry from your end.
“A-ah please…” you whisper. “They’re coming—they’re, Himuro, I don’t know where to ru—” All he heard after was a terrified scream before the line cut off.
Fuck, hurry up, hurry the fuck up—
Your phone was completely shattered on the floor, and you swore you had a few broken shards embedded in your skin somewhere from the harsh impact. That didn’t matter though. Not when there were two men grabbing you and trying to muffle your cries for help.
You try to use your elbow to hit their weakest parts, their joints, to loosen their grip. It worked, but as soon as you took a few steps, the other just tackled you to the floor to completely immobilize you.
You screamed, you kicked, you slapped, you elbowed, you punched, you flailed, but nothing seemed effective against two bodies, twice the size and twice the strength of your own.
You pitifully wail as a last desperate attempt, but in the quiet corner of the neighborhood, nobody seems to heed your cries for help. The sun had completely set by now, the year still experiencing the darkness of a winter night; by now, most are already at home relaxing. Their weight on your body was suffocating and you don’t know whether the pain was from the rough concrete, the shards, their weight, or all of the above.
You register them heaving you up with a firm hold on you still and shoving you to walk to the nearest vehicle they owned, and your legs are absolutely trembling from the shallow wounds you accumulated from the roughing and from the fear of the uncertainty of what would happen to you.
When Himuro lays eyes on your roughed-up state and the two men restraining you, all his fury and guilt and fear comes rushing back from his encounter with Haizaki.
He is not a rational man right now. He is not thinking of being the “bigger person.” He is not thinking about being a model athlete nor proper sportsmanship nor disqualification. There are no such thoughts of consequences, not when your life is being jeopardized.
He does not fucking care that he looks like the aggressor when he throws a left hook at the first man. He does not fucking care that the second man looks like his shoulder got dislocated. For once, he does not fucking care how his violent actions might cost him his prospective basketball career.
When he pulls your trembling body into his arms and feels how warm you are against his body in the night chills of an early-February weekday, he breathes out a long cloud of air, slowly calming himself as he hugs you more firmly against his side and pulls up to dial the local police.
He feels a slight sense of relief when he can feel you instinctively snuggling into his side for solace.
The local officers immediately got the gist once they saw the scene of two sprawled men, a terrified you, and a protective Himuro. After checking the nearby CTE cameras, their suspicions were confirmed. They still ask Himuro a few basic questions before they haul them off to the station; Himuro mostly answers for you.
Once the quiet fills the neighborhood again, you release a shuddering breath; Himuro knows because he can see your own mist from the corner of his eye. Still, you haven’t spoken a word since then.
“(y/n)…” he murmurs, bending down to your level to survey the scratches and bruises on your body before he hesitantly looks at your eyes. “Well… yell, scream, say something—anything… please.”
“… Can you… hug me again?”
“… Of course.”
And you both embrace tightly, Himuro tucking your head into his chest as you nuzzle as much as you could into his body.
“… Did they do anything to you?”
“They roughed me up and all, but… thank god you came…”
“They still put their hands on you—I couldn’t protect you—”
“… Why do you look so much more distraught than me, Tatsuya?”
“Because, I—I can’t do anything for the people I love and care about, and I… never mind, do you… want me to walk you home?”
“Wait, Tatsuya…” you whispered. “Let’s talk for a bit, please talk to me.”
“Our date—”
“Which we can always reschedule,” you said, bringing Himuro’s head down to nuzzle against your shoulders.
“If I was there faster—if I was there, this wouldn’t have…”
“Because you were there,” you corrected him. “I am able to experience another day, another tomorrow… especially by your side, where I’m happiest.”
“You must’ve been so scared—damn it, I—”
“Yeah… I’m still shaken up from that, to be honest,” you sighed. “I’m… just a bit paranoid about being alone in the dark now, but you saved me from the worst case scenario—Tatsuya, what’s wrong?! Are you crying—?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, quickly separating from you to rub his stray tears away before attempting to smile. “I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around. Please don’t mind me.”
“Oh silly,” you mused. “I’m dating you too. I want to be able to protect and care for you in my own way, too.”
“It’s getting dark, though. We should really start walking.”
“And we can talk while we do. I demand you to snuggle while we walk, too.”
“Haha… how could I ever say no to you, (y/n)?” He feels that gnawing sense of guilt and patheticness rearing up its head again, but when he looks at your earnest eyes even despite what transpired a few moments ago, the fact that you were safe and in his arms was more than enough to quell those feelings away.
In the lulls of a chilly early-February night, Himuro wraps a comforting arm over your figure as he draws a shuddering breath before he hesitantly begins. You look up at his face expectantly to show that you were giving him undivided attention as encouragement.
“It was during the Winter Cup a few months ago…”
End Note: being stalked by a dude in a CAR was NOT FUN. IT WAS NOT A FUN TIME !! 😭 unlike this y/n here, I had no one to “call” and pretend that I was meeting up with them because my walk route home comprised of only houses and streets, so that was something else OOF I was thinking of the worst case scenarios at the time;;;
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Psy-Cutie pt. 1
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Summary // Mind Jack is an S-ranked villain who always manages to evade capture. You are a florist working in the city and never really minded what was happening around you. You kept an ear open for more relevant news, but you never heard of Mind Jack or his schemes. This works in Hitoshi Shinso's favor as he crashes into your shop one day, injured and unable to take care of himself. Lucky for him, you are just the healer he needs.
A/N: Based loosely on the song American Beauty/American Psycho, hope you enjoy! ^^
- - -
Hitoshi knew two things when he woke up in an unfamiliar bed.
One. He was in pain.
Two. He was safe.
He knew he was safe with clear surety because if the person who saved him knew who he was, he would have on handcuffs and a muzzle rather than a blanket and bandages.
-4 hours earlier-
Twisting the dial of his mask, Hitoshi tests the new vocals he had acquired.
"Help me! Please Akane!" The voice of a 45 year old woman echoes in the room, bouncing off the concrete walls. The voice belonged to Hiromi Sasaki, the wife of a broker who had ties to several Pro Heroes in the Coruscant district. She had been a thorn in Hitoshi's side what with her providing new equipment and upgraded tech to superheroes. Last month he had nearly been foiled by a beam that concentrated a hypnotic ray. But now he had the perfect plan to get rid of her.
Or rather, get rid of her clients privacy.
"Hiromi! Are you here?!" Akane yells from afar, finally catching up to him after following the sound of her wife from blocks away. Now that they were in a closed and controlled area, Hitoshi felt no need to continue this game of cat and mouse.
"How precious." His voice rings out. "You really do love her don't you. If only that love was enough to keep her safe." He steps out from his spot behind a pillar, looking at the now frozen broker who stood still at the doorway. Her eyes were wide open, a blank canvas.
He stalks forward, lowering his mask into the folds of his capture weapon. "You're going to listen to me now." Hitoshi beckons her with a finger, walking backwards to a single chair. "Come. Let's go over the terms of our agreement."
The woman sits down on the rickety chair, showing no signs of fear as it buckles under her weight.
"From now on, you'll be attaching these to all the equipment you sell to your heroes." He unties a small bag from his waist and tosses it onto her lap. They were tracking devices. "If you get caught, your wife will not come back from what I'll do to her."
Nothing, nothing showed on her face that she was listening, but he knew his instructions ran clear. He could feel his control taking over. His quirk had evolved since his time at U.A, no longer was his brain washing temporary, no, he could give long term instructions. It was very, very useful. An evolution he was sure his old classmate would have loved to jot down. But today wasn’t a day for lamenting old friendships he already burned.
His focus snaps to the wall next to him, the concrete was beginning to crack as a barrage of fists pummeled into it.
"Don't forget what I told you." Hitoshi pulls his mask back into place, cutting off his connection to the broker, not sparing another second to watch her as he bolts to the farthest window with his capture weapon in hand.
Breaking through the glass he sends the end of the scarf to a faraway pole, using it to swing onto a nearby building. He curls into a ball and tumbles to lessen the impact on his joints before sprinting across the rooftops. Narrowly he evades the paralyzing bullets of police officers on the ground, shouting to the heroes who were hot on his tail.
It was fun, in a way, they were finally making it fun for him after being so easily put down.
But the heroes were prepared for him. Finally, they learned to bring proper backup.
"Mind Jack!" The hero Racer yells from the rooftop next to him. The hero beside them creates a ramp of metal, allowing Racer to send themselves flying onto the rooftop he was currently on.
Hitoshi coils his capture weapon around Racer's leg as they fly midair, twisting them around and throwing them into the new hero behind him. The group that had begun to accumulate was a mixture of A and C ranked heroes, which normally would be easily handled by himself. But he was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a telekinetic that sent him plummeting into the ground and through the floors below him.
“Damn!” His scarf wraps around the exposed edge of a steel pillar poking out of the concrete floor, allowing him to swing out of sight from the heroes that continued their path downward where they assumed he had fallen. But it didn’t mean he was safe.
All he remembers is the cold wind rushing past him as he breaks through the window of the thirtieth floor and freefalls to the unforgiving ground.
- Now -
Now he was staring at a pitcher of water with slices of lemons and leaves of mint.
Just where did he land?
"Oh you're awake!" A voice chimes in from behind a curtain. He squints at the fuzzy shadow, making out something round and human shaped.
A hand grabs the curtain and pulls it aside, the roundness now obviously a ceramic pot and the human shaped figure.. A very cute human.
He tilts his head as he watches you balance the pot of dirt on your hip, your cheeks smudged along with your gloved hands.
Who were you?
"You scared me earlier! I almost didn't get to you in time." You place the pot on a chair and pull up a stool from the vanity against the wall, crossing your legs as you sat down. "My quirk is a little reckless, so I was afraid I might hurt you more than help you. But you're a sturdy one."
"What is-!" Hitoshi cringes at the pain in his throat, reaching up a hand to cup his jugular. It felt like crushed glass was grinding against his vocal cords.
You stood up at the sound of his voice, already preparing a cup of water to give to him. "My quirk? It's repel. I can repel anything, living or non-living- but the force I exert can change from moment to moment if I'm not careful. So when I saw you falling, I had to use it in small bursts to keep you from smacking the pavement too hard."
Well, he was asking for your name but he took the water anyway, looking it over for traces of a sedative. Deeming it clean, he mouths a quick ‘thank you’ before drinking.
Using the opportunity to collect clues on what kind of person his host was, Hitoshi takes in the sight around him. A pitcher of water on a chipped black nightstand. Macrame potted plants hanging by an open window. A wardrobe with a sweater peeking out. A worn beige carpet on vinyl floors. Photographs of friends and family. Clippings of plants and dried out flowers in picture frames. 
Nothing out of the ordinary. Safe.
A part of him wanted to cringe. How long had it been since he was around something so ordinary? He didn’t live in places long enough to decorate it. He didn’t leave windows open, chancing a police officer spotting him. He didn’t have any of these things you had.
He turns his attention back to you.
“Would you happen to be Hitoshi Shinso?”
His grip on the cup tightens instinctively. Without his voice to activate his quirk, he settles on relying on his physicality. Hitoshi reaches instinctively for the scarf around his neck-
But it wasn’t there.
He settles on a nod, preparing to bolt out of the bed should you try screaming for help. Even without his scarf, he was prepared to scale the walls if he had to.
However, it isn't a yell of fear that he is met with. Surprise floods him as he watches your face light up with a smile. You lean forward with your hands tucked under your thighs. “Really?! I watched you in the U.A sports festivals when I was a teenager! You were amazing!”
Without knowing it, his hand raised from his neck to his face, covering his mouth as you continued on, a warmth building in his cheeks.
“I live pretty far away, but I took a trip to U.A. for my second year, and to see you take down students twice your size was so cool! You really worked hard after the first festival and it showed-“ A blush of your own takes root on your face. You scoot your seat backwards. “Ah- sorry about that.. I didn’t mean to be so forward.”
He shakes his head, looking at you with much softer eyes. He was a villain. And had been a villain after leaving amid his third year at U.A. He didn’t regret his decision and never cared for the love the media gave his former classmates. He didn’t need praise or the affection of strangers. He didn’t care about any of that.
But to hear someone praise him for his hard work, and to hear someone put him in such a light? To hear that someone saw him as more than his quirk?
Hitoshi could get drunk on your words alone.
“You don't mind..? I understand if it’s creepy. I've met fans of Deku who even I was uncomfortable next to.”
Once more he shakes his head, unbothered by your enthusiasm. In fact, he liked it. More than he thought he would.
Was this why heroes strived to be popular? The warm feeling it brought? Or was it because it came from you? Someone so blissfully ignorant of what he has done. 
You still saw him as a hero.
A hero.
“Oh! I need to get back to the shop! Your fall left some of my pots smashed, I need to clean it up before someone gets hurt.” You get to your feet and take his now empty glass, refilling it before handing it back. “Take your time,I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” 
And just when he thought you couldn't get any better, you stumble on your way out, drawing out a squeak from your lips.
He was truly and utterly whipped.
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refinedbuffoonery · 4 years
Late Nights
This is 2.5k words of fluff and essentially no plot. Set a week after the events of ICLU. I wrote the first part back in May right after I got the idea for ICLU and have been sitting on this ever since. 
When the letters and numbers on the screen finally blurred beyond recognition, Riley closed the program she’d been working on and put the lab computer to sleep. Her eyes burned. She was horribly behind on developing this program; it needed to start beta testing days ago, but the team’s back to back multi-day ops and her impromptu trip with the Coltons on her supposed day off consumed all of her time and energy this week. 
Posing as a think tank, the Phoenix did have to do think tank-y things on occasion, after all, and every agent was expected to contribute to the organization’s public projects. Including a certain physically and emotionally exhausted hacker. 
Mac sat across from her, fidgeting with spare robot parts. Riley checked the time. 10:58 pm. Everyone else had gone home hours ago. She vaguely recalled Bozer teasing her about not spending the night in his lab again. Pointing at Mac, he’d said, “Good thing he’s just as much of a workaholic as you are.” Riley knew Mac was just there to keep her company—and because they’d carpooled—not because he needed to keep working, but she hadn’t bothered to correct Bozer. 
Groaning, Riley let her head fall into her hands. It felt like some invisible force was squeezing her skull, slowly crushing it like a grape. She needed to go to bed. Possibly forever. 
“You okay?” She glimpsed Mac’s concerned frown between her fingers. 
“Yeah,” she replied, dragging her hands through her hair. “I have a headache, that’s all.” Understatement of the century. “How long until you’re done?” 
Mac looked unconvinced; when it came to her, he didn’t miss much. Mercifully, he didn’t push for a more elaborate answer. “Um, I need a few more minutes to finish this, plus maybe fifteen more to clean up. Bozer will kill me if I leave a giant mess in his lab.” Riley managed a small smirk. Indeed he would. 
Riley figured it would be at least a half hour before he was ready to leave. Just enough time for a nap. “Take your time, Mac.” She stood, hauling her backpack onto her shoulder. “I’m going to take a nap. Come find me when you’re ready to go.” He nodded. 
Sleep beckoning, Riley left the lab in search of a comfy chair. 
Thirty minutes later, Mac found her curled up in her favorite chair in the war room. Knees tucked into her chest, head cradled in the crook of her elbow, she looked breathtakingly peaceful. 
He regretted waking her the moment he gently shook her shoulder. Riley grumbled something unintelligible that might have been his name. 
“Time to go home, Riles.” Mac shouldered her backpack and helped her out of the chair. 
Riley could barely open her eyes. She took one staggering step forward and nearly wiped out on the table she definitely didn’t realize was right in front of her. He knew she was exhausted—he was too—but this was alarming. She was burning herself out on the least important part of her job, and Mac didn’t understand why. A problem for tomorrow, he decided. 
Mac wrapped an arm around her waist, helping keep her upright. “Thank you,” she mumbled. He pressed a quick kiss to the side of her head. 
Mac’s truck sat alone in the underground lot. He was immensely grateful he and Riley had carpooled to work that day. Otherwise, if he hadn’t stayed to keep her company while she worked, she definitely would’ve spent the whole night in that war room chair. 
They drove home in silence. Riley quickly fell asleep in the passenger seat, head resting on the window. 
She was still out cold when he parked his truck in the driveway, and Mac couldn’t bring himself to wake her up twice in one night. He slid his arms around her back and under her knees and carried her inside, and Mac’s heart melted when she snuggled her face into his shoulder. He could hold her like this forever. “Let’s get you to bed,” he murmured. 
Mac laid her on the guest bed and rested her backpack against the nightstand. He quickly unlaced her boots and pulled them off, revealing bright yellow and orange striped socks. He chuckled, imagining her muttering at him to stop laughing at her socks. 
Grabbing a makeup wipe from the guest bathroom, it took him a few minutes to remove her stubborn eyeliner. No wonder, he’d seen it withstand blazing infernos, days in the woods, blood, sweat, tears, everything. 
He tucked her under the covers before retrieving her favorite pajama shirt—an old t-shirt of his—and shorts. Mac left them at the foot of Riley’s bed, so she could change into them whenever she woke up. 
Riley curled into a loose ball, snuggling her face deeper into her pillow, and Mac couldn’t help but worry as he closed the door halfway and retreated to his room. 
Riley awoke in the middle of the night to her bra’s underwire stabbing her in the chest. She blinked a few times, trying to get her bearings. She definitely wasn’t in the war room anymore. 
It took longer than Riley cared to admit to realize she was back in Mac’s guest bedroom—her bedroom for the year she’d lived with him. Mac must’ve taken her home from the Phoenix. 
Riley rolled onto her back, and her underwire stabbed her again. Fuck this, she thought, yanking off her tank top, then her bra, and sighing in relief as the straps fell down her shoulders. Chucking them both on the floor, she noticed the stack of clothes at the foot of her bed, blending in so well with the dark sheets Riley almost missed them. She smiled, silently thanking the man sleeping across the hall, and changed into her pajamas. 
While debating whether to stay or join Mac, Riley stretched her back and hips, joints popping softly. She could be lazy and spend the rest of the night in her old room, or she could go cuddle with her boyfriend, but that would require getting up. But if she got up, she could also brush her teeth. 
Had she even had dinner? Riley couldn’t remember. Her brain was still foggy. 
Ultimately, her desire to sleep with Mac and brush her teeth won out, and Riley hauled herself out of bed and across the hall, feet barely lifting off the ground with each step. 
Mac was a pretty light sleeper, so Riley slipped into bed beside him as quietly as she could. He stirred, but didn’t wake. Sinking into the mattress, Riley knew switching beds was the right choice. Her body relaxed more in Mac’s presence. She’d never realized how lonely exhaustion was, not until she had someone she could freely share with and who could empathize with her. Even so, she’d still lied earlier about how she really felt, mostly for the sake of her dignity. Mac was her best friend, but Riley was loath to outright admit to weakness, even to him. 
She wanted to snuggle into his warmth and tuck her face between his shoulder blades, but that would surely wake him up. And waking Mac up would lead to questions she didn’t want to answer just yet. So, Riley stuck to her side of the mattress, tucked her legs into her chest, and went back to sleep. 
When Mac’s alarm went off, he wasn’t alone. Riley had snuck into his bed at some point and now curled into a tiny ball, facing away from him. 
He wished they didn’t have to go to work today, wished they could sleep in and he could pry some answers from her. But the world wouldn’t save itself. 
He texted Matty. Please don’t send us on an op someone else could do. Riley’s burning herself out, and I can’t figure out why. 
I’ll keep an eye on her, Matty replied immediately. 
Thank you. 
Leaning over to kiss his girlfriend’s cheek, Mac got up and went for a run. 
He did an easy three miles around the neighborhood, letting the cool dawn air wake him up. Mac smiled every time he passed someone else out for a run or walking their dog before the July sun made leaving the house practically unbearable. 
When he returned, Mac found Riley awake and making coffee for them both. Her back was to him, so Mac scanned her body for signs of stress or injury, finding neither. “Good morning,” he said to break the silence. 
Riley turned to him, bleary-eyed and still half asleep, and held out a steaming mug of coffee. Mac accepted, kissing her cheek in gratitude. It shocked him how easy it all was. She croaked, “How was your run?” 
Mac couldn’t deny the way seeing Riley in his clothes affected him—the same way, he realized guiltily, the sight had always appeased some primal, possessive part of his brain, even when they were just friends—but damn it hit differently when she wore a sleepy, lovesick smile and had just crawled out of his bed. Riley had always been his girl, but now she was his girl. 
The whole scene was sweet and domestic and everything he’d ever wanted. 
“Good,” he finally answered. “I even stopped to say hi to our favorite dog.” An elderly couple who lived a few streets away had a mini Aussie, who was quite possibly the happiest being in the universe. She would trot alongside her humans without a leash, but when Mac or Riley appeared, she whined and whined until her owners said “Go ahead,” and she’d come barreling full-force into Mac or Riley’s chest and lavish them with endless kisses. Her name was Freya. 
Riley’s eyes lit up in excitement. “My dog!” Mac chuckled, sliding onto one of the bar seats tucked below the counter. 
Changing the subject, Mac tried to be nonchalant when he asked, “How do you feel this morning?” Worry crept into his voice anyway. 
“Better,” Riley said, the mug hiding her face as she sipped her coffee. “Thanks for taking me home.” 
Of course he took her home. Even if they weren’t dating, Mac still would’ve taken her home and given her his clothes. There was no universe in which he wouldn’t do that. 
“Like I was going to let you spend the night in that chair,” he replied. Riley toyed with the hem of her shirt, her usual lively presence vanishing like a turtle retreating into its shell. Mac probed, “What’s up?” She sighed, still looking down. “Riles?” 
When she finally looked up, Riley’s eyes were heavy with guilt. “Do you know how many times I almost got us killed this week?” Mac waited. “Twice. I led us—led you—right into traps I should’ve seen from a mile away. And before that, I gave you a fucking panic attack that sent you driving through the middle of nowhere to come find me!” Her voice crescendoed. “And now? Now I can’t even get that stupid program to work right! I just want to be able to do one thing right. One thing! Is that too much to ask?” Riley let out a loud, frustrated groan, shoulders caving inward. 
Mac stayed in his seat, letting Riley have her space. He knew she didn’t like being coddled when she was frustrated. “I almost get us killed constantly,” he reminded her. “It’s part of our job. No one is holding it against you, especially not me. And that panic attack was the best thing to happen to me, because without it we’d still be waiting for one of us to find the courage to confess. This is going to sound hypocritical coming from me, but you can’t beat yourself up about that stuff.” 
Riley snorted. “Very hypocritical.” 
“You have to take the small wins as they come, okay? We’re not dead! We had sex! The important stuff!” 
“I see you have your priorities together.” Her tone was snarky, but Mac caught her smile between sips of coffee. 
“If we didn’t have to go to work I’d bend you over the counter and tell you how hot you look in my shirt.” 
Mac impressed himself with how casually he managed to say that; he could only imagine Riley’s merciless teasing if his voice had cracked. 
Riley blushed, even as she cautiously said, “We could do that anyway.” 
The apprehension in her voice hit Mac like a bucket of cold water. He couldn’t just say things like that to his girlfriend of two days. Or maybe she was his best friend and he didn’t care. Mac couldn’t decide. This thing between them was so new, yet it felt like they’d been together forever. The butterflies lasted forty-eight hours, tops, before the calm sense of belonging, of home, washed over them. Mac had never had that happen so quickly in a relationship before. Usually it took weeks or even months, not two days. 
“It’s not like they’re going to know,” Riley added. 
That made the decision for him. “Are you kidding me? If we walk in late together, they’ll absolutely know why. They’re like professional mind readers! We’ll never hear the end of it.” 
“Correction,” Riley said. “You’ll never hear the end of it. Desi and Bozer will just high five me and say, ‘Nice.’” 
Mac frowned. She was right, unfortunately. He finished the rest of his coffee, grimacing at the bitter last sip. Placing his mug in the sink, Mac said, “Seriously though, I want you to feel safe sharing with me when you feel like this, Riles.” He leaned against the sink. “Let me help you.” 
Riley crossed to him, finally closing the gap between them, and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Okay,” she agreed, head resting on his shoulder. She sighed. “I really don’t want to go to work today, but if I get any more behind on that damn project I am going to pull my hair out.” 
Mac pressed a single kiss where her neck met her shoulder. “Your hair is beautiful. Please don’t pull it out.” Gently, he unwound Riley’s scrunchie, letting her hair tumble down her back so he could play with it. 
“Just for you.” 
They stood like that as long as they could, before they really did need to get ready for work. “I need to shower,” Mac finally said, ruining the quiet moment. “Care to join me?” 
Riley raised an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t want to be late.” 
A very serious shower,” Mac amended. “No funny business.” 
“Right.” Riley kissed him until Mac couldn’t hold back his grin. “No funny business. Now where have I heard that before?” 
Laughing, Mac dragged his girlfriend toward the bathroom. 
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fallenfurther · 3 years
Homecoming - Earthbound
Chapter 2 of Homecoming. John and Jeff.
Thank you for the response to my first chapter and Josie will return later on as the story develops.. The next few chapters are set  within the last episode of the series  , between Jeff returning to the island and stepping out Thunderbird Two and him sitting down to take the rescue call. There is no way Jeff is fit and health after eight years alone in space, so these chapters fill in that recovery and continues as he finds his place within the family and organisation again. 
This chapter is an emotional one, so trigger warnings for trauma, death, last wishes. 
Jeff placed his cutlery down on the empty plate, before leaning back into the cushioned back of the chair. The food was excellent, though anything was better than what he'd survived on for the past eight years. It helped that he knew there was no expense spared for his stay. It felt so strange but comfortable to feel full again and his body was feeling better for it. The nurse popped her head around the door and smiled.
"Want me to take the tray from you?"
"Yes please."
Lauren swished her way over to him, picked up the tray and left him alone. Jeff had various therapy sessions and doctors checking in on him and he welcomed the breaks from them. He just had to keep looking forward, knowing that the light at the other end was to spend the rest of his life with his sons. How he'd missed them. Each one imprinted in his mind, clear as day, spurring him on. They visited him when they could, though it depended entirely upon the number of callouts and if someone was fit enough to fly. International Rescue seemed much busier now than eight years ago. Eight years away from everything. So much had stayed the same and yet the important stuff had grown and changed. Particularly his little Alan. He was the smallest, just, but he'd matured, become more confident and was an amazing astronaut. Normally he would have been angry at Scott and the boys for letting someone so young fly Thunderbird Three. He'd always known the dangers of space. A teenager doesn't. But having seen Alan pilot Thunderbird Three, making her dance elegantly between asteroids, he understood. Alan had flown the Zero-XL to save him. The talent that boy had was incredible. How could Jeff deny the boy who followed so much in his own footsteps, who shared his passion for space? It pained him to know he hadn't been around to help nurture it.
Jeff forced himself out of his chair, joints complaining from his physiotherapy session that morning. The gravity in the Oort cloud had been variable but being back on Earth it had an intensity he could get no reprieve from. John had suggested a skint on Thunderbird 5, but the doctors insisted he have no Zero-G exposure until he was medically fit, insisting his body needed to adjust to gravity first. They also ruled out a trip in Thunderbird Three as the forces that would be applied to his still healing body would be too intense. Jeff was itching to witness Alan fly the Thunderbird first hand. Jeff opened the patio door and stepped out into the warm breeze and sunshine. He still had moments of panic when he realised he didn't have a helmet on, or when he realised it wasn't close by, but the fresh air transported him back to the time before he was stranded. Even now it didn't always feel real, being on Earth. Almost two months and he still had to pinch himself sometimes, still shed tears at the sight of his boys visiting. The small private garden attached to his room was a small haven where he could get used to the world again. He followed the path to the plant-laced wooden gazebo beneath which a table and chairs stood waiting. He took a stroll down the small path circling it, not quite ready to sit yet, the wind chimes tickling above him as he brushed his hand through the purple flowers, sending a wave of lavender in the air.
Eventually he had to sit down. His tablet was on the table where he'd left it that morning. Flicking it on, he pressed his thumb to the corner, activating International Rescue's secure network. John had willingly let him have access, walking him through the new filing system before letting him loose on it. Jeff was sure John or that little AI of his was monitoring every document he saw. He opened up yet another mission report, he'd started making a timeline of rescues, only for it to be completed by EOS, listing the main statistics such as time, craft used, and which sons were involved. The timeline was worrying. International Rescue had started off slow, only going to major rescues, however nowadays barely two days went by without a need to be called out. International Rescue had response times and equipment that outmatched local agencies, but it meant his boys were often being pushed to the limits. There were meant to be fail-safes in place and compulsory downtime to stop back to back working, but all that had been side-lined so lives could be saved. He'd started with the older reports and with each one his sons got better and more efficient at writing them, but he was starting to see their exhaustion. International Rescue hadn't been designed for the workload it was taking on and something was going to snap. Jeff feared it would be his boys. He'd just got them back and now he feared he'd lose one of them.
It was never meant to be this way. Jeff had expected a little increase in workload, but nothing like this. The GDF had tried to help, as he'd found out from the last report about their robots, but that had proved unsuccessful. He didn't want to raise it with them, not yet at least. Jeff planned to finish catching up with the reports, machine specifications and chat with Brains to see what had happened and what could be done. An idea was already forming, but he knew he had to be careful, and knew he couldn't step on anyone's toes. He could see his place in International Rescue wasn't where it used to be, though it had been suggested that he take over the comms so John could rest or do other work. However, this wouldn't solve the problem. They all loved him, were so happy he was back and yet it was exhausted men that visited him. They came often in ones or twos, often with bags under their eyes, sometimes even straight from a rescue in Virgil and Gordon's case, showering on Thunderbird Two which would be parked on the green behind the facility. They would come in trying to hide how tired they were to see him, sometimes a guilty look if they hadn't come sooner. Jeff understood now, he would complain if he didn't want to see them so badly. He should send them home with a clip around the ear and set his mother on them. Instead he opened his arms and embraced them, forever thankful that he still could.
He turned back to the reports, chimes filling the air with each light gust. He only looked up when some light footsteps came along the path, and a smile crossed his face. John, still in his uniform, settled into the chair before him.
"Afternoon Dad."
The smile on his son's face reached his tired eyes. John's inconsistent sleep was something Scott had mentioned. Getting John to sleep properly or to get him out of orbit was a challenge. Though he would often find time to pop down using the space elevator and would get Mum to help EOS with monitoring the world.
"Afternoon John, I'm guessing everything is going well? Will your brothers be joining us?"
"It is and no, they won't," John yawned, "it was a nineteen hour rescue so they are all catching up on sleep."
"Like you should be."
John rolled his eyes bringing a smile to Jeff's face. How many times had the boy done that as a teenager? Memories flooded back of John curled up with a book, Gordon, Alan or both on the living room floor, only for him to roll his eyes at something one of them had said. It was mainly Gordon, informing Alan of things that weren't quite true.
"I couldn't sleep."
"How about we go sit on the bench in the corner, the cushions make it extremely comfortable."
John nodded. Jeff brought the tablet with him and got up, his pace slower than his son's. John already had the cushions out the base and was on the seat when Jeff got to him. They sat down side-by-side, Jeff placing his arm over John's shoulder and pulling him close. His son didn't resist, laying his head against Jeff’s chest. This was the contact Jeff craved. Devoid of it for so many years, he still needed to be reminded that this was real.
"People died."
Jeff sat still, not saying the many things he could, knowing John needed time. John needed to work himself through it, needed to speak and be heard. So Jeff waited.
"It was a mudslide following an earthquake. Collapsed buildings and mud. That's what they had to deal with this time."
"Mud is like snow, it takes and rarely gives back. Hundreds of people are still missing, many bodies that may never be recovered, or will have to be DNA matched to be identified. We can do earthquakes and mudslides, we're efficient, but it takes its toll."
"They are all exhausted, physically and mentally. Grandma's enforced downtime but I don't know how long it'll last. Another rescue and they'll all be up and away before she can stop them. I would ground the craft for her but that would only cause suppressed anger to rise."
John's gaze was aimed at the ground, his whole body was unearthly still except for the rise and fall of his ribcage. Jeff knew John was thinking, debating what to say next. As the minutes passed and John remained silent Jeff knew it was time to coax it out.
"What about you? What weight are you carrying?"
John's fingers flexed, a hesitation, debating whether to share what was weighing him down more than gravity. It was the reason John was here, Jeff knew John saw and heard things the others didn't think about. Or if they did, they were helpless to do anything about it. John needed someone he could trust. He needed his father. Jeff's thumb started to rub the man's shoulder, offering more comfort.
"I…there were just so many people. They all had phones, all calling in. Some were petrified, others screamed, children and adults all with the same fear in their voices. All asking for help, to be rescued. Some were fine but it was a friend or family member in trouble. I talked to one young man through first aid, he had to tourniquet his younger brother's leg. His brother had already lost a lot of blood and was unconscious. I got Gordon to go there but when he found them it turns out the young man was in shock. He hadn't wanted to believe his brother was dead and he had done the first aid on the body. He had refused to leave his brother. It took Gordon five minutes to drag him away."
"I went straight from that to a child who was hurt and her mother wasn't responding. She cried; cried so much. She screamed when Virgil unpinned her arm and again when she realised he was leaving her mother behind."
A tear skipped down John's cheek. Jeff kept quiet, knowing too well what the screams of a child for a dead parent were like; how much they pierce your heart and tear into your soul. No matter whose child it was always painful.
"I heard so many last words. I've a document of names and last requests. Things they wanted to say. They are mainly 'I love you' to various family members and spouses. So many people wish they had said it more. I heard so many phone lines go quiet."
Another tear.
"I was working flat out, Grandma was taking calls from the island, but I still want to have done more. I wanted to save more. Maybe if I had directed Scott here and Virgil there or if I could have kept her calmer her rescue wouldn't have taken so long. So many lives were lost. So many we couldn't save. It's our job to save people. We should have saved them."
Jeff reached his right arm up and hugged John, tears silently falling. He knew there would always be rescues like this, where no matter what they did, many people would still die. There was nothing that could be said or done to fix it. The pain would always be felt. Holding his son, he let John cry it out in a safe place. It was his job, as a father, to be there when his sons needed him. He knew from the reports that he wouldn't be going out on rescues, his body too old and damaged to keep up with his boys. But just as his mother had, Jeff knew he would find his place again. He was still needed, even if it was just to answer the odd call, to help as Mum had all this time, to shoulder that burden and still be there at the end of the day, to help them process it all.
His eyes fell onto the mop of ginger hair, messed up by the position they'd been in, and smiled. It was the result of a hidden gene that had popped up and Lucille had adored it. It shone in direct sunlight and would give John an angelic glow. He’d been their quiet angel. Hardworking, often out of sight, but always there. The man's eyes were closed and he had become a dead weight against Jeff. It'd been more than eight years since a son had fallen asleep in his arms. There would be no complaint from Jeff. He would sit here for as long as John needed. Jeff peered down at his boy, heart full of love and pride for the quiet reserved man.
"I love you son."
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ayatakami · 4 years
ᴸᵒᵛᵉʳ ᴵˢ ᴬ ᴰᵃʸ
Tumblr media
                     »»————-ᴄʜ2:This Time It’s Different ————-««
⇒ Series: Intro, 1 2 ⇒ My Hero Academia ⇒ Dabi x Reader, Toya Todoroki x Reader ⇒ AU where Toya yoinked Shoto and they ran away from Endeavor’s abuse. Story under cut! (Toya is 16, Shoto is 6) ⇒ Goal: 1.3k words ⇒ Chapter 3 coming soon!! Lmk if you’d like to added to the taglist!! ⇒ Taglist: @ozzy-bozzy​ @ice-cold-bakugo​
Deep in sleep, Toya wakes up to a commotion outside of the hotel room. Opening up the curtains slightly to peak out, he saw the press all trying to get a statement from what he assumes is a Pro-Hero. He moves a bit closer to see who it is, just to see Endeavor’s flames and scowl. 
His head turns towards the window which Toya immediately shuts and runs over to Shoto’s side of the bed where their stuff was kept beside him on the floor. He rushed to change into the clothes that you dropped off for him, and he grabbed the burner phone. With shaky hands and a blurred vision, he dials your number while putting on his shoes and slinging all the bags over his shoulders. 
You pick up after the 4th ring, your sleepy voice somewhat grounding him. “Toya? What is it? It’s 3am.” You yawned but the hurried shuffles over the phone made you wide alert. “Toya? Is everything okay?” “He’s here, he’s here and I think he saw me.” There was a strain in his voice as a lump rose in his throat. His senses were telling him to calm down, that he needed to escape with Shoto while he still had the chance. 
With half a mind, he listened. “He’s at the hotel right now?” Your questions and any form of conversation you were trying to hold with him fell on deaf ears as he carried Shoto down the flight of stairs, and leaving out the emergency side door. Pulling his hood up to cover himself, he waved down a taxi and got in. He told the driver the name of your dorm complex and in a few minutes, he arrived. 
“Toya? Please say something!” You were already in your hero outfit, as you fumbled to open your front door. However, it revealed Toya with Sho cradled in his arms. You stare at him in shock, hanging up the phone. “Why did you come here? You guys can’t be here.” He looked at you with pleading eyes. Letting out a sigh, you stepped aside letting him in. 
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ 
“You’re lucky that tonight’s the last night I have here in Tokyo.” You grabbed some spare blankets, draping them on the ground to create a makeshift bed for them. “Thank you...” You had already changed back into your pajamas and settled into your own bed. “Goodnight guys, you’re safe here.” You ruffled his ink-black hair before turning off the lights and sleeping.
While you were fast asleep, Toya laid on his back, bringing up his left hand igniting a small blue flame. His scowl ran deep at his quirk before disappearing from the fire. He grabbed your phone, pulling up the recent news broadcast. 
Endeavor stood in Tokyo, in front of the hotel they were staying at. He spoke about rumors of his sons being spotted in the area, and he had come to Tokyo to confirm or deny such rumors. But him being that close was enough to send Toya into a panic. Now he was a decent distance from the man. Hiding in your dorm room was the last place he would think of, but he was desperate for any kind of safety. 
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ 
6am was the time that you shook Toya and Sho out of their sleep. Although the flight was in a few hours, you grew nervous for your friend and Sho. It wasn’t like you could just bring them on the plane with you. They needed tickets as well, and their passports. But then again, Toya had already brought their passports. Maybe it wasn’t too late to purchase one-trip tickets at the airport. 
“Good morning,” You smiled cheerfully to him, sitting down beside him on the floor. “Good morning, are we leaving soon?” He tried to rub the tiredness from his eyes but failing to as he still squinted at you. 
“Well not yet, I was hoping we could go to the place early to buy tickets for you two. Do you have enough?” It was a dreadful question since he could lack the money. Then again, his father was the #2 Pro-Hero. “I should...” He trailed off, looking over at Sho who was sitting quietly next to them. 
“Alright, let’s get going then! There’s a few food joints in the airport so we can eat breakfast there.” Standing up, you pulled Toya to his feet and helped him clean up the makeshift mattresses. Afterward, you led the boys to the shower room to wash up before you guys headed out, as you did the same. 
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ 
Pulling aside a taxi, the three of you climbed in, as Sho sat nestled in Toya's lap and he held him. "Do you think he knows?" "Probably. There was no way he didn't see me." Though Toya kept pleading in his mind that Endeavor didn't see him in the hotel window last night. For the sake of his safety and Shoto's. 
The driver glanced through the rearview mirror at the boys, then at you. "Where to?'' He asked kindly, though his smile uneased you. "Haneda Airport, please." Returning a smile, you looked down and unlocked your phone. Pulling up the daily news to keep an eye on Endeavor's movements, you started scrolling through. It seems as he stayed the night in Tokyo, so something must've caught his interest. Or someone. 
Though you didn't want to worry your friend any more than what he currently was. As the dark shadow under his eyes made you feel guilty. They shouldn't have to deal with this, although Shoto seemed unaware. 
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ 
Within half an hour, the three of you made it to Haneda safe and sound. Thanking the driver and paying him off, you led the boys inside the large building. "We'll purchase the tickets first then go and grab something to eat."
Glancing over at Toya, his cerulean eyes weren't focused on anything. He seemed tired or at least emotionally exhausted. In no time, you two were at the reception desk, Shoto messing around with the strings of his gray University hoodie you let him borrow. It was large on him but it still looked cute. 
"Two one-way tickets to Seoul, South Korea please." Toya bid the tickets while you were glancing around at the nearby fast food places. Starbucks, A pizza place, McDonald's, all the popular name brands were here as well. Since you wanted a hot drink, you would opt for Starbucks but since they needed to eat, you decided on McDonald's.
Once Toya paid for the tickets, he handed you them to put in your bag. "I'm going to use the bathroom, just order something for me." He waved you off and headed towards the bathroom. You grabbed Sho's hand, "Come on, we're gonna get some food. You know what you want?" He glanced up at you and shook his head. 
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
"Don't worry, I'll let you order whatever you're interested in." Making your way to the ordering booth, you began tapping away on the screen. "See anything you like?" "Dad?" 
You froze up seeing a shadow tower over you. You doubted that he was close enough, but you still felt the heat radiating off of him. Your eyes darted to the time at the bottom left of the screen. Only an hour until your flight was ready to take off. 
Slowly you turned around to be faced with none other than Endeavor. His glare burned into you in more ways than one, seeing you in the airport with his youngest son. "Care to explain?" His voice was low enough for only you to hear. Yet, you had the feeling that he wouldn't let you explain. "I-I..." His presence was certainly intimidating. 
Your (e/c) eyes darted around behind him, hoping to see Toya. But what would he do? It's not like he could fight his father in a public setting. It also wasn't like Endeavor could harm them in public as well. The most he could do in this scenario was accuse you of kidnapping them and ruin your spotless Hero-in-training record. 
There was nothing you could do as he tore Shoto out of your arms. There was nothing you could do as he walked away, eyes full of fury searching for Toya.
 Although, there was one thing you can do. 
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
Here’s a super random fic I wrote for Legends of Tomorrow! The pairing is Astra x Behrad x Spooner. This literally comes from me and my friend @sapphictv saying that Astra has two hands haha. I hope you enjoy!
Astra, former queen of hell, badass sorcerer-in-training, killer of men and women alike, was very frustrated that she was unable to come up with a solution to this problem on hand. And what, you might be asking yourself, is that problem exactly?
In fact, it was two problems.
The first problem came in the form of Behrad Tarazi. The idiotic stoner who took nearly as long as his insipid sister in the shower slowly worked his way into her life with his charming smile and easy out look on life. Not mention, he looked damned fine in a suit. Astra would never admit it out loud, but she probably would have jumped him that day hadn’t she had amazing self-control. After her slip up of showing a sliver of interest in him that time, he only took that as a means of encouragement, something Astra would have never done intentionally.
The next problem was that of Esperanza “Spooner” Cruz. The frustrating little gremlin first sparked something inside of her when she was the first to support her after she had been tricked by that bastard Crowley. Then of course there was that hug they shared during the Galactic Bowling Match. Astra found herself constantly amused by the tiny woman’s feisty nature and even meaner tongue, unless it was directed at her of course. Even then, however, caused something warm to stir inside her chest at the thought of being the center of focus for Spooner.
So, needless to say, Astra was very angry. And nobody liked when Astra was angry.
So far, she had broken the coffee pot, told Nate to stop talking about Indiana Jones, punched the wall (though that had been an accident, mostly), and set fire to Gary (that had been intentional). Right now, she was seething alone in her room as she flipped through her books to see if there was a spell to help her remove her feelings for the two idiots on board the Waverider.
“Ugh, there’s nothing here!” she raged as she threw the book across the room.
Ava poked her head into the room with a small frown on her face. “Uh…hey, Astra? Is there something that’s bothering you? You just seem to be in a mood today.”
Astra rolled her eyes with an annoyed sigh. “Why would you think that? I’m obviously fine.”
“Hm, okay.” Ava took one look around the room when she noticed the spell book near her feet. She picked it up and took a quick look through it as Astra grabbed another one to get angry about. “’A spell to help you get rid of human emotions. Warning, side effect may include death,’” Ava read aloud. “What’s this about?”
“Exactly what it sounds like,” sneered Astra.
Ava frowned again as she nodded. “Right. Are you sure there’s nothing bothering you?”
Astra was just about to tell Ava to do something very vulgar when she sighed in defeat. “Promise you won’t tell anyone?”
Ava crossed her fingers over her heart.
Astra fell back into her pillows with a dramatic huff. “I believe that I may have…developed a crush on Behrad.”
“Oh that’s-”
“And Spooner,” Astra cut in.
Ava’s eyebrows shot up into her hair line. “Oh. OH. Okay, wow. I wasn’t expecting that.”
“How did this happen?” Astra grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it. “I’m suppose to be the bitch on board, and now I’ve been reduced to a wallowing puddle of misery.”
“I don’t think it’s a bad thing, Astra,” said Ava. “Maybe you could talk to them about it?”
“Absolutely not!”
“Oookay,” Ava twisted her mouth as she thought what to suggest next. Seeing as her only real relationship came in the form of one Sara Lance, she probably wasn’t the best person to help with this. However, Ava was a thinker, and she figured that there was a logical solution to Astra’s problem. When the idea popped into her head, Ava couldn’t believe how intelligent she was.
“I have an idea,” she said with a grin.
“Does it involve killing both of them and pretending that these feelings never existed?” Astra asked, with one eye peeking out from under the pillow.
“Even better.”
Astra doubted that there was something better than murder, but she decided to go along with it for now.
God, how she was probably going to regret this.
Astra decided that she was going to kill Ava once this was all done.
Her idiotic master idea was awful. Ava figured that if one of them made the move first, then that would be the one she should date. Simple enough, except in involved them being dumped in Star City to go on a ‘mission’ that Ava created specifically for them. When Zari got word that her brother was leaving without her, she got all annoyed and followed after them, so already the plan was falling apart. Oh, and she brought Sara with her.
Just kill her now.
Spooner scowled as she kicked an empty can away from the trio. “Why are we here again? I don’t sense any aliens nearby. Are we sure Ava got the details right?”
Behrad gave her an easy smile as he pulled out a joint. “Dude, just trust in Ava. She hasn’t really led us astray yet. Besides, it’s nice to get away from the Waverider every now and then.”
Spooner rolled her eyes. “I was enjoying my evening, but whatever. I’m going to grab something to drink,” she indicated the convenience store with a jerk of her head. “Y’all want something?”
Astra realized that this was her chance to be alone with either of them, but since it seemed Behrad was more concerned with his weed at the moment, it meant that she had a better shot with Spooner. With a heavy swallow of her pride, Astra flashed a smile at Spooner.
“I’ll go with you.”
Spooner shrugged but didn’t argue, so the two women walked into the brightly lit germ palace together. It took nearly all her willpower to not sneer nor gag at the sight of the pimply teenager behind the counter. His eyes most certainly went to look at her breasts, and Astra started to raise her hand to turn him inside out when Spooner grabbed it, interlocking their fingers together. Astra’s mind went blank as she started at their hands as her heart thumped uncomfortably in her chest.
“Please don’t try and kill the child,” said Spooner softly as she led them over to the cold shelves. “We’re here for a mission, remember? Besides, teenage boys are stupid, so it’s not worth getting all upset about.”
Astra had barely listened to a word she had said, as she was too focused on the hands. Were hands always this warm? Were you always able to feel a pulse in someone’s hand? Was her hand sweaty?! A million other thoughts zoomed through her head like a NASCAR. It wasn’t until Spooner snapped her fingers in her face that Astra joined reality again.
“Sorry?” she asked with a couple blinks of her eyes.
Spooner’s mouth quirked upwards in amusement as she pointed to the doors. “I asked what drink you wanted, carino?”
Astra didn’t speak a lick of Spanish, so she wasn’t sure what that last part was supposed to mean. Although she was curious, she didn’t ask. Instead, she reached for the can of iced tea silently. Spooner watched her with a thoughtful look on her face as she grabbed her own can of Coca Cola. She grabbed something at random for Behrad and together they went to the counter. The pimply monstrosity rung everything up and told the price with an obnoxious voice crack. Astra spared a glance at Spooner to see if it was okay to at least turn him into an opossum or something, but a quick shake of the head told her no. How disappointing.
It wasn’t until they left the store that Astra realized that they were still holding hands. She felt a surge of panic as they approached Behrad, but luckily Spooner left got just as they got there. She handed him the can of Dr. Pepper, which he took gratefully.
Over the comms Astra could hear Sara saying, “No, she hasn’t made a move yet. I’m getting really bored of waiting.” Stupid Sara.
Behrad cracked up the sugary drink with a gleeful look on his face. “Thanks Spoons! How’d you know Dr. P was my go-to soda?”
Spooner rolled her eyes, but her smile gave away her amusement. “Because I’ve lived with you for awhile now, dumbass.”
Astra watched this exchange with interest. Suddenly she was nervous. What if the two of them liked each? What if this was all for nothing? What if in her own self-absorption, she never realized the two of them had romantic feelings for each other? Now Astra was upset. She disguised her sigh of unhappiness with a grunt as she stalked further ahead. She could hear the two of them talking behind her, but she chose to ignore it.
Eventually, they made it to the area where Ava was going to send Gary to attack. Astra sat down moodily as Spooner did a perimeter search for safety. Behrad sat down next to her and nudge her with his shoulder.
“What’s eating you, Astra?” he asked kindly.
Astra glanced at him, which was a mistake. He looked so gorgeous under the streetlight. She turned away, disgusted by the blush she could feel on her face as she mumbled, “Nothing.”
“Doesn’t sound like nothing.” Behrad scratched at his chin thoughtfully. “But I’m not going to push you to talk about. I just think you should know that I’m always here if you need a shoulder to lean on.”
Oh, how tempting was the offer to rest her head on his broad shoulders. Astra wished with everything in her heart that she could do that. She settled for a nod of acknowledgement instead. She frowned in thought as she turned to him.
“Behrad, can I ask you something, actually?”
Behrad had his can of soda halfway to his lips when he nodded. “Go for it.”
Astra wished her heart wasn’t racing as quickly as it was. Her throat felt dry as she asked, “Is there anyone on the Waverider that you have a crush on?”
The look on his face matched that of a deer in headlights. Slowly, he nodded as he looked her way. “Yeah, I do. But don’t tell Zari, okay? She’ll never let me live it down.”
Astra nodded. “Can I ask who it is?”
Behrad looked nervous as he ran a hand through his hair. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before finally settling on a nod. As he worked on the courage to tell her who it was, Astra could feel the blood pounding in her ears as her hands shook with anticipation. But just before the words could come out, there was a shout of surprise as Spooner ran over.
“Guys, the trouble is here!”
Dammit, thought Astra angrily. She thought that she had a couple more minutes before the arrival of that buffoon. With a huff, she stood to her feet to help get rid of the nuisance when she saw with wide eyes that a large grotesque demon stood in front of them. This was not part of the plan. It turned its fiery red eyes in her direction and bellowed.
Now, Astra had done a lot of really terrible things while she was the queen of hell. It’s not like she remembered every single one. That was the case with ugly over there. She didn’t recognize him at all, but he clearly knew who she was.
Spooner pulled out a massive ray gun and fire several bullets at the beast. Behrad hopped into action by activating his totem and blasting sharp gusts of wind. Astra wasted no time in shouting out an incantation, summoning an army of shadow monsters to fight under her command.
While it wasn’t easy, eventually the demon got sent back to hell. Astra felt very wobbly on her feet as the draining effect of magic took a hold of her. The last thing she was aware of was the two of them calling her name as she crashed to the ground.
When Astra came to, she was lying in the med bay. That wasn’t too surprising. What was surprising was her two guests.
Spooner and Behrad were both sitting next to the bed/resting spot/pod/whatever the hell you wanted to call this thing. Behrad was sleeping, his head lolled to the side as drool trailed down onto his shoulder. Spooner had been cleaning her knife when she realized that Astra woke up. She stomped on Behrad’s foot and instantly reached for her hand.
“Astra, are you feeling okay?” she asked tenderly.
Astra nodded, because she was pretty sure her voice wasn’t going to work at the moment.
Relief flooded both their eyes as Behrad scooted his chair closer. “Man, I’m so glad to hear that. The way you used magic was so badass, but when you feel I totally freaked out.”
Astra’s eyes flickered between the two of them and the conflict she felt instantly came back full throttle. How was she ever going to chose between the two of them? There was just no possible way. Astra in this very moment decided that she was going to never date either of them and just life the rest of her life out miserably.
She gently pulled her hand out of Spooner’s. Astra stared at the wall, not looking at either of them. Spooner and Behrad shared a look before Spooner poked Astra in the face. Hard.
“Ow!” Her hand went for her cheek. “What the hell was that for?”
“What’s going on?” Spooner’s tone left no room for argument.
“Nothin-” the look on both of their face shut her up.
“You can’t lie forever, Astra,” said Behrad calmly. “We aren’t leaving this room until you tell us what’s up.”
“I refuse,” she sneered.
“You made me do this,” said Spooner seriously. “Gideon, play ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ please.”
“As you wish, Ms. Cruz,” said Gideon’s voice over the intercoms. The Bonnie Taylor classic started blasting in the med bay. Worst of all, the two of them started to sing along to the torture. Astra only lasted 30 seconds before she begged them to stop, promising to tell them what they wanted to hear. The music shut off, leaving only heavy silence in its wake.
Astra clutched the arms of the chair and sent a prayer to her mother as she worked up her courage. “I…I like both of you.”
Behrad beamed. “Aw, I like both of you too!”
“Not like that!” snapped Astra. She sucked in a deep breath. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I meant I like both of you in a romantic way. Ava had planned this meeting so I could decide which one I wanted to date, but I now realize that it impossible. I’m sorry for putting us in danger.”
Astra was afraid to even look over, but she forced herself to do so. Spooner was watching her with a thoughtful expression while Behrad was still smiling. Astra was confused as to why he was until he reached for her other hand and grabbed Spooner’s too.
“Well, I know it’s a big commitment, but I’d be do down if all three of us dated,” he said cheerfully.
“HUH?” Astra was beyond confused. When she grew up, couples were just that: a couple. How did a relationship between three people even work? Was Behrad high?
But when Spooner gave an easy shrug and said, “I’d be willing to try if y’all are,” Astra was at a complete loss.
“Is…is that even allowed?” she hated how quiet her voice was.
“Yeah,” Behrad grinned. “I mean, polyamory is a thing, after all. If we all put in the work and promise to be honest with each other, I don’t see why we can’t make it work.”
Astra started at the two people who she adored more than nearly anything in the world in shock. They both were willing to do that for her? She leaned over and kissed Spooner first, not at all surprised to discover that her lips were chapped and dried. When she kissed Behrad, his lips were moister and softer. While both kisses were different on her lips, the excited jolt she felt from both of them was the same. Astra couldn’t believe her luck. She even giggled when the two of them kissed in front her.
Was this what love really felt like? Astra wasn’t entirely sure, and even though she was very nervous about it still, she was ready to see where this went.
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Invitation (Chapter One)
Dumbledore sends Dobby to retrieve a old student who left year one after her brother died, Dobby brings the girl a letter, begging with her to come back with him to a place, Grimmauld Place.
A/N I love triangle between Eliza, Charlie Weasley and Sirius Black??? I think So?
Word Count-1.8K
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“Simple really,” Eliza Miller, a long blonde hair, twenty three year old girl smiled, landing back on her bed and looking up at the roof. She was born June 29th 1972, only attending hogwarts for less then a year.
She heard a bark, then her bed shifting a bit, then slobbering kisses. Her small pup of a german shepard sat on her chest, liking her cheak.
“What shell we do today pup?” Eliza had lived by herself, dog included since she was nearly thirteen, trauma really, is what she told people, shrugging her shoulders.
No one tend to question her, as everyone thought she was crazy. Not lasting a year at Hogwarts before she had ran away, leaving the friends she had made in the nine months.
Pup let out a little bark, rolling off of Eliza and running out of the room, she smiled, pinning herself up with her elbows and looking around her room.
Nineteen Ninety Five was a lonely year, is was the month of August, the trees slowly starting to turn into the pretty colors of fall, having to wear comfortable jumpers outside, well still wearing shorts acceptiply.
Eliza grabbed a random album from her stand, pulling out the recond and tossing it on her recond platter, her room filled with music.
She smiled, tossing all her windows open, the blinds were up and wind was blowing into her room. Music was her happy place, the place she had gone when she had no one, the one thing she had left was music.
Eliza moved across her room, letting her hair down as she started tossing her clothes into a basket, flicking her fingers, letting the basic levitate on it’s on. Continuing to toss her dirty launders.
“Oh I just wanna be free!” 
Pup sat back on her bed, watching as Eliza danced around her room, her sleeves falling down revealing her shoulders. Her golden hair flaying as she danced.
“Please just dance with me!”
The record came to a end, letting Eliza breath, her room was now spottless, she moved from her room, letting her laundry basket follow her, flicking her fingers again, now moving away to her laundry room.
“What a good day to be a witch isn’t it Pup,” Eliza smiled opening her fridge and pulling out a bottle of water.
Pup ran across the room, zooming a bit before stopping at the door. Eliza watched him curiously, before pouring out her large living room window, seeing a unfamiliar little thing walking up her steps.
“Protect me now,” Eliza whispered, gripping her wand beside her as she walked to the door. She waited a couple seconds before opening, swinging the door opened, pointing her wand down in front of her and squinting her eyes.
“Who are you?!” Eliza shouted looking around, a short house elf stood infront of her. She crooked her head looking down.
“Dobby the house elf,” Dobby smiled, walking passed Eliza, coming face to face Pup, who looked at Dobby for a couple seconds before licking his face.
“What are you doing here Dobby, I don’t associate with the Wizarding world no more,” Eliza shut her door, turning around and looking at Dobby, who now held a letter in his hands.
“Dobby has been requests to bring you home,” Dobby smiled walking towards Eliza and holding the letter out.
Eliza took the letter out of Dobbys hand, addressed to her and all. “Who send you?” She asked crossing her arms.
“Dumbledore, you must come with me now, we don’t have any time spare, Dobby has been told to get you back as soon as possible,” Dooby put out his hand, trying to grab Eliza hand.
“Go back to where you came from, i’m not going back,” Eliza walked passed Dobby, tossing the letter on her counter before shaking her head.
“Dobby is very sorry for this,” Dobby followed Eliza, Pup falling behind her. Dobby jumped onto Eliza's back, causing her to fall to the ground.
“Get off me you stupid elf!” Eliza cried out, grabbing Dobby, Pup parked jumping and placing his paws on Eliza's back, parking in Dobby's face now.
“Dobby is sorry,” Dobby repeated, flicking his fingers, disaparting Eliza and Pup. 
Eliza screamed in angry as she fell on a hard floor, Dobby jumping off Eliza back and moving away from the angry girl.
“I’m going to kill you!” Eliza cried out jumping to her feet and turning to Dobby who stood looking at Eliza.
“That is enough!” Dumbledore shouted, causing Eliza to turn and face the grey haired man.
“I wanna go home, you bring me home now!” Eliza cried out backing away from the man. “I don’t belong here!”
“Quiet down!” Dumbledore yelled once more, tears fell down Eliza face in fear, her heart was racing. “He is back don’t you understand,”
Eliza shook her head in fear, cowering herself on the wall. “He killed my brother, I can’t Professor,” 
Dumbledore shook his head, then looked over at Dobby. “Fetch her some nice clothes now Dobby, presentable,” 
Dobby nodded his head, taking off from the room, then Dumbledore looked at Eliza. “You're a very powerful wizard Eliza, now i’d appreciate if you went and changed, we’ve got a meeting to attend,” 
Dumbledore walked off, leaving Eliza speechless, Pup was laying on the couch across from Eliza, asleep and having not a care in the world.
Not a word could come out of Eliza mouth, so she sulked her head down, walking out the door where Dobby had just walked out and up the stairs.
“In here,” Dobby chimed opening the door to a room, there as Eliza walked in laid a outfit, fit for her. “I’m sorry, Dobby really is, he thought that you wouldn’t get so angry,”
Eliza shook her head, smiling down at Dobby. “I don’t belong here, and I appreciate your thoughts, but i’m going home tomorrow,”
Dobby didn’t say anything, but walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
Sirius and Remus looked at Dumbledore as he sat down, interlocking his hands with a smile, everyone that sat at the table looked at him.
“Whats got you so happy?” Sirius mocked curling his lips and shaking his head. “This isn’t a time for smiles,”
Dumbledore leaned back in his seat, letting out a sigh. “I’ve brought someone here, someone who can help us, so if you’d like to continue bannering me, i’ll just send her home and we can do it ourselves,”
Sirius raised his hands in the air, leaning back in his seat and rolling his eyes, Remus nudged him under the table annoyed.
“And who is this mystery person, that is so special she’ll help us?” Sirius said crossing his arms.
“Shut it Sirius, you’re going to cause trouble,” Remus muttered under his breath, kicking Sirius under the table once more, causing him to snap his neck.
“She’ll be down in a moment, you’ll know her as the girl who ran away, not out of fear, but out of anger, it took me a long time to find her, and she won’t like being here, so if you guys could be kind,”
Sirius leaned more back into his seat, looking at Remus with a fake smile. Then at Molly who had a real smile on her face.
“I’ve heard of her before, went to school with Charlie, isn’t that right?” Molly looked at Charlie who was home from Romania, jointing the order.
“Yeah she was pretty weird, after her-,”
“Enough,” Dumbledore shouted shaking her head. “She won’t like bringing up her past, you lot will just scare her away,”
Molly tossed the rest of the vegetables into her pot then looked at Dumbledore. “When will she be down here, i’m sure she’d love to meet everyone,” 
“Come out Eliza,” Dumbledore huffed looking towards the door, everyone's heads turned to Eliza who opened the kitchen door, she had been standing and listening the whole time.
“Why am I here?” Eliza asked looking around the room, not recognizing anyone but Charlie, professor Snape and Dumbledore who all looked at her.
“You, produced a full body patrumon, can do spells without your wand, so we think,” Dumbledore suggested looking around the room. “You could help us with Voldemort, i’m sure you’ve heard he’s back,”
“I’ve read something about it, but i’m not interested, i’d like to go home, i’m sorry Dumbledore but it’s really not my thing,”
Molly walked over with a smile. “Molly Weasley dear, are you hungry? I’m sure Dumbledore hasn’t been the kindest host, come sit down,” Her hand went onto Eliza's back, guiding her to a seat, right across from Charlie.
“Eliza,” Charlie said with a smile nodding his head. 
“Charlie,” Eliza smeared, leaning back in her seat.
“Eat up love,” Molly placed some soup infront of Eliza, placing a spoon in the bowl, then passing everyone else theirs.
“You Eliza, are a very powerful witch, and i’d like you to sleep on your decision, think on it please?” Dumbledore asked standing up and looking around. “It was nice to see you all but i’ve got some business, Harry Potter trial, he’ll be here soon, be kind to our guests,”
In a second, Dumbledore disapparate and Eliza was left, without a way to get home, the only thing she’d not be able to do without getting horrible sick, or splinched was apparate.
“I think I need to lay down, or do something, this was really good thank you Molly,” Eliza nodded her head, standing up and apparting her bowl to her sink with a smile, without a word.
“Sick,” Sirius smirked at Eliza walked out of the room, coming face to face with pup who looked at her wagging his tail.
“Thats a pretty cute dog you’ve got there,” Charlie smiled coming up behind Eliza, looking over her shoulder at Pup, who looked up at Charlie.
“Yeah, got him only a couple months ago, was tired of roaming my home alone,” Eliza hadn’t fancied Charlie after he lit her hair on fire the first week of meeting.
“Glad to see you, thought you’d never come back,” Charlie moved to Eliza's side, leaning against the wall. “You know I actually did work with dragons, going back to Romania in the summer,”
Eliza smiled leaning against the opposite wall. “Not surprised, that's all you talked about at school, even aced all the tests about them, not sure about the transfiguration ones,”
Charlie and Eliza both shared a laugh before the front door opened, Pup went running, Charlie was faster then Eliza to hold him back.
“It’s okay dude,” Charlie whispered lowering down and stroking teh dogs head at Tonks and Kingsley came into view, smiling at Eliza and Charlie, then Madeye who double looked at Eliza, without saying anything. Then Harry Potter.
“Hello there,” Harry smiled looking at Charlie then the dog. Then looked up at Eliza who gave a slight smile.
“Harry dear,” Molly chimed interrupting the moment and bringing Harry into a hug. “Go upstairs, first door on the right now, you’ll have to wait tell after the meeting to have something to eat,” 
Harry was shipped upstairs, not before giving Charlie and Eliza a slight wave.
“You’ve got any dog food for him?” Charlie asked smiling at Pup, still petting him up and down.
“At home, but i’m sure I can find something around here to feed him until tomorrow,”
“No worries Eliza, i’m sure my mom will let you go home to get your things, you’ll stay won't you?”
Eliza stayed quiet. “I’ll sleep on it, but i’m sure they’d let me go to my house and grab some things, thank you Charlie,”
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