#Someone who's super into something and unfortunately it's something they're allergic to
mimikusu · 4 months
Today I learned that ppl with adhd are more likely to have allergies... and I'm very much obsessed with this now.
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chestcongestion · 4 months
Do you have any snz headcanons for Stolas?
A a a aaa snzcanon train goes c r azy, I have many!! (Also hello hiiii, seeing you in my notes every now and again has been so sweet, I am waving ecstatically ^^)
Cannot stifle to save his life, he was never taught how and it never feels right, if the sneeze doesn't hit, he will sneeze again and again until it hits right, his body demands it.
Sneezes end up being a bit owl-y, lots of "Hnk'TsSHOO! H-hah'KSsSHOO! HrR'SsCHOO!"
Usually sneezes in doubles or triples, a single sneeze is rare.
Being sheltered for most of his developmental years gave him a l o t of allergies: dust, mold, mildew, cat hair, lavender, a lot of the "cheaper" soaps and shampoos (He is s o thankful that Bl/itz is bald), the list goes on
Was also only taught how to cover his sneeze using a handkerchief, not his arm, because god forbid he sully his beautiful expensive clothes, which means that if he doesn't have a hanky to cover with... he's using his hands (yeah...super classy)
Always has at least one handkerchief on him at all times, and is not above using a pocket square as a makeshift handkerchief if he needs to/ if his regular hanky is already soaked.
Not a very wet sneezer, his sinuses tend to be very dry unless he's got a particularly nasty cold (unfortunately this means he's prone to "nose"/beak bleeds with all of his sneezing causing friction without moisture)
His eyes water a lot, it looks almost elegant and dainty as though he's a bit teary-eyed or passively crying, but then his sclerae turn red and his lower eyelids get puffy and it goes from "Aww cute" to "Here is ALL of the Hell-Dryl, go nuts"
Gets very sneezy when he drinks, particularly when he drinks red wine because it's so "dusty"...and also because he might be allergic to it, who's to say, he refuses to get another allergy test done because last time he got so many positives that the itching nearly turned him feral.
His immune system leaves... some things to be desired. It isn't necessarily weak, but it's definitely been skipping the gym. If he's around someone while they're ill, or even around someone who's been around someone else who was ill, he's probably catching it.
Has a more fragile constitution, something that St/el/la pestered him about constantly, telling him to cover up, layer up, stay out of drafts, because if there was one thing worse than being seen with her wimpy husband, it was being seen with him while he was sniffling and sneezing.
^ He would complain that she exaggerated but she was 100% right. Opening the freezer while still damp from the bath? Cold. Sitting in a draft without his dressing gown or a cardigan? Cold. Not toweling off after gardening in the rain? Cold.
^ He has a sore throat every other week because he refuses to stop walking around his big drafty palace with his dressing gown open and his chest out. Stubborn motherfucker.
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bugslaststraw · 4 months
So because someone (@theblabarmy hope it's ok to tag) wanted to know. Um. I should make a self indulgent post about my brainchild on this blog. I guess. I have a side blog for her/sso related stuff (@vilda-ravenhill) but still. Hey.
So to preface Star Stable Online is an open world mmorpg about being the Chosen One horse girl who has to fight the bad guys. It's badly written but unfortunately really well concept'd. Got some good art direction. About half the character designs are ass and the other half are genius. Sometimes for the wrong reasons. The gameplay is fine. The fandom does nothing but complain and the creators are so sensitive that they keep listening to bad complaints just because they sound angry. It's got one hundred thousand lore retcons. There are books. The book lore doesn't match the game lore. It's a weird game. I've loved it since I was in like fourth grade and trying to survive being bullied so it's definitely special to me anyway ok more under cut this is long
It gets weird when it comes to the plot though. Cus, well basically it's like this: the whole plot takes place on a fictional island called Jorvik. Somewhere between Norway and England. Its its own country. Its rural and there's like one mall on the whole island. And on this island there are druids that know like actual nature magic and shit? And there's a nature goddess called Aideen, and she has a prophecy that four girls and four horses, called the Soul Riders, are gonna save the world or whatever. These Riders change with time when they get old and die and have to find new ones, but the Soul Horses reincarnate for some reason? Like they can remember their past lives and shit.
So there's this hippy nature cult around Aideen where some of the druids are devoted specifically to her and to training/protecting the Soul Riders, and they're called the Keepers of Aideen, okay. And each Soul Rider has a unique power with it's own symbol so there's like the Star rider the Sun rider etc and they do different things.
But as it turns out there's a secret second prophecy that says there's a FIFTH rider who's like super duper important and knows all FOUR magic circles and that's the player character. Who. Turns out. Is also reincarnating? Like you meet your own previous reincarnation in game and it's the dead mother of a character you already know. Star Stable is bad until it suddenly makes a U turn and does something really clever and there's so much potential and that's what drives me insane.
And there's also this other dimension called Pandoria? And it's got people in it too but Pandorians can't survive on earth because they're dearly allergic to time, yes, literally to time, and humans who stay in Pandoria for too long get very sick and their magical ability goes haywire. There's a pandorian on Jorvik who has created a bubble where time doesn't exist, and he just hangs out and occasionally tries to kill you.
There's also an in between void dimension full of literally nothing that you have to go through to get to Pandoria. Like it's The Void it's The Nothing it's The Fog. There are these magical trees that grow on Jorvik but that reach all the way into Pandoria through The Void and they've got a whole root system there. You can apparently get lost in The Void and never return. It's actual Limbo and it just hangs out there.
Oh and lets not forget the evil counter-cult masquerading as an equally evil oil company (sso has an environmentalist message) that have four DARK RIDERS and DARK HORSES and DARK EVIL VERSIONS OF THE GOOD MAGIC like Dark Sun and Dark Star I shit you not, and they worship an evil chaos god called Garnok who is Literally Just Cthulhu, and their leader is a little too into it for some reason, and also witches exist and they're sometimes evil sometimes not but also they're always evil but that got retconned because star stable is not a good game and keeps contradicting itself and never does anything with its potential or characters or story because it's bad okay holy shit Tumblr doesn't like it when I write this much text hold on I'm gonna continue in a reblog
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alex-unjust-vibing · 1 year
🤥 🥞🍩🌙🌺🙈🙊🙉⚾️🎭🎡💫💚
(🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?) (He is not very good at lying. The best way to tell is he'll repeatedly deny it later when nobody's said anything. ) (🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?) (His favorite is "literally anything made by someone else" but as for things he makes himself, his limited cooking abilities don't give him very many options. He unfortunately has a taste for microwaving frozen pizzas. He likes it, but the smell never leaves the microwave.) (🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?) (I've said this one before, mint ice cream, preferably with lucky charms. It's quite his favorite regardless of situation.) (🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?) (His true greatest wish is his impossible ghost-busting villain fantasy. He doesn't know how to achieve it so he just kinda doesn't try to do anything long-term.) (🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?) (Allergic to being a nice person! /j For actual allergies, poison ivy, bees, and rice. The latter is not his friend. He sometimes tries it anyway, but it's never ever worth it.) (🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?) (Literally anything caring lmao. He hates to be known for any sort of kindness or helpfulness. Not that he has that much of it, but he hates for it to be seen.)
(🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?) (He continues to deny the maid outfit. He always has and always will. Also he will rarely stay quiet over his right to "just say perchance.") (🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?) ("You can't just say perchance." /j. Really though, his least favorite thing to hear would likely be that he's "not even interesting enough to hate." Grinds his gears and grows his tears.) (⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?) (He does not sport. He wishes he did, but he's been too afraid of losing to ever do so. As such, combined with his ego and lack of listening, he would fill the oh-so-common role of Complete Dead Weight.) (🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?) (Ended up being a repeat, but... He acts pretty similar around most people, since the main one he's trying to trick is himself. He definitely gets weird around Viling and Xela though, somehow getting both more transparent and less.) (🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?) (Hell yes he is! He'd get super impatient waiting for something that slow, but once he got up top he'd love it more than most other things in the world.) (💫 This emoji isn't listed and I'm not sure what it's supposed to be instead. Oops.)
(💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?) (Generally food is his favorite in public since it does not make him feel weak in any way. If nobody else knows though he can really go for a good hug. Including him in social events also helps him a lot, regardless of circumstance. And yes, social events includes evil schemes. In fact, he probably prefers evil schemes.)
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an-anxious-gay-mess · 3 years
Random drawtectives headcanons 
-York gets nightmares a lot but usually calms down as soon as he wakes up, or even if he just hears Rosé or Gma in his sleep. He usually forgets about them the next morning but Gma and Rosé still always worry abt him 
-Rosé's love language is gift giving, except Secretly. Reverse thievery. She likes to slip snacks into Gma's coats and will sneakily leave stuffed animals in York's stuff. They know it's her but let her pretend they don't 
(She knows they know. It just makes her feel better)  
-Gma's concept of gender is pretty much "whatever." Pronouns? Who cares. Clothes? As long as they're comfy and cute. Even if someone says something dickish to them, they're pretty nonchalant about it and know that it doesn't invalidate them 
-york and Rosé WILL fight on his behalf tho. The one time someone from one of York's fancy modeling parties was a dick they got put into arm jail (and thrown out of the party and publicly dunked on via Twitter) so quick 
-sometimes Rosé will talk about what she's learning in her GED classes with Gma and York. Gma will help her out with some of it, and York is really curious about it and likes asking questions. Math confuses him, but he likes hearing about her English (common, ig?) work 
-York actually is okay at reading, he just can't read common. He isn't a super strong reader in Orcish either though. 
-grandma is allergic to cats. You can tell when a cat is within 50 feet because her eyes immediately get red and they start sneezing like crazy. 
-- they unfortunately discovered this when Rosé tried to bring home a cat she found crying on the side of the road and Gma had to take some emergency benadryl. Unfortunately they did not get to keep the cat because of this, but luckily Jancy agreed to take it after Rosé took care of its shots and everything, so she still gets to visit it 
-York will occasionally forget a word in Common and will get extremely frustrated trying to remember what it is. If Rosé's around she's usually just Google translate whatever the orcish word is for him 
-- Sometimes York (or Rosé while trying to help him) will try to directly translate Orcish sayings into common and they never make sense ("he's like a baby turtle with no wings and a twisted back" "York what does that mean" "y'all don't say that here??") 
-Rosé almost never talks about her past, and when she does it's always only in bits and pieces, and you can't make a big deal out of it or she'll clam up. It took a long time to even learn when her birthday was, and she insisted she didn't want to celebrate it. Since York and Gma wanted an excuse to get her a gift and celebrate her anyways, they picked a random day months before her birthday to be the new "Rosé Day" 
- York likes modeling, but he hates all the  stuck up people in the business and paparazzi. It took his agent 3 weeks to realize he was going to have to left Gma and Rosé go to every event or he would never get anywhere 
- - Gma and Rosé can't go to every event, but they try to go to them when they're free. One time they both had plans that ended up canceling right before a show. It was so last minute that they didn't get a chance to tell York they were going to be there, and that night a photographer managed to get the first picture of York smiling on a runway after he saw the two of them in the audience 
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I guess I'll toss a prompt or two in the ring? Hope they're okay. You know how Caleb just glared at Darrow during the spa episode? Could we see a bit of that? Either with that scene or snippets of just a jealous Caleb. Or, if you don't like that one, there's this one: Frumpkin reeeally likes Fjord. Fjord is allergic. Frumpkin does not care. Frumpkin has decided that he wants Fjord's attention. Caleb, who has been complaining about his crush to Frumpkin, tries to get him to stop. Cat says no.
Thanks for sending these in! I did a little bit of something for both because I have lots of feelings about the spa times from that episode and I love Fjord and Frumpkin interacting (heal the poisoned monkey!). For the Darrow, I’m not super into jealousy, but the protective vibes from Caleb are strong in that episode, so I did a bit of a study on that!
Hope you enjoy this!
When they first met, Caleb would probably have said he didn't mind Darrow. Despite being competition, he was friendly to their new group of assholes trying to have some fun at a festival. He was the kind of person most people would like with his positive attitude and inviting personality. There were plenty of things to like about him, but Caleb was protective of those he cared about. If someone hurt them, he wasn't quick to forgive or forget.
So, Darrow running into them on their way to a relaxing few hours at the spa immediately rubbed Caleb the wrong way. Sure, he was nice, but the defeated look on Fjord's face that Darrow was responsible for was still fresh in Caleb's mind. He remembered Fjord's attempts to downplay it and the sound of his voice as he looked to Caleb for confirmation that he hadn't made a complete fool of himself. 
The logical part of him said none of that was Darrow's fault. He fought by the same rules that Fjord did. It was just a lucky hit that struck Fjord harder than normal because he blinded him that led to his victory. Darrow wasn't truly at fault, but... But, he hurt Fjord. Hurt someone he cared about in a way that he knew could last. It was supposed to be a night of release after the stress of the last month. Instead, Fjord had looked defeated and hurt and Darrow was responsible for that.
For that reason, he threw aside logic and let the protective part of him color his view of the man extending an apology to Fjord. Words so nice and pretty and full of sincerity, but he hated every single one. He wanted to pull Fjord away so he didn't have to be reminded of the hurt. Unfortunately, Fjord was too kind for his own good and was more than willing to not only accept the apology, but let him join them as well.
While Caleb held his tongue on the matter, he knew he couldn't completely hide his disdain for Darrow. Every other sentence out of his mouth sent a thrum of annoyance through him that tempted him to do something drastic. As soon as polymorphing him was suggested, he couldn't jump on the idea quick enough. A little payback on Fjord's behalf would be well worth the spell slot. And yet, Fjord simply waved away the suggestion, allowing Darrow to leave without being turned into an animal.
Perhaps the next time they met, things would go differently, but at present he couldn't help sending him a glare on the way out.
"This is the third time today you've done this. It has to stop! He's not going to be able to breath if you keep doing this, or he's going to figure out my feelings for him and I cannot handle that now. Just, please stop annoying Fjord. He is allergic to you. He can't be a nap spot or give you scritches. Leave Fjord alone." Frumpkin batted at the finger Caleb pointed at his face, then went back to cleaning his paw. "Are you even listening to me? Of course not."
With a huff of annoyance, Caleb crossed his arms over his chest as Frumpkin hopped off the table to stroll his way over to the cracked door. After taking a moment to rub at his temple, he followed his cat to the training room where he wasn't at all surprised to see Fjord working out with Beau. His attempts to snatch Frumpkin before he reach Fjord fell flat when he shimmied his way beneath Beau on the peak of her push up. It cut off Caleb's path so perfectly his only option was going through Beau to get to him in time to stop the impending disaster.
He watched Frumpkin leap onto Fjord's back, then drape himself around his shoulders like a scarf with detached acceptance. Fjord barely got the chance to register the added weight when the first round of sneezes hit hard. His arms gave out from under him causing his chin to slam against the training mat on his way down. Even with the added padding, pain scrunched up Fjord's face as he rolled onto his back before the next round hit.
If he expected rolling over to dislodge the cat attached to him, he would be greatly disappointed because Frumpkin dug his claws in to remain in his spot. The next round of sneezes were followed by a horrible sniffle and Fjord's watery eyes turning to Caleb. With Beau's laughter adding to his embarrassment, Caleb quickly moved to pull Frumpkin away from Fjord. 
On the first tug, Frumpkin dug in his claw and released an annoyed merp at him. The second one removed him from Fjord despite his obvious desire to remain. As he began to move away from Fjord, he lifted Frumpkin to eye level so he would have no choice except to meet his gaze as he admonished him in Zemnian. When he got far enough away Fjord would no longer be impacted, Caleb turned back to check on the man still wheezing on the floor.
"Are you okay, Fjord?"
A loud sniffle accompanied by three more miserable sneezes rocked through Fjord as he sat up from the floor. "Yep, yeah, definitely okay. Don't know why you'd ask."
"I'm sorry. He's being stubborn. I keep telling him to leave you alone, but he's choosing to ignore me."
"Well, I might need to give that stuff Calianna sent me a try. You know, just so he doesn't accidentally kill me in my sleep."
"That won't happen. I can just-"
"It's no big deal. We'll figure out if it work, like an experiment! It'll be fun."
"If you're sure..."
"Positive. Don't worry about it. I can handle a cat."
"You have snot all over your face." He motioned underneath his own nose.
"See. Handling it!"
"If he becomes a bother, I can send him back home."
"Frumpkin is the best, right? There's no need for that."
"Thank you, Fjord."
"I'm not sure why you're thanking me, but you're welcome."
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