#Sophia a plague tale
bellonathedragonborn · 3 months
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My play through of A Plague Tale: Requiem. Part 1 of 3.
I got the secret armor for Amicia.
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khfankeri · 1 year
Prequel One-Shot to A Bond Greater Than Family
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What happened the last time Lucas saw Amicia before a long seven year wait? I’m adding this prequel one shot as a Valentine’s gift to my fellow Lumicia shippers! *a day late* Written from Lucas’ perspective because Amicia is a blind idiot who doesn’t understand her own feelings and still has some trauma to work through. And yes, my chapter is still coming out this Saturday! I’m adding this one only on Tumblr till I finish the main story line since it would be a weird placement in my fic at the moment. Amicia is eighteen and Lucas is fifteen. 
February 14, 1351
Lucas sighed as he sat outside near the cabin in the woods. The de Rune family cabin held a breathtaking sight of the mountains and Lucas could see birds flying high above him. Today was a day that signaled the start of the birds' mating season. He had climbed the mountain with Sophia in hopes of meeting with Amicia before making his way to Paris to study. But she wasn't here, and his time was running out. He would have to leave the next day, and who knew when Amicia would return from her travels. He had already tarried too long, and he knew he couldn't push his travels off even one more day.
Sophia whittled some wood with one of her knives as they sat outside in the cold snow enjoying the last bit of the day's sunshine. Lucas wrapped his blue and yellow cloak closer.
"Don't worry. She'll be here. She must have just been held up." Sophia assured him as he watched the edge of the wood line.
"I hope you're right... I'm not sure when I'll be able to see her again, Sophia. Her travels and my studying... if I don't see her now... I don't know when I'll see her again."
"It can't be that long! You two are never apart for long if you can help it!"
The way Sophia said these words made his face feel a little heated. She gave him a knowing look. His mind had been increasingly on Amicia as the years passed. He had thought time might dull these emotions, but not only had that not happened, those emotions had now heightened as he grew into adulthood. He hadn't wanted to put a name to what he was feeling, but it was becoming hard to ignore.
"I don't know if that will be the case this time, Sophia. I hope you're right though."
"I guess you'll just have to study quickly eh, Alchemist?" She elbowed him in the chest making him double over.
"That's not how it works..."
"And why ever not? You're the smartest boy I know! And well not really a boy anymore... you're almost as tall as I am now!" Sophia replied measuring their head heights with her hand as they sat.
He had grown taller. And probably still had a good bit to grow. He wondered how he would look next to Amicia now...
"I bet you'll be taller than Amicia one day soon..." Sophia grinned as if she had read his mind.
"Oh well..."
"Speaking of which."
He turned to see Amicia walking through the snow towards them, looking very much like an Amazon with her crossbow on her back and her warrior outfit on. Her hair was growing out almost reaching her shoulders where her fur of her cape lay. A sign of healing to Lucas.
"Lucas!! Sophia!!"
He ran over to her embracing her. "Oh thank goodness you made it! I was worried I wouldn't get to see you before I had to leave!"
She pulled back and smiled at him sadly, hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I got held up. Do you really have to go though? So soon?"
Sophia came up behind them and Amicia embraced her tightly. "Of course, he has to go! He's going to be a magister isn't he? He needs to put that big brain to work!"
Amicia sighed. "You're right. It's just hard to imagine not seeing you here, Lucas."
Lucas felt his heart clenching. To be honest, as much as he wanted to study, the idea of leaving her was almost too much. "Don't worry. I'll be back. I promise."
"Come on you two. That's enough sad talk! Let's make some dinner! It's getting late!"
Sophia led the way inside to the kitchen. "Lucas has become quite the cook since you've been away, Amicia! Show her what you can do, Alchemist!"
He felt his cheeks heating up again. "Hardly. But I appreciate your praise, Sophia."
"Well, you did learn from Andre didn't you?" Amicia asked, dropping a rabbit she had caught on her way up the mountain. She started skinning it expertly. "You're bound to at least gain some of his skill too."
"Ah! I forgot to get some goats milk! You two carry on! I'll be right back!" Sophia exclaimed, winking at Lucas who felt very much seen. He knew she was leaving the two of them alone on purpose. Was he that easy to read?? Did that mean Amicia knew too??
"Okay, we will continue cooking then!" Amicia replied smiling like normal. No, he didn't think she knew. Which he wasn't sure if he was supposed to be relieved or let down.
"I'll start the soup base." He suggested as Sophia left, rolling up his sleeves.
Amicia nodded and they worked in companionable silence for a few minutes as he cut the vegetables and she cut up the rabbit. Starting the pot on the stove, he looked around for the spices.
"Do you need the spices?" Amicia asked reading his mind.
"Yes, but I'm not sure where they've gone off too." He replied.
"Ah, they're up on the shelf. Hold on, let me get them." Amicia replied walking over to the other side of the kitchen and reaching for the jar. It was just out of reach. She sighed and looked around for her stool. Finding it, she brought it over and grabbed the jar off the shelf. Maybe one day he'd be able to reach it for her without need of a step stool.
Lucas felt a shock of warmth as she passed the jar to him, their hands meeting just for a moment. Startled, she looked at him for the briefest moment, but he looked away, unable to meet her eyes which were now on level with his. He saw a confused look cross her face as she turned away, and he cursed his awkwardness. He couldn't look at those beautifully intense eyes directly. It was too much. He might say something he'd regret.
"Will you look out for the Macula while you study?" Amicia asked suddenly.
"Of course. I can't let what happened to Hugo happen to anyone else ever again. I am an alchemist after all."
She nodded, her back turned to him. "Can I ask one more favor?"
"Anything, Amicia."
She turned to him then looking a tad reluctant. "I... I can only investigate so much by myself. If you hear of anything... especially since you'll be further north... would you mind investigating it?"
He knew this meant his studies would take longer. He also knew this might mean an even longer time till they saw each other again. But how could he say no to those eyes? How could he say no to her? Besides, he too wanted more answers.
"Of course. I will do everything in my power to see what I can find."
She looked relieved. "Are you sure? You know you don't have to agree to it if you don't want to..."
He reassuringly put his hand on her shoulder. "I do want to do this, Amicia. I want to solve this problem of the Macula almost as much as you probably do. Hugo wasn't my brother, but I still cared for him deeply. I don't want to see another Protector go through what you did ever again."
Tears filled her eyes unbidden. "Thank you, Lucas. You don't know what that means to me."
"Oh well, I'm glad I can be of service."
Lucas was caught entirely off guard as Amicia leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Don't sell yourself short, Alchemist. I can never ever repay you."
He cleared his throat and looked away, feeling as if he face was on fire. "Of course, you're family..." sure, just family. You see her as nothing else... besides, she's eighteen. What are the chances she'll stay alone forever? Let go, alchemist. The men must already be swarming her. Why would she even bother with you?
"Am I interrupting something?"
They turned to look at Sophia who had entered with a milk pail, watching them intently.
"Oh, Sophia! No, we were just discussing plans! He's agreed to help me look for the Macula up north while he studies!"
Sophia looked at him then, eyebrow rising. "I suppose that's unsurprising. Though I doubt most young men would agree to such things when there's so much to do while at the university." Students were well known for their drunken carousing and women.
"I assure you, Sophia, the only thing that interests me at the University is my studies. I can make time for this too." He had no interest in what his peers were doing. There was only one woman who would ever come close to capturing his interest, and she was the one asking this favor of him.
"Still... I'd hate for you to miss out on your life for me..." Amicia mumbled, looking dejected.
He touched her arm, causing her to look at him. "I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't want this too, Amicia. It's okay. Truly."
This seemed to help her a little because she smiled at him again. Sophia looked between the two of them smiling slightly. "Such dedication from a friend."
The way she said that word made Lucas cringe. Sophia was entirely too observant for her own good sometimes.
Amicia smiled at him. "He's more than a friend! He's family!"
"Hm, yes, family! That can take many shapes..." Sophia nodded sagely. Leaning over to Lucas, she whispered, "Family can also be a future wife..."
Lucas looked worriedly at Amicia, but she hadn't heard as she worked on adding the rabbit to the stew. "Sophia, please..."
Amicia looked at them in question, and Sophia just grinned, winking at Lucas so Amicia couldn't see.
"Anything the matter?" Amicia asked, eyebrow raised.
"No, no... Just giving our alchemist a hard time is all."
Amicia laughed. "When do you not?"
"That is fair." Sophia admitted.
"You know you can fight back right, Lucas?" Amicia asked him.
"She always knows where to strike. It's hard for me to block such attacks." Lucas admitted.
"It's my job to know." Sophia agreed.
They chatted while the stew cooked, and Lucas watched Amicia surreptitiously through dinner. He wasn't sure when he'd see her again, and he wanted to remember this night. She looked better. Healthier. Her short hair shown, and her weight looked healthy. If he was going to leave her once again, he wanted to make sure she would be okay. She smiled at him, and his heart filled with warmth. But her eyes looked sad, and he wondered if that sadness was his fault.
As he lay in bed that night, he tossed and turned considering all the things he could say to her before he rode away. But everything he could think of seemed worthless or too embarrassing to utter aloud.
The morning dawned cold and snowy to match the emotions Lucas was feeling. As he prepared to mount his horse, Amicia walked up to him handing him a rolled up parchment.
"What's this?" he asked curiously.
"It's a list of people and locations I trust that you can send letters or receive letters from me. If something is truly urgent, we can send letters to all these places to assure the other will see it sooner rather than later."
He gripped it tightly as if it were a lifeline to Amicia herself. The fact that she trusted him with this meant more than he could ever put into words. "Thank you."
"I'm the one that should be thanking you, Lucas. I..."
He suddenly felt concerned as she broke down into sobs, her head in her hands. Taking her into his arms, he held her close. Oh he didn't want to go. She was his home. Her hair tickled his nose, and he allowed himself to breath her in just for a moment. Looking up, he saw Sophia watching them with a bemused look on her face. He forced himself to pull back, and he placed his hands on Amicia's shoulders squeezing reassuringly.
"We'll see each other again, I promise. It's not like we won't be talking to each other... We just won't be in the same room for a bit."
Amicia sniffed, brushing tears out of her eyes. "I hate goodbyes."
"This isn't a good bye. It's just a... see you later."
Smiling through her tears, she nodded. "You're right as always. Be careful, okay Alchemist? Learn lots! Tell me everything you learn!"
He brushed some stray hairs out of her face and smiled at her. "Of course! That's my job!"
"Take care of yourself, Alchemist! I'm sure I'll be seeing you on my journeys as well!" Sophia called to him as he got on his horse.
"Yes, I'm sure I'll have use of you, Sophia!"
Looking back down at Amicia, his heart was telling him to jump back down and just stay put. But he knew he couldn't. He had to go. He had promised her after all. And there was so much yet to learn that he could use. "Good bye, Amicia. Be careful out there, okay?"
"I can take care of myself as you well know." she chided him.
"I know... Still. Look out for her, okay Sophia?"
Sophia grinned. "With my life, Alchemist. Now off with you! Otherwise you'll never leave!"
Amicia grabbed his hand as he was about to turn the horse around. He looked at her in question, his heart racing. "I couldn't do this without you... Don't forget to write, okay?"
He couldn't forget if his life depended on it. "I will."
Squeezing tightly, she finally let go looking resigned. Lucas turned the horse and started trotting. Looking back, he watched Amicia as he turned the bend. She too stood watching along with Sophia as they waved. As she disappeared from view, he knew one thing for sure. He was going to fight like hell to see her again.
*********************** Three years later Paris, France February 14, 1354
Lucas entered the pub that was so familiar to him now. It was the place he received most of his letters from Amicia, and it was in a part of town where many did not venture, helping aid in secrecy.
The bar maid eyed him as he neared, her blonde hair starting to come undone from her bun. Her chest was almost laid bare in an attempt to attract more customers. "The alchemist returns. I suppose you're here to see if there's a letter?"
Smiling, she pulled out a letter that made Lucas' heart both beat with excitement and dread. "You two should get married already. It's been three years. How long can two lovers exchange letters and nothing happen??"
Mistress Ines was under the impression that these were love letters she was passing on, and Lucas hadn't bothered to correct her. It would take too long to explain, and he didn't want to share the secrets of their mission without Amicia's consent. And Amicia hadn't bothered to correct the woman either he thought a little pleased.
"What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment." He replied, winking at her and taking the letter.
She just shook her head and went back to washing cups.
Sitting down in a booth in the corner, he saw he was garnering stares from the patrons. He was somewhat used to it by now, but he had started gaining unwanted advances from several women as each year passed, and that he had not be prepared for.
Looking at the letter, he steeled himself. He was always slightly apprehensive about opening a letter from Amicia. His fear was one day he'd open a letter to the words Dear Lucas, I have met a knight during my travels. He's a man of great strength, and he saved my life. I think I'm in love, and he's proposed to me and I've accepted. We are to be married in the spring. Would you do us the great honor of coming to our wedding? He had no right to feel such things, but yet his heart rebelled. If it made Amicia truly happy, who was he to object?? The woman deserved happiness after everything she'd been through.
So do you. Whispered an insidious voice inside his head. He pushed it away and opened the letter.
Dear Lucas,
I am well. Unfortunately the last lead I received ended up just being some tar from several jars that broke near the sea. Still, it wasn't a total loss. I have met a new friend. Her name is Bianca Medici. I saved her from some bandits on the road after coming across some men who ambushed her carriage. Luckily I had my trusty crossbow with me.
Of course she did he thought dryly.
I hope your leads have ended up being more fruitful than mine...
Unfortunately, he too had had no such luck so far. All his leads had ended up being dead ends or just a random sickness or two in remote villages. It wasn't all a bust though. He had learned a lot about alchemy and seen places he'd never dreamed he'd see before. His teacher Magister Moreau was very patient with him, and he too seemed very invested in the studies of the Macula. He found it very fascinating and concerning. He turned back to the letter.
But I'm trying to look on the bright side. I have made a new friend and ally, and she has offered to help me in any way she can.
That was a good stroke of luck. He'd heard of the Medici family. They were a very powerful family in Italy.
I have heard rumblings of possible black veins in the city of Calais. I hate to ask this of you since you have probably just returned from your last mission, but will you look into it? If there is another Carrier, I'd rather be the first to meet the person and not someone more nefarious. It may be nothing, but I'm not sure I can take the chance.
It seemed he had a new mission. His teachers would be very unhappy with him. He was already well behind. Though academically he was way ahead of most of his peers. And Moreau would be interested in his findings as per usual.
I am holding up alright. I am currently in Italy as you have probably gathered. My next stop is somewhere in Spain. However, I'd be lying if I said this has been easy. I miss you, Lucas. You always helped me look at the bright side of things. I hate that we keep missing each other in our travels. Hopefully we'll be able to see each other again soon.
Much love, Amicia de Rune
He smiled at the carnation symbol she had drawn rather roughly at the bottom of the letter. Sighing, he laid his head on the back of the booth causing people to look and stare. Closing his eyes, he felt his heart racing. This woman would be the end of him. And he'd probably thank her for it.
"Did the lady finally reject you, M'Lord?" One of the pretty barmaids asked as he sat there.
Opening one eye, he looked at the woman and laughed slightly. "I almost wish she would. No, it's worse than that. She gives me hope."
"So she's a tease then? Come, M'Lord! You deserve better treatment than that! Come with me! I can make the night well worth your time..." the barmaid practically pushed her chest into his face.
He gently took her shoulders and pushed her back. "I appreciate the offer, mistress. But I'm afraid I cannot accept."
What she offered felt like dirty water compared to Amicia's heady wine. Literally no woman had ever compared to her. They all seemed like cheap imitations.
The barmaid looked offended but backed away. "Fine. Don't say I didn't try to help. One day she'll find someone, and you'll be all alone. I suppose I'll be here to pick up the pieces, M'Lord."
If she did find someone, he probably would fall apart for a season. He would just dig further into his studies and ignore humanity for awhile. But she did not belong to him, and he had no right to her. She was not some possession to be owned.
Bending down to write his own letter, he gave Amicia all the details of what he had found on his own mission previously. He wished he had better news to report, but any excuse to write to her was enough for him. He found it a little ironic that he was penning a letter on Saint Valentine's Day. It was turning into a day of handwritten letters and romance in France and England though it wasn't quite as widespread as other celebrations. It had been a day of holy celebration for many, many years but was changing ever so slightly.
He would be lying if he didn't feel the temptation to throw caution to the wind and just write what had been brewing in his heart for years now. But he couldn't do that to her. And what if she didn't feel the same? He would have ruined their beautiful friendship and any chance of working together in the future to save the future Carrier. No, it was better he did not. Too much depended on this.
Finishing his letter, he wrote I miss you too, Amicia. I miss our days on the road learning and playing with you and Hugo. It's not the same without you. I will be on my way to Calais. However, I am at your bidding. I will be there whenever you call.
Your alchemist,
Leaving the letter in the bar maid's hands, he walked out of the pub and took a deep breath. Yes, this was the right thing to do. He just wished his heart would get the message.
This may still need some more editing, but I’m pleased with it after only having a few days to write. Also, if you want to read the main fanfic, here ya go! :) 
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thepasteltanuki · 1 year
A McJourney Through A Plague Tale: Requiem
hey gang
with Sophia’s VA Anna Demetriou livestreaming the game with Charlotte McBurney, I decided to start making an edited abridged series of the playthrough
the first episode is now available on youtube!
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dekaja · 1 year
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"So... it's that time of year when you quit everything?"
"I'm afraid it's for good this time."
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kdval · 8 months
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A Plague Tale: Requiem
› Happy 1st anniversary!
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infriga · 7 months
Arnaud waiting in jail while Amecia, Hugo, and Sophia go on a pilgrimage to the rat trauma hall of fame and start a mini apocalypse while bonding together:
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sheigarche · 5 months
Beatrice: Amicia, stop killing people, you're putting yourself and our family in trouble.
Lucas: Amicia, stop killing people, it's not good for you.
Sophia: Amicia, stop killing people, it's not good for Hugo.
Arnaud: Give them hell, girl!!!
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ninth-galaxy · 2 years
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Pirate Queen
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brekkie-e · 2 years
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So uhh.... what the heck happened internet? Did y'all really sleep on this queen?
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Seriously though, how come this woman has not completely flooded my dash already???? I am flabbergasted. I am dismayed.
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I seriously can not and will not get over her. The answer to my complaints about the rising "single dad figure rescues a kid" trope, and it's lack of female counterparts. A gaurdian figure to child-sized protagonists that not only adequately attempts to protect them from the violence they're up against, but also gives genuine parental smack downs. Who balances her well meaning criticism with genuine love and support?
I honestly do not think I have ever encountered a mentor figure in a narrative who has done the job even half as well as Sophia.
On top of that??? She's a freaking pirate queen. So legendary, they call her the Sea Scorpion! How cool is that?
I fully did not expect her to make it through the entirety of the game, but let me tell you I was thrilled that she got to live, and remains a part of Amicia's life. Im so happy they have a positive adult role model and protector.
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themightysomethin · 10 days
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A Plague Tale: Requiem
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"Look at her!!"
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khfankeri · 1 year
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 11 months
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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loryn-art · 1 year
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I don't know if this had been done before but I had to do it.
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maeve-99 · 1 year
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Just some quick-fire black and white sketches/drawings of the Plague Tale Requiem crew :) 
In no particular order.
idk why Arnaud looks so done with everything and Beatrice has a resting b**** face :D lol didn't mean to draw them this way it just came out like that haha Also Hugo looks like a goth kid in this black and white style :D
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kdval · 1 year
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A Touch Tale: Amicia.
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