#Sora Nightmare Before Christmas
samakirart · 1 year
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Sora in this costume >>>>>>
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rabiesgiver · 2 months
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it's july and it's safe to say that halloween's on my mind ☀️🦇
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skellydoll · 11 months
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Funni things I drew last year that I'm reposting here
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I don't think they're getting invited back
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pineapplebread · 2 years
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Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
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letoasai · 1 month
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Nightmare Before Christmas - Sora
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nikutsuneart · 11 months
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Hee Hoo I'm excited to share I finally have another fun little worldform charm for you hopefully just in time for the holidays! 🎄
You can get it here!
These are preorders right now but I plan on having normal stock as well. Other restocks are also planned and up for preorder, so check em out! :)
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s10127470 · 4 months
If the Disney Characters actually got to be important in Kingdom Hearts: Part 1
So recently, I've been seeing some discussion about Kingdom Hearts on social media.
Or more specifically, the way the Disney properties have been utilized in the games.
And many people have said how much they've wished the Disney characters got to play a much bigger role in the series.
And although there are several people who wish for less Disney in the games, I don't think they're saying they don't want anything Disney in the games.
Since let's be real, Disney plays a major role in the identity of the series.
And if you took that away, the series just wouldn't feel the same.
I think those people are referring more to that they don't want to sit through an entire shot-to-shot recreation of "Let it Go", while Sora, Donald and Goofy just stare on completely confused.
As someone who's really into Kingdom Hearts, I really do agree with these people.
This is a crossover series. Most people want to see the Disney characters interacting with each other and the original characters in unique ways.
But unfortunately, we rarely ever get that.
Hell, during the production of the first game, Square Enix themselves stated that they wanted to have the Disney characters to play a much bigger role in the story, particularly the villains.
Unfortunately, this never came to fruition because of one entity....
Apparently, Disney is really protective of their characters, which is why the Disney characters never got to play major roles in the series.
And I can definitely believe that, especially when looking at stuff like Kingdom Hearts III.
But being the idea man that I am, I started thinking about a version of the Kingdom Hearts where the Disney characters got to actually be utilized in unique ways.
So I figured I start a multi-part series, where I actually look at the Kingdom Hearts games and discuss how I think the Disney properties could've been utilized if Square Enix was allowed to go all out with the crossover aspect.
Before we start, one major to note is that I'll also be going over the how the worlds would be presented and executed.
Since for this little AU, I'd like to imagine that many of the KH games got legitimate remasters for the PlayStation 3, not just slightly enhanced ports, utilizing the much stronger technology and graphical achievements of the console.
It's actually kind of funny how Kingdom Hearts never released a game officially for the PS3 that wasn't just a port of an already-existing game.
But with that being said, let's get this party started!
Kingdom Hearts:
The game that started it all!
Among the Kingdom Hearts game, the original is often considered to be the one with the best utilization of the Disney properties.
From the Council of Disney Villains, to having characters like Triton actually knowing about the existence of other worlds and the Keyholes.
The first thing we need to get straight is that The World Order is going straight to the Shadow Realm.
Many people, myself included, have always found that incredibly dumb and just felt like it was an forced in-universe reason for not going all-out with the crossover aspect.
But here, there'll be more Disney characters who are well aware of the existence of other worlds.
Now that we got that out of way, let's get to biggest draw of this concept....
Yep! Tarzan, Aladdin, Jack Skellington, Ariel and Peter Pan will actually be accompanying Sora, Donald and Goofy on the journey through the worlds.
You know, what everyone who has played this series have been wanting since the damn beginning!
The highlight of this game would definitely be seeing how our heroes play off each other.
There are some of the interactions I can think of.
-Besides Donald and Goofy, Sora would definitely be the closest to Aladdin and Ariel. Not only because they're the only members of the team around his age (only being like 2 years older than him), but they also kind of remind him of Riku and Kairi. Aladdin through his quick-witted and confident nature, and Ariel through her bubbly nature and somewhat tomboyish side.
-Tarzan and Jack would just be in awe at practically everything they see, and the other would have to make sure they don't constantly wander off.
-Peter would take every chance he gets to pester the hell out of Donald....and the others would have to constantly remind him why it's not morally right to strangle a child. Also, you can't help but feel bad for Donald. I mean, he already has to look after three teenagers, a talking skeleton with the excitable nature of a kid, and a young ape man who can barely even talk. He does not need Peter to make this even more stressful.
-And Goofy, in typical Kingdom Hearts fashion, is the only member of this team with a braincell.
Sadly, Beast wouldn't really get in on the interactions due to him coming in at the tail-end of the game.
Luckily, you are able to take to previous worlds once you obtain him.
Also, since I know some people are probably gonna ask this, Ariel would still be a mage fighter, using spells to attack her opponents via a bag of potions.
Story-wise, this game would be largely the same.
Expect that you now have the Disney characters joining you on your quest across the worlds.....
As for their reasoning for joining the trio.
Aladdin and Peter join in order to rescue Jasmine and Wendy, since they were both kidnapped due to them being two of the Seven Princesses of Heart.
Ariel would be sent to join the heroes as Triton feels she would be much safer with them, since if I remember correctly, they actually mentioned that there could a possibly that she's one of the Seven Hearts.
And as for Tarzan and Jack....
Honestly they're just there for vibes.
However, the Disney heroes would bid farewell to Sora, Donald and Goofy just before their final battle against Ansem and hope to one day see them again.
Okay! Now that we cover the story, let's go on to the worlds.
Traverse Town:
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This world is largely the same in terms of layout.
The real major difference between this and the original version would be that it would be a lot more lively.
Yep! Traverse Town would actually have far more NPCs than just the Disney and Final Fantasy characters.
Since I'm coming at this from the mindset of those PS3 remasters I mentioned, I could imagine Square Enix would be able to add more NPCs into the worlds with the much stronger technology of the console.
As for the characters, there would be a few additions.
This would include Archimedes (Merlin's owl) and The Radcliffes from 101 Dalmatians.
Speaking of 101 Dalmatians, there would a sub-plot involving Cruella De Vil, along with her henchman, Jasper and Horace.
The sub-plot would involve Cruella trying to swindle the puppies our heroes keep finding throughout their journey from them.
Luckily, it doesn't work.
However, with each failed attempt, Cruella becomes more angry and angry.
And this eventually accumulates in Cruella summoning a Heartless version of her trademark car that I like to call Crazy Cabby, which she would use to try and run over our heroes.
Luckily, they manage to defeat Cruella and send her running for the hills.
Also, one last thing to note is that this world would be one of the few to have the characters in their usual outfits.
I'm sure some of you are asking what do I mean by that?
Well, you're about to see!
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Layout-wise, this world is practically the same as in the original. Just a little more spacious.
Also, this would be the very first world where the characters actually change their looks.
Yep! In this version of the game, in nearly every world, our heroes get completely different outfits in order to fit with their new setting.
Many people have wanted to see the games do this with every world and not just some since it would help our trios not stick out like sore thumbs 90% of the time.
Fun Fact: This was actually suppose to be in the original game, as you can see from this concept art right below.
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As for the looks of this world, our heroes would be wearing colorful Victorian English attire, to match with the look of Alice herself.
Funnily enough, I think Jack would be the one whose outfit changes the least in this world since it's already a fancy suit.
Speaking of which, Wonderland is pretty famous for having some major characters from Alice in Wonderland missing.
Most notably, The Mad Hatter and The March Hare, who only appeared in the original game as being imprisoned in a portrait.
But here, they're actual characters you can interact with.
Other characters from the film who didn't appear in the original game would include Tweedledum and Tweedledee and The Caterpillar.
There would also be plenty of Card Soldiers hanging around The Queen's Castle.
Olympus Coliseum:
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Not much to say about this world.
It's pretty much the same both layout and character-wise.
The only thing of note is the look of the characters.
Sora, Tarzan and Aladdin would be wearing ancient Greek civilian attire.
Donald and Ariel would be wearing the attire of a hierei, which were what priests back in ancient Greece were known as.
Goofy and Jack would both be in Greek soldier attire.
Peter would be a satyr.
And Beast would be a really furry minotaur.
Deep Jungle:
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We now come to the first world with changes to....just about everything.
Layout-wise, the world would have the same areas featured in the original game and some new ones as well.
These would include Pathways (A series of paths in the middle of the jungle that can lead to the different areas), The Nesting Grounds (where Tarzan's gorilla family reside), and The Watering Hole (where the elephants were hanging out in the original film).
Actually, The Watering Hole would be replacing Hippo's Lagoon.
And as you would expect, the world would feel much more spacious than before.
As for the characters featured, in addition to the ones shown in the original game, it would also feature those from the film that never made it.
Those characters being none other than Professor Porter, Tantor, and Manu.
Speaking of Porter, he'll be among the group of Disney characters to know about the existence of other worlds prior to the events of the game.
As for other NPCs, Deep Jungle would be one of the most unique among the worlds when it comes to that as nearly all its NPCS are animals.
And those animals would consist of gorillas, elephants, baboons, leopards, Fischer's lovebirds, grey parrots, fish eagles, butterflies, hippos, bongos, rhinos, giant forest hogs, marabou storks, peafowls, chimpanzees, pythons, frogs, crocodiles, colobus monkeys, okapis and forest buffalos.
As you would probably expect, some of these animals (like leopards, baboons, pythons and crocodiles) will attack you if you get close of them.
(For this version of the series, I actually want some of the worlds to have specific enemies besides the Heartless to fight)
But there are others that are not only friendly, but you can also ride as well (like elephants, rhinos and marabou storks).
Yep! Riding animals is essentially the special feature of this world.
As for the character looks, excluding Tarzan obviously....
Sora, Donald and Goofy would be dressed as safari explorers from the early 20th century.
Aladdin would be dressed as a North African merchant from around the time as well.
Ariel and Jack would be dressed as African tribal shamans.
Peter would be dressed as a wild boy, similar to Tarzan.
And Beast would be an ape.
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Layout-wise, this world would be largely the same, with the addition of another region.
That region being the Palace itself, which consist of the follwing areas: The Courtyard, The Throne Room, The Dungeon, and The Garden.
As for new characters, we would be seeing The Sultan, Rajah, Razoul, and the Royal Guards.
Speaking of The Sultan, he'll be another Disney character aware of the existence of other worlds.
Actually, Donald and Goofy would already personally know the Sultan as he's an old friend of Mickey this time around!
In terms of NPCs, they'll be plenty of more townsfolk to see this time around and a few animals like camels, goats and sheep.
As for world-specific enemies, this would include scimitar-wielding skeletons, bats, scorpions, cobras, and living Shiva statues.
As for the looks this time, excluding Aladdin....
Sora, Tarzan, Ariel and Peter would all be wearing Arabian civilian attire, but with some variations between them.
Like Sora and Ariel's outfits would be pretty similar to Aladdin and Jasmine's.
And Tarzan definitely wouldn't be wearing shirt.
Donald and Jack would be dressed like viziers, similar to Jafar.
Goofy would be dressed like a royal guard, similar to Razoul and his men.
And Beast would be a big-ass lion.
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I don't really have a whole lot to say for this world.
It's pretty the same as it was in the original game.
The only real change would be the addition of Figaro.
And after thinking long and hard about this, I think the group would be keeping their usual looks for this world.
Since it would be kinda awkward for them to change their looks.....inside a giant whale of all things.
Also, I can't think of any world-specific enemies this one would have as well.
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Layout-wise, it's pretty much the same.
The same can be said for the selection of characters from the movies.
As for NPCs, there would plenty of merpeople swimming about this time.
Along with many sea creatures including starfish, crabs, lobsters, seahorses, stingrays, octopuses, sea urchins, jellyfish, squids, clams, swordfish, sea turtles, dolphins, sea lions, whales and a whole lot of fish.
As for world-specific enemies, we'd have sharks, eels and barracudas.
As for looks, excluding Ariel....
We already know what Sora, Donald and Goofy are gonna look like here.
Aladdin, Tarzan and Peter would all be mermen (well, boys in Aladdin and Peter's case).
Beast would be a huge sea lion.
And Jack....
Honestly, he would be an undead pirate captain.
In all honesty, Jack would probably look real weird as merman.
Plus, the pirate captain attire would still fit the setting of this world thanks to the Sunken Ship being one of the areas here.
Not only that, but it would also serve as a cute little Easter Egg to Jack's cameo in the film: James and the Giant Peach.
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Halloween Town:
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Layout-wise, it's pretty much the same as in the original game.
Same goes for the selection of characters as well.
In terms of NPCS, the civilians of Halloween Town shown in the film would be taking that role.
As for world-specific enemies, this would include elemental skeletons (coming in Fire, Blizzard and Thunder variations), ghosts and spiders.
Now for the looks of the group this, excluding Jack....
Just like with Atlantica, we already know what Sora, Donald and Goofy will look like in this world.
Beast would essentially look exactly the same as he usually does.
I can't tell if this would be funny or kinda cruel....
As for the others.
Tarzan would be a were-ape (essentially the same concept as a werewolf, except the individual turns into a monstrous ape instead of a monstrous wolf).
Aladdin would be living Shiva-like statue with four arms (and scimitars to go with).
Ariel would be a swamp monster ala the Creature of the Black Lagoon.
And Peter would be a ghost.
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Layout-wise, this world would see a massive overhaul.
One of the things I was not a fan of with the original Kingdom Hearts was that in Neverland, we didn't really get to go to....you know, Neverland.
It's was largely set on the seas surrounding the island, mainly on Captain Hook's ship, The Jolly Roger.
But here, we actually would get to explore the island of Neverland, and it would feature the same layout and areas as it did in Birth by Sleep.
Not only that, but the original Neverland also had pretty major characters from the film completely missing.
Most notably Michael and John Darling and The Lost Boys.
But here, they'll actually be present here.
Other characters featured (essentially serving as the NPCs of this world) would include the mermaids and.....*sigh*.....the Indian Tribe.
But don't worry.
They appeared in quite a bit in the game Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land, and believe it or not, they weren't racist caricatures!
Basically, this game will be doing what that game did.
That being portraying the Indian Tribe as....not racist.
Other NPCs would include animals such as rabbits, racoons, skunks, foxes, bears, wolves, woodpeckers, turtles, squirrels, cardinals, owls, porcupines, deer, otters, moose, beavers, badgers, turkeys, monkeys, snakes, parrots, frogs, crabs, tropical fish and geckos.
As for world-specific enemies, it would essentially be Hook's pirate crew.
And with this overhaul in layout and featured characters, there would be a rewrite in the story of this world as well.
The story at the start would have the group helping Michael, John and The Lost Boys find Wendy, who was kidnapped Hook and taken to his ship.
Eventually, the group do find out about Wendy's whereabouts, which would lead them to The Jolly Roger, where they would meet Peter.
As for looks of our heroes this time, excluding Peter....
Sora, Aladdin, Tarzan and Ariel would be wearing animal-themed onesies similar to The Lost Boys
Sora's would be a lion.
Tarzan's a gorilla.
Aladdin's a monkey.
And Ariel's a fish.
Dude, that's probably gonna be brutal for hook.
I mean, the dude already has it rough losing to a 12-year old who fights with a small-ass dagger on a regular basis.
But now he's about get his ass kicked by a three teenagers and a young man, rolling up looking like this.....
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Donald, Goofy and Jack would be wearing outfits similar to Peter's.
And Beast would look how he usually does, but with some raggedy clothes to fit with the island setting.
100 Acre Wood:
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I don't really have anything to say for this world.
The only thing is that Sora would be wearing an outfit similar to Christopher Robin's
Well, I think I've talked about everything I wanted to about this game.
So let's move on to the last game I wanted to discuss before I wrap this post up....
Chain of Memories:
This game is pretty much fine the way it is.
The only real difference would be that Deep Jungle would actually be featured like it was initially intended to.
And Tarzan would be the Friend Card for that world.
His signature is Raging Boar, where he charges towards enemies and wildly thrashes them with his spear.
Well that's all I have for now!
I hope you guys like this idea of mine's and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Part 2 should be coming out in a few days!
Before I head off, I wanna ask you guys two things.
If Square Enix were able to utilize the Disney properties more in the games, in your opinion, how would YOU see the games (specifically 1 and Chain of Memories) playing out? Would it similar to my idea, or would it be a little different?
I initially wanted to use this concept in my discussion for 1, but I was not sure about it. That concept being having the summons obtain different looks in each world, to fit with settings and the looks of our heroes. Do you guys think that should've been done? Or do you think the summons should just keep their usual looks, no matter the world?
Anyway, I'm going off to bed.....
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craigpetersennz · 11 months
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Too late for Halloween, but it's never too late for Halloween Town Sora! Sometimes I wish I could play the whole game in this costume! Sora's vampire boy look is so cool! 🖤
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corpseraine · 8 months
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Halloween Sora, Donald, and Goofy 🎃
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blackholeofugly · 11 months
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My favorite little guy :> Christmas Town Sora!
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nyctocounterfeit · 2 years
Happy Halloween 
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bowl-o-nudel · 2 years
Drew this for a friend :3c
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Give him sweets now...
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Quick doodle I did a little while ago
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cendrilloncd · 9 months
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When is it his turn to be on the nice list
Backgroundless version bc I couldn’t decide
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thisteaistoosweet · 2 years
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Spooky time is here and you know what that means… new spooky icon for a bit :p
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kingdom-lian · 2 years
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sora is ready for this christmas 🎅🎄⛄ 
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