#Sori sim
thehotshit789 · 3 months
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some gerry doodles and 1 jongerry as a treat for myself
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sori4partyrock · 5 months
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Hello Jon
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10sim · 1 year
i need to make touya and tenko so unhealthily dependent and unstable. i need flighty touya who is so infatuated with tenko but can hardly express it properly and hates commitment . and i need tenko who has been in nothing but short unstable relationships that likes touya too much for his own good, knows what type of guy he is , and is just waiting for it all to end constsntly. and then i need them to get insanely possessive despite never committing themselves to one another and abd and then^_^
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bloomingkyras · 10 months
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Sienna know that something was wrong with Her sister,Xienna and Lily..She Slap Lily face after they both had an argument. And she can't take anymore with what Lily does to her and she decide to left the house..but then...
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tma Goncharov au with Jon as Goncharov, Martin as Andrey, Georgie as Katya, melanie as sofia, and Tim as Ice Pick Joe
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how does it feel to be the smartest goddamn person in my inbox
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pikselis · 2 years
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In the Mumfre household it was time to say goodbye to one of the eldres.
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Bertel did follow Rosa soon after.
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Veenus and Vasilei also grew up into adults. Little too late for Bertel and Rosa to see it, but they have their sister Natasha to look after them.
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Speaking of Natasha. She has been wanting to move out for a while now. She has alredy packed up her things. But she is going to wait untill the twings are ready to be by themselves... after all they just grew up and lost their parents. They really need her right now.
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makedamnsvre · 1 year
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ar3chive · 5 months
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Sori Braids Hairstyle: Download [Early Access]
The Sims 4
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f1shart · 7 months
❤️🫂🌸 KILLING YOU 🥰🌈🫡
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sory the tanmeric grind never stops
thanks 🛴@fierce-sims💖 for the idea.... it's2amgoodbye.forever..
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guys i figured out reshade anyway RIP TWINK LMFAOOOO COMMON L
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If you see this man, kill him on sight. He is highly dangerous and must be stopped.
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cheridiaries · 1 month
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synopsis: in which 2 months after a painful breakup, y/n unexpectedly runs into her ex-boyfriend, sunghoon, at a café. the brief encounter stirs up memories of their once-strong relationship, now fractured by missed moments and growing distance. as y/n reflects on their past, she grapples with lingering feelings and the unresolved question of whether they can find their way back to each other—or if it’s time to let go for good.
pairing: park sunghoon x y/n sim
chapter 1: THE JAKE SIM is worried about me?!?
masterlist | prev | next
written + smau [warnings: break up, mentions of crying, mentions of drinks, profanity ]
word count : 1126 (not proofread) (lowercase intended)
author note: FIRST CHAPTER!! sory for the wait guys!! hope you guys enjoy!
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the cafe as normal, busy as ever with its usual morning crowds. yet these crowds gave you a sense of comfort. the scent of freshly made coffee filled the air as each drink gets made every 2-3 minutes, the sound of the cups clinking and the endless chatter coming from every table. you never knew why this place gave you comfort but it did. you sat by the window as per usual, watching people past by, lost in your thoughts. it had officially been 2 months since you and sunghoon broke up, and life settled into a more quieter and lonelier vibe.
you picked up your drink and took a sip, your eyes darted across the room. that’s when you saw him- sunghoon. he was sitting at a table near the counter, a book in one hand (like always) and a cup of coffee in the other. you felt your heart skip a beat and for a moment, you forgot how to breath.
he looked the same as he always had but something was different about him - maybe it was the way he seemed more serious, or how his hair fell slightly over his eyes. you simply could not tell. what you could tell was the pang of longing hitting you right in the heart in that moment unexpectedly.
you guys made eye contact and for a split second it had felt as if time had stopped. his gaze was so intense, but not in the way it used to be. it was in a way where he was contemplating whether or not to come over to you or to stay on his table. you could see the hesitation in his eyes, the same uncertainty that was gnawwing at me. yet neither of you moved. the distance between you guys felt like chasm, filled with unspoken words and unresolved feelings.
after what felt like and eternity to you, he looked away, focusing on his book as if nothing happened. you forced yourself to do the same, turning back to your coffee and trying to ignore the tightness you felt in your chest. but you couldn’t, all the memories came rushing back, pulling you into the past before you could stop yourself
flashback to 2 months ago:
the apartment was filled with the usual, warm golden light of the early evening, i was sitting on the couch, wrapped in my favourite blanket, trying to focus on the book that was laying in my lap. but my mind was elsewhere- on the distance that had grown between you and sunghoon, on the countless missed moments and unspoken words.
sunghoon was sitting right across from you on the other end of the couch but was glued to his phone. it was like this more often then you think. we’d sit in the same room but it felt like we were miles apart. the easy conversation, the laughter, the shared glances- those had all but disappeared, getting replaced with nothing but silence that neither of you guys knew how to break.
you had finally mustered up the courage to speak.
“sunghoon, can we talk please?”
he looked up, confused with your seriousness in your voice.
“sure what’s up?”
you took a deep breath, trying to keep your voice steady. “i feel like we’re drifting apart sunghoon. its like…we’re together,but not really. i miss how we used to be.”
sunghoons expression soften but you could see the exhaustion in his eyes. “i know, y/n. work and uni has been crazy and i haven’t been around lately as much as i should be. but i thought we were managing?”
“managing?” you echoed, the word tasting bitter on your tongue “is that all we’re doing now? just managing?”
he sighed, setting his phone aside “i didn’t mean it like that y/n. i just… look i didn’t realize how much this was affecting us.”
you could feel your tears welling up in your eyes, but yet you just blinked them back. “it’s more than just being busy sunghoon. it’s like you’re not really here, even when you are. remember when you missed my birthday dinner?” the pain you felt in your chest growing at the thought of the memory. “i waited all night for you, hoping you would call, but you didn’t. and when you finally did, it was just a quick text, it hurt me sunghoon.”
his face fell, guilt washing over him. “i’m sorry, y/n. i didn’t know i made you feel like that, and i promise i didn’t mean too. i was just caught up in work and uni projects, and i should have been there for you. but it feels like no matter what i do, it’s never enough.”
“it’s not about doing more” you said, you’re voice breaking.
“it’s about being present. i miss us sunghoon. i miss how we used to be”
he looked at his hands. the weight of your words hanging in the air between you two. “so… what are you saying? do you want to break up?”
the question hung in the air, heavy and terrifying. you had thought about it, of course, but hearing it out loud made it real in a way you weren’t prepared for. still, you knew we couldn’t keep going the way you were.
“i think i need some space, sunghoon.” you said, your heart aching with every word. “i love you, but we’re both unhappy, and i don’t know how to fix it.”
sunghoons eyes met yours, filled with the same sorrow and tears that mirrored your own. “ i never wanted this to happen. but if space is what you need…”
you nodded, tears spilling over despite your efforts trying to keep it in. “goodbye sunghoon.”
“goodbye y/n” he whispered, his voice barely audible
you stood up, every last step toward the door feeling heavier than the last. you glanced back one final time, taking in the apartment that had been our home, our refuge. but now, it felt empty the warmth and laughter replaced by a cold suffocating slience. you walked out the door, closing the door softly behind you. leaving behind everything you guys had built together the past 2-3 years.
present day:
the memories faded as you blinked back the tears that threatened to spill. you glanced back at sunghoon one more time. he hadn’t looked up from his book. maybe he was lost in thoughts too or maybe he was just trying to ignore the fact you both were in the same room, yet still worlds apart.
you finished your coffee, the taste bitter on your tongue. as you stood to leave, you didn’t bother to look back. the past was behind us, but the weight of it still unresolved.
taglist (open) : @arimiu @silquids @istglevi-gotmesimping @theoskies @pshbites
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mimir97477906 · 1 year
part 1 of wip and sketch dumpp😛😛😛😛😛😛bcz i dont want the post to be too long then it wont get enough attention lolllzzz
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i forgot who made the template im sory.. im also not finishing it for sure im also sorry for that.. feel free to come up w your own kitty designs (PLEASE DO PLEASE DRAW SIMS CHARACTERS AS KITTYS IM BEGGING)
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sharpeyecreations · 4 months
CC Finds - 20.05.24
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CC Links
[SUNBERRY]Ribbon Tank Top & denim pants SET 24.20 (Early access) | Patreon
Moira Hair(Download) | Patreon
Default Replacement Underwear | Patreon
Sori Braids | Patreon
Backless Dress / Top - Coquette Collection | Patreon
[SUNBERRY]🎁GIFT SET_Buckle Top & Bear Skirt & Heart Beret 22.13 👚🩳🧢(Early access) | Patreon
The Sims Resource - Glitter Eyeshadow N293
The Sims Resource - Eyeshadow | N108
The Sims Resource - Eyeshadow | N193
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thesexiestselkie · 2 months
Sory I've been inactive I'm roleplaying being a nun in the Sims 4
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lvcdrms · 1 year
👫 - dew & sori
👫for four (minimum) headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship. with @spaceny
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i. toda a autoestima dele à parte, acho que, quando o dew começasse a gostar da sori, ele sentiria um pouco de insegurança em se confessar? quer dizer, ele definitivamente admira muito a sori (talvez a coloque em um pedestal em um ou outro aspecto) e a vê como motivação para melhorar cada vez mais... mas uma parte ansiosa dele ainda traduziria isso pra cara, ela é meio que inteligente demais pra mim. outra insegurança seria a dissonância entre o estilo de vida dos dois; dew sabe que é possível alguém querer namorar ele sem ser figura pública, até porque já aconteceu, mas também sabe que não é pra qualquer pessoa, não importa o quão tranquilo ele tem confiança que o fandom dele seja. obviamente, isso não o impediria de confessar nada, porque o lema dele é: falar logo pra não ficar com o pensamento de "e se" consumindo ele. pelo menos se não for recíproco ele já corta o sentimento na raiz. reject me so i can move on etc.
ii. quando resolvessem isso, dew ficaria muito feliz em apresentar a sori pra todas as amizades dele! o que obviamente inclui gente famosa e tal ("deixa eu te apresentar pro nosso token abre-aspas straight fecha-aspas friend" e aí o token abre-aspas straight fecha-aspas friend é o multiple times nataraj award winner actor sky tawan). então, se a sori topar, vai rolar uns convites pra eventos, afterparties etc (ainda mais que o dew sempre prefere estar acompanhado de alguém que ele conhece e gosta nesses rolês, e a outra opção é ficar sendo o friend steve do casal de melhores amigas dele) (talvez ele acabe na situação constrangedora de ter de explicar por que um certo alguém olha pra ele como se quisesse degolar ele e "olha, deixa eu te explicar uma coisa antes de te contarem alguma história distorcida!"). e, bem, obviamente que ela vai conhecer gente do unbound né! e agora sori está sendo convidada pro casamento do líder do grupo de kpop que ela era fã aos 20 anos. o mundo capota hein. e óbvio que ela vai ficar por dentro de todas as fofocas também, porque... é o dew, se ele não compartilhar tudo com ela ele desfalece.
iii. as bochechas da sori com certeza são vítimas, coitadas. dew vive de apertar e morder elas sempre que eles estão perto. estão de boa de conchinha e ele lá... dando singelas mordidinhas. mas muitos beijos também, ok! principalmente beijos.
iv. o fato de ele estudar no mesmo canto que a sori trabalha é extremamente conveniente e dew vai tirar pleno proveito disso, ok! inclusive criando um hábito de sempre (que possível) levar ela pro trabalho porque essa é a desculpa perfeita pra fazer ela dormir junto dele, né... ainda por cima podem tomar café juntos (o que... idk, esses momentos de refeições compartilhadas são muito importantes pra ele, talvez por influência da família) e, se der vontade, dew tem a desculpa perfeita pra alegar que dá pra encaixar um morning sex sem eles se atrasarem sim! também dá pra ele ir roubar um beijo depois da aula, levar ela pra casa se possível, se certificar que ela não vai ficar sem almoço. só lucro pelos próximos 2/3 anos.
v. e o fato de eles serem mais ou menos do mesmo ramo também significa que a coitada da sori estará sujeita a todas as piores cantadas e piadocas com referências históricas que o dew tem (alerta para pintura us/fw mas "a-amor, então é isso que vocês mulheres querem dizer com girls night out? 🥺😭💔"). ao mesmo tempo, também significa que ele se sente confortável pra dedicar a ela poemas antigos sabendo que ela vai entender o contexto (tipo poemas do süleyman o magnífico), e ficar tagarelando sobre as obsessões dele, inclusive ficando muito animado de dividir qualquer fato novo sobre história da arte que ele descubra e ache que ela ainda não saiba... porque é um prazer diferente, né, conseguir apresentar algo novo pra uma especialista na área! e óbvio que ele também enche ela de perguntas sobre... tudo que vê, porque ele poderia googlar, mas ouvir ela falando é muito mais bonito e interessante e ainda vem com as reflexões dela. e ele dá corda pra ela até ser avassalado pelo fato de que ela é tão inteligente e isso é tão sexy ("nossa muuuito interessante amor agora uma última pergunta você... você quer sentar na minha cara?")
+ extra porque não é exatamente sobre o dew. mas. um dos motivos pelos quais te perguntei sobre a família da sori é que! os pais do dew estariam interessadíssimos em saber, até pra entender que tipo de pessoa ela é e precisa. eles deveriam adotar ela? ou deveriam chamar a família dela pros rolês em família? ela precisa de amor materno ou paterno? o que quer que for, os sogros podem prover!
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twilightarcade · 1 year
Witch's Heart dating sim thoughts? :P
I don't think about it a lot, and I'm not really heavily into shipping and such so bear with me,, going to sorta be looking at it from a general perspective (basically you asked the wrong person)
uumum going to start off with just talking about the first two questions at hand and seeing where I go from there throwing this under a read more for the time being just in case this gets long (assuming I read this over again this sentence should be gone,,)
mmm question of who! really good question actually.
1- jim: obvious answer is some sorta self insert type main character or whatever, but if it were to take place in the mansion that brings up another problem of how you would get said protag into the mansion (naming the protag Jim (gender neutral) for the time being) obviously you would have to mess with the story a lot for the dating sim in general (could just be one of the loops really) but you don’t really have an extra room sitting around for someone (i don’t think?? Unless there was one I missed)
BUT I have a proposal for jim that would solve this problem (however it would make new problems) jim could be like. Claire's friend that gets shoved into the story because i said so, and that would both solve the room issue and create a somewhat interesting dynamic with the heart itself (sory in advance if this ends up branching off from romance itself a bit im just here for goofy character dynamics 👍 also you could literally just shove in a room and this paragraph is irrelevant) however if jim were Claire's friend that would compromise your ability to romance her (not really honelsley but I like friendship)
2- jim again: ok lets say you shove in a room yay jim is fine they have a room. now a big issue with romancing the demons (if that was a thing. you wanted to do) is that! you presumably can't see them! sad. but! if we hand jim the heart however, BAM they can see demons. this would obviously require immense messing around with the story but jim seems to do that. (of course you could just let them see demons because you said so but where's the fun in that) ALSO this creates an even MORE interesting dynamic with the heart itself, and like tension or whatever. because obviously everyone is looking for the heart, but also you're sitting here romancing (I don't think that's a word and I've used it like twice. It's a word now.) the same people trying to kill you essentially. that's a bit goofy I think
3- someone in the cast: I do not have as many thoughts about this because it's relatively self explanatory how it would work I think,, this could also easily be made into scenario type things like the game itself with different main people to choose from
anywyas thats been my 500 word ramble for the day have a good day anon
I’ll probably look more into this later if I get the time
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unabashedrebel · 1 year
if ur ocs were in a dating sim i would pick kiro. for funsies.
Have fun competing for his attention when Sori’s in town @mothervvoid ❤️
….. and like…. God all the shenanigans.
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