danzameccanica · 9 years
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Con mia grandissima ammissione di colpa devo confessare che i The Gathering fino a qualche anno fa non li avevo mai ascoltati. Non so come mai… Ho avuto il mio periodo di amore per il gothic metal, conoscevo a memoria gli album dei 3rd and the Mortal, Paradise Lost e Anathema; forse in un’ipotetica selezione degli album che devi pescare per andare avanti nel tuo viaggio musicale avevo scelto i Sentenced a discapito dei Tiamat e i Nightwish a discapito dei the Gathering. Grandissimo errore ma credetemi - e non credo capiti ancora oggi – ascoltare per la prima volta Mandylion dopo aver compiuto i 35 anni è qualcosa di sconvolgente. È una specie di portale che si apre sul passato, quando pensavi di aver ascoltato tutto e collocato ogni album, ogni movimento e ogni influenza nei rispettivi scomparti, e scombussola tutti gli ordini e i criteri fatti in questi anni. Mandylion è del 1995, esce insieme a The Silent Enigma e Draconian Times; dopo Wildhoney ma soprattutto insieme al debutto dei connazionali Theatre of Tragedy, formazione che non ho mai sopportato ma che è considerata portante a livello internazionale. Ed è proprio dopo queste due band olandesi che si ridefinisce il concetto di gothic metal, con abbondanti tastiere, pianoforti e archi e spesso il duettare fra growl maschile e voce angelica femminile. I Theatre sono una band molto canonica, che riprende tanto dai primi My Dying Bride aumentando la componente teatrale.
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Ma i the Gathering si sente che stanno guardando da un altro lato. Sì ci sono le chitarre distorte e la batteria tipica anni ’90 ma quello che si crea coi synth e soprattutto con la voce di Anneke Van Giersbergen è qualcosa davvero di unico. Anneke ha 21 anni, non gliene frega un cazzo di metal eppure viene convinta cantare in questa band rivoluzionandone completamente gli esiti. Guardate il loro live al Pinkpop del 1995: i chitarristi si vestono con le magliettone a maniche corte sopra quelle lunghe, come i Pearl Jam; il batterista ha la divisa da calciatore, come se fossero gli Oasis; Anneke – anche se vestita di nero – sfoggia mille bracciali fricchettoni, i leggings Adidas e salta ondeggiando le braccia, nuotando nell’aria, come se fosse a un rave; rossetto scuro, eyeliner nero, lentiggini… il prototipo della fidanzatina che tutti noi lupi neri avremmo voluto incrociare al liceo. La voce di Anneke è qualcosa di mai sentito in tutto il panorama rock-metal; non è teatrale e tecnica come Liv Kristine o come quella ben più da opera lirica di Tarja Turunen e non è smaccatamente pop-rock di stampo americano come poi verrà fuori con Avril Lavigne e le sue diecimila cloni. La voce di Anneke ha qualcosa di simile a Kari Rueslåtten anche se la norvegese è molto più eterea e delicata anche se i momenti più rilassanti di In “Motion #1″ ricordano Tears Laid on Earth… anche perché siamo di nuovo nello stesso magico anno musicale. La voce di Anneke è come se fosse continuamente in connessione con la terra e con il cielo. Le strofe di Mandylion sono sempre virate al pop e allo stesso tempo ad un certo rock-metal anni ’90. Chitarre e batteria hanno preso quello che il grunge aveva da dare, la produzione è curata da Waldemar Sorychta, deus ex-machina del black metal melodico/gothic capitanato dalla Century Media e nello specifico Tiamat, Samael, Sentenced, Lacuna Coil, Moonspell. Questo momento in cui il metal diventa esotico si sente nell strumentale Mandylion con tabla e flauti marocchini e si era già sentito nelle influenze palestinesi in Wildhoney; si sentirà nelle chitarre mediorientali in Down dei Sentenced. La particolarità di Mandylion è che i the Gathering non saranno mai più così metal come in questo disco e quindi anche quando ascoltate dei riff in palm-mute, si sente che stanno suonando per l’ultima volta, col successivo Nighttime Birds le sonorità si alleggeriranno ulteriormente senza però dimenticare l’album in oggetto; i semi della futura sperimentazione sono stati piantati nei momenti dei fraseggi e degli assoli di questo album (ad esempio “Fear the Sea”). Ma Mandylion ha la forza dell’istintività, della coesione e della capacità di aver creato alcune delle melodie più belle e orecchiabili della musica rock-metal; “Strange Machine” e “Leaves” sono quelle canzoni che vorresti aver cantato a 16 anni sul motorino; “Fear the Sea” è forse il brano più “dark” e contiene i vocalismi meno lineari, ma rappresenta il lato tagliente e cupo del gothic-metal; eppure anche qui Anneke riesce a tirar su l’intera canzone fuori dall’acqua e portarla fra i picchi più alti e sognanti dell’album. Mandylion è la colonna sonora degli amori adolescenziali di qualsiasi metallaro, è il disco che ti fa evadere nonostante ore e ore di evasione dal mondo reale magari con altri generi musicali più duri. Mandylion è un album che può suonare solo con la voce di Anneke e senza di lei probabilmente sarebbe un disco che varrebbe un decimo. Non perché i musicisti sono scarsi, anzi; ma perché voce e strumentazione si sono legati in maniera indissolubile, impossibile da scindersi a vicenda. La musica dei the Gathering cambierà molto in futuro, anche con la stessa Anneke ancora in formazione; diventerà trip-hop, indie-rock, calcherà terreni anche più semplici, diventerà malleabile e destinata a un pubblico sempre più variegato. Ma Mandylion è una sorte di diamante grezzo che, lavorandolo e raffinandolo sempre di più perderà la magia del ritrovamento, quell’emozione spontanea di sudore fango e lacrime con cui si dissotterrano le reliquie.
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dave-ivanov · 2 years
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Musik-Stammtisch zur Zukunft des Heavy Metal in Dortmund, 07.02.2023@Domicil
Neben coolen Mitrednern aus der Branche wurde darüber diskutiert, was das Dortmunder Nachtleben im Bereich Rock und Metal macht und warum Konzerte meist nur im Rest des Ruhrpotts stattfinden, waren wir doch jahrelang eine Hochburg der Rockkultur.
Neben mir auf der Bühne gab es Anja Rinne (Artworx), Joe (Booker, Junkyard), Waldemar Sorychta (Produzent, Grip Inc.) und Axel Hermann (Illustrator). Moderiert von Didi Stahlschmidt vom Kulturbüro.
Man kann nur hoffen, dass die Diskussion etwas gebracht hat und auch die Politik etwas aufrütteln konnte. Zumindest war die Beteiligung so groß wie noch nie und es gab einleitend ein kleines Set der Band SmackBallz, die zum ersten Mal nach 10 Jahren wieder auf der Bühne stand.
Es ist von einigen Leuten geplant, einen Verein zu gründen, um endlich nicht mehr nur alleine an der Front zu kämpfen. Hoffe, dass es klappt und natürlich kann sich jeder auch bei mir melden, der gerne aktiv werden will.
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metal-dortmund · 2 years
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Musik-Stammtisch zur Zukunft des Heavy Metal in Dortmund, 07.02.2023@Domicil
Neben coolen Mitrednern aus der Branche wurde darüber diskutiert, was das Dortmunder Nachtleben im Bereich Rock und Metal macht und warum Konzerte meist nur im Rest des Ruhrpotts stattfinden, waren wir doch jahrelang eine Hochburg der Rockkultur.
Neben mir auf der Bühne gab es Anja Rinne (Artworx), Joe (Booker, Junkyard), Waldemar Sorychta (Produzent, Grip Inc.) und Axel Hermann (Illustrator). Moderiert von Didi Stahlschmidt vom Kulturbüro.
Man kann nur hoffen, dass die Diskussion etwas gebracht hat und auch die Politik etwas aufrütteln konnte. Zumindest war die Beteiligung so groß wie noch nie und es gab einleitend ein kleines Set der Band SmackBallz, die zum ersten Mal nach 10 Jahren wieder auf der Bühne stand.
Es ist von einigen Leuten geplant, einen Verein zu gründen, um endlich nicht mehr nur alleine an der Front zu kämpfen. Hoffe, dass es klappt und natürlich kann sich jeder auch bei mir melden, der gerne aktiv werden will.
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goatilocks13 · 2 years
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German frash from 1988. In the vein of Deathrow, Mekong Delta, etc, and featuring a young Waldemar Sorychta, who went on to play with Grip INC.
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z428 · 11 months
Afternoon. Old music. Still dense. https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=h1eQ-wY2Qf0 #despair #progressive thrash metal #germany #1990s
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ghostcultmagazine · 4 years
Two Classic Albums by The Gathering to See Vinyl Releases  
Legendary Dutch metal/rock band The Gathering will release vinyl pressings of Mandylion and Nighttime Birds via Transcending Records, only in North American. Initially released via Century Media Records in 1995, Mandylion is The Gathering’s third studio offering and the first to feature the now-iconic vocals of Anneke van Giersbergen. The album was recorded and mixed at Woodhouse Studiosin…
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nofatclips · 5 years
Whatever That Hurts (Video Edit) by Tiamat from the Gaia EP
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metalsongoftheday · 5 years
Wednesday, May 22: Grip Inc., “Ostracized”
Power of Inner Strength was the least acclaimed of Grip Inc.’s four records, but it has arguably held up better than Nemesis or Solidify.  Those were both very good albums, but the band’s debut put Dave Lombardo’s monstrous drumming higher in the mix, understandably since this was his first post-Slayer project and he was the biggest name in the group.  But more than this, the songs on Power of Inner Strength were fully realized, and tunes like “Ostracized” throttled with intelligence, intensity and righteous fury. The intelligence and intensity came from the combination of aggression and musicality in Lombardo’s drumming and Waldemar Sorychta’s riffing and production, while the righteousness came from Gus Chambers, whose attitude, intelligence and punkish bark basically made him the thinking man’s Phil Anselmo.  Grip Inc. was a supergroup in the truest sense: Lombardo was the marquee name and percussive dynamo, Sorychta was the creative guiding force, and Chambers was the wildcard. “Ostracized” managed to sound both of and beyond its time, and while both Lombardo and Sorychta have been imitated, Chambers was a force unto himself, and sadly missed.
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rp-kat · 7 years
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Grip Inc. - Solidify
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festering-remains · 6 years
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells (1991)
Debut album of Unleashed, storming with fury through cold and dark wastelands.
    1. Where No Life Dwells       2. Dead Forever     3. Before the Creation of Time     4. For They Shall Be Slain     5. If They Had Eyes     6. The Dark One     7. Into Glory Ride     8. ...and the Laughter Has Died     9. Unleashed     10. Violent Ecstasy     11. Where Life Ends
Johnny Hedlund - Vocals & Bass Fredrik Lindgren - Lead Guitars Thomas Olsson - Rhythm Guitars Anders Schultz - Drums
Recorded at Woodhouse Studios, Dortmund, Germany, April 1991
Produced by Waldemar Sorychta
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    “So they named us evil men         Evil minded yes we are     Living proud by the law of nature     By the hammer into war     This is the way - we're unleashed”
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infraredmag · 4 years
TIAMAT: Transcending Records To Release Limited Vinyl Editions Of Wildhoney And A Deeper Kind Of Slumber; Preorders Available Now
TIAMAT: Transcending Records To Release Limited Vinyl Editions Of Wildhoney And A Deeper Kind Of Slumber; Preorders Available Now
Transcending Records is pleased to issue exclusive North American vinyl pressings of Wildhoney and A Deeper Kind Of Slumber from Stockholm, Sweden metal icons TIAMAT. Initially released via Century Media Records in 1994, Wildhoney is TIAMAT’s fourth studio album. Produced by Waldemar Sorychta, the record marked a strong shift in the style from the band’s early death/doom roots incorporating more…
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go360photo · 4 years
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Na wenn das kein Grund zum feiern ist! Der W&F gratuliert ganz herzlich! „60“ Jahre im Einzelhandel von unserem Senior Chef Hans Sorychta und „90“ Jahre STULZ sind Grund genug zu Feiern. Übergabe der Urkunde durch Utz Geiselhart - stellvertr. Hauptgeschäftsführer Handelsverband Südbaden #stulzmodegenussleben #tradition #freudeamleben #team #weloveourjob #conceptstore #dienstleistung #einzelhandel #einzelhandelunterstützen #proud #weloveourcustomers #fashion #family @ Stulz Mode
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theplaguezine · 6 years
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Interview with Cristina Scabbia by Daniel Hinds
(conducted June 1999)
One of the most impressive bands to emerge from Italy in recent times has to be Lacuna Coil.  Mixing elements of gothic and metal in an unusual way, they fall into that same vague, hard-to-define sub-genre that bands like Sentenced and Moonspell now call home.  What separates Lacuna Coil from the others, though, is the addition of the graceful, soaring vocals of Cristina Scabbia.  The elements all fall into place on the band's debut full-length, In A Reverie, which was just recently issued in the States after being available overseas for a while.
Though she began our conversation by apologizing for her bad English, I found Cristina to be very articulate, as well as quite charming and optimistic - rare traits in a metal singer, to be sure, but nothing about Lacuna Coil is commonplace.
I understand you recently did a tour with Skyclad.  How did that go? Very good.  With Skyclad and then another month with Grip Inc. and Samael.  With Grip Inc., it was sort of a festival for a week.  The reaction of the audience was great and all the bands are really nice guys (laughs).  Also, with Skyclad, it was really good because they are really happy people.  They like to enjoy themselves - we drank a lot, we had a really good time with them.  Also, the audience of Skyclad is really open-minded.  We are two different bands, but the audience was really open-minded and they liked us.  Fortunately!  (laughs)
How about future shows? Right now, we're going to play some festivals in Germany and we have to play in Naples, in Italy, with Aerosmith (?!-dh) on the 12th of July and some festivals around.  But we also have to write some new songs, new material for the new album because we want to record it in January of next year.  I only know that maybe we might play some festivals around the US next year, but I don't know when yet.
Speaking of writing a new album, what is the Lacuna Coil writing process like? Mmm, it depends.  Right now, we want to change the way we write new songs, but usually, the main composer is the bass player, along with the guitar player, and they write the main structure and the guitar parts.  Then we try, with a drum machine, to find the good drum parts, they try it in the practice room, then we find the vocal lines and the lyrics.  But we want to change and to try to start the songs from the vocal line, for example.
How do you feel the new album differs from the EP? The first thing is the line-up changed.  You can hear it from the music, because you can hear that it is more positive and more mature.  The compositions are changed, because we take a lot of care with the structure of the songs.  I think the main thing is it is more mature.  We wrote songs, instead of just music, some riffs put together.  Maybe the one is more natural, because it reflects what we were in that period, but right now In A Reverie can explain the condition of the band - very positive, very 'in a reverie,' in a dream.
How did you first get involved with Lacuna Coil? In '96, because you know the band used to only play for a hobby, between friends in the practice room.  They only asked me to do some choruses for the demo tape that we recorded in '96, and I said 'yes.'  After that, they asked me to be another singer.  We said, 'Okay, let's try to have two singers, but not only a chorus and a main singer.  Let's try to sing together with a male and a female.'  That's about it.  They were friends of mine.
Do you write the lyrics? Yeah, we wrote the lyrics, me and Andrea (Ferro, male vocalist), together, along with Valerie from Century Media.  She's Italian-American, so she can help us better.
Where do you get your inspiration from for the lyrics? We used to talk about personal things, things that happen every day.  We don't want to talk about pessimistic things, because we're not into that.  But we really like to talk about our personal feelings or personal or experiences we've had:  love, hate, when you're sad - we want to try to talk about sensations maybe.  We try to suck inspiration from the music.  If the music is sad, I of course cannot write happy lyrics.  But we like to talk to about real things.
How did the actual recording of In A Reverie go and do you actually like working in the studio? Yeah, a lot.  Maybe it is the worst experience for a musician (the studio), because you have to be prepared even if you are ill or something.  You have to be ready to do your best.  You're in the studio early in the morning and stay in the studio all day.  And maybe it is boring because you have to wait for all the parts to be finished before you record, but I think it is very good.  We recorded in the same studio, The Woodhouse, with the same producer, Waldemar Sorychta.  Waldemar right now is a very big friend of ours.  If, in the first album, we received a lot of advice from him in terms of the music, (this time) we wrote everything by ourselves and we received his help only in the studio, with the recording.
Was it difficult to get attention outside of Italy? Not so much.  In Italy, there is not a very big scene in metal because people used to listen to more commercial stuff like your dance music from England, or MTV or something like that.  It's not so difficult when you become well known outside of Italy and then come back into Italy.  It is difficult for an Italian band, for example, to have a good record label in Italy or to play…. The people, it is really strange.  I don't know why, but they have more respect for the bands outside of Italy.  Maybe they think the bands outside Italy are better - I don't know why.  But right now, we are quite famous and we are really happy because now the trend in Italy is the power metal, the epic metal, and we are totally different.  We are the only band that you can find in the magazines that's a little important that play another kind of music, so we're proud of that.
Does it bother you when people comment more on how you look rather than the music? Ah, it's normal.  Have you ever thought about the intelligence of Pamela Anderson?  (laughs)  No, I think it's normal because, in metal, it's not easy to find females in the bands.  You cannot find a lot of female personalities in the bands, so it is normal because a lot of fans of heavy metal are guys.  But I don't care, because they talk also a lot about the music.  It's not a problem.  Maybe it can only help us to be more in the magazines.  (laughs)
Where did you guys get the name for the band? We chose it from…I don't know where exactly, maybe the Internet.  The old name of the band was Ethereal and we recorded the demo tape with that name, but there was another band in Greece with the same name.  We chose two words.  'Lacuna' is a Latin word that means 'when you have a lack of something,' like a lack of memory, for example.  And 'coil' is a spiral and it's like an ethereal name, like 'empty spiral' so nobody can have the same name.  I hope!  (laughs)
What did you do before joining the band? I used to work in a shop, a clothes shop, and in an office also.  Right now, I cannot still live just by the music, so I work in a pub as a barmaid.  I work there when I'm in Milan.  I really like to do it.  Maybe one day, if I will not continue with the music, I can open a pub or something.  I really like to talk with people, so I think it is the best work.
When did you first get seriously interested in being a singer and who were some of your early inspirations? Hmm..  I started in about 1991.  I've always been interested in music, but I started to sing in '91, though for a completely different kind of music.  I used to give my voice without my name for some products of dance, for some radio, but I didn't like it because I didn't like to be alone to sing.  I really like being in a band, because it is like having a second family to be with.  My inspiration…I don't know.  My favorite singers are like Aretha Franklin, soul singers, but they are completely different from me, so they can only be idols, not inspiration.
What kind of music do you like to listen to? Everything.  Maybe my favorite band is Depeche Mode, because I think they are really modern, even with the old songs, I really like them.  But I like everything, from Extreme to Black Metal to everything really.  I only hate Italian music because it's really boring.
You should do a cover… Oh yeah, but only in the practice room… (laughs)  We are thinking about doing a cover, but we are not able to find one that we really like.  We want to do one but not of a band from the metal scene.  We want to do something really strange, I don't know what.
What do you like doing outside of music? It depends.  I really like to draw.  I really like to work in the pub, to see everyday your friends and at the same time you can make money.  I like to travel, to go shopping, to go out and meet people.  I love video games!  I'm a big fan of PlayStation and Resident Evil.  (laughs)
What are some of your favorite places you've traveled to, outside of Italy? For holidays, I haven't been so far from Italy:  Spain, France, nothing more.  But for the music, we've been everywhere in Europe:  Norway, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Poland and Czech Republic.  I'd like to go to America at the end of this month, so only my parents are going.  (laughs)  I'm really, really sorry.
I heard you might do a video from this album…? Mm, I'm not sure because it's not easy to get your video played.  For example, in Italy, we only have MTV and another channel called DMC2, but they only play commercial stuff.  I mean, the most heavy thing they play is Cranberries.  It's not easy for a metal band to do a video.  If you're not Metallica, you'll never see your video.  You have to have a very good video, too.  It's useless to do a video with a low budget.  Right now, we want to concentrate ourselves more on life and music.
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kenpiercemedia · 5 years
Napalm Records to Reissue Moonspell's "Sin/Pecado" & "2econd Skin" Albums
The Press Release: Originally released by the band in 1998, Sin/Pecado became the great divider of the Moonspell wolfpack. Produced by their long time companion (Waldemar Sorychta-Wolfheart, Irreligious), the songs of this “accursed” album were signs of a rebellion of the band against the sound that made them famous in the scene. Instead of wolves and vampires, Moonspell set the compass to songs…
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megarockradio · 6 years
MANDRAH Featuring Former GRIP INC. Guitarist WALDEMAR SORYCHTA Release The Other Side EP
MANDRAH Featuring Former GRIP INC. Guitarist WALDEMAR SORYCHTA Release The Other Side EP
MANDRAH Featuring Former GRIP INC. Guitarist WALDEMAR SORYCHTA Release The Other Side EP
MANDRAH Featuring Former GRIP INC. Guitarist WALDEMAR SORYCHTA Release The Other Side EP
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jdrespling · 6 years
MANDRAH Feat. Former GRIP INC. Guitarist WALDEMAR SORYCHTA: 'The Other Side' EP Available
MANDRAH Feat. Former GRIP INC. Guitarist WALDEMAR SORYCHTA: 'The Other Side' EP Available
MANDRAH Feat. Former GRIP INC. Guitarist WALDEMAR SORYCHTA: ‘The Other Side’ EP Available MANDRAH, the band featuring former GRIP INC. guitarist and acclaimed producer Waldemar Sorychta, Danish-German singer Cornelia Schmitt (THE HEROINES) and drummer Vic Chains (THE SPOOK, THE DEAD KINGS), has just released its debut EP, “The Other Side”, via RecordJet.
Sorychta‘s music has never been about…
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