#The Gathering
niuttuc · 5 months
Weird Magic: the Gathering effects
Magic has a lot of cards and mechanics, so kinda wanted to try and see how well people both in and out of the community could fare at one of these. For fairness, I limited things to paper, tournament-legal cards, none of the joke sets or digital exclusive ones. Using current versions of each card's text, presented here as excerpts. Order for the poll was randomized. Reblog for a bigger sample size hopefully outside the magic community.
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marril96 · 1 year
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Criminal Minds 8.17 | The Gathering
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pedanther · 3 months
If you're doing the Babylon 5 watchalong strictly according to the schedule and haven't seen the pilot movie, you won't know that the title of this week's episode is a call-back to a scene in the movie where Sinclair recalls the Battle of the Line:
“I was squad team leader when the call came in. We all knew it was a suicide mission. The Minbari had broken through, and were closing in. Every ship we had left was ordered to circle Earth. We had to stop them… no matter what it cost. They came at us out of nowhere. We never had a chance. The sky was full of stars… and every star an exploding ship. One of ours. My team was blown out of the sky in less than a minute.”
“I managed to take out a fighter before they hit my stabilizers. I was losing power, I'd lost my team. I figured if I was to die I'd take some of them with me. So I targeted one of their heavy cruisers. Hit my afterburners. I was going to ram them head-on. The last thing I remember is hurtling toward that cruiser. Filling my screen… big… my God, so big… Then something passed in front of my eyes. I guess I blacked out from the acceleration. When I came to, 24 hours later… the cruiser was gone. I checked in. They told me the war was over. The Minbari had surrendered.”
“We were beaten. We didn't stop them, they stopped themselves. And I wish to hell I knew why.”
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tinkerbitch69 · 8 days
Small detail I love about Gargoyles: in the Future Tense timeline, Lexington goes completely off the deep end and masterminds a convoluted scheme for world domination, seemingly because he was so hurt by Goliath’s abandonment. Then in The Gathering, when Goliath returns, Lexington is the first to run over and welcome him home with a hug 🥹
Like I know it was probably all made up by puck but like clearly Lexington missed Goliath a lot more than he was letting on, my poor guy </3
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frasers-of-my-heart · 6 months
Wednesday 100: Baby Steps
Jamie reached his hand out to me and I took it without pause. His grasp was warm and gentle, and oddly familiar. Perhaps it was the bond of healer and healed— I had tended to his wounds too many times to count in the last few weeks and it brought us close to one another in many ways. But never once had I felt this intimacy and ease with one of my patients. We stopped abruptly at the entrance to the castle. I thanked him and he gave me a lopsided, humorous smile and my belly felt warm and tight.
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My favorite niche of music is 90's gothic doom. I love how bands like The Gathering, Theatre of Tragedy, or The 3rd and the Mortal combined gloomy sounding doom metal riffs with beautiful lead vocals.
I think it's so cool that more recent artists like Chelsea Wolfe and Emma Ruth Rundle have inspired a new wave of bands who mix doom and post-metal with ethereal vocals and haunting atmospheres. Bands like Frayle, Iress, and Shedfromthebody remind me a lot of those 90's gothic acts that I love so much.
Alongside Draconian and Lethian Dreams, it overall just feels like a sort of revival or resurgence of that style of music that I loved so much. 
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doctorwhoisadhd · 6 months
mortal jack as a metaphor for him finally letting someone take care of HIM for once. ough
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mccdreamys-writes · 2 months
alex blake in 8x17
- alex blake gifs | criminal minds 8x17 - the gathering
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bangbangwhoa · 2 months
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books I’ve read in 2024 📖 no. 051
The Gathering by C.J. Tudor
“Soon, we may live in a world where they are nothing more than a legend."
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niuttuc · 3 months
Weird Magic: the Gathering effects: Second edition
A couple months back, I ran a poll where people guessed which of a bunch of weird MTG effects wasn't real. It was fun, so we're running it back with a second batch of weird things.
As last time, only the current text of effects is used, not necessarily the one printed on the card. Limited to cards that exist in paper, and are legal to play in at least some tournament formats. Though this time, I did expand a bit to rules that aren't directly on the cards, but might be part of the full rules text of keywords from the comprehensive rules, and then those keywords are on cards.
Have fun!
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strangemonochromes · 1 year
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Tomie (“The Gathering”) // Junji Ito
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roxspoxs · 8 months
Welcome to The Dark Carnival
Juggalo Advice to young clowns out there. Eager fans that want to support the wicked shit but are afraid of getting a little... "Sticky". As a Juggalo it is a right of passage to be soaked in the flavors of Faygo as you hug your fellow family in the showers of Juggalo Juice. However, I have clocked the amount of fans complaining about the possibility of getting sticky after shows. This is a realistic view of how shows really go down. I am taking it as my duty to educate of the matter of what it is really like seeing ICP live!
Now that I have 2 years of Gathering experience under my belt I can say I never been sticky after a show. Because you are so drenched by soda it feels like you jumped into a pool with your clothes on. Especially when you've stormed the stage like I have, and many others.
Tips on how to clean up after a show. You will need a couple of things.
A towel (2 preferably)
Water Source/Wet wipes (If you are camping and don't want to wait in that long ass line for real. )
A spare change of clothes (Keep undergarments in a ziplock so they stay fresh, it rains sometimes.)
Garbage bag (To put wet clothes in.)
Insane Clown Posse does 2 shows typically as a split act. Mostly on the main stage where vendors are. You only have to worry about clean up 2 times out of the week. Ouija Macc only sprays water at his crowds so take it with grace. The biggest issue is the trash war at the end of every Gathering. IT IS TABOO TO SPEAK OF THIS!!! But warnings must be heeded. If you really are down with the wicked shit you need to endure what is basically a food fight straight from Hell's Pit. You may think you are above it, YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE. If you think I didn't warn you, watch out for that dead squid flyin' right at your domepiece. Bringing an umbrella will not do a thing expect become broken with the rest of the trash.
If you want nothing to do with it then avoid the tent next to the brontosaurus, this is where Trash War is typically held. I hope I cleared up any misconceptions about Insane Clown Posse shows and the Gathering of The Juggalos. If you have any questions feel free to reply to this message and I will do what I can.
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I have so many thought about Hondo Ohnaka.
And the way I often see fandom portray him - hilarious inept friend.
And the way he portrays himself - best friend of a certain Jedi master who is always willing to help, for a price.
And the heinous acts he is able to get away with because of this Jack Sparrow like representation.
When we see him in Rebels, it is a glowing representation of him as a scoundrel.
He loves the Jedi
He and Ezra are adorable together
He misses his Jedi best friend.
When we meet him in The Clone Wars, he’s hilarious, mostly harmless, and pretty helpful
Captures Dooku, Anakin, and Obi-wan with the goal to ransom them back to the Republic. Yay, the good guys!
Takes weapons to Onderon. Yay! Overthrow the separatist oppressors
Tries to steal kyber crystals from younglings - that’s not great, but no one got hurt and he definitely thought they could just get more. No harm, no foul?
Attempts to sell a teenage girl…. *insert record scratch here*
Everyone, and I mean everyone, loves to gloss over that last part. Fans, the entirety of the rest of canon, hell even the end of that arc, love to gloss over the fact that THAT MAN TRIED TO SELL AHSOKA.
Not ransom her back to the Republic, not sell her to the separatists.
No, he captured a teenage girl and was going to sell her to someone who specifically wanted to buy a female Jedi.
He told us this!
The truth is, I have my sights set on more nefarious criminals than I, a businessman who will pay handsomely for a Jedi.
A female Jedi at that.
This is the last arc of The Clone Wars he is in.
Later, in this exact episode, he tells us he killed an entire circus troupe because he didn’t like their act!
I would hate to be forced to cut off their heads like I did to your last act.
You remember those guys.
You are a brave man to come before me again.
Where is my Jedi?
I would hate for her to miss the show
which I'm hoping will be better than last time.
We learn so much about Hondo in this episode and it all seems to be telling us the same thing - don’t forget this guy is a bad guy. Like a very bad guy.
He seems to like Anakin and Obi-wan, so they don’t get the worst of him.
Ahsoka does not have that luxury. He is going to sell her to the highest bidder. The type of scum to say they don’t just want to say they own a Jedi, they want to own a female Jedi. We all saw the Zyggeria arc. We all know what he is talking about.
And what is worse is Obi-wan doesn’t even think anything like this is a possibility! Because he and Hondo are friends or something.
Obi-wan: We shall deal with Hondo on Florrum.
Youngling: Will Ahsoka be all right?
Obi-wan: Hondo would be even more of a fool than I think he is to hurt her.
Guess what General - HE IS GOING TO SELL HER!
And he would have continued to try if Grievous hadn’t shown up to ruin his plans.
He did not see the light and change from his murdering of circus troupe and selling sentient beings ways, a bigger bad showed up and he allied himself with the person he just tried to sell because she is a Jedi and still believed his life was worth saving.
And yet this saving his own skin behavior seems to have completely wiped the stain of tried to sell a whole person off of him. Because it’s adorable how he immediately cared for Katooni and that is all people seem to remember from that arc.
No, it isn’t adorable. At all. If Katooni had been a few years older he would have looked at her and seen profits too.
If Ahsoka hadn’t been so concussed from Grievous throwing her around, she would have mentioned the whole trying to sell her thing to someone.
And that would have been the end of the Obi-wan and Hondo friendship, because of, you know, the horrible behavior.
Anyways, TLDR - Never forget that everyone’s favorite pirate with a heart of gold Hondo Ohnaka tried to sell Ahsoka and was only thwarted because Grievous came to attack him instead.
I would have loved to see Ezra tell Ahsoka about his new bestie Hondo. Kanan is over there with his hand over his face thinking ‘I don’t know how to convince him this guy shouldn’t be trusted’ and suddenly Ahsoka solves the problem for him like ‘oh I know Hondo, yeah, he tried to sell me when I was 16 because it would be *airquotes* profitable’.
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zeroinsanity · 4 months
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Testament - The Gathering
I fucking love this album
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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"Avengers #375 pullout poster. Marvel Comics, 1994. Pencils by Steve Epting. Inks and painting by Tom Palmer."
Today marks the 30th anniversary of Avengers #375 by the way.
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"the song that angels sing, the spell that calls, THE GATHERING" Delain live at Graspop Metal Meeting 2023
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