azulscripts · 20 days
Titan's Music Inspo (OC Lore and Inspo)
tw : drug abuse mention
For Titan's music, I would split it into two. Their first album and their second album. This is because as their drug addictions worsened, their music ended up sounding more grandiose while at the same time becoming more hollow (subjectively speaking). Their first album was inspired by Nirvana's In Utero sound, while their second has more shades of Oasis's later albums, particularly Standing on The Shoulders of Giants and a little bit of Dig Out Your Soul.
Their first album was very abrasive. Nate's vocals were ragged and rough to match the trippy and vulgar lyrics. Guitars and bass were loud and heavy, but mostly very screechy and distorted. I wanted to imagine a very grand yet dark album. The lyrics are mostly references to drugs and partying, with words alluding to affairs, parties gone way too far, withdrawal, and more. The voice I had in mind was obviously Kurt Cobain in that last album, as well as Liam Gallagher in Be Here Now.
Their second album became a culmination of all the members' substance abuse problems. The production became louder, more massive, yet ending up sounding like a caricature of itself. I thought that this sort of sound is hypnotizing in itself. The sound of a band so consumed by its own ego that it dies out in a beautiful supernova. The song that inspired me the most to imagine that sort of sound was Gas Panic by Oasis. I wanted the band to emulate that psychedelic paranoia. Longer guitar solos, more scratchy, nasal vocals and the inclusion of an intro and interlude. Lyrics reference substance abuse more heavily here, with titles such as Uppers, Downers, Black Tar Suicide and Red Bull Angel. The voice I had in mind would be Liam Gallagher during Standing On The Shoulders of Giants.
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sally-can-wait · 2 years
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gallaghercest · 17 days
Lyric Analysis - It's a Crime
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Ok, this reunion really messed with my head. It feels like a dream come true. I never imagined to experience this. I've been listening to Oasis non-stop since the 27th. I've been obsessing with these two fuckers in such a way that I haven't done since I was 16.
My current obsession has been It's A Crime. It's a demo from 1999, SOTSOG era. A few years later it was released as a single during the Don't Believe The Truth era as "Let There Be Love". Mind you that LTBL is the second song Liam and Noel sing together, the first being Acquiesce - yes, that one where Noel sings they need and believe in each other.
I always knew these lyrics were a huge piece of evidence, but for some reason, I never managed to understand what it meant. It was sort of an enigma to me.
Well, let's get into it. It won't be anything groundbreaking, just my thoughts on the lyrics as I need to vent with someone.
Disclaimer: I don't ship Liam and Noel, these are only thoughts and theories about their relationship, and this is all merely for entertainment purposes. Noel/Liam, if you're reading this, please don't sue me. I'm cool.
Before we start, I'd like to remind you of My version/timeline of Liam and Noel's relationship as this will help you understand my analysis:
Their thingy started around 1992, as Liam and Noel got closer to each other because of Oasis;
I firmly believe Noel was the starter, hence Lock All The Doors (1992) lyrics. Why did Liam agree with that? Fuck knows. I'd die to know that;
Noel was the one who showed more affection/was head over heels in love during 1992-1995. He was always writing about Liam and treating him like a God. Liam loved Noel too but I just think he had more important things to care about, he didn't really see how important Noel's love and public displays of affection were. He was too immature to realize that and value Noel's love. We know Noel is a cold person by nature so showing his vulnerable side to Liam was something important to him, but Liam couldn't understand that;
Then we have 1996. Boom. That was the first time their ""relationship"" was in crisis. I don't know if it was because of their wives or if a single episode we're unaware of led to a crisis. I sadly don't have that info. I also believe Noel went to Mustique Island as a way to cope with/escape this crisis. He recorded nearly all the demos for Be Here Now there, including If We Shadows and Untitled. Haha. The boy was depressed as hell;
Things seemed to get a lot better in 1997-1998;
1999-2001 is a strange period, it seems off - they seemed more distant, but at the same time, there are some hints Noel was still willing to give themselves one more try. I don't have many thoughts on that period;
2002: they seemed to be on pretty good terms, but guess what: from this year onwards, their roles switched - Liam started to be the one who's most affectionate, and more passionate and needy, while Noel was more distant, and cold. That was their dynamics until 2007-2008;
2009 was a terrible year for them so I won't even bother to comment on that.
Well, you can say what you want But you won't get a thing from me And if you don't understand That's it's not in your hands you need Let there be love
You'll notice that, throughout the song, Noel uses the words "want" and "feel"/"mean" in the first line of each verse, because there's a difference between what Liam wants to say and what Liam needs to say. We'll get into that later on.
I think this verse supports what I said about Noel being emotionally unavailable during the SOTSOG era and post-2002. I don't know what happened in 1996 but he seemed to be extremely bitter ever since (1997 being an exception). No matter how many times Liam told him he loved Noel, no matter how Liam showed his affection or begged for Noel's attention, he wouldn't get it. The old Noel was dead.
The last three lines, in my opinion, show that what Liam needs is Noel's love, something that's irreplaceable in his life: there's nothing Liam can do on his own that would replace what they have, and no one else on Earth could give Liam the same love - so it's really not in his hands. This also accentuates how Noel likes to be in charge/have power.
"Let there be love". Noel is telling Liam that he should let love take over him, and thus be more expressive. Noel always says how Liam is an angry man, etc, so this is just a message to remind him that he's still able to love.
But you can say what you feel And it might never steal from me And then you must understand That it's all in your hands what you need Let there be love
English is not my first language so I have no idea if the "steal from me" is an idiom that means anything other than the regular meaning of it. The first line shows that all Noel wanted was Liam to be more verbal about them i.e. show more affection.
Third and fourth lines show that Noel's way of loving solely depends on Liam's actions - if Liam shows his love, Noel's happy and will express his love too. By saying that, we must think: does that mean Noel's love is not unconditional? Does it mean a huge part of Noel's obsession with Liam was a need to feel approved and needed by Liam, which is (plot twist) basically the exact same way Liam felt about Noel during… his entire life? In the end, both wished for the same thing from each other but were poor communicators.
Again, Noel thinks his love is all Liam needs, but Liam is unaware of it.
And I never knew But all the things that you've done Are coming right back to you But everybody knows that it's no crime
1994 Noel would never have imagined that their relationship would be in shambles in 1996, or that they would go through such emotionally-distant periods, ever.
My understanding of this whole verse is that Noel was aware that Liam was getting his karma, not only regarding their relationship but with life in general, and Noel never imagined that would ever happen, as Liam always seemed to get away with absolutely everything when they were younger.
Although Liam and Patsy had Lennon in 1999, they got divorced in 2000, so we can suppose things were not very nice when this demo was recorded. Although Liam was sober around the SOTSOG recordings in 1999, he was Drunk™️ as hell on the second Wembley night in 2000. Liam didn't value Noel's love in the early years, and now he's paying for that "mistake". In Noel's mind, that's no crime. People reap what they sow, whether that's good or bad.
But does it make you feel ashamed? You never said what you've done And there's no need to blame But everybody knows Yeah, everybody knows Everybody knows that it's no crime It's no crime
These lines are sort of a mystery to me. "You never said what you've done". What does Noel mean by that? Is he talking about the 1ncest? Or is Liam not able to admit he failed to meet Noel's emotional needs? I believe it is the latter. In Noel's mind, that would be a reason for Liam to be ashamed, but at the same time, he can't blame him, since Noel was the one who started all of this.
For a second, while I was reading the lyrics, I realised the first three lines were kind of familiar to me. Then I had an epiphany and noticed that Noel has written something similar in Stay Young, released in 1997: They're making you feel so ashamed/Making you taking the blame. As I always say, guilt, blame, shame, being a sinner, and wanting to escape from people are recurrent themes in Noel's lyrics. I wonder why…………..
So you can say what you want But you'll not get a thought from me But if you say what you mean Then you might get a thing from me Let there be love
This just reflects what I said above: if Liam says whatever he pleases - or, in this case, if he's not verbal with Noel -, Noel will shut down. However, if Liam says what he really feels deep inside, Noel might be cool to him. That line shows me that despite Liam being immature and not valuing Noel in the past/present, he still knew Liam genuinely loved him the same way he did. Noel just had this (ego-guided?) desire to hear that. Clearly, Noel's language of love is words of affirmation (he's such a Gemini!!!), and Liam's is acts of service (he's such a Virgo!!!). That's it.
While I was writing the above paragraph, I thought, "Am I going nuts? What if everything I'm writing is pure bullshit?". So I refreshed my Tumblr timeline and saw THIS:
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It's a Liam quote from 2006. It's literally what I've been saying throughout this whole analysis. Liam thinks words are not necessary. But Noel does. Do I think Noel complained about Liam's lack of communication with Liam himself? Probably not. Noel'd probably think that'd be humiliating. I think there's a high chance that Noel just vented about it in his lyrics and when he was face-to-face with Liam, they'd simply fight with each other as a way to express the frustration they felt inside caused by each of them not being able to act the way they expected, love-wise.
If I ever knew That all the things I've thought Are coming right back to you But everybody thinks that it's a crime
First things first: I love Noel's delivery of the word "Crime" in this verse. It's so agonizing, you can really feel his guilt/desperation.
To me, this verse shows how Noel knows the 1ncest and his own actions/way of treating Liam impacts Liam's life and way of being, and also their relationship in general. It all started with a thought in Noel's mind back in 1992. An intrusive one, most likely. But Noel wasn't able to brush it off and eventually gave in to his forbidden wishes. If he ever knew how that would affect them forever, he'd have never done that (no shit, Sherlock).
Obviously, everybody would think what they have is a crime. Because, luckily, people are sane. Alternatively, Noel might meant that even when Liam does something wrong or gets what he deserves, people still think it's a crime for him to be held accountable for his actions. As I mentioned above, Noel is convinced that Liam is the world's protegé, a kind of invincible human being who is never blamed by anyone.
It never makes you feel ashamed You sit around and you sold And you're passing the blame But everybody knows Yeah everybody knows Everybody knows that it's a crime It's a crime
Now, Noel is kind of blaming Liam for not doing anything to change his behaviour, being convinced that Noel's the reason why everything is shite and blaming him for it. Or maybe blaming other people/situations to justify his behaviour/lack of expression of feelings.
Either way, unless Noel would address his desires directly to Liam, it doesn't make a lot of sense in my head to be a bitch about it. I mean, get a grip. Stop writing songs about it and do something!!! Cry in public!!! Make a press conference to expose how Liam is non-verbal with you!!!
Last lines conclude that, in the end, 1ncest is still a crime. Who would've thought?
-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- That's it - hope you missed me and enjoyed this. Kiss Kiss JM
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How's your relationship with Noel?
The best it's ever been. Stronger. We're fuckin' listening to each other and we've got time for each other. Which we've never had. We couldn't sit in the same room five years ago, let alone try to produce an album. He used to say to the press that I didn't give a fuck about Oasis because of me drinking, so I thought, "Fuck it, I'll prove to you that I'm 190 per cent into this band and this album and if it means stopping drinking, so be it." I've done it and he thought I couldn't 'cos he was going, "Have you had a drink?" "Not for a couple of months." "Yeah right - you'll be back on the bottle." "No, not me, mate." So I'm not drinking and, in a way, he's going "Bastard!"
And I've got a song on the album - that's a change. It's called Little James. For our James. It's really naive. But it's beautiful. It's big- I played it to Noel and he went, "Fuckin' top, I'd buy it." I wanted to play it acoustic, but he went and got the band around it and it's a big fuckin' tune now.
That was a breakthrough for you, getting a song accepted by Noel.
I was pleased that he'd fuckin' listen to it and I'm pleased that it turned him on. That's good for me, that gives me confidence. But I've got a lot to learn. There's no point in going up to Noel and going, I've got this little bit of a melody and... Well, I used to do that and he'd say, 'Look, come back when you've finished the song, then I'll give it the time of day.' He insisted I do it on me own. And that's the way it should be. So when something amazing hits me again, I'll quietly creep up on him maybe he'll...
Have you always itched to prove yourself as a songwriter?
You always want to fuckin' better yourself. I always wanted to learn how to play a guitar for my own peace of mind, just so I could get out all that shit in there (points to his head), that frustration. Write words down and get what's in there out here. But I couldn't do it. Now I want to keep writing.
Interview with Liam in Q Magazine (December 1999)
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bunnywand · 27 days
ughhh bought a bunch of 2000's oasis b-sides i couldn't find in the format i wanted from itunes a couple of days ago, cos they were some of the only oasis songs i was still missing from my library.. and now i've found someone on soulseek w/ them all, while i was looking for s/t completely different 😑
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What was 1998 even like for oasis did it all come crashing down or wa sit like a slow and horrible realization that the worlds changed around you or in fact you weren’t what you thought you were or where you thought you were. Well clearly I can guess
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a very unserious list of other things they could announce (created in a desperate bid to temper my expectations):
they’re changing the cover of the anniversary version from the sad empty room
Liam v. Noel cage match
very belated 20th anniversary versions of SOTSOG and Heathen Chemistry
Step Out (Liam’s version)
new b-side compilation
actual recording of Take Me
Loch Lomond footage
reunion but it’s Noel and Tony who reconciled and Liam is uninvolved
nothing they just wanted to see how we’d react
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stylecouncil · 4 months
brandon flowers catching the tail end of a valium-ed out noel gallagher sotsog era encore like this is so glamorous
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supersonic1994 · 22 days
Speaking of all these old demos etc, what do you think about it's a crime from the sotsog demos album? Always found it to perhaps be one of the most intriguing things noel ever wrote
I always found it incredibly beautiful that it went from it's a crime (a song containing so much fear and shame) to let there be love (and it took him eight years to write. eight. it wasn't an easy thing to accept) it's an incredibly vulnerable demo like most of noel's demos are, and I love it. It feels like he's talking to himself and we are privy to hear
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hanadoesstuffbadly · 4 years
Daughter of Giants
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"You should move along, Giant, we don't want your sort around here." The bartender's voice was low and authoritative, the voice of a man not easily ignored, but one didn't need the ears of a bat to make out the tremors coursing through it. Everything about him was a well made manor with good foundations, but Aravis could tell it was built on sand. Give him a little shake and everything would start slipping.
Aravis smirked and tapped her fingers idly against the bar's puckered wooden surface. A part of her cursed  how ineffective her disguise had been proving recently, even after she's taken to covering her folc markings. The last thing she needed now was to have word of a nomadic folcwoman travelling the Engle Lands like a sad silk trader. Her tankard's rim just brushed her lips as she held it there and she concentrated on the fact that the man had not moved along, still standing just out of sight behind her mustard coloured hood. If he just needed a shake, why was she feeling inclined to rattle him until the very bricks of his character were dust to be scraped off of her heel. Maybe she was too tired for this today, too done with walkers and their sloppy, indelicate ineptitude. But at the same time, her ichor was roaring through her veins, violet and rushing. It made her lungs burn like magma beneath the island's crust. Her titanic heart yearned for a fight. It had been too long.
"My sort?" Silk dropped into her tone inadvertently, turning her deep, hoarse, broken voice into an almost mechanical purr. Fear rippled through the room like ribbons. It was a cool breeze in a suffocating glare of self-importance and Aravis breathed it in.
"You're a bounty-hunter!" Not the bartender, but a nasal, underdeveloped voice called from the crowd of patrons that had interrupted their own meals to gawk like a gaggle around what had been a peaceful evening drink. Aravis didn't bother seeking out the speaker (though she suspected one of the pasty, mealy shepherds seated closer to the entrance. An easy escape, she mused, smart choice.) Her brow, however, creased at his choice of words. Bounty hunters were perhaps the lowest of the low creatures grovelling on the earth's filthy surface. Turning in fellows of your kind for the reward of others? Had they no sense of honour or kinship at all. Had a folcman or woman acted in such a way, they would be plunged beneath the clouds to the endless oceans below and ripped to shreds by the wild, Bacchic merpeople of the depths. Honour, trust, loyalty; mere dramatic concepts to be learned and forgotten by those thugs like poor poetry.
"Now what would give you that idea?" Likely her stature or lack of ladylike grace. Maybe-
"The ends of your hair. They're white." The thought died before it even took shape in her mind. A chill crawled up around her shoulders, turning the thick muscle there into cold stone. She was frozen in place, barely able to open her mouth to reply through gritted teeth, her head bowed lower toward the counter and her tankard rested against her suddenly ringing forehead.
"Why," she ground out, "would that," turning slowly like a tin doll, her eyes flashed, "mark me out?" Moonlight flashed against a bronze knife behind the bar and it set the room aflame. The man- boy really- stood and quaked like a tethered kite before the entrance like it was a headwind. He had a round, dark, unfinished face; the face of a scholar or bard, not a warrior. Nevertheless, Aravis wanted nothing more than to turn it blue with bruises.
"I've heard stories," He shuddered and searched any face but hers for help "my father's a pepper merchant, he told me about you and your kind." The idea of some miserable, slimy, slithering underwalker's tongue speaking of her ‘kind’ made Aravis' fists curl. "Your hair is dark and- and blue, right?" He was slipping, but didn't run. Yet. "He used to say, when- when what was inside your head became darker, your hair literally started paling in comparison... Making the tips turn white... And- I-I thought..."
"Tom Tom, that's enough." Hissed the bartender.
Aravis was very still. Whispers are meant to be lost in the chaos. Aravis’ words were like breaths, yet each one rang in the floorboards and out of the door like the echoes of screams.
"Your father is well-learned. Darkness seeping into every crevice of the mind, turning you into a miasma veiled in flesh? What better fits that description than a callous, underhanded criminal? What could be so dark, so evil, as to turn the tips of my hair so pale?"
With one hand she tore the hood from her head. And not a breath was drawn as their pathetic faces took in the blank, dull cascades, the colour of new snow. Cold and dead. White to the roots.
She closed her eyes when the whispers started seeping into their fear, and as always, before her there stretched a great gash in the clouds on which she, still an adolescent wrapped in sunlight, stood. Beneath that crevice she saw the island of the underwalkers. But she wasn't looking at them. Instead, all that filled her vision was the great, massive warrior lying like unwanted venison beside the hulking, grotesque, monstrous corpse of a Beanstalk. And the underwalkers were dancing. At their head, leading them on there stood a creature of pale flesh and golden hair. To others he might have looked like a child, beautiful and beaming. Aravis knew what he really was. The axe was still in his hands. That smiling, glittering face was the last thing she saw before the vision cleared and Aravis opened her eyes to the bar counter. 
Shards of metal and broken wood lay before her. Her hand was bloodied by purple ichor. Still lodged within the cut were some remains of the crushed tankard. But it was her eyes that were burning with pain.
The whispers had ceased. And so had the roar in her veins. She was ice.
Standing, she swept her cloak aside to rest both hands on her hips, her feet apart. She was taller now than she had been when she entered, and now the crest of her ringed headband just skimmed the ceiling. Everybody in the room cowered below her. It felt right.
"Indeed. I am a hunter. But what I'm after is not the reward of a slippery, stupid nobleman. It is justice. And it is mine alone." the low rasp of her voice grew full and round as pride swelled within, "as a daughter of the mighty Laestrygonians."
At the name of her folc, new horror trickled into slow running red blood all around her. So many eyes darted to the door, for escape. Many more became fixed on her lips or, more specifically, on the teeth that lay behind them. Aravis didn’t need to be a mind mage to know they were wondering how much mortal flesh had been shredded upon them. That stout bartender was the first to finish quivering.
"Who do you seek, great Giantess? I will tell you all that I know, just don't hurt any of my customers, I beg of you!" Ugh. Begging. Typical underwalkers.
"I'm hunt Prince Jack of Gaul. As I have for almost ten years." Voice rising such that everyone might hear, she let fear carry her words. "He has taken something very precious from me, many things in fact, and I intend to exact justice."
“But, he’s been missing over three years! Many young princes have been.” Aravis was well aware of that. So close. She had been so close she could see the ridiculous peak of his hair, illuminated under dragon fire. But the presence of one of the more powerful fae had forced to keep her distance. But she had him cornered. It was almost over. And then he was gone.
“Haven’t you heard? They’re back, now.” Every head turned back to the scholarly boy by the entrance. “Yeah, the entire Fearless-”
But Aravis was deaf to the world.
They’re back now. He’s back now. He’s back. Again, and again, and again. The sound of clouds being split down the middle and the shining eyes of the blonde, beautiful murderer. And dancing. Aravis’ eyes were filled with axes, ichor and dancing.
Her bident spear was in her hand one moment and whistling across the room the next. The boy- Tom Tom he’d been called- was pinned between its prongs like a fish, flailing and panicked. He grasped at the twin spikes which were twice as thick as his arm. As Aravis strode over, he just resisted going limp.
With her feelings crashing and shrieking in her head, Aravis paid no attention to the fact that the ceiling had splintered around it. She didn’t notice the splinters to timber that clawed at her waist, nor the frigid night air whipping her face as she waded through the bar like mud. People the size of dolls scurried for the exit, while the one she wanted remained pinned. Until she knelt down and gripped the long handle of her weapon, pushing it closer into his throat.
“Where?” Was all she managed. Everything inside was a storm that even she herself was becoming lost in.
“I- I don’t know! I was told by a friend!”
“WHERE?!” Her bellow ricocheted off the dark sky itself like thunder and the bident spear-head pressed harder against his trachea until he gasped for air.
“STONEBURY!” Violent sobs wracked his body but Aravis did not relent, “GLASS STONEBURY! MY FRIEND HORNER IS IN GLASS STONEBURY! HE CAN TELL YOU!”
Only then, with a grunt of dark satisfaction did she pull the spear from the wall, releasing him. With the first real, tangible feeling she had felt in years melting into her veins, she shrank back down until she was practically the same stature she had been when she had arrived. The bar’s roof was gone, allowing freezing wind to howl through. She cared not.
Aravis finished a drink that had been abandoned on a table in the panic. It was revolting, crude stuff, typical for underwalkers. But a smile was curled on her face regardless.
"What will you do once you find the prince? He's a hero, and has many powerful friends!" So the bartender had stayed, she hadn’t counted on that. She graciously turned to look at him, feeling lighter than she had in almost four years.
"Simple. I will rend his arms from his sides. I will cast his broken body across the air until each and every bone is ground into dust."
"They'll see you coming, people have already run to tell others of you."
"You speak as if I’d intended this to be a slaughter. You are wrong.” Aravis’ hood fell to the floor and her hand reached into her satchel. She sighed softly when her fingers met the gentle, rippling fabric of her cloak. Her mother’s cloak. “It’s an execution.” she pulled it free, letting it grow in size until it could wrap around her completely. Her legs and torso disappeared from sight. “And I must have him know his sentence.”
Turning, she vanished behind the concealment of the cloak and into the darkness of the night. The Engle Lands were solitary, located deep in the marshes of Fairytale Island. 
It wasn’t far to Glass Stonebury. And then all that was left was to find this Horner.
Just an intro that I couldn't get out of my head since creating Aravis (her name was Astrid originally). I kinda want to write a whole fic about this but I'm not sure since it would be pretty much all my ocs... I'm imagining basically zootopia but with a Giant princess and a bounty hunter.
Also ive already started about two big projects with no third chapter soooo.....
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sallycanwait96 · 5 years
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Happy 20° birthday to one of my all time favourite albums 💜💜💜💜 #noelgallagher #thechief @themightyi #themightyi #NG #NGHFB #liamgallagher #ourkid @liamgallagher #LG #lfucking @oasis #oasis #oasisband #oasisfans #oasisworld #madferit #britpop #90s #music #rocknroll #standingontheshoulderofgiants #SOTSOG #goletitout #whofeelslove #sundaymorningcall #20anniversary #vinyls #33rpm #45rpm #ihaveathingforvinyl #vinyllove #instavinyl https://www.instagram.com/p/B9FpMzBgphq/?igshid=4wjc9hsaaf96
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listenoasiss · 7 years
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Esos pelos :V
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Bad day for Be Here Now haters. JOKING, just don’t love it as much as everybody else does. I like some of the songs on there, just most too long and overblown.
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miami2k17 · 3 years
bought the stand by me cd single because i think its time to finally have my sister lover in my physical possession
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writing out digsy’s dinner in a tag and it looks so weird to me it doesn’t register as an oasis song in my head. the song was digsy’s diner my whole life because that’s what it said on the back of my copy of definitely maybe. recently ran into an american interview where noel’s told about the spelling and reacts like oh no that’s supposed to be dinner and a lightbulb went off.
i always thought it was odd for a british band to title a song with diner but never looked up the lyrics. as a consequence i never heard the LAHHH-SAHHHH-NYAHHHH part as ‘lasagna’ the dish and now that’s like a new part of the song for me. funny how that works.
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Did you know Jimi Hendrix and Lenny Bruce both used “uncontrollable homosexual urges” as a reason to ditch the army? . Did you know Kanye West and Steely Dan are pen pals? . Did you know that Phil Collins has a secret love for Monty Python and I have a secret love for Phil Collins? . Did you know I went through literally 10,000 logo designs before my podcast co-host John was pleased? . These are all facts you can learn on our podcast, Standing on the Shoulders Giants (SOTSOG). This Friday, we will be releasing out first three episodes. That’s right! THREE $@?!ING EPISODES. Just for you. . Listen and subscribe on ITunes, Spotify, and wherever else you get your podcasts. . . #art #podcast #artist #creativity #process #listen #humor #comedy #itunes #spotify #writing #sotsog #dopeshit #jjpodcasts #jimihendrix #philcollins #lennybruce #kanye #ye #kanyewest #steelydan #montyphython Sotsog.net https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIFjrulli7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zyo99waupgt2
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