#Souji Hashiba
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Souji Hashiba (Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace)  » April 2
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I feel like Ranpo Kitan doesn’t get enough credit for having unambiguously gay male content.
Sure, there’s anime that are specifically yaoi genre, but not a lot of anime that focuses on something else (ie. action, mystery) and still has an unambiguous gay male attraction that isn’t solely played off for laughs.
And even less of those anime aren’t targeted towards women specifically (nothing wrong with that - but the fact that Ranpo Kitan isn’t a shoujo or josei feels like something special to me).
Hashiba is unambiguously attracted to his male best friend Kobayashi (and by the end of the anime it’s implied that Kobayashi has feelings for Hashiba). There’s ample room for interpretation that Akechi and/or Namikoshi hold romantic feeling for each other. TWO gay romances for the price of one anime!
Honestly I’m just absolutely surprised? There seems to be a big problem in the yaoi genre where it in someway glorifies/justifies/excuses some form of rape and yet something more pure like Ranpo Kitan gets brushed over.
Even if you removed all of the shipping aspects from the anime, I would still greatly enjoy it, but it having genuine mlm moments is something important to me.
I’m jealous that I wasn’t aware of this anime when it had actually initially been airing or had just been dubbed, now discussions have really dried up. A resurgence of discussion/fanbase is highly unlikely but damn I’m hoping it’ll happen.
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gffa · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people
Tagged by @thewillowbends.  These lists are always hard, but that’s kind of the fun of them!  And that’s why we cheat and sometimes have lots of ties because no you can’t make me choose. 1.  Thor from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe - I am a sucker for a character who has their shit together but can still be human and face ridiculously traumatic experiences and come through them whole because they had a rock solid foundation to begin with.  From being thrown out of Asgard, made mortal, and taking that chance to suck it up and make himself better that he did that himself to the loss of pretty much his entire family and most of his people and his sense of purpose, the thing I love about Thor is that he keeps getting back up.  That kind of fortitude is even more appealing that the ridiculously hot lightning powers. 2.  Tsukino Usagi from Sailor Moon - I always loved her in the ‘90s anime, but reading the manga skyrocketted her into this special untouchable place in my heart.  The beginning of her journey is a girl who is so fragile that she would kill herself if she didn’t have the emotional support around her, who had to take step after step forward to find her inner strength, who wasn’t weak or terrible for her fragility, but instead her story was worth telling for it, that the point she started out as was just as valuable as the place she ended up, where she could be the one to stand up to save her friends and get them back herself, that journey was worth telling.  I LOVE HER TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. 3.  Thranduil and Maedhros from Tolkien’s Legendarium - It was really hard to choose, because I love a lot of the characters (and I feel badly leaving Thingol and Maglor off the list and I will fight a bitch for Galadriel and Elrond and listen Glorfindel is pure joy and also the internet is too mean to Elwing and I kind of want alllll the Melkor and Manwe fic because sobs they’re brothers shut up you can’t make me not have feelings about that, but also trashbag Melkor/Sauron and--) but those are the two I usually wind up wanting to know their pov in a fic I’m reading or have them around when shit’s going down because I want to see what they’ll do or I just miss them the most when they’re not there. 4.  Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars - If you asked me to pick between them, I don’t know that I could.  Yeah, sure, I love Obi-Wan ridiculously, but if you give me five minutes, I’m pretty much always going to drift back to talking about Anakin and his issues instead.  I’m not sure I can even boil them down into a nutshell about why I like them so much, they’re the kind of characters that I love so intensely and with such big, sweeping thoughts, that I’d have to write a whole essay.  But my best attempt:  Anakin’s being both dumbass and genius at the same time, being charming and magnetic while also being a bag of garbage at the same time, who had such good in him but was also an absolute monster, who I desperately want to be happy, but I also struggle to forgive him sometimes and that’s saying a lot for a fictional character, he’s brilliant enough to truly carry an entire Saga about him.  And Obi-Wan is the bedrock of all goodness in that galaxy, he could be obnoxious at times and he didn’t always see Anakin clearly, but he always cared and he remained good and hopeful, he continued to serve the galaxy, no matter what it threw at him, and even forgave Anakin in the end, because he always rose above.  That’s it, that’s my shit right there. 5.�� Inoue Orihime from Bleach - ORIHIME WAS MY GIRL FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, her unwavering kindness and care, her desire to be soft in a world (and, frankly, fandom) that wanted her to be hard and to fight everything, when she didn’t want to fight, she wanted to heal, she wanted to have fun and be weird, she wanted everyone to be happy, all of that made me love her.  Her loopiness is an absolute delight, but what I loved so much about her is that Orihime had the powers/abilities to be quite possibly the most OG of the entire cast, she could reject reality itself, and she never once wanted to use it to beat anyone up or to destroy anything, she wanted to make friends with her fairies and she wanted to help people.  That girl refused to let the world make her anything less than kind and caring and sweet.  She was THE BEST. 6.  Hara Akiha and Umeda Hokuto from Hanazakari no Kimitachi e/Hana-Kimi - Sometimes we all fall in love with those minor characters and they just fucking consume us.  A lot of it came from that they were both hot, they were both hilarious, and so they were just really fun, but what really got me was that I genuinely loved everything Nakajo did with Umeda’s character.  There weren’t a lot of gay characters in shoujo manga that weren’t complete comedic relief, where their sexuality was the joke.  Yes, Umeda was often a humorous character (all of the cast was) but he firmly was completely uninterested in high school kids, he liked adult men, and his advice to Mizuki may have been crabby as hell, but it was genuine and good.  His sexuality wasn’t the punchline of his character.  Then there was Akiha, who was also comedic, but his bisexuality (another rare thing to find in manga!) had nothing to do with the humor of his character, all of it was in the way he chased after Umeda.  He was a genuine suitor (and, reading the post-manga character interviews, apparently they got together, OMG MY HEART) and the kiss they shared was treated just as seriously as any straight kiss would have been.  That meant a lot to me, even though I’d have loved the characters just because they were so interesting and Umeda’s struggle to get over the guy who never cared for him and to let himself be vulnerable with someone that he could actually care about, was so great. 7.  Yuki Eiri from Gravitation - I can’t begrudge anyone for giving this show a lot of shit (and I definitely am going with anime!Yuki here, rather than manga!Yuki) or dismissing it as being god-awful, because it probably was pretty cringeworthy.  But Yuki got under my skin because he was one of the first characters I resonated with where his depression was real and it was ugly.  He could be cruel to people around him, he pushed them away, not just half-heartedly, but genuinely, and he couldn’t stand being vulnerable, because it touched on all the terrible places that had been damaged by what Kitazawa had done to him.  And he couldn’t just be magically fixed by Tohma’s devotion or Shuuichi’s unwavering amounts of love poured into him.  He couldn’t just be fixed with a hug or one good crying session.  He was damaged and it was going to be a hell of a long hike back up to anything even a little bit normal.  Especially back at that time, I felt like depression and trauma were never given any real weight, then along comes this ridiculous BL series that just refused to make Yuki anything less that genuinely damaged and it hit all these places in wee me that was struggling through my own depression that couldn’t just be cured with some hugs and people telling me they loved me.
8.  Hashiba Touma from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers - I’m not sure I could even say why this character got under my skin the way he did, other than that there was definitely a group of us who were SUPER into the show and it was fun to make a playground for ourselves, and Touma just really got to me.  The brilliant character who didn’t always know how to relate to others, but who cared very deeply about them, who gravitated to those who were better at social interaction than he was, who were better able to connect to people than he was, that he found this group where he really belonged, that just really touched wee me’s heart. 9.  Tendou Souji from Kamen Rider Kabuto - THIS OBNOXIOUS HOT MESS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.  It was hard not to put Kagami on the list as well, because so much of what I love about Tendou is illustrated through his relationship with Kagami (whom I also love on his own), but I think I keep coming back to that I love his issues the most.  He’s the best at everything and so it puts distance between him and everyone else, all the more so because he’s so obnoxious about it and doesn’t slow down for anyone else to catch up, but the thing is that there’s a very caring heart underneath all that.  He loves his sisters, he loves Kagami, he even kind of tolerates the rest of their weird gang, and trying to find that difficult line of his superiority over the others versus that he wants them to catch up to him in his own way, all while being the most condescending dick ever, is absolute joy. 10.  Relena Darlian from Gundam Wing - I had a difficult path to liking Relena, because so much of fandom boiled her down to either being a creepy stalker who got in the way of Heero/Duo or they only ever wrote her in romantic pairing stuff with Heero, neither of which really encouraged me to like her.  But, as time went on and I rewatched the series a couple of times, I realized there’s so much more to her.  She’s a character who has to walk an impossible line between both of the legacies that weigh on her, the birth family that she never knew but maybe she could help bring peace to the world by taking up that name, by trying to bring back the Sanq Kingdom that promoted absolute pacifism and peace.  Yet, ultimately, for all that her relationship with Zechs is really important and she was the heir to that kingdom, she chose to be Relena Darlian.  She choose to try to bring peace to the world by standing up on her own as a politician, not a figurehead queen of the world.  The struggle to figure that out, who she wants to be and how she wants to achieve it, to go from a sheltered young girl at the start of the series to someone who has seen how terrible war is, is far more interesting than either of those first options for me! And I’ll tag @forcearama (and if I couldn’t put Obi-Wan as all ten entries, neither can you!) @belldreams @subskywalker @cacchieressa @bpdanakins @glompcat @writegowrite @fireflyfish @evaceratops @amarielah and anyone else who wants to do it that I’m not sure I feel quite like I’m able to try peer pressuring you into it.  ♥  I love seeing these from anyone who wants to do them, I’m just never sure if I’m allowed to go HEY YOU DO THIS THING.  orz
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batangtamad · 2 years
Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace
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Genres: Horror, Mystery
Episodes: 11
Favorite Character: Yoshio Kobayashi
Favorite Quote: "This world we live in is a dream. The dream we have at night is, in fact, the true world."
Favorite Episodes: Episode 11
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Plot Synopsis: After what appears to be just another ordinary day, middle school student Yoshio Kobayashi wakes up in his classroom to make a terrifying discovery: his teacher has been mutilated, and Yoshio happens to be holding the weapon used to commit the crime.
Despite the initial shock of finding himself in this predicament, the curious and detached Yoshio can't help but be secretly thrilled about this attempt to frame him. His put-upon friend Souji Hashiba is turned into a willing accomplice, and together, they are determined to prove Yoshio's innocence. Additionally, Kogorou Akechi, a genius high school detective, has come to the scene of the crime in order to investigate the case, and when Kogorou meets the young man found guilty, an intense mutual interest sparks between the two of them. Kobayashi wishes to enter Akechi's world of crime solving as his assistant, and Akechi is determined to see if the enthusiastic boy is up to the challenge. (MAL)

Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace is a surreal mystery and horror anime. It contains brutal, gory, and bizarre crimes. It also focuses on the law and our society.
Episode 3 & 5 are really heart breaking. The fact that the criminals are repeat offender is so fuck up. Honestly, it is the government and our laws' fault that those girls were killed. If only those fucking repeat offender were punished, no more people would have gotten hurt or killed. If they just made a separate jail or an institute where all those mentally ill offender/criminal can be put rather than they release them in the society. Also, the justice law should really be improved or better yet change.
The Dark Star law is for people who are weak. Weak in a sense that they couldn't fight back or get the justice they deserved. However, that law is not perfect because it can be abused by people. Also, Akechi is against this because he knew there was a flaw in this and he also wants to save Namikoshi.
Kobayashi is weird, but also cute. I was really expecting it to be mystery, horror, anime with a mix of Shounen Ai or BL story. I really want Kobayashi and Hashiba to date each other. I need another season.
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shenanigumi · 7 years
The Hakuouki cast as Samurai Warriors themes
Don’t even try to look for real parallels. These are just some of my favorite themes matched up to characters. (But seriously, enjoy. These soundtracks are kickass.)
Yukimura Chizuru: City of Flowers Hijikata Toshizo: Twin Cherry Blossoms (Sanada) Okita Souji: Shattered Sky (Takeda) Saito Hajime: Beginning Toudou Heisuke: Empty Shell (Hashiba) Harada Sanosuke: Itsukushima (Mōri) Nagakura Shinpachi: Shizugatake Sanan Keisuke: Rampage Yamazaki Susumu: Specter of Death (Hashiba) Iba Hachiro: Belief (Naomasa) Souma Kazue: Fighting Spirit (Fushimi) Sakamoto Ryouma: God of War Kazama Chikage: Nagashino
Amagiri Kyuju: Spiral Ibuki Ryunosuke: Ueda Castle Inoue Genzaburo: Stronghold (Siege) Itou Kashitaro: Defense Battle Kimigiku: Gleaming Blade Kondou Isami: Surging Chaos (Tokugawa) Miki Saburo: Full Gallop Motoyama Kotaro: Osaka Castle Nagumo Kaoru: Nightmare Nakaoka Shintaro: Ise Nagashima Nomura Risaburo: Whirlwind Sen: Okehazama (Break) Serizawa Kamo: Conflagration (Takeda) Shimada Kai: Rumbling Shiranui Kyo: Gloom (Azai) Takeda Kanryusai: Mikatagahara (Takeda) Yukimura Kodo: Failure
Bonus: Epic Rivalry Themes
Hijikata vs Kazama: Petals in the Wind (Tokugawa) Okita vs Kaoru: Destiny (Matsunaga) Saito vs Amagiri: Tumult Heisuke vs Sanan: Ouka (Komaki-Nagakute) Harada vs Shiranui: Raging Waves (Toyotomi) Iba vs Takeda: Inferno (Redux) Souma vs Miki: Decisive Battle Sakamoto vs Nakaoka: Retreat Battle
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teiennoasobi · 7 years
A student's first duty is to study in order to 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦 for their own future
Hashiba Souji (Ranpo Kitan : Game of Laplace)
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akiba-kei-chan · 9 years
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dotesmite · 9 years
Masaru Yokoyama - Rampo Kitan: Game Of Laplace Original Soundtrack (2015)
Hashiba’s Love
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patjk · 9 years
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Ranpo Kitan: Too Gay
Along with people just not expecting the dark humor of Ranpo Kitan, I’ve also noticed a number of people who mention how the amount of gay and crossdressing in the show when they say how they don’t like the anime.
And this coming from the dudebro types who are inclined to assert that close male friendship does not equal gay. They still think Ranpo Kitan is super gay.
The show is unapologetically gay. And unapologetically cool with crossdressing.
Ranpo Kitan doesn’t come with the romance or yaoi genre labels slapped on it, so dudebros are going to be blindsided by the two gay couples in the anime. And the boy (Kobayashi) who doesn’t give a fuck about gender roles and wears dresses because he wants to, damnit.
Now granted, Akechi and Namikoshi are less obvious than Hashiba and Kobayashi but given that the anime canonically has gay romance in it, it’s not hard to see Akechi and/or Namikoshi possibly being in love with the other.
A critical piece of context that people often seem to miss when watching Ranpo Kitan is that it’s an homage to mystery writer Edogawa Ranpo and his works.
And who was Edogawa Ranpo and what he did he write?
Edogawa wrote gay male characters in his stories. Edogawa himself was possibly gay, as he wrote of having had romantic love for other boys in his youth, and feeling incapable of truly loving women. Either way, Edogawa researched homosexuality and wrote both fiction and nonfiction about it.
And Kobayashi is based on one of Edogawa’s characters who is a detective who crossdresses.
So in other words, having gay guys and crossdressing in Ranpo Kitan is part of the homage and is not at all “forced” as some uninformed viewers may have alleged.
It may even be arguable that not having any homosexuality in the anime would diminish it as an homage to Edogawa.
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shounenai1 · 9 years
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xxxhorikku · 9 years
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Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace Ep. 11
↪︎ Kobayashi & Hashiba | Akechi & Namikoshi
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fililikilili · 9 years
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no homo tho
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Rampo Kitan sexuality headcanons, just for fun
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