#South Park Fanfic
alottodix · 1 month
In honour of procrastinating to write chapter 10 of the Percy Jackson AU:
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Eric Cartman!!
Fanfic: Stan Marsh and the Lost Lyre
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urspopinionsareshit · 11 months
Why is it always "Kyle is jealous of Wendy", "Kyle is secretly pining over Stan and resents Wendy" when scenes like this exist in canon:
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I'm just saying. Maybe switch it up once in awhile?
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labratatouille · 5 months
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h-harleybaby · 7 months
A very haunted Halloween [Stan Marsh edition]
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Your breathing was heavy as you ran through the unfamiliar woods, the huffing and howling of wolves only encouraged you to run faster. Your legs burned and screamed at you to stop but your sense of self preservation was stronger than how much you wanted to give up. The forest is fine they said, the forest is beautiful at night they told you. So fucking much for them.
Earlier that night, Clyde had invited you to go on a trail late at night on Halloween with a group of friends. Something about smoking a little and maybe some alcohol. Obviously, you were stupid enough to agree because now you found yourself running for your life at midnight in woods you had never been in.
The path you found yourself following was one that smelled like wet dog, paved with the steps of those running and the claw marks of those chasing. Wolves howled loudly behind you, like they were cheering you on for lasting this long.
Soon the wolves started dispersing, heading in different ways as if they were now chasing something else. One wolf remained, with shiny black fur and blue eyes that seemed so familiar. There was hunger in those eyes, and it wanted flesh. Well that’s what your mind screamed at you anyways.
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This was NOT how you imagined you would spend your Halloween, this was bullshit! You found yourself under a wolf as it drooled on you, bright blue eyes staring into yours. The very wolf you had been running away from because it was trying to maul you. Something about its eyes told you not to worry yet common sense told you to scream and pray someone would hear you. You tried pushing the wolf off but it was much too heavy for you to fight. After it growled and slobbered in your face, it licked you and plopped down on your body like it was laying on you.
You quickly accepted your fate, the wolf clearly liked you and there was no leaving it. It innocently looked at you like it didn’t just tackle you, it’s tongue sticking out as it’s eyes fluttered shut. The other wolves from earlier flocked around you both, but as they came up you could hear a sick crunching. It wasn’t from chewing, no. It was from bones crunching and breaking before healing almost immediately. Fur was shed and the wolves stood upright as they turned into familiar faces.
Well not all too many of them were familiar, but Clyde’s face stood out from all of them. They all stood around you in tattered clothes and bright smiles. The moon was long gone by now, the sun starting to raise and your weary limbs starting to really feel the ache of running for your life.
“Maaaan you should’ve been here earlier, Stan got us the weed and hoooly shit! Speaking of, someone should like.. wake him up or something?” Clyde said before inching towards you guys, tapping the black wolf with his bare foot. With one more pathetic howl that sounded like a groan, the black wolf- who you now know as Stan, transformed back.
His bones crunched and it was disgusting to hear so close to you, but he still looked up from your chest with a goofy smile. His fur was quickly shed, replaced with familiar torn clothes. He fake coughed awkwardly as he watched your face turn from confusion to a mixture of relief and slight anger, trying to ignore the stiffening appendage against your thigh. The group snickered and quickly left the two of you alone, Clyde trying to hold back a cackle.
“Sorry.. I was supposed to ask you out tonight but that went.. I swear it was Clyde’s idea to do all this! How about I take you out later? As a sorry I promise!”
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You’ve survived, how does it feel?
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kiuuuus · 1 month
I wish i could go back to read creek fanfics like I used to, but the way most creek fics characterize eric as the homophobic/transphobe irredeemable villain of the story is kinda unpleasant to read likejdisjfjxk
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firefly-sky · 1 year
I wanna request something.
Kyle from south Park comforting tiny y/n after a nightmare
Of course, friend!!
Giant!Kyle x Tiny!Reader- Nightmares.
(Note: All characters are aged up to sixteen or so. They are high school students)
I wasn’t sure if you wanted platonic or romantic so you choose lol
TW: nightmares, yelling, arguing
As a tiny, life could be hard.
Oftentimes you were busy just trying not to be trod upon or accidentally crushed by one of the giants around you, seeing as they were each at least 100 feet tall. It was scary, being almost twenty times smaller than them. But the one exception was Kyle.
Now Kyle was known to be one of the angrier giants of the bunch, often losing his temper if he were pushed hard enough, but he never acted out violently. He only really beat up one person in his lifetime, and it had been for a good reason.
Through all in all, Kyle was a real sweetheart. He could be oblivious at times, yes; but he was never cruel or mean to you. For you, he was all bark, no bite. Especially since you were so small.
After you had been found in South Park, kept as one of the ‘school pets’ for a bit. And though you were never treated like an animal, Kyle still felt it wasn’t right to keep you in some glass cage to be observed and looked at in such ways. So…he saved you. And while he’s, when he did it was terrifying to see a gloved hand the size of your own body and then some reaching in and grabbing you, he was nothing but soft and gentle.
After a while, you and Kyle began growing closer to each other, despite you being twenty or so times smaller than them. You celebrated Hanukkah with the Broflovskis as well, and any other holiday you celebrate in the winter and even then some. They were pretty tolerant of your religion. Eventually, Kyle began to carry you around everywhere he went. Mainly out of fear that you would get lost (not that he would admit that; he usually claimed you would ‘mess up his room while he was gone’) but also because he was afraid of what his friends would do. So, you two were attached at the hip. This included while you were sleeping.
You slept on his nightstand in a small matchbox bed he had made for you. It had a small piece of linen cloth as a blanket and even a tiny mattess made from a memory foam piece that he had cut out from one of the fidgets he owned (stress from school really got to him sometimes). There was a tiny pillow made of cotton as well. After Kyle had tucked you in, (as you begged hun to do) he hesitated before placing a kiss to your forehead. His lips were the size of your entire upper body, so it was tough. Afterwards, you just blushed a bit, flattered with the kiss. He backed up and soon went to bed. His glasses were right on the stand next to you. It was funny, seeing how big they were compared to you…not that you minded.
Eventually, Kyle began to snore gently. His breathing was labored with the hands of sleep as his huge chest rose up and down as he slept…his hand was outstretched as he turned in his sleep…and it all hit you just how…big…he was. He could crush you with one wrong move. That scared the shit out of you. But surely, he wouldn’t hurt you. Not intentionally, at least.
So, with that you drifted to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You awoke the next morning with a start, hearing Kyle’s door slam. You jolted up out of bed as he came into his room. He was fuming. Now this wasn’t unlike Kyle; he had some anger issues, even if he was mellowing out in his teenage years, he was known for his emotional outbursts. His face was almost as red as his hair as he threw his trapper hat down in a fit of rage. You felt your body calm up as you slowly got out of bed. You looked up at Kyle. He had blood dripping from his nose and a few cuts on his cheeks. He looked awful.
“Kyle..? Ky? Is everything okay?”
Your tone was shaking. Hell, you were shaking. You hated seeing Kyle this worked up. Kyle turned his rage onto you.
“Is everything okay?”
His tone was short, and almost eerily gentle. Like a snake lulling it’s prey into it’s opened jaws. He slammed his huge fist onto the nightstand, his eyes nearly glowing with rage. His fist was nearly the size of you, and the sheer force of which he slammed it down sent you toppling over. You scrambled back to not be squished before looking up at him in terror. He rose to his full height, looming above you. His gaze was dark as he scowled
He snapped, his breathing heavy and his lips curled into a sneer. You flinched back as Kyle continued to look at you as if you had killed Ike.
“Me..?Um…I didn’t…I…I err…” You stammered. Kyle just grew more irate.
“All you do say in and day out is ruin everything! I never wanted a pathetic brat like you!” he snapped, practically snarling. You tried running off, but he was much faster. You could feel the heavy booming of his steps as he made his way over to you.
“You RAN OFF AND I DELIBERATELY TOLD YOU NOT TO!” He screamed, fury in his voice as it ripped up his throat and tore it red raw.
“And now I had to save your sorry ass from fucking Cartman himself because you couldn’t stay here for FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES!” He angrily punched the nightstand again. You tried to speak.
“Kyle! I…I didn’t…I don’t…” You continued stammering.
Kyle looked down with an almost evil look. “Just get out of my life!” he snapped. He picked you up in his fist and you screamed and wailed in terror…and then you woke up.
You weren’t awaken by a huge fist squeezing your insides out, you weren’t woken up by the ginger snapping and screaming…you were awoken by a gentle shaking of your body. You only saw his finger…his finger that was about twice your size…and you jumped back, panic filling your expression. Your heart dropped to your stomach.
Kyle saw this reaction and immediately was confused. He quickly put two and two together though. You were crying in your sleep, twitching and muttering…and now you were afraid. He realized you were probably just having a nightmare.
He withdrew his finger, instead, sitting up in bed. He yawned, which only allowed you to see his teeth…his teeth which could aw easily kill you…and you flinched back again. Kyle saw this and put his fist over his mouth to hide it while he yawned. He rubbed his eyes blearily and reached for his glasses before putting them on. His hair was a mess of red curls, tangled and poofy looking. It looked soft.
Kyle looked at you with concerned green eyes.
“Woah, dude…are you okay?”
Genuine concern laced his voice. He wasn’t really good at showing comfort or concern. He was an awkward boy, but when he had to be, he knew just what to do. He held his hand out for you, his pale skin was slightly lit by the dim, silvery moonlight. His eyes were gentle and he had a small, somewhat encouraging smile resting on his lips. He looked almost like he was inviting you to cuddle…
And so, with your fear subsiding for the moment, you hesitantly reached for Kyle’s hand. You soon reached out and grabbed his finger. He reached out and gently cupped you in his hands; a stark difference from the nightmare-Kyle who practically just squeezed your insides until they came out. You nearly cried from relief as Kyle sat up and turned on his lamp. His eyes were droopy and he lofted one hand to his mouth to yawn into, not wanting to scare you anymore. He crossed his legs and tilted his head.
“What happened?”
His tone was soft and caring. Nightmares were something he could usually help with when it came to comfort. After all, Ike still had reoccurring nightmares about dead celebrities. He was good with helping others, just he could be awkward at times.
You looked up with wide (E/C) eyes and fiddled with your hair. You looked down.
“I…I um…had a night…a nightmare…” you stammered.
Kyle looked at you with sympathy.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
His voice was husky and deep from just having woken up, but it was a bit endearing. He waited for you to speak, and you did.
“I…I ran wway…from…uh…from you…Cartman found me…”
Kyle rolled his eyes a bit at the name ‘Cartman’ before nodding for you to continue.
“And…and I…you came home…you were pissed and angry and you…you hurt…”
You were working yourself up again. Kyle’s heart was torn in half as he gazed at you with sad eyes.
“Hey…hey, I would never hurt you, Y/N.” He said, his tone caring and genuine. It was true. While he did have a hard time controlling his emotions sometimes, he wouldn’t hurt you.
You looked up at him, still wary. He saw this and gently stroked your back with the tip of his index finger.
“Would some cuddling help, N/N?” he asked, looking genuinely worried and like he wanted to help. After a moment of thought, you nodded. With a smile, Kyle turned off the light.
“It’s settled then.”
He pulled his hat off his bed’s side and placed you inside of it. He gave your head a gentle kiss, a kiss which covered your face and torso entirely. His lips were soft and warm, and honestly reminded you of home. You were at home with him. He rested you against his chest, his heart pounding strongly, working to keep his body healthy. You felt the strong pulsing like a drum under your time form, the only barrier between you and the drum in his chest was his green, fluffy hat and his t-shirt. Before going to bef, he whispered one last thing.
“I love you, Y/N…”
And you both fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart and breathing, knowing everything was okay. You were at peace, and you could finally rest knowing you were safe here.
You were home.
Ah, sorry for that cheesy ending! I hope this is what you wanted. Sorry for the long wait, been awful busy; i’ll get back on track with the rest of all your requests soon!
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lunarwhisperer · 7 months
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holy crap, it can't believe this actually happened!! mended hearts is currently #1 story under the #stendy tag on wattpad! I don't know how much longer it will stay that way, but I'm glad it actually happened!
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caughtonwebcam · 1 year
my trans! kyle au
this is still a wip but here’s a snippet of a fanfic I’m writing :)
cw: mentions/descriptions of menstruation/blood, gender dysphoria
“It’s perfectly normal, bubbie. You’re just getting older. Your body is maturing into an adult.”
Kyle fidgeted with his hands, sinking lower into his bed in shame.
“But I’m not an adult! I’m only thirteen!” he exclaimed to his mother, still refusing to make eye contact. “Why is this happening?” 
The red-haired woman raised an eyebrow. “They didn’t teach you in school?”
Kyle shook his head, confused as ever. The education system when it came to sex ed was never the best. He had recalled learning about periods, but it was never properly explained how it worked and his own biology. It was all about STDs and abstinence. 
“Well,” started Sheila, “once a month, your body releases an egg to be fertilized by a man and make a baby. If it’s not fertilized, the blood build up for the baby is disposed of through the vagina.”
Kyle shuddered, recoiling in disgust. “Ugh! Don’t say that word!”
His mother rolled her eyes. “Be mature, Kyle. Anyways, it’s what’s called a menstrual cycle. Does that make sense?”
Kyle wrinkled his nose. Gross. What if he didn’t want to give birth to a kid? And for a week each month? What was the point?  He shrugged.
Sheila sighed, rubbing the Kyle’s back in comfort. The scrawny boy still trembled a little, still taken aback by what was happening to him. “You see, Kyle,” Sheila began steadily, “it’s something every… every…” She trailed off, searching for better wording.
Kyle perked his head up, eyes widening with concern. “Every what?”
“— Every female born person experiences. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”  There it was again. A reminder. Of the stupid body that was given to him by God. The curse of femininity that he couldn’t erase no matter how hard he tried. He could cut his hair, layer sports bras under his orange jacket, deepen his voice and yet, while it did help ease his dysphoria significantly, he’d still bleed. Both his uterus and heart. If anything, that was scarier than the first sight of blood in the school bathroom earlier that day. 
Kyle groaned, burying his sunspot dappled face in his arms, another pang of  nausea twisting in his abdomen. 
Ugh, shit. How long is this gonna last?
“I think I’m just gonna… lay down for a bit,” the boy grumbled as he pulled the plush comforter over his head. Sheila nodded, ruffling Kyle’s red curls sympathetically. 
“Sure,” she replied, “I’m going to go make you some hot tea. It’ll help soothe the cramps.”
Kyle smiled weakly, “thanks mom.”
When she shut the door behind her, the ginger boy’s grin fell, being replaced by a sour grimace as the twisting in his gut made him want to vomit, his head feeling lighter. He rolled onto his back, cringing as the small movement made more warm blood flow out of him. 
Kyle clutched his stomach and squeezed his thighs together as tears pricked his eyes. 
Holy fuck. This was the worst.
Stan pursed his lips as he rang the doorbell. Something must have been really wrong if Kyle left school early. Was he hurt? The question plagued his mind until suddenly, Sheila opened the door. She looked down and smiled, being met with the boy, who carried a large gift basket filled to brim with boxes of sanitary products, among other things. “Can I help you?”
”Um, hi, Ms. Broflovski. Is Kyle home?”
Sheila glanced back for a moment, before returning her gaze to Stan. “Yes,” she replied, “he’s upstairs resting right now, though.” 
Stan’s eyes brightened. Good, so he was okay. “Can I see him?”
Sheila bit her bottom lip. “I wouldn’t right now if I were you.”
”Please?” Stan pleaded, “can you at least just give this to him and say it’s from me?” He held up the basket.
Sheila exhaled. “Okay, fine. But I’m not sure if he’s in the mood for visitors.”
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by-april-march · 2 days
South Park: Warm Blood [01]
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Kenny McCormick knew better than to fall for his friend's ex-girlfriend, the one who spent her nights working for Professor Chaos as a villain... but fooling around a little couldn’t hurt, right? A one time thing that turned into another (& another, & another, &...) will eventually threaten the lives of everyone in South Park.
💖🔞 18+, Cursing, Death, Sex/smut, Angst. 🔞💖
Pretty much every ship (gay or straight) gets a little something throughout the story so I'm not even gonna bother tagging, rofl. I had so much fun writing this, but if it's not your thing I totally get it 😂
You can find every chapter, along with some art and supplemental drabbles in the 🩸 [Warm Blood Masterpost] 🩸
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[Chapter 01. Warm Blood]
It was one of their final lunches as high school students. The whole gang was preparing for college life and young adulthood, but Kenny started early. He got a job as soon as he legally could, and started saving. By junior year he could finally afford a shitty used car, and he was stable enough to do some nice things for Karen once in a while. A movie or a meal here and there. Small shit that most people wouldn’t think twice about, but meant a lot to her. 
  Kenny sat between Cartman and Clyde, with Stan, Kyle and Tolkien across from them. Everyone was making moves and preparing for big changes, but Kyle surprised him the most.
“You really broke up with her? Like you’re really not getting back together again?” Kenny asked, “She was actually hot,”
“Way out of your league,” Stan added.
“Thanks guys,” Kyle sighed, “You know, I could use some support,”
“So you dumped her and you still want us to hold your fucking hand?” Cartman asked.
“You really fumbled a baddie,” Tolkien said.
“She find out you fucked Theresa?” Stan asked.
“Wait – While you were together?” Clyde asked curiously. 
“We were already broken up,” Kyle said plainly.
“For like two days,” Tolkien added.
“I was depressed,” Kyle insisted.
“I know when I'm depressed a random hookup always makes me feel better,” Kenny mused.
“Whatever. The point is, me and Martine, we’re done for good this time,” Kyle asserted.
Kenny looked across the cafeteria. Martine Guede was reading a comic book across from Wendy and Nichole. He always kind of liked her. They worked together at City Wok since sophomore year. He was a line cook and she was a server, although the locals still just called her a waitress. Pretty. Big boobs. Brown skin and long dark hair. Short as fuck, but the tits made up for it. Yeah, she was small, (He was 6’2” and guessed he had 12 inches on her give or take) but he knew there was a lot crammed into that small package. He always wanted to hook up with her, but she and Kyle had been friends a couple years already and he was tutoring her in chemistry. He got there first.
The final few months of high school were hard for everyone, but especially Martine.
Kyle had just broken up with her two weeks ago, and she was devastated. A week after the break up, she found out her dad was sick. Cancer. Treatable, supposedly. He told her he didn’t want anyone to know. Just another secret for her to carry around. The things her father didn’t want people to know about him could fill a tanker truck.
Martine’s alter ego, Pillow Princess stood on the roof of the U-Store-It with Professor Chaos and tried to explain her situation to him. His hands fidgeted anxiously.
“Oh hamburgers!” He exclaimed, “Do you need bereavement leave?”
“Not at all, I really...” She frowned, “I need an assignment,”
He snapped his fingers, “I have just the thing!”
There was a train coming through town, some rare books were on board. They bought some tickets under a fake name with the Chaos Company Card™ and she brought two of the younger Chaos minions to cause a distraction. She stayed in her street clothes to be less conspicuous.
Kinda hard to steal anything in a crowded train with a tinfoil tiara on your head.
Once she had the books secured in her backpack, she got off the train a few stops before South Park, and started walking back to town.
When she made it back to the outskirts of town she stood on the tracks and looked up at the stars. She waited a bit and then she checked the time on her phone. 
The next train should be here any minute. My mother killed herself. Maybe it just runs in the family. Maybe it was always my destiny and I should just get it over with.
She heard the crashing metallic round of the train’s wheels moving towards her on the track.
Time to snap out of it.
Her sneaker was wedged under pieces of old and new track. It wouldn’t come out no matter how hard she yanked. She tried to untie it, but it was triple knotted, and in her panic she was struggling to no avail.
 She was hit. It knocked the air out her lungs. She rolled for what felt like a mile. She immediately pulled herself up and saw Mysterion, her friend Kenny, on the tracks.
He knocked me clear out of the way.
She had looked just in time to see him get completely pulverized by the oncoming train. She froze. She felt small droplets of blood hit the side of her face. She thought some even got into her mouth. Sure enough, she spat on the ground and it was red.
She wasn’t sure how she got home in the throes of shock. The next morning she only remembered crying in the shower and crying again in bed until she finally slept. She called off work the next morning. She couldn’t go there. Not now. 
About a week ago, it was Michael’s birthday. He was another kid they used to go to school with that ended up as a cook at City Wok, just a couple years older. A friend of his worked at Faggoncini’s and “found” a few bottles of the house wine before he quit. The three of them sat on the roof of City Wok after a shift and were drinking and shooting the shit, mostly about work. Michael pretty much shot gunned his bottle, puked off the side of the building and passed out in one of the lawn chairs. She and Kenny sat on the ground next to him catching up. She thought maybe he was really just checking on her since she’d just gotten dumped and word around town was she was a total wreck about the whole thing.
“I dunno, kids are weird,” He said, “I’m pretty sure she has a crush on someone but she won’t fucking talk to me about it,”
She laughed loudly, “Of course not! She’s a newly minted teenage girl and you’re her older brother. I wouldn’t tell you shit either,”
“I want her to make good choices,” He said as he drank from a paper cup he swiped from the restaurant below them.
She leaned over and pointed at him, “Did you make good choices about dating, and sex, and love when you were thirteen?”
He took a big swig of wine from his cup in lieu of an answer and she laughed softly, “That’s what I thought,”
He eyed her as she took a big gulp of wine from the neck of her bottle, “Don’t make me take that away from you,”
“There’s your problem. You need to stop trying to be everyone’s daddy,” She laughed and leaned against his shoulder, “You act like you have to hold up the world on your own and take care of everyone,”
She looked over at him and her smile fell a little bit, “Who’s taking care of you?”
Her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, and when she looked at him he felt a little disarmed, “Me? I am,”
As he looked back at her, she could feel her heart race in her chest. She thought he might kiss her then. She swore he looked like he might. She wished he would.
Now, she wished he was around, even if it was just to scold her for being an idiot.
She sat on her knees and prayed to the fixed candle on the ancestral altar in her father’s study. Hoodoo and Voodoo went way back with her mom’s side of the family. She kept up with her mother's altar after her death and it quickly became her only form of comfort. After all, she was twelve and her father had completely checked out in the wake of her passing. The next couple years, he sent her to stay with different family members for large chunks of time and then the things that happened had happened to her. She didn't talk about it and could count the people who knew on one hand, but the first person she eventually told was Kyle. He started sneaking into her room that night. Her “weird” religion never phased him. Probably because she liked the rituals, but never took it too seriously.
She was desperate now though and wasn’t sure what else to do. It felt like drowning.
“He died for me,” she cried quietly, “He died because for a few minutes I hated myself and I was the one who wanted to die,”
She wiped away some tears and balled her fists up on her thighs, “Now, I have to live with it,”
She spent the rest of day researching root-work, lwa and anything she could find on summoning rituals. The shock and sadness came and went like waves on a beach. One minute she’d be fine with her toes in the warm sand, then later water was forcing itself in her lungs.
When night fell, she slipped on her favorite boots and headed over to Henrietta’s magic shop for supplies. As her boots clicked on the pavement, she thought she heard someone following her. It made her nervous. She turned and walked backwards for a bit and bumped right into someone else.
“I’m so sorry,” She turned and apologized sincerely.
She was now face to face with a man. He was tall, with strong features and a slightly crooked smile.
“Cute girls don’t have to apologize to me,” The Man said, “What’re you doing out so late?”
Something about him made her think of those beautiful frogs that come in vibrant colors. Nice to look at, but toxic. She laughed nervously. She really just wanted to go home.
“Coffee run,” She lied, lifting her nondescript plastic shopping bag.
When she lifted her arm, he grabbed it and pulled her into him. Between the shock and one of her heels snapping, she didn’t stand a chance. He held onto her wrist tightly and trapped her in a bear hug. She stopped fighting.
He pulled her into the nearby alley, and once he reached the back wall with no escape route in sight, he pushed her on the ground and pinned her legs down with his knees. She couldn’t see, but she heard a loud whumph! nearby. Suddenly the man was pulled off of her and thrown into the brick wall. She stared at the stars in the sky as she stayed on her back and listened to sounds of blows landing. It started sounding wet. Brutal. She finally sat up and looked around cautiously.
I must be dissociating, right? I’m seeing what I want to see. They say that happens, right? 
The man was slumped on the ground, and appeared to be worked over pretty well. His face was bloody and she thought his jaw looked broken. Mysterion was zip-tying his hands behind his back. When he was done, he let him fall back down onto the concrete and zip-tied his ankles.
He turned to her. Mysterion. Kenny. Her friend. The one she saw get obliterated at high speeds by iron and steel at a speed she didn’t want to guess. The one who should be nothing more than smeared blood and broken bones on the outskirts of town.
“I should’ve been here sooner,” He clenched his gloved fists, “Are you alright?”
Her bottom lip quivered and tears fell freely from her eyes.
He knelt down and offered her his hand. He glanced at the blood on his knuckles, quickly wiped them on his cloak and held his hand back out to her. She’d been through a lot and he didn’t want to scare her or make her feel like she’d be forced to touch him right now.
She practically tackled him and buried her face in his chest as she cried.
He wrapped his arms around her and sighed. She took a deep breath and he could feel the tension in her muscles ease. She closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling of his heart beating hard and fast.
“How are you alive? I saw– I felt– The train,” She pulled back and looked up at him.
Holy shit. “You remember that?” He glanced down at her dripping eyelashes and flushed cheeks. 
He cupped her face in his palms and gently pushed her tears away with his thumbs. He thought she looked pretty even when she cried. It really wasn’t fair.
“How could I forget?” More tears started swelling in her eyes, “I was– It was devastating,”
I’ve never… This never happens.
Why her?
She’s... Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine,” Mysterion assured her, “Long story,”
“Wha – How?” She asked, trying to stand.
She wobbled, forgetting about her broken heel and he hurriedly grabbed her waist to stabilize her. There was a searing pain in her ankle, and she hoped it wasn’t swelling in what was left of her boot.
“You alright?” He asked, helping her up and changing the subject.
“My ankle,” She said softly, “I think I can make it, but my heel broke and I twisted it trying to–”
He scooped her up, and she looked up at him. Being held by him, she felt safe. Safe for the first time in a long time, maybe since even before she and Kyle broke up. She rested her head against him, her ear pressed against the very top of his chest. Martine could hear his heart was still pounding. Still alive.
He liked the feeling of her weight, and the warmth of her in his arms. She felt good, but he did wonder how such a small girl could radiate so much heat. He carried her all the way to City Wok, and in the alley behind the building where his car was hidden. He helped her in the car and closed the door. He sat in the driver's seat, slammed the door behind him and pulled off his hood. 
She looked at his messy blonde hair and suddenly her face starting feeling hot again, but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling anyway, “Thank you,”
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen you smile in about a week,” He said, dropping the hero growl.
“Before– On the tracks– I wasn’t trying to… Whatever. I just kinda zoned out, and then the next thing I knew my shoe was stuck,” She sighed and hid her face in her palms, “I’m so sorry,”
“Hey, I’m fine,” He reassured her.
“It’s just been a rough couple weeks,” She balled her fists up on her thighs and her usually honeyed voice grew thin, “He acts like I don’t even exist anymore,”
“He’s a fucking dumbass. If it were you and me–”  He caught himself and cringed internally, “Sorry. I didn’t mean–”
She searched his face, “Tell me,”
He wanted to lie to her, but her cheeks were red, her eyes were pleading, and once again he felt totally disarmed.
“If it were you and me, I’d follow you anywhere,”
He hated being vulnerable, but he’d grown to hate the idea of refusing her more. By virtue of forced proximity between work and Kyle, he’d gotten to know her pretty well. When she got frustrated or annoyed she made this pouting face that drove him crazy. It wasn’t bratty, it was... kinda hot.  Her already full lips pursed a bit, becoming just a little more full, her brows came together just a little more, her cheeks got a little bit flushed, and she’d tilt her head and look up at him. He was afraid if she did it now, he might kiss her. It was definitely not a great time to make a move like that.
He thought about how well he’d gotten to know her. She only wore dresses and skirts and she loved anything with lace. She’s hyper feminine aesthetically, but she can’t cook and babies freak her out. If she could, she'd eat nothing but cereal for the rest of her life. She likes comics, but she loves music and is a legit pianist. She wants to go to law school so she can help people. Most importantly, Kenny knew that she was meant to be with him.
Unbeknownst to Kenny, he'd said exactly what she wanted to hear. He was the guy who saved her extra fried rice at work to make sure she’d eat something. He gave her advice about Kyle. He went to her for advice about being a teenage girl, so he could help his sister with some problems she was having in school. He figured out what happened to Martine as a kid and kept it to himself until she eventually confided in him about it. She thought maybe if she waited, he’d explain what happened with him and the train in time, too. She never really thought about how close they were before. He was just there. “Do you really mean that?” She asked. 
“I promise,” He said gently. She leaned over and kissed him. The next thing she knew, his hands were pulling her closer, and his tongue was in her mouth. She initiated, so he figured he might as well go for it. He was glad he took the risk. She tasted good. Like honey, maybe? With a touch of pineapple? He thought he’d better keep going until he figured it out.
It paid off even more when she climbed into his lap. They kissed deeper and something about his mouth on hers just felt right. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, and she untied the straps of her black halter dress to get them out of his way. She was willing to give him as much of herself as he wanted, and he felt so good, she didn’t want anything impeding his mouth from her body. He wondered how her skin was so smooth, how she smelled so sweet all over and how far she’d let him go. Once his tongue was back in her mouth with no sign of them stopping soon, she pulled down the whole top of her dress, exposing her breasts to the cold air. She took an uneven breath and waited to see if he’d reject her or not.
The shape, the size for her body, her delicate brown nipples… they were practically perfect. He knew they would be. It wasn’t like he hadn’t noticed them before. He’d even seen them once when Kyle was swiping through shit on his phone a while back. He quickly took one of her tits in his hand and the other in his mouth, assuaging her fears. As his tongue ran over one nipple, his thumb rolled over the other, and he listened to a small, satisfied whimper escape her lips. She ran her hand through his hair, and he knew there was no going back from this. Not that he wanted to go back, because now that he had his mouth on her, he wondered why they hadn’t been doing this the whole fucking time. His hands slid back and held onto her ass. He pulled her into him more and she could feel him grind against her through their clothes.
She pulled off his mask, then cupped his face with both hands and tried her best to read him. He scanned her in return, practically panting in anticipation. She dropped her hands down to his chest and could feel his heart hammering away like crazy. Still alive.
She smiled and swore she could feel him throb underneath her in response.
Her voice seemed uncharacteristically shy, “Do you wanna fuck me?”
Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits. Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits. Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits. 
 Off limits. 
Off limits. 
Off limits.
“Yeah. I do,” He said decisively. 
He kissed her harder and with a lot more confidence as their hands fumbled between each other, tugging and pulling at their clothes in a rush to free what they needed to get in position. When she finally, slowly, sank down on him, he groaned in absolute bliss as he squeezed inside her for the first time.
His head lolled back as her hips rocked over him, he was afraid if he watched her too much he couldn’t control himself, but he couldn't keep his eyes off her very long. The “perfect” tits he’d spent way too much time eroticizing over the past year, were bouncing as she rode him and demanding his attention. She looked so sexy and so delicate at the same time, he wanted to both fuck her senseless and cater to her every whim. As he watched her body move, and experienced the way her body felt, he was almost convinced he was dreaming and he’d wake up in a stain.  
He kissed her again and she wrapped an arm around his shoulders for leverage. When their kiss finally broke, her forehead and his were still pressed together. He thought he saw a smile just before her mouth dropped open, wet with his saliva, and her eyelids fluttered as she came. She pulled him back into her mouth, his tongue happily turning over hers as she gripped him in the waves of her orgasm. Between the sensations, the visuals, and the dulcet noises she made, he couldn’t stop himself. He pulled her hips down while lifting his own, thrusting as deep into her as he could physically go and for just a second, her whole body jumped. He bit her bottom lip and growled low as he finally, after a year of fantasizing about her, pumped her full of warm, sticky spurts.
After they finished, they continued to kiss, panting in each other’s mouths while the smell of sex hung in the air. Neither wanted to make the first move and burst the bubble they created for themselves.
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It was a slow night but Mysterion still felt exhausted. He stood on the roof of City Wok and looked down on his town. She was such a distraction. The worst kind of distraction, the kind he was aware of, but he couldn’t shake off. 
 She’d asked the question like she actually thought he might turn her down.
Do you wanna fuck me?
It had been a week since then. 
He knew he didn’t technically do anything wrong, but they still agreed they’d be keeping that as their little secret. There were plenty of reasons to keep it that way. While it sure as shit made made him feel awkward with Kyle and the guys, aside from the occasional stolen glance, he and Martine carried on pretty normally. They still hung out on their breaks and ate meals together when the work slowed down in the middle of their tiring as hell double shifts. She still teased him about his haphazard hair style, and he still ripped on her for inability to cook. He figured it was probably a one-time thing they’d put behind them. Something fun he’d wanted to do that he could cross off a list. 
Then again, she was pretty vulnerable at the time. He might’ve taken advantage of her. After he bit her lip, there was a tiny tear. He thought he tasted blood. In addition to that, there was that one other thing...
He knew you probably shouldn’t fuck your friend’s exes. Not the ones they were in it for the long haul with. Not the ones you knew they wanted to propose to. For someone who claimed to already be over her, Kyle still talked about her a lot. He always brushed it off when Kenny caught him watching her. 
Tangled up inside him was a little guilt was from finally fucking her, and then a lot of guilt for wanting to do it again.
Just then, he heard the sound of the door to the roof close behind him. He turned quickly to investigate.
Of course, it was Martine. Her hair and the bottom of her short dress fluttered in the wind as she walked the few steps towards him. The difference in the illumination of the moon above and muted street lights below made her look almost ethereal. He realized he’d underestimated how attracted to her he felt just then.
“How’d you know I was up here?” He asked. “Lucky guess,” She shrugged.
She looked down and admired the view as she folded her arms around herself. He looked over her soft skin, she was dotted in goosebumps. He slowly and carefully wrapped his cloak, and incidentally his arm around her.
You already fucked her. Why are you being so cagey about touching her now, asshole?
“Thanks,” She said, “...For everything,”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve always been looking out for me. Taking care of me,” Martine held back a smile as her cheeks started turning red and she looked up at the moon and twinkling stars, “I care about you, too. You have your own cereal box,”
“My own what?”
She laughed, “I like to keep things. Mementos or whatever, I can be a little maudlin… I know it’s fucking lame, but anyway, I have a box for Nichole and Wendy, it’s mostly notes we passed around, concert tickets, that kind of stuff. Kyle has one, that’s... irrelevant,” She took a deep breath and it eased the urge to continue rambling, “And I have one for you,”
“What’s even in it?”
She smiled, “Corks from the wine we drank on Michael’s birthday, some newspaper clippings. A piece of your cape I found on the tracks… Oh! Remember when we were at Tweek’s and you drew me that map on the napkin cause I kept getting confused?”
“It’s Denver to Vegas, it wasn’t that difficult,” He held back another smile.
“Regardless,” She said with a smile as she nudged him playfully with her shoulder.
He stared at her lips. He thought he could still see the mark left from when he bit her as he came and she bled a little bit into his mouth. She had stunning lips. All pouty and full. Bow shaped on top. Soft. They were even better when they were on his skin.
Fuck it.
He kissed her. Everything after that was a hurried blur. He kept pushing up against her and she kept pulling him, until she was backed up against the door. His hand ran up her thigh, beneath her dress and under her ass. He kissed her neck and pulled her into him as he pushed against her just to feel friction. He hooked his thumb in her panties and pulled them down. His hand dropped between her legs and he traced his fingertips along her wet slit before sliding them inside. He went right for her plush little spot, if he didn’t hear her come soon he thought he might not survive the night.
She moaned into his neck when she eventually came and the heat from her breath on his skin felt like it seeped straight into his core. He wanted more. He needed more. She kissed him deep and while his tongue slid over hers, all he could think about was how wet, soft and warm she felt in her pussy and her mouth. It was like a looping drumbeat in his head, Wet. Soft. Warm. Wet. Soft. Warm.
He pulled on her earlobe with his teeth, “God, I wanna fuck you so hard right now,” 
Quickly after that, her leg was draped over his arm as he slid inside her, but she was too damn short for that to be a feasible way to keep going. The angle was all fucked up, it wasn’t gonna work. Not fucking her now wasn’t an option, though. She wreathed her arms around his neck and he picked her up. He held onto her ass, her legs wrapped around his hips as he firmly wedged her between the door and his cock.
They kissed desperately, and she moaned in his mouth as he shifted into her harder and harder. She could feel her orgasm building quickly. She’d never been taken rough like the way he took her. He was new, bold, fun, reckless and all the things she didn’t realize she wanted. He was different, and most importantly, he made her feel different.
The heat inside her was quickly becoming one of his favorite things. He was always cold and she was so fucking warm. She was so warm and so soft, soft everywhere, even her moans in his mouth felt soft. Her body was pure, honest pleasure to him. Driving himself inside her was intoxicating in a way he couldn’t explain at first, but now he'd it figured out. When he was with her it was like the world stopped, and his chronic pain that piled up from a lifetime of mortal wounds was just gone. The endorphins from getting off always eased the pain a little, but never like this. The only things he felt when he was with her were her body and her warmth. 
They had the same thought at almost the same time, I don’t want this to end. 
She moaned low in his ear as he kissed her neck. Her nails dug into his shoulders and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it together much longer. As she fastened up around him, practically purring, he bit down on her shoulder and groaned loud as he filled her narrow little pocket all over again.
Okay, fine, maybe this was just a two-time thing.
Once he’d taken his mouth off of her, he could tell there would be an on-coming bruise around the indents of his teeth on her shoulder.
“Shit. Sorry,”
“It’s okay,” She smiled.
“I didn’t– I got carried away,”
“It’s okay. You didn’t drop me, that’s the important thing,” She reassured him, “You can put me down now, I think,”
He set her down gently and quickly put himself away, while she blinked and looked around curiously.
"Here," He flicked open a pouch on his belt and handed her panties back to her.
They were in a rush and he didn't want to drop them on the ground so did what he always did: made due.
As she slipped her underwear back on, he watched the way the the muted light hit her smooth legs and clenched his jaw. He was already thinking about fucking her again.
She walked back to the edge of the building, and sat down with a smile. She dangled her legs off the side as she looked out at the stars twinkling over the town.
“This is one of my favorite spots,” She said, eyeing the people down below intently.
“Really?” He asked as he crouched down next to her.
“This and Faggoncini’s,” She said.
“You like to watch the drunks leave the bars,” He concluded.
She laughed, “Yeah, exactly,”
“You ever been to the top of City Hall?” He asked with a smirk.
She shook her head, “Never,”
“It’s pretty awesome,” He looked down over at her and admired how her features were illuminated by the soft streetlights below.
She’s beautiful. She stands on train tracks, hangs over ledges. She flirts with death and she remembers. 
Finally, someone could actually, really, know me.
Why did it have to be her?
“I should probably get going,” She said finally.
“Uh, yeah,” He hated it, but she actually made him flustered.
She jumped up and looked him over with a smirk as he stood back up.
“Thanks for the orgasm,” She waved nonchalantly, “We should do it again sometime,”
“Yeah. Maybe, but,” He folded his arms and glanced down at the town below, “I don’t think Kyle would—”
“Oh...”  She opened the door, “Right,”
Besides, if we keep going at this rate, I’ll never want to stop.
She walked out and he watched the door close behind her. When she was on the street, he followed her from the rooftops. It was his way of walking her home.  
If he’d stayed at her house longer, he would’ve caught her alter ego Pillow Princess, jumping out her bedroom window onto the roof of her house and climbing down a trellis.
They met again three hours later.
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kestalsblog · 4 months
I will stop reading a South Park fanfic immediately if Eric maturing or being redeemed is shown through weight loss. I’m all about redemptive Cartman, but why can’t he be overweight and still be a better person? When we see adult Eric in the Covid special, he’s still big. He’s a big character, and yeah it’s played as a joke among the boys, but I dislike when fic writers somehow correlate his toxic personality only with the size of his body. Sure, if you want to write about him trying to improve his life and exercise is one part of that - I can’t get on board! But skinny = good. Nope!
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alottodix · 1 month
The demigod bastards have returned 🙌🙌
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urspopinionsareshit · 16 days
The Shelly crumbs we got in the last special inspired me again. Here's a Kevlly oneshot. This doesn't take place in the same continuity as "Shut Up, Turd!"
Butterface - RavenetteIsNotARealWord - South Park [Archive of Our Own]
I don't have a lot of experience writing Kenny, so I hope that I did him justice. He's a hard nut to crack.
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labratatouille · 5 months
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Chapter 10 in a nutshell👍
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h-harleybaby · 7 months
butters sneaking out just to trick or treat with reader and his friends maybe….. i can imagine stephen and linda calling it the devil’s holiday
I’ll sob ily
Trick or Treat!
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• It all started when you brought up the idea of trick or treating a couple days before Halloween. Butters couldn’t even remember the last time he went trick or treating… or at least a time when Cartman didn’t sucker him out of his candy at the end of the night
• Too bad when you brought it up to his parents they immediately shrieked about how they wouldn’t have their son participate in that “devil holiday”. Poor Butters, being confined to his room without even homework to do during Halloween
• Of course that didn’t last long when you climbed up to his window with some of those cheap vampire fangs and a little fake blood. He could never say no to that cute face you make when you beg after all
• After a quick change and a little help from you with the blood you guys snuck out while the sun was setting, little plastic candy pails that y’all were much too old for in hand
• You guys went all over the neighborhood collecting candy, even wearing masks and knocking on Butters door to get some candy from there too. Poor Butters was sweating because he thought his parents would recognize him
• Y’all even went to other towns! Stan ended up giving you guys a ride into neighboring towns if you both gave up a lil candy during the ride. Thank god y’all had money because you guys had so much candy that y’all had to buy another candy pail
• Butters tried scaring a little kid by hissing at it but it only laughed and made fun of him. Too bad that kid accidentally tripped when you guys walked past him. Mhm, it definitely wasn’t you tripping him to get Butters to feel better.. tooootally not
• By end of it, y’all had hit multiple rich neighborhoods and came back with stuff like Pokémon cards and full sized candy bars. A pretty good Halloween haul if I do say so much! Kinda sucks that Butters tripped and lost at least half of his candy. How was he supposed to know that kids would swarm in like rabid animals and claw for whatever they can get?? THEY’RE NOT HUMAN I SAY!!!
• When you took him home you best believe that man was grounded for WEEKS! At least he had enough time to hide the makeshift costume and candy, let’s just hope that ants don’t get to it.. or his grandma, that woman is a bloodhound when it’s candy
• It doesn’t matter though, the next day you snuck in and ate candy with him regardless of him being grounded. He tried biting you with those plastic fangs you got him for a dare and it was really funny to watch him attempt and somehow hurt himself more so than bite you. It’s ok though, with a quick kiss he doesn’t feel as hurt anymore
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craigtrash · 1 month
you're the best day of the week
Craig hated Mondays; it was actually the worst day of the week in his opinion. Monday is the first day of the week and everyone was always in a bad mood because of it. Somehow starting his week on Tuesday made it easier to begin his week. While many of his friends scheduled their classes so they didn’t have classes on Friday, not having class on Monday seemed like the better option for the dark-haired boy.
Now that he was working on a Monday, he would possibly have to interact with a lot of people who were upset about the start of the week. Not only that, but none of them had their caffeine yet. It was a horrifying thought but once the cute boy asked him if he could start on Monday, Craig knew he would give up all of his peaceful Mondays if it meant he could be around the other boy.
or just a completely self-indulgent story about Craig falling in love with the cute blond barista at the local coffee shop
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senseichaos · 11 days
Maybe if he ruined himself, Damien wouldn't want him anymore. Maybe if he broke himself, Damien wouldn't fuck him anymore. Maybe if he tore himself apart, Damien would stop looking at him like that. Maybe if Pip stopped engaging, he wouldn't enjoy it anymore. Maybe if his lungs stopped working, Damien would leave him alone. Maybe if Damien wasn't so fucking amazing, he wouldn't love him anymore.
Maybe if he ruined himself, Damien wouldn't have made him do what he did.
Maybe if Pip was sane, he wouldn't have enjoyed it.
Maybe if Pip just laid back and took it,
Damien wouldn't love him.
But did Pip really want that?
Not in the slightest bit.
Not in one million years.
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