#like hes kinda their biggest shipper don’t you think
kiuuuus · 5 months
I wish i could go back to read creek fanfics like I used to, but the way most creek fics characterize eric as the homophobic/transphobe irredeemable villain of the story is kinda unpleasant to read likejdisjfjxk
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cheesecakeluvrs · 5 months
It frustrates me how many people misunderstand my girl
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While I’ve definitely seen it more on TikTok and not so much Tumblr it is still quite prominent. All of the “Gambit girls 😜🤞” (Gambit is literally my favorite character but just those new fans who like him because of the crop top) are coming out and saying that Rogue is to be blamed for Gambits feelings being hurt but what they don’t realize is how much both of them were hurting. We see Gambits pretty clearly but guessss Rogues we’re a little harder to catch even though I think it’s pretty obvious
What I feel like a lot of people don’t realize is how much suffering she was going through because of her feelings for Gambit. He would tease her and flirt with her yet for her it was just a constant reminder that she can’t touch him. His whole existence is just a constant reminder of what she can’t do. She thinks that because she can’t touch him she could never make either of them fully happy in a relationship
Plus that makes perfect sense because the closest romantic relationship she has to her are Jean and Scott who constantly love and kiss each other. We see her multiple times in the original just stare at them as they touch, just another reminder of what she can’t have
On top of that her literal first experience with her powers was with a person she had feelings for. She has been obsessing over the ability to touch since she was thirteen years old. People get mad at her for not realizing that she valued her feelings over the ability to touch sooner but that is literally everything she can think about. To her a happy relationship ‘needs’ intimacy so she thought that the only way she could be in a happy relationship was with Erik
That’s why the dance is so important because she finally got that intimacy she has been looking for. She put off the fact that she didn’t have feelings for Erik and thought that she would be alright plus if it means helping Genosha
I mean she’s just weighing out feelings and intimacy and since she’s been idolizing the ability to touch since she has been thirteen years old that’s obviously what she’s going to choose. Then of course she was faced with grave disappointment when that thing she has been searching for her whole life wasn’t enough
I know a lot of the Gambit and Rogue shippers felt relief because she realized she valued feelings over touch but I just can’t get over the amount of disappointment she probably felt in that moment. She finally got what she had been searching for, what she thought would be enough for any relationship, but she still wasn’t happy because she didn’t have feelings for him
I would also like to mention her relationship with Erik before because that is probably the biggest comparison to her of all. She had both feelings (no matter how healthy or unhealthy they were) and intimacy with him so in her head if he didn’t have those struggles that would be the perfect relationship. It’s also likeee the only happy relationship she had had intimacy but that was also only because she thought that a relationship needed intimacy… if that makes sense
Anywaysss I know I kinda rambled off but it’s important to understand how much she has been idolizing the ability to touch someone and how complicated her feelings were after the dance because she realized that intimacy is not even good if it’s with someone you don’t love
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sacharinee · 1 year
could you write something like tony accidentally finding our peter and his daughter (the reader) are dating then always teasing them about it, even though he’s secretly their biggest shipper🫶
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pairing: peter parker x reader
w/c: 900+
a/n: hi anonnn, srry it took awhile- this was cute and fun!! so ty for that, i love secret!bf!peter :)
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“you know you can’t keep sneaking in my room forever, right, pete?”
the pretty brunette sits atop your cushy comforter, breathless as he rips off the humid mask.
the poor boy is looking up at you in all innocence. his mouth is agape, hair messy, and eyes wide with pure exhilaration; so excited to finally be alone with you after tiptoeing around your father all day. 
the sight before you makes you feel all warm inside, your provocative thoughts threatening to corrupt your sweet boyfriend.
peter takes a deep breath when you take a seat on his lap, hands immediately settling on either side of your hips.
he looks you up and down, “ehhh, i don’t know, y/n/n. kinda seems like you’re into it,” he teases.
you offer him a shrug, as your hands snake around his shoulders, pulling him inches closer to your lips, “maybe just a little.”
he’s relaxed at your touch, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, 
“huh, didn’t peg you as a fan of breaking and entering,” he jokes.
“mm only when it’s a certain spider.”
your boyfriend exhales as he leans back a bit, smirking, “oh yeah?” 
one of his hands leaves your waist to push back his unruly hair, then swiftly flexes his bicep exaggeratingly, “i don’t blame you,” he shrugs, “i had a hunch you had a thing goin’ on for-”
you’re quick to shut him up, attacking his sweet lips with yours. 
your hand falls to his firm bicep and he’s laughing into your sudden kiss, instantly melting against you. his hand resumes his place on your hip, curling it around your side, and pushing you further into him.
peter holds himself up by his elbows as you push your weight down further onto him. 
he couldn’t think straight when you were on top of him, let alone near him. all his worries of getting caught are thrown out the window when a deep groan rumbles from his throat.
he’s like putty in your hands, his head and limbs going numb at your touch.
and while it was difficult to deny the way your heart races at moments like this with peter, you couldn’t help but feel at such ease around him. when something you know is intrinsically wrong but feels so right, you were tired of peter being your guilty pleasure. 
you know the disapproving thoughts your father would muster up had you and your boyfriend publicly announced your official relationship. 
however, there were often many things you’d fail to notice. like how he’d mutter under his breath of the amount of money he could bet that a certain webhead would set off the security system yet again as sipped his midnight coffee. or when he would prepare a breakfast dish for you to take to your room, one that he knew would be too much for you to finish and unintentionally feed your boyfriend as well. 
sometimes you wonder if this boy was worth risking everything for.
but with peter softly panting against you, all doubts leave your mind and there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be but with him.
“what was that, petey?”
he’s swift in flipping you over, pushing you against the silky mattress.
“shut up,” he whispers as he tenderly attaches your lips once more. 
as he moves down your body, he isn’t shy with his wandering hands when he caresses your breasts over your shirt, pushing the cloth higher and kissing down your stomach, heat rapidly growing at your core. 
you’re flushed with excitement and when you take a look at the boy below, you can tell he is too.
finally, he rests his hands just above the waistband of your shorts, fingers gently stroking the skin below your navel. 
“i’m thinking… that you really enjoy our sneaking around,” his curls obstruct your view from his sultry eyes. your fingers weave their way through his locks, his strong gaze on you has your beaming red, and you’re desperate for him to do anything, 
“maybe, almost as much as me?” he’s teasing you, the roles are reversed and now you’re the one begging him.
he’s painfully slow in stripping you of your loose shorts, leaving your bottom half in just your panties.
your eyes close in bliss as you tilt your head back when peter kisses the inner of your thighs and he grunts at the sudden pull of his hair. his fingers are grasping onto your underwear torturously pulling the garment down when-
“hey honey, have you seen my-”
sad to say, peter’s spidey sense wasn’t quick enough to mask the obscene sight that your poor father had walked in on.
“jesus fuck!”
peter scrambles away from you handing you a pillow to save you some decency. 
and tony’s back on the other side of the closed door, clearly horrified at the very scene, “are you fucking kidding me!?”
“it’s not what it looks like mr. stark! s-sorry!” you stare at peter with a displeased look, rolling your eyes at both your dad’s and boyfriend’s reactions. 
his eyes are frantic when he looks to you for help, “i-i wasn’t doing anything i swear! i was just, checking out a-uh… a mole?” 
you give him an offended face, “a mole? seriously, pete?”
“i don’t know!”
while the two of you bicker, natasha is there waiting on the other side, an aggravated expression painted on her face.
tony clicks his tongue when he meets her outside, “well, that certainly wasn’t how i was expecting to find them, but…” 
“yea, whatever,” nat scoffs. rolling her eyes, she shoves a twenty dollar bill to his chest, too annoyed with the fact that she just lost a stupid bet to the billionaire.
“told you so.”
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I have this thought for quite some time, coming mostly from my twitter and Reddit interactions.
I kinda love the amount of hate I see towards Buggy. People hate how Oda loves this clown and keeps bringing him up, how he is getting more connections to story, how he gets that high bounty. They hate him because he doesn’t have powers, or isn’t smart.
And the fact that so many of them try to cope by putting Mihawk in place of Buggy is incredible. Mihawk is not some lost friend who is having insanely deep contention to shanks, BUGGY IS.
But I guess he’s not “cool and powerful” enough and they don’t get why shanks could be friends with “someone like that” (actual take I saw a lot).
I can’t wait for buggy to be more important just to see everyone lose their minds. If he gets to laugh tale, the best day of my life. And I’m not even that big on Buggy
These takes make me so angry because they're just??? Not true at all??? Most of these opinions come from the general audience and dudebros who don't take the time to analyze Buggy and just accept his character the way other characters see him. Instead of stopping for a second and thinking about why he does what he does and why Oda likes him so much, they just assume he's the lame clown everyone in the OP world thinks he is. Which is, in my opinion, extremely sad. And you don't even have to analyze shit?? Like, okay, I get it. Chapter 1082 is crucial for his character and perhaps if you don't read that you might think he's useless and Oda uses him too much for what he actually does for the story (bullshit, by the way, I'm just trying to find a reasoning behind their shitty takes). But after reading 1082??????????? Okay???? Whatever. Buggy haters get on my nerves, not because they don't like Buggy, but because they don't understand him.
Saying Buggy isn't smart is uhhh. It's just not true. The fact that he's constantly placed next to the biggest, most feared, and strategic pirates in the world just doesn't help him at all to prove that, tbh. I'd be scared af if I had gone through all the things he has, honestly. Like- People- People just ignore Water 7 and the whole thing with Usopp being a coward but wanting to be more than that because of his dream and that being scared doesn't necessarily mean something bad??? I think people just forget entire arcs and scenes to post these things. Buggy might not be the bravest but he understands the pirate world better than anybody and he's genuinely smart, he's just constantly placed in situations that force his character to be scared af (for obvious reasons) and everyone looks down on him for that. Which makes total sense for his character because his whole thing is feeling inferior and being compared to others when he has many talents himself. He isn't dumb, he just has the worst luck in the whole fucking world. Or the best. It sort of depends.
I think he lost his bravery and sense of adventure when he gave up on his dream, but now that he's being more confident in the fact that he could achieve it, we will see him using his full potential. And I am so, so excited for that. The speech he gives in chapter 1082 changed my life and it's easily my favorite chapter from the whole manga. I really, really hope they do something with that. I want him to have all the wonderful scenes he deserves.
And, okay, about the Mihawk thing: I don't agree with that that much? Like, okay, I can see people often making Mishanks relationship more than what it actually is, but tbf, Mihawk is barely a character here because Oda hasn't given him screentime of his own. He's always there for another character (Shanks, Zoro, Cross guild, etc). What we do know about him is that he went all his way to find Shanks and tell him about Luffy?? Like. Okay, babe, I know what you are. What we do know is that Shanks and him have something going on and I would really like to know WHAT exactly. I'm not even a huge Mishanks shipper but I completely understand why people like it. I prefer other ships like Shuggy and Cross Guild but, well, I don't think they use Mihawk to take over Buggy's place. I think they just want Mihawk to have some story because Oda barely gives him one. But I can see where you're coming from, though. I can see a lot of people using Shuggy's dynamic for them sometimes and it bothers me because these two have their own thing and they could easily just?? Ship both things??
People saying they don't understand why Shanks would be friends with somebody like Buggy is so funny to me, because we barely know anything about Shanks either, lmfao. He's the cool and powerful role model of the main character. He's literally the most cliché thing in the whole wide world, shut up. And I absolutely love him and he has wayyy more personality than these types of characters usually have, but I am tired of seeing takes like this as if Buggy wasn't one of the most interesting characters in this manga. But, also, Shanks would just?? Kick these people's asses for this shit. Saying you don't understand why Shanks would be friends with Buggy is just admitting you think the same way people in-world think about him, which is just admitting you don't understand his character. At least people in-world think that way because they don't know Buggy's story. You know Buggy's story. You should know why Shanks is friends with him and cares so much about him. But also?? Even if Buggy truly was a fucking loser with no talent and no dreams. Saying Shanks needs a reason for being friends with him is so dumb. Have you considered that... Sometimes... Most of the time... People don't have a reason for being friends with somebody and you don't need to find a reason for somebody's love?? Like- Perhaps Shanks just fucking loves Buggy because that's his childhood friend and he doesn't care about his abilities or talents. Perhaps he just loves him for who he is. I don't think it's that hard to understand, honestly.
You're not that big on Buggy, but I am. I really am. He's probably getting a tragic ending with Shanks but I do not care. If he ever gets to Laugh Tale or- Or if he ends up believing in himself finally. If he gets closure with him (which he will get, because Oda loves these two too much to leave them without closure). I will be the happiest person in the whole world. My mind and body say "Luffy king of the pirates!!" but my heart cries of happiness every time I think about Buggy being the king. I love him so fucking much.
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mazzystar24 · 1 month
Hi, a 'BT' here! (Although I also happily ship buddie too because multishipping is so valid!) I come in peace and just looking for some discourse if that's okay? I saw the ask in regard to apparently BTs are saying that all the focus on rg means he's leaving? I haven't seen anyone say that on either side so a strange one huh!
But it was more your comments in terms of pushing for Tommy to replace Eddie as lead when Ravi is right there and I just wanna say I agree! And I have seen many bucktommy shippers including myself pushing for Ravi to be main cast. He absolutely should be and deserves it and is an absolute darling angel and I love what he brings to the whole dynamic!
My biggest hope for Tommy is for his to be recurring much like Karen! Speaking of, there's another character I'd love to be main cast and who I think is ahead of the queue in front of Tommy to be main cast. Heck I'd love if all of them got to be main cast but, as much as I love bucktommy, I definitely can see there's an order to who should be main cast and don't want any 'queue jumping'
One other thing I want to out out there as food for thought, is that on both sides I see a lot of discourse thrown out through anonymous asks of 'oh the bts are saying this' or 'the buddies said this ridiculous thing!' And something I would love both sides to seriously consider is... did they really? Or are there just a few people out there who feed on the chaos that it all brings and will send out anon asks that they know will increase this 'fandom war'and pretend they are kn the other side when doing so just to get a reaction and give ammunition to 'their' side to make it seem like one side is delusional and the other side isn't?
Tldr I just wish we all got along and stopped taking messages intended to stir up hate as gospel.
Peace and love
Glad you agree on the Ravi/ main thing front!
As you know I want tommy out already so no recurring hopes from me sorry 😔💔 ngl at first I was like hmm it can be interesting and I’m not opposed to exploring bt and their potential dynamic and maybe they can redeem him and make him likeable it’d be perfect (like my comparison was if they wrote him like Hannah from bones) but like buddie endgame but as eps went on both he and a section of the fandom became so insufferable to me that I’m like I don’t care about the potential juicy storylines I just want this man off my screen - but it’s totally cool if you like him and ship them it’s just not my cup of tea
For the other part I totally get what you mean and that may be the case like I totally agree that that is possible but I hear like so many things that happen in the bt fandom secondhand cos I’ve got so many of the toxic/annoying ones blocked (my block list is a mile long genuinely) and so many have me blocked too but usually stuff that my anons mention will be talked abt by more people in the fandom (like this is) or like there have been times where if I ask my anons for elaboration links ss etc and they are able to do so
That’s why half the time when I reply it’s more so like “damn didn’t know that if that is the case then xyz” you know? Or if I saw something I’ll mention it and be like oh yeah I saw xyz and this is my opinion on it or answer
Also like I’ve first hand seen things that are like 10x worse or more delusional than the “rg must be leaving and s8 lfj main” thing like no lie some of this stuff makes that seem tame in comparison so it’s like the chances they’ve said this are like HIGH
Genuinely I agree with you on that last point I do wish that this fandom was how it used to be and more peaceful but certain things I follow this kinda mental rule I’ve always had which is that I won’t respect a disrespectful opinion
Like from the very start of the discourse I’ve been very oh let ppl ship what they want and enjoy their fandom space and from the start I’ve encouraged proper tagging to help people do that and like even if you’re fully delusional abt your ship I fully respect that (not saying YOU are but I’m saying like let’s say one side is like yesss they are getting married in s8 and having a baby on the first episode I would genuinely just mentally be like woah that’s a bit delulu but love that for you and move on)
My only issue really has been where people from the bt fandom (not saying they are the only ones who do this but I’m saying personally speaking it’s what I see and what I experience also not saying it’s all the bt fans and I do try to say that as much as possible) being disrespectful whether this be through being racist, being ableist or rude to the buddie fans just to boost their ship
Like I’m so not against hating stuff like seriously idc hate whatever you want rant about it and make twenty posts and make so many jokes but when you’re being disrespectful or when it crosses certain bounds it’s like you’re a piece of shit
Anyways I got carried away but thanks for being so nice and respectful in your ask 🫶
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fumiyami · 4 months
(or an excuse for me to dump all the thoughts my silly little critter mind thinks into your silly little critter mind!!)
1. autism!!! (I don’t have autism but I saw someone on tiktok headcanon him to be autistic so yeah!!!🤩🤩 if i’m not allowed to like headcanon him to have autism since I don’t have it then pls tell me!!)
2. dyslexia! (no specific reason for this just saw someone else headcanon him to have terrible spelling)
3. listens to mitski
4. dark shadow killed someone when they were both younger (possibly his grandad?) and it’s stuck with Fumi [like in that scene in Ep 44 roaring upheaval where when DS was going wild he said “get away from me!! you’ll die!!”☹️☹️]
5. he and dark shadow both had grudges against Hawks during the first week when they met him (birds hold grudges☺️☺️☺️)
6. gives crystals to those he likes (platonically or romantically your choice!!) like penguins do with rocks
7. HATES when someone ignores him. biggest ick ever (kinda canon cuz when Hawks ignored his phone calls and stuff during the vigilante arc and when izuku was just daydreaming about kacchan and accidentally ignored Fumi)
8. definitely got annoyed by class 1A (mostly Mina and Denki) once when he was eating chicken or something and they struck up a conversation about cannibalism (saw this in a fic I think??)
9. once got caught in his room doing a demon ritual (he revelled too much in the dark)
10. if he were looking for a romantic partner, he’d definitely go with someone who’s the complete opposite of him due to most birds liking shiny stuff (probably someone like Aoyama but I’m a multi-shipper so I’m fine with anything!!)
11. speaking about birds, most people think him to be a crow or a raven BUT he more resembles a Koel bird!! (thank you to someone on Tiktok who pointed this out, I will give you my liver☺️☺️)
12. I don’t have many headcanons for his parents but I imagine them to be..not the greatest people ever😰 (thought of this from when he mentioned in the school briefs how he’s never been to an amusement park before and I know that could be considered normal but hear me out u guys🤯🤯 I want my goth son to have angst)
13. favourite colour is purple, favourite number is 7 (I’m tweaking yall)
14. takes Halloween SO seriously (me too bro me too)
15. SOO ticklish but he vowed to take this fact to the grave (only dark shadow knows and they use it against him like “Fumikage if you don’t let me chew on Mr Aizawa’s scarf I’m telling everyone in class 1A that you’re ticklish”) OR SOMETHING
16. maladaptive daydreamer (I’m projecting with this one u guys!!)
17. knows the entire dance to Rock Lobster by The B-52’s on justdance unwillingly
18. his fav song changes a lot but at one point it was Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps
19. has to stop dark shadow from demanding pets from everyone in class 1A (it’s a daily routine)
20. knows a bunch of bird puns (blame the other silly bird man for this one😡😡)
21. won’t let anyone in his room UNLESS he’s super close to them (like how he tried to stop class 1A going into his room in the dorms episode)
22. (aged up Fumi for this one!!) the complete opposite when he’s drunk and/or high (like super chatty, energetic and giggly) is this realistic??? I haven’t been drunk or high before so idk😓
23. tolerates physical touch (like hugs and stuff) but only from those he’s super close to (or all might in that one episode!!)
24. the first time everyone in class 1A saw him without the choker on some of them (mina and denki and possibly Kirishima🤗🤗) asked him where his neck went..
25. absolutely knocked out when sick/feverish!! like incoherent mumbling, just super weak and dizzy and everything!! (I’ve been reading too much sickfics😰)
26. squawks involuntarily when caught super off guard and the first time it happened was in the class 1A dorms in front of everyone and he was so embarrassed he didn’t speak for a week
27. fluent in some random cool language (like Latin or something equally as cool!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎)
28. if he did have a human head then he’d dream of having every piercing on there as possible
29. has a mix of human hair and feathers so he’s gotta do like both brushing and washing it with shampoo and conditioner and stuff but also gotta preen with preening oil (birds naturally have that off of their tail feathers I think but like he doesn’t have a tail so😞)
30. you cannot tell me this man isn’t a writer like with the way he speaks it should be canon!! I can imagine him doing poems and stuff but also turning to other ways to write…(he makes sure no one in his life will ever know his AO3 username)
31. favourite sonic character is Shadow the hedgehog
32. stares outside and just zones out which resulted in the time he once accidentally spaced out while staring at someone (a character of your choice) and was so embarrassed after
33. speaking about embarrassment, he gets embarrassed super easy!!
34. is so painfully awkward around most tiny children (he’s warmed up to eri though after finding out they both have a shared love of apples)
35. sometimes cringes on what he says but knows he can’t take it back (it’s okay my son I’ll still platonically love you!!)
36. hates the fact that he’s been asked by people (TODOROKI.) if he’s Hawk’s brother or relative or something but hates it even more how Hawks barely denies it😡
37. gets his gothic mannerisms from both dark crystal (a pro hero who we can assume he idolises who is mentioned in the school briefs i think) but also a relative like an older sister!!
38. has crazy good intuition
39. is really surprised whenever someone mentions how cool or great dark shadow is since he never really heard that growing up (thank you Izuku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
40. communication is SO important to him
41. finds it really hard to open up because of feeling like a birden (get it? “bird-en”? haha🙁🙁🙁)
42. he’s super close friends with mostly the heteromorphs of 1A like Koda, Shoji and Tsu but also friends with others who aren’t like Iida and Jirou
43. LOVES conspiracy theories
44. doesn’t cry often but when he does then you know it’s serious😞😞
45. HATES the fact that he has teeth (cuz it looks weird considering how he has a beak) so he’s vowed to never smile with his teeth
46. the type of person to say happy birthday the MOMENT it hits midnight on your birthday :))
47. used to be afraid of flying but made sure it wasn’t noticeable in front of Hawks
48. was genuinely surprised when he saw that the ones in 1A who saw dark shadow go wild didn’t like blame him or anything like how others have in the past🤯
49. dark shadow’s name is super simple because Fumikage had to pick it when they first manifested and since I can imagine he was super young when this happened he wasn’t very creative
50. whenever he and dark shadow play any type of board game together, he has to stop DS from eating the pieces when they’re losing
I got kinda unmotivated towards the end since I was so tired when I wrote all this but i’ll probably have more headcanons in the future!!🙀🙀🙀if y’all have any headcanons about him then please comment them cuz I always love hearing more!!
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hyperactivewhore · 10 months
Why do you think that many people tend to devalue Klaus’s relationship with Cami, Aurora, and even Hayley? Honestly, I think that out of all his love interests in the show, Klaus truly only loved Cami, Aurora, and Hayley. Cami understood Klaus very well, and she loved him despite all his flaws. Cami encouraged him to become a better person for Hope. And when Klaus was imprisoned, the person he imagined was Cami.
Klaus was hung up on Aurora for centuries. He painted her constantly. While he loved Cami, he definitely also loved Aurora. He’s the type of person that falls in love forever. And while this is a super unpopular opinion, I think that if he was alive during Legacies, he would’ve ended up with Aurora.
Hayley wasn’t really a love interest and I don’t think Klaus loved her romantically - but he totally loved her platonically. She was his best friend. He truly valued her as a person and respected her so much.
Say what you want about Klaus, but he had excellent taste in romantic partners. All his lovers, including Caroline, are beautiful and amazing. And this is no hate to Caroline and Klaus shippers, but I really think that Klaus only loved Cami, Aurora, and Hayley. His feelings for Caroline are rather shallow when compared to his feelings for Cami, Aurora, and Hayley - so why do you think so many people ship Caroline and Klaus together?
Oh anon, I love talking about Klaus Mikaelson and his fucked up relationships.
Why people ship klaroline? Whenever I come across shippers of them, they always say it's because Klaus and Caroline had the biggest chemistry in all of tvdu. Which, in my opinion, is false. I personally think Caroline looks uncomfortable and pissed off with Klaus in half of their interactions, and their development is so bad done and weird so they just have him give her puppy eyes out of nowhere and have her laughing at his jokes when she hated him the episode before.
I think that a big part of why people ship klaroline is because Caroline was the first woman Klaus showed an romantic interest in in the series. We have Klaus who is the villain, who until the moment has been nothing but evil to everyone around him and out of nowhere he gets soft for her, so people lost their shit and started shipping them like crazy. Which mind you, is exactly like happened: Candice herself said klaroline just happened because the fans liked them.
But in my opinion it was just stupid. If they wanted Klaus to have any interest in Caroline, they should have built it better; the only explanation we get of his interest in her is nearly ten years later when Caroline says in The Originals she believes he only liked her because she reminded him of when he was human, innocent and young. And I kinda get this, because despite how much he goes on about being feared Klaus does love having people who say he can be saved, loved and etc.
The fact that the plot and timeline was often bended to their will is a turn off for many fans as well and it always pissed me off too because it didn't make sense and still doesn't. The biggest example I can think of right now is when Klaus sent her money for the Salvatore school: he was supposed to be trapped in Marcel's dungeon by then, but the timeline of these shows has never made any sense anyway. Or how in they inserted Klaus in every one of Caroline's scenes in The Originals; Daniel Gillies himself was upset by this, they even had to delete some of his scenes to fit hers in, which is a reason of why season five was so rushed and full of bad writing.
But honestly that's the main reason I can think of. Whenever I stumble across a klaroline ship the comments always are "their chemistry" or "they look so good together" and more things about the ship. I honestly think klaroline wouldn't have blew up the way it did if it had been done these last years, but many of the plots that there are in tvd wouldn't have made it to the screen if it had been streaming this year.
I fully agree with his other ships. Canonically Klaus just loved romantically three women: Tatia, Aurora and Camille. However, I don't really think he was in love with Tatia, just infatuated. He's not as affected by her as Elijah is, but once Klaus loves you or he takes a serious romantic interest in someone he really never forgets about them: Camille and Aurora are the biggest proof of this.
Losing Aurora really took a toll on him and shaped him to be the character we know and people often brush over this because they don't like Aurora/for shipping reasons. I think she's his most interesting romantic relationship, and they're my favorite tvdu ship. It's kinda canon he loved her more than any of his other love interests and don't get me wrong, I love Klaus and Camille but in my opinion Klaus always forgot about her whenever Aurora was around which just pissed me off.
If Cami had remained dead by the time Legacies took place, I do believe Klaus and her would have gotten back together. To me, Aurora was never truly evil and I think they should have handled her character better, but Klaus understood her even after everything she did to him and viceversa, and their chemistry is just so perfect and they had sexual tension in every one of their interactions. But if Cami had been alive, I honestly think Klaus would have remained with her.
Everyone who follows me knows I believe Klaus loved Aurora romantically the most, but by the time Legacies takes place Klaus would probably adore Cami a lot more than it's already shown in canon and perhaps they would even be married, and she was good for him and his family. In the modern day, Aurora wasn't good for him or his family at all (she was literally trying to kill Hope) and in general, she needed to work on herself, to try to let go of Tristan's abuse before getting into a relationship with the man whose family is responsible for her fucked up mental health.
However, I do think Hope would stop her family if they tried to kill Aurora, she's really empathetic in these kind of things and they had a slight respect for each other by the time Aurora died. Klaus and her would probably talk, perhaps she would even have a conversation with Camille before leaving to live her best life which it's what should have happened in canon. Hayley would probably thank her for saving her daughter too, and I think they - by this I mean the whole Mikaelson family - would agree to try to not kill each other again, but who knows with them?
I love Klaus and Hayley together. Whether people ship them romantically or not isn't important to me, I can see their potential and though I personally think they wouldn't work, I can understand why other people do. I really like how often she stands up to him whenever she feels he's getting too cocky, or when it comes to their daughter. I love how much their relationship developed in the last three seasons and how gutted he was after her death, he didn't just love her for being his mother's daughter but for being his best friend and family. It was beautiful for me to see how much Hayley fought for him and never gave up, they deserved to raise their daughter together or at least, Hope deserved it.
And I honestly agree: he has amazing taste. I would get with any of these girls in an instant, they're all beautiful.
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This is gonna get controversial: I think Giocrusher is extremely overrated.
Now don’t get me wrong I like Crusher but I just don’t ship him with Gio and there are reasons for that.
Crusher’s primary trait is *checks notes* having a crush on Giovanni. It’s a fun gag but if that’s the only real trait he has then to me that makes it a boring ship. I feel like the primary reason why Giocrusher is popular is because Crusher’s a man. Jello has even confirmed on stream that for each arc he’ll have to make reasons for why Gio’s minions are EXCLUDED from the action.
While I’m not the biggest GioLori shipper there is one big reason I like it more than Gio Crusher.
Lorelai doesn’t worship Giovanni. In my mind, most of their interactions have been as equals even though Lorelai is leagues stronger. GioCrusher just feels kinda awkward when Crusher treats Giovanni as some higher being even though their own gap in power is smaller and their whole dynamic seems one-sided on Crusher’s part.
I am aware of the people who don’t ship GioLori because “Lorelai’s a bad person” but I’ve seen some of you ship Percy and Zora so that seems like a moot point. And I think there’s a good chunk of people who act like Lorelai isn’t going to change even though Prison of Plastic is just the beginning of her character arc. And the fact Lorelai has flaws makes shipping her with Giovanni much more interesting.
At the end of the series I’d be just as happy if Giovanni was still single or was dating Lorelai. I just think a lot of Epithet fans are giving GioCrusher more praise than it deserves.
mod thinks it would be best if Gio ended up staying single
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ogsherlockholmes · 8 months
Hi, you seem like the person to go to for this, I've been reading the original Sherlock Holmes for the first time and having quite some fun, I really like Sherlock, but I've found myself unable to continue recently because I just really can't stand Watson 😭 at first it was his racism what turned me off mostly, but then just how he continued to treat Holmes with mild interest like he was some kinda case instead of with the same friendship holmes showed for him just got on my nerves too much and I got sick of reading from his pov. Any advice? I really wish I could get over this or find him any redeeming qualities but I really just think he's a dick!
Hi :) thanks for asking me, I’ll try my best to answer
One of the biggest problems when it comes to classic books is always the sheer amount of racism (and other types of hate) embedded into the text. Sometimes you’ll be reading a really nice book then BOOM they say the n word. It’s very difficult to avoid, and there are other Holmes stories (in particular, The Three Gables) where there is racism. I think in terms of that, it’s important to educate ourselves on the context of the times and, obviously not accept it, but acknowledge it (I’m not the best person to talk about this, there are other sources which will be more helpful for this topic).
In terms of Watson… it’s personal preference. Personally, I read Watson as being at first startled by Holmes, then intrigued (as you might have guessed, I am a Johnlock shipper, so I do see Watson’s view of Holmes in a different light). Unfortunately, I can’t force you to have the same positive perspective as me, but that’s just reading. No one reads the same way, or takes in information as others do, so we can’t judge each other or expect others to interpret the text as we did. That’s where healthy debates about reading comes in, and that’s perfectly okay.
Watson… if you don’t find him agreeable, you don’t find him agreeable. Maybe your opinion of him changes as you continue to read, or you might find an adaptation where you prefer him (might I recommend Granada Holmes? Granada Watson is impossible not to like- or I think so anyway). I could list why I personally like Watson, but that wouldn’t be fruitful. All I can say is keep an open mind, he might grow on you.
Additionally, if your sick of his POV, which is fair enough, (I think I speak for a lot of people that listening to the same man talk can be annoying), there are other stories written from alternative POVs. The Mazarin Stone is third person, and The Lion’s Mane is a Holmes POV, and The Blanched Soldier (I think) is too. There are other stories which are also Holmes POVs, but within Watson’s narrative.
I hope this is helpful, and remember that your opinion on fiction is perfectly valid, so don’t put yourself down for it :)
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kelpieice · 1 year
Jelsa Ship Thoughts
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      I am not surprised that this became a popular ship. For the start, the Snow Queen and Jack Frost are traditional counterparts. Jack Frost is the winter spirit who is winter’s personification. The Snow Queen on the other hand is the winter spirit who is winter’s expression. With these new adaptations of these characters with Rise of the Guardians and Frozen, people really fell in love with these versions of them.
       Some people dislike the ship because they believe they are too alike to an annoying level.
Example: Jack Frost was originally a human. After saving his sister he dies and gets resurrected as the spirit of winter. The death of Jackson Overland and the birth of Jack Frost.
Elsa goes to ahtohallan, dies and later falls through ice into water and gets resurrected as the fourth spirit? She becomes a spirit...even though she already had magic?
    Other people say they are too different, saying Jack is too immature for a relationship and Elsa is painted as the biggest ms. priss. Sometimes it is because people are annoyed at Elsa’s popularity and think her a lesser responsible character who froze her kingdom ect. So for being extremely flawed perhaps these people feel Jack who is a very selfless character being a reward for a character like Elsa who is kinda...a little selfish. Kinda of an attitude of, “hey Elsa, you are a sucky sister who froze her kingdom! Here’s a great boyfriend for your troubles!”
     I don’t think people are entirely wrong, I am not gonna be blind to the faults of either character. They both have flaws and similarities. However, Elsa was the cause of the problem of Frozen and Anna was the protagonist. Jack Frost was the protagonist of his own story. Overall, I guess thinking of these two as twin flames makes a lot of sense. They have similarities enough that I can see them get along and enough differences that I am sure not every thing would be sunshine and roses. They are allowed to be their own characters.
       The biggest plus for this ship is that I don’t think they would have a power imbalance in their relationship. That is because they both have magic and are now both spirits. Yes Elsa prefers to use ice and Jack is always using his freezing wind ability but magic being something they both have makes them level out, unlike Jarida in which magic is something I can see causing problems.Though how these two would meet is always the limit of the fan and I have found some interesting HC’s from the Jelsa shippers.
I do however think Elsa would make the first move. She is aware of magic and magical creatures, but running into another spirit who is also not a horse, lizard or stone giant? She would like to talk to him. Her curiosity would just be too much. Though, if Jack was unaware of her presence and whipping all over the place. She would have a hard time catching him without the assistance of gale. Not to mention she would be a dork...not a miss. priss. Like what do you say to another human winter spirit? Particularity if you are using your spirit friends just to catch his attention for a chat?
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There relationship would start out slow, friendship eventually to a relationship. They would also be able to fall into a pace comfortable for the two of them. Both not use to physical contact off the bat, but for different reasons. Shenanigans would be amusing and if they ever did get magical kids. They would both be able to handle it. Though, Anna would have a hard time baby sitting. The magic in their lives would always keep these two at a balanced level.
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joandfriedrich · 3 months
Hope you don’t mind me ranting a little, I was looking for fanfics of Amy and Laurie and I’m kinda sad that a lot of them have him cheating physically or emotionally cheating on Amy with Jo. It’s like people just can’t accept that Laurie grew up (with a little help from Amy) and fell in love with someone else. Jo herself says she isn’t in love with him. And she found a beautiful love with Friedrich, I wish people could let it go. And maybe I’m wrong but with how Laurie was written in the book, I don’t ever see him cheating on Amy whatsoever with anyone. And Jo wouldn’t cheat on Friedrich with Laurie because she was never in love with Laurie!!! It feels so incredibly out of character for the both of them.
There is a way in Archive of Our Own to look for main ship tags. That is what I always do when looking out for Little Women fics. It filters out all the unwanted ones.
For your question, it is what I have been saying in the LW podcast since the beginning, I think the biggest problem is the lack of Laurie's characterization in Little Women adaptations and romanticizing his and Laurie's relationship.
Long loving looks
1994 the non-required kiss
2019 Jo wanting Laurie back out of nowhere, and people even saying that "Gerwig" fixed Jo, for wanting Laurie back. Also Timothee Chalamet and Gerwig both saying the promotional tour that Jo and Laurie should be together.
Those are of course just a few examples, but then there is the actual story in the book. No I don't think Laurie would ever cheat on Amy and Jo would certainly not cheat on Fritz.
I personally believe that LMA planned both marriages years before she wrote the novel. There is a book from Goethe called "Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship" one of Alcott's favorite books. Wilhelm is very much a Laurie type of character. During the novel he grows as a person. We see, this in the terms of character. He moves on from unhealthy relationship to Marianne to one with Natalia. In LMA's notes, she calls the relationship with Natalia "beautiful". This is both mental and spiritual transformation, it also happens when Jo moves on from Laurie to Fritz.
I think that is one of those things that people miss on Louisa May Alcott's writings. Person "transcends" in this next relationship, and becomes a better person.
In general I think, most of Laurie's characterization is missing from the adaptations. i know I sometimes critizise him, the way he behaves as a young man, but I think that is the point because he grows out of that behavior when he is with Amy. Had she stayed with Jo he would have remained as a man-child, and they would have both been unhappy.
-Niina/Little Women Podcast
I totally understand your pain, because a few years ago I read a fanfic where Jo gave birth to her son Teddy, and pretty much everyone knows that Jo and Laurie had affair that resulted Teddy, and Friedrich was just fine with it even if a little sad. It is one of the worst fanfictions I have ever read, and I wish I never seen it.
I just have a hard time believing that either Jo or Laurie would cheat on their respective partners, or be the lover to someone married, it is just not in their personalities. Laurie had a crisis when he realized that he wasn't in love with Jo anymore, do people really think he'd just be ok with having affair with someone? The guy would be so racked with guilt that he'd confess to it immediately, he'd even tell Amy about how another woman hit on him and he'd apologize.
Jo clearly had no interest in any man until Friedrich (Jo, and even Friedrich, can be read heavily as being demisexuals), and she has made it incredibly clear that she has no romantic or even sexual feelings for Laurie, constantly calling him her "brother", even trying to set him up with her sisters at different points.
It's crazy how desperate the Jo and Laurie shippers are to try and make them work when Alcott is rolling in her grave to think that people didn't get the obvious that Jo and Laurie do not belong together! Thankfully, there is more than enough good fanfics out there to wash the awful taste in your mouth.
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bookscandlesnbts · 11 months
I've a doubt. In the comments every US army saying they nor locals care about artist's sexuality and queer concept they put out. Make sense as there are multiple queer artists who are so successful in west. Whole world was singing 'unholy' by a non binary person lol. If it's catchy enough not even conservative country fans gives af about artist sexuality or gender imo. So how this narrative of JK chose het image to enter western market make sense ? He could get exactly the same results by staying to his authentic self isn't it ? Isn't it just a narrative made by shippers to convince themselves that he's still queer even if he's doing het songs to keep their ship floating? 🤔🤔 I really don't have a problem if he was queer but any excuses given doesn't make sense regarding his choices. Atp the only sensible explanation I can think of is that he's het, it's his choice to portray himself in this concept, it's him choosing to sing about het sex back to back, he agreed to having female lead actress in all his chapter 2 mvs. He kinda confirmed it by saying it wants to show different sides of HIMSELF. So maybe that's what it is.. simple 🤷‍♀️
I’m tired of explaining myself. This is the last ask I’m going to answer of this kind because y’all don’t read my other responses, and these asks are boring.
Idk what planet you are on but Unholy was not well received by any means. Sam Smith was hated on for the outfit they chose to perform in, and these accepting Christian conservatives that you claim will listen to anything hated the song, hated Sam’s peformance, thought it was devil music, hated Kim Petras because she’s a trans woman, and only deemed it acceptable when they could change their lyrics to fit around the god they believe in.
Sex still sells period. And specifically heterosexual sex. Fans do care. The market does care. The majority of major songs if they are about sex are hetereosexual sex.
Jungkook didn’t “choose” this image. Pay attention to what he has said about this album and what Bang PD said too. It almost didn’t happen. Jungkook had nothing written and no inspiration. He needed to release a solo album for chapter 2 so he and Bang PD shopped for songs. Songs in English from 🛴. Those are the facts. He’s portraying the image that fits those songs and the western market. If the songs are hetero, he has the look with his muscles and tattoos to pull it off. This has nothing to do with shipping. I’m not creating a narrative because I don’t want to accept JK being hetero because doing his job shows nothing about his sexuality. I’ve been screaming since this started that singing songs with “girl” and “she” does not change someone’s queer sexuality.
The biggest issue I have with this ask and what I always have with these asks is WHAT CHOICE DOES JUNGKOOK HAVE. Seriously. If he is a queer artist, he is Korean. He lives in a very homophobic country (re their inhumane military laws) He doesn’t have the freedom to go all Sam Smith and Troye Sivan in his music even if he is making English songs for the Western Market. Did you even see Troye’s music video for One of Your Girls?!?! You are acting like Jungkook could dress in drag and give a man a lap dance if he wanted to but because he isn’t that means he doesn’t want to. How damn ignorant can you be. He’s Korean and they are paying attention to his music too!! Jimin couldn’t even have his male dancers touching him for Like Crazy when he performed at any of his Korean stages!!!!!!! WAKE. UP.
It’s so stupid how you can throw away a whole decade of Jungkook showing 0 interest in women but having very blantant sexual tension with his bandmate over the course of his career. But suddenly a song written by a western producer and a female lead in a music video here and there makes him heterosexual? Respectfully, stay the fuck off my blog. Any ask from here on out with this same shit narrative is getting blocked. Let this be your warning.
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raphmona · 2 years
How did Ramona become your favorite ship and how did you become a hardcore Ramona shipper?
I guess it was just instinct. I knew I found something special when I came across RaMona and my love for it just grew as the years went on.
It all started when I was watching one of Black Nerd Comedy’s TMNT videos on YouTube. He was doing a ninja turtles Q&A and someone asked him if he would ever like to see Mona Lisa in the 2012 series. He agreed that Mona should return and called her “Raphael’s lady”.
Note: This was in March 2014, over a year before Mona Lisa was introduced in the 2012 show in November 2015
I was very new to TMNT at this time, with the 2012 series being my introduction, so I had very little knowledge of the franchise and other versions, but I was a sucker for romance side plots and my curiosity was peaked. So I did some digging on YouTube and found the 1987 episode “Raphael Meets His Match” and I watched it. This was my very first episode I ever watched of the 87 series and I fell in love with Mona Lisa and especially her relationship with Raph. I loved how well her personality clashed with Raph, snarky stubborn sass with even more snarky stubborn sass. I squealed when she called him a doll and kissed his cheek. Him assuring her that he thinks she’s beautiful warmed my heart and them reuniting by the end of the episode was so sweet. You can image my disappointment when I learned that was her ONLY episode and she never came back. So I relied on fanart and fan comics of her, hopefully waiting for the return of this ship.
For those who don’t know, back when the 2012 series was running there were A LOT of fans who would constantly email/DM the producers and writers of the show on social media, asking them to bring Mona Lisa into the 2012 series. I will admit I was one of those fans 😅 I never harassed them like other fans did, but I do remember commenting on their instagram post regarding the topic once or twice.
Also funny fact, apparently Sean Astin (2012 Raph’s voice actor) was also one of those people. He constantly kept on asking Branden and Ciro (the producers) when Raph was going to get a love interest, cause he saw every other turtle get a GF except Raph. Angry turtles need love too! XD
Fast forward to August 2015, San Diego Comic Con, at a TMNT 2012 panel, they announce that Mona Lisa will be coming to the series in the upcoming season 4 as a warrior from an alien planet. I fangirled so hard that night when I watched the panel on YouTube! I was squealing so loud and dancing around my bedroom! I was so happy I started to cry! My OTP was finally returning!
It was 2012 RaMona that sealed the deal for me. After watching their first episode “The Moons of Thalos 3”, I fell in love with them. Raph falling for her because she punched him in the face is both hilarious and adorable, and also (strangely) very in character for him. His “what a woman” line made me squeal in excitement. Their first kiss, I couldn’t help but cheer. I didn’t care about any other ship except for them. To actually see a happy healthy couple with little to no problems in this series was a breath of fresh air. I never cared for Apritello, Leor*i I was questioning (that’s a whole different can of worms I’m not getting into now), I didn’t care for Capril, and though I liked Renetangelo I wasn’t crazy for them. The more Mona appeared in the show the more my love for the ship grew. Them constantly flirting or making out in the middle of battle, how trusting they are of each other, how supportive they are of each other in combat, and even their biggest road bump with Lord Dregg they were able to over come, with the cherry of that episode being Mona confessing her love to Raph. Even when back on Earth, Raph still thinks about her, loves her and stays loyal to her. In truth, Mona made Raph a better man. Them reuniting in season 5 kinda leaves us with an open book because now we get to decide what happens with them now that they are on Earth together. I just know from the look they gave each other at the end of the episode as they held each other in their arms that they will be living happily ever after 🥰
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We only ever see this ship in a hand full of episodes in the 2012 series, but it was enough to show me and the audience how happy and healthy this couple is compare to the other ships. I love them. I adore them. I want a relationship like theirs one day. I wanna find my Raph to my Mona. I want to continue to see this ship in other versions of TMNT in the future!
I will stand proud and say that I am the captain of the Raph x Mona Lisa ship! 🫡💞
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jemgirl86 · 7 months
Now, don’t piss me off either, because one thing I’m gonna always do is remember, and if we’re being honest, one group of TFATWS shippers were acting very VERY weird about another group of TFATWS related shippers, and it damn sure wasn’t us 🌚 Y’all were saying we hated that lady simply because we were shipping something we’d shipped for years 🤪
Hold up, forget acting weird about a ship that conflicts with your own, y’all were acting weird about your own damn ship. Making mood boards where the darkskin BLACK woman is lightskin or even white, writing fics where every other Black character in the fic is the biggest Birth of Nation-esque stereotype you could think of, writing her brother weird and creepy like he was lowkey in love with her and jealous 🤮, hell, making her a stereotype. Pretty sure I was scrolling through a fic for that ship once (a ship I also enjoy, and have written fics for, so clearly I’m not a hater, I’m just not about to lie and rewrite history like y’all lmao) and Natasha was ripping off a Black woman’s wig while Sam heckled the lady. I was so outdone I screenshot it and sent it to my buddy, and she was like: this is why I don’t read a lot of their fics. For context, she’s ships them too LOL. They are literally one of her OTPs, and even she can’t hang with a lot of y’all.
People who like that ship, myself included, built it from two ten second interactions, so maybe y’all should sit out the delusional fans discussions, ijs 😭
Damn… I just — when did things change? You think when I was sitting around shipping Dean & Cas I ever seriously thought that was going canon?? lmaooo Yo, I was lowkey surprised when Chandler and Monica went canon 😭 and they’re the straightest whitest couple to ever couple, but still, it felt like why would they go to this well twice when there’s already a couple (that we all knew would be endgame) on the show.
Anywho, my point is, none of us were sitting around thinking our favorite gay interracial fanon ship was going canon, but I’m starting to realize that y’all really did think your two interactions for a total of 20 seconds straight interracial fanon ship (that y’all kinda don’t even seem to enjoy or y’all wouldn’t always be, you know, erasing even the most basic parts of their identities 😬) was gonna go canon, and that’s sad
But oh well lol
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qprstobin · 1 year
Oh Eddie 100% was meant to be the king of the underworld, another mirror for Steve. I think that they feel a lot of frustration over how Steve turned out, otherwise I don’t get why they keep making weird doubles for him (we have three! why do we need so much!). I think maybe Eddie is a starter character that they would have developed into a Steve later? Like a character who becomes the confidant for the kids (a very boring choice btw)
The only reason people make Eddie into a victim is to give him the higher ground so that Steve can feel insecure and ashamed, which is a kink for the majority of Steve shippers (like even with Billy which is weird that Steve is sometimes apologizing there too. like guys???? what??????). Canon Eddie is a feral stinky teenage boy. “Mr Cringefail Mr Attentionwhore” to Steve’s “Mr Funny Mr Cool”. Like in order to be the king of the losers and freaks you kinda sorta NEED TO ALSO BE ONE. Steddie are so funny together, like a satirical piece on Romeo and Juliet, whyyyy did people decide to focus on the bullying and victimhood. It doesn’t suit the characters at all
I miss canon Eddie so much, Quinn put so much work into the feral stinky aspect AND YET
I think they also keep trying to, like, recreate the hype they got with Steve accidentally. (Which to an extent they did in Eddie I guess but in a weird way.) But it's hard to do that kind of thing on purpose, you know?
I agree also that Eddie definitely was meant in his own way to be like "king of freaks" or something similar. I think the king titles get tiresome after a while but social hierarchy wise? Most definitely. Which honestly is so much fun! I don't know why people don't lean into it more in a fun way instead of making it angsty. The rivalry they may or may not have could be so incredibly funny but they also make it "oh no :((((( look how mean everyone was". Honestly everyone in this show is casually kinda mean, with a few exceptions (Billy, Troy & James, later Jason) thats all it seems to be, at least if the characters we're introduced to.
Honestly, I'm not sure a lot of these people are actually Steve fans 😭 they don't seem to like Steve very much??? Like Steve fans do enjoy some good whump - either emotional or physical (some of the fics my mutes have read.... Insanity) - and I can attest to that! But like there has to be some pay off for that which a lot of these fics don't seem to have. I'm not sure if people just aren't thinking things through or what.
Also I totally agree I ADORE canon Eddie. He's awkward and a little cringe, and probably is a huge flirt but is very, very bad at it. (Joe Q.'s comment that 'Eddie is never as successful with girls as he thinks he is' lives rent free in my head.) He's dramatic and probably a little gross (at the very least his van must always smell like weed). He is soooo ADHD coded to me, and honestly is just a hilarious outsider pov type character (a dude who thinks he is a freak and a weirdo and then finds out the priss the jock and the loner are all in an actual monster fighting club with his mentees, what's better than this).
I think also when people go too hard into the "he was bullied :(((" thing as opposed to how he actually comes across in canon, is that you lose that narrative foil that makes him so interesting in the first place. Firstly, the obvious Steve parallels, but also I think people miss out on the fact that all of the Spicy Six (minus Argyle 💔) are portrayed when they're first introduced as very much caught up in their own worlds and opinions. Steve is the one who everyone points out because he's definitely has the like biggest and most obvious re-evaluation. But Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin I would argue do too?
Nancy is much more concerned with her new boyfriend who isn't her boyfriend than anything else, very focused on rebelling. She's seen as someone who is uptight and a priss acting out. Barb's disappearance and death completely shakes her foundation, causes her to completely reprioritize her life and what's important.
Jonathan's isn't done in like a great way, because the resolution with the pictures was lazy as hell. But arguably he is going through the same foundation changing first with Will disappearing and then with the pictures. He even says that he saw Nancy as shallow and forgot she was a real person. Them working together is - as poorly done as it is - a similar journey.
Robin's is less on screen, but she goes through a similar thing with the others, overcoming dumb high school biases and befriending Steve. Though hers like I said starts off screen because you get the vibe she started liking Steve before the Russians thing happened.
Eddie is literally going through the same thing. He says himself that he thought Steve was an asshole and that both Steve and Nancy were forcing him to reevaluate his prior biases. A big part of the older crowds upside down journey has always been growing as a person and learning that there's more than meets the eye with others, and moving past stupid high school cliques and biases. The fact so much of fandom ignores that Eddie is also super biased and is also reevaluating his thoughts completely detracts from his character and growth. Like I know the duffers love doing the petty high school "jocks suck and nerds rule" thing, but that doesn't mean fandom has to lol. I feel like giving Eddie all these reasons to not just hate jocks but hate Steve specifically just kinda undermines part of the journey.
Anyway I got WAYYYY off track. Wkenedk this has just been in my head for a while
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why do you think byler is less popular than mlvn on instagram?
on tiktok, tumblr, twitter and pretty much all other platforms byler is the more popular ship, but for some reason mlvns is more popular on instagram.
This is a good question! I’m not sure there’s a definitive answer, but if I were to take a stab at it, maybe it has something to do with the age demographic/type of fan on each platform?
Tumblr is very gay platform, and it’s also a platform for theorizing, so it makes sense that Byler is more popular here. Mlvn just kinda exists right now. There’s not much to theorize about. Like if you really believe that the monologue fixed everything and Mike and El will live happily ever after, then okay. It makes sense why a lot of them believe Mlvn will get married young and have children, cause where else is for them to go? All the other ships have unfinished business, even Jopper, the ship that’s probably in the best place after S4. They still have to figure out how to work together as a couple with a blended family.
Byler is inherently exciting to Tumblr cause it’s all about theorizing and anticipation. And it’s queer. Age demographic-wise, it seems like Byler Tumblr is all over the map too: from millennials who’ve been through this before with other ships that turned out to be queerbait to Gen Z adults my age to younger Zoomers who are truly excited about a ship becoming canon for the first time. There’s probably some of Gen Alpha here too, as well as people from Gen X. This shows that Byler is exciting and appeals to a wide range of folks.
With TikTok, it’s a younger skewing platform, and fandom-wise, there’s an emphasis on edits as well as Byler theorizing. And honestly, Season 4 genuinely didn’t give Mlvns that much to work with when it comes to edits. I mean, Will is in most of the shots. And Mlvn theories don’t seem that exciting. The GA already sees Mlvn endgame as the foregone conclusion, and he monologued to her. What else is there to theorize about? Since TikTok is a newer platform, it seems like there’s just less Mlvn-loyalists making content there, and Byler shippers have just taken it over. This is in large part due to Stranger Things as a whole exploding in popularity during summer 2022 and a lot of people switching sides to Byler during that time. There was a lot of content to create. I also think to some extent angsty edits perform better. And Byler obviously has a lot of angst.
Twitter honestly seems like the biggest war zone to me, which is why I stay away from ST Twitter for the most part. There’s just a lot of petty fights and arguments. Clearly we have a strong presence there, as evidenced by us causing the whole Byler script fiasco in august 2022. Mlvns there seem to be the most toxic, and I’ve noticed they always have Regina George tendencies (a lot of them have PFPs of Millie, Regina George, Barbie, or Olivia Rodrigo for some reason). I don’t know if it’s true that there are more Bylers than Mlvns on Twitter, but if that is true, that’s once again because Byler is just more exciting lol.
I think Instagram is a weird creature overall. It’s older than TikTok, so the fandom presence was likely established in 2016 when Mlvn mania began. It’s not really algorithmically based in the same way (with clear trending topics), so I think it’s easier for people to just follow and interact with accounts they support. I’ve noticed that a lot of the Mlvn accounts are Fillie accounts or Fillie-adjacent accounts often run by young girls (but not always- there are older fans too).
They tend to overly romanticize Mlvn and genuinely see it as the height of romance, even denying that they have any problems whatsoever. And they tend to bombard ST comment sections with extremely overzealous pro-Mlvn stuff, sometimes bordering on bizarre. Maybe part of this is due to IG basically being Facebook for younger millennials/older Zoomers? I think it’s a substantially more normie and less queer space than Tumblr. It’s also picture-based, so Mlvns often post screenshots from the show and pictures of Finn and Millie.
And obviously reddit is pro-Mlvn to an extreme too, with Bylers basically been exiled to the Byler subreddit. But there it’s largely middle-aged men who can’t fathom their favorite nerdy 80s nostalgia show becoming “woke” and gay.
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