#Southern Strategy
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odinsblog · 11 months
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The American criminal “justice” system is deeply racist. From the police, to the jury system, to the prison system.
Mass incarceration laws and the death penalty all target Black and Brown people disproportionately. Politicians who brand themselves as “law-and-order” candidates, or as no nonsense, “tough-on-crime” politicians are fully aware of these structurally racist underpinnings of the U.S. criminal system, and they gladly use law & order as a kind of racist dog whistle: when the question is, “Who are we going to lock up?”the unspoken but understood answer is, “BLACK people!” Especially in, but not limited to, the “former” slave states (aka current Republican states.).
This kind of dog whistle politics (aka “Southern Strategy”) to appeal to conservative white southern voters is not new.
The same is true with how we treat people with drug addictions. America has two completely different views on who is deserving of compassion and who needed to be locked away in prison forever.
And if you’re reading this from a European country, please don’t make the mistake of thinking that your country is somehow different or better. HA! America is a racist country and(!) Europe is every bit as racist against Black and Brown people as anywhere else.
Universally, there is a correlation between who gets the best jobs & housing and skin color; or who gets jailed more and their skin color. These cannot be explained away without acknowledging racism.
Colorism and anti-Blackness are worldwide.
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contemplatingoutlander · 10 months
This Salon article by Ian Hanley-Lopez is well worth taking the time to read. Although it was written in Dec. 2013--BEFORE the age of Trump, it was prescient of the continued trajectory of the Republican Party towards a white nationalist agenda. The article describes:
How the indirect racist messaging of "dog whistle politics" began with George Wallace, using the language of being opposed to "arrogant federal authority," and being for "states’ rights," "law and order, running your own schools, [and] protecting property rights." Even though Wallace was a Southern Democrat (and later an Independent) the "dog whistle" strategies he employed were later appropriated by the GOP in the "Southern Strategy."
How the GOP's "Southern Strategy" slowly developed in the 1960s, when Goldwater began to push “states’ rights,” as well as “freedom of association." This strategy over time helped the Republican Party begin to appeal to those white voters who still held overt or covert racial prejudices.
How Kennedy and Johnson, by promoting civil rights legislation, turned the Democrats into the party identified with championing the civil rights of marginalized racial and ethnic groups.
How Richard Nixon fully embraced the "Southern Strategy," through his messaging of being for "law and order," and against the "forced busing" of children (to integrate public schools). As he gradually adopted this strategy, Nixon also turned against one of his own administration's earlier policies (developed by George Romney), which Nixon later derided as the "forced integration of the suburbs."
How, according to Hanley-Lopez, these changes in the racial strategies and policies of the diverging Republican and Democratic parties in the 1960s/early 1970s contributed to "the rise of racially identified parties," with a majority of white voters shifting to the GOP (which became "in fact, though not in name, the White Man's Party"), and the Democratic Party being associated with racial and ethnic minorities (as well as a smaller proportion of white voters, i.e., well-educated whites, especially white women). [color emphasis of terms, quotes added]
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Echoes of Nixon's 1968 campaign ad in one of Trump's 2020 campaign ads
Hanley-Lopez mentions a 1968 Nixon campaign ad that focused on "exploiting the growing panic that equated social protest with social chaos." Above is the video of that 1968 ad: "The First Civil Right." Below is a transcript of the video:
TRANSCRIPT* (Music with snare drum and dissonant piano chords) MALE NARRATOR**: It is time for an honest look at the problem of order in the United States. Dissent is a necessary ingredient of change, but in a system of government that provides for peaceful change, there is no cause that justifies resort to violence. Let us recognize that the first civil right of every American is to be free from domestic violence. So I pledge to you, we shall have order in the United States. [TEXT: THIS TIME VOTE LIKE YOUR WHOLE WORLD DEPENDED ON IT. . .NIXON] [Color/ emphasis added.]
This 1968 Nixon campaign ad is eerily like at least one Trump 2020 campaign ad, "Abolished," which used some out of context video footage in order to exploit the fears of many white conservative voters regarding the Black Lives Matter protests and the poorly worded "Defund the Police" slogan.
Below is a transcript of the Trump campaign's 2020 "Abolished" video.
TRANSCRIPT*** [ Phone ringing/ Answering machine beeping/ background music. ] AUTOMATED FEMALE VOICE: You have reached the 911 police emergency line. Due to defunding of the police department, we're sorry but no one is here to take your call. If you're calling to report a rape, please press 1. To report a murder, press 2. To report a home invasion, press 3. For all other crimes, leave your name and number and someone will get back to you. Our estimated wait time is currently five days. Goodbye. [ TEXT: Joe Biden's supporters are fighting to defund police departments. Fox News, 6/6/20 | Violent crime has exploded. ABC News, 6/24/20 | You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America. | TRUMP   PENCE   KEEP AMERICA GREAT   20 ] TRUMP: I'm Donald J. Trump and I approve this message. [Color/ emphasis added.]
In conclusion, the barely covert racism in the GOP's political messaging that was so prominent during Trump's administration, and currently in the DeSantis Florida administration (among other GOP administrations) was not new. It was deliberately fostered by Republicans, starting in the 1960s, as they deployed their "Southern Strategy" to woo white voters who still had some overt or covert racial prejudices. The "Southern Strategy" relied on Republicans incorporating into their messaging strategies the kind of covert racist messaging that George Wallace used.
This strategy has unfortunately succeeded all too well.
______________ *Transcript source (before layout changes/ edits) of the 1968 Nixon campaign's ad "The First Civil Right,"(alternatively called "Law and Order"): Museum of the Moving Image, The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2012. **Note that the "male narrator" sounds a lot like Nixon (at least to me). ***The transcript of the Trump campaign's 2020 "Abolished" ad is based on the English auto-generated YouTube transcript, as well as the video text and sounds/music.
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readyforevolution · 8 months
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queersatanic · 1 year
There is a long tradition of American Christianity that can be called “the slaver’s religion”, focused on justifying and even celebrating one person’s right to dominate and possess another.
While it mostly used to be restricted to the American South (the origin of the Southern Baptist denomination, for example), when the Nixon campaign realigned the Republican Party priorities to absorb George Wallace’s segregationist supporters, that married a regional slaver’s religion to a national business religion that worshiped wealth and the personal increase of power through it.
You may have heard it said that, for example, everything in Pennsylvania between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia is Alabama. That’s not exactly true, but you notice a lot of Confederate flags all over the USA in rural areas whose heritage either was in the Union, like Maine, or no connection, like Washington State. The regional variations have largely disappeared, and eastern California and West Texas have more in common than rural Mississippi and Jackson, or most of Idaho and Boise.
The slaver’s religion has metastasized.
It’s a Christianity not much concerned with Christ or scripture or the community of believers but rather in justifying the domination of one’s own group over others considered outside that group and therefore not fully persons. It doesn’t want to uplift the weakest and most vulnerable but try to fix them there permanently and then justify this as a moral imperative after the fact.
To do this, you need politics, and once you start worshiping power, you will find every excuse to make the expedient choice to continue aligning with the powerful and guaranteeing someone is below and worse than you.
The slaver’s religion requires control of the state and using its power to hurt and keep shackled everyone the slavers consider deserving it, so the state is worshiped as a god even when individual politicians are rejected as having corrupted it and in need of cleansing.
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The "Southern Strategy," c. 1929?
WARNING: the N-word appears in this TIME magazine story from the February 18, 1929 issue
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Republicans co-opting Martin Luther King Jr.’s quotes while pushing policy and supporting legislation directly in opposition to the Civil Rights leader’s wishes is just one example of the party attempting to rewrite history.
In fact, there are so many examples of revisionist history happening these days, particularly among conservatives, that historian and University of Princeton professor Kevin M. Kruse felt the need to publish a book alongside fellow historians, and join this episode of The New Abnormal politics podcast, to set the record straight.
Subscribe to The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Amazon Music, or Overcast.
He talks about his book Myth America: Historians Take On the Biggest Legends and Lies About Our Past, which is a compilation of historian-written chapters that crush those myths, and shares proof that contrary to Republicans’ denials, the party actively engages in “Southern Strategy,” which is, as New Abnormal co-host Andy Levy explains, the “idea that as the Democratic Party moved away from being the party of slavery and segregation, the GOP sort of consciously moved to fill that void and to become the champion of white Southerners.”
From speaking in coded racial language to antagonizing white voters through fear and taking starkly pro-police stances, they’re absolutely following the knowingly racist playbook of conservatives past, says Kruse.
“This is not some wishful thinking theory that we’ve imposed in the past. The people we’re talking about in documents at the time, in interviews at the time, in books, talk about this,” says Kruse. “[Richard] Nixon talks about this in his memoirs. Harry Dent, his adviser, talks about it in his memoirs. Lee Atwater gives an interview where he talks about the old coded racism of the Nixon-era Southern Strategy. This has long been conventional wisdom. Heads of the Republican National Committee apologized for this. The thought that suddenly people are saying, ‘Oh, this never happened. This is all a myth,’ was just kind of insane and frustrating.”
He also explains Nixon’s role in solidifying this strategy for the GOP and also why we still are taught basic historical lies, including one that Andy is particularly invested in: George Washington never telling a lie.
Also on this episode: TNA co-host Danielle Moodie interviews Jim Freeman, a civil rights lawyer and author of the book, Rich Thanks to Racism: How the Ultra-Wealthy Profit from Racial Injustice, to talk about the Defund the Police movement and the role police unions are playing in stopping it from happening.
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trmpt · 8 months
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bobbyo-1967 · 11 months
If You Send In A Bigoted LTE, Your Voter Registration Will Be APRA's/FOIL'd/FOIA'd
17 July 2023 Warwick Director of Elections Kelly A. Nardolillo Warwick Board of Canvassers City of Warwick Warwick City Hall 3275 Post Road Warwick, RI  02886 Honorable Director Nardolillo: Under the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act, §38-2-1 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that involve voter registration.  I would like a copy…
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maid4youcalifornia · 1 month
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sanguinifex · 8 months
Just FYI, the last time “why bother, both parties are the same” was a remotely true statement was the Dewey vs. Truman race in 1948. Please register to vote.
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heartlandrock · 2 years
There was this video of two Southerners debating what states in America counted as the South and one of them included Florida but only the top half so they could claim Tom Petty 
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The Cloward-Piven Strategy: An Overview
The Cloward-Piven Strategy is a political theory developed in the 1960s by sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. This strategy proposes creating chaos within the welfare system to overwhelm it, thereby forcing the government to take action that fundamentally transforms society12.
Historical Context
Origins: Cloward and Piven were both professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work. They outlined their strategy in a May 1966 article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” published in the liberal magazine The Nation3.
Objective: Their focus was on forcing the Democratic Party, which controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress in 1966, to take federal action to help the poor. They believed that full enrollment of eligible individuals for welfare benefits would create bureaucratic and fiscal disruptions, leading to a federal solution to poverty3.
Ultimate Goal: Cloward and Piven aimed to establish a guaranteed annual income, even though this ideal clashed with the prevailing notion of individual social and economic mobility3.
Implementation and Impact
Overloading the System: Cloward and Piven sought to create a crisis by informing the poor of their welfare rights and encouraging them to apply for benefits. By overburdening an already strained bureaucracy, they hoped to collapse the existing welfare system3.
Focus on Democrats: They pinned their hopes on creating disruption within the Democratic coalition. While conservative Republicans criticized public welfare, deeper conflicts would arise within the Democratic Party. Whites from working-class ethnic groups and the middle class would be pitted against the ghetto poor, while liberal groups would grapple with supporting the movement3.
Cloward-Piven and the Southern Border
Immigration Connection: The Cloward-Piven Strategy has been invoked in discussions about the current chaos at the southern border. Unfettered immigration, combined with overwhelming demands on the welfare system, could contribute to societal instability.
Overloading Resources: The influx of migrants, coupled with the strain on border facilities, legal processes, and social services, mirrors the strategy’s intent to overload government systems.
Economic and Social Impact: The southern border crisis has implications for national debt, resource allocation, and political tensions. While not a direct application of Cloward-Piven, the parallels are evident.
In summary, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, originally designed to address poverty, has found new relevance in discussions about immigration and the southern border. Whether intentional or not, the strain on resources and the resulting chaos align with the strategy’s core principles. As policymakers grapple with solutions, understanding historical context and unintended consequences is crucial.
Cloward, R., & Piven, F. (1966). “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” The Nation.
Reisch, M., & Andrews, J. (2001). “The Road Not Taken: A History of Radical Social Work in the United States.” Social Service Review, 75(4), 575-594.
“What is the Cloward-Piven Strategy? How it’s playing a role on America today.” The Hammer Drops1.
“Sovietization, Migration and Destabilization.” Catholic Insight2.
“BREAKING: Cloward-Piven On The Southern Border.” iHeart4.
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