#Spanish theater masterpiece
We live, while we see the sun,
Where life and dreams are as one;
And living has taught me this,
Man dreams the life that is his,
Until his living is done.
The king dreams he is king, and he lives
In the deceit of a king,
Commanding and governing;
And all the praise he receives
Is written in wind, and leaves
A little dust on the way
When death ends all with a breath.
Where then is the gain of a throne,
That shall perish and not be known
In the other dream that is death?
Dreams the rich man of riches and fears,
The fears that his riches breed;
The poor man dreams of his need,
And all his sorrows and tears;
Dreams he that prospers with years,
Dreams he that feigns and foregoes,
Dreams he that rails on his foes;
And in all the world, I see,
Man dreams whatever he be,
And his own dream no man knows.
And I too dream and behold,
I dream I am bound with chains,
And I dreamed that these present pains
Were fortunate ways of old.
What is life? a tale that is told;
What is life? a frenzy extreme,
A shadow of things that seem;
And the greatest good is but small,
That all life is a dream to all,
And that dreams themselves are a dream.
By Pedro Calderón de la Barca / 1635
Translator Arthur Symons.
Segismundo’s monologues in Calderón de la Barca’s ‘Life is a dream’, are among the theater masterpieces written in Spanish
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f1version · 4 months
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includes: charles, carlos, max, daniel, lando, oscar, lewis, george, alex, logan, pierre, yuki, lance, mick, and sebastian.
summary: f1 drivers’ and their favorite themed dates!
author’s note: happy valentine’s day my loves!! this is incredibly late (almost 15th where i am) but here it is <3
love on top, a vday special ♥︎ general masterlist
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now playing ♫₊⊹ until i found you by stephen sanchez
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★ CHARLES LECLERC ( 16 ) — Charles has a bucket list with dates. Enjoys planning them curled up in bed, talks about how you shouldn’t repeat one until the list is done—unless you are a Drive-in theater date, he loves them. When they're arranged in Monaco, it's usually for old romcoms and coming-of-age movies, which is perfect in both of your eyes. Charles makes sure to bring snacks, blankets and pillows, everything so you can be comfortable while cuddling him. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear as the movie plays, dusk falling over you, looking as beautiful as ever. He loves this type of dates… it even gives him a chance to show off his magnificent car, but hey! that's off-topic.
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★ CARLOS SAINZ JR. ( 55 ) — You and Carlos have a passion for trying new recipes, so sometimes, when you have everything you need, you decide to put on matching aprons, as well as toques, and start working on your next masterpiece. Usually, old Spanish songs play in the background, Carlos singing, grabbing you by the waist to distract you and dance a little. He loves days like these, your focused face and little scoldings are all he needs, especially because one way or another, you will end up laughing and dancing with him, sometimes full of flour and seasonings, the kitchen wearing its best perfume.
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★ MAX VERSTAPPEN ( 1 ) — Max is always looking for ways to impress you, to catch you off guard and surprise you, he loves how you tease him about it. So that's why, when you go to one of your favorite places ever —the planetarium— as a date, he recollects as many details about the celestial objects as he can, waiting for your surprise when he drops a fact you didn't know he knew, starting a long, beautiful conversation about it. You know a lot more than him, but he's eager to learn, loves the way you explain every single thing to him, loves the way places like this brings you closer.
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★ DANIEL RICCIARDO ( 3 ) — Daniel loves music, he spends hours on end with his headphones on, discovering new artists every day, sharing his songs, albums, and artists of the month with you, adding to his playlists your recommendations. So it's no surprise you find yourself going to multiple concerts. Dancing and singing, hugging and fangirling. Sometimes artists know Daniel and that's when you laugh the most because there's always a chance of him ending up on stage, singing to you (or trying to).
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★ LANDO NORRIS ( 4 ) — Lando loves your creativity, he’s a fan of getting to know what's on your pretty mind and seeing your ideas come to life, he also loves sharing his own ideas with you, feels free doing so. His favorite dates with you consist of this: having a canvas, paper, or even pottery to paint on, gossiping and laughing for hours, having picnics and enjoying food. Lando would buy hundreds of utensils, wanting to try everything with you, forever. PD: He would have you paint him and his car, probably.
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★ OSCAR PIASTRI ( 81 ) — It didn't start as a date per se, Oscar just couldn't sleep one night and you suggested building the Lego Star Wars ship in your closet, so you stayed up until 6 in the morning building it. He loves the tranquility it brings, how you can go from discussing the deepest topics to a comfortable silence. Focuses on the little things, like when your fingers brush his while reaching for a piece or that little celebration when you find another. In his apartment, he has a shelf dedicated to the Legos you've built together and photos to go with it. So, in Oscar's humble opinion, these are the best dates in the world.
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★ LEWIS HAMILTON ( 44 ) — You and Lewis can live off two things: Roscoe and the beach. Surfing is something you have always bonded over, that's why you love heading to the beach early morning, going for a run with Roscoe, and then jumping to surf (taking Roscoe back inside first). You can stay out there for hours, challenging each other, improving your skills, and lying on your boards, talking about everything and nothing, loving every second of it.
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★ GEORGE RUSSELL ( 63 ) — While experimenting with extreme sports would be a lovely date for George, he chooses to call his favorite something more domestic: comfy clothes, a good bottle of wine, and a long puzzle night ahead of you. He enjoys the challenging but relaxing parts of the activity, loves to strategize alongside you, and loses his focus when looking at you, falling deeper in love.
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★ ALEX ALBON ( 23 ) — Playing Mario Kart as if your life depended on winning has always been part of your relationship — "It's our love language," Alex says— That's why you love to spend a large amount of time (and money) in arcades. You play against each other, with and without; also spend forty minutes trying to catch that one stuffed animal from the claw machine, cheering (and almost getting kicked out) when you get it. Alex loves it as much as he loves you.
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★ LOGAN SARGEANT ( 2 ) — Logan fully believes that the best date in the history of dating are theme and amusement park dates. Whether it's a local funfair or the (in)famous Florida parks, Logan loves walking hand in hand, map and snacks in the other, trying to go on as many attractions as possible, calming the nerves of each other when necessary, laughing at the photos quickly taken on the rollercoasters (and going again to attempt looking good), and many other things that make this type of date his favorite.
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★ PIERRE GASLY ( 10 ) — Pierre loves chaos and what's more chaotic than doing karaoke? Your catalog goes from High School Musical's "Gotta Go My Own Way" to Gaye and Terrell's "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." Sometimes they end up drunk enough (from adrenaline, from love, or both) to sing French songs and attempt Celine Dion's highest notes. You can spend hours teasing each other, dancing to the rhythm, and sneaking kisses in between songs.
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★ YUKI TSUNODA ( 22 ) — Contrary to popular belief, Yuki's favorite type of date isn't taking you to a restaurant or cooking together, because even though he does love doing those things with you, your trips to farmers markets are his favorite. When the season is right, you visit them hand-in-hand, no matter the country since there is nothing better than discovering new foods with your favorite person. And hey! If there is something to eat, why not mix dates?
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★ LANCE STROLL ( 18 ) — No matter the weather or season, you and Lance will always be up for an ice cream date. You're on a quest to find the best flavors, and the fact that some dates end in small big disasters is enough to keep you searching together, chins full of ice cream and all.
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★ MICK SCHUMACHER ( 47 ) — Two things about Mick: he really enjoys ice skating and he loves you. If you put them together, he's guaranteed to have the time of his life, so he's lucky you like ice skating as much as he does. You both spend hours on the rink, being careful not to fall while holding hands, yet most of the time it's Mick who ends up in the floor as you drown in laughter. He loves that sound. He loves making you laugh and smile, it's his favorite pastime, and seeing you shine on the ice rink makes him realize how much he adores this place.
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★ SEBASTIAN VETTEL ( 5 ) — Seb’s favorite is going hiking and then camping with you in the beautiful Swiss mountains, away from the a much hectic side of life. Just you and him giving new meaning to the known, sharing not only the beauty of life but also the comfort of one another, wrapped around small info-dumps and timeless laughter. It’s therapeutic being so close to each other, so pure and loving. If you ask him, he would repeat this date a thousand times over.
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cdaae · 8 months
Why Am I Like This- Phantom Collector Edition
I’m a completionist and an obsessive so I need all the different versions of a thing so here’s a list of where I’m at right now. I wish I could say that I was anywhere near done but there’s always more phantom stuff to collect
Gaston Leroux x51(This includes all 6 English translations, 8 different languages, and three levels of French)
Gaston Leroux signed by Broadway Cast
The Underground’s of the Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Bathtub
Night of the Phantom
Embrace the Night
Lessons from the Phantom of the Opera
Song of a Maiden
Phantom of Manhattan
Beyond the Masque
Chanson de L’Ange
Sing Me Forgotten
The Angel of the Opera
The Phoenix of the Opera
The Phantom’s Opera
The Phantom of Paris
The Phantom’s Apprentice
Where Dreams Descend
The Phantom Cat of the Opera
Phantom Pop Up Book
George Perry’s Complete Phantom of the Opera
Phantoms of the Opera
The Trap Door Maker
Phantom Graphic Novel x2
The Phantom Cooks
2004 Companion
Geronimo Stilton
Thea Stilton
My Phantom
Phantoms in the Night
Phantom of Pemberly
Phantom of the Auditorium
Behind the Phantom’s Mask
The Phantom Returns
Phantom erotica
Book cassette
Souvenir edition OLC
Emoji of the opera
Phantom 2020
Phantom Phantasia
The Phantom’s Lullaby
Phantom of the Little Russian Theatre
Masked Love
Treasures of Egypt
Venetian Romance
Susannah’s Secret
The Man in the Shadows
Love in the Spotlight
Let the Dream Begin
A Phantom’s Promise
Destiny’s Curse
Phantom by David Bischoff
Mini Leroux
L’Opera de Paris
Paris National Opera
Palais Garnier
Peeping Duck Gang
Out of the Darness
L’Opera De Paris Coulisses etc secrets du Garnier
Claude Rains Book
Lon Chaney
Claude Rains x2
Herbert Lom x2
Phantom of Hollywood
Robert Englund
Charles Dance
David Staller
Julian Sands
2004 x17 (English x2, French x3 Germanx2, Greek, Spanish, Italian, limited(English and German), deluxe, and Ultimate, Special, Collectors(English and French)
Angel of Music
25th Anniversary
Love Never Dies
A Monster in Paris
Phantom of the Grindhouse
Anthony Mann
Phantom of the Theatre
Unmasking the Masterpiece
Love on Safari
1987 Cartoon(dvd & VHS)
Mystery Legends Phantom Game x2
2004 digital press kit(English and French)
OLC (cassette & CD)
CDs x59
Phantom of the Paradise Record
OLC small record(wywsha&motn)
Long box cd
Long box 2004
2004 VHS
Movie/book set
Long box OLC cassettes
Karaoke cassettes
Highlight cassettes
Robert Englund VHS
For Your Consideration 2004
Book casettes
Stage Fright
Love Never Dies audience gift notebook
1992 tour Auction book prop
Jerry Mitchell signed LND after party invite
Phantoms Note from BWay x2
Don Juan Music from BWay x1 1/2
Ticket to 25th Anniversary Party
Majestic Theatre Phantom Barricade Cover
Photo cards, signed x16
Signed LOBs x2
Robert Englund autograph
Laird Mackintosh autograph
BWay 29th anniversary cast gift beanie
KAV’s dressing gown shoes
Manager’s BWay newspaper prop x4
Cast board name placards x3(2 BWay one Vegas)
Reopening cookies x2
London 35th anniversary rose petals and card
Il Muto page boy stockings
OBC cast member costume gloves
Printed cast member email
Cast made calendars 2006 and 2007
Full cast signed poster with Hugh
Signed trading card
Signed Michael Crawford Face mask
Signed Crawford Article
Signed 35 Poster
Signed Mask
Scrap of Christine’s wedding dress
Scrap of phantoms suit
10th anniversary invite
Opera glasses cast gift
24/7 Magazine featuring Crivello
NYC City Guide 2014 & 2016
TODAY featuring Vegas
What’s On Vegas
Time Out New York
German LND
Theater Week 1988
In Theater 1998
Casino Player Magazine
Fate Magazine
Broadway Spotlight
Megstine notebook
Mugs x7
Cups x5
Water Bottle
Ornaments x5
Phantom harmonica
Red death figure
Lon Chaney figure
Phantom Nutcracker
Phantom and Christine Barbies
Tote bag x4
Phantom creamer tops, complete set
Postcards x6
LOBs x2
Magnet x5
Stickers x12
Phantom Cat sticker set
Chibi phantom sticker set
Angel patch
Greeting cards x2
Posters x5
Art print
Ramin based doll
Phantom doll + Ayesha
Mardi Gras coin
Felt Raoul and Erik
Francœur bean
Small hand painted canvas
25th Anniversary limited edition boxed set
Canada gift bag
Mexico phone card
Japanese train card x2
Trading card
Lon Chaney money
Lon Chaney stamp
Phone case
Gift bag
Japanese posters x6
Herbert Lom ad stamp
Complete LND London draft script
34th Anniversary blank playbill sticker sheets
Goosebumps pen
Goosebumps magnet
Goosebumps stickers x9
Bendyfigs phantom
German postcard
Angel of Music coffee
Where Dreams Descend popcorn holder
Raoul and Christine art print
Large paper bag
1994 calendar
Ireland phone card
Movie screening invite
German something?
Vegas key card
Angel of music bear
Tea towels x2
Mask sticker
Blockbuster card
Phantom press invite
Mini 2004 scrapbook
Playing cards
Assorted Japanese 2004 film memorabilia(10 pieces)
2004 film poster and booklet
1999 ticket info
2023 newspaper clippings
Gingerbread ornament
Aussie keychain
Phantom/Christine blanket
2011 wall calendar
2012 wall calendar
2013 wall calendar
Angel ornament
Universal Erik doll
Sarah/Steve Ad
1993 calendar
2004 Mylar
1995 calendar
Italy confetti
Crawford ornament
Halloween figure
Heart frame
Pins x11
Charm bracelet
Necklace x2
Key chains x14
Replica Ring
Hair bow x2
Think of Me hair clips
Jewelry pouch
Music Boxes
Square black jewelry music box
Il Muto
Limited Edition boat scene
Boat Scene
Phantom and Christine wedding
Porcelain signs x2
Limited edition mirror scene
Mirror scene
Limited edition MotN
Red Death
Throne water globe
Music water globe
Phantom w/ stick water globe
Rooftop water globe
Russian egg(?)
Mirror scene water globe
Phantom w/ stick
Phantom in throne
Monkey music box
Limited edition Jack in the box
Boat scene water globe(broken globe)
Russian egg (?? Missing top)
Small music box(no music)
Universal Phantom and Christine
Phantom and Christine with Marni
Opera House
Phantom Automata
Madame Alexander Christine Doll
Broken Mirror
Erik and Christine porcelain figure
Music pedestal
Glow in the dark boxers
Night shirt
Phantom BWay x2
Sydney Harbour shirt
Christine dressing gown VTC
Peacock dress
US tour grey shirt
Christmas Sweatshirt
Toronto shirt
Candy of the Opera
1988 mask shirt
Phantom of the Opry shirt
New York shirt
Mask sweatshirt
Ghost Red Death Shirt
35th anniversary shirt
Italy shirt
Loose understudy slips x14
Ticket stubs x11
Newspaper clippings
Mini flyers x6
Flyers x40
Ken Hill souvenir program
2004 film souvenir program
ALW souvenir programs x49
BWAY playbills x63
Signed playbills x12
Tour playbills x20
London programs x18
YK phantom playbill
World tour playbill
Melbourne playbill
Robert Englund film souvenir program
Italy program
Sweden program
Music Books
ALW piano x3(easy, intermediate, expert)
2004 film
YK phantom
LND London
I can honestly say this may not even be everything because sometimes I forget to add new acquisitions to the list. If there’s anything on the list you wanna see pics of, I’m happy to share!
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andrewknightley · 9 months
1, 6 y 30!!
1. what is your favorite film of all time?
You can't do this to me.... this is the holy trinity of My fav movies (also Hot Fuzz but I like TWE more)
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El Dorado is probs the movie I watched more ever like if someone puts it on I always watch the whole thing again (I prefer it spanish dub), D.E.B.S. is a masterpiece and everything I ever want in life and in cinema and TWE just makes me insane but you all know that.
6. do you prefer movie theaters or your couch?
Cinema theater babyyyy, you just see all the details better and Feel The Experience....
30. are you looking forward to any upcoming releases?
you know it..... .is dead reckoning part 2.... Also Spiderverse part 2 ..... Idk what other movies are coming... anything Edgar Wright is making and the next Nick Frost movies too, and the next Angela Robinson proyects...
EDIT: I FORGOT KNIVES OUT 3... also of edgar wright super looking forward to Seconds (a timetravelling story by the guy of scott pilgrim i love)
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matt0044 · 10 months
The Electric Piper;Kids TV English;Alice In Wonderland Anime;Sean Bodine;hunterkiller1440;Skip Intro;Against The Current;Live Steam;Sodor Snippet;Hot Shots;Bruce Almighty;Evan Almighty;TrainKillers;If Luz only spoke Spanish;True Blue;Thomas Blue;Sean Bodine;A FUSCO;Noddy;Canadian TV Broadcasts;Spongebob Docupants;Mondo World;Pollyanna;Daddy Long Legs;World Masterpiece Theater;Flip Flappers on DVR;Anime on DVR;Are You Afraid of the Dark;look into the Pokemon Anime;Best Wishes episodes for inspiration;Thomas Music Compositions;The Red Engine Theme;Dizzasta;Free Guy;Kids TV English;Frankenstein’s Aunt;BRB Internacional;Pokemon The First Journey;TB76 Returns;SodorBrony;Drawn Together;Columbo Anime;turtleneck Sci-Fi;Just Weebs;Lupin The Third Part 2;Totally Spies Season 6;Marathon Media;The Secret World of Santa Claus;Mythic Warriors;ZeeToons;Jack & The Pack;Power Rangers Funniest Moments;sum;Lil Nas X;That GF FAN;Revive by Mai Kuraki;Sonic Real-Time Fandubs;Sonic Real-Time Fandubs Animated;Thomas & Friends Museum Piece (S6-S7 style);Industrial Steam Productions;KaiserNeko;Monster By Mistake;Lost Media;NickelZickel;Denver the Last Dinosaur;Last Transformation (E196);Thomasfan261;The World According To Me!;Starseed86;RiffTrax;Free RiffTrax Movies;RiffTrax: The Last Shark;THE LIGHTBRINGER;Linkara running;The Treehouse Of Horror YTP Collab;Roxanne;House of Mouse;When you remember Loona and Emira share the same voice actress;Humble Cartoon Archive;Hello Kitty’s Furry Tale Theater;TheNPRRE2;Daniel Wells (BASEDCUBE95);NateFlicks;NatesVlogs;White Rose Dubs;Crane Engine Studios;The Adventures of Tintin;Milo Murphy‘s Law;Rooting For The Enemy;Chop Away At My Heart;Phineas & Ferb;S-I-M-P Squirrels In My Pants;George Garza;Demo Reel;Chibi Maruko-Chan;Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart;Ultra Seven;Ultra Seven Cinar Dub;Ultraman Tiga;Ultraman Tiga 4kids Dub;Ultraman;City Limits;Michael Bradley;The Endings of Death Note: How One Difference Shapes a Series;MasakoX;Welcome To The Space Show;Skysurfer Strike Force;Syy;The Barbarian & The Troll;Seinfeld: Rabid Elaine;Jellystone;Captain Rutlidge;Sprout Dinner - Sagwa’s Stir Fry Surprise;EggFlicker2;Red Dawn Remake;The Treehouse of Horror YTP Collab;Doug Title Card;Disney’s Doug;Kablam!;Prometheus and Bob;Pepper Ann;And how is this Ghostbusters 2?;StanTheTalkingDog;Marvel Mash-Up;R.R.S.I {Jivio};X-Men Japanese Openings;I’m Angry! I’m an Angry Scientist!;Jimquisition Songs;Kong The Animated Series;Kenji Yamamoto’s Music;The MilanToon Channel;Yasuharu Takanashi’s music;Shunsuke Kikuchi’s music;Takanori Arisawa’s music;Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water Soundtrack;Percy And The Beast Productions;yugidmx5;Shonen Kenya;Gurren Laggan Soundtrack;The Blue Monday E'r'ectrical Parade;Sailor Spongebob;Thomas A.I. Narrations;ScottFalco;Milasia;Behl Studios;In The Aftermath: Angels Never Sleep;Warriors of the Wind;New World Pictures;Galaxy Express;Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night;Godzilla, King of the Monsters!;Godzilla 1985;TurboCharged;Horrible Histories;Milasia;The Whole Plate;Scribbles to Screen;Bootleg Zone;Teon Stevenson TV;KidsWB Crazy Takes;Rasheed Ruley;Mysticons;Nelvana Enterprise, Inc.;Giorno Yoshikage;Riverdude Covers;Ghost In The Machine;Space Warriors 2000;Mew Mew Power Transformation Soundtrack;Mew Mew Power Soundtrack;Mew Renee Transformation Theme;Shin Chan;Shin Chan FUNimation dub;Shin Chan Vitello dub;Shanspeare;Jean Jacques Perrey - Mary France;Annoverse;Doug Music;I HATE THIS PERSON!;The LadyKillers;Rob The Green Engine;Kylie Minogue’s Love Takes Over Me;Sodor Pony Railway Adventures Music Video-Locomotion With Thomas The Tank Engine;DLTBerkshire;Air Anime;Air Abridged;Air Michiru;Anime Eyecatches;Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty;RBUK!;Amphibia meets The Owl House;KevinLsAccount;101 Dalmation Street Soundtrack;Sauna Music;Invader Zim;Peridot as Invader Zim;My Tallest;Bravo, James Bravo;JorporXx (Mark de Groot);SAO Abridged;MMD;The Trap Door;Kether Donohue;PBS’s Cyberchase;Lay All Your Love On Me scene from Mamma Mia;Kyra Kupetsky;Sukeban Deka;No Way Home 90s;GabeLeth;Seven Little Monsters;The Tigger Movie;Pinkie’s Brew;Mavis M;Risky Business;Retro Rerun;LYnaa_;Glitter Force Galaxy The Movie;The Sarah Jane Adventures;Twisted Lunchbox;Pirate Island TV Show;Connecticut Clark;It wasn’t a Dream | Lumity Animation - The Owl House Anime Fan Animation (TOH);Gordon & Jinty try getting up to 88 mph! | Random Twitter Video;Hunting Palismen DELETED SCENE | The Owl House;One Piece Pirate Rap Pt. 2 (Official) – [Including Robin, Franky, Brook, & Jinbei],Smoke Weed Everyday;Drunk Winry 😖🍸;Waltman13;Pixar’s Out;Turning Red;this totb scene aged horribly;Space Nova;How The Toys Saved Christmas;LBX;Danball Senki;Osomatsu;Zero Hour!;Wunschpunsch;DiC’s Sailor Moon score;Bob Summers;Sailor Moon: Bob Summers’s Unvaulted Lost Cues Collection (Full Album, HQ) (Lost Media Found);Candy Candy;Dino Fury;Kelsey is a wittle lesbian;Slayers English Songs;Jimbo being iconic for 6 minutes straight;Anne is… into frogs? // Amphibia;I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT!!;Season 5;ozberk ozen;RWBY: Roman Holiday;X Agent vs Lisa Rental;Sheep In The Big City;Busted;Star Trek Prodigy;Hula Fulla Dance;Never Gonna Give You Up - Japanese Anime Version;Shaggy Rogers;Thomas Audiobook YTP - Thomas Meets Obama…Who Just Appeared Outta Nowhere!;uberduck ai;Chip Da Ripper freestyle (Interior Crocodile Alligator full song);Philip McGhee;CamHead;The Brain Drain of Pooh Saga;Trainz4Days;Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 1990;WeAreSuperSentai;Bulk and Skull;Victor and Monty;Trash Taste Highlights;Sol Republic Headphones;Equestria Girls;TOMY T&F (aka The Trainlover476 & Missoliverandblossom Crossover Film) [SCRAPED];Reading Rainbow;I Ain’t Got No Body;The Owl House Intro: Amphibia Style;Russel T. Davies;Fancy Turkey Films;Shaman King (2021) Original ENGLISH OP Remake;Sam O'Nella Amelia Bedelia rant but with sound effects;Rkerekes13;Disney’s Adventures In Wonderland;DigiBro;Steam Attack;Times Penelope Pussycat Reciprocates Love Back To Pepe Le Pew;Murray Gold;Series Three Soundtrack;I Can’t Decide;Chowder - No, you’re not in this episode;Wallace & Gromit;The Adventure Begins | Rewritten;The Simpsons - I’ve Been Calling Her Crandall!;Gormiti;Mostly Simpsons;Bianca Hates Dodging;Alan Tam;Psyga315;Wizadora;Vibe Check;Wild Child - Hands Up;CCTV Studios;Peach Fuzz;Slayers Theme Songs English Version;Get along;Power of Infinity;Brave Souls;Fair Wind;Take Your Courage;lg77612;Fancy Turkey Films;Hank Hill in Yu Yu Hakusho 25;Magical Girls Before Sailor Moon;Sodor Pro;Shinji Miyazaki‘s soundtrack;Mad Max: Fury Road | Let Them Up;Theo 54;Ai-chan Meets Rosie | Animal Crossing Reanimated;Mazinger Z;Mazinger Z Infinity;reallyusefultractor;Trevor Jones;Trese;I.N.K. Invisible Network of Kids;G.I. Joe Renegades;Marcy Marvels;Theodore Tugboat;Mr. Conductor Meets;Behl Studios;MasakoX;This Classic UK Band Made A Dragon Ball Song. And It’s AMAZING!;Julia Jekyll and Harriet Hyde;Red Dwarf;Hilarious In Hindsight / Pokémon Adventures;Kung Fu Dino Posse;Look into Super Sentai and Kamen Rider along with other Tokusatsu again;Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger;DCOMs;Zenon;Spin;Rush Hour;TJOmega;Let’s Fix Power Rangers Super Megaforce;Dolly Dalmatian;Brookes Eggleston - Character Design Forge;Sorry To Bother You;The Addams Family Cartoon;Madacascar Movies and TV shows;Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness;M.M. song;Press Gang;Steven Moffat;Anne of Green Gables Anime;World Masterpiece Theater Anime;SandwichAndCereal;Amphibia Meme;Marcy Theme Song Takeover;Urusei Yatsura;Like a She Hulk - Raging Shinobu Compilation - Urusei Yatsura;shinobu lifts all the desks;Unorthodox Individual;Fantomcat;Dragamonz;Hotel Transylvanian;Squid Games;Mary Kate and Ashley In Action;Z-O-M-B-I-E-S;Big City Greens;James Frommeyer;Ernesto Jara;Must… Resist… Stupidity Impulse;Fairly Odd Parents;Power Stone;Harpy Gee;MrA thehedgehog;Dark DJ Productions;Cinder’s Atlas Journey (Volume 8 Movie);“Swiggity swag, what’s in the bag?”;the gang on rainbow road;Legend of the Three Caballeros;The Simpsons - Bill Cipher Cameo;Kosperry;Lochlan O'Neil;Serarel;Garrick Schultz;I Love Wanda;Fairly Odd Parents;Power Mad;The Worst Witch;jah;S.A Music;Fury The High Pressure Engine’s Theme - An S.A Original;[多啦a夢電影-貓狗時空傳] YUME日和|CC字幕lyrics;Muzzy in Gondoland;The Demon Headmaster;Jeffrey Kitsch;LISTEN YOU CRUSTACEOUS CHEAPSKATE;Crashbox;Eddie Bull;BadManoredProductions;What’s With Andy;Charlie Jade;CineGroupe;SicCoyote;蔦助;Buzz Lighthole;Mornal Productions;Lazer Team;2Dswife;Jyxia;Busy Beavers - Kids Learn ABCs 123s & More;NewFoundAbility; Shiinjito;CN100eg;Mushoku Tensei, “Problematic Anime”, and Unique Isekai;Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle;Akuma Shogun;Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness;em23;MediaMonster;El SuperBeasto;Txpot;The Tuggster Intensifies;My Hero Acadub;1stAid;Zedd’s Awful Realization;The Fox Railway;Melly Vuong;Lady Lady!!;Hello! Lady Lynn;Artastiq;Scarystar Studios Animations;StealthPornucopia;dillongoo;O Marcus Tokusatsu;Tokusatsu Songs;Generation Rex;Man of Action;as portrayed by vines;The Trek 2002;Lolirock;Lolirock Transformation Theme;Silent Night, Deadly Night;WildBrain Kids;Inspector Gadget;DiC Movies;Gadget and The Gadgetinis;The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy;Loser From The Earth’s Core;Around The World In 79 Days;Tintin;Guzma’s Rap Entrance Pokemon Sun and Moon 115 English Dub Clip;4Kids & DuArt Media Services Entertainment;Pokémon KidsTV | Neko Funjatta-Flea Waltz, Chopsticks | Japanese Children Songs | Nursery Rhyme;TTTE Guy;Unorthodox Individual;Mia & Me;One Tram Band;Back To The Future - The Musical;Rafa Yaga;ThatOneDorkThatDraws;Yuna and Stitch;I told u not to wake me up like that;Hilda;Medabots;Big Hero Six;Disney Channel UK videos;Red Dwarf USA;Stitch & Ai;Yuna & Stitch;clever deeds;Buu Saga Rescore;Vegeta’s Sacrifice;Sylvan;Yakari;Saban’s Adventures of Oliver Twist;Amphibia-Season 3 Opening (Welcome to Amphibia);Darrel of Amphibia;Loyalty Among Worlds;Lilo & Stitch;Power Puff Girls;Power Puff Girls Z;PercyandDuckfan94;The Little Pony Legend;MaggiesHeartLove;The PJs;DomFear of Soundcloud;skeletons;G.I. Joe: Renegades;The Promised Neverland fanwork & crossovers;Perfume Department (Japanese);TheGermanofSodor’s Random Short Videos;Spy and Scout fail to drive a train;Plutoburns;Retrolectro Art XV (Tape Five - Boheme Supreme);Party like it’s 1929//Alastor//AMW;Scribbler Productions;SLUURP;MsMaryMacky;Riverdude Covers;MHA Body Swaps;Bakugan;Toyetic Anime;The Ultimate Showdown;Anime Lost Media Found;TUGS - Sunshine US Dub (Pitch Pilot - Compiled) - Read Description;Heroes on Hot Wheels;Michel Vaillant;The Good Son;TUGS US Dub;Robotech (Macross): Monsters;Why Dark Skinned…;Shirincio;KOATI;Waluigi71;MST3K;MST3k fanwork;MST3K Linkara fan episode;Benzedrex;Get Squirrelly;Tubi;Dragon Booster;Stan Lee dubbing himself in an Avengers anime.;Daniel Clements - Director;Eren’s basement;Gianni Matragrano;Columbo Star Wars;Columbo;CookiesXCream;Hikari Neko;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Anime;Saban Anime;Wowser Anime;Mon Colle Knight;Slayers Edited Version;Fan- Dumbers;Patrol 03;Ribbit Movie;Doctor Who Rescored;WildBrain - Cartoon Super Heroes;Sonic The Hedgehog;Sonic SATAM; Sonic Underground;Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet;Mobile Suit Gundam series;Real Time Fandub Games;SDT:FP Soundtrack;BurningSwordsmenstudios;AJ Universe;I'mStrange;Huckleberry Finn;Humble Cartoon Archive;Bully Maguire;Red Vs Blue Animatics;Eproth Studios;Driscoll Danders;We’re not anarchist;Older Anime;Older dubs lost to time;Super Pig;Tonde Buurin;Once Upon A Time TV Show;101 Dalmations Live Action Movie;NyahstinaDraws,  Throbbing Gristle;Oingo Boingo;Zenyatta Mondatta;Kim Petras;Seiyo Higuka;PhantomSavage;Sagwa in French;CineGroupe;Montreal Voice Actors;NWR1991;Freddery McMahon;Waltman13;AnimeBoi;The Green Eggs And Ham YTP Collab;Death Note Musical Animatic;O-Dog Kubrick;Hanazuki: Full of Treasures;Phase One;Loyalty Among Worlds;LBT:R;Raymond Burr in Godzilla;KUROMI - Greedy Greedy [ENG Sub];JoBlo Animated Videos;Ferris Bueller’s Day Off video;John Hughes movies;Why ProJared is WRONG About Sonic Adventure 2;The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn;Huckleberry no Boken;Saban’s Adventures of Pinocchio;Saban’s Gulliver’s Travels;Saban’s Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic;Like i knew that Wendee Lee’s voice fit as Athena’s voice but damn.;draw corn;look into 1980s Movies That Shaped Our Humanity and the titles listed;*batteries not included;Victor and Victoria;Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day;Batman: TAS What If Episodes;Giancarlo Parimango;Megazone 23;Megazone 23 Part II (1986) - Rare trailer for OVA;‘Thomas and the Magic Railroad’ The Final Chase (Trainz 19 original short);Madagascar;Madagascar: A Little Wild;Mel Brooks;The Producers;Parker Simmons Animation;Brandy & Mr. Whiskers;Deja Vu;Dave The Barbarian;The Loud House;A Loud House Christmas;[JPN, KOR Dub] Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor - The Three Doctors;Megahedgehogx;That 90s Spider-Man Show;MemeJuice;strong_don_chad;SpeedRacerFluber;Lupin Part 2 Sigla;Combuskenisawesome;The Wiz;Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella;Edgar and Ellen;Blade Runner;Alternate Cuts;Sequels;Dr. Crafty;HenryNo333;Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat Main Theme YT;Invader Zim;Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water;Neon Monkey;FruitPunchMan15;Lupin The Third Part 1 Episode 1;The Blockbuster Buster;Allison Pregler;MarzGurl;Former CA contributors;Jim Button;Little Bear;Red Dwarf;Max Steel;Tenkai Knights;George Carlin Dubbing Thomas the Tank Engine: Vol 1-7 but it’s in episode order. (16A);Obscure KaBlaM! shorts;Jason Sheerin;Shining Time Station Music Videos and Animation;The Green Eggs And Ham YTP Collab;The Brain Drain of Pooh Saga;mera-mera;Sillyrally;Flowmotion;Stars Allign;V-Tuber Drama;Joshua and The Promised Land Reanimated;Blankman;The Tick;Spies in Disguise;Paddington Bear;Little Bear;Gormiti;Sagwa the chinese siamese cat Kids’ WB! Promo;Kids WB! Promos;Emperor Radiation;The Seven Sirens;Violet Evergarden Movie;Raiders Of The Lost Oliver | Indiana Jones/Oliver Theme Mashup;The Country Mouse and City Mouse;Anthony Ant;Anatole;Mona The Vampire;Mummy Nanny;Les Misérables - On My Own (Male Cover);Hex Girls;Scooby Doo VHS Movies;The Alien Invaders;Miami Dubs;The Haunted House Anime;Soul Taker;Komugi;KIDFLIX;The Samurai OVA;Gintama;SD Riders;Hey Missy;Dr Lamington;Iron Castle;Letters Song;Gravity Falls Soundtrack and Full Theme;101 Dalmatian Street Music, Shorts and Videos;SGT Frog;Natsumi and Koyuki;SGT Frog Abridged;Mr. Conductor’s Adventures;Mr. C and The Muppet;Wilkins;Christmas Carol;That Guy Riffs;Linkara Riffs;Cardfight Vanguard;National Lampoon Vacations;Billy & Mandy;same as it ever was;Ranma ½;Aggretsuko OST;Red Dwarf;Backwards;Ultraman;Great;Powered;R/B;Tiger and Bunny;Kaede;Rita Dizzy;Freedom Force;Quartz Animation;R.R.S.I {Jivio};Another Wind Falcon;Second Thought;The Greatest Scene in Movie History.;Wedding Peach Isn’t Cinderella;Dragon Tales;MarkBox;WhiteDixie29;KMB;Panda Go Panda;World Masterpiece Theater Dubs;Doraemon Dub;Bluetooth for ChromeCast;FUNi App;Monster Hunter Stories;The Bush Baby;Hassle;Kitty Cats;Wimzie’s House;Montreal dubs;Theodore Tugboat;Oliver The Vast;Hakaider;No Way Home edits;The Land Before Time movies;LBT:R;Balala;Happy Happy Clover;Star Fleet;X-Bomber;TurboJUK;Totally Not Mark Live Action;Dragons: The Nine Realms;Men In Black The Series;Stocking gets a haircut;Problem Child The Series;Ferris Bueller The Series;Everyone Has Bad Takes.; Jack Pickering;Deadpool Want to be in Japanese Anime;The Mighty Kong;Redakai;Kong: The Animated Series;Browse Tubi;Catnip;Hetalia;Masou;No amount of therapy will make this scene okay;Roxanne in House of Mouse;J.W. Article;Finding Paradiso;Aritz Irazusta;True Blue;Yellowjackets;I May Destroy You;RandomMelon;Alteori;Maya The Bee;Nick Jr. dubs;The Little Twins;Two By Two;Ned Summons Bully Mcgruie;No Way Home Flashbacks;Mad TV;Lost Parodies;T1E2H3;Mumfie;Everything Everywhere;Guardians of the Lost Code;Pink Elephants;Robot Boy;Family Central;Ante-Films;Moonscoop;Taffy Kids;Koati;Halfbaked8;RandomMelon;Ozma;Mr. Conductor’s Thomas Tales;Rupert;Taco - Married;Lion of Oz;Transformers Japanese;Browntable;Shawn Sussman;Me So Bunny;Tiny Toons Music Videos;How I Spent My Vacation;Weeaboo Club;David And The Magic Pearl;Moomin;We Don’t Talk About Havana (mashup) - Encanto Cast + Camila Cabello;Diesel and his DumBots;Martha Speaks;AKB0048;Tender Engines Inc;The Rolling Girls;The Orbital Children;Cybergirl;Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders;Hamon Beat;Dorothy sequels;DiC’s The Wizard of Oz;The Wizard of Oz Anime;Broa Island;Dorothy In The Land Of Oz;JustAcritic;Dallas Franceschini;The Legend of Korra & The Beanstalk Intro;Rahan;OTAKUMEDIATV;Jean Chalopin;Xilam;Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz | Totally Stuck Together | Boomerang UK;The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz (full 1990 film);Ozma of Oz;Attacker You!;Rocco;Gracie Villafana;applecochan;Wee Wendy;Nickcheezy;Thomas/Sagwa parody;Elizabeth Hull;Silver Fang;The Neverending Story;Kevin Hart;Shoko the Gengar;Wildbrain;Kung Fu Dino Posse;Kadam’s Edits;Big Bag Cartoon;Tara Duncan;The Procrastinator;The Amanda Show;Monster Busters Club;Jetix Europe;Swan Princess;Turtle Power;Tabaluga;9. Schlüssel zur Macht;Mister Moose’s Fun Time;Aslan’s Sacrifice;D.W. Riffs;George Shrinks;The Blue Snowplow;【Pokémon Clay Art】Making Oshawott「Life-size」【ポケモン】;MasterMario548;Awesoming;The Lion Guard songs;Sonic Movieverse;Jim Carrey;Now That’s What I Call Polka Animated Collab;Kuromi;Catnip;The Greatest Showman;Fairy Tale Police Department;Sherlock Holmes In The 22nd Century;Evolution: The Animated Series;Lazer Team;Day 5;A Clockwork Orange;Universe;Mahoutsukai;Himitsu No Akko-Chan;Sukeban Deka;Toei Pinky Violence;Liozik;Happy Ness: Secret of the Loch;Little Template;Thai McGrath - Anime Music Covers;SargeStone123;Where’s Wally;Ben Ten;Loonatics Unleashed;OverWims;The Fantastic Voyages Of Sinbad The Sailor;No Way Home With Flashbacks;Weird Al Animatics;Season 5 Rushes;Felix And The Hidden Treasure;Super Mario Love Song;Pokemon: The First Journey;The Truman Show;Smallfoot;Crane Engine Studios;Trash Talk Highlights;Sasso Studios - Sonic Animations;Studio Notes video;Grifball;Sammy Clark;Flight School;Galaxy High;Filmore;Wildbrain;Red Dwarf;Michael Evans VA;SuperThomasEli99;Tara Duncan;George Garza;Collabs;Extreme Dinosaurs;Mattel Action;Austin Kalista;Celebrity Home Entertainment;John Clancy;pikmonwolf;Flea Market Montgomery;National Lampoon’s Men in White;FiW;Bomber Bud Spencer…Fantasy;The Unstoppable;Spark! To The Ocean;ZZ Gundam;Megazone 23;Robotech The Movie;Lost Saban Dubs;As portrayed by Vines;Pinnochio;Peter Pan;Kukaak;Doomkemon;Freddie as F.R.O.7;TheFattHatt;eli_handle_b․wav;Bluey;TheCartoonVault;Mark Hamill as Frieza;Amanda Show;MetaJets;Strange Days at Blake Holsey High;GE999 Remix;Rosie Vision;Winx Club;Wahknight 2003;Once upon a time… The Americas;LBSCS Productions;Brandon Tenold;Larry Bundy Jr;Monkey Magic;Lupin Part 5 Dub;Vines;Future Boy Conan for Christmas;Group Therapy PodCast;Star Coms;IanXPikachu;Swordtee’s 2nd Channel;Sapphire Luna;Spoony Experiment Reuploads;Jabatoons;FoggyMemoryProductions;Mimikyu;Kung Pow MMD;Emirichu;TALES FROM THE NEVERENDING STORY 1 BEGINNING;DJam;Whisker Haven;PPGZ;Chris Thompson;cantalupo television;SmurfyDan;W. Company Animation;TuckerOsman;Banzai Runner;TMS shows;Izenborg;Pingu;NWR Timeline;abbi12881;FoggyMemoryProductions;Joseph The Green B12;A Bout With A Trout;George The Red Engine;ImmaBender;dronicom;Jetcat;6HP;Liozik;HEDGEHOG FAN 2011;DiamondBrickZ;Jacob Fisher;Kane Pixels;FTS Productions;Swallowing Stones;Omori;The Confession Dial;Dragon’s Lair;Abridge Me Princess;Beyond Belief;LivinginEighties;Nadia;Nina Wolmark;Death Tome;James Express;6HP;Mike, Lu & Og;Drunk Oak;sum;Action Man;The Mad Magazine TV Special 1974;Pantheon;The Trouble with Miss Switch;Paddington Bear;MATEO;Dragon Flyz;Night Hood;Kuromi;TheKasl;Ninjala;Epic Crossovers;Haddi Mera Buddi;Bee Gees;Joshua Jones;Postman Pat;Fireman Sam;Snafu;Lensman;Corspe Party;The Twilight Zone Movie;Yitexity;Thomas Deleted Scenes;Son of Columbo;The Trap Door;City Hunter;Big Wolf on Campus;Speed Racer;Edward’s Special Magic;The Electric Company;Solomon’s spot;Camp W;The Demon Headmaster;MonsterCat Studios;tttelrco;Solid jj;Inspector Gadget;Peridot;Stabby;Salty’s Lighthouse;The Caledonian Sleeper;Sagwa Sigla;MaggiesHeartLove;Angry Joe No;Animaleal;Emmet Otter; Markidisciplinary Design Workshop;Timey;TheStarSwitcher;Mad TV;Hunter;RWBY Volumes;Star Wars Movies;Don Perry;The History of Caillou: The Most HATED Cartoon Character;Great Western Redemption;The Testing;Mason Dey;Dieselworks123;JackTheCryogonal;ur mom;Let’s & Go!;The Regent;Rabbits Run;Viewpoint Productions;Lisa Bouvier;He’s Willy;Epic Movie;Chitty Chitty Bang Bang;Bagi;Daniel Pineda;The Little Mermaid (TV Series);Eiviten;CalebTrain;Joker: The Ethics of Making Nuanced Art;The Simpsons Bambi;Tiny Toons;Bosko & Honey;Flea;Huntik;Kuromi;Malec;mindlessgonzo;Rustyredjames;Savin Yeatman;Milan Kymlicka;💛AgustinAntonio62💜;The Ephrommentator;Matthew J Elliott;Toonsite;J.P. Houston;Photon;Sylvannia;Shuki Levy;Stay Tuned;Mega X4;PM Stunt Fan;SmittyG513;Sister Rosa;Fallengang;Rusty: A Dog's Tale 1998 FULL Movie
4 notes · View notes
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Gossip Girl Playlists: Theatre Kid AU edition! —Blair’s
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[Dan's] [Nate's] [Serena's]
I don’t even remember exactly how this started, but it’s @strideofpride’s fault. 
The concept began as: if they were in this world, what would be in the GG mains’ MT books? What would be their go-to song? Their 16 bar cut? And then, I got on spotify, and got wayyyy too carried away (typical me), and it sort of morphed into: what are the NJBC’s (plus Daniel’s) senior musical theatre recital programs? And now I have this: a quartet of playlists of repertoire handpicked by me for these fake people, and I am very proud of them. 
All selections based on my very particular taste, honed from a childhood in community theater, an adolescence in high school musicals, and a 4 year degree from a majority musical theatre school
And, as in the tradition of Glee and all plays within a play, the rep reflects something profoundly personal about the character, because you know I love a theme. 
the meta:
Blair could be nothing but the ingenue right??? She wants to be the lead, the romantic girl, the one who gets to fall in love and gets the happy ending at every curtain. She wants to be the star. 
Her voice: born to be the golden age ingenue. I actually have a lot of Thoughts on how modern singers sing this music (snobby bitchy angry thoughts), and I am inclined to think Blair would agree with me. And I didn’t quite know what it was until I was talking with my dad about a production of Fiddler I just saw with the worst “Far From the Home I Love” I ever heard but I digress and I told him: “these women. Sing like they know what an email is.” and that’s the thing. Blair as an MT though, she would bring in that warmth, that roundedness. 
References: Kelli O’Hara, Audra McDonald, Pippa Soo, Cristin Miloti, Judy Garland, and a girl in my class in undergrad who I swear to god was Shirley Jones’ second coming. She’s also a pageant queen, so let’s call her Miss Iowa 
the tracklist:
The Beauty Is — The Light in the Piazza
Now, most people would go for the title song of this musical, but I think Blair would prefer the technical challenge of the ingenue’s first solo. 
Now, there was once this guy, Richard Rodgers, and he was a god of song, and he had this grandson, Adam Guettel, and Adam Guettel is a god damn genius, and has, sadly, written so few masterpieces for us to enjoy. (is it bc he and his muse Kelli O’Hara broke up? Who’s to say). But he gave us this opus, a neoromantic musical callback to his ancestor’s work, about an american woman and her daughter that travel to Florence on vacation, and they get swept up in the city, and ROMANCE. 
Clara wanders the Uffizi Gallery, musing about humanity and thinking about the boy who saved her hat from being blown away
Much More — The Fantasticks
It’s the world’s longest running musical ever, so it must be doing something right! It’s an inverse Romeo and Juliet. Two fathers pretend to feud for years, to reverse psychology their children into falling in love. There’s also this spanish bandit? Idk. the fathers go a bit overboard with the plot and some strife happens, but there’s a happy ending!
The sheltered, but ambitious dreamer Luisa sings about living a grand life. She’s a little….out there, in a way that reminds me of baby blair of the early seasons. “Please god please don’t let me be normal!”
No One Else — Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Dave Malloy knew that, unlike Les Mis, the only way to get away with a War and Peace: The Musical musical was to zero in on only one section. Galaxy brained. And you just KNOW that Blair Waldorf would be so so so into playing Natasha Rostova. (Pippa Soo leads with the belt in the recording, bc she’s amazing at it, but I see Blair adding her own Kelli O’Hara mix to it).
This has become thee ingenue song of contemporary lit. Natasha Rostova, dreamer and romantic, waits and waits and waits in Moscow for her fiance Andrey to return from the war. 
Just You Wait — My Fair Lady
Blair would ever-so-deftly do a Pygmalion/Taming of the Shrew set for her recital. I just know she would. 
Eliza Doolittle, fed up with her tutor Henry Higgins’ bullshit, is determined to prove him wrong. She shall be a lady, and show him the fuck UP.
I Hate Men — Kiss Me, Kate
A play within a play! Lilli Vanessi is playing Katherine in a new musical of Taming of the Shrew, which forces her to work with her ex. She is Not Amused. 
Show Me — My Fair Lady
Another song where Eliza Doolittle has HAD it. This time with young Freddy, whose more a words than actions guy. 
Everybody Loves Louis — Sunday in the Park with George
Sondheim wrote a whole-ass musical based on a painting and it is a goddamn masterpiece! Plus like, the name in the song, it was too perfect to pass up. 
Famous (not yet) painter, George Seuraut’s love interest Dot (I know lmao), compares the absentminded George to the attentive baker Louis, and makes her choice. 
Getting Married Today — Company
Next in her Sondheim set, from the classic introspective comedy on adulthood and adult relationships. Patter song of all time. Also so very close to blair’s show arc that I HAD to do it. 
Amy gets a mad case of cold feet right before walking down the aisle to marry Paul. 
Raunchy — 110 in the Shade
From the dream team that gave us the Fantasticks: this bop
Lizzie, a lovely, headstrong spinster, spry of wit and sharp of tongue, day dreams about stepping out of her comfort zone, and being the center of attention. 
Sooner or Later — Dick Tracy
Not technically a musical, Sondheim wrote this for the 90s movie Dick Tracy & Madonna. The definitive femme fatale ballad. 
Breathless Mahoney—I swear to god that’s the character’s name—is a nightclub singer and mobster girlfriend and should probs be in witness protection. She sings this song instead. 
Its Gotta Be Bad to Be Good
A cabaret song by Lenny Bernstein. I like this recording bc it’s the right balance of schmultzy and technical. And it fits how I imagine Blair would sing it. (like the float at the end? So very Blair.)
Again, not from a show, Drew Gasparini is a fabulous composer, but as of right now, most of his releases are great concepts for shows that haven’t been on a major stage. Maybe if we stopped all this jukebox nonsense but that’s none of my business
Anyways, I love this song. He really did write Victoria Pedretti in You, the Song, before You was even a thing. It’s that right level of batshit insane that Blair inhabits so well, but rarely really shows. I can see the gang convincing her to program this because it plays to a different facet of her personality than all the ingenue stuff. And that facet is: terrifying. 
Honey Bun — South Pacific
Blair was born to sing all the R&H girls. Nellie I think is one where her and Serena’s types and strengths overlap, which of course is rich with story opportunity!
The nurses and GIs at this WWII base put on a Follies production of their own for some holiday cheer. Nellie closes out the show with this number. Idk if they meant for it to come off so gay, but I aint mad about it. 
People Will Say We’re in Love (duet w/ Dan) — Oklahoma!
This was a late addition, but when I thought of it I couldn’t NOT. It’s about the Plausible Deniability™ 
In a small cowtown (where a certain blogger went to preschool winkwonk) Laurey and Curly insist that they do not like each other! Nope!
What Do You Call A Man Like That? — The Bridges of Madison County
Mmmm okay so, this is one of my favorite musicals ever, and it may just have to do with the time in my life that I got into it, but I think it is truly underrated and beautiful and really the only JRB that’s worth the hype of his name (she says even though there is a L5Y playlist on Spotify that she made herself). It’s based off the novel and the film (starring Meryl Streep!) and it combines the lady country heartland style of middle america with big sweeping italian romanticism, giving us this golden age in the 21st century sound and we didn’t appreciate it enough!!!!
(maybe I only like it because Kelli O’Hara sings it and Steven Pasquale is a DILF, idc. I’m right.)
Francesca, an Italian war wife who moved to Iowa after marrying an american GI, is now a housewife with two teenage kids. Her husband and kids go away for a farmer’s convention (county fair), and while they’re away, she runs into and falls for Robert, a Nat Geo photographer who, again, is a hunk. She sings this song after their first meeting and trip to the famous covered bridge. “He’s so sincere, what the fuck is up with that?” daircore
The Gentleman Is a Dope — Allegro
Kind of an oddball complicated flop for R&H, but it brought us this song, so it’s a winner. Emily, Dr. Joseph Taylor Jr.’s colleague, thinks he’s an idiot [affectionate].
If You Want Me — Once
A departure from the old world mt that’s dominated this playlist, but I think, in a world of Blair, consummate theater kid, who absolutely stuck with piano because it suited her ambitious end to stardom, would be really good at this role. Is it because I think Meester and Milioti have similar voices and vibes? Maybe. But the contemporary music in this isn’t like 21st century MT. it’s folk and indie, and I think Blair could inhabit that very well. And she’s got the range for this vocalizing
Brought together by music, a Girl in Dublin plays another song written by some Guy, hinting that she’s begun to fall for him. even though she’s married 
The Hill — Once
All of the above. And just think about her sitting at the piano and singing this, like — 
It’s The Number, the italicized “oh” number. 
The Man that Got Away — A Star is Born (1954)
The second film in a legendary saga. Really a vehicle for Judy to make us FEEL things. Like with this number. You may recognize it from the other GG. 
La Vie en Rose — as performed by Ute Lemper
You know she would. 
What Good Would the Moon Be? — Street Scene
The Weil Foundation owes me money for talking up this show, but honestly, it’s so good. At least, the half-hour chunk I’ve shoehorned into these playlists is. 
Rose’s skeazy boss insists that he could make her a star, but she elegantly and eloquently shuts him down with this cavatina
Simple Little Things — 110 in the Shade
It’s about the pure and simple love, babes!
In a deep philosophical discussion with the handsome stranger that’s new in town, Lizzie defends her own dreams
When Did I Fall in Love? — Fiorello
I may have gone overboard with the schmulz in this playlist, but like, it’s Blair, so…
Thea LaGuardia, as her husband Fiorello runs for mayor of NYC in 1929, is shocked to discover she’s actually in love with the guy. 
Time After Time — Cyndi Lauper (as performed by Morgan James and Doug Wamble)
guitar!Dan agenda strikes again.
21 notes · View notes
fabien-euskadi · 2 years
2, 4, 12, 15
(Thank you very much - and forgive me for taking so long, but the answers are also long and they needed some time)
2.Are you outgoing or shy?
Both. It all depends on the energy/vibes I get from the people around me. If I start looking too defensive or too uncomfortable, that means there is something genuinely wrong with that person.  If I get excessively outgoing, that means that I am trying too mask the fact that I am genuinely uncomfortable with the people around me - and I would give one of my kidneys to get out of there in less than a second. However, if I happen to receive good vibes, I become far more balanced - neither mute nor too expansive.
4.Are you easy to get along with?
This is a simple question that should lead a simple answer. Yet, that's precisely the opposite.
First things first, I am not everyone's cup of tea. Many shall call me weird or, eventually eccentric. But when you have a certain degree of independence, being weird is a luxury you can afford. In other words,  I am just being myself, in a wolrd where most people feel they have to fit in. I have my own set of rules. Trust and respect are at the top of the list, and I know that most humans - worthless fools guided by ego and vanity - don't understand (or aknowledge) these two concepts.
However, make no mistake, I am also very selective when it comes to the people I get along with. That's why I have few friends, and few relatives I still get along with. But those who are in my inner circle know that they can count on me no matter what - and I know I can always count on them.
So, answering to the question if I am easy to get along with: it depends.
12.What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
This is a somehow aleatory list of five songs that I’ve been listening lately. There is no particular order in this list, that, truth to be told, could also have several other songs:
- Of Michael The Archangel And Lucifer's Fall - Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody. it’s a shame that, technically, speaking, this band no longer exists (even if there are still two bands called “Rhapsody” and one of them with Luca Turilli... but that is a very, very, very complicated story). The truth is this song is nothing short of a masterpiece.
- Beneath The Surface - Dream Theater. These lyrics hit me with the kindness of a gunshot.
- Lucifer Rising - Inkubus Sukkubus. This song is strangely addictive. Oddly enough, I’ve only discovered this band a few weeks ago. And no, if you don’t know Inkubus Sukkubus, they are not a black metal band - far from it. Actually, they are not a metal band at all.
- Lost in Time - Insania Stockholm. The intro of this song is mesmerizing, but the rest of it sounds a lot like Stratovarius.
 - The Sails Of Charon - Scorpions. A 1977 masterpiece, years before the band adopted a far more commercial approach. Uli Jon Roth's guitar solo influenced countless great guitarists.
15.What good thing happened this summer?
This has been a very eventful Summer, mixed with a period of some lethargy. One of the good things was the return of my Spanish road trips, something I was forced to do during the pandemic. But the greatest thing that happened this summer was the fact that I managed to fix (or get someone to fix) a huge number of issues in my home; that means that I am not only more comfortable, but I am now able to get visits again - and that is important when one lives alone and, at least, 225 kilometres away from any friends or relatives.
However, the great news of this summer may still be on the horizon. In September, I will finally know if I was accepted - or not - to my PhD. That means that, in roughly two weeks, I shall have the best news of the summer - or, eventually, the biggest disappointment.
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ubaid214 · 3 months
Feast for the Feelings: 9 Exceptional Restaurants in Barcelona
Nestled over the sun-kissed shores of the Mediterranean, Barcelona is a city that captivates the senses, perhaps not least through its lively culinary scene. From charming neighborhood bistros to avant-garde food temples, Barcelona offers a gastronomic adventure like no other. Let's take a tantalizing journey through a few of the city's most attractive restaurants, wherever every bite shows a story.
Seats: As you stage in to Tickets, you enter a whimsical earth wherever culinary artistry matches fun innovation. That avant-garde tapas club, helmed by the renowned Adria brothers, delights diners using its creative small dishes, each a masterpiece of quality and presentation.
Disfrutar: From the same creative heads behind the renowned elBulli, Disfrutar takes diners on a gastronomic voyage through cutting-edge Catalan cuisine. With its glossy modernist design and meticulously constructed recipes, this Michelin-starred restaurant claims an unique dining experience. Restaurantes en Barcelona
Can Solé: Saved in the wonderful Barceloneta town, May Solé exudes old-world attraction and authenticity. Specializing in seafood, this precious institution has been helping up standard Catalan cost since 1903, making a reputation because of its exquisite paellas and fresh-off-the-boat fish dishes.
Club Canete: A vibrant tapas bar overflowing with power and flavor, Club Canete is a well liked among natives and readers alike. Here, you are able to enjoy in classic Spanish tapas with a modern perspective, followed closely by an extraordinary collection of wines and sherries.
El Xampanyet: For a style of Barcelona's wealthy culinary history, search no further than El Xampanyet. This historic tavern, dating back to 1929, is distinguished for the traditional Catalan dishes, including satisfying stews, savory montaditos, and, obviously, their namesake sparkling wine.
Dos Palillos: At Dos Palillos, Chef Albert Raurich blends the striking styles of Asia with the standard materials of Catalonia, causing a culinary mix that delights the palate. Collection within the sleek confines of the Casa Van hotel, this Michelin-starred cafe provides an modern tasting selection that forces the limits of gastronomic creativity.
Tickets Marisquería: From the exact same group behind Tickets, Passes Marisquería is a seafood lover's paradise. Emerge a vibrant seafood market-inspired space, that cafe exhibits the finest fruits of the ocean, from succulent oysters to delicate ceviches, all offered with style and finesse.
El Quim delaware la Boqueria: Tantalizing scents and colorful shows greet you as you enter the bustling Boqueria Market, home to El Quim delaware manhattan project Boqueria. This favorite tapas club provides a front-row chair to the vibrant culinary theater of the market, where you are able to trial a number of market-fresh recipes organized with passion and skill.
Seats VerMUTerie: Rounding out the Passes empire is Passes VerMUTerie, a charming vermouth club that gives honor to Barcelona's precious aperitif culture. Here, you can drink on skillfully crafted vermouth drinks while savoring a range of creative small bites, which makes it an ideal place to begin or end your culinary trip through Barcelona.
In Barcelona, dining isn't more or less sustenance; it's a party of culture, imagination, and community. Whether you're savoring traditional tapas in a bustling tavern or embarking on a culinary odyssey through the avant-garde masterpieces of Michelin-starred chefs, each cafe offers a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of Catalan cuisine. Therefore come, move up a couch, and make to food your path through the flavors of Barcelona. ¡Buen provecho!
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imunotes · 3 months
wag na
Philippine theater Philippine theater before is just forms of rituals, songs, and dancecs until the spaniards came. They influence us and introduced dramas like zaruzuelas to teach various tribes about christianity and religion. Zaruzuela - spanish opera Francisco Balagtas - author of the famous awit, florante at laura - the word balagtasan was named after hi, - maria asuncion rivera became inspiration of his works Severino Reyes - filipino writer, dramist, and playwright - father of tagalog zaruzuela - best masterpiece known as walang sugat Dr. Ricardo Abad - director and actor - creates an adaptation of western drama but makes it Filipino and Asian Salvador Bernal - professionally developed and raised theatrical design in the Philippines into an art form - father of theatrical design - part of Teatro pilipino, Tanghalang pilipino, metropolitan theater - made sarusuela stage and elevated eye
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edisonblog · 6 months
"The Burial of the Count of Orgaz" is a artrenowned painting by Domenico Theotocopoulos (1541-1614), called El Greco, was born in Greece.
Settled in the Spanish city of Toleto in 1578. Is prominent Spanish Renaissance artist, created in 1586–1588, it depicts a legend involving the nobleman Don Gonzalo Ruíz, Count of Orgaz, who was known for his philanthropy towards the church in Toledo, Spain.
The legend goes that when the Count of Orgaz passed away, Saint Stephen and Saint Augustine descended from heaven to bury him personally, placing his body in the tomb. The painting showcases this scene, with the saints depicted in the act of placing the count's body into the tomb while surrounded by numerous figures witnessing the miraculous event.
El Greco's masterpiece not only exemplifies his distinctive style, characterized by elongated figures and vibrant colors but also captures the spiritual and supernatural elements of the legend, blending the earthly and heavenly realms in a dramatic and compelling composition.
El Greco left numerous works, including: The Burial of the Count of Orgaz, Molina and Galderón, dedicating himself to theater, having written Dom Gil of the Green Pants and Life is a Dream, respectively.
He was also the author of several plays and the book of poems Arcadia, Cervantes and the creator, among other works, of the famous Don Quixote, which satirized medieval chivalric novels.
image: By El Greco - Unknown photographer, Public Domain, source: https://encurtador.com.br/nEHX6
edisonmariotti @edison
"O Enterro do Conde de Orgaz" é uma pintura de renome de Domenico Theotocopoulos (1541-1614), chamado El Greco, nascido na Grécia.
Estabeleceu-se na cidade espanhola de Toleto em 1578. É um proeminente artista renascentista espanhol, criado em 1586-1588, que retrata uma lenda envolvendo o nobre Don Gonzalo Ruíz, conde de Orgaz, conhecido por sua filantropia para com a igreja de Toledo, Espanha. .
Reza a lenda que quando o Conde de Orgaz faleceu, Santo Estêvão e Santo Agostinho desceram do céu para sepultá-lo pessoalmente, colocando o seu corpo no túmulo. A pintura mostra esta cena, com os santos retratados no ato de colocar o corpo do conde no túmulo, rodeados por inúmeras figuras que testemunham o acontecimento milagroso.
A obra-prima de El Greco não só exemplifica o seu estilo distinto, caracterizado por figuras alongadas e cores vibrantes, mas também capta os elementos espirituais e sobrenaturais da lenda, misturando os reinos terrestre e celeste numa composição dramática e convincente.
El Greco deixou inúmeras obras, entre elas: O Enterro do Conde de Orgaz, Molina e Galderón, dedicando-se ao teatro, tendo escrito Dom Gil das Calças Verdes e A Vida é um Sonho, respectivamente.
Foi também autor de diversas peças e do livro de poemas Arcádia, Cervantes e criador, entre outras obras, do famoso Dom Quixote, que satirizava romances de cavalaria medievais. @edisonblog
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best-in-tampafl · 7 months
Eternal Epoxy: Your Path to Transformed Tampa Flooring"
Your search for top-tier flooring solutions in Tampa, FL ends here. Eternal Epoxy, the foremost flooring contractor and concrete floor specialist is your gateway to a home makeover that's both stunning and enduring. With a commitment to eco-friendliness, tailored solutions, and efficient service, we are the name you can trust to elevate your living space.
Eternal Epoxy isn't just your run-of-the-mill flooring contractor; we are your partners in crafting clean, modern, and forever beautiful spaces. If uneven and unattractive floors and countertops have been a persistent concern, we have the professional, reliable, and exceptional services to exceed your expectations.
Our commitment to eco-friendly practices ensures that your space remains clean and safe during the renovation process. Advanced dust extraction systems and the use of water-based sealers and coatings are all part of our mission to contribute to a healthier environment. We understand that every floor is unique, and so are your needs. At Eternal Epoxy, we take pride in providing customized solutions to ensure your satisfaction with the end result.
Ready to transform your Tampa home with Eternal Epoxy? Contact us today at (941) 960-5591 or visit our website https://www.epoxyeternal.com/ to explore how we can turn your floors into masterpieces. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience clean, modern, and forever beautiful living spaces.
Tampa's Culinary Renaissance: A Taste of Florida's Food Scene
Tampa is experiencing a culinary renaissance that is putting the city on the map as a top food destination in Florida. With a rich cultural tapestry and a passion for innovation, Tampa's dining scene has evolved to offer a diverse and delectable array of flavors. From traditional Cuban delicacies to fusion experiments that push the boundaries of taste, Tampa's food scene has something for every palate.
One standout feature of Tampa's food culture is its Cuban influence. Ybor City, a historic neighborhood, is the epicenter of Cuban cuisine in the city. Visitors can savor authentic Cuban sandwiches, slow-roasted pork, and delicious empanadas. The Columbia Restaurant, Florida's oldest restaurant, serves up traditional Spanish and Cuban dishes in a charming, historic setting, making it a must-visit for those seeking a taste of Tampa's rich cultural heritage.
Tampa's culinary scene isn't limited to traditional fare. The city has witnessed a surge in farm-to-table restaurants and innovative fusion cuisine. Local chefs are combining global flavors with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, creating dishes that are both mouthwatering and Instagram-worthy. From seafood specialties inspired by Tampa Bay's waters to inventive takes on Southern comfort food, the city's culinary offerings continue to surprise and delight food enthusiasts, making Tampa an exciting destination for foodies.
Tampa's Treasure: The Historic Tampa Theatre
Nestled in the heart of downtown Tampa, Florida, the Historic Tampa Theatre stands as a cultural gem and a testament to the city's rich history. This magnificent landmark, often referred to as "Florida's Most Spectacular Theatre," is a true architectural marvel that has captured the hearts of residents and visitors alike for nearly a century.
Built in 1926, the Tampa Theatre is a masterpiece of the Mediterranean Revival style, featuring a stunning blend of grandeur and whimsy. Its striking marquee, adorned with light bulbs that create a dazzling display at night, beckons patrons to step inside and experience the magic of the silver screen. What makes this theater even more special is its Mighty Wurlitzer organ, which is played before many shows, adding an enchanting touch to the cinematic experience.
One fascinating fact about the Tampa Theatre is its preservation. In the 1970s, the theatre narrowly escaped demolition, and thanks to a dedicated group of citizens, it was saved, restored, and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Today, this historic venue hosts a wide range of events, including classic and independent films, concerts, and special events, making it a vibrant cultural hub in the heart of Tampa. The Tampa Theatre is not just a place to watch movies; it's a time machine that transports visitors to a bygone era of elegance and entertainment, making it a must-visit landmark for anyone exploring the city.
Florida's Hidden History: St. Augustine, the Oldest City in the U.S.
While many people associate Florida with its modern cities and stunning beaches, the state also holds a rich and lesser-known historical treasure - St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States. Established in 1565 by Spanish explorers, this charming city on the northeastern coast of Florida predates the Pilgrims' arrival at Plymouth Rock by over 40 years, making it a unique and captivating piece of American history.
One of the most interesting aspects of St. Augustine is its remarkable preservation of historical landmarks. The Castillo de San Marcos, a 17th-century fortress constructed by the Spanish to protect their interests in the New World, stands as a testament to the city's storied past. This centuries-old structure is made of coquina, a locally quarried shellstone, and is a National Monument that visitors can explore, gaining insight into the strategic importance of the city throughout various colonial periods.
St. Augustine's Old City is a picturesque area filled with narrow cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and charming shops and restaurants. The Spanish colonial architecture, combined with a rich tapestry of cultures and influences, creates a unique atmosphere that transports visitors back in time. The Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park, a site associated with Ponce de Leon's legendary quest for the fountain of youth, is another attraction that adds to the city's historical allure. In St. Augustine, history comes alive through living history events, reenactments, and the authentic feel of the city itself. It's a destination that offers not only a glimpse into the past but also a deep appreciation for the diverse heritage that has shaped the United States. St. Augustine remains a hidden gem for history enthusiasts and anyone seeking a deeper connection to the nation's past, all within the sunny and welcoming embrace of the Sunshine State.
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tilbageidanmark · 8 months
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Movies I watched this Week # 146 (Year 3/Week 42):
The wolf house, a very disturbing and very unique nightmare from Chile. A dark, adult stop-motion animated art film about an abused little girl who tries to mentally escape from some kind of a frightening colony. All the reviews I read consider this one of the most insane and mesmerizing films ever made. Similar in style to Jan Švankmajer and Yuri Norstein.
The story is narrated in Spanish and German, and is rendered extra horrifying, because it was 'inspired' by the real-life story of 'Colonia Dignidad'. This was a secluded, barbed-wired camp in Chile, which for decades operated as religious center for a cult of Nazi pedophiles, who slaved, abused and tortured generations of young natives, especially during the Pinochet years.
The trailer.
🍿 Another bizarre film [Found on somebody's list of 'weirdest movies of all time'] is The Dancing Pig from 1907. A short burlesque piece about a naked, anthropomorphic pig dancing on a stage with a woman. There are other versions, each with its own music, which gives each one a different interpretation, just as Eisenstein said.
2 by Spanish director Rodrigo Sorogoyen:
🍿 The beasts, an extremely tense thriller about xenophobia, based on a real event. An older French couple moves into a remote Galician village in the countryside (in Spain), and tries to build a quiet life there growing vegetables. But a neighbor dispute with some locals escalates and ends badly. It's like a darker, modern day 'Manon of the spring', or 'Straw dogs' without the blatant violence. Denis Ménochet is terrific. The score is eerie with dissonant tambourine sounds. 9/10.
🍿 Mother (“Madre”) is a tight short, filmed exclusively inside of an apartment (and nearly all of it in one shot) which becomes increasingly horrifying as the story draws out. A woman receives a phone call from her 6-year-old son, who had gone on vacation with his dad. But the child calls to say that he's lost and alone on a beach somewhere, and he can't say - before his battery runs out - if they are still in Spain or in France.
Sorogoyen expanded this tense nugget of panic into a full feature 2 years later. I'll probably watch it as well.
Re-watch: Bergman's 1958 gothic horror story The magician ("Ansiktet"). The enigmatic 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' plays stage tricks and spiritual magic in front of a skeptical audience. With all of Bergman's ensemble players (except of Liv Ullmann). 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. 9/10.
2 more by Douglas Sirk:
🍿 Magnificent Obsession, my second romantic soapie starring Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman (Last week I saw their 'All that heaven allows'). It's a weepie melodrama full of chick-flick tropes: A handsome, spoiled millionaire who atones for his rude behavior by turning his life around, dedicating himself to selfless philanthropy, a love story that survives all hardships, blindness that is caused by a car accident, but is healed when the only surgeon who loves the patient operates to remove an unrelated tumor, etc. etc. I loved that the "Magnificent obsession" concept is being symmetrically introduced at 52:00, the exact middle of the film.
🍿 Imitation of Life, Sirk's last American film, opens with a montage of shower of diamonds, and ends with Mahalia Jackson funeral singing at a black church. In between it lays it thick with a melodrama about two single mothers, one white and one black, and their two daughters, one of which passes for white, and tries to hide her heritage. With Dan O'Herlihy who played Buñuel's Robinson Crusoe. (Photo Above).
The cow ("Gaav", 1969), the first masterpiece of the Iranian New Wave. A deeply resonant story of a simple villager whose only precious possession in the world is his cow, which (like in the Kelly Reichardt film), is the first and only cow in this village. This is maybe the most primitive locale I've ever seen on film, just some mud houses built around a waterhole in the middle of a barren desert. But the small community is cohesive and everybody tries to help the despondent peasant when his cow suddenly dies. The black & white cinematography is stunningly beautiful, and the emotional punch of the story is carefully timed. This was one of the Ayatollah Khomeini's favorite films, and may have helped keep the Iranian film industry alive after the Islamic revolution. 9/10.
Sadly, the director, Mehrjui and as well as his wife, were murdered last week, after he publicly denounced the state censorship. RIP, Dariush Mehrjui!
2 by iconoclast Joseph Strick;
🍿“Hey. How’s your middle leg, darling?…”
After watching a new 15 minutes segment from 'Great Books Explained' channel about James Joyce's Ulysses, I decided to watch the then-controversial 1967 adaptation. This is my 2nd Joyce adaptation (After John Huston's wondrous 'The Dead').
I'm glad that I read all of Joyce (Except of 'Finnegans Wake' of course) when I was younger. I miss reading and I hope that I'll pick up the habit again before I die.
I was skeptical about any effort to turn the rich virtuosity and Stream of consciousness of the original into a movie, especially when it updated the story from 1904 to the 1960's. But I loved it nevertheless. Blasphemous and sensuous, it fetishes much of Joyce's Dublin mythology; The musical life, politics, landmarks, even some of the melodious language. Milo O'Shea, (who looked exactly like the Israeli poet Pinhas Sadeh), was memorable, sad and sensual; I need to look for more of his movies. Molly's 20-minute inner monologue was wonderful. 8/10.
🍿 Strick's 1948 short documentary Muscle Beach, when it was still located by the Santa Monica Pier. A wholesome, innocent look at the emerging counterculture of bodybuilders, and the adoring children running around the waterfront. 8/10.
4 more short films:
🍿 La Fonte des neiges (AKA "Thawing out") is a unique little French film about a 12-year-old boy, whose young mom brings with her for a vacation at a nudist colony. In the beginning, he's not too keen to be there, but after meeting a pretty girl, he 'thaws out'. In spite of the overall nudity, it's a sweet, wholesome story.
🍿 In the Israeli animated short A letter to a pig, an old holocaust survivor tells a class of teenage students how he hid in a dirty pigsty. Rendered in a beautiful surreal style.
🍿 A new Irish version of Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf, animated in a lovely black & white style with some red accents here and there. Written by Bono, and using a narrator whose conspiratorial voice distract from the visuals. 4/10.
🍿 Feral, made by a Portuguese animator, about a wild child brought back into civilization. Nominated for Oscar in 2013. Now I want to watch Truffaut's 'L'Enfant sauvage' again.
My first (?) by Rouben Mamoulian, the musical Silk stockings. A ludicrous political story about Soviet communism vs. American capitalist hedonism. Syd Charisse, the tough (but sexy) Russian operative abandons her principles as soon as she's wooed by Fred Astaire (here named “Steve"!) and learns the meaning of "love". All are enchanted by the irresistible magic of "Gay Paree". Most of the tunes were sub-par, but the best dance and song numbers are superb.
2 by Antoine Fuqua:
🍿 "When you pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too".
Because I watch so few vigilante-action movies, I liked the Denzel vehicle The Equalizer, especially the reflective, quiet parts. Part All-powerful Jedi, part Almighty Janitor, he's a Home Depot James Bond who never sleeps, and very good at killing people. 5/10.
🍿 Brooklyn's Finest, another gritty crime film, about 3 separate "bad" NYC cops, who get to meet in one location in the projects for a final "Ballet of death". One is an uncover cop, who betrays his friends, one steals money from drug raids in order to support his family, and Richard Gere is a week from retirement, and he doesn't care at all about anything. Thankfully, he is able to heroically save some young sex slaves, and for that, he's the only one to survive.
"I can't be a father of anything. I don't even read the newspapers."
Dark horse is my second quirky film by Icelandic director Dagur Kári (After the terrific ‘Virgin mountain’). Completely off-beat 'Indie' style story of two Danish slackers in Copenhagen who both fall in love with the same girl working in a bakery. Precious and humane.
With young Nicolas Bro. The trailer. 7/10.
After 'Monty Python’s Flying Circus' ended, Graham Chapman worked with an up-and-coming young writer named Douglas Adams on a new sketch comedy show for the BBC. It was called Out of the Trees, and it bombed. Only one episode was made, and that aired only once, on January 10, 1976. It was considered lost, but 30 years later, a single copy surfaced. Now that it’s available on YouTube, it’s terrible by all means. With annoying laugh tracks and without the synergy of the other Pythons. 1/10.
The Onion used to be cutting edge & prophetic in the old days, when they published 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' four days before Bush inauguration, or when they re-publish ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens, every time there's a 'big’ mass shooting.
But these days are long gone. Life absurdities have caught up to the satire, and when they tried to come The Onion Movie it wasn't there any more. A movie so bad, it couldn't get distribution. A long string of comedy sketches, out of which about 15 were very funny. But it wasn't 'Airplane!', Saturday Night Live, Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker or even National Lampoon. And the main guy was definitely no Lesley Nielsen. 2/10.
3 times Honk; The first by Cyriak, and a follow up from Mr. weebl. Also, an old one by Felix Colgrave.
(My complete movie list is here)
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drcpanda12 · 11 months
Throughout history, there have been remarkable individuals whose paths never crossed, despite living in the same era. These great men, distinguished in their respective fields, missed the opportunity to meet and interact with one another. Whether due to geographical barriers, conflicting pursuits, or untimely circumstances, their paths diverged, leaving us to ponder the potential impact of their encounter. In this exploration, we will delve into the lives of these extraordinary figures, examining their contributions and the reasons behind their missed encounters. From literary giants to political leaders and social activists, their stories illuminate the intriguing possibilities and complexities of history. Join us as we uncover the tales of great men who never met, yet shaped the world around them in remarkable ways. William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes are two of the most celebrated and influential writers in history, known for their significant contributions to literature. Although they lived during the same time period, there is no historical evidence to suggest that they ever met or directly interacted with each other. Let's delve into the lives and works of these literary icons individually: William Shakespeare (1564-1616): William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language. Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in 1564, Shakespeare is believed to have written approximately 39 plays, including tragedies like "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "Romeo and Juliet," as well as comedies like "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Twelfth Night." His works explored a wide range of themes, including love, power, ambition, and the complexities of human nature. Shakespeare's plays continue to be performed and studied extensively, making him an enduring figure in the literary world. Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616): Miguel de Cervantes was a Spanish writer, poet, and playwright, best known for his masterpiece "Don Quixote." Born in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, in 1547, Cervantes is considered one of the greatest writers in the Spanish language. "Don Quixote," published in two parts in 1605 and 1615, is a satirical novel that follows the adventures of the deluded knight-errant, Don Quixote, and his loyal squire, Sancho Panza. The novel is renowned for its blending of humor, social commentary, and profound philosophical insights. Cervantes' work is widely regarded as a foundational piece of modern literature and has had a profound impact on subsequent generations of writers. While Shakespeare and Cervantes were active during the same time period, their geographical and linguistic differences may have contributed to their lack of interaction. Shakespeare primarily wrote in English, focusing on the English theater scene, while Cervantes wrote in Spanish, primarily for a Spanish-speaking audience. Furthermore, England and Spain were politically and culturally distinct, which might have limited opportunities for direct contact between the two literary giants. Despite not meeting in person, Shakespeare and Cervantes remain towering figures in the literary canon. Their works continue to be celebrated, studied, and performed worldwide, leaving a lasting legacy in the realm of literature. Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte were two prominent figures who lived during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. While they were influential in their respective spheres, their lives and pursuits diverged significantly. Let's delve into the details of their individual contributions: Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826): Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States (1801-1809). Born in Virginia in 1743, Jefferson played a crucial role in shaping the early foundations of the United States.
He advocated for individual liberty, religious freedom, and the rights of the common people. As president, he oversaw the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States and initiated the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore the western territories. Jefferson's intellectual prowess is also evident in his extensive writings, including his influential political treatise, "Notes on the State of Virginia." Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821): Napoleon Bonaparte, often referred to as Napoleon I, was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution. Born in Corsica in 1769, he rapidly climbed the ranks of the military and eventually became the Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1814. Napoleon is widely recognized for his military genius and his significant impact on European history. He implemented numerous reforms, known as the Napoleonic Code, which reshaped legal systems across Europe. Napoleon engaged in extensive military campaigns, establishing French dominance over much of continental Europe before his eventual downfall and exile. Despite their overlapping timelines, Jefferson and Napoleon did not have any direct personal interactions or meetings. Geographically, they were situated on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean, with Jefferson being primarily focused on American affairs and Napoleon embroiled in European politics and military conquests. While they were both influential figures of their time, their paths simply did not converge. It is worth noting, however, that Jefferson did have indirect interactions with the aftermath of Napoleon's actions. The Louisiana Purchase, orchestrated by Jefferson, involved the acquisition of French-controlled territory in North America, a result of Napoleon's need for funds to sustain his military campaigns in Europe. Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte left enduring legacies in history, each having a profound impact on their respective nations and beyond. Jefferson's contributions to American democracy and individual liberties remain foundational to the United States, while Napoleon's military prowess and reforms left an indelible mark on Europe's political landscape. Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein were two remarkable individuals who lived during the first half of the 20th century, each making significant contributions in their respective fields. Although their paths never crossed, their ideas and influence continue to resonate globally. Let's explore their lives and achievements in more detail: Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948): Mahatma Gandhi, born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an Indian political and spiritual leader who played a pivotal role in India's struggle for independence from British rule. Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance, known as Satyagraha, advocated for civil disobedience and peaceful protests as a means of achieving social and political change. He emphasized principles such as truth, nonviolence, and self-discipline. Gandhi's leadership and moral force inspired millions, and his efforts ultimately led to India's independence in 1947. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist who revolutionized our understanding of the natural world with his groundbreaking scientific theories. His theory of relativity, particularly the equation E=mc², transformed the understanding of energy, matter, and the fundamental laws of physics. Einstein's work laid the foundation for modern physics and had far-reaching implications, including advancements in nuclear energy and the development of the atomic bomb. Beyond his scientific contributions, Einstein was known for his advocacy of peace, human rights, and social justice. He was a prominent public figure and used his platform to address issues of global significance. Despite their parallel
existence during a time of significant social and scientific changes, Gandhi and Einstein never had the opportunity to meet. Their geographical separation and the divergent focuses of their work may have contributed to this lack of direct interaction. Gandhi primarily dedicated himself to India's struggle for independence and the promotion of nonviolence, while Einstein was engaged in scientific research and advocacy for various causes. However, it is worth mentioning that both Gandhi and Einstein recognized and respected each other's contributions. Einstein referred to Gandhi as a "role model for the generations to come" and praised his philosophy of nonviolence. Gandhi, in turn, appreciated Einstein's intellect and scientific discoveries. Although they did not meet, Gandhi and Einstein left indelible imprints on humanity. Gandhi's principles of nonviolence and Einstein's scientific advancements continue to inspire and shape the world today. Their legacies serve as a reminder of the power of ideas, compassion, and intellectual pursuit in making a lasting impact on society. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two prominent figures in the American civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s. While they both fought against racial inequality and advocated for the rights of African Americans, their approaches and philosophies differed significantly. Let's delve into the details of their lives and contributions: Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968): Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and civil rights activist. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1929, he became a key leader in the fight for racial equality. King was a proponent of nonviolent resistance, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of peaceful protest. He played a central role in organizing and leading influential campaigns such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington. King's most famous speech, "I Have a Dream," delivered during the March on Washington in 1963, became an iconic call for racial justice and equality. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his nonviolent activism. Tragically, King was assassinated in 1968, leaving behind a powerful legacy of peaceful resistance and a vision for a more just society. Malcolm X (1925-1965): Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little, was an African American Muslim minister and human rights activist. He was a prominent advocate for black nationalism and self-defense. Malcolm X's early life was marked by hardship and involvement in criminal activities. During his imprisonment, he converted to Islam and became a member of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Malcolm X emerged as a charismatic and influential speaker, promoting self-determination and challenging the white power structure. He emphasized the need for black pride, self-respect, and self-defense against racial violence. However, after a pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm X underwent a transformation, adopting a more inclusive approach and distancing himself from the NOI's separatist ideology. Tragically, he was assassinated in 1965. While Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both sought to address racial injustice and inequality, their strategies and ideologies diverged. King's nonviolent approach aimed to bring about change through peaceful means, while Malcolm X initially advocated for more aggressive measures, including self-defense and separatism. Despite these differences, both leaders recognized the urgency of the struggle for civil rights and made significant contributions to the movement. It is worth noting that towards the end of their lives, King and Malcolm X showed signs of potential ideological convergence. King began to focus more on economic justice and criticized the Vietnam War, while Malcolm X expressed a desire to work with other civil rights leaders. Unfortunately, their lives were cut short, leaving their potential meeting and further evolution of their ideas unrealized.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X continue to be revered as influential figures in the fight against racial inequality and discrimination. Their enduring legacies inspire ongoing conversations about the nature of social change, activism, and the pursuit of equality in America.
0 notes
knewtoday · 11 months
Throughout history, there have been remarkable individuals whose paths never crossed, despite living in the same era. These great men, distinguished in their respective fields, missed the opportunity to meet and interact with one another. Whether due to geographical barriers, conflicting pursuits, or untimely circumstances, their paths diverged, leaving us to ponder the potential impact of their encounter. In this exploration, we will delve into the lives of these extraordinary figures, examining their contributions and the reasons behind their missed encounters. From literary giants to political leaders and social activists, their stories illuminate the intriguing possibilities and complexities of history. Join us as we uncover the tales of great men who never met, yet shaped the world around them in remarkable ways. William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes are two of the most celebrated and influential writers in history, known for their significant contributions to literature. Although they lived during the same time period, there is no historical evidence to suggest that they ever met or directly interacted with each other. Let's delve into the lives and works of these literary icons individually: William Shakespeare (1564-1616): William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language. Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in 1564, Shakespeare is believed to have written approximately 39 plays, including tragedies like "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "Romeo and Juliet," as well as comedies like "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Twelfth Night." His works explored a wide range of themes, including love, power, ambition, and the complexities of human nature. Shakespeare's plays continue to be performed and studied extensively, making him an enduring figure in the literary world. Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616): Miguel de Cervantes was a Spanish writer, poet, and playwright, best known for his masterpiece "Don Quixote." Born in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, in 1547, Cervantes is considered one of the greatest writers in the Spanish language. "Don Quixote," published in two parts in 1605 and 1615, is a satirical novel that follows the adventures of the deluded knight-errant, Don Quixote, and his loyal squire, Sancho Panza. The novel is renowned for its blending of humor, social commentary, and profound philosophical insights. Cervantes' work is widely regarded as a foundational piece of modern literature and has had a profound impact on subsequent generations of writers. While Shakespeare and Cervantes were active during the same time period, their geographical and linguistic differences may have contributed to their lack of interaction. Shakespeare primarily wrote in English, focusing on the English theater scene, while Cervantes wrote in Spanish, primarily for a Spanish-speaking audience. Furthermore, England and Spain were politically and culturally distinct, which might have limited opportunities for direct contact between the two literary giants. Despite not meeting in person, Shakespeare and Cervantes remain towering figures in the literary canon. Their works continue to be celebrated, studied, and performed worldwide, leaving a lasting legacy in the realm of literature. Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte were two prominent figures who lived during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. While they were influential in their respective spheres, their lives and pursuits diverged significantly. Let's delve into the details of their individual contributions: Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826): Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States (1801-1809). Born in Virginia in 1743, Jefferson played a crucial role in shaping the early foundations of the United States.
He advocated for individual liberty, religious freedom, and the rights of the common people. As president, he oversaw the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States and initiated the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore the western territories. Jefferson's intellectual prowess is also evident in his extensive writings, including his influential political treatise, "Notes on the State of Virginia." Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821): Napoleon Bonaparte, often referred to as Napoleon I, was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution. Born in Corsica in 1769, he rapidly climbed the ranks of the military and eventually became the Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1814. Napoleon is widely recognized for his military genius and his significant impact on European history. He implemented numerous reforms, known as the Napoleonic Code, which reshaped legal systems across Europe. Napoleon engaged in extensive military campaigns, establishing French dominance over much of continental Europe before his eventual downfall and exile. Despite their overlapping timelines, Jefferson and Napoleon did not have any direct personal interactions or meetings. Geographically, they were situated on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean, with Jefferson being primarily focused on American affairs and Napoleon embroiled in European politics and military conquests. While they were both influential figures of their time, their paths simply did not converge. It is worth noting, however, that Jefferson did have indirect interactions with the aftermath of Napoleon's actions. The Louisiana Purchase, orchestrated by Jefferson, involved the acquisition of French-controlled territory in North America, a result of Napoleon's need for funds to sustain his military campaigns in Europe. Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonaparte left enduring legacies in history, each having a profound impact on their respective nations and beyond. Jefferson's contributions to American democracy and individual liberties remain foundational to the United States, while Napoleon's military prowess and reforms left an indelible mark on Europe's political landscape. Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein were two remarkable individuals who lived during the first half of the 20th century, each making significant contributions in their respective fields. Although their paths never crossed, their ideas and influence continue to resonate globally. Let's explore their lives and achievements in more detail: Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948): Mahatma Gandhi, born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an Indian political and spiritual leader who played a pivotal role in India's struggle for independence from British rule. Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance, known as Satyagraha, advocated for civil disobedience and peaceful protests as a means of achieving social and political change. He emphasized principles such as truth, nonviolence, and self-discipline. Gandhi's leadership and moral force inspired millions, and his efforts ultimately led to India's independence in 1947. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist who revolutionized our understanding of the natural world with his groundbreaking scientific theories. His theory of relativity, particularly the equation E=mc², transformed the understanding of energy, matter, and the fundamental laws of physics. Einstein's work laid the foundation for modern physics and had far-reaching implications, including advancements in nuclear energy and the development of the atomic bomb. Beyond his scientific contributions, Einstein was known for his advocacy of peace, human rights, and social justice. He was a prominent public figure and used his platform to address issues of global significance. Despite their parallel
existence during a time of significant social and scientific changes, Gandhi and Einstein never had the opportunity to meet. Their geographical separation and the divergent focuses of their work may have contributed to this lack of direct interaction. Gandhi primarily dedicated himself to India's struggle for independence and the promotion of nonviolence, while Einstein was engaged in scientific research and advocacy for various causes. However, it is worth mentioning that both Gandhi and Einstein recognized and respected each other's contributions. Einstein referred to Gandhi as a "role model for the generations to come" and praised his philosophy of nonviolence. Gandhi, in turn, appreciated Einstein's intellect and scientific discoveries. Although they did not meet, Gandhi and Einstein left indelible imprints on humanity. Gandhi's principles of nonviolence and Einstein's scientific advancements continue to inspire and shape the world today. Their legacies serve as a reminder of the power of ideas, compassion, and intellectual pursuit in making a lasting impact on society. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two prominent figures in the American civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s. While they both fought against racial inequality and advocated for the rights of African Americans, their approaches and philosophies differed significantly. Let's delve into the details of their lives and contributions: Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968): Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and civil rights activist. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1929, he became a key leader in the fight for racial equality. King was a proponent of nonviolent resistance, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of peaceful protest. He played a central role in organizing and leading influential campaigns such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington. King's most famous speech, "I Have a Dream," delivered during the March on Washington in 1963, became an iconic call for racial justice and equality. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his nonviolent activism. Tragically, King was assassinated in 1968, leaving behind a powerful legacy of peaceful resistance and a vision for a more just society. Malcolm X (1925-1965): Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little, was an African American Muslim minister and human rights activist. He was a prominent advocate for black nationalism and self-defense. Malcolm X's early life was marked by hardship and involvement in criminal activities. During his imprisonment, he converted to Islam and became a member of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Malcolm X emerged as a charismatic and influential speaker, promoting self-determination and challenging the white power structure. He emphasized the need for black pride, self-respect, and self-defense against racial violence. However, after a pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm X underwent a transformation, adopting a more inclusive approach and distancing himself from the NOI's separatist ideology. Tragically, he was assassinated in 1965. While Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both sought to address racial injustice and inequality, their strategies and ideologies diverged. King's nonviolent approach aimed to bring about change through peaceful means, while Malcolm X initially advocated for more aggressive measures, including self-defense and separatism. Despite these differences, both leaders recognized the urgency of the struggle for civil rights and made significant contributions to the movement. It is worth noting that towards the end of their lives, King and Malcolm X showed signs of potential ideological convergence. King began to focus more on economic justice and criticized the Vietnam War, while Malcolm X expressed a desire to work with other civil rights leaders. Unfortunately, their lives were cut short, leaving their potential meeting and further evolution of their ideas unrealized.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X continue to be revered as influential figures in the fight against racial inequality and discrimination. Their enduring legacies inspire ongoing conversations about the nature of social change, activism, and the pursuit of equality in America.
0 notes
matt0044 · 1 year
The Electric Piper;Kids TV English;Alice In Wonderland Anime;Sean Bodine;hunterkiller1440;Skip Intro;Against The Current;Live Steam;Sodor Snippet;Hot Shots;Bruce Almighty;Evan Almighty;TrainKillers;If Luz only spoke Spanish;True Blue;Thomas Blue;Sean Bodine;A FUSCO;Noddy;Canadian TV Broadcasts;Spongebob Docupants;Mondo World;Pollyanna;Daddy Long Legs;World Masterpiece Theater;Flip Flappers on DVR;Anime on DVR;Are You Afraid of the Dark;look into the Pokemon Anime;Best Wishes episodes for inspiration;Thomas Music Compositions;The Red Engine Theme;Dizzasta;Free Guy;Kids TV English;Frankenstein’s Aunt;BRB Internacional;Pokemon The First Journey;TB76 Returns;SodorBrony;Drawn Together;Columbo Anime;turtleneck Sci-Fi;Just Weebs;Lupin The Third Part 2;Totally Spies Season 6;Marathon Media;The Secret World of Santa Claus;Mythic Warriors;ZeeToons;Jack & The Pack;Power Rangers Funniest Moments;sum;Lil Nas X;That GF FAN;Revive by Mai Kuraki;Sonic Real-Time Fandubs;Sonic Real-Time Fandubs Animated;Thomas & Friends Museum Piece (S6-S7 style);Industrial Steam Productions;KaiserNeko;Monster By Mistake;Lost Media;NickelZickel;Denver the Last Dinosaur;Last Transformation (E196);Thomasfan261;The World According To Me!;Starseed86;RiffTrax;Free RiffTrax Movies;RiffTrax: The Last Shark;THE LIGHTBRINGER;Linkara running;The Treehouse Of Horror YTP Collab;Roxanne;House of Mouse;When you remember Loona and Emira share the same voice actress;Humble Cartoon Archive;Hello Kitty’s Furry Tale Theater;TheNPRRE2;Daniel Wells (BASEDCUBE95);NateFlicks;NatesVlogs;White Rose Dubs;Crane Engine Studios;The Adventures of Tintin;Milo Murphy‘s Law;Rooting For The Enemy;Chop Away At My Heart;Phineas & Ferb;S-I-M-P Squirrels In My Pants;George Garza;Demo Reel;Chibi Maruko-Chan;Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart;Ultra Seven;Ultra Seven Cinar Dub;Ultraman Tiga;Ultraman Tiga 4kids Dub;Ultraman;City Limits;Michael Bradley;The Endings of Death Note: How One Difference Shapes a Series;MasakoX;Welcome To The Space Show;Skysurfer Strike Force;Syy;The Barbarian & The Troll;Seinfeld: Rabid Elaine;Jellystone;Captain Rutlidge;Sprout Dinner - Sagwa’s Stir Fry Surprise;EggFlicker2;Red Dawn Remake;The Treehouse of Horror YTP Collab;Doug Title Card;Disney’s Doug;Kablam!;Prometheus and Bob;Pepper Ann;And how is this Ghostbusters 2?;StanTheTalkingDog;Marvel Mash-Up;R.R.S.I {Jivio};X-Men Japanese Openings;I’m Angry! I’m an Angry Scientist!;Jimquisition Songs;Kong The Animated Series;Kenji Yamamoto’s Music;The MilanToon Channel;Yasuharu Takanashi’s music;Shunsuke Kikuchi’s music;Takanori Arisawa’s music;Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water Soundtrack;Percy And The Beast Productions;yugidmx5;Shonen Kenya;Gurren Laggan Soundtrack;The Blue Monday E'r'ectrical Parade;Sailor Spongebob;Thomas A.I. Narrations;ScottFalco;Milasia;Behl Studios;In The Aftermath: Angels Never Sleep;Warriors of the Wind;New World Pictures;Galaxy Express;Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night;Godzilla, King of the Monsters!;Godzilla 1985;TurboCharged;Horrible Histories;Milasia;The Whole Plate;Scribbles to Screen;Bootleg Zone;Teon Stevenson TV;KidsWB Crazy Takes;Rasheed Ruley;Mysticons;Nelvana Enterprise, Inc.;Giorno Yoshikage;Riverdude Covers;Ghost In The Machine;Space Warriors 2000;Mew Mew Power Transformation Soundtrack;Mew Mew Power Soundtrack;Mew Renee Transformation Theme;Shin Chan;Shin Chan FUNimation dub;Shin Chan Vitello dub;Shanspeare;Jean Jacques Perrey - Mary France;Annoverse;Doug Music;I HATE THIS PERSON!;The LadyKillers;Rob The Green Engine;Kylie Minogue’s Love Takes Over Me;Sodor Pony Railway Adventures Music Video-Locomotion With Thomas The Tank Engine;DLTBerkshire;Air Anime;Air Abridged;Air Michiru;Anime Eyecatches;Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty;RBUK!;Amphibia meets The Owl House;KevinLsAccount;101 Dalmation Street Soundtrack;Sauna Music;Invader Zim;Peridot as Invader Zim;My Tallest;Bravo, James Bravo;JorporXx (Mark de Groot);SAO Abridged;MMD;The Trap Door;Kether Donohue;PBS’s Cyberchase;Lay All Your Love On Me scene from Mamma Mia;Kyra Kupetsky;Sukeban Deka;No Way Home 90s;GabeLeth;Seven Little Monsters;The Tigger Movie;Pinkie’s Brew;Mavis M;Risky Business;Retro Rerun;LYnaa_;Glitter Force Galaxy The Movie;The Sarah Jane Adventures;Twisted Lunchbox;Pirate Island TV Show;Connecticut Clark;It wasn’t a Dream | Lumity Animation - The Owl House Anime Fan Animation (TOH);Gordon & Jinty try getting up to 88 mph! | Random Twitter Video;Hunting Palismen DELETED SCENE | The Owl House;One Piece Pirate Rap Pt. 2 (Official) – [Including Robin, Franky, Brook, & Jinbei],Smoke Weed Everyday;Drunk Winry 😖🍸;Waltman13;Pixar’s Out;Turning Red;this totb scene aged horribly;Space Nova;How The Toys Saved Christmas;LBX;Danball Senki;Osomatsu;Zero Hour!;Wunschpunsch;DiC’s Sailor Moon score;Bob Summers;Sailor Moon: Bob Summers’s Unvaulted Lost Cues Collection (Full Album, HQ) (Lost Media Found);Candy Candy;Dino Fury;Kelsey is a wittle lesbian;Slayers English Songs;Jimbo being iconic for 6 minutes straight;Anne is… into frogs? // Amphibia;I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT!!;Season 5;ozberk ozen;RWBY: Roman Holiday;X Agent vs Lisa Rental;Sheep In The Big City;Busted;Star Trek Prodigy;Hula Fulla Dance;Never Gonna Give You Up - Japanese Anime Version;Shaggy Rogers;Thomas Audiobook YTP - Thomas Meets Obama…Who Just Appeared Outta Nowhere!;uberduck ai;Chip Da Ripper freestyle (Interior Crocodile Alligator full song);Philip McGhee;CamHead;The Brain Drain of Pooh Saga;Trainz4Days;Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 1990;WeAreSuperSentai;Bulk and Skull;Victor and Monty;Trash Taste Highlights;Sol Republic Headphones;Equestria Girls;TOMY T&F (aka The Trainlover476 & Missoliverandblossom Crossover Film) [SCRAPED];Reading Rainbow;I Ain’t Got No Body;The Owl House Intro: Amphibia Style;Russel T. Davies;Fancy Turkey Films;Shaman King (2021) Original ENGLISH OP Remake;Sam O'Nella Amelia Bedelia rant but with sound effects;Rkerekes13;Disney’s Adventures In Wonderland;DigiBro;Steam Attack;Times Penelope Pussycat Reciprocates Love Back To Pepe Le Pew;Murray Gold;Series Three Soundtrack;I Can’t Decide;Chowder - No, you’re not in this episode;Wallace & Gromit;The Adventure Begins | Rewritten;The Simpsons - I’ve Been Calling Her Crandall!;Gormiti;Mostly Simpsons;Bianca Hates Dodging;Alan Tam;Psyga315;Wizadora;Vibe Check;Wild Child - Hands Up;CCTV Studios;Peach Fuzz;Slayers Theme Songs English Version;Get along;Power of Infinity;Brave Souls;Fair Wind;Take Your Courage;lg77612;Fancy Turkey Films;Hank Hill in Yu Yu Hakusho 25;Magical Girls Before Sailor Moon;Sodor Pro;Shinji Miyazaki‘s soundtrack;Mad Max: Fury Road | Let Them Up;Theo 54;Ai-chan Meets Rosie | Animal Crossing Reanimated;Mazinger Z;Mazinger Z Infinity;reallyusefultractor;Trevor Jones;Trese;I.N.K. Invisible Network of Kids;G.I. Joe Renegades;Marcy Marvels;Theodore Tugboat;Mr. Conductor Meets;Behl Studios;MasakoX;This Classic UK Band Made A Dragon Ball Song. And It’s AMAZING!;Julia Jekyll and Harriet Hyde;Red Dwarf;Hilarious In Hindsight / Pokémon Adventures;Kung Fu Dino Posse;Look into Super Sentai and Kamen Rider along with other Tokusatsu again;Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger;DCOMs;Zenon;Spin;Rush Hour;TJOmega;Let’s Fix Power Rangers Super Megaforce;Dolly Dalmatian;Brookes Eggleston - Character Design Forge;Sorry To Bother You;The Addams Family Cartoon;Madacascar Movies and TV shows;Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness;M.M. song;Press Gang;Steven Moffat;Anne of Green Gables Anime;World Masterpiece Theater Anime;SandwichAndCereal;Amphibia Meme;Marcy Theme Song Takeover;Urusei Yatsura;Like a She Hulk - Raging Shinobu Compilation - Urusei Yatsura;shinobu lifts all the desks;Unorthodox Individual;Fantomcat;Dragamonz;Hotel Transylvanian;Squid Games;Mary Kate and Ashley In Action;Z-O-M-B-I-E-S;Big City Greens;James Frommeyer;Ernesto Jara;Must… Resist… Stupidity Impulse;Fairly Odd Parents;Power Stone;Harpy Gee;MrA thehedgehog;Dark DJ Productions;Cinder’s Atlas Journey (Volume 8 Movie);“Swiggity swag, what’s in the bag?”;the gang on rainbow road;Legend of the Three Caballeros;The Simpsons - Bill Cipher Cameo;Kosperry;Lochlan O'Neil;Serarel;Garrick Schultz;I Love Wanda;Fairly Odd Parents;Power Mad;The Worst Witch;jah;S.A Music;Fury The High Pressure Engine’s Theme - An S.A Original;[多啦a夢電影-貓狗時空傳] YUME日和|CC字幕lyrics;Muzzy in Gondoland;The Demon Headmaster;Jeffrey Kitsch;LISTEN YOU CRUSTACEOUS CHEAPSKATE;Crashbox;Eddie Bull;BadManoredProductions;What’s With Andy;Charlie Jade;CineGroupe;SicCoyote;蔦助;Buzz Lighthole;Mornal Productions;Lazer Team;2Dswife;Jyxia;Busy Beavers - Kids Learn ABCs 123s & More;NewFoundAbility; Shiinjito;CN100eg;Mushoku Tensei, “Problematic Anime”, and Unique Isekai;Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle;Akuma Shogun;Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness;em23;MediaMonster;El SuperBeasto;Txpot;The Tuggster Intensifies;My Hero Acadub;1stAid;Zedd’s Awful Realization;The Fox Railway;Melly Vuong;Lady Lady!!;Hello! Lady Lynn;Artastiq;Scarystar Studios Animations;StealthPornucopia;dillongoo;O Marcus Tokusatsu;Tokusatsu Songs;Generation Rex;Man of Action;as portrayed by vines;The Trek 2002;Lolirock;Lolirock Transformation Theme;Silent Night, Deadly Night;WildBrain Kids;Inspector Gadget;DiC Movies;Gadget and The Gadgetinis;The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy;Loser From The Earth’s Core;Around The World In 79 Days;Tintin;Guzma’s Rap Entrance Pokemon Sun and Moon 115 English Dub Clip;4Kids & DuArt Media Services Entertainment;Pokémon KidsTV | Neko Funjatta-Flea Waltz, Chopsticks | Japanese Children Songs | Nursery Rhyme;TTTE Guy;Unorthodox Individual;Mia & Me;One Tram Band;Back To The Future - The Musical;Rafa Yaga;ThatOneDorkThatDraws;Yuna and Stitch;I told u not to wake me up like that;Hilda;Medabots;Big Hero Six;Disney Channel UK videos;Red Dwarf USA;Stitch & Ai;Yuna & Stitch;clever deeds;Buu Saga Rescore;Vegeta’s Sacrifice;Sylvan;Yakari;Saban’s Adventures of Oliver Twist;Amphibia-Season 3 Opening (Welcome to Amphibia);Darrel of Amphibia;Loyalty Among Worlds;Lilo & Stitch;Power Puff Girls;Power Puff Girls Z;PercyandDuckfan94;The Little Pony Legend;MaggiesHeartLove;The PJs;DomFear of Soundcloud;skeletons;G.I. Joe: Renegades;The Promised Neverland fanwork & crossovers;Perfume Department (Japanese);TheGermanofSodor’s Random Short Videos;Spy and Scout fail to drive a train;Plutoburns;Retrolectro Art XV (Tape Five - Boheme Supreme);Party like it’s 1929//Alastor//AMW;Scribbler Productions;SLUURP;MsMaryMacky;Riverdude Covers;MHA Body Swaps;Bakugan;Toyetic Anime;The Ultimate Showdown;Anime Lost Media Found;TUGS - Sunshine US Dub (Pitch Pilot - Compiled) - Read Description;Heroes on Hot Wheels;Michel Vaillant;The Good Son;TUGS US Dub;Robotech (Macross): Monsters;Why Dark Skinned…;Shirincio;KOATI;Waluigi71;MST3K;MST3k fanwork;MST3K Linkara fan episode;Benzedrex;Get Squirrelly;Tubi;Dragon Booster;Stan Lee dubbing himself in an Avengers anime.;Daniel Clements - Director;Eren’s basement;Gianni Matragrano;Columbo Star Wars;Columbo;CookiesXCream;Hikari Neko;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Anime;Saban Anime;Wowser Anime;Mon Colle Knight;Slayers Edited Version;Fan- Dumbers;Patrol 03;Ribbit Movie;Doctor Who Rescored;WildBrain - Cartoon Super Heroes;Sonic The Hedgehog;Sonic SATAM; Sonic Underground;Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet;Mobile Suit Gundam series;Real Time Fandub Games;SDT:FP Soundtrack;BurningSwordsmenstudios;AJ Universe;I'mStrange;Huckleberry Finn;Humble Cartoon Archive;Bully Maguire;Red Vs Blue Animatics;Eproth Studios;Driscoll Danders;We’re not anarchist;Older Anime;Older dubs lost to time;Super Pig;Tonde Buurin;Once Upon A Time TV Show;101 Dalmations Live Action Movie;NyahstinaDraws,  Throbbing Gristle;Oingo Boingo;Zenyatta Mondatta;Kim Petras;Seiyo Higuka;PhantomSavage;Sagwa in French;CineGroupe;Montreal Voice Actors;NWR1991;Freddery McMahon;Waltman13;AnimeBoi;The Green Eggs And Ham YTP Collab;Death Note Musical Animatic;O-Dog Kubrick;Hanazuki: Full of Treasures;Phase One;Loyalty Among Worlds;LBT:R;Raymond Burr in Godzilla;KUROMI - Greedy Greedy [ENG Sub];JoBlo Animated Videos;Ferris Bueller’s Day Off video;John Hughes movies;Why ProJared is WRONG About Sonic Adventure 2;The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn;Huckleberry no Boken;Saban’s Adventures of Pinocchio;Saban’s Gulliver’s Travels;Saban’s Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic;Like i knew that Wendee Lee’s voice fit as Athena’s voice but damn.;draw corn;look into 1980s Movies That Shaped Our Humanity and the titles listed;*batteries not included;Victor and Victoria;Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day;Batman: TAS What If Episodes;Giancarlo Parimango;Megazone 23;Megazone 23 Part II (1986) - Rare trailer for OVA;‘Thomas and the Magic Railroad’ The Final Chase (Trainz 19 original short);Madagascar;Madagascar: A Little Wild;Mel Brooks;The Producers;Parker Simmons Animation;Brandy & Mr. Whiskers;Deja Vu;Dave The Barbarian;The Loud House;A Loud House Christmas;[JPN, KOR Dub] Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor - The Three Doctors;Megahedgehogx;That 90s Spider-Man Show;MemeJuice;strong_don_chad;SpeedRacerFluber;Lupin Part 2 Sigla;Combuskenisawesome;The Wiz;Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella;Edgar and Ellen;Blade Runner;Alternate Cuts;Sequels;Dr. Crafty;HenryNo333;Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat Main Theme YT;Invader Zim;Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water;Neon Monkey;FruitPunchMan15;Lupin The Third Part 1 Episode 1;The Blockbuster Buster;Allison Pregler;MarzGurl;Former CA contributors;Jim Button;Little Bear;Red Dwarf;Max Steel;Tenkai Knights;George Carlin Dubbing Thomas the Tank Engine: Vol 1-7 but it’s in episode order. (16A);Obscure KaBlaM! shorts;Jason Sheerin;Shining Time Station Music Videos and Animation;The Green Eggs And Ham YTP Collab;The Brain Drain of Pooh Saga;mera-mera;Sillyrally;Flowmotion;Stars Allign;V-Tuber Drama;Joshua and The Promised Land Reanimated;Blankman;The Tick;Spies in Disguise;Paddington Bear;Little Bear;Gormiti;Sagwa the chinese siamese cat Kids’ WB! Promo;Kids WB! Promos;Emperor Radiation;The Seven Sirens;Violet Evergarden Movie;Raiders Of The Lost Oliver | Indiana Jones/Oliver Theme Mashup;The Country Mouse and City Mouse;Anthony Ant;Anatole;Mona The Vampire;Mummy Nanny;Les Misérables - On My Own (Male Cover);Hex Girls;Scooby Doo VHS Movies;The Alien Invaders;Miami Dubs;The Haunted House Anime;Soul Taker;Komugi;KIDFLIX;The Samurai OVA;Gintama;SD Riders;Hey Missy;Dr Lamington;Iron Castle;Letters Song;Gravity Falls Soundtrack and Full Theme;101 Dalmatian Street Music, Shorts and Videos;SGT Frog;Natsumi and Koyuki;SGT Frog Abridged;Mr. Conductor’s Adventures;Mr. C and The Muppet;Wilkins;Christmas Carol;That Guy Riffs;Linkara Riffs;Cardfight Vanguard;National Lampoon Vacations;Billy & Mandy;same as it ever was;Ranma ½;Aggretsuko OST;Red Dwarf;Backwards;Ultraman;Great;Powered;R/B;Tiger and Bunny;Kaede;Rita Dizzy;Freedom Force;Quartz Animation;R.R.S.I {Jivio};Another Wind Falcon;Second Thought;The Greatest Scene in Movie History.;Wedding Peach Isn’t Cinderella;Dragon Tales;MarkBox;WhiteDixie29;KMB;Panda Go Panda;World Masterpiece Theater Dubs;Doraemon Dub;Bluetooth for ChromeCast;FUNi App;Monster Hunter Stories;The Bush Baby;Hassle;Kitty Cats;Wimzie’s House;Montreal dubs;Theodore Tugboat;Oliver The Vast;Hakaider;No Way Home edits;The Land Before Time movies;LBT:R;Balala;Happy Happy Clover;Star Fleet;X-Bomber;TurboJUK;Totally Not Mark Live Action;Dragons: The Nine Realms;Men In Black The Series;Stocking gets a haircut;Problem Child The Series;Ferris Bueller The Series;Everyone Has Bad Takes.; Jack Pickering;Deadpool Want to be in Japanese Anime;The Mighty Kong;Redakai;Kong: The Animated Series;Browse Tubi;Catnip;Hetalia;Masou;No amount of therapy will make this scene okay;Roxanne in House of Mouse;J.W. Article;Finding Paradiso;Aritz Irazusta;True Blue;Yellowjackets;I May Destroy You;RandomMelon;Alteori;Maya The Bee;Nick Jr. dubs;The Little Twins;Two By Two;Ned Summons Bully Mcgruie;No Way Home Flashbacks;Mad TV;Lost Parodies;T1E2H3;Mumfie;Everything Everywhere;Guardians of the Lost Code;Pink Elephants;Robot Boy;Family Central;Ante-Films;Moonscoop;Taffy Kids;Koati;Halfbaked8;RandomMelon;Ozma;Mr. Conductor’s Thomas Tales;Rupert;Taco - Married;Lion of Oz;Transformers Japanese;Browntable;Shawn Sussman;Me So Bunny;Tiny Toons Music Videos;How I Spent My Vacation;Weeaboo Club;David And The Magic Pearl;Moomin;We Don’t Talk About Havana (mashup) - Encanto Cast + Camila Cabello;Diesel and his DumBots;Martha Speaks;AKB0048;Tender Engines Inc;The Rolling Girls;The Orbital Children;Cybergirl;Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders;Hamon Beat;Dorothy sequels;DiC’s The Wizard of Oz;The Wizard of Oz Anime;Broa Island;Dorothy In The Land Of Oz;JustAcritic;Dallas Franceschini;The Legend of Korra & The Beanstalk Intro;Rahan;OTAKUMEDIATV;Jean Chalopin;Xilam;Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz | Totally Stuck Together | Boomerang UK;The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz (full 1990 film);Ozma of Oz;Attacker You!;Rocco;Gracie Villafana;applecochan;Wee Wendy;Nickcheezy;Thomas/Sagwa parody;Elizabeth Hull;Silver Fang;The Neverending Story;Kevin Hart;Shoko the Gengar;Wildbrain;Kung Fu Dino Posse;Kadam’s Edits;Big Bag Cartoon;Tara Duncan;The Procrastinator;The Amanda Show;Monster Busters Club;Jetix Europe;Swan Princess;Turtle Power;Tabaluga;9. Schlüssel zur Macht;Mister Moose’s Fun Time;Aslan’s Sacrifice;D.W. Riffs;George Shrinks;The Blue Snowplow;【Pokémon Clay Art】Making Oshawott「Life-size」【ポケモン】;MasterMario548;Awesoming;The Lion Guard songs;Sonic Movieverse;Jim Carrey;Now That’s What I Call Polka Animated Collab;Kuromi;Catnip;The Greatest Showman;Fairy Tale Police Department;Sherlock Holmes In The 22nd Century;Evolution: The Animated Series;Lazer Team;Day 5;A Clockwork Orange;Universe;Mahoutsukai;Himitsu No Akko-Chan;Sukeban Deka;Toei Pinky Violence;Liozik;Happy Ness: Secret of the Loch;Little Template;Thai McGrath - Anime Music Covers;SargeStone123;Where’s Wally;Ben Ten;Loonatics Unleashed;OverWims;The Fantastic Voyages Of Sinbad The Sailor;No Way Home With Flashbacks;Weird Al Animatics;Season 5 Rushes;Felix And The Hidden Treasure;Super Mario Love Song;Pokemon: The First Journey;The Truman Show;Smallfoot;Crane Engine Studios;Trash Talk Highlights;Sasso Studios - Sonic Animations;Studio Notes video;Grifball;Sammy Clark;Flight School;Galaxy High;Filmore;Wildbrain;Red Dwarf;Michael Evans VA;SuperThomasEli99;Tara Duncan;George Garza;Collabs;Extreme Dinosaurs;Mattel Action;Austin Kalista;Celebrity Home Entertainment;John Clancy;pikmonwolf;Flea Market Montgomery;National Lampoon’s Men in White;FiW;Bomber Bud Spencer…Fantasy;The Unstoppable;Spark! To The Ocean;ZZ Gundam;Megazone 23;Robotech The Movie;Lost Saban Dubs;As portrayed by Vines;Pinnochio;Peter Pan;Kukaak;Doomkemon;Freddie as F.R.O.7;TheFattHatt;eli_handle_b․wav;Bluey;TheCartoonVault;Mark Hamill as Frieza;Amanda Show;MetaJets;Strange Days at Blake Holsey High;GE999 Remix;Rosie Vision;Winx Club;Wahknight 2003;Once upon a time… The Americas;LBSCS Productions;Brandon Tenold;Larry Bundy Jr;Monkey Magic;Lupin Part 5 Dub;Vines;Future Boy Conan for Christmas;Group Therapy PodCast;Star Coms;IanXPikachu;Swordtee’s 2nd Channel;Sapphire Luna;Spoony Experiment Reuploads;Jabatoons;FoggyMemoryProductions;Mimikyu;Kung Pow MMD;Emirichu;TALES FROM THE NEVERENDING STORY 1 BEGINNING;DJam;Whisker Haven;PPGZ;Chris Thompson;cantalupo television;SmurfyDan;W. Company Animation;TuckerOsman;Banzai Runner;TMS shows;Izenborg;Pingu;NWR Timeline;abbi12881;FoggyMemoryProductions;Joseph The Green B12;A Bout With A Trout;George The Red Engine;ImmaBender;dronicom;Jetcat;6HP;Liozik;HEDGEHOG FAN 2011;DiamondBrickZ;Jacob Fisher;Kane Pixels;FTS Productions;Swallowing Stones;Omori;The Confession Dial;Dragon’s Lair;Abridge Me Princess;Beyond Belief;LivinginEighties;Nadia;Nina Wolmark;Death Tome;James Express;6HP;Mike, Lu & Og;Drunk Oak;sum;Action Man;The Mad Magazine TV Special 1974;Pantheon;The Trouble with Miss Switch;Paddington Bear;MATEO;Dragon Flyz;Night Hood;Kuromi;TheKasl;Ninjala;Epic Crossovers;Haddi Mera Buddi;Bee Gees;Joshua Jones;Postman Pat;Fireman Sam;Snafu;Lensman;Corspe Party;The Twilight Zone Movie;Yitexity;Thomas Deleted Scenes;Son of Columbo;The Trap Door;City Hunter;Big Wolf on Campus;Speed Racer;Edward’s Special Magic;The Electric Company;Solomon’s spot;Camp W;The Demon Headmaster;MonsterCat Studios;tttelrco;Solid jj;Inspector Gadget;Peridot;Stabby;Salty’s Lighthouse;The Caledonian Sleeper;Sagwa Sigla;MaggiesHeartLove;Angry Joe No;Animaleal;Emmet Otter; Markidisciplinary Design Workshop;Timey;TheStarSwitcher;Mad TV;Hunter;RWBY Volumes;Star Wars Movies;Don Perry;The History of Caillou: The Most HATED Cartoon Character;Great Western Redemption;The Testing;Mason Dey;Dieselworks123;JackTheCryogonal;ur mom;Let’s & Go!;The Regent;Rabbits Run;Viewpoint Productions;Lisa Bouvier;He’s Willy;Epic Movie;Chitty Chitty Bang Bang;Bagi;Daniel Pineda;The Little Mermaid (TV Series);Eiviten;CalebTrain
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emzeciorrr · 1 year
No Kangaroos in Austria? Let's Find Out in a Hyperlapse Chase Through Vienna! from Kirill Neiezhmakov on Vimeo.
In Search of the Elusive Austrian Kangaroo: a Hyperlapse Adventure to Vienna. Subscribe instagram.com/neiezhmakov All info which you want to know in the description below �
Join us on a thrilling hyperlapse adventure through the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria, as we explore some of its most iconic landmarks and attractions. In this video, we'll also try to uncover the mystery behind the popular meme "No kangaroos in Austria" and see if we can find any of these fascinating creatures roaming the streets of Vienna.
Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: [email protected] facebook.com/kirill.neiezhmakov instagram.com/neiezhmakov tiktok.com/@hyperlapsepro Youtube: youtu.be/nihoFPz_dRA
*Music:* Happy Classic Cellos and Violins
Equipment: Canon 60d, 70d, EOS R, Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8 Canon 70-200 mm 4L Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L Canon 24-70 mm 2.8L Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod Software: Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse
Thanks to my friend Peter from @filmspektakel for showing me some nice places in Vienna
Our journey begins at the magnificent St. Stephen's Cathedral, a stunning Gothic masterpiece that has been a symbol of the city for over 700 years. There you can go to a breathtaking journey up the cathedral's spiral staircase to the top of the South Tower, where you'll enjoy panoramic views of the city and the surrounding countryside.
Then, we'll stroll along the Graben, a historic street in the heart of Vienna's Old Town. The Graben is home to many of Vienna's most famous shops, cafes, and restaurants, as well as several historic buildings and landmarks.
Next, we'll head to the Hofburg Palace, the former imperial palace of the Habsburg dynasty. We'll speed through the palace's grand courtyards and ornate halls, including the famous Spanish Riding School and the imperial apartments of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth.
We'll then take a spin on the iconic Wiener Riesenrad, a giant Ferris wheel that has been a fixture of the Vienna skyline since 1897. From the top, you'll enjoy stunning views of the city and the surrounding countryside.
Next, we'll visit the beautiful Schonbrunn Palace, a magnificent Baroque-style palace that was once the summer residence of the Habsburg monarchs. We'll take you on a fast-paced tour of the palace's lavish gardens and regal interiors, including the stunning Great Gallery and the famous Rococo-style Hall of Mirrors.
We'll also visit the Kunsthistorisches Museum and Maria-Theresien-Platz, two of Vienna's most famous cultural landmarks. The Kunsthistorisches Museum is home to an impressive collection of art and artifacts from around the world. The museum's exhibits include ancient Egyptian and Greek artifacts, Renaissance and Baroque art, and many other treasures, while Maria-Theresien-Platz is a beautiful public square that features a stunning equestrian statue of Empress Maria Theresa.
The Vienna State Opera House is another of Vienna's most famous cultural landmarks. The building, which was completed in 1869, has hosted some of the world's most renowned opera and ballet performances. You can come through the grand entrance and take you on a behind-the-scenes tour of this magnificent venue.
The Karlskirche is a beautiful baroque-style church that was built in the early 18th century. We'll take you on a speedy tour of the church's stunning dome and intricate frescoes are a sight to behold. The church's interior included its ornate pulpit and altar.
One of our stops is the Albertina Museum, where we'll marvel at its vast collection of art, including works by famous names like Monet, Picasso, and Durer.
The Burgtheater, which was built in the 18th century, is one of the most famous theaters in the world with the grand halls, including the stunning Marble Hall and the ornate staircase.
The Danube Island, located in the middle of the Danube River, is a popular recreational area for locals and tourists alike. We'll speed past the island's sandy beaches, bike paths, and green spaces, giving you a taste of this unique urban oasis.
Finally, the Donauturm, a towering 252-meter-high tower, offers unparalleled views of Vienna and the surrounding countryside. We'll take you on a dizzying ride up to the tower's observation deck, where you'll enjoy stunning panoramic views of the city and beyond.
And throughout our journey, we'll be on the lookout for any signs of kangaroos. So, come along for the ride as we discover the hidden gems of Vienna, and perhaps even catch a glimpse of a kangaroo or two. Whether you're a history buff, a culture vulture, or simply looking for adventure, this hyperlapse video has something for everyone.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting timelapse travel videos from around the world. And if you've ever seen a kangaroo in Austria, be sure to let us know in the comments below!
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