#Spatial | Musings
spatialwave · 11 months
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an insight into my musing — my top 2 songs i listen to while writing jordan li.
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valorxdrive · 1 year
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Somehow the sea always finds itself calling to him.
A lull of waves that beckon through soft brushes or strong tugs, ever capricious yet blindingly honest. No matter the world comfortably tucked in some distant universe, the oddity strikes Sora, as if there was one constant that persists despite time weaving it's own tapestry for each land thrust out there.
Similar to the sky, the sea feels the same, connected in ways that shouldn't be impossible in the conventional sense. That thought alone draws a brazen smile as a step is taken forward, a soft breath pressing from his lips as the itch to allow his keyblade to awaken into his grasp is resisted. "Could there be a way..?" It's a question he truly expects no answer for.
Is there a current that can be followed to the hidden source? Whether it finds itself as a jewel within the realm of light, a pearl of mystique in the realm of darkness, or paradoxically nowhere at all.
Sora holds the unknown confidence that it can be found.
Fairy tales always spat in the face of logic.
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redridcr · 2 years
I don’t think Red would be as protective about the who ‘blind in one eye’ aspect in Dragon Age verse. It can compromise him b u t I feel like he knows that the right people can figure it out if they pay close enough attention (Iron Bull or Cassandra probably); people who are skilled in analyzing movement and how Red might act to compensate for a lesser field of vision. But if it does come up, he admits to it. He just REALLY hates it when the younger jocks try to use it when they’re mad and swing at him without warning.
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mermaidlighthouse · 11 months
Choose your player
Stede FULLY believing he’s completely alone version:
*staring out a window* “Muse, why have you forsaken me” *dramatically sips drink*
*literally talking to a poster on a wall* “I’m worried your life’s better without me” *imitating Ed* “Could be. Could be, mate”
Like have some spatial awareness my guy…the fact any body can sneak up on you while you are fully engaged in dramatics………..
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cinnamonrollorder · 11 months
More MILGRAM thoughts because he’s my silly little guy
I don’t think multiple people were killed - at least, not in the way Double shows it. Trains are crowded.
I think, what might be a possibility - what we see in Double is Mikoto’s ‘dreaming’, in a way. Something he thinks about as he’s dissociating due to exhaustion. He doesn’t comprehend his surroundings: the screens are glitched and unreadable, people are mannequins, and he lacks spatial awareness with the train being empty when it should be packed.
And this, is probably what John/Orekoto took when he mentioned he would be what Mikoto dreamed of being. Mikoto formed a new alter, that being John (sir please pick a new name why are you John. This is so silly to me), and the alter was a protector type. With the host being in such a. Bad state, the alter took what were just musings and believed this would help.
But that’s just a side theory. It could just as easily be a reference to John saying he has fuzzy memories of what happened, but I don’t think what happened in the train could have happened at all.
So no. I don’t believe for a second either killed a guy because he was just frustrated. But what we saw in MeMe makes more sense than what we saw in Double - a murder outside the train, when the station is empty, likely very late at night in a deserted area. If John killed, he did it because he mistakenly believed he was protecting Mikoto from something. If Mikoto did it, he didn’t have a grasp on what was happening (forcing John to front and clean it up).
The thing I’m still unclear on is how and when they got a bat. If the stalker theory is true, then someone struck first. Honestly, the guy that got killed probably was the one to have the bat - based on how the bat just seems to suddenly appear, and doesn’t seem like something they’d just. Bring on a walk. Even if the victim wasn’t a stalker or anything, there’s more to it than he was just… around, I think.
Mikoto probably was out very late, and the other guy showed up. Whether the other guy did something first or not, it’s clear either Mikoto or John took the bat and beat him to death with it.
Honestly as inclined as I am to believe John for the sake of believing him - I am leaning back towards Mikoto having killed the one guy, and John stepping in to clean up. The end of Double, the apology, might have been from both. Mikoto for the murder, John for failing to protect Mikoto.
Or maybe it was John, and he’s sorry for not realizing sooner that his actions were putting the host in more danger. It’s… really unclear.
I’m glad we got confirmed of at least one alter, but the sad thing about Double is it really doesn’t explain. The murder. The victim is more unclear than ever. Which makes me think the one guy is all there was. It’s the only realistic option. If anyone got killed on that train Mikoto would be in actual jail.
One guy? In a dark station? Alone? Yeah. Much more likely to be able to leave, taking the murder weapon with you and dumping the body and evidence.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Amplifier & Effects [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Amplifier & Effects The pedals that are key to Matthew's sound, and the evolution of the amplifiers he uses.
Pedal Board on 1st Japan Tour Matthew's feet are perfectly captured in this photo taken on his first Japan tour. The huge pedal in the centre is a Roland V-Guitar system ‘VG-8’ (the original modelling effects device). Matthew is stepping on the expression pedal ‘EV-5’ connected to it. To the left is what appears to be a Line 6 ‘DL4’ (delay modeller), but the picture is not clear enough to be certain. A Marshall amp can also be seen in the background.
Rack Equipment-A Rack mainly containing effects-related items. Spatial effects such as TC electronic TC2290 (delay multi), Line 6's Echo Pro (delay modeller) and Korg's SDD-3000 (delay multi). In addition to the rack effectors, there are a number of compacts in the drawers and switchers and mixers to control them.
Drawer-1 Contents of the top drawer. Clockwise from top left: Digitech ‘Whammy’ (MIDI-compatible ‘WH4’), Pete Cornish's ‘TB-83 Extra’ (treble booster), Human Gear's ‘Animato’ (distortion), Keely's ‘Compressor’ (compression). (treble booster), Human Gear's ‘Animato’ (distortion), Keely's ‘Compressor’ (compressor), MXR's ‘Phase100’ MXR's ‘Phase100’ (phaser). The use of the Japanese-made ‘Animato’ pedal is a bit of a surprise.
Drawer-2 Contents of the bottom drawer. Clockwise from top left: BOSS ‘OC-2’ (octaver), ‘AC-2’ (acoustic simulator), ‘PS-5’ (pitch shifter), Digitech ‘Whammy’, Z.Vex's ‘Fuzz Factory’ (fuzz) and Keely's ‘Fuzz Head’ (fuzz).
Rack Equipment-2 Rack contains a wireless receiver (‘UR4D’ from Shure), pre-amps (‘SansAmp PSA11’ from Tech21), ‘VT737SP’ (channel strip equipment) from Avalon, switchers etc. The ‘PSA1 1’ and ‘VT737SP’ may be used for vocals.
Drawer-3 The drawer in this rack holds a Rocktron ‘All Access’ MIDI foot controller. Matthew has the same one under his foot, but this is a slave. This is probably used by the guitar tech to switch tones only when Matthew is unable to operate it.
Translator's Note: Oh god, when I finally reached this part of the article to scan, I suddenly understood the previous article that I translated when the journalist and photographer were talking about Matt's fashion style back in 2000. You really can see his denim jeans being cut off at the hem.
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intertexts · 4 months
new haven wards thought dump under the cut....!!!!!!! 💥
william bell / wraith-- breaker, shaker, stranger / his breaker state manifests as a crackling form of white-blue fire; he can control how visible or how much this form manifests; the less visible it is, the harder it is to affect the physical world. *crucially, it thereby evades the manton effect organic/inorganic limitation. [in addition to this, whenever he's in his breaker form, he can manifest, shape, and control energy where the energy's volume/strength is directly relative to the amount of recent death in the near vicinity. the energy manifests as similar ghostly fire.] + post second trigger in deadwood, his ability to shape, maintain, and cloak this energy in illusory appearances is greatly heightened.
dakota damascus / failsafe-- mover, thinker / capable of extremely fast and controlled flight [around 90mph top speed] and movement, with similarly heightened perceptual processing. in addition, he senses whatever future pain that anyone in a several block radius will experience in the next shortly before it happens, and lasting as long as the sensation does. this manifests primarily as a dulled, ambient sensation that can be focused in w/ similarly mirrored pain to pinpoint who and what. this perception cannot be 'turned off.'
virion sol / imprint-- trump / copies abilities by touching another parahuman. the copied abilities maintain the full strength of the original, but he does not similarly gain an awareness of how to familiarly use the ability. for many powers and with experience, this isn't a problem, but there are also many which are not only be difficult to learn and inefficient but also debilitating to himself and/or others [i.e. overwhelming sensory input, difficult to control]. he cannot turn this ability off-- any skin-to-skin contact with another parahuman will result in copying of their powers, with any previous copied abilities he has being erased. he keeps these abilities for as long as he can concentrate on holding them: familiar and frequently-used powers he can often keep for hours at a time, while mentally overwhelming or potent powers slip out of his grasp quickly and leave him with migraines or other symptoms of distress.
ashe winters / auxiliary / muse-- shaker, breaker / pure telekinesis affecting inorganic material with an upper limit several times his body weight. the longer he's actively using his power and the more strain it's under, the more powerful the telekinesis becomes and the less lucid he becomes, with his powers moving more and more on autopilot until he catches on, pulls himself back, is pulled back or knocked out. in certain rare and unfortunate situations, almost always preceded by this death spiral his breaker state involuntarily triggers: in these scenarios, his power narrows down to a smaller radius around him, within which physics and spatial laws of reality melt, bubble, and shift in improbable, dreamlike, and irrational ways.
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don-dake · 7 months
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Zuko's journal entries | Netflix's AtLA (2024)
*possible spoilers, personal musings*
Been seeing some people on the former Bird Social Media site roasting not just the largely nonsense entries — these are legit Chinese characters but make no cohesive sense as a whole — but also “Zuko's handwriting” calibre…
Indiscernibility of the characters' logical sense and an easily/commonly committed mistake aside…
[By “mistake” — as someone else already pointed out in another post — I mean the usage of 「黄」 (used in Simplified Chinese & modern Japanese) instead of 「黃」 (used in Traditional Chinese) when the rest of the journal otherwise shows Traditional Chinese characters.]
is the writing itself really deserving of that much ridicule?
I mean, it is legible, fairly neat, and seems a more realistic rendition of how a teenage boy — with a possible bad eye and probably hasn't had much time to practise writing — would write?
Perhaps it's because I have atrocious handwriting and have spatial awareness difficulties/eye problems myself that I feel more empathetic towards this but…
Why did everyone (hyperbole) expect “Zuko” (whoever did the prop) to have superb calligraphy skills (especially taking into account his aforementioned age and situation) anyway?
*end musings*
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quasiquack666 · 5 months
The last of my current theories/thoughts I posted on Ao3!
This one is a pretty simple analysis of Kartein's power level compared to Pluton and Kayden. Kartein is actually super OP
Ao3 version of OP Kartein
— Preface:
Although this is an argument for why Kartein is more overpowered than Kayden or Pluton, I DO acknowledge that Kayden is superior in Offense and Pluton is superior in Defense. I will not be arguing that Kartein would beat them in their specializations, because that is pointless. I am instead arguing that Kartein is the overpowered all-rounder, which I believe is more impressive.
— Categories/Rankings:
First let's cover Categories of power and how relative Rankings will be interpreted
Categories • Offense: Destructive capacity • Defense: Bodily fortification • Shielding: Protective barriers • Spatial Isolation: Dimensional segmentation • Healing: Bodily repair • Force Control: Power movement • Miscellaneous: Soundproofing, Information Gathering, other skills
All revealed Awakener skills can be used in one of these seven classifications. For this analysis, let’s consider these categories as fairly comprehensive for how Awakeners use power, out of the abilities currently shown (up to 291).
Rankings • 5 points: Top 10 level • 4 points: Top 50 / Grande level • 3 points: Top 100 / Ranker level • 2 points: Adult Awakener level • 1 point: Rookie Awakener level • 0 points: New/Baby Awakener level
The jump between average adult Awakeners and Top 100 is probably pretty large, but there are no canon references for Top 1000, Top Million, etc. So for the purpose of this analysis references will be cut off at the Top 100. Just keep in mind that these points have exponential growth differences between them.
— Offense:
Kartein: 4 points Kayden: 5 points Pluton: 4 points
Kartein’s Offensive ability is not shown comprehensively in the comic so far, however we do have hints to how powerful he is. Supri and Muse discuss Kartein’s combat ability, where Kartein is stated as a Top 50 Ranker (262). Kayden vouches for Kartein’s combat ability and says he is stronger than he seems (267). Kartein is not intimidated by three of Astra’s minions attacking him at the same time (267). So I ranked him as a solid 4 points, within the Top 50 Rankers.
Kayden is ranked as 5 points, since he beat a Top 10 at full power (274) and is therefore comparable to them in the Offense category. Even if Astra had a slight nerf with Kartein’s power interference (274), it’s still accurate to say Kayden beat a Top 10. Kayden also battled Andrei (260), which might not have been a tie if Kayden wasn’t teaching Jiwoo a skill, as acknowledged by Schnauder (261).
Pluton is ranked the same as Kartein here, since in lower levels he wouldn’t have much business being Kayden’s competitor in a fight, which Pluton says he is (277). Pluton is also explicitly stated to be in the Top 50 Rankers (277).
— Defense:
Kartein: 3.5 points Kayden: 3.5 points Pluton: 5 points
Kartein’s abilities with bodily Defense are not elaborated on. But he seems to be about average for other Top 50 Rankers, or maybe Top 100, in order to survive even one hit from Astra (272). I will be conservative and put him slightly under Top 50 with 3.5 points.
Meanwhile, when Kayden makes his body vulnerable like with the attack at Andrei (260), he actually seems to be about the same durability as Kartein against a Top 10. The major difference being that Kayden was still at decent power while fighting Andrei, meanwhile Kartein was already exhausted while taking those hits from Astra. Based on that factor, perhaps it could be argued that Kayden’s bodily Defense is even weaker than Kartein’s, but for now let’s rank the same.
For Pluton, he is stated to have Defense that might surpass the Top Ten (278). Pluton also says his Defense is second to none (284). So a ranking at 5 points seems best.
— Shielding:
Kartein: 4 points Kayden: 3 points Pluton: 3 points
In the World Awakened Academy arc, Kartein Shields a whole stadium of students and teachers (and most of the school grounds) from the shocks of Andrei and Kayden’s battle. Garris Luterain remarks that Kartein’s Shields are known to be strong (213). So Kartein’s Shields are likely solidly within the Top 50 level, so 4 points.
Kayden has only used a Shield once(?), when he protects Jiwoo from the shock of his initial attack on Andrei (258). Although that implies his Shield can withstand Top 10 level attacks, I think it’s important to note the area of the Shield is very small, only just enough to cover Jiwoo’s body. This is entirely unlike Kartein’s level of Shielding (and Spatial Isolation at the same time), which covered more than a whole stadium and protected dozens of people from Andrei and Kayden. So Kayden’s Shielding ability is almost certainly weaker than his Offensive abilities, and likely weaker than Kartein’s Shielding. But Kayden’s Shields are still good enough to protect once against a Top 10 Offensive shockwave, so that at least puts him in Top 100 Shielding.
Pluton’s 3 points comes from the assumption that his focus on Defensive ability might have made him invested in Shielding ability too. This assumption could easily be refuted in upcoming Pluton chapters, so his 3 points are shaky. But his Shielding is probably not drastically weaker or stronger than Kayden’s either.
— Spatial Isolation:
Kartein: 4 points Kayden: 4 points Pluton: 4 points
Kartein’s Spatial Isolation is compared to Fiord’s, where Fiord says Kartein’s Spatial Isolation was spread to cover a much broader space than his own (213), which seems like the whole World Awakened Academy. Garris Luterain also says that Kartein’s Shielding (and implied Spatial Isolation) is very mighty (213). So it seems fair to place Kartein’s Spatial Isolation at 4 points, solidly within the Top 50.
There are two main instances of Kayden’s Spatial Isolation, against Supil Kang (134) and Vatore (184). With Supil and Vatore, Kayden’s Spatial Isolation does not seem weaker than Kartein’s and covers several city blocks. Solid 4 points again.
Pluton’s Spatial Isolation seems to at least be able to cover a few buildings (290). We didn’t get a very good view of the scope of the Spatial Isolation relative to Kayden or Kartein’s though, but Pluton’s is probably comparable if we had a better angle. Plus, Pluton’s is likely at least as good as Kayden’s to participate in high level battles.
— Healing:
Kartein: 5 points Kayden: 2 points Pluton: 2 points
Ah, now here’s where Kartein really shines!
We have many examples of Kartein’s Healing. Kartein was able to Heal Jiwoo’s core (140), a feat considered impossible (138). When he heals Duri’s eye puncture/scratch (166). When he Heals Subin’s grandfather’s injuries that have existed for many years (228). Healing Kayden to temporary full power (273), even on extremely low energy himself. Yeah, very safe to say Kartein is a Top 10 level in Healing. 5 mega points.
Then Kayden and Pluton rank at 2 points because there is basically no indication that either of them have decent knowledge of Healing ability. Kayden said that he did what he could after Jiwoo was tortured (129), but that did not seem like a lot. Either way, 2 points might be generous if neither Pluton nor Kayden ever developed this ability.
— Force Control:
Kartein: 4.5 points Kayden: 4.5 points Pluton: 4.5 points
Kartein says his Force Control is not weaker than Kayden’s (139). The assumption being that his Healing Force Control specifically is not weaker, since no other power of Kartein’s seems drastically better than Kayden’s. And it’s already established that Kayden’s Offense ability is Top 10 tier, along with Kartein’s Healing ability and Pluton’s Defense ability.
In the end, the debate was between settling them at 5 points for their best Force Controls or not. But it might be slightly more fair to strike a balance between all of their abilities, so I settled on 4.5 points.
— Miscellaneous:
Kartein: 2 points Kayden: 2 points Pluton: 2 points
There’s not many examples of these sorts of powers to really rank here. So placing them all in the same category as any other adult Awakener seems fair enough.
— Final Ranking Points:
Total Possible: 35 points
Kartein: 27 points Kayden: 24 points Pluton: 24.5 points
Also note that throughout this analysis, I have provided possibly generous estimates for Pluton since he has much less reference material. But in order to be on par with Kayden or Kartein at all (which he is implied to be as a competitor of Kayden), I assumed he had similar capabilities in most categories.
— Other Non-Ability Arguments:
Age. Kartein and Kayden are likely around the same age, based on appearance and experience. Pluton I could argue is the same age, or older, based on his comment that Kayden followed his footsteps in challenging strong Awakeners (278). Which may imply that Pluton was there first, hence older.
Based on age, Kartein’s ranking points become even more impressive. He accomplished being a great Offense, best Healer, good Shielder, etc all in about the same amount of time that Kayden made it to the Top Ten as a primary Offense. So while Kayden only really has one specialization, Kartein is excellent in several other abilities within the same rough time period.
— Personal Rant:
Even while going through the comic remembering evidence for this rant, I was shocked and impressed by Kartein’s abilities. Because dayum boi, he’s slaying hard. Sure, I could have been biased with some of the above assessments since Kartein is my fave bb, but I’ll let y’all determine if I was overly biased, or if these numbers add up.
Kartein kicks ass. He truly must have hyperfixated the hell out of all this. (Drumbeats on that neurodivergent Kartein headcanon). That, or Kartein is the real super genius of this generation.
Either way, Kartein is an incredible all-rounder with many Awakened abilities and not only a great healer. Even if he is also the Best Healer <3
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crownshattered · 6 months
|| Don't use the Myers-Briggs personality types to describe your muse, I want to see which types of intelligences your muse is more proficient in.
Are they more musically talented? Linguistically? Do they have a strong control of their precise body movements? Are they really mathematically/logically gifted? How is their spatial reasoning? How well can they grasp their own thoughts and feelings, and how well can they grasp the thoughts and feelings of others?
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temporal-tarasque · 1 month
Salut!!!!!!!! Call me Millie, it's what my mum always does! And I might just be a teensy tiny bit lost...... But I know where I'm going spatially at least
I'm an Ace Trainer, best in all of Kalos!!!!!! Not to mention being top of the class when I did my exchange program to Naranja-Uva! I've had experience working in a gym, studying directly with a professor, a little incident with Ultra Space once, and not to mention that I'm from-
Uh, a very nice family!!!!!! Yeah
Here's me!!!!!!! Don't mind my eyes it's just genetics!!!!!!!!!!!!
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All the pelipper mail is allowed, I'm used to it already, Laughing Out Loud!!!! And maybe a magic anon or two
//Mod is an adult, Muse is just barely 18 but keep it sfw
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comiiical · 10 months
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Like for a starter from Mason. I will use a 7 sides dize and write a starter based on one of the 7 senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch, time perception, spatial perception in this order). Please spefiy your muse if you run a multimuse. Also, it's sinday, so it'd be mostly mature based.
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of October. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) High On Tour | Explicit | 2284 words
Daddy gets high, but Daddy takes care of business... if that business was getting fucked in his dressing room after a concert.
2) Fifties Baby Doll Dress For My “I Do” | Explicit | 4708 words
"Are we celebrating something?" the man asked coldly, as the music closed and Louis turned off the sound. He walked with nonchalant steps closer to his spouse, discarded what was left of his own cigarette in the ashtray and sat down on the sofa facing her.
"I can't remember, are we?" her false tone of disagreement was obvious. That stupid grin on her reddened lips was enough to drive anyone off their feet.
3) Let Me Love You | Explicit | 5035 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis's not expecting to run into his first ever crush while picking up his daughter from school, but fate clearly has other plans. His mum was right.
Harry would always be in his life.
4) Comfort Is Found When I’m the Only Thought On Your Mind | Mature | 5087 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 396: Established relationship - very domestic PWP. Louis complains about being out of his favorite moisturizer, and Harry suggests giving him a facial.
5) Nobody Had To Know | Explicit | 5146 words
Louis has a secret kink. He never thought his roommate and best friend, Harry, would have it too.
6) I Wanna Be Yours | Explicit | 5838 words
Just like how Cady Heron from mean girls said Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it, not like anyone ever does to Louis because well Louis is a sweetheart and a boy, the guy with the softest voice and eyes bluer than the oceans. They were all Cara's words not his. 
7) I’m Fine | Mature | 6420 words
"Harry and Louis pretend that the intimacy they shared the night before never happened, until Louis has to go get his cell phone from his apartment.
Or where Louis escapes as fast as he can from the apartment, he spent the night in and is forced to return after forgetting his phone."
8) Tides Thrash Inside | Explicit | 8510 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"How could I call you when I needed you as far as possible to sever our spatial bond?”
9) Addressed To The Fire | Explicit | 9085 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Would you have come,” Harry says after a few seconds, voice levelled. A part of Louis wants him to snap — wants him to be the first one to raise his voice, because if there’s one thing he will never, ever do, is give anyone the satisfaction of saying he’s the one that starts the fights, “if I had invited you?”
No, Louis’ mind replies immediately, I wouldn’t have.
10) Be The Artist To My Muse | Explicit | 9665 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“I think I’m in love,” Harry says, flopping back to lay on the bench again. Nick sighs and pats Harry on the head.
“There, there. You’ll forget him in a day or so.”
11) Take It Day By Day | Mature | 10167 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Enemies” to Lovers AU where Harry and Louis secretly date and Harry just wants to smell like his baby.
12) The One Who Stays And The One Leaving You  | Mature | 10315 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
He had just slept with none other than Harry Styles.
13) Everyone’s Entitled To One Good Scare | Explicit | 10278 words
Louis has suspected his husband isn't what he says and is determined to be right this Halloween. Inspired by this prompt.            
14) I Beg You To Stop Running | Mature | 10346 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Congrats. You’re marrying an amazing human being.” Harry found himself saying before thinking about it.
“Oh, I know, he’s truly the love of my life.”
Harry didn’t expect it to hurt that much. Now he realises he had everything with Louis. It was amazing, maybe not perfect but it was more than enough. Louis is the love of his life not this redhead man’s.
15) Losing That Reactive Spark | Explicit | 11599 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“You didn’t shock me,” the O says, yanking at Harry’s shirt. Harry’s eyebrows furrow, looking down at him. He could probably shake him off if he wanted to, wouldn’t even hurt him. Harry doesn’t. “What’s your name? How come you didn’t shock me?”
“Um,” Harry says. “What?”
The O sways closer, pushing himself up onto his toes as he peers at Harry’s face. Harry tries not to breathe in too deeply, too obviously. The last thing he needs is for someone to catch him obviously scenting an O that doesn’t belong with him in public. No matter how unhinged that particular O might be. That’s just asking for trouble.
“Is it broken?” the O asks, shaking at Harry’s shirt. Harry sways, more confused than ever. The bell on the door dings, and on autopilot Harry shifts them out of the way, allowing the person to pass. His umbrella dangles uselessly from his hand, not doing anything to keep them dry.
“Is what broken?” Harry asks.
“It’s not broken,” the O says to himself, fast. He shakes his head again, bringing both hands up to his face to push his wet hair back. “Just yesterday – ”
He stops, staring at Harry again. It’s a suspicious stare. Harry’s mildly offended by it.
16) Reckless Behaviour | Not Rated | 13565 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry is a retired football player looking for a new opportunity. Louis is the image consultant hired to help him find it.
17) As You Stay In A Daydream | Mature | 14689 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"Come on I'll show you something!" Louis said eagerly dragging him away towards what looks like a cabin, louis' eyes shone as he showed him it. His loved for this place was evident on his face as he told him things he did with it, his sadness was evident when he told him that he would go here to escape his house that never felt like home. He told him who built the small little cabin and he had shyly showed harry his artworks which amazes him as he never knew louis was making art. Harry felt as if his heart could burst with so much love when louis showed him a portrait drawing of him. Intricate details of him was drawn down on to the paper, the shading was right as the light hit him at the side of his face when he was looking out of the window after being bored listening to Mr. Smith's lecture. He didn't know louis had noticed him with so much beauty he had captured it and decided to lay him on a piece of paper that had know meant so much to him.
18) And If Ever I Can Rescue You | Mature | 14725 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis waited until he was on top of the criminals before emitting his light, announcing his presence as the alley lit up. “Didn’t I put you two away last week?”
All three men in the alley froze as they stared at Louis. The two crooks Louis recognized as a pair of brothers hell bent on committing petty crimes no matter how many times they got locked up for doing so. But the civilian — shit, he was the guy Louis had been watching earlier from the rooftop, the one with the long hair and the skinny jeans and—.”
“Well, if it isn’t London’s Little Ray of Sunshine,” the thug with the wallet sneered, pulling Louis’ focus back.
19) How You Sleep At Night | Mature | 15568 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"-And...this is Louis."
And just that.
‘This is Louis.’
Louis feels like throwing up out of nowhere. So, that’s it then? Is he just a ‘Louis’ to him now?
20) Hungry Heart | Explicit | 16100 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"So you're using me and my kitchen for a bigger paycheck?" Harry asks. "What do I get out of it?"
"What do you-" Louis parrots in disbelief. "I get a job that doesn't make me work ten hour shifts just to barely pay my rent while you get three meals a day cooked for you."
"So, what, you're like some glorified housewife?"
Housewife, personal chef, Louis doesn't care. Contract's signed and done; T's crossed and I's dotted. Louis will wear an apron and twirl his hair all pretty if that's what he wants. Even if the job feels more like some drawn out jail sentence, Louis hopes this isn't going to be a long summer.
21) A Little Bad Luck | Explicit | 17237 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"What the fuck do you mean, they quit?" Louis asks.
This man—demon, whatever—looks over at Louis with a withering glance before tossing the apple he's eating. It misses the trash can by about a foot, falling to the floor of Louis' kitchen and definitely leaving a sticky residue that he's going to have to clean up later.
"You kept getting yourself into trouble and their afterlife experience became too stressful, so they quit. After the fifth guardian angel quit their post last week, there were no other volunteers, so that's where I stepped in. I was getting bored of welcoming souls into hell anyway...they're so goddamn whiney, I'm always like, bro, just shut the fuck up—"
"So you're my guardian demon," Louis says flatly, cutting the demon/man/thing off before he can get any further.
He smiles largely enough to show dimples, which seem like a completely inappropriate thing for a demon to have.
"Exactly," the demon confirms.
22) Baby, Loving You’s The Real Thing | Explicit | 21011 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry never thought he’d be taking care of a child at the age of twenty-one—well, trying to anyway.
23) Let Me In | Explicit | 24059 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Zayn Malik. This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here. 
Louis and Zayn begin messing around on tour in 2014, but Zayn's getting ready to make a decision that he knows is going to change everything, possibly for good. They just have to believe that they can make it.
24) Heart Of Sugar, Sweet Temptation of Mine | Explicit | 25600 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The process of courting is seriously outdated nowadays, it's not common anymore; people don’t want to go through the hassle of a proper courtship, dating is easier.
Louis though, he was raised in a very traditional family, every member, down to his parents, had a courting and a mating ceremony. He grew up hearing stories about how wonderful it is, how much deeper the connection gets between a courting pair can get, and he's wanted that for himself since he was a pup, always dreaming of his alpha showing up and sweeping him off of his feet.
His dreams seem to be coming true when he moves into a new building, closer to where he works, and the older alpha living in the flat in front of his own, initiates the courtship process. Everything he's ever wanted is within reach.
Or is it?
25) Feeling Peachy, Take A Bite | Explicit | 25654 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 570: omega louis works at a cupcake shop. he makes the prettiest cupcakes and loves his job. in comes beefy alpha harry who absolutely loves to eat louis’ cake. inspired by louis being a cute baby girl handing out cupcakes. (no a/b/o necessary, but louis has to be feminine)
26) Like Rabbits In Cigar Smoke | Explicit | 26088 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Los Angeles 1975
The rules to being a Playboy Bunny are very clear. Keep the clients happy while still protecting the brand. Bunny Louis tries very hard to keep to that, and no amount of longing stares or soft touches from world-wide famous rock star Harry Styles is going to change that. He's not that kind of Bunny, right?
27) Hash Brown, Eggyolks. I Will Always Love You | Mature | 26883 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry loves watching louis, it never gets old or boring for him because everytime he looks at him he finds traces of something new he didn't find the last time and it always left him in awe to call louis as the love of his life, he get to call him his and he get to know someone as amazing as louis. The way there's a small mole underneath his chins and traces of freckles wrapped around his cheeks like constellations. Louis is so beautiful to just sit and admire what he's like and the small omega didn't even know how beautiful and how important he is for him. That's why whenever louis would get inside his head and be an insecure mess, harry would kiss every tear away and would fill louis up with love. He never wanted louis to go to a drop again because of it so he always makes sure to give him enough of everything he will ever need.
Andy place down their orders as harry was still lost in staring at his muse that louis was quickly arranging their food in the way he loves to. "Okay we've finally got our hash browns, some nice sunny side up egg yolks.. and what else?" Louis rambled, trying to organize the many food his alpha had ordered for him.
"I love you."
28) Ding-Dong! Daybreak | Explicit | 28096 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Hungry for knot?” The alpha’s voice suited his image so well. The deep, borderline sensual octave made Louis shiver. It was laced with timbre and Louis couldn’t remember the last time someone had spoken with a voice like this to him. But wait… Did the alpha just ask him if he was “hungry for knot”? "Excuse me?" The omega could feel a hot flush underneath his skin.
All it took was a flat bike tire, confusing usernames, pumpkin flavored biscuits, a chaotically supportive dog and food deliveries at daybreak for Omega Louis to fall hard.
29) If It Wasn’t For The Nights | Explicit | 28449 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Okay, so. You didn’t fuck. But you’re gonna go hiking with Harry?” Zayn raises an eyebrow. “You don’t even go outside.”
Louis groans, crossing his arms on the table and hiding his face in them. “I know.”
30) What It Feels Like | Explicit | 34272 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Okay, right. Aren’t you straight?” Harry was straight. Unless he somehow lied to the entire internet about how much he likes pussy, he was straight.
“A good time is a good time. A hole is a hole. What does it matter that I’m straight?”
Louis’ knee wobbled. Barely. Everything was fine.
“That doesn’t sound straight to me.”
Harry groaned and tossed his head back. He looked more comfortable in Louis’ office than he did, swiveling back and forth. “What does it matter that I want to have sex with you? You’re pretty, like a girl, and you moan like one, too. It’s your fault, not mine.”
31) Something As Simple As This | Explicit | 34625 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Trapped in a cabin in the middle of nowhere after a blizzard derails Louis from getting home, he and the attractive stranger who owns the place have nothing to do but... well, each other. It would be a real shame if feelings got in the way, and even more of a shame if a secret about this stranger's identity turned both their lives upside down and inside out.
32) Every Witch Way | Explicit | 36318 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Heart leaping to his throat, Harry’s head snaps up in shock to see a person standing in the middle of the room. Someone dressed in a black sweatshirt that absolutely swamps his smaller frame and jeans that are cuffed at the ankle. More peculiar is the cat perched on his shoulder, blinking at Harry with luminous purple eyes.
“Who the fuck are you?” Harry chokes out once he regains the ability to speak, eyes widening as he realizes the carved circle on the floor is now glowing bright violet. “What the fuck is going on?”
The stranger simply raises an eyebrow, cat still on his shoulder. “You’re definitely not Cressida.”
33) To Paint A Symphony | Explicit | 40583 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Despite being a wedding painter, Louis has never had quite an optimistic outlook on marriage life. Love, sure, he’s a hopeless romantic and he longs for a sweet partner, to feel adored and cherished, but a part of him will forever doubt that love can last forever, a spark never lasts long, after all, so he paints because strokes of paint can remain forever and unchanged if looked after properly, cared and cherished the way he wished he could be, safe from an unsure future. Harry, on the other hand, as a performer and lyricist, indulges in pleasure. He loves love, never wastes a moment, never hesitates, always so sure of what he wants. Songs come and go on the radio, sometimes forgotten, sometimes transcending generations, the way people leave, and others stay. He never thinks of a future because he only ever lives in the present and he never was egocentric enough to think he could make a real impact and his art could outlive him.
At a wedding under summer skies and surrounded by endless sea, two seemingly polar opposite lovers meet, and perhaps one learns to let himself feel and fall, and the other lets himself hope and cling on.
34) Catch Me If I Fall | Explicit | 47100 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“You– how do you–” Louis stammers before attempting to compose himself, fighting off the tidal wave of fear that threatens to wash him away in its wake. “No. You don’t. You don’t know.”
Every protest falling from his lips is in vain, because despite what he keeps telling himself, Harry knows.
Harry's widening smirk is answer enough as he steps forward slowly, walking up until he’s right in Louis’ space.
“You look like you need some time to process things,” he whispers with false-earnestness. Sliding a hand under Louis’ chin, Harry tilts his head so Louis is forced to look up at him. “Why don’t we take a little break and start up again later, so you can mull things over?”
35) This Is How You Fall In Love | Explicit | 53538 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
When Harry Styles' 16 year old daughter dragged him along to see her favourite artist, Louis Tomlinson, in concert, the last thing he had expected was to be invited backstage. Unaware his life was about to change forever.
36) Not Afraid Of Living On A Fault Line | Explicit | 55218 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
His eyes widened when he realized he had just somehow managed to ask Harry to hang out.
Judging by Harry’s own expression, he wasn't the only one who was shocked. Louis expected him to laugh it off the ridiculous request but the beta looked up at him, almost hopefully. “Are you being serious?”
“Um,” was all Louis could say, feeling every bit as speechless as Harry had been earlier. “Are you?”
Harry shrugged. “I’ve been told I need to get out more.”
37) Dark Doom, Honey | Explicit | 57801 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis lifted one shoulder, lips slightly pursed. “You are acting like an asshole.”
Harry’s mouth pressed into a thin line, eyebrows knitting together. “I wasn’t being an asshole, I was following my own rules. The ones I always follow when I’m about to start an arrangement with a new submissive. If you don’t want this or are having doubts, we should stop now. But if we do this, I do want to make something clear, I’ll never do anything you don’t want to, but you have to be aware that I’ll never be sweet, I don’t do sweet, you already saw what I do. If you want something different you can go on dates, this is not that. Are we clear?”
It was the perfect way out. Louis could simply say no and their lives would keep on going as they were. So far, nothing was changed beyond repair. But he wanted to be. At some point in his life, way before Harry and the betrayals, Louis lost a little of himself, and had never felt closer to getting it back than in Lair, with Harry.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here. You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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justsomestoicguy · 1 month
On a Scale From 1 to 10, My Friend, I'm F*cked!
Sweat drips down my temple, but I keep my gaze locked onto Onibi-sensei's, waiting for the inevitable. The dark room hums with tension—every goddamn inch of it nearly covered in that freaky, living shadow of hers. 
This is the THIRD time this week alone.
"Here we go again," I mutter, bracing myself. Because, honestly? I'm so over this crap.
Onibi-sensei's grin is way too wide for my liking, her pearl eyes practically glowing in the black void of the room, save from a little ceiling light left purposefully untouched. "Ready, Ran-kun?"
Am I ready? Am I ready??
I don't even get a chance to answer before the room gets swallowed whole in darkness.
My heart slams against my ribs, my senses go into overdrive. 
Can't see, can't hear—everything's muffled. Goddamn, that shadow of hers.
I don't need to see her to know she's coming. She always comes. 
The first time she pulled this nightmare, I was down in thirty seconds flat. 
Not this time.
No way.
I pivot on instinct, throwing my weight to the side just in time to avoid a sharp blow aimed at my ribs—barely—but it's something. 
The air shifts again, and I drop low, swinging my leg out in a desperate sweep.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
She's probably laughing her ass off right now, watching me flail around like an idiot.
"Your spatial awareness is getting better," Onibi-sensei's voice echoes from somewhere in the pitch-black, enjoying this a little too much for my liking. "But your overreliance on your quirk shows. Gotta work on that foundation, Ran-kun."
What does she think I am, a house under construction??
I grit my teeth and try to focus, but it's hard when you're getting your ass handed to you by your own mentor in a room where up is down and down is sideways.
Something brushes against my shoulder, and I whirl around, fists ready to strike, but before I can even process what's happening—WHAM! 
A kick slams into my back, and I'm down, tasting the floor. Again.
"Focus, Ran-kun, focus! Conviction without effort is like building a sandcastle in the rain. One wave and poof, it's gone."
Yeah, yeah, I get it! I get it, okay?! 
But it doesn't make this any easier when I'm getting my face smashed into the ground by a literal pro. 
I push myself up, every muscle screaming at me to just STAY DOWN, YOU IDIOT—but I can't.
I won't.
I throw a punch into the nothingness, hoping to at least hit something.
Of course, it hits nothing.
Another kick—this one to my gut—and I'm down once more. 
This time? I don't bother getting up. I know when I'm beat. And she knows it, too. This little "training" session? Over.
Onibi-sensei snickers, and I hear her snap her fingers. 
The room breathes out, and suddenly, her shadow retreats, slinking back to where they came from.
I just lay there, chest heaving, staring up at the ceiling that I can finally see again. 
Stupid ceiling. Stupid shadow. Stupid EVERYTHING.
A hand appears in my line of sight, and I groan, reluctantly grabbing it as Onibi-sensei hauls me to my feet. My legs wobble like jelly, and I probably look as pathetic as I feel, but who cares.
"You held up a lot better this time," she says, smirking. "Your reaction time's improved, and your awareness is getting sharper."
"Thanks," I grumble, though the compliment's about as comforting as a punch in the face.
But Onibi-sensei doesn't let go of my hand right away. 
Instead, she tilts her head, a curious glint in her eyes. "By the way, Ran-kun, did you have anything to do with Stendhal's decision to send Himiko-chan to UA?"
My brain is fried, so I'm not even thinking when I nod. "Yeah, I pitched the idea to him."
And just like that—I realize I've f*cked myself. 
Onibi-sensei's grip tightens, and she leans in, her eyes practically gleaming with amusement. Oh God.
"Stendhal's not one to take suggestions from just anyone, y'know?" she muses. "If he listened to you, that means you've earned his respect. Not an easy feat by any means."
Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t—
"No, well, actually," I stammer, trying to backpedal, but Onibi-sensei's sharp. Too sharp. 
She's not gonna let this go.
Onibi-sensei unhands me (finally) and steps back, her freaky gaze still glued to mine. 
"Though, I have to say, Ran-kun. Sending Himiko-chan to UA? Kinda rushed, don't you think? There are better ways to get dirt on the HPSC's Prez."
I bristle, even though I know she's just messing with me. 
I've read that damn file on Tsuneya Tomoe a million times, and I'm not backing down now. 
"She's not just any president, Sensei," I insist. "She doesn't give a damn about dirt if it's not personal; untouchable unless you hit her where it hurts—and that something is her family." 
Onibi-sensei's eyes flicker with something—levity, maybe? "So, using her son is your way of making sure the Ops has her in their pocket when the time comes?"
"Exactly," I reply, forcing a smile. "You get it."
She laughs—low and throaty and God it's so creepy. I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "Not bad, Ran-kun, not bad. But tell me, how'd you get your hands on her file in the first place?"
I perk up, and can't help the grin that spreads across my face. That part I'm proud of. 
"CodeBreaker," I answer. "Brought him a hot drink, gave him some sympathy, and he melted like butter. Practically handed me the file."
"Ha!" Onibi snorts, shaking her head. 
"Yeah, CodeBreaker's a sucker for kindness," she agrees, snickering. "Sweet guy, loyal to a fault. Definitely can see that happening."
At last, she looks satisfied, smirking at me like I'm some shrewd little fox she's found in her henhouse. 
"You're way more cunning than you should be for your age, Ran-kun," she teases. "No wonder Stendhal's taken a liking to you. He's not even that considerate to the other Founders, for God's sake."
She slaps my back, and I wince because ow?! Can't she see I'm already a mess??
But something she says finally registers in my brain, making me freeze.
"The Founders?" I echo, whipping my head toward Onibi-sensei, eyes wide.
She flashes a smile. "Yeah, the Founders. You know, the ones who created the Ops alongside the old boss?"
"Oh! You didn't know?" Onibi-sensei taunts playfully. "Stendhal didn't tell you about them, huh?"
She nods, amused. "Figures. I mean, they treat him like their errand boy, after all. Must be embarrassing."
No, wait. 
She can't just drop that massive bomb and act like it was nothing!
"Wait, so—wh-huh?" I sputter, still in a stupor.
Onibi-sensei cackles. "Yeah. Before he became boss, he was the old boss's one and only star pupil and the youngest Founder of the bunch. After he took over her role, the other Founders had a blast working him to the bone."
"And I'm guessing he's decided to exact his revenge now, 'cause I don't think the Founders know about you either," she adds as an afterthought. 
He kept me and the Founders a secret from each other??
Why would he do that?! Is it because the Founders knew Scourge? Maybe even personally?
If that's the case, then they might know that she's a reincarnator, that she's gonna reincarnate again—and that means they could know more about me than I do! Things that Stendhal—Stain—whatever has been hiding from me this whole time!
But why the hell exactly is he hiding us from each other? Does he not want us to meet? What the hell is his angle here?!
Maybe… maybe the Founders are dangerous? And Stain's been keeping me away from them to protect me? But that doesn't add up! Stain wouldn't go that far unless—
Unless what?
Unless the Founders don't like Scourge? 
That they're dead-set against her, holding some ancient grudge that got Stain all worried they'll come after me if they find out I'm her reincarnation? Or—or, f*ck, what if Stain's planning to use me for something? 
No, no, he's an extremely loyal guy, that's too crazy, even for him!
Or is it?
I need to know. I have to know. 
My head's spinning like it's about to launch off my shoulders, but one thing's crystal clear: I can't just let this slide. I have to meet these Founders, whoever the hell they are.
But how do I even ask that without looking like a total idiot? Onibi-sensei's probably already onto me, knows I've been freaking out on the inside. 
I can't just blurt it out, right? I've gotta play this cool. Act like I'm just, y'know, casually interested. Yeah, that's it. Just play it off like it's no big deal.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm the absolute storm raging in my head. Then, with as much nonchalance as I can fake, I say—
"Can you take me to the Founders?"
Yeah. Very subtle, dimwit.
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Chapter 1
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trouticecream · 1 month
Okay so, I was re-reading my own character info pages--because I haven't looked at them in over a year and didn't want to misremember information about my own muse (lol)--and felt inspired enough to elaborate a little more (relative to what I did briefly mention on the history page) on why Giegue/Gregory has reassembled with less power and in turn, introduce one of the many pieces of tech that he has at his disposal.
Shorthand answer to the why, is that this ended up being part of the reassembly process itself in limbo and the last part of it involved confronting the manifestation of all his corruption whereby ultimately he decided to destroy it and as a result, destroyed the more immediate route of regaining his full set of powers as Giygas.
In a bit more depth, this corruption was an amalgamation of all his corrupted fragments that he could not reintegrate back into himself; the Giygas part of him. But, it wouldn't exactly fade away either if he did nothing. Left alone, it could eventually find its way back into reality like poison seeping through something awfully thing and wreak havoc on temporal-spatial level --warping, corrupting, and destroying until everything has effectively been eroded away to nothingness. So in the interest of fulfilling what he believes Maria would want for him to do (i.e be a good person basically), he only has two choices as leaving it be isn't an option to him: to absorb it back in anyways and deal with the fallout of that, full powers and form reinstated; or to destroy it.
But, the corruption amalgamation is his powers. Powers which, at this phase of his limbo-journey, he lacks as a result. And so, in terms of actual power? he's too weak to actually destroy it. But, he wants to do so and so, in a last resort kinda desperate action before the corruption amalgamation can swallow him up (a response to sensing his intent to destroy it), he starts to pray the same way that the people of Earth did when supporting the Chosen Ones in the fight against his Giygas form.
Now, what someone can achieve while praying can be influenced by psionic powers, but more so than anything else, it has a lot to do with feeling, willpower, and one's actual role within the greater cosmic scheme of things and thus impact upon its story. Giegue already had an important role as the villain to be defeated by the Chosen Ones in that particular subset of the greater story, but through his efforts to avoid being destroyed entirely--and achieving not just that, but briefly overturning it and thus, creating the future that Buzz Buzz ended up coming from--he effectively elevated his role to something far more. Fate was not his arbitrator anymore, but he was its arbitrator and as a result, the fate of the universe became almost exclusively centered around his choices and actions.
And so, at that point in time (but not after) literally anything he prays for could happen, no matter how absurd or nonsensical. In this case, his deepest wish was to have the ability to not just destroy the corruption amalgamation, but to have the power to destroy anything like it if it were to appear in the future so that others would never be endangered like that again. In turn, all that potential encapsulated by his extremely elevated importance in the cosmic scheme of things, condensed down and manifested in the form of a handgun, thin and a very pale silver in colour. One shot and down went the corruption amalgamation, completely nullified and destroyed by the specific type of bullet shot at the time.
By this very action, he should have finished reassembly without any of his powers at all, but amidst the fading remains of the corruption amalgamation, an unexpected bit of untainted power remerged from within it and reunited with him, in part due to his wish. Upon subsequently exiting limbo-space and properly manifesting back into lived reality, the gun came with him albeit reverted to a small ovoid rock-like structure pale blue in colour and twinkling like billions of stars, as if it were the cosmos itself. This 'core' would eventually be placed into a real-life version of the handgun from the limbo-space, constructed by Giegue (now known as 'Gregory') himself.
The resultant weapon is one which--due to the nature that which powers and strengthens it--possesses the following characteristics: only Gregory can utilize (it will be useless in anyone else's hands) it; the bullets fired cannot be stopped by PSI or any other energy-related sort of technique and rather need to be plainly dodged instead; the bullets mainly aim to cause varying levels of damage depending on what 'mode' Gregory sets them to and can change firing pattern from simple to more complex, depending on what he wants exactly; the gun can change format to accommodate different forms of combat and distances involved in its utilization; and it's a weapon that changes in accordance with its user's personal growth and emotional state and so, sometimes unexpected things can happen (or fail to happen) whenever he fires it.
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hahahahawk · 1 month
The Multiplied Strain of Simultaneous Infusion
Words of Radiance re-read
Adolin is talking with Navani as they observe the floating platform fabrial test. He mentions how the control of gravity is similar to what the Assassin in White could do.
Or maybe one of them just thinks it. Can’t tell from the audiobook.
For the first time, though, I’m drawing a line between someone being reminded of Windrunner abilities while observing fabrials, and Navani—two whole-ass books later—creating a fabrial to be used (by a Windrunner) to mimic those radiant abilities.
This whole chapter is just a back door pilot for RoW. 😹
On previous reads, I never did any work to make a whole out of the two disparate parts of this chapter. This trip through I’m realizing that the two sections of the chapter are tied together both spatially and temporally.
I’m curious if they’re also tied together thematically. Is Adolin experiencing the emotional/mental version of what Navani was observing in the fabrial gemstones?
I could argue yes, as Adolin is musing over a bunch of things that aren’t to his liking. His shardblade isn’t cooperating, Kaladin is under his skin… but that’s about it? And Adolin is more mildly annoyed than actually stressed over them.
The soulcasting ardents are more acutely stressed than the young brightlord.
I suppose this chapter is just a linked diptych that gets its title from the most pithy theme among many.
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