punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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@jellyfilledeyes @theautisticcentre Dude.Hobie's got one blue eye in certain frames and everything
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iamheretemporarly · 6 months
At first I was like “mmmmmm Miguel undertale” as a joke, but bro….
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I don’t think it’s a joke anymore
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kia-abyss · 5 months
The ghosts!
Napstablook, aka Blooky, is a ghost in the underground
He’s a ghost monster that wears a blanket (which he cut holes in himself) to help people not be scared of him.
Along with the other ghosts (ones possessing the dummies + MTT), he was once human! He fell down to the underground with his cousin and they were killed, at this point the soul containers weren’t made so their souls didn’t last. These humans became ghosts and can’t remember their human lives!
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titanpotato1 · 5 months
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Sans from my au! (SpiderTale he is a Black widow spider also there are kinda two sans’s in this au I’ll post the other one later let me know if you wanna see more characters from it!!)
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0sleepforme · 3 months
Blue = Already exists
Red = Unsure if it already exists or not
Orange ☆ = From my dreams
Green = Group
Pink ○ = I don't know the name of the Au
Purple □ = Different or new Names for the look-a-likes, from New/old/Unknown Au's
White = means nothing
( But if a Pacific Au already exists, then I'm sorry, because I haven't found it anywhere)
List of who is going to be in ' Hope '
Undertale Sans: Classic
Undertale Papyrus: Papy
UnderSwap Sans: Blue
UnderSwap Papyrus: Stretch
UnderFell Sans: Fell
UnderFell Papyrus: Edge
BaraTale Sans: Bara
FellSwap-red Sans: Razz
FellSwap-red Papyrus: Mutt
Swapfell-Purple Sans: Black
SwapFell-Purple Papyrus: Rus
ReaperTale Sans: Reap
ReaperTale Papyrus: Syth
HorrorTale Papyrus: Sugar
DustSwap Sans: Phantom
DustSwap Papyrus: Orange
DreamTale: Dream
FreshTale Papyrus: Papsi
Nightmare - Papyrus: Mid
DreamSwap: Quill
Bad Sans's: Nightmare, Dust, Ash, Killer, Error and Cross
MafiaFell sans: Ruben
MafiaFell Papyrus: Noir
StoryShift Chara: Chara
MafiaTale Sans: Colt
MafiaTale Papyrus: Sniper
UnderLust Sans: Lavender/Lave
UnderLust Papyrus: Charm
FellSwap-Gold Sans: Wine
FellSwap-Gold Papyrus: Coffee
YandereFell Sans: Red
LustFell Sans: passion
AfterTale: Geno
ScienceTale: Sci
InkTale Sans: Ink
StorySwap: Toriel
FellSwap-red: Slim (but from genocide route)
( Both are jumping spiders )
SpiderTale Sans: Flip
SpiderTale Papyrus: Nip
VampireTale Sans: Dark
VampireTale Papyrus: Fang
BirdTale sans: Crow
( Different versions of:
lavender = Orch
Sci = Flor
Classic = Onyx
Crow = Arrow
Fell = Thorn
Geno = Peir
and Reaper = crescent )
OverFell Sans (GenderSwap): Mal
????: Unfresh, (Both fell verse) pallet and Goth.
Bitty MerTale Nightmare: Night
HorrorSwap Sans: snackers
HorrorSwap Papyrus: Carrot
Glamour Swap Sans: Berry
ButtonTale/Coraline Au:
( Different versions of
Edge, = Thread
Stretch = Belldam
Papyrus = Cotton
and Mutt/Slim = Stitch )
Fell snake bitty, Papyrus: Spicy
Fell snake bitty, Sans: Pepper
I need some help with new names on this Au, please 🙏
Bara - PoliceTale:
(Different versions of
Classic =
Papyrus =
Fell =
Edge =
Blue =
Stretch =
Razz =
Mutt =
Horror =
Nightmare =
and Error = )
I'll draw out new faces once they appear in the book!
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iwanisch · 1 year
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Наконец дорисовал. Идей нету
#undertale #spidertale
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jumpybox · 4 years
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Did someone order a dose of Spider!Sans? No? You sure? It’s alright, I’ll have it for myself -snorts-
But I felt in the mood to draw all the versions I could think or had of Spider!Sans(Mans)! Or well, just a sketch version of it...tbh I should probably do a better reference of Spider!Sans, like others do, or change his outfit too, ya know? To update him but I really like how he looks (also cusitseasytonotdrawhis3pairsofarmsjfc)
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cheeto-pocket · 5 years
Heads Up:
Credit for spidertale: Nanaowo (archive of our own)
I’m currently re-plotting and outlining my version of the spidertale AU, so when I come out with more, certain parts will have changed to fit better into a story and be less clunky. I have been super busy though cuz we’re coming up on the end of the school year and I’ve got a lot of work. I do work on the story when I can. That’s all for now, though!
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patchy-patchy · 3 years
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The Mistress Arachnia (Spider Card) redrawn~💗
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bryan-ward-homes · 5 years
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My Sweet Charlotte update Remnants of a web and Charlotte in a crevice.... I haven't observed the activity of a spider this long... I find it was fascinating and appears to be ending...perhaps, in some ways similar to the book. #charlottethespider #charlottesweb #spiderlivesmatter #spidertales #spiderlearning #spidersofinstagram #arachnaphobia (at West Linn, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37BvicheBN/?igshid=9c4ipdcz4u0j
0 notes
silverfrostheart · 5 years
Help if you want jdhdhf
Here's this list of tarots major arcana bullhocky. I should note, in a fight, tarot can only use 5 cards at a time. So he's not OP lol. And he CAN run out of magic. But he's still quite strong and possibly gaster level? But Hey here's the list. It's incomplete but help if you want! I certainly need it -w-;;;;
1. The Fool
The Fool is traditionally both the first and the last card of the Major Arcana; in fact, the Major Arcana cards together comprise the Fool’s journey through life. The Fool represents new beginnings, excitement, courage, and potential.
The Fool is also full of advice that wouldn’t look out of place stenciled onto a lime-washed board and sold at a Hobby Lobby, things like “Believe in yourself and follow your heart” and “Have faith in where the universe is taking you.”
Like that one aunt, “The Fool is all about new experiences [and] personal growth.” He is also a little pouty, and appears to have been captured in the middle of saying, “It’s their loss!” The Fool has very fine bone structure.
The little white dog prancing dog at his feet is supposed to represent a “protector,” though it’s not sure from what, if anything, a nine-pound dog is qualified to protect you. “All the tools and resources he needs” for this trip are packed into a bindle the size of a bento box. He’s wearing yellow slouch boots and carrying a single white rose — it’s like using Goop to outfit an Everest ascent.
The Fool represents innocence, a kind word for stupidity. “He does not seem to mind if he does not really know what lies ahead,” which sounds like a really passive aggressive thing to write in someone’s yearbook.
Magic ability-portals
Character who represents this card- Underswap sans
2. The Magician
The Magician (whose more metal name is The Magus) is the first card of the Major Arcana. The Magician also symbolizes fresh starts and new beginnings, because 100% of people who ask for a tarot reading want a new beginning.
The Magician is driven and goal-oriented; he can “apply skill and initiative to accomplish all [his] goals.” His description reads like a performance review. He’s also wearing a snake for a belt.
The Magician card is holding a symbolic staff and making a symbolic hand gesture. He is holding symbolic tablets, wearing a symbolic robe, and standing hip-deep in symbolic flowers. Above his head floats the symbol for infinity. The Magician is like a junior high essay on The Scarlet Letter.
Magic ability- create sheilds/forcefeilds
Character who represents this card-Canvas
3. The High Priestess
The High Priestess “sits at the gate before the great Mystery” and “in front of the thin veil of awareness, which is all that separates us from our inner selves.”
If you’re the kind of person who’s into tarot, you are the kind of person who wants to draw the High Priestess card. On a “What tarot card are you?” quiz, the High Priestess is the card everyone wants to get. The High Priestess is the Elizabeth Bennet of tarot cards.
Moreover, her message is “trust your inner voice,” which is a message absolutely everyone wants to hear. No one goes to a tarot reader to be told, “Your instincts are totally wrong.” A tarot reader’s primary job is to be an enabler — in your heart you already know you’re going to quit your job to be a yoga teacher, you just want someone to tell you that teaching yoga is your destiny.
“Knowledge of how to fix [your problem] will not come through logic or intellect but through your intuition,” she says, which is a real load off for people not overly gifted with logic or intellect.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Tarot himself
4. The Empress
The card of feminine energy, the Empress represents fertility, beauty, and abundance. She may indicate either a physical or metaphorical pregnancy, which seems like something you should really nail down.
The Empress wears a bold patterned caftan she picked up in Yucca Valley. She’s sitting on a red velvet chair that looks like she found it on the sidewalk and tried to reupholster it herself. The Empress definitely uses the DivaCup.
Magic ability-Healing
Character who represents this card-Alterswap Toriel
5. The Emperor
The Emperor is the patriarch, the masculine seat of authority and power. The Emperor is paired with the Empress, even though he’s clearly at least thirty years older than she is. His expression is both scornful and wary, and he seems to suffer from mild rosacea.
The Emperor is seated on a throne “decorated with four rams’ heads, representing intellectual heights, determination, action, initiative, and leadership.” It is not at all obvious why rams’ heads should represent these things, and the last three sound like they were borrowed from Six Sigma.
Magic ability- Fire
Character who represents this card-Ferrell ( @jumpybox )
6. The Hierophant
The staid male counterpart to the much more fabulous Priestess card, the Hierophant represents institutional authority and established traditions. Like the Priestess, he is a religious figure, but in a much more orthodox setting.
No one is ever excited about getting the Hierophant, the middle school principal of tarot cards. If you were the kind of person who got excited about orthodox religious authority, you likely wouldn’t be getting your tarot read in the first place.
Moreover, the Hierophant offers good, boring advice, like “… follow due process and to stay within the conventional bounds of what is typically an orthodox approach. Instead of being innovative, you will need to adapt to the existing set of beliefs and systems that are already in place. You will need to do what is expected of you.”
But the Hierophant is not all bad. The card can also represent a wise mentor, someone like a priest, boss, or teacher. It also may represent a gateway to higher consciousness, as does without exception every other tarot card.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Aion ( @cutiegrumpycerym )
7. The Lovers
The Lovers card represents love, of course, and of the most rarified kind. The lovers share the deep emotional, physical, and spiritual connection you could expect from the kind of couple who calls themselves “lovers.” The two lovers stand among symbols of fertility and intimacy. The woman is gazing at the giant flaming angel in the sky, and the man is gazing at the woman’s pelvis.
The Lovers card also represents a crossroads, and the need to make a decision. “Unlike the Fool’s choice which has no wrong answer, the choice of the Lovers is very much right or wrong.” What’s more, “these decisions or choices are incredibly important and significant so it is essential that you choose the right path.” No pressure.
Magic ability-long distance communication with someone you care for
Character(s) who represents this card- Cross and Xchara
8. The Chariot
The Chariot represents will power, control, self-assertion, and victory. Also, in a refreshingly literal twist, the chariot can represent driving. The card is a real grab-bag of mystical symbolism, including stars, moons, alchemical symbols, and two extremely irritated sphinxes, the leftmost of which is actually rolling its eyes in disgust.
Everything the Chariot says, you can imagine being shouted through a megaphone: “this struggle will ultimately make you stronger!” “get in the race and win it!” “you have to dominate and beat the competition!” “assert yourself and be bold!” “pick up those knees!”
Magic ability-augmented speed
Character who represents this card-Mans (Spidertale Sans - @jumpybox )
9. The Hermit
The Hermit looks like a thinner, tanner Gandalf. He wears the grey cloak of invisibility. Having reached the snowy summit of his harrowing spiritual quest, he now looks sad and a little sleepy.
The Hermit represents being single and loving it. “Be content with being alone or associate only with those on your level,” the Hermit says emphatically over brunch. “Do not waste time and energy on those not ready or not worthy.” (cough, *Brian*) The Hermit is constantly posting about introverts on social media.
Magic ability-Invisibility
Character who represents this card-Chronicle ( @shigxx -I HOPE THIS IS OK AAA)
10. Strength
“The Strength Tarot card represents strength,” a popular tarot site helpfully explains, but unlike the amped-up jock jam sloganeering of the Chariot, Strength here means inner strength of character.
Strength is personified by a lovely woman wearing a long white dress wreathed in flowers giving a lion a comprehensive dental exam in what is surely a very specific fetish. “This lion is happy to submit and surrender to the woman,” who has tamed him with her strength of will and really on-point eyebrows.
Magic ability-augmented strength
Character who represents this card-Altertale sans
11. The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune represents life’s inherently cyclical nature. Sometimes things will go well, other times badly, but in the end, balance will be restored. The Wheel also represents karma, as well as fate and the external forces that control our destinies.
The Wheel of Fortune has absolutely everything you want in a tarot card, including an angel, a lion, a bull, a snake, a Sphinx, esoteric letters and symbols from several major world religions, and an eagle that looks like the artist started out trying to draw one thing and then changed their mind halfway through.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-
12. Justice
The Justice card represents justice, as one might expect, and more sternly, the idea that one gets what they deserve. Justice is all about taking responsibility for one’s self, and she gets a little blame-y: “your decisions and actions have long-term consequences and your present and future circumstances are most likely a result of these decisions and actions.”
Lady Justice sits on a throne, holding in one hand a double-edged sword; and in the other, a set of scales. She looks stern and unbending. “A little white shoe pops out from beneath her cloak, reminding us of the spiritual consequences of our actions,” in a note as charming as it is inexplicable.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Storyshift Chara
13. The Hanged Man
Like the Death card, the Hanged Man sounds much worse than it is. The card represents surrender: the man is described as a “willing martyr,” someone who sacrifices himself to a greater cause. The Hanged Man also represents a period of watchful waiting, and he is doing that waiting upside-down.
The Hanged Man is suspended from the World Tree, and “given the serene expression on his face, it is believed he is hanging on the tree of his own will.” (Really?) He may represent “letting go,” a thing you absolutely should not to when hanging upside-down from a tree.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card- Error/Eri/Geno
14. Death
Books that teach tarot reading advise readers to preface the revealing of the Death card with some variant of, “Now don’t freak out…” In fact, the Death card usually symbolizes a time of change, where one door closes and another opens. This can be a very positive thing, a time of renewal and new beginnings. Then again, sometimes the card symbolizes death.
Death here is a skeleton wearing a suit of armor that indicates death’s invincibility. He is riding a horse with a very small head and red eyes. A collection of disproportionately small people bow before Death’s inevitable slaughter as he regards them with a goofy grin.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Reaper (ofc)
15. Temperance
The Temperance card signifies calm, balance, tranquility, and avoiding extremes. Temperance is cautious, keeping one foot on dry land.
In her hands she holds two cups of water, one hot, and one cold, creating that mystical symbol of cosmic balance, tepid water. Supposedly, the water she is pouring is actually flowing backwards, from the lower cup to the upper one, though it’s impossible to verify that.
Magic ability-
Character that represents this card- Core frisk
16. The Devil
Unlike the Death card, which seems bad but is good, the Devil card seems bad and is bad. The Devil represents materialism, vice, and addiction. He controls our lowest, most animal desires. At his feet, a man and a woman are chained, in servitude to their baser nature. However, the chains are loose and they could slip their heads from them if they tried, indicating that their bondage is voluntary.
The Devil is more disappointed than terrifying, and his Satanic hand gesture is a dispirited wave. The chained lovers at his feet look dopey and complacent, gesturing towards the inky cave of the insatiable unconscious like it’s a showcase on The Price Is Right.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card- Fresh
17. The Tower
Following on Death and The Devil, the Tower is a very bad card. It symbolizes sudden catastrophe. After this time of chaos, new and better things may emerge, but that’s likely small consolation during your current era of unremitting disaster.
The Tower is a sturdy-looking building that probably seemed safe, but now it has been struck by lightning and it’s on fire, and the same lovers who were so dreamily enraptured on the Lovers card and so calmly drugged out when chained to the Devil are now plunging headlong to their ruin amid 22 symbolic flames. The man’s mouth is open with surprise, while the woman’s is pursed in anger, as if to say, “I warned you about the lightning.”
Magic ability- earth manipulation
Character who represents this card-
18. The Star
After the destruction of the Tower, the Star is all love and light. The card represents joy, kindness, hope, and faith — basically anything you’d want to embroider on a tea towel.
On the Star card, a naked woman is serenely pouring water from a clear, still pool onto the grass, where it runs off in five streams said to represent the senses. The woman is pretty but in an approachable way. Behind her is a field of stars and a tree in which roosts the sacred (if extremely crudely drawn) “ibis of thought.”
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Nebula
19. The Moon
One might assume the Moon would be a good card, suggesting femininity, fertility, and other mystically significant things, but in fact, the Moon is a mixed bag at best. The card represents intuition, but also subconscious fears and dark impulses. The Moon is associated with the eerie, mysterious elements of our unconscious minds, including recovered memories and nightmares.
The moon itself is upstaged by all the weird animals that are roaming around beneath it. A lobster crawls out of the depths of a dark pool, symbolizing the disturbing images that bubble up from our unconscious minds, and joins two dogs baying at the moon (some interpret these canines to be one dog and one wolf). Beyond the animals is a narrow path between two desolate towers. The moon wears the expression of someone who has just said their final word of an argument in bed and is now pretending to be asleep.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Nightmare
20. The Sun
The Sun is everything the Moon is not: open, positive, upbeat. Whereas the Star is serene and blissful, the Sun is way too chipper. The Sun played “Get Lucky” at his wedding. The Sun cheers for the kiss cam. The Sun likes to shout “I can’t hear you!” from the stage. The Sun means well, but all the other cards are embarrassed for him.
On the tarot card, the Sun itself looks a little embarrassed, pointedly averting his eyes from the spectacle below him: a naked, wreathed baby riding a white horse in front of a field of sunflowers, like the result of a dangerously escalating feud between Mary Engelbreit and Anne Geddes.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Dream
21. The Judgement
The Judgement card means judgement, not surprisingly, but also an inner voice, sudden realization, or higher calling. Judgment is about resolution, the cathartic climax to all of your struggles. The Judgment card also looks absolutely crazy.
The card shows a group of pallid, naked people rising up from their graves in a colorless, blasted landscape to the call of a trumpeting angel. The angel appears to be faking playing a trumpet, and not even faking it well. He holds the instrument stiffly while pointedly avoiding eye contact with the zombie cult members whose arms are upraised in worship of him.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-Outerfell asgore
22. The World
The World is the last card of the Major Arcana, and represents the summation of the journey begun by the Fool. After all the adventures of the past twenty-one cards, the World represents accomplishment, closure, and completion.
Unfortunately, the last card of the soul’s journey is also a bit of a mess. When you hear the phrase “the world,” many images may come to mind, but one them is probably not a dancing lady wrapped in a purple shawl, holding a baton in each hand, and surrounded by a lion, a bull, an eagle, and a human figure described as a “cherub” though he looks at least 28. The lady looks a little off-balance and more than a little drunk, which is perhaps not a bad symbol for closure after all.
Magic ability-
Character who represents this card-
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just-here-for-humor · 7 years
Undertale AU Masterlist in alphabetical order
If you would like your AU added or removed from the list just message me to let me know!
Abysstale Acidtale (Acis!Sans) Admintale Adven!Tale Aftertale (Geno!Sans) Afterdeath Age-swap Akintale Akumatale Aladdin au/crossover Alone Together Altered Destiny Alterfell Altertale Alterswap Amalgamate!Asriel Amalgatale Amalgemate Amnesiatale Angeltale Angryfell Ania(skeleton) by @ania-da-peasant Animetale Animutale Anti-Physicstale Antitale Arcadetale Applefell Arrowtale ArtTale Ashtale Asriel Universe ASSETS Sans Astraytale Asylumtale ATale Atramentoustale Attorneytale Auratale Avalontale Aviantale Awakeningtale
Babybones Babytale (Baby!Sans) Badtimetale Bakutale Balancetale Beatlestale Begintale Bendytale Between Two Voids Bill!Sans Binatytale Birdtale Blanktale (Blank!Frisk?) Blighttale Blind!Frisk Blue Star Tale Bluetale Buttontale Bone Bunny (Talli, Swappi, Felli, Swalli, Fellippi, Aphrodii, Cellibbii, Taffetti) BonePunk Bossmonsterbani Brassberry Bromalgamate Burstale
Calcium Man Candytale Cantale Canvastale Captivetale Cattale Cardtale The Caretaker of the Ruins Cavetale CCtale Celestialtale Chronictale Cloudtale ClusterGem!Sans Chain!tale Charatale Changetale Chaostale Chesstale ChileTale C-ma!Sans Codetale Coldtale Collegetale Colortale Comic Papyrus Constellationtale CONTAMINATIONtale CoalesceTale Cool!Papyrus Core!Frisk Core!Gaster (Out of Control) +CG!Sans Core!Sans Core!tale Corrupt Beast Sans Cowboytale CPUtale CreamySweetale Creative!tale Creepvine Creepytale Crossovertale Crystal Cove CrystalSoul!Tale CRYtale Cutietale Cybertale (Cyborg!Sans?) Cryptotale
Dadster Daemontale Dancelust Dancetale Darktale Datatale Deitytale Deja Vu Tale Demitale Demontale Depressiontale Depresstale Despondenttale Destiny!Sans Deteriortale Devianttale DevilTale Devoidtale Digitale Differentopic Dissoctale Distale Distempertale Dividetale Domestictale Don't Hug Me I'm Determined Dragontale Draky!Sans Dreadtale DreamLifeTale  Dreamswap Dreamtale (Dream and Nightmare) Dreemur Reborn Driftingtale Drugtale Drunk!Sans Dustmetal Dustswap Dusttale (Murder!Sans & Phantom!Papyrus)
EchoedDreams Echofell Echotale Eclipsetale Ecto!Sans Electrictale Elementtale Emoswap Emotale Emotiontale Emptytale Endertale Endtale Engietale Epictale (Epic!Sans) Errortale (Error!Sans) Ex Sans
Fabletilt (Discontinued?) Fae U Fairytale Faithtale Fallen Children Fallentale Fallunder Familiar!Sans Familytale Fantasytale Fatal Error Fatetale Feartale Fellwolves Feraltale @feral-tale-au Flaretale Flipflopped Flowerfell Flowey is Not a Good Life Coach Flowey Possession Floweytale Flufffell Flufftale Fluffy Fire (FiFi!Sans) Five Nights At San's Freshswap Freshtale (Fresh!Sans) Foodtale Formtale FoundAbove ? Foundlingtale (hybrid!Frisk) (Droptale) Foxpy and BB (Bunny blue?) Fruittale Fullmetal Undertale Fushiontale Futuretale
Gallerytale Gamertale (Gamer!Sans?) Gangtale GasterBlaster!Sans Gaster!Sans (Rockabilly) (Echotale?) Gemtale Gendertale Genocide!Grillby / NoMercy!Grillby Genocide!Swap Glasstale Glitchtale Gloomtale Gloomytale Glowingtale Goffictale Gooptale Goopysoul Goth!Sans Gravitytale Grouptale GZ!hospital GZtale
Hacker!Frisk Handplates​ Hardtale Haremtale Harsh Realities Harvesttale Heartfell Heartswap Hearts of Horses Hearttale Heavenlytale Heaventale Haventale Hellsiblings Help_tale Hikaritale History Recast Hiyatale Holotale Homeland (Fableworld?) Hometale Hopelesstale HorizonTale Horrortale Humanitytale Human!Underfell Human!Undertale Hungertale Huntertale Hypertale
Icecreamtale Icetale Immortaltale Inferno!Sans Infinitytale Injectiontale InkSwap!Papyrus Inktale (Ink!Sans) Inspiretale Integritale (the story of the integrity soul) Inversetale Inverted Fate Ipseitytale It’s a snow poff - fluffy characters made even fluffier, literally
Jaegertale Jazztale Joseontale Judgement Hall > Face every Sans Judgement Hall > Face Every Character
Kaijutale Katanatale Killer!Sans Kingdomtale Kirbytale Kittentale Kitty!Sans and Pupyrus Kyuubi!Sans
Lantern AU (lantern day?) Legendtale Letter!Sans LightningTale Lil' skelebros Limbotale Linetale Littletale Lolitale Lollipoptale LOVEtale Lucktale
Maddtale Mad-hattertale Mafiatale Magictale Magmatale Mahoutale Majesticfell Majestictale Maniatale Mapletale Marketale Martialtale Masktale Matryoshkatale McGeetale Mechatale Memotale Memoryfell Mercyplates (Handplates sub-AU) Mercytale Meta - rambling about game mechanics, mostly - zarla-s.tumblr Mettatale Mineraltale Minortale Mirrortale Misery - zarla-s.tumblr Mixedtale MixedTale(fell,swap,corrupted), Mixmatch Mlp_egTale Mobtale / UT Mob Momma CQ, Kid!Fresh, Kid!Geno and Kid!Error Momplates (Handplates sub-AU) Monofell Monsieur!Sans Monster!Frisk Morbidtale Murdertale Mutanttale Mystictale Mythtale
Nativetale Naturefell Natureswap Naturetale Needlessly Complicated Sans Nether!Sans Negatale Neon!Sans Nevermore Newtale Nextale Nightingtale Nobodytale
Oceantale Occulttale OCtale Omotale Oppositetale Ore!Tale Othertale (Color!Sans) Outertale Overtale
Paperjam Papertale Papya!Sans Pallette!Sans ParaverseTale (Asterisk/ Gaster) Partytale Pastrytale PatronTale Pitchtale PJ's Daycare Plaguetale Plundertale Plushtale Pockettale Poketale Ponytale Portale Portutale Positale Possibilitytale Possessedtale Power of Eight Powertale Predatortale Pretertale Prismtale Pro!Sans ProtectTale Psychotale PTA Pumpkintale Puppettale
Quantumtale (TK!Sans?) Quintilliontale
Rainbowtale Reapertale (Reaper!Sans) Reborntale Refusetale Reptale Restorefell Reversaltale Revoltale Rewindtale Rivertale Rhythmtale RoamFell RoamSwap RoamTale Roleshift
Sailor!Sans SanFrisTale Sanrisk Sans Hazard (Hazard!Gaster) Santa!Asgore Savefell Savetale Save!Sans Scartale Scientist!Sans ScorchTale Scrambletale Searchtale Seektale SempiternityTale Seperatedtale Seraphim!Sans Sexy!Sans Shadowtale Shapetale Shatteredtale Sheltertale Shiftswap Shiningtale Shredtale Shytale Siblingtale Simstale Singtale Sintale Sistertale Sixbones Sketchtale Sleeplessfell Sleepy!Sans Slendertale Solacetale Soltale Sondertale Sonic Adventure: Grounded Sonictale Sorcerytale Soulfell Soulswaptale Soultale Sorrowtale (Sorrow!Sans) Spacegem!tale (is this a diff one from just below?) Spacegemtale Spanishtale Spelltale Spidertale Spiriatale Splintertale Spongetale Starfall Starstale Star Swapped StarTale Steamtale Storyshift Storyspin The Story of Erratum Stratostale Striketale Sugartale SunshineTale SuperheroTale Surfacefell Surfacetale Surftale Survivealtale Swapfell Swap!starfall Swaptale SwordTale
Talemix Taletwist Tantamount Temtale Terrortale Thrifttale Thundertale Tidetale Timelinetale Time!Sans Toddlerfell ToxicTale Trainertale Treetale Tribaltale Trickstertale Triotale TRYPOtale Toucan!Sans Touhoutale Tubetale Tundletar TwinTale Twistedtale TwixtTale (Calibri and Verdana) Two Fallen Siblings
Ultraswap Ultratale Underarctic Underbed Underbend Underblood Underbound Undercafe Undercamp Underchaser Underchange Undercharged Underchild Underchild (Chimetale) Undercolor Undercorpse Undercove Undercross Undercurrent Undercurse Underdecay Underdeepsea Underdream Underdust UnderEldritch Unexpecterchanged Underfaerie Underfairy Underfallen Underfalls Underfamily Underfates Underfeels Underfell Underferal Underflesh Underflip Underflood Underfloop Underflurry Underfresh Underfilm Undergallery Underghost Undergraffiti Underhades Underhaze (everybody's on drugs) Underheight Underhell Underhollow Underhope Underhybrid Underill UnderiNSaNiTY Underisle Underkeep Underkin Underkineses Underlaberinth Underlan (Nanalan) Underland Underline (Goatline) Underlink Underlock Underloss Underlovania Underlust Undermachine Undermafia Undermelt Undermemory Undermixture Undermoon UnderMountain UnderNC Undernight Undernovela Underpatch Underpray Underpire Underportal Underpuff Underpunk! Underrealms Underrose Undersail Undersanity Underscar Underscramble Underseasons Undersiren Undersly Underspiral Understeam Understream Understrum Understuck Underswap Undersweets Underswitched Undertail (Sexual version) Undertail (Tail version) Undertaint Und_rt_le Undertalia Underterror Under(the)Throne Undertide Undertoad Undertomb Undertop Undertournament Undertronic Undertum Undervain Underveil Underverse Undervirus Underwake Underwatch UnderWater Underwar Underwest Underwing Underwings Underwish Underwolves Underworld Undyingtale Undynetale Unifytale Uniontale Unknowntale Uppertale
Venom!Sans Versetale Villagertale Villaintale Virustale Vocaloid!Sans Vocatale V!Sans
Wartale Wartime!Grillby Weabootale Wildtale Wishes!Sans Witchtale Wondertale
Xanotale Xerotale X-Out Tale X-tale (Cross!Sans & Cross!Chara)
Zephyrtale Zombietale
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iamheretemporarly · 6 months
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I’m enjoying this
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kia-abyss · 4 months
Quick Spidertale concept art
Not saying any lore until I have them drawn digitally but here’s there designs for now
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maxladcomics · 7 years
How many Undertale aus do you know about? I understand that there are a lot of them and more keeps popping up.
*Cracks knuckles*
I don’t know too many off by heart, but drawing requests ages ago, I’ve learned there are LOADS of AUs. I’ve drawn around 120+ AU Sanses xD (I counted them once..)
My personal favourites are the AU’s where a majority of the main cast are designed (bonus points if Asgore is)
So- with the predictable ones:
Underfell, Underswap, Swapfell, Outertale
Personal favourites:
Rivertale, Sorrowtale, Monofell, Undertide, LOVEtale, PossessedTale, CCTale, RainbowTale, UnionTale, Daemontale, Haventale, Undercurrent (my one), GraveMistake (Also mine), Overmirror
Handplates, Undertomb, Virustale, Underwolves, Gloomytale, Underworld, Horrortale, Wondertale, Undertaint, Undercove, Demontale, Undergallery, Underswitched, Underland, Psychotale, Abysstale, Fatetale, Mineraltale, Striketale, Underfeels, Feartale, Candytale, Undermelt, Flaretale, Chaostale, Underhell, Oceantale, Portutale, Undercurse, AntiTale, Ashtale, Begintale, SeperatedTale, Dragontale, Mixedtale, Kittentale, Fusiontale, Underghost, Newtale, Mad-hattertale, Gangtale, Undynetale, Underthrones, Spanishtale, Memotale, Darktale, Animetale, Undernovela, Stratostale, Underblood, Searchtale, Underwing, Flufftale, McGeeTale, AvianTale, Shredtale, Gemtale, Flufffell, Avalontale, GZTale, Underrealms, Underisle, Mystictale, Survivaltale, Siblingtale, Distale, Morbidtale, EchoedDreams, Cutietale, Soltale, Datatale, Underpire, Refusetale, Akintale, Mutanttale, InfinityTale, Shiftswap, Harvesttale, Terrortale, Underchange, Formtale, Matryoshkatale, Flipflopped, Soultale, Seektale, Cryptotale, treetale, spidertale, Storyshift, Underdream,Underloss, Underfluff, UnderInspired, Exiletale
I left out ones that I didn’t know the AU name of xD, BUT THERE’S SO MANY AHHHHH.
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Welcome Dearie ~
Welcome to the Official-But-Not-Really-Still-Kida-Though (Or “OfficialOrSomething”) page! I really have no idea how far I’ll get with this... To be frank, I don’t have many skills. But I will persist because of Perseverance and Determination! Seriously, I’m just a huge dork who likes Muffet and thinks that she’d be a good replacement for Mettaton... And Chara... And Sans... Anybody, really! I currently have no associations with Muffetale, or Spidertale, but I still wanted to give it my spin on the idea. I’m looking forward to working with... um, well, let’s see... my 0 followers to make this a great AU! Or as I’d call it, a MU! (as in Muffet Universe, if that wasn’t clear...) So,
See you around, Dearies ~
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