astrovastuplus · 7 months
Making Your Home Happy: Simple Vastu Tips for Good Vibes on Mahashivratri"
Introduction: Mahashivratri is a special time for Hindus around the world. It's not just about celebrating; it's also a chance to make our homes feel better. In this blog, we'll talk about easy Vastu tips that can help your home feel happy and peaceful during Mahashivratri.
Clean Up: Before Mahashivratri, tidy up your home. Cleaning doesn't just get rid of dirt; it also helps clear away bad feelings. Sweep, organize, and let fresh air in to make your home feel fresh and clean.
Set Up Your Prayer Corner: Make a special place in your home for prayers during Mahashivratri. According to Vastu, it's good to put this corner in the northeast or east part of your home. Put pictures of Lord Shiva or other holy things there to make it feel even more special.
Use Soft Lights: During Mahashivratri, use soft lights like candles or fairy lights. These lights make your home feel cozy and calm. Bright lights can be too harsh and spoil the peaceful atmosphere.
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Bring in Nature: Decorate your home with natural things like flowers or plants. They make your home feel alive and happy. Put a bowl of water with flowers or a potted plant in your prayer corner to make it feel more special.
Pick Calm Colors: Choose colors like white, light blue, or green for your decorations. These colors make your home feel peaceful and calm, which is perfect for Mahashivratri.
Stay Positive: While you celebrate Mahashivratri, think happy thoughts and be grateful for what you have. Your positive energy can make your home feel even better during the festival.
Conclusion: Mahashivratri is a time to celebrate and make our homes feel good. By following these simple Vastu tips, you can create a happy and peaceful atmosphere in your home during the festival. Let Mahashivratri inspire you to make your home a place of joy and positivity.
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usarinstore · 7 months
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Handmade Tibetan Turquoise Wall Hanging Boho Decor with Vintage Style | Unique Beaded Artisan Tapestry for Rustic and Spiritual Home Accent
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arwin-interior · 2 years
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Are you looking to REVAMP your pooja room with a stunning interior design? Look no further! Your pooja room is not just a place of worship, but also a reflection of your FAITH and CULTURE.
A well-designed pooja room can create a PEACEFUL and meditative ENVIRONMENT, enhancing your spiritual experience.
Remember, the pooja room is a SACRED space that should be treated with respect and reverence. So, it’s important to keep the space clean and tidy at all times. With the right interior design, your pooja room can become the perfect sanctuary for SPIRITUAL REFLECTION and prayer!!
Get in touch with us- +91-9041491000 | [email protected]
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glowvia · 30 days
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Place a Buddha wallpaper on your home wall and invite peace, positive energy, and spiritual blessings into your space.
Order now: https://glowviaart.com/catalog/product/buddha-wall-mural-5
#InnerPeace #HomeDecor #SpiritualBenefits #BuddhaWallpaper #PositiveVibes #SpiritualHome #Mindfulness #glowviaart #glowvia #wallpaper #wallmural #wallart
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beautifulnrd · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage MCM Hand Carved Wood Sculpture Bust Art Holy Family Jesus Mary Joseph.
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unite4humanitycharity · 4 months
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Help bring the light of faith to rural and impoverished communities by building a masjid. Your donation can serve as a beacon of hope and spirituality for those who need it most.
🤲 Donate for the Sake of Allah: Support this noble cause and earn blessings in both worlds.
Let's unite to provide these vital spiritual homes. Donate today for a lasting impact!
#BuildAMasjid #SpiritualHome #DonateForAllah
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willster100 · 5 years
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One of my favourite photos with two of my favourite people. This place will always mean a lot to me. My spiritual home. Will be back soon Mawgan Porth! #holiday #family #bestuncle #nephew #niece #sea #spiritualhome #mawganporth #cornwall https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MYtIWlMDH/?igshid=1nn3xymae24mb
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stelliumastrology · 2 years
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Back at my spiritual home, doing some CPD with @astrologerfrank at the LSA! #learnastrology #spiritualhome #astrology #londonschoolofastrology #cpd #stellium #tsap #stelliumastrology #astrologyteacher (at The London School of Astrology) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiDH1cID59_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slowcookedgoose · 6 years
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Autumn's passage, 7 October 2018. #Tintern #Monmouthshire #Wales #UK #Igerscardiff #Autumn #Meditation #Forest #Impressionism #Peace #SpiritualHome #CasaSpirituale #Impressionismo #Bosco #Tranquillo #Meditazione #Auttuno (at Tintern) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bor6POOlLQx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kyukmdubkqvk
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thehouseofoshun · 3 years
Levels: Travel, Offers, and Insight - Let go of the Imposter Syndrome Leo, Aries, Sagittarius Tarot The House of Oshun is a spiritual home for the Intuitive Community. Our doors are open to Emerging Intuitives, Senior Intuitives, and Entrepreneurial Intuitives from all walks of life. It is our mission to encourage Ascension and Spiritual Expansion-a never-ending process. We embrace with great confidence, integrity, and love-- our responsibility to provide the tools necessary for spiritual growth.
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syndromeblue-blog · 3 years
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I’ve missed my time in my spiritual home. I always find peace in Sweden. Where we stay we’re often surrounded by the tall trees and nature. The air is fresh. The night sky is clearer as there’s less light pollution than here. And there’s family there too. Good people who’s company I enjoy immensely. Me and my bro Paul Fensome @paul_chewy can’t wait to get back over there. #sweden #spiritualhome #karlskoga #degerfors #kristinehamn #nobelcountry #eternalfearsweden #eternalfearfamily #eternalfearband #vikingsaxonfamily #positivevibes #positivewaves #metalhobbit (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSkmRhpT4H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arwin-interior · 2 years
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Are you looking to REVAMP your pooja room with a stunning interior design? Look no further! Your pooja room is not just a place of worship, but also a reflection of your FAITH and CULTURE.
A well-designed pooja room can create a PEACEFUL and meditative ENVIRONMENT, enhancing your spiritual experience.
Remember, the pooja room is a SACRED space that should be treated with respect and reverence. So, it’s important to keep the space clean and tidy at all times. With the right interior design, your pooja room can become the perfect sanctuary for SPIRITUAL REFLECTION and prayer!!
Get in touch with us- +91-9041491000 | [email protected]
Follow Us on:
#PoojaRoomDesign #SpiritualHome #MeditationRoom #IndianHomeDecor #DivineSpace #PujaRoom #VastuCompliant #PeacefulHome #TraditionalDecor #BhaktiVibes #chandigarh #mohali #zirakpur #kharar
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jorcox · 4 years
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Waaaah!! I miss festivals, I miss dancing, I miss getting tipsy, I miss hugging, I miss being carefree and laughing, I really really miss Glastonbury 😂 💃 🏕 🍹 🎵 #funtimes #glastonburyfestival #spiritualhome #festivals #footlooseandcarefree #summertime (at The 1:1 Diet with Jo Cox) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM6je1uBgdf/?igshid=gw9sgiwuw97z
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beautifulnrd · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage MCM Hand Carved Wood Sculpture Bust Art Holy Family Jesus Mary Joseph.
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thebesttime14 · 4 years
Otrā diena. Otrais ieraksts.
"Dzīve vienmēr ir mirklis, kurā gaidām īsto mirkli, lai darbotos!" Paulu Koelju
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Pateicība šodien par draudzi, par manām garīgajām mājām, par katru cilvēku, kas ienāk pie mums un par katru atbalstu, ko varu saņemt savā ikdienā! Rakstu vieta: Pāvila vēstule filipiešiem 1.nodaļa *6 "būdams pārliecināts, ka tas, kas jūsu sirdīs labo darbu iesācis, to pabeigs līdz Kristus Jēzus dienai." *8 "Jo Dievs ir mans liecinieks, ka es ilgojos pēc jums visiem ar Kristus Jēzus sirsnību." *10 "ka jūs svarīgāko pārbaudāt, lai Kristus dienā būtu tīri un nevainojami, *11 ieguvuši pilnīgu Jēzus Kristus taisnības augli, Dievam par godu un slavu." *21 "Jo dzīvot man ir - Kristus un mirt - ieguvums." *28 "Tā ir viņu pazušanas, bet mūsu pestīšanas zīme, un tas ir no Dieva;" Lūgšana: Pateicos Tev, Tēvs, par draudzi, kurā varu būt, pateicos, ka varu gūt savā dzīvē tik ļoti nozīmīgus un svarīgus cilvēkus, kas palīdz man pieaugt gan garīgi, gan fiziski. Lūdzu, ka vairo man mīlestību pret katru "pilsētnieku", lai es varu būt Tavas mīlestības atstarojums, katra dzīvē. Lūdzu, ka palīdzi man praktizēt žēlastības darbus, par tiem nekurnot un neizjautājot, bet pazemībā paklausīt.
Pārdomas: Tas, kas man šorīt likās pārsteidzoši un brīnumaini. Pirms savas rīta Bībeles lasīšanas, es pielūdzu Dievu, lai runā uz mani caur šo vārdu, lai parāda, ko vēlas manā dzīvē redzēt! Vēl nebiju atvērusi Bībeli, tomēr jau rakstīju pirmos punktus savā pierakstu kladē, par pateicību šodien izvēlējos to pašu, ko esmu uzrakstījusi šim ierakstam augšpusē. Tad... es sāku lasīt lasījumu. Hm. Cik savdabīgi. Pāvils runā par draudzi, par saviem līdzcilvēkiem. Cik ļoti tie viņam pietrūkst, kā viņš jūtas atbildīgs par tiem, it īpaši 3. un 4. pantā: "Es pateicos savam Dievam ik reizes, kad vien jūs atceros, vienmēr katrā savā lūgšanā par jums visiem ar prieku aizlūgdams,". Šis man raisīja jautājumus!
1) Kad es esmu pateikusies par cilvēkiem savā draudzē? Pat par tiem, kas reizēm krīt uz nerviem un galīgi nepalīdz uzturēt pacietību un mieru?
2) Cik bieži tieši savus draudzes locekļus es pieminu savās lūgšanās, tos atceroties, par tiem aizlūdzot?
3) Cik bieži, es esmu gatava praktizēt mīlestību un žēlastību? Ne tikai svētdienā? Ne tikai draudzes telpās?
Šie visi jautājumi ir tie, kas man raisījās galvā, un, uz kuriem es ekstrēmi gribēju gūt atbildes. Jā, ir cilvēki, kurus ir vieglāk mīlēt, vieglāk paciest. Tomēr, vai Dievs neaicina man mīlēt visus? Kādā veidā gan es to varu izdarīt? Kā es varu nešķirot cilvēkus? Jo tomēr visi ir pelnījuši žēlastību.
4) Kā caur šo es varu augt un pilnveidoties? Lūgšanas citāts, kas man palīdz šajā ziņā ieturēt kādu pauzi, mēģināt izprast, kāpēc konkrētā persona veic specifiskas darības "Esi žēlsirdīgs man un visai pasaulei", tas galīgi nav viegli. Vēl aizvien katru dienu mēģinu nesastresot par konkrētām situācijām draudzē. Mani līdzcilvēki zina, ka tas galīgi man nav viegli, jo pirmajā mirklī gribas kurnēt un uzdot parāk daudz jautājumu. Tomēr atkal atgriežos "Esi žēlsirdīgs man un visai pasaulei".
Godīgi? Tas nekad nav viegli, jo pirmais ieslēdzas cilvēciskais aspekts, tikai pēc kāda laika ieslēdzas domas, par to, ka varbūt tas cilvēks dodas arī cauri kādiem pārbaudījumiem, varbūt tas cilvēks, šādā veidā meklē uzmanību vai palīdzību... Es nezinu!
Tomēr šodien vēlos iedrošināt ar to, ka katram mums ir sava draudze, cik bieži es esmu gatavs/a aizlūgt par saviem draudzes biedriem, kā es esmu gatavs/a praktizēt mīlestību un žēlastību? Vai esmu gatavs/a aiziet tikai uz dievkalpojumu, apsēsties, paņemt svētības sev vai tās dot arī citiem?! Ko tas no manis prasa? Un, kā es varu būt par svētību savai draudzei un draudzes biedriem?
Lai Dievs ikvienu svētī!
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ratsandrocknroll · 4 years
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The gorgeous view I woke up to this morning. Honestly, I'm so happy to be here, Kaikoura has been calling me to come back for months and I cannot stay away from the connection I've formed here. I can feel energies shifting and melting already and I'm more at peace than I've ever been. Can't wait for a beautiful weekend together #spiritualhome #kaikoura #kaikouranz #nz #newzealand #landscape #scenery #countryside #viewfrommywindow #peaceful #bliss (at Kaikoura, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSuurupS5L/?igshid=qyxua6w1bnfv
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