#Sports injuries
handmedownpocketpussy · 7 months
Matt Rempe is gonna get himself killed, or kill someone else. I love hockey, it's a great sport, I've been a fan since the 90s, and I know it's unpopular but I've been happy to see the number of enforcers and fights go down.
I am of the belief if you need a fight to get hype for your team you're not a very engaged fan. If you need to fight to prove your worth on a team, you're probably not that good of a player.
Rempe strikes me as someone who puts pre-Great One style hockey on a pedestal, and is too young to understand how this is going to lead to his slow death from head trauma, or a quick death of someone else-- see his uncalled hit last night that was obviously charging, and sent that guy to the locker room [sorry leafs fans i forgot his name]
Hockey is dangerous but it's also a fucking game people shouldn't be cutting 10-20years off their lives for a game. the NHL and NHLPA need to mandage better helmets, cage players (yes i know the toothless thing is the Look of the sport i don't care), neck guards, etc.
I'm tired of watching 20 year olds ruin their lives because they feel invincible and are addicted to the cheering fans.
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detective-giggles · 1 year
Friendly Fire
lol, okay so I’m using this as a double-fill. @noxsoulmate picked “bruises” from my BTHB card, and this is also filling the TWP Pride prompt of: AU where they meet playing in an lgbt sports league.   This is my first time writing a meet-ugly, meet-cutes are kinda my thing. Also, I played fast and loose with the timeline.
TK sighs. “I don’t know, Paul. It sounds kind of awful.”
“What? Like you have other plans?”
TK scowls, tapping at his phone. He knew that in an attempt to meet people in his new hometown, Paul had found an LGBT sports league and signed up for a flag-football team. TK, on the other hand, had simply decided not to meet new people.
“Please. We just need someone to fill in for a few games until James gets back on their feet. If we don’t have enough people to play, we get disqualified. Please.”
“Yeah, okay. But you have to buy me a drink after,” TK relents. 
Paul cheers, “There’s a boba place near the field! Anything you want!” He comes around the back of the sofa and leans in, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “And maybe you’ll meet someone while we’re there.”
“You’re not making this sound any better!” TK calls after him.
“I feel like I’m going to be awful at this,” TK mutters.  Paul hands him a little elastic belt with some bright yellow flags drifting down from each side. TK watches as Paul clips on his own little belt and then grabs a football off the bench.
“Come on. Let’s throw a few before the game starts.”
TK rolls his eyes; tossing the ball around now won’t do anything except guarantee his arm will be too tired to throw later, but he acquiesces and follows his friend to the middle of the field, where other players are stretching and warming up. They take turns throwing the ball back and forth, trying to get into a rhythm before the game starts.
Paul throws one a little too hard, and TK curses, jogging backward, his hand raised, in an attempt to catch it. He hears a little commotion behind him, and his body slams into something solid- as does his elbow.
The football hits the ground next to him with a sad thump. TK whirls around and sees someone on the ground, his hand covering his face.
“Oh my god,” TK exclaims. “I am so, so sorry. Are you hurt?”
Paul jogs over. “Carlos, are you okay?”
“I- maybe?” Carlos pulls his hand away from his face and grimaces when he realizes it’s covered in blood.  
“Here,” TK holds out his hand. Carlos takes TK’s hand in his clean one and allows TK to pull him off the ground. He makes his way to the bench with TK following a short distance behind.  Paul hands him a towel, and he immediately puts it on his nose and groans as he tips his head back.
“Go find us some ice?” TK asks Paul. Paul nods and jogs away. TK slips a hand behind Carlos’ head. “Hey, keep your head up.”
“Huh?” Carlos grumbles and gives him a look but obeys and settles upright again.
“You’re not actually supposed to tip your- never mind.” TK is pretty sure Carlos is glaring at him, but it’s kind of hard to tell, with his face mostly covered.  “Can I take a look?”
“Is that really such a good idea?” Carlos asks, but he pulls the towel away and drops his hands into his lap.
Carlos hisses as TK pokes at his face but otherwise stays silent. “It’s not broken,” TK says finally. “You’ll have a pretty nasty bruise, though.”  He reaches for the towel, but Carlos snatches his hand away and brings the towel back to his face. 
“Well, thank you, Doctor.”
“Uh, firefighter, actually,” TK murmurs. “But I’m dual-certified as a paramedic.” 
Paul returns with a small bag of ice a few moments later, and TK takes it from him, attempting to place the bag on Carlos’ face.
“I’ve got it,” Carlos snaps, taking the bag from TK and holding it to his nose. “I think you’ve done enough.”
TK’s face heats up, and he steps back slowly, turning to Paul, “I should go. I really am sorry,” he adds, turning back to Carlos before walking off the field.
“Strand, you have a visitor,” Marjan calls. “He’s in here.”
TK looks up from his spot on the sofa and sees Carlos, in full APD uniform, trailing shortly behind. 
“You taking after your dad and punching cops?” Mateo laughs.
“I didn’t know he was a cop!” TK hisses, “And I didn’t punch him.” 
He jumps up and hurries over, pausing in front of Carlos. Even with Carlos’ swollen cheek and the bruise forming underneath his eye, he’s still the most handsome man TK has ever seen.
“I’m sorry about your face,” he blurts out.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos says simultaneously.
“Wait, what?” TK asks.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos repeats. “About yesterday.”
“Wait. I crashed into you, and you’re apologizing to me?” 
Carlos chuckles and winces. “Yeah, I suppose I am. I was in pain, but that’s not an excuse to have snapped at you. You didn’t do it on purpose, and you were just trying to help.” 
“This conversation isn’t going at all how I thought it would,” TK laughs.
“And you were right; nothing is broken. Just my ego is bruised.”
“And your face,” Paul teases.
“Right,” Carlos mutters. They stand in an awkward silence for a few moments before Carlos speaks up. “So, um, does Mr. Dual-Certified have a name?”
“TK. TK Strand,” he holds out his hand, and Carlos gives him a firm handshake.
“Well, TK Strand, maybe I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah, I’ll be…around.”
“Just maybe not on the football field?” Carlos says.  “But, if you wanted to come to watch a football game… Paul could probably tell you when we’re playing next.”
TK grins bashfully and nods, “Sounds good; I’ll be there.”
“Great,” Carlos says goodbye to Paul and then turns to leave.
Paul nudges TK hard, and he stumbles forward. “Maybe afterward, I could buy you dinner or something? As an apology.” 
“Yeah. Or maybe that could just be, like, a regular dinner, and we never bring this up again?” He says, gesturing to his face.
“Deal. It never happened.”
“Okay, see you there.”  
Paul and TK watch, and Carlos gives a little wave as he exits the firehouse. TK turns to see Paul looking smug. 
“I told you it was going to be awful,” TK says. “And it was.”
“And I told you that you were going to meet someone,” Paul points out.
“That doesn’t make it better! Wait, Paul… did you do this on purpose?”
Paul shakes his head and makes his way towards the staircase. 
“Paul? Did you? Paul!” Paul just shrugs as TK follows him up the stairs.
taglist: @sanjuwrites, @chaotictarlos @noxsoulmate @meditating-honey-badger @plaidbooks
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detectivebambam · 8 months
making this because one of my teammates got hurt at practice 😞
the foxes don't always get along. we all know this. but watching one of your teammates get hurt is such a devastating feeling, no matter how you feel about them 99% of the time. especially for Kevin, who knows what a bad injury could do to someones career. here are The Steps™️
Teammate gets injured. People who didn't see it happen find out from the people who did see it, usually because there was a loud gasp or scream or an "oh my god"
they either get up, and this is the last step, or they stay down
everyone gets quiet. eerily quiet. you're not allowed to crowd them or talk to them, so nobody knows how bad it is
when an athlete stays down, they are hurt. bad. everyone has to leave the room, except the team captain, the coach, and the nurse (and the injured player obvs)
captain is in charge of getting anything the injured party needs- blankets if they go into shock, splints, ice, etc.
the coach stays with the player to keep them calm, so they don't go into shock
the nurse checks them thoroughly and makes a mental note of anything and everything they might need to tell the ER
the player goes to the ER or Urgent Care (if they stay down, they usually need to)
the team is allowed to come back, and are expected to resume practice. you do not talk about the injured player when they are not there. you are to pretend that nothing happened. there's always an energy in the room afterward. it gets very tense and almost electric? in a way? not a good way.
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the-football-chick · 3 months
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Team Jamaica world champion sprinter Elaine Thompson-Herah forced to withdraw from Olympic trials after an achilles injury.
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fanficfanattic · 2 months
As promised, my @augusnippets Day Two (platonic bathing/haircare/make-up) fic, dedicated to @orbitalpirate!
“You don’t have to do this, you know.”
“I do.”
“No you-”
“I meant I know that I don’t have to do it. I’m here because I want to be here.”
“But why?”
At his half incredulous whine, Paul finally looked up from where he’d been measuring out the soaking salts. Tom seemed lost. Like he really couldn’t figure out how they had gotten from Paul driving him home after his injury to…well. The two of them standing in Tom’s posh bathroom with hot water filling a whirlpool behind them.
“You’re hurt and I can help,” Paul responded, voice steady. Voice firm. It really was as simple as that to him. His friend was in pain; physically, emotionally, and to some degree spiritually. Plenty of their teammates had been properly religious over the year. But all footballers felt the sacredness of a freshly manicured pitch on match day.
Tom wouldn’t be able to experience that again for at least a month. A lifetime to an athlete. Paul wouldn’t let him face that alone.
“Yeah but-”
“No. No butts,” and the confused look in Tom’s eyes changed in a flash. Now he looked at his best friend with a fire.
“You!” before groaning in frustration.
“Me?” he sung back at him.
Just as quickly as the anger had sparked it was banked again. Before they both dissolved into giggles. A sports injury wasn’t funny. Not really. An ass joke was though.
“Oh my god. I refuse to be the…the butt! The butt of your jokes!”
“How about your butt is the butt of my jokes?”
Painkillers, guilt, exhaustion all swirled together until the giggles finally calmed down. Paul helped his friend into the tub, then to be more on his side, so the heat could finally start to relax the rest of his muscles.
“Let’s get your hair washed, lad, and then you can eat quickly before I tuck you into bed.”
“And then?”
“I’ll climb in too, in case you need help in the middle of the night. Then I’ll make breakfast in the morning, and I’ll drive you to your first physio appointment. We’ll get you back on the pitch in no time!”
It wasn’t really a promise that Paul could make. But Tom was finally on the same page as his friend. It didn’t matter that healing, and eventually rehab, weren’t going to be quick or glamorous. Paul’s real promise was to be there. Making shitty jokes, sure, but also putting in the work to help Tom recover.
He found himself nodding, then, agreeing with Paul. Hair, food, sleep. Lather, rinse, and repeat until they could both be back on the pitch together.
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jamiethenerd · 4 months
if any long term injuries affect ranger suarez as a result of this i will kill everyone and then myself
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thebonesofhoudini · 8 months
Just got done skateboarding today. For the first time since January 6th. It's crazy to think that I was in the hospital for Rhabdomyolysis and it had my leg swelling up to the point I thought I wouldn't be able to skate again two weeks ago. Now, I'm back in action.
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bluespring864 · 2 years
Glorifying sports injuries
Okay, I need to shout this into the ether. There's a reason why I can never fully enjoy, say, Rafael Nadal's French Open win in 2022 or Yuzuru Hanyu's Olympic Gold in 2018, and that reason is injury and the way people deal with it.
In individual sports especially, but not only there, media and fans alike love making a competitor into a hero for prevailing with a nasty health issue or injury, as if they are somehow better for having won in spite of it. And sure, it's impressive, but it can also be quite dumb and sending a dangerous message to young sports fans to boot.
No one should be competing with a serious injury. No one. No matter if you're the favourite for the title or some local athlete in a regional competition. Now, of course, competitions great and small don't roll around every single day, and there's sometimes a fine line between minor and serious, but e.g. in the two examples I used in the beginning, multiple injections of painkillers were required. We know this, because the athletes and/or their teams talked about it afterwards.
And it's at this point where the only reason people cheer and glorify those sportspeople in those moments is the result. Would they have lost, everybody would have called them insane for trying to compete on such a dangerous injury. Competing when in serious pain should never be cool in any way, nor should it be seen as heroic. Anyone shaking their head at Andy Murray competing with hip pain and eventually needing hip resurfacing should shake their head at Rafa, too (and not only for the FO in 22), or else they are hypocrites. Anyone saying "god, I hope they are okay" is a hypocrite if they're also saying "wow, and they did that injured, can you imagine" or "look at person A getting bested even by an injured person B".
A change of mindset is urgently required here. There's too many kids retiring from their sport at 17 with a career-ending injury because they saw their idols (with, incidentally often much better and more expensive professional medical care) compete through similar. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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How Massage Therapy Supports Sports Performance and Recovery
Athletes, whether amateur or professional, are always looking for ways to enhance their performance and speed up recovery after intense physical activity. While training, nutrition, and rest play critical roles in achieving athletic goals, massage therapy has become an essential part of many athletes’ routines. At Realign Chiro & Physio, we offer specialized sports massage therapy to help athletes improve their performance, prevent injuries, and recover more quickly.
The Role of Massage Therapy in Sports Performance
Sports performance is not just about strength and endurance—it’s about balance, flexibility, and muscle health. Massage therapy can support athletic performance by addressing all of these aspects, providing athletes with a competitive edge.
Here’s how massage therapy enhances sports performance:
Improved Flexibility and Range of Motion
Flexibility is key to performing at your best, whether you're sprinting, lifting weights, or playing tennis. Massage therapy helps lengthen muscles and loosen tight joints, which improves range of motion. This enhanced flexibility allows athletes to move more freely and efficiently during training or competition, reducing the risk of injury from overstretching or overuse.
Increased Blood Circulation
Sports massage stimulates blood flow to the muscles, which ensures that oxygen and nutrients are delivered efficiently. Increased circulation also removes metabolic waste products, such as lactic acid, which can build up during exercise and cause muscle fatigue. With better circulation, athletes experience quicker recovery times and more sustained energy during performance.
Enhanced Muscle Performance
By breaking down adhesions and releasing tension in the muscles, massage therapy optimizes muscle function. When muscles are properly aligned and relaxed, they are more responsive and perform better. This can translate into improved strength, speed, and agility during training or competition.
Injury Prevention
Many sports-related injuries stem from muscle imbalances, tightness, or overuse. Regular massage therapy can identify and treat these issues before they develop into serious problems. By addressing muscle tension and promoting proper movement patterns, athletes can reduce their risk of injury and extend their athletic careers.
The Benefits of Massage Therapy for Recovery
Recovery is just as important as performance, especially for athletes who train frequently or compete at high levels. Massage therapy accelerates the recovery process by alleviating muscle soreness, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation.
Reduced Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
After intense physical activity, many athletes experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which can interfere with their ability to train or compete. Massage therapy helps to alleviate this soreness by flushing out toxins and reducing inflammation, allowing athletes to return to their sport more quickly and without discomfort.
Faster Healing of Soft Tissue Injuries
For athletes recovering from soft tissue injuries, such as sprains or strains, massage therapy can promote faster healing by increasing blood flow and encouraging the production of healing cells. Massage also helps to break down scar tissue, which can otherwise limit mobility and cause pain.
Improved Sleep and Relaxation
Rest and sleep are critical components of recovery. Massage therapy helps the body relax, reduces cortisol (the stress hormone), and encourages the production of serotonin and melatonin—both of which are essential for restful sleep. Athletes who receive regular massages often report better sleep quality, which aids in both mental and physical recovery.
Mental Focus and Stress Relief
Mental well-being plays a major role in athletic performance. Massage therapy not only relaxes the body but also calms the mind, reducing anxiety and mental fatigue. Athletes benefit from improved focus, clarity, and reduced stress levels, which helps them perform at their best in both training and competition.
Sports-Specific Massage Techniques
Sports massage therapy is different from traditional relaxation massages in that it focuses on the unique needs of athletes. Techniques are adapted to specific sports, ensuring that the muscles and joints most involved in an athlete’s activity are given targeted attention.
Some of the sports-specific massage techniques we use at Realign Chiro & Physio include:
Deep Tissue Massage: To break up adhesions and target deeper layers of muscle tissue for improved function.
Trigger Point Therapy: To release tight knots in muscles that can limit range of motion or cause pain.
Myofascial Release: To stretch and loosen the fascia (connective tissue) around muscles, promoting greater flexibility and reducing tightness.
Pre-Event Massage: A lighter, stimulating massage to prepare muscles for optimal performance, improve circulation, and reduce tension before a competition.
Post-Event Massage: A gentler massage focused on recovery, reducing muscle soreness, and restoring the body to its pre-competition state.
Why Choose Massage Therapy at Realign Chiro & Physio?
At Realign Chiro & Physio, we understand the unique physical demands athletes face. Our massage therapists are trained in sports-specific techniques designed to enhance your performance and speed up recovery times. We tailor each treatment to meet the individual needs of the athlete, whether you’re preparing for an event or recovering from a grueling training session.
Incorporating massage therapy into your athletic routine is a smart way to stay on top of your game, prevent injuries, and recover faster. Contact Realign Chiro & Physio today to schedule your sports massage therapy session and experience the difference it can make for your athletic performance and overall well-being
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drmvenugopalreddy · 16 hours
best orthopedic surgeon in hyderabad
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vydehihospital · 7 days
Sports Injuries: When to Seek Medical Help
Minor sports injuries like bruises or mild sprains can often be treated at home with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). However, if you experience severe pain, swelling, inability to move the injured area, or signs of a fracture (such as deformity), it's essential to seek medical attention. Also, if a head injury leads to dizziness, confusion, or loss of consciousness, immediate medical help is crucial. Always listen to your body—when in doubt, it's better to get checked out!
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blogsbyakarsh · 11 days
5 Shocking Common Soccer Injuries Every Player Must Avoid!
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New Jersey loves soccer. And athletes, their swift moves. Sadly, the turf isn't always forgiving; injuries can sneak onto the field uninvited. Whether you're a pro athlete, college champ, or just love some weekend pick-up soccer, knowing the common soccer injuries and having access to a sports medicine walk-in clinic is your first line of defense. Learn more about common soccer injuries.
Learn more- https://www.hemadrs.com/specialities/sports-medicine
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detective-giggles · 2 years
Better With You
Hi @marjansmarwani!! I have an exchange fic for you!  I really wasn’t sure which prompt to do and even debated trying to combine prompts 2 & 3, but in the end the hurt/comfort prompt won out. In a convenient 3+1 format! :)  I hope you enjoy! @chaotictarlos: thank you for the beta and helping me when I got stuck! @noxsoulmate: thank you for helping me brainstorm!
Carlos doesn’t even have to open his eyes to know this is gonna be a bad day. His head feels like it’s going to explode, and he can’t quite see straight.  
He stumbles into the kitchen and manages to start some coffee before slumping on the couch to wait.
That’s where TK finds him an hour later, having not moved to get the coffee he started, breathing heavily as he tries to fight against the nausea that’s been rising in his stomach since he sat down.
“Babe?” Concerned, TK sits next to him and cradles his face in his hands, no doubt checking for a fever. 
“‘M okay,” Carlos murmurs, waving TK’s hands away but the gesture is weak. “Migraine,” he explains. “I just need a few more minutes; then I’ll get up.” 
“Let’s get you back to bed. I’ll reschedule the appointments,” TK offers. 
“Maybe that’s a good idea.” He sighs, they have meetings with the bakery and a florist today. He doesn’t want to disappoint TK, but he knows he can’t handle leaving the apartment this afternoon. They’ve had this appointment set up with the bakery for weeks, he hopes she can accommodate a different date.
“Come on.” TK stands and reaches out to help Carlos up. 
“I’m gonna be sick,” he mumbles. He gets up and hurries to the bathroom.  
Carlos knows TK has seen worse, but he’s grateful that TK gives him a little privacy as he violently empties his stomach. As soon as he’s done, TK swoops in, and he feels a cool towel on the back of his neck. TK uses another one to wipe his forehead, his cheeks, and finally, his mouth. He hands him a water bottle, and Carlos rinses his mouth and takes a couple of small sips.
 “Thank you. I’m sorry,” he adds pathetically, his voice rough.
“It’s okay. Let’s get you back to bed,” TK whispers. 
Carlos stands on shaky legs, and together, they make their way back to the bedroom. 
“Take these,” TK hands him a couple of pills and the bottle of water. He swallows them obediently and then lays face down on the bed and pulls the covers over his head. He sighs, hoping the meds kick in soon so he can sleep through the worst of it. TK presses a kiss to his head and disappears to make the phone calls.
It’s mostly dark when Carlos opens his eyes again. There’s a sliver of light shining through the curtains. 
He's not quite sure how TK got the blackout curtains up without waking him, but he’s relieved. The pain in his head is better but not gone completely.
He rolls over and TK is there next to him, sitting up in bed, silently playing on his phone. 
“Hey,” he whispers. “How are you feeling, babe?”
“Still hurts, but I don’t feel sick anymore.” 
TK makes him take another sip of water, and he lays down again, resting his head against TK’s thigh. TK rubs his back and he shifts uncomfortably, unable to fall back asleep. 
“Want me to hold you?” TK asks. 
“Okay,” TK agrees. He sets his phone aside before slipping under the covers. He curls his body around his fiancé, and Carlos is finally able to relax enough to fall asleep again.
“Reyes!” Carlos stops dribbling the basketball and pivots toward the voice yelling his name. There’s an opening and he bounces the ball with force to his teammate. She catches it, then shoots, earning them another two points.
“Nice job!” 
He hurries over and gives Detective Jones a high-five before pausing at the benches and taking a large swig from his water bottle. 
He takes a second to peek at his phone. TK should be meeting him any time and they’ll walk home together. While he enjoys his weekly pick-up basketball game at the precinct with some of his fellow officers, he enjoys the evening walk home with TK more. 
They play for a few more minutes and he manages to make two more baskets for his team.
Having a moment to breathe between baskets, he pauses and pulls the hem of his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face, and as he does he hears a wolf whistle coming from the direction of the benches. He knows it’s TK, even without the accompanying playful teasing that comes from the guys.
Still, he looks over and smiles as TK takes a seat on the bench, ready to watch Carlos finish up his game. As he gives TK a little wave, he hears his name getting called and he turns, too late. Merely moments after he turns, his face explodes in pain.
Carlos staggers backward, and, in his daze, it takes a bit to realize the basketball is the culprit. He’s surrounded in a matter of seconds; by teammates trying to make sure he’s okay and, of course, TK. 
TK stops in front of him, trying to lead him to the bench and starting to assess the damage. A couple of officers run off to fetch ice and a towel while TK pokes at his face which doesn’t help as much as it hurts. 
He’s unsure what hurts more, his face or his pride, and he hisses in pain as TK examines him. He knows he’ll wind up swollen for a couple of days, but he just hopes nothing’s broken. 
Jones is back with the first aid kit and a clean towel, and TK uses it to wipe some of the blood off his face. 
“I don’t think your nose is broken,” TK says. “We should probably go to the hospital to be sure, though.” 
A patrol officer Carlos has worked with a few times, and the one Carlos is fairly certain threw the ball, returns with a bag of ice and offers to drive them, but he declines emphatically.
He hisses as TK presses the ice to his face. “I’m okay. It’s my fault. I should have been paying attention.”
“Instead of being distracted by your boy toy over there,” Lexi teases.
“Come on then, let’s get you home,” TK says. 
They take the ride offered by Carlos’ partner and promise to call her if they need anything. TK carries Carlos’ bag while he focuses on keeping the ice on his face, and they make their way into the elevator. 
“Sorry I distracted you, babe,” TK finally says. 
“It was my fault,” Carlos says. He settles on the sofa while TK rummages through the freezer. He finally joins Carlos on the sofa with a bag of frozen vegetables, and Carlos would laugh if he wasn’t sure it would hurt so much. 
TK just shrugs, “it’s softer than ice cubes. It’ll work.”
Carlos doesn’t care at this point, if it helps his face from swelling up and the pain is some of the worst that he’s ever felt - he’ll take it. He lays down, settling his head in TK’s lap, and TK gently places the bag of veggies on his face. 
“They’re not going to let you live this down, are they?”
“Not anytime soon,” Carlos admits.
Carlos sits at the edge of the bed and pouts. He desperately wishes he was at home in his own bed, with TK’s arms around him. 
Instead, he’s all alone in the ER waiting for the doctor to return and finish his stitches - which is taking longer than he would like for it to.  
He wonders if his partner has called TK, or if that’s been left for him to do himself when they release him. He hopes that someone called TK and told him what was going on, with how slow the doctor was going he’s definitely going to be late for dinner and he doesn’t want TK to worry.
He’s nauseous and Carlos knows that’s a bad sign. He groans and his fingers lightly brush the plastic emesis bag the nurse had left for him before leaving him alone for a few minutes for the local anesthetic to kick in. He closes his eyes and takes a couple of deep breaths hoping that will help calm his stomach and when he opens them again TK’s standing just inside the curtain.
“Oh, babe,” TK crosses the small space between them and wraps his arms around Carlos.  
Carlos knows the look he’s getting from TK well. TK’s eyes and hands frantically roam over his body as he checks for any additional injuries that the doctors might have missed. TK never believes that Carlos is okay until he checks him out for himself.  
“I’m okay,” Carlos insists. “Just a little bump on the head.”
TK evaluates the wound on Carlos’ forehead. “I’m thinking that’s going to take at least five stitches, Carlos, that’s not nothing.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I was serving papers and I don’t even know what happened.”
“You don’t know or you don’t remember?” TK frowns and he knows he should mention the concussion but instead Carlos just shrugs.
TK gives a little sigh as he hugs Carlos tightly. “Do you need anything?”
“Just you. I feel better now that you’re here.”
“You big softie,” TK teases.
“How does it feel to be on that side of the exam table?” Carlos asks.
“Not good,” TK murmurs. “I hate seeing you hurting.”
TK steps back as a nurse joins them, setting out everything they’ll need for the stitches. 
“Why are you sitting up, Mr. Reyes?” The nurse gently guides him so he’s settled back in the bed. “The doctor will be right in, and then we’ll get you checked in,” he says.
“You’re admitting him?” TK asks, surprised and he turns to look at Carlos. “What didn’t you tell me? Did you lose consciousness?”
“Twice,” the nurse chirps. “Once on scene and once in my ER.”
“I’m fine,” he insists. 
TK opens his mouth, likely to protest, when the doctor walks in. TK doesn’t argue, but slides to the head of the bed and sits, slipping his hand into Carlos’ for comfort.  He stays silent while the doctor stitches up Carlos’ forehead. It’s a quick affair and it doesn’t hurt the way Carlos expects it to, but Carlos squeezes TK’s hand the whole time.
“They’re almost ready for you upstairs, officer. We’ll keep you overnight for observation and do another CT scan in the morning.” The nurse pushes in a wheelchair and Carlos sighs.
“Another CT? How hard were you hit?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he mumbles. He clumsily slides off the bed and TK steadies him until he gets settled in the wheelchair whispering something about hospital policy.
“I’ll call your parents and then I’ll be up.” Carlos gives a half-nod, even though he really doesn’t want to be alone. 
It takes longer for him to change and climb into bed than he thought it would. Getting comfortable is a joke, but he tries to relax and wait for TK. He doesn’t have to wait long, however, TK joins him in minutes. 
“Tell me a story,” Carlos says, closing his eyes. 
“What do you want to talk about?”
“I don’t walk to talk. I like hearing your voice,” Carlos explains.  
“Okay,” TK says. He joins Carlos in the bed that’s not really big enough for two, and talks.
Carlos’ radio crackles to life.
“RA 126… We need APD assistance in the kitchen.” It’s Tommy’s voice, calm as always. He can vaguely make out Nancy’s voice in the background but she doesn’t sound as calm.  
He grabs another officer’s attention, a rookie, and turns him back toward the residence they had just cleared.
“Go,” he orders. He draws his firearm, holding it at a low ready, and follows him into the house.  The new officer stops suddenly, just past the threshold of the kitchen, and Carlos would have bumped into him if he hadn’t been on high alert.
Just past the rookie, he sees Nancy and Tommy kneeling - TK lying in a pool of blood between them.  
“Dude came up the basement stairs,” Nancy says, not taking her eyes off TK. “He had a knife.” She jerks her head towards the open screen door. “Went out the back.”
Carlos whips around, stepping towards the other officer. “I thought you cleared the basement?” he asks.
“I-I-I did!” He insists, taking a step away from a very angry Carlos.
Carlos cocks his head to the side and steps towards him, backing him against the counter. He sees Tommy coming towards them in his peripherals, but keeps his focus on the young officer. “You did? Then why is my husband-”
“Carlos!” Tommy’s hand is on his shoulder, gently pulling him back. “Let your sergeant deal with him.” Carlos glances to the side and sees TK reaching for him, despite Nancy’s efforts to keep him still.  
He turns back towards the rookie. “Get back up and search the area.” 
“Yes, sir.” Carlos steps aside and the younger officer hurries past, shouting into his radio. 
“TK?” Carlos turns and kneels at TK’s side, smoothing his hair back and caressing his cheek softly. Up close, it looks worse than he thought, but TK is moving and talking and laughing at him, so he hopes it’s not life-threatening.
“You were really giving him the business,” TK chuckles. 
“He had one job, TK, keeping you three safe.”
“Two outta three isn’t bad,” TK jokes. “Besides, I’ll be okay.”
“You always are.”
Carlos watches anxiously as Nancy and Tommy load TK onto a stretcher, prepping him for transport. 
“You coming?” Tommy asks. 
TK chuckles again. “That’s a dumb question. Of course, he is. I need him. He’s always here when I need him.”  Carlos follows Tommy and climbs into the ambulance.
The ride to the hospital takes ages and yet, in no time, TK is being ripped away from him and whisked up to surgery, and Carlos is shuttled to the waiting room with the rest of the 126. He tries to collapse into a chair but Paul stops him and pulls him into the bathroom, helping him wash the blood from his hands. 
He sits and waits, paces and waits, but mostly waits. 
“Mr. Reyes-Strand?”
“Yes?” Carlos jumps up. “Is he-”
“Surgery went well. He’s awake and asking for you.” Carlos sighs with relief and hurries down the hallway. “He needs to rest, but you can have a few minutes with him.”
Carlos agrees and before he steps into the room, he can see TK’s already reaching for him. 
“See, babe, I told you I’d be okay.”
“You did,” Carlos laughs and sniffles. “Are you in any pain?”
“A fair amount,” TK admits. 
Carlos starts to pull away. “I’ll grab the doctor.”
TK keeps a tight grip on his hand. “Later. Right now, all I want is you.”
Carlos nods. He sits on the edge of the bed as best he can, and holds his husband.
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reazmahmud · 22 days
স্পোর্টস ইনজুরিতে প্রাথমিক করনীয়
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স্পোর্টস ইনজুরি বা খেলাধুলাজনিত আঘাত এথলেট বা পেশাদার খেলোয়াড়দের জন্য একটি সচরাচর ঘটনা হলেও অপেশাদার খেলোয়াড় বা সাধারণ জনগোষ্ঠী নানান ধরনের স্পোর্টস ইনজুরি যেমন, হাঁটু, গোড়ালি, কবজি, কাঁধ মচকানো অথবা ভেঙে যাওয়া নিয়ে চিকিৎসকের শরণাপন্ন হয়ে থাকেন। তাৎক্ষণিক এবং সঠিক প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসা দীর্ঘমেয়াদী জটিলতা কমাতে অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে। 
সাধারণ স্পোর্টস ইনজুরিসমূহঃ 
মাংসপেশীতে টান / খিচ ধরা।
গোড়ালি মচকানো।
হাঁটু মচকানো।
কবজি মচকানো।
কাঁধের হাড় সরে যাওয়া।
হাঁটুর লিগামেন্ট (এসিএল, পিসিএল, মেনিস্কাস, কোল্যাটেরাল) ছিঁড়ে যাওয়া।
হাতের কবজি, পায়ের গোড়ালি বা হাঁটুর হাড় ভেঙে যাওয়া।
আঘাতের লক্ষণসমূহঃ 
ব্যথা- মাঝারি থেকে তীব্র হতে পারে। 
আক্রান্ত জোড়া বা অঙ্গ ফুলে যাওয়া।
কালচে/ লাল হয়ে যাওয়া।
চাপে ব্যথা অনুভব করা।
আক্রান্ত অঙ্গের তাপমাত্রা বেড়ে যাওয়া।
আক্রান্ত অঙ্গের অস্বাভাবিক নড়াচড়া (ভেঙে যাওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে)
প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসাঃ
আক্রান্ত অঙ্গকে নড়াচড়া না করা।
বরফ দিয়ে সেক দেয়া 
চাপ দিয়ে ধরে রাখা। 
আক্রান্ত অঙ্গকে উঁচু করে রাখা।
ব্যথার জন্য প্যারাসিটামল বা ননস্টেরয়ডাল এন্টি-ইনফ্লামাটরি ড্রাগস ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে, তবে যে কোন ঔষধই রেজিস্টার্ড চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী সেবন করা উচিত।
কখন অবশ্যই চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ গ্রহণ করবেন? 
প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসার পরবর্তী চিকিৎসার জন্য।
হাড় ভেঙে গেলে।
জোড়া মচকে যাওয়ার সঠিক চিকিৎসার জন্য।
লিগামেন্ট ছিড়ে যাওয়ার সঠিক চিকিৎসার জন্য।
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zima74824 · 24 days
I’ve been seeing a lot of videos regarding sports players getting injured and I’d say the worst one I’ve seen by far other then Kevin ware is ewald lienen
I’m just glad I never got into sports or at least not THAT into it I mean all injuries are bad but yeah could never see that being me
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