#Spot Gold Forecast
Cherry blossom (hwanghyunjin)
You were so so excited for the festival you had started planning your outfit and your hair and makeup weeks prior, basically the moment that sweetheart of your boyfriend Hyunjin surprised you with tickets.
Some of your favorite artists where headlining and the weather forecast promised sunshine and mild, breezy temperatures which was just ideal considering you were going to be dancing and jumping and walking around all day and well into nightime, everything was just so great and promising.
Except you had woken up with an extensive breakout right across your cheeks. Hormonal acne was nothing new to you, you had been struggling with it on and off ever since you were a teenager and though a good skin care regime and being on the pill had over all helped improving the condition, sometimes your hormones just decided to be annoying and cause your skin to break out at the most random and most inappropriate times, today, the very early morning of the festival being one of those more inconvenient times.
You had taken your time waking up extra early and busying yourself with doing your hair and putting on your outfit first, trying to remain positive and looking up makeup tutorials on how to minimize skin texture and redness while you were spritzing leave in conditioner on the ends of your beachy waves. But eventually you had to start putting on your makeup and that's when all the positivity and good spirits flew out the window.
No matter how many layers of powder you had put underneath your foundation or how carefully you had tried to spot conceal, those pesky little zits were still very visible and very obvious on your face, and you just hated how they disrupted the appearance of your blush and highlighter, you looked rough and cakey and looking at your face  in the mirror so up close for a prolonged amount of time had started making you feel miserable.
You frown at the your very last attempt at covering up the irritated skin with green concealer layered underneath a peachy colored one and sigh frustratedly when it results in just a muddy smudgy mess that only enhances the texture of your pores, "I can't. I give up, I freaking can't", you bark, throwing your brush accross your vanity table only to watch it roll down the surface and fall to the floor.
"Darling have you seen my Versace black and gold cap?", Hyunjin pads quietly into your shared room, looking around rather confusedly, searching for his cap all around the place and stopping abruptly when he sees you crumpled on your chair with a sad look in your eyes and your mascara tears stained cheeks glowing with shimmering highlighter, "what happened?", he asks calmly, bending down on his knees so he's eye level with you.
"I can't go out looking like this, Jinnie", you mumble and he tilts his head to the side, his signature sweet smile gracing his lips when he hears your cute disgruntled voice, "you can't? I thought Euphoria style make up looks were all the rage! Aren't grungy glittery tears trendy these days?", you force yourself to smile just because he's clearly trying his best to make you feel better in the first place but still gently shake your head no," I meant that I can't show my face all covered in acne like this. I feel hienous", you confess, already feeling your eyes swelling up with big, watery teardrops as you cover your mouth with your hand, a loud sob managing to escape the barrier anyway.
Hyunjin sits on the bed before you, he pats your head repeatedly, letting you cry it all out while he subtly, silently tries to comfort you, his heart feeling increasingly heavy with your every sob.
In a split second he just scrambles from the bed and decides he can't take it anymore so he just envelopes you in his arms, "it's okay y/n, it's okay",he mumbles again and again and you can tell his sensitive soul is breaking for you, you can hear it in his shaky voice and the way his palms open wide and flat on your back, the way he holds you and rests his chin above your head, sniffling ever so lightly so you don't notice too much.
You two stay like that until you fully calm down, your face now a reddened blotchy mess, your eyes intensely shiny and a little swollen, Hyunjin carefully brushes your hair back and then uses his fingertips to dab away the fresh tears pooling at the corners of your eyes, his thumbs and pointer fingers tapping your cheeks until they're dry and mostly make up free, "I'm sorry you can't see what I see, but I think you're beautiful, I don't care about your little spots, I don't see them as a problem, honestly", he says earnestly, squinting his pretty eyes at you in that soft, endearing way you absolutely adore him for.
You quietly thank him and squeeze his hand, still sniffling a little bit, "I'm not... I'm not usually too bothered. This is all so silly, It's just - it's just that I wanted everything to be perfect, I wanted to feel free and happy and just enjoy our time at the festival without worrying about a thing but now I'm afraid everyone will look at me and make fun of my face".
"Screw them. Screw them, jagi. If they make fun of you for the way you look it only means they have very empty, miserable lives", Hyunjin grabs a few tissues and make up wipes and gently swipes them accross your face, not even flinching when he sees the angry skin finally poking through the layers upon layers of makeup, "we are going to the festival and you're going to feel so good, so so good I promise, acne is going to be the last thing on your mind. I'm not letting you miss out on all the fun just because you got a few spots overnight",he adds then.
He then pulls your chair forward and inserts your legs in between his so he can keep you still while he gently reapplies foundation on your cheeks and then dabs it with a make up sponge. You relax underneath his touch, him being a skilled artist makes you instantly trust his eye as his excitedly swatches a few of your blushes on the back of your hand so he can choose the best one.
You quietly sit there, smiling every once in a while when you see his concentrated expression up close while he patiently reapplies your make up for you. "Do you have any glitter? Any color, but I'd prefer if it was silvery or golden", he asks after a little while, rummaging through your vanity drawers, "I think I might have something in my beauty bag. Here", you hand him a little purse with a limited collection of colorful makeup and he takes out a little tub of silver loose chunky glitter.
"I have to put on so much makeup for work, cause I have to cover up all the signs of tiredness and exhaustion but sometimes it really does make me feel pretty, I think it helps me feel free", Hyunjin comments in a low, whspery voice, "my makeup artist once told me that makeup can't make miracles happen but it can be wonderful, and sometimes where it cannot conceal, it can make soemthing unwanted ... into something purposeful",he finishes, and with that he also puts down the brush he's been tapping on your cheeks, you see little speckles of silver floating in the air for a second.
And then Hyunjin turns your chair around so you're now facing the mirror: your reflection staring back at you barely looks real. Your cheeks are painted with vibrant cherry blossom pink that fades into a paler, toned down baby pink and white, highlited in white iridescent shimmer and dotted in a bunch of silver glitter that either covers your spots or sits right above them, the colorful sparkly blush and highlighter mix climbing up your cheekbones and fading into the crease of your eyelids sprinkled with the same glitter as well so that it looks cohesive.
You look stunning. You look like the art he paints.
Your first instinct is to physically throw yourself at him, engulfing him in the biggest hug as he giggles loudly and helps you settle onto his lap, "you like it?", he asks, smiling shyly, "like it!? JINNIE I LOVE It", you  scream excitedly, "you made me look like art, like one of your beautiful paintings", you whisper, and he smiles adorably, a little dimple creasing his cheek as he cups your face, "yeah that was the point! Now you see yourself like I see you!", he says softly and the look in his eyes his so tender you feel your insides quickly turning to putty,.
"Hyunjin you are an all rounder artist. You dance, you sing, you rap, you write songs, you paint, you draw, you take pictures, you play the piano, you even do makeup! Beautifully at that too! Is there anything you can't do?", you tease, lacing your arm around his neck, your fingers immediately tangling in his luscious dark locks as he pouts," I could improve at teaching you how to feel more confident", he replies nonchalantly, playing with one of the framing pieces of hair around your face, "but that's okay, we've got time. We've got all the time", he adds in a even gentler, tone, almost speaking under his breath as his eyes go dreamy just picturing you as his forever person.
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vitaminseetarot · 9 months
PAC: Your January Forecast 🎇❄🦢
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Sup y'all, I'm back for the very last PAC I'm gonna write for 2023. By the end of the weekend, we will have shifted to a whole new year, with a new moon close in tow. I'm gonna be honest, this has been a rough year for me, but not without its bright spots. Like the birth of this blog, for one! I'm already planning the 1 Year Special.
The plan is only to expand from here to see what more there is to do! There was a lot I wanted to do this year but didn't get around to doing because of life, so I have a lot lined up for January.
Thank you for your support this past year in helping my blog grow! The circle is small, but each like and reblog makes a difference, especially to newcomers like me.
Please choose your swan ornament below to find out about how your January will look for the new year. Instead of Tarot today, I'll be using my Black Salt Lenormand deck and Astro Dice to get details along with oracles for advice.
Pile 1 - Black Swan Pile 2 - White Swan Pile 3 - Gold Swan
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Pile 1 - Black Swan
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Death, Sun; 49. Sun A♦, Cross 6♣, Crossroads Q♦; Uranus, 11th House, Aquarius
Hi, pile 1! Hope you're feeling alive and well for 2024. I kinda called this the "zombie pile" while drawing cause I'm getting this sluggish energy dragging along. Mumbling, creeping, hair disheveled. Goodness, this past year had you wiped out, didn't it? If you're feeling pressured for a resolution, I wouldn't, because for you I think simply sloughing off the old year like snake skin is your main priority for January. I'm hearing Usher's lyrics: "I feel like a zombie come back to life." Maybe you could treat this month like an extended New Year's Eve party. You can't force yourself to be excited for it, but you can slowly build up to it.
There is an emphasis on positive thinking with this pile. You have two Suns from different decks. Doing what brings you simple joy will be healing for you this month. Focusing on little joys can help you shift perspective. Being in the present is very important right now, and you're being asked not to think too much about last year as it will only drain you of further energy. You can't draw healing to yourself if you're spending all your Magic Points on looking backwards for answers. It it feels difficult to be positive, think outside the box at how you can move away from past thinking, like making a vision board for what you most desire to experience this year.
One of the real impressive things about your reading are the dice. You have Uranus, its natural house 11, and its sign Aquarius. Emphasis on CHANGE, much? You know how in movies, where the main character is falling into darkness and has relinquished all hope of being saved, and just as it fades to black someone swoops in to help them while casually laughing off "hah, yeah, I just happened to be in the neighborhood when I saw you falling into an infinite chasm, y'know?"
The word "Deus Ex Machina" is also popping up, or "god out of machine". It's a Latin term referring to an ancient Greek theater technique where a crane would lower an actor dressed as a deity onto the stage during the final act of a comedy, delivering sudden divine intervention and saving the day for the heroes. In other words, there is massive and very unexpected change for you, one that's gonna pull you out of the sluggish stupor of 2023. This is why resolutions aren't important for you now; whatever 2024 will be for you, it's coming in lightning hot and will do that for you.
And I think this change, however large and surprising, will be ultimately wonderful for you. There is so much sunlight emerging from this fog, new life will be breathed in for you by divine planning. It's going to help you work through some of the damage that last year left behind. It will also help you pivot to your next chapter in life. It may feel weird going into a new year with very little expectations, not knowing where you're going to end up next, but it'll be worth it. When the door swings open for you, it will BURST open, so stay on the bright side and focus on regenerating your health for now.
May your new year be shockingly bright, pile 1!
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Pile 2 - White Swan
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Strength, 25. Sapphire; Garden 8♠, Anchor 9♠, Person A♥; Gemini, 12th House, Pluto
Hello, pile 2! This month will be a quiet one for you, in a good way. This will be a time of retreat for you. If you found yourself being rather social at the end of 2023, expect the new year to start off with a whimper. I see you going into a hermit mode and disengaging from regular activities, especially involving other people. I get the sense that this pile is the type to want to overextend and please everyone around them. If you need a resolution suggestion from me, it's to put the brakes on now before you careen over the edge. January is putting a halt to this behavior.
Yes, you are strong. No, you do not always need to be strong for everybody else. It will wear you thin to even try, and you may end up resentful over it. It's not worth the struggle. I'm not asking you to snap at anyone who comes too close, but consider not adding more of other peoples' errands to your schedule. Consider saying, "actually, I can't go today," without feeling the need to explain why. You have a right to your own personal space away from distractions now.
This pile could belong to a group of people or community that's close to you, which could be going through a lot of hell or has been in the past year. They may have asked a lot from you with few other options. It's made you have to stand up and advocate, at the cost of your own issues being put on the back burner. It is not selfish to walk away for a while and take care of yourself, doubly so if the group in question deals with a lot of arguing and gossip. If it feels bad, trust your gut and keep your distance for now. Don't try to solve big arguments while Mercury is retrograding.
I know how Pluto in the 12th house is, as it's prominent in my chart. Imagine walking downstairs to get to your basement, only for the stairs to never end until you find yourself floating in a weird little wonderland. Somewhere, in that surreal underground mindscape, is a deeply entrenched karmic pattern that may elude you at first. Some shadow work may be required here to dig through the trenches for unpolished gems. If a pesky pattern is repeating in your life, it's time to withdraw and connect to your dreams and subconscious for clues. This pattern may have something to do with this group.
You're actually going to get more progress done by meditating and seeking out nature rather than getting too involved with these issues. The time will come when things can be handled with a clearer mindset. But your higher self is pulling you inward to help ground you through this, to remind you that you are your own amazing being even when you're separate from these people. You have the strength to stand on your own, otherwise there wouldn't be so many folks seeking you out in need. Sapphire wants you to marry your heart with your mind. It's a stone of wisdom guided by compassionate understanding and care. You spin your wheels overthinking an issue, when instead coming back to your heartspace will provide the key.
Take it easy this winter, pile 2, may your dreams give clarity and hope for 2024!
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Pile 3 - Gold Swan
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Protection, 15. Opal; Bouquet Q♠, Person A♥, Crossroads Q♦; 4th House, Capricorn, Mercury
What's going on, pile 3? Looks like somebody wants to enter hibernation mode, lol. I don't blame you one bit. As the full moon in Cancer has passed and the season changes, there's a strong desire to nestle into the home. Your house will be like your castle for you to improve during this month. You may feel up to redecorating or rearranging furniture to make it feel more cozy or season appropriate as you settle in. Or you may simply desire to clear out old things to decide what to keep.
You may want to do a spiritual cleansing of the house to ring in the New Year, too. Try infusing magic herbs like lemon verbena into your cleaning products, or toss cinnamon outside the front door while ringing a bell to invite prosperity in. A simple incense stick with a very fresh, mild scent like lavender can also do the trick. Does your family have a special trick or recipe they use? Whatever herb and scent combination brings out that "New Year New Me" feeling is best!
I heard loud and clearly, "YOU'RE PROTECTED!" for whomever needs to hear it most. Things might feel shaky and ungrounded at the moment. I wanna wrap a big blanket around y'all. You're being totally protected right now by your guides, so please don't let the uncertainties of 2024 leave your head dizzied. Yes, there's a lot of plans to be drawn out and a lot more work to be done, and you may not know where you're heading next, but perhaps there's a reason we like to begin the year at such a slow quiet time, after all the festivities have passed. It's not sound to start off in a rush.
You're being heavily affected by Sun in Capricorn doubled with the current Mercury retrograde, regardless of your chart placements. This is absolutely not a time for rash decision making, even if it feels you're not being your most productive. Our modern society doesn't like it when workers take a break or listen to their body's needs in any way. It will always have its excuses for its ruthless standards. After a while, though, you have to learn to shrug those expectations off and do what's right for you, or you'll risk burning out before the new year has even started.
Some of you might be thinking of even doing the Dry January trend as part of your resolution. If it's a serious issue, I'd talk to your doctor about how to do it sustainably. If you're already stressed and at risk of burnout, more pressure is not going to help. But a sober month could prove beneficial for you overall. This is not a command for you to have a Dry January if you're not interested; this message is for those who already plan on doing so. Try to take it one day at a time, keep your head free of self criticism, and don't guilt yourself over "cheat days". I will be doing one as well, so please reach out if you need a supporting voice.
Wishing you all the best to come this year pile 3, may you succeed in your resolutions!
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
Cards Used: Black Salt Lenormand, Prism Oracle, Crystal Healing Cards, Astro Dice.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Monday, July 29th 2024
Sun in Leo ♌️🔥 Moon in Taurus ♉️🌎 and Gemini ♊️💨
Moon Conjunct Uranus
The Moon and Uranus meet up in the late degrees of Taurus causing unexpected plot twists. This energy can bring in change, perhaps a little chaos or unexpected opportunities. Uranus can be unpredictable so this could show up in many ways.
Moon sextile Neptune
When the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune (rx) in Pisces expect your imagination and intuition to be on point. Feelings are dialed up and creativity is flowing. Vivid dreams are also highly possible with this energy. Take some time to sit and connect to spirit today.
Moon enters Gemini
The Moon will enters curious and intellectual Gemini this afternoon where the mood shifts from slow and sensual to brainy and restless. The Gemini Moon can make you feel like you have a million things to do and not enough time to do it. All things communication are a focus under this lunar influence.
Moon trine Pluto
The Gemini Moon will trine Pluto (rx) in Aquarius bringing some intensity to the latter part of the day. Don’t be surprised if you have profound encounters. Connection is easy under this influence. You may feel like you can read other people’s minds. All things mysterious come out of the deep, dark corners of the mind.
Moon square Mercury
Later tonight the Gemini Moon will square Mercury in Virgo and you may feel like you wore your brain out and have the attentions span of a gold fish. Try to put your keys in a safe spot or tomorrow morning you may spend some time looking for them. Expect delays or mishaps with communication and electronics. We’re under the pre-shadow of Mercury retrograde after all.
Expect moments where miscommunication meets genius today. Anything could happen.
Please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the forecast affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation or birth chart reading.
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 1 year
Snippet Sunday
A little plotty konbart i'm working on for @bi-bats and @this-was-a-terrible-idea <3
“Want me to make you something?” he offered instead.
Big amber eyes immediately focused their unearthly gaze on him. Bart’s undivided attention was a rare gift, one that always left him a little breathless. It was like staring into a fossil, a remnant of a far off time cradled in a resin bed, except, instead of a relic from the past, it was a fragment of the future.
“Like what?” Bart asked.
“What are you in the mood for?”
Those big amber eyes turned up to the ceiling in consideration. “Mmmm….soup.”
“Soup? It’s July.”
“Yeah, but it's gonna storm soon. Rain makes soup taste better.”
Kon’s brow furrowed. He looked out the giant windows of the living room at the darkness of the night sky. There were clouds blotting out lots of the stars, but they were thin and wispy, not anything that promised a summer storm. “It’s supposed to rain later?”
“The weather forecast doesn’t think so, but my knee can tell.”
“Oh.” That…made sense in a weird way. “Is it bothering you?”
“A bit.”
Of its own volition, Kon’s hand found the knee in question, gently pressing over the numb hardness of metal beneath skin. The scar had long since disappeared, but he could remember the way the wound had looked, mangled and bloody, bits of white bone peaking out. The wretched sound of Bart’s anguished cries had buried itself in his gut and never left.
He felt around the edges of the titanium kneecap to the offending tendons and muscle. With great care, Kon pushed into those grooves, working little circles in to ease the tension. His other hand came up to knead the muscle at the very bottom of Bart’s thigh. 
A soft sigh captured his attention, and Kon looked up to find Bart with his head tipped back and his eyes shut, the perfect picture of contentment.
Seeing that only spurred Kon on; his gaze stayed locked on Bart’s face while his hands continued to rub away the ache. His fingers ventured around to dig into the meat at the back of the knee and Bart’s mouth dropped open a bit. His lips were less of a pink and more a warm peachy color that made his eyes look darker, like molten gold. If Kon were a more artistically inclined person, he’d spend hours mixing an exact match for that color.
One moment Kon was looking at Bart, then the next Bart was looking back, catching him red handed in his observance. Kon felt frozen to the spot, unable to look away, unable to stop his hands from trying to coax out more of that peaceful look. 
What was there to say?
Bart’s stomach, of course, chose that moment to let loose a noise that wouldn’t have been out of place in a nature documentary. Despite himself, the sound made Kon smile. “Soup?”
“Soup,” Bart agreed.
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
How Bitcoin is Probably Gearing Up for a New ATH
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Bitcoin has consistently demonstrated its resilience and growth potential since its inception. As we observe its price movements and market dynamics, it becomes evident that Bitcoin might be gearing up for a new all-time high (ATH). Understanding the importance of ATHs in the context of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can provide valuable insights into the potential future trajectory of this digital asset.
Historical Performance and Previous ATHs
Bitcoin's journey has been marked by several significant ATHs, each catalyzing a surge in investor interest and mainstream media attention. The 2017 bull run saw Bitcoin reach an ATH of $19,783 on December 17, 2017, driven by a combination of retail investor frenzy and increasing awareness. Similarly, the 2020-2021 bull run pushed Bitcoin to a new ATH of $68,789 on November 10, 2021, fueled by institutional investments and macroeconomic factors.
Current Market Indicators
Several indicators suggest that Bitcoin is poised for another ATH:
Institutional Investments: Companies like MicroStrategy have acquired approximately 230,000 BTC as of 2024, worth billions of dollars.
Adoption Rates: PayPal reported over $5 billion in crypto trading volume in Q1 2024.
Technological Advancements: The Taproot upgrade, activated in November 2021, has enhanced Bitcoin's privacy and smart contract capabilities.
Regulatory Developments: The SEC's approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs in January 2024 has provided a more stable environment for growth.
Factors Contributing to the Potential ATH
Increased Adoption and Mainstream Acceptance: Major banks like JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs now offer Bitcoin-related services to their clients.
Technological Advancements: The Lightning Network's capacity has grown to over 5,000 BTC as of 2024, improving Bitcoin's scalability.
Macroeconomic Factors: With U.S. inflation rates hitting 7% in 2021, Bitcoin is increasingly seen as a hedge against economic instability.
Geopolitical Influences: Countries like El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as legal tender demonstrate its potential as a global, borderless currency.
The Importance of Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) into Bitcoin
Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is a strategic investment approach where an individual invests a fixed amount of money into an asset at regular intervals, regardless of its price.
Benefits of DCA:
Mitigates market volatility
Reduces investment risk
Provides a disciplined approach to investing
Example of Successful DCA Strategy: An investor who consistently invested $100 weekly in Bitcoin from January 2019 to December 2023 would have seen a return on investment of over 300%, outperforming many who attempted to time the market.
Practical Advice for Implementing DCA:
Start with a fixed amount that fits your budget (e.g., $50-$500 per month)
Set a regular investment schedule (weekly or monthly)
Use reputable exchanges with automated purchasing options
Remain consistent regardless of market conditions
Expert Opinions and Predictions
Cathie Wood, CEO of Ark Invest: Predicts Bitcoin could reach $1 million per coin by 2030.
Plan B, creator of the Stock-to-Flow model: Forecasts Bitcoin reaching $100,000 by 2025.
Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy: Believes Bitcoin will replace gold as a store of value, potentially pushing its price to $500,000.
Potential Risks and Challenges
While the prospects for a new ATH are promising, potential risks include:
Market volatility: Bitcoin's price can fluctuate by over 10% in a single day.
Regulatory risks: Potential government crackdowns or unfavorable legislation.
Technological issues: The need for ongoing development to address scalability and security concerns.
Bitcoin's potential for reaching a new ATH is supported by a combination of historical patterns, current market indicators, and strategic investment approaches like DCA. As we move forward, staying informed and considering long-term investment strategies will be crucial for navigating the cryptocurrency landscape.
Key Takeaways:
Bitcoin has a history of reaching new ATHs, with the current record at $68,789.
Institutional adoption, technological advancements, and macroeconomic factors support potential growth.
Dollar-Cost Averaging can be an effective strategy for investing in Bitcoin.
While expert predictions vary, many see significant upside potential for Bitcoin.
Be aware of risks and challenges, including market volatility and regulatory uncertainties.
As you consider your investment strategy, remember that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Always conduct thorough research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.
🌐 Blog: Unplugged Financial Blog Stay updated with insightful articles, detailed analyses, and practical advice on navigating the evolving financial landscape. Learn about the history of money, the flaws in our current financial systems, and how Bitcoin can offer a path to a more secure and independent financial future.
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council-of-beetroot · 2 years
Game Night Prompt
Also on AO3. Here
Characters: HWS Poland, HWS Lithuania, HWS Estonia, HWS Latvia
Word Count: 1,014
Content Warnings: Mild swearing
Summary: An unexpected Blizzard postpones Lithuania, Estonia, and Poland's return home from Riga. To pass the time, they decide to play boardgames at Latvia's place.
After spending a few days on holiday in Riga, Eduard, Tolys, and Feliks were supposed to drive back home to their respective countries earlier in the morning. However, an unexpected snowstorm postponed their return and they remained at Raivis’ house waiting out the storm.
Now, it was already dark outside. The howling of the bitterly frigid wind could be heard as it seemed to rattle and shake the walls of Raivis' house. The snow continued to fall nonstop. Eduard took one look out the window and at the never-ending blizzard. He glanced at the weather forecast on his phone. The storm was expected to continue until tomorrow morning. There was no way he could drive from Riga to Tallinn in this weather.
“Well, Raivis, looks like I might be stuck here for the night. The storm isn't supposed to let up until tomorrow morning."
"Eh, Me and Liet will be fine driving home." Feliks insisted.
"Really?" Tolys glared back at him.
Feliks peers out the window assessing the storm for himself "Okay, maybe not." he admits as he returns to his spot on Raivis’ living room sofa.
"It's okay, you all can stay the night if you would like," Raivis offered. “I’m sure we can find something fun to do."
"Hey, don't you have a stash of board games somewhere?" Eduard suggested.
"That sounds fun!" Lithuania agreed.
"But Feliks better not cheat like he always does!" Raivis responded.
"What? I don't cheat!"
“Yes, you do!"
"No, I secretly increase my odds of winning!"
"By completely disregarding all of the rules? That is cheating!"
“Ha! In my experience, you can't just expect people to play by the rules!"
"It's just a game Feliks!"
"And your point is what exactly?"
"You can't just cheat!"
"I already told you I don't cheat!"
"Both of you enough!" Tolys intervened, to put an end to their bickering. "Where to, Latvia?"
Raivis brought them into the next room, which seemed to function as both a space for projects and as a reading area. Bookshelves lined one of the walls filled with countless novels, chess boards, and other trinkets. Across along the other wall were two couches with quilts draped on the back cushions. Next to one of the couches was an end table with a table lamp illuminating another small pile of novels that Raivis must have been in the middle of reading. A collection of paintings and portraits depicting Raivis, his brothers, and his friends were displayed along the faded red and gold accented floral wallpaper. In the center of the room was a long wooden table with a few journals and pens sprawled across with a half-finished puzzle depicting the skyline of Riga towards one end of the table.
Raivis unlatched a handle and lifted the lid to a large wooden chest filled with board games. He began to pull out some games as he continued to dig through the chest.
"I also have puzzles too!" Raivis added. Eduard looked at the stack of puzzles and asked,
"Why do you have a thousand-piece puzzle that consists of only blank orange pieces?"
"Oh, I've done that puzzle a few times. It's actually pretty fun and relaxing.”
"Anyway, what game are we going to pick?" Feliks asked and the four of them looked at their options. Monopoly was complete chaos. Scrabble was also out of the question as Raivis only had the Latvian edition. Risk was a nightmare, and Poland's poker nights never ended well. Usually, money was not the only thing people lost in these tournaments, as Poland also accepted repayment in the form of expensive watches, jewelry, purses, or even small cities.
"What about Uno? That's fun, everyone knows the rules." Tolys suggested.
"Which rules, crazy Uno, spicy Uno, or regular Uno?" Feliks asked.
"Regular standard Uno," Tolys replied confused.
What are the other two?" Raivis asked.
"More extreme ways to play Uno! Totally cool right?" Feliks grinned, "But still, we definitely need to like, raise the stakes or something. What's your wager?"
"Uh, I really don't think we need to turn everything into a cutthroat gambling session, Feliks," Tolys replied.
"Okay fine, if you want to be boring like that,"
Lithuania ignored this comment and Raivis asked the group "So, is everyone alright with Uno?"
"Sounds good."
"Yep, I'm in!"
"Yeah, I guess I'm in,"
They all sat down, Estonia dealt seven cards for each of them, and the game began.
Classic Uno shenanigans ensued. Anytime someone was close to winning someone would crush their hopes with a draw four. This usually resulted in an exchange of something to the effect of “Fuck you!” or “Eduard! You son of a bitch!” or the faint whispering of incredibly vulgar Lithuanian obscenities that Tolys mistakenly believed that nobody else at the table could understand.
"Uno!" Latvia announced.
"Wait what?" Feliks said, glancing up from his hand of at least two dozen cards. Estonia placed his card and Feliks played his next turn. The pressure was now on Lithuania to prevent Raivis from winning.
"Stop him!"
Tolys scans his hand of cards and finds no available card to place, let alone stop Raivis from winning.
"Come on Liet!"
“Don’t let him win!”
 "I don't have anything that would work!" Tolys protested as he continued to draw more cards until he drew a wild card he could use.
"Um… okay, I'll go with…Blue!" Lithuania said, feeling the pressure from having both Eduard and Feliks cheer him on.
"I win!" Raivis declared proudly as he slammed his final card on the table.
"What the fuck Liet?" Feliks yelled back.
"You had a 75 percent chance to stop him, and you chose blue?" Eduard added.
"Well, I thank you, Lithuania!" Raivis said with a wide grin on his face.
"Now we are going to have to hear how he beat us in Uno for a week!" Eduard complained.
"You're just mad since you didn't win!"
"Hmm, I'll let you have this since everyone knows that I always beat you in every other game."
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Who cares? Feliks interrupted. "I had fun. We will now play another round!"
Eduard reshuffled and began to deal out a new hand to each person at the table.
"Alright, Let's begin!"
No cultural notes or translations this time. Well other than apparently other absolutely insane, but legitimate versions of Uno exist if you were curious. I Hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading!
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bikepackinguk · 1 year
Day Twenty-one
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Three weeks in and still going!
Getting a little more efficient at packing down and setting off in the mornings so my nice little spot in the forest outside of Kirkcaldy was cleared out and vacated by about half eight this morning, then it's back to the road!
Starting off with a straight run down the A955 past Wemyss and into Leven to take in some of the waterside, I attempted to see if the coastal path itself could be followed by bike rather than slog along on the busy A915, but alas the path quickly becomes very sandy and I was obliged to route back through the golf cours and onto the main road. Which does at least have a separate paved path along it for pedestrians and bicycles.
Past Ludin Links and Largo, there's not much option from here except to hit the A917 and rough it out with the traffic in order to access the rest of the Fife coast around to St Andrews. So time to put the legs to work!
Made it round to Elie to have a nice sit and rest watching the harbour, then some more ploughing onwards. Whilst the road is hilly and busy, it does offer some good views of the coastline as progress is made.
A couple of hours heading round and Crail is reached! I had a nice sit by the harbourside for a spot of lunch and to take in a lovely view of the East Lothian coast across the water, which had been ridden along just a few days back. Sufficiently refuelled, it was time to wave that view goodbye and finally turn northwards once more.
The forecast today had suggested I'd be seeing some rain by now, and some terrific rain could be seen coming down on the far coast, but whilst there had been plenty of big dark clouds floating around it looks like luck struck again and I managed to thread the needle between them and stay dry and sunny.
From Crail there's not much to report, just a full 10 mile push along a busy hilly road, which I was looking forward to getting over with as swiftly as I was able.
Once finally up the coast to St Andrews, ut was time for a well earned pit stop, as well as to take shelter from some ominous clouds which fortunately did not deliver on their threats!
The route into and out of St Andrews passes by many gold courses, but ehilst the run in was heavy with traffic, the ride out starts off nice and separate from the roads with a smooth, flat, paved path surrounded by greenery.
Alas this doesn't last for long and soon enough, whilst still out of the traffic, we are just pushing along the next few miles directly next to the big A91, though still with some good views across the fields.
This changes for the better once we cross the River Eden at Guardbridge, where we head right and follow the very well signposted Route 1 back up past the big military base, and the strike back out towards the sea through the Tentsmuir Forest.
A lovely ride through with the air filled with the smell of pine before hitting the dunes is an excellent preparation for dinner, and given all the hard slogging done today I think having an earlier finish today to stay in this beautiful spot is well earned! With the help of some local advise I have a nice little spot off the beaten paths and can get the tent set up before giving the limbs a bit more of a rest.
Until tomorrow!
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Carolina's Journal Log 9:
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Rosedawn and I slept in a bit today, though we were up and at 'em quite quickly. We hadn't yet gone to Golden Hills Valley, so that was our first stop of the day. I'm curious whether it still looks like it's eternally autumn, or if it turned wintry. Or just cold autumn? As we turned down the path towards Golden Hills Valley, Silverglade Castle loomed in the distance. I bet that it was specifically built on that hill for the visibility.
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As we continued along the path, we spotted the castle perched in the Valley's mountains in the distance. I wonder if the road to it will be cleared in the near future. What I wouldn't give to get to check out an ancient castle! Nevertheless, we warily made our way down the still somewhat icy slope to the Riding Arena, where some riding groups were still practicing, despite the cold. Takes a lot of dedication.
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Only about an hour and a half after waking up, we were in Golden Hills Valley. It was coated in snow, but it was easy to still see the golds, oranges, and reds that were the signature of autumn, and of Golden Hills Valley, peeking out from beneath the snow. Jasper's pumpkins were similarly covered in snow, and he seemed to be staying inside. Passing under the bridge, we trotted briefly through Goldenleaf Forest.
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Over the river and through the wood, straight into a bush, we go. Perhaps we ought to have checked for bushes before jumping over that stone wall. We were both perfectly fine, mostly just snow-covered with a few renegade leaves here and there. After we got ourselves back to looking presentable, we headed up the mountain, plowing a path through the snow that continues to reach up to Rosedawn's knees.
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Heading up to one of the entrances to the Light Ride trail, we passed a couple of wolves out and about. Thankfully, these wolves and I are on good terms. Instead of heading through Aideen's Whisper, we headed across the old bridge by the castle. It's even more breathtaking up close.
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Rounding the bend and heading back down, we continued towards Cape West Fishing Village while enjoying the crisp air of the mountains. We hadn't seen very many critters besides the wolves, so maybe they're just holed up until things get a little warmer. Though, judging by the forecasted weather, that's not happening anytime soon.
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We finally made it down to the village and walked around for a while. We struck up a few conversations, and Mr. K. Trout seems to be taking advantage of the colder weather, with it apparently bringing some expensive fish up to the surface. Instead of heading back to Silverglade, or even to Fort Pinta, Redwood Point, or the Winter Village, we opted to spend the rest of the day just relaxing. Carin and I struck up a deal for the two of us to stay for the night while helping out a bit, and of course for some shillings. I think I'll check if those berries I found earlier are poisonous or not. Probably not via experimentation, though.
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jmrothwell · 2 years
October 2022 Prompts
No Need To Fear (G) : AO3 ; Tumblr
Tentatively she crept towards the old cd player. Her brain preoccupied, she tripped over her own large monster slippers, hands flying up to catch herself. Only, the air caught her instead.
A short reimagining of Julie and the Phantoms (Julie & Flynn)
Deny These Butterflies (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
“The fact that I’m still single for Halloween sucks.” He allowed himself the small grumble.
“Wait.” Luke stopped playing so suddenly Reggie was surprised he hadn’t fumbled the chord. “Aren’t you and Julie dating?” (Julie/Luke/Reggie)
A Terrible Thing to Waste (T): AO3 ; Tumblr
No parenting book in the world could have prepared Ray for this one. (Ray & Everyone)
One I’m Scared of the Most (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
Carrie had wanted to push forward in the hopes the forecast would be wrong. They were given only one night at this location and it had been one of their most requested since they started this whole paranormal investigator thing.
The show must go on and all that other showbiz stuff Carrie had cited. (Carrie/Reggie)
The Heart of the Home (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
The gang get together for a movie night. (Gen Everyone)
Goblins Come to Play (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
Halloween wasn’t bad in Alex’s opinion. What he honestly could do without was the weird competitive way all the kids at school tried to scare each other. (Alex & Luke)
Best of All, Leaping into Leaves (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
Reggie and Luke want to make the largest leaf pile to jump into. (Alex & Luke & Reggie & Bobby)
Turned Into a Treat (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
Willie is looking forward to spending Halloween with Alex and friends. (Alex/Willie, BG: Julie & Luke & Reggie & Alex)
Gold in it’s Pocket (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
“What did you just say?” Luke heard Alex’s voice overlap his.
“I’ve always wanted to go to a pumpkin patch?” (Gen Everyone)
I’m Howlin’ for You (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
“I had fun tonight.” He said through a small smile.
Julie stepped closer and took one of his faux fur covered wrists in her hands. She looked up at him, saw the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed.
“I had fun as well.” She whispered, and held her breath as he leaned in. (Julie/Reggie)
When Pumpkins Glow by Moonlight (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
Everything was going well so far. Flynn still couldn’t help but to worry, this was the first ‘Halloween Fright Night’ the school was putting on in years. In large part because Flynn demanded it and helmed the whole thing.
So she was more than a little paranoid about trying to make sure it went off without a hitch. (Reggie/Flynn)
See How Bright We Shine (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
“I told you we should have worn couple's costumes to work.” Flynn all but whined under their breath. (Carrie/Flynn)
A Lonely Light (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
Suddenly the ride stopped dead in its tracks as all the sounds cut out and pitch black darkness descended upon them. “Huh,” he chuckled out wondering if the power outage extended beyond the ride. (Willie & Julie)
A Little Clueless (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
“Why my notes?” her grip tightened on her closed notebook-which had definitely been open when he sat down-as her cheeks dusted the faintest shade of rose.  
“Because I don’t have mine?” He’s pretty sure he just said that? Why was she being weird about her notebook? (Julie/Reggie)
No Matter How Small (G): AO3 ; Tumblr
It didn’t take Alex long to spot Patti, who excitedly jumped up and down waving in line.
His little ball of energy bolted for him as soon as he exchanged a small wave with her teacher. Her Vanellope von Shweetz costume had several new dirt and grass stains.
“Daddy!” Her excited shout barely managed to echo over all the rest of the noise. (Alex/Willie)
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lizseyi · 26 days
SDAX Unveils World’s First Securitised Gold Tokens for Digital Exchange Users – SDAX
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SDAX, Singapore’s leading Digital Assets Exchange, has expanded its product offering to include a first of its kind tokenised gold product. In partnership with the Oman-based Muscat Precious Metals Refining Company LLC, the MPMT Gold Token offers investors a gold token in a securitised form, unlike other gold token offerings currently available in the market.
The MPMT Gold Tokens, which are available exclusively on the SDAX Exchange platform offer investors increased protection, being in a securitised form and issued by an independent trust and backed by physical gold bullion held in secure vaults at Le Freeport, Singapore.
This product uses securitisation techniques and offers investors who are seeking an easier way to gain exposure to gold without having to find storage methods for housing the physical bullion. Owners are also able to trade gold tokens for physical settlement with qualified market makers through the SDAX platform.
Commenting on the launch, SDAX CEO, Rachel Chia said, “We saw an opportunity in the market to make owning gold through tokenisation a much more secure proposition for investors. These securitised tokens confer an additional layer of safety, allowing investors greater peace of mind about their investments.”
With spot gold prices sitting at record highs, investors are presently faced with a multitude of gold investment options. By securitising the gold tokens, SDAX is providing investors with a convenient, reliable, and most importantly, secure alternative investment approach. The securitised tokens allow for investors to acquire and hold a beneficial ownership interest in a specified quantity of gold legally held by an independent trust for the investors. This is compared to other gold investment options like exchange traded funds (ETFs) or bank issued depository gold certificates, where the gold is owned by the ETF provider or the bank.
“As gold prices continue to trade at record highs and with macro-economic forecasts supporting a likely continued trend, we thought it was the perfect time to offer a gold product exclusively to our SDAX users that was unique and not currently available in the market,” Chia added.
In partnership with the Muscat Precious Metals Refining Company LLC, Oman’s first precious metals trading company that specialises in a range of commodities including gold, silver, and platinum, SDAX is able to provide gold tokens at scale and speed.
“We are excited to be part of this new offering that allows investors to gain secure exposure to the gold market through the MPMT Gold Token. As gold prices rise, driven by safe-haven demand, central bank buying and rising geopolitical risks, it is important for investors to have options, which is why we are happy to work with SDAX on this compelling gold investment alternative. This partnership with SDAX will also allow us to reach a wider base of sophisticated investors on the SDAX platform,” said Muscat Precious Metals Refining Company LLC CEO, Shihab Al Busaidi.
The MPMT Gold Token was created with the assistance of global law firm Clifford Chance LLP, London, global trustee APEX, Jin Huang Bullion as bullion agents, and Hydra X as custodian. Walkers advised on the product and offering with respect to Cayman Islands law. BTPLaw LLC provided advice on the tokens from a Singapore law perspective.
Clifford Chance London Securitisation Partner, Kevin Ingram commented: “This product shows how securitisation techniques can add value to new concepts for the benefit of participants. We are delighted to be involved in the creation of this exciting product.”
“Hydra X is delighted to partner with SDAX and to provide custodial services and technology solutions to facilitate the tokenisation of real-world assets such as gold. This initiative reflects our commitment to making investment opportunities more accessible and leading the way in setting new standards in a blockchain-enabled, regulated digital asset landscape,” added Wee Hao Ng, COO, Hydra X.
The MPMT Gold Token is only available to accredited investors and institutional investors exclusively on the SDAX Exchange platform. For more information on the MPMT Gold Token, visit www.sdax.co/gold.
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mutange12 · 28 days
Gold Wednesday forecast
Current Price Trends: Gold prices have been hovering around record highs, with recent fluctuations due to market sentiment influenced by geopolitical tensions, particularly in the Middle East, and expectations around U.S. monetary policy. As of early Wednesday, gold prices slightly retreated but maintained a bullish structure, with spot gold around $2,513 at one point. Market Sentiment: There’s…
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blockinsider · 1 month
Whale Investors Drive Bitcoin Surge Beyond $60k Mark
Key Points
Bitcoin’s price soared above $60k due to increased demand from large-scale investors.
Despite a historically weak period for cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin’s fear and greed index suggests reduced fear of further sell-offs.
Bitcoin’s price has experienced a surge of over 4% within the last 24 hours, reaching a daily high of approximately $61,361 on August 20. This significant rebound from the key support level of around $58k has eased the overall market’s fear of further crypto capitulation. It’s worth noting that historically, August and September are not typically strong months for the crypto industry, especially following Bitcoin halvings.
The fear and greed index for Bitcoin increased from 28 percent to around 30 percent, indicating a decrease in the fear of further sell-offs in the wake of the ongoing crypto rebound.
Driving Forces Behind Bitcoin’s Price Surge
As a globally traded commodity, Bitcoin has benefited significantly from poor monetary policies worldwide, which often lead to high inflation. Moreover, Bitcoin is a deflationary commodity asset due to its halving events that occur every four years.
However, Bitcoin’s price has shown a high correlation with major global stock indexes, as demonstrated by the August 5 crash that impacted nearly all financial sectors. Earlier today, Japan’s Nikkei 225 led other major stock indexes in a bullish recovery, which was also influenced by the ongoing bullish rally in Gold.
Experts believe that the crypto industry would have followed the stock and gold-led bullish pattern.
The crypto rally today was also heavily influenced by a significant increase in demand from institutional investors. According to on-chain data analysis provided by Santiment, Bitcoin whales holding between 100 and 1k coins added 94.7k BTCs in the past six weeks, currently owning over 3.9 million units.
For instance, Metaplanet Inc. (Tokyo: 3350) announced earlier today that it had completed the acquisition of 57.273 Bitcoins, worth approximately $3.4 million, thus currently holding 360.368 BTC units. Another whale was spotted making a purchase of 347 Bitcoins from Binance, worth over $16 million, and currently 1,953 BTC units.
Meanwhile, the US spot Bitcoin ETFs registered a net cash inflow of $125 million led by Fidelity’s FBTC.
Midterm BTC Price Forecast
Despite today’s rebound above $60k, Bitcoin’s price is not yet secure. From a technical standpoint, the flagship coin must consistently close above the 50 and 200 Moving Averages (MAs) following their recent death-cross, to invalidate further correction ahead.
According to reputable crypto analyst Benjamin Cowen, Bitcoin dominance will continue to rise against the altcoin industry in the near term and possibly reach 60 percent. In this regard, Bitcoin’s price could continue to lead the altcoin industry in a bullish outlook, and potentially reach its all-time high in the near term.
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foggyamanmentality · 3 months
How to Book Flights for Surfing Getaways
Surfing getaways are a dream for water sports enthusiasts seeking adventure and relaxation in equal measure. Whether you're a seasoned surfer or a beginner looking to catch the perfect wave, planning your travel is crucial to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to book flights for surfing getaways, ensuring you get the best deals and optimal travel arrangements.
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1. Research Surf-Friendly Destinations Before booking your flight, research destinations renowned for their surf spots. Places like Hawaii, Bali, Australia's Gold Coast, and Portugal's Algarve region are popular among surfers for their consistent waves and vibrant surfing culture.
2. Check Surfing Conditions Timing is everything when planning a surfing trip. Check surf reports and forecasts to determine the best time to visit your chosen destination. Aim for periods with favorable wave conditions and fewer crowds for an optimal experience.
3. Flexible Travel Dates Flexibility in travel dates can significantly impact flight prices. Use flight comparison websites or apps that offer flexible date options to find the most affordable fares. Consider traveling during off-peak seasons to avoid high prices and crowded beaches.
4. Book Early Airlines often release their cheapest seats months in advance. Booking early not only ensures better prices but also provides more options in terms of flight times and connections. Set price alerts to monitor fare changes and snag the best deals as soon as they become available.
5. Pack Light and Smart Surfing gear can be bulky and expensive to transport. Check airline baggage policies and consider renting equipment at your destination to save on luggage costs. Pack essentials like rash guards, sunscreen, and swimwear in your carry-on to hit the waves as soon as you arrive.
6. Consider Layovers While direct flights are convenient, they may not always be the most economical option. Consider flights with layovers as they can sometimes be cheaper. Use this opportunity to explore a new city or rest before continuing your journey to the surf paradise.
7. Loyalty Programs and Travel Hacks Joining airline loyalty programs or using travel rewards credit cards can earn you points and miles that can be redeemed for future flights or upgrades. Keep an eye out for special promotions and last-minute deals that could make your surfing getaway more affordable.
Conclusion Booking flights for surfing getaways requires careful planning and consideration to ensure a seamless travel experience. By researching destinations, monitoring surf conditions, booking early, and packing efficiently, you can maximize your time on the waves and minimize travel stress.
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surajheroblog · 3 months
Time Series Forecasting: Predicting Stock Prices
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In the dynamic world of finance, where fortunes rise and fall with every tick of the stock market, accurate predictions are gold. Welcome to the fascinating realm of time series forecasting—a powerful tool that enables us to anticipate stock prices, currency fluctuations, and economic trends. As you embark on your Data Science course, let’s unravel the mysteries of time series data and explore how it shapes our financial decisions.
1. Understanding Time Series Data
1.1 What Is a Time Series?
A time series is a sequence of data points collected at successive time intervals. In the stock market context, it represents historical stock prices, captured at regular intervals (daily, hourly, or even minutely). Each data point carries valuable information about the past, which we can leverage to predict the future.
1.2 The Stock Market: A Chaotic Time Series
Stock prices exhibit complex patterns—seasonal fluctuations, trends, and sudden shocks. As data scientists, we aim to extract meaningful signals from this chaos. But how?
2. Feature Engineering for Time Series
2.1 Lag Features
Lag features involve using past observations as predictors. For stock prices, this means incorporating yesterday’s closing price, last week’s volume, or even last month’s volatility. These lagged variables capture dependencies and trends.
2.2 Rolling Statistics
Rolling statistics—such as moving averages and exponential moving averages—smooth out noise and highlight underlying trends. They reveal short-term and long-term patterns, essential for accurate predictions.
3. Time Series Models
3.1 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
ARIMA is a classic time series model. It combines autoregression (AR), differencing (I), and moving averages (MA). By adjusting the order of these components, we can model various time series behaviors.
3.2 Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series (STL)
STL decomposes a time series into seasonal, trend, and residual components. It’s like dissecting a stock price chart to understand its underlying structure. STL helps us identify seasonality and anomalies.
4. Predicting Stock Prices: A Data Science Odyssey
4.1 Data Preparation
We gather historical stock data, clean it, and create lag features. Our dataset now includes closing prices, trading volumes, and rolling averages.
4.2 Model Selection
We experiment with ARIMA and STL. We fine-tune hyperparameters and evaluate model performance using metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).
4.3 Forecasting
Our models make predictions for the next trading days. We visualize the forecasts alongside actual stock prices. The thrill lies in spotting trends before they unfold.
Conclusion: Unlocking New Horizons
As you embark on your Data Science course in Pune, remember that transfer learning isn’t just about reusing code—it’s about adapting knowledge. So, whether you’re baking cakes or building recommendation engines, transfer learning awaits.
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bhushans · 4 months
Meeting the Needs of a Growing Population: The Evolving Global Liquid Biopsy Market
The global liquid biopsy market is positioned for rapid expansion, with an estimated revenue of USD 1,538.3 million in 2023. According to insights from healthcare domain experts, providers in the liquid biopsy sector can anticipate a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 21.7% through 2033. By the end of the forecast period, the market is projected to achieve a valuation of USD 10,938.6 million, reflecting significant growth opportunities within the healthcare industry.
Liquid biopsy, a non-invasive diagnostic technique that detects biomarkers and genetic material in bodily fluids, is revolutionizing cancer diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment. This innovative approach offers several advantages over traditional tissue biopsy, including real-time monitoring, early detection of treatment response or resistance, and the ability to capture tumor heterogeneity
Tumor tissue is currently the gold standard for determining the kind and stage of cancer. Important players are attempting to reduce the current obstacles to its utilization in order to increase its potential applications in the future. The feasibility of liquid biopsy techniques for identifying cancer patients’ genetic profiles has also been shown by a number of research. The studies carefully take into account the reactions in order to track the course of treatment and identify any early warning symptoms of therapeutic resistance.
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Liquid biopsies have become more common in recent years due to the desire for more personalized treatment options. Since liquid biopsy is widely available and reasonably priced in many labs, particularly in developing countries, its use is growing in popularity. For instance, several labs offer liquid biopsy tests.
“Key players are bringing cost reductions in liquid biopsy tests and partnering with local product distributors to strengthen their network base in target markets. Currently, a trend toward emerging economies has been spotted, as cancer cases are particularly on the rise, and a large population base provides significant opportunities in these markets,” says an FMI analyst.
Key Takeaways from the Liquid Biopsy Market Report
The North America liquid biopsy market is expected to account for a leading share of 50.84%. The United States is predicted to account for 43.8%, enjoying a dominant share in the global and regional markets.
The Europe market is anticipated to acquire a market share of 19.6% in 2023. Germany holds a prominent share in the region. In 2023, the country is predicted to amass a total of 6.6% share in the global market.
In Europe, the United Kingdom is predicted to expand at a robust CAGR of 26.4% through 2033.
In Asia Pacific, China and India display a remarkable percentage of growth, i.e., 29.7% and 24.4%, respectively, through 2033.
CTC (Circulating Tumor Cells) is projected to obtain a significant market share of 56.9% by biomarker type in 2023.
By sample type, blood sample type holds prominence in the liquid biopsy market.
Key Developments by Liquid Biopsy Market Players
QIAGEN N.V. (the Netherlands), in May 2022, introduced a therascreen EGFR Plus RGQ PCR Kit, which is a new in vitro diagnostic test for the analysis of sensitive EGFR mutation.
Guardant Health, Inc., in June 2021, introduced Guardant360 Response test that finds variations in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) levels.
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland), in October 2020, gained United States FDA approval for the extended claims for cobas EGFR Mutation Test v2 to be deployed as a companion diagnostic for an extensive range of therapies to manage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Biocept, Inc., in March 2020, agreed with a California-based Independent Physician Association (IPA) to offer its Target Selector liquid assay services to patients and physicians in the network.
Key Companies Profiled:
Qiagen N.V.
Trovagene, Inc
Janssen Global Services, LLC
MDxHealth SA
Natera, Inc
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Silicon Biosystems
Pathway Genomics Corporation
Sysmex Corporation
Key Segments Profiled in the Liquid Biopsy Industry Survey:
By Biomarker Type:
CTCs (Circulating Tumour Cells)
ctNA (Circulating tumor Nucleic Acids)
By Sample Type:
Blood Liquid Biopsy
Urine Liquid Biopsy
Other (Plasma, Saliva, CSF) Liquid Biopsy
By Application Type:
Liquid Biopsy for Lung Cancer
Liquid Biopsy for Gastrointestinal Cancer
Liquid Biopsy for Prostate Cancer
Liquid Biopsy for Breast Cancer
Liquid Biopsy for Colorectal Cancer
Liquid Biopsy for Leukemia
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan
Middle East and Africa
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coolyturtles · 5 months
Top 10 FAQs Answered: Whale Watching Season on the Gold Coast
Whale watching season on the Gold Coast is an exhilarating experience that draws in nature enthusiasts from around the globe. Each year, majestic humpback whales migrate along the coast, offering a spectacular show of breaching, tail slapping, and playful antics. If you're planning to embark on this unforgettable adventure, you likely have some burning questions. Here, we've compiled the top 10 FAQs to help you prepare for your Whale Watching Season Gold Coast excursion.
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1. When is the Best Time to Go Whale Watching on the Gold Coast?
Whale Watching Season Gold Coast typically runs from June to November, coinciding with the annual migration of humpback whales along the eastern coast of Australia. For optimal sightings, plan your trip between July and October when whale activity peaks.
2. Where Can I Spot Whales on the Gold Coast?
The Gold Coast offers several prime whale watching locations, including the waters off Main Beach, Surfers Paradise, and Coolangatta. Many tour operators depart from these areas, ensuring you'll have ample opportunities to witness these magnificent creatures up close.
3. What Types of Whales Can I Expect to See?
While humpback whales steal the spotlight during Whale Watching Season Gold Coast, you may also encounter other species such as southern right whales, minke whales, and even occasional sightings of orcas and blue whales.
4. How Close Can I Get to the Whales?
To ensure the safety and well-being of the whales, strict regulations govern how close vessels can approach these marine mammals. Most tour operators adhere to these guidelines, providing unforgettable yet responsible encounters with these gentle giants.
5. What Should I Bring on a Whale Watching Tour?
Be sure to pack sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, and a camera to capture those breathtaking moments. It's also wise to bring motion sickness medication if you're prone to seasickness.
6. Are Whale Watching Tours Suitable for Children?
Yes, many whale watching tours cater to families with children of all ages. However, it's essential to check with the tour operator regarding age restrictions and suitability for younger passengers.
7. What Happens if We Don't Spot Any Whales?
While sightings are highly likely during Whale Watching Season Gold Coast, there's always a chance that you may not encounter any whales on a particular tour. In such cases, reputable tour operators often offer a 'whale sighting guarantee' or provide vouchers for another tour.
8. Can I Swim with the Whales?
Swimming with whales is strictly prohibited in Australian waters to protect both the whales and human safety. However, some tour operators offer 'whale watching and swim' experiences where you can snorkel in areas frequented by whales, allowing for a unique underwater perspective.
9. Do I Need to Book in Advance?
It's highly recommended to book your Whale Watching Season Gold Coast tour in advance, especially during peak season. This ensures you secure your spot on the boat and can choose from a variety of tour options.
10. What if the Weather is Poor?
In the event of inclement weather, tour operators may cancel or reschedule trips for the safety and comfort of passengers. Be sure to check the weather forecast before your scheduled tour and communicate with the tour operator regarding their cancellation policy.
Embarking on a Whale Watching Season Gold Coast tour is an unforgettable adventure that offers a glimpse into the awe-inspiring world of these magnificent marine mammals. By addressing these top 10 FAQs, you'll be well-prepared to make the most of your whale watching experience on the Gold Coast. So, grab your camera, sunscreen, and sense of wonder, and get ready for an incredible journey!
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