#Stancy mileven parallels
tfw when you think you're in love with a girl but you can't say anything about her personality beyond being different than other people, bc you're actually just a teenager who can't distinguish lust from love
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will80sbyers 1 year
Still so funny that Eddie makes Steve think Nancy loves him so Steve makes a love confession to her and Will makes Mike believe that El needs him/loves him like he wants to be needed/loved by her and he makes a love confession to her... and Nancy and El both don't respond to that because they don't love them back and both Mike and Steve are not actually really in love with El and Nancy they are just idealizing a romance with them to feel better about themselves 馃対
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36beetles 2 years
Mike telling El that he has always loved her and wants a future with her (despite previously implying otherwise) that wouldn't make either of them happy:
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Steve telling Nancy that he has always loved her and wants a future with her (despite previously stating otherwise) that wouldn't make either of them happy:
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messrsbyler 1 year
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londondziban 1 year
byler constantly parallels jancy and jopper and even at times lumax. milevens don't want to talk about the fact that their ship constantly parallels stancy, a canonically failed ship (no season 4 wasn't setting them up to get back together), and the dart and dustin dynamic
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cringengl 1 year
Mleven has been bones since s1 ep1....
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same ship different fonts (derogatory)
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jonathanbyersphd 2 years
Ok but has anyone thought maybe they gave us a St*ncy resurgence to draw parallels to Mike and El's failing relationship?
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liquidisedfrogs 1 year
Just a random thought:
Both Mike and Nancy are ignoring the obvious love intrest and falling for the alternative, unexpected person that they've known for much longer than their previous partners.
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clarkegriffins 2 years
i find this whole thing about byIers using stancy to prove that mileven is dead so funny bc when they will realize that every single pairing on this show share parallels/similarities, mileven shared some with stancy, but u know that they also shared with lumax, jancy (the ship y'all love to parallel byler), even jopper, and stancy the ship they love to parallel/find similarities with mileven, also shared with lumax and jopper (here and here too), also with byler like???? DAMN EVEN jancy and stancy shared parallels this season, the point is: sometimes it's just parallels, do i need to remind u that the duffers forgot the birthday of the ONLY character that has a canon birthday on the show lmao, and also that they said they don't watch old seasons to write the new ones, they are just lazy and recycling the same tropes/scenes over and over again
Y'ALL PLEASE LISTEN TO SADIE AND CALEB AND GO TAKE A DEEP BREATH (the fact that they are making fun of y'all is actually so funny)
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Milevens are beyond parody I swear
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36beetles 2 years
Steve is not bones!!!! he and Nancy's relationship parallels Mike and El鈥檚, which is why he gave her that cringe ass 6 little nuggets speech; to parallel mike's cringe ass I love you speech!! Mike feels like he has to prove his heterosexuality (bc it's nonexistent) so he's clinging onto his relationship with El, even though he doesn't love her. Steve feels like he has to prove his value. He's insecure because he can't get a new girlfriend, so he's retreating back to what he knows, even though he doesn't love her anymore.
Mike is gonna learn that he doesn't need to have the life that was expected of him - a traditional nuclear family at the end of the cul de sac. That he can be happy and fulfilled and valuable without that. That he can be happy and fulfilled playing nintendo and dnd with Will. That he is valuable just for being himself - exactly why Will loves him.
Steve is gonna learn that too, that he doesnt have to do what people expect of "King Steve," that hes valuable without that title. That he can be happy and fulfilled just hanging out with his best friend, and looking out for Dustin. That he's valuable just for being himself, that he doesn't need validation from a girlfriend.
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stranger-chichka 2 years
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bitofanupsidedowner 2 years
the california plot line in general... i just can鈥檛. despite the literal mission being about getting (mike) to el, the emotional emphasis almost exclusively comes from mike and will鈥檚 relationship, and mike鈥檚 conflicting feelings about el.聽
i don鈥檛 get the milkvans thinking cali plotline was a win for them just because it ended in a monologue that was filmed and written in a way to intentionally stress out the viewer.聽i see it as a pretty unromantic thing to not be able to tell someone you love them, especially when it makes them visibly upset.聽
you could argue it鈥檚 about his parents toxic relationship, but nancy has the same parents and... well. she did have trouble saying i love you.
to steve.聽
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cringengl 1 year
An underrated similarity between Mike and Nancy when in their relationships with El and Steve is that people think they aren't being like themselves, not just the characters but the GA as well...
People talking about Mike after season 4:
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Vs Barb talking about Nancy in s1
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It's literally the exact same reaction to Nancy and Mike's behaviour. Although there are a lot examples of Stranger Things characters disliking how Mike is acting in his relationship with El, such as Will- "you're ruining everything and for what, so you can swap spit with some stupid girl?", Dustin- "it's bullshit" and obviously Hopper, I think the GA's reaction is always really important.
Although we start season 1 off with Nancy dating Steve and the scene with Barb happens very early on in s1 so we don't know Nancy beforehand, the reactions towards Mike are so important because we have known him for 4 seasons now.
The Duffers want to give a certain impression and the casual watchers who don't closely analyse Stranger Things are most likely to pick this up. We are supposed to realise that Mike isn't being himself, there's a reason why the contrast between season 2 Mike and early season 4 Mike is so insane and so many people talk about it.
It's because through Mike's efforts to conform and date El, he not only is mistreating his friends but is also losing himself. This is literally what the rain fight is about and is abundant in both s3 and s4.
Stranger Things is all about learning to accept and love yourself for who you are and neither Nancy or Mike are themselves when they are in these relationships, which why they will never be endgame.
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ok i just have to say it. stancys never get mad or rant at steddies. or ronances. but they do however get mad at and rant at jancys. because they know that jancy has a chance of happening and is an actual threat to their ship. same vice versa.
but milevens get mad at and rant at byl- [GUNSHOTS]
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