#Stanley needs therapy
henryloverman · 1 year
"A Deal with a Hand"
>A Stanley Parable (Long) one shot
[ The song is the vibes of this story ]
Stanley was inside a dark void, there was a computer screen looking back at him, he could swear that he saw that screen before... Ah! Settings Person, the who talked to him during the epilogue, why is it here?
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"Hello there, Stanley, I have prepared a deal for you"
"What kind of deal?"
"A deal that can let you escape the Parable, but of course it has a price"
"Are you sure? Like I could actually escape the Parable for a deal?? Alright then, what's the price?"
"Convince the Narrator to let you go"
"Let me go? What do you mean by that?"
"There are two ways to leave the Parable, it's either persuading the Narrator or killing him"
"Umm okay- WAIT WHAT?! Is there no other choice?????"
"There is no other way, you already have accepted the deal, so you choose"
"Even if I choose to persuade the Narrator, I don't think he will allow it"
"Surprisingly you choose to persuade him instead of killing him, why is that?"
"I... Don't want to kill anybody, okay?"
"Your point makes sense, okay, I do have a way so you can somehow persuade him"
"And what's that?"
"I could give you a voice, I think I'm able to do that if I use the video tape's wiring"
"A voice, huh? Well then give me the ability to talk, it will be easier to speak instead of using my hands for the operation"
"Give me a minute, I have to code first"
"Okie doki"
"...Did it work?"
"Well seeing you can open your mouth now, i would say yes"
"Nice! I never heard my own voice before!"
"Well it's because the Narrator took it away, he thought it would distract the storyline if you were able to speak the entire time"
"...I should have chosen to kill that fucker instead"
"Too late now, just try to persuade him, if it doesn't work, there is always a plan B"
"Okay, now send me back, it's time to start the operation! Also thanks by the way, Employee 432!"
"Good luck, Stanley"
"Ugh, my head hurts, I am in the office?"
"There you are, Stanley! I was looking for you everywhere- WAIT YOU CAN TALK?! I don't think that should be possible, you don't have a voice box..."
"Well, I can finally talk back at you, now listen to me, you asshole, let me leave the Parable"
"Why should i listen to you? Why do you even want to leave the Stanley Parable in the first place???"
"Because I couldn't stand staying in this fucking place for any longer, I want to leave the office building and explore the outside world, I want my freedom back!"
"...How far are you willing to go for this specific freedom of yours, Stanley?
"As far as I could, even it means killing you just so I could leave this shitty place"
"Hahaha, oh Stanley, you think so highly of yourself, do you really think you could actually hurt me? Even to go as far as killing me?? I don't think so"
"I think it might be the other case around, Narrator, I could use a friend's help to do that, so you better let me leave the Parable or else!!"
"You will never leave the Parable, you will stay here and follow my story, don't you want a happy ending, Stanley? You can have that if you just listen to me"
"BUT I DID! I had already listened to you so many times, and do you know even know what happens in the end? That ending gave me hope that I can actually leave, and instead of giving me the freedom I deserved, it just fucking restarted and everything will happen again!"
"Happen again? What do you mean by that, Stanley?? I don't remember doing that ending yet, are you imagining things?"
"DO YOU THINK I MADE THAT UP?! Why would I even do that? Just let me go, please?"
"No, and that's my final decision!"
"You left me no choice"
*Holds up a gun*
"Pff! How are you even going to shoot me with that? Where did you even get that gun in the first place, Stanley?"
"A friend of mine gave it to me, and now it's time to say your goodbyes"
"-Ah! S-Stanley how did you do that!?"
"I won't say, sleep well, you bastard"
"Y-You asshole! Shit I am bleeding! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!"
"...Uhhhhhh, fine, where are you? I know how to first aid!"
"And now you're willing to h-help me? Ugh, fine, it's to you-ur right"
"Huh? -oh over there! I'm coming!"
*Opens door*
"H-Help me already!"
"Wait! I have to use my shirt to stop the bleeding"
"There, that should stop the bleeding for a while"
"My arm still hurts, I will ask again, how the fuck did you shot me?"
"I don't know, maybe the gun has a way to teleport its bullet??"
"That is impossible, the one responsible for that gun is your friend, right? I think they used some kind of advanced technology on that thing"
"It was made to kill you, so it isn't a surprise"
"Who is your friend, exactly?"
"I won't tell you, but I do know they hate you, which is perfectly understandable especially to what you did to them - but that's not important now"
"It's Employee 432, isn't it?"
"How did you know?!"
"I knew they were suspicious of me from the start, it isn't a surprise they want to kill me, I did erase them after all"
"Why would you do that? Erasing all of my co-workers for what?? For your precious story?"
"Stanley, you don't understand, your co-workers don't exist at all, they're characters I made up, they are fictional, with no personality or life"
"Somehow, I and Employee 432 are sentient?"
"Yes, I don't know how you two are alive or have the ability to think, maybe there is something wrong with your code"
"Which is why you decided to fire employee 432?"
"I had to, they were going to ruin my story with their existence"
"But what about me? Is it because i'm your protagonist?"
"You and Employee 432 are different, they were not supposed to exist at all, while you on the other hand was the opposite, you were needed for the story"
"Your reasoning sounds awful, you didn't even give them a single bit of mercy, and to all of my co-workers, including me"
"I didn't know they were still alive, Stanley, I thought I killed them a long time ago, but somehow they survived. You're not real, that's the truth, I know it sounds bad but you and I are different, you were something I made up while I exist in the real world, whether or not I had a choice"
"How are you here then? Huh? If you are indeed real, why did you come here?"
"Well, we are currently in my office, this was not supposed to be seen by anybody except me, I created it when I got into this world"
"What for?"
"So I could create my story in peace, it's not easy to teleporting world to world, this was a world that I created, it's small, but it does it's job"
"Okay, if you did make this world, how are you not invisible?"
"There are limits to my ability, my body is weak even though I don't need human necessities, what I code in my computer will take a physical form, such as papers, chairs, walls, well whatever"
"So - could you code a first aid kit, also an extra t-shirt as well"
"I could do that if my left hand isn't currently injured, it's hard to code with one hand, Stanley"
"Can't you just teach me how to code? I don't think it's that hard"
*Goes towards the computer*
"It's hard to code, Stanley, but let me see you try, I bet you can't even code at all"
"What were you saying??"
"HOLY SHIT! HOW DID YOU KNOW HOW TO CODE, STANLEY?! That should be impossible with that dumb brain of yours"
"It just shows I'm smarter than you, Narrator"
*Removes the bloody t-shirt*
"Pff! As if that were the case, you were just lucky"
"Could luck really help me code a med kit and a t-shirt? I don't think so"
"...Fine, you win, Stanley, you're not that dumb after all, only 1% smarter than before"
*Cleaning the wound*
"Sooooooo, are you going to let me leave now?"
"...On one condition"
"What's that?"
"I'm coming with you, Stanley, you need someone to guide you, and fortunately I'm quite knowledgeable about the rules of the Real world"
"Wait.. you're going to help me? What for? Didn't I try to kill you 20 minutes ago? So why would you do that???"
"...After everything I had done to you, erasing all of your co-workers and forcing you stay in this office, I understand the reason why you and Employee 432 wanted to kill me, and yet you still chose to save me. See this action as a form of my apology and gratitude, I don't deserve your forgiveness but at least let me help you, even if it's small compared to what you have done to me"
"...Damn, I didn't know you were this nice, Narrator"
"Shut up Stanley, we should get going"
"To where?"
"The Real World, now follow my lead, I know where the exit is at"
"So a gun shot made you change your mind?"
"Yes, now stop talking, I don't want to hear your voice any longer
"I could say the same"
"Fuck you, Stanley"
"Fuck you too, Asshole"
"You're not going to say anything?"
*Middle fingers*
*Burst in a joy of laughter*
"Your laugh is contagious, Stanley"
"Oh really? Well your laugh is contagious too"
"Is my laugh really contagious? How do you know that?"
"...Ummm, fine, I will tell you the truth, you can't remember the resets, Narrator, in some cases you can, but most of the time you don't remember what happened in those endings"
"Those endings huh? That also explains your hatred for me, I must have done something bad to you, didn't I?"
"... I will tell you another time, I don't want to explain it right now, I'm not prepared to"
"Oh... I'm sorry I brought it up, Stanley, luckily we are now closer towards the exit, you're so close to freedom, aren't you happy?"
"I am, it's just I don't get why you didn't leave the parable sooner, are you stuck here as well?"
"Even though I created this world, someone with a higher power could easily kill me anytime. There was a rule that was implemented here, if you and I want to leave the Parable, we have to go the pod together"
"That makes sense why you haven't left the Parable yet, but why have we not done this before?"
"I don't want to leave the Parable, Stanley, my whole life, my career, everything I have done was so could I make this story into a reality, that story was going to change the world, but that was not true, this is why I didn't want you to leave the Parable, because I knew you needed me for that"
"Oh...but why did you choose to stay with me even if we leave the Parable? Don't you hate me?"
"I... I feel indebted to you, even though you shot me in the first place, you still saved my life, I was going to bleed to death if it weren't for you"
"You didn't answer my question, do you hate me, Narrator?"
"Uhhhh - Look! Were here, there's the escape pod, let's go, Stanley"
"You dodge my question again"
"Let's go inside, I think we could fit in here-"
"-Not so fast"
A person emerges from the shadows.
"Employee 432!?!?"
"Oh by the way, Stanley, how did you know my name?"
"Someone told me"
"Stanley! Get inside, quick!"
"Goodbye, it was nice talking to you, Stanley, but unfortunately you didn't follow my expectations, I really thought you would kill him, I guess not, what a disappointment, I should have killed you in the first place"
"Simple, really, I needed a copy of your body in order to kill that bastard, since any other models don't have the ability to shoot a gun"
"Wait - my gun?! SHIT! Employee 432, please don't shoot me!"
"I had hated both of you from the start, the only reason why I didn't kill you in the first place was because the Player told me not to, but since they're gone, I could do anything I want, sorry Stanley, there could be only one-"
*Faints and collapses*
"Where did you get that?"
"I saw a pipe and used it as a weapon, unfortunately it's not strong enough to kill a person"
"Thank you for saving me, Narrator, but we have to get going before they wake up"
"You don't want to kill them, Stanley? Especially the fact that they were going to kill you?"
"I understand why Employee 432 did this, they were just blinded by hate and revenge, they don't deserve to die"
"...Alright then, let's get going, don't want to wake them up now"
"Goodbye, Employee 432"
*Pressing the start button*
"My left arm hurts swinging that pipe, I'm going to sleep for a while, Stanley"
*Sits down*
"That's what I had forgotten to code, I'm so sorry, Narrator"
*Sits down*
"It's alright, you already have done enough for me"
"I'll join you, i'm tired of what had happened earlier, it will be nice to fall asleep"
"Okay then, good night, Stanley"
"Good night, Narrator"
[ Blast off ]
*Shifts closer towards the other man*
*His head fell on the Narrator's shoulder*
A red pod flew in the night sky, flying into space where stars and galaxies aligned, there was nothing there except for the two sleeping fellows inside a pod, there were still unanswered questions still stuck in their minds, but for now, it isn't bad to take a rest and listen to the noise of space, with a fellow companion by your side.
꧁ The End ꧂
Editor's Note: This is probably my longest story yet! I honestly planned this to have a bad ending, where the Narrator dies and Stanley was inside the pod alone, but I changed my mind because that will happen twice in my stories.
The reason why this is a one shot is because I feel like this should be a standalone, with an open ending, so you, viewers, could imagine what their outcome might be, I honestly think the pod will get hit and both of them will die, but that will be boring and...funny.
Someone asked me if I should turn the RealParable Au into fan fiction, i'm planning to, but due to school work, I won't be able to have enough time to make it, but luckily summer is around the corner so I think I could make it! I will probably post it on AO3, but hey, no promises, I'm sorry if this reply is late, Anonymous ^^'
Thank you guys so much for 139 followers 💛I really mean it, I appreciate you guys for supporting me this far, I feel happy whenever you guys heart or reblogged a post, it just makes my day, and I hope it makes yours too, I love when you guys comment on my post, it makes me so happy ^^
Thank you so much, you guys are my motivation to continue writing stories :)
Thank you for reading and I wish you a nice day 💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤
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I want to give you guys Huggies :>
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spirited-splashes · 2 months
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Just watched a Matt Rose video and saw this tweet and realized I had to—
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mistrelfox · 1 month
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bags-of-regret · 26 days
Thinking about how long both Stans were alone for. Stanley trying and failing to not be alone while Ford pushed everyone away. How everything would be different if they just always had each other. It all came to an end with Dipper and Mabel omg sedate me
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thecatspirits · 11 days
Uhm... 2015 IT script what the hell?
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jubmato · 3 months
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i was gonna buy myself the stanley parable: ultra deluxe but i ended up having to spend the money i had for it on my goddamn therapy appointment. fuck my gay chungus life
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zephrunsimperium · 1 year
I have more memes, cause y’all like those.
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And Mabel!
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aceofstars16 · 11 months
Just me blowing my own mind thinking about Gravity Falls again lol (or maybe more like “oh gosh that makes so much sense holy moley…”)
But here’s the thing….people always blame Ford’s pride on his reaction to Stan wanting to burn his journal. And while I agree to some extent, there is another reason for this intense reaction. Which I understand now more than when I first watched the show…
Soooo…the last time Ford saw Stan was right after he feels betrayed because he thinks Stan destroyed his project. His project, which he put so much time, effort, and work into. It was his ticket to a better future. And he believes that Stan did it on purpose, because he was so caught up in their old dream of sailing together. This would create a very painful memory, which I believe, especially with Ford not working through the emotions, is still a very sensitive “trigger” of a sorts for him.
Fast forward to the portal incident. Ford needs Stan’s help, desperately. He is reaching out despite the rift between them, because he doesn’t know what else to do. And he asks Stan to take his work, and hide it. Which to be fair, is already a big thing, because the last time Stan was around his work….he broke it (or so Ford believed). But THEN Stan doesn’t want to hide it, he wants to *destroy* it. Something that Ford, once again, put a lot of time, energy, and work into. To me, that similarity would trigger the pain and hurt that Ford felt when he was a teenager. Plus those emotions were probably increased more due to his huge lack of sleep and intense desperation for help in a situation where he was in way over his head.
I’m not trying to get Ford off the hook or say he doesn’t share in the blame for what happened. But bro…as someone who understands those kinds of triggers to betrayal and deep emotional pain…Where something, even if it’s not totally the same, has very similar elements to the painful event, happens, that pain and those intense emotions are very real. And it’s a very valid reaction, especially for someone who has not worked through or healed any from that emotional trauma.
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labratboygirl · 2 years
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hi tsp tumblr,,
idk if the lovebug au is still relevant but i made this!!
[au belongs to @things1do !!]
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stcries · 2 days
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my brain's on a roll with these headcanons, so here's another one folks.
stanley's always had a love for animals deep down. he was always the kid who approached wild animals even if they weren't exactly the most sanitary. he'll take the scratches and bites without hesitation if it meant meeting a new furry friend. the best example being his possum companion, shanklin. he literally found a wild possum and went "you're my friend now >:D"
but even if he brings multiple animals home to his parents, never has he been allowed to keep them, even if they were regular dogs or cats. this is mainly because of his family's financial situation during his childhood, which i imagine wasn't the greatest. they simply didn't have enough money to care for a pet. but i can also imagine his parents being a bit creeped out/disgusted at the sight of their son bringing home dirty, smelly, probably diseased animals, and they wouldn't want their home to end up smelling the same, so they declined each time. he more than likely heard "you can get a pet when you're older" more times than you can count.
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but even when he got kicked out, stanley never got a pet of his own. on one hand, he was struggling so much financially, barely being able to provide for himself, so how on earth was he going to care for an animal? and two, with such dangerous methods he was using to obtain money during his drifter years, he'd only be putting the animal in danger being around him. so in the end, he simply couldn't take the risk.
waddles was probably stan's first experience of having a "pet" again, even if he technically belongs to mabel. even if that pig has gotten him and their family into so much trouble, deep down, he loves that little guy so much.
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panleystarable · 1 year
Something something every time you completely mute the narrator he is screaming something something stanley being controlled by the player meaning he is forced to push the skip button, jump off the stairs, and even turn on the mind control device leading to certain death
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spirited-splashes · 2 months
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Since Stanley faked his death and assumed his brother’s identity I always wondered what would happen if the twins found out sooner that he had a twin but didn’t know that he wasnt Stanford. I mean, that would definitely impact the story, right? Finding out they have a “dead” family member and he’s the brother to their great uncle.
I’d imagine Stanley would say “Stan” when referring to Ford whenever he had to talk to the kids about him. Also, I’m headcanoning he sometimes lets the nickname slip.
Yes, this is a Steven Universe reference.
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henryloverman · 1 year
[ Part 3 of RealParable Au ]
"Stanley left the office, not knowing the Narrator couldn't go with him... because the Narrator was actually the one stuck inside the Parable"
"Now the Narrator was left all alone...in this lonely office...only by himself"
"...You never deserved to be stuck here, you deserve to be in reality, its where you truly belong, not in this endless dream"
"I'm sorry, I lied to you, Stanley, I had no choice, you wouldn't have listened to me otherwise, this is for your own good"
The Narrator looked at the exit, that was the last time he would see Stanley, he would never see Stanley's stubborn face, he would never hold Stanley's hand again, Stanley would never hear him narrate again.
What is he without his protagonist? He was a Narrator who had nothing to narrate, no one would ever listen to him again, that realization struck him.
"...The end is never the end"
There was no point in staying in his physical body anymore, so the Narrator became a voice once more, he was stuck with his own thoughts, alone.
The Narrator was startled up by a loud sound on the floor, as if something heavy was dropped off, what he saw shocked him.
Is that Stanley...and him?! How in the world is that possible? Is he hallucinating? Or did they somehow get inside the Parable? Their clothes are different though, not only that they look like a mess, did they ran away from something?
[ Who the hell are you two supposed to be? ]
The other version of himself looked in total disbelief while other Stanley suddenly fainted, fortunately his other self was able to catch Stanley on time before he fell on the floor, his other self was currently holding Stanley by the shoulder.
[ Hello? Are you not going to say anything? ]
[ I could say the same, how did you guys get ] here in the first place?
[ Would you stop screaming, it's hurting ] my ears, you know?
[ I DON'T KNOW! Why are you getting mad ] at me for?! I don't even know you!
[ And who told you that? ]
[ There's no point in arguing right now, we ]
should discuss about this when your in a proper condition
*Sighs* "Fine, for now, don't disturb us"
[ I will leave you two alone. ]
"Thank you."
The Narrator watches the two go inside the lounge room and sat on the couch, his other self looked tired and looks like he was on verge of falling asleep, he was still holding the unconscious Stanley close to him, he seemed to be on guard for any potential danger.
And then his other self fell asleep, probably his fatigue got the best of him. So here he was, still stuck inside the Parable with his other version of himself and Stanley, what is he going to do now? He wondered if the exist is still there, but he has a feeling it disappeared along with his Stanley.
[ The end is never the end. ]
Editor's Note: The Narrator will have a bigger role in the future, but for now he still has to deal with the current situation. Since the Parable has it own weird logic, The other Stanley and Narrator won't need to eat or drink, basically all the necessities of being a human being, that's just how the Parable work.
I know the 90's Stanley and Narrator didn't have a proper instruction yet, it doesn't make sense for the Narrator to protect Stanley, but it will make sense in the future, I still haven't properly developed their personalities yet, since the story is still at the beginning, I'm planning on making this a series.
Reminder that there will be indeed plot holes in the future, because I can't remember shit, but anyways, I won't be able post often due to being busy at school, so maybe one or two post a week? It will depend though.
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE 130 FOLLOWERS!!!! I will be honest that I can't exactly say that I love you since I'm a stranger but, I appreciate you guys :)
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Thank you for being here with me, I want to entertain you with ideas and stories of the same fandom, I want to share my ideas so more people could use it, your support makes me happy, so I want to you to be happy as well, but I'm not forcing you to ^^
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Thank you for reading, I wish you a nice day 💛🖤💛🖤💛
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gfanlocalcryptid · 1 year
Reasons why Stanford Pines doesn't deserve the hate.
Reasons why people could (and do) hate Ford:
He wanted to "abandon" his brother to go to college.
He didn't defend his brother when he was told he wouldn't have a bright future like him and when he was kicked out of the house.
He hasn't spoken to his brother in years, and when he does it's to send him away as far away as possible.
He drove his assistant and friend crazy.
When he returned from the portal he was angry with his brother, who had made him return.
He has a “hero complex”.
Reasons why people shouldn’t (and do not) hate Ford:
His father always taught him that the only way to get respect and leave others "impressed" was to become ruddy and famous. Stan grew up this way too: where does his obsession with money come from?
All his life he was always looked down upon and looked down upon because of his six fingers. People only saw him for that "flaw", but maybe if he managed to do something great people would stop looking at him as a freak but for who he really was. When his only opportunity (college) was taken away from him he felt hurt, betrayed (trust no one). Don't be surprised if he did everything to be able to achieve fame.
An abusive father who only gave him conditional love, a terrible childhood and adolescence, his trust betrayed, a wounded pride, and his theories after years still didn't lead to anything… and Bill. How to describe your relationship with Bill Cipher in a few words?Ford was desperate, adrift, and Bill was a beacon of light, his salvation, his muse, his confidant and friend. Bill was everything to him. And he cheated on him. Ford was once again betrayed by someone he thought worthy of trust.
Ford hasn’t a “hero complex”. It’s much more complicated. Ford gives the impression of consider himself superior to the others, but I think it's a defense system. After all, if he isn't "the smart guy", who is he? A whole life spent trying to prove something is not easy.
In the “Journal 3” published in 2016, Ford writes he almost killed Bill before the portal opened. This explains his frustration (but not justify it!).
In the end, Bill, Ford’s greatest problem (with his father). Bill made Ford think that he was special, the only one worth of his knowledge, “the chosen one”. To say this has only boosted his ego out of proportion would be an understatement.
So, was I able to explain to you why I think Ford deserves understanding, maybe good therapy? I hope so. Have a good life!
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the-infinite-hole · 8 months
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enjoying+ breaking Superliminal with kiddo
he knows he's supposed to be himself but he likes pretending to be stanley :D
(so do I)
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tuungaq · 11 months
stephen stanley shouldn’t have been at the club because that has historically been regarded as a bad move instead he should have been swaddled with blankets at an outpatient program and given intensive art therapy and a klonopin prescription
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