#Star Shaft
mudwerks · 1 year
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(via JHALAL DRUT: karteraiartz - Star Shaft - Princess Nubian)
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padmestrilogy · 19 days
^ rare clip of a youtuber talking about the acolyte worth unmuting
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blondeweasel · 4 months
Darth Maul: *gets cut in half and falls down a reactor shaft* *survives*
Palpatine: *gets thrown down a reactor shaft and explodes* *somehow returns*
Tech: *falls into clouds* *dies*
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redbean-nom · 5 months
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design for Adult Omega
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eawasekaruta · 18 days
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
ELIA WEEK DAY1: Elia and her children
Headcanons I've been keeping in my heart about our PrincessDianaElia:
artist @the-lady-raerae <3
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The first weeks she was weakened and exhausted for no reason
Her bizarre cravings were a dead giveaway
Elia when told she was expecting immidately told Ashara to send the word to all of Dorne!
She actually cried of joy and was extra careful about what she ate
She would read as soon as she could when she knew she was pregnant
When she felt Rhaenys kick the frst time she was overjoyed. This specific moment made all her pain worth it.
She hoped her child would be healthy (That was her biggest fear)
The delivery was the most intense pain she ever felt
Once she held Rhaenys for the first time she was overwhelmed and happy to know the babe was healthy
She wouldn’t let her go so bad Rhaenys got quickly used to being constantly carried
Rhaenys never had milk mothers. Elia was so happy about her daughter she'd INSIST to feed her herself and actually adored those moments
Elia would talk to Rhaenys like she her best friend, gossiping and chatting away FOR HOURS
Elias ladies in waiting were constantly having their eyes on the babe whenever Elia was away for xyz
After Aerys said nasty shit about Rhaenys at her introduction at court she told Rhaegar she NEVER wishes to be left alone with him. It’s Dragonstone or Dorne for her and her child
The amount of love and care Queen Rhaella showed to her granddaughter salvaged her good family’s reputation to her eyes
Rhaella confided she had always wanted a daughter, it was bittersweet
In fact Queen Rhaella and Princess Elia had mutual respect and care for each other
After this humiliation Elia made sure to have no Aerys patriots around her blood
Security and guardsmen were ordered to be very careful about who wanted to see her daughter
Once she was announced to be carrying Aegon she felt terrified
That period was the worst and only got worser
Rhaegar was already speaking of a third child when she couldn’t obviously carry no more
She was found of her young husband but frustrated of his lack of realism
The King was getting more erratic and mad
The wood attack and the court having obvious stands on Rhaegars succession to the throne
The Kings attitude towards her allowed micro aggressions to flourish at court about her and her children
This she avoided to bring them in that environment as much as possible
When Rhaegar passed her and gave the garland of roses to Lady Lyanna time stopped for her
Funnily enough she felt nothing however her family was livid
Only once she felt eyes on her did she sense something was amiss
In the carriage on the way back she felt numb and eerily calm
She returned to Dragonstone the same evening thinking on the next moves to secure her children’s rights
What would it mean for her bloodline and their claim of the throne
Rhaegar sent for her to return, to explain. She had no interest to return and told him to return to his family once he’s finished there
Both Rhaenys and Aegon would quiet down and soothe when she’d read to them
Her favourite lullabies would be sung in hushed tones
Elia had great aspirations for her children and was already looking into a stable future for both
Elia got familiar with High Valyrian because of Rhaegar
Rhaenys has proven to be Oberyns niece
A turbulent baby leaving chaos everywhere she went
But she was adorable so she got a pass
Aegon was quiet fussy and had a birds appetite
Unsettling his mother a bit that her health got through him
But maesters would constantly reassure her that he was a healthy boy
Elia would teach Rhaenys affirmations and repeat them every morning and night like a prayer
Because this is what her own mother did for her
Rhaenys hated her hair being done by anyone else but her mother (and elia was lowkey proud of this privilege)
Balerion was Rhaegars last gift to his daughter
Princess Rhaenys was a daddy’s girl
As a ritual Elia Rhaegar and Rhaenys used to watch the sun set on the Narrow Sea
While Rhaegar would explain to his daughter the history of Aegon and his sisters Queen Rhaenys and Queen Visenya
Rhaenys is a history nerd too
Father and daughter would also sing together sometimes Elia watched foundly from the doorframe
All her ladies in waiting were her pillars and allies
All their children would play together with the little Princess
Though Ashara Dayne was the favourite aunt and she felt her absence the most once alone in Kingslanding
Her last letter to Ashara was to warn her that Aegon had indigo eyes and that she had won their bet
Ashara received it too late…
Elia Aegon and Rhaenys remains rest in the Watergardens in Dorne
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short-wooloo · 1 year
I will always like Rey better than Ahsoka, because Rey actually admires and wants to be like the Jedi, being a Jedi is a dream come true for her, whereas ahsoka is a sanctimonious prick who blames the Jedi for their own genocide
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calliecat93 · 8 months
Things like when it would be would be sorted out later, this is just to see if there would be enough people to warrant anything.
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wisedo · 1 year
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Inktober2023 Day 13 - Rise
Rise to power
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Things I will never understand: why do so many Star Wars fans agree that the Disney Sequels were terrible and destructive to the original Lucas saga, but then still passively accept them as 'canon'???
Why not just... reject that nonsense??
As others have stated before, fandom is not obligate consumerism. You are not REQUIRED to accept anything you don't agree with (or that you feel destroys everything you love most about a fictional story) as canon.
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gizkalord · 8 months
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defendglobe · 2 years
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jokes i didn't get as a kid
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khattikeri · 1 year
me reading bnha 390 leaks just bc i know vaguely what's going on at the moment and seeing the chapter literally being called "Todoroki Shouto: Rising" is single handedly making me contemplate catching up to the manga instead of waiting for it to finish and then binging from where i left off
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“I’m gonna, like, bitch about something before we play this next song…  How many people have a Rolling Stone subscription?  You know, it’s that buttwipe magazine, that thing you have by the toilet when you gotta blow your bloody fucking boogers into your ass hole!  Well, that’s where it comes right through your fucking front door right into your shitter and only use it to line the cat box, birdcage, or whatever your fucking ass hole is…” (x)
(via @bearcub81212)
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okadiah · 1 year
I am so happy to see Ezra! And Thrawn! And the Chimera! Besides seeing Hera and Jacen and Lothal and Sabine, it was literally the first time I smiled and felt like Rebels was back and respected in some way.
But I still do not trust Dave Filoni and await the moment he fucks them.
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beeskneesntrees · 1 year
Nah, this is the last fuckin' straw. I've uninstalled the app, left a bad 1 star review explaining these tone-deaf updates are killing the site and I encourage you all to do the same. I guess I'm desktop only for now but even the desktop site is on thin ice.
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