#Star trek theory
piber20 · 8 months
It's widely believed that Star Trek has influenced technological development in the real world; flip phones, ipads, etc. However the show Star Trek doesn't exist within the Star Trek universe.
I believe Chronowerx, the company featured in Voyager's Future's End two parter, is Star Trek's explanation for how technology in the Star Trek timeline was able to progress very much like our own. The crash of the timeship Aeon and the formation of Chronowerx almost nearly coincides with when Star Trek was airing in the real world.
With how Star Trek influenced technology of the real world, it in some way influenced technological development in its own timeline itself, however in a much more direct way.
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anewstartrekfan · 10 months
Strange New Worlds Tarsus IV theory that’s probably wrong but eh
I think Sam and Jim’s mom was murdered on Tarsus IV.
Based on the newest episode of SNW, we know George Kirk Sr. is still alive. But neither brother brings up their mom when arguing about how their dad is only proud of Jim. However Jim does bring her up when he was talking about his past. (I do not care for that scene but I’m gonna have to use it for my point) specifically saying during his childhood, his mom, Sam, and himself would follow his dad to each new posting.
Jim was around 13 when Tarsus IV happened. So technically the end of his childhood. Meaning there’s a chance he stopped following his dad’s postings after the massacre. What could cause the family to switch gears except a tragedy?
Imo it also retroactively makes Jim being a witness who saw Kodos commit the crime make more sense.
“Kodos began to separate the colonists. Some would live; be rationed whatever food was left. The remainder, would be immediately put to death. […] Children watching their parents die, whole families destroyed. Over 4,000 people. They died quickly, without pain, but they died.”
With how Spock described the massacre in conscious of the king, it almost sounds like Kodos and his men went door to door murdering the people he deemed less valuable. Given George Kirk Sr.’s status in Starfleet, if Kodos were to deem any or all of George’s family less valuable, he would probably want to be there for the execution. Kodos thought he would go down in history as a hero for this after all. He would want to be there for the “big,” moments.
I’m also betting the relief that arrived was not from the Kelvin, but a different starship. Further reinforcing the conclusion Jim came to about his dad.
“My mom, brother, and I, we spent my whole childhood chasing him from one posting to another. Barely seeing him. When I’d ask why, my mom would always say, he’s helping people who really need it. […] If my dad chose to help total strangers over me, it must… must be important.”
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quarks-pussy · 7 months
Lower Decks 4x09 spoiler and theorising about finale
Originally I sent an ask to someone to get a second opinion on this soon after I watched 4x09 but it doesn't look like he'll publish it in time so, considering there's less than 9 hours left as of the writing of this paragraph, I'll just post this without someone looking it over. Keep in mind I haven't watched The First Duty and this is about to be very speculative and frankly a lil crack-y
So, a lot of folks, now more than ever, have been theorising about the presence of some sort of relation between Nick Locarno and Tom Paris. But one thing I haven't seen anyone else suggest yet is the idea that one is a transporter clone.
Their backstories diverge shortly after the accident(s) they caused so perhaps they got split in two very soon after it happened and since that meant they technically both committed the crime, Starfleet ended up putting them both on trial, separately.
But of course while Tom accepted responsibility, from what I've seen (again, haven't watched The First Duty) Nick didn't. As a consequence, while Tom was given a second chance on Voyager, Nick wasn't. So that made him extra salty of course.
Especially if - and this part's truly out there, be warned! - Tom is the clone. I have no evidence for this, I just think it's the angstier option so of course I prefer it because it would mean that the thing anyone with a transporter clone is afraid of happened to Nick: The clone was better than him and took over his life. Which would mean potential stuff for him to bond over with Bradward (specifically using his first name this post because... well, you'll see)
Obviously this doesn't immediately check out since Tom and Nick have different last names and also we only have a named parent for Tom and he has Tom's last name so logically, if anything, Nick would be the clone, but I think this can be handwaved and/or retconned and I kinda hope they do because this would fuck me up for real and be one of like 0.5 ways to make me sympathise with Nick at this point.
Also, and this one's not even weird theory anymore, this is pure fanfic, I hope Nick and William Boimler team up and also run off to get gay married at the end. Brad takes this as an opportunity to realise he's not straight.
Yea anyway just some word vomit lol what do y'all think
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andietries · 7 months
I have just realised that if Spock had the appearence of a Vulcan, which also included the Pon Farr, means that the human part of him should be the brain and personality. But due to him being raised in a so different culture, he had to learn to mask it.
Only when he was part of the Starfleet and finally made friends, he was able to become himself.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Insane The Elysian Kingdom Theory GO!!!!!
I’m about to blow some DS9 fans fuckin minds with a Strange New Worlds Easter egg that my friend found.
So you know that children’s book Dr. M’Benga is reading to Rukiya?
Look at the author
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Take a closer look
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Do you know what that means?!?!?
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We know Far Beyond The Stars was a vision given to Sisko by the Prophets to motivate him not to resign from his post on DS9. The Prophets don’t process time linearly, the end of the show Sisko becomes the Emissary and has basically joined them. The baseball he left behind being a promise of his return. It’s also established the Prophets have the power to leave and possess humanoids across time and space. Which is how they ensured Sisko would be born at all!
The fact there is a children’s fantasy book, The Elysian Kingdom, written by him, HAS to mean Benny Russel was a real person and not some metaphorical human the Prophets projected Sisko onto to prove a point.
Would that mean if he is somehow Sisko/The Emissary himself OR was possessed by The Prophets the same way Sisko’s mother was (and is maybe perhaps a direct ancestor of Sisko). That this is how he had visions of DS9 in the first place?
What if the “entity” M’benga is referencing in the teaser is tied to Russel somehow and they just don’t know it yet because Benjamin Sisko hasn’t even been born and I don’t think Starfleet has even discovered Bajor yet!
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trekkiehood · 2 years
Star Trek TOS is a bunch of kids filming the awesome adventures of James T. Kirk based off of historical documents on their Holos and posting it on Holotube and it got popular ironically. That's why the quality is worse and there are some inaccuracies.
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ensign-spider · 1 year
okay lemme try to canonize something that is just an inconsistency
so in TNG 5.9 "A Matter of Time" we get family dollar jim carrey (otherwise known as max headroom) coming in supposedly 200 years in the future, but of course it turns out he is just a really good con man and is actually from 200 years in the past.
in the beginning, the crew of the enterprise is skeptical but curious. ten minutes later (air time or real time tbh) they're writing essays for him detailing their technology. they love this guy! and true he is very charming, but like he really managed to win them over and absolutely dupe them.
now let's talk about ds9 5.15 "trials and tribble-ations." even if you don't know ds9, you know this one. of course as we know at the very beginning we have agents from the Department of Temporal Mechanics coming to investigate sisko and co's trip back to 1967.
side note: we know that we can detect temporal anomalies, sometimes by detecting tachyons, AND max hedroom's ship was discovered as such.
so what my theory presupposes is, crew of the enterprise 1701-D was just so god damn embarrassed that they withheld this information from starfleet and the federation, erased logs and tried to move on. odo found it in a log, but like, what if this just got lost in the shuffle of paperwork and picard managed to get it past an admirals desk unseen.
that's what happened 🤷‍♀️
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uss-birdbrain · 1 year
Vulcans may claim not to need fun, but they would absolutely have games on their phones.
And not just chess, those ball sorting games that we all get thousands of ads for? Vulcans LOVE those things, it's all about creating order from disorder!!
Mahjong? The entire species is addicted! It was introduced to them and it immediately became the biggest sport on Vulcan.
Listen, listen, you cannot convince me that THIS
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Is not just virtual Kal-tow!!
Those bridge simulator games?
Just, vulcans playing viddygames
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harley-rose25 · 1 year
trek thoughts: Vulcans are geneticly modified, perhaps?
Vulcans are too well evolved for their planet, like, evolutionary adaptions to the environment make sense of course, but they just seem like theyre too adapted. I mean, for example, T'pol told Cp. Archer that she didnt need sunglasses because her inner eyelids protected her eyes; humans also evolved on planet revolving a giant ball of molten rock and plasma but we didnt evolve build in sunglasses.
Vulcans also possess more strength than should be necessary. Why are they 3+ times stronger than the average human? Partially because of higher gravity, possibly partially because of cultural differences; Vulcans seem to place a higher value/need on being physically strong and healthy, likely the need to keep others from taking their mate is a strong evolutionary catalyst, but I feel like theres more.
What about their telepathic abilities? How does a species evolve something like that? Especially given that their telepathy coupled with their violent intense emotions makes for what one would think is a bad combination. It makes sense they almost blew themselves up.
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jonberry555 · 8 months
New YouTube Shorts - Clips from latest Star Trek Video: How Does Federation Citizenship Works | Star Trek Theory
How does Federation Citizenship Actually Work in Universe? #startrek #startrektheory #shorts:
What we actually know about Federation Citizenship! #startrek #startrektheory #shorts:
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nocturnes-hideout · 9 months
Do you guys think Robert Picard was told that his brother was considered a casualty of war/dead? Do you think Riker ever took a minute to send him a message telling him Jean-Luc had been taken by the Borg and he was never coming back?
There was enough downtime in "Best of Both Worlds: Part 2" for Riker to send such a message. In "Family", Robert aks Jean-Luc what "they" (they being the Borg, showing Robert knows that they were fighting the Borg) did to him. Robert says he doesn't precisely know what happened and knows that Jean-Luc was hurt and "humiliated". Jean-Luc tells Robert that he (Robert) knows what happened, which would seem to suggest that Robert was given some amount of information sometime before Jean-Luc arrived. Robert also doesn't seem that surprised upon hearing Jean-Luc talk about what happened. The surprised part, to me at least, seems to be about how much pain his brother is in and how human (emotional, breakable) his brother, who is notoriously closed-off and who he's been estranged with for years, is. Not what the Borg did to him. It should also be noted that Jean-Luc doesn't give that much detail about what happened. He didn't say that the Borg put their metal parts in him or that they invaded his mind and made him part of the Collective. He just says that they "took everything from [him]". He does not explain the process or the methods, and Robert doesn't ask or seem at all confused as to what the Borg are or what they do to the people they assimilate.
This seems to suggest that he knew some things, like Jean-Luc being taken by the Borg and made to fight Starfleet ("humiliation"). And that he knows, at least vaguely, what assimilation is.
Robert being told that his brother has been taken and is not coming back, is for all intents and purposes dead, also sort of recontextualizes "Family". I can totally see Robert allowing his estranged brother to come over for a visit after hearing that he's been injured, I do think he cares deeply for Jean-Luc even if they're not close. But he would have even more of a reason to allow him to stay, and to want to help him process his trauma, if Robert thought Jean-Luc died without them ever making up.
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ireallyamabear · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about this star trek take I saw yesterday ... this is the most succinct in universe explanation on why there's so much 20th century media consumption on all the star trek shows ...
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The prompt engineer take is also insanely true
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allmyandroids · 1 year
New Data/Lore theory my mind just dropped:
Data and Lore talking, both being equal in possesing the synth-android body but then Data remembers that he realy died in Nemesis on that ship and then again in Altan's lab on his android planet. And he feels very incomplete, not human enough, knowing he died 2 times and was brought back like a machine.
So, in the end: Lore helps Picard, gets his shit together and Data (after an emotional talk with Lore in their mind) gives the new synth-android body to his brother, so Lore can live his own live, with new and his own strong memorys, because Data already lived his life on the Enterprise with his friends, his family and realy died defending that loving family in Nemesis.
And in the end, Data's personality slowly fades away and Lore feels empty, not sensing his brother anymore and gets quite emotional, just like all the others.
Lore promises to make his brother be proud of him. After all, he just wants to live.
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biochemsitry · 2 years
New Star Trek theory: in a lot of Star Trek episodes, they go back in time on Earth or meet Earth ppl from the past in some other way, but don't understand what the people are saying bc they're using slang. For example, TNG episode "The Neutral Zone" (with the cryogenically frozen people from the 20th century) or TOS episode "A Piece of the Action" (ok they don't actually meet any past Earth ppl but it's similar). So imagine a DISC, SNW, or any other New Trek episode where they go back in time to the 2020s and someone calls one of the main characters a sussy baka
Ok I'm sorry I'm done
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SISKO no no no because that white light looks like where sisko ended up and he’s like a god or whatever and please can I have sisko back
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