#Star wars verse
punkbarnes2 · 5 months
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Star Wars AU is growing!!
Happy star wars day a bit late, may the 4th be with you <3
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i-am-trans-gwender · 27 days
Knowing the titular character of Young Sheldon will grow up to be the same Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory is the same as knowing that kid Anakin in The Phantom Menace will grow up to be Darth Vader.
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nik-barinova · 1 year
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I have returned to my Star Wars era with a sketch dump of Savage x OC because I fucking can
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
"Master Zirconia, may I speak with you?" Barriss Offee asked as she stepped into Baelz's chambers in the Jedi Temple. Briefly noting how much more spacious it was than others.
“Yes, Padawan Offee?” the ancient jedi master replied, turning to face her as she entered his chamber. Despite his wizened age surpassing that of the grand master, the pale-skinned jedi had refused to age past his prime, appearing a monochromatic version of himself at the age of thirty. “What can I do for you?”
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pawnshopsouls · 4 months
“ you seem disturbed by something.”
Stan Bonachard was no stranger to reading strangers. He could look around the room and with one sniff, tell who the biggest rat of the bunch was and who was a goodie-too-shoes way out of their depth. It was a special skill he had, his discerning nose and gut, and they were telling him something very odd was going on in this bar. Like... an undercurrent he couldn't quite place.
He frowned, looked over at his stool-neighbor, and glanced around the bar. "Yeah, I guess yeh could say that," he said, taking a sip from his spritzer. "Not that it matters this far from the out. Rather be in a place like Corellia or somewhere with a little more vibrancy to it."
The stout fellow glanced over and raised an eyebrow at the young man seated beside him. "Yer pretty new around here though. Ain't seen yeh around before. So, what brings yeh here, kid? What brings yeh teh this seedy little corner a' the galaxy?"
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mantleoflight · 5 months
Star Wars!Stats
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Name: Echo-17
Age: Died @ age 28, Rezzed 3 ago
Gender: Female
Vanguard Class: Hunter
Preferred Subclass(es): Solar, Arc, Stasis
Alignment: Light/Vanguard
Faction Alliance: Rebel Alliance/New Republic
Jumpship: Velocimancer or T-65 Headhunter
Species: Exomind Lightbearer
Species quirk: 1. Inorganic sapient, unable to use the force. - "Look we're not droids. We're just... people with full-body prosthetics. We got transferred from one body to another. Simple. So before you go judging us, remember that just because you guys have the tech for looking more human, doesn't mean we do." -- Echo-17 to an examining med-tech 2. Light Bearer - Paracausal Light (just known as Light) is an energy that generates life in unexpected places. Much like the Force, Light flows through the universe but very thinly, only enough to get the seeds of Life started on worlds hospitable to it. One form of this life is the Light Bearers - beings who generate their own Light thanks to their inorganic yet still symbiotic partners known as Ghosts. Together, they can generate and use condensed Light in miraculous and often explosive ways. Such beings are gathered and trained to hone their skill for the betterment and defense of their home, people, and the Traveler - the source of their Light & originator of their Ghosts. -- "Light brings Life and Life brings the Force, and Guardians are meant to defend it." -- "Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires Sacrifice. Sacrifice brings death. And from death, Light brings New Life." -- Because Light (paracausal) is so thin so far from the Traveler, Guardians are only able to generate enough light to use their abilities once or twice per day. This Light is measured by "charges" or how much Light is used by their individual abilities, and how long each ability recharges. Because of the lack of sustained Light, fully charged/rested guardians only gain about 5 charges. 1 charge per ability & 1 per revive. Light Charges can be stored in modified power packs, 1 charge per power pack. They are expensive and require glimmer and expertise.
Class Abilities: -- Grenade ability (1 charge, 24 hr recharge): Arc Bolt/Solar Flare/Stasis wall -- Melee ability (1 charge, 12 hr recharge): Solar Knifes/Arc stab/Stasis shuriken -- Class ability (1 charge, 6 hr recharge): Hunter's Dodge (generates 1 charge for another ability) -- Super ability (1 Super Charge/3 Charges, 48hr recharge): Solar Blade Barrage, Arc Spear, Stasis Storm
Ghost Abilities: -- 1 Revive/Resurrect per 24 hrs/3 light charges after that, Scan (gathers info based on biology, technology, topography, etc.) --- Disassemble (breaks down and processes small amounts of matter or items into programmable matter called Glimmer.) -- Assemble/Matter Hack (assembles small amounts of Glimmer into other items. Very difficult.) -- Heal (1/4 charge based on damage.)
Weapons: - Primary weapon: Perpetuals auto rifle, lunalata bow - Energy weapon: Sunshot hand cannon, Enigma glaive - Heavy weapon: Golden Tusk sword, Sleepless rocket launcher
Inventory: - Glimmer: 5000 - Current armor - 1 spare set of armor - 1 armor care kit - 1 minor exo repair kit - 39 ration sets (from the ship) - 1 large first aid kit (from the ship) - 1 large ship repair kit (from the ship) - 1 bedroll & pack - 1 set of dnd dice - 1 set of uno cards - 1 sketchbook - 1 long-range radio (from the ship) - 1 evac/survival kit (from the ship) - 3 spare ghost shells (including 1 hive ghost shell) - 1 set of Bubble Gloves (hive ghost containment gloves) - 1 surveying kit (from the ship)
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nin9tailed · 5 months
I haven't decided whether the boys are Force sensitive or not...it would make sense given their powers in canon, but I also think it would be different for each of them. Yeon probably used his powers early in life without realizing he was doing it, but he learned to survive and compensate in other ways, so he likely did not develop them beyond basics and doesn't really rely on them now. Rang on the other hand didn't have any signs of Force sensitivity until he was older and he probably abuses the gifts any chance he gets.
Actively using them means he's probably more powerful than his brother, who largely abandoned the practice, and Rang would be more on par with someone who was identified and actually trained. Neither ended up at the Jedi temple and their respective walks of life simply took them different places. Yeon wouldn't mention it to anyone, even if he had lingering subtle skills, and Rang would not reveal his gifts for fear of being tricked or abused.
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impercre · 5 months
@misfittcd grows impatient
"Jedi," Feyd hissed the words even if they were heavy with affection as he kissed him. Anakin had become his one solace here on Coruscant or at least it had started to feel like it.
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"Where have you been?" Feyd asked straddling the other's lap and cupping his face in his hands. He could almost smell other worlds on him, taste them and he wanted more than anything to disappear with Anakin out amongst the stars. He was safe with him in his arms and in his bed.
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ethrouthier · 1 year
Eth was there for a job. That was all. Keep his head down while looking around and be mundane. Mundane, with his laser focus that made him so useful.
The planet was crawling with people, billions of them. Not only people, of course, but mainly.
He scanned streets as he went, and for just a moment, his eyes got caught on a droid off in the distance, and he missed what was right in front of him, colliding with a woman.
She had been floating, up in the sky, all alone. Out of reach to not just him but everyone.
A dream. That was all it was. It must have been someone else in the dream though; he had never seen this woman before. "Excuse me," he said, but he just stared at her, not moving out of the way.
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redemptivexheroics · 7 months
Late Night Studies [Closed]
@skywalkerxanakin [Continued]
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"Honestly, Anakin, though I do miss Qui-Gon, the closest thing I've had to a father since mine died before I was born, I was sad, but I was not angry; Obi-Wan had contacted me before he left Naboo and told me what happened, that all of Qui-Gons actions were because he sensed you were different and would be a great addition to the Jedi and since we were the same age, we'd get along, I would never blame you for that. If it wasn't for Qui-Gon, we would've never met, and I wouldn't really have a best friend, more like a brother."
Ellis shrugged. "I don't know, but you're my best friend, and I wouldn't trade you for anything. We're going to be the most powerful Jedi to ever live and we're going to take down the Sith and get rid of the fear and chaos they pose to the galaxy"
She nodded. "Like I said, he was the closest I ever got to a father, I mean, it's nice that I have Master Windu, but our relationship is more mentor and student, not father and daughter. I don't think I will ever get over that, but it's life; we're born, we live, and...we die. Life is cruel if you think about it."
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i-am-trans-gwender · 18 days
Story time
When I was younger I went to a Christian Camp. One time one of the counselors dressed as Jesus but every one kept on calling him Obi Wan Kenobi. The counselor said that if one more person called him Kenobi then he'd take the outfit off. Then the guy who owned the camp asked him "Why are you dressed as Obi Wan?" As promised he took the outfit off.
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What if Rick Grimes was in Star Wars (Edit series)
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-Rebel leader pookie -Probably executed by the Empire during the climax of the last movie of his saga. Instead of being beheaded, his nape was sliced with a saber, making him lose movement and die slowly in some sick Empire event, broadcast to the galaxy. -His death caused mass riot, making many more people join the cause against the Empire. -Traded his life so 4 republic planets wouldn't be destroyed. The little ring of planets he saved each one being named on the map with a letter of his name initials to honor him, R.I.C.K. planetary system now. -Force user but clumsy, zero Jedi training, he tried in the past but some masters said his emotions were too strong and it was a risk he would end up going to the Dark Side if he tried to become a Jedi. -He did some light saber training because he is force sensitive and can use them, but he often burns himself a little, on his face and sides and thighs, when using light sabers to fight. He doesn't have his own, he uses light sabers he found or that used to belong to his friends. -Can use the Force to make enemies miss some blaster shots and move small objects, but it's very limited and he has to focus a lot. -No one considers him a Jedi, except for enemies who don't know him but see him wielding some light saber. -Can pilot. -Had gigantic potential as Jedi, but he would have been corrupted and become evil if he had proceeded with his training, hate and anger are stronger motivators for him after all, but also hope and love. -The Empire and dark forces tried to recruit him to train him as a Sith. -Cannot stand the passiveness of the Jedi, has a natural rebel personality.
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valkxrie · 2 years
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|| Verses have been added ||  · Professional writer with 10+ years experience · Author and muse are 25+ · Blog contains adult themes, including mentions of death · Please tag and mention valkxrie in posts/replies/starters ·  About | Rules | Verses | Memes | Opens ��· Plotting always welcome, ask box aways open
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pawnshopsouls · 7 months
//HHHHH ok gonna dust off this blog to say that yes I’m alive! I’m just really active on my Destiny sideblog @mantleoflight but I’m back for a moment to share some starwars stuff since that’s the secondary kick I’m on.
//SO if Bel’Terum were ever a starwars world, it would be an outer rim world that everyone thinks is a backwater yokel planet that when people visit, they think these people are dumb and superstitious
//but little do they know, that this world is indeed the SW version of country/southern horror and the one good force user on their world is literally just a farm guy/graveyard caretaker who keeps the angry force ghosts asleep bc he’s just that soothing. The guy just radiates calm, chill through the Force.
//but where there is a force user, there are people looking for them
//and ngl, the idea of Imperials coming to pick up Salem and unleashing a “Monster in the House” scenario while doing it is just ~delicious~ to me ~
//anyway, yeah, that’s what’s on my brain rn XP
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mantleoflight · 7 months
SW/D2 Crossover thoughts
//Watching the gameplay of Fallen Order and ngl, it really looks like something Echo could really get into.
//Which got me thinking about my SW!Verse with Echo and how she'd probably be on a planet trying to close a breach connecting her system in the Unknown Regions to the Known Galaxy. It's an old, overgrown machine world, something like Treasure Planet. She finds the place beautiful and learns a lot about the Force and how it interacts with the Light. But instead of leaving, she stays there endeavoring to keep the gate closed to keep the Vex from escaping the lobster trap that is her star system.
//Wedge didn't call Sol the seventh ring of the Correlian hells for nothing after all.
//But in her time there, she's come to learn a lot about Light and the Force and though Light is weaker here, she's found that it's Symbiotic with the Force.
//"Light brings life, life brings the Force. We're symbiotic that way."
//In the SW universe, Light isn't as thick and thus not as powerful in the Known Universe. But certain abilities still thrive there. Alas, you can only get certain ability charges once a day, and you have to be careful how you spend the day's Light.
//Gone are the days when Echo could sheld Light into empowering orbs. Now she conserves her Light, storing it Light Packs one ability charge at a time. She can't revive willy-nilly now. If she dies, Whisper only has enough Light for one rezz every 24 hours. Beyond that, it takes three charge packs to revive her after that, and those charge packs don't come cheap.
//Curiously, despite the handicap, swapping her subclasses no longer affects her light charge. Here, the Light is Light and the only thing that matters to it is being used regardless of the shape it takes.
//Darkness is a different story though... Strand is thin but strangely, it flows with the Force like a river following its natural course. The stronger the flow of the Force, the stronger the flow of Strand. It might not be the force itself, but the two flow together like sister forces.
//Stasis, however... something dark congeals around stasis, like gravity compression. The power of it, the need to control... it tightens the world around it like a cramped muscle... and Echo has noticed its chill.
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bandit-prince · 5 months
I’m really dying to give my Mando girl a test run, if anyone would wanna plot a rp?
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