#Starbucks keto drinks
nancypullen · 6 months
A Day Off
Hallelujah! What a perfect day. I worked until six o'clock on Wednesday and practically danced out of the library. I have been rotating between the information desk and the circulation desk and the good citizens of this county have worn me out. The last several days have been a bit wonky. There were ten thousand calls asking if we have free eclipse glasses -we didn't, but could direct you to a place that does and/or provide instructions for making your own viewer out of a cereal box and aluminum foil. There was an event giving away free laptops to qualifying residents that was like the last flight out of Saigon. In the words of an unflappable coworker, "There was chaos in every corner of the building." Don't even get me started about Mercury being in retrograde. Like I said, wonky. Saturday was actually quite nice because it was opening day for Little League and there was a parade down Market Street with plenty of cute kids. When I arrived home on Saturday the Edgewater gang showed up and we celebrated Mr. Pullen's birthday. Jamie and I convinced the fellas to accompany us to a greenhouse to hunt for some plants, a greenhouse that the grandgirl said was "in the middle of nowhere". She wasn't wrong. We came home with lots of lovelies for the gardens, a successful trip! This is my favorite picture snapped over the weekend. Tyler and Jamie in a chess battle on the front porch. Never say it's not exciting around here.
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I was back to work on Monday (eclipse day) for three busy days, and now I'm free! We delayed our trip to Lancaster for a day to let the bad weather blow through, so we'll leave in the morning, stay over Friday night, and come home later on Saturday. I'm anticipating some fun. Speaking of fun, here's another photo I loved. I'm pretty sure that I'm allowed to post this because she's masked. No one could ever identify her from this photo (and I've been good for six years). I'll delete if they ask. Anyway, this is our little miss on Monday. Isn't it cute pic?
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Fast forward to today and I've shed all of the work nonsense and I'm feeling quite content. I spent the entire morning weeding and preparing flower beds, then planting some of the pretties that I picked up at Ball Greenhouses last week. I know I'm early, but these are hardy girls. If Mother Nature turns fickle I'll just be the crazy lady running around tossing sheets over gardens. Wouldn't be the first time. It's a small price to pay for the happiness of today. Working the dirt and dreaming of the blooms to come was good for my soul. I needed this day. Another little something that has recently delighted me is this stuff.
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Because I'm at work for nine hours, I have recently become addicted to sugary, fattening, fancy coffee drinks. I'd zip through Starbucks on my lunch break and pick up an iced caramel macchiato , then I started buying the bottles at the grocery store and filling my big sippy cup (that I normally use for water) in the mornings. I was adding way too many calories to my day. So, I searched for a healthier replacement drink that would still give me the boost - and I found it! I'm not on Atkins or Keto or any of those diets, but I definitely appreciate the low sugar/carb count. This protein shake has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, with added protein and fiber. It's a win! I can have this for breakfast and feel no guilt. Getcha' some! This post is sort of all over the place, sorry about that. I don't have a lot to say and I didn't sit down with a plan. I just opened my laptop and wanted to say hi. I do miss having more time to spend being silly here. The older I get the less I care about being silly. Look at these cool sunglasses I bought in a little shop in Chestertown. Silly for a woman my age? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not.
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I just notice that my name tag for work is all jacked up by my seatbelt. Hope I straightened that out once I got there, but I don't remember doing it. Oops. Several of you have asked about whether or not I'm enjoying my job. It's complicated. I've mentioned my lovely coworkers, I've mentioned that I'm having fun doing the displays, there are plenty of positives. I'm trying to focus on what I have gained and not what I have lost. I do miss having time for hobbies, doing more than work, eat, sleep, repeat. Of course, as I type this I'm looking ahead to three days off - wonderful! The 16th will mark three months in my position, so I do feel I've given it a fair shake...and I just don't know. I'm really pouring a lot of energy, creativity, and effort into this job and I do feel that it's appreciated. They are very nice to me and pay me adequately. I'm just undecided if it's a fair trade for my freedom. I mostly talk about the fun parts, the nice parts, but there are also the not-so-fun parts. A surprising number of books are returned with bed bugs. We have two large "stink boxes" that are usually full of books returned that reek of everything from cigarette smoke, pot, or just general funk. They sit in there with charcoal rocks until they're bearable. Lots of people are rude, really rude. I got used to that when I was in the airline industry, but it doesn't make it any more pleasant. I could go on, couldn't we all? No job is ever perfect, and in the past I tolerated the unpleasant aspects because I had no choice. I don't have to do that anymore. I've been asked to take on some summer programming work - fun activities with kids, outreach booths at festivals, that sort of thing. I'm looking forward to that, and it's been a while since I've had things to look forward to. Well, that's not true. I've had loads of fun family stuff that happened and even a trip to Ireland in the last year, but as far as having something that gives me a chance to actually use my brain and any meager talents I have - this is the first chance since we left Tennessee. I just wish it wasn't so exhausting. Is that just me being sixty? It's kind of funny that I'm twenty to thirty years older than nearly everyone I work with, but they're all so tired. I don't want to scare them about getting older, but I feel like I should drop hints like, "I hope you like ibuprofen..." or "Enjoy those cute shoes while you can..." Honestly, I work circles around most of them, and I shouldn't. Where is their energy? I have to admit that when I'm shelving, and for some reason all of our shelves have books at floor level (why??), it is not fun getting up and down. I actually love shelving because the more books I touch the more familiar I am with the collection, but that bottom shelf will be the death of me. I snapped this picture last week when I was processing books. Some were going out to other libraries, some had been requested locally and were going on our hold shelf, some were being checked in and returned to our shelves.
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That back wall is my work area. To the left you can see some of the 50+ craft bags that I assembled to go home with our little visitors. I love those. They have all of the supplies and instructions needed to complete a small craft. To the right of the craft bags are a couple of shelves of books pulled for mending or labeling. Under the desk are the infamous stink boxes. I wish they'd let me decorate this work room. It needs color and art. It should be pretty. Pretty isn't very important around here. That's definitely something I miss about the south. I put a little bit of the south into one of my small displays. We have a good collection of cookbooks here, so I grabbed a tablecloth and sign from our house, and voila!
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This hardly counts as a display - just two pieces of decor and some books, but it's working - people are checking out cookbooks! I swap them out every couple of days to keep it interesting. Here's another little bit of nothing - just pillow stuffing glued to cardstock for clouds, the raindrops are cardstock and string. Rainy Day Reads!
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See what I mean? None of it is great (I have no budget!) but it's the fun part. So much of the rest is exhausting. They're advertising for a couple of new positions, so maybe if they find the right people I could work fewer hours. If that were the case I could do this for a long time. I'm already cooking up some fun ideas for May. I have my book lists ready and one display will definitely be "Once Upon a Crime..." complete with crime scene tape and a chalk body outline on the floor (actually white painters tape). I may do a Sci-Fi display with an alien saying, "Take me to your reader." We have a huge biography section though, so I probably should use those instead. I could make a giant name tag, like the ol' "Hello, my name is______" that we've all had to wear at some point. I could put up a sign that says Meet someone new, try a biography and put out a variety of interesting people - founding fathers to modern musicians, CoCo Chanel to Sally Ride. Anywho, just letting those ideas rattle around in my brain. I'll figure it out. Wow, I've rambled far too long and it's all disjointed and kooky. I guess I was overdue for a visit here. I'm happy today because I'm home. I hope that you're happy too, or at least on your way to being happy. I suppose we all have to figure out what that means for us, and where it is for us. I know it's not on that damn bottom shelf at the library.
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The mister is turning off lights and heading for bed, so I guess that's my cue. We'll run off to Lancaster in the morning so I'll be back on Sunday to share a bit of that with you. It may be nothing but Amish buggies in the rain, but I have a feeling we'll find some fun. If you've made it all the way to the end of this snoozefest of a post, give yourself a cookie. You deserve it. Consider yourself hugged. Stay tuned for the Griswolds' adventures in Pennsylvania Dutch country! Until then, stay safe, stay well, and know how very much I've missed you. XOXO, Nancy
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-drink half of a large water bottle before eating
-no red meat, fatty meat, heavily processed meat
-no noodle heavy dishes
-as little dairy as possible
-(majoritively) no fast food
-no made drinks over 350cal (Starbucks, dunkin, smoothies)
-measure every 3 days
-exercise every day spouse works, while home alone
-one cheat meal on mondays if I meet my standards 5/6 days a week
-outside of cheat meal, nothing I can't track in my cal app.
-cal limit of 800
Safe restrictive foods:
-Water and powder flavoring
-Homemade teas and coffees
-Frozen Birdseye or green giant vegetables
-Apple sauce (any kind)
-Keto bread
-Powdered peanut butter (60cals for 2 tbsp)
-eggs any way (not cooked in oil/butter)
-avocado spread
-campbells microwave tomato or chicken noodle soups
Safe normal foods:
-baked potato
-i don't deserve to be healthy until I stop fucking up
-dont deserve to be healthy until I get my anger and temper under control
-felt better at lower weight a few months ago
-slight personal vanity
-less attractive to strangers
-to have self control
-i know I can at least do this right
-strews/anxiety make me feel sick anyway, may as well utilize it
-i don't like myself, in any regards. I at least want to like how I look
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kcdodger · 1 year
I'm a blue collar worker, no matter which way you cut it. I trained at Hohokus School of Trades for a year for Plate Welding and I've worked Janitorial, Waitress, something-adjacent-to-manager (for those who just don't get promotions but the whole store trusts you, you get it), so on, so forth.
If you're wondering why that's at all relevant, it's because in the Coffee Industry, there's a lot of views and takes and a lot of stuffiness about flavor profiles and sources and so on. So, as someone with plenty of low-end experience just entering her thirties, who's lived a very frank life and is just getting into formally reviewing things, I figured why not start with one of my greatest loves?
That's coffee, in case that wasn't too terribly clear.
When I was a young lad, I was big into Yu-Gi-Oh and the Books-A-Million nearby was hosting tournaments. When I wasn't getting first-round-eliminated, I was hanging with my folks in the coffee section. Back when they sold those big monocolored iced cookies. I told my folks I wanted to try some coffee, they made some argument that I was too young for it, but I was persistent. I decided that I'd try some of my mom's and she gave in, bless her.
I wasn't big on it. But she said I could try to sweeten it. So, I did just that, and I'd keep doing just that. Over time as I grew up, I put less sugar and less cream in my brew. When I'd go out with my great aunt during my all too long stint in Illinois, y'know, twelve years long, I'd grab a mug or two to keep me going after a sleepless night of puttering about on the keyboard writing fanfiction.
Just like whatever fandom I was writing for at the time, I couldn't put down the beany brew.
Times change and so do I. Things happened in my life. I lost my home, had to quit my job, I'd just started Hormone Therapy and dating a wonderful Filipina from New Jersey over long distance, and I had to get out of state. Notably, to the aforementioned girlfriend who is now my Fiance three and a half years later. Of all the things I didn't lose, my love of a good cup of joe was still kickin'.
You can imagine my delight when she came home every evening, smelling of a far-too-busy Starbucks in suburban New Jersey. That was probably one of the best parts of late 2019.
But again, times change. COVID-19 hit, she had to leave her job, I struggled to find employment and to be frank, I was pushing 400 lbs (318 now!). Something had to give. So I started Keto on the off-chance it'd work. Researched what I could drink - luckily Tea and Coffee were on the cards but… No sugar.
That's when I learned to love my Coffee with just cream. Sometimes I couldn't budget out for cream or even milk. So I figured I'd learn to love it black. In my experience, that's a pretty common way to learn to appreciate Black Coffee. Something, somewhere, has to push you out of your cream and sugar laden comfort zone.
Now I can't start my morning without it.
I don't have to tell you about the rigors of 2019-2023. I don't have to cover the crushing financial breakdowns millions of people and their families had to deal with and I certainly don't have to go over all the little things we did and tried to comfort or re-learn to comfort ourselves. Between my betrothed and I, coffee was an ever present constant to the point that when we were out, it was distressing, and who needed more stressors in that time?
Things are stable now though. At least moreso. Now, I work as a Barista at a Barnes & Noble, a new trainee with a southern drawl, a busty chest I basically have to peek over to see shorter customers, since I stand at 6'3, and a Viking side shave and ponytail that hangs over my apron. My boss loves me and my customers do too, I got the singles-filled-wallet to prove it.
That's why I brought up the journey-thus-far, you might call it. Because it starts at a bookstore cafe and goes down a winding path towards one. Don't worry about my whole life story, I'm writing about that elsewhere, you're bound to see it if you stick around.
You're here for the laywoman's view about some seriously nice coffee.
Fogbuster was founded in 1994, and I'd be a wee toddler at this time. As far as Coffee retailers go that makes them pretty recent, so that they're sticking so long despite being so recent in the grand scheme is pretty cool.
Fogbuster caught my eye a few weeks ago when I was futzing about on twitter, referred to coffee as "Foreplay" and how I would not survive without my French Press. Fogbuster's account found that funny, commented and I saw the neatest thing. They were FairTrade and Kosher!
Remember how I said I have a Filipino Fiance?
Yeah, FairTrade matters to me. I probably don't have to tell you that I'm also quite a busy activist.
Anyway, I said "Send me a bag and I'll do a review" and well, here we are! Gotta' say though, if I'd known they had a Blonde Bombshell roast, I'd have gotten that just for the joke, on account of being, well… A blonde bombshell.
But, the stuff that's interesting about Fogbuster is how they handle the beans themselves. They do a cool air roasting technique where they successfully separate the chaff that other companies just kinda' fry with the bean, from the aforementioned coffee bean, clearing it of detritus and chaff, resulting in a much more clean flavor profile.
They ain't kiddin' either. That air roasting works wonders. These things looked like they'd each been individually polished when I opened the bag and gave it a hearty whiff. The initial sight's firmly stuck in my mind's eye.
'Cause that's part of it too. Packaging, how you open it, how it feels and smells, how it looks? That leaves an impression. I gotta' say, I really like the smooth zebra striped packaging. It's eye-catching and really cool to look at. 
The title and information about the flavor gets a colorful label to contrast with the monochrome packaging. Blondes get yellow, Mediums get blue, Darks get purple, you get the picture. Every category, and I do mean every category of roast, gets a colored sticker.
A couple days prior to my first shift at my new job and to penning this section of the review, my Fogbuster package arrived. At that moment it occurred to me that I didn't have a Coffee grinder and that had to be rectified as soon as possible. So, on my first day off from my job, my woman and I decided to go get one! The very first thing I ground was this lovely brew, so that honor goes to you, Fogbuster!
I use a French Press for my daily coffee that I procured from Wal-Mart about a year ago. It's always done the job and done it well. For the past while I've been using some out-of-big-tin stuff, mix of caf and decaf (look, I'm on a budget! Or I was!) to keep me going from the morning 'til the night. I made sure to clean it out as thoroughly as I could, cracked open my bag of Smoldering Volcano, brewed it all in my press and sat down with my Fiance to enjoy it as intended - black as night. When pouring, the stuff looked like liquid bronze, it was gorgeous. It sat in our respective cups, coarse ground particulate swirling into a very thin but visible film atop the coffee and Odin as my witness, that film all but shouted at me to observe and be reminded of the surface tension of water, hugging the inner side of my mug.
I was pretty excited.
Now, this may or may not surprise you but I made the mistake of trying it less than a minute after a full 8 minute steep. It was mostly heat and that's my fault. But, even then, my love and I deliberated over the flavor. Even if I couldn't quite make it out yet, one thing was clear. It was smooth. It wasn't watery, it wasn't weak in texture, no. It was gently smooth. Even in the all too eagerly consumed blistering heat, I could tell. We let it cool a bit longer and my lovely Fiance pulled over our bundle of Red Velvet cookies from 7/11 I managed to snag on my EBT and I grabbed some Ferrero Rocher white chocolate to see how it'd pair.
So, by now the coffee was a fair bit cooler but still hot. Putting the bite of cookie into my mouth and following it up with a sip and goodness gracious, let me tell you. Shoot, let us tell you.
My girl says she tasted a fairly sweet cookie gain an almost nutty flavor profile in tandem with Smoldering Volcano. But when I was done recovering from the explosion of flavor in my mouth, I articulated that a cookie with no dark chocolate in it whatsoever, suddenly tasted like it was made almost entirely of it. It was pretty incredible. We got somewhat carried away with this batch, consuming a couple of cookies to augment with the rich, full taste of SmolVol.
Which I have to say is pretty interesting! The further down our cups we got the richer the flavor was. She reminded me to aerate it a little and my goodness what a difference that made. I just had to try the increasingly flavorful coffee with some of that white chocolatey goodness.
How familiar are you with Hazelnut? 
I'm a fan of its flavor, how it tastes like breaking off a piece of maple wood might taste (Yes, I am aware of Maple's toxicity, please do not actually bite a piece of maple wood!), but good golly holly. When I pulled in a swig of SmolVol and got a bite of the Rocher, between the white chocolate melting instantly and the tangible release of flavor, as if I'd cracked open the world's richest hazelnut, I was two steps from the next life. 
My girl could and would tell you, my reaction was strong. It was like the chocolate square had puffed a shot of aerosolized hazelnut concentrate straight into my tastebuds. Thing is, that was only possible thanks to the rich, full contrast of the coffee.
I tried the chocolate alone later and… nothing, nothing like what I experienced with the coffee.
I don't know, dear reader. This coffee is extremely good and pairs amazingly well. Without the soot you'd find on other beans, this clean bean, as they call it, really does have the ability to bring out the absolute best of whatever you're pairing with it has to offer. I simply have to try it with tomorrow's breakfast.
The review does not end here by the way. Oh no. I was sent a free bag as a deal to review this coffee and as I told you in the first section of this review, I love coffee in almost all of its forms. I'm dating this right now, 04/19/23, so that you know I'm going through this every day I can to try every combination of ingredients I like to add to my coffee.
We did jump the gun a little, admittedly, with a ten minute steep and barely any cooling before drinking. Tomorrow, I'll have it with cream, steeped for 15, cooled for five if necessary, though creams tend to shave off the heat life of coffee.
So, it's been about a month since I started writing this review and I feel like that bears highlighting, because I started my job at B&N's Cafe and that's been very difficult to handle because my training manager left basically the week I got started… and it's been difficult to keep up.
I will say, I ended up stopping recording my findings. You might recall me saying that my beloved fiance isn't much of a coffee girl, and we did stop having morning coffee together. So it was up to me to write about it further… and dear reader, that's the most interesting part.
Budget hit me, and I didn't have a lot to pair it with. But I did have just the coffee, still. Every single morning, I'd take two and a half scoops into my bean grinder and mix it up. Generally on a finer grind, dumped straight in and brewed with my trusty french press. Eventually, I ran out.
My goodness, did I run out.
And I've missed it ever since.
No, dear reader, my mornings have not been the same or as relaxing without Fogbuster's brew. I'm back to Maxwell until my next paycheck, where I can grab a bag or two from Fog's and have the good beans once again… because you know what? Yeah. A month later, after not having the beans for a bit, they were really something special.
No shade on my current employer, but the coffee we serve doesn't compare. I think even the biggest fans of the place would agree, too. Where else can you get that lovely clean bean?
Because seriously, with what I've had lately, there's sooty muck at the bottom of my mug. I'm a cretin, a creature, an animal, and I put in a little water to get the last of it, just so I'm not missing any caffeine. A level of auto-debasement I never had to resort to with Fogbuster.
With it, my mug never had soot, never had sludge, never had residue. Every single cup was as clean as clean gets. Gang, it's something else and I can say firmly, comfortably, confidently, that Smoldering Volcano in particular, is best had iced with your creamer of choice. It's good sweet but it's best unsweetened in my opinion. It's rich, it's full, it's just…
I miss it. Pardon the drop of the professional reviewer veneer. It's the night of a hard shift and I'm up listening to my Viking Chill playlist on Youtube, tip-tapping away at my keyboard with a friend over my Science-Fantasy project, getting mentally ready for the next day of work, figuring out how to fix some of the troubles I've been facing… and one of the worst parts is that I'll have to do it without Fogbuster to wake me up.
Which is really unfortunate, because that coffee really is fantastic. Maxwell ain't wakin' me up, readers. It's not doing its job, I still need a kick from my job. But I didn't need that with Fogbuster. Just half a press was all I needed.
I don't know what magic Fogbuster is working over there. I can honestly say it's the best coffee I've ever had and I can reassure you, I wasn't paid to say that either, no. I got a bag of coffee and they wanted the thoughts of a stressed out transgender dog woman.
That's what you're getting, right now. Those thoughts, unfiltered.
I think this section of the review is important. I think this frank bookend is important. Because it's very unfiltered and I'm actually really, really sad I'm not waking up to that brew tomorrow.
Their work is unique. It's great. Every cup of Joe I've had since has paled in comparison. With Fogbuster I forged a memory and experience with my fiance that I'm not going to forget. I was peppy and ready to go in the morning! I could chug down Folger's, Maxwell, maybe even sigh in relief at hitting juuuuuuuust the right blend of cream, coffee and ice (let me tell you, I make one mean Iced Macchiato now.).
But it's not the same. The ritual of opening my bag, measuring out the beans, dumping them in my grinder, the brutally loud churr of the grinder getting to work, the fresh baked scent of Fogbuster's beans when I crack it open, and tap-dump it into my freshly cleaned press…
Max doesn't make me clean my press. I don't use my grinder. My coffee is, at this moment, extremely utilitarian, and I think, honestly, reader, that makes me enjoy life so much less.
Some months ago after a hard day and night, I told my love as I undressed, energy gone from my voice as I stood bare with just my amulets on, "The Rituals keep us here. They're important."
Every single night, I take off my Yggdrasil, Mjolnir, Aegishjalmur amulets, align their cords in a 90 degree bent to the left against out windowsill, and in the bend I place my bracelet where Skoll and Hati share a ring atop the table and I take out my earrings, Hugin and Munin, Odin's ravens, to rest in the bracelet.
Then, I go to bed. The following morning I shower, don my amulets - Aegishjalmur-Mjolnir-Yggdrasil, Hugin and Munin, Skoll and Hati, in that order.
And at this moment I recognize the absence of Fogbuster in a way I hadn't before. You see, I've been looking for beans to take home and grind, but I can't find any at my stores, and… I know they're not as good.
I know full well they are not as good.
So, soon, I'm going to rectify that. This time in a couple of weeks, I'll be waking up, putting my jewelry on, heading downstairs, throwing on the kettle and getting Fogbusters ready to steep. I wonder if they'll ever get a source from The Philippines? To have something from The Visayas would be quite special, I have to admit.
Even still.
My mornings have not been the same without Fogbuster. I will rectify that as soon as possible, because I can say in earnest, this is my favorite coffee brand. Their stuff is ethically sourced, damned tasty, freshly prepared and ready to brew. The only way you can mess it up is by botching it yourself, because honestly they've done 90% of the work for you.
And that last 10%..?
That's the ritual that keeps you here. When you take a sip of that freshly ground coffee you're enjoying the fruits of your labor, your rituals, your life, just a little more. It's a special feeling.
It is one I long for.
Thanks for the beans, Fogbuster. You've got a lifelong loyal customer.
If you want a taste of what I had, feel free to follow this link here, 
Like I said before, best had iced. It's really good that way. Which is somewhat ironic given its name, but the best part of a volcano is that glossy, glassy obsidian, in my opinion. You only get that once it's cooled.
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hockeymusicmore · 10 months
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lorenzokamerlengo · 11 months
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10 Starbucks Keto Drinks For Weight Loss - Meraadi Treat yourself with guilt-free sips. Discover our favorite Starbucks keto drinks for shedding those extra pounds.
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bantinglikewilliam · 1 year
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The Great Banting Like William Experiment begins!
I had my baking soda water upon waking (not a tablespoon, I'll get more into that later).
My first Banting breakfast! Starbucks tea, Trader Joe's grass fed beef roast, and half a keto hotdog bun (you better believe I'm buying real bread and rusks (Melba toast or similar) later today!
Yes, I will be eating real bread (no sugar added) and fruit and drinking red wine and chewing nicotine gum. There is a reason I am choosing to experiment with straight up antique Banting, and I'll probably go into that in a lot more depth later. But suffice to say for now that IF tends to make my immune system take a nose dive and I can't take any more nausea and headaches and low blood pressure I get with the keto flu. I am in ketosis right now, lightly, because I didn't have an appetite yesterday and ate very little (confirmed last night with ketostix). But the last time I got into deep ketosis, even without strict IF, I felt awful for three days.
In the past I figured out I can use alcohol to put the brakes on the keto flu and fix the symptoms I tend to develop by the late evening with a meal and a drink or two. So although it runs contrary to common advice, I think it will work well for my personal situation. Plus I'm already riding the yellow pony (nicotine, don't start if you haven't kids, you may NEVER get that monkey off your back).
I once asked an expert what he thought about the original Banting diet, and he was concerned about epigenetics. Also, there is the fact that I am a woman, and also that when I start working again I can't be having multiple glasses of wine at lunch. And I don't think most American meat is fatty enough to not use butter. I dipped the bread in the au jus, but the roast was dry and I had to make an extra cup of tea to get it down and chewed an inordinate amount. I'm also curious what eating this way will do for my microbiome and digestion. I find ramping up fat quickly seems to be rough on my poor pancreas, and although nothing abnormal happens I do have looser stools and gas. Maybe all this dry stuff and cutting out dairy will help ease me into low carb in a more gentle way.
Fun fact: I am starting The Great Banting Experiment at almost the exact same weight as Banting was when he started: 203 pounds. He was 202. I will be recording my weight in the same time intervals that he did to compare my progress with his. I'm PMSing so I expect the first weight loss to be more than his was over his first 12 days (which was only 2 pounds) due to water weight.
Final breakfast thought: If anyone has tried following the original Banting diet to the letter (to the Letter lol) in a blog similar to this, I couldn't find it. Not Banting as slang for diet, I'm talking eating four meals a day with tons of meat, no butter, wine, all that jazz. If it's out there I would love to know about it, so please send me a message.
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nutribullet · 1 year
2/3 cup strongly brewed coffee, chilled
1/4 cup unsweetened plant based milk
1/4 cup heavy cream or coconut cream
1 cup small ice cubes
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons monk or coconut sugar sweetener
1-2 tablespoons MCT oil (optional, not included in the nutritional info below
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k--a--r--e--n · 2 years
Working from home and bumping whatever I want out loud feels soooo good.
This morning I skated, went to the gym, stopped and grabbed my keto Starbucks drink, and now I’m focused.🤓
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ketorecipepost · 2 years
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keto cheat sheet free download hack ZUQ!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Below, you'll find a visual cheat sheet to meal and ingredient replacements on a ketogenic diet. If you want recipes or explanations behind each, scroll. Download this FREE keto food list with 80+ foods to guide you when grocery shopping, meal prep, and eating out. (Printable Keto Diet Food List PDF). Download My Free Keto Food List "Cheat Sheet". Just click the button, print it out, and you have a keto grocery list for next time you go to. When you deprive your body of nutrients, as happens with many diet plans, you actually slow down your metabolism, which can result in weight. 9 It includes a list of food swaps, tips, tricks, printables, hacks and more that you can use to make being on the keto diet easier. A ketogenic diet is a low carb, high fat and moderate protein diet. Ketones and ketoacids are alternative fuels for the body that are made when glucose is in short supply. They are made in the liver from the breakdown of fats. On a keto diet, the carb limit is usually 30 grams or less grams of carbs per day. Being on this diet can be challenging if you do not have the right tools. This cheat sheet is aimed at helping make the transition easier for you. As such, you can find some amazing cheat sheets here. These three cheat sheets will help you navigate through your keto or low carb journey more easily. It outlines all the foods you can eat on the keto diet, along with the serving sizes and the net carbs. Being on the keto diet can sometimes feel like a chore. You can easily kick yourself out of ketosis by eating too much of something. This cheat sheet is designed to help stay aware of the foods you can eat as well as the quantities you can eat for the best results. On this cheat sheet, you will find a list of the keto fruits, vegetables, hers and spices, sauces, baking ingredients, sweeteners, flours and proteins that are keto friendly. You absolutely must have this easy low carb chest sheet in your life if you want to make this keto journey easier. Yes, you can enjoy Starbucks drinks on the keto diet. Here are some of the Starbucks drinks you can enjoy on the keto or low carb journey. Here are some amazing keto drinks you can order from Starbucks. Ask for a tall unsweetened iced coffee with extra ice. Macros: calories, 4g net carbs, 1g protein, 22g fat. To order ask for a Short, iced or hot skinny mocha with:. Macros: 55 calories, 1g net carbs, 1g protein, 5g fat. To order, ask for a Short White Chocolate Mocha with:. To order an iced coffee, ask for a tall brew on ice, unsweetened. Macros: 0 calories, 0g net carbs, 0g protein, 0g fat. Misto hot : To order ask for a Short, hot Misto. Keto pink drink: To order ask for a Trenta Pasntgo iced tea with. On your keto journey, there are times when you will find yourself on the road with nothing fun to eat These are some useful options you can try out. So when it comes to eating actual meals on the keto diet, it can sometimes seem a little daunting. You have to figure out how to prepare 33 to four meals a day that stay within your carbs, protein and fat limit, but, you also want these meals to taste good. Here are a few keto food swaps you can consider. Is finding keto recipes overwhelming you? Click here.
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keto-healthy-diet · 2 years
Keto Starbucks drinks - All the things you will definitely know.
For those on the keto diet who enjoy coffee, Starbucks is a fantastic option. You can choose from a selection of low-carb and keto-friendly drinks. This blog provides information on the best keto Starbucks drinks as well as tips on how to order them.
If you’re looking for a low-carb or keto-friendly Starbucks drink this blog is a great resource. It includes a wide variety of drinks from lattes to iced coffees all with detailed nutritional information. Whether you’re strictly keto or just trying to cut back on carbs you’ll find plenty of options here.
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If you’re on the keto diet you don’t have to give up your Starbucks habit. There are plenty of keto-friendly and low-carb options available at your favorite coffee chain. From iced coffees to Frappuccino’s there’s something for everyone. And the best part is that you can customize your drink to make it even more keto-friendly. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy guide to ordering keto Starbucks drinks look no further than this blog post.
In the event that you simply go to Starbucks for the extravagant multi-fixing drinks, you’ll need to skirt this idea, yet broil espresso is ostensibly the beginning of Starbucks’ prosperity. The dim meal with its “intense, powerful flavors” is one of their more famous contributions. Because of dark espresso’s healthful properties, it contains no huge degrees of macronutrients and insignificant nutrients and minerals. A Grande dark espresso times in at 5 calories and 0 grams of carbs, and that truly intends that as long as you stay with pure java, it will not slow down your keto diet. Far superior, a review distributed in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology reports that savoring espresso in the morning brings ketone steps up in the blood.
Starbucks is a coffee chain that is beloved by many people who follow a keto diet. While Starbucks does not have a ton of keto-friendly options there are some drinks that can be made to fit into a low-carb diet. This blog provides recipes and tips for ordering keto drinks Starbucks
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If you’re following a keto diet you might think you have to give up your beloved Starbucks keto drinks. However, there are actually a number of keto-friendly and low-carb options available at the popular coffee chain.
This blog provides information about some of the best keto Starbucks drinks including how to order them and what to expect in terms of taste and nutrition.
The two rookies and fanatic enthusiasts of the keto diet will let you know that eating out can be truly a test from the get-go, as decisions are restricted to stay away from sugars and carbs so your body can keep a condition of ketosis. The keto diet is particularly trying for people who can’t survive without a day-to-day caffeine fix since practically all espresso chains are famous for fixings with a lot of added sugar. Caffeine isn’t thoroughly untouchable for keto health food nuts, however, there’s a generally excellent possibility that your number one chilled espresso or tea is stacked with fixings that contain sugars and starches… particularly assuming Starbucks is your go-to espresso area of interest.
Except if your go-to arrange in the first part of the day is a basic cup of dark espresso, you’ll need to hack your direction through Starbucks’ menu to appreciate something shamefully sweet while being total without any trace of sugar. While there are a great many imaginative recordings found on destinations like Instagram (#KetoStarbucks piles up 35,000 posts alone!) and more on TikTok, there’s nothing better compared to being consoled by an expert on which keto-accommodating beverages are 100 percent protected to appreciate.
If you’re on the keto diet you know how hard it is to find decent coffee drinks that fit your macros. But thanks to this blog you can now enjoy all your favorite Starbucks drinks without having to worry about going over your carb limit. From Frappuccino’s to iced coffees this blog has got you covered.
You’ll need to change numerous parts of your eating regimen, however, you don’t need to feel like you’re passing up a great opportunity in the event that you choose to go the keto course. Progressively, chain eateries, recipe engineers, and food items are thinking about keto consuming fewer calories. For all the Starbucks spreads out there, we’ve gathered a rundown of beverages that you can joyfully arrange at the espresso chain without wrecking ketosis. When you get its hang, you could actually take a stab at requesting your own unique manifestations — as long as the line behind you isn’t excessively lengthy!
If you’re following a keto diet you might think your Starbucks days are behind you. But fear not! There are plenty of keto-friendly and low-carb Starbucks drinks that you can enjoy. From iced coffees to Frappuccino’s there’s something for everyone. And best of all these drinks are all under 5g of carbs per serving. So whether you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up or a leisurely treat be sure to check out these keto Starbucks drinks.
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littlebitrecipes · 2 years
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Vanilla Keto Frappuccino
When you crave something sweet and cold, this keto frappuccino will hit the spot! It's creamy and has the same rich vanilla flavor and texture as your favorite coffee shop frappuccino.
Recipe => https://lowcarbyum.com/keto-frappuccino-starbucks/
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strengthandsunshine · 3 years
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Learn how to make the best Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte right at home! This healthy keto pumpkin spice latte recipe is just 6 ingredients and made in 5 minutes! Keep it hot or make it iced, this budget-friendly, quick & easy Starbucks copycat is full of real pumpkin and coffee, without the dairy or sugar! It's gluten-free, allergy-free, sugar-free, and paleo so everyone can enjoy!
Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte (Keto, Gluten-Free) https://wp.me/p4UrDz-7qs
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losingitinjersey · 5 years
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I sure love a blustery day.  Went out for a walk at 8a.m. this morning with my girlfriend / neighbor (friendbor?!) and got in a solid 5 miles even though my legs were still killing from squats on Thursday.  Definitely had to go at a slower pace due to my soreness.  Thankfully when I came home Kevin reminded me that I can take ibuprofen for this kind of stuff and it’s helped take the edge off.  
When we were at Aldi on Friday we picked up this loaf of low carb bread and I’m surprised by how not sucky it is!  Apparently I have to keep going back to Aldi because I don’t want to be without it now.  When I was strict keto I wouldn’t consider something that was 6g of net carbs per slice but the fact that I’m focusing more on low carb (and not trying to be perfect (the enemy of good)) it’s a great option for me.  
After the walk, Kevin, Erp and I drove 30 minutes away to the nearest Trader Joe’s (I know, grocery store weekend!) since we hadn’t been there in over two years and missed its goodness.  Unfortunately, we forgot how busy the day before the superbowl is so it wasn’t the best shopping experience, especially since we wanted to meander and look at all the things.  The entire time I was just trying to get myself and the stroller out of the way of other people while trying to remind myself that I had a right to be there and take up space, too.  We ended up just buying a mix of cheese and meats.  I forgot that when I used to shop at Trader Joe’s I wasn’t keto so this wasn’t nearly as exciting of a trip as it used to be.  
Afterwards I wanted coffee so we drove to the nearest Starbucks and I ran in to get a latte made with steamed cream and water (what the internet told me was a good keto drink - the internet was right, it was delicious) and Kevin an iced tea.  By the time I got back to the car I found Kevin in the back seat rocking erp since she didn’t like the car not moving.  We had originally planned on having a picnic in the car of our antipasto goodies but decided to drive home first due to her fussiness.  
All day I’ve meant to prioritize a nap due to last night’s lack of sleep but I’ve continued to find other things to keep me busy like pumping and cleaning and general erp care.  It’s now almost dinner time so maybe I’ll just crash around 8 p.m. like I did last night.  
Updated show watching list includes finishing the new final episodes of Bojack Horseman (sad day) (sad dog), and being halfway through Next In Fashion.  I’m not a reality show person but I do occasionally enjoy competition shows and since Tan France was in it I had to give it a shot, turns out I’m a fan!  
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drypistachio · 4 years
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mfw customers tell me their venti white tea with 6 pumps of sugarfree vanilla, 4 stevia, heavy cream, and light whip cream keto drink is “healthy”
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icing-onthe-cake · 5 years
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