#Starkid fancast
th3b4dk1dzz · 4 months
Starkid Fancast -42 Balloons
Carol- Kim Whalen (Cover: Angela Giarrantara)
Larry- Joey Richter (Cover: Jeff Blim)
Carol's Mom- Jaime Lyn Beatty
Ron- James Tolbert
The Kid/Ensemble- Lauren Lopez
Letterman/Ensemble- Curt Mega
Other Ensemble: Jae Hughes (Kid Cover), Mariah Rose Faith Casillas, Jon Matteson, Meredith Stepien (Carol's Mom Cover), Bryce Charles, Correy Dorris (Ron Cover), Rachel Soglin, Joe Walker (Letterman Cover)
Seriously, if you love 80's pop and rock music or you love Jeff Blim's song writing style, you will love this show. I recommend checking it out.
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conman167936 · 2 years
Obviously any stage adaptation of Encanto would have to cast ethnically appropriate actors. Unless it was being done by Starkid. I mean, look at them.
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i need them to be Lily Evans and James Potter
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musicalcastingideas · 5 months
Dropout Does The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
So my theory about overlap of Dropout and Team Starkid seems to be accurate, and people seemed to like my Dropout does Nerdy Prudes Must Die post, so I'm back for another. Same method and criteria as my previous post, you can go see that if you want to know what they are. Also, I have previously done a similar list with Internet Personalities that included a handful of Dropout people, but I'm gonna try to make this one different.
Also spoilers for potentially anything in the Hatchetfield verse
Paul: Ross Bryant
Ross is a great straight man (in the comedy sense, I don't know his sexuality) while being very funny in his own right, and I think, while Paul has a lot of his own funny moments, it's very important that his character is also the more normal guy reacting to the madness around him. Also, he would slay the Jekyll and Hyde homage that is Let it Out.
Emma : Siobhan Thompson
I think one of the essential parts of Emma's character is an underlying exhaustion with the world, and that is very Adaine Abernant and Ruby Rocks, so I think Siobhan would embody that very well.
Charlotte: Vic Michaelis
I don't think I've ever heard them do a transatlantic accent before, but I just have this gut feeling they'd be so good at it.
Ted: Ify Nwadiwe
While I do genuinely think Ify would be great in the part, if I'm being fully honest, this casting is because I (despite my better judgment) find Ted Spankoffski hot, so casting arguably the hottest man in Dropout in this part makes me seem less damaged for being attracted to the self-proclaimed sleazeball. Also him and Vic seem like they would be great playing off each other.
Bill: Brian "Murph" Murphy
He just has "refuses to drink during the apocalypse so he can be the DD" energy.
Mr Davidson: Brian David Gilbert
Since I'm splitting up all the parts, this basically turns Mr Davidson into a Princess Track where the actor just shows up, sings about desire and being choked while he jerks off, but laments how he can never achieve his dreams, and then pretty much leaves, and I don't know why, but that seems right up BDG's alley.
Melissa: Lisa Gilroy
Lisa Gilroy seems nice, but also kinda scares me, and those are the correct vibes for Melissa (#heymelissacore)
Sam: Jacob Wysoki
My only concern about this casting is that he'd go SO HARD in You Tied Up My Heart that he would keep breaking the handcuffs and/or chair, but that's fine, it would be worth it.
Nora: Katie Marovitch
The "Decaf?" parts of Cup of Roasted Coffee already sounds a bit like her TBH.
Zoey: Rehka Shankar
I feel like Zoey is such an underrated, funny side character in the show (I know she's a very small part, but like every line she has is a banger) and I feel like Rehka is a very underrated performer, so this is a good match.
Greenpeace Girl: Persephone Valentine
Making up the Save the Sea Turtles campaign is such a Sam Nightengale move, and also she would eat up Lah Dee Dah Dah Day.
Alice: Surena Marie
She's got a bit of a baby face (I thought she was like 25) and I think she would handle the change from Alice to Hivemind Alice really well.
Deb: Emily Axford
I'm definitely not just casting this because I want Emily to be my protective and caring girlfriend...
Professor Hidgens: Josh Ruben
I don't have an explanation for this one, this is vibes alone.
General MacNamara: Brennan Lee Mulligan
"Wear a Watch" and a song highlighting how the hivemind is essentially fascist and using the military to destroy any resistance to their regime is so Brennan core.
Homeless Man: Ally Beardlsey
I just feel like this is the part they'd want.
Dan Reynolds: Lou Wilson
Icons play Icons.
Donna: Aabria Iyengar
Icons play Icons
Hard Cuts:
Jacob Wysoki as Ted
Mike Trapp as Paul
Emily Axford as Emma
Jess Ross as Charlotte
Lily Du as Zoey
Grant O'Brien as Professor Hidgens
Grant O'Brien as Ted
Ally Beardlsey as Ted
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rockrosethistle · 4 months
"Jeff Blim will probably play Stanley"
that's fair and probably true. But the correct casting in my opinion is actually AJ Holmes, who can have all of the offputting energy that Jeff has without the history of Hatchetfield characters. Therefore, if he were to play Stanley, it would be a lot easier to believe him as this oppressive scary dude, instead of seeing some caricature of Sam Sweetly or Professor Hidgens. If you think he looks too innocent, that just adds to it. Becky married him for a reason.
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lunarmoonheart · 1 month
team starkid as helluva boss
joey richter as blitzø
James tolbert as stolas
Jamie lynn beatty as millie
jon matteson as moxxie
Bryce charles as loona
Kendall Nicole yakshe as Octavia
Jeff blim as fizzaroli
curt mega as Asmodeus
angela giarratana as Stella
will branner as striker
mariah rose faith as verosika mayday
Corey Doris as Vortex
Meredith stepien as barbie wire
Jae hughes as Sallie mae
kim whalen as mrs mayberry
Lauren lopez as Beelzebub and martha
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exalt1ora · 8 months
i am obsessed with starkid and ride the cyclone. pls accept my humble fancasting …..
karnak: corey dorris
ocean o’connell rosenberg: mariah rose faith
noel gruber: jon matteson
jane doe: kim whalen
ricky potts: james tolbert
constance blackwood: bryce charles
mischa bachinski: curt mega
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ghostface-knight · 9 months
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here's a very messy, stylized sketch because i am not immune to mariah!ethan, and she is not immune to the events of black friday :)
reference from mellon_soup on tiktok!!
colored version under the cut (not shaded or rendered cause im lazy)
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marsmischief · 2 years
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Just my profession opinion as a marauders fan. Brosenthal as James in AVPS and AVPSY litteraly made everthing so much better.
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th3b4dk1dzz · 2 years
Starkid as Ride the Cyclone Fancast
(And I'm giving two options just because)
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg- Lauren Lopez/ Denise Donovan
Noel Gruber- Curt Mega/Tyler Brunsman
Mishca Bachinski- Dylan Saunders/James Tolbert
Ricky Potts- Jeff Blim/Jon Matteson
Jane Doe- Kim Walhen / Jaime Lyn Beaty
Constance Blackwood- Rachel Soglin/ Tiffany Williams
Karnak- Corey Dorris / Joe Walker
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the-spaced-out-ace · 5 months
so now that i've turned in my mock prompt book i think i'm allowed to show off my starkid fancast of carrie
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(The "Will" in question is meant to be the token non-starkid in Will Wood but tbh I can imagine Will Branner as Mr Stephens so??)
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im-not-a-l0ser · 11 months
I need a fic where Hatchetfield High puts on Dear Evan Hansen, and Max watches it and he fuckin cries and it changes his goddamn life.
Here's my casting decisions, but yknow
Trevor- Evan
Ziggs- Connor
Richie- Jared
Caitlyn- Zoe
Ruth- Alana
JDS- Larry
ADS- Cynthia
Brenda- Heidi
Hannah- Ensemble
Brooke- Ensemble
Agree? Disagree?
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Dropout Does Nerdy Prudes Must Die
I am a massive Dropout and Team Starkid fan (if the latter isn't obvious enough from looking at my reblogs) and I feel like there's a lot of overlap between the fandoms. My criteria for being considered a "Dropout Person" is anyone who has appeared on a Dropout show at least once, excluding guest appearances (so for example, Monet X Change counts because she's been on one season of D20 and an episode of Um, Actually, but Laganja Estranja doesn't count because she was only a guest on one of the Legally Not Survivor episode of Game Changer)
I will be trying to factor in voice types where I can, but there will be some instances where I just assume the person can sing the part, because I don't know if the person can sing or not. Also, I will be casting each of the individual parts, I know the actors in the OG cast play multiple parts, but there are so many talented people in the Dropout roster that I can cast each part individually.
Please enjoy. Also spoilers for Nerdy Prudes Must Die, I don't think I can talk about this without them. And also for Dimension 20's A Court of Fey and Flowers.
Max Jagerman: Grant O'Brien
I'll be honest, my main motivation for this one is that Grant looks a bit like Will Branner. He does play the heel really well, and I think he would do a great job playing Max, especially his more Freddy Kruger-esque quipping when he's dead.
Also, this is pretty niche, but in an old College Humour year-end video, where they all pick their favourite skits of the year (I think it was like 2018 or 2019?), Grant talks about how he thought it was really funny that in the Jocks and Nerds Both Think They're The Underdogs sketch, he was the closest thing the College Humour cast had to a jock, and this feels pretty similar to that.
Grace Chastity: Anna Garcia
She has a very unhinged "I am short and I will make that everyone else's problem" energy about her that you really need to play Grace. I think she would also do great with the physical comedy needed for the part.
Peter Spankoffski: Omar Najam
Awkward, nerdy guy who falls in love with the baddest bitch in the cast and would die for her. Am I describing Peter Spankoffski or Prince Andhera from A Court of Fey and Flowers? Also I want to hear Omar sing Cool as I Think I Am.
(This is a joke, love Binx but clearly Delloso De La Rue is the baddest bitch in A Court of Fey and Flowers)
Stephanie Lauter: Surena Marie
I don't have a real explanation for this one, this is vibes.
Richie Lipschitz: Ross Bryant
Watching Ross work his way through all the possible nerdy white guy rap options in Game Changer Karaoke cemented for him that he needs to play one of the nerds.
Ruth Flemming: Izzy Roland
A part that requires the performer to be deranged and horny? Call Izzy Roland!
Solomon Lauter: Brennan Lee Mulligan
Any Dimension 20 (or Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited) fan knows, Brennan is amazing at playing callous, cruel and manipulative characters, so Solomon Lauter is right in his wheelhouse.
Wiggly: Josh Ruben
Josh is so good at voices and playing weird characters, I would love to see his take on Wiggly.
Blinky: Erika Ishii
Erika Ishii is absolutely unhinged, I had to cast them as one of the Lords in Black. They could honestly be any one of them, but I picked Blinky because the voice Lauren Lopez does reminds me of Erika.
Nibbly: Lisa Gilroy
This one is also just vibes, but the vibes are correct.
Tinky: Zac Oyama
I am the head of the Zac Oyama As Weird Little Guys fan club, and what is Tinky if not a weird little guy? (who is also a chaotic evil eldritch being)
Pokey: Mike Trapp
I mainly just went off the vibes of the "What do you want Steph?" line, I think Mike would do well.
Detective Shapiro/Female Reporter in Hatchet town: Rashawn Nadine Scott
This is the only one I'm casting two parts, because they're both relatively small (and also I fully forgot that Bryce was not playing Detective Shapiro in Hatchet town until I checked the Genius page lol). Anyway, I think Rashawn would do great at acting as Detective Shapiro, but the main motivation behind this choice is that I want to hear her sing Bryce's part in Hatchet town. She would murder it as hard as Max murders nerdy prudes.
Officer Bailey: Jacob Wysoki
You need someone to chew scenery and throw props? Call Jacob Wysoki, he'll eat it up and go back for seconds
Brenda and Stacy: Jujubee and Monet X Change
I want to see them do the Go Go Nighthawks cheer, I think it would be amazing.
Jason and Kyle: Zeke Nicholson and Ify Nwadiwe
They both seem like the kind of guys to give butt slaps (consensually of course).
Mark and Karen Chastity: Zach Reino and Jess McKenna
They both have Awkward White Parent energy, and I think they would be very funny in this part.
Miss Tessburger: Vic Michaelis
Watching them play Vic Michaelis in Very Important People makes me think they would be great as the haughty assistant.
Miss Mulberry: Katie Marovitch
Katie just has "That nice teacher who lets students eat lunch in her classroom" energy.
Dan Reynolds: Lou Wilson
You need an icon to play an icon.
Emma and Paul : Emily Axford and Brian "Murph" Murphy
Dropout's iconic married couple to play Hatchetfield's iconic couple.
Hard Cuts:
Ify Nwadiwe as Max Jagerman:
He would have slayed the acting, but I assume based on his speaking voice that he's a baritone on the lower end of the range. However, if I am wrong about this and he could sing the tenor part, please treat him and Grant as tied for the part in my eyes.
Ross Bryant as Solomon Lauter
Vic Michaelis as Detective Shapiro
Erika Ishii as Ruth Flemming
Tao Yang as Peter Spankoffski
Jess Ross as Karen Chastity
Jacob Wysoki as Max Jagerman
Wayne Brady as Dan Reynolds
Aabria Iyengar as one of the Lords in Black
Anna Garcia as Blinky
Brennan Lee Mulligan as Wiggly
Lisa Gilroy as Grace Chastity
Grant O'Brien as Solomon Lauter
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awigglycultist · 1 year
Got this idea immediately after seeing this poll btw
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nervousmiseryy · 5 months
Mariah, Jon and Curt as the Merrily We Roll Along trio
A cover of "Old Friends" by them would make me explode tbh (in the best way possible)
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