#Starr Prophets
revlyncox · 11 months
Deeds That Beckon
Unitarian Universalism has a number of heritage stories of which we can be proud, some stories we should know even though they do not inspire pride, and a lot of stories that we need to reconsider in the context of our anti-racist and and anti-oppressive learning. May we respond to our history by seeking transformation, finding hope, and choosing the foundations we need for the future. Rev. Lyn Cox updated and delivered this sermon to The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick on October 15, 2023.
As Unitarian Universalists, we need stories that help us, on an emotional and metaphorical level, understand who we are and how to live in the world. Our history provides those myths. Stories about admirable Unitarian Universalists are grown from seeds of historical accuracy, yet they are family stories. When we study our prophetic ancestors and take up the path of service in our own generation, we are becoming part of that mythic story. 
The seminary I attended invited us into one such story. My school was named after Thomas Starr King, a minister who served both Universalist and Unitarian congregations in the 1840s through the 1860s. He got a lot done. Thomas Starr King was about five feet tall. One of his famous quotes is, “though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I am mad I weigh a ton.”
As a nature writer, he persuaded people of the importance of preserving places like the White Mountains of New Hampshire and Yosemite Valley in the West. His accounts were published in the Boston Evening Transcript. He has two mountains named after him, one in New Hampshire and one in California’s Sierra Nevada. 
He helped the Unitarian church in San Francisco grow into their mission as a vital congregation involved in the life of the city. Starr King was a vocal abolitionist. When the Civil War broke out, he traveled up and down California, speaking to everyone from miners to legislators about joining the Union instead of the Confederacy or trying to become a separate country. 
When I lived in California and walked the hills of San Francisco, sometimes I would think, “If Thomas Starr King could hike up the mountains, I can, too.”  Visiting Yosemite, I could see his point about the landscape being the scenic equivalent of Beethoven’s ninth symphony. Acts of service are like moveable temples, places where we can go to greet the spirits of our beloved ancestors, both blood ancestors and chosen ancestors.
Individualism and White Supremacy Culture
The story of Thomas Starr King can function as a UU religious story, bringing connection and inspiration, and a way to enter the story through acts of service. Even so, it’s worthwhile to go back and take another look at the stories that are important to us through the lens of white supremacy culture. 
White supremacy culture is a system of oppression that uses everything from social norms to cultural narratives to corporate policy to federal law to maintain the privilege of one group over all other groups. White supremacy functions even in the absence of people who self-identify as racists. By design, the power and operating rules of white supremacy are unnoticed by most of the people who benefit from it. 
Even when we have a story about someone like Thomas Starr King, who dedicated his life to causes like ecological preservation and abolition of slavery, we have to ask ourselves about what ways the form of the story we are telling upholds white supremacy culture. Sometimes oppression is baked in from the beginning, with our admired ancestors working against justice in certain facets while making progress in other facets. Sometimes the white supremacy culture is in our retelling, in the details we emphasize or the details we forget. 
Tema Okun has been writing since 1999 about the characteristics of white supremacy culture. She writes about white culture as an insider, and self-identifies as a white person with Jewish ancestry from an upper class background. Okun credits several teachers and learning experiences, including the Challenging White Supremacy Workshop from The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond. Okun focuses on the unspoken norms that maintain the status quo, even in organizations devoted to justice. The characteristics aren’t about individual people or specific groups of people, they are about a cultural and economic system that harms people and is good at perpetuating itself. She writes, “white supremacy culture trains us all to internalize attitudes and behaviors that do not serve any of us.” There is a lot to unpack in her writing, so I’d like to focus on one characteristic now and one a little later in the sermon. 
One of the characteristics of white supremacy culture that Okun describes is individualism. Organizations that are under the influence of individualism have difficulties with working in teams. Individuals believe they are responsible for solving the problems of the organization alone. There is an emphasis on individual recognition and credit, leading to isolation and competition. Few resources are devoted to developing skills in how to cooperate. 
The way we UU’s typically tell the story of Thomas Starr King is steeped in individualism. He did do important things, but a lot of his impact was through organizing and teamwork, and those are the strategies that are hard to replicate based on the mythology that we carry on in his memory. He didn’t just go around preaching on street corners, he traveled to speak with and work with coherent groups of people from different social classes and walks of life. He made a difference because of the way he was able to get outside his comfort zone and work with teams, not by his preaching skills alone. 
The way history is taught and discussed in general is susceptible to this pitfall, and the way we talk about Unitarian Universalist history in particular is vulnerable to individualism. Sometimes our quick introductions focus on famous Unitarian Universalists, trying to make our religious movement more familiar by reminding people of its famous adherents. 
One of the most famous UU’s is Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote an essay called “Self-Reliance” in 1841. In his memory, I worry that Unitarian Universalism has taken individualism to a place that limits our mutual accountability and our responsibilities to the most vulnerable among us. In his defense, Emerson’s 19th-century version of the concept of self-reliance is not the same as how most people think of the concept in the 21st century. He shares these characteristics with his friend Henry David Thoreau, who I mentioned earlier in the Time for All Ages story. 
I appreciate Emerson’s healthy skepticism toward the way things have always been done. Emerson’s suggestion that sometimes social expectations are not the most important value is important for our anti-racism work, because you have to push back on politeness at least a little bit if you are challenging white supremacy. And. It is important not to let our admiration for Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” prevent us from being in covenant with each other, being loving in our truth-telling, and opening ourselves up to learning new ways of cooperation.    
Contrast the image of Emerson as a poet who stands apart, an individualist hero, with what we know about another writer, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. Harper was born into a family of free Black educators in Baltimore in 1825. She joined the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia in 1870, and also maintained her membership in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Like Emerson, Harper wrote poems, essays, and lectures. She also wrote short stories and novels. Like Emerson, she wrote about personal development and used her writing to promote social causes.
Unlike Emerson, Harper also wrote about responsibility to the community, and she practiced it in concrete ways. In her 1855 article, “A Factor in Human Progress,” she spoke of “the science of a true life of joy and trust in God, of God-like forgiveness and divine self-surrender.” In other words, she was more clear about working together with entities outside of her own mind.
Harper worked in her community feeding the poor and mentoring youth. She was part of several groups who moved toward progress together, for women’s suffrage and for Black suffrage, against lynching, for peace. We learn from her legacy that a writer can be a literary voice and also be a leader who encourages cooperation, solidarity, and true relationship with the people who are most impacted by oppression. 
Individual effort has its good points, yet there is more to Unitarian Universalist history and more to our current character and potential than we can access through that doorway alone. Hyper-individualism maintains white supremacy culture when it prevents us from getting outside ourselves and building relationships with interfaith partner and community partner organizations. Hyper-individualism privileges the lone dissenter to the point where it is hard to put personal preferences aside so that congregations can work one one thing together. Hyper-individualism leads us to celebrate only the heroic faces of social justice, forgetting to gather in those who are called to work behind the scenes. There is a place in this congregation, this faith, and in the movement for people with many different talents and ways of being. As we study the past, may we celebrate the groups and movements as well as the superstars, knowing that progress is a team effort.
In addition to individualism, another characteristic of white supremacy culture we can explore in our UU history is paternalism. Paternalism is a cultural norm that shows up, as Okun writes, when “those holding power control decision-making and define things [such as] standards, perfection, [and the] one right way.” She goes on to name that “those holding power often don’t think it is important or necessary to understand the viewpoint or experience of those for whom they are making decisions, often labeling those for whom they are making decisions as unqualified intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, or physically.” 
From the perspective of the person who thinks they are doing a good deed, paternalism can feel like compassion, yet often paternalism gets in the way of true progress. Impact is more important than intention. Among other suggestions, Okun advises, “when working with communities from a different culture than yours or your organization, be clear that you have some learning to do about the communities’ ways of doing; assume that you or your organization can't possibly know what’s best for a community in isolation from meaningful relationships with that community.” 
If we want a positive example of grounded leadership in our UU history, consider Fannie Barrier Williams. She was an organizer, lecturer, journalist, artist, and musician. She was born in 1855 to one of the few Black families in Brockport, New York. She is most famous for her work in Chicago, where she belonged to All Souls Unitarian Church. Williams made strides in integration through the establishment of the Provident Hospital, joining the Chicago Woman’s Club, and serving on the Board of the Chicago Public Library. She also worked within the African American community. She helped start the National Association of Colored Women, which, through their 200 local clubs, provided child care centers, classes, employment bureaus, and savings banks. 
The compassion that gets mixed up with paternalism might be a good impulse that gets misdirected. So let’s start with what’s good. Being true to compassion means meeting challenges and growing from them, allowing our minds and hearts to be transformed. 
Dorothea Dix found that out when she entered the East Cambridge Jail as a teacher in 1841. Dix was horrified by what she saw. The jail was unheated. All of the residents were housed together: people who had been convicted of crimes, people with mental illness, children with developmental disabilities, all mixed together in unfurnished, unsanitary quarters. The only thing the residents had in common was that society had given up on them.
Using her contacts in Boston, Dix got a court order for heat and other improvements at the jail. She then set about a systemic investigation of jails and almshouses in Massachusetts, making personal visits to document conditions. She said, “what I assert in fact, I must see for myself.”  She read about mental illness and treatment and interviewed physicians. She gave her data to a politically connected friend who presented her findings to the Massachusetts legislature. After some attempts at denial and misdirection, funding came through to modernize the State Mental Hospital at Worcester. Dix followed the same pattern in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Hospitals sprung up in her wake. 
OK, so all of that is great; however, in our continuing efforts at health care reform and mental health care and accessibility, we would need to do things differently today. Dorothea Dix did try to understand the experience of the people who were most impacted by incarceration, but she did not hold that all people have equal inherent worth. 
For instance, she did not think that slavery was wrong. [Dix’s failure to support abolition is mentioned in an article in Psychiatric News. On this point, Wikipedia cites Holland, Mary G. (2002). Our Army Nurses: Stories from Women in the Civil War. Roseville: Edinborough Press. p. 77.] Dix felt that mental illness for educated whites was a separate issue from the conditions of non-whites. [Jackson, Vanessa (2007). "Separate and Unequal: The Legacy of Racially Segregated Psychiatric Hospitals"]. Born to a Catholic family, Dix harbored prejudice against Catholics later in life, and this got in her way when she served as the Superintendent of Army Nurses during the Civil War. [Wikipedia cites Barbra Mann Wall, "Called to a Mission of Charity: The Sisters of St. Joseph in the Civil War, Nursing History Review (1998) Vol. 6, p85-113; and also Maher, Mary Denis. To Bind Up the Wounds, LSU Press, 1999, p. 128 ISBN 9780807124390.]
Compassion is good. Deciding that you and people like you have to take leadership in compassionate change because you are better than the people you want to help is problematic. 
Today, trying to undo the legacy of paternalism, we are called to support the leadership and voices of the people who are most impacted. We can work with coalitions led by people who are formerly incarcerated and their families. We can support organizations like ADAPT, led by people with disabilities; the organization is even now fighting for the right of people with disabilities to live in the community rather than in institutions. Books like Loving Our Own Bones: Disability Wisdom and the Spiritual Subversiveness of Knowing Ourselves Whole by Julia Watts Belser, recently published by Beacon Press, can give us theological grounding and encouragement for disability justice The legacy of paternalism gives a heroic glow to our ancestors who struggled for others, but it is time for us to learn new skills of struggling alongside neighboring communities, learning how to accept the leadership of people who know the most about the issues they are facing. 
The path of service spurs us to many kinds of transformation. We meet challenges and build skills we didn’t have before. We gain awareness of a timeless spiritual truth, which is our oneness. Reflecting on history and our own experience, taking in the lessons of dismantling individualism and paternalism, the transformation that compassion brings becomes a spiritual as well as an ethical reality.
Collective kindness is a tradition worth growing. Role models from UU history and from our own congregation help us to place ourselves on a path with a past, yet a path where we have a choice going into the future. The practice of compassion is a tradition we receive, nurture, and share with the next generation. May we find our place in the mythic story of UUism. May we be transformed. May we come to new understandings of our past and our future. So be it. Blessed be. Amen. 
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gizmocrate-werecrow · 2 years
Power listing
Okay, just for clarification of powers
the Beatles (and staff)
John Lennon: Ice control
Paul McCartney: Charm
George Harrison: omnipotent psychic power
Ringo starr: Memory manipulation
Brian Epstein: Shadow control
George Martian: echolocation and can turn into a bat
The Rolling Stones
Brian jones: emotion based weather manipulation
Mick Jagger: Demon powers
Keith Richards: Shapeshifting
bill whyam: power thivery
Charlie watts: sound wave manlipulation
the who
Roger daltry: no powers
Pete townshed: Pain/ wound transference
John entwhistle: sound to light conversion
Keith moon: explosive touch.
The travelling Wilburys
Roy Orbison: no powers in life, is a ghost
Jeff Lynne: Electric discharge
Bob Dylan: uncontrolled phasing
Tom Petty: no powers
Kurt Cobain: water control
Dave Grohl: no powers
Krist Novaltic: truth detector and mothman
Freddie Mercury: siren song
Brian may: clone manifestation (his clones are: beta, gamma, delta, Zeta, Eta, Espilion and Theta) however his is also able to clone objects.
John deacon: no powers
Roger taylor: metal manipulation as long as it’s a car part. (Somehow made the bus Dimensionally Transcendental (doctor who reference btw))
The monkees
Mike Nesmith: wolf biology manifestation
Micky Dolenz: Vocal mimic
Davy Jones: shadowboxing
Peter Tork: plant control and plant growth encouragement.
David Bowie is an interesting case since his power is being able to become his personas, that includes their personalities, age and beliefs, however some personas are extremely dangerous
Bowie: persona manifestation
Ziggy Stardust: cat reflexes
Halloween Jack: Ghost fire control
Thomas Newton: unknown.
The thin white duke: walking Hate plague
Jareth the goblin King: his magic
Dj (from the Dj Music video): Peid piper music
Screaming lord Byron/Earthling: light to sound conversion
The Blind Prophet: All seeing.
will add more later.
update: I forgot Tom Petty
second update: so just to make it clear, those who haven’t appeared in the story of any of the one shots yet will be in italics
third update: to clarify, Bowie hasn’t appeared in the story at all yet and his personas.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 9.27
Ancestor Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Honor Your Ancestors Day)
Answering Machine Day
Battle of Boquerón Day (Paraguay)
Book Matches Day
Crush A Can Day
French Community Day (Belgium)
Fun and Fancy Free Day
Google Commemoration Day
Lendemain du Magal de Touba (Sénégal)
Morning Show Hosts Day
National AJ Day
National Day of Forgiveness
National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Prescription Take-Back Day
National Scarf Day
Polish Underground State’s Day (Poland)
Shut Up and Let Somebody Else Talk Day
World Tourism Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Chocolate Milk Day
National Corned Beef Hash Day
Saloon Day
Tabasco Sauce Day
4th & Last Wednesday in September
Maple Leaf Day (Canada) [Last Wednesday]
National Rehabilitation Day [4th Wednesday]
National Women's Health and Fitness Day [Last Wednesday]
See You at the Pole [4th Wednesday]
World School Milk Day [Last Wednesday]
Independence Days
Consumación de la Independencia (End of Independence War; Mexico)
Elleore (Declared; 1944) [unrecognized]
Glebiania (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Consummated, 1821)
Turkmenistan (from USSR, 1991)
Zekia (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Adheritus (Christian; Saint)
Aequinoctium Autumnale I (Pagan)
Caius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Cosmas and Damian (Christian; Martyrs)
Elzear, Count of Arian, and Delphina, his wife (Christian; Saints)
Feast of Mashiyyat (Baha’i)
Festival of Namakungwe (The Originator; Zambia)
Festival of Varuni (Goddess of Wine; India)
George Cruikshank (Artology)
Hieronymus Bosch Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Narcissist Day (Pastafarian)
Meskel Day (a.k.a. Finding of the True Cross; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Mookie (Muppetism)
Sesage (Positivist; Saint)
Vincent de Paul (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Abominable (Animated Film; 2019)
The Affair, 16th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2011)
Bananaphone, by Raffi (Children’s Album; 1994)
A Bird in a Bonnet (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Bongo (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Born to Run, by Bruce Springsteen (Autobiography; 2016)
The Cleveland Show (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Animated Film; 2013)
Cracker (UK TV Series; 1993)
Dolly! (TV Series; 1976)
Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert (Music TV Series; 1973)
Don’t Stand So Close to Me, by the Police (Song; 1980)
Elementary (TV Series; 2012)
The Fever Code, by James Dashner (Novel; 2016) [Maze Runner #5]
Fun and Fancy Free (Animated Disney Film; 1947)
The Garden of The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1931)
Goodbye to Berlin, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1939)
The Journey of Natty Gann (Film; 1985)
The Karate Guard (WB Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 2005)
The Last King of Scotland (Film; 2006)
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Novel; 1935)
Memphis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1912)
Mickey and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Monster, by R.E.M. (Album; 1994)
New Jersey, by Bon Jovi (Album; 1988)
Nightmare, recorded by Artie Shaw (Song; 1938)
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (Film; 1939)
Ran (Film; 1985)
Ringo's Rotogravure, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1976)
Rush (Film; 2013)
Sand and Foam, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1926)
Secret Diary of a Call Girl (TV Series; 2007)
Silent Spring (Nature Book; 1962)
Sweet Home Alabama (Film; 2002)
Thanks for the Memory, by Bob Hope (Song; 1938)
The Tonight Show (TV Talk Show; 1954)
2 Days in the Valley (Film; 1996)
Under the Table and Framing, by The Dave Matthews Band (Album; 1994)
We Didn’t Start the Fore, by Billy Joel (Song; 1989)
Today’s Name Days
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Austria)
Berislav, Gaj, Vincent, Vinko, Vinko (Croatia)
Jonáš (Czech Republic)
Cosmus (Denmark)
Elo, Loone, Õrne (Estonia)
Vesa (Finland)
Vincent (France)
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Germany)
Akylini, Epicharis, Kallistratos, Zenon, Zinon (Greece)
Adalbert (Hungary)
Cosma, Damiano, Vincenzo (Italy)
Ādolfs, Ilgonis, Ronalds (Latvia)
Adalbertas, Damijonas, Daugilė, Kęsgailė, Kovaldas (Lithuania)
Dagmar, Dagrun (Norway)
Amadeusz, Amedeusz, Damian, Kosma, Przedbor, Urban (Poland)
Antim (Romania)
Cyprián (Slovakia)
Vicente (Spain)
Dagmar, Rigmor (Sweden)
Cosima, Cosimo, Cosmo, Damian, Damiana, Damien, Damion, Damon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 270 of 2024; 95 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 13 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 12 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 30 Aki; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 14 September 2023
Moon: 95%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 18 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Lesage]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 4 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 4 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Gyfu (Gift) [Half-Month 19 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 10.9)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 9.27
Ancestor Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Honor Your Ancestors Day)
Answering Machine Day
Battle of Boquerón Day (Paraguay)
Book Matches Day
Crush A Can Day
French Community Day (Belgium)
Fun and Fancy Free Day
Google Commemoration Day
Lendemain du Magal de Touba (Sénégal)
Morning Show Hosts Day
National AJ Day
National Day of Forgiveness
National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Prescription Take-Back Day
National Scarf Day
Polish Underground State’s Day (Poland)
Shut Up and Let Somebody Else Talk Day
World Tourism Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Chocolate Milk Day
National Corned Beef Hash Day
Saloon Day
Tabasco Sauce Day
4th & Last Wednesday in September
Maple Leaf Day (Canada) [Last Wednesday]
National Rehabilitation Day [4th Wednesday]
National Women's Health and Fitness Day [Last Wednesday]
See You at the Pole [4th Wednesday]
World School Milk Day [Last Wednesday]
Independence Days
Consumación de la Independencia (End of Independence War; Mexico)
Elleore (Declared; 1944) [unrecognized]
Glebiania (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Consummated, 1821)
Turkmenistan (from USSR, 1991)
Zekia (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Adheritus (Christian; Saint)
Aequinoctium Autumnale I (Pagan)
Caius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Cosmas and Damian (Christian; Martyrs)
Elzear, Count of Arian, and Delphina, his wife (Christian; Saints)
Feast of Mashiyyat (Baha’i)
Festival of Namakungwe (The Originator; Zambia)
Festival of Varuni (Goddess of Wine; India)
George Cruikshank (Artology)
Hieronymus Bosch Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Narcissist Day (Pastafarian)
Meskel Day (a.k.a. Finding of the True Cross; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Mookie (Muppetism)
Sesage (Positivist; Saint)
Vincent de Paul (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Abominable (Animated Film; 2019)
The Affair, 16th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2011)
Bananaphone, by Raffi (Children’s Album; 1994)
A Bird in a Bonnet (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Bongo (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Born to Run, by Bruce Springsteen (Autobiography; 2016)
The Cleveland Show (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Animated Film; 2013)
Cracker (UK TV Series; 1993)
Dolly! (TV Series; 1976)
Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert (Music TV Series; 1973)
Don’t Stand So Close to Me, by the Police (Song; 1980)
Elementary (TV Series; 2012)
The Fever Code, by James Dashner (Novel; 2016) [Maze Runner #5]
Fun and Fancy Free (Animated Disney Film; 1947)
The Garden of The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1931)
Goodbye to Berlin, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1939)
The Journey of Natty Gann (Film; 1985)
The Karate Guard (WB Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 2005)
The Last King of Scotland (Film; 2006)
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Novel; 1935)
Memphis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1912)
Mickey and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Monster, by R.E.M. (Album; 1994)
New Jersey, by Bon Jovi (Album; 1988)
Nightmare, recorded by Artie Shaw (Song; 1938)
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (Film; 1939)
Ran (Film; 1985)
Ringo's Rotogravure, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1976)
Rush (Film; 2013)
Sand and Foam, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1926)
Secret Diary of a Call Girl (TV Series; 2007)
Silent Spring (Nature Book; 1962)
Sweet Home Alabama (Film; 2002)
Thanks for the Memory, by Bob Hope (Song; 1938)
The Tonight Show (TV Talk Show; 1954)
2 Days in the Valley (Film; 1996)
Under the Table and Framing, by The Dave Matthews Band (Album; 1994)
We Didn’t Start the Fore, by Billy Joel (Song; 1989)
Today’s Name Days
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Austria)
Berislav, Gaj, Vincent, Vinko, Vinko (Croatia)
Jonáš (Czech Republic)
Cosmus (Denmark)
Elo, Loone, Õrne (Estonia)
Vesa (Finland)
Vincent (France)
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Germany)
Akylini, Epicharis, Kallistratos, Zenon, Zinon (Greece)
Adalbert (Hungary)
Cosma, Damiano, Vincenzo (Italy)
Ādolfs, Ilgonis, Ronalds (Latvia)
Adalbertas, Damijonas, Daugilė, Kęsgailė, Kovaldas (Lithuania)
Dagmar, Dagrun (Norway)
Amadeusz, Amedeusz, Damian, Kosma, Przedbor, Urban (Poland)
Antim (Romania)
Cyprián (Slovakia)
Vicente (Spain)
Dagmar, Rigmor (Sweden)
Cosima, Cosimo, Cosmo, Damian, Damiana, Damien, Damion, Damon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 270 of 2024; 95 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 13 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 12 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 30 Aki; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 14 September 2023
Moon: 95%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 18 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Lesage]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 4 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 4 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Gyfu (Gift) [Half-Month 19 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 10.9)
0 notes
I wonder if Scalia's prophetic cries of doom in his dissent in Morrison v. Olson (realized by Ken Starr) were at all influenced via mentorship from Al Haig, who narrowly escaped the business end of the Independent Counsel Archie Cox wrt him and his in the Moorer-Radford affair, something he believed not within Cox's legal ambit.
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scarletnews · 2 years
Watch Ayra Starr Prophecy About Her ‘Rush’ Hit Single
Watch Ayra Starr Prophecy About Her ‘Rush’ Hit Single
The number one “Sabi Girl,” Ayra Starr may have the number one song in the country with Rush but the singer is out for more as she shares a prophetic projection for the record. See what she had to say in the story below. Mavin Records star girl, Ayra Starr, has made a prophetic projection for her latest single, Rush. ALSO READ: Ayra Starr Beats Asake To The Number 1 Position On Apple Music Charts…
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0 notes
hangtimemagazine · 3 years
Basement Tapes is Enhancing Online Musical Experiences with Analogue Video Synthesizers
Basement Tapes is Enhancing Online Musical Experiences with Analogue Video Synthesizers
Basement Tapes—an audio and visual experience curated by DJ Lita, Anthony Flores, and Starr Prophets—is entering its second year of production. Since it’s conception, they’ve connected with Sydfalls, Dee Diggs, DJ Freedem, El Blanco Nino, JWords, Marvelito and Ase Manual of Like That Records, and Jersey Club Queen UNIIQU3. Basement Tapes is all-around unique from the artists that are selected…
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pennielane · 3 years
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On one day, only Ringo showed up. McCartney murmurs ominously at one point, "And then there were two." "And then there were one." And then there were none. — Sheila O'Malley
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] GURU… Soulfully + Energetically + Telepathically + Intergalactically [SETI] Say I got SIRIUS Black [B] Mass Appeal [MA] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] since I Already BEE Moor ILLUMINATED [MI = MICHAEL] in HEAVEN & Astronomically [HA = HARRELL] Surrounded by A QUANTUM Black Altitude Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energy Gang of HIGHLY ILLUMINATED [HI = HITTITE] BLACK STARS [SOULS] from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#Mama’s Ancient [MA] Ghetto Prophet [GURU] that Spit Apocalyptic [SA] Afterlife Rap Verses that Sound better than the next man’s whole album#I BEE A Spiritually Gifted Utopian Rosicrucian of Uranus [GURU]#Gang Starr's GURU#I Mentally + Energetically [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Rap 2 DJ Premier's Untouchable Ghetto Ass [GA = ROMAN] Beats#Premier Nubian Ganja Magick#Inner Earth’s Premier Interstellar Axis Needle of NEPTUNE#DJ Premier#Gang Starr's GURU & DJ Premier#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#King of the Yoruba#Compton’s Most Wanted Archangel [M.W.A.] Michael#HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] GURU say I got Mad Mass Appeal [MA] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#Prince Satan + Black Christ Intelligences of 9th Dimensional Melanin Physics#Reincarnated King Tut Intelligences#Reincarnated Black Christ#I Ancestrally Resurrect My Jimi Afterlife Hendrix [JAH] SPIRIT BODY of Archangel Michael Energies [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#My Universally [MU] Underworld Hell Famous [UHF] Black Esoteric Scriptural [BES = Biographical] Testimonies#My Supersonic Mental of Artistic [MA] Soul Hits that BEE So Underworld Hell Famous [UHF]#I BEE So Underworld Hell Famous [UHF] ‘cause of My Historically Accurate [HA = HARRELL] Dream Reality Magick#Aboriginal Black American Occult Illuminati of Congo African [CA] Astrophysics from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#I Already BEE A SIRIUS Black [B] Technocratically Afroasiatic Oligarch [TAO] from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#I BEE Surrounded by A QUANTUM Black Altitude Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energy Gang of HIGHLY ILLUMINATED [HI = HITTITE] BLACK STARS [SOULS]
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
The Bogie Band featuring Joe Russo - The Prophets In The City - horn & percussion jams from Daptone regulars & friends (Royal Potato Family)
The Bogie Band featuring Joe Russo is a new collaboration between old friends. Stuart Bogie's fiery arrangements meet Russo's dynamic drumming with a ten-piece ensemble utilizing only wind and percussion instruments. Bogie and Russo are joined by a cadre of players whose resumes run through some of New York City’s most beloved bands, including Antibalas, The Dap-Kings, Red Barat, Budos Band, St. Vincent and David Byrne's American Utopia. The nine tracks constructed on their debut album, The Prophets In The City, are riotous and jubilant, pushing the boundaries of wind music. Stuart Bogie has worked with artists such as Arcade Fire, TV On The Radio and Iron & Wine, though he's best known for his time as member/conductor of Antibalas. He wrote the score for the Oscar nominated film, How to Survive a Plague. Russo's career has included performing and recording with Furthur, Gene Ween Band and Benevento/Russo Duo. He also leads his own group, the highly-regarded Joe Russo’s Almost Dead (JRAD).  Drums, Timpani, Mallet Percussion: Joe Russo Percussion: Mauro Refosco, Joe Russo, Korey Richey, Stuart Bogie, Jeff Citron additional commotion: Karyn Starr, Arthur Lee Johnson, Louis Thebeau Starr Johnson Sousaphone: John Altieri Trumpets: Jordan McLean, Michael Leonhart, Dave Guy, Billy Aukstik, Eric Biondo Trombones: Raymond Mason, Adam Dotson, Dave Smoota Smith Saxes: Cochemea Gastelum (Bari), Matt Bauder (Bari, Alto), Ian Hendrickson-Smith (Alto), Colin Stetson (Soprano), Stuart Bogie (Tenor, Bari) Flutes: Domenica Fossati, Stuart Bogie Choir/Claps: Korey Richey, Jeff Citron, Stuart Bogie, Domenica Fossati, Matt Bauder
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kentuckywrites · 2 years
Imperium 3: Chapter 4
Lucem polliceor. (I promise the light.)
Rounding the stone wall separating Starr and the others from this flickering light, he laid eyes upon the answer, the answer to the light’s source. It was not something he’d considered, not for a second.
Sprinkle Sprinkle was far too close to the source for comfort, which ended up being a humanoid figure. Not a human, no, that much became obvious upon closer inspection. Their legs ended in points, and holograms kept their biceps connected to mechanical forearms and ball jointed hands and fingertips. Half of their face was missing, jagged holographic edges just barely hiding some sort of star-shaped object nestled in their head. Their entire body flickered with light, a faint sunset color, but Starr could tell immediately what was making this light so subdued. Blackened lines trailed over half of their body, snaking up the holograms and burning holes into the dress they wore. Were it not for the light, Starr would’ve assumed this figure was deceased, for their body was crumpled and wounded and showed no signs of recognizing other beings in their presence.
Vanala had stopped after taking a couple steps around the stone wall, eyes wide. “Is…no. Can’t be…”
Starr stuck to her side while Elma passed him, accompanying Sprinkle Sprinkle next to the body. She rummaged around in one of her pockets and took out her comm device, scanning over the figure’s body. Starr knelt down in the meantime, attention shifting between the body and Vanala.
“Do you…recognize them?” He asked carefully.
“...This is other entity Vanala came to Mira with,” She explained in a hushed voice, not quiet enough to avoid the earshot of Sprinkle Sprinkle and Elma but enough that she sounded shellshocked. “Never got friend’s name. Separated in the air after Vanala and friend sustained bad injuries. Never knew where they went, if they survived.”
A fragment of Starr’s dream reemerged, a figure barreling towards the planet engulfed in flames and trailing embers. The connection was obvious, but it presented a problem that he was becoming increasingly aware of. There was a prophetic nature to the dreams he’d had the past two nights, but there was something deeper to them, something he was having trouble understanding. The Disgrace had nightmares, plenty of them, but the planet never did. It had nothing to speak of in its unconscious, perhaps because of its own composition. But these dreams couldn’t belong to the Disgrace, no, they seemed too specific. And if the planet had no ability to dream, then…
Were these…memories?
“They’re alive, but gravely injured,” Elma pulled back, facing Vanala and Starr as she glanced between them and her comm device. “I’m not familiar with this species, but based on the bioscan…well, that’s all I can glean. It’s almost like the bioscan is unable to define what this being is, species or otherwise. I want to harbor a guess and say they’re mechanical in nature based on the construction of their arms and legs. If Lin were here, she could likely give a better guess, but…”
“But she is not here.” Starr finished the terrible realization, stepping closer and kneeling down next to the figure. His hand hovered over the figure’s forearm, the corrupted veins of darkness persisting down their frame. These weren’t like any injuries he’d seen before, but they reminded him of scars, permanent marks of battles lost - no, that was how the Disgrace saw them. Damn.
“Maybe ether can help?” Vanala suggested, finally coming closer. 
“We can try,” Starr responded, lifting his right hand to join the left. There was only an inch or two of space between his palms and the figure’s arm, and with enough concentration, a gentle blue light began to intertwine with the figure’s dull glow. Droplets of water floated out of Starr’s gauntlets, drifting towards the figure, towards the veins persisting down their -
The figure coughed suddenly, weak enough that their body hardly moved, but strong enough to shock Starr and make him jump backwards. Sprinkle Sprinkle was the most unfazed of the group, eyes widening as they grabbed the figure’s other hand despite the wordless protest that Vanala gave. Starr watched as the figure finally opened their one eye, dull gray and pupiless, staring off into nothing at all. Their voice came next, staticy, broken, reminiscent of a crackling fire on the verge of death.
“I-Is s-s-s-ome-o-one the-e-e-re?”
Elma spoke first, her interest clearly piqued. “Hello. We’re sorry if we scared you, but we don’t mean any harm. My name is Elma. Next to me are my colleagues: Vanala, Sprinkle Sprinkle, and P - Starr.”
Starr flinched when Elma nearly referred to him as the Disgrace, but he supposed old habits would die hard. He didn’t have much time to linger on how that made him feel, however, as the figure tried to reposition themselves against the wall to sit up straighter. They hardly moved an inch, however, and Starr was too scared to help, lest they fall apart in his hands. 
“Y-Yes…h-h-hang on-n-n. Le-e-e-t me se-e-e-e-e if I ca-a-a-a-n-n cor-r-r-ect my v-v-v-v-v-oc-cal set-t-t-t-ings-s-s.”
The figure shut their eye, and for a moment, there was silence again. When they opened their eye again, it was still incredibly unfocused, but their voice sounded much clearer than before. The crackling remained, however. 
“That should sound m-much better. I-I’m sorry.”
“Friend should not apologize,” Vanala said, “Vanala just happy to see friend again. Thought for sure friend was dead after…”
“I…I should be,” The figure whispered, “I d-don’t…know how I’m alive, at least.” A beat, then even quieter than before, “I was a f-fool. I thought I c-could…”
Having gotten over the initial shock, Starr inched closer to the figure, remaining silent as they took a shaky breath, attempted a weak smile. “But wh-where are my m-manners…m-my design-nation is Eight. B-But…you can a-also call me Lumina.”
“Lumi! What pretty name!” Sprinkle Sprinkle said, in awe, “What pronouns does Lumi use?”
“O-Oh! S-She and her,” Lumina seemed surprised to have gotten such a question, tilting her head in Sprinkle Sprinkle’s direction, “Y-You sound so cute!”
“Lumina, are you able to see us?” Elma asked. The question was funny, really. She’d asked the same question when she found the Disgrace, with his eyes pupiless and blank. Lumina’s were similar, though there was a clearer unfocus to them. 
Lumina tried to shift around to face Elma, but her new position meant that her gaze fell to Elma’s left, tilted downwards. “I…n-no. Not in the standard sense. I-I can see your e-ether signat-tures, but n-not what you look like. Y-Yours is really hard to see, Elma.”
“Likely because I’m a machine,” Elma realized, “I’m inhabiting a mechanical body known as a mimeosome. Vanala and Sprinkle Sprinkle are organic, and…”
“We are a mixture of both,” Starr finished, explaining himself, “We are mainly a mechanical entity created to mimic these mimeosomes, but are composed of organic material. You should be able to -”
Lumina let her head fall back onto the cave wall, rolling it towards Starr. It seemed like she was staring right at him, and the notion made him stiffen. She blinked slowly, her mouth pursing open as if the beginnings of a thought were dancing upon her lips.
“Y-Your ether…I’ve s-seen it before,” She breathed, “Wh-What did you s-say your name was?”
“We are Starr,” Starr reintroduced himself, caution consuming his very being.
“Starr…y-your ether is…th-there’s two separate strands combined into one,” Lumina tried to explain what she was “seeing”, but judging by how she was squinting, she was having a hard time understanding it. Either that, or she couldn’t believe it. Starr would’ve taken either reason to be true. “Th-There’s one I don’t r-recognize, but the other…th-that’s Aidoneus’s ether strand.”
Starr didn’t move. He couldn’t. He could only look between everyone around him, the confusion and shock upon their faces, before he finally found the strength to address Lumina, to address her observation.
“We do not know of this Aidoneus you speak of. We admit to being a fusion, but one of the original parties was not named Aidoneus.”
“B-But…that ether is unmistakable!” Lumina cried, her hand flopping towards Starr in a futile attempt to reach him, “Aidoneus was th-there when w-we both fell…i-it put me here, in s-s-safety, while i-it tried to stop C-Corvhes -”
“Was that name of giant creature with horns?” Vanala pressed, “Vanala never ask its name, either…Vanala should be better with whole manners thing.”
“Y-Yes!” She said, “I n-never knew where it w-went after it saved m-me, a-and I thought it m-might’ve died, but…”
“We are not Aidoneus,” Starr repeated, softer this time, “We are not.”
“Th-Then…then how?...how do y-you have the same e-ether signature?”
Starr’s chest tightened, his breaths hollow and quick. Lumina had said it was only one of his ether signatures that reminded her of this Aidoneus creature, right? Was it somehow tied to the Disgrace, or the planet? Of course, of fucking course Lumina saw this ether strand within him, of course there was something about Starr that removed his own identity from him. When would he be able to be recognized as Starr and not someone else? Why did his very existence need to be tied to someone else, why couldn’t he just move on and be Starr, why why why -
Something plopped down on his lap and pressed up against his chest. Blinking once, twice, coming back to the cold reality of the cavern, Starr realized that Sprinkle Sprinkle had worked his way around Lumina and was now actively pushing his wing into Starr’s heart. They tried to push as hard as they could, but their size betrayed their success in the matter. Nevertheless, Starr knew what he was trying to do. It was a tactic Froyoyo sometimes used when Starr was panicking, a way to bring him out of his pained thoughts and force him to focus on something else. It had been jarring, the first time Froyoyo had done it, but it was effective enough that Starr never told him not to do it. And better yet, Sprinkle Sprinkle had never done this before. Froyoyo really had become a good influence on him. 
“Starr better?” Sprinkle Sprinkle asked quietly, removing his wings and folding them around his body.
Starr nodded, incapable of forming a verbal response. He adjusted the mask atop his head, bringing the skull’s snout further down to obscure more of his face. The planet spoke, in that moment, and Starr had half a heart to ignore it. But for one sentence, he listened, and that was enough to stir him out of his woe.
I know who Aidoneus is. I will tell you more about it later.
Starr still didn’t entertain the idea of a verbal response, but he nodded again to indicate he heard, that he understood. Sprinkle Sprinkle jumped off of Starr’s lap, running to Vanala’s side. He looked proud of himself, but his aura was smothered by a very loud, very prolonged yawn. Vanala’s brow furrowed, putting one of her little hands on Sprinkle Sprinkle’s head and combing their fur reassuringly. 
“We should make camp here,” Elma took note of the interaction, taking a proper seat and crossing her legs one over the other. “It appears Corvhesperikon can’t reach us in here.”
“It can,” Vanala said somberly, “But hasn’t yet. Hubbypon likely keeping it distracted.”
Through some demented act of the divine, after Vanala had said this, the walls of the cavern shook, small pebbles raining down from the ceiling. A screech echoed from outside, too far to be of immediate concern, but concerning Starr nonetheless. A little rock even managed to hit the top of his mask, and instinctively he massaged the dent, creating a small chip in the bone. 
“We will take watch,” Starr told the group, “You all should get some rest. We will wake you if we deem it too dangerous to remain here.”
“Alright. Wake me next, when you grow tired,” Elma told him.
“Then wake Vanala!” Vanala tacked on. Sprinkle Sprinkle almost looked like they were going to repeat after them both, but Vanala quickly covered his mouth with her wing. “No watch for Sprinkle Sprinkle. More important for littlepon to sleep.”
“But -”
“No buts! Get shut-eye!”
She was stern enough that Sprinkle Sprinkle didn’t protest anymore after that. In fact, no one spoke a word.
Vanala and Sprinkle Sprinkle were the first to drift off, with Elma following hesitantly after. Starr could see the fatigue in her eyes, how she tried to resist. But ultimately, she wasn’t strong enough. She closed her eyes, and after a few minutes, they didn’t open again. Even Lumina had closed her one eye, her breathing far lighter than before. 
Starr sighed, relieved for the peace and quiet. The planet’s promise rang true in his mind, a proposition of knowledge long overdue. Starr stood himself up, rolled his shoulders underneath his breastplate. Nothing felt sore or out of place, yet he still walked forward with a distinct feeling in his body, that of mental exhaustion rather than physical. He took two steps towards the way they’d all entered through when coughing from behind him stopped him dead in his tracks.
“W-Where are you…”
Starr turned around. Lumina’s voice was so weak, so small, as she tried to pinpoint where he was. Starr’s fists clenched at his sides, on the verge of a terrible decision. Ultimately his hands relaxed and he walked back towards Lumina, kneeling down right in front of her. This simple action made her smile with recognition, and he wondered if there was a time where her body had reflected the sunlight radiating from her joy.
“S-Sorry, I just…wanted to make sure you w-w-were okay,” Lumina apologized, “You seemed nervous.”
“We, um…” Starr double checked that everyone else was very, truly asleep before whispering his confession, “We are. It is hard not to be, with what is happening.”
“R-Right…I don’t think a-anyone said it outright, b-but it sounded like Corvhesperikon i-is back. I-I’m sorry I never asked about w-what was happening.”
“It is not your fault,” Starr reassured her, “But you would be correct. Corvhesperikon has reawoken and is attempting to track down Vanala to consume her ether. At least, we believe this to be so.”
“Y-Yggraliths will eat any ether-based e-entities…even p-planets,” Lumina shuddered, “Last time, A-Aidoneus and Froyoyo were the ones t-to defeat it. I…I was useless.”
“You were hurt, right? Before you came to Mira?” The image of a falling body, flames consuming every limb, tumbling towards Cocytios flared up in Starr’s mind once more.
“Y-Yes. B-But that was not Corvhesperikon’s doing. I-I…it was m-my fault. I did s-something incredibly stupid…”
“We doubt it was stupid,” Starr reassured her, “Elma believed that you were mechanical. Is there some way we could repair you?”
“I, um…n-no. Not through h-human means. M-Mira is home to humans, right?” She replied, “I-It would require one of my o-own kind to try and f-find me. But…but none of them kn-know I’m here. At least I-I don’t think they do.”
“Would ether be able to help? Vanala taught us some small healing spells -”
“I-I don’t think it’ll help. But y-you’re welcome to try. I c-can’t get much worse than this.”
Starr pondered the suggestion, Lumina’s complete resignation to a treatment that could end up harming rather than healing. He had no true way of knowing whether or not his ether would work, and even so, his powers were far weaker than Vanala’s. It was a risk he wasn’t comfortable taking, not when she was already this weak, this damaged, this close to death. 
Yet despite this, determination bubbled up inside him, powerful and overflowing. Checking one more time that no one else was awake around him, Starr removed his skull mask, placing it over his heart in a makeshift salute. “We do not want to try something that might hurt you, but…but we promise to come back. To find a way to save you, to bring you out of this place.”
Lumina sniffled, and a small speck of stardust trickled out of her eye. It was the closest thing to a tear for her kind, he imagined. “Th-Thank you…”
“Now, please rest. We are going to scout the perimeter in case any indigens have also sought shelter in these caverns,” Starr made up a brilliant and believable excuse to stand himself up, repositioning his gauntlets so they didn’t pinch his gloves. “We will be back soon.”
“Okay…g-good night, Starr.”
Starr smiled.
“Good night, Lumina.”
And so her eye fluttered shut, her battle with sleep coming to a close. Starr watched over her for but a minute longer before turning back towards the outstretched cavern. He returned the skull to the top of his head, seeking comfort in the obscurity it brought him, then walked a fair distance away from their little camp, checking over his shoulder numerous times to make sure he wasn’t being followed. 
Once he’d put enough distance between himself and the others, Starr stopped, standing perfectly still in the middle of a circular cavern that they hadn’t entered before. There was a small pool of water in the far corner, a gentle drip coming from the stalactites above it. Starr ended up sitting down by the water’s edge, a lazy finger pressing down on the surface, watching the ripples that formed. A memory of Vanala’s first time training Starr in the usage of water ether came to mind, a memory that he now cherished in hindsight but thought scary when it was formulating.
“If friend wishes to heal with water ether, then friend needs to heal, too. Come to terms with ripples and discover that, despite ruining perfect reflection, ripples are beautiful and necessary. No water is without ripples, and no being is without mistakes they wish to move past.”
It was a lesson he’d taken to heart, and one that he’d take with him to the grave. He was Starr, and he was damaged, but he could live with that damage. None of it could define him wholly and truly. His recovery, his moving-forward, would be the true key to his identity.
Mira’s voice then broke through the memory.
This is going to be a long story.
“We have time,” Starr said, “Start from the beginning.”
A pause. Then, the beginning.
Before I was Mira…I was Aidoneus.
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lol-jackles · 3 years
You really think that a show that costs 10 million per episode pays its main stars 50,000 per episode? Not buying it. These stars aren’t spending 6 months in Canada for the number 1 Amazon show and only getting 400,000 a piece. Antony Starr starred in his own action show for 5 seasons. erin moriarty has multiple films, and jack Quaid is a major up and comer, they are not making 30,000 per episode, nor is Jensen Ackles. These are stars on the number one Amazon Prime show, and emmy nominated
You don’t have to buy it, nobody is making you.
Just you know that I’ve been right a lot more than I’ve been wrong. I’m not called the creepy prophet here for no reason you know.
The streaming companies (called New Media in my days) was the main reason why I left the industry because I foresaw that streaming was going to screw actors out of decent pay and get rid of residuals.  And I was right.
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2020-21 Program Music Choices
Kirsten Moore-Towers / Michael Marinaro (CAN) will be reusing their 2019-2020 free skate.
Audrey Lu / Misha Mitrofanov (USA) - FS: “Ancient Lands” by Roman Hardiman
Daria Pavlichenko / Denis Khodykin (RUS) - FS: "The Black Swan" soundtrack, Choroegraphy by Alexander Zhulin.
Alina Pepeleva & Roman Pleshkov (RUS) - SP: "Io Ci Saro" by Andrea Bocelli (debuted at Russian Cup Final); They will be reusing their free program from the previous season.
Katie McBeath/Nathan Bartholomay (USA) - FS: "The Blower’s Daughter" performed by Christina Aguilera & Chris Mann, Choreography by Cindy Stuart
Vincent Zhou (USA) will be reusing his 2018-2019 free skate.
Yaroslav Paniot (USA) will be reusing his 2020-2021 free skate.
Keiji Tanaka (JPN) - SP: BGM "11170 CH edition 0706" Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version
Mark Kondratiuk (RUS) - SP: Jesus Christ Superstar
Lucas Tsyuoshi Honda (JPN) - FS: "Blues for Klook" by Eddy Louiss / "The Prophet" by Gary Moore. He will be reusing his his 2020-2021 short program.
Vladimir Litvinsev (AZE) - SP: Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C-sharp minor ("Bells of Moscow"), Choreography by Sergei Rozanov
Koshiro Shimada (JPN) - SP: “Giving Up” by Donny Hathaway; FP- Charlie Chaplin Medley (including “Limelight” and “Smile”); Both with choreography by Stephane Lambiel
Sihyeong Lee (KOR) -  SP: Polovtsian Dances from ‘Prince Igor’; Choreography by Yeaji Shin
Matthew Markell (CAN) - SP: “Per Te” by Josh Groban. He is doing his own choreography. 
Roman Sadovsky (CAN) - FS: “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol, Arranged by Maxine Rodriguez, Choreography by Mark Pillay
Conrad Orzel (CAN) - FS: “Who Wants to Live Forever” by Queen, Choreography by Jeffrey Buttle
Nikolaj Majorov (SWE) - SP: “Sound of Silence” by Disturbed; FP is to a martial arts theme.
Alexei Erokhov (RUS) - SP: "Fallin' " by Alicia Keys, performed by Nicola Cavallaro
Adam Siao Him Fa (FRA) - FP: Daft Punk Medley
Leonid Sviridenko (RUS) - SP: "Sturm I: Fear" by Dardust
Ilya Yablokov (RUS) - FS: "Walk Away" by Maxime Rodriguez and Xavier Mortimer
Eric Sjoberg (USA) - FS: Interstellar Soundtrack, Choreography by Misha Ge
Artur Danielian (RUS) - FS: Scheherazade
Nam Nguyen (CAN) will be reusing his free from the 2020-2021 season.
Ice Dance
Eva Pate / Logan Bye (USA) - FD: The Hunger Games Soundtrack
Charlene Guignard / Marco Fabbri (ITA), Natalia Kaliszek / Maskim Spodyriev (POL) and Elizaveta Shanaeva / Devid Naryzhnyy (RUS) will be reusing their 2020-2021 free dances.
Molly Lanaghan / Dmitre Razgulajevs (CAN) - RD: “Spice Girls”; FD: Tango
Loïcia Demougeot & Théo Le Mercier (FRA) FD: "Lonlon (Ravel’s Bolero)" by Angelique Kidjo, Coreography by Benoit Richaud
Anastasia Arkipova (UKR) - SP: “Entre tu amor”
Ayaka Hosoda (JPN) - SP: "Leyenda" (Flamenco); Choreography by Misha Ge
Yeonjeong Park (KOR) - SP: Ballade No.by Chopin, Coregraphy by David Wilson; FP: Hymne A L'amour, Coregraphy by Pasquale Camerlengo
Starr Andrews (USA) - SP: “At Last” by Etta James; FP: “Bigger” / “At Last” by Beyonce; Both with Choreography by Derrick Delmore
Violeta Ushakova (USA) - FP: “Circles”, Coreography by Olga Ganicheva
Amber Glenn - FP: “Rain In Your Black Eyes”  Ezio Bosso, Remixed & Choreographed by Misha Ge
Rika Kihira will be reusing her short program from the 2020-2021 season.
Anastasia Guliakova (RUS) - FS:  "Don't Say You Do" / "Real Boy" by Lola Blanc, Coreography by Tatiana Prokofieva
Audrey Shin (USA)  FS: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, Choreography by Drew Meekins
Madeline Schizas (CAN) - SP: "My Sweet and Tender Beast" waltz (female vocal version) by Eugen Doga, Coreography by Asher Hill
Alexandra Feigin (BUL) - SP: Charlie Chaplin; FP: Firebird; Coreography by Nikita Mikhailov
Ekaterina Ryabova (AZE) is keeping her short program from the previous season.
Mia Kalin (USA) - SP: "Waltz of the Flowers" from The Nutcracker by Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Stanislava Konstantinova (RUS) - FS: My Love, The Devil You Know by Kovacs; "Take The Lead Tango" by Bonnie Greenburg
Alexia Paganini (SUI) - SP: "La Cumparsita" by Gerardo Matos Rodriguez and Gerardo Matos Rodriguez
Mariah Bell (USA) - SP: Music from Chromatica by Lady Gaga, Choreography by Cordero Zuckerman; FP: Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell, Choreography by Shae-Lynn Bourne
Karen Chen (USA) is keeping her free program from last season.
Eliska Brezinova (CZE) -  SP: "Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics, Coreography by Misha Ge
Shan Lin (Ashley Lin) CHN - FS: "Papa Can You Hear Me?" performed by Barbra Streisand, Choreography by Lori Nichol
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kemetic-dreams · 4 years
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Acid jazz developed in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s, influenced by jazz-funk and electronic dance music. Acid jazz often contains various types of electronic composition (sometimes including sampling or live DJ cutting and scratching), but it is just as likely to be played live by musicians, who often showcase jazz interpretation as part of their performance. Richard S. Ginell of All Music considers Roy Ayers "one of the prophets of acid jazz."
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Nu jazz is influenced by jazz harmony and melodies, and there are usually no improvisational aspects. It can be very experimental in nature and can vary widely in sound and concept. It ranges from the combination of live instrumentation with the beats of jazz house (as exemplified by St Germain, Jazzanova, and Fila Brazillia) to more band-based improvised jazz with electronic elements (for example, The Cinematic Orchestra, Kobol and the Norwegian "future jazz" style pioneered by Bugge Wesseltoft, Jaga Jazzist, and Nils Petter Molvær).
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Jazz rap developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s and incorporates jazz influences into hip hop. In 1988, Gang Starr released the debut single "Words I Manifest", which sampled Dizzy Gillespie's 1962 "Night in Tunisia", and Stetsasonic released "Talkin' All That Jazz", which sampled Lonnie Liston Smith. Gang Starr's debut LP No More Mr. Nice Guy (1989) and their 1990 track "Jazz Thing" sampled Charlie Parker and Ramsey Lewis. The groups which made up the Native Tongues Posse tended toward jazzy releases: these include the Jungle Brothers' debut Straight Out the Jungle (1988), and A Tribe Called Quest's People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm (1990) and The Low End Theory (1991). Rap duo Pete Rock & CL Smooth incorporated jazz influences on their 1992 debut Mecca and the Soul Brother. Rapper Guru's Jazzmatazz series began in 1993 using jazz musicians during the studio recordings.
Although jazz rap had achieved little mainstream success, Miles Davis' final album Doo-Bop (released posthumously in 1992) was based on hip hop beats and collaborations with producer Easy Mo Bee. Davis' ex-bandmate Herbie Hancock also absorbed hip-hop influences in the mid-1990s, releasing the album Dis Is Da Drum in 1994.
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 5/5/21 Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Baltimore County Guidelines. 1-410-668-3353. CC Parkville - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8 Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777. CC Bel Air - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. 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megatrip · 4 years
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King Megatrip - Soul Formula November 17.2002
01 unknown _ bedtime bongos (from maui wowie) _ ost grammofonpladen 02 edwin starr _ twenty-five miles _ motown 03 bo diddley _ hit or miss _ chess 04 the pioneers _ papa was a rolling stone _ trojan 05 michael prophet & ricky tuffy _ your love _ jet star 06 big youth _ waterhouse rock (groove corporation remix) _ select cuts 07 blackalicious _ paragraph president _ mca 08 the roots feat. cody chesnutt _ the seed 2.0 _ mca 09 gab & lateef (blackalicious) _ kakalita show _ mca 10 dzihan & kamien _ stiff jazz _ couch 11 squarepusher _ do you know squarepusher _ warp 12 lee michaels _ do you know what i mean _ one way 13 creative source _ can't hide love _ universal 14 al foster band _ the night of the wolf _ emi 15 sergio mendes _ nana _ atlantic 16 drumagick _ easy boom _ sambaloco 17 steamer _ phule phat _ kidnap 18 dinah washington _ is you is or is you ain't my baby? (rae & christian remix) 19 dale dennard _ if you can live with yourself _ coach records 20 billy stewart _ summertime _ chess 21 ben e king _ young boy blues _ atco
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