#Starscream occupies a special place in my heart
onewingedsparrow · 1 year
8, 10, 12, 17, and 19 for the ask game!
(They’re all amazing; it was hard to narrow it down. 😂)
Thanks for the ask, Nova! <3 Lol yeah I loved all the questions too :D
From this ask game!
8. Which tf character has the most different personality from you? Uhhhhh that’s a good question. Maybe RiD’15 Drift? He’s very rigid and not likely to have fun for the sake of having fun. Also most iterations of Shockwave are far more logical than I like to be. Sure, logic is important, but Shockwave seems to go overboard in my book. 10. Which tf character do you think you’d get along with really badly? Probably Starscream, any continuity. He's such a backstabber and I value loyalty; he's super narcissistic and people like that are quite annoying to me. Plus he's generally not very fond of humans and talks down to them, and I'm very feisty so our interactions would probably go much like Miko's and his in TFP. Many insults, mutual disgust. I can appreciate his character in a show but I know I could not stand him in real life haha. 12. List a piece of art not from transformers that you think fits a tf character! Hmm this took me a bit of digging...there wasn't one that came to mind instantly, but it was interesting to consider! Reposting is BAD kids(TM) so here's direct links to artists’ works instead! ;)
First off: this beautiful ocean art by Kazami is really inspiring to me. Most people probably don’t think of the ocean when they think Transformers, but...put simply, it reminds me of the ’Waves ;) I have AU versions of Shockwave and Soundwave occupying my mind, their designs inspired by the sea. And the depth in this particular piece is absolutely gorgeous. The brighter colors are reminiscent of neon, which also makes me think Wavebros, and the darker colors add to the ominous, frightening feel of the deep ocean, ever fitting for those two Decepticons.  Oh! You’d probably like this as well! There’s a Fire Emblem character whose design I am absolutely in love with. He’s so spooky!!! His name is Líf and I haven’t reached his chapter in the story yet, but I’m so looking forward to that day because his design alone intrigues me. 💜 What does this have to do with Transformers? Well, he reminds me of Soundwave the most, but his “lightning antennae,” lol, remind me of both Soundwave and Optimus, which is a very interesting combination. Líf’s design gets me thinking about the uncanny ways Soundwave and Optimus are similar, something I hadn’t really considered in depth before. It’s quite fun. Here are some cool Líf fanarts so you can see his vibe! - By Lynarc (my absolute favorite that I’ve found so far) - By Bhai Kun - By Kalkkopf - Screenshots from a trailer (?)
- Bonus: Official art from the wiki because they’re all just so cool
I really like this dude in case it wasn’t obvious by how many of these I’m sharing 17. Which piece of music from a tf media is your favorite? I'm so glad you asked this question!!! I was hoping someone would 😊 This would have to be, hands down, "Did You Forget Who I Am" from The Last Knight. The Bayverse is full of terrible, terrible elements, but Steve Jablonsky’s score is not one of those. All the soundtracks are incredible. And this scene from TLK is so iconic that, every time I listen to the music, I can hear Optimus' voice fill in that beat of silence with the mighty, chilling line that Peter Cullen delivered so well. 💙 It also has a special place in my heart because...I can’t help but see a connection to my faith :) This scene and therefore this song are good reminders for me when I’m having a bad day. Side note: The fact that this song surpassed the TFP theme to become my favorite Transformers piece of music really says a lot about its impact. 19. Which depiction of cybertron in a tf media do you most want to live in? Does the answer vary depending on if you’re human or cybertronian? Lol okay so gut reaction would say "G1 Cybertron" because 1) humans can apparently breathe up there without issue (and not be harmed by acid rain, so that's a huge plus), and 2) while the Autobots and Decepticons were bickering on earth I could just go hang out with Shockwave, who's all alone just chilling 😂 But if oxygen wasn't an issue? Definitely post-Predacons-Rising Cybertron. I would love to rebuild the planet along with Team Prime and listen to their stories as they began to heal emotionally from the long conflict. I would also love to see what elements of the planet they repaired true to the original design, and which elements they rebuilt completely to start off on a blank slate, and the implications of each decision. It would be cool to live in a revitalized Cybertron and watch refugees return and new sparks be forged gradually over time until the planet was bustling again. And if I could show up a bit earlier and be present for Bumblebee's Warrior knighting ceremony that would be pretty cool too. 💛
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Hi Thalassa! Chance anon here! Thank you for the FANTASTIC Blitzwing content! (The Starscream bit was both hilarious AND perfectly in character for Random!). You’re amazing and I hope you feel appreciated! On another note, could we maybe get some headcanons for transformers prime Starscream and/or the Horned King figuring out that they have a crush on the human reader too, please? Thank you for your time!
Chance anon you're very welcome! Hard to not to feel appreciated with such kind words! :D
You absolutely can get this it's not like I think about exactly this sort of stuff on the daily or anything ahahaah MY BOYS ILY
I'll do the Horned King at a later date, Starscream needs some love.
TFP Starscream x Reader
Starscream is self centered and extremely one track minded, if it's not to do with killing Megatron or proving he's the more competant leader then he's not really going to register it as important.
Meaning the process from meeting you to realising he has feelings is taking the sceneic route ok it's going to take him a WHILE.
Doubly RIP becuase as a human you're not even going to register as worth his time, at least initially.
I'm going to assume Megatron has decided in his space-crack induced haze that as Optimus gets three humans he should at least get one and has yoinked you off the face of the Earth to prove a point to his Ex and ostinably use you as bargaining bait. C'est la vie.
To make matters more insulting he's handed you off to Starscream for 'care'. Starscream is furious at his downgrade to babysitter and you're not particularly jazzed that the 30ft robot made of knives and stiletto heels isn't exactly keeping his wits about where he STANDS you've had to run out from under his pacing like four times already on day one.
What Starscream does appreciate, once he's had time to cool down, is that he now has a captive audience to rant to.
It's a lot of screeching and snideness to withstand without a goddamn clue what he's mad about at first. Unfortunately nothing he rants about is enough info for you to escape with, but you live in hope and Soundwave stopped by to sneak you some earplugs about two months in to your eternal gratitude.
The first time he staggers into his quarters - where're you've been kept for 'security reasons' - battered, bleeding and with a wing half torn off, you're stunned silent. He doesn't seem to register your presence, instead twisting himself thouh the doorway with a snarl, the remaining wing high and trembling with effort.
It's obvious that this damage isn't autobot induced. You'd heard of Megatron's tendency to beat his second senseless as stress relief, and while you'd laughed about it as revenge for his shitty attitude previously, the reality stikes you sharply and uncomfortably under the ribs. Starscreams viceral hatred of his leader doesn't seem quite so comedic anymore.
You can't really change anything, but from then on you listen properly when Starscream complains, dropping a genuine query or comment here and there. The surprise in his crimson optics when you contribute the first time stays with you into the wee hours of the night.
He starts being nicer...for him. No longer do you have to worry about being manhandled or crushed, and sustenance is no longer brought with an eye roll about you being an inferior species. He even starts asking about the flight capable creatures from where you lived, clearly his love of flight transcending the species barrier as he listens to you talk about birds, bats and insects from your home life.
You can't help but grow an appreciation for the Air Commander's acerbic humour and turn of phrase. Starscream is the king of sassy scarcasm - you about made him trip over air when you cracked up over a snip at Shockwave, and in doing so you missed the giddy half smile on the commanders own faceplate watching you crack up.
As with all good things, it must come to an end. The autobots stage a rescue, and you're whisked away in the fist of an unstoppable Arcee, just able to catch a glimpse of Starscream fending off Bumblebee before the groundbridge cuts you off.
Megatron is furious that he got shown up by Optimus (Again) and took it out on Starscream (again) and now...now his quarters are empty, and cold, and quiet.
He sits in the dark, looking helplessly at the empty spot on his desk where you would sit and swing your legs while speaking with him and feels...hollow. You had become a bright spot on the Nemesis right under his nasal ridge, and he's let you slip through his claws before he even realised what exactly he was losing.
He rakes his claws through the wall plating with a roar of frustration. The sparks flare under his optics like tiny supernovas, and he turns to the console with a sneer.
Spite has fuelled Starscream for over four million years. It's pushed him though battlefronts, grief, abuse and the very limits of his own frame, all in the name of survival and, eventually, victory.
Now? Now, it's going to get you back.
Come hell or high water.
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petitelepus · 4 years
Decepticon For Life, Part 13
The battle is just starting and ending before you even know it.
You watched in horror how Starscream raised your lord Megatron's very own sword in the air, ready to slash your lord down. You tried to reach blindly for your gun, but it was just out of your reach. You cried as Starscream was just about to deliver the killing blow when suddenly, the Headmaster unit flew at him and cut Starscream's helm off!
You stared in shock how the Headmaster gained control over his body and the yellow little bot yelled from his spot on the wall. "I told you he was working with the Decepticons! He just saved Megatron's skin plate!"
"I saved him so I could kick his skin plate myself!" You heard Professor Sumdac's voice come from inside the Headmaster unit. Traitor, your mind shouted. Just as you thought you could trust someone. The professor used Starscream's body and attacked Megatron, but your lord threw the clones holding in place back at him and shot the unit off with one blast from his fusion cannon.
You watched in great joy how Starscream's headless body collapsed on top of its owner's helm. The con cried in pain and shouted orders left and right at his clones. "What are you waiting for!? Destroy Megatron, now!"
The clones, they just stood around their leader. The femme smiled. "Any leader has to be an improvement over you!" 
Your optics widened. They were switching sides. You felt like laughing if your helm wasn't still buzzing. You tried to push yourself up, but your arms gave up under you. You watched how the orange clone kneeled before Megatron and started to sing praises to him. "Oh wise and great Megatron, you've truly proven your vast superiority!"
"I will remain loyal to you forever!" The white clone sang to the original Starscream, only to kick his headless body before joining other clones at Megatron's side. You groaned but your processor was still aching. Despite it, you pushed yourself up and approached your leader. Megatron looked at you and motioned you towards static cuffs.
"Cuff them all. We aren't letting these Autobots ruin my plans to conquer Cybertron."
"Yes my lord." You said before getting the cuffs and snapping them over Optimus Prime's hands. The clones dragged Bulkhead's unconscious and cuffed frame over the leader and threw him on the ground. You didn't have any idea when he was beaten, but it must have been in the middle of the attack. Mixmaster took the Starscream's helm and glued it to the wall beside the yellow Autobot.
Megatron cracked the Headmaster Unit open and grabbed the professor Sumdac from inside. He took the human back to his forcefield cage where he could be no more danger. Then you heard weak noises coming from the bound Autobots and you all surrounded them, you, Megatron, 3 clones and Mixmaster. Just in time as the Autobot leader woke up, only to see how he and his team were defeated.
"How does it feel to be held captive in your own static cuffs, Autobot?" Megatron asked, but the leader bot didn't answer. Just then the leaner Construction emerged from the tunnel, Blitzwing, and Lugnut right behind him.
"Jou, look who I found!" Scrapper laughed as he pointed at the two Decepticon superiors. You smiled at the sight of them, though you had to wonder where they had been. They could have been helpful against the Autobots and clones, but now at least you got the clones on your side. Your leader's side.
"Your fate is sealed now, Autobots. While the Elite Guard forces are occupied with the Decepticon uprising at the rim of the galaxy, I will use this Space Bridge to transport my Decepticons into the heart of the Cybertron and take over the entire Space Bridge network." Megatron explained as he turned to look at the still going Space Bridge.
"Ha! You actually believe that ridiculous plan will-!" Starscream was saying when Mixmaster shot cement over his mouth and silenced him. You smiled at him and elbowed him to the side. "Nice one."
"Eh, dude talks too much." He smiled back at you and you stifled a giggle. Megatron continued his speech. "From there it will be a simple matter to transport all Decepticon forces to a virtually defenseless Cybertron and take over the entire planet. And I have your special Space Bridge expert to thank for it." He said as he pointed at Bulkhead.
"I still don't understand where this expertise came from." Autobot leader asked from his bulky soldier. "I had a lot of time to study Space Bridge schematics on the energon farm. Just had a knack for it, I guess..."
"Duh, well that's great. The one thing you're good at is going to hand the Cybertron to Decepticons." The yellow bot said, but the Bulkhead continued, "Don't get your circuits in a bunch! The Space Bridge is useless without a receiving code and for that Megatron would need to have somebody on Cybertron!"
"Don't you remember anything?" The small yellow bot asked. "The transmission I picked up? Wasp? The Decepticon spy I caught while back in boot camp?"
"You mean the spy WE caught in boot camp, don't you Bumblebee?" Came suddenly a very monotone voice. Your helm snapped up at the TV screens over the control desk and there in other side of the screen stood a con with one single crimson optic.
"How you know my name?" The yellow bot, Bumblebee sounded frightened. The con in screen did something ýou had never seen anyone done. He changed his form and not to a vehicle or jet, but into a whole new bot! "Surely you recognize your old pal Longarm." He asked and Bumblebee's eyes widened in realization.
"So... Wasp wasn't a double agent? Which means...?"
"You sent an innocent bot to Trypticon prison..." Bulkhead said much to Autobots' regret. You had no idea who this Wasp was, but he seemed to have been a scapegoat for Autobots. If you would ever meet him you would make sure to welcome him to Decepticons' side. Betrayed by their own people...? Disgusting. Autobots were disgusting.
"Decepticons! Prepare for our conquest of Cybertron!" Megatron roared and everyone, every single Decepticon roared right before him, everyone ready to take some action towards your better future. You were also crying out a warcry, though, you, Mixmaster and Scrapper looked at each other in confusion.
"Eh, what's a Cybertron?" Scrapper asked and Mixmaster shrugged. "I have no idea, you lost me at 'Your fate is sealed now'."
"I heard it's our rightful home planet so maybe we get to take it from Autobots and use as we please?" You piped in, but you were all still confused. Scrapper added, "Does that mean we get all the oil we want?"
"Oh boy, would that be so good...!" Mixmaster piped in. You grinned in excitement and watched as your lord smirked and walked up to the cuffed Autobots. "But first, we need to test the Space Bridge..." He said as he picked up Autobot leader Optimus Prime with one hand only, "Just in case our Autobot expert decides to sabotage it."
"And I will be waiting for the test subject on this side." The one called Longarm said as he transformed back into his single optic form. "Just in case he didn't sabotage it."
You watched diligently as Megatron walked closer to the Spice Bridge. He pulled his arm hand holding Prime back, but before he could throw him into the giant blue sphere the ground started to shake. At first, you thought it was an earthquake but you saw huge yellow shot being taken at the opening on the ceiling Starscream had blasted open. You were under and attack and your attacker was a yellow and red space ship.
"Mixmaster, Scrapper! Clear the rubble from the Space Bridge!" Megatron ordered and the Constructicon duo transformed and got to work. Your lord looked the rest of you. "Rest of you, attack that Autobot ship!"
You didn't need to be told twice. You hoisted your guns and activated your jets, following your superiors and clones to the battle. You all surrounded the ship, shooting from every angle ever made and taking advantage of the ship being too big to actually dodge your attacks. You were like mosquitoes, flying over a huge piece of bloody flesh, hitting it with every chance you got. It didn't take long before the ship spewed smoke and started to fall on the ground. That was until it transformed into the biggest bot you had ever seen.
You and other cons stopped on your tracks and transformed out of your alt modes and you stood there in the air with your jets. You felt cold oil freeze your joints. That Autobot was HUGE. The yellow bot took one look at you all and his voice boomed like a bomb in an empty room.
The bot turned his back at you and other cons and started to walk with his huge steps towards the mountain opening. Lugnut sputtered and cursed. "Your size is meaningless compared to the greatness of Megatron!"
"Size...?" The femme clone muttered by herself before smirking. "That's it! Everyone, aim for the legs!" She ordered and everyone did as she told. You, Blitzwing, Lugnut, and other two clones shot your biggest shots at the Omega Supreme's right leg and sure enough, the behemoth came crashing down to his right knee.
Yes, the plan was working! Or so you thought when the giant mech suddenly pushed himself up through a great struggle and opened his hidden weapons compartments. Your optics widened in shock and he shot everything he had. The cons and clones managed to dodge them expect for the femme but she stood her ground.
"Oh, great and mighty Autobot," Starscream's orange suck up clone approached Omega Supreme. "It is an honor to merely bask in your majestic- BRYAH!" The giant Autobot was merciless as he smacked the clone down like he was a mere fly. The white clone who you had learned to address as a liar flew to Autobot's leg and yelled. "Hey, look! Your stabilizing servo is unbolted!" and just then he was kicked into oblivion.
You watched in horror how one by one he took care of you cons. Blitzwing was furious if you were to believe his Hothead nature taking over and charging his flamethrowers at Omega Supreme's face.
"You overgrown Autobot! I will scramble your circuits so badly you will need GPS scanner to find your-!" He didn't get to finish as the giant Autobot headbutted him and your superior went flying out of your sight. Lugnut shot his explosive fists at the bot but his helm twirled around revealing a fusion cannon that he used to blow up Lugnut and his weapons. It was you and the femme clone against the Autobot.
"Any other great ideas!?" You shouted and the femme snarled back at you. "Just keep shooting!"
You were doing it without her even telling you to and other clones joined you but then the Omega Supreme loaded his biggest shot and it hit you head-on. You cried out as your jets shut down and you went hurling into the forests and hit your helm pretty hard on your way back down.
You groaned in pain, the ache in your joints overpowering your will to get up again, but the greatest pain came from your helm. That's when you finally blacked out for good.
'You stood there in the middle of the row of students who wore similar black cape and hat as you. You were so excited you completely shut down the principal's speech of how great your generator would be to society. As soon as you got the permission, hats went flying and you all rushed to meet your family who had came to witness your graduation. You run straight to your mother who was watching and filming the whole thing like a doting parent would.
"Did you see mom? I actually graduated!" You cried out happily and looked around. The smile on your face dropped as you looked at your mother. She smiled sympathetically and shook her head. "Your father wanted to come but you know how it is with him. His work is important and-"
"-Work comes over family... Yeah, I know." You slumped but the diploma in your hand reminded you. Your studies were over. Your Hell had ended. You were free and you could do whatever you wanted! This idea brought you joy and the endless possibilities were there before you. You could finally get a job and move out from your parent's house. You had saved a nice little sum of money by living with them through your studies so you could now move out.
"Mom, I want to move out." You blurted and your mother blinked. "Honey, already? You know you can live with us until you get your feet under you."
"No mom, I'm ready."
"You need a job!"
"I'll find one!"
Your mother scowled and rubbed her temple. "If you really want, I think your aunt might be able to get you a job at the office."
"Really?" You sounded so hopeful. Your mother smiled and nodded. "Yes, but it's not an easy job. Mister Perry insists that all his workers have clean papers."
You grinned, "Mom when you last time caught me drinking?"
Your mother blinked like an owl. "Have you-!?"
"No, I actually haven't!" You laughed, "But you thought so!"
"You little rascal." Your mother shook her head as she placed her hand over your back and insisted that you follow her. "Let's go get you some cake! You if anyone has earned it!"
It was war, ruthless and unforgiving and it didn't take any prisoners. You shot through the explosions and the dark clouds they raised as you located your target. An Autobot soldier, high ranking and very much needed in order to defeat approaching Decepticon forces. Your frame worked on its own, instincts that the Autobot scientists had implanted on you taking over the common sense that would scream at you for being in the middle of the firefight.
You arrived to the soldier they ordered you to save and you saw another bot there. A medic by her red and white paint job. She looked glad to see you. "You're just in time! He doesn't have much time...!"
Red Alert, your mind offered you. You took in the sight of her. Energon stained her hands and you watched the source of it, the Autobot you were sent to save bleeding heavily. You looked at Red Alert and nodded at her. "Mission confirmed. Starting the program Second Chance."
"Wonderful! Now I must go, I'm needed elsewhere...!" She said and transformed, taking off so fast that her wheels left marks on the ground. You turned to look at the bot before you and kneeled next to him... Until you suddenly felt pain flare on your side and you went down like a computer that was corrupted by a hardcore virus. Your vision fizzed and serious of ones and zeros flashed through your optics.
You registered the pained cries of the bot you were supposed to save but someone else picked you up. They had a large frame, easily picking you up and taking you with them. As your optics fizzled into darkness you just thought about your mission you were assigned to.
Mother had gotten you a job in one of the biggest law firms in Detroit. It was an okay job at first, the boss, mister Perry was a kind man... For the first 3 days, you spent there as his secretary. After that, you were just his slave and stress doll to pinch with needless and twist in fury. Only his needles were cruel jabs at you and your dedication and studies and punches were mean names he would call you with.
No one stood up for him. No one would help you without becoming his next target. You were all alone... And because of that selfish bastard you went out that day and were captured by this evil con...! Because of him, you were fried like an ant under the magnifying glass...
You couldn't see, couldn't feel. Only hear. You heard your captors talking. They were talking about you. They called you a traitor for the Decepticon cause. Called you a dirty Autobot. You wanted to scream. NO! It wasn't you! You just wanted to be free...
"Put her in a deep freeze. Let her be your war trophy."
And that's the last thing you remember before you blacked our for good...'
You jolted awake, your whole frame tense and ready for any oncoming attack, arms up and guns ready. You panted in cold oil. You remembered. You weren't a con or Autobot. You were human. No, not anymore. Now you were a part machine. You were a victim... Everybody took advantage of you and now you were alone... But you could still seek justice...!
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