slow-slim-smile-slow · 7 months
De poco sirve to' lo que consigo si vuelvo al barrio y tú no estás conmigo...
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ohskylo · 10 months
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The Steadfast Tin Soldier was my favorite fairy tale growing up. I wanted to make a fairy-tale based character and came up with a warforged who was made to be a living doll for a giant.
Her name is Sterla and she was abandoned in her master's palace. She gave up her ballerina dress for a soldier's suit as she looks for her missing master
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serenxanthe · 4 months
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The Smuggler: A SWTOR Story
I played Smuggler for the first time recently, and I played her as chaotic good, making light-side choices, but also basically cheating on Corso (who she wouldn't commit to) with literally everyone she met. I decided she needed to have a bit part in my Sith Warrior turned Jedi Knight's story, so I decided to drop her like a bomb into two nights out on Nar Shaddaa and Odessen. This is very unserious but I kind of love it.
As Seren entered the cantina on Odessen she saw Hylo waving from her table. She waved back then headed to the bar to grab a drink. As she approached Hylo’s table with her glass of wine the redhead sitting with her laughed loudly. Seren frowned, that laugh was familiar, but she didn’t quite remember why. She squinted at the back of the other woman’s head. Shocking bright orange curls pushed back with a cybernetic headset. The skimpy backless top, the long skin-tight gloves… No. Was that..?
Tindra Sterlas turned to regard her as she approached, smirking as she noticed the consternation on her face.
“Hey there, Seren.” she greeted her, looking her up and down as she did so.
Seren suddenly wished that she was wearing something other than cropped leggings and a loose sleeveless top; that she’d applied her cosmetics more carefully this morning; that the ends of her braids weren’t fluffy from where she’d dipped them in baby sick, then hastily washed them in hand soap.
“Seren?” Hylo queried, “Do you two know each other?”
“Kinda.” Tindra said, still smirking. 
She turned back to Seren. “You gonna throw me across the room again?”
Seren finally found her voice. “That depends.” she said, and was gratified that at least she sounded calm and collected. “Are you going to sit on Theron’s lap and push your boobs into his face again?”
Hylo’s shriek went unnoticed by the other women, focussed as they were on each other, but drew Gault, Vette, and Kaliyo as curious onlookers. Of the three only Vette recognised Tindra. She grabbed Seren’s arm.
“Oh no. No. Don’t throw her! People are watching, Commander.”
Seren looked at her friend. “Like I said, I have no intention of throwing anyone across the room. Assuming she doesn’t straddle Theron.”
Tindra laughed. “Hey, if I thought for one second I’d ever see that guy again, I wouldn’t rule it out! It’s been a while since I hooked up with anyone, and I still remember his big…” she trailed to a halt as Hylo, Gault, and Vette drew back from Seren, looking nervous. 
“No, no, don’t stop.” Kaliyo said to Tindra, “I wanna hear this.” She turned to Seren, “You been holding out on me, girl? Why did I not know about his big…”
“Why would you need to know?” Seren hissed at her, completely unamused.
Tindra was frowning in confusion. “Hold on a second… You’re not telling me that Theron is here? And that you guys are still together?!”
“Yes, and yes.” Seren told her flatly.
“But that was, like, ten years ago!” Tindra said, astonished.
“Fifteen.” Seren corrected her.
“But… why?” Tindra asked, still astonished. “I mean, aren’t you bored of each other by now?”
Seren opened her mouth to answer, but none other than Theron appeared at her elbow, seeming panicked.
“Seren, you need to look at Astrid, I think she’s falling to the dark side.” he said without preamble, not even glancing at the rest of the table. He thrust Astrid at her and looked at her anxiously.
“Theron, she’s six months old. Babies do not fall to the dark side.” Seren peered into her daughter’s eyes; golden like Theron’s, and all the more startling set in her own pale pinkish skin.
“Yeah? How sure are you?” Theron said, still sounding panicky. “All I know is Scourge babysat her this afternoon then she threw her toy at my head using the Force!”
Seren jiggled Astrid up and down and she gurgled happily, like a standard issue baby. “Noooo, I don’t think so, Theron, she’s too young. She must have knocked the toy upwards somehow, flailing her little arms around?”
“I’m telling you! I…” He stopped, suddenly remembering that they had an audience.
“Uh huh, I get it now.” Tindra said, satisfaction in her voice. “Kids. It’s always the way. Corso’s settled down on a farm on Dantooine with a little wife and five of ‘em.”
“Tindra?” Theron said in astonishment. “What are you doing here?”
“Er, new recruit.” Hylo interjected. “If uh that’s ok with you guys?”
“Theron and I are not together because of the baby!” Seren said angrily to Tindra instead of answering Hylo.
“Nah,” Kaliyo drawled, “sounds like there’s other good reasons anyhow.” 
Theron shifted uncomfortably as the rattataki looked him up and down slowly, a suggestive smile on her face, her gaze lingering on his crotch for a disturbingly long moment. He sat down on a free stool, tucking the lower part of his body safely under the table.
“So um, Seren, you’re not thinking of… y’know?” Theron mimed pushing at the air.
“No!” Seren said impatiently, “Why does everyone keep asking that? I did it once!” 
Theron put his arm around her, and Seren stopped scowling at Tindra and Kaliyo, relaxing as she met his eyes. They smiled at each other, the rest of the world fading into the background. 
Kaliyo gave an exaggerated yawn, “Ugh, back to business as usual for you two then. It was almost exciting for a minute.”
Seren rolled her eyes. “I’m so sorry to disappoint you Kaliyo, you know I live to entertain you.” she said. She was smiling however.
Kaliyo huffed to herself, but then cheered up when she remembered she could still make hilarious trouble given the present company at the table. “So,” she began, looking at Theron. “You and the redhead?”
“The redhead has a name, princess.” Tindra interjected testily.
Kaliyo shrugged, “Whatever.” She poked Theron’s shoulder and he gritted his teeth. “Spill, spy-boy.” she told him.
“Fine. Tindra and I dated when we were teenagers. The end.” Theron said.
“Ugh. Still boring.” Kaliyo sighed. “I guess that was well before you and the Commander met?”
Theron reached out to take a slug of his whisky, before realising with disappointment that he didn’t have one. They’d agreed that he would stay in and look after Astrid while Seren socialised in the cantina tonight. Somehow he’d now brought his baby on a very concerning night out. The least he could do was take her back from Seren so she could relax, he guessed. Theron shifted his stool back to free up his lap for the baby and Kaliyo pointedly stared at his crotch again, grinning at his outraged expression. He lifted Astrid out of Seren’s arms into his own. Seren smiled at him gratefully and drank some of her wine now that her hands were free.
“Yeah, well before.” Theron eventually answered, “And thanks for asking, Kaliyo.” He said sarcastically.
“No problem.” Kaliyo smirked at him, pleased that at least she’d rattled him.
“Hold on a second.” Gault broke off from a vehement looking argument that he and Hylo had been having under their breaths across the table. “If this was all ‘well before’ you met the Commander, how come she threw Tindra here across the room?”
“I told you to leave it.” Hylo hissed at Gault furiously.
Tindra stretched, arching her back and rolling her shoulders back to loosen the muscles, coincidentally emphasising her breasts in her tiny crop top. 
“Theron and I weren’t exactly dating, as he put it.” Tindra told the group. “We were just swoop rivals, then kinda friends, then friends who fucked, a lot.”
“And thanks for clearing that up, Tindra.” Theron said, his face flushing. He covered Astrid’s tiny ears as she sat gurgling happily on his lap.
“No problem!” she said to him, “Do you remember that time we both missed the semis of that circuit because we were…”
Seren was finding it much easier to stay calm now that she realised that Tindra was very obviously baiting her to get a reaction. “Are you going to answer Gault’s question, or shall I?” she interrupted to ask Tindra, her voice even.
“I was just getting to that.” Tindra replied to Seren, then addressed the group again. “Imagine you’re happily fucking your best buddy for a couple of years, travelling around, winning big on the swoop circuits, having fun, then BAM! He ups and leaves you without a word. I was nineteen and stuck on Manaan, I mean Manaan of all places!”
“Classy.” Kaliyo told Theron. She was enjoying this immensely.
“Hey! I’d just got the opportunity to join the SIS! I left her all our winnings! I was only nineteen too! And yeah! How many times have you done something similar, Kaliyo?” Theron pointed out, his tone heated.
Kaliyo shrugged, “At least I own it. I never pretended to be anything other than what I am.”
“I don’t think comparing yourself to Kaliyo is a winning moral argument, love.” Seren suggested.
“HEY!” said Kaliyo. “I mean, true. But hey!”
“Anyway…” Tindra was ready to continue her story. “I see him, like, years later in a cantina with a girl who, fyi, was wearing a lot less than me…”
“It was Nar Shaddaa.” Seren said quickly, “And I was in disguise.”
Vette laughed. Back then when Seren had still been trying to be a proper Jedi, she and Kira had both noticed that somehow all her disguises had involved very little clothing.
“And so I decided to get him back a little.” Tindra continued, “Make trouble for him with his new chick, y’know?”
“Understandable.” Kaliyo told her.
“Right?” Tindra nodded. “And so like Seren said, I straddled him and kinda rubbed myself on him. I was hoping to get a reaction, if you know what I mean, that would get his girl pissed at him. But before I had a chance to get anywhere with that, I was suddenly flying across the room, and…”
“You were not ‘flying across the room’, Tindra.” Seren interrupted her to point out. “I threw you across the booth, not the room!”
“Yeah with magic!” Tindra said, her voice rising. “And then you snatched my blaster away from me, also using magic, so I was completely defenceless!”
“Ok, firstly, it was the Force, not ‘magic’,” Seren interjected, her voice also rising, “and secondly, you had your blaster pointed straight at me!”
“Yeah? Can you blame me? You’d just thrown me across the room!” Tindra almost shouted.
“Across the booth, not the room.” Seren reiterated, teeth gritted, “And can you blame me? You were rubbing your crotch on my boyfriend’s dick!” She reached over and covered Astrid’s ears.
“Wow, I am not enjoying this as much the second time around.” Theron mused, seemingly to himself. “Maybe I am more mature now.”
Seren and Tindra stopped arguing and everyone turned to stare at Theron. Who looked around in confusion.
“You said that out loud buddy.” Gault supplied helpfully.
Theron’s eyes widened, “I, er. That is. Um, what I meant was that…”
On the table in front of her, Seren’s glass of wine suddenly flipped forwards, the long stem providing the leverage to fling the contents forward at enough velocity to splash it over Tindra’s face, a few drops also landing on Kaliyo.
“What the hells?” Tindra jumped up and faced Seren, her face flushed with temper and embarrassment.
Seren got up too and the women stood staring at each other angrily over the table.
“That wasn’t me!” Seren yelled.
“Are you twelve?” Tindra yelled back, “Who the hells else was it, then?”
Theron gasped, his eyes swivelling down to his daughter. He picked her up and held her out at arms length, like she was a bomb instead of a baby. Astrid clapped her tiny hands together, looking delighted.
“Theron, you’re not seriously suggesting that…” Seren started.
“Well if you’re saying it wasn’t you, and…” Theron interrupted her.
“It wasn’t!” Seren said, then sarcastically continued, “Sorry to disappoint you that the girls aren’t fighting over you again.”
“Er, can we please focus on the fact that our daughter is falling to the dark side, like I told you earlier?!” Theron exclaimed.
Seren threw her hands up in exasperation, only her Jedi training allowing her to avoid smirking herself as Tindra flinched away from her. “Fine, Theron, we’ll take her to see Dr Oggurobb in the morning, but I’m sure there’s another explanation. And in the meantime, hold her normally, she is not a thermal detonator.” 
Theron hugged Astrid and she rested her little head on his shoulder. He looked down at her lovingly, but with obvious nervousness, and Seren sighed and opened her mouth to reason with him. 
Before she could do so however, Tindra said to Theron, her tone suggestive, “Hey, remember, if you ever need a break from all this domestic drama, you know where to come.”
The rest of the cantina, who had been studiously and politely ignoring the Commander’s confrontation, looked around en masse as there was a huge crash. They saw a redheaded spacer pick herself up from a broken pile of tables and stools metres from where she’d been sitting, shaking her head to clear it, her glamorous curls slightly askew.
“Ok, that fucking was me.” Seren told the rest of her table.
Theron swallowed. “That er, kinda was as hot as I remember it, actually.” he told Seren, looking into her eyes. 
They stared at each other, pupils dilated, until Vette cleared her throat.
“Um, so we really should be getting to bed, I mean putting the baby to bed.” Seren said to their friends.
“Uh huh, sure.” Said Kaliyo, looking down at Theron’s crotch again, her eyebrow raised.
“That was a joke, Ser… Commander, I was joking!” Tindra walked back to them, rubbing her bruised back.
Seren rolled her eyes, but said nothing.
“So um, do I still get to be part of your Alliance or not?” She asked Seren.
“Assuming you stay out in open space, and away from my husband, sure.” Seren told her. “We do need good smugglers as it happens.”
“Are you certain, Commander?” Hylo asked her. “We do have other options.”
Seren shrugged. “I’m sure. It’s not like I’m threatened, just irritated.”
Theron had moved behind her and had his free arm around her shoulders, partially to reassure her that she definitely didn’t have any reason to be concerned, and partially to shield his privates from Kaliyo’s extremely disturbing gaze. “Good night, everyone.” he said, gently steering Seren away from the table.
As they got further away from the table, Theron whispered something in Seren’s ear that nobody else heard, but that made her bite her lip, the hand that she’d had on his waist sliding down to his butt.
“That was great.” said Kaliyo loudly. “Almost makes up for missing out on that night when Theron and Quinn got really really drunk.”
“Sh-SHUSH,” Vette said. “They don’t know you know about that!”
Kaliyo shrugged. “Eh, everyone knows about that. And they didn’t hear me anyway.”
“Who’s Quinn?” Tindra asked, sensing the potential for some more super-fun trouble.
“Ugh.” said Kaliyo. “Imagine the most rigid stuffed shirt Imperial Officer ever, then double it.”
“I hate to agree with Kaliyo,” said Vette, “but yeah, I agree with Kaliyo.”
“Oh. Boring.” said Tindra. “Unless… under his starched polyfibre uniform there lies the passionate beating heart of a… What?” Everyone was looking at her shaking their heads.
“Don’t even go there, girly.” Said Hylo.
“Yeahhhh, even I don’t pull at that thread in front of the Commander and Theron.” Kaliyo told her.
“Hey guys!” said Doc, as he approached their table. “I just saw Mr Grumpy Pants heading out of here with Seren and their kid, so I thought it would be safe for me to come in for a drink. What’s new?”
He suddenly noticed Tindra, and his eyes lit up. “Hi gorgeous, what’s your name?” 
She looked him up and down, grinning, “What would you like it to be, handsome?”
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mybeingthere · 9 months
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Emilio Scanavino, (1922 - 1986, Italian)
Emilio Scanavino was born in Genoa (Italy).
His father, Attilio Scanavino, was an accountant and belonged to a family of merchants who had lived for two generations in Salto Oriental, in Uruguay. Attilio returned to Italy during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, and volunteered to fight in WWI. Once back from the front lines, he married Maria Felicina Sterla.
For years, he worked as an importer of coffee from Brazil for Italian buyers (Associazione Commercio Caffé Droghe e Coloniali), but was very interested in philosophy and esotericism, collecting books in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian.
Emilio Scanavino, during his childhood – since his father was a victim of political persecution – could not play outdoors with other children, so he spent his days on the terrace of his home, building knick-knacks and small paper toys that he used to throw down in the courtyard below to the children freely playing there. He spent his days in the company of the doves living in the dovecote that his parents had built for him. This passion will remain with him, so much so that as an adult, he dedicated himself to collecting precious racing pigeons that he purchased in Belgium and in other cities abroad.
For four years he attended the teacher training high school in Genoa with poor results.
His father would have liked to embark him on a cargo ship as a cabin boy to impart order and discipline on him, since Scanavino spent his time drawing and building “useless objects”.
Asking his father for one last chance not to set sail, he expressed a desire to attend the Art High School in Genoa. This change stimulated his artistic abilities and aptitude, giving him a strong cultural spur. He approached the literature and poetry of writers such as Guillaume Apollinaire, André Gide, Jacques Prévert, Marcel Proust, Jean Paul Sartre, Federico García Lorca, Franz Kafka and Dylan Thomas.
At this school he met Giorgina Graglia, who became his wife in 1946.
Continue https://www.archivioscanavino.it/en/info/biography
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pc7ooo · 2 months
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Maelstorm после первого дня плей-офф Riyadh Masters 2024: «Team Spirit — единственное разочарование. Team Liquid их просто стерла»
Комментатор и аналитик Dota 2Владимир Maelstorm Кузьминов подвел итоги стартовых матчей плей-оффRiyadh Masters 2024. Пост кастера опубликован на...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/07/16/226-maelstorm-posle-pervogo-dnya-pley-off-riyadh-masters-2024-team-spirit-edinstvennoe-razocharovanie-team-liquid-ih-prosto-sterla-grss-324854453.html
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luxxworld · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vince Camuto Sterla Fringe Boots.
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444names · 2 years
spanish and portuguese names + chosen of eilistraee drow dictionary
Abbana Abrid Absolise Actua Affiltanaïs Afrasianame Ajanuel Alaco Alarii Albernic Alcarduna Alcine Alviano Amanza Amarca Amarts Amined Amira Anasts Anneta Apandez Applau Appres Aquess Aquib Arbiddles Arewellaia Armenius Arquez Arrebio Arrei Arvelalin Assing Asteguruzo Aurício Awaito Azueszith Baldain Balled Baltha Barca Barrilonza Bease Behavia Belacaceres Beles Bellinduja Bells Beress Berrase Berto Blandresen Blano Blantez Borrosa Brambernana Briba Brijos Brios Brownero Cable Cabrick Cakes Calla Cally Calzu Camarias Camorn Camoterrgas Camposa Campourtas Candiotic Cantina Capturo Carago Carceguezo Carded Carden Carediin Caril Carip Casalm Castiago Castiño Castra Catathus Cedan Cerinal Cerra Chaide Chanes Chaun Chave Churtess Ciniega Claimo Claimona Clusarduj Cochevrine Collo Colorio Conador Conio Cordo Corns Corph Cosmelo Coura Crabiana Craszith Credo Crupt Crztirlock Davarea Decis Delghliik Delico Demona Denly Destero Detter Domina Domind Doming Drejo Duendiano Duerroz Dulio Duracio Dídacarpenu Edmundi Egino Eigenares Elgging Elghing Eliano Elnoa Elzirhel Escal Espeace Especto Esperyone Esquens Estrejo Everragmata Exents Exhauntash Fabia Farja Fascar Fathagyne Febras Feithallon Figue Figues Figurea Filia Filla Fonta Fontrokk Forgado Forgel Fraciety Freyna Froza Galayed Gallin Gayta Genadark Girianxin Goesobernán Gorgumara Grano Guadela Guarente Guasses Guevaridoa Guilia Gutsma Hadormaning Haera Harez Helah Helamine Helas Helieveme Herasada Hidinez Hierroked Hindillo Hindo Hobbilaros Hongochood Horlh Huana Huithus Hundelez Hurtuch Icklated Ilyther Incast Inces Inspela Intha Iquarneisus Iries Irinkiz Ising Istrojo Jackwargets Jacoba Jaimedero Jalicite Jandriyar Jauriu Jhuntero Jindo Jonails Jusithorn Jussti Kaases Kartador Khelp Koperings Kyresizilin Kyuvremesc Lachihue Laguon Lakarnen Lakhee Landiolen Larinasa Lechud Linterino Lizabattra Lorest Lozunesa Luzdivascon Marajeda Marinie Mater Matha Mender Mendin Menera Mestear Molido Monjel Morabbanuz Moreda Moroat Mounle Murgoyed Mysenes Mzilitiano Mzilna Naged Naveng Nevers Ngaldrios Nicollo Nicontes Niegozma Nievanuelth Norenish Norine Novar Nuorio Oatsusst Odden Olito Olávior Oneftalico Orfet Orras Orthe Parme Patel Pathiez Pecia Peress Perio Perosa Pescastásia Phinuely Phlito Pinita Pinos Pinther Plainssrin Plaira Plating Plynos Ponchabel Pondel Poratiir Pragostly Premonchan Primas Provul Ptaumpudin Pulith Quertha Quores Rantama Rasada Raturian Raygozal Rduna Reapoca Recia Redemo Relbastin Rellia Renia Rilust Rineriolaro Rinising Rippinaldo Rivio Rodar Rodrilla Roesn Rojol Rollant Romeunne Rubalbau Rudedana Rulen Rulentoy Rustanes Ruybarejo Saboruga Saisio Salks Sastered Savonnen Sealegingos Selmada Semeno Servaez Servass Severa Shangzuel Shinn Shira Sible Sides Simed Skingle Sleekses Slugeniquez Slyar Smilimpse Sogaze Soleano Solesin Sorno Sotegui Sousl Ssinstrel Ssoat Sterlas Suelarra Suritest Surros Sônic Taffilina Taglus Takes Talona Tario Teodovide Teofit Tequil Teron Thaunts Therreto Theth Tholar Throom Ticia Tlann Toothk Toron Torrena Tounded Tourse Towarfs Tranción Tranon Tratica Trerra Tretlakhal Trina Trious Tripativa Trustirth Twenrot Udovanglado Umascho Undolfo Usscapias Vagnació Valess Valexache Vampanez Varian Varrorit Vasquellid Vassaav Vassilvares Vedoma Veiro Veliened Venger Vengers Vharrecio Vilade Villo Voira Waelero Waelia Waesto Wandaine Wanter Warmonchica Weapo Weirus Wellaplano Wyirvalde Xilosinther Xiquantan Xukutte Yaruk Youra Zapath Zavar Zightnes Zithlyuss Zulerosa Zulsh Àgapits Ánxelano
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qethnehzul · 6 years
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The team is Bad
Casil: Neutral Evil, leaning True Neutral Miraak: Lawful Evil, leaning Neutral Evil Sterlas: Comfortably Chaotic Neutral Jenassa: True Neutral with a toe in Lawful Neutral Serana: Lawful Neutral, eyeing Lawful Good
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From: Sterling aka Sterl, Sterla, Sterlie, Bunny (my gf has so many names for him). I just call him a good booooooiiiiii @LaserhawX
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As portals open from the past, portals from other universes open to greet them.
As those aware come to learn and help fix the mistakes of canon they'll have to disguise and change names to play.
Will they help the one from which they came or add on to the trouble?
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totallydoglife · 3 years
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Sterling aka Sterl, Sterla, Sterlie, Bunny (my gf has so many names for him). I just call him a good booooooiiiiii
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bone-wolves · 3 years
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The Rebels within the Pack of Golden Light, while technically all of the Bound are part of the Rebellion, these are the ones who will actively instigate it. Szron. Wrzos, and Ziolo, who are among the bound, have taken the role of protecting the older members of the Bound (Exo and Lentica) and the youngest members who are unable to fight (Grus's pup, who is only 3 months old, and Exo's youngest, who is blind).
Cerbera - daughter of Damat and Caligo, an excellent hunter but farm more excellent spier with her hazy form and many-heads. She has used her near-invisibility to sneak up on Golden Light sentries to spy and her many ears have caught valuable information.
Czar - son of Eridani and a wolf from outside the pack, who is probably the most feared/begrudgingly respected of the Bound wolves by the Pack of Golden Light members, due to his many toothed maws and his absolute control over them.
Dreamwalker - Son of Lentica and a wolf from outside the pack, he can pass into the Dreamlands even outside of full-moon time, though he cannot interact with them. It was using this power that he met with Planeshifter, who shared his ability, and began to formulate a plan to save the Bound wolves.
Drift - daughter of Arcturus and Srokacz, who was born in the Pack of Golden Light but didn't follower her mom's opinions towards her old pack and wanted to see the verdant, watery lands for herself.
Dune - daughter of Luceo and a wolf from outside the pack, she was raised on tales of Rowan's Shade Pack from a tiny thing and is ready to do what must be done to return what remains of the pack to their rightful home.
Grus - daughter of Enit and Pietro, who suffers abuse and name-calling from Aurelius's supporters as a symbol of the Rowan's Shade Pack, but is stoic and firm against all of it. She knows the time is coming when the Bound will rise up and Rowan's Shade Pack will run strong again.
Halcyon - wolf from outside the pack who meets the Rebels in secret, she met Szron while he was hunting one day and sympathized with his plight.
Keir - wolf from outside the pack who joined the Pack of Golden Light but soon rejected their beliefs. He kept his position as a PoGL member while working in secret to aid the Bound wolves when he could.
Oort - daughter of Exo and a wolf from outside the pack who resents Aurelius's methods
Opik - daughter of Exo and a wolf from outside the pack who, who may be the second wolf after Czar who is begrudgingly respected by PoGL wolves
Planeshifter - daughter of Pulsa and a wolf from outside the pack, who rejected the PoGL's beliefs that her Mother clung to and worked to assist the Bound wolves
Sandflower - daughter of Arcturus and Aurelius, who denies her father's beliefs and resents her mother (now passed) who had been bitter about her old pack and who tried to force her daughter to follow the PoGL's beliefs
Shinefur - a young adolescent wolf who Halcyon had found wandering as a pup and began to take care of, he supports Halcyon in her work with the Rebels, and often carries messages for them as he is quite adept at sneaking about
Sterla - daughter of Theta and Esterlin who was raised on the tales of Rowan's Shade Pack told by her mother, and the strength of her father, Esterlin, who realized what a mistake he had made and had made it his mission to resolutely and stoicly defy Aurelius whenever he could.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Rain Plays SWTOR - Solo Uprisings 3
If you enjoy these posts or find them helpful, please like and reblog. After doing all these Uprisings in a day, I have no wrists left.  Here are the final two solo Uprisings I'll be covering. For the rest of the series, check the tags #solo swtor and #rain plays swtor. 
Landing Party - Set on Rakata Prime We return to the area we explored during the Rakata Prime flashpoint in the Shadow of Revan Prelude. It's still gorgeous. Look at this scenery. Even with the crashed starships, it's beautiful. Another advantage - for the first two bosses, the on-screen text will essentially coach you through the gameplay. 
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The beginning of the Uprising feels a lot like a flashpoint. The mobs aren't overwhelming, and there are breaks between them as you run through the jungle. They're mostly skytroopers that you can one-shot if you are level 75.   Sterla -  If you read the on-screen text that pops up, you should be fine. Basically, there will be white circles filled with lightning circulating around the floor. As the text says, avoid them at all costs. More and more will appear as the fight goes on.  Ambush - This is a really challenging part of the Uprising. I would advise saving grenades for this part. They're hard to find and you need them here. I would also advise, especially if you are melee and don't have a lot of AOE abilities, waiting in Sterla's area until your Heroic Moment cools down. You will need Orbital Strike here. The NPCs are quantity over quality. There are a lot of them, though, so you need to use everything you can to take them out at once. There are one or two incendiary barrels. Don't waste them. 
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Primal Gargantuan - Once again, you will be coached through the fight by the visual cues and on-screen text. Basic: hit the Gargantuan with everything you've got. The screen will flash a message that it's about to scream, and you will see a large orange column of light appear. Get inside that orange column; you will be shielded from the piercing howl. You can still attack from inside the shield if you have anything ranged to throw. 
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Before you get to the beach, you will see this shelter on the righthand side. You can choose to take a carbonite turret, a turret like the one you can get in the Star Fortress, or a Missile Turret. I found the Missile Turret most helpful.  Defend the Beach - Click the temporary ability bar to set up your turret. This is like the ambush but more orderly and there's more time between each wave. 
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Now, before you click the panel on the satellite dish - pull back from the beach and wait for all your abilities to cool down.  From this point on, if you are melee (and even if you are not) you may find a ranged companion most helpful. I switched from Lana level 50 to Vette level 50.  Tessar - The best way to deal with her is to keep running. This is a fight where she can drain your HP very very quickly, and your toon will be defeated before you know what hit you. I kept to the perimeter, running in a circle that took me past the kolto stations. Do you see this picture? This is what you see during the fight. Keep running. Hit her with everything you have - provided it's ranged and keeps you away from her. She will sometimes make you into an "unstable conduit;" you want to run for a kolto station and stay away from your companion. 
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Destroyer of Worlds - Set on Makeb This Uprising brings you back to the mine you visit in the Imperial-side story. This one is reasonable. I find that as a melee character, it works better with a ranged companion.  First, you have to head to the room on the left and activate a droid, D-5X. D-5X will be with you for the entire Uprising. D-5X also has very poor survival and self-preservation instincts. See these blue tool boxes? You will be using these. A lot. When you use one, immediately try to pick up another. If you are on your own, the droid will get hurt a lot. Honestly, I let it go down and then don't repair it  until I need to escort it to the next point in the Uprising. 
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Most of the NPCs have musical names - Hymn, Dirge, etc. They worship a god named Gethul. In the mines of Makeb, Okay.  Chief Engineer Penzaren - He will shield himself and you will need to take down waves of droids. The shield around him will gradually weaken until you can kick his ass. 
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The next corridor has some very challenging mobs. I would save my Heroic Moment Orbital Strike, grenades and any AOE skills for this section.  Go repair the droid. You can't move on until you do. Stay with it; if you don't, a tentacle may rise from the floor to take it down again.  Vellos and Skurr - The deal with these fellows is that you need to make sure you keep an eye on both of their HP. They need to die together, or as close to it as possible. If they do not, one will regenerate the other in seconds. 
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See these purple smoky things? Leave them alone. And don't click that ancient coffin. Don't. 
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You will now head down switchback ramps defeating more mobs. Again, I would leave the droid until you have defeated the mobs all the way to the bottom. Then go back, repair D-5X and stick to it like glue as you head to the final boss.  - Adelade - Jedi. She jumps around a lot. Nasty yellow circles; nasty purple circles; nasty black circles; keep running to avoid them all.  You've finished with Adelade, and now you meet...Gethul. Eeep. Please don't tell me we have to kill the giant tentacles now. 
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You don't. D-5X will take care of it. Thanks, little buddy. We appreciate your dedication.
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omg I just feel bad for Casil dealing with so much crap. First it was dealing with not being able to shout & expectations of being able to, then having to deal with rumors of other women just cause her cycle is messed up and she can't help it, but at least she's always had Miraak (tho he's a jerk at first but he probs knew the rumors) and then Krosis shows up (which prob ignited even worse rumors cause ppl be nosy as hell and can SENSE the tense atmosphere) and suddenly Casil prb feels like she
doesn't even have HIM anymore (and probably hurting SO MUCH inside and feeling like she's never been good enough and probs always second best, first to the first DB and then to Krosis) Q_Q I just want this girl to be happy and feel secure and appreciated and loved and admired aahhhh. I just hope Jenassa, Serana and even Sterlas and Ooda can comfort her and be like 'Yo, who do I have to beat up??' (Gaaah I'm sorry I'm emotional over fictional characters WEEPs)
Casil’s life is a very long series of disasters SOBS. Miraak absolutely knew about the rumors. He has a very good network of people working as his ears, and he was.... honestly upset to  hear that people thought he was, or would be, sleeping around because Casil wasn’t giving him a kid. Casil was already very upset at herself because her cycle was so fucked up, and the rumors obviously didn’t help. Her and Miraak tried p much... everything they could to try to help it, and Casil was getting to the point where she was wondering if she even could have kids with him. She really blamed it on herself and got seriously depressed over it.
Krosis really made things awkward too by making his beef with Miraak very... public. He literally landed at the front gates of the castle on Gruthrathlir’s back and was like. Where’s Miraak. Tell him to get out here because i’m going to fucking kick his ass. And very much threw out all his accusations in (somewhat broken) Tamrielic in front of a very large crowd of people, which included everything about their relationship, and all his immediate insults at Casil, and all the shit about what Miraak did to the cult. And Miraak just kinda... stood there and took it. He didn’t do shit. Casil had to be the one to stop Krosis from getting a hit on him.
And did they kill him? Nope. Miraak made sure Krosis stayed alive and t hen just imprisoned him, and spent a ton of time talking to him alone, and then was released. There were a lot of rumors, and frankly a lot were true. Which.. is part of the reason Casil went out of her way to revive him and tell Miraak he could do whatever. And at that point a lot of the rumors were just like. Wow lmao the high king just ditched the high queen for his ex?? And Casil got a brunt of the insults and mockery again, a lot of which had the gall to go back and be like ‘well if Casil did such a bad job at giving him kids he might as well just be with a guy ammirite’. 
Krosis has never stopped feeling bad for that and always makes sure to remind Casil that she’s a very good wife and a very good person to him. Sterlas, Jenassa, Serana and Odavhiing absolutely are always there to comfort her though. Casil spends a lot of her time when she’s hurting with Odahviing, or living at her old house with Jenassa and Serana to come visit or watch her too. 
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ninjazz-online · 3 years
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herbanditclodclam · 4 years
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God Save The Queen “La Sterla” (presso Cosenza, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CME9ykmDCc4c49W58COiwhM7cLgXAfdhqKDsL00/?igshid=1tiu98a5cs6sn
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