#Steve Harrington/original female character
steddiebang2024 · 2 days
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I Wake With Your Memory Over Me (That’s a Real Fucking Legacy to Leave) |  Mature |  30k
Author: marvel-ous-m
Artist: hellfireloserclub
Beta Reader: billystarpip03
[Link to fic]  |  [Link to art]
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Original Female Character, Dustin Henderson, Other Characters Mentioned
Tags: Friends to Lovers to Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Right Person Wrong Time, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Skip, Isolated!Steve Harrington, Angst, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Hurt/Comfort, Loss of Sense of Self, Codependency, Depression, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Found Family, Happy Ending
Trigger Warnings: Depression, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms (Alcohol Abuse), Adultery
↳ Keep reading below for a summary!
Steve Harrington-Morris is 29 and has his life figured out. He's married to a gorgeous woman who's in her emergency medicine residency, he lives in a beautiful apartment in downtown Chicago, he has a solid relationship with his parents, and he gets to spend his days relaxing as a househusband. 
Sure, he's sort of isolated, seeing as he doesn't really have friends, but he has his wife- when she's willing able to spend time with him. 
Yeah, it's definitely not the life he dreamed he'd have back when he was a teenager, but it's the life he got, so who is he to complain? 
A series of realizations shakes Steve from this mindset, and has him deciding to attend a Corroded Coffin show, with the hope that he'll be able to reconnect with the man he once loved: up-and-coming rockstar, Eddie Munson. 
He... doesn't have much of an idea for what to do after that, but he knows that seeing Eddie is the first step he needs to make in the plan to reclaim his life. 
Hopefully, the rest will come easy.
(Spoiler Alert: It really, really doesn't.)  
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psychotic-nonsense · 2 months
In October of 1967, Steve Harrington is born in Hawkins, Indiana.
He's raised there, forced to live under the strict expectations of his parents, Richard and Samantha. Barely escapes their clutches, freedom fueled by the kids and adults that take the role of guardian and family when the time is right. Keeps himself in check with the always impending apocalypses that arise beneath his feet.
In June of 1985 - when Steve Harrington is 18, while Richard and Samantha Harrington are visiting New York for an extended work trip - Veronica Harrington is born.
She was carried and raised in secret from their hometown. They take care of her between their business hours, dropping her in the hands of nannies and babysitters galore. They don't even think of Indiana during Veronica's early childhood, too focused on work and making sure their daughter starts up right.
In October of 1986 - when Steve Harrington is 19, aged further by ending the Vecna War, yet tamed by his newfound love in Eddie Munson - Richard and Samantha Harrington return to Hawkins.
They don't ask about what happened to their son. They don't ask about the town. They don't ask questions, just give responses to them. Sneering at Steve's friends, complaining about the state of the house, commenting at the disfunctional chaos their home has become.
In November of 1986, Richard and Samantha Harrington disown Steve.
They just let him go. They at least give him a folder of his legal documents, but otherwise just tell him to get out of their house and never use their name again. Claiming Steve doesn't need anything from the room because the Harrington's own everything in it. They don't call him son, they don't say goodbye, they don't acknowledge who's actually taken care of the house, they don't admit most of Steve's former room has changed with money Steve earned himself, they don't dare to give him any money or care where he goes. They just say they're sick of dealing with an unworthy mistake of a child, and force him out of their house.
In November of 1986, the Party's adults adopt Steve.
He runs to them first after everything happens. Held himself together at the start, but broke down the second the words were out. While everyone was trying to comfort Steve, Wayne Munson and Jim Hopper were the first to succeed. They know firsthand that this family would never be the same as blood, no matter how much that blood has boiled and burned before, but the love will be stronger and it will be here. When everyone seconds it, Steve finally accepts it. He becomes a child of the Party - he's everyone's son and everyone's brother, taking whatever surname he sees fit.
In November of 1986, Steve Henderson and Eddie Munson leave Hawkins.
Despite all this good, Steve can't bear to stay in this damned town a second longer, where everyone knows who he is and will soon know everything he isn't. And it's not like Eddie was looking forward to sticking around Hawkins either, especially without his Steve. The kids are the first to agree, surprisingly, and the adults promise to find a way for the boys to get out. Later that week, when Richard and Samantha leave the house to prepare for Veronica, Steve and Eddie break in to take everything that's rightfully theirs. While they're there, not sure what prompts him, Steve makes a bag of his clothes with shoes and his wallet tucked within it, shoving it into his closet. Dustin's mom uses an old favor to get the boys an apartment in Chicago, the Party has one last farewell, and the two boys are gone.
From 1986 onward, Veronica Harrington is raised in Hawkins, Indiana.
Richard and Samantha are adamant in their daughter coming out exactly how she should. They steadily convince the town to forget the Harringtons ever had a son and lock the room on the second floor next to the stairs without ever touching the inside. They raise her with formality and pride at the top of their expectations, wanting at least one child to come out right.
But Veronica is the spitting image of Steve's honesty and care. She puts on a facade when needed, but even at a young age, she wants nothing more than to be someone's light in the darkness. She plays with every lonely kid at school, and tries to make people laugh at the business parties she's dragged to. It's not received well by her parents, but Veronica is much too strong willed and stubborn to let it phase her.
In April of 1991 - when she's 6 and they're so much stronger around their hearts - Veronica Harrington meets Steve and Eddie Munson for the first time.
It's the year Erica is set to graduate high school. Steve and Eddie have been making the drive for every holiday this year, ordered determined to give her the best senior year she could have. It's Easter Sunday, and Wayne somehow managed to drag his boys away to church - a Munson custom, as even Eddie insisted they go.
While at the snack table post sermon, a little girl comes up to Steve, mistaking him for her father. He and Eddie gently comfort the girl, introducing themselves and offering to help the girl find her parents. That's when Veronica introduces herself, striking Steve deep in his heart. Still, he keeps quiet, even gifting her a little origami crane made from napkins at the table. He calls her "chickpea" for the color of her dress, tells her to keep the crane secret and safe, "If ever you need to find your way back home, you hold that close, and it'll tell you."
Meanwhile, Wayne has come across Richard and Samantha in the crowd opposite the kids. Exchanging formalities, Wayne mentions his son and nephew are in town, news the Harrington's are surprised at, as Wayne didn't seem like the father type. However, trying to keep face, they remain civil and insist on introducing their daughter.
Cue Veronica running to her parents with Steve and Eddie in tow. Cue Steve calling Wayne dad right to Richard's face. Cue the Harrington's immediate leave from the church, Veronica waving behind her with a crane placed carefully in her pocket.
From then on, Veronica Harrington's life changes indefinitely.
Her parents' expectations grow tenfold. She finds out she's horribly allergic to chickpeas. All of her friends must be approved by her parents, and any that don't fit their image are ordered to leave her.
Veronica takes these changes in stride - is her class's top student, captain of the softball and volleyball teams in junior high, keeps the friends she wants in secret from her parents - but she can't help but keep the crane in a little box in her room. Gets a necklace with a little origami crane pendant, holds it whenever she needs to make a hard choice. Can't help but expand herself in secret, learn things her parents would never approve of - lock picking, other languages, sleight of hand, a clothing style that's nothing like the dark blues of her family, all warmth and light. She explores every room in her house, yet is unable to find her way into that room upstairs next to the steps.
In May of 1998, Veronica Harrington discovers the truth about her brother.
She's about to be a freshman. Her class was touring the high school in preparation, and while passing the athletics hall, her eyes hit the swimming trophies. Each row stuffed with trophies, and each one with a name that stabbed her right in the stomach: Steve Harrington.
After that, she couldn't bear all the secrecy anymore. Late that same night, she finally uses her lock picking skills to break into that room. And though it's devoid of life, it is a bedroom, so evidently lived in. It's frozen in time, twisted sheets covered in dust, old papers crinkled from being stepped on but not picked up, old clean clothes still sitting in the hamper. It's a boy's room, clearly, and Veronica is careful walking around this place of memories.
She does still explore, quietly clicking on lights around the room, too cautious to touch the overhead lights. She looks under the bed, finding a bat and a trash can lid, both embedded with rusty nails. A shirt that still smells like fresh laundry yet has a back stained permanently with long red lines down the shoulders. Dozens of stapled documents labeled NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT, detailing horrific events that each have that same name signed at the bottom.
With shaking hands she checks the closet, and finds it mostly empty. All except for a deep green graduation robe and cap, a cream Hawkins High letterman, and a duffel bag hidden in the back corner. The cap has a 1985 tassel, and the letterman has Harrington branded on the back with basketball and swimming patches galore. And the bag, when she checks it, looks like a survivalist pack someone would make in an apocalypse. At the top sits a wallet, and inside is an ID for a Steve Harrington, who has the same face as the one in her origami memories.
And Veronica is done. She wakes up the next morning and throws Steve's jacket on the kitchen table, startling both her parents mid sip of coffee. She finds herself in a screaming match with her father, demanding them to quit lying to her, begging to know who her brother is.
In a fit of rage, Richard tells her. Tells her everything Richard and Samantha never saw in Steve, about Veronica's secret birth, the disownment, Steve's disappearance from the Harrington house and Hawkins. She's reminded of that one Easter Sunday, and is told how Richard and Samantha faked Veronica's allergy to keep her mind from being tainted by whatever curse befell their bloodline before. Orders her to never say that name again.
In a fit of rage, Veronica bites back. Calls her parents cruel and overly expectant. Comes clean about her secret freedom. Says she'd rather be nothing than ever carry the burden of the Harrington name ever again.
She hides away in her room after the fight. Cries in her closet with her origami box cradled tightly to her chest, begging it to take her home because this place isn't anymore, maybe never was. Cries for the brother she never even got to meet, who went through so many horrible things yet still got put through this same punishment. Cries for the future she won't get to have, losing her hope for a new beginning that will now never be.
At the start of June, 1998, Veronica runs away.
She makes it through the rest of May in near silence. She writes notes for all of her friends at the end of the school year, and one for her parents to inevitably find. Finds 75 dollars in Steve's old wallet, stuffs the duffel bag the rest of the way with her belongings, and says goodbye to Hawkins.
She takes the first bus she can find out of town. Doesn't care that it's going to Chicago, doesn't really care where she's going now. She befriends an old homeless man riding the bus as well, becomes another interesting name in his "Book of Wanders (Pronounced as Wonders)." As Veronica's telling the story about unknowingly meeting her brother, she remembers the crane in her bag. She reaches in to retrieve the little box, then the crane, nearly crying seeing how disheveled and unfolded it is. Broken and doomed, just like her. But looking at it now after so long, she thinks she sees something written inside it. Despite it shattering her heart pieces, she carefully unfolds the little crane.
At its center, in old, bleeding blue text, reads, "Find the Swooping Bat if you've lost your way."
The old man laughs then, taking Veronica's hand and placing it onto her chest, over her heart. "It's fate," he whispers in the dark bus. "There's a place called that in Chicago."
Veronica uses her money to rent them both a hotel for the night, giving the old man a warm bath for the first time in weeks. She gifts him the clothes as well, saying it's, "an honorary thanks from my brother, for helping me get here." They bid each other farewell in the morning, the old man telling her to keep hold of fate.
She finds her way to the Swooping Bat easily, hand on her necklace guiding her way. It's a quaint little diner, popular enough to be comfortably warm when she walks in. A young lady in a wheelchair - Max, says her nametag, with pins saying things like, "Summer work blows" and "USC grad or bust!" resting on her collar - guides her to a booth next to the sunrise.
"Anything I can get you today?" Max asks when Veronica's seated.
Veronica's fully ready to order everything on the menu, what with how delicious this place smells, but then she remembers her funds. 5 bucks, if she's lucky. "Just a chocolate milk, for now. Biggest one you have, please." She somehow plays off Max's skeptical look, her eyes sweeping over Veronica's no doubt disheveled and no-food-in-36-hours appearance.
It somehow works out, and Max is wheeling away. Veronica allows herself a moment to collapse, stomach growling in pain and eyes burning with the realization she has no idea what she's going to do now. She just has this last bit of hope to hold onto, and without it, she'll be nothing but a husk.
She's not sure how long she sits there, staring at the sunrise and letting sound and AC whisk her mind away, but there's suddenly a little knock on her table. Her head snaps up, and there's Max again, setting down a giant glass of chocolate milk... alongside a loaded breakfast plate.
"It's on the house," Max rushes to explain, all fondness when Veronica scrambles to get her wallet. "Courtesy of the owner. And between you and me," she whispers with a wink, "just take the damn food, kid."
Veronica stumbles over herself for a moment, rendered near speechless, before she finally comes back. She begs Max to thank the owner profusely, before rushing to dig into the pancakes before her. She's halfway done dousing the stack in syrup by the time Max wheels away, when there's suddenly someone laughing.
"Of course," says a choked-up voice behind her. "Can't have any chickpeas starving in my booths."
Veronica nearly drops her fork. She turns so sharply she gets dizzy. Seven years can't change a person that much, surely, because though he's bigger in the torso and he has glasses on the bridge of his nose and his hair is cut so close, he still has the same softness in his voice and the same slouch in his stance and the same moles around his eyes and his smile is so bright despite the tears in his eyes, and though Veronica can barely see through tears herself, it's not like she needs them anyway to know it's-
"Steve!" she cries, scrambling out of the booth to meet her brother halfway. The relief of it all working out has the rest of her restraint collapsing, forcing harsh sobs out of her and into Steve's shoulder. The siblings hold each other in the middle of a restaurant, a voice in the background asking everyone to leave them be. Steve doesn't stop whispering, even as his chest heaves with broken gasps between tears, "You're save, Veronica, I got you, I got you, it's gonna be okay, you're safe here, it's okay, sis, it's okay..."
"That you, lil' chickpea?" whispers a different voice once they've calmed down. Veronica reluctantly pulls away and finds a man kneeling beside them, a hand on Steve's shoulder and similar tears in his eyes. His hair and tattoos remind her of the tamed wild from seven years ago, covered in black in the middle of church yet glowing brighter than the stained glass, the one that Steve looks at in past and present with a glowing love Veronica never saw between her parents.
"Yeah," she whispers, wiping her tears away before placing a hand atop her necklace. It catches Eddie and Steve's eyes and make them beam with pride and relief. "Yeah, it's... it's me...."
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august-grey · 2 years
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i don't need your closure | chapter 13
read on ao3
July 1986
This was it. This was how Alice was going to die. Not at the hands of evil Russians miles below a shopping mall or torn to shreds by one of the multitude of monsters that plagued her little town. No, she was going to go out in the passenger seat of he mother’s Volvo, knuckles white around the handle on the door, foot punched down the invisible brake pedal. 
Fighting the urge to squeeze her eyes shut, Alice contemplated the choices that led her to this moment. How had she gone from taking Dustin to an orthodontist appointment to fearing for her mortal wellbeing in a mostly empty strip-mall parking lot with her 15-year-old brother behind the wheel of their mother’s car? 
Alice looked over at the boy in question, his eyes wide and laser-focused on the pavement, and reminded herself why she was doing this. 
“So, I’m taking driver’s ed next year.” Dustin piped up from the passenger seat, his lisp a little more pronounced after getting his braces tightened.
“Oh yeah?” Dustin gave a grunt of affirmation. “Mr. Paulson still teaching that?”
“Uh-huh, I heard he’s brutal.” Alice nodded emphatically. That was putting it lightly. Dustin continued, “Lots of kids…they’re getting practice over the summer…just to get a head start, y’know? Mike’s and Lucas’ dads have taken them out a bunch. Mike’s even been on a real road already.”
“That’s not a bad idea, extra practice would definitely help. Paulson flunked me twice before I finally got my license. Just never really got a chance to practice after dad left and everything. Has mom taken…” She trailed off, a sudden realization dawning on her. No. Of course mom hadn’t had the time to take Dustin out to drive. Their mother barely had time to take care of herself let alone teach her anxious children to maneuver a vehicle.
Not for the first time, Alice found herself cursing her father. Don’t get her wrong, Alice was glad that her parents were divorced. Michael was a piece of shit who didn’t deserve anything her mother had to offer. She’d always known that her mother was too good for that sorry excuse of a human. Alice just wished he had found a scrap of humanity before abandoning his family, leaving them with nothing but a forwarding address and a promise to see his children at Christmas.
Alice hadn’t been surprised in the slightest when Christmas came and went without even a phone call, but Dustin…Dustin had been heartbroken. For months afterward he waited for their father to simply return. To change his mind, realize that he had made a mistake and come home to his family. The brief phone calls from Michael yielded empty promises of going for ice cream or baseball games, leaving Dustin disappointed again and again as plans fell through. 
Anger festered inside Alice, finally bubbling over one day as she sat with her little brother as he watched the sky darken out their front window, waiting for their father’s car to pull into the driveway for a belated birthday visit. Dustin’s thirteenth birthday had been three weeks prior, and the bastard still couldn’t be bothered to even give his son this small gift.
Down the hall, Alice heard her mother leave yet another message for her ex-husband. He wasn’t coming, Alice had a feeling from the beginning. Knowing this didn’t make the situation any easier. A small shake of their mother’s head when she returned to the living room was all it took for Dustin’s resolve to crumple. Running into his mother’s arms, he buried his face into her chest, shoulders heaving with silent sobs. 
Alice needed to hit something. Her fists clenched, nails digging into her palms. She wasn’t going to let her father get away with hurting her brother like that. Not again. While the rest of her family was distracted, Alice smuggled her mom’s car keys out of her purse and drove the three hours to their father’s new bachelor pad, stopping only to grab a birthday card from a random drug store. 
Michael could only stare at his daughter, open-mouthed, as she shoved the card into his hands, demanding he sign it for Dustin. He did so, hastily shoving a few twenties in the envelope for good measure. Then he had the gall to ask Alice how she was doing. Ignoring his question completely, Alice simply told her father to either make a real effort to have a relationship with his son or to leave them the hell alone. 
She couldn’t remember the half-excuse he had spluttered out as she left him in the doorway, but she did remember crying the entire ride home. She remembered the look on Dustin’s face as she pressed the card into his hands and being grounded for a week for disappearing with her mother’s car for seven hours on a school night. She remembered being the one to step up in her father’s place. Taking Dustin to school and to extracurriculars, helping her mother with home repairs, picking up extra chores around the house. 
And now, she supposed, she was going to have to teach her father’s youngest how to drive.
“Okay, now slowly—“ Dustin slammed the brakes at the edge of the lot, jolting Alice forward in her seat. She took a calming breath before gently correcting him as he turned the wheel, taking the car down the row of shopfronts. “Try to ease into the stops, Dusty. Gently press the brake as you’re coming up to the—oh Jesus.”
“Sorry, sorry!” He exclaimed, shifting the direction of the car after coming a little too close to the curb. “This is awful, how do you do this every day without feeling like you’re going do murder someone with this death-machine?”
“You just have to…I don’t know…give it time and you kinda become one with the death-machine?” Her brother shot her a quick, bewildered glance. “Does that make sense? It gets easier with practice, I promise. Just…try to relax.”
“That’s not going to happen.” He groaned miserably, braking a little too hard again in the back corner of the lot. Fumbling around the console in a panic, he flipped on the turn signal, then the windshield wipers. “At this rate I’ll never be comfortable behind the wheel and I’ll never get my license and...and— Alice, how do I put this stupid thing in park?!”
“Calm down, you’re fine.” She reached over, moving the shifter into park and turning off the ignition. As soon as he was able to release the brake, Dustin threw himself from the Volvo. Alice rolled her eyes at his dramatics and exited the vehicle herself. “You’re not going to be amazing right away, Dustin. It’s going to take time. We’ll go out more once I get my car back and you’ll be a pro by the end of the summer. Paulson won’t know what hit him.”
Dustin didn’t look convinced. He leaned against the hood of the yellow Volvo and buried his face in his hands. Alice felt a little out of her depth; she was usually the one freaking out in every situation. Her brother was normally overly confident in nearly everything he did. He’d thrown himself into countless dangerous situations without a second thought; seeing him freak out over driving of all things was disconcerting to say the least. 
“Are you hungry? We can stop for burgers or something?” Food. If there was anything that could distract Alice from an anxiety spiral, it was a good, greasy meal. Surely that would work on her brother, too.
He shook his head glumly, looking forlornly across the parking lot. “Nah, my mouth is still sore from the orthodontist.”
Alice sighed. She didn’t like it, but she had one last idea that could bring up his mood, even just for the moment. 
“You wanna stop in RadioShack before heading home?” That got his attention. Shooting Alice a Cheshire grin, Dustin took off across the pavement toward the electronics store.
She trailed behind him, shouting, “You have twenty minutes! Any longer and you’re walking home!”
RadioShack had been a mistake. Sweat dripped down her neck as Alice glanced down at her watch; Dustin had been in the shop for nearly 45 minutes and she was slowly losing her mind. By the time she popped into the shop, Dustin had already been neck deep in whatever gadget he needed for his project of the week. 
Deciding she didn’t want to get roped into a one-sided conversation she couldn’t keep up with (she wasn’t feeling that generous), Alice picked up a small pack of batteries for her Walkman and left her brother muttering to himself over a display of tiny voice recorders. 
Five minutes. She’d give Dustin five more minutes and then she’d go in there and physically drag him out if she needed to. The midday sun emerged from behind a cloud, shining through the windshield and effectively blinding Alice. Make that two minutes.
“Alice?” Jumping at the sound of her name, Alice scanned the parking lot for a familiar face. The lot had become considerably more full than it was during Dustin’s impromptu driving lesson, but it didn’t take long to find the source of the voice before they flung themselves halfway through Alice’s open window, obscuring her vision with a mop of messy brown hair.
“Jesus, Robin, back up would ya?” Alice grasped her assailant by the shoulders and gently shoved her out of her personal bubble. Robin dropped to a crouch next to the car, so she was level with the open window, eyes wide and panicked.
“Thank god you’re here. Wait…why are you here? Y’know what nevermind, I’m in a crisis and I need you to talk me down.” 
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Reaching for the handle of door, Alice gave the seemingly innocuous plaza a once over, searching for anything out of the ordinary or potentially dangerous. Robin rested a hand on her arm, drawing Alice’s attention back to her.
“No, no. Nothing like that.” Robin took a deep breath, opened her mouth to speak again, and…stopped. Alice furrowed her brow and waited for the girl to speak. After a few long moments of silence, Alice gestured impatiently for Robin to continue. 
“I’ve been invited to a party.” She finally blurted out, expectantly looking to Alice for advice. 
“By a girl.”
“A specific girl.”
“…a specific redheaded clarinetist with incredible taste in movies.”
“Oh! Oh my god, okay! When did this happen?”
“Just now, in the Rite-Aid tampon isle.” Robin stated miserably, popping up from her position by the door to pace the pavement. “So you see my problem, now!”
“Uh no, am I missing something?” Taking her chances with the angry July sun, Alice exited the blessed cover of the car as she watched her friend frantically pace the length of the adjacent parking space. “You like Vickie. This is good news, Robin!”
“No, Alice, this is an absolute nightmare!”  Robin stopped to run both of her hands through her hair, making her bangs stick up in perfectly odd angles to add to the slightly manic aura she was giving off. “Before this moment, Vickie had been purely a hypothetical. I could daydream all I want, but now, now…this is real life. She asked me to a party. And what’s going to happen, huh? I’m going to make a fool of myself and word vomit all over her and she’ll be horrified and I’ll be arrested for…for something. I’m sure I’ll deserve it at that point.”
Alice shook her head in disbelief. What was up with everyone today? First Dustin with his driving lesson, now Robin was having a complete meltdown on her watch. It was only a matter of time, she supposed, seeing as both Robin and Dusin had dealt with their fair share of Alice’s neuroticism. The least she could do was return the favor.
“Well, we can’t let that happen, can we? You’re not cut out for prison, no offence.” Alice stepped forward, reaching up to smooth Robin’s hair back to its normal state of messiness. Once she was satisfied, Alice settled her hands on the taller girl’s shoulders. “You just need backup, a wingman. We can make it a group thing. You, me, and Vickie.”
“That’s not a group, that’s you getting drunk and awkwardly chaperoning me like some sort of messed up, regency-era courting ritual, all while I desperately try not to make a fool of myself in front of a cute girl.” Robin mumbled through pursed lips. Though Robin wasn’t wrong, Alice didn’t exactly enjoy being reduced to nothing more than a bumbling overseer. As much as she wanted to help Robin, third-wheeling all night wasn’t necessarily Alice’s idea of a good time. 
She had an idea; whether it was a good one or not was the nagging question in the back of her mind. Briefly, Alice considered the last disastrous party she’s attended in Hawkins. It had been the precursor to what was possibly the worst night of her life, if you don’t take all of the the literal horrors and death she’d experienced over the past few years into account.
The night she was sure she’d lost her best friend. For good.
It’s different now, she reasoned with herself. She and Steve were on good terms; well on their way to friendship again. And though she didn’t yet have the full story of what had happened that night…or what had led to it, Alice could at least hope it wouldn’t happen again. There was only one way to find out, she supposed.
“I can, uh, askstevetogo.” Alice mumbled, half-heartedly tossing out the thought before she could stop herself. It wasn’t as if she was looking for an excuse to see him or anything, it just made sense. They are all friends. Friends go to parties together. As friends. “Then it’ll be a real group. Make things less weird, y’know?”
Robin’s eyebrows disappeared into her bangs as she shimmied out of Alice’s grip. “Oh, no, no. You can’t just say something like that and not elaborate. Did you and Steve make up?”
“Kinda? We’re…talking. It’s not a big deal.”  Robin seemed unimpressed, to say the least. Alice knew the girl wasn’t going to let her get away with that bullshit answer, and with a sigh, launched into an abridged version of what had happened with Sudsy. How she and Steve had ended up babysitting together, how Alice had emotionally blown up and confronted him, and then the subsequent, tentative makeup.
Obviously, making up with Steve was, in fact, a big deal to Alice. The past week had been the happiest she’d felt in months, and as much as she hated to admit it, that had a lot to do with Steve Harrington. True to his word, Steve hadn’t pressured Alice into anything since their conversation the previous weekend. To no one’s surprise, especially Alice’s, it took less than a day before she found herself eager to see him again. 
So, after harassing Dustin for Steve’s new phone number, she called him. He sounded pleased, but genuinely surprised to hear from her so soon. The palpable fondness in his voice combined with the itch to be within arms reach of him again, was how she found herself inviting Steve to take a walk with her. 
For safety purposes, of course. 
You see, Alice had a new client. A big, goofy Great Dane, who needed to be walked while her human worked overnights. Normally Alice wouldn’t think twice before declining the job; she and the dark didn’t really get along after everything she had been through. But this particular client had offered double her regular fee just to feed the dog dinner and take her on a quick walk before bed.
Alice couldn’t refuse the easy money, but that still left the problem of having to be outside. In the dark. Alone. She sucked it up the first night, walked the half-mile to the clients house, took the pup around the block while her nerves spiked, and finally ended up sprinting home after making sure the dog was safely in bed, the plan to call Steve already on her mind.  
As she predicted, he eagerly agreed to accompany her the next night. And then the next, and the next…until they fell into an easy, somewhat familiar, routine. Steve would pick her up at 8:30 on the dot, they’d take care of the dog, and then just sit and talk until Steve had to get himself to bed for work the next day. Sometimes Dustin would join them, if he wasn’t off galavanting with his Dungeons and Dragons club or messing with machines in his bedroom. But, mostly, it was just the two of them.
He followed her lead at every turn. Never pushing for anything more than what Alice was comfortable with giving, keeping a respectable distance. Alice, on the other hand, was having an incredibly hard time sticking to her own boundaries. Despite her reservations, Alice physically couldn’t keep herself away from Steve. It was like that night babysitting Holly had broke open a dam in Alice’s brain. 
Steve Harrington loved her. 
Just the thought alone was hard for Alice to wrap her mind around. Truthfully, she was scared. Hell, Alice was terrified. And still justifiably angry on top of it all. Months of convincing herself to turn her hurt into hate couldn’t be washed away so easily. No matter how badly she wanted to believe that Steve was truly repentant and wanted to make things right with her, Alice couldn’t shake the feeling that although everything between them was going well now didn’t necessarily mean it wouldn’t go to shit just as quickly. 
But in spite of it all, it was just so easy to fall back into an familiar rapor with her former best friend. It was a more than little unnerving how effortlessly Steve had fit back into her life and, even moreso, how badly she wanted him to stay there.
“So, yeah. We’re talking. That’s it.”
“Oh my god.”
“I know.”
“Steve’s in love with you.”
“You’re in love with Steve?”
“I…yeah. I guess am.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I have no idea.”
“Shit, Alice.”
Alice couldn’t agree more; shit.
Alice’s mother dropped her off at Robin’s house a full two hours early, at the younger girl’s request. Well…it sounded more like a panicked demand over the phone than a polite request, but Alice was willing to overlook that tiny detail. Either way, she was grateful for an excuse after Claudia had offered to drive the girls to the party itself. As much as she loved and appreciated her mom, that simply wouldn’t do.
“No, seriously, it’s okay, Mom!” Alice attempted to dissuade her mother. “It’s only a ten minute walk from Robin’s. You don’t want to drive all the way back out here in just to drive us less than a mile up the road.”
Reluctantly, Claudia agreed that the girls could take care of themselves, and left Alice and her overnight bag at Robin’s. She waited until her daughter was safely inside before waving and backing out of the driveway. 
In the time it took for Alice to arrive, Robin’s bedroom had descended into absolute chaos. Ninety percent of the time they had before the party was spent digging through the chaos that was Robin’s wardrobe, piecing together the perfectly casual, but not too casual because “then what if Vickie thinks I’m a slob! Don’t give me that look, you’re just as much a mess as I am,” outfit.
The other ten percent was taken up by relentless, teasing back-and-forth from both girls. It had started off with Alice clearly having the upperhand; gently mocking her friend as she tried on article after article of clothing. Alice was quite enjoying herself. That is, until it came time to talk to Steve about the party.
 In the end, it had been Robin who had called to recruit Steve as a secondary wingman and a ride home. It was stupid. The phone had been in Alice’s hand, she had dialed his number. His new number. The one for his fancy, independent, adult apartment. The first ring in her ear sent her stomach fluttering and her heart pounding, resulting in the phone being flung into a bewildered Robin’s hands.
Cooly recovering from Alice’s sudden panic, Robin had managed to convince Steve to meet them at the party. Alice hovered over her shoulder, ears straining to hear the other side of the conversation and chewing her pinky nail down to the nub. 
What was wrong with her? Alice chastised herself. She’d spoken to Steve on the phone quite literally hundreds of times. At least thrice that week alone. 
Inviting him to a party, though, somehow felt too much like she was back in middle school asking Matthew Miller to the Snowball, only to spend the night sulking on the bleachers after being stood up.
So, in true middle school fashion, it only made sense that she make her friend ask Steve, instead. Not that she thought Steve would stand her up. Because it wasn’t like this was a date or anything. This was merely a group outing with a couple of pals.
She’d never hear the end of it from Robin. 
The party itself was a docile thing, despite being packed with a couple dozen band nerds. The music was decent and the drinks were surprisingly good for a questionable concoction thrown together by a teenager. 
Robin zeroed in on Vickie the second they stepped through the door. When the redhead greeted both girls with a hug, Alice was impressed by how quickly Robin recovered from the close contact. 
As the night went on, much to Alice’s delight, it seemed that Robin’s initial apprehensions about the party were proving to be completely unnecessary. And though she was having a good time and was always glad to spend time with Robin, it really seemed like Alice’s presence was barely needed. 
It may have been the effervescent lighting on the dance floor or maybe the faint buzz of alcohol in her system, but Alice could swear Robin practically radiating confidence as she danced with the girls she had been pining over for months. Ever the dutiful friend, Alice swayed to the music with them, overthinking about what the correct amount of respectable distance would be. Not so close to the couple that she was invading their bubble, but not too far away to be unable to participate in conversation or miss any distress signals from Robin. 
Luckily for her, after some subtle comments from Robin, followed by a not-so-subtle elbow to the ribs, Alice finally took the hint and excused herself. She counted this as a victory in staying firmly in wingman territory. There would be no outdated chaperoning tonight. 
Not quite sure what to do with herself after leaving the one person in the house she actually felt comfortable spending time with, Alice wandered through the festivities, stopping to chit chat with old classmates every so often. She certainly wasn’t looking for Steve. Not really. Was she disappointed he wasn’t there yet? Maybe, but mostly Alice just felt overwhelmed without someone to anchor her. 
In the end she parked herself on a couch in the den, only returning to the party proper to replenish her drink. It was quieter in there, and much less crowded than the main living areas. There were a few people playing scrabble at a card table in the middle of the room as movie played softly in the corner, a couple boys sprawled out on a rug in front of the the television, watching intently. This was definitely more her speed tonight. 
Unfortunately, despite being a refuge from the chaos, this was also how Alice found herself three and a half drinks deep, getting her ear talked off by goddamn Matthew Miller. Yes, that Matthew Miller. She had cursed herself by thinking of him earlier. It seemed Matthew had conveniently forgotten his eighth grade indiscretions. Sadly for him, Alice was excellent at holding a grudge, even through the pleasant, fuzzy haze of drunkenness. 
“Anyway, you’d be surprised by the kind of stuff you could get away with in college. No one cares, Henderson, you could do whatever you want.” Matthew had his arm stretched across the back of the couch, fingers lingering dangerously close to Alice’s shoulder. She clenched her plastic cup in her hand and stared straight ahead, willing someone, anyone, to save her from this conversation. Where the hell was Robin when she needed her? “And the girls, man. They’re nothing like high school chicks; everyone is just so open minded, y’know?”
“Most of the them are just there looking for husbands, anyway, so it’s easier. That’s what Trevor says, anyway. You remember Trevor, right? He was french horn in high school, but we were roommates last semester, too. Anyway, it’s true though. These girls are just looking for someone to settle down and have babies with.”
Okay, that was quite enough of that. Alice threw the rest of her drink back, grimaced and finally turned toward Matthew with a withering scowl, preparing to lay into his insufferable, sexist ideas about women as a whole.
“First of all, you misogynistic prick, that’s—oh! ” Alice’s speech was slightly slurred, but not enough to hide the venom behind her words. Words that were all too suddenly cut off by the aforementioned prick making a bee-line for Alice’s lips, his eyes closed and mouth horrifyingly open. She threw herself backward into the arm of the couch at the last second, simultaneously pushing Matthew back into the cushions opposite her. “Oh, no thank you!”
The boy was clearly taken aback, or at the very least, not used to being turned down. “Are you sure? I thought we were having a moment!”
“What part of... of that ‘conversation’” Alice emphasized the word with some sloppy air quotes. “Made you think we were having a moment?! I might be drunk, but I’m not, like, random, regrettable hookup drunk, Trevor.”
“Matthew.” The boy corrected her with a glare. With practiced ease, he shifted his face into cool disinterest before plucking Alice’s empty cup from her hand. “I’m going to get us a refill. Maybe you’ll be a little nicer when I get back.”
Frowning deeply at his retreating back, Alice knew this was her chance to make a hasty departure. She just needed to get up. Which was easy, so easy. Or at least it would have been two drinks ago. The liquor had settled into her limbs, weighing her down like sandbags. It was fine, though. She just needed to flag down Robin to pull her out of the quicksand-like cushions that were sucking her deeper and deeper into the couch with every passing minute.
But where was Robin? Alice squinted her eyes, trying to find a familiar face in the crowd through the open doorway, but failed to spot either of the girls she’d been with earlier. This was also fine, surely someone had to know where they had disappeared off to. Triumph shot through Alice as she successfully caught the eye of a friendly face. She beaconed the familiar, fluffy-haired girl over.
“Kate. Kate listen, where is Robin?” 
“Hey Alice, you good?” Kate smiled down at her, amusement glinting in her eyes, before helpfully taking a quick look around the room. “I don’t really know, I’m sorry. I think she and Vickie were in the kitchen earlier, do you want me to go check?”
“You’re an angel, Kate, truly. A tumpeteer from the heavens.” The words tumbled from Alice’s mouth without filter. The lack of control should have mortified Alice, but she was well past the point of actually caring. Kate just chuckled, patted Alice on the head like a puppy, and made for the kitchen. 
No sooner did Alice’s ally disappear through one doorway, did her adversary emerge through another, a fresh plastic cup clutched in each hand. 
Shit. The time for games was over. Gathering every speck of willpower she possessed, Alice pushed herself up from the cavernous couch. Bad idea. Awful idea. She clutched the arm of the couch as the room moved around her, swaying and spinning like a carnival ride. Her stomach churned slightly. Don’t puke, don’t puke, don’t puke.
A hand appeared on her arm, steadying her. Instinctively, she swatted it away. Unfortunately, the sudden movement tipped Alice off balance just enough to send her falling back into the accursed couch. She glared up at her assailant, ready to lay into Matthew about touching her without consent. Oh. Not Matthew, then.
Steve, her knight in shining polo, loomed over her with bemusement etched into his features. A flash of annoyance coursed through her; where had he been an hour ago, before her night had started to go downhill? However, the feeling was quickly overshadowed by dread when she caught Matthew’s garish, caution-sign yellow t-shirt from the corner of her eye.
“Listen, I’m sorry I’m late, but you’re not going to believe the breakthrough I’ve had with Gladys—“
“Sit down,” she whispered to Steve, cutting him off as Matthew drew ever closer. Without a second thought, Steve slid into the seat next to Alice, side-eyeing the approaching figure. Alice clutched his arm, pulling him close like a human shield, as if she could camouflage herself with Steve’s considerably larger stature. “Pretend you’re talking to me.”
“Pretend to—we were talking, Alice. Until you rudely interrupted me.” Alice laughed loudly, tossing her head in the direction of where Matthew awkwardly hovered nearby, his shins bumping on the corner of the crowded coffee table. Steve snuck a peek, taking in the boy fumbling with the red cups in his hands, and nodded to signify he understood the situation. 
“Ah, I see. Okay, what angle are we going with here? The usual?” 
“Nuh uh, our moms work together. Dead grandma isn’t going to work.”
“What about my dead grandma?”
“Maybe. Can you even pull that off?”
“You underestimate me, Henderson.” Alice bit back a smirk as Steve took the challenge to heart. Without any sort of preamble he turned and pressed his forehead into her shoulder. Sliding his hand into hers, he gripped her fingers tightly and put in his best effort into looking the part of a grief-stricken man.
Alice froze.
For the first time, Alice was thankful for the alcohol that dulled her senses. Her heart fluttered as she tried not to think about the way his breath felt on her neck as he buried his face into her shoulder. Or the way the hard plane of his torso pressed into her own, or how it nearly took her breath away. 
Alice took a second to compose herself. You’re a goddamn professional, she scolded herself. This was a tried and true act, one that she and Steve had played out at least half a dozen times before to get out many an awkward encounter, though it was usually her amping up the dramatics. The proximity meant nothing, and Alice had better remember that. After all, it wasn’t as if they’d never been that close before. Closer, she recalled, heat pooling in her stomach. 
It had just been so long. 
But she could think about that later. Instead of lingering on feeling the heat of his skin on her body, she focused on the performance at hand. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Matthew finally piped up after what felt like an eternity of fake-comforting Steve as he fake-cried into the light cardigan she’d thrown over her tank top earlier in the evening. Alice glowered at him incredulously as she rubbed a comforting hand up and down Steves back. He was good, maybe too good. A wicked thought crossed her mind. Lets see how well he could do with this one.
“Shh, his guinea pig just died.” She hissed. Steve stiffened a bit, thrown off by Alice’s plot twist. She bit the inside of her cheek, keeping cool. “Show a little respect, Miller.”
“Damn, Harrington, I’m sorry man. Here,” Matthew deposited both cups of god-knows-what concoction, on the table before them.  “Have a drink for…for—“
“Henrietta.” Alice supplied, helpfully. 
“For Henrietta.” Matthew nodded and clapped Steve on the shoulder before hurrying away as quickly as his feet could take him. Once he was safely out of sight, Alice couldn’t hold back the peals of laughter. Steve took the moment to collect himself, smoothing back his hair and wiping the non-existent tears from his face. 
“Guinea pig?” Steve spluttered, shaking his head in disbelief. 
She shrugged helplessly. “You were so convincing, though, Steve! Why didn’t you ever try out for the school plays? We never had enough boys, they would have eaten you up.”
“Just another one of my many unrealized talents. Come on, lets go find the lovebirds. They’re around here somewhere.” He chuckled, rising from his seat. Offering a hand to Alice, he pulled her up with minimal effort. She felt steady enough on her feet to follow him through the house, but not before swiping her drink from the coffee table. 
“And then! After giving me all this bullshit about how these college girls are all so eager to throw themselves at him, he decides its a perfect time to go for it. Mouth. Wide. Open.”
“Please, tell me you’re kidding.” Robin and Vickie sat shoulder-to-shoulder on one of the few lounge chairs scattered across the backyard, twin expressions of disgust etched across their faces. Alice was sprawled across the foot of a shared lounge chair herself. Steve had somehow managed to fold himself onto a tight ball of limbs on the other half, leaving plenty of room for Alice to gesticulate wildly as she recounted every gory detail of her run-in with Matthew.
“I swear he like, unhinged his jaw or something.” Alice cackled, shifting her body to lean more of her weight onto Steve’s bent legs. At this point, she was sure he was the only thing keeping her upright. To his credit, he merely shifted to accommodate her, untangling himself slightly so that he could sprawl his legs out on either side of her. Alice took the opportunity to claim space of her own, scooting back to nestle her shoulder against his chest, while keeping her body angled to carry on her conversation. 
Sober Alice would have never, not in a million years. But drunk Alice was an entirely different story. She reveled in the easy way Steve slipped an arm around her waist, hooking his thumb through the belt loop on her hip. The action didn’t go unnoticed to the girl across from her, either. Robin caught Alice’s eye and gave a wink. Alice tried, and failed, to hide a grin. 
“Anyway, then Steve finally showed up, but Henrietta died and he started crying, which we all know is the ultimate boy repellent, so s’all good now.” 
“Wait, who’s Henrietta?” Vickie piped up, looking concerned by the mention of someone dying. 
“Steve’s guinea pig.” Alice yawned behind her hand, before resting her head on her folded knees. “But don’t worry, I’m not even a hundred percent sure she even existed.”
“She definitely never existed, you nerd.” Steve’s chest rumbled as he spoke, chuckling softly. 
The conversation drifted to movies and Alice’s altered state-of-mind had a hard time keeping up with titles and actors. Despite her lack of ability to make a mental contribution, Alice was overjoyed to see Robin so open and totally herself around Vickie. If anyone deserved to be in a happy relationship, it was Robin. Alice knew she couldn’t come close to understanding the nuances of being in Robin’s shoes, but she certainly knew the sting of unrequited love. 
Though, she supposed, her’s wasn’t really unrequited, now was it? Did it still count as unrequited if the feelings had actually been requited all along, but the other party had chosen to be an ass about them for the better part of a year instead of talking about said feelings? Either way, Alice felt a strong kinship with Robin in the whole romance department. 
Head swimming, Alice decided that last drink had been a bad idea. To her credit, she’d only drank half of it before a moment of clarity had her switching to bottled water, but it was enough to push her just a bit too far over her usual limit. Enough to completely disregard any and all inhibitions, but also, as it turned out, enough to make her very, very sleepy. 
The fourth time Alice’s head slipped from it’s perch, Steve let out a heavy sigh, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her tighter into himself. Alice gave up trying to keep herself up and settled fully against his chest, letting her eyes drift shut. 
Everything about this was against Alice’s better judgement, and yet she couldn’t shake the feeling of how right it felt. The buttons of his shirt digging into her cheek, how his breath ruffled her hair as he dipped his head to whisper in her ear.
“Maybe it’s time to get you home, huh?” Alice’s eyes snapped open and forced herself upright. Absolutely not; there was no way she was about to cut Robin’s night short because she got a little too drunk and couldn’t keep her eyes open. 
“Nope, can’t go home.” She mumbled sleepily, pulling the front of her cardigan to wrap around her body a bit tighter to ward off the chilly night air.
“…why not?”
“Two reasons Stephen,” Alice held up a lazy finger, ticking off the first. “Number one; look at Robin.”
Steve grumbled but did as he was told, fixing his gaze on Robin, who was now visibly uncomfortable with the sudden attention Alice brought to her.
“When was the last time you saw Robin have a good time at a party?”
“I have tons of fun at parties all the time, Alice!” Robin protested from her chair. 
“Exactly. I’m not going to make her leave a nice time just so she could lay in bed listening to me snore all night.”
“I can take Robin home later.” Vickie nervously interjected, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. “If that’s what you want, I mean. No pressure, it’s just…I’m having a nice time too.”
Robin visibly lit up at the prospect of actual Alone Time with her long-term crush. She nodded enthusiastically, a blush creeping up her neck. Alice flashed her what she hoped was a subtle thumbs up, which in hindsight was maybe a bit too subtle even for its intended recipient. Embarrassed, she tucked her hand back into her sweater.
“Oh, perfect. That problem was solved…quickly. Anyway, third of—“
“Second of all…I can’t go home drunk. My mom will cry and it’ll lead Dustin down a…a dark path of drugs and alcohol. You guys know the kid, there very impressionable at that age.” 
“That doesn’t seem likely.”
“You don’t know that. I just…I don’t like them seeing me like this. So I can…I’ll sleep it off on this lawn chair, I guess. If you don’t mind scooting…” She leaned forward as far as she could, giving Steve a chance to get up. He swung his long legs over the side of the lounge and hesitated, a brief flash of inner conflict crossed his face as he considered something.
“Or I can take you back to my place and you can sober up there.”
Alice clapped a hand over her speeding heart, face heating to what was sure sure to be a low-grade fever. What was this kid playing at? 
“Mr. Harrington, I think we’ve established I’m not that kind of girl!” She managed to choke out after her pulse calmed. 
“Jesus Christ, Alice, not like that!” He spluttered, taking a few steps back as though to put some distance between himself and Alice. Robin dissolved into a fit of mad laughter, completely ignoring the icy glare Steve shot in her direction. He placed his hands on his hips, looking absolutely exasperated by both girls. “I just figured my couch would be a hell of a lot more comfortable than a hard plastic chair, but if that’s what you’d prefer then by all means—“
“No, no! That’s…that’s actually super nice of you, Steve.” Alice tried to recover, feeling a small pang of guilt through the alcohol. She had misunderstood, of course Steve was just trying to help. That’s just what they did; they took care of each other. 
“Listen, don’t feel obligated or anything, it was just a suggestion. I can just as easily let you sleep right here, or take you to Robin’s, or to back to your house to corrupt Dustin. Just wanted you to have options, is all.” Steve rambled as Alice leant over to fish her purse from underneath the lounge. Stumbling clumsily to her feet, she looped her arm around Steve’s to regain some balance.
“Do you have snacks?”
“Ok, I’ve changed my mind. You’re not allowed in my home.” 
“Can we stop somewhere to get snacks?”
“Will you behave yourself if I say yes?”
“I can’t make any promises.”
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xxmayxx05 · 3 months
Just the Three of us
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader x Steve Harrington
Contents: Smut 18+, oral (giving/receiving), unprotected sex (Please be safe irl), manhandling, praise kink, pet names, multiple orgasms
a/n: Hi everyone! I hope you guys like this second part of the mini series. If you guys have any recommendations of what you want to see on the third part please comment. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, I hope you like it. - May<3
word count: 2,8k
After two hours of hard studying everyone decided that a break was truly needed. Eddie and Steve couldn’t keep their eyes out of your beautiful curves. Robin rolled her eyes when she saw Steve putting a hand on top of your thigh, when you both were talking. Eddies gaze hardened and tried to chime into the conversation and put his hand on your other thigh. 
“I have a question for you y/n” Robin said with a little smirk, she was going to get the boys very riled up. 
“What’s up Robin?” you asked as you looked up at her. Noticing her small smirk, you knew that you had something on her mind. 
“Let’s say that hypothetically, what would happen if two boys that you like and hypothetically they like you back. Per se, what would happen?” she asked while leaning back on her arms and waited for your reply. Eddie and Steve have now sat themselves straight and waited with a lot of anticipation to your reply. 
“That is a very odd question to ask Robin” you said and kept eye contact with her. A burning sensation over came you body when you felt Steve’s and Eddie’s gazes burning through you. “I’m very open minded, if I like both and they like me as well. A trio doesn’t sound bad at all” you said and got up. “Help me serve some lemonade Robin” you said and walked to the kitchen. Hoping that the boys got the hint. 
“Fuck, Harrington” Eddie whispered shouted. He couldn’t believe that you were the kind to be okay with a trio. He was surprised but then again he thought that it would be perfect. Eddie knew that Steve liked you as well but never even thought that there could be a possibility of you three becoming a trio. 
“I know Munson” Steve said quietly and looked at him. “I didn’t think she had it in her” he said surprised, deep inside he felt excited. The though of having you in bed, your body all exposed for him and Eddie. Your back arching and the sound of your sweet moans filling the room while they both made love to you; made him go crazy. 
“I would be okay with it” Eddie said quietly and looked at him. “You like her and so do I. I don’t want to keep competing over her” he said and extended his hand toward Steve. Eddie knew that  he was crazy for accepting to be in  trio but he liked you a lot, ever since he saw you for the first time. 
“Let’s keep this civil Munson” Steve agreed and shook Eddie’s hand. 
Right on time you walked in and handed one glass of lemonade to Steve. 
“Here you go” you said and sat between them again. 
“Here you go dufus” Robin said and handed one glass of lemonade to Eddie. She looked up at the clock in the living room and faked surprised. “Shit, I have to go” she said hurriedly and packed up her backpack. Leaning down quickly she hugged you and said her goodbyes to the guys. 
“Oh yeah, she had to go meet up with Max at the arcade” she said and took a sip of your lemonade and looked at both boys. Hoping that one of them would make a move just like Robin had told you in the kitchen. She plotted a small excuse so that she could go and you three could have some privacy to yourselves. 
Steve and Eddie looked at each other and leaned back against the sofa. The three of you drank your perspective lemonades and sat in silence. There was a lot of sexual tension in the living room and they didn’t know how to break it. 
“So, you are okay with being shared?” Steve asked confidently and turned to look at you. He knew that Eddie was too shy to make a move. 
“Mhm, you only live once” you said and put your glass down between you thighs. “Two is better than one, I guess” saying softly and bit your bottom lip when you felt Eddie put a hand on your left thigh. 
“It’s good to know that you think that way, we both really like you alot” Eddie said quietly and massaged your thigh softly. 
You turned your head to the left and looked at him. He was blushing softly and leaned in to peck you lips. Finally you thought. 
“He is right, love. We wouldn’t mind sharing you at all” Steve said and leaned down. He left small kisses on your exposed neck and smiled softly when you let out small moans. 
“I would love to be with the both of you” you said and leaned your head back in pleasure. Eddie had grabbed the glass between your thighs and put it aside. He leaned down and left kisses on the right side of your neck. Giving a small wink at Steve, both of them left kisses on your neck and massaged your inner thighs. 
“Can we go to my room please?” you asked quietly and caressed both of their cheeks. Leaning in to the right you pecked Steves lips and then to the left pecking Eddies. Both boys nodded their heads and got up. Carefully they helped you get up and you grabbed their hands. Leading them upstairs to your room.
“Sit down” you told them as you closed your door and locked it. Both listened to you and sat next to each other in bed. Walking up to them, you decided to stand between Eddie’s legs. Leaning down you kissed him passionately, a needy moan escaped his mouth. Steve bit his bottom lip at the sight of you both making out. His member was growning within each second and he felt his jeans becoming too tight for his growing member. You heard Steve hissing softly and you leaned back. 
“Are you okay Steve?” you asked innocently and caressed his cheek. Looking down, you saw the outline of his member through his jeans. You stepped back from Eddie and went between Steves legs. Getting down on your knees, you looked up at him and Eddie. “Remove your clothes” you ordered them both. 
They quickly and quietly obeyed your commands. You watched them both remove their clothes and watched in awe at the sight. Steve cock was long and hard the tip was leaking with precum. Eddie’s cock was thick and long. Immediately you became even more wet then you already were. Letting out a small whimper, you brought your right hand to your mouth and spit on it. Bringing it to Eddie’s member, you wrapped your hand around it and motioned it up and down. 
Eddie’s deep breathes escaped his mouth, he felt on cloud nine when he felt your hand wrapped around his needy cock. He moaned when he saw you leaned down and licked Steve’s tip. 
“Fuck baby” Steve moaned softly when he felt your wet tongue lick a small strip from the bottom of his cock all the way to the top of his tip. His fantasy was finally going to come true, he was going to have sex with the girl of his dreams and a threesome. “Oh fuck!” he cried out in pleasure when you wrapped your plump lips around his hard cock and began moving your head up and down. Your mouth felt heavenly around his cock. 
You moaned at the praise and the way Steve reacted to your mouth around your cock. Feeling a lot of pride that you had both boys on the palm of your hand, you looked at Eddie while you kept giving Steve head. Tightening your grip softly on his cock, he moaned at the feeling and looked down at you. He brought a hand to your cheek and softly smacked you. 
“Such a needy slut” he praised your and smacked you again.  Eddie didn’t know what took over him but he needed you to become vulnerable for them both. “Look at you being a needy slut, letting me and Steve use your pretty body from now on” he said and looked at Steve. “We own this slut, Harrington” he said with a smirk. 
“Fuck yes we do” Steve said and gripped your hair. Pulling your it up, you removed your mouth from his cock and gasped to catch up with your breathing. 
“Remove your clothes and lay in bed baby” Steve ordered and helped you get up. Him and Eddie were mesmerized by your body, little by little as your removed the only two pieces of clothing you wore. Surprised that you didn’t wear a bra or panties, both boys were falling more in love with you by the second and they couldn’t wait until they finally had a taste of you. 
You took a small breath and laid down, waiting for one of the two boys to make a move. Steve was the first one to remove his pants and got on top of you. Leaning down he looked down at your plump red lips and caressed your cheek. 
“Are you sure, you want this?” he asked softly and looked deeply into your eyes. Hoping that you wouldn’t regret what was to come later on. 
“I really do Steve” you whispered and removed his shirt. Smiling softly when he brought his arms up, helping you to remove his shirt. You looked at Eddie and chuckled softly when he just stood there with a cheesy small smile. “Join us, Ed” you said and leaned your head to the side when Steve started leaving kisses on your neck. Moaning softly when you felt him suck softly against your soft skin, he was marking you and you loved that. 
“Patience baby” Eddie said and removed the remaining of his clothes. He got on the bed and softly wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. “Open that pretty mouth of yours baby” he said and tapped the tip of his cock on top of your plump lips. Eddie groaned softly when he finally felt your warm and wet mouth around his cock, something that he has dreamt about ever since he met you. 
Steve left kisses all the way down from your neck, into between your inner thighs. He smirked softly when he saw how wet your pussy looked from his angle. Leaning in he gave a soft lick between your wet pussy lips and moaned at your sweet taste. You tasted like heaven, just like he thought you did. He knew that he was going to be addicted to your sweet taste and he couldn’t wait for more. Wrapping his arms around your thick thighs, he spread them about and began eating you out as if he didn’t eat for days. 
You were a moaning mess, around Eddie’s cock. Steve was eating your pussy out in such a delicious way, the sounds of him licking your wet pussy, your sweet moans, and Eddie’s praises filled the entire room. Eddie softly held your hair into a pony tail while he thrusted his cock in and out of your warm mouth, the way he praised you made you fall in love with him even more. Making eye contact with him, you started meeting his small thrusts inside your mouth. Gagging around his cock made him moan loudly and fill your mouth with his cum. 
“Oh Fuck” he panted and he brought a hand to your cheek. “Swallow my cum baby” he cooed softly when he saw how fucked you looked. 
You swallowed and leaned upward to kiss him passionately. Feeling a lot of pride that you had that type of control over Eddie. 
Steve had gotten on his knees and spit on his hand. He loved the sight of you and Eddie making out infront of him, but felt a little jealous at the tiny lack of attention that he was not receiving. Wrapping his hand around his cock, he brought it up and down. 
“It’s my turn baby” Steve said and aligned the tip of his cock against your wet pussy. Smiling softly when you turned to him with a drunken gaze and nodded your head. 
“Please, I need you” you said in a pleading matter. Gasping softly when you felt him insert his tip inside of you. He was stretching you out up to oblivion, and couldn’t control your moans. His hips started gaining control as he slid in and out of you, his fingers dug deep into your hips and thrusted deeper. 
Eddie brought a hand down to your clit and began to rub it fast. Your loud moans became music to his ears, he loved how you were so desperate for him and Steve. Loving the sight of your head thrown back in pleasure, back arched and your breasts bouncing with each of Steves thrust. He knew that this was going to be one of many more nights like this. Leaning down he began leaving kisses on your exposed neck and marking it just like Henderson did. 
“Liking my cock baby?” Steve teased and smacked you softly. You looked like a fucked mess and he loved the sight of that. Loving the thought that you were cock drunk, with his cock.
You whimpered when you felt him smack you. Couldn’t put words together, you just moaned and nodded your head. 
“Use your words, princess” Eddie said and wrapped his hand around your neck. “Behave for him” he said and gripped his hand more around your neck.
“Y-Yes daddy” you gasped for air and let out a scream of pleasure when Steves thrust became harder and faster. With no warning, he cummed and filled you up with his warm seed. 
“F-fuck!” Steve moaned and slowed down his thrusts. The way you called him Daddy was unexpected and made him cum right then and there. Steve loved the way Daddy rolled out of your pretty mouth in such a innocent but dirty way. 
“Eddie, I need you” you said quietly and pecked his lips. 
“My baby didn’t cum?” he asked teasingly and got on top of you once Steve slid out. Eddie didn’t care about the mess that Harrington made inside of you and slammed his cock without any warning. Your moans got louder with each thrust that he made inside of you. 
“D-daddy” you gasped and wrapped your arms around his back. Your nails digging on his back, leaving small crescent moons but you couldn’t help it. Eddie was fucking you so well, him and Steve knew how to fuck very well. 
“Mm cum for me baby, cum around my cock” Eddie praised you as he grabbed one of your legs and put them around his shoulder. Sliding even deeper inside of you. 
“Fuck baby fuck!, you are only ours” 
“Y-yes daddy!” you say moaning loudly. Looking to your side, you look at Steve. Feeling that you needed his approval to cum as well. Once he gave you a small nod, you gave into the pleasure and cummed all over Eddies cock. 
Eyes rolled back and your back arched in pleasure. Tears rolled down your cheeks at the intense orgasm that took over your body, it was all too much for you after a long time of being celibate. 
Eddie kept fucking you into oblivion until he moaned loudly and cummed inside of you. His cum mixing with Steves and your wet juices. 
“Fuck” he panted harshly and carefully brought down your leg from his shoulder. Sliding out carefully and laid down next to you. His orgasm hit him the hardest. 
Steve let you both calm down and went to you bathroom. He grabbed a cloth and brought it to the sink. Wetting it a little, he came back into the room and up to you. Steve carefully cleaned up the huge mess that was between your legs and left kisses around your chest. 
“You did so well for us baby” he praised you softly as he looked at your fucked up state. 
All you could do was nod your head carefully and let him clean you up. 
Eddie got up to clean himself up and looked outside the window. He was surprised that it was night time. After finishing cleaning himself up, he turned off the bathroom light and walked inside your room. Smiling at you fast asleep, cuddling with Steve who was also fallen asleep. Eddie grabbed the blanket from the end of your bed and extended it over both of the bare bodies. Turning off the late of your room, he walked to the other side of your bed and got under your blanket. 
“Goodnight baby” he whispered and wrapped his arm around your bare waist. Letting sleep take over his tired body. Dreaming of what was going to happen next.
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mugloversonly · 4 months
When I Grow Up
This is for the Steddie Holiday Drabble Popup Event. @steddieholidaydrabbles
Rating: G; WC:726
Steve double checked his pockets while he waited for Eddie and Amelia. It was a big day for the new family. Amelia was graduating kindergarten and she needed to be spectacular. She wanted them all to wear matching outfits, and she wanted to wear her hair the same way her papa did. So, naturally Eddie was a blubbering mess all week.
His disposable cameras were secured and he called up to the two divas. “Time to go or we’ll be late!”
“Coming!” Eddie yelled back wetly. Steve grabbed an extra pack of travel tissues and shoved them in his pocket. He loved his cry baby husband. Speak of the devil, he glanced over his shoulder to watch him come down the steps, and had to suppress a giggle. Eddie was carrying Amelia down with him and both of them were wearing the same thing as Steve: a black button down with dark gray jeans and a pink bow tie. She’d developed a love of dark colors recently, but she still loved her pink. But what got Steve the most, was the hair.
The two of them were sporting matching double dutch braids with plastic roses weaved in. There was an absurd amount of glitter in both their hair and a crazy amount of hair clips. It was obvious that they worked as a team, with Eddie doing the braids and Amelia the accessories. “Dad! You need glitter too!” Amelia shouted. He sighed and knelt down for her to sprinkle his hair with the glitter. “Now we all match!” She jumped out of Eddie’s arms and ran through the garage door and into the car. Steve and Eddie shared a kiss before they followed her.
They were sitting with the other parents of the kindergartners as they sang their end of year song. They even did a bit of sign language to go along with it. Next was the section where all the kids said what they wanted to be when they grew up.
There were Astronauts, fire fighters, singers, and one very ambitious kid who wanted to be a mermaid scientist. Whether that was studying mermaids or inventing them, Eddie couldn’t tell. But finally it was Amelia’s turn. Eddie took a deep breath, trying his best to stay dry eyed. Steve already handed him a bundle of tissues but he was determined not to use them. That all went out the window the second his little girl spoke.
“Amelia Munson, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Her teacher asked. She smiled and looked at her dads.
“I want to grow up to be a tattoo artist like my papa.” She said. Eddie’s hands flew to his mouth as he gasped. He looked at Steve out of the corner of his eye and saw him pulling out some more tissues before handing them over without a word. He grabbed them gratefully and dabbed at his eyes.
Steve smiled fondly and wrapped his arm around Eddie as he blubbered. The parents around them awed and a few of their parent friends glanced at the pair. Funnily enough, even though Eddie looked like a scary dog, all the parents knew he was a big cry baby when it came to Amelia.
Thinking back to her first day, Eddie remembered how he had cried harder than any of the moms that were there with their kids as the class made their way inside. Steve had to practically drag him away and he made him park across the street for over an hour until they left, “just in case she gets too sad and wants to come home, Steve.” Eddie explained.
If Amelia was sick, he was the one to come pick her up. Not because Steve didn’t care, but it was a lot easier for Eddie to drop everything since he owned the studio he tattooed in. A high school guidance counselor couldn’t exactly drop everything at a moment’s notice.
He knew they had a special bond, the two had a similar background and early childhood. But he never expected their bond to be so special she’d want to grow up to be just like him. The thought filled his heart to bursting.
He looked at Steve and whispered “we really need to get her a cat.” Steve rolled his eyes fondly.
“The puppy wasn’t enough?”
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ash5monster01 · 11 months
Every Thought
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, language, mentions of childhood trauma, love languages, no use of y/n
Summary: When you casually mention to Steve you were thinking of him the other day he finds that the sentence alone made his heart soar for you and now he wants nothing more than to keep making you think of him forever. (I saw a reblog that @onegirlmanytales made and now I can’t get the idea of Steve being head over heels for someone just because they cared enough to think of him, so this was born)
word count: 1.6k
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Normally Steve isn't this quiet. Yet how could he speak when you had just dropped this bomb on him? You said it so nonchalantly, laughing and contuining your story as if those words you had just uttered didn't completley wreck him. 'I was thinking about you the other day' and recalling some story where you had seen a guy struggling to use his walkman. You said it was something you could see him doing. You thought of him because you knew him, you noticed him. Actions and moments in time could remind you of him and the fact he was even on your mind at all made his heart soar.
He tried to determine why the simple action could tug on his heart so badly but then he realized it was because he had been waiting so long for someone to notice him. His parents never paid him any mind and since he had dropped King Steve status none of his peers did either. Even when dating Nancy her mind always seemed elsewhere, like she didn't even hear the words coming out of his mouth. He had gotten used to it, used to being an after thought. He busied himself with helping his friends, the kids, and he no longer bothered with making an impression on anyone because he was just Steve. He was dumb, clumsy, and nothing more than a pretty face. He didn’t have hobbies, hadn't played sports since highschool, and while everyone he knew was in college he worked at a video store. Yet somehow through all of this you had noticed him and the simple mannerisms of a stranger led your mind to think of him. A first thought, something that made you smile.
"Everything okay Steve?" your voice is the one to break him from his thoughts. He had been functioning on autopilot. Driving everyone home, the same route as always, you the last stop.
"Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?" he asked now nervous because it was just you two in the car, and based on the feelings he was holding for you right now he didn’t want to say anything that would embarass him.
"You haven’t spoke all afternoon and your gripping that steering wheel like it called you a mean name" you told him and he instantly loosened his hands, the blood rushing back to his knuckles that had turned white.
"Sorry" he apologized even though he wasn't entirely sure why. Just as he was about to scold himself your soft giggles filled the air beside him and as he looked over at you he swore there was hearts in his eyes.
"That's our Steve" you giggled lightly, as if his unecessary apology was another common thing for him to do. An action that would remind you of him. God he wanted you to think of him after everything you saw. Isn't that was what it was like to be in love? To see a puppy and your first thought to be you want that person to see it too. You see someone do a kind gesture and think that person would do that too. To always have them in your mind at all times. The forefront of your thoughts.
"I'm nothing special" he found himself saying and the gasp that came from you made his heart rate accelerate. He wished you knew he thought of you too. All the time. When he saw girls with your hair color, when someone laughed just a touch too loudly. It was always you and now you were thinking of him too.
"Nothing special? Please, you're Steve. Loyal, strong, smart, generous Steve. Nothing special my ass" and tears stung at the back of his eyes because you had taken qualities he didn't see in himself and labeled him as just those. That was how you saw him. He was afraid to speak, afraid you'd hear the sadness in his voice, but his silence spoke volumes instead. "You don’t believe me?"
"It's not that" he was defending, a soft shake of his head, but you didn't beleive him either. The look in your eyes was one of shock and thought while you tried to see what gears were turning in that head of his. His beautful, big haired head. The one you thought of everytime you saw someone with just as big and gorgeous hair as him.
"It is Steve" you finally settled, realizing that he really didn't think any of those things about himself.
"I'm just Steve though, I'm bullshit" and the words that Nancy had said to him all those years ago rang through his head. He had always known deep down he wasn't anything special but she was the first one to say it to his face. To call him a term he could identify with. He thought he was over it but maybe after all this time he was not.
"Oh shut the fuck up" and the hard language that came from you had him looking at you in shock. You held your ground though, arms crossed over your chest and stern look glaring into his eyes.
"Excuse me?" he asked and you rolled your eyes so hard he swore they could've gotten stuck up there if you weren't careful. Just as he turned onto your road you were shifting in your seat to face him.
"Let's get one thing straight. You are not bullshit, maybe your relationship with Nnacy was, but you? Not bullshit. You're the nicest guy I know and that says a lot considering you were a major dick in highschool. But now, now you help whenever any of us call, you drive us around even if you don't have the time, you make sure all of us are comfortable and safe at all times. You're so loyal to each of us, you fight whenever we need you too, you think quickly under pressure, you'd give the coat off your back if any of us needed it. Maybe you don't see yourself as all those things, but I do" you huffed out, turning back to normal in your seat just as he pulled to a stop in your driveway. Steve took a moment to process your words, the headlights of his car beaming brghtly at your garage door.
"I love that you think of me" he whispered into the dark night air and you were sucking in a sharp breath, surprised by the weight of his words. To anyone else they would sound like nothing but you knew Steve and if you knew him the way you thought he did, he just said I love you. In perfect Steve langauge way. So you took a shot in the dark, literally.
"I love you too Steve" and now he was staring at you with wide eyes but adoration too. Slowly you unclipped your seat belt, ready to grab your bag at your feet and move on now that somehow all of these things you thought about him had been aired out. Yet before you could open the door his arm was stopping you.
"How'd you know?" he asked, and you knew he meant about what he had said. How you knew he was saying I love you without really saying it.
"Because, I know you" and before you could process what was happening next Steve had captured your lips with his own. You sat there wide eyed but the plushness of his pink lips against your own had your eyes fluttering shut and fingers tangling in his hair. Steve kissed you like his life depended on it, firm hand against your back to keep your chest as close to his as possible. You tasted like strawberry lip gloss and orange soda, considering he had just watched you drink one. When you finally broke a part it took a moment for you to reopen your eyes, you were still trying to processs how real all of that had just been.
"Please think about me every chance you get cause God, the idea of you always having me on your mind does things to me I can't even explain" he groaned out, fingers brushing though your hair and you couldn't help but giggle like a little girl at his words.
"I promise, I think about you all the time" you told him and he was grinning deviously before ducking down and kissing you quickly again.
"Good because if you didn't it would be embarassing how much I think of you too" he told you and you were smiling and cupping his face in your hands. Kissing him softly knowing you now would get to do this more often. The kind of kiss you didn't need to rush bcause you had the promise of more kisses to come.
"Did I tell you about the guy in Melvalds with the really tight blue jeans that made me think of you?" you were asking and Steve groaned out, pink dusting his cheeks as you embarassed him.
"No, and I dont want to know" he told you and you gave him a fake surprised look, leaning into him as best you could.
"What, he had a great ass! Just like you" and he was shaking his head, pulling your mouth to his own so he could shut you up. You giggled against his mouth and Steve's heart fluttered at the action. For the first time he had someone in his life who saw him for what he was and he was so glad he got to love you in return.
“Want to go inside so I have something to think about tomorrow?”
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buckysgrace · 4 months
Illicit Affairs
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Steve Harrington x Female Original Character
Daphne Williams just spent the past year mourning her failed career choices and past relationship that ended in a way that was anything but pleasant. She’s ready for something different, to drag herself out of her hole of self-pity.
A spark of change comes to her in the form of big, gentle brown eyes and cheesy pick-up lines. For the first time in a long time, she doesn’t feel lost or that she’s not owning up to her full potential. She’s good. He’s even better. Even if they’re not technically together. She’s an adult. She can handle sex with no feelings until she sorts herself out. She’s fine.
Minus the part where he ends up being her professor. That certainly puts a damper on things.
Warnings: Student/Teacher relationship, Friends with Benefits, lots of smut, fluff and angst.
Playlist: TBD
Chapters: 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 5. Five 6. Six 7. Seven 8. Eight 9. Nine 10. Ten 11. Eleven 12. Twelve 13. Thirteen 14. Fourteen 15. Fifteen 16. Sixteen 17. Seventeen 18. Eighteen 19. Nineteen 20. Twenty
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lavendermunson · 1 year
state of grace | steve harrington x fem!reader
+18 nsfw. steve calls reader kitten, hickey session sorta, thigh riding, fingering, needy reader. no mention of pronouns, reader has a vagina. no use of y/n.
“Slow down, kitten” He whispers in your ear , your legs are straddling his waist, sitting on his lap with his face buried in your neck giving you kisses and bites all over your delicate skin.
“The yearbook club is going to kill me if i show up for picture day like this”
“Can you please not mention school while we are…”
“I will have to put a lot of concealer on”
“Baby just leave it, let anyone know who you belong to” his calloused fingers hide under the soft fabric of your shirt, he squeezes your breasts as you begin to grind over his leg.
“If i’m showing up like this then you too” you start nibbling on his skin, trying to leave a decent purple mark.
Your kisses go down to his collarbone, where you start to lick his skin like a kitty referencing the pet name he gave you.
“You are so fucking needy my little kitty, i can feel my thigh getting wet already”
You always do it and it kills him, your little tongue presses down wet kisses in the most sensitive parts, his cock gets hard with the feeling “Stevie, shut up!”
He laughs at your words, his giggles come back from the deepest part of his throat giving them a lower tone. The sound invades your ears and you let out a moan.
“Good, good kitten” Steve leans his head to one side while giving you space to kiss his neck more, and more. He notices you eager for friction and he gets comfortable, while the muscles on his leg tighten.
You feel your pussy starting to burn, you search for more friction while he bounces his leg , softly, up and down.
“C’mon i know you want to make a mess on my leg, i can feel it already princess”
A desperate whimper falls from your lips, is the sign Steve has been waiting for. He keeps you steady on his thigh while you grind in it. Pulling you down so your clit can feel more friction.
A hand slides down your skirt, he touches the wet spot between your legs and over your panties.
“I think this has to go” he maneuvers his fingers taking the lace of your panties, his full hand takes a part of them ripping them apart. He earns another whimper from you “I’ll buy you a new pair, baby”
Two of his fingers go easy inside you, he bumps them in looking at the pleasure on your face.
“Can i cum, please please can i cum?”
“Sure thing, kitten. Give it to me” his teeth burry in his bottom lip, your mouth keeps itself in a perfect shaped “O”
While your core starts to feel hotter than earlier, your tummy starts relaxing and letting out sticky cum from your orgasm. You lean your head back, closing your eyes, swearing you can see right now.
Steve’s thigh gets wet and sticky, he doesn’t mind. He smiles while staring at it and his hand travels to your hair.
“You are so pretty” his lips come to crash into yours, a soft kiss while you get down from your high.
“You too, Stevie” you whisper in his mouth, your words tickling his bottom lip “Let me take care of you now”
“Who am i to stop you? Go have your breakfast baby”
You roll your eyes chuckling, he does too.
The yearbook club will have to wait more time to take your pictures.
made this randomly today after work, gooodnight 😵‍💫🤤 REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR
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morganski-19 · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
So I posted this post on monday and got a few people interested in reading more of it, so that means that I'll be writing a whole fic about it now.
The premise is that Steve's dad is a real piece of shit and had an affair when Steve was three, leading to him having a daughter. Her name is Julie and is recently placed in the foster system after the death of her mother. Steve is now set on this journey of bonding with the sister he never had and essentially bringing her in and raising her. With a side of Steddie.
But I wanted to introduce Julie a bit since she is an original character.
Her full name is Julie Rebecca Lawson and she was born on January 28, 1970, making her 16 when the fic takes place. She is a grade ahead of the rest of the party but is in a few of their more elective leaning classes. She's average in most of her classes but loves to write and illustrate her own stories.
She is a bit of a loner and doesn't have many friends. Her mom and her lived in the trailer park that the Mayfeild's and Munson's lived in in season 4, meaning that she was a witness to most of the events that happened as well.
She is stubborn, strong, sarcastic, caring, and most importantly, a teenager who is going through the loss of her mom. So there's a lot of angst to come for both her and Steve.
The story will be told from both of their perspectives as well as a few flashbacks to Julie's witnessing of season 4 events and just general parts of her life.
I'm working on an outline and figuring out what I want for this story but the first chapter should be posted either this Saturday or the next. It will be posted both here and over on my ao3, which I will provide the link to. Be prepared for a longer one (for me at least), I have a feeling I'll be working on this for a while in order to tell the story I want to.
And if you are interested at all in this story, let me know and I'll start a tag list. (I'll already add the people who said they were interested in the prev post below, let me know if you want to be taken off)
Edit: part one now posted here
current tag list: @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet, @steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy, @connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso, @crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void
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floredaqueen · 9 months
Under the Mistletoe(2)
Next is Steve and Rebecca! I'd like to think they erre the ones to REALLY show out for this holiday function! These were my favorite to do so far.
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Hope you enjoy!!♡
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: WE'RE BACK WITH ANOTHER PART. I haven't updated in over a month and I apologize (life has been nonstop). Writing these next parts are giving me anxiety because the stakes are higher now and the journey the characters go through changes life as they know it indefinitely.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2998
My heart plummets to my stomach the moment I see Chief Hopper’s truck parked in front of the police station beside Miss Byers car. I rush toward the front door, tripping over a loose stone and wrench the door open. The warmth of the station immediately engulfs me and goosebumps prickle my skin as my body adjusts to one drastic temperature to the next. The familiar smell of coffee, metal, and paper invades my nose as I creep down the foyer toward the main office, thankful there are no officers lingering in the hallway. 
“I want an apology!” 
I flinch at the screeching sound of a woman’s voice. I swallow dryly, unable to wet my parched throat. Is that Miss Byers? Was she yelling at Jonathan for getting arrested? 
“Where is the Chief? I want to speak to him right this instant!” 
I peer around the corner eying the commotion. The reason why no one was in the hallway is because the officers are in the main office watching a short, blonde woman yell at Officer Callahan and Officer Powell. Beside her is a young boy with his arm in a tourniquet, staring down at the floor red in the face. Most likely used to this mother’s uncontrollable rage in public. I scan the room looking for Jonathan, Nancy, and Miss Byers, but can’t find them anywhere. 
“Ma’am, I need you to calm down.” Officer Callahan says, but even from where I stood, I can tell that isn’t enough to placate the woman. She glares up at him, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. 
“What is your name, Deputy?” the woman, shouts. 
“Well, I’m an officer, okay--”
“Name and badge number, both of you!” 
“What the hell is going on here?” 
I gasp, startled by Chief Hopper’s booming voice coming down the other end of the hallway. He glances down at me with his cold stare and I swallow the lump forming in my throat. He doesn’t say anything to me but I can tell he knows about the weapons. Which means, Jonathan and Nancy got caught. I don’t know how much they said, but I stiffen, unable to move under Chief Hopper’s penetrating gaze. We hold eye contact until he turns the corner marching into the main office toward the pandemonium. I breathe out the air I was holding in my lungs. Chief Hopper was a stern man. He always wore a scowl on his face, like he hated his job and smelled strongly of coffee and cigarettes. I’ve never seen him smile or make a joke before. 
I force myself to look away from the Chief and toward the hallway he walked down. Jonathan and Miss Byers stand watching me. I linger for a moment eying Miss Byers. I haven’t seen her since the funeral. From where I stand, she doesn’t seem mad…she looked almost relieved. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I walk down the hall with my hands clenched into tight fists to keep from trembling. I look at Jonathan noticing the bruise on his cheek had darkened from red to purple. He stares back at me running his fingers through his hair before looking down at the floor. No help from him anymore. I’m on my own with this. 
“Miss Byers, I—"
“You’re not in trouble, sweetie.” Miss Byers says calmly, though there is a hint of authority in her voice. 
I open my mouth again to speak but nothing comes out. I half expected her to yell at me or threaten to tell my parents. I look at Miss Byers in her eyes, searching for distrust, but find nothing in her kind, dark brown eyes, other than tiredness. From the dark shadows under her eyes, I wonder when was the last time she got a nights rest. 
“I’m just glad you’re okay and didn’t do anything stupid.” She glances at Jonathan at the word stupid and his cheeks flush red. 
“I’m sorry. We were going to tell you, Miss Byers. I promise we were, but with everything going on, we didn’t want to burden you with—” 
“Your safety is not a burden.” Mis Byers says firmly. “What if something happened and this thing took you too? What then? What about your parents?” 
I try to be as composed as possible, though my eyes start to burn and I look down at my shoes. The thought of my parents being told I have gone missing too, makes my heart race. I wish I could tell them what happened, but I can’t risk something happening to them too. I hated keeping things from them, but this wasn’t something as simple as going to Steve Harrington’s house for a party. How could I explain that I crawled through a tree and ended up in a weird alternate dimension where this thing—this blood-thirsty monster chased me through the woods? I was still trying to figure it out myself without being jumpy. Certain things I see reminds me of that thing in the woods.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Miss Byers repeats with a tired sigh. 
“Are you going to tell my parents?” I ask, my heart thumping loud in my chest. Miss Byers runs her hands through her short hair, much like how Jonathan does when he is stressed out. I feel a sudden stab of anxiety in my gut. “Miss Byers, please don’t tell my parents. They can’t know what’s happening. Not yet.” I beg with tears in my eyes. Not ever.
Miss Byers stops and looks at me. I prepare myself for another lecture but it never comes. I am surprised when she says, “I’m not going to tell your parents, honey.” I stare at Miss Byers waiting for distrust to surface in her eyes, but find none. She means it. She’s not going to tell my parents. 
I clear my throat glancing at the window. Through the glass, I see Nancy sitting in the chief’s office by herself anxiously biting her nails. She looks up sensing someone was looking at her and shoots up to her feet rushing to open the door. 
“Diana!” Nancy says, eyes wide in alarm. She wraps her arms around my neck, squeezing tight. On instinct, I hug her back and after a moment, Nancy retreats back. “Where did you go?” she demands. 
“I just went around the block. I needed fresh air to clear my mind.” I also got into an argument with your ex-boyfriend in the middle of Cherry Street. 
“I was worried when I couldn’t find you. Chief Hopper was asking where you went and…” her voice trailed off and I can see the fear in her eyes. 
I open my mouth to apologize but a lingering presence behind me makes me snap my head in that direction. Chief Hopper is marching down the hallways with the same menacing scowl on his face. The look softens only a little when he looks at Miss Byers. I turn back to see Miss Byers staring back at him. They are looking at each other like they are having a conversation, they clearly don’t want us kids privy to. Chief Hopper nods his head slightly and the softness in his eyes harden to steel again the moment his eyes shift from Miss Byers to me. I stiffen unable to take my eyes off him. I wait for him to ask me about my whereabouts, but all he says is. 
“We need to leave. Now.”
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Jonathan, Nancy, Miss Byers and I all follow Chief Hopper down the hallway toward the front door. Something more is going on than Chief Hopper and Miss Byers lead on. My skin is tingling with anxiety at what it could be. It was urgent enough to leave the station which could only mean it’s bad. Chief Hopper opens the front door and all of us scramble out walking toward his large truck. 
“No. Not my truck. Joyce. We’re taking her car.” 
Miss Byers car? I frown looking at Jonathan and Nancy. Jonathan shrugs his shoulders and Nancy shakes her head wondering what was going on too. Miss Byers ushers us toward her car and we all slide inside waiting. I sit in the middle with my hands clasped in my lap. It’s the only way to keep them from shaking. No one spoke, but I can feel the tension building in the car. I try to think about something else, anything else, but all I can think about is what more Miss Byers and Chief Hopper knew. 
Chief Hopper climbs in the driver’s seat of Miss Byers car. Though the car is quite spacious, Chief Hopper’s large body and menacing presence made the car look smaller. I flinch as he slams the door shut. The car is silent for a few breaths and I squeeze my fingers together to stop its shaking. Chief Hopper turns around glaring at Jonathan, Nancy, and I, though from my spot in the middle, it seems like he’s only staring at me. 
“Do you know anything about a little girl with a shaved head?” 
I blink dumbly. Huh? Of all the questions to ask, that’s what Chief Hopper wanted to know about. A little girl…with a shaved head? His beady eyes shift from one face to the next. All of us are stunned into silence, fearing it was one, a trick question and two, we honestly had no idea what he was talking about and couldn’t answer. Chief Hopper sighs, glancing at Miss Byers and they have another silent conversation between them. I don’t move. I don’t breathe, watching the interaction. My heart is beating so fast in my chest, I’m sure it’s going to detonate like a ticking time bomb. 
Chief Hopper starts the car pulling out of the parking lot, zooming up Cherry Street. Nancy, Jonathan and I all look at each other. A little girl with a shaved head? I jostle back and forth in the car as we sped uptown. The neighbourhoods grow familiar and I soon realize we are driving towards Maple. Nancy and I’s neighbourhood. A jolt of anxiety zips up my spine and I look to Nancy who is harbouring the same frantic expression. 
“Are you taking us home?” Nancy asks. 
Chief Hopper doesn’t respond driving haphazardly through the residential area. He slows down considerably to the legal speed limit and I am so confused by the switch up but, when we pass Dustin’s house, I really start to panic. He’s taking us home. We can’t go home, not when we still haven’t found Will or Barb. If our parents found out about what happened, they’ll never let us out. My parents might even pack us up and out of town. My panic is only amplified when I notice a cluster of Hawkins Power and Light vans parked on the sides of the road. Did we have a power outage? I open my mouth to speak, but a sharp right turn causes my body to collide into Jonathan’s and the air in my lungs leaves my body. Hopper then picks up speed turning onto Elm Street.
“Sorry.” I apologize breathlessly. 
“Are you okay?” Jonathan asks worriedly, wincing only a little. He’s busted and bruised, yet worried if I’m okay.  
“I’m okay.” I breathe, swiping my hair out of my face. I should’ve brought a hair elastic or a scrunchie. The car brakes and I am thrusted forward by the momentum and I shriek waiting for my body to hit the dashboard, but I instead slam my chest into something hard. 
“Diana!” Nancy and Jonathan shout. 
“Oh my God!” Miss Byers screams. 
The wind is knocked out of me and my back hits the backseat. Hands hold me and I cough wincing at the ache in my chest, combing my long hair out of my face. 
“Are you okay, honey?” Miss Byers asks. 
“Yes,” I cough, my voice sounding breathy and ragged. “I’m okay.” My chest aches. 
I open my eyes noticing Chief Hopper’s arm up across the front seat acting as a barrier between me and the dashboard. I blinked at his stern face, swallowing. 
“Thank you.” He saved me from a trip to the hospital.
“Wear a seatbelt.” Chief Hopper grumbles. I took that as his way of saying you’re welcome. 
The view in front of me catches my attention. We are still in our neighbourhood but on the other side of Nancy’s house. My eyes widen at the sight of five expensive black cars in her driveway. What’s more frightening are the groups of men in suits holding boxes and boxes of things like toys, clothing and comic books. They were Mikes.
“Nancy.” I gasp, touching her arm. Nancy’s eyes widen and she immediately bolts out the car. Miss Byers and Chief Hopper follows her movements with Chief Hopper whipping out a pair of binoculars to scope the site. I realize he knew to come here, but how? Did it have something to do with the little girl with the shaved head? Why would she be at Nancy’s house? 
I step out the car standing beside Nancy. “Why are they taking Mike’s things?” 
“I don’t know, but I have to go home.” 
“No, you can’t.” Chief Hopper spoke softly, staring through his binoculars. Nancy and I both whip our heads in his direction. 
“My mom, my dad are in there!” 
“Her family is in there!” We shout at the same time. 
“They’re gonna be okay.” He says simply. 
I stare at him in disbelief. How can he be so sure? Those men look like they work for the government or some agency. Nancy scoffs marching toward her house. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” Chief Hopper hisses grabbing onto her arm. 
“Let go!” Nancy demands, staring angrily at him. 
A faint whirring sound grabs my attention and I squint up to the sky. I see a small helicopter flying around the neighbourhood and my eyes widen in alarm. It has to be the same men in Nancy’s driveway taking Mike’s things. My body grows tense as I try to put what little pieces together. That girl Chief Hopper asked about, those men must be looking for her, why else would he ask us for information? How else did he know to come here to find her? That little boy at the police station…he looked like he was around Lucas’ age…was he connected to this? After Chief Hopper spoke to them, he told us we needed to leave and drove us straight to Nancy’s. 
I comb my fingers through my hair, biting my lower lip. Nothing made sense. I glanced at Miss Byers as she stared at the men. All of the silent conversations they had; it was about the little girl and Mike somehow knew about her? My hands tremble as I immediately think of Lucas. Did he know about the little girl too? Dustin? I haven’t seen Lucas much this week with everything going on, but today in my room. There was something off about him and I know for certain it had to do with Mike. I remember Lucas rubbing the back of his head, like he was hurt. Something happened. Something is happening. There are so many missing pieces to the puzzle, but I know deep down something is wrong. 
“Mike is over there!” I hear Nancy shout. 
“They haven’t found him!” 
I inhale quickly, my gaze shifting from the helicopter in the sky to Chief Hopper and Nancy, to the men in suits slamming their trunks full of Mike’s stuff. It was all for Mike and the boys. Lucas.
“Get in the car!” Chief Hopper shouts. I don’t ask questions and follow his orders. Nancy sits beside me looking distraught as she reluctantly slams the door shut. Chief Hopper and Miss Byers clamour back into the car closing their doors. 
Chief Hopper turns to face the three of us. “Look, we need to find them before they do.” 
“What?” I ask dumbly. 
“Do you have any idea where they might have gone?” 
“No, I don’t!” Nancy says, shaken up by everything. 
“I need you to think.” Hopper presses. 
“I don’t know.” Nancy grumbles. “We haven’t talked a lot. I mean…lately.” 
Chief Hopper turns to me waiting for a response. I try to think, but all my thoughts leave my brain and I draw up short. I can’t think of anything. I’m too frazzled and anxious. I just know I need to find Lucas. I squeeze my eyes shut, rummaging through my brain for something. Anything. 
“I-I don’t know.” I plead. “I haven’t seen him since this morning! He—He wanted to tell me something but—” 
“Is there any place that your parents don’t know about that they might go?” Miss Byers adds, trying to help. Nancy and I both shake our heads. I feel a tear slip out the corner of my eye. I usually know everything about my brother, but now for the first time ever, I don’t know anything and there are mad men in suits looking for him. 
“I might.” Jonathan says softly. We all turn to him as he stares out the window. For a moment, I forgot he was still here because of how quiet he had got. 
“What?” Chief Hopper says. 
“I don’t know where they are, but I think I know how to ask the kids.” 
A lightbulb goes off in my head and I sit up blinking stray tears away. 
“The boys always carry walkie talkies with them. Lucas never leaves the house without it. All the boys have one when they’re riding their bikes around town. Maybe we can connect with him and the boys; find out where they are?” 
Chief Hopper and Miss Byers both nod their heads. But a thought comes to Nancy’s mind. 
“How do we connect with them? We don’t have a walkie talkie.” 
Jonathan looks out the window again. “Will does.” 
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Taglist 🤍: @tinydramatist
22 notes · View notes
sadhours · 1 year
just the two (okay maybe four) of us - part one.
written by @buckysgrace and i ❤️
read on ao3
billy hargrove x oc + steve harringron x oc
contents: 18+ minors dni, polyamory, voyeurism, p in v, smut, kinda gay stuff between Billy and Steve, it’s gonna get gayer between them, modern au
word count: 5.9 k
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“Harrington,” Billy purrs, lounged on the couch with Kim cuddled up tightly to his side.
Steve glances to his girlfriend, trying to convey his annoyance before looking back to the couple, “Hargrove.”
They’re watching some reality show, Billy’s got a beer in the hand he doesn’t have plastered on Kim’s ass and from the label on the bottle, Steve knows it’s from the pack of Stella he left here. For him. Not for Billy. He knows the girls won’t touch the beer. He groans, “Ya know, those beers are mine.”
“Whatever,” Billy scoffs, taking a swig from the bottle.
Gina sets her purse down, “Kim and I have some drinks, don’t worry.”
Steve follows her into the kitchen, though he knows what they have. Truly and Long Drinks. He was really looking forward to a beer but at the rate Billy drinks, he’s sure they’re gone. And as Gina opens the fridge, his suspicions are confirmed. Steve grabs onto Gina’s elbow and mumbles into her ear, “I fucking hate that guy.”
The busty girl rolls her eyes, leaning down and grabbing two blue cans from the pack of the gin cocktails and hands one to Steve, “You’ll live. Steal some of his beers when he brings ‘em.”
“See, Gina,” Steve exhales, “That’s the thing, he doesn’t ever bring any.”
Gina shakes her head, “Come on, I wanna listen to that new record I bought.”
Steve follows her back into the living room, where Gina drops on the couch next to Kim and drapes her arms around her waist and gives her a kiss to the cheek.
“Missed you,” she sings as Kim raises her shoulders and giggles while Steve stands awkwardly to the side.
“Missed you too,” Kim smiles bright, her eyes crinkling.
Steve’s been suspicious of them, wonders (with his dick in his hand) if they ever messed around before they got boyfriends, or if they still do. They’re weirdly close. Steve’s actually seen them kiss on the mouth a handful of times. He’d been too shy to ask Gina about it. Figures she’ll claim they’re just best friends anyways.
Gina gives Kim’s cheek another kiss before standing up, lacing her fingers with Steve’s and drags him into her bedroom. She closes the door behind her and Steve sits on her pink bedspread, kicking his shoes off. Gina walks over to her record player, opening the lid before grabbing the cellophane wrapped vinyl she bought yesterday while they were out shopping. It’s a Tame Impala album, an artist they bonded over when they first met this year. Gina slices the cellophane open with her manicured nail and sets it on the player, starting it up and turning the volume up. She kicks her shoes off and sets her drink on her nightstand before doing the same to Steve’s. She straddles his lap and wraps her arms around his neck, leaning down and kissing him slowly.
God, he’s obsessed with her. Her lips are so soft and plush, his mind goes blank when they kiss. Gina’s a goddamn vision. Huge tits, covered in freckles and pretty, dark eyelashes. Steve feels giddy at the thought of her so it’s kind of intense when she’s on top of him. They kiss for the entirety of the album, Gina getting up briefly to flip the record before climbing back on top of her boyfriend. Gina tastes sweet, mostly like the grapefruit from the drink but it’s also something particular. Tastes it whenever they kiss. While they’re making out, the room starts to darken as the sun goes down. And their session is interrupted with a knock at the door.
Kim opens it, walking in on the pair mid-kiss which embarrasses Steve. Mostly because Gina’s been grinding on him and his cock is hard. But Gina sits up and turns slightly, “Hi, Kimmy.”
“Hi,” Kim says, smiling at her friend, “Billy made dinner.”
“He cooks?” Steve says under his breath, Gina tugs on his hair as punishment.
“We’ll be right out,” Gina assures the redhead, who luckily closes the door behind her.
Gina climbs off of Steve’s lap and starts adjusting her clothes. She’s at the door and looks expectantly at Steve. He sits slowly but doesn’t stand, eyes at the ceiling.
“Let’s go, Stevie,” she giggles.
“Give me a second,” he mumbles, willing his fucking boner to go away.
“Whatcha looking at?” Gina wonders, a teasing tone to her voice.
Steve laughs softly, “If I look at you, it’s not gonna go away.”
Gina laughs, “Well… meet me out there, yeah?”
“Sure,” Steve nods, still staring at the ceiling. Thinks of homework and his grandparents and every trick in the book. But he’s embarrassed because Kim walked in on them and he’s sure they’re all sitting at the table talking about how Steve’s got to get rid of his wood before he can come out.
And they definitely were because he hears Billy say, “Well I’d be walking out here anyways. Shameless.”
Steve groans, walking into the dining area, “Don’t exactly want the two of you seeing that.”
Billy shrugs, “Nothing to be embarrassed about, King Steve.”
The brunette rolls his eyes before taking his seat next to Gina, looking out at the dinner Billy prepared and shit, he’s impressed. Tri-tip, garlic mashed potatoes and broccolini. There’s some type of gravy poured over the meat and potatoes.
“Looks good, Billy,” Gina beams, “Thanks for cooking.”
Steve’s jealous suddenly and wants to knock Billy’s lights out. He could cook. He’s never really tried. He makes a mean frozen pizza. Gina’s never complained before. She kicks his ankle and he looks at her with confusion, she mouths something to him that he can’t read and nods towards Billy. Oh. Well he doesn’t want to compliment this fucking asshole but he wants to make Gina happy.
“Yeah, man, looks awesome,” he says, “Uh, thanks.”
Billy shrugs his shoulders, smirking as he meets Steve’s eyes, “It’s nothing. Pretty simple and easy. Huh, Kim?”
Kim blushes, looking to her boyfriend with fucking stars in her eyes and Steve really fucking hates this guy. He popped a pizza in the oven for the girls one time and they seemed grateful. Gina sucked his dick that night so Steve still thinks he did good.
“Stop being humble,” Kim scolds him, “You're such a good cook.”
Billy waves her off, “I like to eat good.” He places his hand on Kim’s thigh and leans forward, licking his lips before saying, “And I eat good often, don’t I, babe?”
Steve rolls his eyes, turning to see Gina grinning wide and blushing. Maybe Steve needs to step up his game. He guesses he could eat Gina out more often. The ratio is off and he knows it. He gets head at least once a week and the last time he ate Gina out was three weeks ago. He notices the glass of wine set for him and gulps some down, before digging into his meal.
“Kim tells me you got a band,” Billy says to him, “What do you do?”
“Play music,” Steve retorts and Gina kicks his ankle again. He doesn’t want to play nice but he gets it. Gina and Kim are best friends. Of course they want their boyfriends to be friends. And Billy’s making an effort while Steve’s stewing in potentially unwarranted jealousy. Billy’s a good looking guy. Kim and Gina are close, he’s worried that they’ll ask her to join and he’ll be kicked aside. Which is stupid and Steve knows that.
“Uh, I play guitar and sing,” Steve clarifies, nodding as he smiles awkwardly.
“He’s really good,” Kim offers, “Gina and I went to one of his shows a month ago. Plus, when we went to karaoke.”
Billy’s face tightens and Steve feels like he’s won something. Yeah, sure, Billy can cook but Steve can serenade these bitches until their clothes fall off. It works for Gina, he can bet it’ll work on Kim. Maybe they should go out for karaoke again. Maybe they should invite Billy and Steve can really show off.
“Aw, thanks, Kim,” he smiles at her, “That was fun. I liked the duet you guys did.”
“I was so scared,” Kim breathes out, eyes wide as they meet Gina’s. Steve remembers that night fondly. He kinda felt like he had two girlfriends because both Kim and Gina get rather touchy when they’re drunk. They both clung to him in the Uber home.
“You did so good!” Gina gushes, “I think… we were hammered.”
Billy’s eyes widen as he blinks, looking to his girlfriend, “When was this?”
“We invited you, baby,” Kim assures him, “You had some frat thing.”
Billy nods along, reaching for Kim’s hand and lacing their fingers, “I bet you sounded great. You have a very sexy voice.”
Steve cringes, focusing on his food. He wonders if Gina wants him to blatantly flirt in front of them like that. But that’s really not Steve’s style.
“Stevie,” Gina whispers, turning to him and rubbing his chest. “Can you grab me a glass of water?”
“Yeah, ‘course,” he pecks her lips and sits up from the bed. He’s trying to find his boxers but he can’t. He goes to turn the light on but Gina protests.
“No, my eyes,” she whines, “Just go. No one’s awake.”
Steve reluctantly obeys, opening the door and peeking out his head. Kim’s door is closed and there’s no light underneath. Okay, it’s safe. Steve steps out to the kitchen, opening the cabinet and grabbing the orange, plastic cups Gina prefers for water. He reaches into the fridge and grabs the pitcher of water they keep in there. He begins filling the cup when the kitchen light is flicked on.
It’s Billy. And he’s also butt-ass naked. Steve immediately goes to cover his junk, knocking over the cup as he does so.
“Fuck,” he groans, setting the cup upright as he looks to Billy.
The blonde grins, wide and confident and yeah, okay, Steve looks at his dick. It’s out! He’s not covering it and Steve’s human. You display any set of gentians in front of him and he’s gonna look. It’s thicker than his own, even flaccid. His balls might be a bit smaller than Steve’s. But Billy’s working with a good set. It only makes him hate the guy more.
“I uh,” Steve clears his throat and he reaches for a towel to clean his mess up, exposing himself to Billy, who is obviously looking.
“Interesting,” Billy purses his lips and nods.
“What?” Steve replies as he wipes the water from the counter,
“Big cock for such a dweeb.”
“Did you just call me a dweeb?” Steve asks, covering himself again.
“Yeah, you are,” Billy scoffs, dumping the rest of his backwashed beer down the sink. He crouches in front of the fridge as he grabs a Truly. “No spine. That woman walks all over you. With a dick that size, I don’t get it.”
Steve’s beyond uncomfortable, turning away from Billy as he refills the plastic cup. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Steve mumbles.
“Guess you just don’t know what to do with it,” Billy comments as he stands again, cracking the can open and taking a swig, “I don’t think I’ve ever even heard you two have sex.”
Steve usually has his hand over Gina’s mouth, in consideration for Kim and Billy. He’s offended by Billy’s comment, fuming from it actually.
“I know how to use it, thank you very much,” he grumbles, moving passed Billy to put the pitcher back in the fridge.
And okay, yeah. He’s heard Kim every time he’s here and Billy spends the night. She screams. No regard for Gina and Steve. Even on school nights. Steve always thought it was rude.
“If you did, I’d hear it. Walls are thin,” Billy points out, frowning.
Steve rolls his eyes, holding the cup in his hand as he walks passed Billy down the dark hallway. Whatever. Steve pleases Gina. He doesn’t need the whole neighborhood knowing when they fuck. He closes her bedroom door behind him, handing Gina the cup. She grins and takes a couple of gulps before putting it on her nightstand.
“What took so long?” she wonders aloud, cuddling up to Steve once he crawls back into bed with her.
“Billy,” he groans, resting his head on the pillow and closing his eyes.
“Sorry,” Gina apologizes and kisses his jaw, dragging her hand through the tuft of hair on his chest.
“I saw his dick,” Steve mumbles, sighing after.
“And?” Gina giggles.
“He complimented mine,” Steve laughs, nudging his nose against Gina’s temple.
“It’s a nice cock,” Gina tells him, giggling as she moves her fingertip against his nipple.
“Oh, yeah?” Steve purrs, “You can like, touch it if it’s so nice.”
Gina giggles, shoving her face against Steve’s neck as her hand moves lower. She drags her fingertips across his length, “Like this?”
“Uh-huh,” Steve nods while he feels his dick start to fill out the more Gina touches it.
“Billy!” Kim’s voice can be heard through the wall, a gasp almost. Steve closes his eyes, grinding his teeth together. Of course. Billy wants to play this game? Well, he’s on. Steve sits up, pushes Gina on her back and kicks the blankets off of them. He pulls her panties down her legs before spreading them, lowering his mouth to her thighs and sucks a sizable bruise against her skin. Gina gasps, knitting her fingers in his hair. Steve kisses up to her pussy, licks a big, broad stroke up her slit. He digs his fingernails into her skin, holding her legs apart while he continues licking through her folds, wondering what exactly Billy’s doing to Kim that has her so loud so quick.
“Oh, fuck,” Gina exhales quietly, tugging on Steve’s hair.
He hears Kim moan again and he’s only a tiny bit ashamed that it makes his dick twitch. He can do this, he can make Gina scream, he’s sure of it. He licks patterns through her folds, pulling back to tell her, “Wanna hear you. Be loud for me, baby.”
Billy really fucking hated Steve.
He hated the way the brown eyed boy played innocent, and acted naive towards the problem at hand. Steve was a shit liar, that was for sure. It had only taken one meeting for Billy to quickly understand that Steve thought that Kim could do better. He was an ass who probably thought he could make off with both of their girlfriends.
The truth of it all was that he probably could. Steve was a fucking dweeb, a nerd who wore reading glasses and read through reddit for fun. Billy wasn’t even sure how he’d gotten a girlfriend like Gina, not that Steve was really lacking in the looks department. But being good looking didn’t erase how dorky and lame the other boy was. Despite all of that, Steve was sweet.
He sang songs and played guitar and wrote songs for Gina, all grand gestures that Billy had endured hearing about from Kim. Meanwhile, he sucked at giving her any romantic presents. He couldn’t sing and he sure as hell didn’t know what to buy for her. Kim was on a whole other spectrum than him. She listened to Taylor Swift, wore pretty pink dresses and recorded herself doing silly dances on Tik Tok. Steve was exactly the type of guy she’d probably dreamt up of.
And the stupid asshole had a big dick. Billy thought it was a shame, wasted potential on someone like Steve.
He’d nearly raced back to Kim’s room after their conversation, noticing the gleam in Steve’s eyes. He had the same idea and there was no way in hell that Billy was going to let him win at his own game.
“What are you doing?” Kim asked, her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at him curiously. He glanced at her phone, noticing it was a Tik Tok for different spicy books. His lips curled into a smirk as she fumbled with her phone before she eventually turned it off, grinning sheepishly at him.
“Just wanted to see you,” He mumbled as he slinked between her legs, spreading her soft thighs wide. She wore nothing but one of the shirts he’d forgotten a few weeks ago. He breathed in her scent, liking the way her hips were already jerking up towards his mouth, “I wanna taste you.”
“You just had me.” She giggled softly, but her hazel eyes were wide as she stared down at him. It was true. He’d taken her not long after Steve and Gina had disappeared into her room. He’d had her sprawled out on the couch, his tongue deep inside of her wet cunt and his hands on her perky tits.
“I didn’t get my fill,” He teased her, wondering if Steve was going to practice putting his lame mouth to work. He kissed up her bruised thighs, dragging his tongue up slowly and earning a blissful sigh from her. She pushed her hands up over her head, her fingertips reaching towards the head of the bed as he spit onto her pretty cunt, “Gonna be good for me?” He teased, watching the way his saliva dripped down her pussy.
“Always,” She breathed out, her nipples hardening against his shirt. He grinned, figuring she would answer with that statement. He licked at her folds, swirling his tongue around before he was flicking it against her sensitive clit. She whimpered, her hips jerking forward as he brought his fingertips against her cunt, “Oh god.” She spread her legs wider, inviting him in.
He looked up at her, enjoying how she already looked like she was in far too much pleasure as he popped his pinky finger into his mouth. He wasn’t usually so quick, but he wanted Steve to hear just how loud she could be.
He slid two fingers into her cunt, sighing as they engulfed his thick digits. She clamped down around him, still moaning as he peppered some kisses against her sensitive clit. He grinned against her folds as her hips jerked forward. He spit again, letting it slick down further until it slid between her ass cheeks. He glanced up at her, languidly licking at her clit as he slid his pink inside of her puckered hole.
He exhaled at the same time she cried out in bliss, her eyes shutting tightly as he curled his fingers inside of her. He groaned, wishing he could stretch both of her holes out at once with his cock. He puckered his lips around her clit, sucking and licking as he fucked into her with his fingers.
“Billy!” She cried out, her eyes snapping down towards him like she was afraid he’d miss something. He slyly winked at her, knowing she would be loud enough to irritate that bastard next door. He pumped his fingers inside of her, curling them as she continued to moan and fall apart underneath him.
“Such a naughty little slut,” He spit out harshly, liking the way her cheeks reddened as he pussy squelched around his fingers. He pressed them in deeper, searching for that spot that made her hips jerk off the bed and her eyes roll into the back of her head, “Does it feel good?” He mocked her, clearly knowing the answer from how well she was responding to him.
“Yes,” She cried out, jerking her hips up against his fingers. He felt himself smirking, feeling proud at the way the redhead was responding to his touch. He was just about to dip his mouth back against her sweet cunt when he heard a moan, a loud one that didn’t form from her lips. Kim’s motions paused for a moment as she giggled, “Sounds like someone is having fun.”
“Billy didn’t think it was funny, however. He knew Steve was doing it on purpose. To be an ass just because he could. If he wanted to play that game, Billy would give it his all.
He pulled his fingers away hastily, stroking his hard cock as he smacked the back of Kim’s thigh. She yelped as she moved quickly onto her hands and knees, her ass high in the air as she looked back towards him. He groaned, admiring the way her pussy gleamed in the moonlight.
“Do you want my cock?” He asked her, slowly rubbing the head of his thick cock along her drenched folds. She sighed, causing him to smack her ass with his free hand to make her moans louder. She gaped.
“Yes,” She said quickly, sitting up a bit so she could nod her head at him as she arched her ass further towards him, “Want you so bad, Billy.” She pleaded with him, her hazel eyes wide as she looked to him. He felt irritated as he heard Gina moan Steve’s name again.
“You want who?” He mocked as he squeezed her soft flesh in his hands. She blushed, looking at him a little shyly. She usually didn’t like to play too dirty with someone else in the apartment, but he didn’t care this time. He smacked her ass again, the sound echoing as Gina moaned out again.
“I want you daddy,” Kim clarified, her words tasting as sweet as sugar as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. He smirked, pressing his fat tip against her drenched hole as he slowly slid inside of her aching cunt. He hoped Steve heard every word, that he knew that Billy could treat Kim better in such a way that Steve could never imagine, “Oh my god.” She whined, her fingers turning into fists as she gripped the bedsheets.
He sighed, spreading her ass cheeks as he spit onto her again. He watched the way the saliva traveled until it met where they were connected. He groaned, thrusting forward hard enough to make the bed creak underneath their weight.
He pulled his hips back, far enough to where only his tip remained before he slammed into her again. She squeaked, her lips parting in awe as he moved his hands towards her slender hips. He held onto them, beginning to rock her into a steady rhythm.
She moaned as he tugged on her hair, forcing her head back until their lips met in a heated frenzy. He groaned, his cock pulsing as he tasted her moans on his lips. He momentarily forgot what he was doing before he heard a groan and was roughly shoving Kim’s face back into the pillows.
“Such a little whore,” He tsked, still feeling irritated at the fact that he could hear Gina moaning. He grunted as he rolled his hips forward, admiring the way Kim squeezed his cock so well. He was lying if he said he hadn’t imagined the two girls worshiping his cock before. He was only human and he couldn’t deny that it made his dick ache every time they hugged or kissed each other on the cheek, “Are you daddy’s little whore?” He asked as he dragged her back along the length of his cock.
“Yes,” She spit out roughly, loud and incoherent as her pussy clamped down around him. He groaned, rubbing his fingertips into her skin. He liked the way she had bruises fading from the last time he’d been this rough, “I’m daddy’s little whore.” She cried out, squeaking as his cock found her bundle of nerves. He laughed, pushing her hair from her face so he could get a better picture.
Her eyebrows were knitted together tightly, pouty lips opened in awe as drool fell from her open mouth. Billy felt his dick throb as he bent over her more, the sound of her flesh smacking against hers so loud that he hoped it lingered in Steve’s mind for the next few days.
He spit, his saliva landing on the corner of her mouth as he rocked his aching cock forward again. Her walls clamped down on him again as she whimpered, her tongue darting out to lick it away. He groaned, wanting to see how Steve would react when they did it in public. The next time they drank together; he’d make her do it.
He groaned as her body became more and more relaxed, her body slowly falling into the mattress as he pressed his cock into her harder. He groaned, wrapping an arm underneath her waist to keep her up as he rammed into her deeper. She was moaning incoherently, her breathing more labored as the head of the bed smacked against the wall.
“Right there, daddy,” She was panting harder, her whimpers coming out roughly and pitchy as he dragged his cock in and out of her wet walls. He groaned, bending his head down to kiss at her pale skin. He nipped at it, enjoying the way her back arched in response, “So close.” She was squealing suddenly, the tops of her feet smacking against the mattress as he slammed her roughly against his cock.
“S’alright,” He praised her, his voice sounding guttural from how tightly her cunt was squeezing down around his cock, “Cum for me.” He dipped his fingertips lower, proud that he could no longer hear Steve and Gina over Kim’s loud cries as he pressed his fingers roughly against her clit. He rubbed the sensitive nub quickly, earning a shrill moan from her as her body contorted at once.
She was loud as she came around his cock, her body spasming as she nearly did topple into the mattress this time. He groaned loudly, feeling like he wasn’t far behind from how her cunt was milking him. He hissed between his teeth, trying to keep his pace as he rocked her through her orgasm. She jerked her hips back, setting herself up onto her elbows as she turned to look at him with dark eyes.
“Cum inside me, daddy. Please, please,” Kim was gripping his forearm as she spoke, her eyes wide and dilated with lust as he dragged her back and forth along his cock even harder. He was groaning, his stomach muscles clenching together as the pleasure grew deep inside of him, “Please, daddy, please.” She sounded like she was crying, like she’d never recover if she didn’t feel his cum painting her walls.
He brought his forehead against hers, his lips open against hers as he breathed in her pitchy moans. His thrusts became sporadic as all of his muscles clenched together, his mind whirling as her pussy gripped his cock firmly. Her tongue darted out against his bottom lip, licking as he slammed his hips forward. He groaned, falling on top of her as he came with his own strangled cry. He sighed blissfully as she mewled underneath him, her legs still moving as his spunk filled her.
“Shit,” He breathed out harshly, his heart racing in his chest as he tried to collect himself. She giggled, looking up towards him as he slowly moved off of her. He looked over her for a moment, scared that he might have actually crushed her tiny body, “You’re bad.”
“Good,” She corrected him, sliding her tongue across her bottom lip as she watched him. His muscles were still contracting and he was out of breath but he slid between her legs again, dipping his tongue into her drenched hole as he licked his cum away. She moaned again, tugging on his hair as she brought him back up towards her mouth. They kissed messily, sloppily as they traded their cum back and forth with their tongues, “Oh god.” She whimpered softly, her eyelashes fluttering shut.
“So good for me, Kim,” He breathed against her lips. He pulled away for a second before he kissed the corners of her mouth, hoping that Steve had a hard time sleeping tonight, “Such a good girl.”
In the other room, Steve was doing pretty well. Gina was being more verbal than most nights. He ate her out until Kim started getting really loud. Then he knew he had to step up his game. Thing is, it sounded like Billy was being rough with Kim by the sounds she made, and all the smacking he could hear. Could swear Kim was calling him daddy. Steve wasn’t sure how he felt about that kink. Couldn’t exactly imagine Gina calling him that without thinking of his own father, or Mr. Hagan. Not to mention, Steve hadn’t ever been rough with Gina. He slapped her ass sometimes but he was usually pretty focused on not coming and knew that if he held her still and pounded away, he wouldn’t be able to last. He had to take things slow.
Gina was soaking wet, always got that one when Steve ate her out. He sits up, wiping his face off with the back of his hand before grabbing a hold of his cock and pushing the head through her folds. Then he remembers he needs to get a condom on, so he leans over her to dig through the nightstand. He grabs onto the golden wrapper and sits back up, tearing it open with his teeth and rolls the rubber over his aching cock. Kim makes another loud noise, egging Steve on as he lines himself up and thrusts inside Gina harder than he usually would. He knows he’s big, doesn’t typically want to hurt her but this weird competition has him not thinking straight. Gina yelps, eyebrows knitting together quickly as her jaw falls open. Her big brown eyes gaze up at Steve and he’s worried he’s hurt her, but then she rolls her hips and moans out his name.
He bites his lip, staying still because the look on her face is about all he needs to cum. Goddamnit. He never understood how some guys can last hours, let alone 20 minutes. Gina’s cunt feels amazing, squeezing him tight and so wet and warm. He groans softly, grabbing a hold of her supple breast as he drags his cock out until just the tip remains.
“Uh—uhn…” Gina moans out, arching her back slightly.
“Fuck,” Steve exhales through gritted teeth, “you feel so good.”
Gina hums, wrapping her arms around Steve’s neck and rolls her hips, pushing his length deeper inside. He gasps, hanging his head as he grabs a hold of her waist with his other hand.
“You’re so big,” she whines, looking up at him with these almost innocent, huge brown eyes and Steve’s a little pissed off with himself for how close he already is. Gina has to cum first. He can’t fuck this up. He knows Billy is listening, even though it sounds like he’s fucking Kim’s brains out. Weirdly, thinking about Billy kind of helps distract him. He thrusts his hips again, builds up a steady rhythm while he toys with Gina’s sensitive nipple.
“Fuck!” she cries out, tossing her head back against the pillows while Steve pounds into her. This is about the point when he’d cover her mouth, always worried about someone hearing. However, it’s actually pretty exciting to think about the other couple hearing them. Now, all he has to do is last longer than them. Make sure that when they’re finished, they have to lay there and hear Gina.
“Is that good, baby?” Steve chokes out, squeezing the handful he’s got of her tit.
“So fucking good, Stevie,” she babbles out, tightening her arms around him.
Steve lowers his lips to Gina’s ear, like he always does, starts praising her. Though this time, he’s not muffling her sounds with his hand. Gets to hear the way his words drive her wild. He took his time eating her out, there’s no way Kim and Billy will last longer. Steve’s gonna win, has to.
“You’re so pretty for me, baby. Look so good when you take my cock,” Steve tells her, grinning to himself when she moans out and writhes beneath him. “Taking it so well.”
He snaps his hips faster, kissing against Gina’s jaw. Kim screams, it’s muffled but Steve’s sure she came. He thinks he’s right because moments later, he can hear Billy cry out. Fuck yes, he beat them. He’s got this. He’s just gotta make Gina scream like Kim did. Which is quite the task, she’s not usually loud. He’s gotta think quickly, tries to remember all the things that she likes. He hears Kim moan again and it throws him off. Were they not done? Are they going again? Fuck Billy. That asshole. Again? That quickly? Wait— they’re quiet. Okay, Steve, you can do this. Rock Gina’s world. Make her scream. You can do it.
Steve pulls out, Gina whimpers but looks at him curiously. He pats her thigh, “Flip over for me, beautiful.”
She looks excited now, quickly rolls onto her knees and sticks her ass up at Steve. He smooths his hand over her ass and then delivers a harsh smack to it. Gina cries out, arching her back and wiggles her ass at him. So he does it again, to the other cheek.
“Fuck me,” she begs breathlessly and Steve obliges, slides his cock back into her aching hole. Clearly, once he bottoms out, his tip presses against her g-spot because she’s moaning and her arms shake where she’s holding herself up. Steve runs his hand up her back and grabs a handful of her hair, pulling her up by it so her back meets his chest. She cries out from the sensation, turning her head to pant against Steve’s mouth. He snaps his hips forward again, licking against her lower lip. Gina moans softly, reaching her hand to grab Steve’s wrist, trying to hold herself up.
“I got you, baby,” he purrs, licking the pads of his fingertips before bringing them down to rub circles against Gina’s clit. He pays attention when she does it herself, tries to memorize exactly the right way to do it.
She whines out but he wants her to be louder, so he pounds into her harder and moves his fingers faster. It works, Gina chants his name out, “St-eve… Steve! Steeeve!”
Ha. Take that Billy. He knows exactly how to use his equipment. He’s beaming, smiling from ear to ear while Gina moves her ass against him harder.
“That’s it, baby,” Steve mutters, “Tell me how good it feels.”
“So fucking good!” she moans out through gritted teeth, he can tell she’s close by it. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, just like that!”
He grabs a hold of her hip with his left hand, still dragging quick and firm circles against her clit while he hammers into her deep and fast. Gina babbles, incoherent sounds falling from her lips. Before he knows it, she’s seizing against him while crying out. It’s loud, and fuck she sounds so sexy. Fuck, fuck, fuck— he cums too. Whimpering while they collapse on the bed, Steve is still pumping into her uncontrollably as he fills the condom. He rides out his orgasm, whining and whimpering against her ear.
Once he comes down, he pulls out and tugs the condom off his softening cock. He ties it off and tosses it into the trash next to the bed before laying beside Gina and pulling her into his arms. She hums happily before connecting their lips, kissing him soft and slow until they fall asleep.
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hllfireclb · 2 years
⋆*。𝙣𝙨𝙛𝙬, 𝙢𝙙𝙣𝙞 ! +18 ⋆*。 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽! navigation
Eddie Munson:
I‘ll always be there
I believe you
This feeling
Eddie drying your hair after a shower blurb
Boyfriend Eddie headcanons pt.1 , pt.2
Big/small spoon Eddie blurb
Christmas Eve with Eddie Munson blurb
Eddie loves adoring you, while you sleep blurb
people thinking he‘s stupid but oh how wrong they are blurb
Eddie comforting you when you‘re anxious blurb
Eddie loves sleeping on your chest blurb
This feeling called "love"
Catching Eddie while he‘s crying blurb
Call me Valentine Munson
Eddie catching you with your glasses on
Best friend Eddie sneaking into your room in the middle of the night
Why Eddie hasn’t graduate yet
Eddie taking care of you when you’re drunk blurb
"Warm you up"
Mocking you during Sex blurb
Goofy sex with Eddie blurb
Eating you out because of his oral fixation blurb
Eddie begging you to ride his face blurb
"I‘ll make you feel better princess" older!eddie x fem! Reader
Switch Eddie blurb
Thigh fucking
Eddie and his big nose to sit on
"I can’t sleep“
"Guess I lied“
You smoking weed while Eddie eats you out - HC
"You were saying?“
Steve Harrington
"Harrington junior"
Steve loves squeezing your cheeks blurb
Steve Harrington just being a perfect bf blurb
Protective Steddie blurb
Cuddling with Steddie blurb
Ass or Tits? blurb
Sex with steddie blurb
515 notes · View notes
fivelakesinwriting · 1 year
Six Little Harringtons (S. Harrington)
Author's Notes: This turned into more than what I had intended - Steve and his wife take the kids on their annual road trip all while taking a (somewhat painful) trip down memory lane.
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references - innuendos, mentions of grief/ death, *contains brief (personal) theories about what might happen in the final season of Stranger Things, parenting/children, pregnancy, fluff!
Requested: Nope!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. And you do not have permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
The first Summer was easy. It was just him, the wife and Junior in the station wagon heading down to the coast. A little trailer hitched to the back of the car and away they went. Sunshine, sand, more cassette tapes than anyone knew what to do with and a surfboard no one knew how to use.
Then the twins were born. Three little Harrington's smiled back at him in the rearview mirror that Summer. He was vacuuming Cheerios and Lego pieces out of the backseat until almost Christmas.
Baby number four, the Hellraiser, was a total surprise. They felt like they had finally gotten into a routine with the other three kids and then after a particularly rowdy night out, she came to him one morning and told him she was pregnant again.
Well, fuck.
They swore they were done after number four, because she had been such a handful.
"She's Hell incarnate." Steve muttered late one night after a long battle of trying to get their restless toddler to sleep.
But even as a husband and father, Steve was insatiable with the sex drive of a teenager. Which was why when she told him she was pregnant for a fifth time all he could do was laugh and pull her in for a kiss, while giving himself a silent pat on the back.
That Spring he invested in a Winnebago, cleaned it up and got it ready for the Summer. Then one blazing hot Saturday morning in July he helped load all five kids into the RV. Three boys, two girls and all the comforts of home they required to make it a smooth ride.
"Alright, Harrington's. Are we ready?" Steve smiled as he buckled the last seatbelt on the last baby seat, then ran a hand through his hair.
"Steve! Can you help me, please?" His wife called for him at the bottom of the RV steps.
"Yeah! I'm coming, honey. Stay where you are." Steve replied with a tickle to the bottom of his youngest daughter's foot before he stood up and hurried out of the RV.
"Honey, I would have brought this out. You know you're not supposed to lift anything heavy right now." He uttered as he took the cooler filled with snacks for their brood. He lifted it up into the RV, checked on the kids once more pleased to see them all snoozing peacefully in their seats and gently closed the door.
"Are we stupid for doing this?" His wife asked with her hands on her hips, looking up at him.
"Road trip with five kids? Yeah. But it's tradition." Steve smiled as he placed a soft kiss to her forehead and smoothed a hand on her growing stomach.
"Wait until the RV is full of angry teenagers, then we'll see how much you like this tradition." She laughed with a kiss to his chin.
"What are you talking about? I was a dream as a teenager." Steve scoffed before he pat her hips and made his way to the drivers side.
"I know you're lying, Harrington."
They only drove for about four hours that first day. Two hours, a break for a picnic and a run around in the park, and then two more hours. They ended up at a beach near their motel, but nowhere near their destination. If having five kids taught Steve anything, he knew to let them run out their energy before bed time. Especially on a road trip.
"When we started dating, did you think we'd end up here?" His wife asked as they sat on the sand and watched the kids laugh and play along the shoreline. Cartwheels, kicking a ball and playing tag. Five little best friends.
"Are you asking if when I found you abandoned on the streets of Hawkins ten years ago if I thought that we'd be married with a bunch of kids? Definitely not. I didn't think we'd make it through the night." Steve laughed softly, the grief and trauma still tangible.
They had met days after Steve returned from the Upside Down, after the loss of Eddie Munson. Hawkins was in flames, the city quickly burning to the ground. Residents were evacuating as quickly as they could, leaving all belongings behind.
Steve was swerving and speeding through the wreckage of the streets when he drove passed her home. Covered in dirt and soot, she sat on the front lawn of what was once her home. He couldn't explain his actions, but he couldn't just drive by her. He slammed on his brakes and yelled for her to get in.
She had been by his side throughout the fall of Hawkins. At first he thought they had been paired by tragedy, but as time went on he realized that life was easier when she was around.
The smell of smoke was overwhelming. Burning buildings, torched cars and inflamed foliage surrounded the once quaint town of Hawkins.
His stomach was in knots and his body was sore, but he had to keep going. He got in his car and drove as fast as the old Volvo would go, the engine rattling under the hood as he pressed the accelerator. He rounded the corner of a familiar street, ignoring a stop sign. The city was in ruins, traffic signs no longer mattered to him.
It was her (once) white denim jacket that caught his eye. A jacket covered in dirt and soot from the fires. She was sat on the front lawn of what he presumed was her home, crying. A girl no older than himself, all alone in a crumbling world.
"Get in! It's not safe here!" Steve yelled through his open window.
She asked no questions. She got up from the front lawn and ran towards the car, climbing into the passenger side.
"I'm Steve." He breathed out as he pressed the accelerator once more.
She had stayed at his side through the remainder of the fall of Hawkins. Held his hand as he watched his friends perish, helped him rebuild his life while they rebuilt the town.
The first boy, while nicknamed Junior due to his uncanny resemblance to Steve, was legally named Edward - Eddie - after the boy who gave his life for Hawkins. He had been born with a full head of dark hair, like Steve, and eyes like his mother. Steve didn't think he could love anyone more than Callie, until he met his son.
They had not planned on naming the rest of the kids after anyone else from the Hawkins Tragedy, but the more they thought about it, the more they wanted their friends to live on in more than just local folklore.
The twins were Ellie, affectionately called El after her namesake, and Will. Both named after the two teens that had sacrificed their lives for their friends and for Hawkins. Callie hadn't know them for as long as Steve had, but her life was equally as enriched for having known them.
The fifth was a boy, Harry, named after Steve's grandfather. Steve admittedly didn't have much of a relationship with his actual parents, but his grandfather had been a major influence in his life and when he saw his fourth child, it was like looking into his grandfather's eyes.
The fourth baby, the Hellraiser, was named Maxine, after the girl who had given Steve the most grief during those early days in Hawkins. The original hellion in his life, and the girl he would have died to protect if he could have. While the girl was still alive, she wasn't able to live her life the way she had before. He had told her he named their child after her, and Max gripped his hand and gave him a smile from her hospital bed.
"Alright, Team Harrington! Time to go to the motel and get some sleep! We've got some driving to do tomorrow." Steve called out to his children as he stood up from his spot on the sand then extended his hands to help up his pregnant wife.
They got all the kids back in their respective car seats and made their way to their motel for the night. After three bedtime stories, one about a girl named El, the kids fell asleep. Little Maxine asleep in the bed with them, her foot in Steve's back.
There once was a girl named El, who was the most powerful girl in the world..
Steve and Callie laid in the bed together facing one another while the kids snored softly in the bed and cribs surrounding the room.
"What are you thinking about?" Callie asked softly as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"You, and all of this." Steve whispered back as he gestured around the room.
"Can you believe that we're going to have our sixth baby?" She laughed.
"Oh, yeah. My plan to have a family band is pretty well complete. Just one more kid to go. She's going to be the tambourine player." Steve smirked as he placed a hand on her belly between them.
"And have you decided on a name for our tambourine player, finally?" Callie asked as she ran her thumb over his hairline.
"I've been thinking about the name Malia." Steve replied as his eyes fluttered shut, feeling her soft fingers on his face.
"I love it. Malia it will be. The last piece of our puzzle." Callie smiled before she placed a soft kiss to his scruffy chin.
"Now if Max would get her foot out of my back, everything would be perfect."
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xxmayxx05 · 3 months
Just the three of us: Steddie x reader
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pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem Reader x Eddie Munson
Summary: You develop a crush on Steve Harrington who is your next door neighbor and Eddie Munson the freak of Hawkins. They wouldn’t mind sharing you at all.
Warning: Smut! later in the next part!
a/n: Hi! I will be making this a series, and this is the first part! I am very excited to be back and I hope you guys like it! Send any requests, they are highly appreciated!
You slowly started waking up at the sound of your alarm going off. Groaning softly you stretched your hand out and punched the button to turn it off. Sleep faded away and you sat up, rubbing your eyes softly and stretching your arms; trying to wake yourself up. Today was your first day at hawkins High school. You were originally from NYC but your parents had to move to Hawkins because of their jobs; it was a big disappointment because you were alone once again. 
Getting up and heading to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for school. Changing into a oversized cream color sweater, a black mini skirt with black tights and your black doc martens, you were ready for school. Heading down the stairs, you looked around the living room you didn’t see a parent. Walking to the kitchen you saw a small note in the table. 
“Dad and I had to go away for a work trip, here is $100 for the week. Take care and good luck at school honey” 
Chuckling you shook your head in disbelief and left the note and the two fifty dollar bills in the kitchen table. Of course, they would leave for a week and not tell you anything. You shouldn’t be surprised but there would be times that you couldn’t help yourself but wish that they were more involved in your life and not always give you money to fill some type of void. Grabbing your backpack and keys you walked out; locking the house door and walking to your car. You looked next door and a very handsome guy was walking out of his house.
Taking a deep breath, you checked out your next door neighbor. He was tall, hair done to perfection, sharp jaw line, light brown eyes, and his outfit was casual but cute. The next door neighbor looked at you and waved with a small smirk.
You were caught checking him out. Fuck. 
Waving back softly and giving him a small smile. You started panicking when you saw that he was coming towards you.
“Hi you must be my new neighbor” he said and extended his hand. 
“Hi I’m Y/N, and you must be?” you questioned and shook his hand. Internally you were screaming because of the way he was looking at you. He looked at you up and down discretfully and looked at your lips. Smirking softly when you noticed that, you found a weakness. 
“I’m Steve harrington” He said and leaned in kissing your cheek. “Welcome to Hawkins, love” 
Fuck, you thought. Your legs felt like jelly and you were about to give up at any second but you composed yourself. Not wanting to make a fool out of yourself with the next door neighbor. “Nice to meet you Steve” you said and smiled at him. 
“Are you heading to Hawkins high school?” he asked and wrapped his arms. 
“Yeah, it’s my first day” you said and looked at the way his muscles flex when he wrapped his arms together. Looking back up at him. “You must be heading there right?” you asked, knowing that he was because it was the only high school in this town. 
“I am, if you’d like I could show you around school. Just ask and I’ll gladly do it” he said with a small smile. He noticed that you were checking him out and he didn’t mind it at all. Steve was liking this interaction too much. Ever since you and your parents moved in next door, he had become curious about you. You had caught his eye, at how beautiful you looked. Your hair was in a loose pony tail, beautiful smile, very minimal makeup, you had taken his breath away and he would peak next door to see if he had any chance to see you. To his great destiny, his room was right across yours and could see your room through his window.
“I’ll keep that in mind Steve” you nodded your head and unlocked your car door. “See your around school then” you said and opened the door. 
“See you around, love” he said with a smile and walked away to what seemed his car. 
Getting in your car, you let out the breathe that you didn’t even know that you were holding. Steve Harrington was a huge surprise to you. Maybe this town wasn’t going to be as bad as you thought. 
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Sighing as you left the principles office, you now had to look for your first class period. Walking around the hallways of Hawkins high, you were looking for B101. Looking down at the schedule that the principle had given you, you walked a bit and accidentally walked towards someone. 
“I’m so sorry” you said when you walked backward a tiny bit and realized you walked towards someones chest. Looking up from the graphic tee shirt with the drawing of a devil and the shirt saying hellfire club. Looking up you saw a handsome guy with curly hair, beautiful brown eyes and smile. 
“It’s okay, no worries” he said and extended his hand out. “Eddie Munson” he said. 
“Y/n” you said and shook his hand. 
It been a good day for you so far. Parents are away for a week and you met two very cute guys. 
“You seem lost” he said and looked at what you were holding. “I must guess that you are the new girl” he said with a apologetic smile. “Welcome to this hell hole, I like calling Hawkins” he chuckled. 
“Yeah unfortunately” you laughed softly and nodded your head. “I’m originally for New york, it’s very different around here” you said. 
“Holy shit, why would you move here?” he asked surprised. “If I lived in New york, I would never move away” 
“Moved here because of my parents, they are always going to different places so I don’t even know why we moved in the first place” shrugging your shoulders. The bell rang and everyone started heading to their classes. “Shit” 
“What’s your first class?” Eddie asked. 
“U.S history, B101” you answered and gave him your schedule. 
Eddie looked at the schedule and smiled. “It’s fate, we have all the same classes. Follow me madam” he said and extended his arm. 
Laughing softly you wrapped your arm around his and followed him.
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It was now lunch and you were thankful. All of your classes seemed pretty easy, but just the though of the homework that you have already gotten was stressing you out. Eddie was amazing so far. In this short amount of time, you couldn’t help but develop a small crush on him. 
“There they are” he said as he pointed out at the table with his friends. Surprisingly Steve was there, you hadn’t seen him around the school when it was time to switch. You followed him and smiled softly. 
“Everyone, we have a new member.” he said and wrapped his arm around your shoulder with a small smirk. 
Looking around the table you smiled at the new faces and there was steve. He looked at Eddie’s arm and then at you. Noticing how he clenched his fist and his jaw was sealed tight. 
Introducing yourself to everyone, you already felt that everyone was really nice and you had a nice feeling. Eddie had told you to sit next to Steve due to the two empty spots next to him. You sat down and realized that you were in between of Eddie and Steve. 
Steve looked at you and couldn’t help but check you out. You were very beautiful and he was jealous that Eddie has spent more time when he wanted to. He would look around the halls before heading to his next class to see if you needed guidance, but he had no luck. Harrington didn’t know why he was feeling this type of way towards you, when he just met you today but he liked it. He just knew that he had to be very careful with his next move. 
Everyone on the table asked you different questions about NYC and how was it living there. Little by little you started opening yourself to them and you felt excited at the thought of having new friends. This town wasn’t going to be as bad as you thought. 
Eddie felt happy that you were having a good time with the rest of the group. He knew that you were going to fit right in with them, mostly feeling more excited at the amount of time that he was now going to spend time with you. Eddie was looking at your beautiful features and smiled softly, his smile faltered a little when he saw Steve staring at you and looking down at your lips. A bit of rage filled his chest and he balled up his fists. He needed to be very careful with his approach towards you and it had to be fast before Harrington. 
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After school you went home to put a bit of make up before meeting up with the rest. They have decided to go bowling tonight and you immediately agreed. Eddie had offered to come pick you up and you agreed. The door bell rang and you put the last finish touch of your lip gloss. Walking down the stairs, you opened the door and was surprised to see Steve. 
“Hey” you said softly and smiled. 
Steve smiled and noticed that you put a bit of makeup, you looked even more beautiful with the small amount of makeup. With or without makeup you were still very beautiful. 
“Hey, was wondering if you wanted a ride to the bowling alley” he said. 
“Oh, Eddie offered to give me a ride” you said lowly, feeling sorry. 
Steve felt embarrassed and a bit of rage filled his chest. Munson was starting to make his moves towards you and he couldn’t let that happen. 
Right on time, Eddie honked his horn twice. “You could come with us, I’m sure Eddie would say yes” you offered, not wanting this interaction to be awkward. 
Steve smirked and nodded his head. “That would be perfect actually” he said and waited for you on your porch.
You locked your door and walked with Steve to Eddie’s Van. 
“Hey Eddie, could Steve come with us?” you asked kindly. 
Eddie’s smile faltered a little but nodded his head. “Join us Harrison” he said. 
“Thanks Munson” Steve gave him a bright smile and opened the Vans door for you. You climbed into the Vans middle seat and accidentally your lace pink cheeky panties peaked under your skirt. Steve bit his bottom lip softly and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He got inside and closed the door. Praying that his semi hard on went down before you could notice. 
Eddie couldn’t help but looked down at your exposed thick thighs, he was thankful that you skirt rode up and he was able to see your beautiful thighs. He felt pathetic for thinking this way but he couldn’t help it, he knew that you are very beautiful and was proud that he manned up to help you out when he saw you lost in the hallway. He had to get his shit together and get you before Harrington. 
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One month later
Your first month in Hawkins went by really fast and you had great friends. Everyone was very nice to you. You had created a very good bond with Robin and after school she would come to your house. 
‘I’m telling you, Steve and Eddie both like you” she sighed as she laid down on your bed while eating a twizzler. 
“Can’t be, they both are really nice to me and that’s all” you said as you sat on your vanity chair and started to put a bit of makeup. 
“Don’t be delusional, they both are always trying to catch your attention, they always offer you something and stare at you” she laughed softly and sat up. 
“Yeah I did notice that today.” you nodded your head a bit, she was right. Both boys would talk to you and give each other a semi glare to each other. “ I wouldn’t mind talking to both of them” you smirked softly. 
“Dirty dirty girl” Robin laughed. “I knew the New yorker in you would come out some day”
“Look, both of them are very handsome. They are tall, veiny hands, the muscles, oh the muscles. Both of them are my type, I wouldn’t mind if they shared me” you said truthfully and turned to her. “You only live once Robin, it wouldn’t hurt to experiment a bit” you said and shrugged your shoulders. 
“I could help you out with that” she said with a mischievous grin and tapped her fingers together. 
“Robin, you are the best wing women” you said as you got up and hugged her. “I owe you big time” you said and grabbed one of her twizzlers. 
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Both girls walked downstairs to the living room and waited for Steve and Eddie. They all decided to do a study group for a class, you had offered your house because once again. Mom and dad weren’t home but this time for two weeks. The doorbell rang, notifying that one of the boys were here. Robin went and opened up the door and hilariously enough, Steve and Eddie were both standing there a bit awkwardly. 
“Hello, lover boys” Robin said teasingly and walked towards you. You were sitting in the middle of you living room, criss crossed with some books spread out around you. She knew that the short shorts and the crop top that she chose for you was going to drive them both crazy. 
Eddie put his backpack down and breathed deeply when he saw how the crop top hugged your chest perfectly and your short shorts barely covered anything. He wanted to take you right then and there if Steve and Robin were gone. 
“Hi guys” you greeted them both and gave a small wink at Robin. Noticing how both boys looked at you. You noticed the deep breath that Eddie took and you turned to Steve who was biting his bottom lip and looked at your semi covered body. “Let’s begin” you said with a smile.
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mugloversonly · 25 days
Staying in the past Moving Forward
So, I read this by @steddiecameraroll and disappeared into the void and woke up with this fully completed... I'm tagging @steddieangstyaugust but I'm not 100% sure it counts. If it does though, it fits well into today's prompt:
Prompt: Future | rating: T |
Summary: A look into the next year and a half for the boys (after refers to the breakup)
STEVE Morning after:
"Go to hell." That was the last thing Eddie said to Steve before he went with Robin to Indy the next morning as planned and told her what happened on the way.
She was pissed at him. She originally thought that Steve asked Eddie to come and he said no, which would have sucked, but she figured they could make long distance work. Steve was her best friend, but he fucked up and broke two hearts that didn't need breaking. When they got to their shared apartment, Robin called Eddie.
"Hey, it's Robin." She said once he answered. "I just called to say that Steve is an idiot. You were the best thing to happen to him and he threw it away carelessly." Eddie sniffled.
"I'm not going to take him back Rob." He said strongly. And he meant it. He knew one day he could forgive Steve, but his trust in the man would be forever damaged.
"I know. I'm not asking you to, just thought you should know that I'm not going to choose sides between you two. You're both my friends and he did you wrong." She promised to call him weekly and agreed that he wasn't going to call her as long as she lived with Steve. She could respect that.
Steve on the other hand, was angry. Not at Eddie or Robin, although a little at Robin. He was angry with himself. He assumed Eddie thought it was a fling. He knew they were planning on leaving but he figured it wouldn't be that big a deal. He was wrong.
"Did you know I was in love with you?" The words rang in Steve's ears. He didn't know but if he had, he's not sure what he would have done. He made Eddie think he was unimportant as if it wasn't breaking Steve's heart to leave him behind. He fucked everything up and a few minutes later he found out he could have had everything. God he's an idiot.
A week after:
"Robin I need to talk to him. Please." Steve begged. Robin took the phone into her room so she could talk to Eddie privately.
"He doesn't want to talk to you, dingus. I'm not going to let your fuck up, ruin my friendship." She shut the door in his face. That last part hit him hard. She was right of course. If she broke Eddie's trust by letting Steve talk to him it would ruin them too. He didn't want to do that.
A month after:
Steve tried to call the trailer a few times a week, but he never got an answer. He left voicemail after voicemail until he called and instead of ringing he heard, "The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service."
"What the hell?" He whispered. "Hey Robin?" He shouted to his roommate. At her affirmative noise he asked, "why is Eddie's phone disconnected?" He heard her stand and make her way to the kitchen. She took the phone from him and hung it up.
"You kept calling even after he asked you to stop. He called me at work today to give me his new number." She admitted. She was doing her best to help Steve get through the break up, but Eddie was her friend too and she felt partially responsible for what happened since she's the one who got into college. Steve sighed. He did this to himself. Tears welled up and began to fall. He'd cried every day for the past month but he didn't feel like he deserved to feel sad. He was the reason he felt this way, him alone. Eddie did nothing wrong, he was perfect. It's why Steve dragged it out so long. He made a mistake, if he could just talk to him and apologize, he knew this would all work out. It had to work out.
A year after:
"Go to Hell." The last words Eddie ever said to Steve. But not the last time he heard Eddie's voice.
Steve was at a bar. He was trying to find someone to hook up with, man, woman, it didn't matter. He was too thin, drinking too much, not doing well. He was staring at the bottom of a bottle nursing his still broken heart, when he heard it. Over the bar's radio a new single by a local Indiana group, Corroded Coffin: Death to the King. Eddie's voice poured through the speakers, shattering Steve's heart with each word.
The King rules with an iron fist Doesn't know what love is Uses his subjects like pawns in his game leaves them broken and in pain Death to the King who killed me first Death to the King it's what he deserves I saw us grow old through a crystal ball I saw the happy ending our kids growing tall The king saw nothing, nothing at all He took my heart When he left his throne Buried it in the forest And left me alone Death to the King who killed me first Death to the King it's what he deserves
Steve couldn't hear this anymore. He stumbled out of the bar and practically ran to his apartment. He no longer shared with Robin since she moved in with her girlfriend. Steve was happy for her, at least one of them should get love, and she deserved it for putting up with his shit.
He dialed her number and prayed she'd answer. "Hello?" Came a half asleep voice.
"Robbie?" Steve whispered. She grunted in response. "Eddie's band is on the radio! I just heard them." He said shocked, sure it would surprise her.
"I know." She said calmly.
"Oh, have you heard it already?" Steve asked.
"Yeah. He played me the demo last time I saw him." She said with a yawn. The last time she saw him?
"You visited him?" He asked.
"No, he came to see me." She said as if that didn't destroy Steve. He made the drive to see Robin who was just a few miles away from him. He could have visited. He would have visited if Steve wasn't so stupid.
"Steve? You still there?" She asked.
"I think I ruined my life, Robbie." Steve said.
"I think you did too." That statement hung in the air until Steve went to sleep.
The next day, Steve bought the whole album.
A Year and Six months after:
Steve sat down with Robin and the kids in his apartment. It was a bit strained with them after the break up since everyone thought Steve was in the wrong…not that Steve could blame them, he was the one who told them everything. Eddie had requested that their friends not take sides and Steve had done the same. He hoped this would smooth things over. He agreed to host a get together for everyone to celebrate being Upside Down free. And everyone would be here, even Eddie. Steve needed to stay strong and he would. He hadn't seen him since the night he blew up his life, but if he could explain Eddie was the right person, but the wrong time for Steve. Then everything would be okay. He hasn't gotten over Eddie and he hoped the same was true for Eddie as shitty as that sounded.
The doorbell rang and Dustin jumped up to grab it knowing who it would be. "Henderson!" Eddie's voice boomed through the apartment. The kids got up to greet him and they all came into the living room as a giant group. Robin hugged him next and asked how everything was going and then he turned to finally look at Steve a year and a half after he confessed his love. Steve met his eyes and couldn't stop himself from letting his gaze roam. He looked good. His lanky form had filled out to a more muscular build, he had quite a few more tattoos, and his long curly hair was longer and more well maintained than Steve had ever seen it. He had to say something.
"Hey, Eddie." He waved awkwardly. "You look good." He tried not to hide as everyone's eyes turned to them.
"Thanks, Steve." He replied. "And thanks for hosting." He smiled. It didn't look strained at all…maybe Steve was right and they could fix this.
"No problem. Do you want a beer?" Steve asked.
"No thanks, I don't really drink anymore." Eddie replied. Steve was shocked but he listed his available drinks and Eddie settled on a coke. Steve snagged a beer for himself on the way back. The group seemed to settle and everyone acted like it was perfectly normal for all of them to be together again. And maybe it was for everyone else. After all, the kids had been all spread out for college for months now. Eddie seemed perfectly content to chat with everyone even Hopper and Joyce when they showed up.
Steve was the one with the issue. But he did his best to not show how off he felt and he thought he was successful. He was 4 beers in when he was brave enough to ask Eddie to talk. Shockingly, he agreed and they went out for a smoke. Steve took his pack out and offered one to Eddie who shook his head. "Don't like my brand or something?" He scoffed.
"Actually no. Wayne had a cancer scare a few months back so we both promised to quit." Eddie said quietly. Steve felt like a dick.
"Jesus Eddie. I'm sorry." Eddie dismissed it with a wave of his hand.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Eddie asked calmly. Steve meanwhile was freaking out. Here goes nothing.
"I wanted to start by saying I'm sorry for how I ended things back then." Eddie opened his mouth but Steve rushed forward. "Please let me finish." Eddie nodded. "It was a shitty thing to do. I shouldn't have ended things like that or blindsided you with it. I never should have done it in the first place because I've been miserable without you." Eddie went to speak again before shaking his head and gesturing for Steve to continue. "I loved you back then and I didn't think you loved me back. I still love you." This time, Eddie couldn't keep quiet.
"Steve," he sighed. His face was unreadable but the beer gave Steve courage.
"You're my right person Eddie. It was the wrong time a year and a half ago, but it's the right time now." He took both of Eddie's hands in his. "Please, give me another chance?" He asked hope bleeding into his voice. Eddie smiled softly but it wasn't a happy smile.
"Steve, I listened to you, so can you promise to listen to me?" He asked keeping their hands together.
"I promise. I'd do anything you asked." Steve vowed. Eddie ducked his head and began.
"First off, thank you for the apology. It was really shitty what you did back then. We had only been dating a few months so I understand you not asking me to come with you, but not telling me at all? That was the worst pain I have ever felt, including the bats." Steve sagged, he hated that he put Eddie through that. "And I forgive you."
"You do?" Steve lit up. Eddie held his palm up to indicate he wasn't done.
"I forgive you, Steve. But this isn't fair. You broke up with me. I can't… I won't trust you with my heart again." He whispered softly but with certainty. "You broke it into smithereens. Crushed it into pieces and then ground it to dust under your shoe as if it was a trinket from the arcade." Steve winced and felt tears begin to stream down his face. "I'm sorry, you're miserable Steve. I really am. I can try to be your friend again. Slowly. If that's something you can be okay with. But I'm not willing to be more than that." He pulled his hands from Steve's. "You were my first love Steve and a part of me will always love you. But I moved on. I'm moving forward. It's time that you did too." With that he turned and went back into the apartment.
Steve's vision blurred but he still looked at Eddie through the window. He didn't look affected at all by Steve's confession and his rejection of it. Was Steve so delusional to think that just because he couldn't let go, that Eddie wouldn't either?
He spent another half hour out there wishing things were different, when Robin came out. "Hey. Did you get closure?" Robin asked. Steve nodded slowly. "And?"
"I didn't want closure." At Robin's questioning noise he admitted, "I wanted a second chance." Robin gasped. "He said no. I don't blame him."
"So, what now?" She asked.
"I move on I guess. He said he'd be willing to try being friends again but made it very clear that's all we'd ever be." Steve hung his head and cried.
Two weeks later Steve saw a headline that stopped his heart: Corroded Coffin's front man engaged to mystery man!
EDDIE morning after:
"Go to Hell" the last thing he said to Steve as he stormed back to his van. He sped back to the trailer, the raw pain tearing him apart piece by piece. Luckily Wayne wasn't working tonight. Eddie needed him. He slid into the driveway and barely remembered to lock the car door behind him before he sprinted into the house. Wayne was sitting in his rocking chair but one look at the state Eddie was in had him jumping to his feet.
"What's wrong, son?" Wayne asked. The tears that were starting to fall became a river down Eddie's face as he told Wayne what happened. Wayne pulled him onto the couch and into his side. He held his boy and rocked him softly as he cried.
"What am I gonna do without him Wayne?" He whispered.
"You want to feel your feelings or want to fix it?" Wayne asked. This was a system they came up with when Eddie was little. Sometimes Eddie just needed to vent without Wayne trying to solve the problem.
"Fix it, Wayne. Please. It hurts so bad." He sobbed. Wayne held him tighter.
"It'll probably hurt for a while." He said sadly. "Here's what we're going to do. You are going to go rest. When you wake up I'll go pick us up some of your favorite foods from the diner while you shower. Then we're gonna comb through the house and get every reminder of that boy out of the house and in the trash where it belongs. We're going to get rid of everything that makes you look behind you. And finally! We are going to get drunk on the good beer and watch one of those horror movies you like so much. How does that sound?" Eddie smiled even through the tears.
"That sounds like a great idea dad."
"Only look forward from now on Ed."
A week after:
"Ed! Phone for you." Wayne called. Eddie wiped his eyes and moved to answer it. He checked the clock and realized exactly who would be calling.
"Hey, Rob." He said. He was happy to hear from the girl, glad that their friendship wasn't destroyed by Steve's actions.
When she called a week ago he thought about hanging up but she didn't sound like she was going to yell at him. He was right. It was the same with the kids. When he didn't go to see Steve off, Dustin called him. Eddie expected to be torn into but the boy was calling to see if he was okay.
"Steve told us what happened and I just want to say, that was shitty of him. I don't know if I think he's a good guy anymore." He admitted. Eddie's heart hurt, not just for himself but for Steve and the party.
"Listen, I can't tell you how to feel. But don't pick sides on my account. Robin and I are still friends even though she's rooming with him. Don't let our falling out destroy your friendship. If you decide on your own that's one thing, but don't do it for me." Eddie said. Dustin agreed and passed it on to the rest of the party. As soon as he hung up, the phone rang again and it was Robin. She expressed similar sentiments as Dustin. They agreed to call weekly. Which brought them to now.
"Hey, Eddie. Let me go into my bedroom." She apparently called from the kitchen in case he didn't answer. She began walking and he could hear Steve in the background.
"Let me talk to him, please." He heard Robin tell Steve no and shut her door.
"Sorry about that."
"No problem…thanks for that." He said earnestly.
"I'm not going to let him hurt you more by breaking your trust in other people." She said sternly. The two talked about their week before Robin asked the dreaded question. "How are you doing by the way?"
"I'm alright. I mean…I've been better but I'm not drowning myself in booze." Robin chuckled. "I don't blame you Robin. He made the choices he made, not you." He said again. He said it their first call too but he got the feeling she didn't believe him. Hopefully this time it would stick.
A month after:
"Hey, Eddie. It's Steve. Listen I know you haven't been answering me but I just…I want to talk to you. Apologize properly. I miss you." The machine told him. Eddie rolled his eyes. He asked Robin to tell Steve to stop calling. He didn't get to dump Eddie like a broken toy and then beg to talk to him. That's not fair. It's so selfish. Eddie thought Steve wasn't like that anymore but…he was wrong.
"Hey Wayne?" Eddie said as he stepped out onto the porch. At his grunt of affirmation, Eddie continued. "How much hassle would it be to get a new phone line?" After explaining to Wayne that he asked Steve to quit calling but he wouldn't, he agreed to get another phone line. Thankfully, it wasn't that hard to tell everyone they spoke to about the change. Eddie made sure to call Robin's work number to give her the new one though. He didn't want to risk Steve answering.
Six months after:
The band was actually making waves. They veered from the death metal scene and went into hard rock. It wasn't too much different if Eddie was being honest, but it was getting attention. They were preforming at actual bars and getting a crowd. They had groupies and agents were scouting them.
Eddie had indulged in the casual sex of it all but made sure to stay away from drugs, he knew what that shit could do. On some nights, he wasn't looking for a hook up, just someone to talk to.
It was one such night when Eddie met Zeke.
Zeke was everything Eddie never knew he wanted. Tall with dark hair, dark eyes, and mocha skin. He radiated confidence but he spoke shyly. "You guys are good." He said as he slid into the seat next to Eddie.
"Thanks. We've been playing together a long time." Zeke seemed interested and the two of them chatted. Not once did he think of Steve, a first when it came to chatting up men. So far every man was compared to Steve whether Eddie wanted to or not. But, Zeke was so different and Eddie felt ready to move on. The night ended with Zeke walking Eddie to his car and Eddie brushing a kiss to his cheek with a request to come to the next show.
Zeke kept his promise and showed up again and again. Eventually, he asked Eddie on a date to which he agreed. The only time he thought about Steve that night was when Zeke asked if he'd ever been in love. "Once. It didn't end well." At Zeke's sad and confused eyes, Eddie told him what happened. He couldn't help the way his eyes welled up, but it didn't hurt as much to tell this story. "Just, promise me one thing?" Eddie asked.
"If you decide you don't want to be with me, for whatever reason, don't do it like that." The pain was still in his voice and Zeke looked heartbroken for him.
"I won't."
Nine months after:
Wayne came out of the doctor's office with tears in his eyes. Eddie expected the worst. He had gone in for a routine checkup last week and they were worried they saw something. "It's okay, boy. It was benign." Wayne reassured as Eddie threw himself into his uncle's arms. "We gotta quit smoking though. It might be too late for me, but you're young." Eddie met his uncle's eyes.
"Whatever you want, dad." He promised. On the way home, they stopped at the drug store to get nicotine patches and gum. The next few weeks were going to suck, but it would be worth it to put Wayne's mind at ease. He silently promised to quit drinking too.
After Steve left, Eddie drank a lot that first month. But now, he wasn't as torn up. He was still hurt, of course he was, but he knew he didn't do anything wrong. It was all Steve and the only thing Eddie could do was forgive him.
Eleven months after:
"Robin, are you going to be in town next week?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah. Why what's up?" Robin situated herself at the dining table. She recently moved into an apartment with her girlfriend. This meant she could talk to Eddie freely. At first she didn't want to leave Steve alone, but he promised he'd be okay, and they hung out nearly every day anyway.
"My band is coming there to record an album. We'll be there for about two weeks." He said as nonchalant as he could. That didn't stop Robin from screaming her excitement and nearly bursting his eardrum. "Jesus woman! With pipes like that you could blow the windows out of Notre Dame."
"Sorry, sorry. That's so exciting!" She congratulated him. He shared the details of when he would be in town and where they were staying.
"I also wanted to show you a demo before we put it on the album. It's a different kind of personal than some of the other things I've written and I want your opinion."
The next week saw Eddie playing his "heartbreak anthem", as the boys called it, "Death to the King". It was the song they were singing when they were noticed by this label so they wanted to put it out there, Eddie just wanted to make sure it wasn't obvious who it was about by those that didn't know him.
He drove his sword through my heart His court jester lost his spark He wasn't cool, he didn't shine And the king screamed, you're no longer mine I gave him my loyalty I gave him my love I gave him everything wanted nothing in return He took it all from me and left me to burn Death to the King who killed me first Death to the King it's what he deserves
The song played through and Eddie felt raw. "So?" He asked.
"It's about Steve obviously. But you wouldn't be able to tell really if you didn't know the two of you dated. Especially when you consider all the other songs about anti-establishment on the album." Robin was right. it would blend in.
A Year after:
"Death to the King" was playing on radio stations all over the country. It was being requested in call ins and the buzz for the album was booming. It was set to come out that night and the band was celebrating tonight! The band flew into Indy from Chicago so they could all be together with their friends and family. Robin came in with her girlfriend Libby and made the rounds.
"I'm so proud of you Eddie!" She said and hugged him tightly. The kids of the party and other young adults (minus Steve) were all there and it was sweet.
"Thanks, Buck. Oh! This is my boyfriend Zeke." He said introducing them.
"Finally I have a face to the name." She said and shook his hand. She didn't let go and yanked him down to her level. "Listen to me closely. If you hurt him, I will end you. He's been hurt enough by idiot boys, alright?" Zeke nodded and leaned back eyes wide.
"Wayne gave me a shovel talk earlier too. But I don't plan on hurting Eddie and if I ever do, I will find you and let you do what must be done." Zeke promised.
"That's all I ask." She said before she began milling around.
"She's terrifying." He said. Eddie laughed at his boyfriend.
"She is isn't she?"
As the album wrap party wound down, the band all stood at the front of the room to thank everyone for coming.
"There's one more thing though" Gareth said. "Eddie, this album is filled with your pain and heartbreak from a year ago." He was touched by their recognition.
"We hate that you were hurting but we all saw how cathartic this album was for you." Jeff spoke next. He tilted his head in confusion, it seemed like they were leading up to something.
Bear closed out with "and while we don't want you hurting, we hope that this doesn't turn our music into sappy shit." He grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and spun him around to face Zeke who lowered himself to one knee.
"Oh, holy shit!" Eddie screamed uneloquently and covered his mouth with his hands. Zeke laughed softly.
"Eddie, when we met you were just starting out. I got to see, not all of it, but a lot of hard work, dedication, and sleepless nights that led you here. I have never been as happy as I am with you. And I know it's a little soon, we've only been together for six months. But I love you Eddie. You're it for me baby. I asked Wayne for his blessing and he gave me this." He pulled out a ring box from his pocket and opened it to reveal Eddie's mom's ring. Tears ran down Eddie's face. "I got it resized to fit you, I think. Wayne mentioned it was your mother's and her mother's, you know all the way up the chain. And since you don't have any sisters, we figured it could be yours. So, will you marry me?" Zeke finally asked. Eddie was nearly sobbing now but he was determined to speak. But first…he full body tackled Zeke to the ground.
"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" His friends cheered and in a heap on the ground his fiance slid his ring onto his finger as their lips met. The flash of a camera reminded him everyone else was in the room. They broke the kiss and he smiled at the group. His eyes caught Robin's and he saw the joy in them for him but also the tinge of sadness she must feel for Steve. He shook his head, he was over Steve and had been for a while, but they were friends once. Maybe they could be again.
A Year and Six months after:
Eddie stood outside Steve's apartment. He was glad Zeke understood when he explained it was a night for the survivors of the "Earthquake" only. He flew in with Eddie and was hanging out at the hotel waiting for him to get back. They were planning on Seeing Wayne tomorrow. He knocked and was relieved that Dustin answered the door. He stepped in and caught up with everyone he'd seen recently before finally turning to see Steve for the first time in a year and a half.
He didn't look good. Bags under his eyes, five o'clock shadow, too skinny, and most telling of all, his hair wasn't done. They went through the awkward stage of catching up with an ex, before Steve asked to speak to him outside. Eddie didn't really have anything to say to him, but closure would be nice.
Except, the more Steve spoke, the less Eddie wanted to be out here. "This isn't fair. You broke up with me." Eddie wanted to tell him he was engaged but now wasn't the time. He wanted Steve to understand that this was how Eddie felt, regardless of another person in his life. He didn't want to get back together with Steve because of Zeke, but because the pain Steve caused him was too great. He would always love Steve, you never forget your first love. But Eddie didn't want to look to the past, only the future. As he left Steve outside, a weight lifted off Eddie's chest. He finally felt free to fly.
The next morning he called his PR team and gave the okay to announce the engagement.
Two weeks later when the article came in, Zeke and Eddie cuddled on the couch and read it together.
"Corroded Coffin's front man Eddie Munson is engaged to accountant Zeke Forester". Eddie had never been happier and was moving forward.
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